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Papa Speak Now Review 9 WB

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Lesson 18: Vocabulary MY HOMETOWN

Read the hints and write the words to complete the crossword puzzle.

1 2

6 7 8

10 11


Across Down
3. It keeps food cold in the summer. 1. They help you see at night.
4. It washes the dishes. 2. A short table, usually in the living room.
5. You open the door and put things in it. 7. You put things on them. They're on walls.
6. You sit on them. 11. You can watch the news on it.
8. You sleep on it.
9. You put clothes in it.
10. You cook on it.
12. Two or three people can sit on it in the living room.
Lesson 18: Reading & Writing MY HOMETOWN

Part 1
Read the page from a brochure.

Students' Suggestions

We know you have a lot of things to buy for your new life here at the school. On
this page, we've included students' ideas about the best places to buy them.
Coffee tables, Dressers
Why don't you buy them used? They are much cheaper than new ones, and they
usually still look good. New Homes is the best place to buy them, and they will
bring the furniture to your apartment for free.
This is one thing you should buy new. You'll use it a lot, and you don't know how
long used ones will last. The Best TVs on Orchard Road has the most choices, and
their prices are pretty good.
Beds, Sofas
Almost every student we talked to said Sleep World is the only place to get beds
and sofas, but a few students said World of Sleep isn't bad.
Good luck shopping!

Answer the questions.

l. Who is this article for?

2. What should they buy new?
3. Is there only one place that sells beds and sofas?
4. Where is the TV store that students suggested?
5. Why do students suggest New Homes?

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. In your country, what things are usually in apartments that you rent?
2. In your country, where do students usually live during university?
3. Look at the suggestions in the article. What things do you have to have in an apartment?
What things could you live without?

Imagine a new student is moving to your area. List one or more good places for them to buy used or
new furniture for an apartment.

In class, agree on the best places to buy used and new furniture in the area. Do you prefer new or used
furniture? Why?
Lesson 19: Vocabulary MY HOMETOWN

Part 1
Match the places on the left with their definitions on the right.

1. bank A. a place where you canbuy many different things

2. drugstore B. a place where you go to watch films
3. hair salon c. a big building with many small stores inside
4. movie theater D. a place where you get and keep your money
5. department store E. a place where you buy things to help you when you are sick
6. mall F. a place where you can send a letter
7. library G. a place women go to get their hair cut
8. post office H. a place where you can read books and magazines

Complete the sentences with information that is true for you. In class, take turns reading your
sentences with a partner.

l. ------------------------- is the best movie theater for seeing movies.

2. A department store _____ the best place to shop for clothes.
3. The nearest library is----------------------------------
4. At the mall, I like to hang out with friends at -----------------------
5. There is a good hair salon--------------------------------
6. The __________________________________ is near thebank.
7. Many people go tO---------------------------------
because it's the _________ drugstore.
Lesson 19: Reading & Writing MY HOMETOWN

Part 1
Read the notice below.

Lost cat
$$$ REWARD$$$
Have you seen this cat?
Her name is Kitty. She is friendly and loves people.
I lost her on Friday, March 7, between 7:20 p.m. and 7:50 p.m.
We were near the post office on King Street. It's across from
the City Park, the one with the City Library. I saw Kitty going
toward the bus stop that is next to the supermarket on Third
Avenue. My apartment is near Forty-Third Avenue, so I don't
think she will walk home.
Maybe you thought she didn't have a family so you took her home, but I miss her.
Please call with any information. Sally 555-028-7469.

Mark the statements T (True) or F (False).

1. Kitty lost Sally.
2. The bus stop is near Second Avenue.
3. The City Library is in the City Park.
4. The supermarket is on Forty-Third Avenue.
5. Sally's apartment is too far for Kitty to walk.
6. Sally lives near King Street.

PAIR WORK Correct the false statements with your partner. Then talk about what else she could do to
try to find her cat.

Imagine you found Kitty. Write Sally an e-mail. In it, decide when and where you will meet to give the
cat back. How much of a reward do you want from Sally?

A reward is money you get for doing something good. Are rewards popular in your country? In class,
talk about how much reward you would want to return Sally's cat. Also talk about how much reward
you would give if you lost something important.
Lesson 20: Vocabulary MY HOMETOWN

Read the conversations. What place are they talking about? Write your answer on the line. In class,
practice the conversations with a partner.

A: Hi. Do you want to go to a baseball game on Sunday?
B: Sounds great!

Mom: It's a beautiful day. Why don't you go out to play?
Son: There's a soccer game on the field, and I'm too old for
the other things there.

Driver: Where to?
A: The Carlton Hotel, please.

A: Excuse me. Does this one go to Pennsylvania Avenue?
B: No, but the next bus does. It's number 17 A.

Announcement: Next stop, Diamond Hill. Change here for the
East Kowloon Line.

Radio announcer: The cars on 1-105 aren't moving at all. You
should take another road unless you like
sitting in your car and listening to the radio
for a long time!

A: Do you want to go fishing at 2:00?
B: Sure. 1'11 meet you there.

News reporter: Last night, some trees fell over it, so cars on
Highway 26 can' t cross the river this morning.
Lesson 20: Reading & Writing MY HOMETOWN

Part 1
Read the text messages.

Hi, Matteo. You are close! Follow

these directions to find my place ...
You texted me that you're on the
corner ofThirteenth Street and
Bennett Avenue. Go up Thirteenth
until you see a yellow house on
the corner ofThirteenth and
Madison Avenue.Turn right. Walk
two blocks, past Fifteenth Street.
On the next block, there's a big
apartment building on your left. I'm
in apartment 12.
When you come in the door, go up
the stairs to the third floor and turn
right. It's at the end, on your right.
Call if you get lost,

Answer the questions.

1. Who is giving directions?

2. Does Matteo have to go under a bridge to get to the apartment?

3. What street is Matteo on when he sends the text?
4. What happened before Marco wrote the text?
5. From Thirteenth Street, how many blocks is it to the apartment?

PAIR WORK Using the map, practice giving directions. Use other ways to get to Marco's house.

Write a short text to your mom. Explain how to get from your school to your favorite cafe
or restaurant.

In class, compare the directions you wrote. Does your partner understand them? Could they
meet you at your favorite cafe or restaurant using your directions?
Lesson 29: Vocabulary PAST & FUTURE

Part 1
Use the words in parentheses to write sentences with information that is true for you.

1. --------------------------------- last weekend. (study)

2. ----------------------------- all day yesterday. (stay home)
3. ------------------------------- last night. (meet friends)
4. _____________________________ last weekend. (go shopping)
5. ------------------------------ last Saturday. (see a movie)
6. -------------------------- the day before yesterday. (get a haircut)

In class, compare answers with a partner. Ask follow-up questions.

A: Did you study last weekend?
B: No, I didn't. I went shopping and had dinner with a friend.
A: Where did you eat?

In each conversation, there is a mistake. Cross it out and write the correct word on the line. In class,
practice the correct conversations with your partner.

I. A: How did your weekend? 4. A: My weekend was OK.

B: It was great. B: What did you doing?
2. A: Did you went shopping? 5. A: What about you? What did you do?
B: No, I didn't. B: I was watching a movie.

3. A: How about you? 6. A: Did you do anything special on Friday?

B: I did stay home all day on Saturday. B: Not really. I didn't go shopping, and I didn't
watched any movies.
Lesson 29: Reading & Writing PAST & FUTURE

Part 1
Read the e-mail below.

From: Yiwei Ye
Subject: Thank you
Date: July 9, 2013
To: Julia Family

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Julia,

Thank you for taking me with you on Saturday. I had a great time
celebrating your daughter Dolores' birthday, and I'm glad she liked
my present. I knew she would look great in that shirt.
The baseball game was fantastic. It was my first time seeing a
professional game, and there was excitement in the air! It was so
cool of you to get us special tickets so we could meet some of the
players. It's too bad our team lost, but they will win next time!
I will never forget Saturday. Thank you again,

Complete the sentences.

1. Yiwei gave Dolores a present for her---------

2. Dolores' last name is---------
3. Yiwei's present was a---------
4. The team Mr. and Mrs. Julia like--------- the game.
5. They got to meet-------------
6. It was the first time Yiwei saw-------------

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

l. How would you feel if you were Yiwei?
2. What do people usually do to celebrate birthdays in your country?
3. · What sports and events are popular to watch in your country?
4. In your country, when do people usually write thank you letters?

Imagine someone took you to a special event. Write an e-mail to thank the person.

Share your thank you e-mail with your classmates. Is there a special event someone wrote
about that you want to go to? As a class, pick the top five special events.

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