Brochure Young Star Insurance Policy
Brochure Young Star Insurance Policy
Brochure Young Star Insurance Policy
Young Star
Insurance Policy
UIN No.: SHAHLIP25035V052425
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ª Additional Basic Sum Insured for Road Traffic Accident (RTA): If the insured person ª Special Features (Applicable for both Silver and Gold Plan): If the Insured person avails
meets with a Road Traffic Accident resulting in in-patient hospitalization, then the Basic this policy before the age of 36 years and has continuously renewed without any break, then,
Sum Insured shall be increased by 25% subject to a maximum of Rs.10,00,000/- and subject on completion of 40 years of age the insured person will be offered a discount of 10% on the
to the following; premium applicable at renewal at the age of 40 years for the sum insured opted at the
· It is evidenced that the insured person was wearing helmet and was either riding or inception of this policy. This discount is available for all the subsequent renewals. The
travelling as pillion rider in a two wheeler at the time of accident as evidenced by Police discount is not cumulative. This discount will not be given if the insured person migrates to
record and Hospital record any other policy offered by the Company.
· The additional Basic Sum Insured shall be available only once during the policy period If an individual policy is converted into family floater policy at the time of renewal, then the
· The additional Basic Sum Insured shall be available after exhaustion of the limit of discount is available on the family floater policy only if the age of the insured person added
coverage under the family floater policy is less than the age of 36 years. If individual members are
covered for different sum insureds, then the discount is available on the premium paid for the
· The additional Basic Sum Insured can be utilized only for that particular hospitalization
lowest of all the sum insureds at the first inception of the policy.
following the Road Traffic Accident
· Automatic Restoration of Basic Sum Insured shall not apply for this benefit ª Exclusions (Applicable for both Silver and Gold Plan): The Company shall not be liable
· This benefit shall not be applicable for day care treatment to make any payments under this policy in respect of any expenses what so ever incurred by
the insured person in connection with or in respect of;
· The unutilized balance cannot be carried forward for the remaining policy period or for
renewal 1. Pre-Existing Diseases - Code Excl 01
· Claim under this benefit will impact the Cumulative bonus A. Expenses related to the treatment of a pre-existing Disease (PED) and its direct
complications shall be excluded until the expiry of 12 months of continuous
ª Star Wellness Program: This program intends to promote, incentivize and to reward the coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with insurer
Insured Persons' healthy life style through various wellness activities. The wellness B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the
activities as detailed in the website are designed to help the Insured person to earn wellness extent of sum insured increase
reward points which will be tracked and monitored by the Company. The wellness points C. If the Insured Person is continuously covered without any break as defined under
earned by the Insured Person(s) under the wellness program, can be utilized to get discount the portability norms of the extant IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, then
in premium. waiting period for the same would be reduced to the extent of prior coverage
The following table shows the discount on premium available under the Wellness Program; D. Coverage under the policy after the expiry of 12 months for any pre-existing
Wellness Points Earned Discount in Premium disease is subject to the same being declared at the time of application and
200 to 350 2% accepted by Insurer
351 to 600 5% 2. Specified disease / procedure waiting period - Code Excl 02
601 to 750 7% A. Expenses related to the treatment of the following listed Conditions,
751 to 1000 10%
surgeries/treatments shall be excluded until the expiry of 12 months of
For more information, Please visit our website : continuous coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with us. This
ª Coverage available only under Gold Plan exclusion shall not be applicable for claims arising due to an accident
Ø Delivery Expenses: Expenses for a Delivery including Delivery by Caesarean section B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the
(including pre-natal and post natal expenses) up-to Rs.30,000/- per delivery is extent of sum insured increase
payable, subject to the following; C. If any of the specified disease/procedure falls under the waiting period specified
1. This benefit is available only for a maximum of 2 deliveries during the life time for pre-existing diseases, then the longer of the two waiting periods shall apply
under this policy D. The waiting period for listed conditions shall apply even if contracted after the
2. This Benefit is subject to a waiting period of 36 months from the date of first policy or declared and accepted without a specific exclusion
commencement of Young Star Insurance Policy and its continuous renewal E. If the Insured Person is continuously covered without any break as defined under
thereof with the Company the applicable norms on portability stipulated by IRDAI, then waiting period for
3. A waiting period of 24 months will apply afresh following a claim under this benefit the same would be reduced to the extent of prior coverage
4. Pre-hospitalisation and Post Hospitalization expenses and Hospital Cash F. List of specific diseases/procedures;
Benefit are not applicable for this section. i. Diseases of ENT and Thyroid
5. This cover is available only when; ii. All types of Hydrocele, Hernia, Varicocele, Piles, Fistula, and Fissure in Ano
i. both Self and Spouse are covered under this policy either on floater basis iii. Diseases of Female Reproductive system
or on individual basis iv. Calculus diseases of the Gall Bladder, Kidney and Urinary Tract
ii. both Self and Spouse have been covered for a continuous period of 3. 30-day waiting period - Code Excl 03
36 months under Young Star Insurance Policy A. Expenses related to the treatment of any illness within 30 days from the first
iii. the policy covering the self and spouse are in force when this benefit policy commencement date shall be excluded except claims arising due to an
becomes payable accident, provided the same are covered
6. Claims under this section will not reduce the Basic Sum Insured B. This exclusion shall not, however, apply if the Insured Person has continuous
7. Claim under this section will impact the Cumulative bonus coverage for more than twelve months
Ø Hospital Cash Benefit: The Company will pay a Cash Benefit of Rs 1000/-for each C. The within referred waiting period is made applicable to the enhanced sum
completed day of hospitalization subject to a maximum of 7 days per hospitalization insured in the event of granting higher sum insured subsequently
and 14 days per policy period, provided, there is a valid claim for hospitalization under 4. Investigation & Evaluation - Code Excl 04
this policy. A. Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics and evaluation
Note: purposes only are excluded
1. This benefit is subject to 1 day Deductible B. Any diagnostic expenses which are not related or not incidental to the current
2. Payment under this benefit does not form part of the Basic sum insured diagnosis and treatment are excluded
3. Claim under this section will impact the Cumulative bonus 5. Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care - Code Excl 05: Expenses related to any
Ø Add-on cover: Young Star Extra Protect – admission primarily for enforced bed rest and not for receiving treatment. This also
Add on cover | UIN: SHAHLIA23171V012223 and its subsequent revisions. includes;
This Add on cover can be availed along with this Product. Please ask for the 1. Custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as
Prospectus and Proposal Form of the same at the time of purchase. All terms and help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, moving around either
conditions of the Add-on cover will apply. by skilled nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons
33 4 4
2. Any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social, 19. Circumcision(unless necessary for treatment of a disease not excluded under this
emotional and spiritual needs policy or necessitated due to an accident), Preputioplasty, Frenuloplasty, Preputial
6. Obesity/ Weight Control - Code Excl 06: Expenses related to the surgical treatment Dilatation and Removal of SMEGMA - Code Excl 19
of obesity that does not fulfill all the below conditions; 20. Congenital External Disease / Defects / Anomalies - Code Excl 20
A. Surgery to be conducted is upon the advice of the Doctor 21. Convalescence, general debility, run-down condition, Nutritional deficiency states -
B. The surgery/Procedure conducted should be supported by clinical protocols Code Excl 21
C. The member has to be 18 years of age or older and 22. Intentional self injury - Code Excl 22
D. Body Mass Index (BMI); 23. Venereal Disease and Sexually Transmitted Diseases(Other than HIV) - Code Excl 23
1. greater than or equal to 40 or 24. Injury/disease directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war,
2. greater than or equal to 35 in conjunction with any of the following severe invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) -
co-morbidities following failure of less invasive methods of weight loss; Code Excl 24
a. Obesity-related cardiomyopathy
25. Injury or disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear
b. Coronary heart disease weapons/materials - Code Excl 25
c. Severe Sleep Apnea
26. Expenses incurred on Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy and related
d. Uncontrolled Type2 Diabetes therapies, Chelation therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Rotational Field Quantum
7. Change-of-Gender treatments - Code Excl 07: Expenses related to any treatment, Magnetic Resonance Therapy, VAX-D, Low level laser therapy, Photodynamic
including surgical management, to change characteristics of the body to those of the therapy and such other therapies - Code Excl 26
opposite sex. 27. Unconventional, Untested, Experimental therapies - Code Excl 27
8. Cosmetic or plastic Surgery - Code Excl 08: Expenses for cosmetic or plastic 28. Autologous derived Stromal vascular fraction, Chondrocyte Implantation, Procedures
surgery or any treatment to change appearance unless for reconstruction following an using Platelet Rich plasma and Intra articular injection therapy and other such similar
Accident, Burn(s) or Cancer or as part of medically necessary treatment to remove a therapies - Code Excl 28
direct and immediate health risk to the insured. For this to be considered a medical
necessity, it must be certified by the attending Medical Practitioner. 29. Biologicals, except when administered as an in-patient, when clinically indicated and
hospitalization warranted - Code Excl 29
9. Hazardous or Adventure sports - Code Excl 09: Expenses related to any treatment
necessitated due to participation as a professional in hazardous or adventure sports, 30. All treatment for Priapism and erectile dysfunctions - Code Excl 30
including but not limited to, para-jumping, rock climbing, mountaineering, rafting, 31. Inoculation or Vaccination (except for post–bite treatment and for medical treatment
motor racing, horse racing or scuba diving, hand gliding, sky diving, deep-sea diving. for therapeutic reasons) - Code Excl 31
10. Breach of law - Code Excl 10: Expenses for treatment directly arising from or 32. Dental treatment or surgery unless necessitated due to accidental injuries and
consequent upon any Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a breach of requiring hospitalization. (Dental implants are not payable) - Code Excl 32
law with criminal intent. 33. Medical and / or surgical treatment of endocrine disorders - Code Excl 33
11. Excluded Providers - Code Excl 11: Expenses incurred towards treatment in any 34. Hospital registration charges, admission charges, record charges, telephone charges
hospital or by any Medical Practitioner or any other provider specifically excluded by and such other charges - Code Excl 34
the Insurer and disclosed in its website / notified to the policyholders are not 35. Cost of spectacles and contact lens, hearing aids, Cochlear implants and procedure related
admissible. However, in case of life threatening situations or following an accident, hospitalization expenses, walkers and crutches, wheel chairs, CPAP, BIPAP, Continuous
expenses up to the stage of stabilization are payable but not the complete claim. Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, infusion pump and such other similar aids - Code Excl 35
12. Treatment for Alcoholism, drug or substance abuse or any addictive condition and 36. Any hospitalizations which are not Medically Necessary / does not warrant
consequences thereof - Code Excl 12 Hospitalization - Code Excl 36
13. Treatments received in health hydros, nature cure clinics, spas or similar establishments 37. Other Excluded Expenses as detailed in the website - Code Excl 37
or private beds registered as a nursing home attached to such establishments or where
38. Existing disease/s, disclosed by the insured and mentioned in the policy schedule
admission is arranged wholly or partly for domestic reasons - Code Excl 13
(based on insured's consent), for specified ICD codes - Code Excl 38
14. Dietary supplements and substances that can be purchased without prescription,
including but not limited to Vitamins, minerals and organic substances unless ª Moratorium Period: After completion of sixty continuous months under the policy no look
prescribed by a medical practitioner as part of hospitalization claim or day care back to be applied. This period of sixty months is called as moratorium period. The
procedure - Code Excl 14 moratorium would be applicable for the sums insured of the first policy and subsequently
completion of 60 continuous months would be applicable from date of enhancement of sums
15. Refractive Error: Expenses related to the treatment for correction of eye sight due to insured only on the enhanced limits. After the expiry of Moratorium Period no health
refractive error less than 7. 5 dioptres - Code Excl 15 insurance claim shall be contestable except for proven fraud and exclusions specified in the
16. Unproven Treatments - Code Excl 16: Expenses related to any unproven treatment, policy contract. The policies would however be subject to all limits, sub limits, co-payments,
services and supplies for or in connection with any treatment. Unproven treatments deductibles as per the policy contract.
are treatments, procedures or supplies that lack significant medical documentation to
ª Renewal: The policy shall ordinarily be renewable except on grounds of fraud,
support their effectiveness.
misrepresentation by the Insured Person;
17. Sterility and Infertility - Code Excl 17: Expenses related to sterility and infertility. This 1. Renewal shall not be denied on the ground that the insured person had made a claim
includes; or claims in the preceding policy years
a. Any type of contraception, sterilization 2. Request for renewal along with requisite premium shall be received by the Company
b. Assisted Reproduction services including artificial insemination and advanced before the end of the policy period
reproductive technologies such as IVF, ZIFT, GIFT, ICSI 3. At the end of the policy period, the policy shall terminate and can be renewed within the
c. Gestational Surrogacy Grace Period of 30 days to maintain continuity of benefits without break in policy
d. Reversal of sterilization 4. Coverage is not available during the grace period
18. Maternity - Code Excl 18: (Except to the extent covered under Delivery Section – 5. No loading shall apply on renewals based on individual claims experience
Gold plan)
ª Discounts: Wellness Discount upto 10% is available on the Renewal Premiums.
a. Medical treatment expenses traceable to childbirth (including complicated
deliveries and caesarean sections incurred during hospitalization) except ª Possibility of Revision of Terms of the Policy lncluding the Premium Rates: The Company,
ectopic pregnancy with prior approval of lRDAl, may revise or modify the terms of the policy including the premium
b. Expenses towards miscarriage (unless due to an accident) and lawful medical rates. The insured person shall be notified thirty days before the changes are effected.
termination of pregnancy during the policy period
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ª Revision in Sum Insured: Any revision in sum insured is permissible only at the time of notice. There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds of
renewal. The Insured Person can propose such revision and may be allowed subject to misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts or fraud
Company's approval and payment of appropriate premium.
ª Special Conditions
ª Medical Underwriting Loading: Company may apply a risk loading on the premium A. If the Insured person avails this policy before the age of 36 years and has continuously
payable (based upon the declarations made in the proposal form and the health status of the renewed without any break, then, on completion of 40 years of age the insured person will
persons proposed for insurance). be offered a discount of 10% on the premium applicable at renewal at the age of 40 years
· The quantum of loading / discount shall be applied as per the extant of U/W guidelines for the sum insured opted at the inception of this policy. This discount is available for all
· This loading is applied from the Commencement Date of the Policy including the subsequent renewals. The discount is not cumulative. This discount will not be given if
subsequent renewal(s) with the Company. the insured person migrates to any other policy offered by the Company.
· Company will inform about the applicable risk loading or exclusion or both as the case If an individual policy is converted into family floater policy at the time of renewal, then
may be through a counter offer. the discount is available on the family floater policy only if the age of the insured person
added under the family floater policy is less than the age of 36 years.
· The Insured need to revert to the Company with consent and additional premium (if
any), within 7 days of the receipt of such counter offer. Note: If individual members are covered for different sum insureds, then the discount
is available on the premium paid for the lowest of all the sum insureds at the first
· In case, the Insured neither accept the counter offer nor revert to the Company within 7
inception of the policy.
days, the Company shall cancel the Insured's proposal and refund the premium.
· The Company will issue Policy only after getting Insured's consent and additional B. Premium Payment in Installments: lf the insured person has opted for Payment of
premium (if any). Premium on an instalment basis i.e. Half Yearly or Quarterly or Monthly, as mentioned
in the policy Schedule/Certificate of Insurance, the following Conditions shall apply
ª Free Look Period: The Free Look Period shall be applicable on new individual health (notwithstanding any terms contrary elsewhere in the policy)
insurance policies and not on renewals or at the time of porting/migrating the policy. I. For monthly instalment option: Grace Period of 15 days would be given to pay the
The insured person shall be allowed free look period of thirty days from date of receipt of the instalment premium due for the policy.
policy document to review the terms and conditions of the policy, and to return the same if not ii. For Quarterly and Half yearly instalment option: Grace Period of 30 days would
acceptable. be given to pay the instalment premium due for the policy.
lf the insured has not made any claim during the Free Look Period, the insured shall be entitled to; iii. The insured person will get the accrued continuity benefit in respect of the
i. a refund of the premium paid less any expenses incurred by the Company on medical "Waiting Periods", "Specific Waiting Periods" in the event of payment of premium
examination of the insured person and the stamp duty charges or within the stipulated grace Period
ii. where the risk has already commenced and the option of return of the policy is iv. No interest will be charged lf the instalment premium is not paid on due date
exercised by the insured person, a deduction towards the proportionate risk premium v. ln case of instalment premium due not received within the grace period, the
for period of cover or policy will get cancelled
iii. where only a part of the insurance coverage has commenced, such proportionate vi. ln the event of a claim, all subsequent premium instalments shall immediately
premium commensurate with the insurance coverage during such period become due and payable
ª Redressal of Grievance: Incase of any grievance the insured person may contact the vii. The company has the right to recover and deduct all the pending installments
Company through from the claim amount due under the policy
Website : viii. For premium paid in instalments during the policy period, coverage is available
E-mail :, during the grace period also
Ph. No. : 044-69006900 ª Migration: The insured person will have the option to migrate the policy to other health
Senior Citizens may call at 044-69007500 insurance products/plans offered by the company by applying for migration of the Policy
Courier : 4th Floor, Balaji Complex, No.15, Whites Lane, Whites Road, atleast 30 days before the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines on Migration. lf such
Royapettah, Chennai - 600014 person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses under
lnsured person may also approach the grievance cell at any of the company's branches with any health insurance product/plan offered by the company, the insured person will get the
the details of grievance. accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on migration.
lf lnsured person is not satisfied with the redressal of grievance through one of the above For Detailed Guidelines on migration, kindly refer the link
methods, insured person may contact the grievance officer at 044-43664600.
For updated details of grievance officer, kindly refer the link ª Portability: The insured person will have the option to port the policy to other insurers by applying to such insurer to port the entire policy along with all the members of the family, if
lf lnsured person is not satisfied with the redressal of grievance through above methods, the any, at least 45 days before, but not earlier than 60 days from the policy renewal date as per
insured person may also approach the office of lnsurance Ombudsman of the respective IRDAI guidelines related to portability. lf such person is presently covered and has been
area/region for redressal of grievance as per lnsurance Ombudsman Rules 2017. continuously covered without any lapses under any health insurance policy with an lndian
Grievance may also be lodged at IRDAI lntegrated Grievance Management System - General/Health insurer, the proposed insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on portability. For details contact
ª Disclosure to information norms: The policy shall become void and all premium paid “” or call Telephone No +91-044-28288869.
thereon shall be forfeited to the Company, in the event of mis-representation, mis description For Detailed Guidelines on portability, kindly refer the link
or non-disclosure of any material fact by the policy holder.
7 8
ü Upon exhaustion of the Limit of Coverage Plus Restored Basic Sum Insured under the policy as India's first Standalone Health Insurance provider. As an exclusive Health Insurer, the
Company is providing sterling services in Health, Personal Accident & Overseas Travel
ª Claim Procedure
Insurance and is committed to setting international benchmarks in service and personal caring.
a. For assistance call 24 hours help-line 044-69006900 or Toll Free No. 1800 425 2255.
Senior Citizens may call at 044-40020888 ª Star Advantages
b. Inform the ID number for easy reference · No Third Party Administrator, direct in-house claims settlement
c. On admission in the hospital, produce the ID Card issued by the Company at the · Faster and hassle – free claim settlement
Hospital Helpdesk · Cashless hospitalization
d. Obtain the Pre-authorisation Form from the Hospital Help Desk, complete the Patient ª Tax Benefits: Payment of premium by any mode other than cash for this insurance is eligible
Information and resubmit to the Hospital Help Desk for relief under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961.
e. In case of emergency hospitalization, information to be given within 24 hours after
f. In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and then reimbursement will ª Prohibition of rebates: (Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938): No person shall allow or offer to
be effected on submission of documents allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or
g. KYC (Identity proof with Address) of the proposer, as per AML Guidelines continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any
h NEFT documents viz., Customer name, Bank Account No., Name of the Bank, IFSC rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on
code the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any
rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses
i. CKYC No. of the proposer (if available)
or tables of the insurer. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this
ª The Company: Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., commenced its operations in 2006 section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to ten lakhs rupees.
Benefit Illustration in respect of policies offered on individual and family floater basis
Young Star Insurance Policy - SHAHLIP25035V052425
Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium when policy is opted
Rs.13,455/-, when each member is covered separately. Rs.13,455/-, when they are covered under a single policy. on floater basis is Rs.10,126/-
Sum insured available for each individual is Sum insured available for each family member is
Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs.5,00,000/- Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A)
44 9,269 5,00,000 9,269 Nil 9,269 5,00,000 26,559 6,491 20,068 5,00,000
Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium when policy is opted
Rs.26,559/-, when each member is covered separately. Rs.26,559/-, when they are covered under a single policy. on floater basis is Rs.20,068/-
Sum insured available for each individual is Sum insured available for each family member is
Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs.5,00,000/- Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A+1C)
Note: Premium rates specified in the above illustration are standard premium rates without considering any loading. Also, the premium rates are exclusive of taxes applicable.
Floater discount shown here is difference between Premium applicable for Individual Sum Insured and Floater Sum Insured.
A-Adult | C-Child
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o licy
e P
u r a
I ns
The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk
factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale
Visit our website
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation
Registered Office : No. 1, New Tank Street, Valluvar Kottam High Road, Nungambakkam,
Chennai - 600 034. Phone : 044 - 2828 8800 I Corporate Office : No. 148, Acropolis, Dr.
Radha Krishnan Salai, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. Phone : 044 - 4788 6666
Customer Care Number: 044 69006900 | Toll free: 1800 425 2255
Chat: +91 9597652225 | sms: STAR to 56677 | Email:
CIN: L66010TN2005PLC056649 | IRDAI Regn. No: 129
UIN No. SHAHLIP25035V052425 - BRO / YSI / V.9 / 2024
1 Year Premium Chart – Excluding GST (Premium in Rs.)
Silver Plan Sum Insured Rs.3,00,000/-*
Age (in yrs) / Family Size 18-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 Above 65
1A 3,841 4,215 4,876 5,836 6,946 8,648 10,316 12,817 16,572
*3 lakhs sum insured is not applicable for floater policy
Silver Plan Sum Insured Rs.5,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 5,238 8,096 9,723 11,891 8,297 11,034 12,662 14,841
31-35 5,762 8,648 10,293 12,483 9,137 11,903 13,547 15,744
36-40 6,687 9,752 11,506 13,840 10,615 13,559 15,312 17,658
41-45 8,044 11,178 12,972 15,370 12,805 15,813 17,612 20,004
46-50 9,597 12,834 14,697 17,175 15,295 18,406 20,269 22,747
51-55 11,983 15,249 17,124 19,625 19,113 22,253 24,127 26,628
56-60 14,318 17,584 19,458 21,959 22,845 25,984 27,859 30,360
61-65 17,819 21,085 22,960 25,461 28,445 31,585 33,459 35,961
Above 65 23,069 26,335 28,210 30,711 36,846 39,986 41,860 44,361
Silver Plan Sum Insured Rs.10,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 6,801 10,659 12,814 15,677 10,935 14,541 16,689 19,564
31-35 7,493 11,391 13,562 16,453 12,049 15,688 17,859 20,756
36-40 8,713 12,848 15,165 18,248 13,995 17,876 20,194 23,288
41-45 10,513 14,743 17,117 20,278 16,898 20,863 23,237 26,404
46-50 12,566 16,931 19,389 22,663 20,183 24,289 26,747 30,021
51-55 15,722 20,115 22,596 25,898 25,223 29,363 31,843 35,145
56-60 18,799 23,198 25,678 28,980 30,156 34,296 36,771 40,073
61-65 23,423 27,821 30,302 33,604 37,553 41,693 44,168 47,469
Above 65 30,358 34,757 37,232 40,539 48,645 52,785 55,266 58,568
Silver Plan Sum Insured Rs.15,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 8,297 12,808 15,390 18,827 13,140 17,466 20,042 23,490
31-35 9,135 13,680 16,290 19,755 14,473 18,838 21,443 24,924
36-40 10,598 15,435 18,214 21,915 16,813 21,465 24,244 27,956
41-45 12,758 17,708 20,554 24,356 20,295 25,054 27,906 31,703
46-50 15,221 20,340 23,288 27,214 24,238 29,166 32,113 36,045
51-55 19,007 24,159 27,135 31,095 30,291 35,258 38,228 42,193
56-60 22,703 27,861 30,831 34,796 36,208 41,175 44,145 48,111
61-65 28,249 33,407 36,377 40,343 45,084 50,051 53,021 56,987
Above 65 36,574 41,726 44,702 48,662 58,399 63,366 66,336 70,301
Silver Plan Sum Insured Rs.20,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 9,461 14,614 17,584 21,533 15,002 19,969 22,933 26,899
31-35 10,423 15,621 18,619 22,607 16,538 21,549 24,548 28,547
36-40 12,105 17,634 20,829 25,088 19,226 24,576 27,771 32,034
41-45 14,597 20,256 23,535 27,900 23,237 28,704 31,984 36,349
46-50 17,432 23,282 26,674 31,191 27,771 33,435 36,821 41,344
51-55 21,780 27,675 31,095 35,651 34,729 40,438 43,853 48,414
56-60 26,033 31,933 35,348 39,904 41,535 47,244 50,659 55,215
61-65 32,411 38,312 41,726 46,288 51,739 57,448 60,868 65,424
Above 65 41,979 47,880 51,300 55,856 67,050 72,765 76,179 80,736
Silver Plan Sum Insured Rs.25,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 10,800 16,695 20,104 24,649 17,145 22,849 26,263 30,814
31-35 11,903 17,854 21,296 25,886 18,906 24,671 28,114 32,715
36-40 13,838 20,166 23,844 28,738 21,999 28,148 31,821 36,726
41-45 16,706 23,186 26,955 31,978 26,618 32,906 36,675 41,693
46-50 19,969 26,668 30,566 35,764 31,832 38,340 42,238 47,436
51-55 24,969 31,719 35,651 40,894 39,831 46,395 50,327 55,569
56-60 29,858 36,613 40,545 45,782 47,661 54,219 58,151 63,394
61-65 37,198 43,948 47,880 53,123 59,394 65,959 69,891 75,133
Above 65 48,201 54,956 58,888 64,125 77,006 83,571 87,503 92,739
Silver Plan - Sum Insured Rs.50,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 12,853 19,879 23,974 29,430 20,424 27,270 31,365 36,827
31-35 14,175 21,268 25,403 30,909 22,545 29,453 33,587 39,099
36-40 16,498 24,053 28,457 34,335 26,258 33,626 38,031 43,914
41-45 19,946 27,681 32,203 38,228 31,798 39,347 43,864 49,894
46-50 23,861 31,860 36,534 42,773 38,059 45,866 50,546 56,779
51-55 29,858 37,924 42,638 48,926 47,661 55,530 60,249 66,538
56-60 35,730 43,791 48,510 54,799 57,049 64,924 69,638 75,926
61-65 44,533 52,599 57,313 63,602 71,134 79,009 83,728 90,017
Above 65 57,741 65,801 70,521 76,809 92,267 1,00,142 1,04,856 1,11,144
Silver Plan - Sum Insured Rs.75,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 14,079 21,791 26,297 32,299 22,393 29,919 34,425 40,433
31-35 15,536 23,321 27,872 33,930 24,722 32,321 36,866 42,936
36-40 18,090 26,381 31,230 37,688 28,806 36,911 41,760 48,229
41-45 21,893 30,381 35,353 41,979 34,909 43,206 48,178 54,810
46-50 26,196 34,971 40,118 46,980 41,794 50,383 55,524 62,387
51-55 32,794 41,642 46,834 53,753 52,352 61,014 66,201 73,119
56-60 39,251 48,099 53,291 60,204 62,685 71,342 76,534 83,453
61-65 48,938 57,786 62,972 69,891 78,182 86,839 92,031 98,944
Above 65 63,461 72,315 77,501 84,420 1,01,424 1,10,081 1,15,273 1,22,186
Silver Plan - Sum Insured Rs.1,00,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 16,110 24,953 30,128 37,029 25,644 34,403 39,471 46,384
31-35 17,786 26,708 31,939 38,903 28,322 37,164 42,283 49,258
36-40 20,723 30,223 35,798 43,228 33,019 42,441 47,908 55,350
41-45 25,099 34,830 40,545 48,173 40,039 49,579 55,299 62,921
46-50 30,049 40,112 46,029 53,916 47,959 57,831 63,748 71,640
51-55 37,637 47,784 53,753 61,706 60,103 70,059 76,028 83,981
56-60 45,062 55,209 61,178 69,131 71,983 81,939 87,908 95,861
61-65 56,199 66,347 72,315 80,269 89,803 99,759 1,05,728 1,13,681
Above 65 72,906 83,053 89,021 96,975 1,16,533 1,26,489 1,32,452 1,40,411
Refund on existing plan 82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5%
% to be charged on
82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5%
proposed plan
A-Adult | C-Child 4
UIN No. SHAHLIP25035V052425 - BRO / YSI / V.9 / 2024
1 Year Premium Chart – Excluding GST (Premium in Rs.)
Gold Plan Sum Insured Rs.3,00,000/-*
Age (in yrs) / Family Size 18-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 Above 65
1A 5,066 5,445 6,101 7,061 8,177 9,879 11,546 14,047 17,796
*3 lakhs sum insured is not applicable for floater policy
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.5,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 6,463 9,562 11,362 13,478 9,281 12,696 14,410 17,037
31-35 6,992 10,114 11,931 14,065 10,126 13,564 15,289 17,940
36-40 7,918 11,218 13,145 15,427 11,598 15,220 17,060 19,855
41-45 9,269 12,644 14,611 16,957 13,789 17,474 19,355 22,207
46-50 10,827 14,306 16,336 18,762 16,278 20,068 22,011 24,944
51-55 13,214 16,715 18,762 21,212 20,096 23,909 25,869 28,825
56-60 15,548 19,050 21,097 23,541 23,828 27,646 29,601 32,557
61-65 19,050 22,552 24,599 27,042 29,429 33,247 35,207 38,157
Above 65 24,300 27,801 29,848 32,298 37,835 41,647 43,608 46,558
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.10,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 7,999 12,099 14,411 17,224 11,897 16,166 18,399 21,713
31-35 8,696 12,825 15,165 18,006 13,011 17,314 19,564 22,911
36-40 9,917 14,288 16,768 19,800 14,963 19,502 21,898 25,436
41-45 11,717 16,178 18,714 21,831 17,859 22,489 24,941 28,553
46-50 13,770 18,371 20,993 24,216 21,144 25,914 28,451 32,169
51-55 16,920 21,555 24,199 27,450 26,184 30,988 33,548 37,294
56-60 20,003 24,638 27,281 30,527 31,118 35,921 38,481 42,227
61-65 24,626 29,261 31,899 35,151 38,514 43,318 45,878 49,624
Above 65 31,562 36,197 38,835 42,086 49,613 54,411 56,970 60,716
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.15,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 9,501 14,243 16,988 20,374 14,102 19,086 21,752 25,639
31-35 10,333 15,120 17,888 21,308 15,441 20,464 23,153 27,073
36-40 11,796 16,869 19,817 23,462 17,781 23,091 25,954 30,105
41-45 13,961 19,148 22,157 25,903 21,257 26,679 29,610 33,851
46-50 16,425 21,774 24,891 28,766 25,206 30,791 33,818 38,194
51-55 20,205 25,599 28,733 32,648 31,253 36,883 39,938 44,342
56-60 23,906 29,295 32,434 36,343 37,170 42,801 45,855 50,259
61-65 29,453 34,847 37,980 41,895 46,046 51,677 54,731 59,136
Above 65 37,772 43,166 46,305 50,214 59,361 64,991 68,046 72,450
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.20,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 10,665 16,054 19,187 23,085 15,964 21,594 24,643 29,048
31-35 11,621 17,061 20,222 24,159 17,499 23,175 26,252 30,696
36-40 13,303 19,074 22,433 26,640 20,194 26,201 29,475 34,183
41-45 15,795 21,696 25,133 29,453 24,199 30,330 33,688 38,498
46-50 18,630 24,722 28,271 32,743 28,738 35,061 38,531 43,493
51-55 22,978 29,115 32,698 37,204 35,691 42,064 45,563 50,563
56-60 27,231 33,368 36,951 41,456 42,497 48,864 52,369 57,369
61-65 33,615 39,746 43,329 47,835 52,706 59,074 62,573 67,573
Above 65 43,183 49,320 52,903 57,409 68,018 74,385 77,889 82,890
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.25,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 12,004 18,129 21,707 26,201 18,107 24,474 27,968 32,968
31-35 13,106 19,288 22,899 27,439 19,873 26,297 29,824 34,864
36-40 15,036 21,606 25,442 30,285 22,967 29,773 33,525 38,874
41-45 17,910 24,626 28,558 33,531 27,579 34,532 38,379 43,847
46-50 21,173 28,103 32,169 37,311 32,794 39,966 43,948 49,584
51-55 26,168 33,159 37,254 42,446 40,798 48,021 52,031 57,718
56-60 31,061 38,053 42,148 47,334 48,623 55,845 59,861 65,543
61-65 38,396 45,388 49,483 54,669 60,362 67,584 71,601 77,282
Above 65 49,404 56,391 60,486 65,678 77,968 85,196 89,207 94,894
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.50,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 14,051 21,319 25,577 30,983 21,386 28,896 33,069 38,976
31-35 15,379 22,708 27,006 32,462 23,507 31,078 35,291 41,254
36-40 17,696 25,487 30,060 35,882 27,219 35,246 39,741 46,063
41-45 21,150 29,121 33,806 39,780 32,760 40,967 45,568 52,043
46-50 25,059 33,294 38,138 44,325 39,021 47,492 52,251 58,933
51-55 31,061 39,358 44,241 50,479 48,623 57,156 61,954 68,687
56-60 36,928 45,231 50,113 56,351 58,011 66,549 71,348 78,081
61-65 45,737 54,034 58,916 65,154 72,101 80,634 85,433 92,166
Above 65 58,939 67,241 72,124 78,362 93,229 1,01,762 1,06,566 1,13,299
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.75,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 15,283 23,231 27,900 33,846 23,355 31,545 36,129 42,581
31-35 16,740 24,761 29,469 35,477 25,689 33,947 38,576 45,084
36-40 19,294 27,816 32,833 39,240 29,773 38,537 43,464 50,378
41-45 23,091 31,815 36,956 43,532 35,871 44,831 49,888 56,959
46-50 27,394 36,411 41,721 48,527 42,756 52,009 57,234 64,536
51-55 33,998 43,082 48,437 55,299 53,319 62,640 67,911 75,268
56-60 40,455 49,539 54,889 61,757 63,647 72,968 78,238 85,601
61-65 50,136 59,220 64,575 71,443 79,144 88,464 93,735 1,01,098
Above 65 64,665 73,749 79,104 85,967 1,02,386 1,11,707 1,16,978 1,24,341
Gold Plan - Sum Insured Rs.1,00,00,000/-
Age Band/ Family Size 1A 1A+1C 1A+2C 1A+3C 2A 2A+1C 2A+2C 2A+3C
18-30 17,314 26,387 31,731 38,582 26,606 36,023 41,181 48,533
31-35 18,990 28,148 33,536 40,455 29,289 38,790 43,993 51,413
36-40 21,926 31,658 37,401 44,781 33,981 44,066 49,618 57,499
41-45 26,297 36,264 42,148 49,725 41,001 51,204 57,004 65,076
46-50 31,247 41,546 47,633 55,468 48,921 59,456 65,458 73,789
51-55 38,841 49,219 55,350 63,259 61,065 71,685 77,732 86,130
56-60 46,266 56,644 62,775 70,684 72,945 83,565 89,612 98,010
61-65 57,403 67,781 73,913 81,821 90,765 1,01,385 1,07,432 1,15,830
Above 65 74,104 84,488 90,619 98,528 1,17,495 1,28,115 1,34,162 1,42,560
Refund on existing plan 82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5%
% to be charged on
82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5%
proposed plan
A-Adult | C-Child 4