Car Insurance 2022-2023
Car Insurance 2022-2023
Car Insurance 2022-2023
Consolidated Stamp duty has been paid as per letter of Authorization no. For Liberty General Insurance Limited
LOA/CSD/333/2022/1779/22 Dated 26/04/2022 issued by Main Stamp Office, Mumbai. ** Not
Applicable for the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
Invoice No. 2722011000893744
Branch GSTIN No : 27AABCL9950A1ZL
SAC Code : 997134; Description of Service : General Insurance
Service; Place of Supply : TAMIL NADU/33
IRDA Regn. No. 150
CIN No. U66000MH2010PLC209656
% DSUnknown
Authorised Signatory
313 404 325 453 432 529 c
478 561 504 597 504 645 c
504 736 440 760 391 760 c
286 760 271 681 265 626 c
265 625 l
100 625 l
100 828 253 898 381 898 c
451 898 679 878 679 650 c
679 555 628 499 538 435 c
488 399 467 376 467 292 c
313 292 l
308 214 170 -164 re
0.44 G
1.2 w
1 1 0.4 rg
287 318 m
287 430 299 479 406 555 c
451 587 478 623 478 671 c
478 762 414 786 365 786 c
260 786 245 707 239 652 c
239 651 l
74 651 l
74 854 227 924 355 924 c
425 924 653 904 653 676 c
653 581 602 525 512 461 c
462 425 441 402 441 318 c
287 318 l
282 240 170 -164 re
Dear Customer,
We thank you for choosing us for your insurance requirement. We, at Liberty General Insurance Limited, believe 'Insurance' is not only an assurance to compensate in the event of an
unfortunate circumstance, but one that signifies protection and support you can count on when you need it the most. We are firmly committed to stand beside you and fulfill your insurance
requirement whenever the need arises.
We write to inform you that we have received the below details for insuring your under mentioned vehicle;
Product Standalone Own Damage Policy for Private Car Period of insurance : From 00:00 Hrs of 23/07/2022 To Midnight of 22/07/2023
The above information provided has been recorded by us under Regulation 8 (2) of the Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority (Protection of Policyholders Interests) Regulations,
2017 or any amendment or repealment thereto and believing the furnished information as correct, we have issued the enclosed insurance policy for your said vehicle. We are hereby
providing the information for your confirmation and records.
For any further assistance please feel free to write to us on or call us on our Toll Free number 1800 266 5844 (between 8:00am to 8:00pm, 7 days of the
week), you can also visit our nearest branch, our representatives will be glad to help you.
To enable us to serve you better, we request you to check your contact details and communicate to us by any of the above medium incase any changes required.
In the absence of any communication from you in this regards within a period of 15 days of receipt of this letter, we would take this as a confirmation that the issued policy is in order and as
per your requirement. Incase, any of the above information is found to be incorrect subsequently, the company may, at its sole discretion cancel the policy or any part thereof as deemed fit.
Correct No Claim Bonus (NCB) declaration on the part of insured is extremely important for a seamless customer experience and if the NCB declaration is found to be incorrect, all benefits
under Section I (Own Damage) of the Policy stand forfeited. Hence, we strongly recommend that you verify the NCB details on your policy and in case of any correction, write to us at or call us on 18002665844 not later than 15 days from the date of this letter.
Authorized Signatory
Call Toll Free No : 1800 266 5844
% DSUnknown
0.1 0 0 0.1 9 0 cm
0 J 0 j 4 M []0 d
313 292 m
313 404 325 453 432 529 c
478 561 504 597 504 645 c
504 736 440 760 391 760 c
286 760 271 681 265 626 c
265 625 l
100 625 l
100 828 253 898 381 898 c
451 898 679 878 679 650 c
679 555 628 499 538 435 c
488 399 467 376 467 292 c
313 292 l
308 214 170 -164 re
0.44 G
1.2 w
1 1 0.4 rg
287 318 m
287 430 299 479 406 555 c
451 587 478 623 478 671 c
478 762 414 786 365 786 c
260 786 245 707 239 652 c
239 651 l
74 651 l
74 854 227 924 355 924 c
425 924 653 904 653 676 c
653 581 602 525 512 461 c
462 425 441 402 441 318 c
287 318 l
282 240 170 -164 re