Unit 8
Unit 8
Unit 8
8.1 Introduction Procedure
8.2 Viscosity of Liquids
The Coefficient of Viscosity
8.5 Experiment 8B: To Study
Units the Variation of Viscosity
Effect of Temperature
of the Aqueous Solution
of a Detergent with
8.3 Measurement of the Concentration
Coefficient of Viscosity
Ostwald Viscometer Technique Requirements
8.4 Experiment 8A: To Procedure
Determine the Coefficient Observations
of Viscosity of a Liquid or Calculations
a Dilute Solution by Result
Ostwald Viscometer 8.6 Answers
In the previous two experiments, you studied about the surface tension, a
property which arises due to intermolecular forces of attraction operating
between the molecules of the liquid. In these two experiments, in the light of
the intermolecular forces, you will study another important property of liquids
i.e. the viscosity.
Viscosity is a property of fluids, i.e., both gases and liquids have viscosity; but
here we will focus our attention only on the liquids. As you know, the liquids are
mobile and have general property to flow, known as fluidity.
When the molecules of a liquid move forward, the surrounding molecules due
to intermolecular forces of attraction, develop a relative tendency to oppose
this movement. Such internal resisting forces that restrain the molecules of a
liquid from flowing past each other, are indeed, responsible for the viscosity of
Here, you will study about the measurement of the coefficient of viscosity of a
liquid or an aqueous solution and the variation of viscosity of an aqueous
solution of a detergent with concentration in two experiments viz. Expts. 8A
and Expt. 8B.
After studying the basic principles and performing the experiments, you should
be able to:
distinguish between the fluidity and the viscosity of liquids and correlate
define the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid and derive its units,
discuss the effect of temperature and the molecular forces of attraction on
the coefficient of viscosity,
explain the principle involved in the measurement of the coefficient of
viscosity of a liquid,
determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid or a dilute solution by
Ostwald viscometer technique and
study the variation of viscosity of an aqueous solution of a detergent with
The hydrogen bonds also enhance the coefficient of viscosity to a large extent.
It is, indeed, the presence of a network of hydrogen bonds which accounts for
the very high viscosity of glycerol. Incidentally, the larger the number of
hydroxyl groups in a molecule, the more complex will be the network of
hydrogen bonds and the greater will be the resistance of a liquid to flow.
Similar to the surface tension, you would expect the viscosity to decrease in
intermolecular forces of attraction with increase in temperature. At higher
temperature, the number of hydrogen bonds in a liquid also diminishes and the
viscosity is expected to decrease.
Parallel concentric
common cylindrical layers:
central axis V max cylindrical layers of
liquids which have
common central axis as
shown in Fig. 8.1(a).
(a) (b)
Fig. 8.1: (a) Parallel concentric cylindrical layers (b) Laminar Flow.
where, is the proportionality constant and is also called the coefficient of
viscosity of the liquid at the given temperature. Therefore, from Eq. 8.1, we can
dν … (8.2)
If A is 1 m2 and 1 s 1 is, then F .
Thus, the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid, , at a given temperature may be
defined as, the force per unit area required to maintain a unit difference of
velocity between two parallel layers at unit distance apart. This is also
obvious from the Eq. 8.2. For convenience, at times, the coefficient of viscosity
is often called the viscosity of liquids. Having defined the coefficient of
viscosity, let us know study its units.
8.2.2 Units
1N = 1 kg m s
In SI system, from Eq. 8.2, we can that
-2 Unit of F N
1 Pa s = 1 m s Units of η 2 1
N m 2 s
dν m .ms
= 1 (kg m ) m s
-2 Unit of A.
-1 -1
= 1 kg m s
Since N m-2 = Pa (Pascal, unit of pressure)
= Pa s
A liquid has a viscosity In c.g.s. system, the unit of coefficient of viscosity is poise. A liquid has a
of 1 Pa s if a force of IN -2
coefficient of viscosity of one poise if a force of 1 dyne (1 g cm s ) is required
is required to move a
plane of 1 m at a to move a plane of 1 cm2 at a velocity of 1 cm s-1 with respect to plane 1 cm
velocity of 1 m s with away and parallel with it.
respect to a plane
Unit of F
surface 1 m away and Unit of
parallel with it. dν
Unit of A.
cm 2
g cm s-2
cm2 s1
g cm-1 s-1
= 10-1 Pa. s
At this stage, it will be beneficial for you to answer the SAQ’s given below:
How are the viscosity and the fluidity of a liquid related to each other?
What does the viscosity of a liquid measure?
Fill I the blanks with correct words.
What are the units of the coefficient of viscosity I the c.g.s. and SI systems?
log η B … (8.3)
where A and B are constants for a given liquid and T is the absolute
temperature. The plot of log against 1 , therefore, gives a straight line,
demonstrating the fact that the viscosity of a liquid rapidly decreases with the
rise in temperature, see Fig. 8.2. (a).
Temperature/ C
Substance Temperature 0C ( η
Coefficient of Viscosity
Fill in the blanks with correct words.
i) With the ………………………… in temperature, the viscosity of a
ii) The viscosity of those liquids which have hydrogen bonds in their
molecular structure, generally…………. with the …....................... in
iii) The plot of log against , gives a …………………………
The coefficient of viscosity of liquids is generally determined by using the The flow of liquid
following two methods: through a pipe or tube of
radius r, is associated
i) Ostwald Viscometer technique with Reynolds Number
(R) which is given by the
ii) Falling Sphere Technique following expression,
2r ν d
We will discuss here the principles involved in the first method because in the R
laboratory, you will be measuring the coefficient of viscosity by this technique.
where v is the average
8.3.1 Ostwald Viscometer Technique velocity of the liquid , d
is the density and is
For the measurement of coefficient of viscosity of liquids having a laminar or the coefficient of
streamlined flow, Poiseuille derived an expression, known as Poiseuille’s viscosity.
equation. This expression is given below.
If the value of R is less
4 than 2100, the flow of
πpr t
η … (8.4)
liquid is said to be
8Vl laminar or streamlined,
and If R is greater than
where = coefficient of viscosity of the liquid 4000, the flow is termed
as turbulent,
This involves the use of Ostwald Viscometer in which a fixed volume of a liquid Mass Acceleration due to gravity
is allowed to fall under its own weight or the force of gravity, and the required Area
for a given volume of the liquid to flow is noted. Obviously the driving pressure mg
p is replaced by h.d.g, where h is the height of the liquid and d is its density π r2
and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Therefore,
( cross sectional area of a
p = h.d.g cylindrica l layer is πr .
Substituting h.d.g. for p in Poiseuille’s Equation i.e., (Eq. 8.4), we get,
π r2
π r .h.d.g.t ( since mass volume density )
η … (8.5)
8 Vl π .r 2 .h.d.g
πr 2
If equal volumes of the two liquids (1 and 2) are allowed to fall through the
same capillary tube under identical conditions of temperature and pressure = h.d.g
then, from Eq. 8.5 by comparison, we have
η1 d1.t1
… (8.6)
During the flow of the η2 d 2.t 2
liquid, as the height (h)
(level) of the liquid where 1, d1 and t1 are, respectively, the coefficient of viscosity, density and
changes. There is a
change in the pressure
time of flow for the liquid 1 under examination and 2, d 2 and t 2 and the
difference (p). But, for corresponding values for the reference liquid (liquid 2). Thus, by knowing
every position of the 2, d 2 ,t 2 and d1 , t1 , the coefficient of viscosity of first liquid, 1 could be
meniscus, p is determined.
proportional to density
(d). Now, answer the following SAQ to check your understanding of the above
Thus, p1 d1
and p2 d 2
i) Name the two methods which can be used for the measurement of the
p1 d1
or coefficient of viscosity of liquids.
p2 d 2
ii) The vertical flow of a liquid through a capillary is proportional to the
as a result of the …………… of the liquid.
changes in deriving
pressure (p) the rate of Let us now study about the experiments which you will be performing.
flow of the liquid also
changes all the time the
flow is taking place. The 8.4 EXPERIMENT 8A: TO DETERMINE OF THE
rate of flow, i.e., the
inversely proportional to
time. Thus, for the VISCOMETER
liquids, 1 and 2, we can
say that Let us first understand the principle of determination of coefficient of
viscosity of a liquid by Ostwald viscometer method.
V1 t1
V2 t 2 8.4.1 Principle
In this experiment, you will make use of the Ostwald viscometer. This is usually
employed in the laboratory for the determination of the coefficient of viscosity of
liquids. Ostwald viscometer is a simple apparatus and is shown in Fig. 8.3. it
consist of a bulb A, with a mark (X) above and a mark (Y) below, attached to a
capillary tube B and a storage bulb C.
Since the same capillary is employed, and the same volume V of the liquid
flows through it in each case, the values of r, l, V become all constant.
Therefore, the Eq. 8.5 when applied to two liquids can be written as:
η1 d1t1
… (8.7)
η0 d0t0
where, the subscripts, 1 and 0, denote the unknown and the reference liquids.
Thus, if we divide the viscosity of the unknown liquid (1 ) with the viscosity of
the reference liquid,0 , (say water), we can get the relative viscosity of the
second liquid with respect to that of water.
η1 d1t1
Hence, the relative viscosity of second liquid = ηrel … (8.8)
η0 d0t0
To get the absolute viscosity of the liquid, multiply this relative viscosity by the
absolute viscosity of the reference liquid. Thus, for absolute viscosity, the
expression will be
η1(abs.) … (8.9)
d 0 t0
8.4.2 Requirements
Apparatus Chemicals
Ostwald Viscometer (small) 1 Distilled water
Stop watch 1 Given liquids 50 to 100 cm3
Thermostat 1
Specific gravity bottle 1
Pipette 10 cm3 1
Rubber tubing (small piece) 1
Thermometer (1100C) 1
8.4.3 Procedure
1. Before use, the Ostwald Viscometer should be first cleaned with chromic
acid solution (K2Cr2O7 + Conc. H2SO4), and then with distilled twice with
water, alcohol or acetone, respectively.
2. Finally, it should be dried by passing the current of dust free air. Make
sure that the capillary of the viscometer does not contain any dust particle
or greasy material inside to pose any obstruction to the flowing liquid.
3. Now, introduce a definite volume of the given liquid (10 cm3) into the bulb
C, and suck the liquid up into the bulb A with the help of the rubber tube
attached to the end D somewhere above the mark X, see Fig. 8.4 (a).
Make sure there is no air bubble inside the liquid.
4. Now, allow the liquid to flow freely through the capillary up to the mark X.
Start a stop watch note the time t1 for the flow of the liquid from the mark X
to the mark Y, see Fig. 8.4 (b).
5. Repeat this process twice or thrice by sucking the liquid into the bulb A
above the mark X and noting the time t1 for the flow of the liquid from mark
X to mark Y. These values should be concordant.
6. Remove the first liquid and then clean and dry the viscometer again.
7. Repeat the above steps by taking an exactly the same volume of water in
bulb C and note the values of time, t0, taken for water to flow mark X to
mark Y.
8. Suck the water up, twice or thrice to obtain other values of t0, as done
above. Repeat the same for second filling.
9. Determine the density of the liquid with the help of specific gravity bottle.
This can be done by taking a definite volume of liquid (say, 5 cm3) in the
specific gravity bottle and determining its mass.
10. Also note down the temperature at which the experiment was performed.
11. Now take the second liquid and perform the steps given above. You can
record your observations in Table 8.3.
12. Similarly you can repeat the above steps for the other given liquids-
liquid 3 etc. and record your observations in Table 8.3.
1) The volume of the liquids taken in bulb C should be so much that when
sucked up to mark X, it should fill the bulb A and a little should still
remain in the bulb C.
3) While sucking the liquids, no air bubble should be formed inside the
capillary tube.
8.4.4 Observations
in the appendix)
Temperature C 3
Coefficient of Viscosity (η0 /10 Pa s)
0 1.7702
5 1.5108
10 1.3039
15 1.1374
20 1.0019
21 0.9764
22 0.9532
23 0.9310
24 0.9100
25 0.8903
26 0.8703
27 0.8512
28 0.8328
29 0.8145
30 0.7973
35 0.7190
40 0.6526
45 0.5972
50 0.5468
55 0.5042
60 0.4669
65 0.4341
70 0.4050
100 0.2840
8.4.5 Calculations
For Liquid 1:
Density of Liquid 1 d1 w2 w1 d 0
w3 w1
Relative viscosity of Liquid 1 = η1 d1.t1 d 0
η0 d 0 .t0
η .d .t
Absolute viscosity of Liquid 1, η1(abs.) 0 1 1
d 0.t0
For calculations of various liquids i.e., liquid 2, liquid 3 etc. their densities
d 2 , d 3 ..... etc. and their relative and absolute viscosities may be calculated
similar to that done above for liquid 1, by using their respective data.
η0 .d 2 .t 2
Absolute viscosity of Liquid 2 η2(abs.)
d 0 .t 0
η0 .d 3 .t 3
Absolute viscosity of Liquid 3 η3(abs.)
d 0 .t 0
8.4.6 Result
The relative and absolute viscosities of the given liquids were found to be as
reported in the table below:
In this experiment also, you will make use of the Ostwald viscometer. This is
usually employed in the laboratory for the determination of the coefficient of
viscosity of liquids. Ostwald viscometer is a simple apparatus as you have
used in Experiment 8 A.
Fig. 8.3: Ostwald Viscometer.
Use can refer to Experiment 8 A for details of the viscometer and the principle
for the determination of viscosity of a liquid.
From Experiment 8 A, you remember that
where the subscripts, 1 and 0, denote the unknown and the reference liquids.
C of the unknown liquid (1) with the viscosity of
Thus, if we divide the viscosity
the reference liquid 0 , (say water), we can get the relative viscosity of the
second liquid with respect to that of water.
η1 d1t1
Also, the relative viscosity of second liquid = ηrel … (8.8)
η0 d0t0
To get the absolute viscosity of the liquid, multiply this relative viscosity by
the absolute viscosity of the reference liquid. Thus, for absolute viscosity,
the expression is as follows:
η1(abs.) … (8.9)
d 0t0
8.5.2 Requirements
Apparatus Chemicals
Ostwald Viscometer (small) 1 Distilled water
Stop watch 1 Aqueous solutions of the 50 to 100 cm3
detergent having different
Thermostat 1
Specific gravity bottle 1
Pipette 10 cm3 1
Rubber tubing (small piece) 1
Thermometer (1100C) 1
8.5.3 Procedure
1. Before use, the Ostwald Viscometer should be first cleaned with chromic
acid solution (K2Cr2O7 + conc. H2SO4), and then with distilled twice with
water, alcohol or acetone, respectively.
2. Finally, it should be dried by passing the current of dust free air. Make
sure that the capillary of the viscometer does not contain any dust particle
or greasy material inside to pose any obstruction to the flowing liquid.
3. Now, introduce a definite volume of the given detergent solution (10 cm3)
into the bulb C, and suck the liquid up into the bulb A with the help of the
rubber tube attached to the end D somewhere above the mark X, See
Fig. 8.4 (a) below which is given again for reference. Make sure that there
is no air bubble inside the liquid.
4. Now, allow the liquid to flow freely through the capillary upto the mark X.
Start a stop watch note the time t1 for the flow of the liquid from mark X to
mark Y, See Fig. 8.4 (b) above.
5. Repeat this process twice or thrice by sucking the solution into the bulb A
above the mark X and noting the time t1 for the flow of the liquid from mark
X to mark Y. These values should be concordant.
6. Remove the first solution and then clean and dry the viscometer again.
7. Repeat the above steps by taking an exactly the same volume of water in
bulb C and note the values of time, t0, taken for water to flow mark X to
mark Y.
8. Suck the water up, twice or thrice to obtain other values of t0, as done
above. Repeat the same for second filling.
9. Determine the density of the liquid with the help of specific gravity bottle.
This can be done by taking a definite volume of liquid (say, 5 cm3) in the
specific gravity bottle and determining its mass.
10. Also note down the temperature at which the experiment was performed.
11. Now take the second solution of the detergent having different
concentration and perform the steps given above. You can record your
observations in Table 8.5.
12. Similarly you can repeat the above steps for the other solutions of the
detergent having different concentrations and record your observations in
Table 8.5.
1) The volume of the liquids taken in bulb C should be so much that when
sucked up to mark X, it should fill the bulb A and a little should still
remain in the bulb C.
3) While sucking the liquids, no air bubble should be formed inside the
capillary tube.
8.5.4 Observations
0 3
Temperature C Coefficient of Viscosity ( η0 /10 Pa s)
0 1.7702
5 1.5108
10 1.3039
15 1.1374
20 1.0019
21 0.9764
22 0.9532
23 0.9310
24 0.9100
25 0.8903
26 0.8703
27 0.8512
0 3
Temperature C Coefficient of Viscosity ( η0 /10 Pa s)
28 0.8328
29 0.8145
30 0.7973
35 0.7190
40 0.6526
45 0.5972
50 0.5468
55 0.5042
60 0.4669
65 0.4341
70 0.4050
100 0.2840
Weight of empty specific gravity bottle = w1 .........g
8.5.5 Calculations
For Solution 1:
Density of Solution 1 = d1 w2 w1 d 0
w3 w1
η .d .t
Absolute viscosity of Solution 1, η1(abs.) 0 1 1
d 0.t0
η0 .d 2 .t 2
Absolute viscosity of Solution 2 η2(abs.)
d 0 .t 0
η0 .d 3 .t 3
Absolute viscosity of Solution 3 η3(abs.)
d 0 .t 0
8.5.6 Result
The relative and absolute viscosities of the solutions of the detergent having
different concentrations were found to be as reported in the table below:
Table 8.6: Relative and Absolute Viscosities of solutions of the detergent
having different concentrations
You can discuss the graph with your counsellor and find out the possible
reasons for the variation of viscosity with concentration of the detergent
Self Assessment Questions
1. They are reciprocal to each other.
2. Viscosity of a liquid measures its resistance to flow.
3. Fluidity, low, viscosity, fluidity
4. Poise, Pa s
5. i) rise, decreases
ii) decreases, increase/rise
iii) straight line
6. i) Ostwald technique, Falling sphere technique
ii) density