Politics Science
Politics Science
Politics Science
constitution of UK,
USA, China,
The term constitution comes through
French from the Latin
word “constitution”, used for
regulations and orders, A constitution
may be said to be a collection of
principles according to which the
powers of the government, the rights
of the governed, and the relations
between the two are adjusted. James
“ constitution as a frame of political
society, organised through and by law,
that is to say one in which law has
established permanent institutions
with recognized functions and
definite rights”.
Uk features :-
British Constitution is not a particular
codified document,it is unwritten and
is an aggregate of several documents
which together constitute the rules of
the land. The unwritten character of
the British constitution is by far the
most important element. There is no
documented, accurate, and compact
document that can be referred to as
the British constitution. The
fundamental reason for this is that it
is founded on customs and political
traditions that are not codified in any
text. Historical Documents,
Parliamentary Statutes, Judicial
Decisions, and Constitutional
Characters, such as the Magna Carta
(1215), Petition of Rights (1628), Bill of
Rights (1689), and Parliamentary Acts
of 1911 and 1949, are among the
written portions. British Constitution
is also a mixed Constitution. The
British constitution is a mix of
monarchical, aristocratic, and
democratic values.The British
constitution is an example of how
things have evolved over time. There
was no presence of a constituent
assembly to frame the British
Constitution like the one that framed
the Indian constitution. This nature is
due to the fact that it is the result of
slow growth and evolution.One of the
most obvious features of an unwritten
constitution is the flexibility that
comes with the uncodified structure,
which might be considered a merit
and demerit at the same time. A
typical example of a flexible
constitution is the British constitution.
Because no distinction is established
between constitutional legislation and
ordinary law, it can be passed,
changed, and repealed by a simple
majority of Parliament. In contrast to
a federal constitution, the British
constitution is unitary in character.
The British Parliament, which is a
sovereign body, has complete control
over the administration. It is
subservient to the executive organs of
the state, which have delegated
powers and are accountable to it.
There is just one legislature in the
United States unlike in the UK.
England, Scotland, Wales and the rest
of the United Kingdom is composed of
administrative, rather than political
autonomous units. The United
Kingdom is governed by a
Parliamentary system. All of the King’s
powers and authority have been taken
away from him. Ministers who belong
to the majority party in Parliament
and continue in office as long as their
party’s trust in them is maintained are
the true functionaries.Parliamentary
sovereignty is a key aspect of the
British constitution. Parliamentary
sovereignty refers to the fact that
parliament is superior to the
executive and judicial spheres of the
government and so has the power to
adopt or repeal any law. Modern legal
systems, like the United Kingdom’s,
see the rule of law as a fundamental
premise. It has been referred to as “as
important in a free society as the
democratic franchise,” and even “the
ultimate governing principle on which
the constitution is founded.” This
prevents the Executive from acting
arbitrarily. It has evolved to only work
in tandem with the equal application
of the law to all citizens (‘equality
before the law,’) and to maintain the
legal philosophy of parliamentary
sovereignty within the framework of
the constitutional monarchy. The
main function of the judiciary is to
uphold the rule of law. The principles
of the rule of law are:
*In the eyes of the law, everyone is
equal, regardless of their position or
*This theory emphasises that the law,
not any individual, is supreme.
*Without a fair and adequate trial by
a competent court of law, no one can
be detained or imprisoned. A person
cannot be punished or deprived of his
or her life, liberty, or property unless
there has been a specific breach of
law proven in a regular court of law
through a regular procedure.
The Rule of Law in the United
Kingdom is protected by the fact that
judges can only be removed from
office for significant misconduct and
only after a procedure that requires
the approval of both Houses of
Parliament. As a result, the judges are
free to make their decisions without
fear or favour. The same approach
has been taken in India, where
judicial independence is regarded as
an unambiguous component of the
Usa features:-
The present constitution of USA was
adopted at the Philadelphia
Convention held in 1787. It came into
force in 1789. It consisted of only 7
articles. Following are some of the
salient features:-
1. Written and Brief Constitution: The
constitution of USA is the first written
constitution in the world duly enacted
by a Constituent Assembly. It has 7
articles only.It is the shortest
constitution in the world.
2.Popular Sovereignty: American
constitution is based on popular
sovereignty.The people are the source
of supreme power.The constitution
was framed by the representatives of
the people and dedicated to
themselves by the people.
3.Supremacy of the constitution:
According to Article 6 of the American
constitution “ The constitution shall be
the supreme law of the land”.It means
that all other laws and treaties of the
country must be in accordance with
the constitution and if any of them is
not in accordance with the
constitution, the Supreme Court can
declare it null and void.
4.Representative Democracy:
Administration of the state is carried
on by the representatives elected on
the basis of adult franchise.Every
adult male and female has been given
right to vote without any
5.Limited Government: The framers of
the American constitution have
confined the federal govt and the state
govt in their sphere in such away that
none of them can become
unrestrained.The rights of the
individual have been incorporated in
the constitution which limit the
powers of the govt.
6.Federal polity:USA is the first
modern federal state in the world
which has the following federal
features (1) Written
constitution(iii)Supremacy of the
constitution(iv)Dual polity(v)Double
citizenship(vi) Double constitution.
7.Rigid constitution: American
constitution is the most rigid
constitution in the world.The proposal
of amendment requires the approval
of both houses of the Congress
separately by 2/3 majority and
ratification by 3/4 state legislatures.
8.Presidential form of government:
USA is the oldest and most successful
Presidential government in the world.
Its presidential features are (i)
President is the real executive head
(ii) Separation between executive and
legislature (iii) fixed tenure of the
executive (iv) members of the cabinet
are responsible to the President (v)
tenure of the congress is fixed.
9. Double citizenship: Every American
citizen enjoys two type of citizenship
i.e citizenship of their respective
states and citizenship of the country
as a whole.
10.Separate constitution of the state:
Every states has its own separate
constitution.Federal constitution is
concerned with the composition and
powers of the federal government and
the constitution of the states are
concerned with the organization and
powers of the state governments. But
the constitution of the state must be in
accordance with the federal
constitution and it is obligatory to
provide Republican government in
every state.
11.Republican form of government:
The office of the head of the state is
not based on hereditary rather he is
elected indirectly elected by the
people for a fixed term of four years.
12.Separation of powers: The three
organs of government are separated
from each other.Article 1 of the
constitution gives legislative power to
the congress Article 2 gives executive
power to the President Article 3 gives
Judicial power to the Judiciary.
13.Doctrine of checks and balances: To
ensure that no organ of the
government may become despot, the
principle of checks and balances on
different organs have been adopted.
14. Bill of Rights: Rights of the
American citizen were incorporated
in the constitution by first 10
amendments. USA is the first country
to include Rights of the citizen in the
constitution.US citizens enjoy various
kinds of freedom and equality.
15. Judicial Supremacy: Judiciary has
been granted supremacy over other
organs of government in USA because
Judiciary interprets and protects the
constitution and also resolves the
disputes between centre and states.
16.Judicial Review: The judiciary has
the power to reject the bills passed by
the congress and treaties concluded
by the President if it is against the
17.Bi Cameral Legislature: The Federal
legislature has two Houses. The lower
house is House of Representatives
which represent the people and the
upper house is Senate which
represent the federating states.
18. Conventions: Like in any other
constitution, Conventions have made
their place in American constitution
and have contributed a lot in the
development of the constitution .e.g
existence of political parties, cabinet,
committees of the congress, senatorial
courtesy etc.
Switzerland features :-
1. A written & lengthy Constitution:
The Swiss constitution of 1848 as
amended in 1874 and which was
totally revised in 1999 is
a written file. The new constitution of
Switzerland is more thorough
constitution. It has 196
articles and these have been classify
into six titles and each of which
contains numerous
2. A rigid Constitution:
The Swiss constitution is a rigid
constitution. The constitution cannot
be amended by
ordinary law creation process. The
process of amending the constitution
is difficult.
An amendment can become law only
when it is agreed by majority of the
Swiss voters and by
a majority of the cantons through
3. A Republican Constitution:
The Constitution of Switzerland is
Republican in character. It is also
believed that
Switzerland is the first to
experimentation with the Republican
institution in the world. The
constitution led the establishment
Republicanism not only at the centre
but also in different
cantons. Being a Republic, all potential
institutions of Switzerland - Federal,
Cantonal and
Communal are elective in character.
The principal of Republicanism is in
fact the bulwark of
Swiss democracy.
Unitary System
Unitary government is a kind of
government system in which a single
power, which is known
as the central government, controls
the whole government. In fact, all
powers and
administrative divisions authorities
lies at the central place. Today most of
the government
systems in the world are based on
unitary system of government. It is
slightly different from
federal model of government. In
unitary government, central
government has the power to
increase or curtail the power of
subnational units. It can create and
abolished the same. UK,
Afghanistan, Italy, China, Saudi
Arabia, Spain, etc., are the important
examples of unitary
government. The unitary government
system is based on the concept of
consistency, unity,
and identity that’s why the
centralization of power and authority
system remains at the top
priority. The decision-making power
rests with the central government that
are shared by
the government with the lower level
government when needed. There are
not so many
options for change and new
innovation as the people have a very
limited voice in this
government system. There are many
merits and demerits of unitary
government. It is useful
in the term that rules and regulations
in this government systems remain
consist and equal
throughout the country. Moreover, it
is less expensive as compared to the
government because the number of
powerful people remains very low. In
a time of
emergency, it makes timely decisions
as compared to the federal
government system. But at
the same time, the concept of freedom
of speech and expression always
remains at a low
priority that’s why most of the
principles of unitary government are
much similar to that of
dictatorship system of government. Its
distinctive feature is given as follows;
1. Concentration of Powers:
A unitary government is one in which
all the powers of administration are
vested in a single
centre. The centre is omnipotent. A
unitary state may be divided into
small units for the sake
of administrative convenience but the
units do not have any constitutional
status of their own.
2. Single Government:
In a unitary government, there is a
single set of governmental apparatus.
There is a single
supreme legislature, single executive
body and one supreme judiciary.
England, for example,
is a unitary state. She has one
parliament as her legislature, the
King-in-Council as the
executive and the judicial committee
of the House of Lords as her supreme
3. Written or unwritten Constitution:
A unitary government may or may not
have a writ ten constitution. As for
example, England
and France are unitary states. France
has a written constitution but England
has none
4. Rigid or Flexible Constitution:
Unlike a federation, a unitary state
may or may not have a rigid
constitution, e.g., the
constitution of England is flexible but
that of France is slightly rigid.
5. No Special Judiciary:
There is no need of having a special
judiciary with wide powers of judicial
veto in a unitary
government. Even the highest court of
U.K., for example, cannot sit in
judgment over the law passed by the
Comparison of
executive ,
legislature, judiciary
of U.K. and U.S.A
In the administrative system of Britain
the king or the queen is the head of
executive and all adminstrative
functions are performed in his her
name. Although all the functions are
performed in the name of crown yet
she has no power to perform not even
a single function. The real executive
powers vest with the cabinet.
Powers of the King
1. Executive powers
-All administrative powers are vested
in him.
Appoints P.M, ministers and other civil
and military officers.
-Supreme commander of armed
forces, sends and receives
ambassadors and other diplomatic
2.Legislative powers
-Summons,prorogues and dissolve
-Assents to the bill passed by
-He can refuse to give assent to any
3.Judicial powers
-Foundation of justice.
-Grands pardon to criminals or
reducing or postponing their
-All criminal proceeding are started in
the name of king
In practice the king reigns but does
not rule.
The privy council
-Important institution in the
governmental system of England.
-As cabinet system came privy council
lost its importance
Most powerful institution in political
system of England. According to
Bagehot , Cabinet is the hyphen that
joins and buckle that binds legislature
and executive.
Functions of cabinet-
1. Executive functions
Real executive powers vest with the
cabinet. In law executive is the king
but in practice , exercise of executive
powers is directed and controlled by
the cabinet.
2. To formulate policy
It is a policy formulating body. Inside
the cabinet all ministers can express
their opinions freely and frankly and
when decision is taken all ministers
must oblige to it. Failure to do so
redults in removal.
Cabinet plays impoertant role in
It is the cabinet that legislates with
consent , support and advice of
4.Controls budget
Cabinet controls national finance. The
budget regarding expenditure and
revenue is placed before House of
Commons by the cabinet.
The Prime Minister
- Head of cabinet.
-His position legally recognized by the
ministers of crown act 1937.
1. Powers over cabinet
- Head of cabinet
-Preside over meetings of cabinet.
-Exercise supervision over the
activities of other ministers.
2. Legislative powers
- Examine and revise the legislative
work sent by the house of commons
similar to Rajya sabha of India.
- On the matter of money the house of
lords has no power at all.
3. Judicial powers
The house of lords was the Supreme
court of appeal for cases in U.K. and
Northern Ireland and court of
impeachment. On 1st october 2009
judicial authority was transfered
away from the house of lords and
creating Supreme Court forunited
House of commons
- Oldest legislative chamber of he
world .
-635 members.
- Tenure 5 years.
-Most important official is the speaker.
-Member enjoys so many privileges.
First is freedom of speech ensured by
bill of rights.
2. Legislative functions
-American political system being non
parliamentary, the president is
neither chosen by the legislature, nor
can be removed by it.
-he and his advisors have no right to
present in congress
-he cannot dissolve any houses of
-president have power to summon
extraordinary session of the houses of
-Power to veto- it may become an
absolute veto.
3. Judicial power
-power to grant reprieves and
American President v. British Prime
In the democracies of the world the
office of President of America and that
of PM of England are regarded as
most powerful, prestigious and
dignified. Following are the
2. Executive functions
-appointment to federal offices made
by the president are confirmed by the
3. Judicial powers
-conduct trial of impeachment of
president and judges of supreme
The House of representative
-lower house of American congress.
-despite being lower house enjoys less
power than the sennate.
-435 members.
-direct elections.
-2 years tenure of office.
-the house itself elects the speaker to
preside over the meetings.
Rule of law
As the term itself connotes, ‘Rule of
Law’ means rule of law and not of
Factors affecting
voting behavior
Voting behaviour, also known as
electoral behaviour, involves
understanding the factors and reasons
which influence voting patterns.