7X82-2.0 20420kW 58rpm DBT

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20420 kW 53.

0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

General Technical Data

CMCR and Engine Operating Curves

CMCR Power [%]


Rating field

R3 R2


90 R4


70 CSR


50 6 5 3 4

40 50 60 70 80 90 100
CMCR Speed [%]

Line 1: Constant MEP

Line 2: Overload limit
Line 3: 104% speed limit
Line 4: 108% overspeed limit
Line 5: Admissible torque limit
Line 6: Maximum torque limit in transient conditions
Nominal propeller characteristic

For detailed curve description see Marine Installation Manual (MIM).

Main engine 7X82-2.0

MCR (R1) 38500 kW / 84.0 rpm
CMCR 20420 kW / 58.0 rpm
CSR (77.3% of CMCR) 15774 kW / 53.2 rpm
MEP at 100% CMCR 16.9 bar

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 1 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Engine Configuration PRELIMINARY

Engine Data
CMCR Power Rx: 20420 kW = 53.0% R1 MCR Power R1: 38500 kW
CMCR Speed Rx: 58.0 rpm = 69.0% R1 MCR Speed R1: 84.0 rpm
CSR Power: 15774 kW = 77.3% CMCR
CSR Speed: 53.2 rpm
Turbocharger (Accelleron): 2 x A265-L *1) Bore: 820 mm
Scavenge air cooler: 2 x SAC-B81-SF Stroke: 3375 mm
Tuning: Delta Bypass
Options: SCR HP, Scrubber
NOx emission compliance: IMO Tier II / III compliant
Type of propeller: Fixed pitch
Remarks: Scrubber used for Tier II only

Ancillary System
Cooling system: FW cooled / Separate HT circuit
Cylinder cooling water inlet / outlet temperature: 75 °C / 90 °C
Lubricating oil system: integrated TC lubrication
Oil temperature / pressure / viscosity before engine: 45 °C / 4.4 bar / 84.3 mm²/s

Brake Specific Fuel Consumption ISO 3046-1:2002

Air temp. before compressor: 25.0 °C Tolerances + 5 % 100-85 % Power
Coolant temp. before SAC: 25.0 °C + 6 % <85-65 % Power
Relative humidity: 30.0 % + 7 % <65-50 % Power

Tier II
Power [%] 110.0 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 80.0 77.3 75.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 25.0
BSFC [g/kWh] 160.5 159.4 156.4 153.6 152.0 151.1 150.9 150.7 150.7 153.0 155.6 157.6 158.7 159.7


Power [%] 110.0 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 80.0 77.3 75.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 25.0
BSFC [g/kWh] 159.9 158.9 155.9 153.2 151.6 150.8 150.6 150.4 150.4 152.8 155.5 158.9 162.2 164.1

BSFC: Brake specific fuel consumption with LHV MDO = 42700 kJ/kg
*1) TC maker must be contacted for final specification and frame size.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 2 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp


General Information Engine Dimensions

Bore 820 mm Length 11866 mm
Stroke 3375 mm Net engine mass 910 t
MEP 16.93 bar Weight water/oil -
Piston speed 6.5 m/s Lift vertical (standard) 15250 mm

Oil Consumption
System oil consumption per cylinder and per day 9.0 kg
Cylinder oil consumption, guide feed rate (pulse lubricating system) PLS 0.6 g/kWh

Guide feed rate 0.6 g/kWh for low sulphur content only.

Other Components
Aux. blower: min. installed electric motor power (shaft) 2 x 113 kW (400/440 V / 50/60 Hz)
Turning gear capacity 11.0 kW (400/440 V / 50/60 Hz)

Pumps Minimum capacities Delivery head *1)

Fuel oil feed 5.1 m³/h 5.0 bar
Fuel oil booster 9.2 m³/h 7.0 bar
High temperature water circuit 163 m³/h 3.0 bar
Low temperature water circuit 460 m³/h 2.5 bar
Lubricating oil *2) 374 m³/h 6.8 bar
Crosshead lubricating oil 70 m³/h 8.5 bar
Sea water 598 m³/h 2.0 bar

*1) Pressure difference across pump (final delivery head) must be according to the actual piping layout. The capacities do not account for other
components than the engine itself. For details please see the Installation Manual.
*2) LO system excluding heat and oil flow for damper and back flushing filter flow. System pressure loss 2.4 bar assumed.

Cooling System Exhaust Gas and Air Flow

Central cooler, heat dissipation 12435 kW Exhaust gas, mass flow 34.7 kg/s
SAC, heat dissipation 7875 kW Exhaust gas, temperature 298 °C
Cylinder cooler, heat dissipation 2830 kW Exhaust gas density 0.654 kg/m³
Lub. oil cooler, heat dissipation 1725 kW Scavenge air, mass flow 33.8 kg/s

Design conditions, maximum heat dissipation Design conditions

Starting Air System Tank System

Number of starts 12 Fresh water expansion tank 1.0 m³
Propeller pitch control FPP Main lub. oil drain tank 34.0 m³
Rel. shaft inertia specified (J-tot / J-Eng) 2.00 Lub. oil separator 3760 l/h
Engine inertia (J-Eng) 460900 kgm² Fuel oil separator 4000 l/h
Air compressor (30 bar g) 2 x 330.0 Nm³/h HFO endheater 162 kW
Air receiver (30 bar g) 2 x 11.0 m³

Engine inertia is given for engine including smallest flywheel,

but without damper, front disc on crankshaft and PTO.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 3 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Engine Performance Data (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

Conditions ISO Design

Air temperature before compressor 25 °C 45 °C
Coolant temperature before SAC 29 °C 36 °C
Relative humidity 30 % 60 %
Exhaust gas back pressure 600 mm WC 600 mm WC

Performance ISO Design

Power Power Speed BMEP BSFC BSEF tEaTm BSFC BSEF tEaTm
[%] [kW] [rpm] [bar] [g/kWh] [kg/kWh] [°C] [g/kWh] [kg/kWh] [°C]
110.0 22462 59.9 18.04 160.7 6.22 282 163.7 5.86 320
100.0 20420 58.0 16.93 159.6 6.53 260 162.6 6.12 298
95.0 19399 57.0 16.36 156.5 6.68 249 159.5 6.25 288
90.0 18378 56.0 15.78 153.8 6.82 241 156.8 6.37 280
85.0 17357 54.9 15.19 152.1 6.99 234 155.1 6.52 273
80.0 16336 53.8 14.59 151.3 7.16 229 154.3 6.65 268
77.3 15774 53.2 14.25 151.1 7.22 227 154.1 6.70 267
75.0 15315 52.7 13.98 150.9 7.28 225 153.9 6.75 266
70.0 14294 51.5 13.35 150.8 7.39 221 153.8 6.83 262
60.0 12252 48.9 12.04 153.1 7.74 218 156.1 7.12 260
50.0 10210 46.0 10.67 155.8 8.05 222 158.8 7.36 266
40.0 8168 42.7 9.19 157.8 8.91 201 160.8 8.10 244
30.0 6126 38.8 7.59 158.8 11.25 172 161.8 10.33 208
25.0 5105 36.5 6.72 159.9 11.98 175 162.9 11.01 209

BSFC + 5 % 100-85 % Power
+ 6 % <85-65 % Power
+ 7 % <65-50 % Power
BSEF ± 5 %
tEaT ± 15 °C

Tolerances apply from and above 50% power. In general, an increase of BSEF by 5% corresponds to a decrease of tEaT by

Data below 25% power

The engine performance values below 25% engine power shall be considered for guidance only. The following changes are
expected at reference conditions:
% g/kWh kg/kWh °C
20 +2 -1 -10
15 +6 -2 -30
10 +16 -2.5 -65

The above performance values correspond to the lower calorific value of 42.7 MJ/kg (MDO). Based on experience during seatrials with HFO,
exhaust gas temperature may increase by up to 15°C compared to MDO figures according GTD.
The auxiliary blower performance, configuration and position significantly influence engine performance below 40% power. Thus effective values
and shape of curves up to 40% power will depend on final settings of the auxiliary blower.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 4 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Engine Performance Data (SCR, Tier III) PRELIMINARY

Conditions ISO Design

Air temperature before compressor 25 °C 45 °C
Coolant temperature before SAC 29 °C 36 °C
Relative humidity 30 % 60 %
Exhaust gas back pressure 300 mm WC 300 mm WC

Performance ISO Design

Power Power Speed BMEP BSFC BSEF tEaTm BSFC BSEF tEaTm
[%] [kW] [rpm] [bar] [g/kWh] [kg/kWh] [°C] [g/kWh] [kg/kWh] [°C]
110.0 22462 59.9 18.04 160.1 6.32 272 163.1 5.96 309
100.0 20420 58.0 16.93 159.1 6.63 251 162.1 6.22 288
95.0 19399 57.0 16.36 156.1 6.78 241 159.1 6.35 278
90.0 18378 56.0 15.78 153.4 6.92 233 156.4 6.47 271
85.0 17357 54.9 15.19 151.8 7.10 227 154.8 6.62 265
80.0 16336 53.8 14.59 151.0 7.26 222 154.0 6.76 260
77.3 15774 53.2 14.25 150.8 7.33 220 153.8 6.81 259
75.0 15315 52.7 13.98 150.6 7.39 219 153.6 6.85 258
70.0 14294 51.5 13.35 150.6 7.50 214 153.6 6.94 254
60.0 12252 48.9 12.04 152.9 7.85 212 155.9 7.22 254
50.0 10210 46.0 10.67 155.7 8.16 217 158.7 7.46 260
40.0 8168 42.7 9.19 159.0 8.50 224 160.7 8.19 240
30.0 6126 38.8 7.59 162.3 9.08 256 163.3 9.48 243
25.0 5105 36.5 6.72 164.2 9.26 270 165.2 9.64 260

BSFC + 5 % 100-85 % Power
+ 6 % <85-65 % Power
+ 7 % <65-50 % Power
BSEF ± 5 %
tEaT ± 15 °C

Tolerances apply from and above 50% power. In general, an increase of BSEF by 5% corresponds to a decrease of tEaT by

Data below 25% power

The engine performance values below 25% engine power shall be considered for guidance only. The following changes are
expected at reference conditions:
% g/kWh kg/kWh °C
20 +2 -1 -10
15 +6 -2 -30
10 +16 -2.5 -65

The above performance values correspond to the lower calorific value of 42.7 MJ/kg (MDO). Based on experience during seatrials with HFO,
exhaust gas temperature may increase by up to 15°C compared to MDO figures according GTD.
The auxiliary blower performance, configuration and position significantly influence engine performance below 40% power. Thus effective values
and shape of curves up to 40% power will depend on final settings of the auxiliary blower.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 5 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Engine Performance Data (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

[g/kWh] Brake Specific Fuel Consumption

160 ISO
154 Design
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]

[kg/kWh] Brake Specific Exhaust Gas Flow




10 ISO


20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]

[°C] Mixed Temperature of Exhaust Gas after Turbocharger





20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]

Effective values and shape of curves up to 40% power will depend on final settings of auxiliary blower.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 6 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Engine Performance Data (SCR, Tier III) PRELIMINARY

[g/kWh] Brake Specific Fuel Consumption





20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]

[kg/kWh] Brake Specific Exhaust Gas Flow




20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]

[°C] Mixed Temperature of Exhaust Gas after Turbocharger





220 Design


20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]

Effective values and shape of curves up to 40% power will depend on final settings of auxiliary blower.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 7 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Heat Dissipation (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

ISO Conditions tAbC = 25°C, tCbS = 29°C, RH = 30%

Power Power Speed SAC LT Cylinder Lub. Oil Radiation SPP *1)
[%] [kW] [rpm] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW]
110.0 22462 59.9 7075 2475 1540 495 4405
100.0 20420 58.0 6450 1950 1250 475 3285
95.0 19399 57.0 6085 1785 1160 460 2770
90.0 18378 56.0 5690 1645 1085 450 2355
85.0 17357 54.9 5340 1530 1025 435 2030
80.0 16336 53.8 4955 1400 960 425 1755
77.3 15774 53.2 4715 1340 930 415 1650
75.0 15315 52.7 4525 1290 905 410 1565
70.0 14294 51.5 4055 1225 870 395 1335
60.0 12252 48.9 3270 1090 805 365 1120
50.0 10210 46.0 2455 1030 790 335 1075
40.0 8168 42.7 1950 870 710 300 475
30.0 6126 38.8 1545 665 595 260 0
25.0 5105 36.5 1135 655 600 235 0

Design Conditions tAbC = 45°C, tCbS = 36°C, RH = 60%

Power Power Speed SAC LT Cylinder Lub. Oil Radiation SPP *1)
[%] [kW] [rpm] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW]
110.0 22462 59.9 8630 2925 1780 300 5700
100.0 20420 58.0 7875 2360 1470 285 4555
95.0 19399 57.0 7440 2180 1375 280 4030
90.0 18378 56.0 6965 2025 1295 270 3595
85.0 17357 54.9 6545 1895 1230 265 3255
80.0 16336 53.8 6080 1745 1155 255 2955
77.3 15774 53.2 5795 1675 1120 250 2830
75.0 15315 52.7 5560 1620 1090 250 2730
70.0 14294 51.5 4990 1530 1050 240 2460
60.0 12252 48.9 4035 1355 965 220 2160
50.0 10210 46.0 3035 1255 930 205 1995
40.0 8168 42.7 2395 1050 835 180 1310
30.0 6126 38.8 1950 805 700 155 540
25.0 5105 36.5 1470 775 695 145 500

The heat dissipation figures above reflect the actual available heat in the cooling and lubricating oil system. To layout the cooler capacities, a
safety margin is to be added, see the summary and system pages. Tolerance of cylinder heat dissipation: +10%/-15%.
*1) Steam production power for a constant temperature after economizer of 180°C.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 8 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Heat Dissipation (SCR, Tier III) PRELIMINARY

ISO Conditions tAbC = 25°C, tCbS = 29°C, RH = 30%

Power Power Speed SAC LT Cylinder Lub. Oil Radiation SPP *1)
[%] [kW] [rpm] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW]
110.0 22462 59.9 7255 2415 1505 495 4050
100.0 20420 58.0 6615 1900 1225 475 2970
95.0 19399 57.0 6240 1745 1140 460 2475
90.0 18378 56.0 5835 1610 1065 450 2080
85.0 17357 54.9 5470 1500 1010 435 1775
80.0 16336 53.8 5075 1375 945 425 1520
77.3 15774 53.2 4835 1315 920 415 1425
75.0 15315 52.7 4640 1270 895 410 1345
70.0 14294 51.5 4155 1205 860 395 1135
60.0 12252 48.9 3350 1080 800 365 965
50.0 10210 46.0 2515 1025 785 335 955
40.0 8168 42.7 1700 915 740 300 940
30.0 6126 38.8 830 755 660 260 1305
25.0 5105 36.5 510 745 670 235 1315

Design Conditions tAbC = 45°C, tCbS = 36°C, RH = 60%

Power Power Speed SAC LT Cylinder Lub. Oil Radiation SPP *1)
[%] [kW] [rpm] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW]
110.0 22462 59.9 8850 2865 1750 300 5340
100.0 20420 58.0 8070 2315 1445 285 4240
95.0 19399 57.0 7625 2140 1355 280 3735
90.0 18378 56.0 7140 1990 1275 270 3320
85.0 17357 54.9 6705 1865 1215 265 3000
80.0 16336 53.8 6230 1720 1140 255 2720
77.3 15774 53.2 5935 1655 1105 250 2610
75.0 15315 52.7 5700 1600 1080 250 2515
70.0 14294 51.5 5115 1515 1040 240 2265
60.0 12252 48.9 4135 1345 955 220 2010
50.0 10210 46.0 3110 1250 925 205 1885
40.0 8168 42.7 2445 1050 830 180 1235
30.0 6126 38.8 1550 845 725 155 1130
25.0 5105 36.5 1015 825 730 145 1215

The heat dissipation figures above reflect the actual available heat in the cooling and lubricating oil system. To layout the cooler capacities, a
safety margin is to be added, see the summary and system pages. Tolerance of cylinder heat dissipation: +10%/-15%.
*1) Steam production power for a constant temperature after economizer of 180°C.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 9 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Scavenge Air (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

ISO Conditions tAbC = 25°C, tCbS = 29°C, RH = 30%

Power Power Speed tAaC tScav mScav pScav Cond. water
[%] [kW] [rpm] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [bar] [kg/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 221 35.8 37.8 4.70 0
100.0 20420 58.0 212 35.0 36.1 4.39 0
95.0 19399 57.0 206 34.6 35.2 4.22 0
90.0 18378 56.0 200 34.1 34.0 4.04 0
85.0 17357 54.9 194 33.7 33.0 3.88 0
80.0 16336 53.8 188 33.3 31.8 3.70 0
77.3 15774 53.2 184 33.0 31.0 3.60 0
75.0 15315 52.7 181 32.8 30.3 3.51 0
70.0 14294 51.5 172 32.2 28.7 3.30 0
60.0 12252 48.9 157 31.4 25.8 2.93 0
50.0 10210 46.0 139 30.6 22.4 2.54 0
40.0 8168 42.7 127 30.1 19.9 2.30 0
30.0 6126 38.8 111 29.9 18.9 2.12 0
25.0 5105 36.5 97 29.6 16.8 1.89 0

Design Conditions tAbC = 45°C, tCbS = 36°C, RH = 60%

Power Power Speed tAaC tScav mScav pScav Cond. water
[%] [kW] [rpm] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [bar] [kg/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 248 50.1 35.5 4.56 2550
100.0 20420 58.0 238 49.2 33.8 4.25 2380
95.0 19399 57.0 232 48.7 32.8 4.08 2275
90.0 18378 56.0 225 48.1 31.7 3.90 2165
85.0 17357 54.9 219 47.6 30.7 3.73 2065
80.0 16336 53.8 212 47.1 29.5 3.56 1945
77.3 15774 53.2 208 46.7 28.7 3.45 1875
75.0 15315 52.7 205 46.4 28.1 3.36 1810
70.0 14294 51.5 195 45.7 26.5 3.15 1655
60.0 12252 48.9 179 44.5 23.7 2.79 1375
50.0 10210 46.0 160 43.2 20.4 2.41 1060
40.0 8168 42.7 146 42.2 18.0 2.17 845
30.0 6126 38.8 129 41.2 17.3 2.01 690
25.0 5105 36.5 115 40.3 15.4 1.80 520

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 10 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Scavenge Air (SCR, Tier III) PRELIMINARY

ISO Conditions tAbC = 25°C, tCbS = 29°C, RH = 30%

Power Power Speed tAaC tScav mScav pScav Cond. water
[%] [kW] [rpm] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [bar] [kg/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 223 36.0 38.4 4.75 0
100.0 20420 58.0 214 35.2 36.7 4.43 0
95.0 19399 57.0 208 34.8 35.7 4.26 0
90.0 18378 56.0 202 34.3 34.6 4.08 0
85.0 17357 54.9 196 33.9 33.5 3.92 0
80.0 16336 53.8 189 33.4 32.3 3.74 0
77.3 15774 53.2 186 33.1 31.5 3.63 0
75.0 15315 52.7 182 32.9 30.8 3.54 0
70.0 14294 51.5 174 32.4 29.2 3.33 0
60.0 12252 48.9 159 31.5 26.2 2.96 0
50.0 10210 46.0 141 30.7 22.7 2.56 0
40.0 8168 42.7 119 29.9 18.9 2.15 0
30.0 6126 38.8 84 29.4 15.2 1.69 0
25.0 5105 36.5 69 29.2 12.9 1.49 0

Design Conditions tAbC = 45°C, tCbS = 36°C, RH = 60%

Power Power Speed tAaC tScav mScav pScav Cond. water
[%] [kW] [rpm] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [bar] [kg/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 251 50.3 36.1 4.61 2590
100.0 20420 58.0 240 49.4 34.4 4.30 2420
95.0 19399 57.0 234 48.9 33.4 4.12 2315
90.0 18378 56.0 227 48.3 32.2 3.94 2205
85.0 17357 54.9 221 47.8 31.2 3.78 2100
80.0 16336 53.8 214 47.2 30.0 3.60 1985
77.3 15774 53.2 210 46.9 29.2 3.49 1910
75.0 15315 52.7 206 46.6 28.5 3.40 1845
70.0 14294 51.5 197 45.9 26.9 3.19 1690
60.0 12252 48.9 180 44.6 24.0 2.82 1405
50.0 10210 46.0 161 43.3 20.7 2.43 1085
40.0 8168 42.7 147 42.3 18.2 2.18 865
30.0 6126 38.8 117 40.4 15.8 1.83 545
25.0 5105 36.5 99 39.3 13.4 1.59 345

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 11 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Exhaust Gas (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

ISO Conditions tAbC = 25°C, tCbS = 29°C, RH = 30%

Power Power Speed Byp *1) tEbT tEaT tEbE *2) pExh Steam *3) Urea
[%] [kW] [rpm] [%] [°C] [°C] [°C] [bar] [kg/h] [l/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 4.0 461 275 280 4.57 6410 0
100.0 20420 58.0 4.0 430 253 258 4.27 4750 0
95.0 19399 57.0 4.0 415 242 247 4.11 3990 0
90.0 18378 56.0 4.0 401 234 239 3.93 3380 0
85.0 17357 54.9 4.0 389 228 232 3.77 2900 0
80.0 16336 53.8 4.0 378 222 227 3.60 2500 0
77.3 15774 53.2 4.0 372 221 225 3.49 2340 0
75.0 15315 52.7 4.0 368 219 223 3.41 2220 0
70.0 14294 51.5 4.0 356 215 219 3.20 1880 0
60.0 12252 48.9 4.0 339 213 216 2.84 1580 0
50.0 10210 46.0 4.0 327 218 220 2.46 1520 0
40.0 8168 42.7 0.0 295 201 199 2.23 640 0
30.0 6126 38.8 0.0 252 172 170 2.05 0 0
25.0 5105 36.5 0.0 241 175 173 1.83 0 0

Design Conditions tAbC = 45°C, tCbS = 36°C, RH = 60%

Power Power Speed Byp *1) tEbT tEaT tEbE *2) pExh Steam *3) Urea
[%] [kW] [rpm] [%] [°C] [°C] [°C] [bar] [kg/h] [l/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 4.0 508 312 318 4.44 8330 0
100.0 20420 58.0 4.0 477 291 296 4.14 6640 0
95.0 19399 57.0 4.0 461 280 286 3.97 5870 0
90.0 18378 56.0 4.0 447 273 278 3.79 5230 0
85.0 17357 54.9 4.0 435 266 271 3.63 4720 0
80.0 16336 53.8 4.0 423 262 266 3.46 4280 0
77.3 15774 53.2 4.0 418 260 265 3.36 4100 0
75.0 15315 52.7 4.0 414 259 264 3.27 3960 0
70.0 14294 51.5 4.0 401 256 260 3.06 3560 0
60.0 12252 48.9 4.0 385 255 258 2.71 3130 0
50.0 10210 46.0 4.0 372 262 264 2.33 2890 0
40.0 8168 42.7 0.0 338 244 242 2.10 1890 0
30.0 6126 38.8 0.0 286 208 206 1.94 740 0
25.0 5105 36.5 0.0 274 209 207 1.74 690 0

*1) Turbine bypass as a percentage of the total exhaust gas mass flow. Since the exhaust waste gate is controlled by the scavenge air
pressure, the indicated power is an approximation only. The opening/closing hysteresis is not shown.
*2) Exhaust gas temperature drop of 2°C from mixed temperature after turbine to economizer inlet.
*3) Guiding steam production capacity at 7 bar(a) / 165°C, boiler efficiency 100%, pinch point temperature difference 15°C, feed water
temperature 80°C.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 12 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp


ISO Conditions tAbC = 25°C, tCbS = 29°C, RH = 30%

Power Power Speed Byp *1) tEbT tEaT tEbE *2) pExh Steam *3) Urea *4)
[%] [kW] [rpm] [%] [°C] [°C] [°C] [bar] [kg/h] [l/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 4.0 453 265 270 4.62 5880 292
100.0 20420 58.0 4.0 423 244 249 4.31 4280 303
95.0 19399 57.0 4.0 408 234 239 4.15 3550 305
90.0 18378 56.0 4.0 394 226 231 3.97 2970 304
85.0 17357 54.9 4.0 383 220 225 3.81 2520 300
80.0 16336 53.8 4.0 372 215 220 3.64 2150 295
77.3 15774 53.2 4.0 367 214 218 3.53 2010 291
75.0 15315 52.7 4.0 363 213 217 3.44 1890 287
70.0 14294 51.5 4.0 350 209 212 3.23 1590 277
60.0 12252 48.9 4.0 335 207 210 2.87 1340 252
50.0 10210 46.0 4.0 323 213 215 2.48 1340 221
40.0 8168 42.7 3.2 310 221 222 2.08 1330 184
30.0 6126 38.8 8.8 310 251 254 1.63 1890 143
25.0 5105 36.5 10.7 310 265 268 1.45 1910 120

Design Conditions tAbC = 45°C, tCbS = 36°C, RH = 60%

Power Power Speed Byp *1) tEbT tEaT tEbE *2) pExh Steam *3) Urea *4)
[%] [kW] [rpm] [%] [°C] [°C] [°C] [bar] [kg/h] [l/h]
110.0 22462 59.9 4.0 500 301 307 4.49 7800 292
100.0 20420 58.0 4.0 469 281 286 4.18 6170 303
95.0 19399 57.0 4.0 454 271 276 4.01 5430 305
90.0 18378 56.0 4.0 440 263 269 3.83 4820 304
85.0 17357 54.9 4.0 428 258 263 3.67 4350 300
80.0 16336 53.8 4.0 417 253 258 3.50 3940 295
77.3 15774 53.2 4.0 412 252 257 3.39 3770 291
75.0 15315 52.7 4.0 408 251 256 3.30 3640 287
70.0 14294 51.5 4.0 395 248 252 3.10 3270 277
60.0 12252 48.9 4.0 379 248 252 2.74 2900 252
50.0 10210 46.0 4.0 368 256 258 2.36 2730 221
40.0 8168 42.7 0.0 335 240 238 2.12 1770 184
30.0 6126 38.8 3.8 310 240 241 1.76 1620 143
25.0 5105 36.5 5.8 310 257 258 1.54 1760 120

*1) Turbine bypass as a percentage of the total exhaust gas mass flow. Since the exhaust waste gate is controlled by the scavenge air
pressure, the indicated power is an approximation only. The opening/closing hysteresis is not shown.
*2) Exhaust gas temperature drop of 2°C from mixed temperature after turbine to economizer inlet.
*3) Guiding steam production capacity at 7 bar(a) / 165°C, boiler efficiency 100%, pinch point temperature difference 15°C, feed water
temperature 80°C.
*4) Solution of 40% mass fraction of solid urea, density of 1.1 kg/l at 20°C (must comply with ISO 18611-1:2014 standard).The consumption
values are for guidance only; the final urea flow rates are related to the measured NOx output and are determined on the testbed.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 13 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Performance Summary (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

ISO Conditions
Power [%]
[kg/kWh] BSEF 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115




5 162 BSFC [g/kWh]





500 152

450 150


[°C] tEbT 300

[°C] tEaT pScav [bar]
200 5.0

150 4.5




20 2.5

18 2.0

16 1.5


Speed [rpm]
10 65
[bar] BMEP 8 60

6 55




20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]
Effective values and shape of curves up to 40% power will depend on final settings of auxiliary blower.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 14 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Performance Summary (SCR, Tier III) PRELIMINARY

ISO Conditions
Power [%]
[kg/kWh] BSEF 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
6.0 166
BSFC [g/kWh]
500 154
450 152
400 150

[°C] tEbT 350 148

[°C] tEaT 300

pScav [bar]
150 5.0
20 2.0
18 1.5
16 1.0
Speed [rpm]
10 65
[bar] BMEP 8 60
6 55
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Power [%]
Effective values and shape of curves up to 40% power will depend on final settings of auxiliary blower.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 15 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Turbocharging Data (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

Turbocharger: 2 x A265-L
ISO Conditions
Air temperature before compressor: 25 °C
Coolant temperature before SAC: 29 °C
Relative humidity: 30 %
Back pressure after turbine: 600 mm WC
SAC differential pressure (max.): 300 mm WC

Performance Scavenge air side Exhaust gas side

Power Power Speed pScav tAaC tScav pExh tEbT tEaT Tur Flow Byp *1) EtaTC
[%] [kW] [rpm] [bar] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [bar] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [%] [%]
110.0 22462 59.9 4.70 221 35.8 37.8 4.57 461 275 37.3 4.0 66.2
100.0 20420 58.0 4.39 212 35.0 36.1 4.27 430 253 35.6 4.0 68.0
95.0 19399 57.0 4.22 206 34.6 35.2 4.11 415 242 34.6 4.0 68.8
90.0 18378 56.0 4.04 200 34.1 34.0 3.93 401 234 33.4 4.0 69.5
85.0 17357 54.9 3.88 194 33.7 33.0 3.77 389 228 32.4 4.0 70.1
80.0 16336 53.8 3.70 188 33.3 31.8 3.60 378 222 31.2 4.0 70.5
77.3 15774 53.2 3.60 184 33.0 31.0 3.49 372 221 30.4 4.0 70.7
75.0 15315 52.7 3.51 181 32.8 30.3 3.41 368 219 29.7 4.0 70.9
70.0 14294 51.5 3.30 172 32.2 28.7 3.20 356 215 28.2 4.0 71.1
60.0 12252 48.9 2.93 157 31.4 25.8 2.84 339 213 25.3 4.0 71.0
50.0 10210 46.0 2.54 139 30.6 22.4 2.46 327 218 21.9 4.0 70.3
40.0 8168 42.7 2.30 127 30.1 19.9 2.23 295 201 20.2 0.0 69.5

*1) Turbine bypass as a percentage of the total exhaust gas mass flow. Since the exhaust waste gate is controlled by the scavenge air
pressure, the indicated power is an approximation only. The opening/closing hysteresis is not shown.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 16 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Turbocharging Data (SCR, Tier III) PRELIMINARY

Turbocharger: 2 x A265-L
ISO Conditions
Air temperature before compressor: 25 °C
Coolant temperature before SAC: 29 °C
Relative humidity: 30 %
Back pressure after turbine: 300 mm WC
SAC differential pressure (max.): 300 mm WC

Performance Scavenge air side Exhaust gas side

Power Power Speed pScav tAaC tScav pExh tEbT tEaT Tur Flow Byp *1) EtaTC
[%] [kW] [rpm] [bar] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [bar] [°C] [°C] [kg/s] [%] [%]
110.0 22462 59.9 4.75 223 36.0 38.4 4.62 453 265 37.9 4.0 65.9
100.0 20420 58.0 4.43 214 35.2 36.7 4.31 423 244 36.1 4.0 67.8
95.0 19399 57.0 4.26 208 34.8 35.7 4.15 408 234 35.1 4.0 68.6
90.0 18378 56.0 4.08 202 34.3 34.6 3.97 394 226 33.9 4.0 69.4
85.0 17357 54.9 3.92 196 33.9 33.5 3.81 383 220 32.9 4.0 69.9
80.0 16336 53.8 3.74 189 33.4 32.3 3.64 372 215 31.6 4.0 70.4
77.3 15774 53.2 3.63 186 33.1 31.5 3.53 367 214 30.8 4.0 70.7
75.0 15315 52.7 3.54 182 32.9 30.8 3.44 363 213 30.2 4.0 70.8
70.0 14294 51.5 3.33 174 32.4 29.2 3.23 350 209 28.6 4.0 71.1
60.0 12252 48.9 2.96 159 31.5 26.2 2.87 335 207 25.6 4.0 71.0
50.0 10210 46.0 2.56 141 30.7 22.7 2.48 323 213 22.2 4.0 70.4
40.0 8168 42.7 2.15 119 29.9 18.9 2.08 310 221 18.7 3.2 68.9

*1) Turbine bypass as a percentage of the total exhaust gas mass flow. Since the exhaust waste gate is controlled by the scavenge air
pressure, the indicated power is an approximation only. The opening/closing hysteresis is not shown.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 17 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Scavenge Air Cooler (Tier II) PRELIMINARY

SAC layout according to rating: CMCR

Performance Specification Data ISO Design

Air temperature before compressor 25 °C 45 °C
Air pressure before compressor 1 bar 1 bar
Air relative humidity before compressor 30 % 60 %
Heat of condensation (approx) 0 kW 650 kW
Total heat transfer 3225 kW 3940 kW
Air Side
Mass flow inlet 18.1 kg/s 17.2 kg/s
Working pressure 4.39 bar 4.25 bar
Temperature inlet 212 °C 239 °C
Temperature outlet 35 °C 49 °C
Pressure drop (max) 3000 Pascal 3000 Pascal
Condensate flow (approx) 0 kg/h 1190 kg/h
Water Side
Volume flow 155 m³/h 155 m³/h
Temperature inlet 29.0 °C 36.0 °C
Temperature outlet 47.0 °C 58.1 °C
Velocity inside tubes (min) 1.5 m/s 1.5 m/s
Velocity inside tubes (max) 3.0 m/s 3.0 m/s
Pressure drop (max) 1.3 bar 1.3 bar
Fouling coefficient 0.04 m²K/kW 0.04 m²K/kW

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 18 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Cooling System PRELIMINARY

FW cooled / Separate HT circuit

Design Conditions
Air temperature before compressor: 45 °C
Coolant temperature before SAC: 36 °C
Relative humidity: 60 %

36 °C 1725 kW 75 °C 2830 kW
150 m³/h 46 °C ENGINE 90 °C

460 m³/h 163 m³/h

7875 kW
310 m³/h SAC 58 °C 0 m³/h

0 kW 163 m³/h
0 m³/h Anc 36 °C 75 °C 90 °C
46 °C 62 °C
2830 kW
12435 kW
59 °C

32 °C

598 m³/h sea water 50 °C

System data at 100% Rx (20420kW )

The lubricating oil and engine jacket cooler heat capacities are incorporated with a safety margin of around 15% in order to
account for e.g. overload conditions.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 19 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Lubricating Oil System PRELIMINARY

Main lubrication oil system (integrated TC lubrication)

Design Conditions
Air temperature before compressor: 45 °C
Coolant temperature before SAC: 36 °C
Relative humidity: 60 %

Crosshead pump
1725 kW 1660 kW
54 °C 45 °C 70 m³/h
45 °C
374 m³/h 0 m³/h
304 m³/h Separ.
0 m³/h
90 °C

54 °C Drain Heater
374 m³/h 34.0 m³ 3.8 m³/h 66 kW
Lubricating oil pump (initial filling)

System data at 100% Rx (20420 kW)

LO system excluding heat and oil flow for damper and back flushing filter flow.
The lubricating oil cooler heat capacities are incorporated with a safety margin of around 15% in order to account for e.g.
overload conditions.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 20 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp


Tank System Data

Feed circuit Settling tank HFO, MDO 33 m³ 8 h operation at CMCR
Service tank HFO, MDO, MGO 33 m³ 8 h operation at CMCR
Feed pump 5.1 m³/h
Booster circuit Booster pump 9.2 m³/h
HFO end heater 162 kW
Mixing unit 65 lt
Temperature after heater 150 °C
Treatment Separator throughput 4.0 m³/h
HFO preheater 57 kW
Fuel oil Kinematic viscosity at 50°C 700 mm²/s maximum value

Pressurized Fuel Oil System

from service tank
Feed circuit
85 °C Mixing Booster circuit
5.1 m³/h 65 lt
MDO / MGO 162 kW
150 °C
9.2 m³/h

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 21 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Installation Data PRELIMINARY




Dimensions A 11866 mm
In mm with a tolerance of approx. ± 10mm B 5050 mm
C 1800 mm
D 12310 mm
F1 15250 mm
G 2700 mm

Weight masses
Net engine mass 910 t
Weight water/oil -

Engine mass is calculated according to nominal dimensions of drawings, incl. turbochargers and scavenge air coolers (specified for R1), piping
and platforms but without oil / water. The dimensions are in mm across R1-rated engines with a tolerance of approx. ± 10mm.
The standard piston dismantling height as shown in the sketch can be reduced by using special tools and / or tilted lift of the piston.
The data on this page is for guidance in an early project stage only and is not binding. For detailed information and updates, please visit the
WinGD homepage.

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 22 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Exhaust Gas System PRELIMINARY

Design Conditions

2 x A265-L



Exhaust gas
Mass flow 34.7 kg/s
dA Temperature after TC 298 °C
Density 0.645 kg/m³
Back pressure 600 mm WC

Exhaust gas pipes Gas velocity Volume flow Diameter

Pipe A 40.0 m/s 96850 m³/h dA 1000 mm
Pipe B 25.0 m/s 193700 m³/h dB 1700 mm
Pipe C 35.0 m/s 193700 m³/h dC 1400 mm

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 23 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp

Engine Room Ventilation PRELIMINARY

Air fans

Main engine / diesel generator

combustion air and engine
room ventilation

Main engine

Air flow required for combustion Power Air flow

Main engine 20420 kW 109955 m³/h
Auxiliary engines 0 kW 0 m³/h
Boiler 0 kW 0 m³/h
Total 109955 m³/h

Air flow required for heat evacuation Heat Air flow

Main engine 266 kW
Auxiliary engines 0 kW
Boiler 0 kW
Steam pipes 9 kW
Exhaust pipes 77 kW
Gas fired boiler 28 kW
Hot tanks 0 kW
Generator 0 kW
Electrical installation 62 kW
Total 441 kW 111772 m³/h

Total air flow Power Air flow

Ventilation 362 kW 221727 m³/h

Based on: ISO 8861

Air ambient temperature: 35°C
Delivery head of the ventilation air blower: 30 mbar

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 24 of 25
20420 kW 53.0% R1 Project:
7X82-2.0 58.0 rpm 69.0% R1 Yard / Plant:
IMO Tier II / III compliant Owner:
Delta Bypass tuning Created: 09.09.2024 / bianp


Conditions ISO (3046-3:2006) Design

Air temperature before compressor 25 °C 45 °C
Engine room ambient air temp. 25 °C 45 °C
Coolant temperature before SAC *1) 29 °C 36 °C
Barometric pressure 1000 mbar 1000 mbar
Cylinder water outlet temperature 90 °C 90 °C
Oil temperature before engine 45 °C 45 °C
Exhaust gas back pressure Tier II 600 mm WC 600 mm WC
Exhaust gas back pressure Tier III 300 mm WC 300 mm WC
Relative humidity 30 % 60 %

*1) The seawater temperature will be 4°C lower than the specified coolant temperatures.

BMEP Brake mean effective pressure pExh Exhaust gas pressure before turbine
BSEF Brake specific exhaust gas flow pScav Scavenge air pressure
BSFC Brake specific fuel oil consumption PTO Power take-off
Byp Bypass, waste gate
RH Air relative humidity before compressor
CMCR Contract max. continuous rating (Rx)
SAC Scavenge air cooler
CPP Controllable pitch propeller
SCR Selective catalytic reduction
CSR Continuous service rating
SPC Steam production control
etaTC Turbocharger overall efficiency SPP Steam production power

FPP Fixed pitch propeller tAaC Air temperature after compressor

tAbC Air temperature before compressor
HFO Heavy fuel oil
tCbS Coolant temperature before SAC
HP High pressure
tEaT Exhaust gas temperature after turbine
HT High temperature
tEaTm Exhaust gas temperature after turbine, mixed
LHV Lower heating value tEbE Exhaust gas temperature before economizer
LP Low pressure tEbT Exhaust gas temperature before turbine
LT Low temperature Target temperature at SCR inlet
tScav Scavenge air temperature
MCR Maximum continuous rating (R1/R1+)
MDO Marine diesel oil
mExh Exhaust gas mass flow
mScav Scavenge air mass flow

All pressures stated are absolute pressures unless otherwise expressed.

Volume flow information in the unit Nm³/h refer to the standard state (101.325 kPa, 0°C).

Values for EEDI Calculation

Engine type 7X82-2.0
CMCR Power 20420 kW
CMCR Speed 58.0 rpm
Ambient condition ISO
Fuel LHV, Reference 42700 kJ/kg
BSFC (CMCR) 159.6 g/kWh
BSFC (75% Power) 150.9 g/kWh
BSFC (75% Power) + 6% tolerance 159.9 g/kWh

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. General Technical Data

CH-8401 Winterthur GTD / 2024-07-12
Switzerland Page 25 of 25

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