Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem.
Brainstorming was developed by Alex Osborn in 1950.
Types of Brain storming
There are many types of brain storming technique but traditionally we
used only three types of brain storming. (1) Structured brainstorming (2) Unstructured brainstorming (3) Silent Brainstorming
(1) Structured method :-
In this method, a group of 5-6 people or CFT team participate in this session Each member sit around a table. Everybody gets an opportunity to give suggestion one by one in rotation. Member can pass if idea not striking in mind.
Drawback of structured method :-
Member have more ideas, not get enough time to share their ideas. (2) Unstructured method :- In this method, a group of 5-6 people or CFT team participate in this session Each member sit around a table. In this method everybody is free to give his suggestion. Members having more ideas can share their ideas freely
Drawback of unstructured method :-
People with shy nature may not share their ideas
In an ideal brainstorming combine the structural and unstructured method.
First use structured method and after use unstructured method to get out of box ideas.
(3) Silent brainstorming :-
In this method, a group of 10-20 people or more than 50 people participate in this session. Each member sit around a table. Discussion are not made verbally, all ideas are written on paper individually After that all papers or slip collect from all members and categories all ideas. Group or combine ideas which are similar in nature. Generally 3 types category made (1) Possible Couse (2) May or may not possible (3) Not possible cause
After categories all ideas actions are taken on possible and may possible cause, not possible cause have no action taken.
Drawback of silent method :-
it kills the opportunity of idea over idea generation.
General rules of brain storming
Quantity of ideas are important more than quality of ideas Each and every member has to participate It takes 40 to 45 minute for a session.