Non-Individual Account Opening Form Conventional

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city bank” making Sense of money NON-INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT OPENING FORM. This form should be completed In “ENGLISH CAPITAL” letters ‘Manager The City Bank Limited Branch Dear Sir, For Bank use only Unique CustomerID AIC No. we hereby request you to kindly open an Account in your branch IW furnish our Account & Organizations delaled information hereunder CES ‘Account Title English [| |] en [ Account Short Name [| |_| Type of Account [] Curentavc. LD easy Curent arc LE Easy Pius current [i rotune tansactonaivc [EZ] snow 1 Faxed Depositarc Drcac 1D converte Taka Ne Hotes ‘currency Dleor Gus Ger [los Doters Mode of Operation Single [E] vont of AIC: Oo Oo 1 othersispecial instruction:| Initial Deposit Jamoune Ps In Words: EE Organization Name English en Trade License No. ate Issuing Authorty| Registration No Date Registration Authority ‘country E-TIN No. (if any) BINVAT Registration No. (if any) ‘company vimoaa Registered Address: PO ‘Thana District, Division Postcode. Country| Business/orice _VillRoad Address Po Thana Distrit Division Postcode county Type of Organization [T] Proprietorship [7] Partnership [Bison venure [Punt us Private us Litt [A Neoneo [Elotiisociety [Educational nsitute [Religious institute Dlotrers ‘Total Manpower in Business Permanent Contractual Yearly Tumover Net Asset “Type of Business (Detail) Nature of Business [F] trading [1] Service [7] Manufactuing [7] otners PON Communication Address Selection [Ey Company Registered Address [Ey Businessiottee Aadeoss (Phase selec onl 1 pe of adress) Designated E-mail ID Designated Mobile No, ea) Cheque Book Lh ves [Eno ies, No.of eaves Dativery Option [T] Branch ig gustomer SMS Alert 1 ves Ene Intemet Banking Li ves [no fil up the Separate application form ly Touch [Yes [A] No IrYes, please provide designated E-mal ID Statement Faciity [7] Yes [[] No 11Ves, please select ry one option [Z] printed Statement [2] e-statoment DeSean ae Card Type LE mostercont E] vise EE] ciyttae EE] unorray [] overs Name on Card ns you wart se on te Carta (19 eas nding sce) Delivery Option [LE eeanch [te customer address Grose Saeed Currency Amount Interest [| |= * ‘Amount in Words — Period/Tenure (Plaase select any one option from below and specily Days/Montns/Years) Days Months Years Maturity Da Debit instruction [1 Pease Debit My/Our Account No. Maturity/Disposal Instruction ves [1] Renew Principal Only and Credit Profit the Account No, eS En) [Renew 80nd Pott Auto Renewal Ow 1 Eneash at Maury to MyiOur AG No Note: n case of auto renwal pir wen notice not Served othe Bank, he Bank wil automaticaly renew he deposi pis accused interest othe "ule oo te matty date athe provalng rate of meres ‘ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS We de hereby acknowledge and afr tat We have read and understood the ors and condons governing the customer coon infores and do hereby agro to open ‘maintain and operate mou accounts) 2 er he sa tems and eanatons Including al amendments made ete toby the Bar om te to ne. 1We eo solemely and and sincorly declare tat the above urishod infomation fs tue and corec. Wo shallupoW infomation/docaments relating tothe account that you may rogue fut. we hereby conn that Ia nave rad & understood ana eal keep mye cueelves undated about the tems & canstone, nest ats Intrst foreture rules & Schedule of charges (hich may be sbjeto change rom be one) elite to Nonna Aceoun Opening elaboratod detain the following Ink htpssimen becybank comtploaditc.ia.pat ENN Unique Please use seperate Indvidual Information Form for other applcaniMandatlGuardan/DretorBeneficla Ownet!Shaeholder customer's Name in enaten I ae Father's Name I Ploase affix hee a recent Mother's Name | ‘passport size photograph s duly attested by A/C holder Spouse's Name I Gender Date or ith [ve [2 rere [Etre Gender Resident Status] Resident [I] Non Reser National ID Gard No, otnerProtoio (TT TTT TTT ITI T TTT tT) Birth Certfcte No E-TIN (HANy) Passport No. Natonabty [2] Bangladeshi [] omer + Foreigner wit provide VISA ard Passport cy Profession Relationship waaeoake Present Address yirRow (Residence) ViMRosd Po Thana Distt Dwvision Postcode county Professional Brsiss vvuiroad Po Thana Dit Dwsion Postcode county Permanent Pormane vvuoad Po Thana Distt Division Postcode ‘Country| Mobile 1 ‘Mobile: E-mail D4 E-mallio2 os No 2 Areyous fos [No 3-DoYou netd a US Permanent os [No t.AvoyousUS Resident? vee [no Ar30u2, Even [no BoNgunelgaus rarmanent [vos [vi We ereby consont fr The Cy bank inte of any ofits affates (incluso branches) (eran ar cotcvelyftered to 2s “Bark to share mylou Information wh fdomenc or overseas requltors or tax authors or ther concemea autores here necsseary andor requred by applicable laws, agement wits regulators or ‘authorities andor drectves, Whore required by domestic or overseas regulators or tx authortes or other concemed autres, we consent and agro thal the Bark may witok, ard payout fom mylow accounts) such amounts a8 may by required sccoting fo apleable laws, reglsbon, "autores and drecives and Bark shall at be bes table ory Consequences Dereot. nthe event of any loss sifere by bark due lo myoutfaiure or nacton or mstepresentaton we shal Md the Sane fly ndemnited and harmless aganst al such Ibsees arising throot, Prat of adross required (of ny one) ‘Applicant's Name ea ‘Mandatory Filds for Regulator 585 Code epost Type Code ‘Acquiring RM RM/Employee Code Monitoring RM Code TaxApplicable | [7] vs oes oO» O- [| Dy mere oscar stmt te aptete [-N Dnt sted ere on CASA Prowut FO Product Code sun ‘Transaction Date Transaction 1D Branch SOL Value Date fc occupation Comment EON ee eee Nn Se 8 cpt dicate cy bE baysgmacnsatom atoms 1 Conant ras yop rt ac ‘eh diye aware ony ah aad 1 Soytor went

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