Undertaking by The Club Member 1
Undertaking by The Club Member 1
Undertaking by The Club Member 1
a) That I shall strive to achieve the objectives and purpose of the Club and
Pakistan Blind Cricket Council (herein after called “PBCC”);
b) That I shall abide by the Rules & Regulations of the PBCC and the bye laws
of the Club.
c) That I shall not involve in any activity which is harmful to the overall objectives
of the Club and PBCC.
d) That I shall not give any press statement, interview, comment or participate in
any discussion, program or appear in any interview, debate or discussion
aired by any Television Network, Radio Broadcasting Channel, Audio or video
Network or Terrestrial Channel, which may be against the interest of the Club
or PBCC or its officials.
e) That I shall also not hold any press conference, meeting, protest or
participate in any procession, display any play card, instigate any messaging
campaign (sms) and post or share any material or comment on social
networking websites etc. against the PBCC or its officials or Club (s) etc. in
any private or public place, individually or collectively.
f) That I shall not approach any Court of Law in case of dispute of any kind with
the PBCC or club (s).
g) That, if I violate the above terms and conditions or PBCC Rules &
Regulations or bye laws of the Club then PBCC and the Club shall have the
right to take disciplinary action against me.
I testify that, I have read loudly the whole content of above Undertaking and eyewitness that
the abovementioned member has listen, understand and accept the Undertaking and further
signed/put thumb impression in my presence.
Name of witness: _______________________ Signature: ______________________
*Note: Please attach the photocopies of the National identity of the member and the