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Environmontal Studios (MSBTE) 0.11 The rotigeration Industries “ Q.3 Recycle of plastic can also minimize air pollution. You ’ (i) No (li) Notthor yos nor false (iv) None ” Rlocycling is bost procass to control pollution, (i) Faloo (Ww) None ‘Ans as () Tro (WW) Nother true nor faloo Ane. (1) 0,10 known a6 _ ()Atmoaphore (i) Ozone + qi) Oxygen th) Mat meee Ans.: (ll) Orono got rupture by reaction of NO, — (Sunlight (ll) Volatile organic compounds Ans. : (tll) “Third world war have impact __ 0 Lithosphere (il) Hydrosphere (i) Blo-ephore ov w Environment consist of () toe () Hybroophore (W) Blo-sphere ™ fen Ane. (™) 0.9 Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, atmosphere form —_—~ () Environment wy) Pollutant - gas gets due a6 “ () Water (wv) None a7 Ans. Biosphere and (i) Pollution (tw) None Ano. a.10 -| 0.14 Due to global warming, there te Enhy Illowieg gas which adds to green horses cer, 0) hr toro carn (CFC) (9) Crlro uro cleo (CFA (i) Choro uoro carbonate (CFC) (in) None of tho above Ans.: (0.12 CFC, W added at 0 particular lvl of siren atfocts ozone layer. Name tha level () Hicharlovel 0) Mie ler (iy Lowerlvol —- (0) None oh sb Ans.: (I) 0.13 Which of the following term ys temperature of atmosphere due to green han gases? () Paradoxical warming (i) Global warming (il) Sun stroke (i) Non@ of the above ans.: OW) er | ‘Arie Region. During 100 years L2. 1901 to 2 ‘how much is approximate average rise in sea lot () 20ms =) 100me ! (w 20cm — WW) Nene ofthe above ‘Ans.: (i) / @.18 When 60, HNO, and Hi ae rolonéd | chemical Industries, if these mix with moisture in atmosphere which of cours ? () Ackd Rain @) Green (it) Globel warming (lv) None of the: Ans.: @) 0.16 Due to acid rain, how pH of soll gots (). pH decreases @) pH (H) pH is unafiected (iv) None of ‘Ane: 0) Environmental Studios (MSBTE} @.17 pve t2.acid rain, how fortlity of soil gots affected ? (9 Sol. gots more fertile (Soll remains unaffected (a) Fatty fst reduces (jv) ‘None of the above Ans.: (i) a. 4 Serpe is a egret nosh, a height of _. (10-20 kms trom sea level (i). 15-30 kas from sea level (i) 90-40 kms from sea level {(™)_ None of the above ans: (i) 10.19 Which of the following radiations from sun are absorbed by ozone gas ? (WV. radiation (@) e-radiation (i) Gamma radiation (Gv) None of the above Ans. (0.20 Zhloro Fivoro Carbons dissociate giving out toxic substances. Which of the following is mainly | responsible for depletion of ozone layer, (@ Fluorine (W) Chlorine atoms (i) Carbon atoms (fv) None of the above Ans.: (i) 2.21 One chlorine atom is estimated to destroy up to how ‘many ozone molecules approximately ? (About tak) About 2 lan (More than Sak (tv) None ofthe above Ane: aa Which of folowing helps to minimise depletion of ozone layer? It freons are replaced by halogens. @ Wreone, halons both are used to lesser extent. Gi) By making use of CFC. | (iv) None of the above, 43 ‘Ane. : 0.25 Environment 128 Which Ia the folowing makes It iffclt to uso only ‘eco-fiendy chemicals, s0° that ozone deplotion stopsiminimisos? (Due to theihigh cost (Due to non-availability (i), Due to lesser avalabilty (iv) None of the above @ nich of the folowing diseases is caused '0 humans due to ozone layer depletion? {() Skin, lungs and blood cancer (i) Brain tumor (ii) Heart attack (uv) None of the above o Hydrocarbons and NO, interact leading t0 formation cof photochemical smog’ in atmosphere. In wich layer of stmosphere such an interaction thes place ? () Middle layer of atmosphere (Lower layer of atmosphere (i). Highor layer of atmosphere (wv) None of the above ® in the formation of photochemical smog in atmosphere which of the primary pollutants take part ? (Hydrocarbon and NO, (i) Ozone Chlorine gas None of the above ) 7@ Which gas react with light in following reaction? +hv-——+NO+0 () NOs (HE (i) S02 (Ww) None of the sbove Environmental Studies (MSBTE) @.28 Atomic oxygen reacts radical. (Hydrocarbon (ill), SO, 20 By the reaction between acyl free radical (RCO*) ‘and O,, one of following is formed : ( Peroxy acyl radical ( RCO} ) CFC Hydrocarbon compounds None of the above give acyl (crc (v) None of thé above Q.29 i) (iy (w) 0) By reaction between acyl radical (RCO*) and Hydrocarbon (HC), one of following formed : (RCO; (i) R,CO and RCHO (i) R-COOH (v) None of the above (il) at By reaction between RCO* and NO, which one of the following formed ? () RCO} and No, (ii) RCO, and o 0 During life cycle of a nuclear fuel, accidents occurs (i) RCO, and N,O (iv) None of the'above ‘Ans. : 32 (i) Only once. (ii) Atany stage : (lil) (i) Frequentiy (iv) None of the above ‘Nuclear accident may occur due to 0 Leakage OF reactions (Nuclear weapons or war (1) Nuclear war / weapons. / reactions / fuel leakage , (i) None ofthe above i) Nuclear accidents, when ieee each Tenney, ous ahee ot i) Hazy white Gy (, Hazy Cloudy grey 4 & @.35 The soot emerging due to nuclear Aer] spread to (i) Environment — (i) Stratosphere (ii) Lithosphere (iv) Noe ofthe aby, Ans.: (ii) Q.36 The black soot spreaded absorby radiations. 5 @ Gamma qi) (i) Solar (iv) None of the above Ans. : (ill) 0.37 The solar radiations do not reach earth at then huclear accident because these are absorey (ili) Black [9 None of the above) Ae ag () Fog (i) Smog (i) Soot spreaded in stratosphere (iv) None of the above Ans. : (ill) Q.38 's effectedielt, as: solar radiations « absorbed by soot, cannot reach earth, Raining (i) Coating (i) Thundering (iv) None of the above Ans.: (il) Q.39 Cooling resulted during nuclear accidents, at! reduce water vapours and 988, 1 if) 80, (i) CO, i) NO, (iv) None of the above Ans.: (il) : @.40 During nuctear accidents, _rays, reradiate, from atmosphere, remain partially absorbed. @ UVRays () Infrared Rays (i) Gamma Rays (iv) None of the above ‘Ans: (i) c @.41 Due to nuclear accidents a phenomenon _* global warming occurs. @ Similar (i) Opposite a (i) Same (W) None ofthe above = 27 The all time goat book *maghdut I witan by the great indian waiterpoet, () Pioasso (i) Kalidas (i) Was (v) Sharatchandra, 7) 128 Natural environment servos, 4s basis of our ie. (Politics (i) Philosophy (ji) Culture (wv) Cycle 2) In urban development, places aro reserved for (Gardens and parks (i) Schools and hospitals (i) Alot above (iv) None of the above + i) For sustainable development R are followed. os me : qi Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Refuse are popularly known as, : (0) 4Rforsustainable development (i) Fistobe followed (ii) Essential F's for better ite. ()_ None of the above Gi) 4 (iy 3 70 _____ better than cure, Protection (i) Conservation (ii) Prevention (iv) Production : () Conservation of forest is than regeneration of forest. (Less costly (i) More expensive $M) More difficult Ane: (iv) Easier Environment {is a public movernent (i) Sagar dam (lv) None of the above (Sardar sarovar (i) 4R Ane.: (I) @.135 Mr, Sundartal Bahuguna headed popular movement ()Chipko Andotan (i) Ecofrienaly project development (i) Dam developments (i) Sardar sarovar Ane: () 0.136 Chipko Andolan was done in_- ()dharkhand ——(@) Uttarakhand i) Kerala (iv) None of the above ‘Ans.: (i) (@.137 Chipko Andolan was headed by_- () Poltical leader (i) Nature lover (ii) Spintual leader (jv) None ofthe above Ans. : (i) @.138 Sardar sarovar project's in. () Andhra Pradesh (i) Gujarat (i) Maharashtra {(v) Punjab ‘Ans. :(W) @.139 In south India, near palghat project is developed. () Sardar sarover (i) Silent valley (i) Sagar dam {iv) Ecotriendly Ans. : (W) @.140 Using mineral and power resources at high speed would be__- (0. Short sightedness (i) Foresight (ii) Futuristic () Long living ‘Ane.: () @.141 The modem living style would lead to_—: (i) Sustainable development (i) Uneustainable development (ii) Realistic approach (wv) Allof the above : Ww aoe sone + Fog makes 7 Smoky foo (Foggy smoke w smo (iv) Snow ai) vr Reacion between Hydro carbon, ozone in sunight toads 0 —— (Photochemical smog (i Photocherica ozonsaton of Hycrocarbon Gu) None of the above :@ | 259 Process of synthesis of food by plants in sunlight () Photosynthesis, (@_Photokinetis 70 260 Photo synthesis is characteristic feature of. (i) Green plants (iv) None of the above (i) Photogenesis (iv) Photolysis © Grasses Gi) Dry plants 2 @) 261 Release of pollutants from identifiable source (Point source (Release point 70 262 Soko stack of factory is example of _- 0 Non-point source: (Sourcing point (v) Fixed point (W) Point source : : ‘ndustial source (iv) Fixed point JO. 263 Sey “ ‘treatment plant is example of. . @ ieee (i) Point source Ane: (uy oom (jv) General source @..264 A company or individual responsible for pollution () Polutor (i) Pollutant (li) Producer (iv) Pottation Ane.: (0) @.265 Addition of contaminants to atmosphere causing disturbance in natural condition () ~ Pollution Gi) Polluter (ii) Potatant () Polluting ans.: () 2.266 A plant that can produce food is called —___- (Provider (i) Producer (i) Consumer _(iv) Developer Ans. qi) 0.267 Amount of rain in an area over a period of time measured in oms or inches. ( Rainfas (i) Flood (i) Raintevel_ (fv) None of the above Ans.: ( @.268 Rain fall is measured in_units. (0) Contimetars or inches (i) Millimeters or kilometers (li) Inches or kilometers (wy) PPM Ans.: () 0.269 A tropical forest having high rainfall is caled (Rainforest (i) Rainfall forest (ii) Rainy forest (v) None of the above ‘Ans.:(0) 1 Q.270 ‘A rain forest usually gets rains more than om. (500 (@) 250 ico () 350 Ans.: (i) go Who havo started reducing emisslo from Deforestation and forest degradation 2 () Russia and Europe (i) UK and Brazil (li) United States and World Bank (wv) Allthe above ns. (il) 141 Waters used as in industries (Solvent (ii) Cooling agent (i) Cleaning agent (iv) All the above ne. () 42 Deplection of water resource isa__ {)) Local problem (ji) Private problem (ii) Global problem (iv) Nota problem ns. (i) 43. The liquid water component of the earth is called as () Lithosphere — (ii) Hemisphero (ili) Hydrosphere (iv) Androsphere ne (ip .44 The hydrosphere covers about of the ‘surface of earth. 70% (ii) 90% * Gil) 60% (iv) 50% me 45 Sources of water are (Surface water (ji) Underground water (ii) Both (i) and (i) (iv) None ne: i) 46 ‘Surface water sources are Steams (i) Oceans 0) Wetts (i) Both () an (ip m0. Gy '\47 Underground water sources are sine (i) Lakes Welle (Iv) Both (and (i) (ne. (uy Enorgy Resources Q.48 Bore wall is a source of (Surface water (i) Bothe (1) and (i) Ans.: (il) (i) underground water (iv) None 49 of these pollute water. (Waste and by-product from industries (i) Disposal of municipal waste (i) Assimilation of agricultural waste. (iv) Allthe above, zy @.50 Cause of flood is due to (Deforestation (i) Migration (ii) Industrialization (iv) Only (i) and (i) Ans.: @.51 Floods cause (Damage to infrastructure. (i) Lead to landslides. (ii) Drowning. (iv) Allthe above ww) Ans. : @.52 Consumption of polluted water causes__. Gastrointestinal diseases i) Kidney failure Heart attack (iv) Nervous system damage. Ans.: (i) Water bome diseases ‘include __. () Cardiovascular diseases (i) Psychosocial disturbances (iil) Hypothermia: (v)_ None of the above ~ (Ww) Water bore disease includes _- () Hepatitis A (i) Hypothermia (il) Psychosocial (Wv)_ Cardiovascular incidents Ans: () ‘Ans. Q.54 79 ove 9 increase in salinity, decomposition of organic matter, water get toxic due to storage in dam, (Tue (il) False (ji) Both (iv) None 20 ‘acronym of ICAR is. (Indian Council for Agricultural Research {i Indian Committee for Agricutural Research {i) Indian Council for Astronauts and space Research. fix) None of above. o 2.72 Green revolution resulted into, (Food production increased. (i), Research on seeds to improve its quality. (ii) Soil quality affected. w) Allthe above. wns: (WM) 1.73. Wat food problem is due to (Population growth i) Overall economy variations: (il) Change in food habits (iv) Allthe above wer (wy) ‘74 Effect of dam is. - () Block moving area of migratory fishes. (i) AMfoct water tow (ii) Obstruct sediment transportation along the fiver. (Wv) Allthe above &: (Wy) 75 Food resources are 0 o Ans.: (0) Q.77 Shortage of food led to concept of Ans: (Iv) (il) Chloro-floro-carbon ‘White revolution (i) Pink revolution (ii) Black revolution (iv) Green revolution 2.78 Dams / Reservoirs, in tropical areas release Green house gases _(j) Ozone gases, (iv) None @.79 Favourable effects of reservoir are __. (i) Water wastage is regulated (ii) Establish reservoir enhances bird life (lil) Help wet lands (W) Allthe above * ‘Ans.: (Ww) Q.80 Mining is done on a location where there is large ‘stock of. , (i) Mineral deposit (ii) Ore deposit (ii) Mineral / ore deposit (iv) None ‘Ans.: (iii) Q.81 Mineral / ore deposit is identified by __. () Druggist (i) Geologists (il) Biologist (iv) Botanist ‘Ans.: (i) Q.82 For mining ‘is done. () Geophysical survey (ii) Mapping il) Sampling “ (jv). Allthe above ‘Ans.: (iv) 2.83 Stream sediment samples analysed to get mineral composition is called _ 0 Plants (i) Animals { Goophisict survey (i) Mapping (ii) Allthe above (iv) None of the above (ii) Sampling {iv) Alll the above = ail : Ans. (lll) 7% Q.84 measuremenvevaluaton of aif " —__ the first time severe food shortage wn ar dona vat cancrates) 2 ote nou country, * ) ; indicated. cad 1947 (i) 1945. ‘(iy 1943. (iv) 1942 Geophysical survey Mapping (i) Sampling Oo Ape | Ans.: ' Eee dsstr of eo shortage in 1049 was duo to (9 Low production Both) and (H) 2 ‘ter independence first point on agenda for Indian (ii) Due to world war It (iv) None Government was. () World security (i) Land security = @ Poor sanitation affects quality of (). Water sources (i) Management of contaminants (i) Food security (v)All the above (i Air (iv) None of the above 2 ‘Some plants are useful as they produce . (if) Fruits {iv) None of the above (Medicines (i) Flowers 70 Plants are valuable resources for many (Vegetables and fruits (Life saving medicines (ii) Both of above (wv) None of the above = i) ‘Aesthetic value of environment is enhanced by (Dy plants (Groen plants (i) Prants with colourtul flowers (™) None ofthe above = (uy Plants are also sources of many industries, © Raw materials (i) Flowers 0 (il) Medicines (Iv) None of the above Rosources @. 109 The growth of plants are (i) Habitat specitic (I) Wator specific. (li) Airspecite (Iv) Non@ of the above ‘Ana.: () @.110 Wo have to ‘extinction of rare plants. (i) Encourage (il) Help (li). Protect (lv) None of the above ‘Ans. (il) @.141 Deforestation destroys natural (Environment ° (i) Lite (i) Cycle (v) Balance Ans.: (1) @.112 Conservation of forest is. than regeneration of forest. () Less costy (i) More expensive (ii) More aiticut —(Wv) Easier Ans.: (I) @.113. Establishment of forests by planting trees is __. * (i) Afforestation i) Reforestation (ii), Deforestation (iv) None of the above 7@ : @.114 Regionel animals and animal ite __- () Fauna (i) Flora (ii) Ecosystem ——_(v) None of the above Ans.: (I) @.115. Regional plants growing naturally () Flora (i) Fauna (i) Ecosystem ——_(iv) Forest Ans.: (0) ‘ @.116 Chain of food transfer from primary producer various consumers _ () Food chain (W) Food web (ti) Food cycle (lv) None of the above Ans.: (1) Q.117 Large no. of trees naturally grown In area ———" (Forest (W) Garden (ii) Mangrove {(v) None of the above Ans.: (0) 118 Remains of organisms converted into fuels a.121 Ans. : @.122 Q. 123 Ane. Q. 124 Ans. : 7a () Fossitfusts (i) Carbon credits (ii) Carbon ppt. (iv) None of the above Electric power from water ‘Turbines are driven using 70 (W)_ydro energy (iv) Thermal power (Hydro power (i) Electricity (ii) Wind energy () Power Resources in earth's crust Natural (i) Renewable (i) Ancient (v) Plency o Preventing overexploitation of non-renewable natural resources (Nature conservation ® O) (i) 70 Environmental degradation xploing biodiversity None of the above Any exhaustible natural resource which cannot be replaced. 0 i) i “1 w) o Non-renewable Non-replaceable ‘Non-destructive None of the above ‘Any exhaustibie natural resource which cannot be replaced : o (ii) ww Non-renewable resource Non-replaceable resource Exhausting resource (iv) Degradable w Q.125 Ans. : 2.126 Ans. : Q.127 Ans. : 0.128 129 Ans, 2.130 Ans. ; Q.131 Ans. : Coal and Petroleum are () Renewable resources (i) Non renewable resources (li). Precious resources (iv) Dogradablo ” ‘Amount of rain if an area Over & pay, measured in cms or inches ( Reinfa (i) Flood (ii) Rain tevel (Iv) None ofthe sn o Rain fall is measured in____urits, (Centimeters or inches (il) Mili meters or kilometers (ii) Inches oF kilometers (v) PPM o A tropical forest having high rainal : 0 (Rainforest (I) Rainfal fore (ii) Rainy forest (iv) None ofthe aot Growing more trees in area of forest__— () Reforestation (jl) Forest depletot (ii) Forestation (jv) Afforestation o ‘The resources which are inexhaustible long. () Renewable resources. (i) Recyclable resources (ii) Reusable resources: (iv) Evergreen resources o ¢ Planting tree fo give fruts ie example I~ ) Sustainabiity gy Adding 19 (i) Detcrestetion (iv) afforestaor o envronmental Studies (MSBTE Biotic and saan @) Enersyfow (i) tic components aro linked through Nutrient cycles (@end{i) both (v) None ofthe above : a Energy flow in ecosystem links and together. (Biotic and abiotic components {i Organism and plants (iy Fruits and flowers (iw) None of the above 70 Nutrients cycles play important role’ in together biote and abiotic components, (Combining) Linking (i) Joining (iv) None of the above a) Eoosystem can be of any ; (@ Sze (i) Shape (ii) Type (iv) None of the above 70 Energy flow in any ecosystem is: primarily obtained from, (Coal ‘i (i) Sun ™ = i) Energy flow involves all to play role. (i) Components (i) Trees (ii) Animals (i) None of the above 70 Producers in any ecosystem may be. (Primary only (Secondary only (it. primarysacondan/toriary (iv) None ofthe above = ly Exosystem consists of components which play role 88 __ consumer. (Only primary (i) Primary and tertiary (i) Primary / Secondary / Tertiary ()_ None of the above = (uy ~ Power None of the above Ans. : a4 Ans. : 16 a7 Ans. a8 ‘Ans. : a.19 Ecoaystor Biotic and abiotic components in ecosystem interact _____ with each other, () Occasionally (i) Continually (ii) Rarely (Ww) None of the above w ‘The dead organic matter from living organisms 1s part of Soll (i) Environment (iv) None of the above ‘organisms can exchange between soil and water. (Dead i) Living i) No (iv) None of the above @ Ecosystem are of ‘and_types. (Aquatic and Terrestrial (i) Living and Nontiving (ii) Clean and unclean (iv) None of the above o Coral reet is example of __YP° ecosystem. of (i) Terrestrial (i) Aquatic. (ii) - Organic (iv) None of the above o Tundra’ is example of ___ type ecosystem. () Marine (i) Terrestrial (ii) Microbiological (iv) None of the above a) ‘The essontial components of any ecosystem Is, (Biotic and abiotic (i) Energy source components (a) (and bot ——_(W)_ None ofthe above a Biotic and blot components in ecosystem ar? linked through - () Energy flow (W) Energy transformations w None of the above (ii) Energy balances w Environmental St ‘9.40 Grass 18 catogorized in grazer food chain. (Plant (i) Producer (i) Vogotable (W)_ None of the above w Hawk act as chain. (Primary (Secondary (i), Tertiary (wv) Nono of the above aw consumer in a grazer food and are types of food chains. () Grazer, Detitus (i) Natural, synthotic (i) Organic, inorganic (iy) None of the above 20 tn food chain, dead organic matter Is serve a8 principal energy input ()Dotitue (i) Flowing (i) Ofiginl (W) None ofthe above o ‘Any food chain has no more than 0 4108 @ 3 i) 3004 (iv) None of the above 20 The intrconnected food chains form 0) “Ecosystem (iy (i) Food web (yy = ay Ine food web, food chaine are (Interconnected (i) yeled mt tne (iv) None of the above Food wabe are ory ha om Ww mplcated iy) ity Most ani chain, Ve &8 part of more than food links. Environment ‘None of the above ‘Small None of the above One (i) Two i) Th 2g (W) None of the above Any te” 04 Web indicates that —— I connected (MSBTE) 38 Ans. 0.53 Ans. : 0.54 Ans. 0.55 Ecosystems (Nothing, Everything (li) Everything, Nothing (lv) None of the above 7 0 Ecological pyramid is a representation. () Geological —(i)_-Pyramidal (i) Graphical ——(v)_ None of the above ay Ecological pyramid shows produetiviy (Biome i) Biomass (ii) Organic (iv) None of the above ” In ecological pyramid primary producers are shown at Top (i) Base (ii) Periphery (iv) None of the above Ww Primary producers are followed by consumers. () Secondary - (il) Primary i) A (iv) None of the above w Tertiary consumers are shown at ot ‘ecological pyramid, ) Base (Top (ii) Comers ()__Ngne of the above w : Ecological pyramid is in shape. Circular ‘Triangular (i) Oval (None of the above w Ecological pyramid consists of and ——— In sequence. @ Plants, animais (Wl) Producers, consumers (ii) “Consumers, producers (WW) None of the above ay Pyramids show amount of organic matter In an organism. () Biomass (Biome (i) Blotic (iv) None of the above 0 {a Just bolow Tundra, { _ Chapparrol (w) Taloa wy lomo above 10000 foet io (Tundra (w) Alpine mw ‘Blom just bolow (Alpine (iw) Taiga 70 ‘Aipine is on (5000 (w) 10000 oy ‘Aipine has summer from () March, May (W) pal, June w has drastic fluctuation. (0) Abine (ii) Taiga 20 ‘Apne region lunge. (Large (li) Normal 0 In Alpine, October to May Is () Monsoon (i) Summer i) In Alpine, animals are (0 Normal (i) Average 7 tn pina, animale have () Four (ii) Bont <2 (u) Nono of the above None of the above Himalayan mountain is None of the above (iv) None of the above (iv) None of the above (iv) None of the above animals have (iv) None of the above None of the above (lv) None of the above None of the above 2 @ In Alpine, animale have larga lunge, to survive PO prosaure and, (©, contont. (High, Low W) Low, High (Wu). High, High (iv) None of the above In Alpine, animals havo blood vessels. (Moro (i) Large (i) Thick (iv) None of the above o ‘Animals in Alpine region have vessels more () More, Haemoglobin (i) Thick, Op (i) Large, blood (iv) None of the above blood :@ : @) In Alpine, also have adaptations as animals. (Plants (Humans (li) Aquatics (jv) None of the above Just like in Alpines, in also have adaptations of lungs. (Nepal (i) Canada (ii), India (iv) None of the above 0 People in Nepal / Tibet are called ; 70 ped) () Sherapas (i) Gorkha (i) Himalayan ——_('v)_ None of the above 20) About % area of earth is Oceans. @ 75 @ 40 (uy) 30 (v)_ None of the above Plants under ocean are ‘ (Aquatic (ll) Aquifers (ll) Oceanicy (lv) None of the above ‘Aquifers prepare food by _—- (Metabolism (i) Photosynthesis (a) Photolysis ——_(W)_ None ofthe above

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