PGN Bridge Updated Environmental Impact Statement Report
PGN Bridge Updated Environmental Impact Statement Report
PGN Bridge Updated Environmental Impact Statement Report
Chapter 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1 Project Location and Area......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.1 Project Location.................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.2 Direct and Indirect Impact Area............................................................................................ 1-8
1.2 Project Rationale ........................................................................................................................ 1-9
1.2.1 Implementing the Project as Need of The Philippine National Strategy .............................. 1-9
1.2.2 Implementing the Project as Need of Promoting The Integrated Development Strategy of
The Three Islands .............................................................................................................................. 1-10
1.2.3 Implementing the Project as Need of Promoting the Rapid Development of Tourism and
Agriculture. ......................................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.2.4 Implementing the Project as Need of Improving The Regional Highway Backbone Network
and Ensuring All-weather Traffic ........................................................................................................ 1-13
1.2.5 Implementing the Project as Need of Ensuring Traffic Safety among the Islands ............. 1-13
1.3 Project Alternatives ................................................................................................................. 1-14
1.3.1 Procedure of Bridge Sites and Alignments Study .............................................................. 1-14
1.3.2 Development Strategy of the PGN Island Bridges ............................................................. 1-14
1.3.3 Basic Principle of Bridge Sites and Alignments Study ....................................................... 1-14
1.3.4 Terrain Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 1-15
1.3.5 Possible Spaces (Corridors) for the Bridges ...................................................................... 1-15
1.3.6 Selection of Bridge Sites and Alignments .......................................................................... 1-34
1.3.7 Recommended Bridge Sites and Alignments of the Project .............................................. 1-37
1.3.8 Consequences of not proceeding with the project or no project option ............................. 1-38
1.4 Project Components ................................................................................................................ 1-38
1.4.1 Project Scheme Design ...................................................................................................... 1-43 Elements of Major Bridge Design....................................................................................... 1-43
1.4.2 Main technical Parameters ................................................................................................. 1-43
1.4.3 Routed Design.................................................................................................................... 1-45
1.4.4 Bridge Design Scheme of Section A .................................................................................. 1-45 Design scheme of main bridge........................................................................................... 1-45 Design Scheme of Approach Bridge .................................................................................. 1-49 Overall scheme design of whole bridge ............................................................................. 1-50
1.4.5 Bridge Design Scheme of Section B .................................................................................. 1-50 Design scheme of main bridge........................................................................................... 1-50 Design Scheme of Approach Bridge .................................................................................. 1-53 Overall scheme design of whole bridge ............................................................................. 1-54
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Figure 1. Location of the proposed PGN island bridge project in the Western Visayan region. ....... 1-2
Figure 2. Bridge Location and Route Scheme of PGN Bridge Project ................................................ 1-7
Figure 3. Direct and Indirect Impact Map of the PGN Project............................................................... 1-8
Figure 4. National Islands-Link Projects of the Philippines ............................................................... 1-10
Figure 5. Golden Triangle of Tourism in the Central Philippines....................................................... 1-12
Figure 6. Ferry Wrecking in Iloilo Strait on August 2019 .................................................................... 1-13
Figure 7. Topographic Feature at the Bridge Site ............................................................................... 1-15
Figure 8. Proposals for Bridge Sites Planned and Studies in the Early Stage ................................. 1-16
Figure 9. Corridors for bridge sites in section A ................................................................................. 1-18
Figure 10. Ports, terminals and anchorage in south corridor ............................................................ 1-19
Figure 11. Corridor for bridge site in section B ................................................................................... 1-20
Figure 12. Relationship between the Bridge Site and Navigation Channels in the Iloilo Strait ...... 1-21
Figure 13. Relationship between the Bridge Site and Navigation Channel in the Guimaras Strait 1-21
Figure 14. Distribution of Unfavorable Geology .................................................................................. 1-22
Figure 15. Distribution of Ports in Project Area ................................................................................... 1-22
Figure 16. Planning of Iloilo Port ........................................................................................................... 1-23
Figure 17. Power Plant (2km away from the north of Iloilo Port Terminal) ....................................... 1-23
Figure 18. Status of Mangroves (The left shows mangroves near Alignment B of Section A, and the
right shows mangroves near Alignment C of Section A.) ................................................................... 1-24
Figure 19. Alignment B in Section A and Location of Mangroves ..................................................... 1-24
Figure 20. Alignment C of Section A and Location of Mangroves ..................................................... 1-25
Figure 21. Alignment D/ Alignment E and Location of Mangroves .................................................... 1-25
Figure 22. Wind Farms in the Eastern Coastal Areas of Guimaras Island ........................................ 1-26
Figure 23. Wind Towers to be Avoided by the Alignment at the Start Point in Alignment D (The
alignment is changed from D1 to D2, and the numbers in boxes are wind towers.) ........................ 1-26
Figure 24. High-voltage Towers near the Start Point of Alignment C (138,000 volts) ..................... 1-27
Figure 25. Transformer at the Start Point of Alignment E .................................................................. 1-27
Figure 26. Residential Areas at the End Point of Alignment C........................................................... 1-28
Figure 27. Church and Gas Station at the End Point of Alignment C ................................................ 1-28
Figure 28. Residential Area and Warning Sign for Karst Caves near Alignment C ......................... 1-28
Figure 29. Salt Fields near the Alignment ............................................................................................ 1-29
Figure 30. Local Residents Making Salt .............................................................................................. 1-29
Figure 31. Bridge Sites and Alignment Proposals of the PGN Bridge Project ................................. 1-31
Figure 32. Bridge Sites and Alignments for Section A ...................................................................... 1-33
Figure 33. Bridge Sites and Alignments for Section B ...................................................................... 1-34
Figure 34. Construction site and living camp in Area 1 – Panay Island ............................................ 1-41
Figure 35. Construction site and living camp in Area 2 – Guimaras Island ...................................... 1-42
Figure 36. Construction site and living camp in Area 3 – Guimaras Island ...................................... 1-42
Figure 37. Construction site and living camp in Area 4 – Negros Island .......................................... 1-43
Figure 38. Layout of Main Bridge Span on Section A .......................................................................... 1-46
Figure 39. Standard Cross Section of Main Bridge on Section A (Unit: CM)..................................... 1-46
Figure 40. Bridge Tower and Foundation (Unit: CM) ............................................................................ 1-47
Figure 41. Auxiliary Pier and Foundation (Unit: CM) ............................................................................ 1-48
Figure 42. Transition Pier and Foundation (Unit: CM) ......................................................................... 1-48
Figure 43. Cross Section Form of Approach Bridge in Deep Water Area (Unit: CM)........................ 1-49
Figure 44. Cross Section Form of Approach Bridge in Shallow Water Area (Unit: CM) .................. 1-49
Figure 45. Skeleton Layout for Overall Scheme of Major Bridge on Section A................................. 1-50
Figure 46. Layout of Main Bridge Span on Section B .......................................................................... 1-50
Figure 47. Standard Cross Section Diagram of Main Bridge on Section B ....................................... 1-51
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ xi
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. xiv
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.0 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................2-2
2.1 Land ..............................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Land Use and Classification ..................................................................................................2-2 Land Area and Land Use .......................................................................................................2-2 Land Classification .................................................................................................................2-6 Tenurial Instruments ........................................................................................................... 2-12
2.1.2 Geology and Geomorphology ............................................................................................ 2-14 Topography .......................................................................................................................... 2-14 Geological structure ............................................................................................................. 2-16 Regional structure ............................................................................................................. 2-16 Regional main activity fault .............................................................................................. 2-18 Near field structure ............................................................................................................ 2-19 Earthquake ........................................................................................................................... 2-21 Stratum ................................................................................................................................. 2-23 Unfavorable geological phenomena .................................................................................... 2-26 Engineering geology impact and measures ......................................................................... 2-31
2.1.3 Pedology ............................................................................................................................. 2-33 Special geology .................................................................................................................... 2-33 Soil and stone excavation level ............................................................................................ 2-35 Soil Quality .......................................................................................................................... 2-36
2.1.4 Terrestrial Biology .............................................................................................................. 2-37 Flora Biodiversity Assessment ............................................................................................ 2-38 Methodology...................................................................................................................... 2-38 Diversity assessment ........................................................................................................ 2-41 Conservation Assessment: Conservation Status and Endemism .................................... 2-41 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................................... 2-42 The Flora Survey Sites .................................................................................................. 2-42 Floristic Biodiversity ....................................................................................................... 2-50 Species composition ...................................................................................................... 2-50 Species Richness........................................................................................................... 2-62 Endemicity and Conservation Status ............................................................................. 2-71 Fauna Biodiversity Assessment .......................................................................................... 2-80 Methodology...................................................................................................................... 2-80
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List of Tables
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Table 24. Description and geographic location of fauna survey sites ..................................................... 2-80
Table 25. Top Three (3) families with the highest number of species ..................................................... 2-87
Table 26. Top Three (3) avi-fauna families with the highest number of species .................................... 2-89
Table 27. Summary list of fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN, 2016) ........................... 2-90
Table 28. Summary list of fauna species and distribution status ............................................................. 2-90
Table 29. Summary list of fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN, 2016) ........................... 2-91
Table 3031. Summary list of fauna species and distribution status ......................................................... 2-91
Table 32. List of endemic species ............................................................................................................ 2-92
Table 33. List of endemic avi-fauna species ............................................................................................ 2-93
Table 34. List of other fauna species and conservation status (IUCN) ................................................... 2-93
Table 35. List of other fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN) ........................................... 2-94
Table 36. Computed Biodiversity index of each sampled sites ............................................................... 2-95
Table 37. Relative Frequency of each sampled sites .............................................................................. 2-96
Table 38. Species relative frequency (using the avi-fauna data) ............................................................. 2-97
Table 39. List of recorded waterbirds in So. Cavan Brgy. Tapong Pulupandan ..................................... 2-98
Table 40. Species Diversity.................................................................................................................... 2-101
Table 41. Fauna diversity Data (Pulupandan side) ................................................................................ 2-102
Table 42. Fauna diversity data (wetland area in So. Cavan Brgy. Tapong Pulupandan) ...................... 2-103
Table 43. Fauna diversity data (Guimaras side) .................................................................................... 2-105
Table 44. Fauna diversity data (Leganes Iloilo side) ............................................................................. 2-108
Table 45. Fauna species conservation Status ....................................................................................... 2-111
Table 46. Information Summary of Tidal Level Observation Station ..................................................... 2-121
Table 47. Ratio of Main Partial Tide Amplitude in Each Observation Stations ...................................... 2-121
Table 48. Statistical Characteristic Values for Actually-Measured Tidal Level During Dry Period and Wet
Period ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-121
Table 49. High Tidal Level and Low Tidal Level at Each Calculation Point during Recurrence Period 2-122
Table 50. Information Summary of Total Tide Observation Station ....................................................... 2-123
Table 51. Discriminant Number of Tidal current Type at Each Level of Each Stations during Dry Season (WO1
+ WK1)/WM2 .......................................................................................................................................... 2-124
Table 52. Discriminant Number of Tide Type at Each Level of Each Station during Wet Season (WO1 +
WK1)/ WM2 ............................................................................................................................................ 2-124
Table 53. Maximum and Mean Flow Velocity (cm/s) and Flow Direction (°) of Mean Rising and Falling Tide for
Actually-Measured Vertical Line in Each Station during Dry Period ...................................................... 2-127
Table 54. Maximum and Mean Flow Velocity (cm/s) and Flow Direction (°) of Mean Rising and Falling Tide for
Actually-Measured Vertical Line in Each Station during Wet Period ..................................................... 2-128
Table 55. Maximum Flow Velocity inside Computed Domain under Tidal Conditions during Various
Recurrence Periods ............................................................................................................................... 2-132
Table 56. Maximum Flow Velocity on Bridge Axis under Tidal Conditions during Various Recurrence Periods
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-132
Table 57. Extreme Value on Each Computed Point for Wave during Recurrence Period .................... 2-135
Table 58. Summary of Marine Water Sampling Sites, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of
Samplings............................................................................................................................................... 2-147
Table 59. Parameters and Analytical Methodology ............................................................................... 2-148
Table 60a. Results of Physico-chemical Analyses of Marine Water...................................................... 2-149
Table 61. Summary of Ground Water Sampling Sites, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of
Samplings............................................................................................................................................... 2-152
Table 62. Parameters and Analytical Methodology ............................................................................... 2-153
Table 63. Results of Physico-chemical Analyses of Ground Water....................................................... 2-154
Table 64. Geo-references of sampling sites, with indicator of possible presence or absence of seagrass in the
area during the March 2019. .................................................................................................................. 2-156
Table 65. Species richness categories adapted from Hilomen et al. (2000). ........................................ 2-157
Table 66. Fish abundance categories as adapted from Hilomen et al. (2000). .................................... 2-157
Table 67. Fish biomass categories adapted from Nañola et al. (2006). ................................................ 2-158
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Table 68. List of Sampling Stations for Marine Ecology (Plankton and Macro invertebrates) with their
Corresponding Location and Date of sampling. ..................................................................................... 2-160
Table 69. The Fernando Biodiversity Scale, 1998 ................................................................................ 2-162
Table 70. Dive location for corals and reef fishes along coastal municipality of Leganes, Iloilo. .......... 2-163
Table 71. Dive location of corals and reef fish along coastal municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras. ... 2-163
Table 72. Dive location along coastal municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras. .................................... 2-169
Table 73. Dive location along coastal municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. ....................... 2-172
Table 74. Phytoplankton composition, distribution, diversity and abundance (cells/L) in eight sampling stations
for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019. ............................................................ 2-181
Table 75. Zooplankton composition, distribution, diversity and abundance (individuals/m3) in eight sampling
stations for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019. .............................................. 2-184
Table 76. Sea Area Occupied By Project .............................................................................................. 2-193
Table 77. Climatological Normals in Iloilo City, Iloilo (1980-2009)......................................................... 2-198
Table 78. Climatological Extremes in Iloilo City, Iloilo as of July 2010 .................................................. 2-198
Table 79. List of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province with 100KM Buffer from 1948 to 2018
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-199
Table 80. Seasonal Temperature Increases in 2020 and 2050 in Region 6 ......................................... 2-202
Table 81. Seasonal Rainfall Change in 2020 and 2050 in Region 6 ..................................................... 2-202
Table 82. Frequency of Extreme Events in 2020 and 2050 in Region 6 .............................................. 2-202
Table 83. Monthly Total and Annual Climatic Data, Rainfall Amount (mm) in Iloilo City, Iloilo .............. 2-203
Table 84. Wind Speed Range and their Description .............................................................................. 2-205
Table 85. % Frequencies of Occurrence for concurrent wind direction in Roxas City from 1981-2010 2-205
Table 86. Summary of Air Sampling Stations, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of Samplings
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-209
Table 87. Ambient Air Monitoring Equipment Specifications ................................................................ 2-210
Table 88. Ambient Air Test results taken in Buenavista and San Lorenzo, Guimaras .......................... 2-211
Table 89. Ambient Air Test results taken in Brgy. Pag-ayon, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental and Brgy. Gua-
an, Leganes, Brgy. Hinactacan, Jaro, Iloilo ........................................................................................... 2-212
Table 90. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Getulio, Buenavista, Guimaras ............................................... 2-212
Table 91. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Cansilayan, Buenavista, Guimaras ......................................... 2-213
Table 92. Meteorological Data at Sitio Cabanbanan, Brgy. Salvacion, Buenavista, Guimaras ............ 2-214
Table 93. Meteorological Data at Brgy. M. Chavez, San Lorenzo, Guimaras ....................................... 2-215
Table 94. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras ............................................ 2-216
Table 95. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Pag-ayon, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental ............................ 2-217
Table 96. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Ubay, Near Lagasan Boundary, Negros Occidental ............... 2-218
Table 97. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Gua-an, Leganes, Iloilo ........................................................... 2-219
Table 98. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Hinactacan, Jaro, Iloilo City ..................................................... 2-220
Table 99. Annual maximum gust wind speed (for 3 seconds) and direction of IWS near to the bridge site2-222
Table 100. Gust wind speed of bridge site in different return periods based on the annual maximum gust wind
speed records......................................................................................................................................... 2-222
Table 101. The basic wind speed at bridge site in different return periods ............................................ 2-223
Table 102. Summary of Noise Sampling Stations, Coordinates, Date and Time of Samplings ............ 2-231
Table 103a. (N1) Noise Data at Brgy. Gua-An, Leganes, Iloilo ............................................................. 2-233
Table 104. Household and Household Size in the Municipalities Affected by the Project .................... 2-240
Table 105. Population per Barangay Covered by the Project (2015, 2018) .......................................... 2-240
Table 106. Population Growth in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ......................................... 2-241
Table 107. Population Density in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ......................................... 2-241
Table 108. Population by Group Age in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ............................... 2-242
Table 109. Literacy by Age Group ......................................................................................................... 2-243
Table 110. Highest Grade/Year Completed in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ..................... 2-243
Table 111. Construction materials of roof and wall in the Municipalities Affected by the Project.......... 2-246
Table 112. Total Number of Affected Structures by the Alignment....................................................... 2-248
Table 113a. Inventory of Trees/Plants Affected by Option B ................................................................ 2-248
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List of Figures
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Figure 26. Plantation forest (sites 6 and 7), planted with big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) located in
barangay Dagsaan Buenavista, province of Guimaras. .......................................................................... 2-48
Figure 27. Mangrove forest (site 8) located in barangay Hinactacan, City of Ilo-ilo (Panay Island). ....... 2-49
Figure 28. Residential site (site 10) located in barangay Hinactacan, City of Ilo-ilo (Panay Island). ...... 2-49
Figure 29. Residential landscape along the project ROW. Photos are mixtures of residentials along roads,
orchards, salt farms and in agricultural landscape. ................................................................................. 2-52
Figure 30. Agricultural landscape along the PGN bridge project ROW. Photos are sugarcane plantation in
Negros (Panay Island) and rice farms in low terraces. ............................................................................ 2-54
Figure 31. Plantations along the PGN bridge project ROW. Phots are coconut, mango and outgrowth from a
shrubland.................................................................................................................................................. 2-56
Figure 32. Beach forest along the PGN bridge project ROW. Photos are landscape and the scrub-like
species, aroma (Acacia farnesiana), as one of the dominant species observed in the study ................. 2-58
Figure 33. Mangrove forest along the PGN bridge project ROW. Above photos are stilt root of bakauan babae
(Rhizophora mucronata) and pneumatophores of bungalon (Avicennia marina). ................................... 2-60
Figure 34. Representative mangrove habitat indicating the project alignment as shown in colored lines: Red =
mangrove habitat, Yellow = sampling site, and Green = project alignment. ............................................ 2-61
Figure 35a. Number of Species, Genera and Family from different islands (A) and from different land use
types (B) across the project ROW in 2019 survey ................................................................................... 2-62
Figure 36. Species family distribution during the 2019 baseline survey (left panel) and 2021 resurvey (right
panel) ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-64
Figure 37a. Number of species in each flora survey sites (top panel) and number of each taxonomic levels per
Landuse type (lower panel) based on 2019 baseline survey................................................................... 2-65
Figure 38. Family-level species (left panel) and individual (right panel) distribution of plants across the study
area .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-67
Figure 39. Plant species rank-abundance distribution across the study area ........................................ 2-68
Figure 40. Site-level species richness (above panel) and abundance (bottom panel) distribution across the
study. Vertical red line separates survey sites in Guimaras island (left side, 7 sites) and Panay island (right
side, 3 sites). Color indicate ecosystem type ........................................................................................... 2-68
Figure 41a. Shannon Diversity H’ (above) and Pielou’s Evenness J (bottom) across the study sites based on
2019 baseline survey data ....................................................................................................................... 2-69
Figure 42. Site-level biodiversity status based from calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity H’ (top panel) and
Pielou’s evenness J’ (bottom panel) following criteria set in Fernando Biodiversity Scale (1998). Horizontal
lines indicate biodiversity scale. Color indicate ecosystem type.............................................................. 2-71
Figure 43a. Bar plots showing endemicity of species to either native (endemic, indigenous) and non-native
(exotic) species observed in 2019 baseline survey ................................................................................. 2-73
Figure 44. Representative species for endemic (Ficus ulmifolia), indigenous (Sonneratia caseolaris) and
exotic (Acacia farnesiana). ....................................................................................................................... 2-74
Figure 45. Flora endemicity (top panel), and conservation status based from DAO 2017-11 red list (middle
panel) and IUCN red list (bottom panel) across the study ....................................................................... 2-75
Figure 46. Fauna sampling sites ............................................................................................................. 2-82
Figure 47. Beach ecosystem (brgy. Tapong Pulupandan, Negros Occidental)....................................... 2-83
Figure 48. Shrub land ecosystem (Brgy. Ban-ban Buenavista Guimaras) .............................................. 2-83
Figure 49. Agricultural ecosystem (Brgy. Cansilayan Buenavista Guimaras) ......................................... 2-83
Figure 50. Wetland ecosystem (Brgy. Gua-an Leganes, Ilo-ilo) .............................................................. 2-84
Figure 51. Mangrove ecosystem (Brgy. Navalas Buenavista Guimaras) ................................................ 2-84
Figure 52. Mixture of settlement and Orchard ecosystem (Brgy. Getulio Buenavista Guimaras) .......... 2-84
Figure 53. Family composition ................................................................................................................. 2-87
Figure 54. Number of species in each observation site ........................................................................... 2-88
Figure 55. Abundance of birds in each observation site .......................................................................... 2-88
Figure 56. Avi-fauna species richness ..................................................................................................... 2-89
Figure 57. Avi-fauna abundance .............................................................................................................. 2-89
Figure 58. Conservation Status ............................................................................................................... 2-91
Figure 59. Faunal Endemicity .................................................................................................................. 2-92
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Figure 60. Environmentally significant areas within and near the proposed alignment. ....................... 2-100
Figure 61. Species richness and abundance of each sample site ....................................................... 2-110
Figure 62. Distribution status ................................................................................................................ 2-111
Figure 63. Computed biodiversity index of the sampled sites .............................................................. 2-112
Figure 64. Main surface water system of Section A (thick green line) ................................................... 2-116
Figure 65. Main Surface Water Systems of Section B (Green Line) ..................................................... 2-117
Figure 66. Bathymetric Map of Iloilo Straight ......................................................................................... 2-119
Figure 67. Bathymetric Map of Guimaras Straight ................................................................................. 2-120
Figure 68. Position of Tidal Level Observation Stations for PGN Project .............................................. 2-121
Figure 69. Location of Ocean Current Observation Stations for PGN Project ....................................... 2-123
Figure 70. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during High Tide Period in Dry Season .................................................................................................. 2-129
Figure 71. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Medium Tide Period in Dry Season ............................................................................................ 2-129
Figure 72. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Low Tide Period in Dry Season .................................................................................................. 2-130
Figure 73. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during High Tide Period in Wet Season ................................................................................................. 2-130
Figure 74. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Medium Tide Period in Wet Season ........................................................................................... 2-131
Figure 75. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Low Tide Period in Wet Season .................................................................................................. 2-131
Figure 76. Stations Map for Surface Sediments Sampling .................................................................... 2-134
Figure 77. Distribution Map of Surface Sediments Type ....................................................................... 2-134
Figure 78. Schematic Diagram for Computed Point Position of Sea Wave During Recurrence Period 2-136
Figure 79. Historical Earthquake Distribution Map in Philippines and Surrounding Areas .................... 2-137
Figure 80. Historical Tsunamis Distribution Map in Philippines and Surrounding Areas ....................... 2-137
Figure 81. Computational Domain and Grid Division ............................................................................. 2-138
Figure 82. Comparison between Calculated Value and Actually-Measured Value at T1 Tide Level (Medium
Tide) ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-139
Figure 83. Comparison between Calculated Value and Actually-Measured Value at T3 Tide Level (Medium
Tide) ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-139
Figure 84. Verification of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction for Ocean Current (Medium Tide) ............ 2-141
Figure 85. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Rise before Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-142
Figure 86. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Fall before Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-143
Figure 87. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Rise after Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-143
Figure 88. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Fall after Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-144
Figure 89. Flow Velocity Variation at the Moment of Rapid Rise after Completion of Bridge Construction for
Tidal Type at 300-Year Return Period ................................................................................................... 2-144
Figure 90. Flow Velocity Variation at the Moment of Rapid Fall after Completion of Bridge Construction for
Tidal Type at 300-Year Return Period ................................................................................................... 2-145
Figure 91. Seabed Deformation Conditions in Engineering Area before and after Bridge Construction on Line
B after 5 Years ....................................................................................................................................... 2-146
Figure 92. Seabed Deformation Conditions in Engineering Area Before and After Bridge Construction on Line
D After 5 Years ....................................................................................................................................... 2-146
Figure 93. Marine Water Sampling Map of PGN Project ...................................................................... 2-148
Figure 94. Ground Water Sampling Map of PGN Project ..................................................................... 2-153
Figure 95. Sampling Stations for Marine Ecology located in Leganes, Iloilo; Buenavista, Guimaras and
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. ........................................................................................................... 2-159
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Figure 96. Conventional plankton net used in the collection of plankton samples. ............................... 2-160
Figure 97. A Portable ponar grab sampler used in the collection of benthic macroinvertebrates samples.2-161
Figure 98. Location of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) dive sites for corals and reef fishes along coastal
barangays of Nabitasan and Gua-an in the municipality of Leganes, Iloilo. .......................................... 2-164
Figure 99. Photo-documentation during the survey in Leganes, Iloilo. .................................................. 2-165
Figure 100. Map of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) corals and reef fish sites along the coastal barangay of
Getulio, Buenavista in Guimaras Island. ................................................................................................ 2-167
Figure 101. Photo-documentation during the survey in Brgy.Getulio, Buenavista, Guimaras. ............. 2-168
Figure 102. Map of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) coral and reef fish sites along coastal municipality of
San Lorenzo, Guimaras. ........................................................................................................................ 2-169
Figure 103. Photo-documentation during the seagrass survey in Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras. (A-B)
shoots of Cymodocea serrulata and (C) seaweed Halimeda species ................................................... 2-170
Figure 104. Photo-documentation during the survey in San Lorenzo, Guimaras .................................. 2-171
Figure 105. Map showing (A) seagrass assessment and (B) dive location for corals and fishes along coastal
municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. ................................................................................... 2-173
Figure 106. Photo-documentation during the survey in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. .................... 2-174
Figure 107. Coastal Resources of PGN Project ................................................................................... 2-176
Figure 108a. Location of TINMAR in Southwest Guimaras Figure 108b. Ramsar Site Area in green
highlight color 2-178
Figure 109. Location of Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) in the proposed alignments ............. 2-179
Figure 110. Percentage composition of top 5 major phytoplankton genera in eight sampling stations for the
Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019. ........................................................................ 2-180
Figure 111. Total phytoplankton density and richness in eight sampling stations for PGN Project in March
2019. ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-182
Figure 112. Percentage composition of top 5 zooplankton taxa in eight sampling stations for PGN Project in
March 2019 ........................................................................................................................................... 2-183
Figure 113. Total zooplankton density and taxa richness of the eight sampling stations for PGN Project in
March 2019. .......................................................................................................................................... 2-185
Figure 114. Dominant plankton taxa during the March 2019 sampling. (A)Bacteriastrum. (B) Trichodesmium.
(C) Dinophysis miles (D) Copepod nauplius (E) Calanoid copepod (F) Bivalve veliger ........................ 2-186
Figure 115. Location map of Marine Mammals Sightings in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental............. 2-188
Figure 116. Photos of Irrawaddy Dolphins observed on November 26-27, 2021 ................................. 2-189
Figure 117. Modified Coronas Classification ........................................................................................ 2-197
Figure 118. Monthly Distribution of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province from 1948 to 2018
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-201
Figure 119. Tracks of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province within 100 km Buffer from 1948 to
2018 ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-201
Figure 120. Monthly Windrose Diagram in Roxas City from 1981 to 2010 ........................................... 2-208
Figure 121. Air Sampling locations at PGN Project ............................................................................... 2-209
Figure 122.Conversion relation of wind speed with different time distance ........................................... 2-223
Figure 123. Contour map of the terrain .................................................................................................. 2-224
Figure 124.Topographic map of calculated area .................................................................................... 2-225
Figure 125. Local grid meshing .............................................................................................................. 2-225
Figure 126. Overall grid and partial detail .............................................................................................. 2-225
Figure 127. Case setup .......................................................................................................................... 2-226
Figure 128. Wind profile at the entrance of the calculation domain ....................................................... 2-227
Figure 129. The Layout of the Lane ...................................................................................................... 2-228
Figure 130. Noise Sampling locations at PGN Project .......................................................................... 2-231
Figure 131. Population per Census Year in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ........................ 2-241
Figure 132a. Settlement Map in the Project Alignment (Panay-Guimaras segment) ........................... 2-245
Figure 133. IRA Dependency in the Municipalities Affected by the Project.......................................... 2-255
Figure 134. Key Informant Interviews .................................................................................................... 2-268
Figure 135. Focus Group Discussions ................................................................................................... 2-269
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List of Tables
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List of Figures
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List of Tables
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List of Tables
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1 Scoping Checklist
7 PEMAPS Questionnaire
Executive Summary - The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines
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Project Components:
Section A
Project Components Location/Area Jurisdiction Area
Major Components
Segment3.1 Panay K0+000~K0+555 0.555 km
Total 13.004 km
Section B
Project Component Location/Area Jurisdiction Area
Major Components
Segment3.5 Guimaras K0+000~K1+902 1.902 km
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Total 19.47 km
Name of Crossing Form of Crossing Name and grade of
interchange pile No. interchange mode crossed road
(m )
Interchange at
Overcrossing of Roundabout Road on
the ending K11+420 80208 Rhomboid
mainline Guimaras Island
point of Line B
National Highway
Interchange at
Type B Overcrossing of (National
the ending K18+680 90262
single horn mainline Expressway on
point of Line D
Negro Island)
According to preliminary estimation, about 89.16 hectares of land are permanently occupied by the
project, including about 8.10 hectares in Leganes, Iloilo Province, about 34.97 hectares in Buenavista,
Guimaras Province, about 24.25 hectares in San Lorenzo, Guimaras Province and about 21.84
hectares in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental Province. Prefabricated yard on Panay Island, Guimaras
Island and Negros Island respectively, and three temporary terminals such as material terminal,
abutment shipping terminal and segmental beam shipping terminal are proposed to be set.
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Proponent Profile:
Initial screening using Annex A of the Revised Procedural Manual (RPM) Circular No 05 showed that
the proposed project is Category A 3.4.3 Bridges and viaducts, new construction projects. The project
is considered as new single projects that requires ECC application and to submit Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) report at EMB – Central Office. The format in Annex 1-A of MC 2014 for New Single
Projects was used in this report.
The EIA was prepared in accordance with the RPM DAO 2003-30 guidelines. Site visits were made,
verify project location, establish sampling stations for terrestrial flora and fauna, water quality, marine
ecology, air, noise and soil quality, social survey; secondary data on geology, hydrology, oceanography.
Additional secondary data were taken from government agencies, i.e., DOST-PAGASA. NSO, NWRB,
LGUs, etc. and from related literature.
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Public Scoping/consultation meetings were conducted with stakeholders at the four (4) affected
Municipalities: Municipality of Pulupandan in Negros Occidental, Municipality of Buenavista and San
Lorenzo in Guimaras and Municipality of Leganes in Iloilo. The stakeholders are composed of LGU
Officials, barangay councils, community leaders and representative from People’s Organization and
Government Agencies.
Based on the results of the interviews to the people in the community, the construction of bridges has
mixed observation about the development of current scenario where it has benefits as well as
drawbacks. The project is an indication of development because with proper transport bridge
infrastructure, economic development is possible. There is possibility of attracting tourists and investors
since they will be fascinated by the proper bridge system. Another benefit is that this project is creating
employment opportunities to the people in the communities. According to the results of interview the
people wants to involve or hire as a laborer. So, when the people are employed rather doing nothing, it
contributes to the economic development. Considerations on the implementation of the project from
the respondents are also acquired during the survey. The respondents mentioned that the project
proponent should consider the needs of the people that will be affected. Just compensation on the
affected houses should also be settled as well as consider the livelihood of those income that will be
affected. Appropriate implementation of the project should consider so that the positive effects of the
project will be realized.
EIA Team
The EIA team is composed of several members, each have their own expertise. The team is
composed of the following.
The EIA team undertook the following schedules from March to October 2019 as part of the preparation
and conduct of the EIA process:
Conduct researches and gather data or information on the impact study area, i.e.,
geological, climatology, socio-economic aspects, past environmental conditions of
the project.
August 2019 Schedule of Public Scoping in affected Municipalities of Iloilo, Guimaras & Negros
September 2019 Submission of Public Scoping Report at DENR-EMB Central Office
Schedule of Technical Scoping at DENR-EMB Central Office
October 2019 Presentation of draft EIS Report to DENR-EMB
Schedule of 2nd Public Consultation/Presentation of Results
April 2021 Schedule of Public Hearing
May 2021 Submission of Revised EIS to DENR
November 2021 Additional baseline survey in terrestrial flora and fauna and Marine mammal
April 2022 Submission of additional information and EIS to DENR
May 2022 Final Review of EIS Report with EIARC, Resource Persons
June 2022 ECC Issuance
The EIA study area is at Municipality of Leganes, Iloilo, Municipalities of Buenavista and San Lorenzo,
Guimaras and Municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental in Region VI.
The study areas in general are the primary and secondary impact areas. The primary impacts areas of
the project are the adjacent communities as shown below.
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EIA Methodology
Different methods were used in collecting primary data from the field but utilized similar technique for
secondary data collection. Tables below show the methods used for each field of study and the general
methods for the EIA study.
Module Coverage
Geology Secondary data, Geological Mapping using GPS, Geologic Compass, and
Topographic Map, secondary data
Hydrology Delineation of streams and water shed boundaries using geological maps,
Geographic location using GPS, water sampling and analysis
Meteorology Secondary Data, maps, air quality measurement and analysis
Component Methodology
Project Description Meeting with DPWH and review of previous studies
Secondary Data and Relevant Environmental Research work: LGUs,NSO,PAGASA,EMB, DENR,
Compilation of geohazard maps
Delineation of the Impact Areas Annex 2-2 of RPM DAO 2003-30
Identification of the stakeholders Annex 2-3 0f RPM DAO 2003-30
Description of the Existing Environment EIS Scoping Checklist (Annex 2-7a of RPM DAO
Secondary data collection
Ocular inspection
Terrestrial Flora and Fauna
Public Participation
Coordination meeting with different stakeholders like, DPWH, IPs, LGUs, and affected communities
where conducted to discuss the project. Series of Public consultation were conducted on different date
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Executive Summary - The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines
to inform the affected communities and plan of action, perceive impact and recommended mitigation
and compensation for affected communities.
The south bank of Iloilo Island in the northwestern end of the bridge area is
relatively flat. It belongs to the landform of the Chonghai Plain. The elevation
of the ground is less than 2.0m. The southeastern side of the island of
Guimaras has an ups and downs, belonging to the hilly landform, the rushing
sea plain and the piedmont plain. The elevation of the ground is generally
between 0 and 90 m. The terrain of the middle cross-sea bridge is slightly
lower. It belongs to the sea stall, the underwater shallow stall and the shallow
sea accumulation plain. The ground elevation is at least -37m.
Regional Geology The geotectonic structure of the study area belongs to the Philippine plate (II),
with the Eurasian plate (I) on the southwest and the Philippine sea plate on the
northeast (III). The Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate subducted into
the lower part of the Philippine plate, forming the Negros subduction zone in
the west and the Philippine subduction zone in the east. The Philippine break
across the Philippine plate divides the Philippine plate into two sub-structural
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The area is one of the most active tectonic zones with frequent seismic activity.
The epicentral distribution map of the earthquake clearly shows that the area
is covered by shallow and deep earthquakes, and the subduction seismic zone
controls the seismic distribution of the area. Most of the shallow earthquakes
in the offshore are related to the shallow brittle subduction zone called the
thrust fault (depth 0-60km). Most of the deep-seismic earthquakes occur in the
deeper toughness of the subduction zone, known as the Benioff belt.
According to the regional data and in combination with the geological survey
of the project, it is shown that the poor geological phenomena found in the site
of recommended scheme for bridge location on Section A of Panay-Guimaras
Island mainly cover the karst, collapse and sandy soil liquefaction. The
construction of project may be affected, and may have a certain impact on
geology and geomorphology.
The bank slope at landing point on both sides of the proposed bridge is gentle
and stable, and there is little possibility of bank collapse in natural state.
However, the rock and soil layer on the surface layer of is relatively loose, and
the change of hydrological environment may lead to the stability of the bank
slope under the long-term water flow, especially after the construction of the
bridge. It is suggested that the revetment works should be increased at the
bridge location during design and construction period.
Flora Additional surveys on flora (plants) and fauna (wildlife) biodiversity along the
proposed Panay-Guimaras-Negros (PGN) Bridge project were undertaken on
June 29 to 30, 2019. This additional survey traverses an alternative route via
Panay-Guimaras islands where a total of ten study sites was identified based
on its significance and influence relative to the perceived presence of floristic
and faunal species within the project area. This alternative alignment comes
after an earlier study where 21 sampling sites were established connecting
Panay-Guimaras-Negros Islands last March 2019. Re-surveys terrestrial flora
and fauna of the same sampling points were done on November 19-22, 2021.
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A critical habitat that may be affected upon implementation of the PGN project
construction are Mangrove forest. Mangroves constitute less than 1% of all
forest areas worldwide, but they play an extremely important role in providing
environmental services. As such, mangroves serve as an essential nursery for
coastal and offshore fisheries, provide an array of timber and non-timber forest
products to local communities, sequesters and store a large amount of carbon,
which helps to mitigate the impacts of global climate change. More importantly,
mangroves enhance sediment deposition and protect the coast from the
destructive power of waves and storm surges. The world has seen a 50%
decline in the total area of mangroves since the mid-twentieth century, making
them one of the most threatened ecosystem.
Fauna Survey of fauna composition of the project area was undertaken in three (3)
consecutive days on March 16-18, 2019 and on June 2019. Weather condition
during the survey is sunny. Survey on fauna composition of the project area
covers the avi-fauna, mammals, and herpeto-fauna. Prior to the conduct of
sampling, general habitat assessment was undertaken to consider different
ecosystems and topography within the project area for the selection of areas
for observation. A total of 22 observation sites was identified based on its
significance and influence relative to the perceived presence of faunal species
within the project area. Selected sampling sites represent different ecosystems
in the area.
Recorded fauna species during this survey are dominated by birds. A total of
60 species of birds are recorded within the surveyed 22 sample sites and along
the project alignment. Other species recorded are four (4) species of
mammals, two (2) species of reptiles and one (1) species of reptile,
respectively. On the other hand, sampled wetland area (bird sanctuary) in So.
Cavan barangay Tapong in Pulupandan registered a total of 40 species of
birds. Birds in this site are dominated by water birds comprised of 55 percent
or 22/44 recorded species.
The additional sampling site in So. Cavan (bird sanctuary), a total of 40 species
of birds are recorded dominated by water birds which habitat is closely
associated to wetlands. Among the prevailing species observed in the area are
the Black Winged Stilt, White-winged Tern and Common Moorhen.
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Relative to species richness of sample sites, Out of the 22 sample sites, Site
22 (wet land area) has the greatest abundance of 167 representing assortment
of 40 species of birds dominated by water birds. Site no 5 which situated in
San Lorenzo Guimaras is among the sites with high abundance (74), followed
by site no. 20 located in Leganes Iloilo with abundance of 61. Notably, these
areas are near and or along the shore line and fish ponds. Conversely, site
nos. 12 and 13 has the least abundance and diversity. These areas are
situated in an open dry- lands.
Endemic species recorded on sites are the Barred Rail, Grey- rumped Swiftlet,
Philippine Bulbul/Visayan Bulbul, Philippine Coucal, Philippine Night Jar,
Philippine Magpie Robin, Pygmy Swiftlet, Zebra Dove, White-breasted
Waterhen, White Eared Brown Dove, Philippine Pygmy Flower Pecker and the
Red Keeled Flower Pecker. Other species endemic in the area is the Lesser
Musky fruit bat which is recorded in Pulupandan site.
Only 2 species of mammals observed during the survey. There was the
Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans) and the Common Rousette Bat (Rousettus
amplexicaudatus). Only 1 mammal was observed during the survey in
additional 10 sites, which is believed to be the Common Dawn Bat (Eonycteris
spelae) which are wandering along the mangrove area.
Based on the IUCN categories, only four (4) species are included in the
threatened categories. Among these species are the Java Sparrow
(Endangered), Chinese Egret (Vulnerable), Curlew Sand Piper and Grey
Tailed Tatler (Near Threatened). Most of the recorded species (91.6%) are
least concern in the category. Moreover, under DAO 2019-09, only the Chinese
Egret is included under Vulnerable in the Categories. Twelve (12) are Other
Wildlife Species (OWS) and the rest are not included in the list.
Three representative mangrove sites were identified in this study, two of which
will be affected due to bridge landing construction (Panay Island and the
western side of Guimaras), and one inner streams of Eastern Guimaras which
will be affected due road access construction. Considerations to off-set the
impact of construction to these mangrove habitats is suggested. First is to
recognize the ecology of the naturally occurring mangrove species at the site,
in particular the patterns of reproduction, distribution, successful seedling
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Oceanography During dry season, the discriminant number of tidal current type on each level
of C7 station is more than 0.5 and less than 2, which is irregular semidiurnal
tidal current, and the discriminant number of tidal current type on each level of
other stations is less than 0.5, which is the regular semidiurnal tidal current.
During wet period, the discriminant number of tidal current type at the partial
level of C6, C7, C8 and C9 stations is more than 0.5 and less than 2, which is
irregular semidiurnal tidal current, accounting for 27% of statistical discriminant
number of tidal current type; the discriminant number of tidal current type at
each level of other stations is all less than 0.5, which is the regular semidiurnal
tidal current. To sum up, the engineering sea area is the sea area dominated
by the regular semidiurnal tidal current.
The ocean current of the whole strait along the strait channel (or bank line) is
mainly dominated by reciprocating flow, which is roughly northeast-southwest
direction. Specific features are as follows:
Observation Stations on northern section (C1): During dry season, the flow
velocity of ocean current for high and medium tide is all higher, and the main
direction of ocean current is NE-SW, which shows obvious characteristics of
the reciprocating flow. The velocity of low tide is very low, and the ocean
current mainly changes in the SW-dominated fan-shaped range, which shows
the characteristics of rotating flow. During wet season, the flow velocity of
ocean current during three tidal periods is all not high, and the main direction
is dominated by reciprocating current, and the main direction is NNE-SSW.
In the observation of high, medium and low tide periods during wet season and
dry season, the maximum of flow velocity for ocean current in most stations
appears on the surface layer or the 0.2H layer, and the flow velocity gradually
decreases from the surface to the bottom, but the variation is less, and the
distribution of flow direction on the vertical line is relatively consistent.
During dry season, the duration of rising tide current for each station is
4.00~7.50 hours, and the duration of rising tide current for each station is 4.50
~ 7.25 hours, the duration of rising tide current for C7, C8 and C9 stations is
more than that of falling tide current, and the duration of rising tide current for
other stations is less than that of falling tide current. During the medium tide
period, the duration of rising tide current is 4.25 ~ 7.75 hours, the duration of
falling tide current is 4.50 ~ 7.75 hours, the duration of rising tide current for C8
station is more than that of failing tide current, and the duration of rising tide
current for other stations is less than that of falling tide current; During the low
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During high tide period, the duration of rising tide current on each level of each
station is between 5.00~6.00 hours, while the duration of falling tide current is
between 6.00~7.50 hours. During the medium tide period, the duration of
rising tide current on each level of each station is between 3.25~6.00 hours,
while the duration of falling tide current is between 6.00~7.50 hours. During
low tide period, the duration of rising tide current on each level of each station
is between 5.00 ~ 7.50 hours, while the duration of falling tide current is
between 7.00~8.00 hours. During high, medium and low tide periods, the
duration of rising tide current for all stations is all less than that of falling tide
Fresh water The main rivers on A section for PGN project are the Iloilo River, Tigum River
and Jalaur River on Panay Island. The Iloilo River originates from the Batino
River in Oton, flows through the Lapuz, Lapaz, Manduriao, Molo, Arevalo and
Iloilo urban area and infuses into the Iloilo Strait. The water level fluctuates with
the tides due to closing the estuary. Section A of PGN Project mainly refers to
small seasonal rivers on Guimaras Island, while Section B of Project PGN
refers to main river such as San Lorenzo River on Guimaras Island.The main
river of PGN Project on Section B is the Bago River on Negros Island.
Sulu Sea is located to the southwest of PGN Bridge, and Visayas Sea is
located to the northeast. The islands and reefs distribute horizontally and
vertically around Visaya Sea and Sulu Sea, the topography fluctuates sharply,
the local wave conditions are complex, and the waves are complicated in the
whole engineering area due to influence by topography.
Fresh Water Quality Grab sampling was used for marine water quality measurement. Samples
were collected on March 20 and 22, 2019 with fair to sunny weather. Total of
8 stations were sampled at low and high tide. Based on the results, pH, color,
Dissolved Oxygen (DO), TSS, oil and grease, nitrate, phosphate, metals and
fecal coliform bacteria meet the criteria guidelines of the DENR Administrative
Order (DAO) No. 2016-08, Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent
Standards of 2016 for Class SC limits. It should be noted that DENR does not
have regulatory standard for BOD, COD, chloride under class SC.
Increased turbidity and suspended solids in marine water is one of the adverse
impacts anticipated during the bridge pier foundation construction. These
impacts will be short term and limited to the vicinity of the project site. The
magnitude of suspended matter increase and impact scope is directly related
to construction method. In the comparison and selection scheme of bridge pier
foundation for this project, the caisson foundation scheme having great
disturbance to seabed was abandoned, and the pile group foundation scheme
was selected. More specifically, integral steel casing scheme was adopted for
construction of main bridge foundation, and the steel trestle and steel casing
scheme was adopted for construction of approach bridge foundation.
Therefore, the significant disturbance on seabed during bridge pier
construction will be felt mainly during the steel trestle construction stage and
during installation of steel casing. The impact of bridge foundation construction
on marine water quality is short term and is expected to be limited to the project
Groundwater Quality Grab sampling was used for marine water quality measurement. Samples
were collected on March 20 and 22, 2019 with sunny weather.
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There are no present drinking water guidelines for BOD, COD, dissolved
oxygen, Surfactants, TSS, oil and grease, phosphate and hexavalent
Marine Ecology To establish baseline data on coastal resources, an assessment was carried
out last 15 to 18 March 2019 to determine the current ecological conditions of
submerged coastal habitats that may be impacted by the proposed
construction of bridge project across the three main islands. A total of 22 sites
were assessed during the conduct of seagrass assessment on the same period
with that of coral reefs. Out of these sites, seven (7) were from barangays
Nabitasan and Gua-an in the municipality of Leganes, province of Iloilo (Panay
island); six (6) were in Getulio, Buenavista and four (4) in Cabano, San
Lorenzo, both are located in Guimaras island; and five (5) in Poblacion,
Pulupandan in Negros Occidental. Detailed coral reef assessment was
conducted using the Photo-transect method (Vergara and Licuanan, 2007).
Aside from facilitating the conduct of the survey and providing a permanent
record of benthic cover, the photo-transect method is also accurate in detecting
changes on the reef through time (Leujak and Ormond, 2007). Fish Visual
Census (FVC) technique (English, et al., 1997) was used to determine the
species diversity, abundance and biomass in the different sites surveyed. This
procedure was done on the same transect laid for the coral survey. After the
line had been laid, observers waited for about 5-10 minutes before the actual
census to allow for the disturbed fish community to return to their normal
behavior. Starting at one end of the line, all fishes within a 5m x 10m imaginary
quadrat were identified up to species level (if possible) and their numbers and
estimated sizes recorded. Observer swam to and briefly stop at every 5-m mark
along the line until the transect line was completed. The faster moving fishes
were counted first before the slower ones. Each transect covers an area of
500m2 (50m long x 10m width). A total of eight (8) sampling stations were
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No seagrass and live coral were recorded across the seven (7) stations
surveyed along barangays Nabitasan and Gua-an in the municipality of
Leganes, province of Iloilo. The bottom substrate was generally muddy in
Leganes, Iloilo. This geomorphological setting of the area contributed to the
low visibility and high turbidity. Moreover, siltation and possibly eutrophication
may promote plankton bloom, which in the process may cover the seagrasses
and reef bottom to hinder further recruitment and settlement.
The same pattern (no seagrass and corals) was observed in coastal areas
across the various sampling sites in barangay Getulio, Buenavista in Guimaras
Island. Aquaculture practices such as fish ponds also contributed to water
turbidity aside from the area as a major route of fast craft along Iloilo Strait
going back and forth to Iloilo and Guimaras. Silt was the limiting factor for coral
recruitment aside from less hard substrate availability. Meanwhile, light and
availability of suitable substrate may limit seagrass recruitment and
establishment considering that the area was quite turbid and had hard
substratum, which can be influenced by the presence of coralline cliff area at
the coast.
Among the four sites sampled in barangay Cabano, San Lorenzo in Guimaras
Island, the northernmost site was confirmed to harbour seagrass Cymodocea
serrulata. These seagrasses can be found about 150-200 m from the concrete
municipal wharf and about 100 m from the shore facing a windmill. On top of
C. serrulata, there were seaweeds present under the genus Padina and
Halimeda. None of hard coral was observed across the five (5) sites surveyed
in San Lorenzo, Guimaras. Based on the anecdotal account, locals observed
live coral in shoal reef. However, the boat captain could not pin point the exact
location of the shoals during the surveys. Hence, we did aspot dive along the
coast considering that San Lorenzo reef was clearer compared to other sites.
And yet, the area still had low visibility due to strong waves. All stations were
sandy-muddy bottom where coral recruits are impossible to grow. Hard
substrates were not observed during the dive except rocks near the coast.
Those rocks were not sampled due to strong waves.
No reefs and seagrasses were encountered from six (6) sampling areas in
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. Deep soft mud was observed in all spot dives
in relatively deep areas. In addition, loose grayish sediment or volcanic origin
along the coasts, which indicate unsuitability of sediment substrate for
establishment. There were also a river system, Bago River, and major coastal
development in the area that may seem to contribute to siltation and water
visibility, hence deteriorating water quality for photosynthetic organisms like
seagrasses and corals. Furthermore, silt and plankton bloom, if they settle at
bottom, may cover the reef substratum for colonization, hence impossible for
coral recruits to settle.
None of the reef fish species were seen during the survey across the four sites.
With the present reef condition, it is uncertain if there are still sites across the
islands that harboured reef fish species. Some soft bottom fish species that
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Since coral reefs were hardly seen in all site surveyed while seagrasses were
only reported in Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras, the impact of the project on
marine ecology along the project sites may be minimal in the sense that corals
and seagrasses did not exist virtually in all sampling sites, with an exception in
San Lorenzo sampling sites. The construction of bridge foundations could be
on hard substrates and literally concrete material in nature, these foundations
may hinder water circulation and longshore current, hence minimizing
sediment and water mass exchanges. Therefore, it is recommended the
engineering design of bridge (e.g., stockpiles) may consider these
hydrodynamic processes in such a way not to dampen incoming and outgoing
tides and currents.
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Climate The climate map of the country is based on the Modified Coronas classification.
The project area under study belongs to Type I category. This is characterized
by two pronounced seasons; dry from December to April and wet during the
rest of the year. The climate is tropical in Iloilo City. Most months of the year
are marked by significant rainfall. The short dry season has little impact.
Rainfall The southwest monsoon is the main rainfall-causing weather system of the
area. Tropical cyclones seldom, if not rarely, cross the project area. The rainy
season in the area occurs from May to November while the rest of the year is
relatively dry. The month of July is the wettest, with a monthly average rainfall
of 329.6 mm. The month of February, on the other hand is the driest, with a
mean monthly rainfall of 16.0 mm. The average annual rainfall recorded based
on 30 years of data is 1767mm.
PAGASA 2020-2050 Hot days and dry days are likely to be more frequent over the Philippines with
projection more heavy rainfall days especially over Luzon and Visayas by 2020 and 2050.
Reduction in rainfall in most parts of the Philippines is predicted during the
summer (MAM) season. However rainfall increase is a trend during the
southwest monsoon (JJA) until the transition (SON) season in most areas of
Luzon and Visayas in 2020 and 2050.
Heavy daily rainfall will continue to become more frequent, and extreme rainfall
is projected to increase in Luzon and Visayas only. But number of dry days is
expected to increase in all parts of the country in 2020 and 2050.
Ambient Air Quality Air Samples were collected on April 2-4 & July 8-9 in Buenavista, April 6-8,
2019 in San Lorenzo, Guimaras. In Iloilo, samples were collected on April 12-
13 in Leganes and July 6-7, 2019 in Jaro. In Pulupandan, Negros Occidental,
air samples were collected on April 9-11, 2019. Total of 9 stations were
sampled. Weather conditions at the time of sampling were sunny, fair to cloudy
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Results of air quality for all parameters measured at two (2) sites are compared
with National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values (NAAQGV) of Republic Act
8749 or known as Philippine Clean Air Act. All parameters tested in all sites
are within the allowable limits.
Pollution from the project are mainly air-borne dusts, generated from activities
such as road construction, pipeline construction, and vehicle operations. The
effect of pollution will be high on buildings close to the project site. Use of
commercial asphalt is recommended in the construction, because its exhaust
gas will have less impact.
In the demolition and relocation on earlier stage, the air-borne dust from
demolition and relocation may occur in the process of pushing, knocking and
clearing transportation. The demolition of the project on earlier stage mainly
involves the houses along the line. Therefore, in the process of demolition, it is
necessary to strengthen the management, standardize the construction and
adopt necessary ambient protection measures such as sprinkling water in
order to reduce the air-borne dust impact on the periphery. Bridge construction
mainly includes the construction of the foundation, bridge superstructure, lifting
and splicing stage. In comparison to the air born dust resulting from the
pavement construction, the impact of air-borne dust caused by bridge
construction is relatively small. This is because, it neither involves the
construction of a new pavement nor produces secondary air borne dust from
driving on unfinished pavements.
Ambient Noise Noise measurements were collected on April 2 to 11, 2019 & July 6-9, 2019 at
Municipalities of Leganes, Iloilo, Buenavista, San Lorenzo, Guimaras and
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. Weather condition at the time of sampling
was sunny to cloudy with slight rains. Twenty-four (24) hours measurement
were sampled for Noise level. on the results of noise measurement, some
areas failed to meet the standard limit set fort. However most of the said
exceedances are not critical since high noise level created during sampling are
mostly intermittent only specifically those coming from animals like barking of
dogs, rooster crowing, etc.
Noise sources of the planned project in the construction stage mainly come
from construction machinery, supplemented by radiation noise of transport
vehicles. Specific construction machinery used in the project and their
distribution are drilling machine: this project adopts bored pile construction.
Lifting machine, concrete mixer and concrete vibrator, asphalt paver, electric
drill, electric saw, and cutting machine and so on are manly applied in
pavement construction and traffic engineering construction, with comparatively
less impact. Other sources are rollers, bulldozers, excavators, and pneumatic
picks and so on which are mainly used in the construction of roads and dump
trucks are mainly employed in the construction sites, to transport building
material to construction site and convey construction wastes and project
dredge to the designated locations.
Significant noise and vibration impacts are anticipated during the construction
of ground roads and bridge engineering.
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The located is located in one (1) Municipality in Iloilo, two (2) Municipalities in
Population Guimaras and one (1) Municipality in Negros Occidental covering a total of 12
barangays. The total population of the 12 barangays are 19,097. Among the
barangays cover, M. Chavez in the municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras and
Getulio in the municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras have the highest
population with 2,803 and 2,619, respectively. On the other hand, the least
population within the project area is Barangay Pag-ayon with 981 populations.
Water Supply Leganes’ sources of Level III potable water are the deep wells in the barangays
of Guihaman and Cagamutan Sur. The municipality has adequate
underground water supply, which can be tapped for domestic and commercial
uses. The surface water in Calaboa Creek, Carismo-an Creek and Janipaan
River are utilized for irrigation purposes.
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Transportation and Leganes is only about eleven kilometers from Iloilo City and few kilometers
Road Network from the Iloilo Airport of International Standards. It can be reached from Iloilo
City through the National Highway to the north or the Coastal Highway to the
Municipality of Dumangas. The Coastal Road serves as the shorter link of the
town to the International Port in Barrio Obrero, Lapuz, Iloilo City and to some
of the municipalities in the north. There are also barangay roads that connect
the municipality to the adjacent towns like Sta. Barbara and Pavia.
Buenavista and Guimaras can be reach by boat if you are coming outside the
province. Jeepney, tricycle and motor are the main transportation in the area
while in Pulupandan, Negross Occidental can be reach by bus when coming
from other municipalities and provinces. Nearest airport to the area is in
Bacolod City.
Peace and Order In terms of peace and order in the four (4) municipalities affected by the
project, through the joint effort of the police, fire department and the
community, is considered as one of the most peaceful municipalities of the
Province of based on the low crime rate recorded. No heinous or sensational
cases have ever been recorded and there are no existing criminal groups in
the area for several years. The police, fire department and the community are
doing its part in keeping with the said status purposely to attract more
investors to do business in the area and maintain a peaceful and ideal place
to live, work and conduct business.
Gender and Children There is a gender and development in the four (4) municipalities affected by
Rights the project. They implemented the equal protection or treatment to women.
Part of their gender and development initiatives is the implementation of
GAD-ECCD Program which consider gender welfare as well as early
childhood care and development.
LGU Income In terms of IRA dependency, there are increase and decrease in dependency
among all the municipalities within the project area. In San Lorenzo, Guimaras,
from 97% IRA dependency in 2009, it decreased to 82% in 2016. On the other
hand, there is an increasing trend of IRA dependency in Pulupandan, Negros
Occidental while Buenavista, Guimaras is consistent with 88% to 90% between
2009-2016. Leganes, Iloilo has the lowest record of IRA Dependency in 2010
with 69% while the highest was in 2013 with 81%.(Data source: Bureau of
Local Government Finance, Department of Finance, 2017).
Public Participation Public Scoping meetings were conducted with stakeholders last August 27-29,
2019 at the four (4) affected Municipalities: Municipality of Pulupandan in
Negros Occidental, Municipality of Buenavista and San Lorenzo in Guimaras
and Municipality of Leganes in Iloilo. The stakeholders are composed of LGU
Officials, barangay councils, community leaders and representative from
People’s Organization and Government Agencies.
On people, most of the issues and concerns raised were the road right of way
(RROW) which include the families, properties, structures, land (agriculture,
trees) that will be affected by the alignment and just compensation. Impact on
livelihood to fishermen, prioritization of job opportunities to local communities.
The Public Hearing was conducted via Zoom online meeting last April 12, 2021
in the Municipality of San Lorenzo and Buenavista, Guimaras, April 14, 2021
in the Municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental and April 16, 2021 in the
Municipality of Leganes, Iloilo. The attendees are representative from the
proponent (DPWH Central Office and Region 6), preparers, local government
unit, provincial office, EMB-DENR Region 6 and Central Office, Non-
government Organizations, people’s organization, Academe, private entity,
other concerned government agencies and local community. Some of the
participants from the Municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras, Buenavista,
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Most issues and concerns raised were marine biodiversity especially dugong,
seabirds and Irrawaddy dolphins, NOCWCA and RAMSAR site of the
proposed alignment in Negros Occidental, seagrass, mangrove habitat,
sedimentation and siltation in marine, road right of way, affected people,
properties and land.
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Executive Summary - The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines
Summary of Key Issues and Concerns Raised during Public Scoping and how these are addressed by the Project
Environmental EIA Module Issues/Suggestions raised by the Sector or Issues addressed by the project
Component Likely to Stakeholders Representative who and proponent
be Affected raised the
Municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Land Terrestrial Flora Mangroves that may possibly affected by the Mr. Jimwell Canedo, The areas with mangroves traversed
(Mangrove) project Brgy. Pag-Ayon and affected by the alignments were
included in the study. DENR has
guidelines regarding the affected
mangroves which the proponent will
Water Water Resources Source of water maybe affected during the Ms. Mila Lourdes If the source of water for drinking is
construction Tandoy, Municipal coming from the shallow well, it will be
Sanitary Inspector affected, as well as the pipe lines. The
contractor must be responsible in
keeping the source of water safe and
clean. It is recommend that people in
the community should be part in close
monitoring during the construction to
mitigate the loss of the water. For the
disposal, it will be included in
recommendation on proper disposal of
waste during and after the
People Institutional Role of LGU in the project Barangay Captain The role of the LGU in this project is
Marina Amacio of Brgy. very significant. The contractor shall
Pag-Ayon have close coordination with the LGU
and the affected people before and
during the construction of the project.
We will include in the study the social
development project but it depends to
the DPWH if this will included on their
People Delivery of Materials -Process during the construction in terms of Ms. Josenel Joy Same road will be used during the
delivery of the construction materials and Salinas, Municipal delivery of the construction materials.
safety considerations Social Welfare Officer The possible effects are the dust and
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Environmental EIA Module Issues/Suggestions raised by the Sector or Issues addressed by the project
Component Likely to Stakeholders Representative who and proponent
be Affected raised the
-Other route or alternative road for the noise pollution during construction.
delivery vehicle for the materials to create less Appropriate mitigating and
traffic and disturbance in the community management measures will be ensured
and recommended in the study.
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Executive Summary - The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines
Environmental EIA Module Issues/Suggestions raised by the Sector or Issues addressed by the project
Component Likely to Stakeholders Representative who and proponent
be Affected raised the
Chance of job opportunity once project Barangay Captain Absolutely yes! Numerous incomes
implementation takes place Marina Amacio of Brgy. generating jobs will rise.
Others Project Details No of lanes for bridge construction Mr. Eduardo Moreno, For now, there will be only 2 lanes with
and location of alignment of the bridge Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. Pag- emergency bay, this is not final and will
Ayon be subject for DPWH’s approval.
There are proposed alternatives and
best alignment as presented in
consultation meeting
Target or timeline of the project Barangay Captain Tentative in 2022 as the proposed
Also, can we suggest to include the bike lane? Marina Amacio of Brgy. implementation of the construction of
Pag-Ayon the project or after the approved
detailed engineering design. Six years
is the timeline for the construction of
the project. 2028 is the target to
operate the bridge. Inclusion of bike
lane in the design is noted.
Others ECC Who will apply for the ECC? Mr. Jimwell Canedo, DPWH/ consultant is responsible for
Brgy. Pag-Ayon the application of ECC to DENR-EMB.
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Executive Summary - The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines
Environmental EIA Module Issues/Suggestions raised by the Sector or Representative Issues addressed by the project and
Component Likely Stakeholders who raised the proponent
to be Affected issues/suggestions
Municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras
Land Terrestrial Flora and Concern on trees if included in the Ms. Girlie Magilo, Municipal Trees were included in the study. Details
Fauna affected areas since there were lots of Agri-Fisheries Council of inventory will be included in the
trees, crops and kalamansi Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
People Project Affected Concern on affected land properties Mr. Eliodoro Millama, Brgy. The affected property or land will be
that will be traversed by the alignment Kgwd. Brgy. Cansilayan compensated based on DPWH guidelines.
Inventory and assessment will be based
on Resettlement Action Plan Survey.
People Livelihood (Fisherfolk) Based on experience, the construction Ms. Girlie Magilo, Municipal Marine ecology on flora and fauna,
of the wind turbines greatly affected our Agri-Fisheries Council present conditions of marine life, its impact
crops. to biodiversity will be included in the study.
Issue on the displacement of fisher folks Mitigation and preventive measures are
and natural resources once recommended in the report including strick
construction takes place implementation and compliance. Social
programs are proposed that will most
likely affect the livelihood of the fishermen.
People Livelihood (Mango Concern on protection of mango Ms. Girlie Magilo, Municipal Agri-Fisheries Council
Plantation) industry in the area from outside mango There is a quarantine area before entering the island and check point. It is
traders since Guimaras is known for its already a national law that mango fruits of outside traders are prohibited from
abundant production of mango fruits entering the island. It will be assured that strict implementation takes place.
Mayor Eugenio Reyes, Municipal Mayor of Buenavista
Putting up an inspection/check-point in the project area to monitor the
entering of goods to prevent outside traders from entering the island.
Others Project Design Concern is on engineering and Mayor Eugenio Reyes, The proponent will be informed on the final
technical design of the proposed bridge, Municipal Mayor of Buenavista design of the bridge and the suggestion on
especially bike and motorcycle lanes possible inclusion of bike lane and
and pedestrian lane to which people motorcycle lane in the design.
could walk though
Others Expression of Support Mayor Eugenio Reyes, Municipal Mayor of Buenavista
“We are very thankful for the government in particular for this project in our municipality. It will boost our economic
development and it will also attract tourists and investors in our community. This project is very helpful to us because
most of the passengers are stranded every time there is strong typhoon which hinders us to cross the sea going to
nearby provinces due to no other means of transportations. Also, if this project will be realized, we hope that the next
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Executive Summary - The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines
Environmental EIA Module Issues/Suggestions raised by the Sector or Representative Issues addressed by the project and
Component Likely Stakeholders who raised the proponent
to be Affected issues/suggestions
project will be airport in our municipality. We are requesting to the proponent for the close coordination to the LGU
before and during the construction of the project for their information and mostly for the displacement of the affected
people. Right now the LGU still updating their CLUP”.
Municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Land Mangroves Issue on mangroves and timberland Ms. Catherine Ann Gawara, Municipal The areas with mangroves that will be traversed and
Planning and Development Coordinator affected by the alignment will be assessed and
(MPDC) included in the study.
People Project Affected Concern on affected houses by the Ms. Chona Tabiano, Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. M. The affected houses, property or land will be
project and proper coordination and Chavez compensated based on DPWH guidelines. Inventory
meeting in the community and assessment will be based on Resettlement Action
Plan Survey.
Requesting for the consideration to Mr. Rafael Tabiano/Ms. Chona Tabiano, Suggestion is noted. DPWH has guidelines for
re-route the proposed alignment Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. M. Chavez compensation for the affected people. 2021 is the
since our house will be affected; propose schedule for the settlement to the affected
traverses some buildings like residents in the project. The LGU or the affected
barangay hall, day care and houses. barangay will provide or submit the certificate for no
objection of the project.
other government agencies and weather, some attendees were not able to make it.
specialists will attend For the next consultation, it will be ensured their
attendance to the meeting.
People Social What will happen if the involved Ms. Chona Tabiano, Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. M. It is advised that the barangay has to submit a letter of
Acceptability barangay will go against the Chavez disagreement with road alignment. The final decision
alignment? will be based on evaluation of the Environmental
Management Bureau (EMB) to grant the ECC or not.
Others Project Design Where is the approach of the bridge SFOI Charlie Nieles, OIC-Bureau of Fire The proposed map of the approach bridge was shown
in the M. Chavez? and Protection to the stakeholders through the aid of Google earth.
Suggestion will be raised to the proponent for
-Suggest rerouting of vehicles before consideration.
and during construction to prevent
accidents in the area Based on the recommended length it is around 13.10
-Query on length of bridge meters.
-Consideration on earthquake Yes, earthquake design is accounted
Design Two lanes will be proposed with estimate width of 3.5
-width of bridge to 4 meters
Based on the estimated cost of the bridge project it is
-Cost of project around 27 Billion. This is not the final cost and
depends on the agreement from Philippine
Government and Government of China
Actual plan of the bridge is requested Mr. Ibany Bonilla, Municipal Administrator This issue will be raised to the proponent to provide
the final plan or design for approval of the
Consideration on pedestrian lane to Ms. Susie Ferrer, Brgy. Cabano The proposed bridge is composed of 2 lanes with
walk or jog along the bridge. emergency lane, people are not allowed to walk, for
safety and accident prevention
Query on toll-fee Mr. Rafael Tabiano, Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. M. No toll fee will be charged since this is not an
Chavez expressway.
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Environmental EIA Module Issues/Suggestions raised by the Sector or Representative Issues addressed by the project and
Component Likely Stakeholders who raised the proponent
to be Affected issues/suggestions
Municipality of Leganes, Iloilo
Land -Terrestrial Flora Concerns on habitat, terrestrial (flora and fauna) to be Mr. Jofel Coching, Zooligical Baseline marine ecology, terrestrial flora and fauna
and Fauna affected by the project Society of London-Philippines survey will be conducted based on proposed
Water -Marine ecology -Species such as sea grass, Dugong and mangrove Mr. Rodney Golbeque, alignments.
plants Zooligical Society of London-
People Traffic Congestion Issue on traffic congestion and possible mitigation Atty. Jeorge Gregorio, Mitigation measures and traffic management plan will
Leganes Premier Land be required to contractors prior to construction. Close
Consulting coordination to LGU and people in the community will
be ensured.
Project Affected Cost of private lands to be traversed by the road project Mayor JunJun Jaen, Valuation of cost and fair market value will be based
Municipal Mayor, Leganes on DPWH guidelines Right of Way Acquisition
manual for just compensation to affected people,
properties, land etc.
Others Project Details Query on start of project and its implementation Engr. Samson Jaspe, -Year 2020: detailed engineering design (DED)
Sangguniang Bayan Member, -2021- right of acquisition of all affected properties
Leganes and structures or period for settlement for the Land
Acquisition Plan (LAP) and Resettlement Action Plan
-2022- starting of construction which will last until
Given the time frame, once the alignment is final
there is still a need to conduct detailed engineering
design in activity. This is to assess all the affected
properties by the final alignment and compensation.
The selection of contractors will be conducted
between year 2020 and 2021. Since this is a
government project, timeframe will be followed.
“Where is the passageway of those big ships? If we Mayor JunJun Jaen, Passageway was presented with the aid of google
have no international port. Can we request to put up a Municipal Mayor, Leganes earth.
shipyard?” This concern will be raised to the proponent about
shipyard for their consideration.
“Leganes has the most feasible and strategic location
for international port than in Iloilo, that is my personal
belief because we are located at the middle. Leganes is
the only municipality having a land mass which is an
important component for a port for industrial parks. In
the province of Iloilo, the Leganes is eyeing for industrial
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Others Project Design -Height of the bridge project and no. of lanes Mayor JunJun Jaen, The proposed height is around 58 meters. The
Municipal Mayor, Leganes proposed is 2 to 4 lanes. The initial bridge is designed
for only 28meters, but then the Philippine Port
Authority of Iloilo went against to this height of bridge
because the Dumangas in the future will become
international port. With this, the consultants revised
the designed and made the measurement 58 meters
high the same as the Guimaras-Pulupandan bridge
After the construction, can we request to the proponent Atty. Jeorge Gregorio, It is possible. Coordination to the
or contractor to give us the used materials or debris? Leganes Premier Land proponent/contractor is suggested.
Can we request/suggest for the possible re alignment Mayor JunJun Jaen, This suggestion will be raised to the proponent for
of the proposed project to Municipality of Saraga, Municipal Mayor, Leganes their consideration.
because we see that the owner of the land there is Prior to the recommendation of the road alignment,
majority from Ledesma Family. the consultant had considered the road connection to
C2 line.
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Damage to existing vegetation -Conduct of tree inventory and application of cutting permit shall be undertaken prior to
land clearing to fully account threatened and endemic species
-Seek clearance and tree cutting permits
-Replacement of trees in collaboration with DENR in the prioritization of site and species
to be planted.
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• Terrestrial flora -provisions stipulated in consonance to Section 4 of Republic Act 7161 and Section 43 of
-Removal of Mangroves PD 705 will be complied
-conduct extensive biodiversity studies across mangrove areas, including those unaffected
areas including studies during detailed engineering design (DED).
-avoid terrestrial mangroves that might be affected by the project by re-aligning the project
ROW few meters away from the mangrove site If this is not possible, the proponent should
ensure that a mangrove rehabilitation be employed by prioritizing mangrove close to the
project ROW as a greening program site.
-the list of mangrove species identified in this study (appended in Annex can be
used as basis for species that can be planted during the rehabilitation program/action in
the future
- select appropriate rehabilitation areas that are likely to succeed in the rehabilitation of
mangrove ecosystem
-After mangrove re-planting, regular monitoring of growth and survival, and identifying
causes of seedling mortality. Beating up or replanting of propagules and/or seedlings in
patches may be necessary where planting has failed.
-community participation and involvement, awareness campaign on ecosystem importance
• Terrestrial fauna -creation of wildlife refuge areas also as natural buffer through revegetation activities along
-displacement of fauna species roads and near the project area in collaboration with DENR.
-prohibition of wildlife collection and hunting
-Planting of naturally-grown species in the designated areas might encourage the wildlife
species to return in the future.
• Terrestrial habitat disturbance -Clearing along road right-of-way (ROW) should be confined on the ROW borders.
- Gradual clearing and removal of vegetation is encouraged to provide sufficient time for
non-volant wild fauna species to transfer in the nearby habitat.
For terrestrial flora to be cut or removed, tree replacement using endemic species and
fruit-bearing trees found onsite are suggested. The proponent should coordinate with
DENR, LGU and people’s organization on how to get seedling source for endemic and fruit
bearing trees.
-Include community participation by forming or utilizing people’s organization (POs)
within or near the project area to establish nurseries, identify reforestation areas near
project sites, and to monitor the performance of greening program activities. DPWH will
collaborate with DENR to seek for technical guidance and recommendation prior to
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Construction activities such as but not limited Surface water pollution • Site clearing will be limited to areas needed
to: • Increase turbidity and suspend • No clearance or establishment works will be undertaken during high rainfall conditions to
land clearing and soil stripping; excavation and solids in surface water run-off reduce the risk of sediment loss to the environment
earthwork; work in aquatic environments; • Construction of settling ponds to contain inflow of muddy waters
Machinery transportation, operation and
maintenance; • Installation of oil & sediment traps and proper storage of used oil
Equipment maintenance and repair; • Implement efficient construction methodology to shorten disturbance resulting from possible
• Water pollution and threatened
aquatic life which may lead to
bioaccumulation and
bioconcentration because of the
presence of metals, oil and grease,
hydrocarbons from machinery,
equipment, vessel
Land contamination, groundwater • Provision of portalets during construction and management of domestic wastewater to meet
pollution and comply with DENR effluent guidelines.
• Set up adequate toilet facilities; ensure sufficient washrooms for workers
The flushing wastewater for sandstone materials must be recycled after sedimentation
treatment in the sedimentation tank
Wastewater collection can be done, siphoned regularly and treated by accredited TSD facility
-Groundwater contamination due to -Use of high quality fluids during the drilling process to minimise any chance of pollution of
excavation which can expose ground water.
groundwater and the deeper sections -Where possible, above ground sumps or mud handling systems will be used.
of the soil to more harmful -Additives to drilling water may be used in small quantities, which prevent the contamination
contaminants such as oils and of aquifers during drilling operations. BTEX drilling fluids will not be used.
hydrocarbons from vehicles and -Oil, solid waste & hazardous waste handled carefully & transported in sealed containers.
other machineries used during the -All paints, lubricants, and other chemicals used on site stored in a secure and bunded
construction. location;
-Provision on used oil management such as proper handling and disposal of used oil in the
-Land contamination due to leaking designated area
sewerage connections and may -General refuse stockpiled in one central area
pollute the soil. This in turn will lead -Keep spill clean-up materials readily available
to the formation and accumulation in -Train workers in spill prevention and clean-up, and designate responsible individuals
the aquifer of hazardous gases such -Properly tune and maintain all machinery
as hydrogen sulphide -Carry out construction activities user the supervision of a suitably experienced person
Only undertake dewatering when absolutely required
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Construction activities such as but not limited Marine fauna Sea cows are mobile due to their feeding habits which is strict herbivory and dependent on
to: the presence of more digestible seagrass species like Halophila and Halodule species.
land clearing and soil stripping; excavation and * Disturbance of feeding areas The impact of the project is wholly dependent on how big the sea cow population and the
earthwork; work in aquatic environments; especially the habitats of “dugong” or location of construction site should avoid seagrass meadows if necessary
Machinery transportation, operation and sea cows specifically in Pulupandan, Additional measures are suggested.
maintenance; Negros and San Lorenzo, Guimaras a. Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) and local academe institutions should be included as
Equipment maintenance and repair; bridge one of the members of Multi-partite Monitoring Team (MMT)
pier foundation construction, and borehole -potential negative interactions to b. The proponent will engage the local Bantay Dagat to help in the day-to-day activities
construction in marine water Irrawaddy core habitat in terms of c)The proponent will refrain from construction activities once there is a presence of marine
diurnal behaviour and daily mammals
d. To introduce engineering technology to be adopted
-acoustic impairment to marine e. To provide noise barriers
mammals due to extremely loud On vessel behaviour in the presence of marine mammals:
noise during construction activities - When dolphins are nearby, vessel operators are required to maintain the prescribed
distance in the DA-DOT Joint A.O. No.1 of 2004.
-impact on the distribution of - Vessels should not approach the dolphins head on
Irrawaddy dolphins’ prey due to - Vessels should not cross the path of the animal. Instead, allow the animal to move away of
disruption by the pilings and bridge their own accord or move in parallel to their swimming direction
supports to the water flow of the - Vessels should not anchor down when animals are within the minimum prescribed distance
coastal area - it is recommended to deploy only the necessary number of vessels during the construction
phase. The placement and the number of permanent tidal net near the alignment and
along the coasts should be monitored as the marine fauna’s risks of entanglement is also
expected to increase due to noise pollution
-Use a ramp-up or soft-start technique for all heavy duty machinery that generates
extremely loud underwater noise for 30 minutes. This initiates a low-energy or low-level
noise to allow dolphins or other protected species within the high-impact zone (0.5 km
radius) to leave the area.
-Shutdown procedures are recommended when dolphins, marine turtles and other
ecologically important species relative to monitoring activity are observed within the high-
impact zone. If dolphins are observed in the high-impact zone during construction activity
that create loud underwater noise level, it is recommended to complete any on-going pile-
driving activity, but no new activity will be commenced until the dolphins have left the high-
impact zone. Ramp-up techniques will then be followed once the marine mammals have left.
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-The PGN project can “possibly” affect the integrity of the NOCWCA. While the bridge is just
few meters width, there is a need to monitor how wildlife species may respond to this
structure during and after the construction phase. The proponent should team up with the
local people, NGOs, LGUs, local academe institutions and biodiversity offices to reduce, if
not avoid, the impact of the project to the biodiversity.
*Marine habitat disturbance and -Avoidance during construction activities that will generate loud underwater noise level and
displacement due to: pile foundation construction on the spawning period of local fishery resources as far as
Sediment resuspension which will possible
negatively affect habitat quality Free circulation of water must be ensured to maintain fish habitat functions (feeding,
-change water movement and fish nursery, spawning) downstream from the work area. Any debris or concrete waste must be
migration in the area properly disposed of. All debris accidentally introduced into the marine and aquatic
-Vibrations associated with operating environment must be removed as quickly as possible.
large machinery might lead to
mortality among certain fish
especially the juveniles
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Obstruction to water circulation and The construction of bridge foundations could be on hard substrates and literally concrete
longshore current due material in nature, it is recommended the appropriate engineering design of bridge (e.g.,
construction/installation of Bridge stockpiles) must take into consideration in such a way these hydrodynamic processes may
foundations which may minimize not dampen incoming and outgoing tides and currents
sediment and water mass exchanges
Construction activities such as: • Air Pollution due to: - Roads will be watered especially during hot and dry weather. Regular water spraying by
land clearing and soil stripping; excavation and -Dust generation during clearing of water sprinklers (road tank watering) during construction.
earthwork; work in aquatic environments; the site and stockpiling of soil
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Machinery transportation, operation and -Dust generation during opening up - Wind covering will be required for the materials such as concretes, sand and lime that can
maintenance; of pits, construction activities, be easy to be scattered during loading and unloading, transporting, transferring and
Equipment maintenance and repair; associated with movement of temporarily storing.
vehicles and machinery and
excavation, transportation and
emplacement of rock and soil
• Air pollution with the presence of • Regular preventive check-up and maintenance of vehicles, smoke emission testing; use of
gases due to: vehicles compliant to emission standards (preferably latest models)
Exhaust fumes from equipment,
Construction activities Noise Quality and Vibration
such as: • Disrupting the -Noise reduction by limiting the times of construction to daylight hours (8am-5pm) in the vicinity of sensitive receptors.
land clearing and soil soundscape that may Install noise barriers by using canvass or any possible materials along the road shoulder
stripping; excavation influence the survival The barrier will reduce/deflect the level of noise from construction equipment to a receiver behind the barrier.
and earthwork; work in and breeding success For construction workers, provision of PPE such as mufflers and ear plugs must be employed
aquatic environments; of wildlife due to:
Machinery -Noise and vibration
transportation, generated from
operation and equipment,
maintenance; construction activities
maintenance and
-vibration and drilling
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Socio-economic Displacement of PAFs/ Prepare detailed Resettlement Action Plan survey report (RAP); Fair and just compensations to affected families;
Loss of properties Budget allocation and resources to PAFs and properties
Socio-economic • Increase in livelihood • Alleviate economy and generation of employment income to hosts, nearby barangays, and the three Provinces as
and business a whole pursuant to DPWH Department Order No. 130, Series of 2016, “Guidelines for the Implementation of
Number of opportunities the Provisions of Republic Act No. 6685 and Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta for Women which
alternative means • Provision of job specify the
of livelihood created opportunities for -Mandatory minimum percentage of 50% of the unskilled labor requirements shall be recruited in the Barangay
and number of construction workers where the project is located.
people actually -The mandatory 30% of the skilled labor requirement shall be recruited in the Barangay where the project is located
Socio-economic • Increase in revenues • Increased LGU revenues resulting from the purchase of locally available materials and equipment for construction,
Income comparison translating to additional taxes. Business establishments should be properly registered and payment of the required
for relocated taxes shall be monitored.
households before
& after relocation
Socio-economic • Health and Safety Risk • Use of appropriate PPE and the recommended IATF PPEs, to prevent spread of COVID-19, proper training of
workers, strict implementation of health and safety plans and programs including road safety. In compliance with DOLE
and DOH requirements.
Construction Road and Sea Traffic and -Effective implementation of Road and Sea Traffic Impact Assessment and Management Scheme/Plan
activities congestion - provision of alternate rerouting to ease congestion in selected areas especially during rush hours (daytime)
Transport and Land Contamination -LGU should have provision of emergency preparedness and response plan for implementation and strict compliance
movement of water pollution of national disaster risk reduction measures;
vehicles; oil spills -ordinance on strengthening Clean water act, clean air act, solid waste management, wildlife conservation and
Decommissioning • Water and Land • Preparation and implementation of comprehensive abandonment management plan
and Abandonment degradation • Proper clean-up and decontamination of affected site
of Auxiliary • Damage to access, • Proper dismantling of equipment and structures; site clearing and site restoration works
Facilities, clearing farm to market/ barangay • Disposal of hazardous waste
of debris; roads • Rehabilitation of damaged roads
materials, pull-out
of machineries;
transport of vehicle
equipment; oil spill
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Chapter 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1 Project Location and Area......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.1 Project Location.................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.2 Direct and Indirect Impact Area............................................................................................ 1-8
1.2 Project Rationale ........................................................................................................................ 1-9
1.2.1 Implementing the Project as Need of The Philippine National Strategy .............................. 1-9
1.2.2 Implementing the Project as Need of Promoting The Integrated Development Strategy of
The Three Islands .............................................................................................................................. 1-10
1.2.3 Implementing the Project as Need of Promoting the Rapid Development of Tourism and
Agriculture. ......................................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.2.4 Implementing the Project as Need of Improving The Regional Highway Backbone Network
and Ensuring All-weather Traffic ........................................................................................................ 1-13
1.2.5 Implementing the Project as Need of Ensuring Traffic Safety among the Islands ............. 1-13
1.3 Project Alternatives ................................................................................................................. 1-14
1.3.1 Procedure of Bridge Sites and Alignments Study .............................................................. 1-14
1.3.2 Development Strategy of the PGN Island Bridges ............................................................. 1-14
1.3.3 Basic Principle of Bridge Sites and Alignments Study ....................................................... 1-14
1.3.4 Terrain Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 1-15
1.3.5 Possible Spaces (Corridors) for the Bridges ...................................................................... 1-15
1.3.6 Selection of Bridge Sites and Alignments .......................................................................... 1-34
1.3.7 Recommended Bridge Sites and Alignments of the Project .............................................. 1-37
1.3.8 Consequences of not proceeding with the project or no project option ............................. 1-38
1.4 Project Components ................................................................................................................ 1-38
1.4.1 Project Scheme Design ...................................................................................................... 1-43 Elements of Major Bridge Design....................................................................................... 1-43
1.4.2 Main technical Parameters ................................................................................................. 1-43
1.4.3 Routed Design.................................................................................................................... 1-45
1.4.4 Bridge Design Scheme of Section A .................................................................................. 1-45 Design scheme of main bridge........................................................................................... 1-45 Design Scheme of Approach Bridge .................................................................................. 1-49 Overall scheme design of whole bridge ............................................................................. 1-50
1.4.5 Bridge Design Scheme of Section B .................................................................................. 1-50 Design scheme of main bridge........................................................................................... 1-50 Design Scheme of Approach Bridge .................................................................................. 1-53 Overall scheme design of whole bridge ............................................................................. 1-54
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Figure 1. Location of the proposed PGN island bridge project in the Western Visayan region. ....... 1-2
Figure 2. Bridge Location and Route Scheme of PGN Bridge Project ................................................ 1-7
Figure 3. Direct and Indirect Impact Map of the PGN Project............................................................... 1-8
Figure 4. National Islands-Link Projects of the Philippines ............................................................... 1-10
Figure 5. Golden Triangle of Tourism in the Central Philippines....................................................... 1-12
Figure 6. Ferry Wrecking in Iloilo Strait on August 2019 .................................................................... 1-13
Figure 7. Topographic Feature at the Bridge Site ............................................................................... 1-15
Figure 8. Proposals for Bridge Sites Planned and Studies in the Early Stage ................................. 1-16
Figure 9. Corridors for bridge sites in section A ................................................................................. 1-18
Figure 10. Ports, terminals and anchorage in south corridor ............................................................ 1-19
Figure 11. Corridor for bridge site in section B ................................................................................... 1-20
Figure 12. Relationship between the Bridge Site and Navigation Channels in the Iloilo Strait ...... 1-21
Figure 13. Relationship between the Bridge Site and Navigation Channel in the Guimaras Strait 1-21
Figure 14. Distribution of Unfavorable Geology .................................................................................. 1-22
Figure 15. Distribution of Ports in Project Area ................................................................................... 1-22
Figure 16. Planning of Iloilo Port ........................................................................................................... 1-23
Figure 17. Power Plant (2km away from the north of Iloilo Port Terminal) ....................................... 1-23
Figure 18. Status of Mangroves (The left shows mangroves near Alignment B of Section A, and the
right shows mangroves near Alignment C of Section A.) ................................................................... 1-24
Figure 19. Alignment B in Section A and Location of Mangroves ..................................................... 1-24
Figure 20. Alignment C of Section A and Location of Mangroves ..................................................... 1-25
Figure 21. Alignment D/ Alignment E and Location of Mangroves .................................................... 1-25
Figure 22. Wind Farms in the Eastern Coastal Areas of Guimaras Island ........................................ 1-26
Figure 23. Wind Towers to be Avoided by the Alignment at the Start Point in Alignment D (The
alignment is changed from D1 to D2, and the numbers in boxes are wind towers.) ........................ 1-26
Figure 24. High-voltage Towers near the Start Point of Alignment C (138,000 volts) ..................... 1-27
Figure 25. Transformer at the Start Point of Alignment E .................................................................. 1-27
Figure 26. Residential Areas at the End Point of Alignment C........................................................... 1-28
Figure 27. Church and Gas Station at the End Point of Alignment C ................................................ 1-28
Figure 28. Residential Area and Warning Sign for Karst Caves near Alignment C ......................... 1-28
Figure 29. Salt Fields near the Alignment ............................................................................................ 1-29
Figure 30. Local Residents Making Salt .............................................................................................. 1-29
Figure 31. Bridge Sites and Alignment Proposals of the PGN Bridge Project ................................. 1-31
Figure 32. Bridge Sites and Alignments for Section A ...................................................................... 1-33
Figure 33. Bridge Sites and Alignments for Section B ...................................................................... 1-34
Figure 34. Construction site and living camp in Area 1 – Panay Island ............................................ 1-41
Figure 35. Construction site and living camp in Area 2 – Guimaras Island ...................................... 1-42
Figure 36. Construction site and living camp in Area 3 – Guimaras Island ...................................... 1-42
Figure 37. Construction site and living camp in Area 4 – Negros Island .......................................... 1-43
Figure 38. Layout of Main Bridge Span on Section A .......................................................................... 1-46
Figure 39. Standard Cross Section of Main Bridge on Section A (Unit: CM)..................................... 1-46
Figure 40. Bridge Tower and Foundation (Unit: CM) ............................................................................ 1-47
Figure 41. Auxiliary Pier and Foundation (Unit: CM) ............................................................................ 1-48
Figure 42. Transition Pier and Foundation (Unit: CM) ......................................................................... 1-48
Figure 43. Cross Section Form of Approach Bridge in Deep Water Area (Unit: CM)........................ 1-49
Figure 44. Cross Section Form of Approach Bridge in Shallow Water Area (Unit: CM) .................. 1-49
Figure 45. Skeleton Layout for Overall Scheme of Major Bridge on Section A................................. 1-50
Figure 46. Layout of Main Bridge Span on Section B .......................................................................... 1-50
Figure 47. Standard Cross Section Diagram of Main Bridge on Section B ....................................... 1-51
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Chapter 1
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Based on the previous meetings conducted by the DPWH with the other concerned parties (LGUs
and Chinese representatives), the 5.7-km Panay-Guimaras bridge will be constructed between
barangays in Nabitasan and Gua-an in Leganes, Iloilo and Getulio in Buenavista, Guimaras (Table
1). Moreover, the longer 12.3-km Guimaras-Negros Bridge will initiate in barangay M. Chavez, San
Lorenzo, Guimaras and Brgy. Tapong in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental (Figure 1). These areas
were determined based on direct-shortest distance between islands. Benthic ecosystem surveys
were conducted using photo-transect for corals, transect-quadrat method for seagrasses, and fish
visual census (FVC) technique for reef fishes.
Below is the general overview of the four municipalities that may affect by the island bridge
construction of the PGN project (according to various online sources, e.g. Phil Atlas, PSA, and
others; Figure 1):
Figure 1. Location of the proposed PGN island bridge project in the Western Visayan
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Leganes is a 4th class municipality in the province of Iloilo, located in Panay Island and 11 km away
from Iloilo City. It has a total land area of more than 32 km2, mostly agricultural and is politically
subdivided into 18 barangays (including Nabitasan and Gua-an). According to the 2015 census, it
has a population of 32,480 people, with a density of 1,000 inhabitants per km2. In particular, adjacent
barangays Nabitasanand Gua-an are situated at approximately 10.7867°N, 122.6307°E and
10.7822°N, 122.6172°E and at these coordinates, the elevations are estimated at 1.8 m and 5.9 m
above mean sea level, respectively. The former barangay contributed about 9.4% of the total
municipal population (3044 individuals based on 2015 census), with a positive population growth
rate of 1.28% from the previous census while the later, it represented 3.8% or 1231 individuals and
recorded a growth rate of 2.17%.
Guimaras lies southeast of Panay Island and northwest of Negros Island and it lies between
10°25'00" and 10°46'09" north latitude, and 122°28'20.99" and 122°28'40.53" east longitude. The
island is separated from Panay by the 1.5 nautical mile long Iloilo Strait and acts a natural breakwater
for Iloilo. The six nautical miles Guimaras Strait likewise separates the province from Negros.
Buenavista is a 2nd class municipality and the largest settlement in the province of Guimaras
(Island), Philippines. It has a total land area of about 128 km2, which is politically subdivided into 36
barangays. According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 50,437 people, with a density of
390 inhabitants per km2.Moreover, barangay Getulio has a land area of 467.3 has, majority of it has
been classified into lowland and coastal. It has a total population of 2619 individuals, with 715
families and 544 households.
San Lorenzo is a 5th class municipality in the province of Guimaras (Island), Philippines that was
created by virtue of Republic Act No. 7897 on February 20, 1995. It has a total land area of about
93 km2, which is politically subdivided into 12 barangays. According to the 2015 census, it has a
population of 26,112 people, with a density of 280 inhabitants per km2.A fish sanctuary was
established in Tumalintinan. Furthermore, barangay Cabano, the seat of LGU, is situated at
approximately 10.5757°N, 122.6856°E and at these coordinates, the elevation is estimated at 35.8
meters above mean sea level. It has a land area of approximately 1864.6 has. Its total population is
about 4247 individuals, composed of 918 families and 855 households.
Lastly, Pulupandan is a 3rd class municipality in the province of Negros Occidental, (Negros Island)
Philippines. With a total land area of 23 km2, it is the smallest town in terms of area in the province
and further divided politically into 20 barangays. According to the 2015 census, it has a population
of 27,735 people, with density of 1,200 individuals per km2. The municipality of Pulupandan currently
has a sea port with RORO vessels traveling straight to the island province of Guimaras.
Leganes, Iloilo
Municipality of Leganes
Barangay Gua-an
Buenavista, Guimaras
Municipality of Buenavista
Barangay Cansilayan
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Barangay Banban
Barangay Navalas
Barangay Getulio
Barangay Dagsa-an
Barangay Salvacion
Barangay M. Chavez
Municipality of Pulupandan
Barangay Tapong
Barangay Canjusan
Barangay Zone 4A
Barangay Ubay
Table 2 and Table 3 present the geographical coordinates of the project Alignment B and
Alignment D respectively.
Coordinate Coordinate
Stake number Stake number
N (X) E (Y) N (X) E (Y)
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Coordinate Coordinate
Stake number Stake number
N (X) E (Y) N (X) E (Y)
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As per DENR Administrative Order 2003-30 the direct impact of the project will be the areas of the
whole alignment of the road and bridge, areas where road will be opened and developed, area where
their structure will be constructed and the area where trees and structures will be cut and
demolished. With the implementation of the proposed project, some aggregates of residential area,
Informal settler’s area, agricultural and industrial lands will be will be affected by the project. Figure
3 presents the direct and indirect impact map of barangays that will be affected by the project.
All areas adjacent to the primary impacts will be the secondary impacts. These are the areas
affected by the traffic jams during construction including delivery of equipment and materials; those
who will be affected by noise, vibration, odor and dust brought about by the project implementation.
This will also include the road network that will be used to transport material from and to the site.
Source: NAMRIA
Figure 3. Direct and Indirect Impact Map of the PGN Project
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
The main goal of the project is to connect Panay Island, Guimaras Island and Negros Island to
achieve an overland transport connection of the three islands, ensuring that pedestrians and
vehicles can all-weather access the three islands, making the passage between the islands safer,
faster and more convenient. Further promote the economic development of West Visayas (VI area).
Also, to improve the construction of highway backbone network between among three islands to
ensure effective movement of people, goods and services. Lastly, to promote the rapid development
of local society and economy and achieve the goals of rapid development of this region and even
Philippine government.
In view of current local socio-economic level and traffic conditions, and the project is required to be
open and connected with local roads, therefore, the technology standards for first-class highway is
more practical for this project.
The development of highway network within the Philippine system began in the late 1960s. The
initial development focus was placed on expanding the transport network to provide basic transport
access to main regions. Since the mid-1980s, the government’s policy focus has been put on
promoting infrastructure beyond Manila’s urban areas.
In recent years, the Philippine Department of Transportation has identified a number of challenges,
such as achieving a safe, reliable and economic access to and from the transport infrastructure of
island regions and provinces; establishing backbone roads and bridges in the eastern region to
achieve efficient transport; increasing the participation of private sectors in financially viable
transport; improving infrastructure maintenance and monitoring, especially infrastructure standards
for roads and bridges. To achieve the following objectives, the government will:
1) provide more convenient and effective traffic and easier accesses to domestic and foreign
markets to alleviate poverty in rural areas, isolated islands and island areas;
2) establish more transport infrastructure to promote the growth of major regional economies
and encourage public and private participation;
3) promote population reduction in Manila's urban areas, ensure effective economic linkages,
and promote job opportunity, especially in island areas, provinces and their urban centers through
transport and logistics systems;
4) strengthen peace and order in conflict-affected areas through effective transport and trade;
5) enhance national unity, family ties and tourism by achieving faster, safer and cheaper
mobility of people, products and services.
The National Economic Development Agency of the Philippines (NEDA) published the Draft of the
Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022, echoing the Philippines government's initiative to take
large-scale actions in infrastructure construction. With regard to infrastructure construction, the
report further points out that “infrastructure is a key driver of inclusive and sustainable socio-
economic development. With the growth of the Philippine economy, the demand for infrastructure
investment has become more important in view of the country's growing population and urbanization,
as well as the huge gap in the supply of infrastructure services.” To support this view, the Secretary
of Finance, Carlos Dominguez, said, “Building infrastructure has the highest multiplier effect on the
economy.” It is also essential to transform the nature of economic growth so that economic growth
is driven by investment rather than consumption.”
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In order to achieve the development goals of the country, the Philippine government proposed a
National Islands-Link Projects Planning to connect Luzon Island, Visayas Island and Mindanao
Island through bridges. DPWH of the Philippines has proposed seven islands-link projects to connect
Panay Island, Guimaras Island, Negros Island, Cebu Island, Bohol Island, Leyte Island, Surigao
Island, and Samal Island.
Panay Island-Guimaras Island-Negros Island Bridges are part of the Islands-Link Projects in the
Philippine National Development Plan. It is also the key project of the “Build, Build, Build Program”
put forward by the Philippine government.
1.2.2 Implementing the Project as Need of Promoting The Integrated Development Strategy of
The Three Islands
The economy of three islands to be connected by the Project has its own unique characteristics and
mutual advantages. The tourism on Panay Island is limited to not only white sand beaches, primitive
diving spots, waterfalls, summer resorts and cave structures, but also attractions and buildings that
represent the history and culture of the region, such as centuries-old churches, watchtowers,
commercial buildings, residential buildings and defensive fortifications and so on, which all attract
visitors. In addition, Panay Island has relatively rich educational resources in various urban areas.
There are many state universities and famous universities. Industrial companies and factories are
also widely distributed. Therefore, many students and staff from other places are studying and
working over here. As the main producer of sugar and pineapple, it has three sugar centers. With
good market facilities, it can be used as an integration center for agricultural products, not only for
household consumption, but also for bulk products traded to nearby urban, provincial or institutional
Guimaras Island has relatively weak economic conditions and poor industrial, educational and
medical levels. However, the mango planting and processing industry on island possess unique
advantages. It is a national key protected and supported agricultural product in the Philippines. Its
mango tastes delicious, and is widely welcomed. Related deep-processing products are sold at
home and abroad in the Philippines, which is one of the symbols of geographical agricultural
products in the Philippines. In addition, the island also has a lot of tourism resources for tourists to
choose, and it is a good choice especially for those who like the beach or hiking, cycling and other
related activities.
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Negros Island is economically dominated by fisheries, aquaculture and small-scale mining. Bacolod
City, known as the "Sugar Bowl" of the country as well the City of Smiles, is the most urbanized
central city in Negros Occidental Province. On the annual Masskara Festival, art lovers will wear
masks and gather to enjoy the city's unique cuisine and entertainment. San Carlos City Economic
Zone, located in Negros Occidental Province, is currently considered as the renewable energy
capital in the region, and its export processing zones and industrial parks are attracting new
Because of the lack of necessary transport interconnection facilities, the development of each island
is constrained at varying degrees. How to promote the integrated development of the three islands
is a problem that Philippines has been constantly considering and studying from the central
government to local authorities. After the completion of the PGN Island Bridges, the three islands
will be integrated into one for coordinated development, which will give full play to their respective
advantages, and form complementarities, and the imbalance of development among the three
islands will be greatly improved. Driving from Panay Island to Negros Island will be shortened from
the current 3-4 hour-shipping to about 1 hour. The Project will save time cost among the three
islands, make it more conducive to more and more people to carry out business, tourism and other
activities, and brings faster and more convenient personnel exchanges and material exchanges,
making the three islands become the most dynamic economic zones in the central Philippines.
1.2.3 Implementing the Project as Need of Promoting the Rapid Development of Tourism and
The Philippines has Luzon Island in the north and Mindanao Island in the south. Manila, the capital
of the Philippines, is located in Luzon Island. Its economy has been developing rapidly. The large
influx of population into the capital has caused a large number of problems. The Philippine
government has always hoped to accelerate the development of other areas, and rationally relieve
the population of the capital. The Mindanao Island in the South has also developed rapidly in recent
years. Especially since President Duterte took office, Davao City has been strongly supported by
central policies and funds, and the economy has entered a fast lane. The development of Central
Visayas is a top priority for the Philippine government, and a powerful measure for the Philippine
government to enhance economic growth.
Western Visayas, known as the super region of the central Philippines because of its unique natural
wonders, is one of areas in the Philippines with the largest tourism growth. Western Visayas has
white beaches, rich coastal and marine biodiversity, and vast forests, diverse ecosystems, diverse
cultures and historical landmarks. Panay Island, Guimaras Island, Negros Island, Cebu Island and
Bohol Island constitute a golden triangle of tourism in the central Philippines as shown in Figure 5,
which has accounted for more than 50% of the national tourism revenue for many years.
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A combination of natural, historical and man-made scenic spots stimulates people's interest, and
makes Western Visayas the most popular tourist destination. Boracay, located in Aklan Province, is
known for its beautiful white sand beaches, crystal blue waters, world-class accommodations and
vibrant nightlife. Boracay is synonymous with Philippine tourism in the minds of tourists among more
than 7,000 islands in the Philippines. Poetic and picturesque Cebu Island has become the most
popular tourist attraction. The tourism industry here is quite mature. It has the whitest beach in the
world, perfect entertainment facilities and first-class hotels. With an increasing number of tourists
and strong demand every year, it is urgent to improve the infrastructure.
In 2018, the Gross regional domestic product (GRDP) of Western Visayas was about 13.967 billion
US dollars, ranking seventh in all regions of the country, with a growth rate of 6.1%. The GDP per
capita was about 1,740 US dollars, only accounting for 56% of the national GDP per capita. The
GDP per capita of the project-affected areas falls far below the average level of the Philippines, and
there is much room for economic development. In 2018, the tertiary production structure of Western
Visayas was 20.2:24.5:55.3, and the growth rate of agriculture, forestry and fishery declined
significantly from the previous year, only -1.4%. In 2017, the total tourism revenue of Western
Visayas was about 2.428 billion US dollars, and the contribution rate of tourism to GNP was 17.4%.
The total number of tourists reached 7.015 million, of which Asian tourists accounted for more than
70%. The implementation of this Project will greatly improve the tourism quality for tourists, attract
more tourists to come for leisure and vacation, and promote the economic growth of the region.
The implementation of the Project will serve not only Western Visayas (Region VI), but also Negros
Island and Central Visayas (Region VII), and create favorable conditions for connecting Cebu Island
in the future, which will accelerate the attraction of investment in industry, manufacturing, agriculture,
aquatic products and tourism within and outside the region, promote the rapid development of region
and industry, and improve people's living standards in the region. Therefore, the implementation of
the Project will further enhance the economic development of the region, and create economic
growth points for Visayas in the central Philippines, thus promoting the rapid economic development
of the Philippines. It is of great significance.
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1.2.4 Implementing the Project as Need of Improving The Regional Highway Backbone Network
and Ensuring All-weather Traffic
In recent years, the urbanization of the project-affected area has developed rapidly, and the traffic
volume has surged. However, the existing road infrastructure in the region is relatively backward. At
the same time, the rich tourism resources in the region have attracted more and more tourists, and
the traffic demand is also increasing. As tourism resources spread across the islands in the region,
tourists need to transfer to a car first, then to a ferry, and to the car in the last, to reach a destination.
Especially due to the fact that ferries operate in a low efficient manner, travel time often needs to
increase by 2-3 hours for just crossing the sea. In case of bad weather, the safety on the sea cannot
be guaranteed, and ferries often stop operating. Even if the ferry is operating normally, passengers
have to wait for the next day's shift due to a fixed number of shifts once shifts are full on the day. As
a result, passengers have to wait for longer time, which seriously affects the trip plan of passengers.
Comprehensive factors have caused an urgent need for the interconnection and communication
among the islands in the region, for guiding traffic and meeting the growing transport demand.
Therefore, the implementation of the Project will improve the transportation infrastructure in the
region, elevate the highway backbone network, and meet the need for efficient transportation of
personnel, goods and services. Meanwhile, as a livelihood project and a moral project, the
implementation of the Project will also realize the dream of several generations of Region VI.
1.2.5 Implementing the Project as Need of Ensuring Traffic Safety among the Islands
Philippine is an island country with transportation and communication among the islands relying on
aviation and shipping. Due to high aviation transportation costs, shipping of lower cost has become
the main transportation for goods and people among the islands. While obviously, ship navigating
through the straits is vulnerable to weather and sea state so that it is hard to ensure traffic safety.
Philippine is located where typhoon passes over frequently. Typhoon from the Pacific Ocean often
brings great negative effects on the production, living and traffic of local people. Severe weather and
sea state will impose safety risks on shipping through various straits.
On August 3, 2019, a major safety accident of two ferries colliding and sinking happened in Iloilo
strait where the Project located, causing 31 death. One officer of the Philippine Coast Guard in
charge of local rescue said that the gale or the wind blast worsened the weather which then caused
the major accident that ferries lost control and collided. Meanwhile, the local coastguard explained
that during the typhoon season every year, wrecking of ferries and other ships would occur
frequently in Iloilo Strait and Guimaras Strait which caused relatively serious safety risks to local
people’s traffic. See Figure 6.
In order to ensure the traffic safety of local people and minimize the loss of people’s life and property,
it is in urgent need of building a bridge across over Iloilo Strait and Guimaras Strait to guarantee the
safety of people and goods transportation among the islands. Therefore, the Project is of great need
of ensuring traffic safety among the islands.
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Through socio-economic investigation and traffic study, based on local road network conditions and
planning as well as monographic study on the geology, marine hydrology, navigation and other
construction conditions, extensive and in-depth studies are carried out on the engineering schemes
including alignment, bridge site, navigational spans crossing waterways, non-navigational spans and
access roads, etc. The preferred bridge sites and alignment corridor are proposed after optimizing
and comparing different schemes of bridge sites and alignments.
The development strategy and orientation of the PGN island bridges project are as follows:
1) to create an all-weather, fast transport corridor connecting Panay Island, Guimaras Island
and Negros Island to ensure the rapid flow of people, goods and services.
2) The Project shall provide necessary infrastructure for long-term planning of Iloilo City,
Pulupandan and Bacolod City, greatly improving the overall service level of tourism in
Region VI and helping sustainable and healthy development of economy in Region VI.
3) The PGN island bridges shall be connected to important road networks in the region, and
interchanges shall be set at the start point and end point to facilitate the smooth flow of
main traffic.
4) The mileage from Panay Island to Negros Island shall be the shortest.
5) Entrance and exit shall be set up in important intersections where the bridges are
connected with important roads to facilitate rapid entry and exit of vehicles and to alleviate
traffic in the region.
1) The bridge site and alignment proposal shall comply with the overall development of the
Philippines and the development planning of Region VI, and shall be fully coordinated with
urban development and coastline development and utilization.
2) The alignment shall conform to the overall road network planning of Regional VI, and be
organically connected with the local road network to meet the local government's demands
for project construction.
3) Full consideration shall be given to the characteristics of navigation channels and
waterways, and coastal sections with good natural conditions shall be selected.
4) The bridge site shall be located in an area where the sea is as narrow as possible to
reduce total cost.
5) The feasibility and economic rationality of implementing engineering technical proposals
shall be reasonable.
6) The alignment shall mainly consider reducing the quantities of demolition and relocation,
and minimizing demolition of buildings on both sides of roads.
7) Coordination with adjacent environment.
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The southern coast of Iloilo Island for the bridge site of Section A is relatively flat with the terrain of
alluvial plain. The ground elevation is less than 2.0m, and there are many private fishing farms on
the seashore. Guimaras Island on the southeast side is undulating with the terrain of hills, alluvial
plains and piedmont plains. The ground elevation generally ranges between 0 and 90m. The bridge
site is located where the strait has deep water, up to -39m.
Between the start point of Section B on Guimaras Island and the end point on Negros Island, the
terrain is low as it is beach and shallow-sea accumulation plains. The bridge site is located where
the strait has deep water, up to 26m in maximum. Generally, the terrain is gently inclined from the
two coasts to the center of the strait, and in some parts, there are deep grooves formed by scouring.
During the interregional seminar held in Cebu in 1991, three Regional Development Committees
(RDCs) and NEDA Regional Offices of Western, Central and Eastern Visayas Regions proposed a
joint development program across the Visayas, including the Panay -Guimaras -Negros Islands
In 1999, JlCA-DPWH joint study proposed a project to link Panay Island, Guimaras Island, Negros
Island, Cebu Island and Bohol Island. The study emphasized strong economic link and regional
commerce in history along the Visayas traffic axis, which shows effective transportation links would
integrate island economies, facilitating faster and cheaper cargo and personnel movements. The
study proposed two island-linking projects: the Panay -Guimaras-Negros Islands Bridges, and the
Based on the above ideas, DPWH Feasibility Study Project Management Office (PMO-FS) compiled
a concept document for the PGN Bridges in August 2005 and conducted project evaluation. The
document proposed detailed feasibility study from 2007 to 2011 including a preliminary timetable. In
August 2006, the Western Visayas Regional Development Committee (RDC Region VI) passed a
resolution approving the feasibility study on the PGN Bridges. Subsequently, DPWH prepared a
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preliminary feasibility study report from 2007 to 2008, and updated the project implementation plan
in 2010.
According to data in the Updated Implementation Program of the Panay (Metro Iloilo)-Guimaras-
Negros (Metro Bacolod) Island Bridges (PGN) Project (DPWH, April 2010), after study and
evaluation on 16 bridge sites, DPWH focused on the proposal of two bridge sites for the Panay-
Guimaras bridge and the Guimaras-Negros bridge respectively, and also studied a proposal for a
sea-crossing bridge directly connecting Panay Island and Negros Island on the north side of the
strait, as shown in Figure 8.
Option-3 for
Option-1 for
C1 Bridge
Option-2 for Panay- Road
Option-1 for
Guimaras Traversing Road Bridge
Option-2 for
Bridge National expressway on
Negros Island
Figure 8. Proposals for Bridge Sites Planned and Studies in the Early Stage
Option 1 for the bridge site of the Panay-Guimaras Bridge: the bridge site is connected to Iloilo Urban
Circumferential Line C2 on the side of Panay Island, across the Iloilo Strait, connected to the
Guimaras Circumferential Road near Buenavista Town in Guimaras Province via a linking line.
Option 2 for the bridge site of the Panay-Guimaras Bridge: The bridge site is connected to Iloilo
Urban Circumferential Line C1 on the north side of the Iloilo International Port on the side of Panay
Island, across the Iloilo Strait, and connected to the Guimaras Circumferential Road near Buenavista
Town in Guimaras Province via a linking line.
Option 1 for the bridge site of Guimaras-Negros Bridge: The bridge site is connected to the Guimaras
Circumferential Road at M. Chavez in Municipality of San Lorenzo on the side of Guimaras Island,
across over the Guimaras Strait. The bridge lands near the north side of the port in the west of
Pulupandan Town in Negros Province, connected to the Negros Circumferential Road at the end
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Option 2 for the bridge site of Guimaras-Negros Bridge: The bridge site is connected to the Guimaras
Circumferential Road near Sibunag on the side of Guimaras Island, across the Guimaras Strait. The
bridge lands near the south side of the port in the west of Pulupandan Town in Negros Province,
connected to the Negros Circumferential Road at the end point.
Option 3 for the bridge site of Panay-Negros Bridge: The bridge directly connects Panay Island and
Negros Island across the sea on the north side of the Straits without connecting Guimaras Island.
After a series of comparisons and selections on various alternatives including project scales, design
options, implementation schemes, and cost estimations, in the report Option-1 for the bridge location
of Panay-Guimaras Bridge and Option-1 for the bridge site of the Guimaras-Negros Bridge are
recommended as preferred proposals.
Based on the previous studies by the Philippine government, in this report the current situation,
planning and detailed basic data in the project area are further studied. At the same time, combined
with demands and suggestions from various departments of the Philippine, after site investigation
and survey and considering various controlling factors, the corridors for Panay-Guimaras Bridge
(Section A) and Panay-Negros Bridge (Section B) are proposed.
The corridor belt for bridge in section A has three options, which are, from north to south, the North
Corridor, the Central Corridor and the South Corridor, as shown in Figure 9 below.
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North Corridor
Central Corridor
South Corridor
The start point of the north corridor is to connect the planed C2 ring road in Iloilo city, or the coastal
road between C2 and C3 ring road. After crossing the Iloilo strait, the bridge lands in the north of
Guimaras and is connected to the circumferential road in the northern part of the island. The strait
of this corridor is relatively shallow, with relatively narrow surface. The terrain on the side of the
Guimaras Island is less rolling, making the scale of the project relatively small; and the traffic flow is
smooth as the bridge can have good connection with arterial roads of the road network on both
sides. At the same time, the navigation channel is stable, and the corridor is far away from ports and
terminals with less impact on existing port terminals and navigation channels. And therefore this
corridor is desirous.
The central corridor is to connect C1 Ring Road in Iloilo City. After crossing the strait, the bridge
lands in the northwest of Guimaras Island, connecting to the ring road and traversing road in this
island. The strait of this corridor has relatively narrow surface, but the sea is relatively deep, and the
terrain of Guimaras Island is undulating, making the scale of the project relatively larger. The bridge
is connected with the arterial roads on both islands and the traffic flow is smooth. However, as the
starting point is located in the urban area of Iloilo, this alignment converts the traffic to downtown
Iloilo, causing traffic jam due to big traffic pressure in the city. With Iloilo power plant and
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international port in this central corridor, this alignment could affect future development of the
international port. This corridor for the bridge site is feasible.
The starting point of the south corridor is to connect downtown area of Iloilo. After crossing the strait,
the bridge lands in the west of Guimaras Island and connects the ring road in the island. The strait
of this corridor has relatively narrow surface, but the sea is very deep with the maximum depth of
70m, making the project very difficult and project cost high. In this corridor there are many ports and
ferry terminals, complicated ship and ferry routes, and anchorage of Iloilo international port, all
making this corridor unsuitable for bridge construction (See Figure 10). Therefore, this corridor will
not be studied in the future.
Ferry Terminal
Anchorage in
Iloilo port
Ferry Terminal
Jordan Port
In summary, the follow-up studies will focus on the comparison and analysis for the north corridor
and central corridor for bridge sites in section A.
The bridge sites in section B has two main corridor options: the North Corridor and the South
Corridor, as shown in Figure 9.5-4 below.
The North Corridor starts at M. Chavez, San Lorenzo in Guimaras Island and connects the ring road
or the traversing road in Guimaras island. After crossing the Guimaras Strait, the bridge lands near
the northern side of the Pulupandan port in Negros Island, and connects Negros National Highway
in the end point. The strait of this corridor has relatively narrow surface, and is relatively shallow with
average depth of about 10~20m. The terrain on both sides is relatively gentle with good geological
conditions, making the scale of the project relatively small. The bridge is well connected with arterial
roads on both islands and therefore the traffic flow is smooth. At the same time, the navigation
channel is stable. The bridge corridor is far away from ports and terminals with less impact on
existing ports, terminals and navigation channels. The north corridor is an ideal one.
The south corridor starts near Sibunag town in GUIMARAS Island and is connected with ring road
in the island. After crossing Nalunga Island and Nadulao Island in the strait, the bridge lands to the
south of the Pulupandan port in Negros Island and connects Negros National Highway in the end
point. The strait of south corridor is relatively shallow with average depth of 10~20m. The terrain on
both sides is relatively gentle, but the surface of the strait is relatively wide, making the scale of the
project relatively large. The bridge is well connected with arterial roads on both islands and therefore
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the traffic flow is smooth. But this alignment is the longest one, with the longest detour when
traversing the islands. In this corridor the navigation channel is stable, and the bridge is far away
from ports and terminals with less impact on existing terminals and navigation channels. But as there
are two navigation channels in this strait, the bridge needs to have two navigation spans, making
this option less economical.
In summary, in follow-up stage focus will be on the comparison and study of the North Corridor
and the South Corridor for bridge sites in section B.
North corridor
South corridor
Figure 11. Corridor for bridge site in section B
For the above-mentioned North Corridor and Middle Corridor of the bridge in section A, and the
North Corridor and South Corridor of the bridge in section B, the main control factors are as
Currently, there are navigation channels in Iloilo Strait and Guimaras Strait for the passing of
vessels. Therefore, the bridge direction shall be as perpendicular as possible to the channel to
ensure navigation safety. At the same time, the channels on the north side of the Iloilo Strait are
slightly curved as shown in Figure 12. Therefore, the bridge shall be kept as far as possible away
from the corner of the channel to provide vessels with good sight distance to ensure safety.
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Figure 12. Relationship between the Bridge Site and Navigation Channels in the Iloilo Strait
The bridge site of Section B in Guimaras Strait shall also be as perpendicular to navigation channel
as possible. At the same time, the bridge sites are near Pulupandan Port and vessels need to enter
and exit. Because the north side of the Pulupandan Port is relatively shallow sea, large vessels need
to reverse to the middle navigation channel to pass through the strait after arriving at the Pulupandan
Port. As a consequence, if the bridge sites are on the north of the Pulupandan Port, one navigation
span shall be set up. If the bridge sites are on the south of the Pulupandan Port, two navigation
spans shall be set up. Therefore, in order to save project costs and ensure the safety of vessels and
bridges, the bridge sites shall be located as far as possible to the north of the Pulupandan Port. It is
better to set up one navigation span for the PGN island bridges.
Figure 13. Relationship between the Bridge Site and Navigation Channel in the Guimaras Strait
According to collected data on unfavorable geology and site survey, Section A of the Project in
Guimaras Island has unfavorable geological conditions, primarily including soft soil, collapse, crag
and karst. Especially on the western coast of the northern part of Guimaras Island, there is the
possibility of high-risk landslides. Therefore, the landing position of Section A of the Project on
Guimaras Island shall avoid areas with high-risk unfavorable geological condition.
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The Philippines is an archipelago and shipping plays a very important role in logistics and
transportation between islands. In Panay Island, Guimaras Island and Negros Island, there are many
ports, some of which have long-term development plans.
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In addition, there is a power plant and power plant terminal in Ingore District on the eastern coast
of Iloilo in Panay Island.
Figure 17. Power Plant (2km away from the north of Iloilo Port Terminal)
According to Article 6.1.3 in Navigation Standard of Waterways for Seagoing Vessel of China (JTS
180-3-2018), the safety distance between buildings and structures across a channel and the
operation area of a coastal port shall be no less than twice the total length of representative vessels.
Therefore, the distance between the bridge site and the planning area of Iloilo International Port (the
distance in alignment C is about 1,200m), and distance from the existing terminal of the power plant
(the distance in alignment C is about 930m) must meet the requirements of Chinese specifications
on a safety distance between bridge structures and the operation area of a port.
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Mangroves
Mangroves are important plants for coastline protection. It is good for wind protection, wave
elimination, siltation, beach protection, bank consolidation, dyke protection, and the purification of
seawater and air. Therefore, the alignment of the bridge site shall be kept away as much as possible
from mangroves.
Figure 18. Status of Mangroves (The left shows mangroves near Alignment B of Section A,
and the right shows mangroves near Alignment C of Section A.)
(1) The landing point of Alignment B in Section A in Panay Island has avoided mangroves
Alignment B
(2) Alignment C in Section A traverses near the entrance of Tigum River on the junction
between Iloilo ring road C1 and the Coastal Road. There are mangroves with an area of
approximately 0.7 km2 across the alignment, which is unavoidable due to limited conditions.
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(3) Alignment D (Alignment E) in Section B passes by a long and narrow area of mangroves at
the entrance of the Bago River in the northern part of Pulupandan. In this case, the mangroves
covering an area of about 0.5 km2 should be avoided by the alignment.
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In the coastal area of San Lorenzo in the east of Guimaras Island, wind farms exist and are close to
the alignment of the Project. Therefore, its impact should be considered when deciding the direction
of the alignments. According to on-site conditions and communications with the wind farm, the start
point in Alignment D shall avoid the location of wind towers as much as possible to reduce the impact
on the wind farm.
Figure 22. Wind Farms in the Eastern Coastal Areas of Guimaras Island
Figure 23. Wind Towers to be Avoided by the Alignment at the Start Point in Alignment D
(The alignment is changed from D1 to D2, and the numbers in boxes are wind towers.)
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Within the corridor belt of the Project, buildings or annexes that have impact on the alignment fall
into the following categories:
(1) High voltage towers and transformers in two areas within the alignment corridor:
a. At the intersection of Iloilo Circumferential Line C1 and the Circumferential Road, high-
voltage cables are mainly set along the Circumferential Road with a voltage power of 138,000 volts.
The removal and relocation of high-voltage lines are difficult, which makes the implementation of
Alignment C more difficult.
HV Electric
Figure 24. High-voltage Towers near the Start Point of Alignment C (138,000 volts)
b. Transformers are on the roadside of the Circumferential Road at Barcelona Town in the
east of Guimaras Island.
c. Near the end point of Alignment C in Guimaras Island lies residential areas, churches and
gas stations. And residents basically live along the two sides of the Circumferential Road. If the
Project adopts Alignment C, there will be considerable difficulties in demolition.
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Figure 27. Church and Gas Station at the End Point of Alignment C
Figure 28. Residential Area and Warning Sign for Karst Caves near Alignment C
d. There are also salt fields near the starting point of Section A and Section B. These salt fields
produce sea salt through solar distillation of extracted seawater. They are local small-scale
economic industry. See Figures 29 and Figure 30.
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At present, the three islands (Panay, Guimaras and Negros) are not interconnected by roads or
bridges, which restrains freight trade between ports in the region and the shipment and export of
industrial and agricultural products in the region, but also urban development in the project-affected
area. There is an urgent need to build a new transport corridor to meet the growing demand for
passenger and cargo transportation so as to achieve regional economic development goals.
According to Philippine Development Strategy for Island-linking Projects, the initial demand is to
achieve the objective of all-weather traffic by linking Panay Island, Guimaras Island and Negros
Island, and to further promote the economic development of Western Visayas (Region VI).
In accordance with this development strategy, after site inspection and study, the main function of
the Project is to link the three islands for the connection of road networks on the three islands, to
ensure all-weather passing of pedestrians and vehicles, making the traffic between the islands safer,
more fast and more convenient, and promoting better development of local economy and society.
Based on the principle of “connecting”, the start and end points of alignments in the Project will
connect the arterial roads on the islands for traffic distribution and island connection.
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According to the analysis in Chapter 4 about the regional road network in the project area, main
roads on Panay Island include Urban Circumferential Lines C1, C2, C3, C4 and coastal roads.
Circumferential Lines C3 and C4 are far away from the urban area, which is not conducive to urban
development and direct connectivity between islands. Therefore, the main start points for linking
lines on the side of Panay Island are Iloilo Circumferential Lines C1, C2 and coastal roads.
Main roads on Guimaras Island include Guimaras Circumferential Road and Guimaras Traversing
Road. Both currently being upgraded; the two roads may be used as linking roads of the end point
of Section A (Panay-Guimaras bridge) and the start point of Section B (Guimaras-Negros bridge) in
the Project.
Main roads on Negros Island related to the Project consist of a national road, i.e., a Coast
Circumferential Road and the main trunk road on Negros Island, which is an appropriate linking-up
road on the side of Negros Island for the end point of the Project.
Based on above analysis and preliminary planning of bridge site by the Philippine side, considering
important factors such as the bridge site, bridge size, terrain and ground objects, the start and end
points of the Project are decided as follows:
Alignment A: the start point of the alignment is connected to Iloilo Coastal Road, lying between
Circumferential Lines C2 and C3, about 2km away from the Circumferential Line C2; the end point
is connected to the turning point of Guimaras Circumferential Road in the north of Buenavista Town.
Alignment B: the start point of the alignment is connected to the intersection of the planned
Circumferential Line C2 and the Coastal Road; the end point (the same as that for Alignment A) is
connected to the turning point of Guimaras Circumferential Road in the north of Buenavista Town.
Alignment C: the start point of the alignment lies at Iloilo International Port, Alagan, Iloilo City and
on the northern side of the power plant, connecting with Iloilo Urban Circumferential Line C1; the
end point is connected to the intersection of the Guimaras Traversing Road and the Circumferential
Alignment D: the start point of the alignment lies at M. Chavez, San Lorenzo, Guimaras province
(an area of wind farm), connected to the Circumferential Road, and linking the Traversing Road via
a connecting road; the end is connected to Negeros Circumferential National Road on the northern
side of Pulupandan Port.
Alignment E: about 5km away from the Traversing Road, the start point of the alignment lies on the
southern side of the Traversing Road, and connected to the Circumferential Road; the end point (the
same as that for Alignment D) is connected to Negeros Circumferential National Expressway on the
northern side of Pulupandan Port.
Alignment F: the start point of the alignment lies on the northeastern side of Sibunag Town,
Guimaras Province; the end point is connected to Negros Circumferential Road on the southern side
of Pulupandan Port, Negros Province.
Based on demands and suggestions from the Philippine side in the early stage, status and planning
of local road network, demonstration of start points and end points of the alignment, and the results
of monographic studies, fully considering controlling construction conditions in the project area, the
proposed bridge site and linking lines are shown in Figure 31.
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Figure 31. Bridge Sites and Alignment Proposals of the PGN Bridge Project
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After comprehensively considering current status and planning of road network in the project area,
and controlling factors such as power plants and port terminals, mangroves, waterways,
topography, land acquisition and demolition, three possible bridge sites and alignments are
proposed which are Alignment A, B and C-- for Panay-Guimaras section.
Alignment A: the start point of the alignment is connected to Iloilo coastal road, lying between
Circumferential Lines C2 and C3, about 2km away from Circumferential Line C2. The start point will
have a single-trumpet interchange to achieve traffic transfer. The alignment then passes through a
large area of fish ponds, crossing over the Iloilo Strait. After landing in the north of Buenavista Town,
Guimaras Province, the alignment then runs along the side of the mountain, connected to a turning
point of the Guimaras Island Circumferential Road. A simple diamond interchange is planned at the
Circumferential Road for traffic conversion. The total length of the alignment is approximately 12.438
Alignment B: the start point of the alignment is connected to the intersection of the planned
Circumferential Line C2 and the Coastal Road, where a diamond interchange is arranged for traffic
conversion. Alignment B extends to the northeast and shares the same bridge site and alignment
with Alignment A. The alignment after landing on Guimaras Island is basically the same as Alignment
A. A diamond interchange is provided at the Circumferential Road for traffic conversion. The total
length of the alignment is approximately 13.004km.
Alignment C: the start point of the alignment lies at Iloilo International Port, Alagan, Iloilo City and
on the northern side of a power plant, connected to Iloilo Urban Circumferential Line C1, with a
simple diamond interchange for traffic conversion. The alignment then crosses over the Iloilo Strait
via a bridge in the southeast, landing near Dagsa-An in the western part of Buenavista Town,
Guimaras Province. The end point is connected to the intersection of Guimaras Traversing Road
and the Circumferential Road, where a simple diamond interchange is planned for traffic conversion.
The total length of the alignment is approximately 8.364 km.
Each proposal for the PGN island bridge (Section A) is shown in Figure 32.
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Power Plant
After comprehensively considering current status and planning of road network in the project area,
and controlling factors such as port terminals, mangroves, waterways, terrains, land acquisition and
demolition, we would like to propose three possible bridge sites and alignments--Alignment D, E and
F for the Guimaras-Negros section.
Alignment D: the start point of the alignment lies at M. Chavez (an area of wind farms), San Lorenzo,
Guimaras Province, connected to the Circumferential Road and the Traversing Road via a
connecting road. A simple interchange is set up for traffic conversion at the intersection with the
Circumferential Road. The alignment then extends southeastwards, crosses over the strait in a
direction perpendicular to the main channel, lands on the northern side of Pulupandan Port, and
eventually connected to Negros Circumferential National Expressway. An interchange is planned for
traffic conversion at the end point. The total length of the alignment is approximately 19.47 km
(including linking lines).
Alignment E: about 5km away from the Traversing Road, the start point of the alignment is connected
to the Circumferential Road on the southern side of the Traversing Road, where a single-trumpet
interchange is provided for traffic conversion The alignment crosses over the strait in a direction
perpendicular to the main channel, lands on the northern side of Pulupandan Port. After landing, the
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alignment is basically the same as Alignment D, finally connected to Negros Circumferential Road.
The total length of the alignment is approximately 16.219 km.
Alignment F: the start point of the alignment is connected to the Circumferential Road on the
northeastern side of Sibunag Town, Guimaras Province, where an interchange will be built for traffic
conversion. The alignment then crosses over a strait on the west side of Guimaras via a bridge in
the east, running across the edge of Nalunga Island and Nadulao Island in the strait, crossing over
a strait on the eastern side of Guimaras, and landing on the southern side of Pulupandan Port,
Negros Province. The end point is connected to Negros Circumferential Road with an interchange
for traffic conversion. The total length of the alignment is approximately 18.547 km.
The bridge sites and alignment proposals for the PGN island bridges (Section B) are shown in
Figure 33.
Windmill area
Mangrove area
According to site inspection and the proposal for bridge sites, a comprehensive comparison of
various proposals is made on the length of alignment and sea-crossing bridge, the connection
between the bridge and the road network, the status of mangroves, main configurations of the sea-
crossing bridge, and the difficulty of project implementation. The specific comparison result is
shown in the table below.
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The comparison of Section-A bridge site and alignment proposals is shown in Table 4.
Comparative Study of Alignment
(Requirements from DPWH, Including but not limited to these following contents)
Alignment A Alignment B Alignment C
n Items
Total Length 12.438km 13.004km 8.364km
2.890km 4.970km 3.290km
11×30m+8×100m+(360+680+ 39×30m+(530+1060+
360) m+12×30m; 530) m;
+360) m+11×30m;
Main bridge: double-tower Main Bridge: double-
Main bridge: double-tower
Main cable-stayed bridge with tower cable-stayed
cable-stayed bridge with
Configuratio composite beams; bridge with steel box
composite beams;
n of the sea- Approach span: box girders girders
Approach span: box girders
Crossing with a span of 100m in the Approach span:
with a span of 100m in the
Bridge deep-water area; prefabricated I beams
deep-water area; prefabricated
prefabricated I beams with a with a span of 30m in
I beams with a span of 30m in
span of 30m in the shallow the shallow water
the shallow water area.
water area. area.
Connection Not directly connected to the Connected to the
Connected to the planned
with the road planned Circumferential Road Circumferential Road
Circumferential Road C2
network C2 or C3 C1
Few houses and
public building are
Few houses and public Large area of
Few houses and public
building are affected. Aquafarm is affected
buildings are affected.
How many houses?
Social How many houses? 36
How many houses? 56 21
Impact How many families? 36
How many families? 55 How many families?
How many buildings? 0
How many buildings? 2 22
Area of Aquafarm?500,625m2
Area of Aquafarm? 64,670m2 How many buildings?
Area of Aquafarm?
Amounts of
Mangroves are
Few Mangroves are affected. Few Mangroves are affected.
Environment affected.
How many Mangroves? How many Mangroves?
al Impact How many
54,725 trees 38,361 trees
404,036 trees
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The comparison of Section-B bridge site and alignment proposals is shown in Table 5.
Alignment D Alignment E Alignment F
Total length of 19.47km (including connecting
16.219km 18.547km
alignment lines)
13.110km 12.270km 15.1km
Bridge Length
360) m+32×100m+40×30m
0) m+34×100m+37×30m
Main bridge: double-tower
Main bridge: double-tower cable-
Main cable-stayed bridge with
stayed bridge with composite
Configuration composite beams;
of the sea- Approach span: box girders ——
Approach span: box girders with a
Crossing with a span of 100m in the
span of 100m in the deep-water
Bridge deep-water area;
area; prefabricated I beams with a
prefabricated I beams with a
span of 30m employed in the
span of 30m in the shallow
shallow water area.
water area.
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The alignment is
connected to the
Circumferential Road
The alignment is connected to at the southeastern
The alignment is not directly
Connection Guimaras Traversing Road and end of Guimaras
connected to Guimaras
with the road the Circumferential Road with a Island with the
Traversing Road with a longer
network smooth traffic flow and the farthest distance from
island-linking mileage
shortest mileage across islands. the Traversing Road
and the longest
Few houses and buildings Few houses and buildings
affected affected
Few houses and
Social Impact How many houses? 200 How many houses?149
buildings affected.
How many families? 176 How many families? 149
How many buildings? 38 How many buildings? 14
Environmental Few Mangroves are affected. Few Mangroves are affected. Few Mangroves are
Impact How many Mangroves? Few How many Mangroves? Few affected.
1) Connects directly to Guimaras
traversing road and
Circumferential Road with a
1) A litter Lower construction It utilizes shallow
smooth traffic flow.
Advantages of cost for sea-crossing bridge. water area near small
2) Island-link mileage is the
Scheme 2) Less difficulty in islands in the strait.
shortest from Panay Island to
Negros Island.
3) Less difficulty in
1) Not connected to
Guimaras Traversing
Road, about 14km
away from the
1) Not connected Guimaras Traversing Road;
Traversing Road directly, 2) Islands-link
Longer route and larger project Alignment is about 5km away mileage is the longest
scale compared to Scheme E from Traversing Road. from Panay island to
of Scheme
2) Island-link mileage is Negros island.
longer from Panay Island to 3)The longest of
Negros Island. bridge and the largest
project scale and the
highest cost;
4) More difficult in
direct cost of _1.00_ _0.93_
No further study to be
Comments Recommended Alternative proposal
After comprehensive comparison, adequate communications and discussions with DPWH and relevant local
governments, environmental authorities, port authorities and other stakeholders in the project area, it is
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finally decided that Alignment B for the Panay Island-Guimaras Island Bridge, and Alignment D for the
Guimaras Island-Negros Island Bridge are recommended.
A comparative summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed alternative is given below.
Advantages Disadvantages
• The money earmarked for bridge • Loss of opportunity to boost economic
development could perhaps be diverted to more activities in Panay Island, Guimaras Island, and
immediate social needs such as waste Negros Island through a physical link.
management, upgrading hospital or social • Loss of opportunity to provide a more
housing. reliable and convenient mode of transport for
• Adverse environmental impacts related people living in Guimaras.
to bridge development can be avoided • Increase the transit time and cost of
• Traffic diversion problems around the passengers and motor vehicles between the
project area can be avoided during the three islands.
construction phase • Loss of new direct employment
• Public dissatisfaction among concerned opportunities related to the bridge project and
stakeholders that currently own the structures, subsequent indirect employment opportunities
houses, land and trees along the proposed associated with the mobility provided from the
bridge areas can be avoided bridge.
• Potential accidents associated with the • Loss of direct and indirect economic
bridge can be avoided. benefits associated with the bridge development
• Avoid further national debt for the project
In summary, the presence of a bridge will be a welcome boost to the economic activities and mobility among
Panay Island, Guimaras Island, and Negros Island. Its economic and social benefits are expected to be
extremely positive in the long run. However, the bridge between Guimaras Island and Negros Island may
not be considered an immediate necessity at this stage of development in the Philippines, given the
numerous more urgent investments required in the social and economic sector. Thus, on economic and
social grounds, the no project option of the bridge between Guimaras Island and Negros Island is viable in
the short-term.
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Mainline 18.603,
Route mileage km 13.004
connecting line 0.867
Quantities of subgrade
drainage and protective 1000 m3 16.287 5.852
Super major
m/Pc. 4970/1 seat 13110/1 seat
Major bridge m/Pc. Block 1672.5/5 1340/2 Seat interchange
Medium bridge m/Pc. 97.5/1 seat - bridge
Culvert Pc. 20 10
Interchange Pc. 2 2
Passageway Pc. 6 1
Overpass Pc. 1 0
During its peak of construction, the proposed project will utilize about 1100 workers at a given time of construction.
About 400 of them are skilled workers and about 700 are unskilled workers. The DPWH will include in the
agreement with the contractors a provision of priority in hiring qualified local resident from host and neighboring
LGUs. The contractors will coordinate with the concerned LGU offices in the dissemination of job openings for the
PGN Bridge project. The information will be allowed for general circulation when no qualified local residents are
hired within an agreed period of time between the contractors and the LGUs.
Support Facilities
Drainage Systems
The proposed project will be provided with efficient drainage system for surface and subsurface water including
slope groundwater and seepage. It will provide an all-weather road drainage system of adequate cross-drain,
drain collection system, sufficient countermeasures for flooding of road and major drainage structures, surface
water infiltration and drainage outfalls. The drainage system comprises of a network of pipe culverts, roadside
ditches, and internal drainage systems for the road pavement structures. The design of PGN Bridge Project
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considerably prepares for the extreme conditions on rainfall and other meteorological/weather (PAGASA)
Traffic Safety Device
According to the specific requirements of traffic safety facilities, and taking into account the road characteristics
and local geographical conditions, climate and environment, as well as rational use of highway construction
funds and other factors, the design for safety facilities in this section includes traffic signs, traffic markings, guard
fence, etc.
Surveillance system
With the whole section of the Project taken as the surveillance focus of the road, a complete surveillance system
shall be provided to achieve video surveillance, traffic parameter collection, meteorological monitoring, accident
alarm collection, traffic information release and speed control in some sections for timely traffic dispersion to
ensure smooth traffic flow along the entire route.
Lighting Systems
The proposed project will be provided with highway safety and bridge lightings. Road lighting not only constitutes
an essential part of road illumination and beautification, but also serves the road. Therefore, road lighting shall be
first considered to ensure the safety of road operation, providing drivers with safe driving conditions. Street lamps
for road lighting in the Project shall be provided by considering both the short-term and long-term road lighting
requirements. Bridge lighting includes internal lighting for the box girder and internal lighting for the main body.
Communication Conduit
12-hole Φ40/33 silicon core tubes shall be installed in the communication conduits in the Project and in the road
under the interchange as well. Communication conduits in the approach span section in the shallow water area
shall be installed in the steel tube box outside the bridge. The box shall be installed on the steel brackets fixed to
the concrete guard fence of the bridge with expansion bolts. Communication conduits in the approach span
section in the deep-water area shall be installed in the steel bridge frame in the box girder while the latter shall
be installed on the section steel brackets fixed to the concrete box girder with expansion bolts. Communication
conduits in the navigable span shall be installed in the steel bridge frame while the latter in the steel box girder
shall be fixed to the tube hole in the diaphragm.
Sources of Construction Materials, Storage/Staging, Power and Water
All construction materials will be sourced from legitimate existing rock crushers, hot mix, and concrete batching
plants located within the immediate vicinity that have valid environmental clearances and permits from DENR.
Stockyard or material staging areas will be strategically located near the locations of interchanges due to its
proximity to access road and relatively wide area.
Power and water sources will come from the grid of local power supplier and local water utilities, respectively.
The project is divided into Section A and Section B. The recommended scheme route for Section A
(Panay-Guimaras cross-sea bridge) is 13.004 km in total length, therein, the length of bridge is about
4.97 km, and the length of connecting line on two sides is 8.034 km. The main line of recommended
scheme route for Section B (Guimaras-Negros cross-sea bridge) is about 18.603 km in length, of
which the bridge is about 13.10 km in length, the length of connecting line on two sides is 5.503 km,
and the e length of connecting line is 0.867 km.
According to preliminary estimation, about 93.22 hectares of land are permanently occupied by the
project, including about 8.10 hectares in Leganes, Iloilo Province, about 34.97 hectares in
Buenavista, Guimaras Province, about 25.90 hectares in San Lorenzo, Guimaras Province and
about 24.25 hectares in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental Province. Prefabricated yard on Panay
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Island, Guimaras Island and Negros Island respectively, and three temporary terminals such as
material terminal, abutment shipping terminal and segmental beam shipping terminal are proposed
to be set. Figure 34 shows the construction site and living camp which is about 30,000 square
Figure 34. Construction site and living camp in Area 1 – Panay Island
Figure 35 shows construction site and living camp which is about 20,000 square meters.
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Figure 35. Construction site and living camp in Area 2 – Guimaras Island
In area 3, Figure 36 shows the construction site and Living camp in Guimaras Island (Alignment
D). The area is about 40,000 square meters.
Figure 36. Construction site and living camp in Area 3 – Guimaras Island
In area 4, Figure 10 shows the construction site and Living camp in Negros Island (Alignment D)
which is about 30,000 square meters.
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Figure 37. Construction site and living camp in Area 4 – Negros Island
The results of traffic volume forecast for this project are shown in Table 5.
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(4) Standard width of the bridge: Section A adopts a four-lanes layout, with a standard width of
20.2m for the bridge; Section B adopts a two-lane layout, with a standard width of 14.3m for the
(5) Design load of the bridge: DGCS (2015) HL-93 design lanes and vehicle loads;
(8) Design frequency of high tide level for the sea-crossing bridge: the design high water level
adopts the tidal level of 1% of diachronic cumulative frequency; the design low water level adopts
the tidal level of 98% of diachronic cumulative frequency; the design flood frequency for major
bridges, medium-sized bridges, minor bridges and culverts, as well as subgrade: 1/100.
Items Standard
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(11) Seismic fortification standard: Level 1 Earthquake Ground Motion with a 100-year return
periods or a probability of exceedance corresponding to 53% in 75 years and Level 2 Earthquake
Ground Motion with a 1,000 year return periods or a probability of exceedance corresponding to 7%
in 75 years.
Alignment B: The starting point is connected to the planned intersection of the Circumferential Road
C2 and the coastal road, and a simple diamond interchange is set up for traffic conversion. After
extending to the northeast, Alignment B shares a bridge site and alignment with Alignment A. After
landing at Guimaras Island, the alignment is basically the same as Alignment A. A simple diamond
interchange is set up at the cross-regional circumferential road for traffic conversion.
The alignment stretches 13.004km in length. There are seven horizontal curves on the whole
alignment, with an average of 0.402 horizontal curve per kilometer. The minimum radius of horizontal
curve is 350m/1 point, and the length of the horizontal curve accounts for 56.681% of the total length.
There are 23 vertical curves on the whole alignment, with an average of 1.769 times of non-uniform
gradient per kilometer and a maximum longitudinal gradient of 5.0%/5 points. The vertical curve has
a minimum convex radius of 4,000m and a minimum concave radius of 3,000m. The length of the
vertical curve accounts for 42.552% of the total length.
Alignment D: The alignment starts at M. Chavez, Municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras Province
(the wind farm area), is linked to the circumferential road and the traversing road via a linking line.
A simple interchange is set up at the intersection with the circumferential road for traffic conversion.
The alignment then extends southeast, crosses the main channel perpendicularly across the strait,
lands on the north side of Pulupandan Port, and is ultimately connected to the circumferential road
on Negros Island. The end point set ups an interchange to achieve traffic conversion.
The alignment stretches 19.47km in length, and the length of linking line is 0.867km. There are six
horizontal curves on the whole alignment, with an average of 0.323 horizontal curve per kilometer.
The minimum radius of horizontal curve is 2,800m/3 points, and the length of the horizontal curve
accounts for 61.939% of the total length.
There are 14 vertical curves on the whole alignment, with an average of 0.754 time of non-uniform
gradient per kilometer and a maximum longitudinal gradient of 2.1%/1 point. The vertical curve has
a minimum convex radius of 7,000m and a minimum concave radius of 8,000m. The length of the
vertical curve accounts for 22.012% of the total length.
The design scheme of main bridge on Section A is (100 + 260 + 680 + 260 + 100) m double-pylon
RC cable-stayed bridge with composite beams.
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The bridge adopts a four-lane standard with a standard section width of 20.2m. The section of the
main bridge of the cable-stayed bridge is as shown in the figure, and the full width of the main beam
section is 24.2m. The main beam is recommended to adopt the full width section, and a RC double-
shelf composite beam is adopted, referring to Figure 39.
Figure 39. Standard Cross Section of Main Bridge on Section A (Unit: CM)
In consideration of the landscape, structural force and main beam section form, the diamond type is
recommended for the bridge tower. The tower body consists of the upper tower column, the lower
tower column and the cross beam. The tower is 212.75m high and has a hollow thin-walled section.
The sectional dimension of a single column is linearly varied from 8m (transverse) x 14m
(longitudinal) at the tower bottom to 7m (transverse) x 8m (longitudinal) at the tower top. The tower
body is provided with a transverse beam along the height.
The foundation of the bridge tower adopts a monolithic chamfered rectangular pile cap. The pile cap
is 67.5×95.5m in plan dimension. There are 134 pieces of steel pipe composite piles with a diameter
of 2.8m and non-uniform cross section, as shown in Figure 40.
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Column vase-shaped piers, with top unfolding transversely, are employed for auxiliary piers. An
octagonal hollow thin wall section is used. The sectional dimension of the pier bottom is 8m
(transverse) × 4m (longitudinal), and that of the pier top is 24m (transverse) × 4m (longitudinal).
The auxiliary pier foundation adopts a monolithic chamfered rectangular bearing platform. The
bearing platform is 25m×24.4m in plan view size, and there are 16 composite steel pipe columns
with non-uniform diameter of 2.5m, as shown in Figure 41.
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Column vase-shaped piers, with top unfolding bi-directionally, are employed for transitional piers.
An octagonal hollow thin wall section is used. The sectional dimension of the pier bottom is 8m
(transverse) × 4m (longitudinal), and that of the pier top is 24m (transverse) × 7m (longitudinal).
The transitional pier foundation adopts a monolithic chamfered rectangular bearing platform. The
bearing platform is 26×24.4m in plane dimension, and there are 16 non-uniform section composite
steel pipe columns with diameter of 2.5m, as shown in Figure 42.
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A 14×100m precast concrete box girder with a non-uniform section is recommended for approach
bridges in deep water area on Section A. The Section A bridge adopts the dual 2-lanes standard
with a section width of 20.2m. According to the experience, it is recommended to use a full-width
section of single box girder with double cells for the approach span section. Piers adopt column
vase-shaped piers, with top unfolding transversely and anti-seismic blocks laterally arranged. Group
pile foundation that comprising of steel-pipe composite piles and integrally-chamfered rectangular
pile caps are adopted.
Figure 43. Cross Section Form of Approach Bridge in Deep Water Area (Unit: CM)
The approach bridge in shallow water area is adopted with 30 m prefabricated I-beam, the width of
the bridge deck is 20.2 m, with full-width design, 10 I-type beams are arranged horizontally with a
spacing of 2.0 m. The bridge girder erection machine is adopted for monolithic erection. T-shaped
piers are selected with cantilevered bent caps. The group pile foundation comprising of steel-pipe
composite piles and integrally-chamfered rectangular pile caps are employed.
Figure 44. Cross Section Form of Approach Bridge in Shallow Water Area (Unit: CM)
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The overall scheme design of major bridge on Section A is as shown in Figure 45.
Figure 45. Skeleton Layout for Overall Scheme of Major Bridge on Section A
The design scheme of main bridge on Section B is a (100 + 260 + 680 + 260 + 100) m double-
tower cable-stayed bridge.
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Diamond type is recommended for bridge tower. The tower body consists of upper tower column, lower
tower column, cross beam and so on. The tower is 172 m in height and is adopted with hollow thin-wall
cross-section. The cross-section size of a single tower column varies linearly from 8 m (transverse) ×
13 m (longitudinal) at the tower bottom to 7 m (transverse) × 8 m (longitudinal) at the tower top. The
integral chamfered rectangular pile cap is adopted, a plane dimension of pile cap is 74.5 × 60.5 m, and
93 variable section steel-tube composite piles with a diameter of 2.8 m in diameter are arranged under
the shown in Figure 48.
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The auxiliary pier body is modeled as a column-type vase pier adopting the pier top to expand in
crossbridge direction. The octagonal hollow thin wall section is adopted. The cross section of pier
bottom is 8 m (transverse) × 4 m (longitudinal) and the cross section of pier top is 18.2 m (transverse)
× 4 m (longitudinal). The auxiliary pier foundation is provided with an integral chamfered rectangular
pile cap is adopted, a plane dimension of pile cap is 25×17.6 m and 12 variable-section steel pipe
composite piles with a diameter of 2.5 m are arranged under the foundation, as shown in Figure 49.
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The auxiliary pier body is modeled as a column-type vase pier adopting the pier top to expand in
crossbridge direction. The octagonal hollow thin-wall section is adopted. The section size of pier
bottom is 8 m (transverse) × 4m (longitudinal) and the section size of pier top is 18.2 m (transverse)
× 7 m (longitudinal). The foundation of the transitional pier is adopted with integral chamfered
rectangular pile cap is adopted, a plane dimension of pile cap is 25×17.6 m, and 12 variable section
steel-tube composite piles with a diameter of 2.5 m are arranged under the foundation, as shown in
Figure 50.
The approach bridge in deep water area on Section B is recommended to be adopted with following
schemes: Iloilo Bank: 66 × 100 m variable cross-section sectional precast concrete box girder;
Guimaras Bank: 34 × 100 m variable cross-section sectional precast concrete box girder. Two-way
four-lane bridge is adopted, and the cross section width of approach bridge is 14.3 m. According to
the experience, the cross section of main girder is recommended to be adopted with single-box and
single-chamber full-width cross section. The pier is adopted with a column-shaped vase pier, the
transverse bridge at the top spreads out in the direction of bridge, and the anti-seismic block is set
in the transverse direction. The foundation is adopted with group pile foundation with steel pipe
composite pile and integral chamfered rectangular pile cap.
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The approach bridge in shallow water area is adopted with 30 m prefabricated I-beam, the width of
the bridge deck is 14.3 m, with full-width design, 7 I-type beams are arranged in the transverse
direction, with spacing of 2.0 m. The bridge girder erection machine is adopted for monolithic
erection. The T-shaped pier with cantilever bent cap is used for the bridge pier. The foundation is
adopted with group pile foundation with steel pipe composite pile and integral chamfered rectangular
pile cap.
The overall scheme design of whole bridge on Section B is shown in Figure 26.
Figure 53. Skeleton Layout for Overall Scheme of Major Bridge on Section B
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The Panay-Guimaras cross-sea bridge on Section A in this project is constructed and implemented
in accordance with the two-way four-lane standard. The width of integrated subgrade for wiring road
is 20.7 m, its cross section consists of: 0.75 m (earth shoulder) + 1.5 m (hard shoulder) + 2 × 3.65
m (carriageway) +1.6 m ( middle strip) + 2 × 3.65 m (carriageway) + 1.5 m (hard shoulder) + 0.75 m
(earth shoulder).
2%, and the maximum should not be more than 2%, therefore, it is considered from drainage
factor, 2% is taken for transverse slope of road camber in this project, and 3% is adopted for
transverse slope of earth shoulder.
The wiring length of Line B on Section A in recommended scheme is shorter (500 m) on Panay
Island. The main route passes through the salt field, being free of bridge structures and, at BK0 +
350 position, a Φ1.5 m pipe culvert is arranged to facilitate the seawater extraction operation
required for operation in salt field.
After Line B on Section A in recommended scheme lands in Getulio area in the north of Guimaras
Island, the route runs along mountainous areas with chicken-paw geomorphology mostly, there are
local fish ponds and farmland, etc. in the mainline of route, therefore, the bridges are set up as far
as possible to pass through when crossing fish ponds. 5 mainline bridges are set at the connection
of Guimaras Island for Line B , the span arrangement is No.1 bridge 4 × 30 m, No.2 bridge 5 × 30
m, No.3 bridge 3 × 30 m, and three bridges all cross the fish pond; No.4 bridge is 6 × 30 m, crossing
the deep ditches, and No.5 bridge is 5 × 30 m, crossing the crossed roads. In addition, at BK10 +
533 of Line B, there is original former road, and a 1 × 30 m cross-line bridge is considered to be set
to be convenient for local residents’ travel. The culverts and channels on Line B are arranged in
suitable position according to the conditions of field investigation. The aperture of culvert is 3 × 2 m
or 3 × 2.5 m, etc. and the number of hole is 1-3 unequally. The circular pipe culvert is Φ 1.5 m. A Φ
1.5 m circular pipe culvert is set at DK0 + 500 position of Guimaras Island for Line D on Section B.
Line D on Section B passes through Pulupandan Creek on Negro Island. According to the results of
field survey, circular pipe culvert is planned to be selected during the feasible construction stage.
After calculating the indexes of permanent deformation and fatigue cracking index of asphalt mixture
and the indexe of fatigue cracking for inorganic binder, the composite of pavement structure is
recommended as: 5 cm asphalt mixture AC-16 surface layer + 10 cm asphalt stabilized macadam
ATB-25 upper base + lower sub-base of 38 cm cement stabilized crushed stone + 20 cm graded
crushed stone subbase.
The type selection of interchange is mainly based on the planning of urban comprehensive road
network, the size and direction of traffic volume and is combined with geology, topography, features
and so on. 2 interchanges are set at Panay-Guimaras section and 2 interchanges are set at
Guimaras-Negros section. The arrangement of interchange is shown in Table 12, Figure 56 to
Figure 59.
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Name of Crossing area Form of Name and grade of
Crossing mode
interchange pile No. interchange crossed road
Interchange at
Overcrossing of Roundabout Road on
the ending K11+420 80208 Rhomboid
mainline Guimaras Island
point of Line B
Circumferential Road
Interchange at
Partial clover Overcrossing of
the starting K1+068 211018
leaf mainline (Roundabout Road
point of Line D on Guimaras Island)
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Except that the interchange is set at the starting and ending point of the project, the grade crossing
is all set at the intersections with local roads.
The grade crossing is designed to be adopted with the principle of maintaining the original road
conditions as far as possible, no demolishing and ensuring residents' original travel habits, the
circular corner is paved to be connected with the crossed roads, and the pavement structure of
crossed roads is identical to pavement structure on the mainline.
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Forward crossing
Oblique crossing
Mainline Mainline
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Drainage Systems
The proposed project will be provided with efficient drainage system for surface and subsurface
water including slope groundwater and seepage. It will provide an all-weather road drainage
system of adequate cross-drain, drain collection system, sufficient countermeasures for flooding
of road and major drainage structures, surface water infiltration and drainage outfalls. The
drainage system comprises of a network of pipe culverts, roadside ditches, and internal
drainage systems for the road pavement structures. The design of PGN Bridge Project
considerably prepares for the extreme conditions on rainfall and other meteorological/weather
(PAGASA) criteria.
According to the specific requirements of traffic safety facilities, and taking into account the road
characteristics and local geographical conditions, climate and environment, as well as rational
use of highway construction funds and other factors, the design for safety facilities in this section
includes traffic signs, traffic markings, guard fence, etc.
surveillance system
With the whole section of the Project taken as the surveillance focus of the road, a complete
surveillance system shall be provided to achieve video surveillance, traffic parameter collection,
meteorological monitoring, accident alarm collection, traffic information release and speed
control in some sections for timely traffic dispersion to ensure smooth traffic flow along the entire
Lighting Systems
The proposed project will be provided with highway safety and bridge lightings. Road lighting
not only constitutes an essential part of road illumination and beautification, but also serves the
road. Therefore, road lighting shall be first considered to ensure the safety of road operation,
providing drivers with safe driving conditions. Street lamps for road lighting in the Project shall
be provided by considering both the short-term and long-term road lighting requirements. Bridge
lighting includes internal lighting for the box girder and internal lighting for the main body.
Communication Conduit
12-hole Φ40/33 silicon core tubes shall be installed in the communication conduits in the Project
and in the road under the interchange as well. Communication conduits in the approach span
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section in the shallow water area shall be installed in the steel tube box outside the bridge. The
box shall be installed on the steel brackets fixed to the concrete guard fence of the bridge with
expansion bolts. Communication conduits in the approach span section in the deep-water area
shall be installed in the steel bridge frame in the box girder while the latter shall be installed on
the section steel brackets fixed to the concrete box girder with expansion bolts. Communication
conduits in the navigable span shall be installed in the steel bridge frame while the latter in the
steel box girder shall be fixed to the tube hole in the diaphragm.
1.5 Process/Technology
During this phase generation of waste is expected. Table 13 shows the type of waste and built-
in measures.
Solid wastes Domestic and Practice 3R (Reduce Reuse and recycle); Residues
demolition residuals for disposal to landfill
Hazardous waste Used oil and batteries Sent to Treatment Storage and Disposal facility
Figure 61 shows the schematic diagram of wastewater generated during construction phase.
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Project Component Location/Area Jurisdiction Area
Major Components
Segment3.1 Panay K0+000~K0+555 0.555 km
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Total 13.004km
Project Component Location/Area Jurisdiction Area
Major Components
Segment3.5 Guimaras K0+000~K1+902 1.902 km
This will involve the acquisition of Environmental Compliance Certificate and other permits and
clearances such as PAMB, LGU clearances, tree cutting permits etc.
DPWH to iron out details of the projects, finalized the detailed engineering design
Preparation and implementation of Relocation Action Plan for the affected communities
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The main bridge is a cable-stayed bridge with composite beams. Main piers adopt group pile
foundations, and main towers are of a concrete diamond-type tower, which is made up of upper,
middle and lower tower columns, as well as lower floor beams and upper floor beams.
Transition piers and ancillary piers adopt group pile foundations, and a hollow thin-wall pier.
Full trestles or marine equipment may be employed for construction. It is recommended to use
marine equipment for the construction of foundations due to deep sea water in the Project and
a relatively narrow construction water area.
Based on the characteristics of the Project being located at sea with a large water depth, the
following process will be adopted for substructures: driving of steel casing → erection of drilling
platform → construction of pile foundation → assembly of steel suspension box → lowering of
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steel suspension box → welding of draw bar and pressure bar → pouring of bottoming concrete
→ pumping for the construction of bearing platform → construction of tower pedestal and cable
Construction of pile foundation: a floating pile driver is used to insert steel pipe piles to set up a
working platform. A floating crane and a vibrating pile driver are employed to insert steel pipes
down to a design depth, then clear-water boring and pore-forming technology is adopted to drill
down to a design pile bottom elevation. Reinforcement cages are lowered, and tremie concrete
is poured with a waterborne mixing plant.
Construction of bearing platform: a double-wall steel cofferdam is used to surround water, and
bottoming concrete is poured. Concrete for the bearing platform is poured after pumping. The
concrete is supplied by a waterborne mixing plant.
The cable tower employs a construction technology based on hydraulic climbing formwork, in
which tower cranes (located on both sides of the cable tower) provide coordination. Each
segment of tower column is equipped with four independent climbing frames by section. The
hydraulic climbing formwork is mainly composed of a climbing frame system and a formwork
system, and the standard construction segment is 6m high. Floor beams are cast in place with
steel pipes plus support for steel trussed girder. The base of support relies on the bearing
platform for main piers, and the insufficient part is covered by steel pipe pile foundations driven
into water. The prestressing on floor beams is applied by post-tensioning method. The concrete
required is pumped by a waterborne mixing plant.
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Fixed attached tower cranes are employed for the construction of tower column as lifting
equipment, and elevators and ladders are provided as an access of personnel.
A steel anchor box will be used for the bridge as an anchoring structure for stay cables. The
steel anchor box is processed in a professional steel structure factory, and installed with an 800-
type tower crane.
The construction process for pier body is the same as that for the cable tower body as shown
in Figure 63.
The main beam is a type of steel-concrete composite beam, with the lower part being a box-
shaped steel beam. Bridge decks are prefabricated first in a factory. After its storage for a certain
period, large-scale lifting equipment is employed to transport box girders to assembly jigs, to
hoist the bridge deck and to pour concrete for lamination in the factory. After the age is met, the
composite beam is shipped to the bridge site for erection as shown in Figure 64.
The main beam is lifted in four parts: beam segments for tower zones, beam segments for side
spans, standard beam segments, and closure segments. The beam segments for tower zones,
and beam segments for side spans are hoisted and erected with 800 T large-scale floating
cranes. The standard beam segments, and closure segments are symmetrically hoisted and
erected with bridge deck cranes.
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Figure 64. Symmetrical Erection of Composite Beams with Bridge Deck Cranes
Ready-made high-strength parallel steel wires are used as stay cables, coiled and transported
to the site where they are put in place for lifting. Then a jack is employed for tensioning of the
stay cable.
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A floating crane and a vibrating pile driver are employed to insert steel pipes down to a design
depth, then clear-water boring and pore-forming technology is adopted to drill down to a design
pile bottom elevation. Reinforcement cages are lowered, and underwater concrete is poured
with a waterborne mixing plant.
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The superstructure of a box girder is prefabricated by segments, and assembled with bridge
deck crane cantilevers. The standard length of a prefabricated beam segment is 4m, 3.5m, and
the segment lifting weight is about 250t. Prefabricated beam segments are spliced by a dense-
tooth shear key, with the splicing surface painted with epoxy resin.
Large-scale floating cranes may also be used for large-segment hoisting in the light of contractor
② Prefabrication of I beams
I beams are prefabricated in a fabrication filed, and are erected piece by piece with bridge
erection equipment. The cast-in-situ top slab is integrated into one layer, and the erection of
main beams is completed.
Figure 67. Schematic Diagram for Construction of I Beams for a 30 m Approach Spans
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-Site clearing: All existing vegetation within the project foot print will be removed or relocated;
the existing pavement and road surface will be demolished or disassembled; a temporary
drain ditch and settling pond will be established on the road side; and the road area will be
backfilled and levelled to the required level.
-Base treatment: Including levelling, compacting and sub grading.
-Surfacing and pavement construction
- All construction sites are cleared of residual solid and domestic wastes generated
from temporary sanitation facilities;
- All disconnected / disrupted basic social service facilities such as water and power
supplies, and communication lines are fully restored to normal functions;
All construction sites are cleared of residual construction spoils and debris
The DPWH District Engineering Office (DPWH-DEO) who has jurisdiction over the newly
construction island bridge and road shall perform periodic inspection and maintenance of the
road section, including all appurtenant structures based on DPWH Standard Inspection and
Maintenance Manual for Roads and Bridges.
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Abandonment for infrastructure project would mean that after end life of the road/bridge:
During its peak of construction, the proposed project will utilize about 1100 workers at a given
time of construction. About 400 of them are skilled workers and about 700 are unskilled workers.
The DPWH will include in the agreement with the contractors a provision of priority in hiring
qualified local resident from host and neighboring LGUs. The contractors will coordinate with
the concerned LGU offices in the dissemination of job openings for the PGN Bridge project. The
information will be allowed for general circulation when no qualified local residents are hired
within an agreed period of time between the contractors and the LGUs.
Table 16 shows the indicative number of skilled and unskilled workers during construction and
operation phases. During the construction, most of the skilled workers to be required are
engineers, welders, heavy equipment operators, administration and accounting; and security
personnel. The unskilled workers for the construction are mostly for excavation road foundation,
concrete infusion, vibrating operation, steel bar processing, lashing operation and aides etc.
During operation, most of the skilled workers to be required are for road maintenance; for road
patrols and emergency assistance, for administration and accounting. The unskilled workers for
the operation are mostly for janitorial works and maintenance of the buffer zones.
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100 50
Operation period 50% male 70% male
50% female 30% female
The total estimated amount of Line B on Section A (four-lane) + Line D on Section B (two-lane)
line in recommended scheme is ¥27,362,707,000 or ₱211, 862.12 million Philippine pesos. The
total estimated amount of above-said project does not include the cost of land requisition and
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ xi
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. xiv
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.0 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................2-2
2.1 Land ..............................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Land Use and Classification ..................................................................................................2-2 Land Area and Land Use .......................................................................................................2-2 Land Classification .................................................................................................................2-6 Tenurial Instruments ........................................................................................................... 2-12
2.1.2 Geology and Geomorphology ............................................................................................ 2-14 Topography .......................................................................................................................... 2-14 Geological structure ............................................................................................................. 2-16 Regional structure ............................................................................................................. 2-16 Regional main activity fault .............................................................................................. 2-18 Near field structure ............................................................................................................ 2-19 Earthquake ........................................................................................................................... 2-21 Stratum ................................................................................................................................. 2-23 Unfavorable geological phenomena .................................................................................... 2-26 Engineering geology impact and measures ......................................................................... 2-31
2.1.3 Pedology ............................................................................................................................. 2-33 Special geology .................................................................................................................... 2-33 Soil and stone excavation level ............................................................................................ 2-35 Soil Quality .......................................................................................................................... 2-36
2.1.4 Terrestrial Biology .............................................................................................................. 2-37 Flora Biodiversity Assessment ............................................................................................ 2-38 Methodology...................................................................................................................... 2-38 Diversity assessment ........................................................................................................ 2-41 Conservation Assessment: Conservation Status and Endemism .................................... 2-41 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................................... 2-42 The Flora Survey Sites .................................................................................................. 2-42 Floristic Biodiversity ....................................................................................................... 2-50 Species composition ...................................................................................................... 2-50 Species Richness........................................................................................................... 2-62 Endemicity and Conservation Status ............................................................................. 2-71 Fauna Biodiversity Assessment .......................................................................................... 2-80 Methodology...................................................................................................................... 2-80
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List of Tables
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Table 24. Description and geographic location of fauna survey sites ..................................................... 2-80
Table 25. Top Three (3) families with the highest number of species ..................................................... 2-87
Table 26. Top Three (3) avi-fauna families with the highest number of species .................................... 2-89
Table 27. Summary list of fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN, 2016) ........................... 2-90
Table 28. Summary list of fauna species and distribution status ............................................................. 2-90
Table 29. Summary list of fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN, 2016) ........................... 2-91
Table 3031. Summary list of fauna species and distribution status ......................................................... 2-91
Table 32. List of endemic species ............................................................................................................ 2-92
Table 33. List of endemic avi-fauna species ............................................................................................ 2-93
Table 34. List of other fauna species and conservation status (IUCN) ................................................... 2-93
Table 35. List of other fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN) ........................................... 2-94
Table 36. Computed Biodiversity index of each sampled sites ............................................................... 2-95
Table 37. Relative Frequency of each sampled sites .............................................................................. 2-96
Table 38. Species relative frequency (using the avi-fauna data) ............................................................. 2-97
Table 39. List of recorded waterbirds in So. Cavan Brgy. Tapong Pulupandan ..................................... 2-98
Table 40. Species Diversity.................................................................................................................... 2-101
Table 41. Fauna diversity Data (Pulupandan side) ................................................................................ 2-102
Table 42. Fauna diversity data (wetland area in So. Cavan Brgy. Tapong Pulupandan) ...................... 2-103
Table 43. Fauna diversity data (Guimaras side) .................................................................................... 2-105
Table 44. Fauna diversity data (Leganes Iloilo side) ............................................................................. 2-108
Table 45. Fauna species conservation Status ....................................................................................... 2-111
Table 46. Information Summary of Tidal Level Observation Station ..................................................... 2-121
Table 47. Ratio of Main Partial Tide Amplitude in Each Observation Stations ...................................... 2-121
Table 48. Statistical Characteristic Values for Actually-Measured Tidal Level During Dry Period and Wet
Period ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-121
Table 49. High Tidal Level and Low Tidal Level at Each Calculation Point during Recurrence Period 2-122
Table 50. Information Summary of Total Tide Observation Station ....................................................... 2-123
Table 51. Discriminant Number of Tidal current Type at Each Level of Each Stations during Dry Season (WO1
+ WK1)/WM2 .......................................................................................................................................... 2-124
Table 52. Discriminant Number of Tide Type at Each Level of Each Station during Wet Season (WO1 +
WK1)/ WM2 ............................................................................................................................................ 2-124
Table 53. Maximum and Mean Flow Velocity (cm/s) and Flow Direction (°) of Mean Rising and Falling Tide for
Actually-Measured Vertical Line in Each Station during Dry Period ...................................................... 2-127
Table 54. Maximum and Mean Flow Velocity (cm/s) and Flow Direction (°) of Mean Rising and Falling Tide for
Actually-Measured Vertical Line in Each Station during Wet Period ..................................................... 2-128
Table 55. Maximum Flow Velocity inside Computed Domain under Tidal Conditions during Various
Recurrence Periods ............................................................................................................................... 2-132
Table 56. Maximum Flow Velocity on Bridge Axis under Tidal Conditions during Various Recurrence Periods
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-132
Table 57. Extreme Value on Each Computed Point for Wave during Recurrence Period .................... 2-135
Table 58. Summary of Marine Water Sampling Sites, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of
Samplings............................................................................................................................................... 2-147
Table 59. Parameters and Analytical Methodology ............................................................................... 2-148
Table 60a. Results of Physico-chemical Analyses of Marine Water...................................................... 2-149
Table 61. Summary of Ground Water Sampling Sites, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of
Samplings............................................................................................................................................... 2-152
Table 62. Parameters and Analytical Methodology ............................................................................... 2-153
Table 63. Results of Physico-chemical Analyses of Ground Water....................................................... 2-154
Table 64. Geo-references of sampling sites, with indicator of possible presence or absence of seagrass in the
area during the March 2019. .................................................................................................................. 2-156
Table 65. Species richness categories adapted from Hilomen et al. (2000). ........................................ 2-157
Table 66. Fish abundance categories as adapted from Hilomen et al. (2000). .................................... 2-157
Table 67. Fish biomass categories adapted from Nañola et al. (2006). ................................................ 2-158
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Table 68. List of Sampling Stations for Marine Ecology (Plankton and Macro invertebrates) with their
Corresponding Location and Date of sampling. ..................................................................................... 2-160
Table 69. The Fernando Biodiversity Scale, 1998 ................................................................................ 2-162
Table 70. Dive location for corals and reef fishes along coastal municipality of Leganes, Iloilo. .......... 2-163
Table 71. Dive location of corals and reef fish along coastal municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras. ... 2-163
Table 72. Dive location along coastal municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras. .................................... 2-169
Table 73. Dive location along coastal municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. ....................... 2-172
Table 74. Phytoplankton composition, distribution, diversity and abundance (cells/L) in eight sampling stations
for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019. ............................................................ 2-181
Table 75. Zooplankton composition, distribution, diversity and abundance (individuals/m3) in eight sampling
stations for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019. .............................................. 2-184
Table 76. Sea Area Occupied By Project .............................................................................................. 2-193
Table 77. Climatological Normals in Iloilo City, Iloilo (1980-2009)......................................................... 2-198
Table 78. Climatological Extremes in Iloilo City, Iloilo as of July 2010 .................................................. 2-198
Table 79. List of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province with 100KM Buffer from 1948 to 2018
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-199
Table 80. Seasonal Temperature Increases in 2020 and 2050 in Region 6 ......................................... 2-202
Table 81. Seasonal Rainfall Change in 2020 and 2050 in Region 6 ..................................................... 2-202
Table 82. Frequency of Extreme Events in 2020 and 2050 in Region 6 .............................................. 2-202
Table 83. Monthly Total and Annual Climatic Data, Rainfall Amount (mm) in Iloilo City, Iloilo .............. 2-203
Table 84. Wind Speed Range and their Description .............................................................................. 2-205
Table 85. % Frequencies of Occurrence for concurrent wind direction in Roxas City from 1981-2010 2-205
Table 86. Summary of Air Sampling Stations, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of Samplings
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-209
Table 87. Ambient Air Monitoring Equipment Specifications ................................................................ 2-210
Table 88. Ambient Air Test results taken in Buenavista and San Lorenzo, Guimaras .......................... 2-211
Table 89. Ambient Air Test results taken in Brgy. Pag-ayon, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental and Brgy. Gua-
an, Leganes, Brgy. Hinactacan, Jaro, Iloilo ........................................................................................... 2-212
Table 90. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Getulio, Buenavista, Guimaras ............................................... 2-212
Table 91. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Cansilayan, Buenavista, Guimaras ......................................... 2-213
Table 92. Meteorological Data at Sitio Cabanbanan, Brgy. Salvacion, Buenavista, Guimaras ............ 2-214
Table 93. Meteorological Data at Brgy. M. Chavez, San Lorenzo, Guimaras ....................................... 2-215
Table 94. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras ............................................ 2-216
Table 95. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Pag-ayon, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental ............................ 2-217
Table 96. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Ubay, Near Lagasan Boundary, Negros Occidental ............... 2-218
Table 97. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Gua-an, Leganes, Iloilo ........................................................... 2-219
Table 98. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Hinactacan, Jaro, Iloilo City ..................................................... 2-220
Table 99. Annual maximum gust wind speed (for 3 seconds) and direction of IWS near to the bridge site2-222
Table 100. Gust wind speed of bridge site in different return periods based on the annual maximum gust wind
speed records......................................................................................................................................... 2-222
Table 101. The basic wind speed at bridge site in different return periods ............................................ 2-223
Table 102. Summary of Noise Sampling Stations, Coordinates, Date and Time of Samplings ............ 2-231
Table 103a. (N1) Noise Data at Brgy. Gua-An, Leganes, Iloilo ............................................................. 2-233
Table 104. Household and Household Size in the Municipalities Affected by the Project .................... 2-240
Table 105. Population per Barangay Covered by the Project (2015, 2018) .......................................... 2-240
Table 106. Population Growth in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ......................................... 2-241
Table 107. Population Density in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ......................................... 2-241
Table 108. Population by Group Age in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ............................... 2-242
Table 109. Literacy by Age Group ......................................................................................................... 2-243
Table 110. Highest Grade/Year Completed in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ..................... 2-243
Table 111. Construction materials of roof and wall in the Municipalities Affected by the Project.......... 2-246
Table 112. Total Number of Affected Structures by the Alignment....................................................... 2-248
Table 113a. Inventory of Trees/Plants Affected by Option B ................................................................ 2-248
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List of Figures
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Figure 26. Plantation forest (sites 6 and 7), planted with big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) located in
barangay Dagsaan Buenavista, province of Guimaras. .......................................................................... 2-48
Figure 27. Mangrove forest (site 8) located in barangay Hinactacan, City of Ilo-ilo (Panay Island). ....... 2-49
Figure 28. Residential site (site 10) located in barangay Hinactacan, City of Ilo-ilo (Panay Island). ...... 2-49
Figure 29. Residential landscape along the project ROW. Photos are mixtures of residentials along roads,
orchards, salt farms and in agricultural landscape. ................................................................................. 2-52
Figure 30. Agricultural landscape along the PGN bridge project ROW. Photos are sugarcane plantation in
Negros (Panay Island) and rice farms in low terraces. ............................................................................ 2-54
Figure 31. Plantations along the PGN bridge project ROW. Phots are coconut, mango and outgrowth from a
shrubland.................................................................................................................................................. 2-56
Figure 32. Beach forest along the PGN bridge project ROW. Photos are landscape and the scrub-like
species, aroma (Acacia farnesiana), as one of the dominant species observed in the study ................. 2-58
Figure 33. Mangrove forest along the PGN bridge project ROW. Above photos are stilt root of bakauan babae
(Rhizophora mucronata) and pneumatophores of bungalon (Avicennia marina). ................................... 2-60
Figure 34. Representative mangrove habitat indicating the project alignment as shown in colored lines: Red =
mangrove habitat, Yellow = sampling site, and Green = project alignment. ............................................ 2-61
Figure 35a. Number of Species, Genera and Family from different islands (A) and from different land use
types (B) across the project ROW in 2019 survey ................................................................................... 2-62
Figure 36. Species family distribution during the 2019 baseline survey (left panel) and 2021 resurvey (right
panel) ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-64
Figure 37a. Number of species in each flora survey sites (top panel) and number of each taxonomic levels per
Landuse type (lower panel) based on 2019 baseline survey................................................................... 2-65
Figure 38. Family-level species (left panel) and individual (right panel) distribution of plants across the study
area .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-67
Figure 39. Plant species rank-abundance distribution across the study area ........................................ 2-68
Figure 40. Site-level species richness (above panel) and abundance (bottom panel) distribution across the
study. Vertical red line separates survey sites in Guimaras island (left side, 7 sites) and Panay island (right
side, 3 sites). Color indicate ecosystem type ........................................................................................... 2-68
Figure 41a. Shannon Diversity H’ (above) and Pielou’s Evenness J (bottom) across the study sites based on
2019 baseline survey data ....................................................................................................................... 2-69
Figure 42. Site-level biodiversity status based from calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity H’ (top panel) and
Pielou’s evenness J’ (bottom panel) following criteria set in Fernando Biodiversity Scale (1998). Horizontal
lines indicate biodiversity scale. Color indicate ecosystem type.............................................................. 2-71
Figure 43a. Bar plots showing endemicity of species to either native (endemic, indigenous) and non-native
(exotic) species observed in 2019 baseline survey ................................................................................. 2-73
Figure 44. Representative species for endemic (Ficus ulmifolia), indigenous (Sonneratia caseolaris) and
exotic (Acacia farnesiana). ....................................................................................................................... 2-74
Figure 45. Flora endemicity (top panel), and conservation status based from DAO 2017-11 red list (middle
panel) and IUCN red list (bottom panel) across the study ....................................................................... 2-75
Figure 46. Fauna sampling sites ............................................................................................................. 2-82
Figure 47. Beach ecosystem (brgy. Tapong Pulupandan, Negros Occidental)....................................... 2-83
Figure 48. Shrub land ecosystem (Brgy. Ban-ban Buenavista Guimaras) .............................................. 2-83
Figure 49. Agricultural ecosystem (Brgy. Cansilayan Buenavista Guimaras) ......................................... 2-83
Figure 50. Wetland ecosystem (Brgy. Gua-an Leganes, Ilo-ilo) .............................................................. 2-84
Figure 51. Mangrove ecosystem (Brgy. Navalas Buenavista Guimaras) ................................................ 2-84
Figure 52. Mixture of settlement and Orchard ecosystem (Brgy. Getulio Buenavista Guimaras) .......... 2-84
Figure 53. Family composition ................................................................................................................. 2-87
Figure 54. Number of species in each observation site ........................................................................... 2-88
Figure 55. Abundance of birds in each observation site .......................................................................... 2-88
Figure 56. Avi-fauna species richness ..................................................................................................... 2-89
Figure 57. Avi-fauna abundance .............................................................................................................. 2-89
Figure 58. Conservation Status ............................................................................................................... 2-91
Figure 59. Faunal Endemicity .................................................................................................................. 2-92
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Figure 60. Environmentally significant areas within and near the proposed alignment. ....................... 2-100
Figure 61. Species richness and abundance of each sample site ....................................................... 2-110
Figure 62. Distribution status ................................................................................................................ 2-111
Figure 63. Computed biodiversity index of the sampled sites .............................................................. 2-112
Figure 64. Main surface water system of Section A (thick green line) ................................................... 2-116
Figure 65. Main Surface Water Systems of Section B (Green Line) ..................................................... 2-117
Figure 66. Bathymetric Map of Iloilo Straight ......................................................................................... 2-119
Figure 67. Bathymetric Map of Guimaras Straight ................................................................................. 2-120
Figure 68. Position of Tidal Level Observation Stations for PGN Project .............................................. 2-121
Figure 69. Location of Ocean Current Observation Stations for PGN Project ....................................... 2-123
Figure 70. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during High Tide Period in Dry Season .................................................................................................. 2-129
Figure 71. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Medium Tide Period in Dry Season ............................................................................................ 2-129
Figure 72. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Low Tide Period in Dry Season .................................................................................................. 2-130
Figure 73. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during High Tide Period in Wet Season ................................................................................................. 2-130
Figure 74. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Medium Tide Period in Wet Season ........................................................................................... 2-131
Figure 75. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each Station
during Low Tide Period in Wet Season .................................................................................................. 2-131
Figure 76. Stations Map for Surface Sediments Sampling .................................................................... 2-134
Figure 77. Distribution Map of Surface Sediments Type ....................................................................... 2-134
Figure 78. Schematic Diagram for Computed Point Position of Sea Wave During Recurrence Period 2-136
Figure 79. Historical Earthquake Distribution Map in Philippines and Surrounding Areas .................... 2-137
Figure 80. Historical Tsunamis Distribution Map in Philippines and Surrounding Areas ....................... 2-137
Figure 81. Computational Domain and Grid Division ............................................................................. 2-138
Figure 82. Comparison between Calculated Value and Actually-Measured Value at T1 Tide Level (Medium
Tide) ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-139
Figure 83. Comparison between Calculated Value and Actually-Measured Value at T3 Tide Level (Medium
Tide) ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-139
Figure 84. Verification of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction for Ocean Current (Medium Tide) ............ 2-141
Figure 85. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Rise before Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-142
Figure 86. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Fall before Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-143
Figure 87. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Rise after Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-143
Figure 88. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Fall after Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year Return
Period ) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-144
Figure 89. Flow Velocity Variation at the Moment of Rapid Rise after Completion of Bridge Construction for
Tidal Type at 300-Year Return Period ................................................................................................... 2-144
Figure 90. Flow Velocity Variation at the Moment of Rapid Fall after Completion of Bridge Construction for
Tidal Type at 300-Year Return Period ................................................................................................... 2-145
Figure 91. Seabed Deformation Conditions in Engineering Area before and after Bridge Construction on Line
B after 5 Years ....................................................................................................................................... 2-146
Figure 92. Seabed Deformation Conditions in Engineering Area Before and After Bridge Construction on Line
D After 5 Years ....................................................................................................................................... 2-146
Figure 93. Marine Water Sampling Map of PGN Project ...................................................................... 2-148
Figure 94. Ground Water Sampling Map of PGN Project ..................................................................... 2-153
Figure 95. Sampling Stations for Marine Ecology located in Leganes, Iloilo; Buenavista, Guimaras and
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. ........................................................................................................... 2-159
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Figure 96. Conventional plankton net used in the collection of plankton samples. ............................... 2-160
Figure 97. A Portable ponar grab sampler used in the collection of benthic macroinvertebrates samples.2-161
Figure 98. Location of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) dive sites for corals and reef fishes along coastal
barangays of Nabitasan and Gua-an in the municipality of Leganes, Iloilo. .......................................... 2-164
Figure 99. Photo-documentation during the survey in Leganes, Iloilo. .................................................. 2-165
Figure 100. Map of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) corals and reef fish sites along the coastal barangay of
Getulio, Buenavista in Guimaras Island. ................................................................................................ 2-167
Figure 101. Photo-documentation during the survey in Brgy.Getulio, Buenavista, Guimaras. ............. 2-168
Figure 102. Map of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) coral and reef fish sites along coastal municipality of
San Lorenzo, Guimaras. ........................................................................................................................ 2-169
Figure 103. Photo-documentation during the seagrass survey in Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras. (A-B)
shoots of Cymodocea serrulata and (C) seaweed Halimeda species ................................................... 2-170
Figure 104. Photo-documentation during the survey in San Lorenzo, Guimaras .................................. 2-171
Figure 105. Map showing (A) seagrass assessment and (B) dive location for corals and fishes along coastal
municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. ................................................................................... 2-173
Figure 106. Photo-documentation during the survey in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. .................... 2-174
Figure 107. Coastal Resources of PGN Project ................................................................................... 2-176
Figure 108a. Location of TINMAR in Southwest Guimaras Figure 108b. Ramsar Site Area in green
highlight color 2-178
Figure 109. Location of Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) in the proposed alignments ............. 2-179
Figure 110. Percentage composition of top 5 major phytoplankton genera in eight sampling stations for the
Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019. ........................................................................ 2-180
Figure 111. Total phytoplankton density and richness in eight sampling stations for PGN Project in March
2019. ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-182
Figure 112. Percentage composition of top 5 zooplankton taxa in eight sampling stations for PGN Project in
March 2019 ........................................................................................................................................... 2-183
Figure 113. Total zooplankton density and taxa richness of the eight sampling stations for PGN Project in
March 2019. .......................................................................................................................................... 2-185
Figure 114. Dominant plankton taxa during the March 2019 sampling. (A)Bacteriastrum. (B) Trichodesmium.
(C) Dinophysis miles (D) Copepod nauplius (E) Calanoid copepod (F) Bivalve veliger ........................ 2-186
Figure 115. Location map of Marine Mammals Sightings in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental............. 2-188
Figure 116. Photos of Irrawaddy Dolphins observed on November 26-27, 2021 ................................. 2-189
Figure 117. Modified Coronas Classification ........................................................................................ 2-197
Figure 118. Monthly Distribution of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province from 1948 to 2018
............................................................................................................................................................... 2-201
Figure 119. Tracks of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province within 100 km Buffer from 1948 to
2018 ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-201
Figure 120. Monthly Windrose Diagram in Roxas City from 1981 to 2010 ........................................... 2-208
Figure 121. Air Sampling locations at PGN Project ............................................................................... 2-209
Figure 122.Conversion relation of wind speed with different time distance ........................................... 2-223
Figure 123. Contour map of the terrain .................................................................................................. 2-224
Figure 124.Topographic map of calculated area .................................................................................... 2-225
Figure 125. Local grid meshing .............................................................................................................. 2-225
Figure 126. Overall grid and partial detail .............................................................................................. 2-225
Figure 127. Case setup .......................................................................................................................... 2-226
Figure 128. Wind profile at the entrance of the calculation domain ....................................................... 2-227
Figure 129. The Layout of the Lane ...................................................................................................... 2-228
Figure 130. Noise Sampling locations at PGN Project .......................................................................... 2-231
Figure 131. Population per Census Year in the Municipalities Affected by the Project ........................ 2-241
Figure 132a. Settlement Map in the Project Alignment (Panay-Guimaras segment) ........................... 2-245
Figure 133. IRA Dependency in the Municipalities Affected by the Project.......................................... 2-255
Figure 134. Key Informant Interviews .................................................................................................... 2-268
Figure 135. Focus Group Discussions ................................................................................................... 2-269
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Chapter 2
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The following discussion on the environmental impact of the project was based on the outline
provided under DAO 2003-30 under the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department
of Environment and Natural Resources (EMB - DENR).
2.1 Land
The region has a total land area of 2,022,311 hectares or approximately 35.7 percent of the
total land area of the Visayas and 6.7 percent of the Philippines. The Province of
Negros Occidental is the biggest in terms of land area with 792,607 hectares which is almost
40% of the total area of the region. Iloilo comes second with 471,940 hectares or 23%: Capiz
with 263,317 hectares or 13%: Antique with 252,201 hectares or 12%: Aklan with 181,789
hectares or 9% and Guimaras with 60,457 hectares or 3%. In Guimaras, Forest and Forestlands
(FFL) cover 5,459.40 hectares and Alienable and Disposable lands cover 54,593 hectares,
more or less. (Source, DENR).
Based on the GIS computed data, the proposed PGN bridge alignment will pass through
different land uses as shown in Figures 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d. Among the land uses include
annual crop, perennial crop, brush/shrub land, fishpond and sea. In Leganes, Iloilo on Figure
1a, dominant land use within the project alignment are fishponds and mangrove forest. In terms
of land use in Buenavista as shown in Figure 1b, majority of the project area are annual crops.
Alignment of road also falls under fishponds, perennial crops and built-up areas. On Figure 1c
in San Lorenzo, it is also dominated by annual crops in terms of land use. There are also
portiond of fishponds, mangrove forest and inland water. Dominant land use in Pulupandan on
Figure 1d is annual crop due to farming activities of the majority. Alignment also covers small
portion of fishponds and perennial crops.
Table 1 shows the distribution of the land uses of the proposed PGN bridge project.
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Region 6 has a total land area of 2,022,311 hectares. It is classified into Forestland covering
an area of 656,539.22 hectares equivalent to 32% and Alienable and Disposable lands covering
1,365,771.78 hectares or around 68%. Figure 2 shows the land classification map of Region
The Province of Aklan has a total area of 181,789 hectares of which 59% or 106,795 hectares
are classified as A & D while 41% or 74,994 hectares are classified as Forestland.
The Province of Iloilo has a total land area of 471,940 hectares. Of this, 76% or 357,857
hectares are classified as A & D while 24% or 57,620.89 hectares are classified as Forestland.
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The Province of Negros Occidental has a total land area of 792,607 hectares of which 68% or
540,385.62 hectares are classified as A & D, while 32% or 252,221.38 hectares are classified
as Forestland. (Source, DENR)
Source: DENR
Figure 2. Land Classification Map of Region VI
The proposed PGN bridge alignment will pass through Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) equivalent
to 2.47 hectares based on the GIS computed data. Figure 3 & Figure 4 show the ECA map of
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Guimaras to Panay
Land 10.33 9.42
Sea 26.73 24.40
SeaWeeds/Seagrass 1.21 1.15
Total 38.27 34.97
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Table 3 presents the area of Forest and Forest Land in Guimaras. It shows that Jordan has
the largest upland forest and Nueva Valencia has the largest mangrove cover.
Table 3. Area of Forest and Forest Land (FFL) per Municipality in Guimaras
FFL Classification (has)
Municipality Total
FL (Upland) FL (Fishpond) FL (Mangrove) Unclassified
Buenavista 432.39 57.43 10.96 13.09 513.87
Jordan 1,090.46 15.29 36.22 12.73 1,154.70
Nueva Valencia 0.65 455.04 143.47 599.86 1,199.01
San Lorenzo 460.14 110.91 3.49 68.77 643.31
Sibunag 232.13 495.21 66.88 1,154.30 1,948.51
Total 2,215.77 1,133.88 261.02 1,848.75 5,459.40
a. Forest Cover
Based on 2005 data of Land Evaluation Party (LEP) – DENR 6, the forest cover is measured
at 260,642.74 hectares or equivalent to 12.89 percent of the total land area of the region. 5.27%
of the forest cover is classified as closed forest; 5.11% as open forest; 0.28% as plantation
forest and 2.23% as mangrove forest.
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Among the 6 provinces, Antique has the highest percent forest cover at 28.58% of its total land
area or 72,022.25 hectares, followed by Aklan with 26.54% or 48,254.00 hectares. Capiz comes
next with 11.47% or 30,208.27 hectares, Iloilo with 8.73% or 41,190.35 hectares, and Negros
Occidental with 8.69% or 68,857.87 hectares. Guimaras has the lowest percent forest cover
at 0.18% of its total land area or 110 hectares. (Source, DENR)
Of the total forestland area of 656,539.22 hectares of the region, 376,380.38 hectares or 57%
accounts for production forest and 280,158.84 hectares or 43% are for protection
forest. Province of Negros Occidental has the largest area for both protection and production
forest at 104,877.06 and 147,344.00 hectares, respectively. Province of Aklan has 46,650
hectares of protection forest and 8,344 hectares of production forest.
Antique has 69,008.79 and 49,626.21, Capiz has 22,267 and 71,502, and Iloilo has an area of
37,355.99 and 76,727.01 hectares of protection and production forest respectively. The
province of Guimaras has 2,836.11 hectares only for production forest.
In Guimaras, The Forest and Forestland of Guimaras covers a total area of 5,459.40 hectares
located in fifty-three (53) barangays comprising of 1,414 households. This plan primarily
focuses on FFL categorized as: protection and production areas. The protection area covers
3,611 hectares associated with high biodiversity of forest and mangrove vegetation species,
areas with aesthetic and natural landscape to develop as model site for community based-
tourism, and unclassified forest lands (islands and islets) and riverbanks for eco-tourism due to
its natural and scenic beauty that could provide recreational benefit and enjoyment for
Guimarasnons and tourists. The production area covers 1,848.40 hectares mainly for
production of fuel wood, agroforestry using high valued crops and fishpond development.
c. Watershed Areas
At present, there are nine (9) proclaimed Watershed Forest Reserves (WFRs) in the region,
covering an aggregate area of 131,777 hectares. The Aklan River Watershed Forest Reserve
in Aklan has an area of 23,185 hectares located in the municipalities of Madalag and Libacao.
Two proclaimed watersheds are in the Province of Iloilo namely: Maasin Watershed Forest
Reserve and the Jalaur River Watershed Forest Reserve with a total area of 15,378 hectares
and located in the Municipalities of Maasin and Calinog. The Province of Negros Occidental
has three (3) watersheds namely: Bago River Watershed Forest Reserve, Ilog-Hilabangan
Watershed Forest Reserve, and Kabankalan Watershed Forest Reserve covering a total area
of 72,569 hectares and located in the Cities of Bago and San Carlos, Kabankalan and
d. Protected Areas
With the implementation of RA 7586 or the NIPAS Law of 1992, the region identified twelve
(12) areas as initial components that may be legislated into NIPAS. These areas are being
assessed and/or will be assessed to determine the current biodiversity status as to their
suitability into the new system and reclassified into different categories provided by the law or
will be disestablished and placed under the different management regime.
Among the twelve (12) sites identified as initial components, three (3) were proclaimed following
the procedures provided in the law, covering an approximate area of 62,059.07 hectares. Two
(2) of these were enacted in CY 2001 namely: the Sagay Marine Reserve (Republic Act No.
9106 dated April 14, 2001) in the City of Sagay, Province of Negros Occidental covering an
area of 32,000.00 hectares and the Mt. Kanla-on Natural Park (Republic Act No. 9154 dated
August 11, 2001) located in the Cities of Bago, La Carlota, and San Carlos and in the
Municipalities of La Castellana and Murcia, Province of Negros Occidental, and in the City of
Canlaon and Municipality of Vallehermoso, Province of Negros Oriental and covers an area
of 24,557.60 hectares. Additional NIPAS sites proclaimed were Northwest Panay Peninsula
found in Buruanga, Malay, Aklan and Pandan, Libertad, Antique covering an area of 12,009.29
and North Negros Natural Park located in the cities of Talisay, Victorias and Cadiz and in the
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municipalities of Murcia, Don Salvador Benedicto and Calatrava with an area of 80,454.50 while
the designated buffer zone covers 169.00 hectares.
A mixed brushland-beach forest is along the project right-of-way. Beach forest and mangrove
forest share some species (i.e. Lumnitzera, Excoecaria), where people might confuse the
ecosystem is a mangrove. Strict Mangrove Forest, we say, are species with stilt roots and
pneumatophores like Rhizophora, Avicennia, Brugierra etc. While the entire coast of the
Municipality of Pulupundan is part of the Negros Occidental Coastal Wetlands Conservation
Area (NOCWCA), the bridge project will cover only a small width (bridge, bridge landing and
access road) of this coast, which will not impede the navigation of marine and coastal wildlife
(turtles, birds). For plants, the concern is if there is a strict mangrove forest that may be affected,
but there is none. The NOCWCA is part of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, which aims
for the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local and national actions and
international cooperation. Yes, somehow, there may be an impact, but this can be address if
the project proponent ensures to rehabilitate the surrounding area of the project right-of-way,
in close observance of the scope of NOCWCA.
Figure 5 shows the tenurial map of the proposed PGN bridge project and Figure 6 shows the
tenurial map of the proposed bridge alignment in Leganes, Iloilo and Buenavista, Guimaras
side. Based on the map, there are no tenurial instruments that will be affected by the proposed
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Figure 6. Tenurial Map of the proposed PGN Bridge Project (Panay-Guimaras alignment)
Source: EIA Team
Section A
Section A- Alignment B (Table 42) takes off from Barangay Gua-an in Leganes and touches
down in Barangay Getulio. Gua-an is characterized by areas of aquafarms and salt beds. The
alignment also touches on mangrove area at the shoreline.
The rest of the land is occupied by residential houses and farmlands. Alignment B has 33 land
areas that are considered to be severely affected. Tables 4a and 4b present the list of
barangays affected by the alignment on Section A and Section B respectively.
Table 4a. Impacts of Land Tenure on Barangays Affected by the alignment at Section A
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Section B
Section B (Alignment D) connects the Guimaras Island with Negros Island, starting from
Barangay M. Chavez in San Lorenzo to land in Barangay Tapong in Pulupandan. It stretches
further inland through Barangay Pag-ayon until the endpoint at Barangay Ubay, along the
National Road. Due to the extent of coverage under this alignment, about 3,948,247 square
meters of land will be affected while 839,109, square meters will be severely affected. Most of
the severely affected lands (80 individual lands) are in Barangay M. Chavez. Total market value
of the affected lands is PhP3,600,851,304.00. Lands in Pululandan are bigger in cut, thus the
impact of the alignment is estimated to be marginal in effect compared to M. Chavez.
Table 4b. Impacts of Land Tenure on Barangays Affected by the alignment at Section B
There are no significant landforms, landscapes and structures in the project alignments. Devaluation of land value as a results of improper solid waste management and
other related impacts
Impacts on solid waste management will be temporary. Construction debris will be used for
back-filling. Proper solid waste management and disposal plan will be in placed to ensure
discharges and contamination in the environment will be avoided. Topography
The province of Iloilo is geographically divided into two districts, the western part of the Panay
Mountains and the lowlands in the east. The northernmost Visayas Sea is dotted with small
islands, mainly Pan de Azucar and Sicogon. Located on the junction of Iloilo, Capiz and Antik,
Baloy is the highest mountain in Iloilo, at an altitude of 1908 meters. Figure 7 shows the
topography of PGN project.
The islands of Guimaras and the surrounding islands are considered by the geologists to be
land connected to Panay Island. Most of them are hilly terrain with an altitude of less than 200
meters, and the east coast is a strip-shaped lowland beach. The topography of Guimaras island
varies from level to steeply sloping, with land elevation ranging from 0 to nearly 300 masl. Mt.
Dinalman, located in Milan, Sibunag, has the highest elevation of 267 masl. Guimaras’
topography shows quite steep slopes on the western side of island with plateaus and peaks
above 200 m in the central portion. A large part or 69% of the total land area is within the 0-
18% slope, 19.73% is above 18-30% slope, 9.42% is above 30-50% slope and 1.74 percent is
above 50% slope. Based on the preliminary Karst subsidence susceptibility mapping of Mines
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and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), in the Municipality of Buenavista there are 89 sinkholes (all
types) and 85 cave openings while there are 457 sinkholes (all types) and 282 cave openings
in the Municipality of Jordan.
The south bank of Iloilo Island in the northwestern end of the bridge area is relatively flat. It
belongs to the landform of the Chonghai Plain. The elevation of the ground is less than 2.0m.
The southeastern side of the island of Guimaras has an ups and downs, belonging to the hilly
landform, the rushing sea plain and the piedmont plain. The elevation of the ground is generally
between 0 and 90 m. The terrain of the middle cross-sea bridge is slightly lower. It belongs to
the sea stall, the underwater shallow stall and the shallow sea accumulation plain. The ground
elevation is at least -37m. Figure 8 shows the elevation map of PGN project.
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A separate study on Seismic Safety Evaluation Report for PGN Bridge Project was done where
the reference standards in seismic hazard analysis work are explained, including DPWH BSDS
(2013). The report provides a variety of design ground motion parameters for different
earthquake return periods. It covers the seismic design values that are compatible with the
engineering grade of the sea-crossing bridge and meet the requirements of the reference
standard. Hereto attached in Annex is the Seismic Safety Evaluation Report for PGN
Bridge Project. The report is based on the seismic hazard probability analysis method and a
research work specially carried out for the project site. The report provides a variety of ground
motion parameters for different earthquake return periods, including seismic acceleration,
which can be used at different design levels.
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Figure 9 shows the geological map of PGN project. The geotectonic structure of the study
area (Figure 10) belongs to the Philippine plate (II), with the Eurasian plate (I) on the southwest
and the Philippine sea plate on the northeast (III). The Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea
plate subducted into the lower part of the Philippine plate, forming the Negros subduction zone
in the west and the Philippine subduction zone in the east. The Philippine break across the
Philippine plate divides the Philippine plate into two sub-structural units: the western plate of
the Philippines (II1) and the eastern plate of the Philippines (II2).
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In the project area (400km), the southwestern part is the Eurasian plate and the northeast is
the Philippine sea plate. As the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate subducted, the
Negros subduction zone in the west and the Philippine subduction zone in the east were
formed. According to GPS observations, the subduction rate of the Eurasian plate is ~6mm/a,
and the subduction rate of the Philippine sea plate is ~7-9mm/a. The intense crustal movement
produced a large number of earthquakes.
The area is one of the most active tectonic zones with frequent seismic activity. The epicentral
distribution map of the earthquake clearly shows that the area is covered by shallow and deep
earthquakes, and the subduction seismic zone controls the seismic distribution of the area.
Most of the shallow earthquakes in the offshore are related to the shallow brittle subduction
zone called the thrust fault (depth 0-60km). Most of the deep-seismic earthquakes occur in the
deeper toughness of the subduction zone, known as the Benioff belt.
The fault structure of the Philippines is relatively developed, mainly including thrust faults and
transverse faults. The larger ones are produced along the edge of the Philippine arc and the
Su-Green arc. The longest is the Philippine trench near the SN in the eastern sea, followed by
the Su-green trench in the southern NE and the Palawan trench in the western NE. And the
south China Sea near the SN direction of the South China Sea trench, while in the Philippines,
the thrust fault is relatively developed and distributed widely, but the scale is relatively limited,
such as the thrust fault of the Central Central Mountain Range of Mianlan, Zamboangan thrust
fault , Sama Island South thrust fault, Mindu Luodao East thrust fault, Kobeer thrust fault, etc.,
the length of up to tens of kilometers. Studies from these thrust faults show that most of the
thrust fracture tends to face the trench, and the two tend to be opposite.
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The transverse fault is relatively developed, with the largest scale in the Philippines. It originates
in Lingayen Bay in the west of Luzon, along the southern Central Luzon Mountains to the Baltic
Strait, through the Bonao Peninsula, Masbate Island and Leyte Island, to the Davao Straits in
the eastern part of Mindanao. With a total length of 1200km. It is a transversely-sloping left-
handed fracture with a horizontal component displacement greater than the vertical component.
Studies have shown that the fault has been active since the Paleocene, and the Neogene on
the Leyte Island has been displaced by 8 km; in 1977, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred in
Wright Bay, which displaced the existing ground fissure by 1.1 m to 3.4 m. Other large-scale
transverse faults include the NW-transverse fault of Mindanao, which is 400km long. The
Palawan near SN transverse fault is 300km long. It is near the SN transverse fault of Tablas in
the northwest of Panay Island. It is 350km long. The north central mountain range of Luzon
Island is NE-trending, with a length of 300km. Most of these transverse faults are left-handed
shearing, which plays an important role in volcanic activity in this area.
According to the earthquake safety assessment report, the Philippine fault in the region is a
Holocene active fault, but the distance from the PGN bridge site is more than 200km, which
has limited impact on bridge construction. The West Panay rupture, the San Carlos rupture, the
Calatrava-Toboso rupture and the Bindoy-Guihulngan rupture are closer to the bridge site,
within 60 km. Other active break distance sites are around 100km or more.
The Panay west fault zone (F1) is divided into two branches, F-1 and F1-2. According to the
geological data and field investigation, the eastern branch of Panay west fault (F1-1) is a
Holocene active fault, which occurred in the Lady Caycay M7.8 earthquake in 1948. The west
branch (F1-2) of Panay west fault developed in the Miocene formation. It was found in the field
geological survey that the branch fault passed diagonally through the Terodo river near the
survey point P7, but there was no obvious height difference between the terrace surfaces of T1
and T2. Therefore, it was inferred that the branch fault had not been active since the formation
of T2. In addition, according to the cleavage planes developed in the fault zones at P7, P8 and
P10, the cemented fault breccia, and the semi-cemented early to middle Pleistocene sediments
overlying the main and secondary sections, all these phenomena indicate that this branch fault
is a pre-Quaternary fault.
Active tectonics researchers know that some large fault zones, especially those with large
earthquakes such as the Panay West fault, often contain more than two or more branches of
fault, and the age of these branches of fault activity is generally out of sync. In the vicinity of
orogenic belts, the most recent age of fault activity generally develops from piedmont to hilly
and plain areas.
In this report, we evaluated the activity of the west Panay fault zone based on geological data
and field investigation, and determined that the east branch of the west Panay fault was the
seismogenic structure of the Lady Caycay M7.8 earthquake in 1948, and the maximum co-
seismic vertical dislocation was about 3.8±0.2m according to field investigation. However, since
the seismogenic fault does not intersect with the bridges, and the nearest distance to the bridge
is 30km, we only indicate that this project does not need to calculate the engineering failure
resistance problem, but do not underestimate the seismic risk of this branch fault.
Bridge pile foundation considering the friction pile in FS, the pile foundation design
scheme (quantity, diameter, length and so on) can meet the needs of structural safety and
seismic waves, and it don't need to hit bedrock.
Controlled by the subduction zone of the Pacific plate and the Philippine plate, the neotectonic
features of the near-field area are obvious, and the controlling structures are mainly NE
The Panay west fault zone, which is nearly parallel to the subduction zone, is mainly distributed
in the near-field area. There are two major faults, which are named the western branch of Panay
west fault (f1-1) and the eastern branch of Panay west fault (f1-2).
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The west branch of Panay west fault (f1-1) is located in the west of Panay island. The fault
starts from Siya village in the shanxi section of Tanganhin in the north, and ends near
Bagumbayan village in the south via Cabatangan, Canawillian, Dao, Bagonanay, Pinaopawan,
La Consolacion and Igpandan. The total length of the fault is about 70km, and the nearest
distance to this project is about 35km. According to this investigation, it is a pre-quaternary
fault, which has little impact on the project.
The eastern branch of Panay west fault (f1-2) is located in the east of Panay island. The fault
is a transformation between the Pacific plate and Philippine plate subduction zone structure
control, and coordinate the Panay island northwest tower blas (Tablas) NE to cross fracture
strain distribution and form of important thrust faults, this fault is the latest active faults, located
in the boundary zone of piedmont hills and alluvial plain, resulted in a 7.8 magnitude in Lady
Caycay area in 1948. The fault starts from Agcarope village in the north, located in the east
area of Tanganhin mountain, via Quiput, Dagami, Banagan, Marirong, Nangan, Buga, Dday,
Bolbogan, ended in Bucaya near the village in the south, the total length of about 65 km. and
the nearest distance to this project is about 30km. According to this investigation, it is a
holocene activity fault, which has little impact on the project.
The getulio-valencia fault (F2) in the figure is an interpretation fault (according to geological
map (Dumangas map) with the scale of 1:50000, edited by Philippine department of minerals
and earth sciences, 2004). However, according to this survey, no obvious fault geomorphology
was found, and it was preliminarily proved that it did not exist after verification of geophysical
seismic image.
Because of landform and geological conditions, Iloilo strait also have the possibility of fault
development, during the survey, single-channel seismic exploration was used in in the
geophysical prospecting, no trace of fault was found in the test dates and results, combined
with geological data, the formation information of horizontal line( line B and line C) is consistent
with the vertical line, and no fault, fracture zone or other adverse geological phenomena were
In summary, no faults, fracture zones and other geological structures were found within the
scope of the site. The nearest fault structures near the site were about 30km away from the
site, which had little impact on the project, the structural stability of the field area is fair.
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Earthquake
The Philippines, where the bridge area is located, is located in the Pacific Rim earthquake zone.
The crust is active, and volcanoes and earthquakes occur frequently. According to historical
records, 39 earthquakes of M≥4.7 magnitude were recorded in the near-field area, the largest
of which was M7.8 in 1948. Earthquake, the closest distance to the site is about 30km (Figure
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The seismic activity of the near-field area is obvious, and the strong earthquakes are mainly
distributed in the west of the site and close to the area of the Negros trench. Two large
earthquakes higher than M6 occurred in the near-field area, all of which were shallow
earthquakes. The closest distance of the M7.8 earthquake in 1948 was about 30km from the
site, and the M6.8 earthquake in 1950 was the closest to the site. The distance is approximately
20km. Stratum
Section A of the Philippine Sea Bridge connects Panay Island and the western and central parts
of Guimaras Island.
In general, the Philippine Islands can be divided into two geological entities: the Philippine
Activity Belt (Gervasio, 1966) and the Palawan-Mindoro microcontinent. Palawan Island -
Minduluoguan is a geological block that split from the Asian continent during the Late
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Cretaceous-Late Eocene and drifted to its current position as the South China Sea Basin
formed. The Philippine activity zone is a group of land masses that apparently originated in the
Asian-Equatorial region and is currently located in the rotation and expansion of the Philippine
Sea Plate during the Eocene to Miocene. Each of these two geological entities consists of four
types of lithologic units of different types, namely: 1) metamorphic rocks, 2) ophiolite and
ophiolite sets, 3) magmatic rocks and active volcanic arcs, 4 ) Sedimentary basins.
According to the regional geological data and the actual site survey, the area of Gimaras and
the western part of the Guimaras is the Oligocene and Miocene magmatic rocks; the eastern
part of the Guimaras and the west bank of Negros Island are mainly located in Quaternary
volcanic group and volcanic belt. The distribution area is shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14.
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Figure 14. Distribution of Quatemary Volcanoes and Volcanic Belts in the Philippines
Source: Seismic Safety Evaluation Report For Panay-Guimaras-Negros Island Bridges Project
In The Republic Of The Philippines (October 2019)
The starting point of the bridge is located in the coastal alluvial plain of Iloilo City, showing a
sticky soil layer. According to the collected data and the drilling data, in the Iloilo shore and the
Iloilo Strait, the stratum are alluvial marine sedimentation, alluvial pluvial, alluvium. And the
lithology is dominated by soft clay, hard clay and sand. In which the sand layer is mainly
distributed in the range of -30m ~ -60m, and the shallow sand layer is only scattered in the lens
at -30m, and the sand layer is only partially exposed in the depth of -60m. The deepest drilling
depth of this survey is 140m, which is up to - 168.27m, and the bedrock is not revealed.
The western part of the island of Guimaras is exposed in the Early Pliocene Buenavista
limestone, the central part of the Early Eocene Pandan volcanic rock, and the Paleocene
Gimaras group diorite, and the eastern coastal lowland is the alluvial sand layer. The exposed
sediments in the southeast are mainly magmatic rocks including the Paleocene Gymaras diorite
group (GDI) and the Cretaceous (K) Sibala group. The contact relationship is that GDI invades
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The Guimaras diorite group is named after Culp and Madrid and represents the diorite in the
9X4km range of Guimaras Island. It invades the sandstone of the Sibala group. The main
minerals are light-medium colour, fine-medium particle feldspar, quartz, hornblende and
pyroxene. It was previously thought to be contemporaneous with the Sara Diorite group, but
according to the K-Ar radioactive measurement era should be 59 ± 2 Ma, which is about
Paleocene (Wolfe, 1981).
The unfavorable geological phenomena found in section A are mainly karst, collapse,
dangerous rock and sand liquefaction. Karst
In the reef limestone area of the bridge area, the mileage is BK5+200~BK9+100, CK3+500~
CK8+364.128, mainly the hilly landform, the engineering geological section is AII area. The
karst phenomenon is very developed, and the cave is found in many places, generally less than
5m in diameter. the small amount is more than 5m and the deepest is more than 20m. These
caves are extremely harmful to the proposed bridge. The next stage of investigation should pay
attention to it, fully grasp its distribution and development law, and avoid its adverse effects.The
main development areas along the karst are BK5+755~BK6+050, BK8+400 ~ BK9+000,
CK5+100~CK6+000, CK6+700~CK7+100. Collapse
In the reef limestone area of the bridge area, the mileage is BK5+200~BK9+100, CK3+500~
CK8+364.128, mainly the hilly landform, and the engineering geological section is AII area. This
survey has found many collapses through geological mapping, but generally the scale of
development is relatively small. The collapse body is mainly reef limestone and marl. The
position is generally more than 50m from the initial line, and has little effect on the proposed
bridge. If the distance is close, the grading or slope protection measures can be taken.
Line C CK4+435.5 right 17.2m, CK4+638.8 right 141.8m, CK7+136.8 left 677.3m, etc., the
landform is hilly and the engineering geological section is AII area. There are found boulder
and rolling stones, which collapse and fall under certain conditions. The sinister danger
should be removed during construction.
According to the judgment in Section 4.3.2, under the earthquake magnitude of 7 grades, the
layer ③1 loose silty sand, the layer ③2 medium loose silty sand, and the layer ④3 loose-slight
silty sand which lenticular distributed in the marine accumulation plains and the superficial sea
area of the bridge area has the potential to liquefy. According to the designer, the latest
longitudinal section is provided. The bridge section adopts the pile foundation. The foundation
floor will be placed in the non-liquefied foundation, which is relatively less affected by the
liquefied soil layer. The subgrade section needs to consider the uneven settlement of the
subgrade caused by the liquefiable sand and other problems.
The unfavorable geological phenomena found in the area are shown in Table 6.
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B60 The collapse mass is 2.5 meters long and 8 meters high. The gap is
1 B BK5+215.4 right Collapse developed and the surface gravel is distributed. The movement of the
61.7m collapse mass is predicted to be completely covered by vegetation.
The collapse mass is 2-5 meters in diameter, and the longest is about 8
B30 meters. The surface gravel is distributed in a large amount. The
2 B BK5+274.0 left Collapse bedrock is exposed locally, the south side is close to the vertical rock
143.9m wall, the lithology is limestone, and the dissolution cave is about 2-20
cm, no layer has been found.
The diameter of the collapse mass is generally 2-2.5 meters, the
longest is about 20 meters. On the coastal slope, the surface of the
B29 bank slope 0.15 meters of vegetation development, the thickness of the
3 B BK5+367.8 left Collapse residual slope is about 1.5 meters, containing gravel, under 1.5 meters
203.8m is the middle of the weathered limestone with well developed pore .
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B316 The cave hole is about 1.5 meters long, about 0.9 meters wide and
13 B BK8+435.2 right Karst about 10 meters deep. It is waterless and the lithology of the cave wall
560.2m is moderately weathering limestone.
The cave is about 5 meters long, 0.3-1.0 meters high and 1.0 meters
deep. It has a reef limestone, yellowish white, and the gap is developed.
14 B BK9+242.3 right Karst
It has no cover. Along the way, Many moderately weathered reef
limestones exposed.
The cave hole is about 50 meters long, 2-4 meters high and 0.5-4
B299 meters deep. The gap is developed, and there are many stone
15 B BK9+866.9 right Karst stalactites. The diameter of the cone bottom is about 1 meter and the
566.7m length is 0.5-0.7 meters. The karst of the cave is the moderately
weathered limestone.
B262 The collapse moderately weathered limestone in yellow-white ,7-10
16 C CK4+291.3 right Collapse meters long and the gap is developed. The hammering sound is dull
177.2m and the collapse mass is not easy to break.
B260 It is about 20 meters long, about 3 meters high and 4 meters wide,
17 C CK4+435.5 right Karst moderately weathered limestone. The gap is developed, the hammering
17.2m sound is dull, it is not easy to break, and the vegetation is developed.
The cave is very large, 5-7 meters high, 20 meters wide and about 10
B258 meters deep. There are many stone stalactites. The cave is now
18 C CK4+457.5 left Karst installed with three steel pipe barrels, which are used for collecting
101.4m water. The water layer is reef limestone and the water seepage is fast
about 2L/S.
There are many collapsed bodies on the beach, with a diameter of 3-5
meters.The cave is about 20 meters long and 1.5-2.5 meters high. It is
Karst、 unknown in death. There are bats flying around. The fishermen put the
19 C CK4+536.7 left
Collapse fishing boats and nets into the cave. Many stone stalactites can be
seen. The lithology is the moderately weathered limestone, and the gap
is seriously developed.
At the bottom of the hillside, the cave is about 3 meters long, about 1.5
B254 meters wide, and about 2.5 meters deep. The stalactites can be seen
20 C CK4+599.6 left Karst (which has been artificially cut off, damaged, and the cave is now
355.3m occupied by residents). The lithology is the moderately weathered
On the side of the inter-mountain road, see the bare rocky mountain, 2
Dangerous blocks, 8-10 meters high, 5-8 meters wide, the gap is developed, the
21 C CK4+638.8 right
rock top of the vegetation is developed, the bottom of the bottom of the
boulder is basically all caves.
On the side of the hillside gravel road, see the height of 3-5 meters, the
B246 width of 2-3 meters, the length of 5-6 meters collapse body, has been
22 C CK4+735.4 left Collapse covered by vegetation, the core of the gravel is the moderately
28.2m weathered limestone, the gap is developed. The trajectory of the
collapse body can not be judged.
The cave is about 30 meters long, 0.5-1.7 meters high and 0.8-2 meters
deep. See many stone stalactites. The cone bottom diameter is 0.2-0.8
23 C CK4+970.1 left Karst
meters, ranging from 1-1.5 meters to 0.1-0.5 meters. Some have been
cut off by residents.
B243 Located on the side of stone Road,there are three collapsed bodies,
24 C CK4+985.5 left Collapse 1.5-8 meters in diameter and 1-2.5 meters in height. There is the
262.2m upright slope above the collapsed body with less vegetation.
The cave is located on the side of the inter-hill stone road, about 10
B242 meters long, 0.5-1.7 meters high and 0.5-2 meters deep. See more
25 C CK4+993.6 left Karst stalactites. The diameter of the bottom of the cone is 0.3-0.8 meters
176.2m and the length is 0.2-0.5 meters. The rock mass is moderately
weathered limestone, gap development.
On the side of the inter-hill road, there are many caves. The length of
B248 the cave is 2-5 meters, the height is 1-2 meters, the depth is 1-4
26 C CK5+408.1 left Karst meters, There are many stone stalactites, the diameter of the cone
566.8m bottom is 0.2-0.7 cm, and the length is 0.3-0.5 meters. The lithology is
the moderately weathered limestone.
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B276 The cave is about 50 meters long, 4-5 meters high and 1-3 meters
27 C CK5+853.7 left Karst deep. The moderately weathered limestone is yellow-white, and the gap
257.7m is developed. See many stone stalactites, which are 10-50 cm long.
B281 There are two caves, height 0.8* length 20* width 0.5, height 0.5* length
28 C CK6+760.3 left Karst 2* width 0.5 (unit: meter, approximate value), see stone stalactite, about
246.0m 0.3 meters long.
Located in the larger quarry area, the cave is 5-6 meters long, and the
height and depth are unknown (mostly backfilled). The core is strongly-
29 C CK7+18.3 left Karst
moderately weathered reef limestone, yellowish white, mostly gravel,
hammering can be broken.
The slope is vegetation development, slope 20-30 degrees. See the
Dangerous rolling stone, about 4 meters high, 8-10 meters long, about 2 meters
30 C CK7+136.8 left
rock wide, the predicted landslide path has been completely covered by
BK5+755~BK6+050, BK8+400~BK9+000 sections are hilly landform,
large terrain fluctuations, surface rocks are mostly exposed, lithology is
BK5+755~ reef limestone, rock dissolution phenomenon is observed along the
BK6+050、 outcrop, and dissolution pores are generally 5-10cm, a small amount of
31 B BK8+400~ Karst more than 30cm, locally seeing the dissolution trench.This survey also
BK9+000 found many large caves in this section, but the distance from the line is
far away, it is speculated that there may be hidden caves in the
underground, the later investigation and construction should be focus
on attention.
CK5+100~CK6+000、CK6+700~CK7+100sections are hilly landform,
large terrain fluctuations, surface rocks are mostly exposed, lithology is
CK5+100~ reef limestone, rock dissolution phenomenon is observed along the
CK6+000、 outcrop, and dissolution pores are generally 5-10cm, a small amount of
31 C Karst more than 30cm, locally seeing the dissolution trench.This survey also
CK6+700~ found many large caves in this section, but the distance from the line is
CK7+100 far away, it is speculated that there may be hidden caves in the
underground, the later investigation and construction should be focus
on attention.
Source: CCCC Highway Consultants Co. Ltd.
Figure 15 presents the hazard map of PGN project specific on landslide and flooding. Figure
16 shows the subsidence map in Buenavista, Guimaras.
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Engineering geology impact and measures for bridge location on Section A
According to the regional data and in combination with the geological survey of the project, it
is shown that the poor geological phenomena found in the site of recommended scheme for
bridge location on Section A of Panay-Guimaras Island mainly cover the karst, collapse and
sandy soil liquefaction. The construction of project may be affected, and may have a certain
impact on geology and geomorphology.
(1) Karst
BK5 + 200 ~ BK9 + 100 section in bridge location area belongs to reef limestone area mainly
is hilly landform. The karst phenomenon is very well developed in the A Ⅱ subarea for
engineering geology. There are many karst caves less than 5 m in diameter usually and more
than 5 m in diameter a little, and the deepest depth is more than 20 m. These karst caves have
great harm to the proposed bridge. Attention should be paid to the following stages when
surveying, fully grasping their distribution and development rules to avoid adverse influence.
Main developing sections along karst line cover BK5 + 755 ~ BK6 + 050 and BK8 + 400 ~ BK9
+ 0.
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In view of possible karst development conditions, the following treatment scheme is put forward.
River diversion: For karst springs or water overflowing holes above the subgrade, a drainage
ditch is arranged to cut off the water outside of the subgrade, and a culvert is arranged to
remove the water from the karst spring or water overflowing hole located at the subgrade base.
Spanning: For underground rivers, waterfall holes, waterflow pits and karst springs with greater
flow at subgrade bottom or near the subgrade, a bridge is set for spanning; for above ones with
smaller scale, the culverts are set for spanning or the retaining walls and guard shoulders are
set outside of subgrade to avoid closure. It is necessary to calculate the roof of karst cave and
the safe distance from the subgrade when the karst cave is located at subgrade bottom or near
the subgrade.
Reinforcement treatment:
① When deep and small karst caves are not reinforced inside the caves, the stone coverplates
or reinforced concrete coverplates are adopted for reinforcement, and the water leakage of side
ditch should be prevented if the karst caves close the side ditch.
② For karst caves with small diameter and thin roof or broken rock strata, the roof is detonated
and the rubble is used for backfilling and reinforcing. The arch culvert or slab culvert shall be
adopted for spanning if the karst caves are required to be drained.
③ For ground surface collapse (soil cave) within the scope of subgrade, if the bedrock is not
exposed, the clay is adopted for backfilling and tamping; If the bedrock is exposed and the hole
opening of cavity is visible, first, a large rock block is used to block the hole opening, and the
soil cave is backfilled by using the clay.
④ For isolated and undeveloped fissured karst caves with deep burying depth and sections
with thin cavern roof, the borehole grouting is adopted for reinforcing: the grouting is adopted
with low-pressure intermittent quantifying or circular pouring (grouting pressure 0.3 ~ 0.4 MPa)
so that the loss of the slurry is reduced and the intermittent time can be controlled to 7 ~ 8
hours. Based on field investigation, the karst area and the treatment scheme are given in
separate feasibility study (FS) report. Costing for the grouting was considered in FS.
⑤ When the soil in the karst cave is not extruded from the adjacent places and is plastic or
semi-hard, the driven pile may be used for reinforcement to improve the bearing capacity of
Filling treatment:
① For the karst caves on the cutting slope, if the stability of side slope is affected, the hole is
filled with rubbles, the cave opening is constructed by using dry masonry, pointed by using
mortar or sealed with mortar rubbles.
② For dry karst caves at the subgrade base or retaining wall base, when the cave opening is
small and the depth is shallower, the backfilling and tamping shall be implemented; When the
cave opening is wider and the depth is deeper, the bridge culvert spanning can be adopted.
When the roof of the dry karst cave is too thin or the rock stratum is broken, the backfilling after
blasting can be adopted or the bridge culvert spanning can be adopted.
③ For the unfilled corroded funnel on the base of the subgrade filling, the rubbles and
macadam can be directly used for backfilling, if the cave belongs to water fall cave, the blind
ditch is needed to introduce the ground water into the funnel; For corroded funnel with clay
filling, the rubbles and macadam with suitable thickness can be replaced and filled according
to the requirements of the foundation bearing capacity at the fill bottom and the uneven degree
of the foundation.
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(2) Collapse
The BK5 + 200 ~ BK9 + 100 section in bridge location area belongs to reef limestone area,
which mainly is hilly landform, and the engineering geology subarea is AⅡ area. In this survey,
several collapse phenomena are found through geological mapping, but the general
development is small, the collapse body mainly covers the reef limestone and mud limestone,
and the distance between the position and the initially-proposed line location is generally more
than 50 m, which has little influence on the construction of the proposed bridge. If the position
is closer to the line location, the sloping or slope protection measures can be taken for
.According to the judgement of Section 4.3.2, under Grade 7 earthquake magnitude, the alluvial
plain and the shallow surface of sea area in the bridge location area show lenticular distribution.
The loose silty sand on ③1 layer, loose-dense silty sand, ③2 layer of loose medium sand, ④3
layer and loose-slightly dense silty sand have the possibility of liquefaction. According to the
latest longitudinal section provided by the designer party, the bridge section is adopted with pile
foundation, the baseplate of foundation will be placed in the non-liquefiable foundation, and the
influence by liquefied soil layer is relatively less.
There are not adverse geological functions affecting the safety of the project in the Gimaras
Strait and its coastal areas where the proposed site is located, such as karst, debris flow,
collapse, underground cavern, ground collapse and ground fissure
The bank slope at landing point on both sides of the proposed bridge is gentle and stable, and
there is little possibility of bank collapse in natural state. However, the rock and soil layer on
the surface layer of is relatively loose, and the change of hydrological environment may lead to
the stability of the bank slope under the long-term water flow, especially after the construction
of the bridge. It is suggested that the revetment works should be increased at the bridge location
during design and construction period.
2.1.3 Pedology
The special geotechnical soil found in section A is soft soil, weathered rock and a small amount
of landfill scattered.
1、Soft soil
The very soft fat clay is widely distributed in the Iloilo shore, the alluvial plain and the B-line in
the northwest of Guimaras Island. The main distributed mileage is AK0~AK4+700, BK0~
BK5+200, BK7+025 ~ BK7+480, CK0 ~ . CK3+500.The main physical and mechanical
properties of the soft soil layer of this bridge section are shown in Table 8.
This soft soil has the characteristics of wide distribution range, large thickness, high water
content, large void ratio, high compressibility, medium sensitivity and poor stability. According
to site seismic effect, the layer③ fat clay in the site needs to be considered the possibility of
soft soil subsidence. According to the calculation result of over-consolidation ratio OCR of soft
soil in bridge area, this soft soil is super-consolidated soil.
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Table 8. Summary Table of Main Physical and Mechanical Properties of Soft soil of the Bridge Section
③ fat clay 58.3 52.7 25.5 26.3 1.36 1.675 5.30 5.52 40~50 1.44 2.0
Seismic subsidence of the soft soil for the sea area bridge project with large pile foundation,
the shallow surface subsidence caused by the earthquake subsidence is not so important, but
it should be noted that when the earthquake subsidence occurs, the soft soil will cause
downward friction on the pile foundation surface. The force acts to form the instantaneous
loading of the pile foundation. Therefore, when the pile foundation load is unfavorable
combination calculation, the negative friction force generated by the soft soil subsidence on the
pile foundation should be considered.
The marine section line C does not reveal the layer, line B BK0+610~BK5+200 and line A
AK2+120~AK4+700, thickness 5.6~14.3m. For bridges, the influence of soft soil is mainly
attention to its inevitable earthquake negative frictional resistance, no other treatment
measures are required;
The thickness of the BK7+025-BK7+480 section of Guimaras coastal alluvial plain varies
greatly. The thickness is generally 0-5m near the hills and 5-8m to the coast. It can be treated
by filling cushion and preloading.
2. Weathered rock
The reef limestone and marl are widely distributed in the western and central parts of the
Guimaras Island survey area. The reef limestone is characterized by its biochemical genesis,
and it often has multiple growth and development characteristics. The marl is caused by uneven
weathering. There are soft and hard alternate sedimentary, and a large number of developed
karst phenomena are extremely harmful to bridge construction. In the next stage of
investigation, these factors should be fully considered, the survey methods and workload
should be reasonably arranged, to further judge the distribution of the stratum and the
development of the cave.
3、Fill soil
The fill soil is mainly distributed in the original road or building area of the bridge area. Its
composition is mainly roadbed filling or building foundation, and the distribution range is small
and the thickness is not large.
The fill soil which can be directly removed during construction in BK0~BK0+600, BK11+115~
BK11+130, BK11+975~BK11+995 is mainly the original roadbed. The fill soil which can be
treated together with soft soil treatment schemes during construction is in the fish pond area
on both sides of Iloilo and Guimaras Island.
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The hilly area of Guimaras Island has a large terrain, and some local roads need to be
excavated. According to the existing data, there are 5 sections of excavation in line A and B,
and 4 excavation sections in line C. The remaining subgrades are mainly filled roadbeds. For
specific excavation sections, see Table 9.
In addition to drilling the AK7+640 high slope, the other sections mainly carry out excavation
and investigation. The AK7+640 engineering geological section is shown in Figure 4-8.
According to this survey, all excavation slopes are mainly reef limestone weathering layer.
Generally, the bedrock directly exposes the surface, or covers layer ②2 of plastic-hard plastic
clay with a thickness of not more than 0.5 m. Only layer ②2 of AK6+280 cover layer have a
thickness of 4.2 m. The underlying bedrocks are all reef limestones, and the superficial is
strongly weathered. According to the borehole data, the fully weathered reef limestone which
is turned into sand is partially embedded in the underlying strongly weathered reef limestone,
and there may be a marl weathering layer. Acroading to Appendix J of the “Code for Geological
Survey of Highway Engineering” (JTG C20-2011), the digability level of each layer of the slope
is shown in Table 10.
Soil &stone
Soil layer number Name Soil &stone category
②1 Clay Loose soil Ⅰ
②2 Clay Common soil Ⅱ
⑧1 Fully weathered limestone Hard soil Ⅲ
⑧2 Strongly weathered limestone Soft stone Ⅳ
⑨1 Fully weathered limestone Hard soil Ⅲ
⑨2 Strongly weathered limestone Soft stone Ⅳ
Secondary hard
⑨3 Moderately weathered limestone Ⅴ
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Grab sampling was used for soil quality measurement. Samples were collected on March 20
and 22, 2019 & July 6, 2019 at sunny weather. Use of stainless shovel was employed to collect
surface soil samples. Samples were put in glass and plastic containers, properly sealed, labeled
and preserved with ice at lower temperature inside coolers and transported to the laboratory.
Samples were submitted for laboratory testing to CRL Environmental Corporation, an
accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2005 laboratory. Table 11 presents the sampling sites, date and
time of collection conducted in Iloilo, Guimaras and Negros Occidental. Figure 17 presents the
sampling map of the sites. Table 12 presents the parameters analyzed and their corresponding
analytical methodologies.
Table 11. Summary of Surface Soil Sampling Sites, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and
Time of Samplings
Station Weather Soil Date and Time of
Sampling Stations Coordinates
No. Condition Classification Samplings
S1 Leganes, Iloilo Sunny Clay 3/20/2019, 1140H
Brgy. Getulio, 10044’39.9”N
S2 Sunny Clay 3/22/2019, 1430H
Buenavista, Guimaras 122039’17.5”E
Brgy. Pag-ayon,
S3 Pulupandan, Negros Sunny Sand 3/22/2019, 0745H
Brgy. M. Chavez, San 10035’47.0”N
S4 Sunny Clay loam 7/06/2019, 1538H
Lorenzo, Guimaras 122042’18.0”E
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As of this time, Philippines does not have regulations on soils. Results of analyses on Table 12 are
compared with Dutch Intervention Values for Environmental Assessment. Results are within the
intervention values for arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, lead, mercury and zinc.
Flora and fauna biodiversity from islands of Panay, Guimaras and Negros has been assessed
and presented in this report, where a bridge construction project has been proposed to connect
these islands. Biodiversity assessment is conducted to evaluate the significant impacts of the
project to the environment, especially the ecosystem covered by the project development. This
report provides a thorough study focusing on the flora and fauna biodiversity of the project area
with the intention of identifying potentially significant environmental impacts and determining
appropriate mitigating measures. Assessing areas of high biodiversity value, especially along
the project development area plays a vital role in determining key areas for conservation and
establishing conservation priorities.
The assessment aims to identify existing vegetation cover and prevailing wildlife species in the
alignment and road access of the proposed bridge project. This is undertaken to assess the
biodiversity composition of the area and link the possible impacts to the environment. In
addition, the study will provide recommendation on the possible mitigating measures to
minimize impact of the project to the remaining flora and fauna species. In this terrestrial
biodiversity assessment, plots were established along the bridge and road access construction
sites to examine the tree species and other vascular plants for floral analysis. For the faunal
dimension, the study is limited on the observed species during the field survey, generated
through ethnobiological interview to locals and collected species through application of traps
(mist netting, pale traps, adhesive traps and cage traps).
Additional surveys on flora (plants) and fauna (wildlife) biodiversity along the proposed Panay-
Guimaras-Negros (PGN) Bridge project were undertaken on June 29 to 30, 2019. This
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additional survey traverses an alternative route via Panay-Guimaras islands where a total of
ten study sites was identified based on its significance and influence relative to the perceived
presence of floristic and faunal species within the project area. This alternative alignment
comes after an earlier study where 21 sampling sites were established connecting Panay-
Guimaras-Negros Islands last March 2019. Re-surveys terrestrial flora and fauna of the same
sampling points were done on November 19-22, 2021.
Terrestrial floristic biodiversity assessment was conducted starting from the orientation in the
sampling stations, coordination with the authorities, preparation of instruments, and the field
work proper. The study on flora assessment focuses on the different areas of the proposed
project site to represent different ecosystem type. The assessment aims to:
Compare species diversity, evenness and abundance of these areas in consideration with the
location, ecosystem type and other ecological factors Methodology
To assess and characterize the structure and species composition of the different plant
communities, several survey plot were established along the project right of way (ROW) of the
proposed Panay-Guimaras-Negros (PGN) bridge. Plot establishment follows the nested
quadrat sampling technique (see Figure 18 and Figure 19), and had been re-surveyed
following the monitoring guidelines stipulated in DENR-BMB Technical Bulletin No. 05 series of
2016. The nested quadrat design is one of the most applicable method for areas where almost
all the major plant groups are present. The sampling quadrats were established by laying a 20
x 20 meter quadrat to form a 400 m2 quadrat, where all vegetation were recorded. The
boundaries of the 20 x 20 meter quadrat was used sample all large trees with a diameter at
breast height (DBH, in cm) greater than 10 (>10 cm DBH), and subsequently identified and
measured. Inside the 20 x 20 meter quadrat, a nested 5 x 5 meter (25 m2) quadrat is then
established to identify and measure smaller trees having 5 to 10 cm DBH. Another nested
quadrat measuring 1 x 1 meter (1 m2) is established to measure all trees (> 5 cm DBH), herbs,
grasses and creepers.
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Data after the flora field survey were consolidated to form a species checklist indicating the common
name, scientific name, and family name of the identified plants.
Species Richness, Shannon diversity H’, Pielou’s evenness J and importance value (%IV) were used
to assess floristic biodiversity along the PGN flora survey sites.
Species Richness (Alpha diversity). Represent the number of species found in the study area. A
site is more diverse when more species are found.
Diversity Indices. The Shannon-Wiener (H’) assumes that individuals are randomly sampled from a
large population and that all species are represented in the sample. It gives an estimate of species
richness and distribution. The Pielou’s Evenness (J’) measures inequality of species distribution
between sampling sites in the community. The Shannon-Wiener (H’) and Pielou’s evenness (J’) index
was used with the following formula:
Importance Value (%IV). Importance value (%IV) is the sum of relative density, relative frequency
and relative dominance. A high importance value (ranges between 0 and 300) indicates that species
is well represented in the stand because of some combination of a) a large number of individuals of
species compared with other species in the stand, or b) a smaller number of individuals of species,
but the trees are larger compared with others in the stand. Species with the highest %IV is considered
species with the highest contribution/impact in the study area. The following formulas were used:
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Diversity was assessed following the Fernando Biodiversity Scale (refer to Table 14). The scale
was based from the Shannon-Wiener H’ index and Pielous Evenness J’ of each site. Diversity
is higher when H’ value is higher. Evenness (J) is the distribution of species in the community.
The higher the value of J, the more even the species will be in their distribution within the
quadrat. An evenness that is equal to 1 means all species are equally represented in the
community. The Shannon diversity index (H) is commonly used to characterize species
diversity in a community, where it accounts for both abundance and evenness of the species
Conservation status and endemism of flora species is determined with reference to the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species 2019 and
the local Red List adaptation known as the DENR-AO 2017-11 “Updated National List of
Threatened Philippine Plants and their Categories” were employed. Conservation Categories
and description are defined below:
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collection, throughout its range and is likely to move to the vulnerable category in the near
Not Evaluated (NE) - A taxon is Not Evaluated when it has not yet been assessed against the
There are several proposed alignments for the PGN bridge project where the main alignment
being aimed at traversing municipalities of Pulupandan to San Lorenzo connecting Negros and
Guimaras, and then thru municipalities of Buenavista and Leganes connecting Guimaras and
Panay. Based on the DENR geospatial data, there is one environmentally significant area along
the proposed project alignment known as the RAMSAR site or the Negros Occidental Coastal
Wetlands Conservation Area (NOCWCA) but for the terrestrial flora survey, there are no
important terrestrial sites to be affected such as caves, natural parks and other conservation
priority areas will be affected as shown in Figure 20.
A total of 21 flora survey sites were established along the proposed PGN bridge ROW (refer to
Table 15, see Figure 21-22), covering nine barangays, four municipalities, and three provinces.
Of the 21 sites, 4 sites were established in the Negros island (Negros Occidental), 15 sites in
the Guimaras island (5 sites on the western side and 10 sites on the eastern side of the island),
and then 2 sites in the Panay island. Generally, the study sites are along coastal areas, in
farmlands and plantations interspersed with or close to human settlements. Five major Land-
use types were identified, namely: Residential, Agricultural, Plantation, Beach forest and
Mangrove forest (see Figure 23).
Table 15. Habitat description, geographic coordinates and location of the 21 flora survey sites
Geographic Coordinates
Sites Land-use Island
Northing Easting
S01 Residential 10°30’37.84”N 122°49’58.00”E Negros
S02 Agricultural 10°31’0.95”N 122°49’23.76”E Negros
S03 Beach forest 10°31’38.62”N 122°48’42.62”E Negros
S04 Beach forest 10°31’58.19”N 122°48’26.11”E Negros
S05 Mangrove 10°35’25.59”N 122°42’39.92”E Guimaras
S06 Plantation 10°35’31.30”N 122°42’34.43”E Guimaras
S07 Residential 10°35’39.06”N 122°42’26.98”E Guimaras
S08 Plantation 10°35’59.80”N 122°42’11.54”E Guimaras
S09 Agricultural 10°36’25.67”N 122°42’8.16”E Guimaras
S10 Plantation 10°42’11.97”N 122°41’37.33”E Guimaras
S11 Agricultural 10°42’26.89”N 122°41’11.20”E Guimaras
S12 Agricultural 10°42’41.42”N 122°40’50.85”E Guimaras
S13 Plantation 10°43’0.90”N 122°40’41.54”E Guimaras
S14 Plantation 10°44’11.17”N 122°40’6.83”E Guimaras
S15 Mangrove 10°44’4.13”N 122°40’19.60”E Guimaras
S16 Plantation 10°44’26.42”N 122°39’38.67”E Guimaras
S17 Plantation 10°44’35.24”N 122°39’24.83”E Guimaras
S18 Plantation 10°44’47.02”N 122°39’11.92”E Guimaras
S19 Beach forest 10°45’1.62”N 122°39’3.37”E Guimaras
S20 Mangrove 10°46’43.05”N 122°37’9.30”E Panay
S21 Residential 10°46’54.72”N 122°36’57.86”E Panay
On additional survey, Terrestrial flora and fauna were sampled from ten study sites within the
alternative bridge alignment – seven sites were in Buenavista, Guimaras (Guimaras Island) and
three sites were in Jaro, Ilo-Ilo (Panay Island) (see geographic coordinates and description of
the surveyed sites in Table 16 and Figure 20-21). Ecosystem types within the survey sites are
representative of four forests habitats appearing as shrubland ecosystem with a mixture of
agricultural ecosystem; three plantations of mostly mahogany species (Swietenia macrophylla);
two mangroves in wetland ecosystem, and one residential site (see Figures 23 to 28).
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Table 16. Description and geographic location of flora and fauna survey sites (June 2019)
Geographic Coordinates
Site no. Ecosystem Type (WGS 84) Remarks
Northing Easting
1 Forest: shrubland ecosystem 10°42'0.52" 122°38'18.44" Brgy. Salvacion
Buenavista, Guimaras
2 Forest: mixture of shrub land 10°42'12.18" 122°38'5.91" Brgy. Salvacion
and agricultural ecosystems Buenavista, Guimaras
3 Forest: shrubland Ecosystem 10°42'31.16" 122°37'38.14" Brgy. Zaldivar Buenavista,
4 Forest: shrubland Ecosystem 10°42'42.08" 122°37'29.18" Brgy. Dagsaan
Buenavitsa, Guimaras
5 Plantation: combination of 10°42'52.17" 122°37'21.65" Brgy. Dagsaan
mahogany and gmelina Buenavitsa, Guimaras
6 Plantation: mahogany 10°43'4.73" 122°37'8.71" Brgy. Dagsaan
plantation Buenavitsa, Guimaras
7 Plantation: mixtures of Shrub 10°43'10.64" 122°37'0.90" Brgy. Dagsaan
land and mahogany Buenavitsa, Guimaras
8 Mangrove: mangrove and 10°44'3.72" 122°35'47.12" Brgy. Hinactacan Ilo-Ilo
wetland ecosystem City
9 Mangrove: mangrove and 10°44'13.49" 122°35'25.72" Brgy. Hinactacan Ilo-Ilo
wetland ecosystem City
10 Residential: mixture of grass 10°44'19.93" 122°35'8.16" Brgy. Hinactacan Ilo-Ilo
land and wet land ecosystem City
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Figure 22. Additional sampling Sites within the alternative bridge alignment via Guimaras-Panay Islands (June 2019)
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Figure 24. Distribution of the type of ecosystem of flora and fauna in the study area
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Figure 25. Forest ecosystem (site 1 and site 3) located in barangay Salvacion Buenavista,
province of Guimaras. The sites are covered with sapang (Caesalpinia sappan) planted along
limestone-karst substrate.
Figure 26. Plantation forest (sites 6 and 7), planted with big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
located in barangay Dagsaan Buenavista, province of Guimaras.
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Figure 27. Mangrove forest (site 8) located in barangay Hinactacan, City of Ilo-ilo (Panay Island).
Figure 28. Residential site (site 10) located in barangay Hinactacan, City of Ilo-ilo (Panay Island).
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Floristic biodiversity reported here are findings from flora survey indicating dominant species
composition determined by calculating importance value index (IVI), species richness, the
biodiversity status assessed using Fernando Biodiversity Scale (1998) for Shannon-Weiner
Index (H) and Pielou’s Evenness (J), and then the endemicity and conservation status of
species identified from the study area.
Different species were observed from the study area, with some species observed particular
to each of the land-use type.
Residential Landscape
Three residential (human settlement) plots were surveyed across the study, which is one of the
most affected land-use type as human settlements are also found entrenched within other land-
use types (see Figure 29). Some physical features observed within and surrounding the
residential landscapes are salt farms, roads and garden orchards. Calculated Importance Value
Index (IVI) revealed that big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) with IVI = 34.43, followed
by ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala), and and niog (Cocos nucifera) with IVI = 29.87 and 24.01,
respectively. Manga (Mangifera indica) and yemane (Gmelina arborea) were also common with
IVI = 23.92 and 21.33, respectively (refer to Table 17). These are common backyard species
found in residential landscapes since these provides as fruit trees, shade trees and fodders of
In 2021, S. macrophylla and L. leucocephala still had the highes IVI of 34.43 and 29.87,
respectively. M. indica ranked third with IVI = 28.25, followed by C. nucifera and and S. koetjape
(IVI = 17.95) and G. arborea (16.32). Ranked third to ten with the highest IVI, though with
shifting position, were similar most important species listed in 2019, other than the addition of
the understory wedelia (Wedelia trilobata) and exclusion of langka (Artocarpus heterophyllus).
Table 17a. Ten species with the highest importance value index in Residential landscape in
2019 baseline survey
Species F A D %RF %RA %RD IVI
Swietenia macrophylla 0.33 11 133 2.70 18.97 12.76 34.43
Leucaena leucocephala 1.00 8 83 8.11 13.79 7.97 29.87
Cocos nucifera 0.67 4 122 5.41 6.90 11.71 24.01
Mangifera indica 0.67 3 139 5.41 5.17 13.34 23.92
Gmelina arborea 0.67 3 112 5.41 5.17 10.75 21.33
Sandoricum koetjape 0.67 2 65 5.41 3.45 6.24 15.09
Psidium guajava 0.67 4 24 5.41 6.90 2.30 14.61
Terminalia catappa 0.67 2 45 5.41 3.45 4.32 13.17
Annona muricata 0.67 2 24 5.41 3.45 2.30 11.16
Artocarpus heterophyllus 0.67 2 16 5.41 3.45 1.54 10.39
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Table 17b. Ten species with the highest importance value index in Residential landscape in
2021 survey
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Figure 29. Residential landscape along the project ROW. Photos are mixtures of residentials
along roads, orchards, salt farms and in agricultural landscape.
Agricultural Landscape
Agriculture is an integral land use type observed in the study area which provides a diverse
array of commodities for both domestic and international markets. Agricultural lands also
provide important areas of open space and wildlife habitat. Biophysical characteristics of the
Agricultural plots are mixtures of agri-crops alongside human settlements (see Figure 30). As
expected, farms in Negros island are planted with tubo/sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), a
primary agricultural crop known from the island introduced during the Spanish occupancy in the
country between 1600 – 1900s. Other agricultural sites were observed in Guimaras, where
palay/rice (Oryza sativa) crops are planted in shallow terraces with pakwan/watermelon
(Citrullus lanatus) and corn (Zea mays) as rotational crops.
The species with the highest importance value in the agricultural plots is amor-seco
(Chyrsopogon aciculatus) with IVI = 36.74, a common grass species in tropical Asia including
in the Philippines, which grows well in open areas, as such in matrix of agricultural and road
side environment. Hagonoi (Chromolaena odorata) comes next with IVI = 32.50, an invasive
species throughout the tropics can be seen widespread in the agricultural area (refer to Table
18a). This is followed by cogon (Imperata cylindrica) and talahib (Saccharum spontaneum),
which are known species that proliferates in open areas with a combined IVI of 61.88.
In 2021, the most important species is still C. aciculatus along with the previously third rank I.
cylindrica with IVI = 42.41. C. odorata, previously second is now at fifth rank with IVI = 27.6.
Kandi-kandilaan (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis), talking baka (Sida rhombifolia), and mangium
(Acacia mangium) are new species in the top 10 IVI list in agricultural habitat. See Table 18b.
Table 18a. Ten species with the highest importance value index in Agricultural landscape
during 2019 baseline survey
Species F A D %RF %RA %RD IVI
Chrysopogon aciculatus 0.50 2 45 10.00 10.00 14.06 34.06
Chromolaena odorata 0.50 2 40 10.00 10.00 12.50 32.50
Imperata cylindrica 0.50 2 40 10.00 10.00 12.50 32.50
Saccharum spontaneum 0.50 2 30 10.00 10.00 9.38 29.38
Saccharum officinarum 0.25 1 50 5.00 5.00 15.63 25.63
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Table 18b. Ten species with the highest importance value index in Agricultural landscape
during 2021 survey
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Figure 30. Agricultural landscape along the PGN bridge project ROW. Photos are sugarcane
plantation in Negros (Panay Island) and rice farms in low terraces.
Tree Plantation
There are eight plantation plots across the study, all of which are in the Guimaras island.
Plantations are also interspersed within residentials and shrubland. The most important species
in the Tree Plantation sites were big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), niyog (Cocos
nucifera), manga (Mangifera indica) and yemane (Gmelina arborea), with IVI values of 39.42,
20.17, 17.94 and 13.57, respectively. These species were similar to dominant species observed
in Residential landscape, since species in both land-use were tree crops that can be of use for
human consumption. Hagonoi (Chromolaena odorata) was a common species (IVI = 12.50)
found in understory layer in tree Plantations (refer to Table 19a and Figure 31).
Nine (9) of the 10 most important species in 2019 are still the most important species in 2021,
with pili (Canarium asperum) replaced by talisai (Terminalia catappa). S. macrophylla remained
as the most important species (IVI = 53.98). M. indica and F. callosa ranked higher while C.
nucifera is down to rank 6. See Table 19b for the list of 10 most important species in 2021.
Table 19a. Ten species with the highest importance value index in the tree Plantation sites
during 2019 baseline survey
Species F A D %RF %RA %RD IVI
Swietenia macrophylla 0.88 31 555 5.47 15.58 18.38 39.42
Cocos nucifera 0.38 13 341 2.34 6.53 11.29 20.17
Mangifera indica 0.25 9 358 1.56 4.52 11.85 17.94
Gmelina arborea 0.50 8 206 3.13 4.02 6.82 13.97
Chromolaena odorata 0.75 6 145 4.69 3.02 4.80 12.50
Artocarpus altilis 0.50 7 93 3.13 3.52 3.08 9.72
Leucaena leucocephala 0.63 8 54 3.91 4.02 1.79 9.71
Artocarpus blancoi 0.50 6 69 3.13 3.02 2.28 8.42
Cratoxylum sumatranum 0.50 6 44 3.13 3.02 1.46 7.60
Canarium asperum 0.38 3 83 2.34 1.51 2.75 6.60
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Table 19b. Ten species with the highest importance value index in the tree Plantation sites
during 2021 baseline survey
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Figure 31. Plantations along the PGN bridge project ROW. Phots are coconut, mango and
outgrowth from a shrubland.
Beach Forest
Similar to other islands in the Philippines, the coastal areas across Panay-Guimaras-Negros
islands are beach forest type (see Figure 32). These coastal forest ecosystems are adapted to
growing conditions that are often difficult as a result of edaphic or climatic extremes (strong
winds, salinity, lack or excess of humidity). Only three plots were established because some of
the beach forest along the project ROW have been converted to other land-uses, and the
landscape have sandy soils and karst limestones.
Vegetations are mostly scrub-like with a high presence of stunted tree growths with species
such as kulasi (Lumnitzera racemosa), niog (Cocos nucifera), buta-buta (Excoecaria
agallocha), talisai (Terminalia catappa), and aroma (Acacia farnesiana) with a total calculated
IVI = 110.59 (37%) (refer to Table 20a). Understory species such as lagolo (Acrostichum
aureum, IVI = 12.11) and ambayong (Ipomea pes-caprae, IVI = 10.35) are common the study
Comparing 2019 (Table 20a) and 2021 (Table 20b) list of ten most important species in beach
forest, three species were excluded in the top 10 - Azadirachta indica, Erythrina variegate and
Tabernaemontana pandacaqui – and is replaced by Guettarda speciosa, Xylocarpus rumphii
and Vitex parviflora. There was an expansion of the exotic beach forest species aroma
(Vachelia farnesiana) in 2021 with IVI = 25.4, topping the previous rank 1, L. racemosa, now in
second rank (IVI = 22.69). C. nucifera (IVI = 13.65) is also down to rank five from rank 2.
Table 20a. Ten species with the highest importance value index in the Beach forest during
2019 baseline survey
Species F A D %RF %RA %RD IVI
Lumnitzera racemosa 0.33 9 104 2.70 14.29 12.25 29.24
Cocos nucifera 0.67 4 109 5.41 6.35 12.84 24.59
Excoecaria agallocha 0.33 6 64 2.70 9.52 7.54 19.76
Terminalia catappa 0.67 3 75 5.41 4.76 8.83 19.00
Acacia farnesiana 0.67 2 80 5.41 3.17 9.42 18.00
Azadirachta indica 0.33 4 39 2.70 6.35 4.59 13.65
Acrostichum aureum 0.67 2 30 5.41 3.17 3.53 12.11
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Table 20b. Ten species with the highest importance value index in the Beach forest during
2021 survey
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Figure 32. Beach forest along the PGN bridge project ROW. Photos are landscape and the
scrub-like species, aroma (Acacia farnesiana), as one of the dominant species observed in the
Mangrove habitat
The mangrove habitat has unique ecosystem generally found along sheltered coasts where
they grow abundantly in saline soil and brackish water subject to periodic fresh- and salt-water
inundation. The habitat is soft, silty and shallow, coupled with the endless flow of water
providing very little support for most mangrove plants which have aerial (stilt roots) or prop roots
(known as pneumatrophores, or respiratory roots) (refer to Figure 33). Three mangrove sites
were surveyed in this study, however, none of the three sampling sites are directly along the
alignment of the project right-of-way (ROW) as shown in Figure 34. These mangrove habitats
were selected to represent mangrove habitat due to their proximity to the project alignment
Refer to Figure 34. Moreover, these representative mangrove sampling sites are not intact
mangrove habitat assessed which are reclaimed/rehabilitated mangrove mixed with rainfed
paddy area, fishponds and salt farms Observed vegetations are pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris,
IVI = 46.89), bungalon (Avicennia marina, IVI = 46.36), and plag-ao (Xylocarpus moluccensis,
IVI = 28.48) (refer to Table 21a). Species observed in the studied mangrove habitat are mixed
with other coastal species that are commonly observed in beach forest such as talisai
(Terminalia catappa), niog (Cocos nucifera) and bani (Pongamia pinnata) and non-magrove
exotic species such as neem tree (Azadirachta indica) and aroma (Acacia farnesiana) (see
Annex Table 6).
In 2021, the list of ten most important species in mangrove forest are similar to what have been
listed in 2019, other than exclusion of bani (Milettia pinnata) with a mangrove fern, lagolo
(Acrosticum aureum). See Table 21b for the list of most important species in mangrove forest.
Table 21a. Ten species with the highest importance value index in Mangrove forest during
2019 baseline survey
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Table 21b. Ten species with the highest importance value index in Mangrove forest during
2021 survey
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Figure 33. Mangrove forest along the PGN bridge project ROW. Above photos are stilt root of
bakauan babae (Rhizophora mucronata) and pneumatophores of bungalon (Avicennia marina).
Overall, majority of the ten most important species recorded in each land use type during the 2019
baseline survey were mostly similar to the list recorded in the 2021 re-survey, indicating that the species
recorded in the 2019 well represent the dominant species composition within the project study area.
The EIA study team were able to estimate the vegetation area that might be cleared within the proposed
project alignment using polygons in google earth. There are an estimated ~ 8.58 hectares vegetation
area to be cleared. Below are estimates for each of the provinces.
Negros = ~ 0.77 ha
Guimaras [South] = ~ 0.24 ha
Guimaras [North] = ~ 7.15 ha
Iloilo = 0.42 ha
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Figure 34. Representative mangrove habitat indicating the project alignment as shown
in colored lines: Red = mangrove habitat, Yellow = sampling site, and Green = project
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A total of 122 species belonging to 111 Genus in 46 Families were recorded from the 21 flora
survey sites (see Figure 35a). There were 87 species (80 Genus, 40 Family) identified from
the eastern side of Guimaras island while 44 species (43 Genus, 25 Family) was recorded from
the western side of the island. Negros Island has 33 species (33 Genus, 17 Family) while 17
species belonging to 16 Genus and 13 Families was recorded in the Panay island (Ilo-ilo). This
result is not surprising, since more sampling plots was established along the Eastern Guimaras
Island, while only two plots was established in the Panay Island. This unequal sampling
distribution among islands was strategically chosen based from the length the proposed PGN
project ROW for each island upon bridge landing.
The species classification across the study (all Islands) declined from 45 species in 2019
baseline to 35 species during the 2021 re-survey, followed by the decline in the number of
genera (112 down to 92 genera) and families (122 down to 103 families) (see Figure 35b).
Within island plots, decline in the number of species was observed in Guimaras, from 40
species down to 32 species in Buenavista, and from 25 down to 23 species in San Lorenzo.
There are similar number of species in Negros Island with more genera and families during the
2021 re-survey. There are more species recorded during the 2021 re-survey in Panay Island.
Therefore, the decline in overall species was mainly from Guimaras Island. As such, of the 112
species in 2019 baseline survey, 23 species have been missing during the 2021 re-survey,
such as malapapaya (Polyscias nodosa), bagang aso (Anaxagorea luzonensis), pakwan
(Citrullus lanatus), batino (Alstonia macrophylla), umbrella grass (Cyperus diffusus), and manila
palm (Adonidia merrillii) while six additional species was recorded during the 2021 re-survey
that are not recorded during the 2019 baseline survey: hauili (Ficus septica), botolan (Flueggea
virosa), uas (Harpullia arborea), castor oil plant (Ricinus communis), kollo-kollot (Urena lobata)
and lagundi (Vitex negundo). Nine-six species recorded in 2019 baseline survey still remained
during the 2021 re-survey.
Figure 35a. Number of Species, Genera and Family from different islands (A) and from different
land use types (B) across the project ROW in 2019 survey
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Figure 35b. Number of Species, Genera and Family from different islands (A) and from
different land use types (B) across the project ROW in 2021 survey
Among the 46 Families, the legumes (Fabaceae) was the most species rich family with 16
species (13%), followed by grasses (Poaceae) with 9 species (see Figure 36). The figs and
bread fruit family (Moraceae) follows on third spot with 8 species. Twenty-four families have
singletons (1 representative species) while 7 species are registered doubletons (2
representative species). This result indicates that most species occurring within these families
are light sensitive species, as such, grasses, legumes, figs, and Euphorbiaceae, which appears
as the dominant families in the study.
In 2021 resurvey, the number of families declined to 35 families, with Fabaceae and Moraceae
still being the most speciose, represented by 14 species and 8 species, respectively. Poaceae
lost 1 species, Lamiaceae gained 1 species and two additional species record for
Euphorbiaceae between survey periods. See Figure 36 for the list of species in each Families.
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Figure 36. Species family distribution during the 2019 baseline survey (left panel) and 2021 resurvey (right
The most species rich among the studied sites was in site S10 with 19 species, followed by
sites S17 and S18 with 18 species each), and sites S08 and S14 with 17 species. All these five
sites are in Plantations, making Plantations as the most species rich among the land use types
as also reflected in Figure 37a, where 72 species (69 Genus, 34 Family) were identified. This
can be attributed to some plantations imbedded in secondary forest as well as the combination
naturally growing species and planted species in mixed plantations. The four surveyed sites in
the agricultural landscape has the lowest number of species among the land use types, all of
which have lower than 10 species, with one site having three species only. The Agricultural
landscape has a total of 16 species only (14 Genus, 6 Family). This is expected due to the
absence and lack of trees (canopy and intermediate layers) since the habitat is intended for
farming purposes. While its low diversity, it is necessary to include agricultural sites in the study
since areas along the PGN project ROW will affect several agricultural habitats.
As for the 2021 re-survey data, the number of species in each plot increased in 7 plots with
highest increased of three species observed in plot S06 (San Lorenzo, Guimaras) while a
decreased in the number of species for 9 plots with one plot (S10) having 6 fewer species
compared to the 2019 baseline survey. There are five plots with similar number of species
between survey periods. There was a slight differences in the number of species, genera and
families per landuse type indicate a general composition and diversity per sampling plot was
recorded in the study area. Figure 37b presents the plot species richness and the number per
taxonomic classification per landuse type.
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Figure 37a. Number of species in each flora survey sites (top panel) and number of each
taxonomic levels per Landuse type (lower panel) based on 2019 baseline survey
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Figure 37b. Number of species in each flora survey sites (top panel) and number of each
taxonomic levels per Landuse type (lower panel) based on 2021 survey data
A total of 82 species were identified across the study belonging to 32 families (Figure 5 left
panel). Of these, the most speciose family was legumes (Fabaceae) with 10 species, followed
by Euphorbiaceae and Moraceae both with 8 representative species, and then five species
each for Lamiaceae, Malvaceae and Rubiaceae. Of the 32 families, 16 (50%) were represented
by only one species (known as singletons), and six families were represented by only 2 species
(known as doubletons).
Family-abundance distribution (Figure 38 right panel) was not consistent with family-species
distribution (Figure 38 left panel), as the number of species do not corresponds with the
number individuals in the study area. Although with only three representative species, the family
Meliaceae was the most abundant among the 32 plant families with 35 individuals (12.54%).
This number were represented mostly by big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) with 31
individuals. Euphorbiaceae, with 8 representative species is the second most abundant Family
with 31 individuals (11.11%) mostly from 11 individuals of binunga (Macaranga tanarius) and
10 individuals of banato (Mallotus philippinensis). Fabaceae ranked third with 23 individuals
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followed by Moraceae and Sapindaceae both with 22 individuals and then Acanthaceae with
21 individuals.
Of all individuals counted, mahogany were the most abundance (31 individuals) followed by a
mangrove associate “bungalon” (Avicennia marina, Family Acanthaceae) with 21 individuals
and a common beach habitat palm species “niog” (Cocos nucifera, family Arecaceae) with 13
individuals (see Figure 39).
Plot level species richness showed Site 04 (A04) and Site 05 (A05) with the highest number of
species (23 and 20 species, respectively). Sites within forest ecosystem are mostly species rich
than other ecosystem, followed by plantation forest. Plot level abundance, on the other hand,
recorded Sites 08 and 06 (A08 and A06) as the most abundant among the study sites (36 and
35 individuals respectively), with more evenly distributed number of individuals in most sites.
Plot level species richness and abundance is presented in Figure 40.
Figure 38. Family-level species (left panel) and individual (right panel) distribution of plants
across the study area
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Figure 39. Plant species rank-abundance distribution across the study area
Figure 40. Site-level species richness (above panel) and abundance (bottom panel) distribution
across the study. Vertical red line separates survey sites in Guimaras island (left side, 7 sites) and Panay
island (right side, 3 sites). Color indicate ecosystem type
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Figure 41a showed biodiversity status of each of the 21 surveyed plots across the PGN project
ROW. The status of biodiversity was assessed based from Fernando Biodiversity Scale (1998).
Floristic diversity based calculated diversity (Shannon-Weiner H) revealed moderate, low, and
very low diversity for the surveyed sites. Seven sites have at least a moderate diversity (H =
2.50 – 3.00), one residential plot (S01), one beach forest plot (S19) and five plantation plots.
Mangrove forest plots have low diversity (H = 2.00 – 2.50), while three out of four agricultural
plots have very low diversity (H < 2.00). Assessment based from Pielou’s evenness J showed
that density of species is equally distributed within each sampling sites where J > 0.75 or very
high evenness value. The low diversity observed in the study sites can be due to most sampling
sites are within human settlements area, not necessarily houses but areas that are being utilize
for human activities (farms, plantations). The beach and mangrove forest are heavily disturbed.
This result suggest that the project ROW will not greatly affect the plant biodiversity since the
more diverse ecosystem are avoided during the project design.
Based on the 2021 re-survey data, calculated calculated H’ index for each plot are of low
diversity similar to H’ index calculated from the 2019 baseline survey data. However, the
number of moderate diversity (H’ = 2.5-2.99) in the re-survey data declined from 6 to one
sampling plot left (S19) while the number of plots with very low diversity (H' = 0-1.99) increased
from five sampling plots to eight, along with the increased in the number of low diversity (H’ 2-
2.49) from 9 to 12 sampling plots, indicating a majority of diversity decline within the studied
sampling plots. Very highe evenness based Pielou’s evenness J’ index was calculated for all
plots, due to low number of individuals recorded from the study. See Figure 41b for the
diversity H’ and J’ index based on 2021 re-survey data.
Figure 41a. Shannon Diversity H’ (above) and Pielou’s Evenness J (bottom) across the study sites based
on 2019 baseline survey data
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Figure 41b. Shannon Diversity H’ (above) and Pielou’s Evenness J (bottom) across the study sites based
on 2021 baseline survey data
Figure 42 presented the calculated biodiversity indices of the 10 surveyed sites for Shannon-
Wiener diversity H’ (top panel) and Pielou’s Evenness J’ (bottom panel) and were assessed
based from Fernando Biodiversity Scale (1998). The scale assumes highest diversity at H’ > 3
(high and very high diversity), however, there was no site with H’ > 3, indicating low diversity
recorded in the studied sites. This can be due to relatively limestone-karst substrate in most
survey sites, where fewer adapted species can grow compared to a more diverse rainforest.
Instead, five sites were assessed with “moderate diversity” or H’ = 2.50 – 2.99, including all of
the four forest sites and one of the two mangrove sites. Three sites were assessed with low
diversity (H = 2.00 – 2.49), and 2 of the plantation sites were assessed with low diversity (H <
1.99) due to clearance of original vegetation within the studied sites. The calculated evenness
J’ index of all the surveyed sites have J’ > 0.75 (very high), which means an evenly distributed
number of individuals for each species in the studied plot. This can be due to the number of
singleton species (appeared only once) observed in each site.
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Figure 42. Site-level biodiversity status based from calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity H’ (top panel)
and Pielou’s evenness J’ (bottom panel) following criteria set in Fernando Biodiversity Scale (1998).
Horizontal lines indicate biodiversity scale. Color indicate ecosystem type
The geographical distribution of plant species has been very useful for assessing biodiversity
values of regions, countries, and islands. Species confined to a particular site should be given
particular conservation management strategies, as they are more vulnerable to disturbance
due to their narrow range. However, categorizing species endemicity is very much dependent
on availability of recent revisions, nomenclatural changes, and new evidences from various
disciplines used in systematics, among others.
Of the 122 species identified across the study area, only 5 species are so called Philippine
endemics or species that can only be found in the Philippines, which was recorded only in the
Plantation sites (endemics) (see Figure 43a). Recorded endemic species are paguringon
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Most of the species identified in this study are indigenous to country or species that are naturally
growing but are not limited in the Philippines, with 80 (64%) of the record. Plantation plots has
44 indigenous species, followed by beach forest with 27 indigenous species. The mangrove
forest also registered 17 indigenous species. Some of the common indigenous species
observed in the study were pedada (Avicennia marina), bungalon (Sonneratia caseolaris), and
kulasi (Lumnitzera raxemosa) found in mangrove and beach forests. In the Plantations, some
naturally growing endemics are pandakaki (Tabernaemontana pandacaqui) and binunga
(Macaranga tanarius). Cogon, a common weed in tropical countries is also indigenous in the
There are also 37 exotic species recorded across the study, with most are unsurprisingly
recorded in Plantations, Agricultural and Residential Landscape – which reflects the human
active grounds are venue of more exotic species. Exotics species have the potential to be
invasive such as hagonoi (Chromolaena odorata), aroma (Acacia farnesiana) and koronitas
(Lantana camara). Other exotics recorded in this study are planted such as big leaf mahogany
and yemane (Gmelina).
During the 2021 re-survey, the number of species declined. One endemic species, A. elegans,
was not found is its previous sampling location. The number of indigenous species declined
from 80 to 65, with 20 indigenous species not recorded during the 2021 resurvey such as
malapapaya (Polyscias nodosa), amuyong (Goniothalamus amuyon), anabiong (Trema
orientalis), and tiaca (Caldcluvia celebica). Five additional indigenous species were also
recorded: hauili, botolan, uas, kollo-kolloy and lagundi. There were also five exotic species
missing in the re-survey data. These are knotgrass, pakwan, kalamansi, purple-bush bean and
chico while two exotics was addition to the list of exotics – gabi and castor oil plant. (See
Figure 43b).
Per landuse type, the number of endemic species declined in plantation plot, where five species
was recorded during 2019 baseline survey and four left during the re-survey period.
The complete list of species with there endemicity category is presented in Annex Table
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Figure 43a. Bar plots showing endemicity of species to either native (endemic, indigenous)
and non-native (exotic) species observed in 2019 baseline survey
Figure 43b. Bar plots showing endemicity of species to either native (endemic, indigenous)
and non-native (exotic) species observed in 2021 survey
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Figure 44. Representative species for endemic (Ficus ulmifolia), indigenous (Sonneratia
caseolaris) and exotic (Acacia farnesiana).
On additional survey of 10 sites, majority of species were identified as indigenous species listing
58 out of 82 species (71%) recorded in the study area, while 10 species (12%) are known
Philippine endemic and 14 species are (17%) are exotic or not native to the Philippines (see
Figure 45 and refer complete list in Annex). This result showed that native species (indigenous
and endemic) are still common in the area although the landscape has been converted to
plantations, residentials and mixed-agricultural land uses. Noteworthy species were the 10
endemic species or species that can only be found in the Philippines, such as takip asin
(Macaranga grandifolia) and bayag-usa (Voacanga globasa) which are important pioneer
species in the country along with several pioneer and indigenous species such as alim
(Melanolepis multiglandulosa), hauili (Ficus septica), malabagang (Glochidion album) and uas
(Harpullia arborea), among others. Moreover, many of native species provides economic
importance such nipa (Nypa fruticans), noni (Morinda citrifolia), and himbabao (Broussonetia
luzonica), being used in construction, medicinal and food source. Exotic species are the planted
big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), yemane (Gmelina arborea), and kape (Coffea
arabica) along with some potentially invasive species such as hagonoi (Chromolaena odorata)
and aroma (Acacia farnesiana).
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Figure 45. Flora endemicity (top panel), and conservation status based from DAO 2017-11 red
list (middle panel) and IUCN red list (bottom panel) across the study
Conservation Status
The conservation status of species is based on the most recent recommendations of the
Philippine Plant Conservation Committee (PPCC) of the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
(PAWB), DENR officially issued as DENR Administrative Order No. 2017-11 better known as
‘‘Updated National List of Threatened Philippine Plants and their Categories’. The listing of
protected species of CITES and threatened species of the IUCN red list were also used as
reference. Based from the Philippine Red List (DENR Administrative Order 2017-1), only four
species are considered threatened, of which two are endangered (Camptostemon
philippenense and Vitex parviflora) and two that is vulnerable (Alpinia elegans, Adonidia
merrillii) (refer to Table 22a). Although, 67 of the 122 species from the study are listed in the
Global Red List (IUCN 2019), most of these are least concern (LC) with 63 species and 1 data
deficient (DD). Three species are considered vulnerable (VU): Adonidia merrillii, Ficus ulmifolia
and Swietenia macrophylla. No species was categorized as endangered (EN) or critically
endangered (CR), indicating that conservation concernt of species within the project ROW are
of least concern.
In the list, the manila palm (Adonidia merrillii) are commonly planted in residential areas as
landscape ornamental. The big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) is an exotic plantation
species that is suspected to have an allelophytic effect (invasive) in tropical Asia, but its local
origin in South America are becomingly endangered. Molave/tugas (Vitex parviflora) has been
listed due to excessive collection for its good wood quality for woodworks.
Assessment of conservation status for 2021 re-survey data revealed almost similar species
listed under DAO 2017-11 and IUCN. Only molave (Vitex parviflora) remained listed under DAO
2017-11. As for the IUCN category, we listed 63 species that LC and 1 DD species, and
similarly, F. ulmifolia and S. macrophylla are the VU species. See Table 22b for the list of
species recorded during the 2021 re-survey that are under DAO 2017-11 and IUCN category.
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Table 22a. Conservation status of plant species between differn land use type base from DAO
2017-11 and IUCN category based on 2019 baseline survey
Beach Mangrove
Scientific Name IUCN DAO Agricultural Plantation Residential
forest Forest
Acacia auriculiformis LC x
Acacia mangium LC x
Acanthus ebracteatus LC x
Acrostichum aureum LC x x
Adonidia merrillii VU VU x
Aegiceras corniculatum LC x
Albizia lebbeck LC x
Alpinia elegans VU x
Alstonia macrophylla LC x
Anaxagorea luzonensis LC x
Annona muricata LC x x x
Annona squamosa LC x
Antiaris toxicaria LC x
Artocarpus blancoi LC x
Avicennia marina LC x
Avicennia officinalis LC x
Azadirachta indica LC x x x x
Breynia vitis-idaea LC x
Buchanania arborescens LC x
philippinense EN x
Canarium asperum LC x
Capparis sepiaria LC x
Caryota rumphiana LC x
Cassia fistula LC x
Ceiba pentandra LC x
Ceriops tagal LC x
Corypha utan LC x
Cratoxylum sumatranum LC x
Cyperus diffusus LC x
Dracaena fragrans LC x
Erythrina variegata LC x
Excoecaria agallocha LC x x
Ficus ulmifolia VU x
Gliricidia sepium LC x x
Gmelina arborea LC x x
Guettarda speciosa LC x
Heritiera littoralis LC x
Ischaemum muticum LC x
Litsea glutinosa LC x
Lumnitzera racemosa LC x x
Macaranga tanarius LC x x
Mallotus philippensis LC x
Mangifera indica DD x x
multiglandulosa LC x
Micromelum minutum LC x
Mimosa pudica LC x x x
Nauclea orientalis LC x
Nypa fruticans LC x
Osbornia octodonta LC x
Pandanus tectorius LC x
Pithecellobium dulce LC x x
Polyscias nodosa LC x
Pometia pinnata LC x
Premna serratifolia LC x
Psidium guajava LC x x x
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Beach Mangrove
Scientific Name IUCN DAO Agricultural Plantation Residential
forest Forest
diversifolium LC x
Rhizophora mucronata LC x
Saccharum spontaneum LC x x
Sandoricum koetjape LC x
Sonneratia caseolaris LC x
Streblus asper LC x
Swietenia macrophylla VU x x
Syzygium cumini LC x x
pandacaqui LC x x
Tamarindus indica LC x
Terminalia catappa LC x x x x
Vachellia farnesiana LC x x
Vitex parviflora LC EN x x
Wrightia pubescens LC x
Table 22b. Conservation status of plant species between differn land use type base from DAO
2017-11 and IUCN category based on 2021 survey
Beach Mangrove
Scientific Name IUCN DAO Agricultural Plantation Residential
forest Forest
Acacia auriculiformis LC x
Acacia mangium LC x
Acanthus ebracteatus LC x
Acrostichum aureum LC x x
Aegiceras corniculatum LC x
Albizia lebbeck LC x
Annona muricata LC x x
Annona squamosa LC x
Antiaris toxicaria LC x
Artocarpus blancoi LC x
Avicennia marina LC x
Avicennia officinalis LC x
Azadirachta indica LC x x
Breynia vitis-idaea LC x
Buchanania arborescens LC x
Canarium asperum LC x
Capparis sepiaria LC x
Caryota rumphiana LC x
Cassia fistula LC x
Ceiba pentandra LC x
Ceriops tagal LC x
Colocasia esculenta LC x
Corypha utan LC x
Cratoxylum sumatranum LC x
Dracaena fragrans LC x
Erythrina variegata LC x
Excoecaria agallocha LC x x
Ficus septica LC x
Ficus ulmifolia VU x
Flueggea virosa LC x
Gliricidia sepium LC x x
Gmelina arborea LC x x
Guettarda speciosa LC x
Harpullia arborea LC x
Heritiera littoralis LC x
Litsea glutinosa LC x
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Lumnitzera racemosa LC x x
Macaranga tanarius LC x x
Mallotus philippensis LC x
Mangifera indica DD x x
LC x
Mimosa pudica LC x x
Nauclea orientalis LC x
Nypa fruticans LC x
Osbornia octodonta LC x
Pandanus tectorius LC x
Pithecellobium dulce LC x x
Pometia pinnata LC x
Premna serratifolia LC x
Psidium guajava LC x x x
LC x
Rhizophora mucronata LC x x
Saccharum spontaneum LC x x
Sandoricum koetjape LC x
Sonneratia caseolaris LC x
Streblus asper LC x
Swietenia macrophylla VU x x
Syzygium cumini LC x x
LC x x x
Tamarindus indica LC x
Terminalia catappa LC x x x x
Urena lobata LC x
Vachellia farnesiana LC x x
Vitex negundo LC x
Vitex parviflora LC EN x x
Wrightia pubescens LC x
Figure 45 and Table 23 showed the red list species under the Philippine Red List (DENR
Administrative Order No. 2017-11) and under Global Red List (IUCN list) for additional survey
sites. Only four species were listed under the Philippine Red List – one is the endangered
molave (Vitex parviflora) and the three others were vulnerable: tagpo (Ardisia squamolosa),
bolong eta (Diospyros pilosanthera), and nato (Palaquium luzoniense). Molave had been used
in the construction industry, due to its hard and dense wood, causing the decline in its
population, while the three other species had been lost due habitat conversion. Under the
Global Red List, 33 were listed but 29 of these were of Least Concern and only four were
Vulnerable including one exotic species – the big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). Big
Leaf Mahogany were introduced in the country in the early 1900s for its good wood quality for
The complete list of species with there conservation status to either or both Philippine red list
(DAO 2017-11) and Global Red List (IUCN Category) is presented in Annex Table 1.
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Table 23. Flora conservation status base from DAO 2017-11 and IUCN Red List category
Vitex parviflora
Wrightia L L L
pubescens C C C
Xylocarpus L L
moluccensis C C
The conduct of fauna survey within the immediate vicinity of the proposed PGN project ROW
is to be able to evaluate wildlife species composition of the area and determine if there are
any significant impact of the project to faunal community in different project phases.
To determine fauna diversity of the area covering the direct impact area, and compare species
diversity, evenness and abundance of these areas in consideration with the location,
ecosystem type and other ecological factors relative to faunal composition Methodology
Survey for fauna species was undertaken following the proposed approach of bridge projects
and its extension road network connecting the islands of Panay, Negros, and Guimaras. Point
centered count with a radius of 100 meter was made following the same sampling points for
the flora survey. Surveyed sites cover the direct and indirect impact areas of the project.
Ecosystem types within the survey sites are representatives of shrub land ecosystem, agro-
ecosystem, settlement, mangrove ecosystem, and beach forest. A total of 22 sampling points
was undertaken which were distributed in the 4 municipalities covering the proposed project
namely; Pulupandan in Negros Occidental, San Lorenzo and Buenavista in Guimaras, and
Leganes in Panay Island.
Geographic coordinates and description of the surveyed sites is presented in Table 24.
Location map of the sampling sites is shown in Figure 45.
Northing Easting
1 Mixture of settlement and 10°30’37.84”N 122°49’58.00”E Ubay Pulupandan Negros
agricultural ecosystem Occidental
2 Agricultural ecosystem 10°31’0.95”N 122°49’23.76”E Ubay Pulupandan Negros
(sugar cane plantation) Occidental
3 Mangrove ecosystem 10°31’38.62”N 122°48’42.62”E Zone 4 -A Pulupandan, Negros
4 Beach Forest ecosystem 10°31’58.19”N 122°48’26.11”E Tapong Pulupandan, Negros
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5 Mixture of beach forest and 10°35’25.59”N 122°42’39.92”E M. Chavez San Lorenzo, Guimaras
mangrove ecosystem
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Surveys of fauna composition of the project area were undertaken in three (3) consecutive days on March
16-18, 2019 and re-survey on November 19-22, 2021. Weather condition during the survey is sunny.
Survey on fauna composition of the project area covers the avi-fauna, mammals, and herpeto-fauna. Prior
to the conduct of sampling, general habitat assessment was undertaken to consider different ecosystems
and topography within the project area for the selection of areas for observation. A total of 22 observation
sites was identified based on its significance and influence relative to the perceived presence of faunal
species within the project area. Selected sampling sites represent different ecosystems in the area.
Rapid survey was employed in the conduct of faunal assessment within the project area. Species not
encountered during the period of field assessment is generated through ethnobiological interview with
local informants to obtain other important information on the presence of other fauna species not
encountered throughout the survey especially the medium to large mammals. Photo documentation of
observed fauna was also undertaken for further verification of species when necessary.
Center point count method with a radius of about 100 meters long in each observation site is employed
during the survey. All species observed within a radius of about 100 meters from the center line was
recorded. Techniques employed during the survey includes ocular and aural observation, identification
through wildlife calls, foot prints and droppings, if any. All the bird species seen and heard by the observer
along the transect route were recorded. As much as possible, no double counting was made.
Active search for reptiles and amphibians was done systematically within the selected areas along the
transect route especially in areas with the presence of suitable habitats like underneath of decaying logs,
uprooted trees and bamboos. For each species observed and heard, the name of the species, number
of individuals and the type of habitat where it was found were recorded. Double counting of the individuals
of the same species was avoided.
For non-volant mammals such as rodents, cage trapping was employed baited with grilled coconut meat
added with peanut butter. Fifteen cage traps are laid on strategic sites within the selected sites. Interview
with local informants was also undertaken to generate significant information relative to the
presence/absence of large mammal species in the area. Observation during the dusk hour in some
selected sites was also undertaken to observe some volant (flying) mammals primarily bats in a selected
site. Mist nets was employed on selected areas using 3 units of mist nets with a dimension of 3 meters
by 10 meters, to catch volant mammals including birds.
Biodiversity measurements were computed and analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener Diversity and
Pielou’s Evenness Indexes, with formulas illustrated below:
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The interpretation of the values obtained using the above formulas will be based on the Fernando
Biodiversity Scale (1998) shown in the Table 1.
Conservation status and endemism of fauna species is determined with reference to the International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species 2016 and DENR-AO 2007-01
“Establishing the National List of Threatened Philippine Plant and Their Categories were employed. This
is to provide scientifically based information on the status of the species and sub-species at a global level;
draw attention to the magnitude and importance of threatened biodiversity; influence national and
international policy and decision-making; and provide information to guide actions to conserve biological
diversity (Source: Convention on International Trade of Wild Flora and Fauna, Joint Meeting of the
Animals and Plants Committee, Shepherds town, USA., December 2000, retrieved November 2012). The
IUCN Red list is set upon precise criteria to evaluate the extinction of thousands of species and sub-
species. The aim of the Red List is to convey the urgency of conservation issues to the public and policy-
makers, as well as to help the international community to try to reduce species extinction. In addition, the
DENR AO 2007-01 was also used pursuant to Section 22 of Republic Act 9147, otherwise known as the
Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act of 2001.
Critically Endangered (CR) - A taxon is Critically Endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk
of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.
Endangered (EN) - A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high
risk of extinction in the wild in the near future.
Vulnerable (VU) - A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is
facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future.
Near threatened (NT) - Taxa which do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but which are close to
qualifying for Vulnerable.
Least Concern (LC) - Taxa which do not qualify for Conservation Dependent or Near Threatened.
Other Threatened Species (OTS)- refers to a species or subspecies that is not critically endangered,
endangered nor vulnerable but is under threat from adverse factors, such as over collection, throughout
its range and is likely to move to the vulnerable category in the near future.
Not Evaluated (NE) - A taxon is Not Evaluated when it has not yet been assessed against the criteria.
Recorded fauna species during the entire duration of survey are dominated by birds. A total of 42
species of birds are recorded from the 22 observation sites with a total abundance of 568 birds. Among
the recorded species (11/42) are waterbirds which habitat is primarily dependent on wetland
ecosystems. Recorded bird species belongs to the 26 avi-fauna families, which is dominated by
Columbidae composed of 6 species, See Table 25 and Figure 53~55.
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Table 25. Top Three (3) families with the highest number of species
Number of Percentage
Family Name
Species (Species)
Columbidae 6 14.28%
Ardeidae 4 9.52%
Alcedinidae, Apodidae, Hirundinidae, Laniidae, 2 4.76%
Muscicapidae, Nectariniidae, Pycnonotidae, Scolopacidae
In terms of abundance, the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) is the dominant species followed
by the Asian Glossy Starlings (Aplonis panayensis) and Black-Winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) with
a total abundance of 96, 65, and 48, respectively. Observation sites with the highest species diversity
composition is site no. 22 comprised of 14 species out of the 42 observed. It is then followed by site nos.
5 and 20 with the species diversity of 13. Conversely, site 12, 14, 18 has the least species diversity with
only 3 species observed.
Local abundance of birds in each observation sites showed that site no. 22 has the utmost abundance of
96 followed by site no. 6 with a total of 55. Conversely, site no. 18 has the least abundance, with only 4
Most of the observed species are noted to be common in a wide range of habitats including agricultural
areas, shrub lands, grass lands and in settlement areas. Many of these species thrive even in highly
disturbed environment including settlement areas.
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14 13 13
12 12
12 11
10 9
8 7 7 7
6 6
6 5 5 5
4 4
4 3 3 3
Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
100 96
60 54 55 52
38 40
24 26 27
23 20
20 15 15 16 15
10 9 8 11
5 5 4
Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Recorded fauna species during the entire duration of survey are dominated by birds. A total of 37 species
of birds are recorded from the 10 observation sites with a total abundance of 185 birds. Recorded bird
species belongs to the 25 avi-fauna families, which is dominated by Columbidae and Ardeidae both
composed of 4 species present, See Table 26 and Figure 56.
In terms of abundance, the Asian Glossy Starlings (Aplonis panayensis) is the dominant species followed
by the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) and Yellow Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier), with
total number of 26, 19, and 17, respectively. Observation sites with the highest species diversity
composition is site no. 1 comprised of 11 species out of the 37 observed. It is then followed by site nos.
2 and 3 with the species diversity of 10. Conversely, site 5, 7, 10 has the least species diversity with only
4 species observed (see Figure 57).
Local abundance of birds in each observation sites exhibited that site nos. 1, 2 and 8 has the utmost
abundance of 27 followed by site no. 9 with a total of 24. Conversely, site no. 5 has the least abundance,
with only 7 birds.
Most of the observed species are noted to be common in a wide range of habitats including agricultural
areas, shrub lands, wetlands, mangrove and wetland ecosystems. Many of these species thrive even in
highly disturbed environment including settlement areas.
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Table 26. Top Three (3) avi-fauna families with the highest number of species
Columbidae, Ardeidae 4 16%
Cuculidae 3 12%
Campephagidae, Dicaeidae, Pycnonotidae 2 8%
10 10
8 8
Species Richness
4 4 4
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9 Site 10
27 27 27
25 24
20 19
16 16
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9 Site 10
Herpeto-fauna species
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A total of 8 herpeto-fauna species are recorded in the area. There were 4 observed reptiles, namely,
Gecko-gecko (Gecko gecko), Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator), Bubuli/ Skink (Eutropis multi-
fasciata), and Emerald Tree Skink (Lamprolepis smaragdina). There was one (1) Emerald Tree Skink,
and four (4) Brown Skink observed in different survey sites. Meanwhile, Gecko-gecko was heard during
the sampling. Lastly, the Water Monitor Lizard is discerned from an ethnobiological interview with key
On the other hand, 2 species of amphibians are also observed namely; Giant Marine Toad (Bufo marinus),
and Banded Bullfrog (Kaloulo pulchra).
A total of 6 herpeto-fauna species are recorded in the area in the additional survey sites. Reptile species
are Gecko (Gecko gecko), Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator), Luzon Giant Forest Skink (Otausur
cumingi), and Spotted Green Tree Skink (Lamprolepis smaragdina). Water Monitor Lizard is claimed to
be common in the area as per ethnobiological interview with residents living near the surveyed sites.
Presence of two (2) amphibian species are also recorded in the survey sites- Painted Narrow-mouth Toad
(Kaloula picta) and Cane Toad (Rhenilla marina).
Only 2 species of mammals observed during the survey. There was the Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans)
and the Common Rousette Bat (Rousettus amplexicaudatus).
Only 1 mammal was observed during the survey in additional 10 sites, which is believed to be the
Common Dawn Bat (Eonycteris spelae) which are wandering along the mangrove area.
With regard to conservation status with reference to IUCN, only 3 of the fauna species are near threatened
in the category, 2 are vulnerable, 40 are least concern and only 1 is not evaluated, see Table 26. Relative
to endemicity, 6 avifauna out of the 50 fauna species or 12% are Philippine endemic and the remaining
44 species or 88% are native to the country, see Table 27.
Table 27. Summary list of fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN, 2016)
Near Threatened 3 0 0 0 3
Vulnerable 1 0 1 0 2
Least Concern 37 2 3 2 40
Not evaluated 1 0 0 0 1
TOTAL 42 2 4 2 50
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Table 29. Summary list of fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN, 2016)
Vulnerable 1 0 0 0 1
Least Concern 36 1 3 2 42
Not evaluated 0 0 1 0 1
TOTAL 37 1 4 2 44
Vulnerable Least Concern Not evaluated
Relative to endemicity, only 6 (13.63%) out of the 44 fauna species are Philippine endemic and the
remaining 38 species (86.36%) are native to the country, see Table 30 and Figure 59.
TOTAL 37 1 4 2 44
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Distribution Status 25
The distribution status of the recorded bird species showed that 6 species or 14.29% of the total
species present are endemic in the country (see Table 32) and the remaining 36 or 85.71% are non-
endemic species.
Conservation status of recorded species based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) (2016), are dominated by least concern in the category. Out of the 42 bird species, 37 are under
Least Concern category, 1 species falls under Vulnerable, 3 is Nearly Threatened, and 1 is Not evaluated,
though, this species is classified as Other threatened species by CITES.
Species under the vulnerable in category is the Java Sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora), while, Near
Threatened species are the Grey Hooded Sunbird (Aethopyga primigenia), Mindanao Pygmy Babbler
(Dasycrotapha plateni), and Grey -Tailed Tattler (Heterocelus brevipes). Species Not Evaluated is the
Reddish Cuckoo-Dove (Macrophygia phasianella), however under the CITES is categorized as Other
Threatened Species. The rest of the species are under the least concern in the category.
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On additional survey sites, the distribution status of the recorded bird species exhibited that 5 species or
10.81% of the total avifauna species present are endemic in the country (see Table 33) and the remaining
33 or 86.84% are native species.
Conservation status of recorded species based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) (2016), are dominated by least concern in the category. Out of the 37 bird species, 32 are under
Least Concern category, and 1 species falls under Vulnerable, though, this species is classified as Other
Threatened Species (OTS) by CITES specified in Annex Species under the vulnerable in
category is the White-winged Cuckoo Shrike (Coracina ostenta). The rest of the species are under the
least concern in the category. See list of species in Annex
Meanwhile, the distribution status of the eight (8) recorded herpeto-fauna species are all native, or non-
endemic to the Philippines.
Among the eight (8) herpeto-faunal species, the seven (7) species are under least concern in the IUCN
category. Meanwhile, the Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator) is under the least concern in the IUCN
category, however, it is categorized as Vulnerable under the Appendix II of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora which is not Critically Endangered or
Endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. Table 34 shows
the conservation status of listed other fauna species.
Table 34. List of other fauna species and conservation status (IUCN)
Gecko-gecko Gecko gecko Gekkonidae LC
Water Monitor Lizard Varanus salvator Varanidae
(CITES app.2)
Emerald Tree Skink Lamprolepis smaragdina Scincinidae LC
Brown Skink Eutropis multifasciata Scincinidae LC
Giant marine toad Bufo marinus Bufonidae LC
Banded bullfrog Kaloulo pulchra Microhylidae LC
Common Rousette
Rousettus amplexicaudatus Pteropodidae LC
Polynesian Rat Rattus exulans Muridae LC
Legend: LC- Least Concern, VU- Vulnerable
On additional survey, distribution status of the six (6) recorded herpeto-fauna species showed that 5 are
native, or non-endemic to the Philippines, and 1 is Philippine endemic (see Table 7 and Table 8). Among
the six (6) herpeto-faunal species, five (5) species are under least concern in the IUCN category (see
Annex C). Meanwhile, the Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator) is also under the least concern in the
IUCN category, however, it is categorized as Vulnerable under the Appendix II of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora which is not Critically Endangered or
Endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. Table 35 shows
the conservation status of listed fauna species.
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Additionally, the only mammalian species observed in the site, which is the Common Dawn Bat
(Eonycteris spelae) is native, or non-endemic to the Philippines and under the least concern category.
Table 35. List of other fauna species and their conservation status (IUCN)
Biodiversity indices particularly Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H’) and Pielou’s Evenness Index (J’)
were computed for this survey using the bird sampling data. The overall computed biodiversity index of
the project site by getting the average biodiversity index of the 22 sampling sites (refer to Table 36) has
a computed value of 1.62 with species evenness value of 0.86. Interpretation of these values using the
Fernando’s Biodiversity Scale (1998) showed that the area has very low biodiversity with very high
species evenness.
Computed diversity richness of the 22 sampling sites reveals that site nos. 20, 15 and 22 have the highest
level of diversity scale of 2.36, 2.25 and 2.22, which is described to have a moderate diversity richness
with a very high species evenness of 0.92, 0.94., and 0.84, respectively.
Sites 15 and 22 are situated within wetland ecosystems, whereas, site 22 is a highly urbanized area
located within the secondary impact area. Notably, the location of site 22 still has a high level of diversity
scale despite its location, that is, in front of the municipal hall of Buenavista in Guimaras.
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The proposed project area covering the study area delineated on map is abode to 42 bird species (based
on this survey March 2019). In terms of species distribution, the Yellow-Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus
goiavier) has the highest frequency of occurrence in the study area with a computed Relative Frequency
of 10.18%. It is then followed by the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) with 8.38%, then the
Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata) and Glossy Swiftlet (Collocalia affinis) with the same Relative Frequency
of 5.99 %, (see Table 37). In this survey, it was noted that 11 of the 42 bird species are waterbirds.
Meaning, habitat is primarily dependent on wetland ecosystem.
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Frequency of
Occurrence Relative Remarks
Species Name Scientific Name
Within the Frequency
Survey Sites
Asian Glossy Starlings Aplonis panayensis 6 3.59
Barred Rail Gallirallus torquatus 2 1.20 Waterbird
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 3 1.80
Black Crown Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 1 0.60 Waterbird
Black-Winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 4 2.40 Waterbird
Blue tailed Bee eater Merops philippinus 2 1.20
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 5 2.99
Cattle Egret bubulcus ibis 4 2.40
Common Emerald Dove Chalcopaps indica 1 0.60
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1 0.60 Waterbird
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 14 8.38
Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia affinis 10 5.99
Golden-Bellied Flyeater Gerygone sulphurea 2 1.20
Great Crested Tern Sterna bergii 3 1.80 Water bird
Great Egret Egetta alba 5 2.99 Waterbird
Grey Hooded Sunbird Aethopyga primigenia 1 0.60
Grey -Tailed Tatler Heterocelus brevipes 1 0.60 Waterbird
Island Swiftlet Collocalia vanikorensis 2 1.20
Java Sparrow Lonchura oryzivora 1 0.60
Lesser Sand-Plover Charadrius leschenaultii 1 0.60 Waterbird
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1 0.60 Waterbird
Long Tailed Shrike Lanius schach 5 2.99
Olive-Backed Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis 6 3.59
Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahita 2 1.20
Pied Bush cat Saxicola caprata 1 0.60
Pied Fantail Rhipidura javanica 8 4.79
Pied Thriller Lalage nigra 1 0.60
Philippine Bulbul Hypsipetes philippinus 1 0.60
Mindanao Pygmy Babbler Dasycrotapha plateni 3 1.80
Pygmy Flower Pecker Dicaeum pygmaeum 9 5.39
Red Turtle- Dove 9 5.39
Reddish Cuckoo-Dove 2 1.20
Small Botton Quail Turnix sylvatica 1 0.60
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus 1 0.60
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 4 2.40
Tawny Grass Bird Megalurus timoriensis 3 1.80
White Collared King Waterbird
Halchyon chloris 5 2.99
White Eared Brown Dove Phapitreron leucotis 6 3.59
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 1 0.60 Waterbird
Yellow Vented Bulbul Pycnonotus goiavier 17 10.18
Yellow-Bellied Whistler 2 1.20
Zebra Dove Geopelia striata 10 5.99
TOTAL 167 100
The proposed project covering the study area delineated on map is abode/feeding area to 37 bird species
based on this additional survey in conducted on June 2019. In terms of species distribution, the White-
Eared Brown Dove has the highest frequency of occurrence in the study area with a computed Relative
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Frequency of 9.33%. It is then followed by the Yellow-Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier) with 8% (refer
to Table 38). Notably, 8 of the recorded bird species are waterbirds.
Species Name Scientific Name Occurrence Remarks
Within the
Survey Sites
Asian Glossy Starling Aplonis payanensis 5 6.67
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 2 2.67
Black Crown Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 2 2.67 Waterbird
Black Naped-Oriole Oriolus chinensis 1 1.33
Blue Throated Bee-eater Merops viridis 1 1.33
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1 1.33
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 1 1.33
Common Emerald Dove Chalcopaps indica 2 2.67
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 2 2.67
Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia affinis 1 1.33
Great Egret Egretta alba 1 1.33 Waterbird
Greater Coucal Centripus sinensis 2 2.67
Hooded Pitta Pitta sordida 1 1.33
Large-Billed-Crow 1 1.33
Lesser Coucal Centropus bengalensis 1 1.33
Little Heron Butorides striata 1 1.33 Waterbird
Mangrove Whistler Pachycephala cinerea 1 1.33
Olived-Back Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis 5 6.67
Oriental Magpie-Robin Copsychus saularis 1 1.33
Philippine Bulbul Hypsipetes philippinus 3 4.00
Philippine Coucal Chalcophaps indica 3 4.00
Pied Fantail Rhipidura javanica 5 6.67
Pied Thriller Lalage nigra 1 1.33
Pygmy Flower Pecker Dicaeum pygmaeum 2 2.67
Red-Keeled Flower Pecker Dicaeum australe 1 1.33
Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus 0 0.00
Red-Turtle Dove 2 2.67
Whiskered tern Chlidonias hybrida 1 1.33 Waterbird
Amaurornis Waterbird
White Breasted Waterhen 1 1.33
White Collared King Fisher Halchyon chloris 3 4.00 Waterbird
White-Breasted Wood Artamus
1 1.33
Swallow leucocrynchus
White-Eared Brown-Dove Phapitreron leucotis 7 9.33
White-Throated King Fisher Halcyon smyrnensis 1 1.33 Waterbird
White-Winged Cuckoo Shrike Coracina ostenta 3 4.00
Wood Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 1 1.33 Waterbird
Yellow Vented Bulbul Pycnonotus goiavier 6 8.00
Zebra Dove Geopelia striata 2 2.67
75 100
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Relative to the selected alignment in Pulupandan Negros Occidental, one of the significant is the presence
of mangrove areas and wetland ecosystems along the mouth of Bago River north of the proposed
alignment. The aforesaid site is among the significant sites as habitat for water birds, comprised of
endemic and migrant species. It is located in Sitio Cavan, Barangay Tapong in the municipality of
Pulupandan. This site is about 2 kilometers away northeast of the proposed alignment. Land cover of the
site is aggregates of fishponds, mangrove and coconut lands. Presence of mangrove along the Bago
River is significant habitat or transitory habitat for many wildlife species feeding in the area.
According to the result of the study conducted by Siliman University and the La Consolacion college in
Bacolod in 2009, there are about 43 species of waterbirds recorded in the area. Of the 43 species, 31 are
migrants and 11 are resident, and 1 species is endemic in our country. Accordingly, migrant species are
expected during months of November and February to march (Kennedy et all 2000). Location map of the
wetland ecosystem serving as bird sanctuary is shown in Figure 60.
The Philippine endemic species recorded in the area is the Philippine Duck (Anas luzonica) which
conservation status is Vulnerable with reference to the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN). List of waterbirds recorded by the Siliman and La Consolacion College research team (2009)
comprised the endemic, resident and migrant species is presented in Table 39.
Table 39. List of recorded waterbirds in So. Cavan Brgy. Tapong Pulupandan
Species Name Scientific name Distribution Status
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Resident
Philippine Duck Anas luzonica Philippine Endemic
Wandering Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna arcuata Resident
Great Egret Egretta alba Migrant
Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia Migrant
Little Egret Egretta garzetta Migrant
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Migrant
Black-Crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Migrant
Rufous-Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus Resident
Little Heron Butorides striatus Migrant
Javan Pond-Heron Ardeola speciosa Resident
Chinese Pond-Heron Ardeola bacchus Migrant
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea Resident
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis Resident
Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus Migrant
Barred Rail Gallirallus torquatus Resident
White-browed Crake Porzana cinerea Resident
White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus Resident
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Resident
Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Migrant
Common Redshank Tringa totanus Migrant
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia Migrant
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola Migrant
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Migrant
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Migrant
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinerea Migrant
Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum Migrant
Grey-tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes Migrant
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Migrant
Swinhoe’s Snipe Gallinago megala Migrant
Little Ringed-Plover Charadrius dubius Migrant/Resident
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Migrant
Gray Plover Pluvialis squatarola Migrant
Asian Golden-Plover Pluvialis fulva Migrant
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Migrant
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Migrant
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Migrant
Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Migrant
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Another environmentally significant site for terrestrial fauna following the alignment is the presence of
large tract of mangrove forest in barangay Hinactacan in La Paz district. This mangrove forest is along
the option C bridge which comprised of about 35 hectares. This site is about 6 kilometers southwest of
the selected alignment (Option B). The site is a significant habitat to birds and other fauna species.
Currently (2021), the said area is being develop as Eco-park 2 to show case the natural mangrove
forests in the city as social laboratory for marine and other wildlife management researches.
According to DENR annual monitoring undertaken on January 2020, many water birds composed of
migrants and residents abound the area among the migratory species includes the Black-winged Stilt,
Purple Heron, Whistling Duck, Marsh Sandpiper, Javan Pond Heron, Common Kingfisher, Whiskered
Tern, Gull-billed Tern, Little Egret, Intermediate Egret, White-browed Crake, Moorhen, Whimbrel, White-
collared Kingfisher, Sea Collared Kingfisher, Redshank, Common Greenshank, Grey Heron, Plover,
Wood Sandpiper, Philippine Duck, Northern Pintail, Wandering Whistling-duck, Asian House Martin and
Further, one of the latest migratory birds documented on site was the Glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)
in Barangay Hinactacan, La Paz district on Nov. 29, 2020. The Glossy ibis is a wading bird with a global
range. Accordingly, this species is the most widespread of all ibis but very rarely observed in the
Philippines. They also forage quite close together in open fresh marshes but are also seen in brackish
and saltwater marshes, mudflats, mangrove swamps, wet agricultural fields, lakes, shallow rivers, and
pond edges.
Based on the information provided/generated from other institutions and research groups, several
species recorded species are not directly found nor observed during the EIA assessment. Though, due
to mobility of these migratory species including resident bird species, it is presumed that many of them
also traverses/crisscrossing the study area during search of food.
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Figure 60. Environmentally significant areas within and near the proposed alignment.
Source: BMB geospatial data (2016)
Recorded fauna species during this survey are dominated by birds. A total of 60 species of birds are
recorded within the surveyed 22 sample sites and along the project alignment. Other species recorded are
four (4) species of mammals, two (2) species of reptiles and one (1) species of reptile, respectively.
Summary list of fauna species is presented in ANNEX Relative fauna diversity, there are 21 species
of birds recorded within the four (4) sampling sites in Pulupandan Negros Occidental (excluding species
identified within the wetland area-S22), 45 bird species recorded within the 14 sampling sites established
within the municipalities of San Lorenzo and Buenavista in Guimaras Island. Lastly, 27 bird species are
recorded in the municipality of Leganes in Panay Island covering two (2) sampling sites, respectively.
Comparatively, summary of recorded fauna species during this survey is relatively higher against the 2019
(dry season data) survey. There is an increased in species recorded within the sampling sites, whereas, 9
additional species are recorded in Negros side, 12 species in Guimaras Island and 5 species in the Island
of Panay side, see Table 40.
On the other hand, sampled wetland area (bird sanctuary) in So. Cavan barangay Tapong in Pulupandan
registered a total of 40 species of birds. Birds in this site are dominated by water birds comprised of 55
percent or 22/44 recorded species.
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Pulupandan, Negros 12 21 9
Leganes, Iloilo 22 27 5
In Pulupandan Negros Occidental, there are 21 species of birds, 3 species of mammals, 2 reptiles and
1 amphibian recorded within the four sampling sites. Most of the species recorded are common in wide
range of inland habitats which include grass land, shrubland, agricultural and even in urbanized areas.
Of the 21 species of birds recorded, 4 species are water birds which habitat is associated to paddy
areas, lagoon, rivers, beach and mangrove areas. In terms of computed encounter rate, the Eurasian
Tree Sparrow and Zebra Dove have the highest relative frequency of .10. It is followed by the Spotted
Dove and White Collared King Fisher with .07 relative frequency of occurrence, see Table 41.
The additional sampling site in So. Cavan (bird sanctuary), a total of 40 species of birds are recorded
dominated by water birds which habitat is closely associated to wetlands. Among the prevailing species
observed in the area are the Black Winged Stilt, White-winged Tern and Common Moorhen, see Table
42. Remarkably, no Philippine Duck was sited on this area during the survey. According to interviewed
locals comprised of barangay officials, resident and caretaker of fish ponds in the area stipulated that
Wild ducks are seasonal in the area. Influx of visiting wild ducks is locally common during mid- of rainy
season (July to September) where there is an adequate volume of water impounded on fish ponds.
During this survey, water impounded in fishponds is remarkably limited. Operation of fish culture in the
area during this period is already at rest due to insufficiency of available water to sustained the operation.
In the province of Guimaras, there are 45 species of birds are recorded in the area dominated by Zebra
Dove, followed by the Tawny Grass Bird, Eurasian tree sparrow, Barn Swallow and Asian Glossy
Starling with a computed relative frequency of .07, .06, .06, .05 and .05, respectively. On the other hand,
other species observed along the alignment include species of reptile (Tokay Gecko), Amphibian (Giant
Marine Toad), and species of mammals (Polynesian Rat and Lesser Musky Fruit Bat). Notably, out of
the 45 bird species, 15 species are waterbirds which habitat is closely associated to bodies of water like
ponds, rice paddies, river, mangrove, swampy areas, and beach, see Table 43.
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Leganes Iloilo
Sampling in Leganes side registered a total of 27 species of birds dominated by inland birds which can
be found in a wide range of habitats like grass lands, agricultural, shrublands and wetlands. The most
common species of birds in the area based on the computed relative frequency are the Zebra Dove,
White Winged Tern, White Collared Fisher, and Little Egret having the same relative frequency of .06.
These species are present in all the sampling sites, see Table 44.
Sampling Station
Sub Relative Relative
Common Name Scientific Name
total Abundance frequency
S1 S2 S3 S4
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Abundance 38 18 28 47 131
No. of species 13 8 12 8 21
Table 42. Fauna diversity data (wetland area in So. Cavan Brgy. Tapong Pulupandan)
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Abundance 167
No. of species 40
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Sampling Station
Rel. Rel.
Common Name Scientific Name Sub
Abundance frequency
S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 Total
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Red-keeled Streptopelia
Flowerpecker tranquebarica 2 4 1 0.02 0.03
Abundance 74 13 10 13 21 14 16 4 5 17 10 16 40 21 36 310
No. of species 23 5 5 6 4 5 7 4 5 9 6 6 6 6 15 45
Diversity index (H') 2.9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.6 2.1 1.6 1.6 0.7 1 2.5 1.7
Species evenness (J') 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.6 0.9 0.9
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Station Sub Relative Relative
Common Name Scientific Name
total Abundance frequency
S20 S21
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Abundance 61 22 83
No. of species 22 12 27
Relative to abundance of recorded fauna species within the project alignment, in Negros side there are
131 individuals are accounted representing the 21 species of birds encountered within the 4 sampling
sites (excluding the wetland site-S22), see Table 41. While, in Guimaras side, there are 310 individuals
out of the 45 species, see Table 42. In Leganes side, there are 83 individuals representing the 27
species of birds, see Table 43. It is noteworthy that areas along fishponds and/ pond areas with
surrounding vegetations present a higher diversity and abundance. Dominant species within the 4
sampling sites in Pulupandan registered that the Eurasian tree sparrow and Zebra dove are the most
prevailing species. While, Asian Glossy starlings, Eurasian tree sparrow, and Zebra dove are the most
prevailing in Guimaras area. In Leganes side, are the Eurasian Tree sparrow, Zebra Dove, Asian Glossy
Starlings, Black-Winged Stilt, and Barn Swallows, respectively.
Other noteworthy species locally sited adjacent the proposed project ROW alignment including the
wetland area in So. Cavan are the Black-Winged Stilt, White-Winged Tern, Moorhen, Sand Pipers,
Common Red shanks, Cattle Egrets, Intermediate Egrets, Whiskered Tern and Swallows. Most of these
species are waterbirds which observed feeding within fish ponds and along shorelines.
Relative to species richness of sample sites, Figure 61 shows that out of the 22 sample sites, Site 22
(wet land area) has the greatest abundance of 167 representing assortment of 40 species of birds
dominated by water birds. Site no 5 which situated in San Lorenzo Guimaras is among the sites with
high abundance (74), followed by site no. 20 located in Leganes Iloilo with abundance of 61. Notably,
these areas are near and or along the shore line and fish ponds. Conversely, site nos. 12 and 13 has
the least abundance and diversity. These areas are situated in an open dry- lands.
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38 40 36 40
28 23
18 21 17 21 22 22
13 12 13 13 14 16 16 15 12
8 8 5 5 10 6 4 2 7 4 4 55 9 6 10 3 6 6
Sampling Site
Distribution status
Distribution of recorded species (bird data) are dominated by resident or native species in the country
comprised of 56% (34/60). It is followed by migrant species comprised of 17% (10/60) and endemic
species with 20% (12/60) share. Remaining species are resident with migrant population, and introduced
species, see Figure 62.
Endemic species recorded on sites are the Barred Rail, Grey- rumped Swiftlet, Philippine Bulbul/Visayan
Bulbul, Philippine Coucal, Philippine Night Jar, Philippine Magpie Robin, Pygmy Swiftlet, Zebra Dove,
White-breasted Waterhen, White Eared Brown Dove, Philippine Pygmy Flower Pecker and the Red
Keeled Flower Pecker. Other species endemic in the area is the Lesser Musky fruit bat which is recorded
in Pulupandan site.
Conversely, among the migrant species are the Whiskered Tern, Intermediate Egret, Wagtail, Grey
Streak Flycatcher, Common Green Shank, Common Red Shank, Chinese Pond Heron, Chinese Egret,
and Curlew Sand Piper.
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34, 56%
Conservation Status
Conservation status of recorded species in this survey was determined based on the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for species global status and the DENR Administrative Order No. 09
series of 2019 known as the Updated National List of Threatened Fauna and their categories for National
conservation status. Based on the IUCN categories, only four (4) species are included in the threatened
categories. Among these species are the Java Sparrow (Endangered), Chinese Egret (Vulnerable),
Curlew Sand Piper and Grey Tailed Tatler (Near Threatened). Most of the recorded species (91.6%) are
least concern in the category. Moreover, under DAO 2019-09, only the Chinese Egret is included under
Vulnerable in the Categories. Twelve (12) are Other Wildlife Species (OWS) and the rest are not included
in the list, see Table 45.
Conservation Status
IUCN DAO 2019-09
Endangered (EN) 1
Vulnerable (VU) 1 1
TOTAL 60 13
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Diversity Index
Biodiversity of each sampling sites was computed employing the Shannon-Weiner index (H’) and
Pielous’s Index (J’). Computed biodiversity index was interpreted using Fernando’s Biodiversity Scale
(1998). Result of the computed diversity index (J) of 21 sampling sites within the project impact area
showed that site nos. 6, 19 and 20 have the highest diversity index of 2.5 to 2.9 which level of diversity
is interpreted to be moderate, see Figure 63. Conversely, the rest have diversity scale of low to very
low. Notably, the additional sampling site established within the wetland in So. Cavan present a high
level of diversity. It is significant to note that areas near the beach, along wet lands, and fish ponds have
higher diversity as compared to other sampling sites.
Further the computed species evenness of the sampled sites showed that majority (19/21) of the sites
have a very high species evenness which computed values fall in between .7 to 1. Notably, sites 4, 17
and 18 fall under scale of moderate to high species evenness. Result showed that most of the species
are found to be common and abundant in most of the sites.
Faunal species are good indicator of the existing environment of certain ecosystem or area. They play a
significant role in many aspects that includes enhancement of the ecological balance and food chain cycle
and other natural environmental processes. Most of fauna species are also known as natural agents in
seed dispersal and pollination which aid in the transport of varieties of seeds in the environment. They
also act as natural predators to some pest in our agricultural crops.
Aside from the wildlife’s significance in an ecosystem, they also provide economic importance in various
aspects. They are even valuable as source of food and medicines. Commercially, some wildlife species
are being utilized as trade pets as source of income. They are also considered among of the aesthetic
value of the ecosystem which they are economically important for the tourism industry. Faunal species
are also significant in the field of science and research. Existence of varieties of fauna species are part
of country’s cultural asset.
Continuous loss of faunal habitats due to degradation of forest cover brought by land clearing, conversion
of remaining sites into settlements and other land uses. Though, faunal species are mobile in nature this
situation will force them to migrate in other areas to search for food and new habitat. Migration of other
wildlife to new territory/ies or ecosystem will pose threat to their existence. They can be further exposed
to hunting, persecution and trading. Continuous destruction of faunal habitats and disturbance will
threaten the remaining species population and survival in the near future if not prevented. Decrease of
population to some species in this area will be expected to happen while others may not significantly
affect. Wildlife offer a variety of commercial values and open several livelihood sources, utilization is not
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regulated as to case of illegal poaching and hunting and over collection. Though, conservation actions
are currently being made, some illegal activities still continuously happen locally.
The proposed project will require land clearing for the right of way for the Right-of-Way (ROW) of the
proposed PGN bridge landing sites. These entails disturbance of plants and wildlife of the area, which
requires key mitigating measures to reduce the project impact on biodiversity, if can’t be avoided. A
permanent and major modification in the study area is expected with the construction of bridge, landing,
and connecting access roads.
During construction, land clearing and earthmoving activities will be carried out on designated sites for
the bridge landing, connecting road network, temporary camp sites, and stock pile sites. The excavated
materials if not properly managed could be exposed to erosion especially during rains and will contribute
to the siltation of the coastal and marine habitat. Stockpiles of sand and gravel brought in from sources
outside the project area could also be susceptible to erosion. Aside from erosion, earthmoving or excavation
at the proposed structure sites could initiate down slope movement.
This concern shall be mitigated with the proper construction and engineering methodology of the
contactor. Hence, Contractor Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be formulated incorporating
mitigating measures relative to appropriate material handling program that will be monitored regularly by
the project proponent and designated interagency monitoring team. Mitigating measures include but not
limited to right timing and scheduling of earth clearing which should be undertaken during the dry months.
Introduce appropriate slope protection works to prevent soil erosion. A geotechnical engineer should
monitor all earthmoving activities at the sites as the need arises. Slope failure will be addressed through
the conduct of geological and geotechnical investigations during the design stage. Moreover, strict
adherence to the development plan of the project site especially during land clearing should be observed.
Land clearing will be confined on designated sites only based on the approved development plan.
Likewise, gradual land clearing and removal of vegetation is encouraged to provide sufficient time for
non-volant fauna species to transfer in the nearby habitat.
During road construction, engineering design should consider the inundation of the flow of water.
Vegetation will be permanently removed along the main construction (bridge and road) ROW. Vegetation
in adjacent areas or access roads may either be damaged or removed. Affected species may include
some ecologically important species (indigenous, endemics and threatened) identified in the studied sites.
The proponent (DPWH) must ensure to offset the damage to existing vegetation by supporting the
Greening Program of the government. The program will form part of the seedling replacement of trees to
be cut required under DENR Memorandum Order n. 02-2012. Type of species for tree replacement
should be indigenous trees and/or fruit bearing trees endemic in the place that can be a source of food to
animal species present in the area (see endemic and indigenous species listed in Annex Planting
of fruit-bearing trees will enhance food sources for birds, bats, and other frugivores. Fruit-bearing trees
such as Duhat, Antipolo, Bignai, among others be intercropped in the agroforestry farms will also serve
as abode to various species of insects and other arthropods, which are food for insectivorous vertebrate
fauna. As the availability of food sources increases, the greater the number of wildlife fauna (species
richness) will occur in the future. Establishment of plantation near the bridge project can also be a natural
carbon sink, natural buffer against noise pollution especially during operation of the bridge and road.
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Although the studied sites are somehow biologically disturbed, the road and bridge construction may
further damage the existing habitats for wildlife, which reduces the total area of habitat available for wildlife
and may lead to crowding and increased competition among individuals and species. Further loss of
vegetation cover as a result of land clearing will enhance movement/migration of wildlife species in the
area aggravated by the loss of habitat and remaining sources of food for survival. Implementation of the
proposed project may incur loss of some natural habitats for wildlife in the area. Likewise, wildlife
disturbance due to noise generated during construction brought about by the operation of heavy
equipment’s will force some faunal species to migrate in other or nearby areas/habitat where disturbance
is less. Further, during operation noise pollution and increase disturbance due to possible increase in
socio-economic activities and human population in the area.
An indirect impact area among species in the wetland area due to possible increase in noise and air
pollution where their habitats are found in Sitio Cavan, Barangay Tapong in the municipality of
Pulupandan about 2 kilometers away northeast of the proposed alignment.
Significant portions of forests at higher elevations will serve as wildlife refuge. Sustaining parcels of
vegetation cover along the project area as natural refuge to wildlife in nearby areas is significant in
mitigating negative impact of the project. Restoration/ rehabilitation of terrestrial areas next to the bridge
landing and access roads should be carried out to ensure that alternative wildlife refuge will be available.
Semi-annual monitoring schemes for wildlife should also be implemented to determine possible effects
of the project most specially to identified noteworthy species, like the bird sanctuary in Sitio Cavan in
barangay Tapong municipality of Pulupandan. The proponent should also ensure that its employees must
be prohibited/warned/informed not to engage in any mode of wildlife collection and/or hunting for the
conservation and protection of remaining wildlife species. Promote wildlife protection using innovative
means such as putting up of warning signage’s on strategic areas for public information and warning. To
consider during planning the establishment of natural buffer or boundary land mark along the project
boundary using fruit bearing trees. This method could also help provide a natural abode to some wildlife
as well as source of food.
Other significant mitigating measures is the conduct of more in-depth/ intensive research and
development and/ or documentary filming involving wildlife fauna within the vicinity of the project area to
include herpeto-fauna species. It is also recommended the conduct of Information, Education, and
Communication (IEC) in various platforms to promote biodiversity conservation measures to protect
various biological species and other living organism in the project area. Semi-annual monitoring schemes
for wildlife should also be implemented to determine possible effects of the project most specially to
identified noteworthy species. Workers camp site and work areas should be confined in areas away from
the identified fauna feeding areas/habitat to avoid further disturbance to wildlife. It also necessary to limit
accessibility or by setting up barriers on areas identified as feeding areas/ fauna habitat to avoid
unnecessary entry of workers that may further disturb fauna species.
Despite the distance of wetland area from the project area in the Municipality of Pulupandan, it is important
to ensure not to disturb the area during construction brought by possible influx of workers in the
construction site – as such, avoid bringing construction materials, camping out and going closer to the
wetland ecosystem.
Although mangrove ecosystem will not be directly affected along the project alignment, there are nearby
mangrove habitat that are critical habitat in the area. As such, mangroves serve as an essential nursery
for coastal and offshore fisheries, provide an array of timber and non-timber forest products to local
communities, sequesters and store a large amount of carbon, which helps to mitigate the impacts of
global climate change. More importantly, mangroves enhance sediment deposition and protect the coast
from the destructive power of waves and storm surges. The world has seen a 50% decline in the total
area of mangroves since the mid-twentieth century, making them one of the most threatened ecosystems,
therefore, one of the main priorities of the project proponent should push on implementing a mangrove
rehabilitation program to expand mangrove habitat in the area.
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There was an observed abundance of aroma (Acacia farnesiana) which appeared to be invasive along
the coastal and mangrove habitat in the area. Cutting these trees may improve the growth of mangrove
and mangrove-associated species.
Three representative mangrove sites were identified in this study, two of which will be affected due to
bridge landing construction (Panay Island and the western side of Guimaras), and one inner streams of
Eastern Guimaras which will be affected due road access construction. Considerations to off-set the
impact of construction to these mangrove habitats is suggested. It is also recommended to use the
Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring System BMM Technical Bulletin 2017-05 and 2019-04
First is to recognize the ecology of the naturally occurring mangrove species at the site, in particular the
patterns of reproduction, distribution, successful seedling establishment, and their environment. It is
helpful to gather information to which species are growing across the mangrove habitat in the area. This
can be done by conducting extensive biodiversity studies across mangrove areas, including those
unaffected areas including studies.
Second, select appropriate rehabilitation areas that are likely to succeed in the rehabilitation of mangrove
ecosystem. Often there are a number of different sites available for possible restoration, so it’s important
to start by selecting one that has a fairly good chance of achieving rehabilitation objectives. For example,
it should be a site that contained mangroves in the recent past or presently contains degraded mangroves.
Also, it is necessary to study the tidal activities and consequently the frequency of inundation as well as
dryness that influence the mangrove forest as each mangrove species thrives at a different substrate
level which in some part dictates the amount of exposure the mangrove will have to tidal waters. It is also
important to include resolving land ownership/use issue if there is any, which is necessary for ensuring
long-term access to and conservation of the site and associated wildlife.
Third, after mangrove re-planting, regular monitoring of growth and survival, and identifying causes of
seedling mortality. When necessary, it is essential to conduct silvicultural activities. Beating up or
replanting of propagules and/or seedlings in patches may be necessary where planting has failed.
Fourth, it is important to always consider the involvement of local communities. This can be effective since
residential areas are near the coastal sites in the studied area, where possible mangrove rehabilitation
site can be established. The project creates incentives for local communities to collect and supply planting
materials, which they will be paid by the amount supplied and thereby generating some income. Through
this arrangement, contractors do not need to employ full-time workers for gathering mangrove propagules
and seedlings. With community participation in the project activities, there is greater awareness that
mangroves are important ecosystems that need to be restored.
Similar approach can be done for non-mangrove habitat especially in establishing reforestation or
restoration areas surrounding the project area.
Result of the flora and fauna study revealed that overall, the studied area within Panay-Guimaras-Negros
Islands for the bridge and access road construction have relatively low diversity but still considerable flora
and fauna biodiversity. The low diversity can also be due to open ecosystems mostly covered in all land-
use types. Despite this, there are number of key important species recorded and a critical mangrove
habitat that might be affected. Relative to the presented result of terrestrial flora and fauna survey, it is
necessary to consider during the detailed planning design of the project the inclusion of the recommended
mitigating measures to minimize project impacts to flora and fauna and in the surrounding environment.
Further, this information could also assist in the conduct of further studies on how we could effectively
and sustainably manage and/or improve the ecosystems in the project area.
We also observed that floristic composition have mostly been preserved within the project area two years
since the baseline survey was conducted, while some additional fauna species was observed in reference
to the baseline wildlife survey conducted in 2019. However, the dominant species recorded both for fauna
and flora component remains even with different seasonal sampling and two years of monitoring interval
indicating the common species identified during the baseline survey can were capture and can represent
the flora and fauna composition within the studied sampling plots.
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The main rivers on A section for PGN project are the Iloilo River, Tigum River and Jalaur River (Figure
64) on Panay Island. The Iloilo River originates from the Batino River in Oton, flows through the Lapuz,
Lapaz, Manduriao, Molo, Arevalo and Iloilo urban area and infuses into the Iloilo Strait. The water level
fluctuates with the tides due to closing the estuary. Section A of PGN Project mainly refers to small
seasonal rivers on Guimaras Island, while Section B of Project PGN refers to main river such as San
Lorenzo River on Guimaras Island (Figure 65). The main river of PGN Project on Section B is the Bago
River on Negros Island.
According to satellite imagery and field surveys, the bridge spans the Iloilo Strait, and the land connections
at both ends do not cross rivers. However, almost all of the coastal plains on both sides of the strait are
fish ponds, and the surface water is connected to the seawater. fluctuating with the tide, but controlled by
artificial water network such as small gates and dams, the water depth is generally 0-0.8m, and the local
water depth exceeds 2m during the tide. According to satellite imagery and field survey, surface water in
the survey area is mainly sea water in the sea area and rivers developed at landing sites on both sides.
There is also a small amount of surface water in the salt field and its adjacent ditches crossed by land
routes. The water volume is greatly affected by the salt field production, and the general water depth is
about 0.2~0.3m.
Figure 64. Main surface water system of Section A (thick green line)
Source: Google Earth
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Groundwater
The groundwater of the site can be divided into two major categories: land area groundwater and
marine area groundwater according to the location of the aquifer.
According to the lithology and groundwater occurrence conditions of the aquifer, the land area
groundwater can be divided into Quaternary loose layer pore water, weathered zone pore water and
bedrock fissure water.
The groundwater exposed in the Iloilo bridge area is mainly the Quaternary loose layer pore water, and
the Quaternary loose layer lithology is mainly composed of fat clay, with trace amounts of clayey sand
layer and poorly graded gravel. Clayey sand layer and poorly graded gravel layer structure are loose and
the pores are relatively developed, which becomes a place for pore water movement and storage, forming
an aquifer with different water abundance layers. Silt and silty clay form a relatively aquifer, mainly
receiving atmospheric precipitation, rivers, seawater and lateral runoff recharge. In addition to
evaporation, manual extraction, multi-discharge to the pond and into the sea; according to the occurrence
conditions of groundwater, hydrodynamic characteristics, the groundwater in the bridge area is divided
into loose rock pore diving water and loose rock pore micro-pressure water. The loose rock pore diving
water aquifer is mainly composed of muddy soil and cohesive soil layer. The water-bearing and water-
permeable of these layers are poor. It can be considered that the loose rock pores water in the bridge
area are not developed. The loose rock pore pressure water are mainly found in the sand layer and the
gravel layer. Because the sand layer and the round gravel layer in the bridge area are mainly distributed
by the lens body, the distribution range and thickness are not large, and they are discontinuous. The
water-bearing and water-permeable conditions are general. The groundwater level measured during the
survey is 0.00~1.70m, and the elevation is 2.64~2.83m.
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The surface of Guimaras Island is mainly Quaternary loose pore water, weathered zone pore water,
bedrock fissure water. Quaternary loose layer pore water occurs in Quaternary artificial fill layer and
alluvial pluvial layer. The water-bearing and water-permeable are good. These groundwaters are
obviously affected by climate and topography, mainly receive direct infiltration replenishment and lateral
runoff recharge of atmospheric precipitation, and the coastal part also accepts supply from the Guimaras
Strait. Except for evaporation and manual extraction, most of them are discharged into the gully pond and
into the sea, and a small part of the infiltration is replenished to the lower weathering group. The
weathered zone pore water is present in the Quaternary residual layer and the fully-strongly weathered
rock. It is weakly water abundance and has poor permeability. It is a weak or micro-aquifer. This type of
groundwater mainly receives the infiltration of pore water in the upper Quaternary loose layer, and the
runoff discharge is mainly based on the lateral recharge of the bedrock fractured water-bearing rock
group. The bedrock fissure water occurs in the weathering fissures and tectonic fissures of the medium-
micro weathered bedrock. It mainly accepts the infiltration replenishment of the upper pore water, and
receives the vertical infiltration replenishment of the atmospheric precipitation. The runoff is controlled by
the fracture morphology and is layered or banded shape, and rule out the possibility of partial crushing
with a large amount of groundwater. The depth of the groundwater level of Section A measured in this
survey is 0.00~1.60m, and the elevation is 2.47~14.85m. According to the actual borehole survey during
the survey period, the groundwater depth in the Guimaras interchange of Section B is 3.6m, and that in
the roadbed of salt field is 0-0.2m, which is greatly affected by the salt field production.
The surface layer of Negros Island is mainly pore water of Quaternary loose layer. Groundwater is
shallowly buried. The burial depth near salt fields is generally 0-0.2m. Other areas, such as sugarcane
fields, are buried about 2m. It mainly receives the direct infiltration and lateral runoff recharge of
precipitation, and the coastal part also receives the recharge of the Guimaras Strait. Besides evaporation
and artificial extraction, it also drains into ditches and into the sea.
The groundwater in the marine area can be divided into two types: Quaternary loose layer pore water and
weathered zone pore water according to the lithology of the aquifer and the groundwater storage
conditions. The quaternary loose layer pore water occurs in quaternary holocene marine sedimentation
sand soil layer, the weathered zone pore water occurs in the tertiary pliocene fully to strongly weathered
rock. In addition to the marine sedimentation sand layer and the possible water abundance bedrock
fracture zone, the overall water abundance is weak, the permeability is poor, and it is weak or micro-
aquifer. The two types of groundwater are mainly replenished by the vertical infiltration of seawater, and
the water-bearing rock group concealed in the lower part receives the infiltration replenishment or over-
flow recharge of the upper aquifer group. Impact assessment and mitigation measures for hydrology and hydrogeology
The connecting length of Line B on Panay Island is shorter (500m). The main route passes through the
salt pan, a pipe culvert is proposed to be set at the position of BK0 + 350 to be convenient for operation
in salt pan. When Line B spans the gullies and fish ponds on Guimaras Island, the bridge is proposed to
be set as far as possible for passing. The terrain of Line D is relatively flat at the connection location on
Guimaras Island and connecting line, three culverts are proposed to be set. Line D mainly passes through
the local fish ponds and farmland on Negros Island, the terrain is basically flat, being free of bridge
structures, and nine culverts shall be set for agricultural irrigation. According to the grade of highway,
topography, geology, hydrology, meteorology and the setting of bridge and culvert in this project, the
drainage design of subgrade and pavement should be considered comprehensively, and the attention on
connection between various drainage facilities and drainage structures should be paid so that a perfect
drainage system can be formed on the whole line. Comprehensive planning, rational distribution, less
occupation of cultivated land should be implemented, and the coordination with local drainage and
irrigation system shall be implemented to prevent the destruction of farmland and water conservancy
facilities, paying attention to environmental protection and preventing the soil erosion and water pollution.
This project fails to cross the water body of rivers and lakes, and the project construction will not affect
the water depth of rivers and lakes, river discharge and lake capacity; After completion of the project, the
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drainage pattern of the river system and natural ditches around the project will not be changed, and the
project construction will not increase the flood risk.
In the period of subgrade construction, if there is heavy rain and the pavement seepage is reduced due
to compaction, the pavement runoff will flow down along the slope. If the soil on the slope is loose and
the soil holding force is weak, the soil erosion will be combined as small-scale water flow for scouring
under heavy rain, and the surface runoff will develop into shallow ditches and dissected ditches so as to
result in liner erosion. In addition, landslides may occur in the areas where the slope is not compacted in
the event of heavy rain. These scoured sediments may affect the drainage of natural ditches downstream.
Therefore, a temporary drainage system should be constructed during construction. Before the
construction of the subgrade, temporary drain ditch should be excavated on both sides of the subgrade.
Th60 e drain ditch is 30cm×50cm for trapezoidal cross section, 1:1 for internal slope ratio, with tamped
ditch wall. In combination with the topography, a sedimentation basin should be set in the drain ditch. The
sedimentation basin is designed to be 3m× 2m × 1.2m, with 1:1 in slope ratio. After passing through the
sedimentation basin, the water flow drains into the natural channel nearby and drains into the
sedimentation basin. At the same time, the sedimentation basin shall be deposited on a regular basis.
After that, the dredged sediments will be filled into the local depression area for tree planting and greening
restoration in future.
The JALAUR River and the ILOILO River are developed near Item of Section A in this project as well as
the BAGO River is developed near Item of Section B, which can basically meet the demands of
engineering water. In addition, the project passes through the land area with abundant groundwater and
good quality of water, and the water can also be used as engineering water directly. As water for concrete
pouring, it needs to be further tested and qualified before it can be used. The engineering water will result
in competitive use of water resources, but this impact is negligible given that the capacity of water used
for engineering only covers a very small proportion in the flow of rivers and groundwater.
2.2.2 Oceanography
Figure 66 and Figure 67 show the bathymetric map of Iloilo and Guimaras Straight respectively.
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The offshore tidal waves in Philippines are mainly caused by the introduction of tidal waves in the Pacific.
The Iloilo Strait and the Gimaras Strait where PGN Bridge is located communicate the Sulu Sea in the
west and the Visayan Sea in the east. The Sulu Sea is larger in area and can reach a depth of 2000 m,
which is connected with the Pacific and the South China Sea through multiple straits The Visayan Sea is
a smaller in area, It is an inland sea surrounded by the Philippine Islands, with a depth of only 200 m.
Most of tidal waves are introduced from the south to the north through the Bay of Panay in the Sulu Sea. Tide
The Ministry of Natural Resources' First Marine Research Institute shall set up a long-term Tidal Level
Observation Stations (T1 Stations) in the engineering sea area to carry out long-term tidal level
observation, and two short-term Tidal Level Observation Stations (T2, T3 Stations) to carry out one-month
tidal level observation during wet season and dry season. The position of Tidal Level Observation Stations
is as shown in Figure 68, its coordinates and observation time refer to Table 46 for details.
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Figure 68. Position of Tidal Level Observation Stations for PGN Project
K value of T1 ~ T3 Stations (the sum of K1 and O1 partial tide amplitude and the ratio of M2 partial tide
amplitude) is all more than 0.5 and less than 2 during the wet and dry period (referring to Table 47).
According to the standard of tidal type classification in China, the tides in the sea area where the project
is located are irregular semi-diurnal tides.
Table 47. Ratio of Main Partial Tide Amplitude in Each Observation Stations
Stations K (Dry Period) K ( Wet Period)
T1 1.50 -
T2 1.23 1.27
T3 0.96 1.60
Table 48 shows the statistical characteristic values for actually-measured tidal level of various stations
in the engineering sea area during dry and wet period.
Table 48. Statistical Characteristic Values for Actually-Measured Tidal Level During Dry Period and Wet
Voyage during wet season Voyage during dry season
T2 stations T3 stations T1 stations T2 stations T3 stations
255cm 295cm 242cm 263cm 313cm
tidal range
13cm 22cm 13cm 24cm 24cm
tidal range
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After simulated calculation (FVCOM model verification refers to Section, the high tidal level and
low tidal level at each calculation point during the recurrence period are obtained, as shown in Table 49
for details. The high tidal level with 300-year return period is 2.17 m at bridge site on Section A, and the
low tidal level with 300-year return period is -1.79 m; the high tidal level with 300-year return period is 2.14
m at bridge site on Section B, and the low tidal level with 300-year return period is -2.54m.
Table 49. High Tidal Level and Low Tidal Level at Each Calculation Point during Recurrence
Tidal Level 2 years 50 years 100 years 300 years
High tidal level
1.06 1.46 1.55 1.69
Low tidal level
-1.08 -1.32 -1.36 -1.42
High tidal level
0.96 1.43 1.53 1.69
Low tidal level
-1.36 -2.32 -2.53 -2.86
High tidal level
1.45 2.62 2.87 3.27
Low tidal level
-1.45 -1.87 -1.95 -2.06
High tide level
1.24 1.84 1.97 2.17
B1 (Bridge Site (m)
on Section A) Low tidal level
-1.24 -1.61 -1.68 -1.79
High tidal level
1.06 1.92 2.11 2.41
B2 (Bridge Site (m)
on Section B) Low tidal level
-1.48 -2.16 -2.31 -2.54
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The Ministry of Natural Resources' First Marine Research Institute has carried out the simultaneous and
continuous observation on ocean current, suspended sediment, water level, seawater temperature and
salinity by multiple ship fixed points for high, medium and low tides during wet period and dry period for
multiple ships at fixed point for 9 stations in the engineering sea area. The observation time is not less
than 25 hours, and the observation level is 6 vertical layers. The position of Observation Stations is as
shown in Figure 69, its coordinates, observation date and timeand so on are shown in Table 50 for
Figure 69. Location of Ocean Current Observation Stations for PGN Project
During dry season, the discriminant number of tidal current type on each level of C7 station is more than
0.5 and less than 2, which is irregular semidiurnal tidal current, and the discriminant number of tidal
current type on each level of other stations is less than 0.5, which is the regular semidiurnal tidal current.
During wet period, the discriminant number of tidal current type at the partial level of C6, C7, C8 and C9
stations is more than 0.5 and less than 2, which is irregular semidiurnal tidal current, accounting for 27%
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of statistical discriminant number of tidal current type; the discriminant number of tidal current type at
each level of other stations is all less than 0.5, which is the regular semidiurnal tidal current. To sum up,
the engineering sea area is the sea area dominated by the regular semidiurnal tidal current.
Table 51. Discriminant Number of Tidal current Type at Each Level of Each Stations during Dry
Season (WO1 + WK1)/WM2
Station level C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
Surface layer 0.15 0.16 0.20 0.22 0.21 0.28 0.62 0.26
0.2 H 0.15 0.16 0.20 0.22 0.21 0.28 0.65 0.26
0.4 H 0.16 0.17 0.23 0.23 0.20 0.28 0.73 0.26
0.6 H 0.17 0.16 0.22 0.23 0.21 0.31 0.77 0.29
0.8 H 0.18 0.17 0.22 0.22 0.19 0.35 0.82 0.30
Bottom layer 0.23 0.17 0.26 0.20 0.21 0.36 0.77 0.26
Mean of
0.17 0.17 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.31 0.73 0.27
vertical line
Table 52. Discriminant Number of Tide Type at Each Level of Each Station during Wet Season
(WO1 + WK1)/ WM2
Station level C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
Surface layer 0.09 0.30 0.42 0.40 0.36 0.34 0.48 0.58
0.2H 0.13 0.28 0.42 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.49 0.63
0.4H 0.13 0.29 0.43 0.37 0.34 0.41 0.51 0.58
0.6H 0.09 0.31 0.41 0.39 0.32 0.50 0.52 0.59
0.8H 0.14 0.32 0.40 0.34 0.34 0.55 0.53 0.62
Bottom layer 0.12 0.33 0.41 0.35 0.30 0.61 0.52 0.62
Mean of
0.12 0.30 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.46 0.51 0.60
vertical line
The maximum and mean flow velocity (cm/s) and the corresponding flow direction (°) of average rising
tide and falling tide for actually-measured vertical lines in each station during dry season are shown in
Table 53. The maximum and mean flow velocity (cm/s) and the corresponding flow direction (°) of average
rising tide and falling tide for actually-measured vertical lines in each station during wet season are shown
in Table 54. The vector diagram for horizontal distribution of ocean current for vertical line in each station
during dry season is shown in Figure 70 to Figure 72, and the vector diagram for horizontal distribution
of ocean current for vertical line in each station during wet season is shown in Figure 73 to Figure 75.
The ocean current of the whole strait along the strait channel (or bank line) is mainly dominated by
reciprocating flow, which is roughly northeast-southwest direction. Specific features are as follows:
Observation Stations on northern section (C1): During dry season, the flow velocity of ocean current for
high and medium tide is all higher, and the main direction of ocean current is NE-SW, which shows
obvious characteristics of the reciprocating flow. The velocity of low tide is very low, and the ocean current
mainly changes in the SW-dominated fan-shaped range, which shows the characteristics of rotating flow.
During wet season, the flow velocity of ocean current during three tidal periods is all not high, and the
main direction is dominated by reciprocating current, and the main direction is NNE-SSW.
Observation Stations on bridge site section (C2, C3, C4, C5): C2 and C3 stations are located in the north
of Guimaras Island, and C4, C5 stations are located in the east of Guimaras Island. The four stations are
located in the narrow location of strait, and the flow velocity of ocean current during the dry and wet
season is all higher, showing very obvious reciprocating flow along the terrain. The main direction of
ocean current for C2 stations is all ENE-WSW, and the main direction of ocean current for C3, C4 and
C5 station is all NE-SW.
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Observation stations on southern section (C6, C7, C8, C9): C6 and C7 stations are located in the west of
Guimaras Island,, and C8 and C9 stations are located in the southeast of Guimaras Island, During dry
season, because the four stations are located in the open location of strait, the flow velocity of the ocean
current is lower than that of the other stations, showing some characteristics of the rotating flow. C6 and
C7 stations have the characteristics of reciprocating flow during high and medium tides, but the direction
of ocean current changes within two sectors with the axis of main flow direction: the main direction of
ocean current for C6 stations is E-W direction, and the main direction of ocean current for C7 stations is
NE-SW direction. The C6 and C7 stations are completely rotating flow during low tide, being free of main
flow direction. The current velocity of ocean current for C8 and C9 stations decreases gradually from high
tide and medium tide to low tide, and the main direction of ocean current is NE-SW. During wet season,
because C6 and C7 stations are located in the open area of strait, compared with the other stations, the
ocean current is lower. The main direction of ocean current for C6 station is NE-SW direction during high
and low tide period and ENE-WSW direction during the medium tide period; The main direction of ocean
current for C7 station is ENE-WSW direction during high and low tide period and NE-SW direction during
the medium tide period. The main direction of ocean current for C8 and C9 stations is all NE-SW.
① Mean flow velocity and flow direction of mean tide rising and tide falling for vertical line
During dry season, the average flow velocity of mean rising tide current for vertical line during high tide
period is between 28 ~ 64 cm/s, and the average flow velocity of mean falling tide current is between 34
~67 cm/s; the average flow velocity of mean rising tide current for vertical line during medium tide period
is between 25~69 cm/s, and the average flow velocity of mean falling tide current is between 25~70
cm/s; during low tide period: the average flow velocity of mean rising tide current for vertical line is
between 9~34 cm/s, and the average flow velocity of mean falling tide current is between 15~48 cm/s.
During wet season, the average flow velocity of mean rising tide for vertical line during high tide period is
between 17~60 cm/s, and the average flow velocity of mean falling tide is between 19~64 cm/s; the
average flow velocity of mean rising tide for vertical line during medium tide period is between 12~45
cm/s, and the average flow velocity of mean falling tide current is between 15~50 cm/s; during low tide
period: the average flow velocity of mean rising tide current for vertical line is between10~24 cm/s, and
the average flow velocity of mean falling tide current is between 9~25 cm/s.
② Maximal flow velocity and flow direction of mean tide rising and tide falling for vertical line
During dry season, the maximum flow velocity of mean tide rising for vertical line during high tide period
is between 57~103 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean tide rising for vertical line is 103 cm/s, the
flow direction is 23 °, which appears in C3 stations; the maximum flow velocity of the falling tide is between
52~128 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean falling tide for vertical line is 128 cm/s, the flow direction
is 195 °, which appears in C3 stations; the maximum flow velocity of mean tide rising tide for vertical line
during medium tide period is between 38~110 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean rising tide for
vertical line is 110 cm/s, the flow direction is 26 °, which appears in C3 stations; the maximum flow velocity
of mean falling tide for vertical line is between 43~117 cm/s, the flow direction is 194°, which appears in
C3 stations; the maximum flow velocity of mean tide rising for vertical line during low tide period is
between 13 ~ 51 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean rising tide for vertical line is 51 cm/s, the
direction of flow is 68 °, which appears in C2 stations; the maximum flow velocity of mean falling tide for
vertical line is between 24 ~ 82 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean falling tide for vertical line is 82
cm/s, the direction of flow is 192 °, which appears in C3 stations.
During wet season, the maximum flow velocity of mean tide rising for vertical line during high tide period
is between 29~105 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean tide rising for vertical line is 105 cm/s, the
flow direction is 32°, which appears in C5 stations; the maximum flow velocity of falling tide is between
39~107 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean falling tide for vertical line is 107 cm/s, the flow direction
is 198°, which appears in C3 stations; the maximum flow velocity of mean rising tide for vertical line during
medium tide period is between 20~66 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean tide for vertical line is
66 cm/s, the direction of flow is 37°, which appears in C5 station; the maximum flow velocity of mean
falling tide for vertical line is between 27~95 cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean falling tide for
vertical line is 95 cm/s, the direction of flow is 243°, which appears in C2 station; .During the low tide
period, the maximum flow velocity of mean rising tide for vertical line is between 15~44 cm/s, the
maximum flow velocity of mean rising tide for vertical line is 44 cm/s, the direction of flow is 11°, which
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appears in C3 stations; the maximum flow velocity of mean falling tide for vertical line is between 20~51
cm/s, the maximum flow velocity of mean falling tide for vertical line is 51 cm/s, the direction of flow is199°,
which appears in C3 stations.
In the observation of high, medium and low tide periods during wet season and dry season, the maximum
of flow velocity for ocean current in most stations appears on the surface layer or the 0.2H layer, and the
flow velocity gradually decreases from the surface to the bottom, but the variation is less, and the
distribution of flow direction on the vertical line is relatively consistent.
During dry season, the duration of rising tide current for each station is 4.00~7.50 hours, and the duration
of rising tide current for each station is 4.50 ~ 7.25 hours, the duration of rising tide current for C7, C8
and C9 stations is more than that of falling tide current, and the duration of rising tide current for other
stations is less than that of falling tide current. During the medium tide period, the duration of rising tide
current is 4.25 ~ 7.75 hours, the duration of falling tide current is 4.50 ~ 7.75 hours, the duration of rising
tide current for C8 station is more than that of failing tide current, and the duration of rising tide current
for other stations is less than that of falling tide current; During the low tide period, the duration of rising
tide current is between 3.25-5.50 hours, the duration of falling tide current is between 6.25-8.50 hours,
the duration of falling tide current for all stations is more than that of rising tide current.
During high tide period, the duration of rising tide currenton each level of each station is between 5.00~
6.00 hours, while the duration of falling tide current is between 6.00~7.50 hours. During the medium tide
period, the duration of rising tide current on each level of each station is between 3.25~6.00 hours, while
the duration of falling tide current is between 6.00~7.50 hours. During low tide period, the duration of
rising tide current on each level of each station is between 5.00~7.50 hours, while the duration of falling
tide current is between 7.00~8.00 hours. During high, medium and low tide periods, the duration of rising
tide current for all stations is all less than that of falling tide current .
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Table 53. Maximum and Mean Flow Velocity (cm/s) and Flow Direction (°) of Mean Rising and Falling Tide for Actually-Measured Vertical Line in Each Station
during Dry Period
High tide period Medium tide period Low tide period
Maximum flow Average flow velocity Maximum flow velocity Average flow velocity Maximum flow velocity Average flow velocity
velocity, corresponding and corresponding and corresponding and corresponding and corresponding and corresponding
flow direction flow direction flow direction flow direction flow direction flow direction
Station Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling
tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide
C1 68 24 86 208 49 32 42 203 49 22 70 200 40 36 44 200 13 71 40 209 9 70 25 211
C2 97 71 123 247 61 71 67 246 95 69 108 249 65 69 65 244 51 68 78 246 34 72 48 246
C3 103 23 128 195 64 23 66 193 110 26 117 194 69 24 70 187 45 23 82 192 27 26 47 194
C4 78 27 95 200 44 27 44 199 84 32 87 203 57 30 48 199 42 27 58 200 27 30 37 200
C5 74 31 101 212 41 31 45 212 92 25 93 210 58 26 51 201 38 23 68 206 27 26 39 213
C6 58 66 77 259 36 75 40 266 38 70 43 66 25 66 25 249 24 40 24 253 16 76 15 249
C7 57 33 79 205 28 28 34 204 38 19 70 218 30 36 37 216 20 21 47 243 17 34 23 237
C8 71 43 68 231 42 47 35 227 39 29 46 35 27 32 26 232 36 42 39 223 25 24 26 228
C9 59 20 52 214 28 25 35 210 46 24 48 214 28 24 27 215 32 25 44 213 21 25 23 213
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Table 54. Maximum and Mean Flow Velocity (cm/s) and Flow Direction (°) of Mean Rising and Falling Tide for Actually-Measured Vertical Line in Each Station
during Wet Period
High tide period Medium tide period Low tide period
Maximum flow Average flow velocity Maximum flow velocity Maximum flow Average flow velocity
velocity, corresponding and corresponding and corresponding velocity, corresponding and corresponding
flow direction flow direction flow direction flow direction flow direction
Station Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling Rising Falling
No. tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide
C1 29 13 39 190 17 14 19 193 20 19 27 199 12 24 15 206 15 27 22 197 10 26 9 206
C2 95 77 101 251 53 73 64 247 66 70 95 243 40 74 50 243 38 68 45 247 22 68 21 245
C3 94 24 107 198 54 22 57 199 65 22 90 196 45 20 41 196 44 11 51 199 24 18 25 197
C4 56 21 69 200 32 21 28 202 47 24 58 211 25 22 25 207 29 20 30 208 16 27 15 200
C5 105 32 71 209 60 31 41 215 66 37 77 202 42 36 35 208 38 31 35 214 19 34 18 207
C6 38 42 65 218 23 40 31 206 41 65 51 240 25 69 23 253 22 11 25 200 10 25 12 213
C7 41 63 47 265 26 68 20 273 26 32 41 217 17 27 20 211 19 120 20 219 11 104 11 230
C8 78 42 101 218 49 39 54 219 56 39 74 225 30 44 39 219 28 28 35 234 16 35 18 227
C9 80 12 86 193 37 19 47 196 47 24 71 173 23 27 34 179 29 34 37 193 17 32 17 203
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Figure 70. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each
Station during High Tide Period in Dry Season
Figure 71. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each
Station during Medium Tide Period in Dry Season
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Figure 72. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each
Station during Low Tide Period in Dry Season
Figure 73. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each
Station during High Tide Period in Wet Season
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Figure 74. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each
Station during Medium Tide Period in Wet Season
Figure 75. Vector Diagram for Horizontal Distribution of Mean Ocean Current for Vertical Line in Each
Station during Low Tide Period in Wet Season
Numerical simulation results of tidal conditions at different recurrence periods show that the longer the
recurrence period of tidal conditions, the greater the flow velocity of rapid fluctuation moments at each
location in the computed domain. Under the tide type of 300-year return period, the flow velocity of tide
at the bridge axis in each scheme is not more than 1.8 m/s, and the flow velocity of tide in the whole
computed domain does not exceed 3.4 m/s.
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Table 55. Maximum Flow Velocity inside Computed Domain under Tidal Conditions during Various
Recurrence Periods
Recurrence period/ year 50 100 300
Iloilo Strait (m/s) 2.90 3.19 --3.40
Guimaras Strait (m/s) 1.97 2.16 2.26
Table 56. Maximum Flow Velocity on Bridge Axis under Tidal Conditions during Various Recurrence
Recurrence period/ year 50 100 300
Line B on Section A(m/s) 1.42 1.52 1.60
Line D on Section B(m/s) 1.32 1.40 1.48
The First Marine Research Institutes of Ministry of Natural Resources has established 9 observation
stations in the engineering sea area to synchronously observe the contents of suspended sediment, and
the location of observation station is the same as that of continuous ocean current observation station,
referring to Figure 76 for details.
During wet season, the variation of sediment concentration is less in the sea area through observation,
the variation range of sediment concentration is between 5.7×10-3 kg/m3 ~64.6×103 kg/m3, and the
average sediment concentration is 13.5×10-3 kg/m3~31.8×10-3 kg/m3.During low tide period, the average
sediment concentration is between 13.5×10-3 kg/m3~27.9×10-3 kg/m3; during medium tide period, the
average sediment concentration is between 4.1×10-3 kg/m3~29.1×10-3 kg/m3; During high tide period, the
average sediment concentration is between 13.9-×10-3 kg/m3~31.8×10-3 kg/m3.
During dry season, the variation of sediment concentration is less in the sea area through voyage
observation, the variation range of sediment concentration is between 3.1×10-3 kg/m3~153.7×10-3 kg/m3,
and the average sediment concentration is 16.1×10-3 kg/m3~65.5×10-3 kg/m3. During high tide period, the
average sediment concentration is between25.9×10-3 kg/m3~65.5×10-3 kg/m3; during medium tide period,
the average sediment concentration is between 22.5×10-3 kg/m3~52.3×10-3 kg/m3; During low tide period,
the average sediment concentration is between 16.1×10-3 kg/m3~33.6×10-3 kg/m3.
As a whole, except that the average sediment concentration of C1, C2, C3 and C7 stations in the Iloilo
Strait during the mid-tide observation period in dry season is slightly higher than that of high tide in wet
and dry season for two voyages, the average sediment concentration in the rest stations is the highest in
the high tide, second in the medium tide and least in the low tide. The sediment concentration for two
voyages increases gradually from surface to bottom vertically, and the sediment concentration for
offshore shallow water station is higher and the sediment concentration for offshore deep water station is
less. The sediment concentration of voyages in dry season is higher than that in wet season; it is caused
by influence by the monsoon for dry season, frequent gale weather, it is more intense agitation function
for water body.
The station of seawater salinity observation stations is the same as the continuous ocean current
observation stations, with 9 stations totally. The results of observational statistics show that:
The daily average salinity is 34.28 ~ 34.55 on the surface layer during the high-water season in the
engineering sea area, The average daily salinity in the middle layer is between 34.36 and 34.49, and the
average daily salinity in the bottom layer is between 34.34 and 34.48.. In dry season, the daily average
salinity is between 34.29 and 34.36 in the surface layer, 34.30~34.36 in the middle layer, and 34.30~
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34.35 in the bottom layer. IThe salinity of most stations varies little from the surface to the the
wet and dry season, the salinity of bottom layer is slightly higher than that of surface layer. In dry season,
the sea water mixes more evenly and the vertical difference of salinity is smaller.
The station of seawater temperature observation station is the same as the continuous ocean current
observation station, with 9 stations totally. The results of observational statistics show that:
During wet season, the average daily water temperature on surface layer in engineering sea area is
between 30.79℃~31.43℃, the average daily temperature of the middle layer is between 29.23 ℃~ 31.25
℃, and the average daily temperature of the bottom layer is between 28.55 ℃~ 31.18 ℃. During dry
season, the average daily water temperature of surface layer is between 27.02 ℃~ 27.35 ℃, the average
daily water temperature of middle layer is between 26.71 ℃ ~ 27.36 ℃, and the average daily water
temperature of bottom layer is between 26.83 ℃~ 27.34 ℃. The daily average water temperature in dry
season is lower than that in wet season, and the daily water temperature difference is less than that in
wet season. Overall, the vertical variation of water temperature is all not significant in wet and dry season. Sediments
The First Marine Research Institutes of Ministry of Natural Resources has set up 98 surface sediment
observation stations in the engineering sea area, and the location of observation station is shown in
Figure 76.
The statistical results of observation data show that there are five types of sediments in the engineering
sea area: gravel sand GS (containing sandy gravel SG), medium coarse sand MCS (containing coarse
medium sand CMS and sand S), fine sand FS (containing medium fine sand MFS), silty sand(TS) and
sandy silt (ST). The distribution of sediment types on the surface layer is shown in Figure 77.
In terms of the quantitative composition, the gravel sand GS (containing sandy gravel SG) in the
sediments on the surface layer of sea area accounts for 9.18% of sample quantity; the medium coarse
sand MCS (containing coarse medium sand CMS and sand S) accounts for 29.59%; the fine sand
(containing medium fine sand MFS and fine medium sand FMS) accounts for 22.45%; the silty sand (TS)
and sandy silt (ST) account for 29.59% and 9.18% respectively. In terms of grain size composition, in the
sediments on the surface layer in the sea area, the sandy sediments are most, accounting for more than
50% in proportion totally; the quantity of sediments composed of sand and silty sand is second,
accounting for nearly 40% in proportion;. the quantity of sediments composed of gravel and sand is least,
accounting for less than 10%.
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Sulu Sea is located to the southwest of PGN Bridge, and Visayas Sea is located to the northeast. The
islands and reefs distribute horizontally and vertically around Visaya Sea and Sulu Sea, the topography
fluctuates sharply, the local wave conditions are complex, and the waves are complicated in the whole
engineering area due to influence by topography.
In the special topic study on marine hydrology in feasible engineering stage, 12 calculation points of wave
recurrence period (Figure 78) are simulated and calculated for different recurrence periods, and the
calculation results are compared and verified with actually measured results, having good coincidence.
Table 57 shows the extreme value on each computed point during recurrence period.
Table 57. Extreme Value on Each Computed Point for Wave during Recurrence Period
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Figure 78. Schematic Diagram for Computed Point Position of Sea Wave During Recurrence Period Tsunami
The Philippines is located at the junction of the Asia-Europe plate, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, with
complex tectonic movement and frequent seismic activity. The project is located on Panay Island,
Guimaras Island and Negros Island in central Philippines, directly facing the tsunami risk from the Sulu
Figure 79 shows the distribution of historical earthquakes in Philippines and around (from Historical
Seismological Catalogue of GCMT Project). Figure 80 shows the historical tsunami distribution in
Philippines and around (from National Geophysical Data Center and Tsunami Database of World Data
Service (NGDC/WDS), in which NULL represents that, although there is historical record of tsunami in
certain location, a record on tsunami intensity or parameters that can be used to calculate tsunami
intensity lacks.
As can be known from Figure 79 to Figure 80, the Philippines and its surrounding areas are earthquake
and tsunami-prone areas .Seismological and tsunami sources are mainly located in fault zones, including
major faults such as Manila Trench, the Philippine Trench, the Java Trench, and some smaller faults such
as the Negros Trench and the Cotabato Trench. The quantity of earthquake in the Sulu Sea area is
relatively less since 1976, mainly referring to earthquakes below Magnitude 7. The earthquakes mainly
distribute in the vicinity of Negros Trench in the east of the Sulu Sea and Sulu Sea Trench in the south.
There are few historical tsunamis record for Sulu Sea, but there are two historical tsunamis records for
the strait where the cross-sea bridge is located.
According to the Study Report on Tsunami Numerical Simulation of Marine Hydrologic Special Topic
Study for Feasibility Study Project of Aid to Philippine Cross-sea Bridge, the extreme tsunamis from the
Negros Trench may pose a greater threat to the targeted area, while extreme tsunamis from Sulu Sea
Trench are less affected. The wave height of tsunami from Sulu Sea Trench in the engineering area is
less than 1.0m, and the arrival time is more than 40min. The extreme tsunami generated by the northern
section of Negros Trench will reach the targeted area within 20min, and the wave height is more than
3m.Moreover, the tsunami risk faced by Iloilo Strait in the north is much higher than the Guimaras Strait
in the south.
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Figure 79. Historical Earthquake Distribution Map in Philippines and Surrounding Areas
Figure 80. Historical Tsunamis Distribution Map in Philippines and Surrounding Areas
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In order to get a complete understanding of distribution characteristics of ocean current in the vicinity of
the project and the influence of PGN project on the flow field in the vicinity of the project, a plane two-
dimensional mathematical model is established by using the vertical mean motion equation, and the flow
field in the calculation area before and after the project is simulated by using Mike21 software to predict
the impact of project construction on flow field in the vicinity.
The area of numerical calculation model in this project is shown in Figure 81. The north boundary of the
model is taken from the cross-section of passage where the total tide hydrology observation station C1 is
located; the southwest boundary is taken from the cross-section of passage where the total tide hydrology
observation station C6 and C7 are located; the southeast boundary is taken from the cross-section of
passage where the total tide hydrology observation station C8 and C9 are located. In this project, a six-
node triangular grid cell is used to discretize the computational domain, and the area with larger variation
of seabed topography and convoluted coastline shall be densified for treatment.
The accuracy of model is verified by using two actually-measured points of tide level (T1, T3) and four
actually-measured points of ocean current (C2-C5). The position of verification point for tide level and
tide is shown in Figure 82 and Figure 83.
Figure 82 and Figure 83 show the comparison between the calculated value and actually-measured
values for flow velocity calculated at medium tide T1 and T3 stations, and it can be known that the
calculated tide level process line at the T1 and T3 stations are basically coincided with the actually
measured tide level process, the moment at which the high and low tide points appear is consistent, and
the calculated tidal level value is basically consistent with the actually measured value, therefore, the
simulation to tide level by model conforms to the reality.
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Figure 82. Comparison between Calculated Value and Actually-Measured Value at T1 Tide Level
(Medium Tide)
Tide level (mean sea level is served as datum
Figure 83. Comparison between Calculated Value and Actually-Measured Value at T3 Tide Level
(Medium Tide)
Figure 84 shows the comparison between the calculated mean vertical flow velocity, flow direction and
actually-measured value under the medium-tide working condition at C2-C5 stations. It can be known that
the calculated mean flow velocity and flow direction for vertical line at C2-C5 stations are properly
coincided with the actually-measured value, and the calculated flow velocity process line and the actually-
measured flow velocity change process trend are almost same. Therefore, the simulation for flow velocity
and flow direction by model is close to reality.
To sum up, the calculated tidal level value coincides with the actually-measured value very well, and the
calculated values for flow velocity and flow direction are generally close to the actually-measured values.
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The numerical model of ocean current built in this project meets the requirements of simulation accuracy
and can be used to reproduce the characteristics of flow field in the engineering area
Flow direction (clockwise corner from due north)
C2 actually -measured Value C2 calculated value C3 actually -measured Value C3 calculated value
Verification of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction Verification of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction
for Ocean Current in C2 Station for Ocean Current in C3 Station
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Time (13:00 on May 24 is served as 0:00 )/h Time (13:00 on May 24 is served as 0:00 )/h
C4 actually -measured Value C4 calculated value C5 actually -measured Value C5 calculated value
Time (13:00 on May 24 is served as 0:00 )/h Time (13:00 on May 24 is served as 0:00 )/h
C4 actually -measured Value C4 calculated value C5 actually -measured Value C5 calculated value
Verification of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction Verification of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction
for Ocean Current in C4 Station for Ocean Current in C5 Station
Figure 84. Verification of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction for Ocean Current (Medium Tide)
Hydrodynamics is the extreme condition (300-year-old tide type, basically belongs to flood), there is no
engineering influence on normal condition field in hydrology. Figure 85 and Figure 86 show the flow field
diagram of tidal sharp rising and falling at 300-year return period before engineering construction. When
the tide rises sharply, the ocean current rushes into Vesarya Sea from the Gulf of Panay in the Sulu Sea
via the Iloilo Strait and the Guimaras Strait. The flow direction of ocean current in the Iloilo Strait and
Guimaras Strait is roughly northeast, and the ocean current velocity is higher, and the mainstream is
basically consistent with the harbor trench. The flow velocity near the concave bank in the strait is lower,
the flow velocity near the convex bank is greater, the convex bank on the side of south bank on Line B of
Section A is more rugged for seabed topography, and the tidal current more than 2 m/s can be formed at
about 500 m away from the bridge location. At about 4km to the south of Line D on Section B, because
the collected water flow on island reef may form the tide more than 2.3 m/s, the flow velocity at the open
strait is relatively lower. While falling shaprly, the general flow direction of water flow is contrary to the
one while tide rising. The ocean current rushes into Gulf of Panay in the Sulu Sea from Vesarya Sea via
the Iloilo Strait and the Guimaras Strait, and the flow direction of ocean current in the Iloilo Strait and
Guimaras Strait are roughly southwest.
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Figure 87 and Figure 88 show the flow field map of sharp tide rising and falling at 300-year return period
after construction. Through comparison, it can be known that the characteristics of ocean current in the
engineering sea area before and after construction are basically same, and the characteristics of ocean
current may not change due to engineering construction. In order to compare the characteristics of flow
field in engineering area before and after the engineering construction, Figure 87 to Figure 90 show the
distribution of flow field map of sharp tide rising and falling at 300-year return period before and after the
engineering construction. After the bridge is built, the flow velocity in the middle section of bridge location
on Line B of Section A decreases at the time of the sharp rise, the flow velocity in the Iloilo Strait increases
0.037 m/s maximally and decreases 0.026 m/s maximally. The variation range of 0.02 m/s flow velocity
will influence the area from 2 km upstream to 2km downstream at bridge location of the Iloilo Strait; the
flow velocity in the Guimaras Strait increases about 2.8 m/s maximally and decreases 0.047 m/s
minimally, and the variation range of 0.02 m/s flow velocity will influence the area from 2 km upstream to
2km downstream. In the event of sharp tide falling, the flow velocity in the Iloilo Strait increases about
0.073 m/s maximally and decreases 0.048 m/s maximally, and the variation range of 0.02 m/s flow velocity
will influence the area from 2 km upstream to 10km downstream at bridge location on Line B of Section
A in the Iloilo Strait. The flow velocity in the middle section and south in the vicinity of bridge location on
Line B of Section A-channel decreases, and the flow velocity in the northern section increases. The
maximum flow velocity in the Guimaras Strait increases about 0.026 m/s maximally and decreases 0.035
m/s minimally, and the variation range of 0.02 m/s flow velocity will influence the area from 2 km upstream
to 3 km downstream.
To sum up, the flow velocity variation before and after the bridge construction does not exceed 0.073m/s,
and in general, the bridge construction may not cause the change of flow field characteristics in the
engineering sea area.
Figure 85. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Rise before Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year
Return Period )
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Figure 86. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Fall before Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year
Return Period )
Figure 87. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Rise after Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year
Return Period )
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Figure 88. Flow Field at the Moment of Rapid Fall after Bridge Construction (Tidal Type at 300-Year
Return Period )
Figure 89. Flow Velocity Variation at the Moment of Rapid Rise after Completion of Bridge Construction
for Tidal Type at 300-Year Return Period
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Figure 90. Flow Velocity Variation at the Moment of Rapid Fall after Completion of Bridge Construction
for Tidal Type at 300-Year Return Period
In this section, the mathematical model of tidal current and sediment as well as the mathematical model
of seabed deformation in the engineering area are coupled and the Sand Transport of MIKE21 Flow
Model is applied to simulate and calculate the sediment transporting and seabed scouring and siltation in
the engineering sea area so as to further analyze the seabed evolution of the Iloilo Strait and Guimaras
Strait where the bridge project is located before and after the construction.
Figure 91 shows the seabed deformation situation before and after bridge construction on Line B in
project area after five years (seabed elevation after bridge construction subtracts the seabed elevation
before bridge construction), the blockage in the figure represents the bridge pier. It can be known from
the diagram that the influence on deformation of seabed in most areas around bridge location by
construction of Line B is within 0.6 m, and more than 1.2 m scouring may occur in local area. It is required
to be noticed that the more than 7.2 m sedimentation may occur in the area close the bank to south side
of main bridge. It is predicted that the scouring area of seabed in five years accounts for about 70% of
the total calculated seabed area in Iloilo Strait, with an average scouring depth of 0.15 m in five years and
an average annual scouring depth of 0.03 m. It is predicted that the depositing area of seabed in five
years accounts for about 30% of the total calculated seabed area in Iloilo Strait, with an average shallow
depositing depth of 0.18 m in five years and an average annual shallow depositing of 0.036 m.
Figure 92 shows the seabed deformation situation before and after bridge construction on Line D in
project area after five years (the seabed elevation after bridge construction subtracts the seabed elevation
before bridge construction), the blue blockage in the figure represents the bridge pier. It can be known
from the diagram that the influence on deformation of seabed in most areas around bridge location by
construction of Line D is within 0.2 m, and more than 3 m scouring may occur on the island to the south
of bridge location, and the scouring area in five years accounts for about 80% of the total calculated
seabed area in Guimaras Strait, with an average scouring depth of 0.05 m in five years and an average
annual scouring depth of 0.01 m; the depositing area of seabed in five years accounts for about 20% of
the total calculated seabed area in Guimaras Strait, with an average shallow depositing depth of 0.02 m
in five years and an average annual shallow depositing of 0.004 m. The evolution of the seabed is very
slow in the area from 4km to the north of bridge location to 2km to the south of bridge location before and
after bridge construction, the seabed is very stable, the evolution trend before bridge construction is
mainly dominated by scouring, and the influence on seabed evolution by bridge construction is to
generally enable that the seabed produces the scouring slightly larger than the one before bridge
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Figure 91. Seabed Deformation Conditions in Engineering Area before and after Bridge
Construction on Line B after 5 Years
Figure 92. Seabed Deformation Conditions in Engineering Area Before and After Bridge
Construction on Line D After 5 Years
To sum up, the construction of cross-sea bridge on Line B in Iloilo Strait and cross-sea bridge on Line D
in Guimaras may produce less influence on scouring and siltation characteristics and the evolution of
seabed in project area, and the influence on the Guimaras Strait by construction of this project is less
than that on the Iloilo Strait.
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Grab sampling was used for marine water quality measurement. Samples were collected on March 20
and 22, 2019 with fair to sunny weather. Vandorn Water Sampler was used to collect water samples.
Samples were put in glass and plastic containers, properly sealed, labeled and preserved with ice at lower
temperature inside coolers and transported to the laboratory. On-site measurement was done for pH,
temperature and dissolved oxygen. Samples were submitted for laboratory testing to CRL Environmental
Corporation (CRL), a recognized Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) third party
laboratory. Table 58 presents the sampling sites, date and time of collection conducted in Iloilo, Guimaras
and Negros Occidental. Figure 93 presents the sampling map of the sites.
Table 58. Summary of Marine Water Sampling Sites, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of
Station Date and Time of
Sampling Stations Coordinates Weather Condition
No. Samplings
High Tide 10°46'29.48"N Sunny 3/20/2019, 1050H
Low Tide 122°37'29.26"E Sunny 3/20/2019, 1600H
High Tide 10°45'55.20"N Sunny 3/20/2019, 1030H
Low Tide 122°38'30.20"E Sunny 3/20/2019, 1615H
High Tide 10°45'7.80"N Sunny 3/20/2019, 1015H
Low Tide 122°38'55.33"E Sunny 3/20/2019, 1630H
High Tide 10°34'28.38"N Sunny 3/22/2019, 1109H
Low Tide 122°43'30.77"E Fair 3/22/2019, 0430H
High Tide 10°33'45.64"N Sunny 3/22/2019, 1050H
Low Tide 122°44'17.42"E Fair 3/22/2019, 0455H
High Tide 10°33'19.98"N Sunny 3/22/2019, 1025H
Low Tide 122°45'35.14"E Fair 3/22/2019, 0515H
High Tide 10°33'4.10"N Sunny 3/22/2019, 1010H
Low Tide 122°46'49.86"E Fair 3/22/2019, 0535H
High Tide 10°32'29.60"N Sunny 3/22/2019, 0945H
Low Tide 122°47'56.90"E Fair 3/22/2019, 0555H
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Methodology
The approved test methods use by CRL are in accordance to DENR Administrative Order No. 93, Series
of 1998 and DENR-EMB Memorandum Circular 2016-012. These methods are based on Standard
Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd Edition, American Public Health
Association/American Waterworks Association (APHA/AWWA). Field and Laboratory testing methods
used are presented in Table 59.
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Table 60a, Table 60b and Table 60c show the results of physical and chemical analyses for marine
water collected in Iloilo, Guimaras and Negros Occidental. Based on the results, pH, color, Dissolved
Oxygen (DO), TSS, oil and grease, nitrate, phosphate, metals and fecal coliform bacteria meet the criteria
guidelines of the DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2016-08, Water Quality Guidelines and General
Effluent Standards of 2016 for Class SC limits. It should be noted that DENR does not have regulatory
standard for BOD, COD, chloride under class SC.
Hereto attached on Annex 8.5 are the results of Water Quality Stations.
MW 1 MW 1 MW 2 MW 3
MW 2 MW 3 2016-08,
Parameters, units (Low (High (Low (Low
(High Tide) (High Tide) Class SC
Tide) Tide) Tide) Tide)
pH 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.0 8.1 8.0 6.5 – 8.5
Temperature, °C 29.5 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.2 28.3 25-31
Color 3 3 3 3 3 3 75
BOD, mg/L 1 1 1 1 1 1 n/a
COD, mg/L 204 196 416 297 121 297 n/a
5.0 mg/L
DO, mg/L 5 6 6 7 6 7
Surfactants, mg/L 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.6 1.5
TSS, mg/L 26 24 27 10 18 10 80
Oil and Grease,
0.53 0.53 0.43 0.50 0.56 0.50 3.0
Chloride, mg/L 20,200 19,900 20,100 661 20,100 661 n/a
Nitrate-N, mg/L 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.01 0.3 0.01 10
Phosphate-P, mg/L 0.01 0.1 0.02 0.4 0.02 0.4 0.5
Antimony, mg/L <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 ---
Arsenic, mg/L <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 0.02
Cadmium, mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.005
0.02 as
Copper, mg/L <0.003 0.006 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 0.009 dissolved
<0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.05
Chromium, mg/L
Lead, mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.05
Nickel, mg/L <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 0.06
Mercury, mg/L <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.002
Zinc, mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.008 <0.005 <0.005 0.8
Fecal Coliform,
<1.8 4.5 <1.8 79 <1.8 79 200
MPN/100 ml
MW 4 MW 4 MW 5 MW 6
MW 5 MW 6 2016-08,
Parameters, units (Low (High (Low (Low
(High Tide) (High Tide) Class SC
Tide) Tide) Tide) Tide)
pH 8.0 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 6.5 – 8.5
Temperature, °C 27.5 28.5 27.9 28.4 27.2 28.5 25-31
Color 3 3 3 3 3 3 75
BOD, mg/L <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 n/a
COD, mg/L 205 81 246 60 185 89 n/a
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MW 4 MW 4 MW 5 MW 6
MW 5 MW 6 2016-08,
Parameters, units (Low (High (Low (Low
(High Tide) (High Tide) Class SC
Tide) Tide) Tide) Tide)
5.0 mg/L
DO, mg/L 7 7 6 7 7 7
Surfactants, mg/L 0.8 0.4 1.1 0.1 0.4 0.2 1.5
TSS, mg/L 29 27 22 28 28 25 80
Oil and Grease,
0.56 0.56 0.53 0.60 0.42 0.53 3.0
Chloride, mg/L 18,200 18,800 18,600 18,700 18,400 19,200 n/a
Nitrate-N, mg/L 0.1 0.06 0.02 0.1 <0.02 0.07 10
Phosphate-P, mg/L 0.02 0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.5
Antimony, mg/L <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 ---
Arsenic, mg/L <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 0.02
Cadmium, mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.005
0.01 <0.003 0.02 as
Copper, mg/L 0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003
dissolved Cu
<0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.05
Chromium, mg/L
Lead, mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.05
Nickel, mg/L <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 0.06
Mercury, mg/L <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.002
Zinc, mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 0.006 <0.005 0.8
Fecal Coliform,
2.0 <1.8 <1.8 <1.8 <1.8 <1.8 200
MPN/100 ml
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Impacts and Mitigations on Marine Water Quality during construction period
Increased turbidity and suspended solids in marine water is one of the adverse impacts anticipated during
the bridge pier foundation construction. These impacts will be short term and limited to the vicinity of the
project site. The magnitude of suspended matter increase and impact scope is directly related to
construction method. In the comparison and selection scheme of bridge pier foundation for this project,
the caisson foundation scheme having great disturbance to seabed was abandoned, and the pile group
foundation scheme was selected. More specifically, integral steel casing scheme was adopted for
construction of main bridge foundation, and the steel trestle and steel casing scheme was adopted for
construction of approach bridge foundation. Therefore, the significant disturbance on seabed during
bridge pier construction will be felt mainly during the steel trestle construction stage and during installation
of steel casing. The impact of bridge foundation construction on marine water quality is short term and is
expected to be limited to the project site.
The construction of cast in-situ bored pile will produce dregs or dredge waste, mainly from the bore holes.
Dredges disposal into the sea will pollute the sea. All drilling dredges shall be transferred to the waste
management area.
Accidental oil leakage from the machinery, equipment and vessels may pollute the marine water. Hence
special attention will be given to prevent oil leakages to the sea during the construction of the bridge.
The project is proposed to set up a prefabricated yard on Panay Island, Guimaras Island and Negros
Island respectively, and three temporary terminals such as material terminal, abutment shipping terminal
and segmental beam shipping terminal are proposed to be set. If the materials (such as asphalt, sand,
chemicals, etc.) which are stored in the precast yard and the wharf are not properly kept or scoured by
the rainstorm, the pollution of the water body will be caused due to enter into water body.
Mitigation Measures
Due to the high number of bridge piers in this project and the dredge quantity is high and must be disposed
properly. All drilling dredges shall be transported to the designated dredge waste management area,
which may be used for backfilling.
Domestic sewage generated in the bridge construction site must be disposed via septic tanks and shall
not be directly discharged into nearby ditches. Sewage treated in septic tanks must be cleared and
disposed at the designated waste management centre. Domestic waste generated by workers shall be
collected in a designated location, and disposed at waste management centre. The flushing wastewater
for sandstone materials must be recycled after sedimentation treatment in the sedimentation tank.
Chemicals and hazardous materials on the vessel will be safely stored and secured for offsite treatment.
The sandstone, cement and other powdery materials stockpiled on construction trestle, temporarily-
constructed dock and concrete mixing vessel must be covered for safekeeping.
The machinery and vessels used in construction of the bridge must be inspected strictly in the process of
bridge construction so as to prevent the oil leaking. It is strictly forbidden to dispose sewage, garbage and
waste oil into sea, these wastes should be gathered and disposed together with pollutants on the bridge
construction site for offsite treatment and disposal by accredited hauler and treater of the DENR. Impact of Bridge Deck runoff on marine water quality during operation period
After the bridge is constructed and commissioned, the pollutants discharged out by various vehicles,
particles from wearing of automobile tyre, particles adhered on the vehicle frame, oil leaked by vehicles
in poor operating condition and other pollutants that are deposited on the road, may all enter into the
drainage system of road along with bridge deck runoff due to rain. These pollutants may enter into marine
water. The study shows that, within 30 mins from preliminary stage of rainfall to runoff, the concentration
of suspended matters in the rainwater and oily substances are higher. After half an hour, the concentration
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
may decline rapidly along with receding rainfall. After 40~60 mins of rainfall, the pavement will be rinsed
thoroughly; the concentration of pollutants produced by pavement runoff is lower level.
Based on design document of the project, the bridge deck runoff is directly discharged from drainpipe set
on both sides of bridge through intervals. After the bridge deck runoff is discharged into water body, the
instantaneous concentration of pollutants within the small range adjacent to runoff water dropping point
will be high. However, due the strong tidal current flow in the area, mixing within the water column and
dispersal will occur rapidly. Thus, impacts from runoff are not expected to be significant.
Grab sampling was used for marine water quality measurement. Samples were collected on March 20
and 22, 2019 with sunny weather. Direct filling method was used to collect water samples.
Purging/flushing of water for at least five minutes was done prior to collection. Shallow water well and
hand pumps were available in the area. Samples were put in glass and plastic containers, properly
sealed, labeled and preserved with ice at lower temperature inside coolers and transported to the
laboratory. On-site measurement was done for pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen. Samples were
submitted for laboratory testing to CRL Environmental Corporation, an accredited Department of Health
(DOH) laboratory. Table 61 presents the sampling sites, date and time of collection conducted in Iloilo,
Guimaras and Negros Occidental. Figure 94 presents the sampling map of the sites. Table 62 presents
the parameters analyzed and their corresponding analytical methodologies based on approved methods
of analysis of the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) Administrative Order No.
10, Series of 2017 (DAO 2017-010).
Table 61. Summary of Ground Water Sampling Sites, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of
Station Weather Date and Time of
Sampling Stations Coordinates
No. Condition Samplings
GW1 Brgy. Gua-an, Leganes, Iloilo Sunny 3/20/2019, 1155H
Brgy. Getulio, Buenavista, 10044’40.0”N
GW2 Sunny 3/22/2019, 1420H
Guimaras 122039’16.0”E
Brgy. M. Chavez, San Lorenzo, 10035’54.7”N
GW3 Sunny 3/22/2019, 1330H
Guimaras 122042’27.0”E
Brgy. Pag-ayon, Pulupandan, 10031’44.6”N
GW4 Sunny 3/22/2019, 0740H
Negros Occidental 122048’44.3”E
Java Residence, Sition
GW5 Tinabuan, Brgy. Zaldivar, Sunny 7/7/2019, 0845H
Buenavista, Guimaras
GW6 Brgy. Balabago, Jaro, Iloilo Sunny 7/7/2019, 1145H
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Table 63 presents the results of physical and chemical analyses of groundwater taken in different sites
from shallow well and hand pumps. All parameters measured are within the Philippine National Standards
for Drinking Water (PNSDW) Administrative Order No. 10, Series of 2017 (DAO 2017-010) except for
chloride in station 1 and station 6, color in stations 1,4 & 6. Fecal coliform bacteria in all groundwater
stations failed to meet the drinking water standard. There should have no presence of fecal coliform
bacteria in a water sample. Possible high concentration of chloride is salt water intrusion in the shallow
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Total coliform is a measure of potential water contamination from bacteria that can be found in soil,
vegetation and feces of warm-blooded animals. Most coliform bacteria are generally harmless but they
may also pose some health risk if there is presence of fecal coliform. Fecal coliforms are associated with
human or animal wastes. Factors of bacteria contamination are pre-mature to conclude unless successive
monitoring will be done to say that water supply is contaminated with bacteria.
There are no present drinking water guidelines for BOD, COD, dissolved oxygen, Surfactants, TSS, oil
and grease, phosphate and hexavalent chromium.
Parameters, units GW1 GW2 GW3 GW4 GW5 GW6
7.3 6.6 8.1 6.5 –
pH 7.32 7.3 7.3
Temperature, °C 28.2 27.1 29.1 27.3 25.0 25.0 ---
Color 15 3 3 60 3 250 10
BOD, mg/L 1 1 1 <1 1 13 ---
COD, mg/L 37 6.9 21 7.9 23 71 ---
Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L 3.5 2 3 3 3 1 ---
Surfactants, mg/L 0.2 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 ---
TSS 10 3.0 <2.5 4.0 <2.5 8.0 ---
Oil and Grease, mg/L 0.50 1.3 0.65 0.53 0.63 0.80 ---
Chloride, mg/L 661 59 160 183 12 894 250
Nitrate, mg/L 0.01 4.7 1.7 0.02 0.6 0.2 50
Phosphate, mg/L 0.4 0.06 0.04 0.1 0.01 1.2 ---
Antimony, mg/L <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 0.02
Arsenic, mg/L <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 <0.008 0.01
Cadmium, mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.003
Copper, mg/L 0.006 0.006 0.03 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 1.0
Hexavalent Chromium, mg/L <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 ---
Lead, mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.01
Nickel, mg/L 0.008 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 0.004 0.07
Mercury, mg/L <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.001
Zinc, mg/L 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.3 5.0
Fecal Coliform, MPN/100 ml >8.0 >8.0 >8.0 >8.0 >8.0 2.6 <1.1
Hereto attached on Annex 8.5 are the photos taken during sampling.
Though potential impacts from drilling are confined to marine environment, there is the possibility for
ground water contamination due to mishandling and mismanagement of equipment, particularly in the
work sites.
During the constructional phase oil, paint or other chemicals will need to be handled properly. Mishandling
of fuel has led to serious pollution of soil and groundwater. There have also been reports of spilled oil
near temporary generator sets and around fuel transport lines in other similar projects. This sort of
pollution may sometimes have long-term irreversible effects, extending through the operations stage,
since such contamination does not degrade itself and is expensive to clean up. The clean-up itself may
require extensive ground water extraction, which will impacts such as salt-water intrusion.
Excavation can also expose groundwater and the deeper sections of the soil to more harmful
contaminants such as oils and hydrocarbons from vehicles and other machineries used during the
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Solid waste and wastewater generation during the construction stage can also affect the groundwater, if
they are mishandled and mismanaged during the construction stage. The risk is moderate as construction
will be well supervised and managed by project staff to ensure that waste is handled and disposed
Groundwater pollution can also occur as a result of leaking sewerage connections and may pollute the
soil. This in turn will lead to the formation and accumulation in the aquifer of hazardous gases such as
hydrogen sulphide. Eventually, the immediate vicinity of the ground water aquifer may become polluted
and cause hazards to human health in medium to long-term.
To establish baseline data on coastal resources, an assessment was carried out last 15 to 18 March 2019
to determine the current ecological conditions of submerged coastal habitats that may be impacted by
the proposed construction of bridge project across the three main islands. The main goal of the study is
to characterize and evaluate the present status of plankton, macro invertebrates (benthos), corals,
seagrasses as well as its fishes thriving within the reefs. The specific objectives of the study are:
o conduct a detailed assessment of plankton, macro invertebrates (benthos), seagrass and coral reefs
in pre-identified areas,
o determine the density of plankton, macro invertebrates (benthos), seagrasses and cover of corals,
o determine species composition, abundance and biomass of associated reef fishes, plankton, macro
invertebrates (benthos),
o identify existing threats to the overall health of the coastal marine environment, and
o based on the results will recommend action plan/s and/or enhancement to reduce the impact of the
proposed project.
A total of 22 sites were assessed during the conduct of seagrass assessment on the same period with
that of coral reefs. Out of these sites, seven (7) were from barangays Nabitasan and Gua-an in the
municipality of Leganes, province of Iloilo (Panay island); six (6) were in Getulio, Buenavista and four (4)
in Cabano, San Lorenzo, both are located in Guimaras island; and five (5) in Poblacion, Pulupandan in
Negros Occidental (Negros island; Table 64). The location of sampling sites waspre-identified from the
proposed construction sites in the islands and information from local people based on activities of Chinese
consultants/experts on the ground.
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The standard method for seagrass assessment, which is transect-quadrat method by English et al. (1997)
and modified by Duarte & Kirkman (2001) and Short et al. (2006) was used. A motorized banca was used
to spot check the bottom area to determine the presence or absence of seagrasses and to cover relatively
wider coasts. To determine the exact location of the sampling sites and possible extent and area covered
by the seagrass meadows, if present, a GPS was used and the coordinate readings were plotted in
Google Earth Pro and other GIS-related free software.
In Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras, a 100-m transect was initially employed, laid perpendicular to the
shore starting at the first seagrass incidence (Table 64). However, since the water conditions was very
turbid due to strong wind, sediment resuspension, and riverine input, it was really hard to estimate
seagrass abundance using the said method, even using a SCUBA diving gear. Hence, we determined
seagrass density by randomly throwing a 50-cm x 50-cm (0.25 m2) quadrat tied with a floater at least 10
times. All seagrass shoots were individually and manually counted within each quadrat. After sampling,
the shoreline were checked for litters of seagrass leaves as indication of possible presence of seagrasses
in nearby areas. Photos of the seagrass sites were also taken and appended in this report.
Detailed coral reef assessment was conducted using the Photo-transect method (Vergara and Licuanan,
2007). Aside from facilitating the conduct of the survey and providing a permanent record of benthic cover,
the photo-transect method is also accurate in detecting changes on the reef through time (Leujak and
Ormond, 2007). These features make the method ideal for long term monitoring program of coral reefs.
The advantages of using the photo-transect method in coral reef assessment have been extensively
discussed in the works of Vergara and Licuanan (2007) and Leujak and Ormond (2007). In the survey,
transects were deployed depending on the reef morphology and depth of the reef. Usually, transects were
laid at the reef slope or reef edge. For each transect, digital photographs were taken at 1-meter interval
and at a camera to substrate distance of about 1-meter. The consistency of the camera distance to the
substrate was ensured using a stainless distance bar with a camera mounting provision. The camera is
set at full wide angle to capture the largest possible area of the substrate. Photographs were refined using
the ADOBE Photoshop software. Ten points were superimposed in the image using the same program.
In each of these points, life forms and hard coral genus intercepted were recorded and scored. For the
life form identification, the standard 28 benthic lifeform categories of English et al. 1997 were used.
Reef health had been assessed using the quartile index established by Gomez and Alcala 1979, Gomez
et al., 1981 wherein the proportion of living corals (Hard +Soft coral) were compared relative to other
benthic components (e.g., dead coral, soft coral, algae, rubble, etc.). Coral reefs were classified as poor
having 0-24.9% live hard coral cover, fair (25-49.9% cover), good (50-74.9% cover) and excellent (75-
100% cover).
Table 64. Geo-references of sampling sites, with indicator of possible presence or absence of seagrass
in the area during the March 2019.
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N E seagrass/es
PANAY (P) Iloilo Leganes Panos-od, Nabitasan LI1 10.771120° 122.640840° No
LI2 10.771220° 122.639200° No
LI3 10.771860° 122.637290° No
LI4 10.777550° 122.624380° No
Sitio 30, Gua-an LI5 10.777130° 122.622580° No
LI6 10.777080° 122.622440° No
LI7 10.777140° 122.619190° No
GUIMARAS (G) Guimaras Buenavista Getulio BV1 10.753084° 122.654966° No
BV2 10.753085° 122.653579° No
BV3 10.752410° 122.652030° No
BV4 10.751750° 122.652590° No
BV5 10.751153° 122.651054° No
BV6 10.750929° 122.649067° No
San Lorenzo Sitio Paos, Cabano SL1 10.592960° 122.712790° Yes
SL2 10.577191° 122.705913° Leaf litter
SL3 10.574036° 122.706168° No
SL4 10.570376° 122.708256° No
NEGROS (N) Negros Occidental Pulupandan Zone A, Poblacion PP1 10.512030° 122.805240° No
PP2 10.516060° 122.793420° No
PP3 10.515320° 122.798590° No
PP4 10.515420° 122.800620° No
PP5 10.514460° 122.802120° No
Fish Visual Census (FVC) technique (English, et al., 1997) was used to determine the species diversity,
abundance and biomass in the different sites surveyed. This procedure was done on the same transect
laid for the coral survey. After the line had been laid, observers waited for about 5-10 minutes before the
actual census to allow for the disturbed fish community to return to their normal behavior. Starting at one
end of the line, all fishes within a 5m x 10m imaginary quadrat were identified up to species level (if
possible) and their numbers and estimated sizes recorded. Observer swam to and briefly stop at every
5-m mark along the line until the transect line was completed. The faster moving fishes were counted
first before the slower ones. Each transect covers an area of 500m2 (50m long x 10m width). All fish
sizes were estimated to the nearest centimeter using the total length (TL). All fishes observed were group
into three (3) groups i.e., Target, coral indicator and major species. Target species is the commercially-
important species, coral indicator species is coral-associated, and major species those that belong to
non-commercially important species. Fish density and biomass were then computed using
ReefSum(Uychiaoco, 2000). Fish biomass is based from the relationship,
where W is the weight in grams; and b are the growth coefficient values taken from published length-
weight data; and L is the length of the fish in cm (English, et al., 1997).
Fish abundance will be expressed in terms of individuals per 500m2 while biomass is extrapolated to
metric tons per km2, which is also equivalent to grams per m2.
Table 65. Species richness categories adapted from Hilomen et al. (2000).
Category No. of species per 1,000m2
VERY POOR 0 – 26
POOR 27 – 47
MODERATE 48 – 74
HIGH 75 – 100
Table 66. Fish abundance categories as adapted from Hilomen et al. (2000).
Category No. of individuals per 1,000m2
VERY POOR 0 – 201
POOR 202 – 676
MODERATE 667 – 2267
HIGH 2268 – 7582
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Table 67. Fish biomass categories adapted from Nañola et al. (2006).
Category Biomass (MT per km2)
The sampling program is based on the areas covered by the map presented as Figure 95. The
geographic coordinates of each of the stations were taken using Garmin Venture HC etrex with the
position format of hours-minutes-seconds (hdddomm’ss.s). Table 68 shows the coordinates and
descriptions of Marine Ecology Stations (Plankton and Macroinvertebrates).
A total of eight (8) sampling stations were conducted to assess the plankton abundance, diversity and
richness last March 15-16, 2019. Vertical samples were taken at each station by hauling 25-cm mouth
diameter conical plankton with 20 microns mesh size for phytoplankton. For zooplankton samples, a 60
microns mesh size was used. Hauling was made from approximately near the bottom to the surface to
minimize the effect of variations brought about by diurnal migration of plankton (Jillett, 1971; Estudillo,
1979). In this manner, all levels of the water column were sampled. Th e s amp li ng depth p er s tation
was r ec or ded to be used to estimate the volume of water filtered by the net during each haul. For
phytoplankton samples, Lugol's solution was used as preservative and is allowed to settle in the
laboratory. After settling, phytoplankton samples were decanted and placed in a Sedgewick-Rafter
counting chamber. Samples were identified and enumerated using the inverted microscope. Organisms
are identified down to the lowest taxonomic level. Species counts are expressed as cells per cubic meter
Zooplankton samples were preserved with 10 % neutral formalin. Dye was added to facilitate sorting and
identification. The preserved samples were identified, enumerated, and counted in the laboratory using a
stereomicroscope. Identification was done down to the lowest practical taxonomic level. Results were
expressed in number per cubic meter (nos./m3).
Diversity, species richness and evenness were computed using a Primer E software. Photomicrographs
of the most dominant organisms were also done for documentation purposes.
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Table 68. List of Sampling Stations for Marine Ecology (Plankton and Macro invertebrates) with
their Corresponding Location and Date of sampling.
Figure 96. Conventional plankton net used in the collection of plankton samples.
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The survey was intended to evaluate the benthic community in the area with respect to its composition,
density and relative abundance.
Replicate samples were obtained from locations consistent with the stations of plankton survey stations
using a portable grab sampler covering an area of 0.0225 m2 aboard a motorized boat. The benthic
samples were taken with a portable gravity grab sampler deployed over the side of the boat. The grab
sampler was lowered through the water column with the jaws open and locked. The motorized boat was
anchored at each sample location, and sample positions were recorded using a Global Positioning
System (GPS) unit.
Benthic samples were then placed in a pre-labeled plastic bag. The grab samples for faunal analysis were
fixed immediately with 10% formalin and stained with Rose Bengal and brought to the laboratory for
processing. In the laboratory, the samples were wet sieved using different openings. The collected
samples were further sorted and identified in the laboratory using a dissecting microscope and readily
available taxonomic keys.
Benthic macroinvertebrates in each sample were identified down to the lowest practicable taxonomic level
and enumerated as much as possible.
Figure 97 shows the portable ponar grab sampler used in the collection of benthic macroinvertebrates
Figure 97. A Portable ponar grab sampler used in the collection of benthic macroinvertebrates samples.
Ecological condition indicators were computed for each sampling station using the formulas below.
The dominant species for each site were determined based on the importance value (IV). The IV is the
sum of the relative density, relative frequency, and relative dominance. These were computed using the
following formula:
Density = Total number of individuals counted for a given species
Total area sampled
On the other hand, species diversity indices were computed using the following formula:
Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H’)
H’ = -Σpi ln pi
J = H’/ln S
The interpretation of the values obtained using the above formulas were based on the Fernando
Biodiversity Scale, 1998 shown in the table below.
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Leganes, Iloilo
No seagrass and live coral were recorded across the seven (7) stations surveyed along barangays
Nabitasan and Gua-an in the municipality of Leganes, province of Iloilo (Table 70, Figure 98). The bottom
substrate was generally muddy (Figure 99). This type of substrate is expected because of large main
rivers draining into the area (Iloilo Strait) such as Batiano snakes and Jalaur River. In addition to major
river system, there are also small streams and aquaculture ponds that emptied into the strait. This
geomorphological setting of the area contributed to the low visibility and high turbidity. Moreover, siltation
and possibly eutrophication may promote plankton bloom, which in the process may cover the seagrasses
and reef bottom to hinder further recruitment and settlement.
Table 70. Dive location for corals and reef fishes along coastal municipality of Leganes, Iloilo.
Site Latitude Longitude Depth (m) Remarks
Nabitasan, Leganes, 10.77122 122.64085 2 Turbid/silted, muddy
Iloilo 10.77126 122.63921 2 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.77180 122.63734 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
Guwaan, Leganes, 10.77761 122.62445 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
Iloilo 10.77725 122.62299 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.77698 122.62105 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.77718 122.61938 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
Buenavista, Guimaras
The same pattern (no seagrass and corals) was observed in coastal areas across the various sampling
sites in barangay Getulio, Buenavista in Guimaras Island (Table 71, Figure 100). Aquaculture practices
such as fish ponds also contributed to water turbidity aside from the area as a major route of fast craft
along Iloilo Strait going back and forth to Iloilo and Guimaras. Silt was the limiting factor for coral
recruitment aside from less hard substrate availability. Meanwhile, light and availability of suitable
substrate may limit seagrass recruitment and establishment considering that the area was quite turbid
and had hard substratum, which can be influenced by the presence of coralline cliff area at the coast.
In 2010, the entire municipality of Buenavista harboured around 22 hectares of seagrass area (Provincial
Government of Guimaras & PEMSEA, 2012). Fortunately enough, it seems that these seagrasses thrived
in other barangays and not in Getulio. This was also the case for coral reefs based on previous study
conducted. Coral reef was present in barangay Montpiller along the western side of island province
(Hayuma 2000). According to their report, most of life form coral were massive and sub-massive from 14
coral genera. During that time, the reef area was dominated by Goniastrea, Porites, Goniopora,
Pocillopora, Montipora, Favites, Favia, Galaxea, Lobophyllia, Tubepora, Symphyllia, Merulina,
Diploastrea and Caulastrea.
Table 71. Dive location of corals and reef fish along coastal municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras.
Site Latitude Longitude Depth (m) Remarks
Getulio, Buenavista, 10.75261 122.65250 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
Guimaras 10.75334 122.65324 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.75417 122.65446 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.75513 122.65848 3 Turbid/silted, muddy
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Figure 98. Location of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) dive sites for corals and reef fishes along
coastal barangays of Nabitasan and Gua-an in the municipality of Leganes, Iloilo.
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Panoramic shot along Brgy. Nabitasan, Leganes, Panoramic shot along Brgy. Gua-an, Leganes,
Iloilo Iloilo
Among the four sites sampled in barangay Cabano, San Lorenzo in Guimaras Island, the northernmost
site was confirmed to harbour seagrass Cymodocea serrulata (Table 72; Figure 103). Its mean density
was estimated to be 244 ± 45 shoots m-2. These seagrasses can be found about 150-200 m from the
concrete municipal wharf and about 100 m from the shore facing a windmill. On top of C. serrulata, there
were seaweeds present under the genus Padina and Halimeda (Figure 104). It was quite surprising to
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observed seagrasses in such very turbid area with strong wind and waves. The low water clarity was
possibly due to sediment resuspension from strong water movement and wind blows, and inputs from a
nearby river system (Figure 104). Likewise, it was noteworthy to observe leaf litters of seagrasses along
the coast in site SL2, which suggests that seagrasses exist possibly within the adjacent surroundings.
Species of seagrass leaves collected from the shore were Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii,
Cymodocea rotundata, and Syringodium isoetifolium. Based on 2010 data, there was relatively smaller
seagrass area, ~9 hectares, along the coastal municipality of San Lorenzo compared to three other
municipalities in Guimaras, namely Buenavista, Jordan and Nueva Valencia (Provincial Government of
Guimaras & PEMSEA, 2012).
None of hard coral was observed across the five (5) sites surveyed in San Lorenzo, Guimaras (Table 72,
Figure 103). Although there are some benthic attributes observed during the dive. These included soft
coral, sea whip coral and sponges with other fauna such as tubeworm and sea urchin (Figure 104).
Based on the anecdotal account, locals observed live coral in shoal reef. However, the boat captain could
not pin point the exact location of the shoals during the surveys. Hence, we did aspot dive along the coast
considering that San Lorenzo reef was clearer compared to other sites. And yet, the area still had low
visibility due to strong waves. All stations were sandy-muddy bottom where coral recruits are impossible
to grow. Hard substrates were not observed during the dive except rocks near the coast. Those rocks
were not sampled due to strong waves.
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Figure 100. Map of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) corals and reef fish sites along the coastal
barangay of Getulio, Buenavista in Guimaras Island.
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Diver check the bottom substrate Panoramic shot in dive spot in Getulio, Buenavista
Panoramic shot in dive spot along Brgy. Getulio, Panoramic shot in dive spot along Brgy. Getulio,
Buenavista Buenavista
Figure 101. Photo-documentation during the survey in Brgy.Getulio, Buenavista, Guimaras.
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Table 72. Dive location along coastal municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras.
Site Latitude Longitude Depth (m) Remarks
San Lorenzo, 10.58284 122.72246 6 Turbid/silted, sandy-muddy
Guimaras 10.58161 122.72107 5 Turbid/silted, sandy-muddy
10.58027 122.72023 5 Turbid/silted, sandy-muddy
10.57674 122.71897 5 Turbid/silted, sandy-muddy
10.57371 122.71744 5 Turbid/silted, sandy-muddy
Figure 102. Map of (A) seagrass assessment and (B) coral and reef fish sites along coastal municipality
of San Lorenzo, Guimaras.
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Figure 103. Photo-documentation during the seagrass survey in Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras. (A-B)
shoots of Cymodocea serrulata and (C) seaweed Halimeda species
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No reefs and seagrasses were encountered from six (6) sampling areas (Table 73, Figure 105 & Figure
106). Deep soft mud was observed in all spot dives in relatively deep areas. In addition, loose grayish
sediment or volcanic origin along the coasts, which indicate unsuitability of sediment substrate for
establishment. There were also a river system, Bago River, and major coastal development in the area that
may seem to contribute to siltation and water visibility, hence deteriorating water quality for photosynthetic
organisms like seagrasses and corals. Furthermore, silt and plankton bloom, if they settle at bottom, may
cover the reef substratum for colonization, hence impossible for coral recruits to settle.
Table 73. Dive location along coastal municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental.
Site Latitude Longitude Depth (m) Remarks
Zone 1, Pulupandan, 10.50675 122.79727 7 Turbid/silted, muddy
Negros Occidental 10.50726 122.79642 7 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.50904 122.79591 8 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.51134 122.79479 6 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.51399 122.79347 6 Turbid/silted, muddy
10.51686 122.79342 6 Turbid/silted, muddy
The basic environment requirements of seagrasses are as follows: (1) protection from strong waves and
winds, hence they are usually found in areas that are protected from such harsh conditions; (2) suitable
substrate consists of sand and muddy, which the seagrasses can use to anchor using roots and rhizome
system area; (3) light considering that seagrasses are photoautotroph, they utilize light to drive one of the
important biological process called photosynthesis; and (4) nutrients such as nitrogen , carbon, and
phosphorus to drive photosynthesis, metabolism and growth. Except in Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras,
most sites that were surveyed failed to comply with these very basic requirements, hence, seagrasses
were rarely seen. The seagrass species found in the area is capable of vertical rhizome elongation to
counter the adverse effect of low water visibility. It is recommended therefore, that seagrasses in Cabano
should be protected from the impact of the bridge construction. These seagrasses might be the source of
materials to colonise nearby areas through water and surface dispersal.
The secondary data literature search did not find any studies on seagrasses along the alignment. This
concurs with the results of a previous survey done by the EIA marine ecology team in Iloilo strait (across
seven sites in Nabitasan and Gua-an in Leganes, Iloilo and four sites in Getulio, Buenavista, Guimaras).
Although the municipality of Buenavista had around 22 ha of seagrass area as per 2010 data (Provincial
Government of Guimaras, Philippines & PEMSEA 2012), the survey did not find any seagrasses and
corals across 11 sampling sites. It is therefore very likely that the seagrasses (no IDs provided in the
PEMSEA report) are present in other barangays and not along the alignment of the proposed project.
The same is true for coral reefs. Coral reefs were present in the southern Barangay of Montpiller in
Buenavista, Guimaras (Hayuma 2000). Most of the corals were reportedly massive and sub-massive and
were dominated by 14 coral genera (Goniastrea, Porites, Goniopora, Pocillopora, Montipora, Favites,
Favia, Galaxea, Lobophyllia, Tubipora, Symphyllia, Merulina, Diploastrea and Caulastrea).
Going back, the water across all survey sites was highly turbid and the sediments were muddy and silty.
A recent study also showed that the areas and coast near Jaro River were highly silted (particle
composition: >60% silt, ~30% clay) and suggested the area was not suitable for seagrass establishment
(Yamamoto et al. 2019). Such conditions were expected for several reasons. First, several large river
systems (e.g. Iloilo, Jaro and Jalaur Rivers) and streams drain into the Iloilo Strait. These rivers deliver
agricultural run-off into the coastal areas and into Iloilo Strait. Aquaculture ponds were also very common
in the area (both in Leganes and Buenavista). Aquaculture gaining popularity in the region has brought
about increased conversion of coastal and mangrove habitats into aquaculture ponds (Yamamoto et al.
2019). The area is also a major route of fast crafts travelling back and forth to Iloilo and Guimaras. These
contributed to siltation and high turbidity and, consequently, low light availability. Light and mud are
limiting factors for seagrass establishment and settlement while light and silt are limiting factors for coral
recruitment. Therefore, it was not surprising the survey did not find any seagrasses, coral reefs and reef
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Figure 105. Map showing (A) seagrass assessment and (B) dive location for corals and fishes along
coastal municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental.
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Results of a previous survey conducted by the EIA team in the alignment over Guimaras Strait found no
seagrass and corals across six sites in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. Deep soft mud was observed in
all relatively deeper dive spots and loose grayish sediments were observed along near shore sites.
Further, water was very turbid in all sites and in some sites, the divers even experienced zero visibility
underneath. These habitat and water conditions in all sites are expected to inhibit seagrass and coral
establishment. The researchers explained that the habitat conditions were consequences of coastal
development in the area and the area being within the Pulupandan Port and nearby the Bago River.
These may have contributed to siltation in the coasts and deteriorating water quality that became
unsuitable for seagrass and coral establishment.
Meanwhile, the seagrass survey across four sites in Barangay Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
confirmed the presence of the Cymodocea serrulata, Padina spp., and Halimeda spp. Survey of the shore
also found leaf litters of seagrass species such as E. acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea
rotundata, and Syringodium isoetifolium. In contrast, the coral survey across five dive sites found no hard
corals in the area. However, some benthic biota were observed including a soft coral, sea whip coral,
sponges, tubeworms and sea urchins. The absence of hard corals was attributed to the dominant
substrate in the dive sites which were sandy and muddy, where coral recruits are impossible to establish.
Nevertheless, the presence of seagrass litter along the shores and the benthic organisms in the dive sites
suggests that seagrass and coral habitats potentially exists in nearby waters. In fact, a marine protected
area (MPA) is situated near the proposed alignment for the Guimaras-Negros bridge. The Tumalintinan
Point MPA, ~363 ha, is located off the coast of Barangay Suclaran, in San Lorenzo, Guimaras (adjacent
to Barangay Cabano, where the Guimaras end of the bridge will start) (PEMSEA & Provincial Government
of Guimaras, Philippines 2018). It has patchy distribution of mangroves, seagrass and coral reefs. As per
Guimaras ENRO Leonard Pasidero, the 60-ha core zone of the MPA has a coral cover of ~30% and
seagrass cover of ~27%. The MPA has been home to high-value species such as lobsters and groupers.
Moreover, several sightings of dugongs have been recorded within the MPA.
Coastal Resources
Based on the computed GIS data, the bridge alignment will pass through a total of 1.21 hectares of
seaweeds/seagrass area within Palupandan side as shown in Figure 107.
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During March 2019 survey, the marine ecology study team of the PGN Bridge Project had not found or
observed these aquatic mammals, but it does not mean they do not exist in the area, limitations of the
study/assessment would be seasonal variation, short time of survey or even sampling areas/locations.
Based on the DENR geospatial data, there is one environmentally significant area along the proposed
project alignment known as the RAMSAR site or the Negros Occidental Coastal Wetlands Conservation
Area (NOCWCA). Refer to Figure 108b.
NOCWCA lies along the western coast of Negros Occidental. It occupies ~110km of contiguous coastline,
from the municipality of Ilog in the south to city of Bago in the north. The site is home to globally threatened
marine species including the Irrawaddy dolphin, hawksbill turtle, green turtle and olive ridley turtle and to
economically important species such as oysters, green mussels, shrimps and crabs. Data from 2014
reported the presence of 72 waterbird species at the NOCWCA. Among the most notable of which are
the great knot (Calidris tenuirostris), far eastern curlew (Numenius madagascariensis), spotted
greenshank (Tringa guttifer), Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes), Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora) and
the Philippine endemic Philippine duck (Anas luzonica). The proposed bridge project will directly affect
the northernmost portion of the NOCWCA. The complete species list of the NOCWCA is available from
the NOCWCA Ramsar site information webpage <> and is appended as a
supplementary material to this report (Appendix B).
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Most studies on the marine biota within the Iloilo Strait, eastern Panay and western Guimaras focused on
the southern mouth of the Iloilo strait, the Panay Gulf and the northeastern parts of Panay Island. There
were few papers which mentioned species in nearby water bodies that may potentially be present in the
narrow portion of the Iloilo strait, which will most affected by the proposed bridge project (Alava & Cantos
2004; Bagarinao 2008, 2011; Dolar 2009). The most notable species were dugong (Dugong dugon),
whale shark (Rhincodon typus) and Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris), although more recent
surveys have not reported sightings of these species in the area (unpublished data of Dolar, as cited in
de la Paz et al. 2020). Other notable species includes green turtle (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill sea turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata), and olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). Shrimps (e.g. Acetes spp.),
mantis shrimps, crabs, squids, cuttlefishes, larval anchovy (Stolephorus spp.), pufferfishes, eels, lobsters
and polychaetes were also reported in areas near the bridge alignment (Bagarinao 2008).
Previous studies conducted recorded the endangered Dugongs and Irrawadi dolphins within the area but
not during the conduct of our study in March 2019. The coastal waters of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
has been known to be a core feeding area for a small population of endangered Irrawaddy dolphins, which
have been observed foraging within close proximity to permanent tidal nets used by locals. Foraging
behavior and interactions with tidal nets were observed during a series of boat-based surveys from April
to September 2015 (Casipe et al. 2016).
The Irrawaddy dolphins in Guimaras Strait compose the second population to be reported in the
Philippines. Their very small population size, isolation, and high vulnerability to human-induced threats in
the coastal areas have earned them a local conservation status of critically endangered (de la Paz et al,
2020). In Guimaras Strait, regular sightings of Irrawaddy dolphins occur in the inshore waters of Bago
and Pulupanan, Negros Occidental (de la Paz, 2012; Dolar, 2012; Dolar et al., 2018), where daily human
activities like gill and tidal net fishing, and ferry boat travel are also occurring (de la Paz, 2012; Dolar,
2012; Casipe et al., 2017). Population size estimates using mark-recapture analysis were 18–23 dolphins
(95% C.I.) in 2014 (Silliman University, 2014), which declined to 9–19 individuals in 2016 (Dolar et al.,
unpublished data). The population trend is predicted to decrease further as mortalities have been reported
at least once a year (Silliman University, 2014).
As mentioned also in the study conducted by Casipe et al, (2016), among all the cetaceans in the
Philippines, the Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) is considered as one of the least known and the
most critically endangered cetacean species. Although they may have been identified and listed as
“Vulnerable” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened
Species, most sub-populations of O. brevirostris are considered to be critically endangered (CR) and are
declining (Reeves et al. 2008; IUCN 2013).
This can be explained by a number factors, as such seasonality and rarity of visits for these species in
the area. Perhaps, the proposed PGN bridge alignment which is on the eastern tip of the RAMSAR site
have been a rare roaming site of the Irrawady dolphins and Dugongs. Interview from local fishermen’s
also stated that these marine mammals have been rarely seen if not been long absent within the vicinity
of the alignment. Moreover, noise due to commuter motor boats passing thru the Negros - Guimaras strait
might explain the rarity as observed from other studies. Erbe et al, (2019), on the their report on the The
Effects of Ship Noise on Marine Mammals—A Review, stated that given the important role sound plays
in the life functions of marine mammals, research on the potential effects of vessel noise has grown—in
particular since the year 2000, the documented effects include behavioral and acoustic responses,
auditory masking, and stress. According to Tiongson et al, (2020), the Iloilo–Guimaras Straits
subpopulation of Orcaella brevirostris already faces grave threats from bycatch, collision with boats,
illegal fishing, and habitat degradation among others.
Other species reported to have been observed in Guimaras straight near the proposed project alignment
includes dugong D. dugong (Alava & Cantos 2004), the ponyfish Eublekeeria splendens and conger eel
Conger japonicus reported as among the diet of O. brevirostris (Postrada et al. 2019), green turtle
(Bagarinao 2011), lobsters, groupers, and dugongs in the coasts of San Lorenzo, Guimaras (Bagarinao
2011; PEMSEA & Provincial Government of Guimaras, Philippines 2018), the crab Portunus pelagicus
(Alava & Cantos 2004), the shrimp Acetes spp. (Casipe et al. 2016) and the seagrass Enhalus acoroides
in Nadulao and Inampulungan Islands east of Guimaras (Nakajima et al. 2019).
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None of the reef fish species were seen during the survey across the four sites. With the present reef
condition, it is uncertain if there are still sites across the islands that harboured reef fish species. Some
soft bottom fish species that can thrive in silted environment like in these areas are probably bisugo
(thread brims) and bagaong (Teraponidae), mullet/gisaw (Mugilidae), (Siganidae) rabbitfish/danggit and
barramundi/salungsong (Latidae), crab/alimasag (Portunidae), ponyfish/sap-sap (Leiognathidae). The
Acetes or hipon are among the marine species along the Iloilo-Guimaras Channel were observed in
seasonal pattern from September to October (Panay Power 2018).
Important coral reef areas (Taklong island National Marine Reserve (TINMAR) and the site of the
Coastal Ecosystem Conservation and Adaptive Management (CECAM Project)
According to the website of,TINMAR (Figure 108) is one of the 372 designated marine
protected areas in the Philippines (Marine Conservation Institute, 2019). It was declared as a protected
landscape and seascape in 1990 under Presidential proclamation No. 525 and was one of the core sites
of the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), also known as the Republic act 7586 of 1992.
Under NIPAS, the essential ecological processes and life-support systems should be maintained and
genetic diversity be preserved while ensuring sustainable use of resources.
Figure 108a. Location of TINMAR in Southwest Guimaras Figure 108b. Ramsar Site Area in green highlight color
Island, Guimaras.
TINMAR covers an area of 1,143.45 has making it the biggest among the 13 marine protected areas
being managed by the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) in Guimaras. It is composed of two
major islands of Taklong and Tandog and small islets located within the two coastal barangays, namely
Barangay Lapaz and San Roque in the municipality of Nueva Valencia, Province of Guimaras, Western
Visayas, Philippines (Campos and Beldia, undated).
TINMAR is considered insignificant to the Project. It is situated in the Southwest of the Guimaras Island
and it is approximately 44 km from Brgy. Nabitasan, Leganes, Ilolilo, 41 km from Getulio, Buenavista,
Guimaras, 34 km from Cabang, San Lorenzo, Guimaras and Poblacion, Pulupandan, Negros Occ. The
50,000 metric tons of fish annual production was gather in the whole Guimaras Strait using fisheries
assessment (fish stock assessment (CECAM project).The baseline assessment of these habitats and
reef fishes was carried out standard assessment methodologies such as photo-transect for corals,
transect-quadrat for seagrasses, and fish visual census (FVC) for fishes. Along the sampled sites, the
proposed construction sites (alignment of the bridge project) are located in the municipalities of Leganes
in Iloilo (Panay Island), Buenavista and San Lorenzo in Guimaras Island, and Pulupandan in Negros
Occidental (Negros Island). Through tedious sampling, we observed absence of coral reefs (see
photodocumentations of this module) and to a lesser extent the seagrasses, patches and leaf litters had
been recorded only in San Lorenzo, Guimaras. Since coral reefs were not observed in all assessed sites
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and only patches of Cymodocea serrulata and leaf litters of other seagrass species (Enhalus acoroides,
Syringodium isoetifolium, C. rotundata, and Thalassia hemprichii) had only been noted in barangay
Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras, the construction area of proposed inter-island bridges seem to have
very limited impact on these habitats and fishes.
Another conservation site that coincides with the bridge alignment is the Iloilo-Guimaras Straits Important
Marine Mammal Area (IMMA; see Figure 109). The Iloilo-Guimaras Straits IMMA was designated by the
Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force primarily due to the presence of O. brevirostris in the area
(IUCN-MMPATF n.d.). Other marine mammals reported in the IMMA according to IUCN-MMPATF were
Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus), Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus), false killer whale
(Pseudorca crassidens), dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima), pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella
attenuata), dugong (Dugong dugon), and short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus). The
figure below shows that the selected alignments are expected to bisect the known range (lined polygons)
and core feeding area (black polygon) of the critically endangered Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella
brevirostris) subpopulation in Iloilo-Guimaras Straits. It also coincides with the Important Marine Mammal
Area (IMMA; gray polygon) designated by the Marine Mammal Protected Area Task Force. Figure
adopted from Tiongson et al. 2020 Oryx 54(6).
Figure 109. Location of Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) in the proposed alignments
As part of the marine ecology study for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project, a water sampling
covering eight stations was conducted to assess the plankton abundance, diversity and richness was
conducted last March 15-16, 2019. A total of 30 phytoplankton species were identified across in all
sampling stations. These identified taxa belonged to three major groups, i.e. diatoms, dinoflagellates and
cyanobacteria. Overall, diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community accounting for almost 88.12%,
followed by cyanobacteria with 11.09% and dinoflagellates with less than 1%.The top five most abundant
phytoplankton taxa are shown in Figure 110. Of the five taxa, the chain forming pennate diatom,
Bacteriastrum spp. was the most abundant constituting for 61% of the total phytoplankton count. The high
density of this taxa is generally indicative of productive waters since they serve as food to higher trophic
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levels. The cyanobacterium Trichodesmium also recorded high relative abundance with 11%. It is a
common marine phytoplankter found in all tropical and subtropical ocean which likely play key roles in
the ecosystem because of their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen thereby contributing to new nitrogen
inputs in oligotrophic waters (Blondeau-Patissier et al 2018). The potentially harmful species detected
during the sampling was Dinophysis miles which has been reported to produce toxins associated with
Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP). However cell densities detected in station Ph5 and Ph6 were very
low (20-90 cells/) so toxicity can be ruled out but continued monitoring is highly recommended.
Table 74 shows the Phytoplankton composition, distribution, diversity and abundance (cells/L) in eight
sampling stations for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019 sampling.
Other taxa
Chaetoceros 10%
Trichodesmium 61%
Figure 110. Percentage composition of top 5 major phytoplankton genera in eight sampling stations for
the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019.
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Table 74. Phytoplankton composition, distribution, diversity and abundance (cells/L) in eight sampling
stations for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019.
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The mean phytoplankton abundance during this sampling was 40,892cells/L. In terms of spatial
distribution, the water sample collected from station Ph1 located in Iloilo Strait, Brgy. Gu-an, Leganes,
Iloilo recorded the highest phytoplankton abundance with 176,093cells/L while station Ph4 located in Iloilo
Strait, Brgy. Nabitasan, Leganes, Iloilo had the most number of phytoplankton genera observed with 21
(Figure 111). The lowest phytoplankton abundance was quantified in station Ph4 with total density 1,027
cells/L while the most depauperate station was observed in the water sample collected from station Ph3
Iloilo Strait, Brgy. Tullo, Buenavista, Guimaras with 12 taxa. Diversity index based on Shannon Weiner
was quite variable with the highest value observed in station Ph4 with 2.64. The lowest diversity and
evenness indices were computed in station Ph1 with 0.23 and 0.68. The low diversity and evenness in
this station was due to the bloom of the diatom Bacteriastrum spp.
25 350,000
Richness Abundance
Richness (No. of taxa)
Abundance (cells/L)
0 0
PH1 PH2 PH3 PH4 PH5 PH6 PH7 PH8 Mean
Figure 111. Total phytoplankton density and richness in eight sampling stations for PGN Project in
March 2019.
Analysis of samples taken from the eight stations revealed a total of 17 zooplankton groups (adult and
larval forms). Zooplankton observed during this sampling was typical groups/type found in marine
environment. The top 5 dominant zooplankton were copepod nauplius (53%), adult copepods (29%),
bivalve veligers (19%), copepod eggs (14%), larvacean (1%) and the remaining 2% was attributed to
gastropod veliger, polychaete trocophore, cladoceran, decapod zoea, echinoderm larvae, crab zoea, fish
larvae, mysids, and radiolarian (Figure 112). Zooplankton communities’ analyzed were mostly
represented by larval forms constituting for 70%while adult forms accounted for 30% of the total
zooplankton community. The bulk of the larval forms were composed of copepod nauplius accounting for
53% and total density of 1.3 x 106individuals/m3.
Bivalve veliger also contributed high relative abundance with 14%. For adult forms, calanoid copepods
were the most abundant constituting for 25%.Larval forms of important zooplankton taxa like crab zoeae,
mysiids and fish larvae were also observed indicating a productive fisheries area.
The mean zooplankton abundance was 320,004individuals/m3. The water sample collected from station
ZP7 located in Guimaras Strait (Negros side) had the highest total zooplankton density
with613,983individuals/m3 while the most taxa rich sample was observed in station ZP8 located in
Guimaras Strait, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental with 14 zooplankton groups. The most depauperate
station was observed in station ZP1 located in Iloilo Strait, Brgy. Gu-an, Leganes, Iloilo with 5 zooplankton
groups. The highest calculated diversity index based on Shannon Weiner was observed station ZP8 with
1.45. The lowest diversity and evenness indices were computed in station Ph1with 0.39 (Table 75). In
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this survey, most of the zooplankton are common types with no endemic or rare groups encountered.
Total zooplankton density and taxa richness of the eight sampling stations for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge
(PGN) Project in March 2019 is shown in Figure 109.
Bivalve veliger
Adult copepod
Figure 112. Percentage composition of top 5 zooplankton taxa in eight sampling stations for
PGN Project in March 2019
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Table 75. Zooplankton composition, distribution, diversity and abundance (individuals/m3) in eight
sampling stations for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project in March 2019.
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16 700,000
14 600,000
Richness Abundance
Richness (No. of taxa)
Abundance (cells/L)
2 100,000
0 0
ZP1 ZP2 ZP3 ZP4 ZP5 ZP6 ZP7 ZP8 Mean
Figure 113. Total zooplankton density and taxa richness of the eight sampling stations for PGN Project in
March 2019.
The taxonomic listing, abundance, distribution and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates observed in eight
sampling stations for the Panay-Guimaras-Bridge (PGN) Project is presented earlier. Images of the major
macrobenthos identified in this sampling are shown in Figure 114.
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Figure 114. Dominant plankton taxa during the March 2019 sampling. (A)Bacteriastrum. (B) Trichodesmium. (C)
Dinophysis miles (D) Copepod nauplius (E) Calanoid copepod (F) Bivalve veliger
Mark-recapture technique is a widely used method in ecology to estimate population size, survival rates, and
capture probabilities. This method is particularly useful on cetaceans. Mark-recapture method relies on
sampling and re-sampling individual animals to build a capture history. A capture history simply describes
whether or not an animal was “captured” photographically in a series of sampling occasions, discrete periods
of data collection, usually represented by a series of 1s (captured) and 0s (not captured). Given that the
Irrawaddy dolphin population in the Visayas is very small, a minimum number of individuals can be counted.
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The field data collection followed well established internationally accepted protocols, which involved
small-boat surveys and photographing the upper body and dorsal fin of dolphins during an encounter,
along with the collection of environmental and geographically-referenced data. High-speed digital
cameras (i.e. Canon EOS-7D, 400D) with variable length zoom lens (100-400mm) were used to collect
the photographic mark-recapture data.
Environmental data
Along with photo-IDs and behavioral data (see below for collecting behavior), environmental
information were collected such as sea state, water depth, tide, and other basic environmental
Most marine mammals rely heavily on their ability to echolocate in the marine environment. In
particular, Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are a highly coastal species that uses the coastal
area of Bago-Pulupandan in Negros Occidental as their core habitat. They are a restricted range
species that uses the area as their foraging grounds, resting and breeding area. This small critically
endangered population is currently threatened by fisheries interactions such as by-catch,
entanglement, and boat collisions. Their coastal habits suggest that their acoustic environment is
influenced by the shallow and murky environment.
Bridge construction entails in-water that generates extremely loud underwater noise that could cause
severe injuries to marine mammals nearby. Moreover, increased sea traffic from equipment and
materials brought to the site could potentially increase the likelihood of collisions with vessels. This
document outlines sound and vibration mitigation measures to reduce to negligible levels any harm
to the Irrawaddy dolphins and other protected species.
The objective is to prevent untoward injury or reduce the harm to the animals and their habitat. Harm
includes stress, physical injury, death, disruption of daytime activities, and loss of available resources
(food, habitat, shelter).
During marine ecology fieldwork in November 2021, focus group discussions and interviews with LGU
and constituents of several barangays in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental were conducted. Based on
interviews, Irrawaddy dolphin sighting is observed during shrimp season from the months of October
to December.
Marine mammal surveys were done from November 17 to 19 and 25 to 27, 2021. Based on survey,
there were Irrawaddy dolphins sightings observed on November 26-27, 2021. Figure 114 presents
the location map of marine mammals sightings in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. Figure 115 shows
the Irrawaddy dolphins captured photos last November 27, 2021 between 1:37 pm to 4:49 pm.
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Figure 115. Location map of Marine Mammals Sightings in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Note 1. Land-based sightings: Survey team viewing position at port area.
Note 2. Boat-based sighting: Survey team viewing position using motorized banca.
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Image details
filename: IMG_5614;
camera: 7D
Image details
filename: IMG_5619
camera: 7D
Image details
filename: IMG_5755
camera: 7D
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Since coral reefs were hardly seen in all site surveyed while seagrasses were only reported in Cabano, San
Lorenzo, Guimaras, the impact of the project on marine ecology along the project sites may be minimal in the
sense that corals and seagrasses did not exist virtually in all sampling sites, with an exception in San Lorenzo
sampling sites. The construction of bridge foundations could be on hard substrates and literally concrete
material in nature, these foundations may hinder water circulation and longshore current, hence minimizing
sediment and water mass exchanges. Therefore, it is recommended the engineering design of bridge (e.g.,
stockpiles) may consider these hydrodynamic processes in such a way not to dampen incoming and outgoing
tides and currents.
During operational phase, appropriate control measures have also to be put in place to prevent spillage of
construction materials that may have an adverse impact on coastal habitats and fishes such as oil and gas.
This in mind, oil and gas spill should be handled carefully to avoid this catastrophic incident. Remember that
province of Guimaras experienced oil spill on 11 August 2006 when an oil tanker M/T Solar 1 sank off the coast
of the island province, causing the worst oil spill in the Philippines. The said incident caused harmed not only
to coastal habitats but coastal communities through socio-economic means. In line with the construction,
monitoring and evaluation of benthic habitats, particularly the seagrasses in Cabano, San Lorenzo, should be
conducted at least bi-annually to capture the possible changes brought about by the project and/or by other
natural and anthropogenic activities. Since there are no coral reefs in the project sites, other marine
components such plankton communities, soft bottom communities and fisheries should be done.
Regarding dugong, a vulnerable marine mammal species that rarely seen throughout the archipelago except
for some areas like Palawan and Davao, this species has been documented in Guimaras Island together with
other species (other organisms include Irrawaddy and spinner dolphins, and whale sharks) by a study
conducted by Parreño et al. (2013) as cited by PEMSEA and Provincial Government of Guimaras (2018).
Furthermore, they found out that dugongs and others* are frequently seen during the months of April – June
and September – November based on their historical data. It seems, however, that their identification was
based on photographs and they have not really mentioned the exact location where all the photos of sea cows
were taken. Given these information, it is not surprising, therefore, to anecdotally report the occurrence of
such marine mammal species in San Lorenzo, Guimaras. The potential presence of dugongs in the area may
boost ecotourism in the municipality. But before, implementing ecotourism plan and the PGN project, it is
suggested to conduct aerial survey to determine the population of dugongs that may be affected.
Considering sea cows are mobile due to their feeding habits which is strict herbivory and dependent on the
presence of more digestible seagrass species like Halophila and Halodule species, they are less likely to be
affected by the construction with an exception where their feeding areas are being destroyed. The impact of
the project is wholly dependent on how big the sea cow population and the location of construction site (by
avoiding seagrass meadows). Moreover, the PGN project may enhance the socio-economic activity of the
island-province by promoting the mobility of people, services and goods, which in turn good for and promote
local ecotourism sector.
The spatial and temporal distribution and quantity variation of plankton are closely related to the transparency
of water body. If suspended substances produced by bridge pier construction form a certain range of high-
concentration suspended substances, the decrease of transparency of local water body will be caused so that
the growth of plankton will be affected.
Phytoplankton and Zooplankton would be generally subjected to short-term impacts during the construction.
Threat to plankton community would come from the increase load of suspended solids during the construction
of the project resulting to reduction of depth of photosynthetic activity of the phytoplankton. Similarly, highly
turbid water would affect the grazing success of zooplankton. This would temporarily result to lower rates of
photosynthesis and primary production. However, plankton population recovery after construction would be
generally rapid due to quick reproduction periods including recruitment and advection from adjacent unaffected
areas. With increase of suspended substances in the sea water, the suspended particles will adhere to the
surface of zooplankton and interfere with its normal physiological functions, especially the filter-feeding
zooplankton will swallow the suspended particles with appropriate particle sizes to cause internal digestive
system disordered. The decrease of water transparency and dissolved oxygen is not conducive to the
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photosynthesis of phytoplankton so as to affect the cell division and growth of phytoplankton and decrease the
quantity of phytoplankton in the unit water body so as to lead to the decrease of primary productivity in this
water area. The results of two-week laboratory experiment for different zooplankton show that the mortality
rate was very high when the content of total suspended solids (TSS) exceeds10,000 mg/ L, but the existing
study fails to show a significant relationship between dredging and related construction activities (Clarke and
Wilbur, 2000).In addition, many larval stages only exist for a short period of time in the plankton, while other
populations also have a shorter life cycle, meaning that their recovery rate is relatively faster (less than a year)
(James et al.,2015). Considering the temporary impact and limitation of impact on the adjacent water body by
high turbidity water, it is concluded that the influence on the plankton community by the project is less, and the
impact will disappear after construction ending, and the plankton can recover quickly.
During the construction of the bridge section in this project, the construction process that the bottom sediment
is disturbed is the foundation construction process. According to the hydrological and geological conditions of
the project, the main bridge in the proposed project and the foundation of the approach bridge in deep water
area shall be constructed by the marine equipment, and the approach bridge in shallow water shall be
constructed by the total station bridge. The construction process is carried out in the casing pipe uniformly.
The mud is pumped into the sedimentation tank by vacuum in the cavity of drill pipe for recycling after
sedimentation, and the deposited waste slag is discharged into the mud carrier and transported to the tideland
reclamation area for hydraulic reclamation. Pile-driving and borehole construction can cause some disturbance
to the water body so as to form a certain quantity of suspended sediment, and the area near the pier is affected
by the construction disturbance, the concentration of suspended material increases obviously in the range of
3-5m depth under the seabed, so the impact on plankton by foundation construction in this project is slight.
In addition, during the construction of the bridge, if the mechanical equipment on the construction platform
leaks the oil, residual oil leaking and oil leakage from constructional ship machinery equipment in the
machinery maintenance process may cause serious oil pollution to the sea water quality so as to influence the
plankton, therefore, it is necessary to take strict construction management measures.
Benthic organism is one of the most important biotypes in marine ecosystem. Because of low activity capability
of benthic organisms, its survival is obviously influenced by environmental change. The most direct impact is
that the pier foundation takes up partial seabed to lead to the decrease of e activity area for benthic organisms
so as to completely destroy the habitat environment of benthic organisms in the sea area and cause irreversible
and destructive damage to benthic organisms occupying the sea area. After completion of construction, the
affected benthic organism communities will be gradually recovered or be replaced by the new communities
except that pier permanently occupies the area outside the sea area; secondly, local scouring is caused by the
change of hydrological conditions near the pier to reduce benthic organisms’ activity area. In addition, the
construction disturbs the bottom sediments to produce certain suspended sediments, the suspended
sediments will eventually settle onto the seabed to cover the original substrates so as to produce certain
mechanical compression and suffocation harm to the organisms t living on the surface layer of substrates and
having poor swimming ability; the influence for the benthic animals living on the surface layer of substrates and
having powerful activity ability is little. However, because the suspended substances disappear gradually after
the completion of construction, and the influence range is generally within 3-5 m range around the pile
foundation, the influence on benthic organisms by suspended substances caused by the construction
disturbance is slight.
The loss of benthic organisms in the sea area caused by the construction of this project mainly refers to the
biomass loss caused by the destruction of benthic habitat in the sea area. Referring to the "Technical Code on
Impact Assessment for Marine Biological Resources by Construction Project, the loss for this part of biomass
is the product between the biological resource density (ind./ m2) and the area of sea area.
This project consists of two sections: Section A (Panay-Guimaras Cross-Sea Bridge), the setting of piers and
the occupation conditions of sea area are presented in Table 76.
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According to the statistical results of above Table, the area of permanently occupied sea area for construction
on Section A (Panay-Guimaras Cross-Sea Bridge) is 3431.81 m2 and the area of permanently occupied sea
area is 5314.28 m2 for the construction on Section B (Guimaras-Negros Cross-Sea Bridge), with total area of
8746.09 m2.
Both coral reef and seaweed habitats permanently occupied in the sea area will be squeezed, however,
according to the previous survey, because the coral reefs are rarely seen at all survey sites, while seaweeds
are only reported in Cabano, San Lorenzo and Guimaras, therefore, the impact on reef fish along the project
and these habitats and may be minimal. In addition, the benthic organisms in the permanently-occupied sea
area will be permanently lost. According to the results of the previous survey, the average habitat density of
benthic organisms in the adjacent project areas is 966.88 ind./m2. Thus, it can be calculated that the
construction of the project will result in the permanent loss of approximately 8.45 × 104 ind. benthic organisms
and will have a certain impact on the benthic organisms in the sea area of project within the short term, and
the corresponding losses of benthic organisms will gradually recover along with completion of construction.
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Monitoring and evaluation of benthic habitats (e.g., seagrass bed, coral reefs, associated fishes and other
fauna) will be conducted quarterly or bi-annual to capture the changes brought about by the project and/or by
other natural and anthropogenic activities in the area.
Fish habitats will be affected during the constructions, post-construction and operation phases by the
following activities:
• Land clearing and soil stripping;
• Excavation and earthwork;
• Work in aquatic environments;
• Machinery transportation, operation and maintenance;
• Infrastructure maintenance and repair;
• Presence and use of infrastructure.
Sediment resuspension will negatively affect habitat quality. The presence of temporary structures will likely
change water movement and fish migration in the area. Vibrations associated with operating large machinery
might lead to mortality among certain fish especially the juveniles.
Hence, mitigation measures should be implemented as soon as the work begins. The free circulation of water
must be ensured to maintain fish habitat functions (feeding, nursery, spawning) downstream from the work
area. Any debris or concrete waste must be properly disposed of. All debris accidentally introduced into the
aquatic environment must be removed as quickly as possible.
During the construction of project, a certain quantity of suspended sediment will be produced, and the
toxicological hazard to organisms by excessive suspended sediment will be shown as blocking or destroying
aquatic organisms’ water filtration and respiratory organs to result in suffocation death. The tolerance range
for content of suspended substances by different fish species is different. Large-particle suspended substances
will also directly cover the benthic organisms, such as shellfish and crustaceans especially their young larvas
during sedimentation. The cumulative impact for long period of time will result in the decline or death of benthic
organisms. Suspension particles adhere onto the surface of organisms and also interfere with its normal
physiological function, and the filter-feeding swimming animals and fish will swallow the suspension particles
with appropriate particle size to result in internal digestive disorder.
Aquatic organisms such as fish fully adapt the slow change of water environment but are sensitive to sudden
change of environment. The change of SS content is caused by construction operation, and the change of
turbidity for water body is caused, presenting jumping and pulsing type for process, which will inevitably cause
the change of other swimming creatures such as fish so that the fish will avoid this source turbidity area to
produce "dispersing effect". Too high and tiny suspended particles in the water body can adhere onto the
surface to impede roe’s respiration so as to be inconducive to roe’s survival and hatching, thus affecting the
reproduction of fish. The increase of suspended particles in the water body impedes the light transmission,
weaken the thickness of true light layer, affect the photosynthesis, decrease the quantity of phytoplankton in
the water area, decrease the primary productivity and decrease the biomass of zooplankton that the
phytoplankton is served as bait as well as decrease the abundance of fish feeding on zooplankton due to bait
reduction, and Large-sized fish preying the fish are also unable to find food due to decline for the resources of
previous producers.
However, because the water depth in this project construction area is deeper and the drilling and pore-forming
technology in clear water is adopted for pile foundation construction, therefore, the generated suspended
sediment is less, and this technology is in 3-5m area on the left of construction generally, the influence scope
is less, therefore, the influence on fishery resources is slight, and this influence will disappear gradually along
with construction ending.
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Areas of conflict pre-, during, and post-construction phase (bringing in of materials, site reconnaissance
surveys, presence of large and heavy machinery and equipment, materials, and any construction activity that
creates loud underwater noises and among others:
- Increased vessel traffic increases likelihood of collisions
- Proximity of site to the Irrawaddy core habitat increases potential negative interactions to their diurnal
behavior patterns and daily movement
- Extremely loud underwater noise generated by construction into the Guimaras Strait and/or construction
of artificial bridge islands can cause severe acoustic impairment and physical injuries and potentially
- Disruption of piers/bridge supports to the water flow of the coastal area may impact the distribution of
their prey
- The long-term nature of an in-water bridge construction (~10 years) can potentially significantly alter the
behavior and movement of the Irrawaddy dolphins.
Since 2009, Irrawaddy dolphins are regularly observed along a narrow band of coastal water in Pulupandan
and Bago City and are rarely observed further than three kilometers from coast and more than 20 m deep (de
la Paz et al 2020). Large barges ferrying construction materials and equipment are expected to drastically
increase during the construction. Furthermore, smaller boats are also expected to increase in number on top
of the already high number of small-scale fishing boats. Many of these vessels would be anchored or floated
near the alignment of the bridge and may occasionally seek shelter south of the Pulupandan pier. This is part
of the narrow coastal area inhabited by the Irrawaddy dolphins. There is a high likelihood of an increase in
boat strikes due to the increase in vessel tranffic in such a small area. We propose the following mitigation
measures to reduce vessel collisions:
- When dolphins are nearby, vessel operators are required to maintain the prescribed distance in the DA-
DOT Joint A.O. No.1 of 2004, DOT and DA Joint Administrative Order No. 1: Guidelines to Govern the
Conduct of People Interaction with Cetaceans.
- Vessels should not approach the dolphins head on.
- Vessels should not cross the path of the animal. Instead, allow the animal to move away of their own
accord or move in parallel to their swimming direction
- Vessels should not anchor down when animals are within the minimum prescribed distance
During the construction phase of the proposed project, heavier vessel traffic and increased underwater noise
pollution from construction activity and ferrying of materials could affect bioacoustics of the marine fauna. This
could result in increased risk of collisions with boats. To mitigate this, it is recommended to deploy only the
necessary number of vessels during the construction phase. The placement and the number of permanent
tidal net near the alignment and along the coasts should be monitored as the marine fauna’s risks of
entanglement is also expected to increase due to noise pollution.
The EIA team defer to the DA-DOT Joint Administrative Order No. 1 of 2004 entitled ”Guidelines to govern the
conduct of people interaction with cetaceans.” Despite specifically established for cetacean-watching
interactions, the guidelines are scientifically sound and should be followed. This means that vessel operators,
when Irrawaddy dolphins are nearby, are required to follow the prescribed minimum distance away from the
animals. The welfare of the Irrawaddy dolphins are of utmost priority given that the boats are encroaching
into their core habitat.
- Employ MMO (marine mammal observers) to monitor presence of dolphins, marine turtles and other
ecologically important species relative to the monitoring activity within the high-impact zone of the project.
The MMOs will either be land-based or vessel-based and scan and monitor the critical area for 30 minutes
at the beginning of each day prior to ramp-up or the start of any construction activity. The MMO will signal
the construction team if dolphins are present to initiate ramp-up. If dolphins are present, the MMO will
notify the construction team not to begin ramp-up until the dolphins have left the high-impact zone.
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- During monitoring, the MMO will record the individual marine mammals and their behavior. This ensures
reliable and statistically sound data that can be analyzed at the end of the project to assess the effectivity
of these mitigating measures. This can then improved, modified, or applied to other similar at sea
construction activities.
Use a ramp-up or soft-start technique for all heavy duty machinery that generates extremely loud underwater
noise for 30 minutes. This initiates a low-energy or low-level noise to allow dolphins or other protected species
within the high-impact zone (0.5 km radius) to leave the area.
Shutdown procedures are recommended when dolphins or other protected species are observed within the
high-impact zone. If dolphins are observed in the high-impact zone during construction activity that create loud
underwater noise level, it is recommended to complete any on-going construction activity, but no new activity
will be commenced until the dolphins have left the high-impact zone. Ramp-up techniques will then be followed
once the marine mammals have left.
• Application of efficient noise attenuation technology (e.g. bubble curtains, etc.) in order to
lessen peak underwater sound pressure levels.
• Before and during the construction phase, the proponent should consider employing a
biodiversity monitoring team to closely monitor the location of Irrawady dolphins and the dugongs.
Construction activity should be limited or halted in case these wildlife species comes close (~5 km) to
the construction area.
• Minimize large scale construction activity during peak breading season of irrawady dolphins.
• Reasonable arrangement of construction link shall be implemented.
• Construction of bridge foundations can be carried out on hard basement and concrete
materials, these foundations may impede the water circulation and coastal current so as to reduce
the mass exchange of sediment and water. Therefore, it is suggested that these hydrodynamic
processes should be considered at the design stage of bridge so as not to affect the incoming and
outgoing tide and current.
• Prior to the commencement of construction, a detailed survey for seabed in the construction
area of pier shall be carried out.
During construction, the tracking monitoring and assessment of benthic organisms and
seaweed should be carried out at least once every six months, with emphasis on areas such as
Cabano and San Lorenzo. In addition, the marine ecology including plankton, benthic organisms and
fishery resources should also be monitored accordingly.
• Silt/turbidity curtains to mitigate suspended sediment impacts during construction of bridges.
• The PGN project can “possibly” affect the integrity of the NOCWCA. While the bridge is just few
meters width, there is a need to monitor how wildlife species may respond to this structure during
and after the construction phase. The proponent should team up with the local people, NGOs, LGUs,
local academic institutions, and biodiversity offices to reduce, if not avoid, the impact of the project to
the biodiversity.
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2.3.1 Meteorology Climate
The climate map of the country is based on the Modified Coronas classification. The project area under study
belongs to Type I category. This is characterized by two pronounced seasons; dry from December to April
and wet during the rest of the year. Figure 117 shows the geographical extent of Type I category. The climate
is tropical in Iloilo City. Most months of the year are marked by significant rainfall. The short dry season has
little impact. This location is classified as Am by Köppen and Geiger.
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OF BULB BULB POINT (mbs) (okta)
(mm) (°C) (°C) (°C) (16pt) (mps) M G
RD (°C) (°C) (°C)
JAN 38.4 9 30.4 22.9 26.65 26.4 23.9 23 28.2 81 1011.5 NNE 4 5 1 1
FEB 33.7 6 31.2 23.1 27.15 26.9 24 23 28.2 78 1011.6 NNE 4 5 0 0
MAR 50 6 32.5 23.7 28.1 28 24.6 23.4 28.8 76 1011.2 NE 4 4 2 1
APR 68.9 6 33.9 24.6 29.25 29.2 25.5 24.3 30.2 74 1010 NE 3 4 4 4
MAY 140 11 33.5 24.9 29.2 29.2 25.8 24.7 31.1 76 1009.2 SW 3 5 12 13
JUN 318.8 18 31.9 24.6 28.25 28.3 25.6 24.7 31.1 80 1009.1 SW 2 6 13 14
JUL 340.5 20 31 24.3 27.65 27.7 25.3 24.5 30.7 82 1009 SW 3 7 11 11
AUG 381.2 20 30.9 24.3 27.6 27.7 25.3 24.5 30.8 82 1008.8 SW 3 7 10 8
SEP 292.5 18 31.2 24.2 27.7 27.6 25.3 24.6 30.8 83 1009.4 SW 3 6 10 10
OCT 246.5 19 31.5 24.2 27.85 27.7 25.3 24.5 30.7 82 1009.4 NNE 2 6 13 12
NOV 161.7 14 31.4 24 27.7 27.6 25.1 24.3 30.3 82 1009.6 NNE 3 5 6 9
DEC 100.2 11 30.7 23.2 26.95 26.7 24.3 23.5 29 82 1010.7 NNE 3 5 2 3
ANNUAL 2172.4 158 31.68 24 27.84 27.75 25 24.08 30 80 1010 NNE 3.0833 5.41667 84 86
Source: PAGASA
01-28- 01-23- 01-03- 01-05- 01-21-
JAN 34.7 16.5 118.6 21 NE 1020.0 1000.4 01-24-1975
1990 1976 1931 1952 2005
02-25- 02-04- 02-16- 02-17- 02-24-
FEB 35.5 16.7 79.5 24 NNE 1018.8 1002.5 02-09-2001
2005 1976 1925 1962 1985
03-04- 03-03- 03-01- 03-20- 03-02-
MAR 39.0 18.6 214.6 22 NE 1017.8 1001.2 03-04-1999
1973 1968 1996 1965 1987
04-25- 04-08- 04-28- 04-25- 04-14-
APR 37.5 20.0 104.6 25 SE 1017.3 991.3 04-25-1971
1998 1976 1994 1971 1968
05-26- 05-19- 05-12- 05-27- 05-10-
MAY 37.8 20.2 242.5 30 SW 1016.2 1000.1 05-05-1951
1987 1977 2006 2003 1957
06-05- 06-28- 06-20- 06-25- 06-30-
JUNE 37.5 21.0 188.4 26 SW 1015.3 999.1 06-10-1974
1991 1997 2008 1992 1983
07-05- 07-31- 07-29- 07-28- 07-31-
JULY 35.4 19.5 319.8 25 SSW 1015.9 996.0 07-02-1952
2010 1975 1994 1982 1987
08-11- 08-01- 08-08- 08-01- 08-30-
AUG 34.8 20.0 222.3 25 SW 1015.3 1000.4 08-06-1964
1939 1975 1929 1986 1983
09-16- 09-05- 09-04- 09-03- 09-27-
SEP 37.8 19.8 154.7 20 WSW 1017.0 993.6 09-02-1984
1975 1975 1962 1991 1982
10-03- 10-18- 10-28- 10-28- 10-05-
OCT 35.4 19.2 225.0 36 SW 1017.6 990.8 10-28-1995
1976 1975 1995 1995 1987
11-01- 11-22- 11-05- 11-24- 11-30-
NOV 34.8 19.4 255.6 45 N 1017.2 977.2 11-13-1990
1930 1975 1984 1968 1978
12-19- 12-03- 12-21- 12-10- 12-12-
DEC 34.5 18.3 172.2 34 NE 1017.9 993.0 12-10-1951
1998 1904 1933 1951 2002
03-04- 01-23- 07-29- 11-24- 01-21-
ANNUAL 39.0 16.5 319.8 45 N 1020.0 977.2 11-13-1990
1973 1976 1994 1968 2005
of 1903 - July 2010 1903 - July 2010 1949 - July 2010 1949 - July 2010
Source: PAGASA
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Table 79. List of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province with 100KM Buffer from 1948
to 2018
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Figure 118. Monthly Distribution of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province from 1948
to 2018
Source: PAGASA
Figure 119. Tracks of Tropical Cyclones which crossed Guimaras Province within 100 km Buffer
from 1948 to 2018
Source: PAGASA
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Based on the PAGASA study, the seasonal climate projections in 2020 and 2050 in Cavite Province for
temperature increase, rainfall change and frequency of extreme events are shown in Tables 80 to Table 82,
respectively. The abbreviations used in the tables are as follows:
PAGASA has also forecasted the climate trend in the future such as:
• The Philippines ranks high among the countries that are at risk to climate change.
• Climate projections indicate increases in annual mean temperatures by 0.9-1.1 °C in the 2020s and 1.8-
2.2 °C in the 2050s.
• Hot days and dry days are likely to be more frequent over the Philippines with more heavy rainfall days
especially over Luzon and Visayas by 2020 and 2050.
• Reduction in rainfall in most parts of the Philippines is predicted during the summer (MAM) season.
However rainfall increase is a trend during the southwest monsoon (JJA) until the transition (SON) season
in most areas of Luzon and Visayas in 2020 and 2050.
• Heavy daily rainfall will continue to become more frequent, and extreme rainfall is projected to increase in
Luzon and Visayas only. But number of dry days is expected to increase in all parts of the country in 2020
and 2050.
No. Of Days w/ Tmax > 35 °C No. Of Dry Days No. Of Days w/ Rainfall > 200mm
Provinces Stations
OBS (1971-2000) 2020 2050 OBS 2020 2050 OBS 2020 2050
Iloilo Iloilo 460 1431 3076 7839 5227 5226 4 5 4
Negros Occidental Iloilo 460 1431 3076 7839 5227 5226 4 5 4
Note: Under medium-range emission scenario
To use the tables and arrive at values of seasonal mean temperature and seasonal rainfall in 2020 and 2050,
the projections are added to the observed values (presented in each of the tables). For example, the projected
values in 2020 are:
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Rainfall
The southwest monsoon is the main rainfall-causing weather system of the area. Tropical cyclones seldom,
if not rarely, cross the project area. The rainy season in the area occurs from May to November while the rest
of the year is relatively dry. The month of July is the wettest, with a monthly average rainfall of 329.6 mm.
The month of February, on the other hand is the driest, with a mean monthly rainfall of 16.0 mm. The average
annual rainfall recorded based on 30 years of data is 1767mm.
Rainfall in Guimaras during the northeast monsoon would most probably be due to conventional
thunderstorms, a result of intense heating causing rapid evaporation, or to a lesser extent, typhoons which can
occur in the region during October-November. The probability of a typhoon hitting Guimaras is fortunately low.
The island has a rare frequency passage of 0% - 10% of the annual average of 19.8 typhoons.
Precipitation in Iloilo averages 2083 mm.The driest month is February. There is 27 mm of precipitation in
February. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in August, with an average of 346 mm. The precipitation
varies 319 mm between the driest month and the wettest month. Table 83 presents the monthly total and
annual rainfall data in Iloilo City.
Table 83. Monthly Total and Annual Climatic Data, Rainfall Amount (mm) in Iloilo City, Iloilo
1951 25.0 29.1 10.4 48.4 182.3 410.5 214.9 304.3 198.2 272.7 157.4 301.0 2154.2
1952 22.7 11.6 38.8 3.9 120.2 238.3 291.3 519.1 126.6 396.8 126.0 186.2 2081.5
1953 24.3 32.5 101.7 40.5 50.7 190.2 320.3 381.0 92.0 218.5 116.6 83.0 1651.3
1954 42.2 28.2 70.1 14.2 155.4 174.4 213.1 249.9 392.0 32.1 191.4 190.2 1753.2
1955 77.9 30.8 37.8 122.7 108.3 371.6 102.2 241.9 114.4 282.2 373.5 50.3 1913.6
1956 45.4 20.8 72.5 134.3 356.8 178.0 182.3 360.0 503.4 254.9 154.5 235.5 2498.4
1957 131.8 27.8 6.4 68.7 6.1 244.7 320.9 588.0 395.6 137.4 51.8 22.7 2001.9
1958 30.5 5.1 21.7 25.1 26.3 196.1 307.1 309.4 251.2 184.5 288.4 35.8 1681.2
1959 11.4 20.4 62.9 16.8 62.6 274.7 304.0 286.7 137.9 251.2 210.8 151.0 1790.4
1960 22.6 18.8 15.0 112.5 113.6 283.3 251.1 274.5 269.0 209.2 184.7 50.9 1805.2
1961 0.5 9.8 15.1 28.1 252.3 466.2 349.2 511.9 158.6 370.8 130.3 70.5 2363.3
1962 16.0 30.7 9.3 28.4 123.4 87.1 638.9 335.7 518.8 137.8 131.6 25.7 2083.4
1963 3.3 0.6 12.3 4.8 17.3 274.5 178.7 372.5 322.8 240.2 63.9 91.3 1582.2
1964 19.1 38.7 14.2 37.6 250.2 308.8 81.6 324.3 256.3 195.7 460.8 52.5 2039.8
1965 57.8 12.7 81.8 33.3 70.6 243.3 360.7 267.5 219.0 166.4 251.8 121.2 1886.1
1966 81.1 21.1 10.5 11.0 514.4 255.5 364.7 115.4 234.5 200.5 255.6 70.7 2135.0
1967 184.8 48.8 39.9 12.4 78.1 246.4 326.2 425.0 102.0 322.5 185.7 29.7 2001.5
1968 11.5 7.1 10.7 15.1 75.7 158.4 173.6 409.7 141.2 50.8 190.4 9.9 1254.1
1969 6.4 T 8.9 10.0 39.3 152.6 426.1 125.0 183.6 109.6 53.2 71.2 1185.9
1970 25.9 7.2 35.1 5.3 151.0 414.4 195.8 256.1 234.9 225.0 101.8 60.7 1713.2
1971 9.2 4.1 5.6 84.0 94.2 174.4 353.3 182.4 42.6 301.3 77.4 110.5 1439.0
1972 143.4 23.4 26.0 31.0 118.7 236.6 767.8 221.9 377.6 187.9 188.1 150.0 2472.4
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1973 -2.0 20.5 2.0 12.5 T 120.2 392.6 533.9 480.9 272.3 483.5 161.7 2480.1**
1974 48.8 22.0 33.1 27.5 36.8 265.2 302.4 326.9 92.9 669.0 147.0 139.0 2110.6
1975 130.5 90.0 11.1 144.9 147.1 378.5 100.5 253.4 297.7 328.2 55.0 119.5 2056.4
1976 45.5 37.9 26.0 20.6 315.3 217.3 509.1 386.7 331.2 174.3 131.8 99.5 2295.2
1977 38.7 60.4 21.0 T 8.1 247.5 224.4 281.0 545.8 73.6 77.0 21.7 1599.2
1978 26.2 9.1 3.8 131.4 66.8 150.3 131.9 503.6 320.8 252.7 119.6 162.6 1878.8
1979 12.5 17.7 T 125.3 97.5 139.5 501.5 667.4 207.6 706.6 84.5 62.7 2622.8
1980 21.5 74.3 72.4 7.3 22.1 648.0 220.8 206.1 348.4 363.2 193.0 94.3 2271.4
1981 40.3 5.8 7.6 80.4 30.6 423.2 203.0 345.9 283.8 117.3 134.3 85.3 1757.5
1982 15.3 2.0 151.8 60.8 158.0 396.6 285.2 668.3 381.0 215.6 53.4 9.9 2397.9
1983 73.4 5.0 31.2 2.4 9.4 181.7 247.5 278.5 346.3 264.6 284.9 102.1 1827.0
1984 32.3 64.6 97.0 66.8 109.5 508.6 391.6 505.8 411.5 515.8 365.9 72.3 3141.7
1985 36.9 54.1 35.4 267.6 59.2 460.1 271.4 161.7 341.7 470.2 182.0 90.4 2430.7
1986 40.2 15.3 51.5 49.2 70.4 254.2 300.8 892.4 257.8 182.4 248.9 97.4 2460.5
1987 30.1 12.0 1.0 5.7 41.9 162.4 452.7 224.5 517.0 152.0 212.3 21.8 1833.4
1988 13.7 13.3 13.1 85.2 197.6 483.0 323.5 264.9 272.7 561.6 312.7 39.4 2580.7
1989 94.1 33.0 58.8 68.7 253.5 323.5 308.5 672.6 160.6 138.2 37.4 9.0 2157.9
1990 15.1 0.6 8.0 9.1 262.1 602.2 326.6 466.1 182.0 124.6 319.5 22.5 2338.4
1991 3.1 20.0 48.4 26.4 8.2 357.9 371.5 709.3 76.7 94.1 123.4 37.8 1876.8
1992 1.6 5.9 0.0 3.0 48.8 337.6 226.6 451.2 190.1 224.4 188.2 74.4 1751.8
1993 17.6 5.5 49.9 47.4 26.0 175.5 287.3 540.1 120.7 319.6 133.1 320.1 2042.8
1994 40.8 56.1 34.8 226.4 348.2 465.1 972.9 232.1 293.1 218.8 40.0 131.8 3060.1
1995 36.6 10.4 5.3 12.2 36.2 320.4 345.6 314.3 743.4 441.3 150.4 119.6 2535.7
1996 75.1 65.1 250.5 279.5 137.3 274.8 224.8 180.8 376.8 243.9 350.3 85.7 2544.6
1997 6.1 53.3 16.3 25.2 199.9 286.9 481.0 265.9 90.2 113.3 34.1 22.1 1594.3
1998 2.3 4.0 4.5 2.0 227.9 179.3 211.6 131.6 295.1 274.3 131.2 240.2 1704.0
1999 117.3 60.5 85.2 124.0 121.5 289.2 367.7 407.2 275.7 213.9 142.0 132.0 2336.2
2000 11.9 67.5 83.3 75.0 153.0 183.6 324.4 387.4 226.1 280.3 157.6 281.2 2231.3
2001 46.4 122.3 111.7 113.8 168.8 219.1 205.3 489.5 110.0 265.5 319.0 185.3 2356.7
2002 13.2 2.6 39.6 4.8 60.0 179.4 597.1 452.3 222.5 127.2 55.7 15.4 1769.8
2003 49.1 11.8 T 55.6 302.5 109.9 383.1 319.2 170.2 178.7 90.2 47.9 1718.2
2004 3.7 23.4 38.3 9.2 296.0 338.8 225.0 450.9 150.3 149.4 76.9 102.4 1864.3
2005 3.8 0.8 16.8 23.7 112.2 217.3 488.3 392.8 151.7 243.6 52.4 165.7 1869.1
2006 41.2 27.3 42.2 5.1 385.9 276.0 403.8 390.4 282.1 266.6 28.2 167.2 2316.0
2007 91.9 0.2 2.6 12.0 91.9 132.8 185.7 193.0 872.0 107.8 262.6 89.2 2041.7
2008 139.9 65.8 67.0 182.9 -2.0 420.9 225.2 161.2 277.2 249.2 105.0 140.5 2034.8**
2009 37.9 127.4 26.9 136.6 121.9 354.8 355.8 280.4 349.5 277.1 65.3 3.6 2137.2
2010 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0**
Source: PAGASA
Note: -2, means no data
T, means trace
**, means annual values with missing months
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Temperature
With an average of 28.5 °C, May is the warmest month. The lowest average temperatures in the year occur in
January, when it is around 25.8 °C. The variation in temperatures throughout the year is 2.7 °C. In Iloilo City,
the average annual temperature is 27.1 °C.
A windrose diagram shows how much of time (expressed in percent) that the wind speed is within a certain
range, for each compass direction, using the 16 points of the compass. The windrose displays the frequency
distribution data as spokes radiating from the central hub, and there is a spoke of the 16 direction points.
Table below shows the ranges of values of the mean wind speed, and their description, as used in the plot.
The number of observations is used to calculate the frequency distribution.
The nearest wind rose analysis is in Roxas City, Capiz where data were taken from daily data for the period
1981-2010. For example, the windrose diagram for the month of January on Table 85 shows that 38.5 of the
time the wind direction comes from the North East with 27.8 percent ranging from 1-4 meters per second (mps),
10.2 percent ranging from 5-8 m/s and 0.4 percent ranging above 8 m/s. Therefore, the prevailing wind
direction for the month of January is North Easterly (from the NE), with an average wind speed (mean) 3.9
m/s. Calm conditions were observed at 0 percent of the time. Figure 120 shows the monthly windrose diagram
in Roxas.
Table 85. % Frequencies of Occurrence for concurrent wind direction in Roxas City from 1981-2010
Wind speed range
Direction 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 >16 % Frequency Mean Speed
Calm 0
Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0
N 11.1 7.4 0 0 0 18.5 4.2
NNE 12 6.7 0 0 0 18.7 4.1
NE 27.8 10.2 0.4 0 0 38.5 3.9
ENE 10.3 2.4 0 0 0 12.7 3.6
E 5.8 1.5 0 0 0 7.3 3.4
ESE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SE 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.1 3
SSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S 1.1 0.1 0 0 0 1.2 3.5
SSW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SW 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 3
WSW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
W 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.2 3.5
WNW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NW 0.6 0 0 0 0 0.6 3.3
NNW 0.4 0.6 0.5 0 0 1.6 6.5
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Figure 120. Monthly Windrose Diagram in Roxas City from 1981 to 2010
Source: PAGASA
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Air Samples were collected on April 2-4 & July 8-9 in Buenavista, April 6-8, 2019 in San Lorenzo, Guimaras.
In Iloilo, samples were collected on April 12-13 in Leganes and July 6-7, 2019 in Jaro. In Pulupandan, Negros
Occidental, air samples were collected on April 9-11, 2019. Figure 121 shows the sampling locations for PGN
project. Weather conditions at the time of sampling were sunny, fair to cloudy with slight rains. Twenty-four
(24) hours measurement were sampled for Total Suspended Particulates, PM10, Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulfur
Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide. Table 86 presents the sampling sites, date and time of collection conducted in
Iloilo, Guimaras and Negros Occidental.
Table 86. Summary of Air Sampling Stations, Coordinates, Weather condition, Date and Time of Samplings
Weather Date and Time of
Sampling Stations Coordinates
No. Condition Samplings
Brgy. Gu-an, Leganes, Cloudy, fair to
A1 April 12-13, 2019
Iloilo 122°36'54.22"E sunny
A2 Brgy. Getulio, Fair to sunny,
April 2-3, 2019
Buenavista, Guimaras 122°39'35.71"E slight rains
Brgy. Cansilayan,
A3 Fair to sunny April 3-4, 2019
Buenavista, Guimaras 122°41'19.82"E
A4 Brgy. M. Chavez, San Cloudy, fair to
April 6-7, 2019
Lorenzo, Guimaras 122°42'21.79"E sunny
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Brgy. Cabano, San Cloudy, fair to
A5 April 7-8, 2019
Lorenzo, Guimaras 122°42'8.96"E sunny
There were three (3) major types of ambient air equipment used as described in Table 87.
*TSP – Total Suspended Particulate Matter; PM10 – Particulate Matter at 10µ; NO2 – Nitrogen Dioxide; SO2 – Sulfur Dioxide
The high volume sampler is equipped with all weather shelter timer and flowchart meter and is powered by
electricity through external power sources. The Personal Sampler is equipped with flow meter powered by
external/internal power sources and a low flow controller. It is attached to parallel tubing with two (2) pieces of
midget impingers. For SO2, the bubbler has a straight orifice nozzle while for NO2 the bubbler has a fritted
nozzle. While for the anemometer and it has a range of 0.4m/s - 20m/s (2.8km/hr - 108km/hr) with 0.1m/s
resolution and is calibrated against standards that are traceable to National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST).
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The ambient air quality measurement conducted by CRL Calabarquez Corporation was performed at an
elevation of at least two (2) meters above the ground level and sampling was strategically stationed within the
project site. After sampling was conducted for each station, the gas samples were carefully recovered in the
sampling bottles and preserved at low temperature and were immediately submitted to the laboratory for
Principle of Sampling - A known volume of air (0.4L/min for NO2, 0.5L/min for SO2) was sampled with
a wet-chemical system where a constant air sample passes through a suitable reagent (absorbing
reagent) that was reactive to the specific pollutant desired. As the air sample passes through the
bubbler rack, the air diffuses forming air bubbles and slowly reacts to the chemical reagent forming a
complex ion. The personal sampler was calibrated with NIST traceable digital calibrator to assure its
accuracy. The samples were then analyzed using prescribed and approved methods.
Results of air quality for all parameters measured at two (2) sites are compared with National Ambient Air
Quality Guideline Values (NAAQGV) of Republic Act 8749 or known as Philippine Clean Air Act. All parameters
tested in all sites are within the allowable limits. Table 88 and Table 89 present the results of air quality in
selected sites of the project area.
Table 90 to Table 98 present the meteorological data of the air samples collected.
Table 88. Ambient Air Test results taken in Buenavista and San Lorenzo, Guimaras
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Table 89. Ambient Air Test results taken in Brgy. Pag-ayon, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental and Brgy. Gua-
an, Leganes, Brgy. Hinactacan, Jaro, Iloilo
TSP, PM10, NO2, SO2 – corrected at 25oC, 760mm Hg; *RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999); ND – Not Detected
Division of 24 - Prevailing Temperature
Pressure Remarks
Hours Sampling Wind (deg. C)
April 2 to 3, 2019
SE-NW 33.4 756.2 Sunny
1340H - 1540H
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Prevailing Temperature
Division of 24 - Pressure Remarks
Wind (deg. C)
Hours Sampling (mmHg)
April 3 to 4, 2019
NW-SE 31.5 749.2 Sunny
1600H - 1800H
Table 92. Meteorological Data at Sitio Cabanbanan, Brgy. Salvacion, Buenavista, Guimaras
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Division of 24 - Temperature
Prevailing Wind Pressure Remarks
Hours Sampling (deg. C)
July 8 to 9, 2019
NE-SW 33.6 752.3 Sunny
0940H - 1140H
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Division of 24 - Prevailing Temperature
Pressure Remarks
Hours Sampling Wind (deg. C)
April 6 to 7, 2019
NE-SW 33.1 757.4 Cloudy
1100H - 1300H
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Division of 24 - Prevailing Temperature
Pressure Remarks
Hours Sampling Wind (deg. C)
April 7 to 8, 2019
NE-SW 34.3 757 Sunny
1200H - 1400H
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Division of 24 - Prevailing Temperature
Pressure Remarks
Hours Sampling Wind (deg. C)
April 9 to 10, 2019
NE-SW 33.6 757.3 Sunny
1000H - 1200H
Table 96. Meteorological Data at Brgy. Ubay, Near Lagasan Boundary, Negros Occidental
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Prevailing Temperature
Division of 24 - Pressure Remarks
Wind (deg. C)
Hours Sampling (mmHg)
April 10 to 11, 2019
NW-SE 34.5 755.2 Sunny, Partly Cloudy
1230H - 1430H
Division of 24 - Prevailing Temperature
Pressure Remarks
Hours Sampling Wind (deg. C)
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Division of 24 - Temperature
Prevailing Wind Pressure Remarks
Hours Sampling (deg. C)
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July 6 to 7, 2019
NW-SE 33.6 753.2 Cloudy
1130H - 1330H Meteorological Environment and Design Wind Parameters Study for PGN Project
The scope of the study is to investigate the wind parameters of the bridge structures and necessary
meteorological parameters around the bridge sites. In order to obtain the wind effect on the structure of PGN
project, the Research Center for Wind Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University carried out the detailed
research by field investigation, data analysis and numerical simulations. The corresponding conclusion can
support the feasibility study, as well as be used as a reference for preliminary design. A detailed of the study
is presented in separate report. Below is the summary.
The annual maximum gust wind speed (for 3 seconds) and direction during 1980 to 2009 obtained by Iloilo
Weather Station (IWS) are listed in Table 99, where the data has been conducted with correspondence to 10
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meters standard height. As the bridge site is very near to IWS, the data of IWS can be directly applied for
calculation of bridge design wind speed.
Table 99. Annual maximum gust wind speed (for 3 seconds) and direction of IWS near to the bridge site
1980 21 WSW 1995 36 SW
1981 18 SW 1996 24 SW
1982 25 WSW 1997 36 SW
1983 17 SW 1998 20 NE
1984 25 SSW 1999 19 SW
1985 15 SW 2000 18 S
1986 25 SW 2001 28 WSW
1987 30 NE 2002 20 W
1988 19 SW 2003 30 SW
1989 14 SW 2004 18 W
1990 44 S 2005 15 NE
1991 20 WSW 2006 20 W
1992 26 SW 2007 18 W
1993 22 SW 2008 22 SSE
1994 20 N 2009 16 SW
According to the hypothesis test in statistics, the probability distribution of annual (or monthly) maximum
wind speed in Philippines can be generally considered as the Extreme Value Type I (Gumbel Type), which
can be expressed as following:
The above undetermined parameter , can be obtained according to the calculation of mathematical
expectation and standard deviation of wind speed records.
(1) Arrange the annual maximum wind speed from big value to small
value(1,2,…m,…N;N represent the year);
(2) For each wind speed, calculation the probability P that is less than it., P m/(N + 1);
(3) For each probability P, computing equivalent variable y = - Ln (LnP);
(4) Series of equation is obtained of wind speed U or x and y, and then determine the best α and values by
the least square method.
Based on the annual maximum gust wind speed records, it can be obtained by the above method that the gust wind
speeds within a return period of 50 years and 100 years as shown in Table 101, respectively.
Table 100. Gust wind speed of bridge site in different return periods based on the annual maximum gust wind speed
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ASCE7-05 presents the conversion relations of maximum wind speed of different average interval and
maximum average wind speed of 1 hour, as shown in Figure 122. From the figure, the ratio of gust wind speed
within 3 seconds to the 10-minute averaged wind speed is 1.425. According to the relationship, the 10 minutes
maximum average wind speed of every 50 years and 100 years is 29.59 m/s and 32.41 m/s, as shown in Table
Table 101. The basic wind speed at bridge site in different return periods
10-minute averaged wind
Return period /Year P Gust wind speed(m/s)
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The CFD software OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) was applied to investigate the
wind field of bridge site, which includes the wind velocity contours, wind attack angle and distributions of
wind direction.
Here in order to obtain the results accurately, SST k-ω model, which is a two-equation turbulence model,
is applied in this numerical simulation.
SST k-ω model have been a mature turbulence model in the aspect of theory and practical application,
combining with the continuity equation and momentum equation of fluid mechanics. FLUENT is a mature
commercial software to solve the whole flow field area. This research adopts CFD software Fluent 15.0 for
numerical solution of the above equations.
When using FLUENT software to calculate, the first step is to establish the geometry model in fluid field,
mesh the computational domain and set the boundary conditions with the software ICEM. It’s worth noting
that the degree of meshing grid has a direct impact on the calculation results. Then choose the appropriate
model and parameters in FLUENT software solver to do the calculation. At last, export the results and
As to the topography characteristics of the Bridge Site, OpenFoam software was used for wind field
numerical simulation using DELL T5500 calculation workstation. The physical memory of calculation
workstation was up to 48 G, the kernel for the workstation is Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU (double processor),
which can better competent the calculation hardware requirements.
Based on the SRTM (shuttle radar topography mission) file, the three-dimensional terrain coordinates were
extracted by the professional terrain software of Global Mapper. Then these coordinate points were
imported into the grid software and transformed into the associated surface. Figure 123 shows the contour
map of the terrain at bridge site which can be applied to establish the grid system.
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The calculation area is generated based on the astigmatism cloud map with an interval of 30 m, taking into
account the calculation accuracy and calculation efficiency. The terrain model map is shown in Figure 124.
The blue line in the figure represents the bridge, with the A segment on the upper left and the B segment
on the lower right. The total number of grid cells in the A section of the bridge is 8,857,434. The B section
is divided into two sections for calculation. The total number of grid cells in the B1 segment is 9643854, and
the total number of B2 grid cells is 12114738. The local surface meshing is shown in Figure 125, and the
overall grid is shown in Figure 126.
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In order to investigate the effect of wind direction on the wind field at the bridge site, twelve cases were
taken into consideration with the step size of 30° (total wind direction of 360°) in present study as shown
in Figure 127, where the number in the circle represents the wind direction. The solid line in the middle
represents the direction of the flow and the direction of the bridge axis. Thus the wind direction of Case 1
is vertical to bridge site.
In wind field numerical simulation, wind profile at the entrance is set with class A topography type
according to the "Standard of Wind-resistant Design of Highway Bridges in China D60-01-2004”.
Boundary layer height is set with 300 m (see Figure 122), with the wind speed U of 20 m/s at the height
of 10 m.
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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
wind speed/m/s
In order to study the influence of flow in different directions on the bridge wind field, a series of
observation points are set on the bridge axis.
In order to visually describe the relationship between the wind speed at the observation point and the
wind speed at the boundary entrance, the wind speed-up factor Cu, a
dimensionless parameter, is defined, which is the ratio between the wind speed of the observation point to
that on the inlet. Vb is the wind speed at the observation point, and V10 is the wind speed at a height of
10m on the inlet. Cu reflects the amplification or attenuation of the wind speed at the observation point.
The wind angle of attack α and the wind direction angle β are important parameters describing the wind
field of the bridge. The angle of attack α has an important influence on the wind resistance of the main
beam. The positive angle of attack represents the updraft and the negative angle of attack represents the
U C =
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The PGN Bridge project is an important traffic project in the Philippines so that the safety assessment of
the impact caused by the wind is required. In order to ensure driving comfort and safety, present research
calculates the wind speed influence coefficient λs within 4m height of the bridge lane center.
The layout of the lane of the bridge is shown in Figure 129 and the first lane is at the windward
position.。 Conclusions
(1) The basic wind speed of the PGN Bridge, which is referred to the 10min mean wind speed at the
standard height of 10m and 100-year return period, is 32.41m/s. The category of the bridge site can be
classified as Class D as defined in the NSCP-2001 (Philippines Code).
(2) The designed wind speed at the height of bridge deck of the main bridge is 45.6 m/s, and the associated
wind angle of attack can be limited into the range of -3°~+3°.
(3) The necessary meteorological parameters for the construction including temperature, humidity,
rainfall and rainfall days at bridge sites were presented in this research.
(4) As the wind effects on the traffic lanes of two main bridges are so obvious, the corresponding wind
barrier measures is essential to maintain the safety of vehicles.
(5) The aerodynamic coefficients of main girders for different design options were presented in this
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Pollution from the project are mainly air-borne dusts, generated from activities such as road construction,
pipeline construction, and vehicle operations. The effect of pollution will be high on buildings close to the
project site. Use of commercial asphalt is recommended in the construction, because its exhaust gas will
have less impact.
In the demolition and relocation on earlier stage, the air-borne dust from demolition and relocation may
occur in the process of pushing, knocking and clearing transportation. The demolition of the project on
earlier stage mainly involves the houses along the line. Therefore, in the process of demolition, it is
necessary to strengthen the management, standardize the construction and adopt necessary ambient
protection measures such as sprinkling water in order to reduce the air-borne dust impact on the
The subsequent waste following the establishment of the pipeline and construction of the road will need
to be cleared at the earliest in order to avoid dust emission by wind and air. The construction activities
such as loading and unloading on the construction site will also increase air-borne dust.
Bridge construction
Bridge construction mainly includes the construction of the foundation, bridge superstructure, lifting and
splicing stage. In comparison to the air born dust resulting from the pavement construction, the impact of
air-borne dust caused by bridge construction is relatively small. This is because, it neither involves the
construction of a new pavement nor produces secondary air borne dust from driving on unfinished
The scattering dust from the vehicles used to transport concrete and muck along the way, which will
increase the amount of air-borne dust on the driving routes, especially at the construction road, the
entrance and exit points of the work sites.
Storage yards are required to store construction materials such as lime, sand and stones for road
construction. The air-borne dust blown by wind and generated in the loading and unloading process at
storage yards will lead to air pollution. The volume of dust emission in the storage yard is closely related
to the type and nature of materials and wind speed. For example, the materials with smaller gravity are
more prone to dusting when they are disturbed and materials with large proportion of small particles, the
corresponding degree of dusting will be high. The contractor will take the effective measures to alleviate
the air-borne dust pollution, and watering is a comparatively effective way to control such dust.
The concrete mixing stations is set up in three construction sites for the project. If the mixing station in
the construction site is near residential areas, the impact on these residences will be high unless
mitigation measures are taken. Thus, all mixing stations will adopt concentrated mixing mode and will
operate in a fully enclosed space, to minimise the impact of air-borne dust in mixing process and to control
the air-borne dust pollution from mixing materials.
In conclusion, the air-borne dust pollution during the construction period of the project is mainly from the
road construction dust, the pipeline construction dust, construction air-borne dust in storage yards and
from mixing materials. Strict pollution control plans and precautionary measures in accordance with the
relevant laws and regulations will need to be executed to effectively control and alleviate air-borne dust
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Specific measures about prevention and control of dust pollution are as follows:
• Fixed hard enclosure walls not lower than 2 m high will be set up around the construction area of
the proposed project to prevent the impact of air-borne dust in the construction site; the contractor
will assure that trained staff will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of facilities and for
regular inspections.
• Optimize the layout plan of construction site in Male: the concrete mixing area where the air-
borne dust is produced will be arranged on the eastern side, away from residential area.
• When the construction machineries are at work in the construction process of roadbed, pipelines,
etc., the surface should be regularly watered to prevent air-borne dust pollution.
• Facilities to wash vehicles, matched drainage facilities and mud sedimentation facilities will be
set up at the construction site. The carrier vehicles will be washed, covered and cleaned
thoroughly daily. This will prevent the construction materials, rubble and muck from scattering.
• The road used to transport materials and the road in and out of the storage yard will be watered
timely. The contractor will provide watering carts for watering twice a day and watering number
should be appropriately increased in humid weather or strongly windy weather to prevent air-
borne dust on the pavements.
• Wind proofing and covering will be required for the materials such as concretes, sand and lime
that can be easy to be scattered during loading and unloading, transporting, transferring and
temporarily storing.
• Mortar and concrete will be mixed openly in the construction site similar to other open type
processing operations that are prone to air-borne dust.
• The demolition and dismantlement of construction structures shall be carried out in calm weather
conditions with lower levels of wind speed in order to reduce the amount of air-borne pollutants.
Any unfinished work of the day should be covered along with watering measures as well.
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Noise measurements were collected on April 2 to 11, 2019 & July 6-9, 2019 at Municipalities of Leganes,
Iloilo, Buenavista, San Lorenzo, Guimaras and Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. Figure 130 shows the
noise sampling locations for PGN project. Weather condition at the time of sampling was sunny to cloudy
with slight rains. Twenty-four (24) hours measurement were sampled for Noise level. Table 102 presents
the sampling sites, date and time of collection conducted in Iloilo, Guimaras and Negros Occidental.
Table 102. Summary of Noise Sampling Stations, Coordinates, Date and Time of Samplings
Sampling Stations Coordinates Date and Time of Samplings
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A digital sound level meter was used in the noise measurement activity conducted by CRL Calabarquez
Corporation. The sound level meter used was Lutron that meets the IEC 61672 standard, class 1. The
equipment have A frequency weighting and fast time weighting with a measurement range of 30 dB to
130 dB and resolution of 0.1 dB.
The noise measurements were conducted within selected sites of PGN Island Bridges Project. The lowest
and highest noise levels monitored were recorded thru data logger. The multiple sounds reading each
station was recorded and summarized by getting its logarithmic average. The result of this gave the
equivalent noise level (Leq).
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Table 103a to Table 103o present the results of noise level monitoring conducted from the two (2)
stations. The results of each station are summarized by getting the lowest (Min) and highest (Max)
readings and by computing the equivalent continuous noise level in its logarithmic form (LAeq) for each
time period. The results are compared with the DENR Ambient Noise Quality Standards Sec. 78 Chapter
IV, Article 1 of National Pollution Control Commission (NPCC) Rules and Regulations, 1978 standard
limits for Class “AA” School Area Category; Class “A” Residential Category and using correction factor of
“+5 dBA” if sampling area is facing four (4) lanes road and Class “B” Industrial Category.
Based on the results of noise measurement, some areas failed to meet the standard limit set fort. However
most of the said exceedances are not critical since high noise level created during sampling are mostly
intermittent only specifically those coming from animals like barking of dogs, rooster crowing, etc.
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “B”: A section or contiguous area which zoned or used as heavy industrial area
0900H – 1800 H 65 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 60 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 55 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 60 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Note: Monitoring was conducted on a 2-hour interval. In practice, the start of sampling time is used as the basis for noise
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
“ I ” Areas directly fronting or facing a four-lane road ……….+ 5 dBA
0900H – 1800 H 55 + 5 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 + 5 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 + 5 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 + 5 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Table 103c. (N3) Noise Data at Brgy. Getulio, Buenavista, Guimaras
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Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Note: Monitoring was conducted on a 2-hour interval. In practice, the start of sampling time is used as the basis for noise
Table 103e. (N5) Noise Data at Brgy. Banban, Buenavista, Guimaras
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
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Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
“ I ” Areas directly fronting or facing a four-lane road ……….+ 5 dBA
0900H – 1800 H 55 + 5 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 + 5 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 + 5 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 + 5 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Table 103g. (N7) Noise Data at Brgy. M. Chavez, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
“ I ” Areas directly fronting or facing a four-lane road ……….+ 5 dBA
0900H – 1800 H 55 + 5 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 + 5 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 + 5 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 + 5 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Monitoring was conducted on a 2-hour interval. In practice, the start of sampling time is used as the basis for noise divisions.
Table 103h. (N8) Noise Data at Brgy. Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
“ I ” Areas directly fronting or facing a four-lane road ……….+ 5 dBA
0900H – 1800 H 55 + 5 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 + 5 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 + 5 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 + 5 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Table 103i. (N9) Noise Data at Brgy. Pag-ayon, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
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Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “AA”: A section or contiguous from area which required quietness, such as areas within 100 meters
from school sites, nursery schools, hospitals, and special homes for the aged.
0900H – 1800 H 50 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 45 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 40 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 45 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Table 103j. (N10) Noise Data at Brgy. Ubay near Pag-Ayon Boundary, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Note: Monitoring was conducted on a 2-hour interval. In practice, the start of sampling time is used as the basis for noise divisions.
Table 103k. (N11) Noise Data at Brgy. Ubay near Lagasan Boundary, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
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Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Note: Monitoring was conducted on a 2-hour interval. In practice, the start of sampling time is used as the basis for noise divisions.
Table 103n. (N14) Noise Data at Purok Sinamay, Sitio Cabanbanan, Brgy. Salvacion, Buenavista, Guimaras
Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
Morning (0500H - 0900H) 49.81 Passed Noise came from vehicle passing-by,
residents activity, dogs barking and
Daytime (0900H - 1800H) 54.80 Passed insects.
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Note: Monitoring was conducted on a 2-hour interval. In practice, the start of sampling time is used as the basis for noise divisions.
Table 103o. (N15) Noise Data at Sitio Cabanbanan, Brgy. Salvacion, Buenavista, Guimaras
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Sampling Time Remarks Noise Sources
Average dB (A)
***Category “A”: A section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
0900H – 1800 H 55 dB (Daytime)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
1800H – 2200 H 50 dB (Evening)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
2200H – 0500 H 45 dB (Night time)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
0500H – 0900 H 50 dB (Morning)[Maximum allowable limit based on division of 24-hour sampling]
Note: Monitoring was conducted on a 2-hour interval. In practice, the start of sampling time is used as the basis for noise divisions.
Noise sources of the planned project in the construction stage mainly come from construction machinery,
supplemented by radiation noise of transport vehicles. Specific construction machinery used in the project
and their distribution are:
Ground road construction is mainly involved in the bridge landing areas. During ground road construction,
rain pipes, sewage pipes, electricity channel and communication conduits, and various municipal
pipelines shall be installed by excavating the both sides of the road. The construction machinery used
primarily includes a pneumatic pick, drilling machine, bulldozer, excavator, air compressor, loader, land
leveler, vibratory roller, and concrete mixer truck and transport vehicles. The noise intensity of these
machineries is high, and part of them will generate vibration impact, having greater effect on the
surrounding sensitive spots.
The major noises in the bridge construction are generated by: the perfusion of drilling machinery adopted
in the foundation construction; casting and compacting of concrete in the pier sites; lifting machine or
erecting machines and related activities and so on. During the bridge construction, vibration mainly comes
from the construction process of bridge pile foundation. According to the approved designing scheme,
the bored pile construction adopted in this project has less vibration impact than the pile drivers. The
nearest distance between piers and residential buildings is about 100 m. In addition to the pile casting,
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all other construction activities related to the foundation works have comparatively less impact on the
residential building.
The nearest residential building is approximately 20 m from this site. Hence, noise and vibration generated
at this site is likely to be a nuisance to the residents in this area.
In order to mitigate construction noises impact, strict management measures shall be taken in the
construction process, as well as strengthened noise reduction measure of the works.
In the process of construction, a great deal of transportation marine vessels and land vehicles are
required. Large transport vehicles emit loud noises, which usually cause greater impacts on the acoustic
environment along transport roads. Furthermore, horns, overloads, over-speeding, and construction at
midnight, etc. all may worsen such noises impacts.
• Delineate the construction sites and in the worksites, erect a boundary wall that is no less than 2 m
high around the construction area.
• While implementing the general layout of construction site, the equipment producing loud noises shall
be set away from residential area close to the construction site. The office and living area that will not
produce loud noises shall be arranged in the side of work site near the residential area. And at the
same time, distribute the construction site rationally to minimize the effects on surrounding residential
• According to impact analysis during the construction period, construction at night with strong noise
has a higher impact, especially the sensitive buildings at the start section. So, the construction plan
needs to be arranged reasonably during planning. The project should avoid all construction work
during nighttime which involves high noise pollution. These may exclude continuous pouring of
concrete and repair work. If it requires construction between 22:00 and 06:00 the next day, contractor
should ask for the opinions and approvals from the local municipal administrative authority. After
acquiring permission of nighttime construction, the requirements for noise mitigation shall be strictly
followed. In cased of bored pile construction at night-time, casting and compacting of concrete as
well as horns of all the vehicles in and out of the construction site shall be forbidden.
• Strengthen the maintenance of construction equipment. Keep it lubricated and fasten all parts to
reduce vibration noises while operating. Construction mechanical equipment should be placed firmly
and steadily on the ground and if possible, vibration attenuation base should be used.
• Reasonably arrange the driving routes and schedules for construction vehicles in and out of the site
and strengthen the management of those construction vehicles. No horns watch out the speed limit
and drive courteously to reduce the traffic noises. Construction vehicles should try to avoid the driving
in residential areas. For those that have to pass through the residential areas, a reasonable driving
plan shall be made and negotiation and communication with neighboring residents shall be
strengthened, to prevent the noise disturbance to the residents.
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In terms of household number, the highest in the PSA 2015 records is the municipality of Buenavista,
Guimaras with 12,115 household population. Household size of the four (4) municipalities are in 4 while
the highest household head are male.
Table 104. Household and Household Size in the Municipalities Affected by the Project
Household Number
Province Municipality
Male Headed Female Headed Size
Households Households
Pulupandan 4,990 1,426 6,416 4.3
The located is located in one (1) Municipality in Iloilo, two (2) Municipalities in Guimaras and one (1)
Municipality in Negros Occidental covering a total of 12 barangays. The total population of the 12
barangays are 19,097. Among the barangays cover, M. Chavez in the municipality of San Lorenzo,
Guimaras and Getulio in the municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras have the highest population with 2,803
and 2,619, respectively. On the other hand, the least population within the project area is Barangay Pag-
ayon with 981 populations.
Table 105. Population per Barangay Covered by the Project (2015, 2018)
Province Municipality Barangay Population
Iloilo Leganes 1 Guan 1,231
2 Cansilayan 1,369*
3 Banban 1,205*
Buenavista 4 Navalas 1,595*
5 San Miguel 703*
6 Getulio 2,619*
San Lorenzo 7 M. Chavez 2,803
8 Tapong 1,168
9 Canjusa 1,991
Pulupandan 10 Zone 4A 1,516
11 Pag-ayon 981
12 Ubay 1,916
Total 19,097
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (2015)
Municipal Profile, Buenvista, Guimaras Island (2018)
Historically, there are significant changes in terms of population growth in the project area. Based on PSA data
(2015), there is an increasing trend of population from 1960 to 2015 among the 4 municipalities covered except
in 1995 in Buenavista, Guimaras and 1990 in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. San Lorenzo in Guimaras records
of population started only in 1995 since its creation by virtue of Republic Act No. 7897 on February 20, 1995.
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1960 1970 1975 1980 1990 1995 2000 2007 2010 2015
Leganes, Iloilo 9,244 11,480 12,328 14,285 18,505 19,235 23,475 27,357 29,438 32,480
Buenavista, Guimaras 22,587 26,692 30,154 31,921 41,435 37,681 41,717 43,817 46,703 50,437
San Lorenzon, Guimaras 18,537 20,168 22,319 24,032 26,112
Pulupandan, Neg.Occ 14,844 19,476 23,665 24,824 22,983 24,932 25,849 27,072 25,350 27,735
Figure 131. Population per Census Year in the Municipalities Affected by the Project
With regards to population growth (by province), Negros Occidental has the lowest annual average growth
rate between the periods of 2000-2010 and 2010-2015, with 1.15 and 0.79, respectively. Iloilo and
Guimaras, on the other hand have average growth rates of 1.48 and 1.42 between the periods of 2000-
2010 and 1.34 and 1.33 between the periods of 2010-2015, which have only small gaps.
Based on 2015 Census of Population and Housing of Philippine Statistics Office, the four (4) municipalities
have a total population of 136,764 and an average population density of 717.5 persons/km2. The highest
average population density among the municipalities covered is Pulupandan in Negros Occidental with
1,200 persons/km2.
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As per census 2015 in the four (4) municipalities, male slightly dominates the female with a total
population of 69,464 and 67,300 and with percentages of 50.79% and 49.21% respectively.
In terms of broad-age grouping, majority of the population belongs to the 5-9 years old bracket with
13,338, closely followed by the 10-14 brackets at 12,641. The group with the least population was the 80
years old and over with only 1,638.
Table 108. Population by Group Age in the Municipalities Affected by the Project
All Ages Buenavista San Lorenzo Leganes Pulupandan
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Under 1 425 373 248 237 311 305 219 222
1-4 1,898 1,819 1,176 1,129 1,324 1,244 983 848
5-9 2,438 2,317 1,393 1,376 1,653 1,572 1,322 1,267
10 - 14 2,295 2,170 1,341 1,217 1,564 1,514 1,269 1,271
15 - 19 2,333 2,171 1,323 1,214 1,553 1,475 1,324 1,157
20 - 24 2,310 2,163 1,265 1,108 1,519 1,533 1,298 1,234
25 - 29 2,236 2,194 1,167 1,005 1,402 1,275 1,188 1,083
30 - 34 2,065 1,928 1,026 878 1,243 1,140 1,033 1,017
35 - 39 1,870 1,576 953 757 1,160 1,127 1,052 940
40 - 44 1,630 1,460 834 720 998 979 959 905
45 - 49 1,392 1,335 678 638 885 871 840 853
50 - 54 1,247 1,259 574 555 781 796 760 734
55 - 59 1,146 1,073 511 497 636 642 615 612
60 - 64 901 876 391 392 467 543 452 539
65 - 69 579 684 246 300 330 398 313 389
70 - 74 365 480 193 216 216 304 169 266
75 - 79 269 417 118 168 134 213 123 225
80 years and 236 507 113 155 105 268 79 175
Total 25,635 24,802 13,550 12,562 16,281 16,199 13,998 13,737
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015
There is a gender and development in the four (4) municipalities affected by the project. They
implemented the equal protection or treatment to women. Part of their gender and development initiatives
is the implementation of GAD-ECCD Program which consider gender welfare as well as early childhood
care and development.
In terms of literacy, age group from 10-14 and 15-19 has the highest population recorded in all
municipalities affected while the least in terms of population are those age group of 60-64. Highest literacy
in the data of PSA (2015) is in the municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras with 41,122 populations.
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Education
In terms of access to educational services in the four (4) municipalities affected by the project, availability
of school facilities is accessible. In terms of population of highest grade level completed, Philippine
Statistics Authority (2015), the highest grade completed of most of the population in the affected
municipalities are high school while post baccalaureate has the least number. Special education is
available in all municipalities. Table below presents the grade level completed with corresponding
numbers of population.
Table 110. Highest Grade/Year Completed in the Municipalities Affected by the Project
Highest Grade/Year Completed Leganes, Iloilo Buenavista, San Pulupandan,
Guimaras Lorenzo, Neg Occ
Special Education 14 4 5 7
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Undergraduate 12 23 33 33
Post Baccalaureate 50 43 16 19
Not Stated 14 8 4 3
Figure 132 presents initial settlement locations within and proximity of the bridge and road alignment
generated from the Geographic Information System and google earth. These settlements will be affected
on the implementation 6of the project. It will be further detailed during the implementation of Resettlement
Action Plan (RAP).
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2.4.2 In-Migration
Most housing units found in the municipalities are made of both permanent and semi-permanent
materials. On the other hand, housing units that are made of lights materials like cogon, nipa and bamboo
are commonly seen in the rural areas.
The most common type of materials used for roofing and walling purposes are made up of strong
materials like galvanized iron, wood, and concrete. About 24,343 households are made up of strong
materials, 10,429 of which are made up of light materials like nipa, sawali, cogon and bamboo.
Table 111. Construction materials of roof and wall in the Municipalities Affected by the Project
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The project is expected to cause damage to properties including residential dwellings of Project Affected
Persons (PAPs) in different Barangay. All alignment options were visited and CCCC Highway Consultants
Co., Ltd. / The ALMANA Construction and Development Corporation (ACDC) structures located within
the perimeter of the alignments were documented. The valuation of each structure is based on the
replacement cost as defined in Section 6.6 of the IRR for R.A.10752. The structures surveyed are
documented by photographs, with name of resident and location (Barangay and GPS coordinates) as
well as the estimated floor area.
For the purpose of estimating the replacement cost of these structures, the latest Construction Material
Price Date (CMPD) for the second quarter of CY 2019 (under DPWH Memo 097-7_070419) was used as
guide. Included in the total cost of the structures is the demolition cost of the old one. However, certain
reservations were observed in making the estimates as thorough investigation of the property, especially
in the interior part of the house cannot always be done due to limited access. It is therefore expected that
the final survey may vary from what is presented in the RAP Report. Table 112 presents the total
structures of affected barangay
Section A-Alignment B shows to impact on 82 structures with heavy concentration in Barangay Guan,
Leganes. Of the total affected structures, 55 are residential dwelling. Total assessed value of these
structures is PhP 4,821,146.00. The estimated cost is contributed mostly by large concrete dwellings in
Section B-Alignment D has the largest number of structures and improvements affected bythe project
since the inland coverage of the project is longer and wider in both the M.Chavez takeoff point and the
endpoint in Ubay, Pulupandan. A total of 302 structures, 200 of which are residential dwellings will be
affected. These structures are estimated to have a total value of P14,853,424. Table 107 presents the
total estimate of trees/plants affected by the project.
The 102 non-residential dwellings are varied in nature but significantly include a school, chapel and
barangay hall in M. Chavez. There are two rice mills in this alignment and several sari-sari stores and
furniture shops, particularly in Ubay, Pulupandan.
Section A (Option B) likewise show substantial number of mangrove trees affected. These mangroves are
found in the forests of Getulio and shoreline of Gua-an. The inventory also registered eight Narra trees
that require special permits to cut. Details on the inventory of trees are found in Table 107b.
Buenavista, Guimaras:
Bamboos 76 na 152,000
Mangroves 35 na 10,200
Gua-an, Leganes:
Section B- Option D covers M.Chavez and Pulupandan. These areas have 271 trees, coconuts and
bamboos that may be affected. Total cost of these trees is P781,884.
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The Ati, a Negrito ethnic group, are mostly found in Western and Central Visayas. Large concentrations
are found in Aklan, Capiz, Antique, and Iloilo on Panay Island, and the biggest group is in Iloilo. There
are also Ati populations on the islands of Guimaras and Negros (comprising Negros Occidental and
Negros Oriental). Few Atis still speak their traditional language, as it has been replaced by Kinary-a, which
is spoken in Antique and some parts of Iloilo.
Moreover, there is no IP Groups nor CADT/CADC within the proposed bridge alignment that may be
affected nor displaced.
On inventory of physical cultural resources, there are no cultural resources/historical sites within the
Leganes was annexed to the service area of Metro Iloilo Water District (MIWD) by virtue of a
Memorandum of Agreement signed by Mayor Enrique M. Rojas and former MIWD General Manager
Moises G. Molen, Jr. way back in 2000. In 2005, the MIWD laid down 13,013.70 linear meters of various
sizes of transmission and distribution lines, including appurtenances, installation of new service
connections and rehabilitation of the town's existing well source but as to this date the MIWD pipeline is
not functional. No household within the municipality has been supplied with water from the MIWD. The
need for water is immediate. It is proposed that the municipality should operate its own water system
independent of the MIWD to ensure the access of all households in the municipality to potable water.
Leganes’ sources of Level III potable water are the deep wells in the barangays of Guihaman and
Cagamutan Sur. The municipality has adequate underground water supply, which can be tapped for
domestic and commercial uses. The surface water in Calaboa Creek, Carismo-an Creek and Janipaan
River are utilized for irrigation purposes.
Water supply of Municipality of Buenavista come from their Municipal water district and served to 4,397
households. Some people in the community their water supplied by wells/spring in the brgy., Water
supplied through water faucets in individual households
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Municipality of Pulupandan get their water supply in Water System of Pulupandan. Water system was
previously managed by the Municipality of Pulupandan. The water system consists of a 100 CU.M.
Concrete Reservoir, Kilometers of pipelines consisting of combination of Galvanized iron and PBC pipes
of varying sizes.
Electric supply of Municipality of Buenavista and San Lorenzo come from Guimaras Electric Cooperative
(Guimelco). While municipality of Leganes and Pulupandan get their power supply in Negros Occidental
Electric Cooperative (Noceco), catering to consumers in the southern portion of the province, from
Pulupandan to Hinoba-an.
Communication Networks are available in the four (4) municipalities affected by the project. There are
three (3) available cell sites in the areas such as Smart Communications, Globe and Sun Cellular. Also,
there are landlines and wireless services. There are also a radio stations existing in the areas providing
broadcast service. Moreover, there are television networks from Manila provide live telecast to the people
in the community. These are the GMA, ABS-CBN, TV 5.
In terms of peace and order in the four (4) municipalities affected by the project, through the joint effort of
the police, fire department and the community, is considered as one of the most peaceful municipalities
of the Province of based on the low crime rate recorded. No heinous or sensational cases have ever been
recorded and there are no existing criminal groups in the area for several years. The police, fire
department and the community are doing its part in keeping with the said status purposely to attract more
investors to do business in the area and maintain a peaceful and ideal place to live, work and conduct
The main rural health unit (RHU) of the municipality is an accredited Sentrong Sigla with available
laboratory, maternal, child care, and referral services. The staff of the RHU composed of one (1) doctor,
two (2) nurses, one (1) medical technologist, and four (4) midwives, who are on call twenty four hours a
day to attend to the needs of the public.
Every barangay in the municipality has an organized barangay nutrition scholars (BNS), barangay health
workers (BHW), daycare workers (DCW) and barangay tanods who monitors and administers first degree
intervention for nutrition, health and sanitation, early childhood development, and maintenance of peace
and order respectively. Programs, projects and services from the national, provincial or municipal level
are channeled through these volunteer groups that implement such in their areas of coverage. They
ensure the timely delivery of interventions to residents of their respective barangays.
Accessibility to far flung areas of the municipality has never been an issue. National, provincial, municipal,
barangay and NIA access roads give mobility to people, products and services which means access to
basic services such as health and welfare is only a few minutes away wherever in the municipality.
The Municipal Nutrition Office in coordination with the Municipal Health Office is tasked to provide a
comprehensive implementation of nutrition programs and services to malnourished children residing
within the community. This is to minimize the perennial problem of malnutrition. To maximize the utilization
of limited resources, this project will carry out stopgap strategies that will include food production, food
and micronutrients supplementation, information education campaign (IEC) in all day care center, schools
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and barangays. In addition to these efforts, a regular periodic laboratory examination of all water sources
will ensure safe drinking water for all residents; the zero open defecation component of the project will
ensure that all households have sanitary toilets; the installation of hand washing facilities in schools and
fluoride tooth brushing will ensure proper hygiene; a mass drug administration of deworming drugs to all
preschool and school children three times a year; and an information, education, communication drive to
integrate the message of fighting intestinal worm infection to school curriculum will hopefully reduce the
number of malnourished children in the municipality.
In the latest record of the DOH Region VI year 2017 a total of 110,058 livebirths were recorded, while
there are 43,371 total number of death. There were 1,130 numbers of infant death and 72 maternal death.
The leading cause of Infant Mortality as per 2017 record of DOH Region VI were Prematurity, Septicemia,
Pneumonia, Asphyxia, heart diseases, Respiratory distress syndrome, Congenital anomaly, Diarrheal
diseases, Infection and Umbilical cord accident.
ALRTI and pneumonia ranked first followed by the Hypertension, Acute Respiratory Infection, Bronchitis,
Urinary Tract Infection, TB Respiratory, Influenza, Acute Watery Diarrhea, Chickenpox and Acute
Hemorrhagic Fever. While record from the DOH-Center for Health Development-Western Visayas as of
2006 listed the following as the leading cause of morbidity Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Pneumonia,
Diarrhea, Bronchitis, hypertension, Injuries, Influenza, TB Respiratory/Pulmonary, Parasitism and Urinary
Tract Infection.
Hypertensive Cardiovascular Diseases (HCVD) has become the leading cause of mortality in 2017 at the
record 10,485 cases. Pneumonia became the number two as Malignant Neoplasm (Cancer) is the number
three leading cause of mortality for adults. Other causes of death are Injuries/Accidents, Kidney diseases,
Cerebro Vascular Accidents (CVA), Tuberculosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),
Diabetes and Septicemia.
Table 116. Deaths, Infant Deaths and Maternal Deaths by Sex, Region VI
Population Live Deaths Infant Deaths Maternal
Births Deaths
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Male Female Total Rate Male Female Total Rate No. Rate
7,919.888 110,058 24,697 18,674 43,371 5.48 644 486 1,130 10.27 72 65.42
Source: DOH Region VI Report, 2017
As per DOH Region VI report in 2017, 83.90% of the total households of 1,691,250 has access to sanitary
toilets, satisfactory disposal of solid waste, and with complete basic sanitation facilities.
Table 117. Number and Percentage Distribution of Households with Sanitary Toilet, Satisfactory
Disposal of Solid Waste and Complete Basic Sanitation Facilities in Region VI
Total HHs with Sanitary HHs with satisfactory HHs with complete
Households Toilet disposal of solid waste basic sanitation
(HH) facilities
No. % No. % No. %
1,691,250 1,418,901 83.90 1,264,935 74.79 1,124,263 66.48
Source: DOH Region VI Report, 2017
The 2015 Census of Population by the Philippine Statistics Authority grouped major occupations into ten
(10) classifications which include managers, professionals, technical and associate professionals, clerical
support workers, service and sales workers, skilled agricultural forestry and fishery workers, craft and
related trades workers, plant and machine operators and assemblers, elementary occupations and armed
forces occupation. Other occupations elsewhere classified and not reported are also accounted. These
workers included in the statistics are gainful workers 15 years old and above. Buenavista, Guimaras is
recorded to have the highest number of workers with 22,045.
In terms of classification, out of the total of all the municipalities/cities covered by the project, the
highest number of employment are those on Elementary Occupations with a total of 41,190 for the two
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers 1,445 3,030 1,001 1,485
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Not Reported 24 18 6 9
Based on the 2016 data from the municipal profiles, Buenavista, Guimaras has the highest income with
115,000,000 pesos followed by Leganes, Iloilo with an income of 87,000,000 pesos. Meanwhile, San
Lorenzo has a total of 81,200,000 pesos while Pulupandan has an income of 70,700,000 pesos.
Buenavista 115
San Lorenzo 81.2
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Poverty reduction remains the overarching goal of the Philippine government. The main vision of the
Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016 is to achieve rapid, sustainable and inclusive growth that
will generate employment opportunities and reduce poverty. Official poverty statistics in the country are
generated by the former National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), now part of the Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA), in accordance with Executive Order (EO) No. 352. Poverty Incidence is the
proportion of families/individuals with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty
threshold to the total number of families/individuals. In the project area, data of the poverty incidence are
recorded from 2006, 2009 and 2012. It is evident in the Table below that poverty incidence in year 2012
was significantly decreased in the municipalities within the project area.
Leganes is only about eleven kilometers from Iloilo City and few kilometers from the Iloilo Airport of
International Standards. It can be reached from Iloilo City through the National Highway to the north or
the Coastal Highway to the Municipality of Dumangas. The Coastal Road serves as the shorter link of the
town to the International Port in Barrio Obrero, Lapuz, Iloilo City and to some of the municipalities in the
north. There are also barangay roads that connect the municipality to the adjacent towns like Sta. Barbara
and Pavia.
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Buenavista and Guimaras can be reach by boat if you are coming outside the province. Jeepney, tricycle
and motor are the main transportation in the area while in Pulupandan, Negross Occidental can be reach
by bus when coming from other municipalities and provinces. Nearest airport to the area is in Bacolod
As provided by the DPWH’s LAPRAP, it is important to ensure that no project affected persons will be
worsened off during the project implementation. To achieve this, it is imperative that acquisition of the
necessary Right-of-Way must be dealt with carefully. The best way to achieve this is through the
preparation of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) that is based on international guidelines on involuntary
resettlement such as World Bank’s O.P. 4.12, Asian Development Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy,
and the Chinese Environmental and Social Guidelines for Foreign Loans and Investments (2018).
As a government agency though, DPWH has to abide by Philippine laws. In order to fill the gap between
international standards and national laws, some measures need to be implemented. Being in the forefront
of the nation’s infrastructure development, the DPWH had developed its own resettlement policy known
as the Land Acquisition, Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Indigecous Peoples’ Policy (LARRIPP) of 2007,
which upholds project-affected peoples’ rights to project benefits. Provided below are salient points of the
principles that guide the preparation of this RAP. Details of the Social Impact Report are provided in
separate report.
The following policies are some basic principles of various international institutions which uphold the
principles of involuntary resettlement and were utilized as basis in the preparation of the RAP of the
proposed Project.
Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where feasible, or minimized, exploring all viable alternative
project designs;
Where it is not feasible to avoid resettlement, resettlement activities should be conceived and executed
as sustainable development programs, providing sufficient investment resources to enable the persons
displaced by the project to share in project benefits;
Displaced persons should be meaningfully consulted and should have opportunities to participate in
planning and implementing resettlement; and
Displaced persons should be assisted in their efforts to improve their livelihoods and standards of living
or at least to restore them, in real terms, to pre-displacement levels or to levels prevailing prior to the
beginning of project implementation, whichever is higher.
Carry out meaningful consultations with affected persons, host communities, and concerned
nongovernment organizations. Inform all displaced persons of their entitlements and resettlement options.
Ensure their participation in planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of resettlement
Pay particular attention to the needs of vulnerable groups, especially those below the poverty line, the
landless, the elderly, women and children, and Indigenous Peoples, and those without legal title to land,
and ensure their participation in consultations.
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Ensure that displaced persons without titles to land or any recognizable legal rights to land are eligible for
resettlement assistance and compensation for loss of nonland assets.
Establish a grievance redress mechanism to receive and facilitate resolution of the affected persons’
Improve, or at least restore, the livelihoods of all displaced persons through (1)land-based resettlement
strategies when affected livelihoods are land based where possible or cash compensation at replacement
value for land when the loss of land does not undermine livelihoods, (2) prompt replacement of assets
with access to assets of equal or higher value, (3) prompt compensation at full replacement cost for assets
that cannot be restored, and (4) additional revenues and services through benefit sharing schemes where
Provide secured tenure to relocation land, better housing at resettlement sites with comparable access
to employment and production opportunities, integration of resettled persons economically and socially
into their host communities, and extension of project benefits to host communities;
Improve the standards of living of the displaced poor and other vulnerable groups, including women, to
at least national minimum standards. In rural areas provide them with legal and affordable access to land
and resources, and in urban areas provide them with appropriate income sources and legal and affordable
access to adequate housing;
Conceive and execute involuntary resettlement as part of a development project or program. Include the
full costs of resettlement in the presentation of project’s costs and benefits. For a project with significant
involuntary resettlement impacts, consider implementing the involuntary resettlement component of the
project as a stand-alone operation;
Pay compensation and provide other resettlement entitlements before physical or economic displacement.
Implement the resettlement plan under close supervision throughout project implementation; and
Monitor and assess resettlement outcomes, their impacts on the standards of living of displaced persons,
and whether the objectives of the resettlement plan have been achieved by taking into account the
baseline conditions and the results of resettlement monitoring.
Chinese Environmental and Social Guidelines for Foreign Loans and Investments (Third Edition,
September 2018)
The Chinese guidelines on environmental and social risk management are a set of principles, guidelines
and criteria established by Chinese public entities with the aim of guiding banks and companies (mostly
state-owned and in some cases private) operating overseas to avoid and minimize the negative impacts
of the projects they execute (Garzon, 2018). These guidelines ensure the:
Giving of importance on ex-ante and ex-post environmental and social impact assessments, and
preparation of due diligence assessments by independent evaluators; others refer to the obligation to
respect the rights of workers, to make information available to the public and to establish opportunities
for civil society participation. Chinese guidelines on environmental and social conditions recognize that
enterprises have a role in avoiding and minimizing the negative impacts of their investments outside of
Quantitative analysis of environmental costs and benefits must be part of an investment decision-making
Giving of special attention to environmental and social risks in the energy industry, agriculture, forestry,
livestock, fisheries, large infrastructure, engineering contracts. If necessary, consult a third party.
Preservation of the rights of the local population including the rights of workers and respect for local
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Giving of provisions to prevent and mitigate damages from displacement as a result of Chinese funded
infrastructure projects outside of China.
The following discussions focus on Philippine laws, implementing rules and regulations, and guidelines
pertaining to involuntary resettlement.
This provides the procedures and guidelines for the expeditious acquisition by the government of private
real properties or rights thereon for infrastructure and other government development projects: financial
assistance to displaced tenants, cultural minorities and settlers; compensation for improvements on land
acquired under Commonwealth Act 141; and the government has the power to expropriate lands in cases
where no agreement has been reached. The tenants referred in this EO (1035) are the displaced tenants
of agricultural lands and the financial compensation shall be equivalent to the value of the gross harvest
for one year on the principal and secondary crops of the area acquired, based on the average annual
gross harvest for the last three preceding crop years; Provided, that in no case shall the financial
assistance be less than P15,000.00 per hectare.
R.A. 6389 also known as the Code of Agrarian Reforms of the Philippines. It provides that
agricultural lessees shall be entitled to disturbance compensation equivalent to five times the average of
the gross harvests on his landholding during the last five preceding calendar years.
Republic Act 10752 and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)
Republic Act 10752 supercedes R.A. 8974 and was passed into law in July 2016. The main objective of
the enactment is to avoid delays in implementation of development projects due to ROW acquisition-
related problems. Republic Act 10752, is otherwise known as “An Act Facilitating the Acquisition of Right-
Of-Way Site or Location for National Government Infrastructure Projects”.
This law prescribed new standards for assessment of the value of the land subject to negotiated sale or
expropriation proceedings, namely:
The classification and use for which the property is suited; (Which shall be based on the approved land
use plan and/or zoning ordinance, if any, of the city concerned);
The size, shape or location, tax declaration, and zonal valuation of the land;
The price of the land as manifested in the ocular findings, oral, as well as documentary evidence
The reasonable disturbance compensation for the removal and/or demolition of certain improvement on
the land and for the value of improvements thereon;
The developmental costs for improving the land. Based on the records and estimates of the City or
Municipal Assessor concerned);
The value declared by the owners; (as shown in their latest Tax Declaration Certificates or Sworn
The current price of similar lands in the vicinity; which shall be based on the records on Deeds of Sale in
the Office of the Register of Deeds concerned; and
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Such facts and events as to enable the affected property owners to have sufficient funds to acquire
similarly-situated lands of approximate areas as those required from them by the government, and
thereby rehabilitate themselves as early as possible.
Another important feature of R.A. 10752’s IRR that makes ROW acquisition more acceptable to property
owners is Section 6 which prescribes valuation of affected improvements and/or structures to be
computed based on replacement cost method. The replacement cost of improvements/structures is
defined as “the amount necessary to replace the cost of a structure or improvement affected by the ROW
based on the current market prices of materials, equipment, labor, contractors profit and overhead, and
all other attendant costs associated with the acquisition and installation of a similar asset in place of the
affected asset”.
Compared to previous statutes, valuation of land and improvements using this legislation is by far the
most equitable, and practical. Adherence to these provisions would also make the gap between Philippine
legislation and international standards smaller.
Presented below are other important and applicable provisions of the IRR:
Section 4 of RA 10752 states that any Implementing Agency which requires acquisition of ROW for its
projects may explore donation as a first option;
Sets the first offer for negotiated sale of land (just compensation) as the price indicated in the current
zonal valuation issued by the BIR for the area where the property is located;
Provides for the engagement of government financing institutions or private appraisers as an option to
undertake appraisal of the land and/or improvements/structures, to determine its fair market value;
Section 14 of RA 10752 appoints the National Housing Authority (NHA) in coordination with the LGUs
and Implementing Agencies concerned, to establish and develop resettlement sites for informal settlers,
including the provision of adequate basic services and community facilities, in anticipation of informal
settlers that have to be removed from the ROW or site of future infrastructure projects, pursuant to the
provisions of the RA No. 7279. Whenever applicable, the concerned LGUs shall provide and administer
the resettlement sites.
Republic Act 7279 (Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992) and its IRR
Section 5 of the Act, and Sections 3.1, and 6.6 of its Annex (Guidelines for the Inventory and Identification
of Lands and Sites for Socialized Housing) states that lands or portions thereof, set aside for government
offices, facilities, and other installations, whether owned by the National Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations, or by the Local Government
Units, but which have not been used for the purpose for which they have been reserved or set aside for
the past 10 years from the effectivity of the Act (i.e., as of 2002) shall be covered by the Act. As such,
these areas, when identified as suitable for socialized housing, shall immediately be transferred to the
NHA, subject to the approval of the President of the Philippines, or by the LGU concerned, as the case
may be, for proper disposition with the Act;
Section 8 of the Act and its Annex “A” mandated all local government units in coordination with the NHA,
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), National Mapping and Resource Information
Authority (NAMRIA), and the DENR Land Management Bureau (LMB) to identify lands for socialized
housing and resettlement areas for the immediate and future needs of the underprivileged and homeless
in the urban areas;
Section 6.3 of the Act’s Annex sets the following criteria to be used for evaluating the suitability of sites
for socialized housing:
To the extent feasible, socialized housing and resettlement projects shall be located in new areas where
employment opportunities are available;
Priority shall be given to areas where basic services and facilities are already existing or where they can
be introduced within a very short time;
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Transportation costs to work places and other services should be affordable considering that the target
beneficiaries are the homeless and under privileged;
The site shall not require excessive levelling, cutting, and filling. Sites requiring excessive engineering
works shall be avoided. Likewise, sites on steep slopes and/or weak soil foundation shall not be
Environmentally critical areas like those that are flood prone or earthquake zones or areas near rivers
and canals shall be avoided;
Financial feasibility and viability where land valuation offer is low; and
Section 16 of the Act provides the eligibility criteria for program beneficiaries as follows:
Must be an underprivileged and homeless citizen (i.e., as defined in Section 3 of the same Act, refers to
beneficiaries of the Act and to individuals or families residing in urban and urbanizeable areas whose
income or combined household income falls within the poverty threshold as defined by the National
Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and who do not own housing facilities, including those who live
in makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of tenure);
Must not own any other real property whether in the urban or rural areas;
Section 28 of the Act stipulates that eviction or demolition as a practice shall be discouraged; however, it
may be allowed under the following conditions:
When persons or entities occupy danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps,
riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and other public places such as sidewalks, roads, parks, and
When government infrastructure projects with available funding are about to be implemented; or
In the execution of the above Section 28, the following shall be mandatory:
Notice upon the affected persons or entities at least (30) days prior to date of eviction and demolition;
Adequate consultations on the matter of resettlement with the duly designated representatives of the
families to be resettled and the affected communities in the areas where they are to be relocated;
Execution of eviction or demolition only during regular office hours from Mondays to Fridays and during
good weather, unless the affected families consent otherwise;
No use of heavy equipment for demolition except for structures that are permanent and other of concrete
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Proper uniforms for members of the Philippine National Police who shall occupy the first line of law
enforcement and observe proper disturbance control procedures; and
Adequate relocation, whether temporary or permanent; provided however, that in cases of eviction and
demolition pursuant to a court order involving under privileged and homeless citizens, relocation shall be
undertaken by the LGU concerned and the NHA with assistance of other government agencies within
(45) days from service of notice of final judgement by the court, after which period the said order shall be
executed; provided further that should relocation not be possible within the said period, financial
assistance in the amount equivalent to the prevailing minimum daily wage multiplied by (60) days shall
be extended to the affected families by the LGU concerned.
Section 30 of the Act stipulates that after the effectivity of the Act in 1992, the barangay, municipal or city
government units shall prevent the construction of any kind of illegal dwelling units of structures within
their respective localities.
Promulgated in line with the Department of Public Works and Highways continuing efforts to streamline
its operations, decentralize and rationalize right-of-way (ROW) operations for a more effective and
expeditious implementation of infrastructure projects in the interest of efficient public service.
Implementing Office (IO) shall ensure that IROW costs are always included in project budgets;
The IO shall provide an estimated cost breakdown of each project to the IROW and Resettlement Project
Management Office (RPMO) and the Central Financial Management System (CFMS) prior to any
disbursement of funds. The first priority of the budget for a project shall be all costs prior to construction
(Please note that this includes Right-of-Way acquisition);
If ROW costs differ from the approved ROW budget after detailed design has been finalized, a budget
adjustment shall be approved;
A Land Acquisition Plan and Resettlement Action Plan (LAPRAP) shall be prepared for all projects,
whether local or foreign funded, that will require Right-of-Way (ROW) acquisitions, using a standardized
compensation package;
The determination of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) and improvements shall be based on the cut off
date, which is the start of the census of APs and tagging for improvements; and
The IO shall prepare the final as-built ROW Plan upon completion of the project, for submission to the
IROW and Resettlement PMO.
DPWH Department Order (D.O.) No. 152 (series of 2017) Updated “DPWH Acquisition Manual
(DRAM) dated December 08, 2017 ”
This updated DPWH Acquisition Manual was created to provide a clear, uniform, and user-friendly guide
on the rules and procedures for the acquisition by the DPWH of right-of-way (ROW) for its infrastructure
projects, in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10752 (ROW Act) and its Implementing
Rules and Regulations, in order to achieve a more effective and expeditious implementation of DPWH
This provides a step-by-step methodology and guidance to DPWH resettlement staff on how to validate
and evaluate infrastructure ROW claims, conduct title searches, and similar activities.
DPWH D.O. No. 327 (series of 2003) “Guidelines for Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action
Plan (LAPRAP) for Infrastructure Projects”
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LAPRAP document shall describe the project, expected impacts and mitigating measures, socio-
economic profile of PAPs, compensation package, timetable of implementation, institutional
arrangements, monitoring and evaluation arrangements, participation, consultation and grievance
LAPRAP shall be prepared using inputs from the IROW Action Plan, the census and socioeconomic
survey conducted, the detailed engineering study, and the parcellary survey results.
LAPRAP shall be the basis for qualifying and compensating PAPs for lands, structures and/or
improvements that are partially or fully affected by the Department’s infrastructure projects in accordance
with the qualification entitlement, and compensation guidelines.
Provision of resettlement sites shall be the responsibility of the Local Government Units (LGUs)
concerned, with assistance from the concerned government agencies tasked with providing housing. The
DPWH shall coordinate with these LGUs and appropriate government agencies for the resettlement and
relocation of qualified PAPs. The acquisition, planning, and development of resettlement sites shall be
part of the LAPRAPs, with the responsibility resting mainly with the concerned LGUs, Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), National Housing Authority (NHA), and other concerned
Where relocation is considered necessary, the receiving LGU (under whose political jurisdiction the
relocation site will be located) may seek assistance from DPWH for the provision of basic facilities and
An Indigenous People’s Action Plan (IPAP) shall be formulated for IPs if they are affected by the
Department’s infrastructure projects, in coordination with the National Commission of Indigenous People
(NCIP) to ensure that the ancestral domain and culture of the IP are secured.
Article III, Section 9 of the Philippine Constitution provides that private property shall not be taken for
public use without just compensation, while Article XII Section 5 stipulates that, the State, subject to the
provisions of this Constitution and national development policies and programs, shall protect the rights of
indigenous cultural communities to their ancestral lands to ensure their economic, social, and cultural
well-being. However, in all the project alignment sites, no indigenous cultural communities were covered,
hence no Indigenous Peoples are affected by the project.
Moreover, Article XII Section 5 of the same Constitution stipulates that the State, subject to the provisions
of the Constitution and national development policies and programs, shall protect the rights of indigenous
cultural communities to their ancestral lands to ensure their economic, social, and cultural well-being.
The Congress may provide for the applicability of customary laws governing property rights or relations
in determining the ownership and extent of ancestral domain.
Land Acquisition, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, and Indigenous Peoples (LARRIP) Policy, 3rd
Edition, 2007
Everybody, including Affected Persons (APs), will benefit from the projects;
APs are provided with sufficient compensation and assistance for lost assets which will assist them to
improve or at least maintain their pre- project standard of living;
Project stakeholders (which include APs) are consulted regarding the projects’ design, implantation, and
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Only those APs found to be residing in, doing business, or cultivating land or having rights over resources
within, the project area as of the date of the census surveys (i.e., cut-off date) are eligible for
compensation for lost assets;
The Land Acquisition Plan and Resettlement Action Plan (LAPRAP) document shall describe the project,
expected impacts and mitigating measures, socio- economic profile of APs, compensation package,
timetable of implementation, institutional arrangements, participation, consultation, and grievance
LAPRAP shall be the basis for qualifying and compensating APs for lands, structures and/or
improvements, that are partially or fully affected by the Department’s infrastructure projects;
Provision of resettlement sites shall be the responsibility of the Local Government Units (LGUs)
concerned, with assistance from concerned government housing agencies.
R.A. 9710 and Implementing Rules and Regulations (series of 2010) known as the “Magna Carta
of Women
This pertains to the rights of women: equal treatment before the law; protection from all forms of violence;
participation and representation; equal access and elimination of discrimination against women in
education, scholarships and training; equal rights in all matters related to marriage and family relations;
comprehensive health services and health information/education; non-discrimination in employment; and
other items.
This approved and adopted the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD), 1995-
2025; a successor plan of the expired Philippine Development Plan for Women (PDPW) for 1989-1992.
The harmonized GAD guidelines seek to promote the twin goals of gender equality and women’s
empowerment. It provides among others all Philippine government agencies with a common set of
analytical concepts and tools for integrating gender concerns into its development programs and projects.
It also envisions to help achieve gender equality in, and empower women through development projects
of the government and other development practitioners.
DPWH and World Bank publication, “A Toolkit on Making Road Infrastructures and Related Facilities
Gender Responsive”
This presents the principles, approaches and procedures for making road infrastructures and related
facilities sensitive to the differing travel needs and patterns of women and men, especially those from low
income sectors who rely solely on public and intermediate modes of transport.
Cut-off date for entitlements is recognized by international institutions such as the World Bank (WB), and
Asian Development Bank (ADB). Operational Procedure (O.P.) 4.12 of the WB defines it as “... the date
the project area was delineated, prior to the census, provided that there has been an effective public
dissemination of information on the area delineated, and systematic and continuous dissemination
subsequent to the delineation to prevent further population influx”.
These provisions were explained to the PAPs during initial public consultations and first round of meetings
in the local barangays and during town hall assemblies attended by LGUs and other stakeholders. The
landowners were requested, to the extent possible, not to introduce any development in the lots that were
identified for R-O-W acquisition. In terms of informal settlements, the respective Barangay Chairpersons
were reminded of Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA) provision and were requested to control
proliferation of informal settlements in said areas.
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The study focuses on the impact areas of the proposed project namely: Barangay Gua-an, of Municipality
of Leganes, Iloilo, Barangays Cansilayan, Banban, Navalas, San Miguel and Getulio of Municipality of
Buenavista, Guimaras, Barangay M. Chavez of Municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras and Barangays
Tapong, Canjusa, Zone 4A, Pag-ayon and Ubay of Municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. The
four (4) Municipalities are considered as direct impact areas where the project is proposed to be located.
The following sections present the demographic and socio-economic profile of the impact areas as well
as the issues/ concerns/ possible impacts regarding the project and corresponding proposed mitigation/
enhancement measures. Methodology
Various methods were employed in gathering information on the socio-economic conditions and
perceptions of the impact area. The summary and details of these activities/ methods presented in the
following table and sections, respectively:
Municipality of Pulupandan,
Negros Occidental
3. Municipality of San
March 14, 2019 Lorenzo, Guimaras Island
a) Barangay M. Chavez
4. Municipality of
Pulupandan, Negros
a) Barangay Tapong
b) Barangay Canjusa
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3. Municipality of San
March 14, 2019 Lorenzo, Guimaras
a) Barangay M. Chavez
4. Municipality of
March 15, 2019 Pulupandan, Negros
a) Barangay Tapong
b) Barangay Canjusa
c) Barangay Zone 4A
d) Barangay Pag Ayon
e) Barangay Ubay
d. Focus Group March 13, 2019 1. Municipality of Leganes, • Barangay Officials
Discussion Iloilo • Religious
a) Barangay Gua-an Organization
• Farmers group
March 14, 2019 2. Municipality of • People engaged to
Buenavista, Guimaras business
Island • Senior Citizens
a) Barangay Cansilayan Associations
b) Barangay Banban • Women’s
c) Barangay Navalas Organization
d) Barangay San Miguel
e) Barangay Getulio
4. Municipality of
March 15, 2019 Pulupandan, Negros
a) Barangay Tapong
b) Barangay Canjusa
c) Barangay Zone 4A
d) Barangay Pag Ayon
e) Barangay Ubay
e. Perception March13-24, 2019 1. Municipality of Leganes, • Barangay Officials
Survey Iloilo • Religious
a) Barangay Gua-an Organization
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• Farmers group
2. Municipality of • Households within
Buenavista, Guimaras the impact areas
Island • People engaged to
a) Barangay Cansilayan business
b) Barangay Banban • Employees
c) Barangay Navalas (government/private)
d) Barangay San Miguel within the impact
e) Barangay Getulio areas
• Community Leaders
3. Municipality of San (Women’s, Senior
Lorenzo, Guimaras Citizens Officers)
a) Barangay M. Chavez
4. Municipality of
Pulupandan, Negros
a) Barangay Tapong
b) Barangay Canjusa
c) Barangay Zone 4A
d) Barangay Pag Ayon
e) Barangay Ubay
In compliance with the DAO 2017-15 or the Guidelines on Public Participation under the Philippine
Environmental Impact Statement System, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Information and Education
Campaign (IEC) and Perception Survey were conducted as part of the requirements for the Public
During the reconnaissance survey, the general condition of the Impact areas and communities were
observed and noted. In this method, one can generalize the socio-economic and demographic conditions
of the covered areas and communities. Brief random interviews of the residents within the area were also
conducted to research on the general situation of the area and the communities and help determine the
perception of the respondents towards the project.
The Site Visit/Ocular Inspection/ Area reconnaissance/ Preliminary Survey commence on March 13-15,
In compliance with DAO 2017-15 or Guidelines on Public Participation under the Philippine Environmental
Impact Statement System, Information and Education Campaign (IEC) Activities on the Panay (Metro
Iloilo) - Guimaras – Negros Island Bridges (PGN) Project were conducted on March 13-15, 2019 in Impact
Barangays that were identified, as well as concerned Government Agencies, Business Establishments,
and Institutions that were initially identified.
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These were held in barangay halls, residences, stores and work areas in the following twelve (12)
Barangays of four municipalities covered by the project:
The content of the IEC discussions and material were on the following:
1. Project Information
2. Information on the EIA Process
Comments, issues and concerns, and suggestions raised during the IEC are presented in this section.
Key Informant Interview (KII) was also used primarily to provide an in-depth discussion on the condition
of the community and to determine the perceptions and interests of several groups in the host barangays.
This was administered to the knowledgeable and influential people in the locale. Among those interviewed
were Municipal Officials/Barangay Officials of the Direct Impact Barangays. A questionnaire consisting of
both closed and open-ended questions was prepared for the purpose.
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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities on the Panay (Metro Iloilo) - Guimaras – Negros Island Bridges
(PGN) Project were conducted on March 13-15, 2019 in twelve (12) Impact Barangays that were initially
identified. The participants for the FGDs were from the Barangay Local Government Units and other
stakeholders within the areas.
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Comments, issues and concerns, and suggestions raised during the IEC are presented in this EIA
Perception Survey on the The Panay (Metro Iloilo) - Guimaras – Negros Island Bridges (PGN) Project
was conducted in Compliance to DAO 2017-15 or the Guidelines on Public Participation under the
Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System.
This activity was conducted on March 13-24, 2019. The venues of the Survey are in the barangay hall
and residences, stores and work areas in the impact Barangays in the Project. The proponent and the
Consultants explained the parts of the questionnaire for better understanding.
Random (purposive) survey was conducted to gather pertinent data and perceptions of the community
covered by the proposed project. Communities residing within or near the proposed project alignment
were interviewed.
In the absence of existing household level data of the directly affected people, using sampling size
equation for unknown population, at 95% confidence interval with 5% margin of error, a total of 384
respondents were interviewed for this survey with twelve (12) barangays covered by the project.
The distribution of respondents per Barangay is different per barangay depending on the household
density and based on the direct impact of the project and based on ocular inspection.
Comments, issues and concerns, and suggestions raised during perception survey are presented in this
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comprising of more than one person who usually living together in the same dwelling and making common
provisions for living essentials.
Random (purposive) survey was conducted to gather pertinent data and perceptions of the community
covered by the proposed project. Communities residing within or near the proposed bridge alignment
were interviewed.
ݖଶ × ṕ ሺ1 − ṕሻ
n = sample size
z = z score
ṕ = sample proportion
ߝ = margin of error
At 95% confidence level:
z= 1.96
ṕ= 50% (conservative estimate)
ߝ = 5% ሺ݊݅ݐ݈ܽݑ ݊ݓ݊݇݊ݑ ݎ݂ ݊݅݃ݎܽ݉ ݀݁ݐ݈ܿ݁݁ݏሻ
1.96ଶ × 0.50 ሺ1 − 0.50ሻ
. 05ଶ
3.84 × 0.25
In the absence of existing household level data of the directly affected people, using sampling size
equation for unknown population, at 95% confidence interval with 5% margin of error, a total of 384
respondents were interviewed for this survey distributed in the four (4) municipalities with twelve (12)
barangays covered by the project.
Data Analysis
Data were analyzed using a standard statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) program and
Microsoft Excel. In order to control the differences in population size, the study employed weighted
average in the calculation of results. The results are reported in percentages and are displayed in
frequency tables and graphs.
• Household
• People engaged to business
• Employees (government/private) within the impact areas
• Barangay council
• Community Leaders
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Of the 384 respondents surveyed, around 316 or 82.29% are female while the remaining 68 or 17.71%
are male (Figure 131). More females were interviewed, since during the conduct of the survey, most of
the male household heads were at work.
In terms of age, 45 to 49 are the largest age group interviewed representing 18.75% of the respondents
followed by aged 50 to 54. A summary of the age distribution of the respondents is shown in Table 122.
25-29 8 2.08%
30-34 25 6.51%
35-39 48 12.50%
40-44 70 18.23%
45-49 72 18.75%
50-54 71 18.49%
55-59 46 11.98%
60-64 22 5.73%
Table 123 shows the civil status of the respondents. Majority 372 or 96.88% of the respondents are
married with spouse present. Around 5 or 1.30% widow and 2 of the respondents are single.
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Separated 1 0.26%
Widow/Widower 5 1.30%
Live-in 1 0.26%
Others 3 0.78%
Table 124 shows the highest educational attainment of the respondents. Around 177 or 46.09% of the
respondents reported that they were finished up to high school level while 86 or 22.40% reported being
able to finish elementary level. Around 17 or 4.43% of the respondents reported being able to finish
vocational and only around 3.91% reported finishing college. Around 16.15% of the respondents reported
they have not received any formal education.
Vocational 17 4.43%
Table 125 shows the religious affiliation of the respondents. Majority of the respondents 376 or 97.92%
are Roman Catholics. Other religious denominations present in the project area include Born Again,
Iglesia Ni Cristo and others.
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Islam/Muslim 0 0.00%
Baptist 0 0.00%
Others 3 0.78%
Table 126 shows the number years that the respondents have lived in the barangay. The three highest
frequency of stay in the barangay are 40 to 44, 45 to 49 and 50 to 54. The data notices that most of the
respondents lived in the barangays or communities since their birth.
5-10 1 0.26%
11-15 2 0.52%
16-20 11 2.86%
21-24 4 1.04%
25-29 12 3.13%
30-34 29 7.55%
35-39 47 12.24%
40-44 70 18.23%
45-49 69 17.97%
50-54 61 15.89%
55-59 39 10.16%
60-64 21 5.47%
Table 127 shows the employment profile of the respondents. Based from the occupation or source of
income of the respondents, most of them depends on farming 39.32% and fishing 14.58%. Around 9.11%
are engaged in business (like sari-sari stores), 7.55% are engaged as laborers while 4.69% are employed.
Around 19.01% is not currently employed (without a permanent employment record or did not provide
employment information).
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Employed 18 4.69%
Business 35 9.11%
Fishing 56 14.58%
Laborers 29 7.55%
None 73 19.01%
Others 22 5.73%
The monthly income of the respondents reflects the status and capacity of providing the basic needs of
the family. Table 128 shows the monthly income reported by the respondents. As per interview, 69.53%%
have a total monthly income of 5,000 to 10,000 pesos, 27.60% earned 5,000 pesos and below. Around
2.86% earned 10,001 to 15,000 pesos.
In terms of housing structure, 75.26% of them have semi-concrete house structures, 21.61% are made
of concrete materials and 3.13% of them made of light materials as shown in Figure 138.
Table 129 shows the resources of drinking water of the respondents. Majority (78.65%) of the
respondents utilize water from mineral water and 14.58% from local water district. Other drinking water
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sources include water pumps while some are connected to neighbors. For domestic use (washing and
cooking), they sourced it from water pumps and local water district.
Figure 139 shows the access of electricity of the respondents. Majority (381 or 99.22%) of respondents’
source of electricity are from local electric supply/cooperative and 3 or 0.78% mentioned that they are
connected from neighbors. This result indicates that the people in the area are capable of acquiring and
paying for power connection.
The domestic waste disposal practiced by the respondents’ shows in Figure 140. Three hundred-forty-
nine (349) or 90.89% of the respondents stated that they disposed their waste to an open pit. Also, 33 or
8.59% they stated that they practiced composting as a means of waste disposal and 3 or 0.52%
respondents burn their domestic solid waste.
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In terms of type of toilet system, survey result shows in Table 130 that 380 or 98. 96% of the
respondents have their own private toilet system. The other respondents mentioned that they shared
by household (0.78%) and uses antipolo type (0.26%).
Most of the respondents mentioned that the project implementation may have positive effects on the
economic aspect of the people/stakeholders especially those engaged on business. It will improve their
accessibility in terms of transportation for people and trading of products. The bridges will connect people
among the 3 provinces and nearby places, allowing them to have more opportunities in terms of work and
business. They are all eager to pursue the implementation of the said project, it will boost the tourist and
labor industry of the area which will benefit not only the LGUs but most especially the locals.
When respondents were asked to identify possible problems in the implementation of the project in the
area, they said that it may affect the livelihood and businesses of the bangkeros. With the implementation
of the project, these livelihood activities might be displaced or removed. Other major concern of the
respondents is the houses that may be affected by the proposed project as well as the increasing concern
on accidents once the project implemented. Also, it may provide threat to the peace and order due to in
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and out of vehicles and possibility of the abuse of the environment due to bulk of the people or tourist
entering in the community (particularly in Guimaras Island).
The respondents were also asked about their recommendations on the possible activities that can be
undertaken to avoid the negative effects of the project and mentioned that careful identification and
planning should be implemented. When further asked of their suggestion to improve the implementation
of the project, the respondents answered the following:
During pre-construction phase, significant impact identified is the apprehension of locals towards project
development. This may attribute to the loss of their houses and livelihood that might possibly be affected
by the implementation of the proposed project. Information dissemination in the community about the
project through coordination with LGUs, PO’s, NGOs, barangay officials and other concerned community
groups should be conducted. This program will introduce the proposed project in the area and avert
negative perception of people towards the project.
The proposed project will employ a substantial number of workers during the construction phase. The
migrant workers will definitely add to the existing population size within the project area, especially so if
they bring in members of their family. If these migrant workers take temporary residence in the project
area, these will add to the general population size. Some may be transient workers who will opt to
commute daily and will therefore impact only on the day-time population size. Whichever case, demand
for resources especially food and water at the minimum, and services attendant to these, will increase.
To avoid influx of migration in the area where the Project is located, qualified residents of Barangays that
the project will traversed and other neighboring barangays/municipalities near the project area must be
given priority in the hiring of construction personnel. This must be coordinated with the LGU and barangay
The construction work will create a multiple effect where various economic activities will either be created,
or the existing ones will experience growth. This will lead to the creation of more jobs. In relation to this,
disposable income will also increase. The potential for economic opportunity and growth will arise, leading
to the generation of more jobs. In effect, a growing cycle of economic growth and employment generation
will arise.
The Project’s purchases of supplies and materials from local establishments, together with expenditures
by project workers typically result in increased business activity and employment in the local trade and
service sectors.
During the interviews with the people in the community, they see the possibility that the project will
possibly acquire lands and at the same time may affect settlements/properties located along the proposed
project. They recommend for a just compensation for houses to be affected. In terms of land, large portion
of land in Guimaras and Pulupandan are privately owned (haciendas). Majority of the people are tenants
or given rights to live and build house in the area. During implementation, land owners should be
consulted and closely coordinated. The involvement of the concerned LGUs in this matter is very
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The implementation of the project will post threat particularly in the incidence of accidents during
construction phase and operation period due to the bulk of the vehicles entering in the area. People most
likely children are vulnerable to accidents during construction and operations. The proponent should
closely monitor compliance of the contractor to safety through provision of signages, speed limit and
pedestrians especially areas like school zone, markets, church, among others.
The results of the survey show that all or 100% of the respondents mentioned that they are in favor of the
implementation of the project. They also, in favor for the implementation for better access to the people
in the community during the typhoon especially in the island areas.
However, there are considerations on the implementation of the project from the respondents. The
respondents mentioned that the project proponent should consider the needs of the people that will be
affected. Some hope that their home will not be affected. Just compensation on the affected houses
should also be settled as well as consider the livelihood of those income that will be affected. Appropriate
implementation of the project should consider so that the positive effects of the project will be realized.
The positive effects of the proposed project are recognized by the concerned communities and socially
acceptable at this stage. The developments will provide local businesses, create employment, improve
accessibility and enhance the lives of the local government and community.
Based on the results of the interviews to the people in the community, the construction of bridges has
mixed observation about the development of current scenario where it has benefits as well as drawbacks.
The project is an indication of development because with proper transport bridge infrastructure, economic
development is possible. There is possibility of attracting tourists and investors since they will be
fascinated by the proper bridge system. Another benefit is that this project is creating employment
opportunities to the people in the communities. According to the results of interview the people wants to
involve or hire as a laborer. So, when the people are employed rather doing nothing, it contributes to the
economic development.
The negative side of project implementation according to the respondents is the possible acquisition of
properties. The bridge system is one of the basic infrastructures. The development of bridges is a basic
requirement for the development in the community. Bridges connect people in different
communities. This capacity is especially essential for areas where one town has an
abundance of raw materials and another has a labor force in need of work. In this way, both
people and communities can support one another.
In summary and conclusion, the positive effects of the proposed project are recognized by the
concerned communities and socially acceptable at this stage. The developments will provide local
businesses, create employment and enhance the lives of the local government and community.
The project will acquire lands and at the same time may affect settlements/properties located along the
bridge alignment. This loss of land and properties to give way to project development will affect numbers
of settlers/households in the area. Affected people are composed of private owners, tenants and informal
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settlers. In acquiring the land for project development, a just compensation package based on the fair
market value should be implemented. In the case of the tenants, the final agreement should be done
between the land owner and the tenants. Informal settlers on the other hand have a different approach in
settling this issue. The involvement of the concerned LGUs in this matter is very essential.
Upon the implementation of the project, a detailed Resettlement Action Plan or RAP will be formulated
undertaking 100% inventory of affected people and properties including the compensation scheme. In
addition, livelihood programs and trainings should be implemented with those directly affected people.
Formulation of an equitable compensation and acquisition scheme will be designed to ensure that
affected people will have a just compensation for the land, crops and other properties that will be affected
by the project.
The proposed project will employ a substantial number of workers during the construction phase. The
migrant workers will definitely add to the existing population size within the project area, especially so if
they bring in members of their family. If these migrant workers take temporary residence in the project
area, these will add to the general population size. Some may be transient workers who will opt to
commute daily and will therefore impact only on the day-time population size. Whichever case, demand
for resources especially food and water at the minimum, and services attendant to these, will increase.
To avoid influx of migration in the area where the Project is located, qualified residents of Barangays that
the project will traversed and other neighboring barangays/municipalities/cities near the project area must
be given priority in the hiring of construction personnel. This must be coordinated with the LGU and
barangay officials.
The construction work will create a multiple effect where various economic activities will either be created,
or the existing ones will experience growth. This will lead to the creation of more jobs. In relation to this,
disposable income will also increase. The potential for economic opportunity and growth will arise, leading
to the generation of more jobs. In effect, a growing cycle of economic growth and employment generation
will arise.
The Project’s purchases of supplies and materials from local establishments, together with expenditures
by project workers typically result in increased business activity and employment in the local trade and
service sectors.
The increase of business activities in the project area will provide a ripple effects in the development of
each municipalities covered by the project. This means there will be higher tax income generated from
the existing business and new economic venture in the area due to easier accessibility going in and out
from island to island.
The implementation of the bridge will post threat particularly in the incidence of road accidents. People
most likely children are vulnerable to accidents during construction and operations. The proponent should
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closely monitor compliance of the contractor to road safety through provision of signages, speed limit and
pedestrians especially areas like school zone, markets, church, among others.
The construction of bridge will tend to provide unlimited access to the island particularly Guimaras Island.
People perceived that the in and out of vehicles in the area will post threat to peace and order because
of the different people coming in to the island. To mitigate this impact, the LGU and the PNP should work
together to increase their efforts to watch and guard the people coming in and out to the area. Check
points should be provided and strict compliance with the laws and regulations should be implemented.
Barangay councils should be also vigilant and enhance their workforce and patrolling.
Public Scoping/consultation meetings were conducted with stakeholders at the four (4) affected
Municipalities: Municipality of Pulupandan in Negros Occidental, Municipality of Buenavista and San
Lorenzo in Guimaras and Municipality of Leganes in Iloilo. The stakeholders are composed of LGU
Officials, barangay councils, community leaders and representative from People’s Organization and
Government Agencies.
Before the start of the consultation meeting, emcee/moderator of the meeting, Ms. Maria Carmela Capule,
asked the attendees what is their preferred language/dialect to be used for the meeting. The attendees
agreed that they preferred Bisaya, Tagalog and English.
The proponent and consultant presented the details of the project, the possible negative and positive
impacts to their community and the next activities of the Proponent needed for the application of
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC). After the presentation, there are questions and clarifications
from the stakeholders about the project. Issues and concerns were also raised.
Municipality of
August Brgy. Pag- • Local • Local 59 (Total)
27, 2019, Ayon Government Government
Evacuation Officials of Officials of 25 (Male)
1. Brgy. Pag-
9:00AM- Center, Brgy. Pulupandan Pulupandan
12:00PM • Key Officials 34 (Female)
2. Brgy. Zone Pag-Ayon, • Key Officials of
of Barangays
4A Pulupandan,
Barangays affected of the
3. Brgy. Negros
affected of project (Brgy.
Canjusa Occidental the project Pag-Ayon,
4. Brgy.
(Brgy. Pag- Brgy. Zone 4A,
Ayon, Brgy. Brgy. Canjusa,
5. Brgy. Ubay
Zone 4A, Brgy. Tapong,
Brgy. Brgy. Ubay)
Canjusa, • Women’s
Brgy. Associations
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Municipality of
Guimaras: August Business • Local • Local 30 (Total)
28, 2019, Development Government Government
1. Brgy. Cooperative Officials of Officials of 20 (Male)
Banban 9:00AM- Bldg., Municipality Municipality of
2. Brgy. 12:00PM of Buenavista 10 (Female)
Cansilayan Guimaras Buenavista • Key Officials of
3. Brgy. • Key Officials Barangays
Navalas of affected of the
4. Brgy. Barangays project (Brgy.
Getulio affected of Banban, Brgy.
5. Brgy. San the project Cansilayan,
Miguel (Brgy. Brgy. Navalas,
6. Brgy. Banban, Brgy. Getulio,
Salvacion Brgy. Brgy.
7. Brgy. Cansilayan, Salvacion,
Dagsaan Brgy. Brgy.
8. Brgy. Navalas, Dagsaan)
Zaldivar Brgy. • Integrated
Getulio, Women’s
Brgy. Alliance Group
Salvacion, • Philippine
Brgy. Coast Guard
Dagsaan, • Office of the
Brgy. Provincial
Zaldivar) Governor of
• Buenavista Guimaras,
Womens • Municipal Agri-
Association Fisheries
• Philippine Council
Coast Guard
• Office of the
Governor of
• Municipal
• Getulio
• Katilingban
sang mga
a sa Banban
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• Navalas
Municipality of
August Youth • Local • Local 41 (Total)
1. Brgy. Gua- 29, 2019, Development Government Government
an Center, Officials of Officials of 30 (Male)
2:00PM- Municipality of Municipality Municipality of
2. Brgy. 5:00PM of Leganes Leganes 11 (Female)
Navitasan Guimaras • Key Officials • Key Officials of
of Barangays
Barangays Brgy. Gua-an,
Brgy. Gua- Brgy.
an, Brgy. Navitasan
Navitasan • Philippine
• Philippine Coast Guard
Coast Guard • Farmers
• Farmers Association
Association • Senior Citizen
• Senior Association
Citizen • Civic
Association Organization
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• Civic • Zoological
Organization Society of
• Zoological London-
Society of Philippines
London- • Leganes
Philippines Premier Land
• Leganes Consulting
• Trans Asid
• Philippine
Chamber of
• Maritime
• FF Cruz
• Leganes
Association Issues and Concerns of the Stakeholder during the Public Scoping Meeting
The conduct of Public Scoping is a good avenue to present and inform the stakeholders about the details
of the proposed project as well as express the people’s perception towards the project. Majority of the
stakeholders are concerned about affected structures, land, trees, mangrove, marine ecology, dust during
delivery of construction materials, traffic congestion during construction, and inclusion of bike and
motorcycle lane in the design.
The public scoping was very informative. The pressing issues and concerns were also raised by the
stakeholders. The proponent, barangays and people in the community should closely coordinate among
others to resolve issues and problems on the implementation of the project. According to the attendees,
they don’t oppose the project and recognized its importance to development but if possible, they are
requesting for the doable solution or plan of action about their raised concerns.
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Land Terrestrial Flora How about the Mr. Jimwell Canedo, Dr. Carmela Capule,
(Mangrove) mangroves that may Brgy. Pag-Ayon Consultant, KRC
possibly affected by
the project? The areas with
mangroves affected
by the projects were
included in the study.
We will assess the
present condition of
the mangroves.
DENR have a
guideline regarding
the affected
mangroves. We will
check the present
species of
mangroves in the
area. DENR will have
the final say on the
approval of the ECC.
Water Water Resources It is possibility that Ms. Mila Lourdes Dr. Carmela Capule,
our source of water Tandoy, Municipal Consultant, KRC
be affected during Sanitary Inspector
the construction? If the source of water
is coming from the
shallow well, it will be
affected. As well as
the pipe lines. The
contractor must be
responsible in
keeping the source of
water safe and clean.
We will recommend
to the people in the
community to closely
monitor during the
construction to
mitigate the loss of
the water. For the
disposal, we will
include in our
recommendation that
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People Institutional What is the role of the Barangay Captain Dr. Carmela Capule,
LGU in the project? Marina Amacio of Consultant, KRC
Brgy. Pag-Ayon
The role of the LGU
in this project is very
significant. The
contractor shall have
close coordination
with the LGU and the
affected people
before and during the
construction of the
project. We will
include in the study
the social
development project
but it depends to the
DPWH if this will
included on their
People Delivery of How is the process Ms. Josenel Joy Mr. Ricardo Capule,
Materials during the Salinas, Municipal Consultant, KRC
construction with Social Welfare
regards to the Officer As far as we know
delivery of the same road will be
construction used during the
materials? we see delivery of the
that it will affect some construction
other areas with materials. The
respect to air safety possible effect are the
conditions? They dust and noise
consider the other pollution during
route or alternative construction. We
road for the delivery have appropriate
vehicle for the mitigating measures
materials to create such as provision of
less traffic and water sprinkling to
disturbance in the minimized dust, all
community? We heavy equipment,
hope that we will not trucks etc. It must be
properly maintained
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We can provide
suggestion on the
alternative route of
the road during the
delivery of the
construction materials
at Singko Onse.
People Project Affected What will happen to Ms. Virginia Dr. Carmela Capule,
the affected Cordeno, Brgy. Consultant, KRC
structures, houses, Kgwd. Brgy. Zone 4A
land and trees when The affected property
it traversed by the or land will be
alignment? compensated by
DPWH with fair
market value. DPWH
and assessor’s office
will validate on the
submitted report. The
Resettlement Action
Plan team will be
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responsible in making
an inventory of all
affected concerns
such as crops and
houses. Every
property affected by
the project shall be
compensated. DPWH
will pay the trees
based on their
guidelines. It
depends on the size,
and height of the
People Livelihood We hope that during Ms. Mary Jane Mr. Ricardo Capule,
construction the Odelmo, Brgy. Consultant, KRC
livelihood of our Kgwd. Brgy. Tapong
fisherman will not Before the
affected. Fishing is construction the
the main livelihood in contractor will inform
our area. That area is the community for
clearly affected by their plan for the
the project construction period.
alignment. What will The contractor will
happen to the fishes put up the safety
once road measure to mitigate
construction takes accidents during the
place? Do you have construction and the
any security residents cannot
measures with enter to the project
respect to this site to prevent
concern? accidents. The safety
officers are
responsible to ensure
even the safety of the
immediate residents
and their crops. The
DPWH, as the project
proponent should
coordinate with the
contractors with
regards to safety
provisions. As
residents, you have
also to be vigilant
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Others Project Details How many lanes is Mr. Eduardo Mr. Ricardo Capule,
the bridge? Moreno, Brgy. Kgwd. Consultant, KRC
Brgy. Pag-Ayon
For now, there will be
only 2 lanes with
emergency bay.
Engr. Ligaya
Maravilla, Municipal
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Others ECC Who will apply for the Mr. Jimwell Canedo, Ms. Carmela
ECC? Brgy. Pag-Ayon Capule, Consultant,
DPWH or the
proponent is one
responsible for the
applying the ECC to
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consultant are
helping them for the
process through this
EIA study and we will
provide them the
results of the study.
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Land Terrestrial Did you consider the Ms. Girlie Magilo, Dr. Carmela Capule,
Flora and trees in the study? Municipal Agri- Consultant, KRC
Fauna Because in the affected Fisheries Council
areas they have a lot of Yes, trees were included
trees, crops and in the study. It will be
kalamansi included in the
Resettlement Action Plan
(RAP). RAP will conduct
100% assessment to all
affected properties such
as structures, trees and
land after the final or
approved alignment
provided by the DPWH. It
will be paid by DPWH
with fair market value. We
have a guidelines that
before the cutting of the
trees we need to request
a permit to DENR. DPWH
will compensate the trees
based on their guidelines.
It depends on the size,
and height of the trees.
This meeting is the
avenue for us to know
and disseminate
regarding the project.
People Project What will happen to the Mr. Eliodoro Millama, Ms. Carmela Capule,
Affected affected land properties Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. Consultant, KRC
to be traversed by the Cansilayan
alignment? The affected property or
land will be compensated
by DPWH with fair market
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People Livelihood As per experience the Ms. Girlie Magilo, Mr. Ricardo Capule,
(Fisherfolk) construction of the wind Municipal Agri- Consultant, KR
turbines greatly affected Fisheries Council
our crops. Have you We have a mitigating
also considered the measure on the livelihood
displacement of our of the fishermen that may
fisher folks and natural be affected. Prior to
resources once construction, the
construction takes contractor will place
place? barrier to prevent the
sediments from scattering
out to the protected area.
In case the contractors
fail to follow those
measures, we can ask
help from DENR and
have thorough
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contractors in making
mitigating measures. We
will emphasize to the
project proponents to
provide mitigating
measures to be followed
by the contractors and
must be observed during
implementation. EMB
have continuous
monitoring on
environmental aspect.
The contactor need to
follow the protocol
People Livelihood As per concern from Mr. Ricardo Capule, Ms. Girlie Magilo,
(Mango Central Office, since Consultant, KRC Municipal Agri-Fisheries
Plantation) Guimaras is known for Council
its abundant production
of mango fruits, how can We have a quarantine
you protect the mango area before to enter in our
industry of the area from island. We have a check
outside mango traders point. It is already a
once the road project is national law that mango
realized? fruits of outside traders are
prohibited from entering
the island. We will assure
that we will take it into
strict implementation
when it comes to happen.
We consider to put up an
inspection in the project
area to monitor the
entering of goods to
prevent outside traders
from entering the island.
Others Project This concern is more on Mayor Eugenio Mr. Ricardo Capule,
Design engineering and Reyes, Municipal Consultant, KRC
technical design of the Mayor of Buenavista
proposed bridge, have We will inform to the
you included in your proponent the final design
design the lanes to of the bridge and we will
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Land Mangroves What about the Ms. Catherine Ann Dr. Carmela Capule,
mangroves and Gawara, Municipal Consultant, KRC
timberland? Planning and
Development The areas with mangroves
Coordinator (MPDC) affected by the projects were
included in the study. We will
assess the present condition
of the mangroves. DENR
have a guidelines regarding
the affected mangroves of
the project. We check the
present species of
mangroves in the area.
DENR will be the final say
for the approval of the ECC.
People Project How about the Ms. Chona Tabiano, Mr. Ricardo Capule,
Affected affected houses by Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. M. Consultant, KRC
the project? Also, I Chavez
think we should have Based on the DPWH
a meeting to all guidelines. The affected
affected people. property, structures and land
will be paid by DPWH with
fair market value. DPWH and
assessor’s office will validate
on the submitted report.
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Can we recommend
another alignment in
the avoidance of
those affected
Engr. Claudio Cabrias,
DPWH-Region VI
People Public The recommended Ms. Catherine Ann Dr. Carmela Capule,
Consultation alignment will Gawara, Municipal Consultant, KRC
traverse a fishpond Planning and
area. Development There will be another study
Coordinator (MPDC) once the alignment is final,
There should be a that is the Land Acquisition
public hearing to be and Resettlement Action
conducted in the Plan. This is actually a
affected barangay. detailed study to evaluate
and account all the properties
affected by the road
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People Social What will happen if Ms. Chona Tabiano, Dr. Carmela Capule,
Acceptability the involved Brgy. Kgwd. Brgy. M. Consultant, KRC
barangay will go Chavez
against the It is advised that the
alignment? barangay has to submit a
letter of disagreement with
road alignment. The final
decision will be based on
evaluaiton of the
Environmental Management
Bureau (EMB) to grant the
ECC or not.
Others Project Where is the SFOI Charlie Nieles, Engr. Claudio Cabrias,
Design approach of the OIC-Bureau of Fire DPWH-Region VI
bridge in the M. and Protection
Chavez? Showed the propose
approach to the
stakeholders the map of the
bridge through the aid of
Google earth.
Did you consider the SFOI Charlie Nieles, Engr. Claudio Cabrias,
earthquake in the OIC-Bureau of Fire DPWH-Region VI
design? and Protection
Yes, we already included
and considered in the
Others Project How many million or SFOI Charlie Nieles, Dr. Carmela Capule,
Details billion cost of the OIC-Bureau of Fire Consultant, KRC
project? and Protection
Based on the estimated cost
of the bridge project it
estimated around 27 Billion.
But this is not a final cost. It
depends on the agreement
from Philippine Government
and Government of China
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Others Project How wide is the SFOI Charlie Nieles, Mr. Ricardo Capule,
Benefits design of the bridge OIC-Bureau of Fire Consultant, KRC
project? and Protection
For now, there are only two
lanes to be constructed
along the proposed project.
Most probably every lane
has a wide of 3.5 or 4
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Land Terrestrial Our concerns is about Mr. Jofel Coching, Dr. Carmela Capule,
Flora and the habitat, terrestrial Zooligical Society of Consultant, KRC
Fauna (flora and fauna) to be London-Philippines
affected by the project. We have partially
conducted survey including
the terrestrial flora and
fauna. The sampling
methods were based on the
alignment presented to us.
The marine ecology, flora
and fauna are of separate
survey. Please attend on
our next meeting
consultation and we will be
presenting the result of our
surveys: land surveys,
water surveys, air surveys,
noise surveys, and socio-
economic survey.
Terrestrial How about the species Mr. Rodney Mr. Ricardo Capule,
Flora possibly be affected by Golbeque, Zooligical Consultant, KRC
(Mangrove) the alignment? In the Society of London-
proposed alignment Philippines We will consider those
there are a lot of sea concerns in our study. By
grass for the Dugong next presentation we will
and mangrove plants. show you the results from
our conducted surveys.
People Traffic We foresee that during Atty. Jeorge Mr. Ricardo Capule,
Congestion construction it will give a Gregorio, Leganes Consultant, KRC
traffic congestion in the Premier Land
area. Do you have a Consulting
plan to mitigate this
Yes, we have a mitigating
possible problem?
measures on that issue.
The DPWH will have a
traffic management to
mitigate the traffic
congestion during
construction. Also, the
contractor will closely
coordinate to the LGU and
people in the community.
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People Project What is the cost of the Mayor JunJun Jaen, Dr. Carmela Capule,
Affected private lands to be Municipal Mayor, Consultant, KRC
traversed by the road Leganes
project? It will be based on the
DPWH guidelines for
compensation to the
affected people. The
DPWH has the guidelines
about 2017 Right of Way
Acquisition manual and in
relation to the “per market
value”. Those guidelines
will be the basis for the
assessment even the
overall computation.
Others Project As we are talking about Engr. Samson Ms. Carmela Capule,
Details environmental issues, Jaspe, Sangguniang Consultant, KRC
can I ask when does Bayan Member,
this project start? Leganes So this is the process. At
the end of this year, they’re
targeting to finalize the
agreement including the
budget and costing. Here’s
the schedule:
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Leganes has the most Mayor JunJun Jaen, Dr. Carmela Capule,
feasible and strategic Municipal Mayor, Consultant, KRC
location for international Leganes
port than in Iloilo, that is We will raise your concern
my personal belief to the proponent for their
because we are located consideration.
at the middle. Leganes
is the only municipality
having a land mass
which is an important
component for a port for
industrial parks. In the
province of Iloilo, the
Leganes is eyeing for
industrial park or
economic zone since
Leganes owns a
property of 186
hectares. That’s why I
am asking if where is
the passageway of
those big ships in
relevant to the height of
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Others Project What is the height of the Mayor JunJun Jaen, Engr. Claudio Cabrias,
Design bridge project and how Municipal Mayor, DPWH-Region VI
many lanes? Leganes
The proposed height is
around 58 meters. In the
proposed is 4 lanes. The
initial bridge is designed for
only 28meters, but then the
Philippine Port Authority of
Iloilo went against to this
height of bridge all because
the Dumangas in the future
will become international
port. With this, CCCC
highway consultants
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The Public Hearing was conducted via Zoom online meeting last April 12, 2021 in the Municipality of San Lorenzo
and Buenavista, Guimaras, April 14, 2021 in the Municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental and April 16,
2021 in the Municipality of Leganes, Iloilo. The attendees are representative from the proponent (DPWH Central
Office and Region 6), preparers, local government unit, provincial office, EMB-DENR Region 6 and Central Office,
Non-government Organizations, people’s organization, Academe, private entity, other concerned government
agencies and local community. Some of the participants from the Municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras,
Buenavista, Guimaras, Municipality of Pulupandan, Negros Occidental and Municipality of Leganes, Iloilo were in
their respective offices and some were gathered in designated venue following the interim guidelines of Public
Participation and social distancing.
The issues and concerns raised during the Public Hearing are presented in the following tables:
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Issues and Concerns raised during the Public Hearing (Municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras)
Sector or
EIA Issues/Suggestions raised Representative
Proponents Responses
Module by the Stakeholders who raised the
Affected Baka mawala yung aming mga Ms. Marilou Regarding sa kabuhayan ng mga tao,
People, isda lilipat sila sa ibang lugar Lampitoc, DPWH will implement their Social
Livelihood na walang disturbance. Pati Chairperson, Development Plan.
and Other yung mga seagrasses Municipal Fisheries
Properties mamamatay. Mawawalan ng and Aquatic (Dr. Maria Carmela Capule, KRC
kabuhayan ang mga Resources Mgt. Environmental Services)
mangingisda. Coastal
There is a policy under RA 10752
about displacement for right of way
acquisition. We categorize the project
impacts into small, medium to severe.
DPWH has its policy particularly those
severely affected by the project. (Ms.
Lalaine Catulong, DPWH)
It takes years bago bumalik
yung mga isda, so yung mga
mangingisda, matatagal bago
makabalik ulit sa kanilang If the effect is long term, we can provide
trabaho. a livelihood training for change of
livelihood. (Ms. Lalaine Catulong,
Walang assistance to start their DPWH)
livelihood? Mas maganda po
na magbigay sila ng livelihood May action plan po tayong
para sa pang araw araw nila pineprepare, aside from the training,
priority sila to work during construction.
Hindi ito basta gagawin ng walang
plano. Hindi bukas gagawin na. Bago
mag umpisa, may mga planong
gagawin. Wala pong abrupt
displacement. During detailed study,
yung plano ay iupdate at ivavalidate
para maensure na macompensate at
maassist ang mga affected. (Ms.
Lalaine Catulong, DPWH)
Identified naman yung Governor Samuel Well noted. (Dr. Maria Carmela
alignment ng bridge. I suggest Gumarin, Guimaras Capule, KRC Environmental
na identify yung livelihood na Province Services)
mawawalan at yung mga
mawawalan ng trabaho,
coastal areas na maapektuhan
at tsaka pag uusapan yun sa
level natin. Ilagay yung
pangalan ng mga tao and
together with DOLE and
proponent mapag usapan. Sa
munisipyo let us look sa CLUP
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Marine 2km from M. Chavez there is a Ms. Marilou Regarding the sedimentation, we
Ecosystem marine protected area. Baka Lampitoc, recommended sedimentation and
maapektuhan ng Chairperson, siltation traps to be installed. These
sedimentation/siltation ang Municipal Fisheries should be strictly complying by the
marine protected area namin. and Aquatic contractor as per monitoring of the
Ano ano yung precautionary Resources Mgt. DPWH. (Dr. Maria Carmela Capule,
measures na gagawin ng Coastal KRC Environmental Services)
In the presentation of the study, Lisa Paguntalan, The mentioned studies are special
there was no mention of larger PhilBio funded studies conducted by academe
vertebrate studies e.g and NGOs. The presented result is
waterbirds. Irrawaddy dolphins based on the assessment we
have been documented in conducted on the alignment and during
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In your study of marine fauna, Dr. Louella Dolar, Yes. Sabi nila there are no sightings of
did you include interviewing the Siliman University these species. Meron man matagal na
locals if they have seen any or madalang dun sa mismong
large vertebrates in the area, proposed alignment. (Robert
such as dugongs, seabirds and Pabiling, KRC Environmental
dolphins? Services)
Will the Negros Occidental Manuel De la Paz, The project was studied 10 years ago
coastal areas declared as La Salle and this was a reformulation. The
Ramsar Site be consideration Ramsar site as consideration in the
in deciding the location of the alignment was also considered by the
bridge? Chinese consultants in the alignment
selection. (Ms. Lalaine Catulong,
There are also dugong Rej Winlove Ilalagay namin dun sa Additional
sightings in the northeast part Bungabong, BMB- Information, as I say before, the
of the Guimaras coastal DENR presented results are observations
waters, presence of this during our assessment. Secondary
endangered marine wildlife is a and research study conducted for
potential ecotourism attraction years regarding this will be considered.
considering of the strategic (Robert Pabiling, KRC
direction of the Province of Environmental Services)
Guimaras. Did we consider
mitigation for this, since it was
not mentioned in the
presentation? They might be
affected during construction
phase. In addition, recent study
there are only 13 remaining
Irrawaddy dolphins in the area
their wildlife corridor will
likewise be affected during
operational phase
The 60-hectare core zone of Leonard Pasidero, Yung alignment, silted at sandy siya
Marine Protected Area of San Guimaras ENRO may mg akonting seagrasses. We will
Lorenzo has 30% coral and provide mitigating measures padin
27% sea grass cover, as of kahit wala sa may alignment natin.
cy2020 assessment of UP (Robert Pabiling, KRC
Visayas. Mitigation measures Environmental Services)
should be considered.
Did you consider the declared Pablo Delos Reyes. Biodiversity undertook survey along
NOCWCA? BMB-DENR PGN Alignment, eastern tip ng
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NOWCA host three globally Rej Winlove RAMSAR Site (NOCWCA). BMB
threatened marine turtles, the Bungabong, BMB- suggestion to realign the alignment
critically endangered hawksbill DENR para di maapektuhan ng project ay
turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), nakonsidera ng proponent.
the endangered green turtle
(Chelonia mydas) and the
vulnerable olive ridley turtle
To review the related studies for the
(Lepidochelys olivacea). The
incorporation to AI particularly
vulnerable Irrawaddy dolphin
mentioned species and the Philippine
(Orcaella brevirostris) also
Duck as cited. (Dr. Bonifacio Pasion,
inhabits the coastal areas. In
KRC Environmental Services)
2014, 72 waterbird species
were recorded in NOCWCA,
including the globally
endangered great know
(Calidris tenuirostris), far
eastern curfew (Numenius
madagascariensis) and
spotted greenshark (Tringa
guttifer). There are three other
vulnerable species: the
Philippine Duck (Anas
luzonica) which is endemic to
the Philippines, Chinese egret
(Egretta eulophotes) and java
sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora).
It is understandable that the Manuel De la Paz, Tama kayo, most likely seasonal po
time during the assessment not La Salle yan o depende po sa timing since very
allowed them to observe the rare po makita yung mga species
aforementioned species. The nayan. Yung observation sites which
submitted AI should consider is yung sa may alignment ay hindi din
this. doon talaga nasasight. As mention we
will consider related studies lalo na
Ilagay po natin yung secondary Atty. Arjunn yung mga special research na nag
data. Documented data and Marven Calvo, EMB observed talaga throughout
related study can be utilized to time/years. (Dr. Bonifacio Pasion,
be incorporated in the study. KRC Environmental Services)
Will reiterate the following Rowena Bolinas, For your concerns on mitigating
concerns: BMB-DENR measures, it was already incorporated
EMP/ to the report submitted to EMB.
1. We are not only Nevertheless, will also incorporate for
requesting baseline the Additional Information and be
condition, but also
mitigation measures of available to EMB.
these identified
threatened species
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Issues and Concerns raised during the Public Hearing (Municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras)
Sector or
EIA Module raised by the Proponents Responses
who raised the
Project Details Tuloy padin po ba tong Mayor Eugenio For civil works, we are processing for
project na to? May mga Reyes, Buenavista, Korean financing. Hindi pa po natin
balita na hindi na ito Guimaras alam yung final. For this study, already
mapupush. Sino funded na po Feasibility Study at
magfifinance? Detailed Engineering kaya yung
activities dire-diretso. (Ms. Lalaine
Catulong, DPWH)
I would like to ask if Leonard Pasiderio, Not yet identified. It is not included in
sources of filing materials Guimaras ENRO the study. (Dr. Maria Carmela
and aggregates are Capule, KRC Environmental
already identified for the Services)
project large volume of
Marine Just want to know if you Dr. Louella Dollar, Juvenile reef fish’s assessment is not
Ecosystem sample the mangroves Siliman University conducted for this study. But this is a
for coral fish species? good suggestion to be conducted as
Juvenile reef fishes use special study since our scope is
mangroves as nurseries. corals, fish, seagrass, plankton and
benthos. (Robert Pabiling, KRC
Thank you for answering Environmental Services)
my previous questions.
Just a comment- Consideration on the actual
Buenavista coastal assessment is within the direct impact
waters is the core habitat area which is the alignment. But we
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Marine/Mangrove Detailed valuation for Atty. Antonio For mangrove, detailed valuation will
coral and mangrove. Ramos, MCO be contacted during RAP. An
Coral that will be affected Buenavista estimated result was undertaken by
in the seaward. another group. Corals on the other
hand, no corals are identified within
the alignment. This will be revalidated
on the detailing engineering phase.
(Dr. Maria Carmela Capule, KRC
Environmental Services)
Affected People Ilan yung affected Mayor Eugenio Wala pa po tayong detailed
household mula Panay Reyes, Buenavista, information ng mga affected. Meron po
hanggang Guimaras? Guimaras estimated na kinonduct ng DPWH.
This wll be validated with your
assistance during the detailed
engineering phase. (Dr. Maria
Carmela Capule, KRC
Environmental Services)
Ano yung proposal nila sa Juny Gallo, MPDC Kasama sa study ng CCC (Chinese
mga affected? Buenavista Consultant) yung Resettlement Action
Plan nung 2019 tapos ide detailed siya
after FS. Lahat po ng compensation
and assistance ay pag-uusapan with
the affected and LGUs kasama po
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Monitoring There should be task Governor Samuel The proponent is required to form a
force to see the overall Gumarin, Province multipartite monitoring team
impact of this project, of Guimaras composed of different stakeholders to
ordinace to mitigate and monitor compliance with the EMP.
protect impacts to the (Engr. Joel Polintan, EMB-CO)
environment and people
(livelihood, loss of
land/properties), through
MPDO macollate lahat ito
para makita kung isno
sino maapektuhan at
kung ano ang pwedeng
gawin. The province
would like to participate
on that.
About the proposal to Mayor Eugenio Yung MMT po ang mandato po namin.
form a taskforce, will this Reyes, Buenavista, Required po ang proponent ng
be created before Guimaras magbuo after maissuehan ng ECC
construction? (Engr. Joel Polintan, EMB-CO)
Regarding the creation of Leonard Pasiderio, Ang national government may sariling
task force, is this be Guimaras ENRO mandato. Dito sa provincial meron din
facilitated by the gusto mangyari. Maganda may
Governor? sariling grupo ang LGU at provincial
kasama ang local. Para maoversee
natin yung mga mawawalan ng
trabaho, bahay at lupa para sa
paggawa ng tulay. Masagot yung mga
negative impacts ng maayos. (Gov.
Samuel Gumarin, Province of
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Issues and Concerns raised during the Public Hearing (Municipality of Pulupandan, Negro Occidental)
Sector or
Issues/Suggestions raised Representative who
EIA Module Proponents Responses
by the Stakeholders raised the
Project Yung additional na 4.6km Mr. Ricardo Actually, regarding your question,
affected/ going to highway, hindi bay un Persbitero, we only considered yung
Project Details kasama sa bridge project? representative from alignment area. Yung EIA, ay
Kasi sa project scoping na na- the Office of the covered nya yung area na nasa
access ko sa site ng CCC, Governor, VGov and alignment (Engr. Virgilio Bonsol,
kasama yun sa bridge project. Congressman Project Manager, DPWH)
Yun ang basis ko dahil di ako
nabigyan ng project
description ng DPWH.
Results of the study from the start
The access road is not of the proposed bridge alignment
included in the assessed area, hanggang sa end yun po yung
yun yung dumadaan sa limang specific location na inaral po
barangay na may existing naming. Focus po kami sa
road. alignment na recommended ng
CCC. (Dr. Maria Carmela Capule,
KRC Environmental Services)
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Project Details Nagrerequest kami ng kopya Mr. Ricardo Regarding on the copy of the
ng project pangatlong beses Persbitero, study, we can provide and the
na. representative from request on alignment as
the Office of the mentioned before, we considered
Governor, VGov and that based on the result of the
Congressman study, it is not feasible. This are
considered by the Chinese
consultant, the surface is the
longest, it is very costly. The
shortest way is in PuluPandan.
(Engr. Virgilio Bonsol, Project
Not satisfied with the reply. Manager, DPWH)
Malayo ba sa Bacolod o
malayo sa Ilo-ilo?
Marine May ordinance sila sa Mr. Ricardo Earlier concern about the
Ecosystem municipality ng Pulupandan, Persbitero, alignment as per information sa
una, declaring as bird representative from akin, the difference in lengths will
sanctuary sa Bgy. Tapong at the Office of the cause surge in the project cost like
coastal conservation and Governor, VGov and 95 million php in Bago, 94 million
research area within the coast Congressman in Valladolid, and 79 million in
Pulupandan. In terms of the
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Expression of I am the Bgy. Captain of Pag- Marina Amacio, Brgy. We just want to clarify this, we are
Support ayon and an advocate of Captain, not against the project and in fact,
environmental protection. matagal na nating hinihintay na
Doon sa sinasabi ni Vice ma-connect tayo sa Guimaras at
Governor tungkol sa mga Iloilo. There is no question on this
maapektohan, gusto ko lang pero consider the fact that
sagutin lahat ng proseso na Pulupandan does not represent
ginawa ng DENR at ng the whole province of Negros
proponent. 47 houses at Occidental, try other area not only
karamihan ay sa aming in Pulupandan. Kung pwede ilagay
barangay ang maapektuhan sa ibang lugar, consider Bago or
ng proyekto. Nai-dialogue Valladolid. Hindi kami nag-
nayan sa Office of the Mayor, ooppose, i-place lang siya sa
may klarong sagot naman si magandang area. (Mr. Ricardo
Mayor na hindi kami Persbitero, representative from
pababayaan at magdodonate the Office of the Governor, VGov
pa sa project na ito. Yung and Congressman)
lamang barangay na tatlo ang
maapektohan, Lahat kami ay
sumama sa konsultasyon at
sa pag-aassess sa
maapektohan. Minimal lang po
ang epekto, karamihan sa
barangay po naming ang
matatamaan. Kami sa mga
barangay sa Pulupandan, we
strongly support the PGN. We
also know that the project will
boost our economy.
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Issues and Concerns raised during the Public Hearing (Municipality of Leganes, Iloilo)
Sector or
EIA Module raised by the Proponents Responses
who raised the
Project Details After this public Samson Jaspe, Most probably it will start this year.
hearing what are the Sangguniang Bayan Ongoing loan appraisal for the Detailed
next steps and what is Member, Leganes Engineering Design (DED) by the Korea
the timeframe of the Eximbank. If it will be materialized, the
implementation of this DED will start within this year 2021 and it
project? will last for one (1) year. Then, the next
step will be the loan negotiation for
construction of the project then we will
proceed with the procurement of the
contractor and construction supervision
consultant. The construction period will
took for about six (6) years. (Engr.
Virgilio Bonsol, Project Manager,
How about the traffic Samson Jaspe, Traffic management is not included in the
management, can you Sangguniang Bayan environmental impact study. (Atty.
include this in the Member, Leganes Arjunn Marven Calvo, Public Hearing
Environmental study? Officer, EMB)
On our part, I think we Jose Ernesto The detailed design is depend on the
need to consider the Fernandez, Security DPWH-Central Office. For now, we have
actual plan for Coordinator, San only the approved alignment of the
construction phase. Miguel Corporation project. (Engr. Claudio Cabrias,
Can the DPWH provide DPWH-Region VI)
the actual plan or
design to San Miguel
for us to know that our
project in the area is
not affected by the
PGN project.
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Is this project a Hon. Vicente Jaen For now this is a government own. We do
government own or II, Municipal Mayor not know for the future. This is not a
own by the private of Municipality of Public-private partnership (PPP) project.
sector? Leganes As of now we are proposing to be funded
through Official Development Assistance
(ODA). (Engr. Virgilio Bonsol, Project
Manager, DPWH)
Marine/Mangrove How about the sea Samson Jaspe, Yes, this is included in the study. But,
grass, did you consider Sangguniang Bayan during our survey there are limited sea
this in the study? Member, Leganes grass in the cover by the alignment. (Dr.
Carmela Capule, KRC Environmental
Kung nasa loob ng five Celna Rivera, LPA We included in the study the mitigating
(5) years ang Representative measures to protect the said mangroves
construction period ng and there are a monitoring task force to
project nakakabahala oversee on this concern (Dr. Carmela
na maapektuhan ang Capule, KRC Environmental Services)
mga mangroves sa
area. Malaking
pakinabang ng
mangroves dahil kung
nagkakaroon ng bagyo
ito ay nakakasangga
sa hangin. Sana
magkaroon ng
proteksyon ang mga
mangroves sa area.
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List of Tables
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Chapter 3
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The objective of this chapter is to describe and evaluate the expected anticipated impacts of
the proposed development on the relevant environmental components, identify applicable
mitigation measures and evaluate the significance of the impact once the proposed mitigation
measures have been implemented.
The environmental impacts associated with the activities during the construction phase have
taken into the account the existing environmental conditions. It is assumed that the proposed
project site and services in the area meet the requirements of the project.
During construction, earthmoving activities will be carried out in the sites designated
for bridge and road construction, species along coastal areas where bridge landing will
be constructed. The excavated materials if not properly managed could be exposed to
erosion especially during rains and will contribute to the siltation of the coastal and
marine habitat. Stockpiles of sand and gravel brought in from sources outside the
project area could also be susceptible to erosion. Aside from erosion, earthmoving
moving activities at the proposed structure sites, whether mechanically undertaken could
initiate down slope movement.
Vegetation will be permanently removed along the main construction (bridge and road)
ROW. Vegetation in adjacent areas or access roads may either be damaged or
removed. Affected species may include some ecologically important species
(indigenous, endemics and threatened) identified in the studied sites.
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Mitigation Measures
Prior to project implementation the proponent will coordinate to the DENR to seek
clearance for the identification of required documents for the issuance of needed tree
cutting permit (PD 705). Moreover, to compensate loss of habitats, the proponent will
replace the number of trees removed/cut and plant them to nearby areas or in
accordance with the advice of the DENR. Species that will be used for the reforestation
must be indigenous trees and/or fruit bearing trees endemic in the place that can attract
wildlife species.
Under the Joint Memorandum Circular No. 01 series of 2014 outline the “Guidelines
for the implementation of the DPWH-DENR-DSWD Partnership on the Tree
Replacement Project” states “The Tree Replacement Program ensures the planting of
one hundred (100) seedlings/saplings/propagules as replacement for every tree cut
within or along the RROW of all DPWH-administered infrastructure projects”.
-Strict adherence to the development plan of the project site especially during land
Land clearing will be confined on designated sites only based on the approved
development only. Likewise, gradual land clearing and removal of vegetation is
encouraged to provide sufficient time for non-volant fauna species to transfer in the
nearby habitat.
To consider in the planning the establishment of natural buffer perimeter within the
project alignment using landscape or fruit bearing trees. This method could also help
provide a natural abode to some wildlife as well as source of food.
Although the studied sites are somehow biologically disturbed, the road and bridge
construction may further damage the existing habitats for wildlife, which reduces the
total area of habitat available for wildlife and may lead to crowding and increased
competition among individuals and species. Further loss of vegetation cover as a result
of land clearing will enhance movement/migration of wildlife species in the area
aggravated by the loss of habitat and remaining sources of food for survival. Likewise,
wildlife disturbance due to noise generated during construction brought about by the
operation of heavy equipment’s will force some faunal species to migrate in other or
nearby areas/habitat where disturbance is less.
possible effects of the project most specially to identified noteworthy species. The
proponent should also ensure that its employees must be prohibited/warned/informed
not to engage in any mode of wildlife collection and/or hunting for the conservation and
protection of remaining wildlife species. Promote wildlife protection using innovative
means such as putting up of warning signage’s on strategic areas for public information
and warning. To consider during planning the establishment of natural buffer or
boundary land mark along the project boundary using fruit bearing trees. This method
could also help provide a natural abode to some wildlife as well as source of food.
Soil erosion is a major agricultural problem. Abnormal rainfall causes the soaking of
soil and increases the amount of water and its velocity, thus increasing its load
capacity. Soil material that will be transported can cause blockage of water channel
ways, which eventually results in flooding.
The removal of vegetation cover will lead to loss/removal of topsoils resulting from
excavation activities. Erosion and siltation of the river may occur due to occasional
rains and during movement of heavy equipment passing over unpaved roads and soil
stockpile area. Similarly, alteration of land topography may result in heavy influx of
surface run-off waters resulting to erosion in the uncovered surfaces and siltation
downstream of the sloping condition of the project site.
-Sedimentation/siltation control
Soil erosion impacts can be minimized by clearing only small tracts of land at a time,
and by minimizing the length of time that the cleared areas for industrial use are void
of vegetation or for agriculture use not under active cultivation. Following these
mitigation measures, the impact of the Project on soil erosion would be insignificant
(low severity; low likelihood).
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Although mangrove ecosystem will not be directly affected along the project alignment, there
are nearby mangrove habitat that are critical habitat in the area. As such, mangroves serve as
an essential nursery for coastal and offshore fisheries, provide an array of timber and non-
timber forest products to local communities, sequesters and store a large amount of carbon,
which helps to mitigate the impacts of global climate change. More importantly, mangroves
enhance sediment deposition and protect the coast from the destructive power of waves and
storm surges. The world has seen a 50% decline in the total area of mangroves since the mid-
twentieth century, making them one of the most threatened ecosystems, therefore, one of the
main priorities of the project proponent should push on implementing a mangrove rehabilitation
program to expand mangrove habitat in the area.
Three representative mangrove sites were identified in this study, two of which will be affected
due to bridge landing construction (Panay Island and the western side of Guimaras), and one
inner streams of Eastern Guimaras which will be affected due road access construction.
Considerations to off-set the impact of construction to these mangrove habitats is suggested.
It is also recommended to use the Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring System BMM
Technical Bulletin 2017-05 and 2019-04
First is to recognize the ecology of the naturally occurring mangrove species at the site, in
particular the patterns of reproduction, distribution, successful seedling establishment, and their
environment. It is helpful to gather information to which species are growing across the
mangrove habitat in the area. This can be done by conducting extensive biodiversity studies
across mangrove areas, including those unaffected areas including studies.
Second, select appropriate rehabilitation areas that are likely to succeed in the rehabilitation of
mangrove ecosystem. Often there are a number of different sites available for possible
restoration, so it’s important to start by selecting one that has a fairly good chance of achieving
rehabilitation objectives. For example, it should be a site that contained mangroves in the recent
past or presently contains degraded mangroves. Also, it is necessary to study the tidal activities
and consequently the frequency of inundation as well as dryness that influence the mangrove
forest as each mangrove species thrives at a different substrate level which in some part
dictates the amount of exposure the mangrove will have to tidal waters. It is also important to
include resolving land ownership/use issue if there is any, which is necessary for ensuring long-
term access to and conservation of the site and associated wildlife.
Third, after mangrove re-planting, regular monitoring of growth and survival, and identifying
causes of seedling mortality. When necessary, it is essential to conduct silvicultural activities.
Beating up or replanting of propagules and/or seedlings in patches may be necessary where
planting has failed.
Fourth, it is important to always consider the involvement of local communities. This can be
effective since residential areas are near the coastal sites in the studied area, where possible
mangrove rehabilitation site can be established. The project creates incentives for local
communities to collect and supply planting materials, which they will be paid by the amount
supplied and thereby generating some income. Through this arrangement, contractors do not
need to employ full-time workers for gathering mangrove propagules and seedlings. With
community participation in the project activities, there is greater awareness that mangroves are
important ecosystems that need to be restored.
Similar approach can be done for non-mangrove habitat especially in establishing reforestation
or restoration areas surrounding the project area.
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During construction of the bridge, road opening and road widening, increased noise
and traffic levels will be significant due to heavy construction vehicles moving to and
from the site. Increased traffic will be a result of trucks to and from the site for
construction material deliveries and site clearing. Noise that will be generated will be
through site clearing activities using soil scrappers and construction workers on site.
However, as a pro-active measure, the project proponent in coordination with the local
government units will devise a contingency traffic management scheme to assist the
local government units in case of occurrence of traffic-related problem near and around
the project area. Posting of traffic related advisory will be a component of the traffic
management scheme.
It is anticipated that construction and operation will take approximately three (3) years.
Due to the limited construction and operation period and the fact that there are
residential areas in the immediate vicinity of the site, the impact is considered
However, the impact will be managed through the implementation of the mitigation
measures below. Noise generating activities will be restricted to normal working hours, thus
limiting noise levels at nighttime to minimize the effect on the residents in the
affected areas.
During the construction phase of the project, access roads and the operation of
construction equipment and vehicles will be the main sources of pollution. Fugitive dust
and combustion emissions will be generated. The primary sources of fugitive dust
emissions will include construction activities such as land clearing and preparation of
re-channeling and river widening in the area, grading of access roads, excavation, and
increased vehicle traffic on unpaved roads. The amount of dust generated will be a
function of construction activities, soil type, moisture content, wind speed, frequency of
precipitation, vehicle traffic, vehicle type, and roadway characteristics.
Fugitive emissions will be highest during drier periods in areas of fine-textured soils.
During the dry season, dust suppression will be applied as needed (such as watering
of disturbed or exposed areas). A dust control plan will be implemented and regular
maintenance of vehicles and equipment will be carried out.
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The solid waste generated during construction will consist of (a) domestic waste and
construction waste from work camps, and (b) hazardous waste from work sites.
Improperly-managed wastes could accumulate into unsightly piles or small dumpsites.
These dumpsites become breeding grounds for pests and other vectors and contribute
to onsite sanitation problems. Leachate from these dumps could contaminate local
groundwater and surface water bodies.
Hazardous wastes such as used oil, busted lamps, used batteries etc. shall be
collected and stored onsite in approved facilities according to DENR standards.
Hazardous wastes shall then be removed from the site to approved DENR accredited
treatment and storage disposal (TSD) facilities.
The connecting length of Line B on Panay Island is shorter (500m). The main route
passes through the salt pan, a pipe culvert is proposed to be set at the position of BK0
+ 350 to be convenient for operation in salt pan. When Line B spans the gullies and
fish ponds on Guimaras Island, the bridge is proposed to be set as far as possible for
passing. The terrain of Line D is relatively flat at the connection location on Guimaras
Island and connecting line, three culverts are proposed to be set. Line D mainly passes
through the local fish ponds and farmland on Negros Island, the terrain is basically flat,
being free of bridge structures, and nine culverts shall be set for agricultural irrigation.
According to the grade of highway, topography, geology, hydrology, meteorology and
the setting of bridge and culvert in this project, the drainage design of subgrade and
pavement should be considered comprehensively, and the attention on connection
between various drainage facilities and drainage structures should be paid so that a
perfect drainage system can be formed on the whole line. Comprehensive planning,
rational distribution, less occupation of cultivated land should be implemented, and the
coordination with local drainage and irrigation system shall be implemented to prevent
the destruction of farmland and water conservancy facilities, paying attention to
environmental protection and preventing the soil erosion and water pollution. This
project fails to cross the water body of rivers and lakes, and the project construction
will not affect the water depth of rivers and lakes, river discharge and lake capacity;
After completion of the project, the drainage pattern of the river system and natural
ditches around the project will not be changed, and the project construction will not
increase the flood risk.
In the period of subgrade construction, if there is heavy rain and the pavement seepage
is reduced due to compaction, the pavement runoff will flow down along the slope. If
the soil on the slope is loose and the soil holding force is weak, the soil erosion will be
combined as small-scale water flow for scouring under heavy rain, and the surface
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runoff will develop into shallow ditches and dissected ditches so as to result in liner
erosion. In addition, landslides may occur in the areas where the slope is not
compacted in the event of heavy rain. These scoured sediments may affect the
drainage of natural ditches downstream. Therefore, a temporary drainage system
should be constructed during construction. Before the construction of the subgrade,
temporary drain ditch should be excavated on both sides of the subgrade. Th60 e drain
ditch is 30cm×50cm for trapezoidal cross section, 1:1 for internal slope ratio, with
tamped ditch wall. In combination with the topography, a sedimentation basin should
be set in the drain ditch. The sedimentation basin is designed to be 3m× 2m × 1.2m,
with 1:1 in slope ratio. After passing through the sedimentation basin, the water flow
drains into the natural channel nearby and drains into the sedimentation basin. At the
same time, the sedimentation basin shall be deposited on a regular basis. After that,
the dredged sediments will be filled into the local depression area for tree planting and
greening restoration in future.
The JALAUR River and the ILOILO River are developed near Item of Section A in this
project as well as the BAGO River is developed near Item of Section B, which can
basically meet the demands of engineering water. In addition, the project passes
through the land area with abundant groundwater and good quality of water, and the
water can also be used as engineering water directly. As water for concrete pouring, it
needs to be further tested and qualified before it can be used. The engineering water
will result in competitive use of water resources, but this impact is negligible given that
the capacity of water used for engineering only covers a very small proportion in the
flow of rivers and groundwater.
Increased turbidity and suspended solids in marine water is one of the adverse impacts
anticipated during the bridge pier foundation construction. These impacts will be short
term and limited to the vicinity of the project site. The magnitude of suspended matter
increase and impact scope is directly related to construction method. In the comparison
and selection scheme of bridge pier foundation for this project, the caisson foundation
scheme having great disturbance to seabed was abandoned, and the pile group
foundation scheme was selected. More specifically, integral steel casing scheme was
adopted for construction of main bridge foundation, and the steel trestle and steel
casing scheme was adopted for construction of approach bridge foundation. Therefore,
the significant disturbance on seabed during bridge pier construction will be felt mainly
during the steel trestle construction stage and during installation of steel casing. The
impact of bridge foundation construction on marine water quality is short term and is
expected to be limited to the project site.
The construction of cast in-situ bored pile will produce dregs or dredge waste, mainly
from the bore holes. Dredges disposal into the sea will pollute the sea. All drilling
dredges shall be transferred to the waste management area.
Accidental oil leakage from the machinery, equipment and vessels may pollute the
marine water. Hence special attention will be given to prevent oil leakages to the sea
during the construction of the bridge.
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Due to the high number of bridge piers in this project and the dreg quantity is high and
must be disposed properly. Based on communication with Ministry of Housing and
Infrastructure in Maldives, all drilling dregs shall be transported to the designated waste
management center, which may be used for backfilling or reclamation.
Chemicals and hazardous materials on the vessel will be safely stored and secured for
offsite treatment. The sandstone, cement and other powdery materials stockpiled on
construction trestle, temporarily-constructed dock and concrete mixing vessel must be
covered for safekeeping.
The machinery and vessels used in construction of the bridge must be inspected strictly
in the process of bridge construction so as to prevent the oil leaking. It is strictly
forbidden to dispose sewage, garbage and waste oil into sea, these wastes should be
gathered and disposed together with pollutants on the bridge construction site for offsite
treatment and disposal by accredited hauler and treater of the DENR.
Workers, equipment and vehicles will be brought to the area and worker camps and
stockyard will be constructed. This could generate domestic and industrial wastewater
in the form of sewage, waste water from cleaning and maintenance of equipment and
vehicles, water contaminated with oil and grease, etc.
Waste treatment facilities such as septic tanks or portable toilets must be installed on
site during construction. The project should ensure that no untreated human waste
should be allowed to enter any water course where this will affect rivers’ water quality,
aquatic environment, and human health. There shall be provision for oil and grease
trap, or outside maintenance of equipment and vehicles.
With the construction of slope protection and widening, road opening and widening,
there will be temporary discoloration of the surface and marine water, increase run off
and soil erosion.
There must be provisions for temporary rechanneling of river flow and construction of
settling ponds to contain inflow of muddy waters in the road construction. No clearance
or establishment works shall be undertaken during heavy rainfall conditions to reduce
the risk of sediments loss to the environment.
Impact of Bridge Deck runoff on marine water quality during operation period
After the bridge is constructed and commissioned, the pollutants discharged out by
various vehicles, particles from wearing of automobile tyre, particles adhered on the
vehicle frame, oil leaked by vehicles in poor operating condition and other pollutants
that are deposited on the road, may all enter into the drainage system of road along
with bridge deck runoff due to rain. These pollutants may enter into marine water. The
study shows that, within 30 mins from preliminary stage of rainfall to runoff, the
concentration of suspended matters in the rainwater and oily substances are higher.
After half an hour, the concentration may decline rapidly along with receding rainfall.
After 40~60 mins of rainfall, the pavement will be rinsed thoroughly; the concentration
of pollutants produced by pavement runoff is lower level.
Based on design document of the project, the bridge deck runoff is directly discharged
from drainpipe set on both sides of bridge through intervals. After the bridge deck runoff
is discharged into water body, the instantaneous concentration of pollutants within the
small range adjacent to runoff water dropping point will be high. However, due the
strong tidal current flow in the area, mixing within the water column and dispersal will
occur rapidly. Thus, impacts from runoff are not expected to be significant.
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report Construction
On Plankton
Threat to plankton community would come from the increase load of suspended solids
during the construction of the project resulting to reduction of depth of photosynthetic
activity of the phytoplankton. Similarly, highly turbid water would affect the grazing
success of zooplankton. Moreover, the mortality of plankton community in the impact
area just be replenished through water currents and tidal influences from other areas
unaffected by the construction as being passively drifting organisms. Given, the
temporary and limited extend of the effect of highly turbid waters relative to the overall
area of project, the impact on plankton community are predicted to be low.
These impacts, while significant, are localized and temporary. Turbidity of the water
column is expected to decrease to normal levels immediately following the completion
of the construction activities.
To mitigate the aesthetic impacts and the impact among fish larvae/juveniles including
other planktonic organisms, use of silt curtains is recommended.
On Benthic Community
Activities such as earth moving and removal of vegetation within the development area
will proportionately increase runoff. Most of the water will be directed to the downstream
zones and outfall areas adjacent to the river mouth. Sediment runoff will have a
potential impact to river organisms as well as flora and may be a potential source of
threat to existence of locally important species.
Silt fence which will act as sieves and filter for sediment particles will be installed at
specific areas to minimize potential impacts of the construction phase.
Minimal impact to loss of freshwater habitat since the expansion will focus on the
upland areas. However, as part of the monitoring program, freshwater monitoring will
be conducted congruently within the freshwater quality stations. This ensures
correlation of results of the biotic cover with that of the abiotic and physico-chemical
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The impacts of construction on mobile organisms such as fish and other forms of
marine life would be localized, temporary and minimal because of the inherent ability
of these organisms to avoid disturbance. Increased suspended sediment levels and
turbidity generated by construction activities would cause adult fish in the affected area
to migrate to other suitable areas. However, smaller species that are unable to migrate
would be chronically exposed to high turbidity may suffocate as their gills become
clogged with sediments. Even low levels of resuspended fine sediment could also
affect benthic larvae and juveniles of commercial clam, snail and shrimp populations.
This impact is expected to occur within the vicinity of the construction site. However,
as the construction activities are done, impact on the fish resources is expected to be
To mitigate the impact among smaller species, use of silt curtains is recommended.
The following mitigation and control measures are suggested below.
• The mitigation measures for influence on sea water quality by bridge construction
that are proposed in the preceding chapter are strictly implemented.
• Reasonable arrangement of construction link shall be implemented, and pile
foundation construction should avoid the spawning period of local fishery
resources as far as possible;
• Construction of bridge foundations can be carried out on hard basement and
concrete materials, these foundations may impede the water circulation and
coastal current so as to reduce the mass exchange of sediment and water.
Therefore, it is suggested that these hydrodynamic processes should be
considered at the design stage of bridge so as not to affect the incoming and
outgoing tide and current.
• Prior to the commencement of construction, a detailed survey for seabed in the
construction area of pier shall be carried out.
• During construction, the tracking monitoring and assessment of benthic
organisms and seaweed should be carried out at least once every six months,
with emphasis on areas such as Cabano and San Lorenzo. In addition, the
marine ecology including plankton, benthic organisms and fishery resources
should also be monitored accordingly.
On Marine Mammals
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Since 2009, Irrawaddy dolphins are regularly observed along a narrow band of coastal
water in Pulupandan and Bago City and are rarely observed further than three
kilometers from coast and more than 20 m deep (de la Paz et al 2020). Large barges
ferrying construction materials and equipment are expected to drastically increase
during the construction. Furthermore, smaller boats are also expected to increase in
number on top of the already high number of small-scale fishing boats. Many of these
vessels would be anchored or floated near the alignment of the bridge and may
occasionally seek shelter south of the Pulupandan pier. This is part of the narrow
coastal area inhabited by the Irrawaddy dolphins. There is a high likelihood of an
increase in boat strikes due to the increase in vessel tranffic in such a small area. We
propose the following mitigation measures to reduce vessel collisions:
- When dolphins are nearby, vessel operators are required to maintain the
prescribed distance in the DA-DOT Joint A.O. No.1 of 2004, DOT and DA Joint
Administrative Order No. 1: Guidelines to Govern the Conduct of People
Interaction with Cetaceans.
- Vessels should not approach the dolphins head on.
- Vessels should not cross the path of the animal. Instead, allow the animal to
move away of their own accord or move in parallel to their swimming direction
- Vessels should not anchor down when animals are within the minimum
prescribed distance
During the construction phase of the proposed project, heavier vessel traffic and
increased underwater noise pollution from construction activity and ferrying of materials
could affect bioacoustics of the marine fauna. This could result in increased risk of
collisions with boats. To mitigate this, it is recommended to deploy only the necessary
number of vessels during the construction phase. The placement and the number of
permanent tidal net near the alignment and along the coasts should be monitored as
the marine fauna’s risks of entanglement is also expected to increase due to noise
The EIA team defer to the DA-DOT Joint Administrative Order No. 1 of 2004 entitled
”Guidelines to govern the conduct of people interaction with cetaceans.” Despite
specifically established for cetacean-watching interactions, the guidelines are
scientifically sound and should be followed. This means that vessel operators, when
Irrawaddy dolphins are nearby, are required to follow the prescribed minimum distance
away from the animals. The welfare of the Irrawaddy dolphins are of utmost priority
given that the boats are encroaching into their core habitat.
- During monitoring, the MMO will record the individual animals and their behavior.
This ensures reliable and statistically sound data that can be analyzed at the end
of the project to assess the effectivity of these mitigating measures. This can
then improved, modified, or applied to other similar at sea construction activities.
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Use a ramp-up or soft-start technique for all heavy duty machinery that generates
extremely loud underwater noise for 30 minutes. This initiates a low-energy or low-level
noise to allow dolphins or other protected species within the high-impact zone (0.5 km
radius) to leave the area.
Shutdown procedures are recommended when dolphins or other protected species are
observed within the high-impact zone. If dolphins are observed in the high-impact zone
during construction activity that create loud underwater noise level, it is recommended
to complete any on-going construction activity, but no new activity will be commenced
until the dolphins have left the high-impact zone. Ramp-up techniques will then be
followed once the marine mammals have left. Groundwater
Though potential impacts from drilling are confined to marine environment, there is the
possibility for ground water contamination due to mishandling and mismanagement of
equipment, particularly in the work sites.
During the constructional phase oil, paint or other chemicals will need to be handled
properly. Mishandling of fuel has led to serious pollution of soil and groundwater. There
have also been reports of spilled oil near temporary generator sets and around fuel
transport lines in other similar projects. This sort of pollution may sometimes have long-
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term irreversible effects, extending through the operations stage, since such
contamination does not degrade itself and is expensive to clean up. The clean-up itself
may require extensive ground water extraction, which will impacts such as salt-water
Excavation can also expose groundwater and the deeper sections of the soil to more
harmful contaminants such as oils and hydrocarbons from vehicles and other
machineries used during the construction.
Solid waste and wastewater generation during the construction stage can also affect
the groundwater, if they are mishandled and mismanaged during the construction
stage. The risk is moderate as construction will be well supervised and managed by
project staff to ensure that waste is handled and disposed properly.
Groundwater pollution can also occur as a result of leaking sewerage connections and
may pollute the soil. This in turn will lead to the formation and accumulation in the
aquifer of hazardous gases such as hydrogen sulphide. Eventually, the immediate
vicinity of the ground water aquifer may become polluted and cause hazards to human
health in medium to long-term.
Mitigation Measures
• Use of high quality fluids during the drilling process to minimise any chance
of pollution of ground water.
• Where possible, above ground sumps or mud handling systems will be used.
• Additives to drilling water may be used in small quantities, which prevent the
• contamination of aquifers during drilling operations. BTEX drilling fluids will ot
be used.
• Oil, solid waste & hazardous waste handled carefully & transported in sealed
• All paints, lubricants, and other chemicals used on site stored in a secure and
bunded location
• General refuse stockpiled in one central area
• Keep spill clean-up materials readily available
• Train workers in spill prevention and clean-up, and designate responsible
• Properly tune and maintain all machinery
• Carry out construction activities user the supervision of a suitably
experienced person
• Only undertake dewatering when absolutely required In-Migration
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The proposed project will employ a substantial number of workers during the
construction phase. The migrant workers will definitely add to the existing population
size within the project area, especially so if they bring in members of their family. If
these migrant workers take temporary residence in the project area, these will add to
the general population size. This might increase the population of the people near the
Some may be transient workers who will opt to commute daily and will therefore impact
only on the day-time population size. Whichever case, demand for resources especially
food and water at the minimum, and services attendant to these, will increase.
To avoid influx of migration in the area where the Project is located, qualified residents
of Barangays that the project will traversed and other neighboring
barangays/municipalities near the project area must be given priority in the hiring of
construction personnel. This must be closely coordinated with the LGU and barangay
The construction work will create a multiple effect where various economic activities
will either be created or the existing ones will experience growth. This will lead to the
creation of more jobs. In relation to this, disposable income will also increase. The
potential for economic opportunity and growth will arise, leading to the generation of
more jobs. In effect, a growing cycle of economic growth and employment generation
will arise.
The Project’s purchases of supplies and materials from local establishments, together
with expenditures by project workers typically result in increased business activity and
employment in the local trade and service sectors.
Upon project completion, tourism opportunity is also expected which will benefit the
local government and the community. This in effect will create tourism related business
and job opportunity.
Workers will be brought to the area and worker camps will be constructed. This could
generate industrial and domestic waste such as engine parts, tires, garbage, sewage
etc. Poor waste disposal could lead to the generation of foul odor, litter on the site and
potential contamination of the lake from the leachates.
Waste treatment facilities such as septic tanks or portable toilets must be installed on
site during construction. The project should ensure that no untreated human waste
should be allowed to enter any water course where this will affect the lakes’ water
quality, aquatic environment, and human health. Likewise, proper clean up and
abandonment of the site after completion of the project, such as removal of temporary
bunkhouses, stock yard and other unnecessary structures should be undertaken.
Accidents and hazards may occur on sites thus there are risks facing both skilled and
unskilled workers. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be strictly implemented
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With the influx of construction workers to the project area, there will be an increase in
the volume of sewage and solid waste generation. If not properly managed, these
wastes will create unsanitary conditions in the area, which can cause local outbreak of
diseases. This will be aggravated if there are no provisions for temporary bunkhouses
for workers and other sanitary facilities.
These hazards may also be experienced in adjoining communities and activities that
will generate noise pollution and dusts, hence, development activities would have to
adopt proper measures to ensure public health and safety. Also, migration of some
workers on site and nearby community will increase possible spread of communicable
diseases and accumulation of domestic wastes.
During detailed engineering design (DED), land traffic and sea traffic impact
assessment and management should be conducted.
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The project development will affect people physically and economically. There will be
acquisition of land which will result in the displacement, loss of land and properties of
a number of occupants.
The project will acquire lands and at the same time may affect settlements/properties
located at the coastal area. This loss of land and properties to give way to project
development will affect numbers of settlers/households in the area. Affected people are
composed of private owners and informal settlers. The involvement of the concerned
LGUs in this matter is very essential. To this end, DPWH will enter to negotiations with
the concerned land/property owners based on the established final alignment of the
project. Compensation and relocation concerns should be closely coordinated with the
LGUs, barangay and affected community. A Resettlement Action Plan should be
prepared to properly and completely document and inventory all the project affected
people, lands, and other properties for possible compensation and relocation. Intensive
consultation with the affected people during this period will be undertaken to avoid
misunderstanding and opposition against the project. Formulation of an equitable
compensation and acquisition scheme will be designed to ensure that affected people
will have a just compensation for the land, crops and other properties that will be
affected by the project.
To maintain peace and order during the construction phase, coordination with the local
governments and police should be undertaken. Cooperation of the community is
necessary to keep peace and order in the project area, thus a good relationship
between the DPWH and affected communities will be maintained. Regular monitoring
of community complaints must be documented to address them properly.
The main objective of the project is to boost tourism along the project areas. Bridge
and road construction and widening along the lake will result to increase in local
revenues due to tourist influx.
However, as a result more waste and garbage both solid and liquid waste will be
generated once business establishment increase within the area. The Local
Government Unit shall have control over the businesses and activities over the area.
Each establishment big or small must have proper waste management plan. A more
strict compliance to environmental regulation should be enforced.
The abandonment activities involve the demolition and restoration of disturbed areas
to a landform that approximates and blends in with the surrounding landform, minimal
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impacts to the soils are expected. The rehabilitation process will involve primarily the
demolition and revegetation of disturbed areas to native species, controlling erosion,
controlling invasive non-native plants, and monitoring results.
Table 3.1 presents the matrix of mitigation and enhancement measures for each type
of activity.
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Damage to existing vegetation -Conduct of tree inventory and application of cutting DENR Included in Incorporated in
permit shall be undertaken prior to land clearing to fully DPWH/ Contractor construction the work and
account threatened and endemic species cost financial plan of
-Seek clearance and tree cutting permits DPWH/Contractor
-Replacement of trees in collaboration with DENR in the
prioritization of site and species to be planted.
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• Terrestrial fauna -creation of wildlife refuge areas also as natural buffer DENR Included in Incorporated in
-displacement of fauna species through revegetation activities along roads and near the DPWH/ Contractor construction the work and
project area in collaboration with DENR. cost financial plan of
-prohibition of wildlife collection and hunting DPWH/Contractor
-Planting of naturally-grown species in the designated
areas might encourage the wildlife species to return in
the future.
• Terrestrial habitat disturbance -Clearing along road right-of-way (ROW) should be DENR
confined on the ROW borders. DPWH/Contractor
- Gradual clearing and removal of vegetation is
encouraged to provide sufficient time for non-volant wild
fauna species to transfer in the nearby habitat.
For terrestrial flora to be cut or removed, tree
replacement using endemic species and fruit-bearing
trees found onsite are suggested. The proponent
should coordinate with DENR, LGU and people’s
organization on how to get seedling source for endemic
and fruit bearing trees.
-Include community participation by forming or
utilizing people’s organization (POs) within or near
the project area to establish nurseries, identify
reforestation areas near project sites, and to monitor
the performance of greening program activities.
DPWH will collaborate with DENR to seek for
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Water Quality
Construction activities such as Surface water pollution • Site clearing will be limited to areas needed Included in Incorporated in
but not limited to: • Increase turbidity and suspend • No clearance or establishment works will be construction the work and
land clearing and soil stripping; solids in surface water run-off undertaken during high rainfall conditions to reduce the cost financial plan of
excavation and earthwork; work risk of sediment loss to the environment DPWH/Contractor
in aquatic environments; • Construction of settling ponds to contain inflow of
Machinery transportation, muddy waters
operation and maintenance;
Equipment maintenance and • Installation of oil & sediment traps and proper storage
repair; • Water pollution and threatened of used oil
aquatic life which may lead to • Implement efficient construction methodology to
bioaccumulation and shorten disturbance resulting from possible siltation
bioconcentration because of the
presence of metals, oil and
grease, hydrocarbons from
machinery, equipment, vessel
Land contamination, groundwater • Provision of portalets during construction and DPWH Included in Incorporated in
pollution management of domestic wastewater to meet and DENR construction the work and
Generation of domestic comply with DENR effluent guidelines. cost financial plan of
wastewater • Set up adequate toilet facilities; ensure sufficient DPWH/Contractor
washrooms for workers
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Obstruction to water circulation The construction of bridge foundations could be on hard DPWH/ MMT Included in Incorporated in
and longshore current due to substrates and literally concrete material in nature, it is Contractor construction the work and
construction/installation of Bridge recommended the appropriate engineering design of cost financial plan of
foundations which may minimize bridge (e.g., stockpiles) must take into consideration in DPWH/Contractor
sediment and water mass such a way these hydrodynamic processes may not
exchanges dampen incoming and outgoing tides and currents
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Air Quality
Construction activities • Air Pollution due to: - Roads will be watered especially during hot and dry weather. Regular DPWH/ Included in Incorporated in the
such as but not limited to: -Dust generation water spraying by water sprinklers (road tank watering) during Contractor construction work and financial
land clearing and soil during clearing of the construction. DENR/ MMT cost plan of
stripping; excavation and site and stockpiling of - Wind covering will be required for the materials such as concretes, sand DPWH/Contractor
earthwork; work in aquatic soil and lime that can be easy to be scattered during loading and unloading,
environments; transporting, transferring and temporarily storing.
Machinery transportation, -Dust generation
operation and during opening up of
maintenance; pits, construction
Equipment maintenance activities, associated
and repair; with movement of
vehicles and
machinery and
transportation and
emplacement of rock
and soil
• Air pollution with the • Regular preventive check-up and maintenance of vehicles, smoke DPWH/Contractor Included in
presence of gases due emission testing; use of vehicles compliant to emission standards DENR/ MMT construction
to: exhaust fumes from (preferably latest models) cost
equipment, vehicles
Construction activities Noise Quality and Vibration
such as: • Disrupting the -Noise reduction by limiting the times of construction to daylight hours DPWH/Contractor Included in Incorporated in
land clearing and soil soundscape that may (8am-5pm) in the vicinity of sensitive receptors. DENR/ MMT construction the work and
stripping; excavation and influence the survival Install noise barriers by using canvass or any possible materials along the cost financial plan of
earthwork; work in aquatic and breeding success road shoulder DPWH/
environments; of wildlife due to: The barrier will reduce/deflect the level of noise from construction Contractor
Machinery transportation, -Noise and vibration equipment to a receiver behind the barrier.
operation and generated from For construction workers, provision of PPE such as mufflers and ear plugs
maintenance; equipment, must be employed
Equipment maintenance construction activities
and repair;
-vibration and drilling • Terrestrial fauna • Regulate speed of delivery/ hauling trucks Included in
activities displacement; • Provide equipment with ear plugs, mufflers and proper scheduling of DPWH/Contractor construction
Disturbance from noise generating activities DENR/MMT cost
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due to:
-Noise generated from
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Road and Sea Traffic -Effective implementation of Road and Sea Traffic Impact Assessment and DPWH/LGUs Included in
and congestion Management Scheme/Plan DOTr/ Coastguard construction
- provision of alternate rerouting to ease congestion in selected areas cost
especially during rush hours (daytime)
Transport and Land Contamination -LGU should have provision of emergency preparedness and response plan for DPWH/LGU Included in Incorporated in
movement of water pollution implementation and strict compliance of national disaster risk reduction DENR/DOTr construction the work and
vehicles; oil measures; cost financial plan of
spills -ordinance on strengthening Clean water act, clean air act, solid waste DPWH/Contractor
management, wildlife conservation and protection
Decommissioni • Water and Land • Preparation and implementation of comprehensive abandonment management plan DPWH/ Included in
ng and degradation • Proper clean-up and decontamination of affected site Contractor abandonment cost
Abandonment • Damage to access, farm • Proper dismantling of equipment and structures; site clearing and site restoration works DENR (part of the
of Auxiliary to market/ barangay roads • Disposal of hazardous waste contract)
Facilities, • Rehabilitation of damaged roads
clearing of
materials, pull-
out of
transport of
vehicle • Loss of livelihood • Retrenchment packages for displaced employees DPWH/
equipment; oil • Provision of alternative livelihood Contractor
spill DOLE
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List of Figures
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Chapter 4
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4.1.1 Channel
The Iloilo Strait is the only channel for ships access to the port of Iloilo. At present, the Iloilo
Strait has been equipped with navigation marks in two water areas, one is the Iloilo Strait’s
southern navigation channel, and the other is the Iloilo Strait’s northern navigation channel.
Large-sized ships normally enter and exit from the southern channel in the south of Iloilo Strait;
Restricted by the depth of channel, the northern channel can only meet the navigation
requirements of small-scale ships.
Iloilo Strait’s southern navigation channel starts from Sinapsapan Cape in the south and
reaches Bondolan Cape, in the north, with full channel length of 10.40 km, and the water depth
along the line is about 10 m above, which can meet the navigation requirements of large-sized
Iloilo Strait’s northern navigation channel starts from Cabugao Cape in the east and reaches
Bantigui Cape in the west, with full channel length of 5.24 km, and the water depth along the
line is about 6 m above, which can meet the navigation requirements of small-sized ships.
The traffic separation system is implemented for Iloilo Strait’s northern navigation channel. The
red floaters 2 #, 4 #,6 # and 8 # are the left side marks of channel; the green floaters 1 #,3 #,5
# are the right-side marks of channel; A, B and C are the intermediate dividing marks of channel.
The ship sailing in the direction of Bacolod is driven by the channel on the one side of Guimaras
island (green float), and the ships sailing in the direction of Iloilo Port travel on the other side of
the channel (red float).
According to the marking width of channel, the width of northern channel of the Iloilo Strait is
about 900 m, and the width of the sub-channel is about 450 m.
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Port Dumanas
Iloilo Port
channel of
channel of
The Guimaras Strait is a passageway for ships access to the Port of Plupandan and the Port
of Bacolod. The overall water depth of the Guimaras Strait is in good condition. Except for a
few shallow points, the charted depth of Strait is above 10 m, having the navigable conditions
of large-size ships.
There are two navigable waterways for ships in Guimaras Strait, one is the eastern channel,
which is located on the east side of IGOIGO BANK (Shoal), with three buoys, for ships access
to and from the Port of Pulupandan; the other is the Guimaras Strait navigable waterway
between IGOIGO BANK and Nalulao Island for ships access to and from the Port of Bacolod
and transiting, as shown in Figure 2.
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Guimaras Strait
Navigable waterway of
According to relevant information provided by the Philippine Coast Guard, the daily traffic
volume across the bridge location of Iloilo Strait (Section A of bridge) is about 42 shiptimes
(over 15,000 ships for ship traffic flow per year). The daily traffic volume of the bridge across
the Guimaras Strait (Section B of bridge) is 28 shiptimes (more than 10,000 ships for ship traffic
flow per year).
Figure 3 shows the ship flow direction diagram drawn based on AIS ship position. As can be
observed from the diagram:
(1) After three traffic flows converge at the southern mouth of the Iloilo Strait, the traffic flow
inflows into the Port of Iloilo. After the cargo loading/ unloading is implemented in the ships at
the Port of Iloilo and the passengers go up and down the ships, large-sized ships outflow from
the southern mouth of the Iloilo Strait, and some small-sized ships also outflow from the
southern mouth of the Strait. A small number of ships pass through the northern channel of the
Iloilo Strait and enter into the Port of Bacolod or enter into the Guimaras Strait for proceeding
northward continuously.
(2) After two traffic flows converge at the southern mouth of the Guimaras Strait, the traffic flow
crosses the bridge location of Guimaras Strait (Section B), a small number of ships enter into
the Port of Plupandon, most of which enter into the Port of Bacolod, and another a small number
of ships directly pass through Guimaras Strait.
(3) After passing through Tomonton Shoal, the traffic flow inflowing from the northern mouth of
Guimaras Strait is mainly divided into three flows, most of which inflow into the Port of Bacolod,
a small portion of which flows into the Iloilo Strait through the northern channel of Iloilo, and
another a small number of ships directly flow out of the southern mouth of Guimaras Strait.
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Ships passing through the proposed Iloilo-Guimaras bridge location (Section A) are mainly as
- Passenger ships in the Port of Iloilo-Bacolod, navigable ships are FAST CAT, WEESAM,
SUPER CAT and OCEAN JET, the total ship length is between 30-50 m.
- The passenger ships among Iloilo~Cebu~ Palumpont are FILIPINAS OZAMIS, FILIPINAS
CEBU and FILIPINAS NASIPIT, the total ship length is about 80 m.
- Small-sized cargo ships and oil tankers, the ship length of is 50-80 m mostly, such as MV
SF OMEGA, LCT DAICHI, NAGATA MARU and other cargo ships.
According to the data, the largest navigable ships crossing the Iloilo Strait Bridge (Section A)
are 2000 GT passenger ships and the 2000 DWT general cargo ships.
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Ships passing through the channel of the Guimaras Strait on section B of the proposed bridge
area mainly are ships access to and from the Port of Bacolod, Bacolod-Cagayan De Oro the
Bacolod-Cagayan De Oro passenger ships. On average, 28 shiptimes (passenger/ cargo ships/
oil tankers) pass through the Guimaras Strait every day.
Most navigable ships are the ships less than 180 m (35,000 tonnages) and passenger and
cargo ro-ro ships from Cebu, Manila, etc. The maximum navigable ro-ro ship is 20000 GT, and
the cargo ship is of 50,000 tonnages bulk cargo ship.
The Philippine Coast Guard is responsible for the safety supervision and administration in the
water area. The safety on water area of the PGN bridge area are under the responsibility of the
Philippine Coast Guard's Western Visayan Headquarters, and the subordinated Iloilo Guard
Station, Dumonas Sub-Station, Iloilo Sub-Station, Haldane Sub-Station, Buenavista Sub-
Station, Nueva Sub-Station and Sibunag Sub-Station, which are equipped with patrol boats to
carry out the on-site management.
(1) Pilotage
Northern entrance (Nabalas Point):10 ° 43.5 'N,122 ° 43.5' E;12 nautical miles away from Port
of Iloilo.
Pilotage service is required to be notified by agent ahead of 24 hours, the pilot is listening on
VHF Channel 16 and working on Channel 13, and the pilot shall be contacted by using VHF
Channel 16 to inform the pilotage at Sinapsapan or Nabalas.
Ship navigation in the water area of the bridge area should comply with the international rules
of collision avoidance, and the northern channel of Iloilo shall be implemented with the
navigation traffic separation system.
(1) The northern channel of the Iloilo Strait is a two-way route, the channel separation system
shall be adopted, and the ship's navigation shall comply with the "International Rules for
Collision Avoidance at Sea in 1972. The ship navigation holes of proposed bridge are set in the
central area of the northern channel of the Iloilo Strait, with a net width of 480 m. After the bridge
is completed, the navigable water area of the existing ships in the bridge area will be
compressed, but the ships could still sail according to their original habits and pass through the
bridge navigation holes according to their respective principles of keeping on the right.
(2) The Guimaras Strait is a two-way route and the ships navigate in compliance with the
International Rules for Collision Avoidance at Sea in 1972. The ship navigation holes of
proposed bridge are set on the existing habitable route for navigation ships, with a net width of
480 m. After the bridge is completed, the navigable water area of the existing ships in the bridge
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area will be compressed, but the ships could still pass through the water area of bridge
navigation holes according to their respective principles of keeping on the right.
Therefore, the bridge construction basically does not affect the existing ship route. But
considering from the angle of ship navigation safety, once the ship is operated wrongly or is out
of control, there is certain risk of ship collision, it is necessary to take anti-collision protection
measures and set up navigation aids for waterways and bridges.
4.2.2 Influence on channel trafficability, traffic flow and traffic order by bridge
According to PPA data, the average daily flow for northern channel of the Iloilo Strait that the
bridge span currently is about 42 shiptimes (one-way), mainly giving primary to high-speed
ships; the daily average one-way flow of ships in Guimaras Strait is about 28 shiptimes. After
the implementation of development plan for Port of Dumanasa, the navigable traffic flow will
increase in the bridge area. It is reckoned according to the current shiptimes for ships arriving
at the port in Iloilo International Port, the future daily average flow for northern channel of the
Iloilo Strait is about 45 shiptimes, and the daily average flow Guimaras Strait will also increase.
(1) The existing northern channel of the Iloilo Strait is a two-way route. After the bridge is
completed, the northern channel still is a two-way route. Ships can navigate on their own routes.
Through the theoretical calculation and analysis of the ship area, the navigation capacity of the
navigation channel in the bridge area is larger than that of the future navigation flow (45
shiptimes/ day) and is more abundant. Therefore, the bridge construction will not have great
influence on the trafficability, ship traffic flow and traffic order.
(2) At present, the ships in the bridge location of the Guimaras Strait are sailing in accordance
with the customary route, there is not navigation mark, and the daily average one-way flow is
only 28. After the completion of the bridge, the ship still uses the existing customary route. From
the current navigation situation and development plan of the Guimaras Strait, the traffic flow of
ships will increase in the future, but the overall flow is low, and the trafficability of the channel
in the area of the bridge is far greater than the existing passing capacity now. Therefore, the
construction of the bridge will not affect the trafficability of ships and traffic order of ships in the
Guimaras Strait.
(1) As a result of the completion bridge of the Iloilo Strait and the Guimaras Strait, the navigable
water area of the ships has been compressed and the degree of freedom for navigation of ships
will be limited.
(2) After the bridge is completed, due to the installation of piers in the water course, the ship
may collide the piers when the ship is out of control, improper operation or in bad weather such
as heavy fog and high wind, which will have potential risks to the safety of ships and bridges.
The Iloilo-Guimaras Bridge spans the northern channel of the Iloilo Strait, this channel is
equipped with 9 navigation marks totally. Now no navigation marks in the bridge area of
Guimaras Bridge. There are no other navigational safety facilities near the bridge location.
After the completion of the bridge, the navigation marks for northern channel of the Iloilo Strait
are required to be adjusted accordingly, and the channel at the bridge area of Guimaras Strait
are required to be equipped with the corresponding navigation marks.
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The West Visayan Headquarters of Philippine Coast Guard is responsible for the navigation
management for water area in the bridge area, giving primary to supervision by on-site patrol
boats. The ships are mainly equipped with VHF communication and AIS equipment. There are
not VTS and other supervision facilities in the waters of bridge area.
Bridge on Section A and Bridge on Section B in this project span the northern channel of Iloilo
Strait and Guimaras Strait respectively, and the hydrometeorological conditions of the channel
in the bridge area are complex. The large-sized ships are planned for navigation in the bridge
area, the ship collision risk exists for main piers of bridge, bridge piers of non-navigable holes
and the main beam of bridge. especially the Line B position of bridge is located near the channel
Curve area and is easy to cause the ship collision accidents. The main navigable holes of bridge
on each line location are adopted with the bridge-type scheme with large span and the net
navigation width is abundant, which are beneficial to reduce the risk of bridge collision. The risk
of damage to the bridge by the ship collision should be minimized because of the large
investment and long service life of the proposed cross-sea bridge project, and the bridge should
be a critical bridge, referring to AASHTO (AASHTO LRFD - Clause 4.1.1) specification. The
annual damaged collision frequency of the whole bridge is less than ≤10-4 (0.01 time within 100
years), the damaged collision risk level of bridge is acceptable. According to the calculation,
the annual damaged collision frequency of bridge on Section A is 0.7673×10-4 and is less than
10-4 , the annual damaged collision frequency of bridge on Section B is 0.7315×10-4 and is less
than 10-4, and the damaged collision risk level of this bridge is acceptable.
The original open waters in the project site will change to “discontinuous” waters as a result of
the piers built as supporting structures for the bridge. In case a ship gets out of control, is badly
operated or gets caught in bad weather conditions such as dense rainfall and strong wind, the
ship may collide with the piers, resulting in potential risk to ship and to the bridge as well.
The navigable passages in the proposed Section A bridge and Section B bridge are located in
the middle of the channel with a width of 480m and 440m, allowing some vessels to pass
through while limiting the navigation freedom of other vessels. The changes in the navigation
environment will be challenging to the pilots of the ships who are otherwise used to navigating
in open waters. This could increase the risk of ship collisions.
The construction of the proposed bridge will change the navigation channel which some ships
are used to navigate in. If the relevant local authorities fail to properly address these changes
through the establishment and enforcement of new navigation safety standards that is
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appropriate for the proposed bridge design, there could be unfortunate accidents from ships
colliding with the bridge.
The construction of the bridge increases the risk of marine accidents near the bridge site,
especially the risk of ships colliding with the bridge piers. The impact of such accidents would
be magnified if the local maritime search and rescue authority fails to prepare the corresponding
safety emergency plan according to the changes in navigational environment around the bridge
area, and to respond to accidents in a timely manner.
In order to protect the pier body and cap pile foundation of the main navigable hole bridge, anti-
collision facilities are installed around the main pier, auxiliary pier and transitional pier cap of
the main navigable hole bridge. The anti-collision facilities mainly consist of steel structures and
rubber parts. The steel structural outer plate, bottom plate, platform plate and main deck of anti-
collision facilities are equipped with the wave-absorbing holes. The anti-collision facilities can
be constructed, assembled in sections and outwardly hung around the pile cap.
During the construction of bridge pile foundation, a safety operating area should be set up
around the pile foundation and an over-water construction and navigation notice should be
issued to prevent accidents from happening as a result of ships entering the construction zone.
Contractor should not extend the range of safety operating area arbitrarily and should set up
the relevant safety warning mark, be equipped with necessary safety facilities or guard ships
and arrange the temporary navigation aids. The constructing ships or facilities should display
the specified line lamps and shape in a visible area.
Strengthen the management of marine traffic and the administration of ships used for
construction works. Provide effective communication devices for the ships or assign guard
ships to oversee the sight during construction. Assign special personnel for warning and
monitoring the marine traffic of the channel during the construction works or activities.
Pay attention to the weather and flow conditions to prevent unfavorable operation under bad
weather conditions such as strong wind and wave activity, which may affect navigation safety.
Improve the standard operations of the marine navigators and strictly comply with the ship
navigation rules to prevent accidents resulting from nonstandard operations and fatigued
working from personnel, etc. Meanwhile, constructors shall conduct training to enhance the
safety consciousness and environmental protection consciousness of related personnel and
ensure that the implementation of the emergency plan and reporting is done in a timely manner
in the event an accident occurs.
Once the bridge work is completed, the marine navigation environment around the bridge area
would have changed to some extent and the traditional sea route of the ships will be altered.
The relevant government authorities should set out the corresponding navigation safety
standards and ensure that these safety standards are implemented.
Before crossing the bridge, the vessels should obey the unified schedule of the command
department and strictly comply with the relevant safety navigation standards set for the bridge
area. Vessels should not race with each other when crossing the bridge and when vessels
come close, should keep strong alertness and be fully prepared to give way.
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Set up two pairs of and 8 lateral marks on both sides of 2 planned one-way channels. Take
the protective measures, including potential collision with the bridge pile foundation, by
establishing the bridge aids mark for navigation. These include 2 one-way navigation span
marks, 4 navigation span limit marks, 8 navigation prohibition marks for navigation spans and
4 pier warning marks.
The vessels crossing the bridge should accurately understand the real time bridge clearance
dimension, water level, weather and other navigation information and reasonably select the
timing to cross the bridge.
Provide effective training for the boat pilots and crews. Standardize the safety communication
operation in the bridge area to prevent the occurrence of accidents caused by nonstandard
operation. At the same time, encourage pilot and crew to study the emergency plan to ensure
timely action in case of accident to minimize accidents.
DPWH will have a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan which describes programs and
actions in response to various major events such as terrorism, disasters and catastrophes like
earthquakes, flash floods, fires, explosion regardless of cause and landslides.
The emergency response plan describes policies, the members of the team, its roles and
responsibilities, operating procedures, personnel safety, property protection and monitoring.
Audit and inspection reports are included in the plan. Trainings on emergency response and
safety are programmed annually.
Each type of emergency shall have a documented procedure which shall be strictly followed
during emergency situations. Intensive training and drills on the procedures shall be
undertaken regularly. Each procedure shall be reviewed and updated regularly.
According to the risk analysis of the proposed project, the risk of accidents happening is highest
in and around the bridge construction sites. The probability of accidents can be greatly reduced
through preventative measures; however, some level of risk will inevitably remain despite such
measures. Any such accidents will have impacts on the environment and on public safety. A
sound emergency plan needs to be established in order to timely respond to accidents and
mitigate the consequences effectively.
The emergency plan should be planned based on the provisions of relevant laws and
regulations, the risk assessment of the proposed project, and the physical conditions of the
project area. This plan should be a scientific, realistic and reasonable plan. The emergency
plan should include the following aspects:
Emergency plan should comprise of steps to respond to emergencies at the project site and
environmental pollution resulting from accidents (such as oil spills).
Based on the features of the risk assessment of the proposed project, an emergency
organizational setup consisting of all relevant authorities needs to be established. A command
organization should also be set up with clearly identified roles and responsibilities during an
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
A sufficient inventory of emergency response facilities (such as oil booms, oil machine and oil
dispersant) needed to respond to the risks identified in the risk assessment of the proposed
project needs to be provided in addition to those required by relevant national and international
laws and regulations. Additionally, during an emergency, good coordination with authorities
outside the emergency organization system could help respond to emergencies quickly and
effectively and minimize environmental, ecological and social consequences such as loss of
life and property.
Emergency communications
Emergency monitoring
An emergency monitoring system needs to be set up in the identified risk areas of the proposed
project to monitor accidents, accurately identify the location of the ships involved in the
accident, to learn about the nature and scale of accidents, etc. The existing over-water safety
supervision facilities (CCTV system, GMDSS system, patrol boat, etc.) can be combined to
form this emergency monitoring system which will provide the basis for emergency response
measures and scheme selection.
All the risks identified in the risk assessment needs to be categorized based on the scale,
nature, and controllability of the accident, the range of influence and the severity of the impacts,
in order to determine the response procedure for different accidents. Such categorization will
ensure that effective and precise measures are taken to contain the range of accident and
mitigate the severity of consequences. In addition to this, the conditions for termination of
emergency plan needs to be clearly defined.
Improve the awareness of knowledge related to sea and provide regular training for personnel
responsible for the implementation of emergency plan. Training of personnel should be based
on performance assessment of the personnel to improve the quality and professional skills of
those personnel. Emergency drills also need to be conducted regularly to prepare and
familiarize emergency personnel with the emergency control equipment and procedure.
Accidents should be reported to relevant authorities immediately upon finding out about the
accident. The emergency organization should initiate the emergency plan as soon as the
accident is reported to them. The emergency procedures initiated should be based on the
category of the accident as specified in the emergency plan.
Promptly report the accident once the accident occurs. The emergency organization should
initiate the emergency preplan when receiving the accident report, starting the emergency
procedures as per the accident levels specified in the preplan, developing the emergency
actions based on the responsibilities and immediately taking the emergency measures. The
report should include:
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Depending on the nature of the accident, it is necessary to follow the principle of prioritizing the
protection of personnel and the safety of the ship over the protection of the environment during
an emergency response. It is important to quickly organize the evacuation of personnel from
the area where the accident happened, guide other ships to safe areas and to provide rescue
assistance as soon as it is safe and feasible to take emergency action. At the same time, if the
ship or ships involved in the accident are believed to be a risk to other ships using the
navigational channel or to the residents of the coastal dwellings close to the accident zone,
guidance should be sought from the command centre and inform the traffic regulation authority
to control or divert the traffic headed towards the accident zone.
The emergency personnel should wear the appropriate protective garment and respirator when
attending the accident. The specific traffic control command should be uniformly issued by the
command center to the relevant authorities and the traffic channel should clear for the passage
of the rescue ships and materials. Fire
Fire prevention, awareness and firefighting programs shall be established. All necessary fire
prevention, warning, suppression, control equipment shall be provided and available in good
condition. Fire extinguishers will be strategically located and everyone shall be trained to use
them. Exit areas shall always be clear from clutter and with visible signages.
Handling and storage of flammable materials such as paints shall be covered by fire emergency
Procedures in handling, storage, transport and use of oil and liquid materials shall incorporate
steps in preventing spillages and leakages. Secondary containment for all liquid materials shall
be in place.
There shall be enough available equipment and materials to control and clean-up any spillages
or leakages when these arise. Any collected spills or leaks shall be stored and disposed of
properly in accordance with Republic Act 6969.
Good housekeeping practices will be observed in the work place at all times. Safety Data
Sheets (SDS) shall be strategically located where necessary. Oil spill management plan should
be developed prior to construction.
Each type of catastrophe should have its own emergency procedures. Open channels of
communication to concerned government agencies in the formulation of the emergency
procedures is necessary. Readiness to implement evacuation procedures when needed shall
be ensured.
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The company shall subscribe to a pro-active program of pursuing a healthy, safe and
environment-friendly operation. It shall push for the adoption of industrial hygiene programs to
ensure a work environment that is consistent with internationally-accepted norms of industrial
operations. It should comply with the requirements of the Republic Act 11058, an act
Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards.
A Loss Control Program, allied to the pursuit of the safety program, shall also be implemented
and overseen by the Safety Officer. The Safety Officer shall be designated and together with
the Pollution Control Officer (PCO), shall undergo health, safety and environment training
A comprehensive health and safety plan should be developed before construction. Company
guidelines on health and safety programs will be made clear to contractors and all employees
during construction and operation. Strict compliance with these guidelines will be part of the
Employee’s Code of Conduct; sanctions will be imposed upon violators. An annual program of
safety evaluation within the plants will be conducted with the aim of continuously improving
safety conditions.
All contractors and subcontractors of the proponent shall comply with all guidelines, department
orders of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and DPWH guidelines on
construction safety.
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List of Tables
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Chapter 5
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The indicative Social Development Framework (SDF) of the project is aligned with the
Proponent’s vision to support the affected barangays around the project and the local
government units so as to help improve the economic status and quality of life of its
The construction and operation of the PGN Project shall comply with both local and
International standards on safety and environmental regulations.
The indicative SDF of the company is anchored and aligned with the Host Barangays'
framework for social development.
5.2.1 Objective
The purpose of the SDF is to identify the doable supports of the Project to the Host Barangays
subject to the company’s policy on community services and according to the priorities within
the Project’s vicinity. It shall cover the construction, operation and abandonment phase of the
Table 1 details the SDMP Plan/Framework for PGN Project pursuant to DENR AO 2003-30.
5.2.2 Programs
a] Information Education Campaigns
b] Community Development Projects and Community Relations Programs
c] Health
d] Donations
e] Baseline study
To ensure that it meets, and wherever possible, surpasses its legal, environmental and social
obligations, DPWH will observe the following corporate policies:
a] Sustainability policy
b] Environment policy
c] Community relations policy
DPWH Management will actively work with the local community and the Local Government
Units (LGUs/PAMB) to establish formal policies, systems and procedures for managing the
SDMP programs, projects and activities. Projects are typically generated through a
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Each project/program will be submitted for DPWH approval as part of detailed annual
barangay development plan and implemented through a monthly program. DPWH will
monitor the progress/projects on a daily and weekly basis. The community and the
Local Government Units (LGUs) are responsible for implementing the
programs/projects with DPWH support.
The MOA will stipulate that a minimum of 80% of the funds to be provided are used on
the project/program and that only not more than 20% may be used for administration.
No funds are to be used for honoraria to community members unless they hold a
working position in implementing the program/project.
DPWH will require each program/project to agree or comply with a series of Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) prior to inception of each program. These indicators will be used to establish
agreed points of success, goals or milestones throughout each program. This will ensure that
each program/project has clearly identified goals and targets and that money spent will be well
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Table 2. Social Development Plan (SDP) /Framework for Panay-Guimaras-Negros Island Bridge Project
1. Relocation Land Purchase/ 1. Barangay Chairman *LGU Municipal Assessor based on DPWH through Pre-construction DPWH/LGU
Resettlement 2. Project’s affected tenants cadastral surveys Property Owner
3. Land Owner *City Planning and Development Community
Office Relations Officer;
*DSWD Resettlement
*DPWH Specialist
(facilitating demolition of
structures and transfer of affected
1. Association Chairperson 1. LGU City Planning Office DPWH Operation DPWH
2. Qualified Project affected 2. LGU City Social Welfare & Dev. LGU LGU / PAMB
a] High-value crops for men, women, youth and Office PAMB From revenues and
farmers elderly fees
3. Association Chairperson TESDA/TLRC
b] Employment - - Various skills training courses
Job priority skills
training for qualified DA/BFAR
workers Technical training farming
c) organization of business methods
establishment/ transport group/fisher
folk etc.
3. Health and Safety 1. Barangay Kagawad for 1. City Health Officer Community Operation LGU/ DPWH
a] Improvement/ Renovation Health 2. Barangay Disaster Management Relations Officer (according to the
of Brgy. Health Center 2. Project’s affected Committee (CRO) budget in table 5.2)
b] Health services community
c] Potable water (bio-sand
filter project)
d] Supplemental feeding
program for malnourished
e] Assistance to senior
citizens and persons with
4. Education & Recreation 1. Barangay Kagawad for Department of Education LGU/PAMB Construction LGU/ DPWH/
Education/SK; Barangay Scholarship program for Operation NGAs NGOs/ POs
PTA qualified students
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2. Project affected families Literacy programs & non- formal (according to the
education programs budget in table 5.2)
City Engineer’s Office
Identification of appropriate
project site, design, provide
funding support, organize &
implement related educational
and recreation activities
5. Environment & Sanitation 1. Barangay Kagawad for CENRO LGU/PAMB Pre-construction LGU/ DPWH
Brgy. Solid Waste Environment ENRO /MHO Construction /NGAs/ NGOs/ POs
Management Plan 2. Project’s affected 1. Formulate training in SWM Operation (according to the
Bio-sand water filters community 2. Reforestation (tree planting) budget in table 5.2)
3. Establishment of forest
4. Environmental monitoring
5. Health programs
6. Provide bio-sand water filters
CHO and/or DOH
6. Peace & Order 1. Barangay Kagawad for LGU Chief Security Pre-construction LGU/ DPWH/
Peace & Order PNP Officer Construction (according to the
2. Project’s affected - Capacity-building & Operation budget in table 5.2)
community strengthening of barangay
tanods in peacekeeping
- Maintenance of peace and order
and respond to security
7. Spiritual Barangay Assigned Catholic Parish Priest for Catholics or Community Construction LGU/ DPWH/
priest, or pastor of different Pastor for Non-Catholics and Non- Relations Officer Operation (according to the
denomination Muslims (CRO) budget in table 5.2)
8. Infrastructure *LGU: City and Barangays * DPWH/ City Engineer’s Office Community Pre-construction LGU/ DPWH/
* Barangay Kagawad for * CPDO Relations Officer Construction (according to the
Infrastructure * LGU: City and Barangays (CRO) Operation budget in table 5.2)
* CPDO * Repair/Improvement /Expansion
of Barangay Road
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The Information, Education, and Communication Plan of DPWH shall focus on the Project’s
information dissemination, predicted impacts of activities to the environment particularly to the
people and their inherent resources, the benefits that the community and the people may
derive, and the cost and benefit analysis of the operations with regards to environmental
protection, and the future of the community after the abandonment of the project.
The proposed IEC will include public consultations which will allow DPWH to report on its
environmental performance and at the same time solicit feedback and suggestions from
community members on how to improve and enhance its environmental protection and
enhancement activities. Table 3 describes the IEC Plan/Framework of the company.
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Target Sector
IEC Scheme/ Indicative
Identified as Major Topic/s of Concern in Information Indicative
Strategy Timelines and
Needing Relation to Project Medium Cost
Method Frequency
Project IEC
1.Directly and Project information Barangay - Handouts Prior to start of The cost
indirectly - Simplified version of the Project’s assemblies - Audio-Visual project includes
affected technical operations and Presentations construction meals,
population environmental aspects; - Illustrative venue, IEC
LGUs/POs/ - General and specific benefits of Primer about materials,
NGOs the Project the Project in transport,
local dialect design,
- Audio-visual layout,
- FGD presentations Prior to printing
2. Directly - Compensation Plan - Public implementation cost
affected - Options of the Families Consultations; salaries,
population for - Roles & Responsibilities of PAF Barangay honoraria
land acquisition and Proponent Assemblies; etc.
- Indicative Timelines of Information
Implementation Desk
- Status/ Updates/ Final Decisions
3. Directly and - Proper waste disposal - Public - Flyers/posters Continuing- Project
indirectly - Project facility safety/protection Assembly on starting pre- cost is
affected - Lake protection and management - Community environmental construction of estimated
population Meetings protection and the project at PhP
LGUs/POs/ management (Quarterly) 1,000,000
NGOs per annum
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List of Tables
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Chapter 6
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The proposed Environmental Monitoring Plan with Environmental Quality Performance Levels
(EQPLs) is shown in using the recommended format in Annex 2-20 of RPM DAO 2003-30.
However this will be finalized once the ECC has been issued.
1. Ensure that all emissions, effluent and other wastes generated as a result of
the Flood Mitigation Project are in accordance with DENR Rules and
Regulations which include, but is not limited to, Presidential Decree 1586 (the
Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System), Republic Act 8749
(Clean Air Act), RA 9275 (Clean Water Act), RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act), RA 6969 (Philippine Chemical & Chemical Substances and
Hazardous & Nuclear Waste Control Act), PD 984 (Pollution Control Act)
2. Define monitoring mechanisms and identify monitoring parameters
3. Validate the changes in the various environmental media as discussed in the
Impact Assessment Plan
4. Provide mitigation measures and performance levels
5. Provide early warning on any unacceptable environmental conditions.
After the issuance of the ECC, the company through its Pollution Control Officer will
ensure that regular reporting of compliance to DENR standards and other regulatory
industries will be undertaken. The Self-Monitoring Reports (SMR) detailing status of
compliance with ECC and other environmental regulation shall be submitted quarterly
to DENR-EMB Region 6.
An MMT for the project may opt to be formed during construction only, based on the
requirements of DENR Administrative Order 2003-30, Annex 3-4.
The following comprised the proposed MMT but not limited to.
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Executive Committees
The Executive Management Committee (MMT Execom) shall consist of the following
• Monitor project compliance with the conditions stipulated in the ECC and
commitments made in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) by:
• Reviewing and validating proponent’s progressive report and other reports (e.g.,
third party audits) and submits compliance monitoring and validation report to
• Preparing, integrating, and disseminating simplified monitoring reports and
recommendations to the DENR
• Validating and implementation of IEC and other programs
• Interfacing with proponent, third party auditors and other parties, or engage the
services of other expects as deemed necessary
• Initiating popularization of M&E results for community consumption
• Prepare the MMT Manual of Operations (MOO), Work and Financial Plan, and
other plans/reports based on the proponent’s EMP;
The MMT Execom shall organize and supervise the activities of the SMT, review and
approved the monitoring work and financial plan of the MMT, administer and manage
the EMF and resolve issues arising from its monitoring activities.
The Secretariat shall inform the MMT members of the schedule of meeting, monitoring
activities of the MMT, provide documentation of the minutes of MMT meetings and
monitoring results and action items generated from the discussions, and ensure the
safekeeping of MMT documents, materials and properties;
The Sectoral Monitoring Team (SMT) organize and carry out the field monitoring
activities of the MMT in their respective area of jurisdiction based on the guidelines that
will be adopted by the MMT. Advice the entire MMT on the need for additional
monitoring activities and/or requirements to employ assistance of other relevant
government agencies and other sectors to provide necessary expertise and participate
in the actual monitoring activity.
6.3.3 Roles, duties and responsibilities of MMT Members at the Institutional Level
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The LGU shall designate a representative who shall participate in actual sectoral
monitoring works and concur with and sign the monitoring reports. It shall provide the
necessary information about local policies, plans and programs affecting MMT
monitoring results and standards, advise the MMT of any complaints, information or
reports from LGUs concerning the PROJECT.
The NGO and vulnerable groups shall participate in actual monitoring work, and concur
with and sign the monitoring reports.
DPWH shall see to it that EMF and EGF will be allocated. The EMF shall be used for
the operationalization of the Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (MMT) and all costs related
to environmental monitoring which include air, noise and water sampling, meetings,
honorarium, transportation, etc. The amount of EMF to be located shall be based on
the number of members, meetings conducted, sampling which will be computed
annually. At least 3,000,000.00 shall be initially allocated to start up operation of the
MMT and shall be replenish annually. On the other hand, the EGF shall be put up to
be available in case of worst case scenarios such as immediate rehabilitation of areas
affected by the damages to the environment caused by the construction of the roads
and bridges and to compensate affected parties, etc. A Memorandum of Agreement
shall be established to this effect.
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Table 6.1. Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) with Environmental Quality Performance Levels (EQPLs)
Key Potential Impacts Parameters to be Sampling & Measurement Plan Lead Annual EQPL MANAGEMENT SCHEME
Environmental per Monitored Person Estimated
Aspects per Environmental Cost EQPL Range Mgt. Measures
Project Phase Sector (Php)
METHOD FREQUENCY LOCATION Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
Water Marine Water Total Suspended Grab Quarterly sampling DPWH/ 500,000
Pollution due Solids (TSS), Sampling per point to be minimum 75 78 80
mg/L RA 9275 of monitored Pollution
to fuel and oil
Oil and Grease, Clean Water should be Control
spills, leaks; 2.0 2.5 3 Inspect silt
mg/L Act within the Officer
Stations: construction project site; (PCO) Prepare curtains, oil Recommend
Total Coliform --- --- ---
Iloilo activities, (MPN/100ml) to be trend/ and actions of
preventive determined statistical sediment improvement
Guimaras maintenance Fecal Coliform by MMT 175 190 200 report & traps if if there are
of equipment (MPN/100ml) present properly lapses found;
Pulupandan Dissolved oxygen, actual installed to impose
5.5 5.3 5 min. status reduce penalties and
upon solids & sanctions;
Nitrate-N, mg/L 9 9.5 10 receipt of oil/grease comply to
Phosphate-P, results to emissions in DAO 2016-08
0.1 0.15 0.2 managem marine and DAO
25.3, 25.2, ent waters. 2021-19
Temperature, oC 25-31
30.5 30.9
pH 6.7-8.3 6.6-8.4
Color, TCU 65 70 75
Fresh Surface BOD, mg/L 5 6 7 -Ensure Inspect
Water portalets & leaks, check
TSS, mg/L 75 78 80 actions of
Pollution from septic silt curtains,
from 6.5- tanks are oil and
pH 6.7-8.8 6.6-8.9 if there are
9.0 in placed. sediment
construction lapses found;
-Prepare traps if
activities, fuel Color, TCU 65 70 75 impose
trend/ properly
and oil leaks, penalties and
statistical installed to
Ammonia, mg/L 0.03 0.04 0.05 sanctions.
report & reduce
comply to
present solids &
Nitrate, mg/L 5 6 7 DAO 2016-08
actual oil/grease
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Air Quality Air pollution Total Suspended 1-hr Sampling Quarterly Constructio DPWH/ 2,000,000. -Provide Provide
due to Particulates (TSP) per RA n area; PCO 250 275 300 actions and sanctions to
recommendati contractors if
Proposed site generated µg/Ncm 8749/DAO downwind; Prepare ons to found in
locations dust 2000-81 NSEW trend/ management violation/ non-
Emissions direction 150 175 200 statistical to reduce dust compliance to
-Brgy. Gua- PM10, µg/Ncm report & emissions- established
from using Hi-
present Strict mitigation
an, Iloilo construction, volume actual implemen- measures;
movement of Sampler and status upon tation on revisit
-Buenavista, absorption receipt of regular established
vehicles etc.; 300 320 340
San Lorenzo, SO2, µg/Ncm results to sprinkling controls; &
method for manageme activities make
Guimaras Air pollution gases nt; use of especially necessary
due to PPE during during improvements;
-Pulupandan, construction summer increase
Negros work season; frequency of
emissions monitoring until
from 240 250 260 DENR standard
NO2, µg/Ncm has met
genset etc.
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Noise Ambient Noise Pre- DPWH/ 600,000 43/45* 43/48* 45/50* Ocular Limit activity Check
(especially during determined PCO minimum /56** /58** /60** inspection to daytime compliances
Health related only; Check
Proposed site specially in (Class (Class (Class Use of ear also against
problem and drilling activities) background
AA/A*/B AA/A*/B AA/A*/ plugs/ ear DOLE
locations areas near noise and
damage to **, **, B**, muffs as standards for
immediate morning morning morni noise
eardrum due Grab Monthly necessary; dissipation intermittent and
--Brgy. Gua- receptors, ) ) ng)
to noise sampling during factor to the continuous
an, Iloilo constructio
generated during constructi nearest noise to protect
morning & on, and n site ; receptor/ receptors;
-Buenavista, from
community; Recommend
construction day time per when NSEW 48/53*/ 50/55*
San Lorenzo, 46/51*/6 recommend
direction 63** /65** use of noise
Guimaras activities, NPCC 1978 required 1** action plans to
(Class (Class minimize barrier
equipment (Class
AA/A*/B AA/A*/ noise technology
-Pulupandan, **, B**, nuisance.
daytime daytim
Negros daytime)
) e)
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Fauna – species Line transect/ Annual Within DPWH/ 500,000 5% 50% or 100% Promote Prohibition of Consider the
Displacement diversity index, wildlife
quadrat / trap project Contract reductio total or wildlife the
of terrestrial dominance index, n in the clearing total protection establishment
vicinity and or using
fauna and abunda of cleari of natural buffer
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
habitat and evenness its affected Forester nce of species ng of means such poaching/ or boundary
disturbance index barangays total within speci as putting collection land mark
species the es up of along the
due to noise warning
recorde alignme within project
and clearing signage’s
d from nt the on strategic boundary using
activities the align fruit bearing
areas for
baseline ment public trees.
data information
Flora and Marine Flora Phytoplankton and Line transect/ Annual Pre- DPWH 2,000,000 50% 100% No At least At least 50% At least 50%
Fauna & Fauna Zooplankton Quadrat/ determined reductio reductio DENR 50% survival rate of survival rate of
random and n in the n in the stand survival rate the benthic the benthic
grab points in Biologist percent macro-
Proposed site -Destruction Benthic Plankton Net project site cover of
percent ard of the macro-
locations of feeding macroinverte- Mean cover of Limit benthic invertebrates
areas; brates; benthic Mean macro-
benthic invertebrate
--Brgy. Gua-
-Sediment Portable Grab
an, Iloilo resuspension Seaweed/ Benthic 50% 50% 50% 50%
seagrass Sampler Reducti Reduction of 50% Reduction
-change organisms Reducti Reduction
-Buenavista, and on of on of of the No. the No. of of the No. of
water 100 m transect the No. individuals individuals
San Lorenzo, seaweed the No. of
movement methods of of individuals
Guimaras and fish (semi-
individu individu
migration in annual in als als
Photo transect
-Pulupandan, the area San
Negros Lorenzo)
Reef Fish; fishery Fish Visual
Occidental -Mortality Census
among certain
fish especially
juveniles due
to vibrations
with operating
large Zero Near- One Strict Revisit and Construction
Guimaras accident missed accid monitoring review stoppage until
machinery accident ent of mitigation is in
Strait, mitigation and
Ocular and manageme place;
Marine Mammals Pulupandan enhancement
visual sightings nt plan measures; imposition of
suspension as penalties
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Land Land, surface Used oil, busted Individual Annual or Storage DPWH/ 500,000/ 75% of 85% of 95% of For Contact Pulled-out,
capacity capa- city capa- disposal of hauled and
water and lamps segregation & as Area/ PCO annum accredited
of of city of chemical transported
groundwater collection necessary Motorpool (minimum) hazardou treatment,
hazardou hazard and chemical and
Used paints, spent s waste storage and
contamination or off-site stored s waste ous hazardous hazardous
waste, disposal wastes to
due to solvents treatment cages/ stored in waste
storage cages/ stored contact facility (TSD) accredited TSD
of used area storage in accredited for hauling facility;
a) improper Expired chemicals oil, busted area cages/ DENR schedule of For chemical
disposal of lamps, storag treater for hazardous and oil spills,
Chemicals Oil contaminated e area joint recommend on
spent wastes;
rags undertaking imposition of
Hazardous solvents agreement fines due to
Wastes (JUA). improper
b)Oil spills For spills, For chemical treatment and
Ensure and oil spills, disposal as per
emergency instigate RA 6969
c)Chemical preparedne measures per
spills ss, RA 6969 and
chemical DAO 2004-36.
ment plan is
in placed;
and training
on handling
and storage
clean-up of
spills using
spill kit
CCCC Highway Consultants Co., Ltd / CSET Co., Ltd / KRC Environmental Services | 6-10
The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Socio- Prior to Project DPWH Included 100% 100% 100% Implement Budget DPWH action
based on based on based allocation and
economic Displacement construc- location; in the Fair and plans and firm
reckoning reckoning on resources
of informal tion brgys. Commu- operating date date reckoni just commitment on
Resettlement compensa-
should be in
settlers; No. of project affected nity
during during ng
placed and
Action Plan RAP RAP date
affected affected persons Relations tion based available for schedules for
(RAP) Survey survey survey during
people; (PAPs) Officer RAP on DPWH affected PAPs affected PAPs
relocation (CRO) survey guidelines distribution
CCCC Highway Consultants Co., Ltd / CSET Co., Ltd / KRC Environmental Services | 6-11
The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Land Clearing of Hazardous waste Systematic At the end Designated DPWH 2,000,000 Orientation Remediate/
construction characterization sampling: of disposal PCO of clean up the
debris; -Heavy metals as Several Grab construc- sites/ TSD 1 personnel contaminated
removal of TCLP: and tion; facility on RA 6969 area/ Dispose
Comply RA
construction Arsenic composite during regarding and treat
6969 and RA
handling, hazardous
equipment Barium Sampling demobiliza 7 9003
storage and waste by
Disposal Site Cadmium tion 0.1 0.2 0.3 disposal; accredited
Chromium 4 4.5 5 Prepare DENR TSD
Copper --- --- --- abandonme facility; Submit
Lead 0.8 0.9 1 nt plan at clean of bill
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
Chapter 7
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The Feasibility Study For PGN Island Bridges Project in Philippines EIS Report
The proposed activities and components of the Plan in the event of the Project
Decommissioning are presented as follows:
• Procedures for decommissioning of the project components
• Personnel Decommissioning Program
• Retrenchment Packages, separation fees as per DOLE requirements
• On-site inspections
a. Project site
b. Construction camp
c. Temporary field offices
d. Equipment and support facilities
e. Waste disposal and storage areas
f. Portable Wastewater treatment facility
• Secure necessary permits and clearances
a. DENR-EMB permits
b. Safety permits
c. LGU permits
d. Others
• Disassembly and crating/packaging
• Disassembly and disposal of mechanical and electrical systems
• Dismantling of structures and facilities
• Dewatering and backfilling
• Disposal of construction materials
• Loading supervision of the shipment of the following:
a. Unused fuels and consumables
b. Scrap materials, spare parts and equipment
• Clearing and leveling
• Remediation of contaminated soil and water resources due to spill and leakages of
oils and other materials used in the construction.
• Transport and disposal of equipment, waste and other materials used or generated in
the project;
• Alternative for future use of abandoned area.
Special Wastes
- Wastes that may have particular health, safety and environmental concerns. These
include lightings, electrical and office equipment, appliances, waste lubricants, used oils,
other fluids, used paints etc.
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Chapter 8
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forested-wetland resource. Forest Ecology and Management (33/34). Elsevier Science Publishers, NE.
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Bird Life International. 2010. The BirdLife checklist of the birds of the world, with conservation status
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Canter, Larry W. Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw-Hill Inc., 2nd Edition, 1996.
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Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative Order No. 2007-
01 otherwise known as “The National list of threatened Philippine plants and their categories, and the
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Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Department Administrative Order No. 2003-03
Revised Procedural Manual, Quezon City, 2003
Ecological Profile of Iloilo, Guimaras, Negros Occidental, Municipal Planning and Development Office
Fernando, E.S. 1998. Forest formations and flora of the Philippines: Handout in FBS 21. (Unpublished)
Fernando, E. S. 1998, Inventory of Forest Plants in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, Philippines.
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Lawrence, David P., Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Solutions to Recurrent Problems,
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World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 2000. Global Biodiversity: Earth's living resources in the 21st
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1. Softwares:
a) HEC-HMS V4.1
c) Google Earth (Prof.)
d) © 2003-2015 LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd.
2. Books/Manuals:
a) Hydrologic Modelling System User’s Manual Version 4.1
b) The Rational Method by David B. Thompson, Texas Tech University, September 2006
c) Estimating the Recreational Value of Taal Volcano by Arvin Vista and Randall Rosenberger
d) Tropical Cyclones Summary : PAGASA
e) Floods Documentation: PAGASA
f) Guide for Selecting Manning’s Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood
Plains, USGS