Chromosomal Anomalies
Chromosomal Anomalies
Chromosomal Anomalies
Down’s syndrome,
Edward’s syndrome,
Cri du chat syndrome
• Down syndrome (sometimes called
Down's syndrome) is a condition in
which a child is born with an extra
copy of their 21st chromosome —
hence its other name, trisomy 21.
• T h i s ca u s e s p hys i ca l a n d m e nta l
developmental delays and disabilities.
• It is usually associated with
physical growth delays, mild to
moderate intellectual disability, and
characteristic facial features.
• There is no cure for Down syndrome.
How Down syndrome occurs?
• About 95 percent of the time,
D o w n sy n d ro m e i s c a u s e d b y
trisomy 21 - the person has three
copies of chromosome 21, instead
of the usual two copies, in all cells.
1. O n e e x t r a c o p y o f t h e X
chromosome in each cell (XXY), the
most common cause.
2. An extra X chromosome in some of
the cells (mosaic Klinefelter
syndrome), with fewer symptoms.
3. More than one extra copy of the X
chromosome, which is rare and
results in a severe form
Extra copies of genes on the X
chromosome can interfere with male
sexual development and fertility.
Klinefelter Syndrome
• Klinefelter syndrome isn't passed down through families like
some genetic diseases.
• Instead, it happens randomly from an error in cell division when
a parent's reproductive cells are being formed.
• Women who get pregnant after age 35 are slightly more likely to
have a boy with this syndrome than younger women.
• Can a girl have Klinefelter's syndrome?