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Pages 9,10
Pages 9,10
Kifah Alyassin
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Sinan salim
Local anesthesia of the infraorbital nerve will
anesthetize which of the following groups?
A. Tip of the nose, lower eyelid, upper lip.
B. Tip of the nose, skin of the cheek, upper lip.
C. Side of the nose, lower eyelid, upper lateral
D. Side of the nose, lower eyelid, upper
A patient has valvular heart disease and is allergic
to penicillin. The most appropriate antibiotic to be
used prophylactically is
A. erythromycin.
B. metronidazole.
C. amoxicillin.
D. tetracycline.
E. clindamycin. .*******
The outline form for an amalgam restoration in pit
and fissure cavities is controlled by all of the
following EXCEPT the
A. extent to which the enamel has been involved
by the carious process.
B. lateral spread of caries along the dentinoenamel junction.
C. extension that must be made along the fissures
in order to achieve sound and smooth margins
. D. need to terminate the margins on a cusp ridge
or marginal ridge crest. ********
E. extent of undermining of the enamel by the
carious process.
Which of the following fibre groups of the
periodontal ligament is responsible for support
against masticatory forces?
A. Horizontal.
B. Dentoperiosteal.
C. Oblique********.
D. Gingival.
The periodontal condition found in 14 to 19- year
olds exhibiting localized advanced vertical bone
loss involving the first molars and the incisors is
A. desquamative gingivitis.
B. acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
C. juvenile periodontitis******
. D. rapidly progressive periodontitis.
E. advanced destructive chronic periodontitis.
Fordyce's spots or granules have the clinical
appearance of small yellow spots on the buccal
mucosa. This is due to the presence of A.
sweat glands.
B. implanted epithelium.
C. cyst formation.
D. sebaceous glands.******
E. hyperkeratosis. .
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Kifah Alyassin
Periapical cemental dysplasia is
A. painful.
B. expansile.
C. associated with vital
D. premalignant. .
Which of the following is one of the principle jawopening muscles?
A. Temporalis.
B. Lateral (external) pterygoid.*****
C. Masseter.
D. Medial pterygoid. .
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of
acute leukemia?
A. Gingival enlargement.
B. Decreased bleeding time. *****
C. Elevated leukocyte count.
D. Anemia.
E. Thrombocytopenia.
Following injection of a local anesthetic, a healthy
patient suddenly experiences difficulty breathing.
You detect a rash and swelling of the face and
neck. The most appropriate drug to administer first
A. hydroxycine.
B. epinephrine*******
C. hydrocortisone.
D. diphenhydramine.
Reduction of arch length most frequently follows
the premature loss of the primary
A. maxillary first molar
. B. mandibular second molar. *****
C. mandibular canine.
D. maxillary canine. .
A squamous cell carcinoma of the midline anterior
floor of the mouth normally spreads to the A.
unilateral neck lymph nodes. B. mediastinal
lymph nodes
C. bilateral neck lymph nodes.****
D. retropharyngeal lymph nodes
A pale 8 year old patient presents with generalized
gingival enlargement and spontaneous bleeding.
The most appropriate initial management of this
patient is to
A. perform an incisional biopsy.
B. obtain a cytologic smear.
C. order a complete blood count with a
. D. obtain bacterial cultures.
E. order fasting blood glucose levels.
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