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Department of Information Science and Technology, Anna University,

Lab Test - I
Semester III – B. Tech (R2023)
August - December 2024
Course Code/Course Title: IT23302 / Data Structures Lab
Course Instructors: Dr. E. Uma / Ms. R. L. Jasmine
Time: 60 minutes Max
Marks: 5
Date: 22 – 08 – 2024

CO Implement sort and search algorithms appropriately for a given application using
1 Array ADT
CO Analyze and apply suitable linear data structures for efficient data storage.
CO Analyze and use appropriate tree data structure operations for storage and
3 faster access.
CO Understand the usage of Graph data structures to solve a real time problem.
CO Understand and apply appropriate hash functions that result in a collision free
5 scenario for data storage and retrieval.

BL – Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels

(L1- Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4- Analysing, L5-Evaluating, L6-

Q.N Questions CO B
o L
1 Consider an array MARKS[20][5] which stores the marks
obtained by 20 students in 5 subjects. Now write a program to
(a) find the average marks obtained in each subject.
(b) find the average marks obtained by every student.
(c) find the number of students who have scored below 50
in their average.
(d) display the scores obtained by every student.
2 Write a program that reads an array of 100 integers. Display all
the pairs of elements whose sum is 50.
3 Write a program to interchange the second element with the
second last element.
4 Write a program to count the total number of non-zero elements
in a two-dimensional array.
5 Write a program to input the elements of a two-dimensional CO L
array. Then from this array, make two arrays—one that stores 1 3
all odd elements of the two-dimensional array and the other
that stores all even elements of the array.
6 Write a program to read two floating point number arrays. Merge
the two arrays and display the resultant array in reverse order.
7 Write a program that reads a matrix and displays the sum of its
diagonal elements.
8 Write a program that reads a matrix and displays the sum of the
elements above the main diagonal.
9 Write a program that reads a square matrix of size n*n. Write a
function int isSymmetric
(int a[][], int n) that returns 1 if the matrix is symmetric. (Hint:
Array A is symmetric if Aij = Aji for all values of i and j)
10 Write a program to calculate XA + YB where A and B are
matrices and X=2 and Y=3

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