Mental abilities:
3. Perceptual ability
4. Constructive imagination
5. Special; imagination
6. Soundness of judgment
7. General adaptability
f) Social traits � the individual�s ability to get along fine with others.
1. Biogenic needs � refers to the needs of the body existing primarily for the
maintenance of health and protection of the body against physical injuries. E.g.
need for food, air, rest, sex and avoidance of pain.
According to A.H. Maslow, who introduced the hierarchy of needs which ascends from
the basic biological needs present at birth to the more complex psychological needs
which becomes important only after the more basic needs have been satisfied.
Frustration occurs when a person is blocked in the satisfaction of need. Man
becomes anxious and restless and tries to seek means of relieving these anxieties.
So he tries to engage in various forms of activities intended to satisfy hi needs
and reduces his tensions.
Reaction to Frustration
Frustration tolerance
Individuals also differ in their capacity to tolerate unadjusted states or
tolerance to frustration. Some people are able to withstand prolonged periods of
tension without showing signs of abnormality. Other become neurotic or psychotic,
or convert their frustration into anti-social acts or become alcoholics or drug
addicts. Most people react to frustration in the following ways;
1. Direct approach
3. Substitution
4. Withdrawal or retreat
6. aggressions, and
Defense mechanism
They are unconscious psychological processes that serve as safety valves to
provide relief from emotional conflict and anxiety. Defense mechanisms are forms of
self deception which a person may not be aware of they are resorted to whenever
psychological equilibrium is threatened by severe emotional injury arising from
frustration. Among the most common defense mechanism used are the following:
5. Displacement � this is where one transfer his emotion connected with one
person or thing.
9. Denial � when a person uses this mechanism, he refuses to recognize and deal
with reality because of strong inner needs.
12. Regression � when a person employs this defense mechanism, he goes back to a
pattern of feeling, thinking or behavior which was appropriate to an earlier stage
of development, such as when a person demands for something from others and when
denied, uses tantrums to get it., as what he or she has done in early childhood
when parents give to demands of children by the use of tantrums.
2. Psychosis � a mental condition where the person may withdraw from the real
world into the world of fantasy and make-believe; where a person�s hidden or
unexpressed desires can be fulfilled;
4. Psychoneurotic person � are those in the twilight zone between normality and
abnormality. They are not insane, but neither are they normal. The neurotic is
always tense, restless, and anxious. Frequently, they have obsession, compulsion,
phobia, and in some cases, amnesia. Anxiety is the dominant characteristic.
Sexual Deviancy � a sexual behavior that seeks stimulation and sexual gratification
by means other than heterosexual relation.
2. Sadism � sexual gratification is attained through the pain inflicted upon the
sexual partner.
10. Pedophilia � a child molester that victimizes young boys that could lead to
3. Schizotypal P.D. = reduced capacity for close relationship, have old beliefs
and magical thinking such as superstitions, telepathy etc.