G-SMATT Architectural Brochure
G-SMATT Architectural Brochure
G-SMATT Architectural Brochure
Glass Solutions
The future is now
Vibrant digital beacons for modern cityscapes
Transform your building into an iconic landmark. With 130 successfully completed projects
Amaze people with inspiring visuals. Engage worldwide, this innovative technology is
them with interactive content such as games or tried and tested and is continually being
live digital artworks. Through instantaneously improved upon.
customisable content, we enable you to turn
glass façades into storytelling canvases of This is the next generation of story telling at an
architectural proportions. architectural scale.
Join the growing Smart City revolution, to create Being proud winners of many awards in 2017-18,
social hubs in our urban areas, where people including the prestigious London Construction
can meet and form a seamless connection Awards Technological Innovation of 2017, we’re
between the physical and digital experience. supporting our urban environments towards a
brighter, more connected future.
2 www.g-smatteurope.com 3
G-SMATT Digital Media Glass Why choose us?
Allow us to introduce you to our next generation Digital Media Benefit What this means for you
Façade Technology
G-SMATT Digital Glass is at the forefront of Media Façade
Unlike previous generation media façade systems, G-SMATT Digital Media Glass Futureproof Technologies, therefore positioning our clients as pioneers,
provides totally transparent glass that allows natural daylight to pour in, complementing your brand spearheading innovation.
the beauty of the architectural design. The LEDs are integrated within the glass
laminate, resulting in an intelligent, weatherproof solution, with all electronics protected
This a highly durable product, requiring a similar capital investment
from the elements.
Cost effective to previous generation mesh and strip LED systems on the market,
This means G-SMATT Digital Media Glass is the primary facade material providing yielding much lower total cost of ownership.
the weatherproof envelope of the building in one neat solution. Our system can be
designed in conjunction with all market leading curtainwall systems or retrofitted to the
internal or external surfaces of an existing façade. Enhance the Not only can our technology provide an elegant glass façade, but can
beauty also burst into life with a vivid, eye-catching display.
Maximise Unlike conventional LED displays, which create dead and dark spaces
useable floor behind them, utilize all available floor area in your building, producing
area habitable interior space all the way to the façade.
4 www.g-smatteurope.com 5
Immersive Spaces
your message
Project who you are and your values
Shopping Centres
Durability interactive
G-SMATT media glass comes
Our Digital Media Glass is a with a library of pre-developed
tough and robust construction apps allowing people to interact
material and can be built in a with your facade increasing
variety of specifications to awareness, footfall and
suit your needs. engaging those
around you.
6 www.g-smatteurope.com 7
Engaging Exteriors
Our glass is so transparent it
looks like standard laminated
glass when not in use, which
minimises distractions for
Create office occupants.
Information and displays at
airports, bus stops and railways.
Art installations
Engaging displays
Transform interiors:
Public waiting areas
impact Introduce
Set yourself apart from infotainment
your competition and
provide a talking point with Easily delivers a stream of text
your graphics. and image-based information
on your glass. Create welcome
messages, sales offers, news
bulletins, weather information,
and much more.
8 www.g-smatteurope.com 9
G-SMATT completed the installation of a large 1,200 square Cover glass Cover glass
Laminating Interlayer Air/argon cavity
metre transparent architectural LED media glass facade.
LED Laminating Interlayer
There were a number of challenges facing the The result is a breathtaking facade nearly three FTO Glass LED
team as the building remained open throughout times the area of a basketball court used for FTO Glass
the construction process and all finishing works commercial advertisement and for culture and
had to be carried out at night. art displays. This facade helps to bring the
community together and the cityscape to life.
In addition, there were varying dimensions
which required complex engineering at the
Size: 1,200 square meters of glass
design stage to ensure a constant pitch of the
LEDs across the glass to ensure the highest Glass specifications:
Number of LEDS: Over 300,000
image quality curved and faceted. Types of glass: Normal or low iron
Pitch of LEDs: P60
2 4
Coex Convention & Exhibition
Centre in South Korea Components Thickness
Installation time: Three months Base Glass - Fluorine-doped tin oxide FTO 1 4/6mm
Inside Outside Resin (interlayer) 2 2.5mm
Cover glass 3 4/6/8/10mm
4 2
Other specifications:
Transparency 99.75%
5 1 3
Scan to see this
facade in action!
10 www.g-smatteurope.com 11
LED arrangement System diagram
The LED arrangement that you pick will impact the definition of Simply bring your graphics to life. Our simple control enables you
your facade, so we can work with you to ensure you pick the best to rapidly arrange, schedule and play content on your glass facade.
product for your application: SMATT Europe (GSE) can provide full media support - generating
and managing your content schedule.
Mono Mono Colour Colour Colour Colour
P40 P30 P80 P60 P40 P30
Pixel Pitch 42 (mm) 31.42 (mm) 84 (mm) 63 (mm) 42 (mm) 31.25 (mm)
Viewing angle H: 140°, V: 140° H: 140°, V: 140° H: 140°, V: 140° H: 140°, V: 140° H: 140°, V: 140° H: 140°, V: 140°
Media Server
Brightness 4500 nit 3500 nit 3000 nit 5000 nit 2200 nit 1900 nit
Colour depth 12 bit 12 bit 12 bit 12 bit 12 bit 12 bit Distribution Box
1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x
10.5 mm 10.5 mm 10.5 mm 10.5 mm 10.5 mm 10.5 mm
Distribution Box
Weight Appx 23kg Appx 23kg Appx 23kg Appx 23kg Appx 23kg Appx 23kg
Glass power
100 W DC 135 W DC 60 W DC 180 W DC 180 W DC 230 W DC LED
Power consumption
125 W AC 170 W AC 75 W AC 220 W AC 220 W AC 255 W AC Cover Glass
(with SMPS)
100 - 240 V 100 - 240 V 100 - 240 V 100 - 240 V 100 - 240 V 100 - 240 V FTO Glass
/ 50 - 60 Hz / 50 - 60 Hz / 50 - 60 Hz / 50 - 60 Hz / 50 - 60 Hz / 50 - 60 Hz
SMPS input voltage
(depends on (depends on (depends on (depends on (depends on (depends on
Laminating Interlayer
-40 - +80 °c -40 - +80 °c -40 - +80 °c -40 - +80 °c -40 - +80 °c -40 - +80 °c
-30 - +60 °c -30 - +60 °c -30 - +60 °c -30 - +60 °c -30 - +60 °c -30 - +60 °c
12 www.g-smatteurope.com 13
Safety and quality
At GSE quality and durability are key, our market leading media glass European glass compliance
products are designed, manufactured and installed to all the ISO and
CE standards relevant to the glass and electron components.
Test Standard Test Description Classification
FC-1000-0256, 230V,50/60Hz,400W CE
Electric Sign EN 55015:
(1000*2000, 10.5T, 16*32 additional 2015.09.16
Board GSG-C/M/X/D 2013
colour) M/X/D=>16*16 guideline
FC-1000-0256 colour CE
14 www.g-smatteurope.com 15
Installation An example of a curtain wall
installation diagram
It is
to install our G-SMATT
media glass. The highlighted area
shows the G-SMATT
It can be retrofitted to the interior or exterior of an product in relation to the
existing facade, or it can be used as the primary curtain wall
16 www.g-smatteurope.com 17
Frequently asked questions
How long does it take to install? How long will the LED last? What does the viewing distance look like for a media facade on a building?
This will depend on the size of your installation. The lifetime of G-SMATT media glass varies
Get in touch with your requirements and we can by the usage environment and usage time.
provide you with an estimate. However, the estimated lifetime is 100,000
hours (under a general environment and
How much does it cost? 24-hour continuous operation condition), which
We will provide an estimate based on is 34 years at eight hours of operation per day. 5m 10m 20m
your requirements. We also guarantee the glass for five years and
the electronics for two years.
Can you produce different
How visible is the product
shaped glass?
in daytime?
G-SMATT media glass can be made only in a flat
rectangular shape. Making curved glass is not G-SMATT media glass is like a normal window
possible but we can look at alternative options during the daytime and provides a splendid
for creating this effect. media facade in the evenings. We recommend
that G-SMATT media glass is used as a media
What is the country of origin and facade during low light and dusk/evening times. 5m 10m 20m
brand of the glass? Is the light projected in
We typically use KCC Korea products for the
both directions?
Cover Glass and Pilkington for our FTO Glass, but
this can be changed upon request. Lighting is one way, however the reflection can
be seen from the rear side. The reflectivity of Double glazed structure: Typical G-Glass structure:
the cover glass may vary but it is typically 7.5%
Are other colours available?
backwards and not distracting.
Different colors can be applied to the
Cover Glass, but please consult because 4mm FTO Glass
Will a media facade obey light 4mm FTO Glass
brightness and color can be affected by
different transmittance. pollution regulations? LED Units LED Units
We are able to adjust the brightness level, so it is 2.5mm Interlayer
Is it easily broken by easy to ensure that we remain within regulations. 6mm Cover Glass 2.5mm Interlayer
physical shock?
6mm Argon cavity
Do you provide maintenance? 6mm Cover Glass
G-SMATT laminated glass has passed physical 10mm Cover Glass
shock and safety tests and has also obtained the Yes, GSE offer a range of maintenance
certificates listed below contract options.
• CE, EN356, Ball drop test 1000mm
How visible are the LED units? 1000mm
• EN12600, Pendulum test.
Each LED at 3mm x 3mm is almost indiscernible
under normal viewing conditions from Typical example of (barrier) loads on 1000 mm x 2250 mm glass pane
3 metres distance.
18 www.g-smatteurope.com 19
Get in touch
To transform your building, get in touch and we’ll
discuss the options available to you.
G-SMATT Europe
King Charles House
Park End Street
Oxford, OX1 1JD