JBL VP Series R11 BIM Family User Guide v1
JBL VP Series R11 BIM Family User Guide v1
JBL VP Series R11 BIM Family User Guide v1
This family builds all speaker products in the JBL VP series. The .rfa file and the .txt type catalog file
must be placed in the same directory in order to work correctly. The family is in the Revit 2011 file
• In your Revit project file, go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and select “Load Family”.
• Browse to the directory where you saved the family and select it.
• You should get a pop-up window that lists all of the various speaker models available within the
family. Select the models you wish to load into the project. You can use ctrl+click and shift+click
for multiple selections, and the dialogue box allows for sorting and filtering by various criteria to
find the models you want.
o If you do not get a pop-up list of speaker models, check to ensure that the family file
and catalog file are stored in the same directory and have the same name.
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To use the family in your project:
We recommend inserting speakers in floor plan views as opposed to RCP (Reflected Ceiling Plan)
views. It makes it easier to determine the correct height values to enter, and prevents the
speaker from inserting upside-down.
Speakers will insert and rotate based on their center of gravity (CG). This means that the height
you insert the speaker at, using the ‘offset’ value from the level you are working in, will be the
height from the active level to the CG of the speaker.
If you plan to schedule the aiming information for the speaker we recommend inserting it
parallel to the axis you wish to use as your reference (using the space bar to rotate the speaker
prior to insertion). If you use a modelling program, such as EASE, you may wish to insert the
speaker in the same orientation as the modelling program uses so that your aiming information
will match.
“normal” “horizontal”
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o Pitch: Adjusts the vertical aiming of the speaker in degrees. Use negative numbers to
rotate the speaker towards the floor.
o Azimuth: Adjusts the horizontal aiming of the speaker in degrees. Negative numbers
will rotate the speaker clockwise.
o Rotation: Adjusts the face rotation of the speaker in degrees. Negative numbers will
rotate the face counter-clockwise.
Note: If scheduling aiming information, do not use the mirror command to mirror a speaker location.
The aiming information will not adjust for the new location, and you will get the same positive (or
negative) value for Azimuth as the source location.
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A word about shared parameters:
This family contains information using shared parameters that are (mostly) compliant with the
Infocomm BIM standard. Many of them are self-explanatory, but a few should be noted here:
Width: This parameter reports the width of the speaker at its widest point.
Height: This parameter reports the height of the speaker at its tallest point.
Weight Product and Weight Dimensional: These parameters are intended to represent the net weight
and the shipping weight of the speaker. Weight in the families is given in pounds, however the
Infocomm BIM standard does not give any indication of units (the parameter is just a number
parameter). Revit will not automatically convert these values between Imperial and Metric units as it
does not know which units are being used.
Power: The family contains a power connector with several electrical parameters which can be used to
connect the speaker to an electrical circuit and report its load to a panel in the system. These
parameters are not the power parameters found in the Infocomm BIM Parameter file as the Infocomm
parameters do not allow for the reporting of information to an electrical system within Revit.
Certain geometric simplifications were used to keep the file size of the Revit family under control, such
as squaring off radius edges. Between this and typical manufacturing tolerances for speaker products,
the dimensional tolerance of any particular speaker should be assumed to be approx. +- ¼”.
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V1.0 May 2014