Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual v1
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual v1
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual v1
Table of Contents
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
The Basics of Christianity 1 – The Christian, A New Creation
The objective of this class is to ensure that you clearly understand and can explain who a
Christian is and how a person becomes a Christian.
In recent times, many different people have given varying definitions to what Christianity is,
and what it means to be a Christian. However, we see from the scriptures, that the first
mention of the word, Christian, was to describe disciples of Jesus Christ who were
assembled at Antioch (Acts 11:20 -26).
“Christian” was used by non-members of the church of Jesus Christ to describe men and
women who believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, acted like Jesus, and followed his teachings
(Acts 11:20-26, Acts 26:22-29, Acts 4:13). Nonetheless, in the Bible, the title used by
Christians to refer to other Christians were “Believer” or the New Creation (Acts 2:30-44,
Acts 4:32, 2 Corinthians 5:14-19).
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
• Because of Adam’s sin, mankind was separated from God (Romans 1:21-22, Ephesians
4:17-18, Ephesians 2:14-19)
• For mankind to be restored and reconciled to God, God needed to take care of sin and
change the nature of man (Ephesians 2:15-17, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
• The new birth was the God’s way of restoring man and reconciling man to himself (2
Corinthians 5:16-19, Ephesians 2:1-8)
• “Christian” is not just an appellation, title, or the signifier of a member of a social group.
• A Christian is anyone who has believed the gospel of Jesus Christ, has received
forgiveness of sins, and now has the Spirit of God. A Christian is anyone who has been
saved by Jesus Christ.
• A Christian is a child of God, a member of God’s kingdom and has direct access to God.
• Salvation 1 – 4 by Pastor Femi Olaleye
• Scarlet Thread by Pastor Femi Olaleye
• Jesus, the only way
• Christ, the only way to salvation by Pastor Deb
The Fervent Christian Life by Pastor Jide, CRC 2022
Fruitful vine 1-3 (Character of a Christian) by Pastor Femi
Write a 200-word summary of the sermons Scarlet Thread Parts 1 and 2
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
The Basics of Christianity 2 – The Christian, Forgiven and Redeemed
The objective of this class is to ensure that you clearly understand how God, in Christ Jesus,
has forgiven the Christian of their sins, and how God’s forgiveness liberates the Christian to
live a life of honor and glory to God.
Despite being saved by grace, many believers labor under the heavy burden of sin, in
thoughts and actions, the guilt that follows and a fear of the heavy hand of punishment
from God.
However, we see from the scriptures that God’s desire is that the believer should not
wallow in sinful thoughts nor activities. Furthermore, like a Father, God wants the believer
to relate with Him by grace and faith, and not in guilt and fear.
• Redemption is a release from bondage which is effected by payment of a ransom.
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
• Although Salvation is free for the believer, it however cost God his only begotten Son.
John 3:16
• Jesus’ death is the price that was paid to redeem us from the grip of sin and death. By his
sacrifice, he has purchased every man from the hands of sin and death (1 Cor 6:20
• Everyone who believes in Jesus now belongs to God. We are redeemed. We are his
purchased possession. Eph1:14
• Forgiveness of sins is an inheritance of the believer (Acts 26:18)
• It is based on the blood of Jesus. Jesus offered his life as payment for our sins. It is on this
basis that we have forgiveness (Matthew 26:28, Acts 2:38, Acts 10:43)
• The forgiveness of sins that we have covers the past, present and future (Romans 3:24-
25, Hebrews 10:11-19)
• Forgiveness cannot be earned. It is to be received and acknowledged (Romans 4:1-8)
• In Eden, Adam sin and all of humankind fell into the condemnation of sin and death
• To redeem man, God had to pay the penalty on man’s behalf
• Man had sinned
• Salvation by Pastor Femi Olaleye https://t.me/oikiacc/133
• Christ, the only way to Salvation by Pastor Femi Olaleye https://t.me/oikiacc/688
• Forgiveness of Sins by Pastor Femi Olaleye https://t.me/oikiacc/244
Write a 200-word summary of the sermon “Forgiveness of Sins” by Pastor Femi Olaleye
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
The Basics of Christianity 3 – The doctrine of baptism
The objective of this class is to clarify the scriptural position on baptism and how it relates to
the salvation of men. At the end of the class, you will understand what it means to be
baptized, the spiritual significance of baptism and God’s plan for men and baptism.
Despite being saved, many believers do not understand the place of baptism in the salvation
conversation. Like many other ordinances established in the Old Testament, God used
baptism as a teaching aid to describe what he was going to do for mankind through Jesus
Now that Christ is risen, we, as believers, must understand the importance of baptism
among other subjects of doctrine in order to appropriately practice, teach and correct
baptism as it was practiced in the Acts of the Apostles
• Baptism (from the Greek “baptize” means to dip, to submerge or to immerse a thing in
another, usually a fluid (or water). The first time we see the specific word used in
scripture is in Matthew 3, referring to the ministry of John the Baptist, who was the son
of Zacharias and Elisabeth, and a cousin to Jesus Christ.
• It is important to note that John the Baptist came as a forerunner to Jesus, and his
ministry was to point to the reality of what God was to do in and through Jesus Christ
(Luke 1:14-17, Luke 3:4-6, Matthew 3:1-4).
• John preached and practiced baptism in water, as a shadow of a future where God will
cleanse the sins of men and bring them to repentance by baptizing them with the Holy
Ghost (Matthew 3:11-16, Acts 19:4). Baptism in water was a sign to the people of Israel
of the work that Jesus Christ was coming to do, to notify them ahead of the plan of God
and convince them to turn away from the law and their sins unto Jesus, the perfect
• It is important to note that the scriptures did not record that Jesus himself baptized any
man, although his disciples did.
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
• Baptism was a type and shadow of the union of the man in Christ and the Spirit of God
(Galatians 3:26-27, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14)
• Baptism means to submerge or immerse a body into another. Before the resurrection of
Jesus, it referred to the immersion of a man into water to signify the purification of that
man from sin.
• Water baptism was instituted by John the Baptist, although further types of water
washing, and sprinkling were seen in the Old Testament. John prophesied and Jesus
attested that his ministry was to baptize men with the Holy Ghost.
• Holy Ghost baptism is the immersion and union of a man into the Spirit of God. This
baptism is a work of the Holy Ghost alone and is a product of man’s faith in the gospel of
Jesus Christ.
• Water baptism is not necessary for salvation, but can be practiced as an outward show of
one’s salvation and decision to follow Jesus
• Baptism by Pastor Adeoluwa Adeniji https://t.me/oikiacc/406
• Write a 200 word essay on how Jesus baptized men with the Holy Ghost
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
The Basics of Salvation 4 – Filled with the Holy Ghost
The objective of this class is to provide you with an introduction to the Holy Ghost and His
role in the life of the believer
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
o Utterance – this refers to the operations of the Holy Ghost that supplies divinely-
inspired utterance to the believer. Expressions under this include Tongues (Acts 2:4,
Acts 10:44-46), the interpretation of tongues (Acts 2:6, 1 Corinthians 12:10) and
prophecy (1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 11:28)
o Power – this refers to the operations of the Holy Ghost that cause changes in the
natural world including healings and other miracles (Acts 3, Acts 9:40-42)
• The operations of the Holy Ghost are given as signs of the resurrection and exaltation of
Jesus Christ, and as proofs that God is with Christians (Mark 16:16-18, Acts 1:8, Acts
• Concerning Spirituals by Pastor Femi Olaleye
• Pneumatology by Pastor Femi Olaleye
• The Doctrine of Tongues by Pastor Femi Olaleye
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
Growing up spiritually – By His Word
The objective of this class is to help you understand what spiritual growth is, why every
believer should grow spiritually and the role the Word of God plays in spiritual growth. The
class also seeks to inspire you to commit to an intentional plan for your spiritual growth.
• When most of us were younger and studied introductory biology, we learnt that one of
the key characteristics by which you can identify a living thing is growth. Every living
thing grows and evolves one way or another throughout its natural life.
• Similarly, believers are to grow spiritually. Upon salvation, a man receives the life of God
with eternal impact. However, we don’t always see the tangible impact of this new birth
in the man physically or naturally.
• For the full extent of what a believer has received spiritually to be visible or tangible,
that believer needs to grow up spiritually.
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
your disposal the distilled wisdom of God revealed through the ages (2 Timothy 2:15, 2
Timothy 3:14-17)
• The scriptures also reveal God’s thoughts and heart, helping believers renew their minds
and align their thinking to God’s thinking. As we see God’s goodness and grace through
the gospel and are renewed in our minds to think in alignment with God’s thoughts, we
can then act in a way that pleases Him and blesses others. This is truly spiritual growth:
that we become like Jesus in all things (Rom. 8:28–29).
• Spiritual growth, stability and independence are all dependent on a believer’s consistency
and application to the study and meditation on the Word of God. Failure to study God’s
word will leave a believer ignorant of God’s promises, purpose and will, bringing spiritual
• A believer without a relationship with the Holy Scriptures will be carnal, worldly, and
vulnerable to the deception of the Devil. Commitment to regular study of God’s Word
makes us strong and healthy spiritually. It also keeps us stable during destructive winds of
doctrines around the world today.
• Growing up Spiritually – Rev. Femi Olaleye- https://t.me/oikiacc/589
• The Word of God – Rev. Femi Olaleye - https://t.me/oikiacc/278
• How to grow spiritually- Pastor Adeoluwa Adeniji- https://t.me/oikiacc/283
• The Word and You – Pastor Adeoluwa Adeniji - https://t.me/oikiacc/599
• Growing up – Pastor Jide Akande - https://t.me/oikiacc/588
Write out a plan for your study of the word for the year and find an accountability partner to
share this with. (Plan should be submitted along with the name of your accountability partner)
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
The Basics of Spiritual Growth – Effective Prayer
This class is aimed at introducing you to the subject of prayer, the reason we pray, and the
pattern laid down in the scriptures for believers to follow in prayer. At the end of the class,
each student should understand why we pray, know how to pray effectively, and be able to
develop and maintain a culture of prayer.
• Prayer is one of the most frequently conducted activities throughout the scriptures,
predating even the incarnation of Jesus Christ; however, when Jesus walked the earth as
a man, his disciples asked him to teach them to pray. What this means is that there was a
way Jesus prayed that was distinct from the way the disciples had always known to pray
(Matthew 6, Luke 11).
• What this also shows us is that prayer can be taught and learned. Jesus’ response to their
request as well as Apostle James, in James 4:3, also let us know that there is a right and a
wrong way to pray.
• Prayer is not merely a religious rite but a 2-way communication with the Almighty God.
Like every communication, prayer involves 2 parties and content.
• Prayer is how we communicate our needs, emotions, thoughts, and desires to God, and
also receive God’s need, emotions, thoughts and desires. It is not merely an attitude, or a
thought, Scriptural prayer involves the vocalization of words, however loud or quiet (Luke
• There are different types of prayer to God, depending on the content. These include
enquiry (Judges 20:27, 1 Samuel 10:22, 1 Samuel 23:2), request / supplication (1 Samuel
13:12, 1 Kings 8:28-33, Acts 1:14), Prayer of Faith (John 16:23-23, Mark 11:22-24), among
• Prayer is an act of fellowship with God, and a demonstration of our reliance on God’s
wisdom, direction, and ability for our lives (Acts 4:28-30, Matthew 26:36-41, 2 Chronicles
• Prayer is an instruction to all believers from God (Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:17,
Ephesians 6:12-18, James 5:13-16)
• Prayer is how we bring God’s will to pass in our lives on the earth. Prayer is how we get
the intervention of the supernatural in the earth (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Colossians 4:2-4, Acts
• Prayer is how we keep ourselves in the love of God and receive strength to overcome
temptation (Matthew 26:41, Jude 1:19-21)
• We pray to the God (The Father) in the name of Jesus (Matthew 6:9, John 14:13-14, John
16:23-24, Acts 16:18). God is who we pray to, not men, not other saints. The name of
Jesus is the believer’s authority and our guarantee to answered prayers
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
• When we pray, we must be clear about our desires, and specific in what we ask (Matthew
7:7-11, Mark 11:23-24, Matthew 21:21-22)
• We pray in faith, not doubting (Mark 11:22-24, James 1:5-8). This is not the same thing as
hopeful speaking, optimism, or positive confession. Faith is rooted in what God has said
(scriptures and prophecy) and done (Romans 10:17)
• We pray consistently and continuously (Colossians 4:2-6, Romans 12:12, 1 Thessalonians
5:17, Luke 18:1)
• Prayer is two-way communication to God. We talk to God and he talks back.
• Prayer is not an avenue for the expression of our selfishness but rather it is how you use
God’s power to bring to manifestation God’s will on earth.
• Prayer is not optional; Every believer is instructed to pray often and prayer is an
expression of our dependence on God.
• Prayer is effective when it comes from a heart of faith (Mark 11:22). This faith is built by
knowing what the bible says about you.
• Prayer requires your focus and a strong desire to see the fulfillment of what you have
prayed for.
• God’s instruction for us is to pray and he has shown a willingness to answer our prayer.
• Latent Potency of Prayer – Pastor Deb Afuye (https://t.me/oikiacc/625).
• Laws of Prayer (Desire) – Rev. Femi Olaleye (https://t.me/oikiacc/291)
• Precise Knowledge for Receiving – Rev. Femi Olaleye (https://t.me/oikiacc/299)
• Laws of Prayer (Persistence) – Rev. Femi Olaleye (https://t.me/oikiacc/300)
• Using 4 examples of prayer from the Old Testament and New, outline the components of
effective prayer.
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
Now that you are saved – Witnesses of Christ (Soul
The objective of this class is to show you the importance of being a witness of Christ and to
inspire you to a life of personal evangelism
Believers have not been saved to be silent about their faith. God loves all men and desires
that all men be saved; the only way for God to get this done is through the gospel in the
mouth of believers.
As believers, we must awaken to the great trust and responsibility God has placed in us, and
take our position in this vital partnership with God to expand the household and kingdom of
God on the earth.
• The last recorded statement we have of Jesus, before his ascension, was the promise of
the Holy Ghost to the believers, and an instruction to preach the gospel (Matthew 28:18-
20, Mark 16:15-20, Acts 1:8)
• The word “Witness” from the Greek word ‘martus’ means one who has observed a great
event and can recount its happenings in detail. As believers, we have partaken of the grace
of God, benefited from his mercy, and can recount this to others so they may be partakers
also (Luke 24:47-48, Acts 2:32, Acts 5:29-32, 1 John 1)
• To bear witness of the testimony of Jesus Christ is to preach the gospel, to announce the
good news of his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to all who would listen. This
testimony, the gospel, is the power of God to save any man who believes (Romans 1:16-
18, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, 1 Corinthians 15:1-3, Romans 10:8-14)
• Evangelism / witnessing is a responsibility God places on all believers (Mark 16:15-18)
regardless of tribe, creed, or race. The one who preaches the gospel is a soul-winner
(Proverbs 11:30) because he rescues men from condemnation and death (Jude 1:22-23)
• The soul-winner is compassionate (Jude 1:22, Matthew 9:36), aware of the ravages of sin
and the eternal destiny of those who have not believed the gospel of Jesus Christ (John
• The soul-winner arms himself with the knowledge of the gospel, the instrument of
salvation. He is able to preach in season, and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2)
• The soul-winner is tenacious and selfless, seeking not his own will, but God’s will (Acts
• The soul-winner must be tactful; recognizing the peculiarities of his audience and adapting
his delivery to them, while retaining the integrity of the core of the message (1 Corinthians
• A good soul-winner must be prayerful, relying on the Spirit of God for boldness, for
utterance and for strength (Acts 4:27-32, Luke 10:1-2, 2 Thessalonians 3:1, Ephesians
6:18-19, Colossians 4:2-4)
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
• Show the prospect that all have sinned and need salvation (Romans 3:23, John 3:18-19,
Romans 6:23)
• Show them that God loves them and introduce what Christ has done for them i.e., he died
for their sins, he rose again, and he is alive forevermore (Romans 5:5-10, John 3:14-18,
Ephesians 2:1-7, 1 Corinthians 15:1-3)
• Show the prospect that if any man believes in Jesus and accepts him as savior, his sins will
be forgiven (Mark 16:15-16, John 3:16-17, John 1:11-13, Acts 2:38-41, Acts 10:43-44,
Romans 10:8-12)
• Answer any questions the prospect may have (Acts 19:8-10)
• Once the prospect accepts salvation, take down their contact so that you can follow them
up, invite them to church and train them in the way of the faith (Acts 2:41-47)
• If the prospect has not believed, take down their contacts so you can pray for them, and
return to preach to them again. Remember, although we evangelize, it is God who saves
(Acts 19:10)
• Evangelism can either be mass (one-to-many) or personal (one-on-one)
• Sold out by Pastor Femi Olaleye
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
Now that you are saved – A member of the body (Place of
the local church)
This class is aimed at communicating the importance of the local church in God’s plan for
mankind. At the end of the class, each student should understand the purpose of the church
and how they ought to feature in it. Furthermore, this class will provide you a brief history
of Oikia Christian Center and what we stand for.
• Although Salvation is first and foremost a private affair, a relationship between a man and
God, found only in Jesus Christ, throughout the scriptures, we see a great emphasis placed
on the place of the congregation in worship, and in fulfilling God’s will.
• When Jesus was on the earth, he gathered to himself, disciples, whom he referred to as
his brethren (Mark 3:33). Furthermore, we see that after Jesus ascended, the disciples
remained together, as one body, in one accord.
• In Matthew 16:18, Jesus, in response to Peter’s revelation of the Christ, mentions that he
will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail
• The word ‘church’ comes from the Greek word ‘Ecclesia’ which means “Called out.” The
church is a body of people called out from the world to be separate in Christ (1 Corinthians
• The church refers to the global body of believers with Jesus as its head (Colossians 1:18,
Ephesians 1:21-23, Ephesians 5:23). It is the reality of the shadow, which was the
congregation of the people of Israel, that is, all God’s people gathered into one body
(Ephesians 1:10, 2 Thessalonians 2:1)
• Every believer is a member of the global church, of the body of Christ (Romans 12:4-5, 1
Corinthians 12:12-13). No one believer, by themselves, is the church
• The Local church refers to a local assembly of believers / Christians, gathered under the
authority of a shepherd / teacher in the faith (Acts 8:1, Acts 9:31, Romans 16:1-5, 1
Corinthians 1:2)
• The purpose of the local church is the maturing and equipping of the saints for the
Christian life and the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Corinthians 12:27-29)
• While all believers are a member of the global church, every believer ought to be part of,
and submitted to a local church (Hebrews 10:25)
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit
Oikia Christian Center Membership Manual
• In the local church, we are prepared for ministry, trained, and sent (Acts 13:1, Acts 8:5-8,
Acts 8:14-17)
• We are strengthened by the brethren and our faith is protected from deception (Hebrews
3:12-13, Romans 1:11-12)
• Oikia Christian Center is a vibrant Christian Assembly with multiple campuses in Lagos,
Ogun State, United Kingdom, USA, Hungary, and many more coming
• We are a ministry committed to the 5 purposes of the global church – Worship,
Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship and Ministry / Service (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:42-
• Our vision statement is “Connecting, growing, serving humanity.” We connect people to
God, help them grow in the faith and serve humanity with the gospel. This we do by
“Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ and demonstrating the influence of the Spirit”
• We believe that
o There is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Mathew 16:15-17)
o Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Word of God made flesh (Matthew 1:19-25, Hebrews
o All men need salvation, and Jesus is the only way to salvation (Romans 3:23, John 14:4-
o Jesus Christ was the lamb of God, he died and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-
3, Acts 10:38-42)
o All who believe in Jesus shall be saved (John 3:16-18)
o The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to every man that believes in Jesus (John 7:37-39)
o Jesus is coming again (Acts 1:11)
• Our core values are Righteousness, Excellence, Accountability, and Love.
Manifesting the glory of the risen Christ, demonstrating the influence of the Spirit