BZ & Ços'K I : Egroiw - KZ Vuqns'K

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flfoy lsok ¼ç/kku½ ijh{kk, 2024

bZ & ços'k i=
egRoiw.kZ vuqns'k
1. ijh{kk ds fy, vkidh mEehnokjh vuafre gSA vkils vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd vki ijh{kk ds nkSjku lnk 'kkyhurk cuk, j[ksaxs vkSj ijh{kk
ds lqpk: lapkyu ds fy, lHkh fu;eksa / vuqns'kksa dk iwjh rjg ikyu djsaxsA
2. —i;k fnukad 14-02-2024 ds ijh{kk uksfVl la- 05 / 2024&lh,lih] fnukad 14-02-2024 dks Hkkjr ds vlk/kkj.k jkti=] Hkkx&A&[kaM&A esa
çdkf'kr ijh{kk fu;ekoyh] foLr`r vkosnu çi=&A ds lkFk fn, x, flfoy lsok ¼ç/kku½ ijh{kk] 2024 ds mEehnokjksa ds fy, vuqns'k vkSj
ijh{kk Hkou ds ckgj çnf'kZr ÞiksLVjß ftlesa vuqns'kksa dk mYys[k fd;k x;k gS] dks /;kuiwoZd i<+sA
3. bZ&ços'k i= dks /;kuiwoZd i<+s vkSj ;fn dksbZ folaxfr / folaxfr;ka gksa] rks rRdky la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx ds /;ku esa yk,aA
4. ijh{kk Hkou esa ços'k djus ds fy, bl bZ&ços'k i= ¼fçaVvkmV½ dks QksVks igpku i= ¼ewy½] ftldk Øekad bZ&ços'k i= ij vafdr gks]
ds lkFk çR;sd l= esa lkFk yk,aA mEehnokj }kjk bZ&ços'k i= lqjf{kr j[kuk vfuok;Z gSA
5. bZ&ços'k i= dh lqjf{kr j[kus dh ftEesnkjh vkidh gS vkSj ;fn dksbZ vU; O;fä bl bZ&ços'k i= dk bLrseky djrk gS] rks ;g ç
djuk vkidk nkf;Ro gksxk fd vkius fdlh çfr:i/kkjd¼dksa½ dh lsok ugha yh gSA
6. mEehnokjksa dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd ijh{kk Hkou esa dksbZ Hkh cgqewY; / dherh lkeku u yk,a D;ksafd budh lqj{kk lqfu'fpr ugha dh tk
ldrhA vk;ksx bl laca/k esa fdlh Hkh {kfr ds fy, mÙkjnk;h ugha gksxkA
7. çR;sd l= esa ijh{kk çkjaHk gksus ds fu/kkZfjr le; ls 30 feuV igys ijh{kk Hkou esa ços'k djsaA çR;sad l= esa ijh{kk 'kq: gksus ds fu/kkZfjr
le; ls 30 feuV igys ijh{kk Hkou esa ços'k can dj fn;k tkrk gSA
8. ;fn vki vk;ksx }kjk vkids bZ&ços'k i= esa mfYyf[kr dsUæ / mi dsUæ ;k oSdfYid fo"k; / Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk ¼;fn ykxw gks½ dks NksM+dj
fdlh vU; dsUæ / mi dsUæ ij vFkok fdlh vU; oSdfYid fo"k; dh ijh{kk nsrs gSa] rks vkidh mÙkj&iqfLrdkvksa dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk,xk vkSj vkidh mEehnokjh jí dh tk ldrh gSA
9. ijh{kk Hkou ifjlj esa eksckby Qksu / vU; bysDVª‚fud / vU; lapkj ;a= vius ikl j[kuk ¼fLop v‚Q eksM esa Hkh ugha½ / budk bLrseky
djuk çfrcaf/kr gSA bu vuqns'kksa dk fdlh Hkh çdkj ls mYya?ku fd, tkus ij vuq'kklfud dkjZokbZ dh tk,xh] ftlesa ijh{kk fu;eksa ds
vuqlkj Hkkoh ijh{kkvksa ls jksd fn;k tkuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
10. ftu mEehnokjksa ds bZ&ços'k i= ij QksVks Li"V :i ls eqfær ugha gS] mUgsa ijh{kk esa cSBus ds fy, ikliksVZ vkdkj ds QksVksxzkQ ¼çR;sd
l= ds fy, ,d½ opuc) ds lkFk ykuk gksxkA
11. oSKkfud ¼u‚u&çksxzkescy çdkj ds½ dSydqysVjksa ds bLrseky dh vuqefr gksxh vkSj vko'¸drk gksus ij mEehnokj bUgsa vius lkFk yk
ldrs gSaA rFkkfi] bl ijh{kk esa çksxzkescy çdkj ds dSydqysVjksa ds bLrseky dh vuqefr ugha gksxhA
12. mEehnokj ;g vo'; uksV djsa fd ç'u &lg&mÙkj ¼D;wlh,½ iqfLrdk esa ç'uksa ds lHkh Hkkxksa rFkk mi Hkkxksa ds mÙkj] vfuok;Zr : ç'u
&lg&mÙkj ¼D;wlh,½ iqfLrdk ds çR;sd ç'u / Hkkx ds uhps fn, x, LFkku esa gh fy[ksaA D;wlh, iqfLrdk esa mEehnokjksa ds fy, fn, x,
vuqns'kksa dks /;kkuiwoZd i<+sA D;wlh, esa fn, x, bu vuqns'kksa dk fdlh Hkh çdkj ls mYya?ku fd, tkus ij] mEehnokj }kjk çkIrkadksa esa
dVkSrh ds :i esa naM fn;k tk ldrk gS vkSj lkFk gh mEehnokjh jí / vuq'kklfud dkjZokbZ Hkh dh tk ldrh gS] ftlesa ijh{kk fu;eksa ds
vuqlkj Hkkoh ijh{kkvksa ls fooftZr fd;k tkuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
13. mEehnokjksa dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd viuh D;wlh, iqfLrdk,a fujh{kd dks lkSaius ls igys os ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd [kkyh LFkkuksa / i`"Bksa
dks Li"V :i ls dkV ¼Ø‚l vkmV½ fn;k x;k gSA
14. mEehnokjksa ls visf{kr gS fd çR;sd l= esa ijh{kk d{k / Hkou NksM+us ls iwoZ viuh D;wlh, iqfLrdk ds var esa miyC/k vyx fd, tkus
;ksX; ¼fMVSpscy Q‚eZ½ ç'u i= dks vyx djus ds ckn viuh D;wlh, iqfLrdk fujh{kd dks lkSaisaA
15. mEehnokjksa dks jQ dk;Z ds fy, mÙkj iqfLrdk esa fufnZ"V LFkku dk mi;ksx djuk pkfg,A jQ dk;Z ds fy, fufnZ"V LFkku ds vykok
,MfeV dkMZ ;k fdlh vU; LFkku /'khV vkfn dk bLrseky ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
16. fdlh Hkh vuqns'k¼'kksa½ dk mYya?ku fd, tkus ij mEehnokj dh mEehnokjh jí dh tk ldrh gS vkSj lkFk gh vk;ksx }kjk ijh{kk ds
fu;eksa ds vuqlkj mEehnokj ds fo:) vU; mi;qä dkjZokbZ Hkh dh tk ldrh gSA
17. la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx ds lkFk vius lHkh i= O;ogkj esa viuk uke] vuqØekad] jftLVªs'ku vkbZMh rFkk ijh{kk ds uke vkSj o"kZ dk
mYys[k vo'; djsaA
18. mEehnokjksa dks ;g Hkh lykg nh tkrh gS fd mifLFkfr lwph esa çfof"V;ka djus ds fy, ijh{kk Hkou esa dkyk c‚y IokbaV isu ysdj vk,aA
19. flfoy lsok ¼ç/kku½ ijh{kk] 2024 esa ç;qä dh tkus okyh uewuk ç'u&lg&mÙkj iqfLrdk ¼D;w lh , ch½ vk;ksx dh osclkbV ij viyksM
dh xbZ gSA —i;k bls ns[kus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr fyad ij tk, :

20. mEehnokj] —i;k ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd muds bZ&ços'k i= ds lHkh fooj.k tSls uke] QksVksxzkQ ,oa D;wvkj dksM lgh gSaA fdlh Hkh
folaxfr ¼;ksa½ ds ekeys esa] os bl laca/k esa la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx ls laidZ dj ldrs gSaA
21. ;fn vkius dkuwuh çfØ;k dk ikyu djds viuk uke cnyk gS] rks flfoy lsok ¼ç/kku½ ijh{kk] 2024 ds çR;sd l= esa —i;k ljdkj
}kjk tkjh QksVks igpku i= vkSj / ;k cnys gq, uke dh ewy jkti= vf/klwpuk lkFk j[ksaA blds vykok] vkidks ijh{kk ds le; ,d 'kiFk
i= Hkh tek djuk gksxkA
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2024
e-Admit Card
Important Instructions
1. Your candidature to the examination is provisional. You are expected to maintain decorum and strictly comply with all rules /
instructions for smooth conduct of the examination at all times.
2. Please read carefully the Examination Notice No. 05/2024-CSP dated 14.02.2024, Rules for the Examination published in The Gazette
of India, Extraordinary, Part I – Section 1 on 14.02.2024, Instructions for Candidates in CS (M) Examination, 2024 provided with the
Detailed Application Form-I and “Poster” containing instructions displayed outside the Examination Hall.
3. Check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancy (ies), if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately.
4. Bring this e-Admit card (print out), along with the (original) Photo Identity Card, whose number is mentioned in the e-Admit Card, in
each session to secure admission to Examination Hall. E-Admit Card must be preserved by the candidate.
5. You are responsible for safe custody of the e-Admit Card and in the event of any other person using this e-Admit Card, the onus lies
on you to prove that you have not used the services of any impersonator(s).
6. Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items in the Examination Halls as safe keeping of the same cannot be
assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
7. Enter the Examination Hall 30 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the Examination in each session. Entry to the
Examination Hall closes 30 minutes prior to the scheduled commencement of the examination in each Session.
8. If you appear at a centre / sub-centre or in an optional subject / Indian language (if applicable), other than the one indicated by the
Commission in your e-Admit Card, your answer scripts will not be evaluated and your candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
9. Possession (even in switch off mode) / use of Mobile Phones and other Electronics / Communication devices are banned at the
examination premises. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations
under the rules of the examination.
10.Candidates who do not have clear photographs on the e-admit card will have to bring passport size photograph, one for each
session, for appearing in the examination with an Undertaking.
11. Use of Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Calculators is allowed and if considered necessary may be brought by candidates.
Programmable type calculators are, however, not allowed in this examination.
12. Candidates must note that they should strictly answer all parts and sub-parts of a question in the Question Cum Answer (QCA)
booklet in the space provided under each question / part in the QCA booklet. Read the Instructions for Candidates printed on the QCA
booklet carefully. Any infringement of the instructions in the QCA booklet might entail penalty in the form of deduction of marks
scored by the candidate and disciplinary action including cancellation & debarment from future examinations under the rules of the
13. Candidates are advised to ensure that spaces / pages remaining blank are clearly crossed out before the QCA booklets are handed
over to the Invigilator.
14. Candidates for each session are required to hand over their QCAB to the Invigilator after detaching Question Paper available in
detachable form at the end of the QCA Booklet, before leaving the Examination Room/Hall.
15. Candidates are required to use the specific space, available at designated place in answer copy, for rough work. Copy of the admit
card or any other space/sheet etc. should not be used for rough work.
16. Violation of any instruction(s) shall entail cancellation of candidature of the candidate in addition to any other appropriate action
that may be taken by the Commission against the candidate under the rules of the examination.
17. Mention your Name, Roll Number, Registration ID and Name & Year of the Examination in all the correspondence with the
18. Candidates are also advised to bring black ball point pen to the Examination hall for making entries in the attendance list.
19. The specimen Question-cum-Answer Booklets (QCABs) to be used in Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2024 has been uploaded
on Commission's website. Please visit the following link to view the same:
20. Candidates may please ensure that all the details such as Name, Photograph & the QR Code on their e-Admit Card, are correct. In
case of any discrepancy(ies), they may contact UPSC in this regard.
21. If you have changed your name by following the legal process, please carry (in each session of the Civil
Services(Main)Examination, 2024) a Government issued photo Identity Card and/or original Gazette notification of the changed name.
Further, you would also be required to submit an undertaking at the time of the examination.

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