Full Geography Preparation Set APSACS For Grade 8

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First Term Syllabus

Chapter # 1: Oceans and Seas

Chapter # 3: Social and Economic Development
Chapter # 1:
Oceans and Seas
Q1: Fill in the blanks.
 _________ % of the Earth’s surface is covered with water due to which
it is called ___________________.
 Seas and Oceans hold ________ % of the water on earth.
 _____________ are enormous masses of saltwater between continents
that cover around ________ % of the earth.
 Oceans are __________ and ____________than seas.
 There are ________ oceans in the world.
 The _______________ Ocean, the _____________ Ocean, the
__________________ Ocean, the ______________ Ocean and
______________ Ocean.
 _____________ are smaller than oceans.
 ___________ are where the oceans meet the land and comprise of
saline water.
 There are ___________ seas in the world.
 All of the seas are partially enclosed by land except _________________
Sea which is enclosed by land all sides.
 __________________ is found in abundance in the seas because they
are closer to land and are less deep than the oceans.
 The ________________ and __________________ of the sea determine
the kind of marine life which inhabits the particular seas.
 The ________________ Ocean is the largest ocean of the word.
 The Pacific Ocean covers the area of _____________________________
and is approximately _______________ meters deep.
 The deepest part of the Pacific Ocean is located near the ___________
lands called _________________ which is _____________ meters deep.
 There are _________________ pacific islands situated in this ocean.
 _____________________ Ocean is the second largest ocean of the
 The Atlantic Ocean covers the area around ______________________.
 The Atlantic Ocean average depth is approximately _____________
 The Atlantic Ocean deepest part is the ______________________ which
is _____________ meters deep.
 _____________________ is located on the floor of The Atlantic Ocean
which is part of the longest mountain range in the world.
 The ____________________ Ocean is the third largest ocean in the
world which covers area of _____________________.
 The Indian Ocean is ___________________meters deep.
 The deepest trench in the Indian Ocean is the _________________
having a depth of ________________meters which is situated about
______________ off the coast of __________________.
 The _________________ Ocean also known as ___________________ is
the fourth largest Ocean of the world.
 The Southern Ocean depth is nearly about ________________ and its
deepest part is the ______________________ having a depth of
 The ___________________ Ocean is the smallest as well as the
shallowest of all oceans of the world, its area is ___________________.
 The Arctic Ocean average depth is just _______________ and the
deepest point is called _________________________ having a depth of
 The beginning of the river is called its __________________ or
 The ________________ may be melting snow, a lake with an out flowing
stream or spring oozing out of the ground.
 From its source a river flows downhill due to the force of gravity as a
 Precipitation and ground water add to the river flows that fed by other
streams called ___________________.
 Together a river and its tributaries make up a _____________________.
 A river system is also called ___________________ or ______________.
 A river’s _________________ include the rivers all its tributaries and any
groundwater resources in the area.
 River Indus begins from a _______________________ and is fed with
_______________and _____________________ form the Himalayan,
Karakorum and Hindu Kush ranges.
 River Indus left bank tributary at _________________ is _____________
river and in plains of __________ is the ______________ river which is
formed from the confluence of ______________ names mainly
_______________, ______________, __________________,
_______________, and _____________.
 River Indus right bank tributaries are mainly ___________,
_____________, _____________, _______________ and
 The end of the river is its _____________.
 The river __________________ into another body of water.
 Many of the largest rivers empty into the ______________.
 River Indus empties into the _________________ Sea.
 The energy of flowing river water comes from the
______________________, which pulls the water ________________.
 The _____________ the slope of a river, the faster the river moves and
the more energy it produces.
 The movement of water in a river is called ________________.
 The _________________ is usually strongest near the rivers source.
 _________________ and ______________ are common to rivers.
 The deepest part of the river bed is called a _________________.
 The ______________ is usually located in the middle of a river.
 The river flows to _______________.
 As the slope of its course flattens the river cuts less deeply into its
 It begins to wind from side to side in looping bends called ___________.
 This actions widens the _________________.
 Where the river meets the ocean or a lake, it may deposit so much
sediments that new lands a _____________ is formed.
 ________________ have fertile soil.
 The River Indus ends in a large __________________ shaped.
 An _________________ is a partially enclosed coastal water body where
the freshwater from streams or rivers mixes with the saltwater from the
 The mix of seawater and freshwater results in
 The ________________ River forms an estuary for instance.
 Hydrological cycle is also known as the ___________________ is the
constant movement of water between the earth and its atmosphere.
 The __________________ causes the water to evaporate from the sea,
lakes etc.
 Plants also release __________________ as a result of the process of
 The water vapor rises and is later condensed into the liquid or solid state
to form _________________.
 Then it returns in the form of _____________________.
 _____________________ may fall in the form of hale, snow, rain drizzle,
 An ___________________ is a body of porous rock or sediment
saturated with groundwater.
 The _________________________ has been constantly occurring for
millions of years.
 Oceans are large and deep making it possible for most ______________
to live here.
 The movement of the __________________ impacts the weather of the
 Oceans and seas provide ________________ and ________________.
 The __________________ produce over the half of the world’s oxygen
and store _____________ times more carbon dioxide than our
 Covering ________% of the earth’s surface.
 The oceans transport heat from the _______________ to the
 _________% of the U.S trade involving from of marine transportation.
 _____________ is the only type of food we get form seas and oceans.
 Water _____________ and _____________ are rich in proteins and
other nutrients.
 Some parts of the oceans are considered the ____________________.
 ____________________ is the carbon captured by the world’s oceans
and coastal vegetation.
 There are around __________________ and _________________
marine species in the world.
 The ________________ plants provide nearly __________% of the
oxygen to the atmosphere.
 Small fish that eat them become food for _______________________
 Pakistan is located at the _____________ of the Arabian Sea.
 _____________________ is vitally important trade route for Pakistan.
 It depends on the Arabian Sea fro _____________% and its total trade
and ___________% of petroleum, lubricants and oil supplies.
 The _______________________________ project connects China’s
western _____________ with the _______________ Sea to the south of
 Oceans water constantly moves in predictable directions due to
_____________, ______________, ___________________ and
 The movements of ocean water in _____________ different directions:
__________________ movement and ___________________
 The horizontal movements are called _______________ and the vertical
movement are called ___________________ or __________________.
 The ocean currents are effected by ___________ types of forces.
 When the sun heats the water near ______________, it expands due to
which it is ___________ inches higher near the equator forming a
 Wind blowing across the oceans causes ______________ between the
______________________ and the _____________.
 __________________ pulls the water downhill.
 Because of the Earth’s rotation all fluids towards the _____________ of
equators tend to bend to the _____________.
 Fluids in the southern hemisphere tends to bends towards the
 The _________________ forces that affect the oceans currents are the
differences in _________________ and ______________ of water.
 Difference in the density affects the vertical movements if
 Cold water and water with high densities if salt is denser than
___________ and _________________ water.
 Denser water tends to _______ while relatively less dense water trends
to ___________.
 ________________________ are caused when cold water from the
poles moves slowly towards the equator.
 _______________________ are caused when water from the equator
moves towards the poles to take the place of sinking cold water.
 By moving heat from the equator towards the poles ocean currents play
an important role in ________________________.
 The _________________ moves the plastic waste and other trash and
gather it in certain areas of the ocean.
 An ________________ is the body of land surrounded by water of all
 A ___________________ is a piece of land that is surrounded by water
on three sides and one side connects it to the mainland.
 A ________________ is a water body surrounded by land from 3 sides
and has a wider opening then the total length.
 The ______________ of the bay is where it meets the ocean is large.
 The _______________________ is the largest Bay in the world.
 _______________ from excellent harbours, like bays and many key
world trading centers are located in gulfs.
 The largest gulf of the world is ____________________.
 ______________________ is an important gulf as petroleum is
transported through its water in oil tanks.
 A naturally created narrow strip of land connecting 2 landmasses and
separating 2 water bodies is called ___________________.
 ______________________ is a natural site for ports and canals.
 The _______________________ links the continents of North and South
America become a barrier between Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.
 The Panama Cana completed in ______________, has made
transportation of goods and people easy between
_____________________ America and _____________________
America. The canal is _________ long.
 Another important Isthmus is ____________________.
 The _________________ was made connecting the Mediterranean Sea
with the Red Sea. The structure of canal started in _____________ and
was completed in ________________.
 A _______________ is a narrow strip of water body joining 2 large water
 The ________________ joins the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic
 _____________________ and __________________ are affecting the
health of our oceans.
 _________________ are becoming warmer and more acidic.
 Plastic wastes dumped in the sea cause ___________________ for the
marine life.
 The ______________________ enter the food chains of the human
beings causing varied illnesses.
 ___________________ cause development abnormalities, waken the
immune system and reduce the fertility in marine life.
 ______________________ kills the marine life beyond its ability to
 ______________________ is the warming of the oceans which makes
the acidic.
 The __________________ also drops rapidly because more carbon
dioxide is absorbed in the water from the atmosphere.
 Oil and gas drilling also affect the _________________ adversely which
are habitats for several species.
 When the important coastal ecosystem are degraded or replaced
significance amounts of _____________________ is released back in the
atmosphere in the form of ____________________ which is greenhouse
 An _____________________ is the shaking of the Earth resulting from
the release of stored up energy in the __________________ of the
 They occur when the ______________ paste each other at fault line and
coverage or diverge.
 The point at which it takes place is called the ________________ which
can be deep inside the Earth or near the surface.
 The ________________ ripple out from the focus in all directions as
seismic waves.
 The place right above the focus on the surface of the Earth is the
 __________________ occurs after the Earthquake.
 All the rocks that make up the Earth today are continues recycled within
a closed system called the _____________________.
 The __________________ is used to explain the relationship among the
three main types of rocks and how one rock type is changed from one
type to another within the system.
 Firstly, __________________ driven by the heat from the mantle rises
to the top of the mantle where it enters earth crust and cools to form
the __________________________.
 The _________________ may also be ejected from on the earth surface
through volcanic eruptions or may flow cracks and fissures at plate
 The lava then cools to form ____________________________.
 The sediments settle on the ___________________ in the layer which
get compressed into ________________________.
 Some sedimentary rock may contain _____________ of dead plants and
 When ________________ and ______________ are applied to rocks,
both igneous and sedimentary rocks change or ___________________
into _____________________ rocks.
 A __________________ is an igneous element or chemical compound
that is normally crystallize and that has been formed as a result of
geological processes.
 A mineral that can be used by people for economic activities is a
 There are ____________ main types of minerals.
 ___________________ minerals have luster in their appearance and are
composed of metallic elements.
 ____________________ minerals are not composed of metallic
 ____________________ minerals are used by people to produce energy
or produce electricity.
Q2: Complete the given paragraph by using the word bank.

Q3: Write the answer of your question in the blank.


Label the parts of a river system.

River source.
Separates two watersheds
Estuary and rivers.

River that
flows into
a larger
a winding curve or
bend of a river
Q5: Answer the following questions.

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