Literature Reader Ch.1 -Two Gentlemen of Verona (Prose) Ch.2- Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Ch-3- The letter Ch.4-Shady plot Poem-1The Frog and the Nightingale Poem-2-Not Marbles, not gilded Monuments Poem-3 Ozymandias Drama-1. The Dear departed ENGLISH Writing E-mail Letter to the Editor Letter of Enquiry Article Descriptive paragraph Grammar Modals Tenses & Verb Forms Determiners Subject-verb agreement Assessment of Speaking & Listening (ASL)-1st Round लखनवी अंदाज, बालगोबबन भगत, माता का अँचल, एक कहानी यह भी, राम लक्ष्मण परशु राम संवाद, उत्साह, HINDI साना-साना हाथ जोबि़, अट नहीं रही है , वाच्य, वाक्य, पद-पररचय,अलं कार, अपबित बोध, औपचाररक पत्र, अनु च्छेद, संदेश, बवज्ञापन, ईमे ल Real Numbers Polynomials Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Quadratic Equations MATH'S Arithmetic Progressions Triangles Coordinate Geometry Introduction to Trigonometry Some Applications of Trigonometry Physics: 1) Light-Reflection and Refraction 2) The Human Eye and the Colourful World 3) Electricity (Till Series and Parallel Combination) Chemistry: 1) Chemical Reactions and Equations SCIENCE 2) Acids Bases and Salts, 3) Metals and Nonmetals (Till properties of ionic compounds) Biology: 1) Life Process 2) Control and coordination 3) Our Environment Geography Forest and Wildlife Water Resources Agriculture Mineral and Energy Resources Economics Sectors of the Indian Economy Money and Credit SOCIAL History SCIENCE Rise of Nationalism in Europe Nationalism in India The Making of a Global World Civics- Power Sharing Federalism Gender Religion and Caste Political Parties Part-B-Unit -1 Introduction to AI Part A- Unit-2. Self-Management Skill-II Part B - Unit-2. AI Project Cycle Part A- Unit-3. ICT-Skills A.I Part B- Unit-4. Data Science Part B-Unit-5. Computer Vision Part B-Unit-6. Natural language processing