p45 57 Kollapat
p45 57 Kollapat
p45 57 Kollapat
Key words: Concept, Operation, Omni-Channel, Retailing, E-Commerce, Digital Marketing, Brand Strategic
Management. Impulse, Consumer buying, Strategy, Implementation.
Figure 1: Channel differences info graphic. (Source: Davis, Bill, MB&G Consulting)
Figure 2: Conceptual model of Omni-Channel Retailing (Source: Kersmark, Malin and Staflund, Linda (2015).)
sales and service practice.(Hoogveld, Mike and The next challenging should be investigated
Koster, John M.D. (2016) ) by Quantitative & Qualitative Causal Research
Finally, the Integration of Omni-Channel Methodology to find relationship of Omni – Channel
Retailing and Brand Strategic Management will be Retailing and Brand Strategic Management to
huge benefit to business to impulse consumer impulse Consumer buying in each regions. We
buying to increase sales. It will be the modern should start with USA as representative of Western
efficiency tools according new Digital Industrial side and following by Japan as representative of
Revolution 4.0 which will apply to any industries. Eastern culture,