Kader Paper
Kader Paper
Kader Paper
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92 Kader et al.
Ruellia tuberosa (L.) is an erect, sub erect or diffuse perennial herb up to 60-70 cm tall and belongs to the
family Acanthaceae, a native of Central America introduced into Indian gardens as ornament and widely
distributed in South East Asia including Thailand and Laos. It is used medicinally in West Indies, Central
America, Guiana and Peru. Ruellia tuberosa (L.) is commonly known as “Cracker plant” (Pandey 2005,
Medicinal plants of the Guiana’s and Chothani et al. 2010). In Siddha system of medicine, leaves are given
with liquid copal as remedy for gonorrhea and ear diseases (Suseela and Prema 2007), used in stomach
cancer (Reddy et al. 1991). Dried and ground roots in dose of two ounces cause abortion and also used in
sore eyes (Kirtikar and Bashu 1935). The herb also exhibits emetic activity and employed as substitute of
ipecac also used in bladder stones and decoction of leaves is used in the treatment of bronchitis (The wealth
of India 1972). In Suriname’s traditional medicine system, it is used as anthelmintic and also in the
management of joint pain and strained muscles. In folk medicine, it has been used as diuretic, antipyretic,
antidiabetic, antidotal, thirst- quenching agent and analgesic and antihypertensive agent (Chiu and Chang
1995, Chen et al. 2006). Ruellia tuberosa (L.) is used as cooling agent in urinary problems and uterine
fibroids (Lans 2001 and 2006). It has recently been incorporated as a component in an herbal drink in
Taiwan (Balick et al. 2000). It is reported that it contains flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoids and alkaloids (Lin
et al. 2006, Subramanian and Nair 1974, Singh et al. 2002, Andhiwal and Varshney 1985). The aim of this
study was to explore the antibacterial and antifungal activity of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) roots to determine the
scientific basis for its use in folk medicine to treat microbial pathogen and other infectious diseases. Besides
this, we made an attempt to investigate the importance of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) roots as strong natural
Materials and Methods
Collection of plant Materials
The fresh roots of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) were collected during the month of July 2009, from the village
Haibotpur, situated near Natore district of Bangladesh and identified by Md. Arshed Alom, Taxonomist,
Department of Botany, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Extraction of plant Materials
The collected roots were sun dried for 10-12 days and then kept in an electric oven for 72 hrs at 40°C. Then
the dried roots were pulverized into coarse powder with the help of a grinding machine. The ground powder
(900 gm) was extracted with methanol (4.5 Liters) in an air tight clean flat bottomed container for 12 days at
room temperature with occasional stirring and shaking (Trease and Evans 1997).The extract was then
filtered first through a fresh cotton plug and finally with a whatman filter paper. The filtrate was then
evaporated to dryness in vacuum by a rotary evaporator at 40 - 50°C to afford a brownish mass (35 gm) and
kept for further analysis.
Collection of microorganisms
Antibacterial activity was determined against five Gram (+) ve bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus,
Streptococcus agalactiae, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus subtilis) and five Gram (-) ve
bacteria (Pseudomonus aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri, Shigella dysenteriae and Shigella
sonnei). The antifungal screening was carried out against six fungi (Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger,
Aspergillus ochreus, Aspergillus ustus, Rizopus oryzae and Trichophyton rubrum). All these organisms were
collected from the Microbiology Research Laboratory of Pharmacy Department, University of Rajshahi,
Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Activities of Ruellia tuberosa root extract 93
Insecticidal screening
For the conduction of surface film activity test of the plant extract, 60 mm petridishes were taken. The plant
extract (50 mg) was dissolved into 1 ml methanol. This was poured into the lower part of the petridish. A
control experiment applying only the solvent into the petridish was also set at the same time under the same
conditions (Bousquet 1990). After completing all the arrangements, treated petridishes were placed in a
secured place at room temperature. The whole experiment was observed from time to time and mortality was
observed first after 30 minutes and then after 12 hrs, 24 hrs, 36 hrs and finally after 48 hrs of exposure and
data were recorded. A simple microscope was used to observe each and every beetle by tracing natural
movements of each organism. In some cases hot needle was taken closer to the bodies (without movement)
to confirm death. Attention was also paid to recover the insects if occurred.
Results and Discussion
The result representing antibacterial activity of methanol extract of the roots of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) is
presented in Table 1. The highest activity of the plant extract was 23 mm diameter of zone of inhibition found
against Gram (-) ve bacteria, Shigella dysenteriae followed by Shigella sonnei (22 mm), Shigella flexneri (21
mm), Escherichia coli (18 mm) and Pseudomonus aeruginosa (17 mm) at a concentration of 500 µg/disc.
The plant extract was less effective against Gram (+) ve than Gram (-) ve bacteria. The lowest antibacterial
94 Kader et al.
activity was observed against Bacillus megaterium with the least zone of inhibition, 9 mm diameter and then
10 mm against Bacillus cereus, 11 mm against Bacillus subtilis and 13 mm against Staphylococcus aureus
and Streptococcus agalactiae. The reason for different sensitivity could be due to morphological difference
between microorganisms.
Table 1. Antibacterial activities of the methanolic extract of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) roots
Diameter of Zone of Inhibition(mm)
Test bacterial strains Methanol extract 500 µg/disc Std. Kanamycin 30 µg/disc
Gram (+ve) bacteria
Bacillus subtilis 11 21
Bacillus megaterium 09 22
Bacillus cereus 10 23
Staphylococcus aureus 13 22
Streptococcus agalactiae 13 20
Gram (- ve bacteria
Escerichia coli 18 28
Shigella dysenteriae 23 29
Shigella sonnei 22 28
Shigella flexneri 21 26
Pseudomonus 17 27
The methanolic extract of roots of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) was found to be effective against various fungi as
indicated by the zone of inhibition (Table 2). Maximum inhibition was obtained against Candida albicans (18
mm) followed by Aspergillus niger (16 mm), Aspergillus ochreus (15 mm), Aspergillus ustus (14 mm),
Rizopus oryzae (10 mm) at a concentration of 500 µg/disc in comparison to reference standard kanamycin
30µg/disc. The least zone of inhibition was noted against Trichophyton rubrum (8 mm).
Table 2. Antifungal activities of the methanolic extract of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) roots
Diameter of Zone of Inhibition(mm)
Test fungal strains Methanol extract 500 µg/disc Standard Kanamycin
30 µg/disc
Aspergillus niger 16 23
Aspergillus ochreus 15 21
Aspergillus ustus 14 21
Candida albicans 18 26
Rizopus oryzae 10 19
Tricophyton rubrum 08 17
The insecticidal activity of methanol extract of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) roots has been studied by testing it
against the insect, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and the results are represented in Table 3. The maximum
mortality rate of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) was 80% at a dose of 50 mg/ml in 48 hrs. The results have
shown that the methanolic extract of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) root was highly toxic to insects.
Activities of Ruellia tuberosa root extract 95
Table 3. Insecticidal activities of the methanolic extract of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) roots.
Extract Amount of Number of Number of insect killed Mortality %
extract (mg/ml) insect used
30 min 12 hrs 24 hrs 36 hrs 48 hrs
Methanolic extract
of Ruellia tuberosea 50 15 - 1 5 10 12 80%
Linn. Roots.
As an evolutionary process, plants on which insects, microorganisms and mammals are feeding, usually
acquire self defending capabilities by producing a variety of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids,
terpenoids, steroids and aromatic compounds which are presumably unpleasant or even toxic to the enemy.
Inside the tissue of nearly all the healthy plants, there are a lot of microorganisms which are called
endophytes. Endophytes are mutualistic to their host; at least some of them are thought to be making returns
for the nutrition from the plant by producing special substances such as secondary metabolites to prevent the
host from successful attack of fungi, pest and mammals. As a matter of fact, metabolites of endophytes were
reported to inhibit a number of microorganisms (Fisher et al. 1984, Gurney and Mantle 1993).
Yang and Tang (1998) reviewed the plant used for insect control and found that there is strong connection
between medicinal and pesticidal plants. Not only the world wide annual losses of food grains storage
caused by insects have been estimated to be about 10% of the world’s production, but loses of 25% or more
may also occur in tropical countries through insect attack after harvest (Howe 1965).
Previous phytochemical invstigations on this plant have revealed the presence of flavonoids, steroids,
triterpenoids and alkaloids. So, the insecticidal activity showed by the extract of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) roots
may be due to the presence of such type of phyto-constituents.
Human pathogenic microorganisms, phyto-pathogens are prone to developing drug resistance to decrease
substantially the effectiveness of those pesticides (Rosenberger and Meyer 1981). Therefore, there is an
urgent need to work towards the development of safer antimicrobial agents and bio-pesticides that are
expected to be renewable, non-petrochemical, naturally eco-friendly and easily obtainable.
From the results obtained, it is evident that Ruellia tuberosa (L.) root possesses potential inhibitory activity
against human pathogens (bacteria and fungi) and insects. Hence, there is a need to isolate possibly by
purification of the various phytochemical groups in the extracts. The further isolation of such bioactive
components could perhaps clarify the pharmacological properties of Ruellia tuberosa (L.) root and be further
exploited for pharmaceutical use.
The authors would like to thank the Department of Microbiology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and the
Microbiological Laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Science (INFS) for supply of test organisms.
We are also indebted to Md. Arshed Alom, Senior Technical Officer, Herbarium Museum, Department of
Botany, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh for the identification of the plant botanically.
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