Sample Template For Comparison
Sample Template For Comparison
Sample Template For Comparison
Simple Definition It is automatic and easily accessed Explicit knowledge deals with
and provides a great contribution language and the uses to which
to building communicative skills. language can be put. This
Implicit knowledge is unconscious, knowledge facilitates the intake
internalized knowledge of language and development of implicit
that is easily accessed during language, and it is useful to
spontaneous language tasks, monitor language output. Explicit
written or spoken (Brown, 2000). knowledge is generally accessible
Implicit knowledge is gained in the through controlled processing
natural language learning process.
When to use? Should be used in contexts Use explicit knowledge
where rapid, automatic when learners are in
language processing is structured learning
essential. It is most effective environments, such as
in natural communication grammar exercises, formal
scenarios, such as lessons, or classroom
spontaneous conversations instruction. It’s helpful
when they need to
and informal writing, where
consciously learn and apply
learners need to respond
grammatical rules.
quickly and fluidly without
conscious thought. This type
of knowledge is also crucial
for achieving fluency,
allowing learners to use
language smoothly and
Where to use? It is best used in real-time, Explicit knowledge should be
spontaneous communication employed in structured and
where rapid, automatic processing controlled environments where
of language is required. It plays a learners have the opportunity to
crucial role in achieving fluency and reflect on and apply grammatical
is developed through immersive rules consciously. This includes
experiences and repetitive practice formal classroom instruction,
grammar exercises, and writing
assignments where learners can
focus on the rules and correct
their errors through feedback.
What are the steps? Implicit knowledge relies on natural The steps for utilizing explicit and
exposure, repetitive practice, and implicit knowledge in language
intuitive application in real-world learning and use are distinct but
contexts. complementary. Explicit
knowledge involves several key
stages: First, learners receive
formal instruction on grammatical
rules and language structures in a
structured setting. Next, they
engage in controlled practice
activities, such as grammar
exercises, where they consciously
apply these rules.