M.Sc. Proforma in WORD Format
M.Sc. Proforma in WORD Format
M.Sc. Proforma in WORD Format
Report of Plagiarism
Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure IX
Final Thesis Viva-Voce Examination Report
Chairman SAC
Head of Department
NOTE: If a student fails in the final thesis oral examination, examining committee shall
specifically recommend as to whether the candidate is to be re-examined in the oral examination.
Such Examination will be conducted only after 2 months for previous exam.
Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure X
Thesis Submission Certificate
(To be submitted with hard bound copy of Thesis)
10 Do all the references cited in the text appear in the reference list
Do all the reference are written in the style and manner prescribed in the
12 Plagiarisms Report in appended in the thesis
Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure XI
Report of the External Examiner (Thesis Evaluator)
a) Review of Literature
b) Research Techniques or Planning and
conduct of laboratory/plot/field experiments/
surveys etc.
c) Result and their interpretation
4. Presentation of Data
a) Clarity of expression
b) Tabulation and summarization
a) Correctness
b) Punctuations etc.
c) Suggested improvements
Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
6. References: ___________________________________________________________________
7. Conclusion:
I recommended/do not recommend that the thesis submitted by Mr./Miss. ____________
________________________ Registration No. _______________ entitled ___________________
of the College of _________________________ be accepted/rejected / revised for award of the
degree of ________________ in ________________________ of __________________________
Krishi Vidyapeeth, _____________________
Name and Signature of Examiner
(The external examiner shall send one copy of the report to The Dean of the Faculty of
Concern University/ Deputy Registrar (Academics) and One copy of report along with the loose
bound copy of thesis to the Associate Dean (PG) of the College along with remuneration bill)
Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure XII
Proposal for Submission of Thesis for Notification
(To be neatly filled in or type written by the student and submitted in duplicate to the
Chairman SAC)
2. Registration No.
3. Discipline/Department
8. Seminar 1.
Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
15. Details of Research Papers Submitted through Chairman SAC
Title of Paper 1.
Date of Submission
Date of Publication
It is certified that the all suggestions and corrections as given by the External Examiner are
incorporated in the hard copy of thesis. The final hard bound copy of thesis is prepared as per the
thesis manual format.
(The Proposal in Duplicated along with Hard Bound and soft copy of Thesis be submitted to Dy.
Registrar for Notification of Final Result within one week after the Final Thesis oral Examination).
Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023