Sitting Pryas - Question

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M,N,P,R,T,W,F,H,all are seated around a

circular table facing the center.P is 3rd to the
left of M who is 2nd to the right of T.N is 2nd
to the right of P. R is 2nd to the right of W
who is 2nd to the right of M. F is not a
neighbour of P.
M,N,P,R,T,W,F,H,all are
seated around a circular
table facing the center.P
is 3rd to the left of M
who is 2nd to the right of
T.N is 2nd to the right of
P. R is 2nd to the right of
W who is 2nd to the
right of M. F is not a
neighbour of P.
2.P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a square
table facing the centre in such a way that four of them
sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the
middle of each of the four sides.
P sits second to right of U. U sits in the middle of one
of the sides of the table. V, who does not sit at any of
the corners of the table, sits second to the right of S.
Only two people sit between S and Q (taken from one
side.) R is not an immediate neighbour of V. W sits
second to left of Q. T is not an immediate neighbour
of V and U.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting
around a square table facing the centre
in such a way that four of them sit at
four corners of the square while four sit
in the middle of each of the four sides.
P sits second to right of U. U sits in the
middle of one of the sides of the table.
V, who does not sit at any of the
corners of the table, sits second to the
right of S. Only two people sit between
S and Q (taken from one side.) R is not
an immediate neighbour of V. W sits
second to left of Q. T is not an
immediate neighbour of V and U.
3.A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, all are standing in a row
facing south.4 person in between A and G. 4
person in between C and E. H is 3rd to the left
of C. B is 3rd to the right of E. D is not an
immediate neighbour of C and E. A and E
doesnot sits extreme end position of the row.
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, all
are standing in a row
facing south.4 person
in between A and G. 4
person in between C
and E. H is 3rd to the
left of C. B is 3rd to the
right of E. D is not an
immediate neighbour of
C and E. A and E
doesnot sits extreme
end position of the row.
4.A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J all are seating in 2
different row with 2 group i.e X and Y.
F,A,C,E and D are in X group, seating in front
of Y group. D id 3rd to the right of A and
infront of G. B is immediate right if G and
facing south. H is 3rd to the right of B and in
front of F. C is in between A and E but infront
of I.
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,IJ, all
are seating in 2 different
row with 2 group i.e X
and Y. F,A,C,E and D are
in X group, seating in
front of Y group. D id 3rd
to the right of A and
infront of G. B is
immediate right if G and
facing south. H is 3rd to
the right of B and in
front of F. C is in
between A and E but
infront of I.
5.More than twelve peoples are sitting around a
table and all are facing centre. L sits third to the left
of M. Only one person sits between L and O. O and M
are not immediate neighbours. Three persons sit
between O and D. Two person sits between A and D. A
and O are not immediate neighbours. P sits immediate
left of A. T is immediate neighbor of P and M. S sits
second to the left of T. Only Two people sit between U
and S.
More than twelve peoples are
sitting around a circular table
and all are facing centre.L sits
third to the left of M. Only one
person sits between L and O.O
and M are not immediate
neighbours. Three persons sit
between O and D.Two person sits
between A and D. A and O are
not immediate neighbours.P sits
immediate left of A.T is
immediate neighbor of P and M.
S sits second to the left of T.Only
Two people sit between U and S.
1. Who is sitting second to the right
of L?
(a) S
(b) M
(c) T
(d) P
(e) A
2. Who sits at immediate right of A?
(a) P
(b) U
(c) O
(d) D
(e) No one
3. How many persons sitting in a
(a) 17
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) 14
(e) None of these
6. Answer the questions based on the information
given below. Eight persons- S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z
are standing on the circular table facing the center. All
the information is not necessarily in the same order. S
stands second to the left of X. W stands adjacent to
neither S nor X. Y stands to the immediate right of W.Z
stands second to the left of V.V and W are not
immediate neighbors. The number of persons stands
between X and V is the same as the number of persons
stands between V and T. U stands adjacent to neither
W nor Z.
Eight persons- S, T, U, V, W, X, Y,
and Z are standing on the circular
table facing the center. All the
information is not necessarily in the
same order. S stands second to the
left of X. W stands adjacent to
neither S nor X. Y stands to the
immediate right of W.Z stands
second to the left of V.V and W are
not immediate neighbors. The
number of persons stands between
X and V is the same as the number
of persons stands between V and T.
U stands adjacent to neither W nor
1) What is the position of S with
respect to V?
a) Immediate left
b) Immediate right
c) Third to the left
d) Third to the right
e) Second to the left
7.Eight persons-A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting at
a circular table. Some of them facing the centre and
some of them are facing the outward of the table.
G sits second to the left of A. D and H are immediate
neighbours and facing the same directions. A sits third
to the left of F. The immediate neighbours of C face the
same directions. D sits second to the right of both A
and B. The one who sits immediate right of A face
centre of the table and both the immediate neighbours
of A face opposite directions. F sits third to the right of
G and both are facing opposite directions. E sits second
to the right of both C and H.
Eight persons-A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H
are sitting at a circular table. Some of
them facing the centre and some of
them are facing the outward of the
G sits second to the left of A. D and H
are immediate neighbours and facing
the same directions. A sits third to the
left of F. The immediate neighbours of
C face the same directions. D sits
second to the right of both A and B.
The one who sits immediate right of A
face centre of the table and both the
immediate neighbours of A face
opposite directions. F sits third to the
right of G and both are facing opposite
directions. E sits second to the right of
both C and H.
1) How many persons sit
between E and F?
1.a) Two
2.b) Three
3.c) No one
4.d) One
5.e) None of these

2) What is the position of H

concerning the one who sits
second to the left of C?
1.a) Second to the right
2.b) Immediate left
3.c) Second to the left
4.d) Immediate right
5.e) None of these
8.Eight friends- E, I, K, L, M, O, S and R are
sitting on the straight line facing north but not
necessarily in the same order.

O sits third to the left of M. R sits at one of the

extreme ends of the line. Only two persons sit
between M and K. E is not an immediate
neighbour of L. Only one person sits between S
and R. K is not an immediate neighbour of R.
Only three persons sit between S and L.
Eight friends- E, I, K, L, M, O, S and
R are sitting on the straight line
facing north but not necessarily in
the same order.
O sits third to the left
of M. R sits at one of
the extreme ends of the
line. Only two persons
sit between M and K. E
is not an immediate
neighbour of L. Only
one person sits
between S and R. K is
not an immediate
neighbour of R. Only
three persons sit
between S and L.
1) What is the position of R
concerning E?
•Third to the right
•Third to the left
•Second to the right
•Second to the left
•None of these

2) How many persons sit between the

one who sits to the immediate right
of R and the one who sits to the
immediate left of E?
•No one
•None of these
9.A certain number of persons are sitting in a single row.
Two persons are facing north and the remaining persons
are facing South direction.

P sits 3rd to the left of R, who is 4th from the right end.
There are three persons sit between P and Q who is an
immediate neighbour of S. T is an immediate neighbour
of U and sits 4th from the left end. There are as many
persons sit between U and P as between P and S. V sits
4th to the right of T.
A certain number of persons
are sitting in a single row.
Two persons are facing
north and the remaining
persons are facing South
P sits 3rd to the left of R,
who is 4th from the right
end. There are three
persons sit between P and Q
who is an immediate
neighbour of S. T is an
immediate neighbour of U
and sits 4th from the left
end. There are as many
persons sit between U and P
as between P and S. V sits
4th to the right of T.
1. Who among the following sits 2nd to the left of V?

(a) P

(b) Q

(c) S

(d) R

(e) Can’t be determined

Q2. How many persons are sitting in a row?

(a) 14

(b) 15

(c) 16

(d) 17

(e) Can’t be determined.

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11.P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a circular table. R is

to the right of P and is second to the left of S. T is not
between P and S.
Who is second to the left of R?
(a) Q
(b) S
(c) T
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of these
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Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a circle. B is

between D and C. A between E and C. F is to the right of D.

Who is between A and F?

(a) B (b) C
(c) D (d) E
(e) None of these
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(i)A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in a circle facing at the centre

and playing cards.
(ii) E is neighbour of A and D.
(iii) G is not between F and C.
(iv) F is to the immediate right of A.

Which of the following does not have the pair of persons sitting
adjacent to each other

(a) BA (b) CB
(c) DE (d) GD
(e) None of thes
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(i)A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in a circle facing at the centre

and playing cards.
(ii) E is neighbour of A and D.
(iii) G is not between F and C.
(iv) F is to the immediate right of A.

Which of the following pairs has the second person sitting

immediately to the right the first?
(a) AB (b) CB
(c) EA (d) DG
(e) None of these

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