Information Security Policy Template
Information Security Policy Template
Information Security Policy Template
[Entity] No:
It permits entities to enhance these security measures based on their unique business
requirements and the specific legal and federal guidelines applicable to them, but
mandates that they at least meet the security benchmarks outlined herein.
Serving as a foundational document, this policy provides direction for all other security
policies and related standards. It outlines the obligation to:
3. Ensure a secure and reliable information technology (IT) framework;
4. Detect and act upon incidents involving the misuse, loss, or unauthorized access
of information assets;
5. Supervise systems for irregularities that may suggest security compromises; and
6. Enhance and promote awareness of information security practices.
2.0 Authority
Document Owner: [Owner's Name]
Approval Authority: [Authority Name]
Last Reviewed: [Date]
Next Review Date: [Date]
Change History: [Record of changes]
3.0 Scope
This information security policy template applies to all systems, both automated and
manual, over which the entity has administrative control. This includes systems that
are managed or hosted by third-party services on the entity's behalf. It covers all types
of information, in any form or format, that are produced or utilized in the course of
conducting business activities.
4.0 Statement on Information Security
i. The approach to risk for both information assets and specific information systems,
including decisions on authorization, is integrated and aligned with the broader
strategic aims and foundational activities of the organization;
ii. The oversight of information assets and the management of risks related to
information systems are uniform, mirror the organization's risk appetite, and are
evaluated alongside other risk types to guarantee the success of the
organization's mission and business operations.
Each organization is required to nominate an individual or a team to handle the
technical aspects of information security. For the sake of clarity, this policy will
refer to this role as the Information Security Officer (ISO) or the designated
security representative. This role entails assessing and providing advice on
information security risks.
b. Decisions regarding information security risk must involve consultations with the
functional areas mentioned in section a.
c. While the technical aspect of information security may be outsourced, the ultimate
responsibility for the security of its information remains with the organization.
1. Evaluating and accepting entity risks.
6. Managing information classification and protection based on best practices and legal
1. Guiding and integrating security measures into the data processing and network
infrastructure to aid information owners.
2. Allocating resources to uphold information security as per this policy.
3. Establishing and applying security processes, policies, and controls as specified
by business needs and this policy.
4. Applying appropriate controls for information based on its classification.
5. Training relevant technical personnel in secure practices.
6. Encouraging the involvement of security and technical staff in safeguarding
information assets and selecting efficient security measures.
7. Executing business continuity and disaster recovery plans.
4.5 IT Asset Management
1. Assign all IT hardware and software to a specific business unit or person.
2. Keep a detailed automated inventory of all hardware and software assets,
noting key details like network address, machine name, and software version.
3. Use regular scanning to detect unauthorized hardware/software and alert
relevant personnel.
8. Information owners decide on access and privileges for their resources.
9. Access is based on job needs, adhering to the principle of least privilege.
10.Privileged account users must have a separate account for general business
11.Systems should display a logon banner stating policy compliance and
12.Remote access requires prior approval, risk assessment, and documented
13.Remote connections should occur through managed entry points as per
ISO/security guidance.
14.Remote work needs management authorization and secure data handling
4.9 Compliance
This policy becomes active immediately upon publication. All members are required to
adhere to the established enterprise policies and standards. These policies and
standards are subject to change at any time, and adherence to any revised policies and
standards is also required.
Submit all inquiries and requests for future enhancements to the policy owner at:
[Entity Address]