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Annexure VIII

Report of Plagiarism

This is to certify that the Thesis entitled__________________________________________

______________________________submitted by Mr/Ms. ________________________________
having Registration Number :__________________admitted to M.Sc. / Ph.D. Degree programme
in the discipline of __________________________________has run through a Plagiarism Check
Software and the Plagiarism Percentage is reported to be %.
The thesis has been checked using URKUND/__________________ (copy of originality
report attached) and found within limits as per University Plagiarism Policy and instructions issued
from time to time. Plagiarism Report generated by the Plagiarism Software is attached.

Signature of the Student

Name of the Student
Reg. No.

Name & Signature of the Chairman SAC

Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure IX
Final Thesis Viva-Voce Examination Report

The External Examiner’s report of the thesis entitled____________________________________

submitted by Mr./Miss. _______________________________Registration No. __________________ in
partial fulfillments of the requirements of ____________ degree was considered and points raised by
were clarified.
The External Examiner in the Presence of SAC members conducted the open viva-voce
examination on dated___________. The performance of the candidate was
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory for the award of_________________ degree of this University.


1. Chairman _________________________________ ___________________

2. Co-Chairman _________________________________ ___________________

3. Member _________________________________ ___________________

4. Member _________________________________ ___________________

5. Member _________________________________ ___________________

Name & Signature of

External Examiner

Chairman SAC

Head of Department

NOTE: If a student fails in the final thesis oral examination, examining committee shall
specifically recommend as to whether the candidate is to be re-examined in the oral examination.
Such Examination will be conducted only after 2 months for previous exam.

Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure X
Thesis Submission Certificate
(To be submitted with hard bound copy of Thesis)

Certified that the thesis entitled ____________________________________________________

by Mr./Miss. ________________________________ Registration No._______________ for the degree
of M.Sc./Ph.D.(Agriculture) in __________________________________ of ________________ Krishi
Vidyapeeth, _______________ has been prepared and printed accordance with the guidelines laid
down by the University.
The thesis is thoroughly and critically scrutinized for the fulfillment of the following description.
All the necessary corrections suggested by the external examiner has been incorporated and made in the

Sr. No. Items Yes/No

Does the thesis include the certificate from the major advisor bearing the
signature of advisory committee
Whether the declaration and the acknowledgement page is signed by the
3 Are the tables and figures enlisted and appear sequentially

4 Are the botanical names/scientific names italicized

5 Are the tables and figures titled appropriately.

6 Whether all the numbered pages appear sequentially in thesis

7 Is the text 1.5 line spaced.

8 Are the headings and sub headings bold faced

9 Is there space before and after each subheading

10 Do all the references cited in the text appear in the reference list
Do all the reference are written in the style and manner prescribed in the
12 Plagiarisms Report in appended in the thesis

13 Research Articles/Papers are Published/Submitted for Publication

Name and Signature of student

Chairman SAC ________________________

Name (…………………………….………….)

Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure XI
Report of the External Examiner (Thesis Evaluator)

Name of student : ____________________________________________________________

Registration No. : ____________________________________________________________
Title of thesis : ____________________________________________________________
Detailed Report
1. Detailed comments:

(Kindly indicate specifically that the

suggestion / comment made by you while
examining the thesis should be incorporated in
the thesis by the scholar before viva)
2. I further state that:

a) Is it a piece of research work characterized Yes/No

by discovery of facts or by a fresh approach
towards interpretation of facts?
b) Does thesis reveal the research scholars’ Yes/No
capacity for critical examination and sound
c) Is it satisfactory in point of language and Yes/No
presentation of matter?
3. Technical Evaluation of the thesis

a) Review of Literature
b) Research Techniques or Planning and
conduct of laboratory/plot/field experiments/
surveys etc.
c) Result and their interpretation
4. Presentation of Data

a) Clarity of expression
b) Tabulation and summarization

5. Language and grammar

a) Correctness
b) Punctuations etc.
c) Suggested improvements

Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
6. References: ___________________________________________________________________

7. Conclusion:
I recommended/do not recommend that the thesis submitted by Mr./Miss. ____________
________________________ Registration No. _______________ entitled ___________________
of the College of _________________________ be accepted/rejected / revised for award of the
degree of ________________ in ________________________ of __________________________
Krishi Vidyapeeth, _____________________

Name and Signature of Examiner

(The external examiner shall send one copy of the report to The Dean of the Faculty of
Concern University/ Deputy Registrar (Academics) and One copy of report along with the loose
bound copy of thesis to the Associate Dean (PG) of the College along with remuneration bill)

Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
Annexure XII
Proposal for Submission of Thesis for Notification
(To be neatly filled in or type written by the student and submitted in duplicate to the
Chairman SAC)

1. Full name (in block letters)

2. Registration No.

3. Discipline/Department

4. Degree in center of PG education

5. Date of submission of Draft thesis

6. Approved thesis title (as per ORW)

7. Total course work completed for PG degree (including additional course work if any
assigned at the qualifying examination)
Credits of Major Credits of Credits of Credits of Credits of Total
Courses Minor Supporting PGS Deficiency
Courses Courses Courses Courses
(if Any)

8. Seminar 1.


9. Cumulative Grade Point Average

10. Date of Comprehensive/Qualifying examination
passed and Result of Theory and Oral Exam.

11. Date of synopsis Presentation and approved

12. Date of Thesis received from External Examiner

(Attach External Examiner Report)

13. Date of Open Oral Thesis Examination and Result

of Examination

14. Report of Plagiarism and Level of Duplicity.

Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023
15. Details of Research Papers Submitted through Chairman SAC

Title of Paper 1.


Journal to which Submitted

Date of Submission

Date of Publication

It is certified that the all suggestions and corrections as given by the External Examiner are
incorporated in the hard copy of thesis. The final hard bound copy of thesis is prepared as per the
thesis manual format.

Chairman SAC __________________________

Head of Department Name __________________________

Signature of the Associate Dean (PG)

(The Proposal in Duplicated along with Hard Bound and soft copy of Thesis be submitted to Dy.
Registrar for Notification of Final Result within one week after the Final Thesis oral Examination).

Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Degree Programme 2022-2023

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