ASSGN2 6004a
ASSGN2 6004a
ASSGN2 6004a
Policy Proposal
Alao Moussilimou
Capella University
Dr.Tangela Hales
1 July, 2023
Policy Proposal
Every day, policies influence clinical decisions, hospital and clinic operating rules, and
physicians and patients in making decisions about appropriate medical care in a particular
clinical situation. “Guidelines provide precise instructions on order which diagnostic and
screening tests, Medical or surgical services provided, how long the patient should be
hospitalized or other details of clinical practice. (Woolf et al., 1999). This article presents metrics
from the Mercy Medical Center public health dashboard that was analyzed to suggest
organizational policy and practice guidelines. We believe it will lead to better quality and
Mercy Medical Center's (MMC) dashboard highlights the need to develop policies and practice
guidelines to improve patient diabetes screening, staff training, support for adequate staffing of
medical professionals, and the need for multilingual inter-professional engagement of health
professionals and stakeholders to improve patient outcomes. As is evident from the dashboard
and factsheet, no specific benchmarks and criteria for MMC and underperformance ratings were
specified or recorded. One is the issue of proper adequate staffing, education and multilingual
communication to address racial diversity issues tracked in the dashboard. Moreover, this factor
affects the quality of care and organizational operations, as understaffing relative to the
population of the MMC community leads to hospital delays and overcrowding of health
facilities. Non-English speaking races may face difficulties due to language barriers. According
to Olani et al. (2023), ‘’ The impact of language barriers on patients includes avoidable medical
errors, poor treatment adherence, poor health-oriented behaviour, additional treatment costs,
more extended hospital stays, weaker treatment relationships, and social desirability and
dissatisfaction with healthcare services. ’’ The repercussion for not making any change in that
regard would lead to a more complex diabetes condition and compound the factors affecting
diabetes self-management amongst the population and health care disparity for Non-English
speaking race. According to Kumar & Mohammadnezhad (2022), ‘’ health system challenges
such as lack of material resources and human resources compounded the factors affecting
management.’’ Furthermore, regarding the language barrier, ‘’ Language barriers are essential in
accessing medical care and staying healthy. Social policies and health interventions that address
language-related health disparities can help reduce the public health impact of T2DM in
Adequate staffing and education would also positively increase the number of patients for eye
and foot exams and the use of telemedicine and medical devices to help self-manage and monitor
diabetes. According to Piya et al. (2022)," Hospitals are seeing a growing number of patients
who have diabetes, most of whom are cared for by unprofessional staff. The increasing
hospitalized patients with diabetes. The increasing number of diabetic hospitalizations means
that most hospital care for people with diabetes is not provided by diabetes professionals, making
diabetes education for non-professional caregivers a priority. Studies show face-to-face hospital
education increases healthcare workers' confidence in diabetes care. One of the ways to improve
diabetes care in hospitals has been using technology, including networked blood glucose meters
with a dashboard or the use of Flash Glucose continuous glucose monitoring systems."
Strategies for ensuring adequate staffing, overcoming language barriers and accessing
healthcare must be ethical and evidence-based care under state and national laws. According to
Han et al. (2021)," Empirical studies have shown that adequate nurse staffing is essential for
delivering quality care and safe nurse working conditions associated with better patient
outcomes. As of 2020, 14 states had implemented legislation to increase hospital nurse staffing.
Through this strategy, there would be effective and adequate staff coverage for most of the
diabetic population that would visit the healthcare centre for screening.
The principle of Justice must be implemented to ensure that these strategies are ethical and
culturally inclusive in their application. According to Kathleen (2023)," Justice is that there
should be an element of fairness in all medical and nursing decisions and care. Nurses must care
for all patients with the same level of fairness despite the individual's financial abilities, race,
religion, gender, and sexual orientation." Therefore, ethical and cultural inclusiveness can be met
These changes will directly affect the working environment and demands of healthcare
workers and other stakeholders. Also, more knowledge and education about diabetes are needed
to educate patients with correct information about their health. In contrast, patients must adjust to
newly acquired knowledge and learn techniques such as glucometer. However, healthcare
providers must provide financial arrangements and adequate budgets to cover the costs of hiring
more healthcare workers. Moreover, patients and community leaders must embrace and adapt to
change, actively participate in training, and switch from old health management methods to
Eliminating Disparities in Diabetes Prevention, Access, and Care Act (H.R. 2651), this bill
will enhance research at the National Institutes of Health on the causes and effects of diabetes in
minority communities. Additionally, under the bill, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention will provide more effective diabetes treatment, prevention, and public education to
highly impacted populations. This includes access to effective community interventions such as
the National Diabetes Prevention Program. Finally, through the efforts of the Department of
Health Resources Services, the bill will empower public health workers in communities hard hit
Regulatory considerations that may affect the policies I recommend include activities that the
Department of Health Resources may be involved in providing specific education to the public
and encouraging the use of telemedicine. It may be restricted or regulated, which may require
approval. Also, because the CDC is responsible for public education, it may need more space for
people's education and training. Recommendations such as blood glucometer use and
telemedicine may be impacted by the risk of privacy and sensitive patient data being
compromised. Furthermore, resources that could affect your recommended guidelines are
finances and support services. Given language barriers due to demographics and racial
differences, not everyone can afford to buy a blood glucose meter or embrace telemedicine, and
support services such as community workers require healthcare workers who understand the
language. Such a project would require sufficient funding for such human and technology
services and to communicate effectively with people of other races and non-English speakers in
According to Lemke et al. (2015), ‘’ Stakeholder engagement is widely lauded as a tool for
implementing my proposal, the stakeholder is expected to collaborate; first of all, having a round
table meeting to plan would be needful, and for implementation, stakeholders like healthcare
providers are to ensure that there is adequate staffing that would make up for the population, and
this would require that they collaborate with the population census commission to get the actual
figure of the population and with CDC to know the number of those that frequent hospital, so
that adequate healthcare can be made available, and through collaboration with the government,
funding of significant projects like the purchase of medical devices and implementation of
telemedicine can be made available. The community leaders and patient care support the
healthcare team to ensure maximum support and orientation given to their people that would
further promote participation in eye and foot exams with the inclusive A1c test.
The stakeholder group and their collaboration are important for successful implementation
fostering partnerships, and fostering an ethical perspective that fosters inclusive decision-making
This proposal presents indicators from the Mercy Medical Center Public Health Dashboard
that have been analyzed to suggest guidance for organizational policy and practice. Specific
call for proposed policy to address the identified issues, such as; understaffed and even language
barriers caused by the different cultures and races of the population. Addressing this issue
requires stakeholder intervention and cooperation in implementing the proposal through the
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