Sample Template For Comparison

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SAMPLE TEMPLATE FOR COMPARISON (You can provide your own)

Please refer to the findings of Widodo

Simple Definition It is automatic and easily accessed Explicit knowledge deals with
and provides a great contribution language and the uses to which
to building communicative skills. language can be put. This
Implicit knowledge is unconscious, knowledge facilitates the intake
internalized knowledge of language and development of implicit
that is easily accessed during language, and it is useful to
spontaneous language tasks, monitor language output. Explicit
written or spoken (Brown, 2000). knowledge is generally accessible
Implicit knowledge is gained in the through controlled processing
natural language learning process.
When to use? Should be used in contexts Use explicit knowledge
where rapid, automatic when learners are in
language processing is structured learning
essential. It is most effective environments, such as
in natural communication grammar exercises, formal
scenarios, such as lessons, or classroom
spontaneous conversations instruction. It’s helpful
when they need to
and informal writing, where
consciously learn and apply
learners need to respond
grammatical rules.
quickly and fluidly without
conscious thought. This type
of knowledge is also crucial
for achieving fluency,
allowing learners to use
language smoothly and
Where to use? It is best used in real-time, Explicit knowledge should be
spontaneous communication employed in structured and
where rapid, automatic processing controlled environments where
of language is required. It plays a learners have the opportunity to
crucial role in achieving fluency and reflect on and apply grammatical
is developed through immersive rules consciously. This includes
experiences and repetitive practice formal classroom instruction,
grammar exercises, and writing
assignments where learners can
focus on the rules and correct
their errors through feedback.
What are the steps? Implicit knowledge relies on natural The steps for utilizing explicit and
exposure, repetitive practice, and implicit knowledge in language
intuitive application in real-world learning and use are distinct but
contexts. complementary. Explicit
knowledge involves several key
stages: First, learners receive
formal instruction on grammatical
rules and language structures in a
structured setting. Next, they
engage in controlled practice
activities, such as grammar
exercises, where they consciously
apply these rules.

A student learns the rules for A native English speaker

Give forming the past tense in English. intuitively understands the
example/situation They understand that regular verbs difference between "I have
form the past tense by adding "-ed" eaten" and "I ate" without
(sample lesson) (e.g., "walk" becomes "walked"). In needing to consciously think
a classroom exercise, the student is about the grammatical rules.
asked to convert a list of verbs to They naturally use the correct
their past tense forms and can form in everyday speech and
accurately apply the rule to writing based on their exposure
complete the task. They can also to and practice with the language.
explain the rule to someone else, When speaking with friends, they
such as by describing how "play" don’t need to pause and analyze
changes to "played" and "talk" to which tense to use; they simply
"talked." produce the correct form
automatically based on their
internalized language patterns.
What are the Offers several advantages in Provides clear, conscious
advantages? language use. It promotes fluency understanding of grammatical
and speed, allowing speakers to rules and language structures.
process and produce language This allows learners to grasp
quickly and effortlessly, which is complex concepts and articulate
essential for real-time their understanding effectively. It
communication. Implicit knowledge is particularly useful for error
also supports intuitive correction, as learners can
understanding, enabling learners to analyze and correct mistakes
grasp idiomatic expressions and based on their explicit knowledge
informal language naturally without
conscious rule application
What are the Which is gained through experience is formalized and can be easily
disadvantages? and often operates unconsciously, shared (e.g., through books or
can be hard to transfer or manuals), has its own limitations.
communicate because it is difficult It can become outdated quickly,
to articulate and codify. This makes especially in rapidly changing
it challenging for organizations to fields. Over-reliance on explicit
share and leverage such knowledge knowledge can lead to rigid
effectively thinking, where individuals focus
too much on established rules
and miss out on creative, intuitive
SAMPLE TEMPLATE FOR COMPARISON (You can provide your own)
Simple Definition comes from inductive reasoning approach is derived from the notion
stating that a reasoning that deductive reasoning works
progression proceeds from from
particulars (that is, observations, the general to the specific. In this
measurements, or data) to case, rules, principles, concepts, or
generalities (for example, rules, theories are
laws, concepts or theories) (Felder presented first, and then their
& Henriques, applications are treated. In
1995). In short, when we use conclusion, when we use
induction, we observe a number of deduction, we reason from general
specific instances to specific principles.
and from them infer a general
principle or concept.
When to use? is best used when fostering is more suitable when the goal is to
exploration and critical thinking, as provide clear instruction on
it encourages students to discover established rules, formulas, or
rules or principles through concepts. It works well for
observation, experimentation, or introducing foundational
inquiry. This method is effective knowledge or when there is a need
when teaching new concepts, as it for precision, such as in
promotes engagement and deeper mathematics or grammar.
understanding by allowing students Deductive teaching is also beneficial
to draw conclusions from specific when time constraints demand
examples or cases. direct instruction, ensuring that
students quickly grasp essential
concepts before applying them in
Where to use? is most effective in inquiry-based is ideal in structured settings where
learning environments, such as precise and clear instruction is
science labs, language learning, or necessary, such as in mathematics,
real-world problem-solving formal grammar instruction, or
scenarios, where students benefit when teaching established theories
from discovering patterns or rules or concepts. It is particularly useful
through observation and in environments where students
exploration. It is well-suited for need a solid foundation before
situations where students need to moving on to more complex or
engage critically with the material, practical applications, such as in
develop reasoning skills, and foster introductory courses or highly
creativity by drawing conclusions technical subjects
from specific examples.
What are the tudents are encouraged to explore the process starts with the teacher
steps? and analyze the material, looking presenting a general rule, theory, or
for patterns or relationships. concept upfront. This is followed by
Through guided questioning and explaining or demonstrating how
discovery, they are prompted to the rule works with specific
identify the underlying principles or examples to clarify understanding.
rules. This approach allows students Once the principle is introduced
to construct knowledge by moving and explained, students engage in
from the specific to the general. The practice exercises or applications to
final step involves formalizing the reinforce their comprehension.
concept or theory based on what
they have uncovered and applying it
to new situations.
Give might occur in a science class could take place in a grammar
example/situation where students are given several class. The teacher begins by
(sample lesson) different substances and asked to explicitly explaining the rule for
observe how each reacts when forming the past tense in English
exposed to heat. Without being told (e.g., adding "-ed" to regular verbs).
the principle behind heat After the rule is presented, the
conduction, they are guided to teacher provides a list of verbs and
explore the materials, record their demonstrates how the rule is
findings, and identify which applied to each one. Students then
substances conduct heat better. practice by conjugating different
Through discussion and analysis, verbs into the past tense, working
they begin to realize that metals are from the general rule to specific
better conductors than non-metals. examples, reinforcing their
Only after this discovery do the understanding through application.
teacher and students formally state
the principle of heat conduction,
moving from specific observations
to the general rule.
What are the The approach involves learners’ The deductive approach respects
advantages? pattern-recognition and problem- the intelligence and maturity of
solving abilities in which particular many
learners are interested in this adult learners in particular and
challenge. acknowledges the role of cognitive
processes in language acquisition.
What are the The approach may frustrate the Grammar explanation encourages a
disadvantages? learners with their personal teacher-fronted, transmission-style
learning classroom, so it will hinder learner
style, or their past learning involvement and interaction
experience (or both) would prefer immediately.
simply to be
told the rule.

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