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Mr. Kollapat Kositpipat
PhD Student, School of Management and Economics, Assumption University
E-mail: kollapat@hotmail.com
Dr. Kriengsin Prasongsukarn
Graduate School of Business, Assumption University
E-mail: kriengsin@hotmail.com
This article topic is Omni-Channel Retailing & Brand Strategic Management to impulse consumer
buying from concept to operation. The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of Omni-channel
retailing with brand strategic management through operation in retail firms operation to motivate. This is
the integration of Omni-channel retailing and Brand Strategic management to impulse shopper buying.
It has developed as an extension of multi-channel retailing. Omni- channel retailing is the customer’s
awareness of distinctive channels dissolves between digital and traditional retailing experience. Omni-channel
Retailing consist of Offline retailing channel eg., traditional retailer, modern retailer etc. and Online
retailing channel eg., E-Commerce. The difference between the concepts is the level of integration, where
an Omni-channel requires seamless and complete channel integration compared to a multi-channel
where the level of integration varies from non-existing to high level.
The brand management model describe 6 steps models for building and evaluating strong brands as
follows; 1.) Brand Audit, 2.) Brand Identity, 3.) Brand Strategy, 4.) Brand Implementation, 5.) Brand Equity,
6.) Brand Valuation. Furthermore, brand strategy consists of Organic Growth Strategy, Alliance Strategy
and Acquisition Strategy (Roll, 2015). Therefore it will be the new things of Omni-channel Retailing &
Brand Strategic Management can impulse consumer buying practically. This is academic paper type to
identify qualitative result from several research papers, articles and textbooks of Brand, Omni-channel
Retailing. Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
This article is based on an interpretive approach and takes the form of an exploratory multiple
case study through the investigation of retailers

Key words: Concept, Operation, Omni-Channel, Retailing, E-Commerce, Digital Marketing, Brand Strategic
Management. Impulse, Consumer buying, Strategy, Implementation.


INTRODUCTION Brand Strategy is part of Brand Management
Digital influence is a universal trend regardless process as follows; a.) Brand Audit, b.) Brand
of geography, influencing in-store customer Identity, c.) Brand Strategy, d.) Brand Implementation,
behavior across the board, but at different levels of e) Brand Equity and f) Brand Valuation.
impact and through various mechanisms depending (Roll, 2015)
on the country.. A gap exists between consumer’s This topic differ from other research paper
digital behaviors and expectations and their local for readers’ benefit are 1.) Add Brand Strategic
retailers’ ability to deliver the desired expectations Management factor to drive Omni-channel retailing
& experiences – a gap referred to as “the new digital effect 2.) Focusing on retailing business. The author
separate.” This poses a critical challenge to retailers still doubt Omni-channel strategy which is the
to stay relevant in today’s marketplace, retailers modern hybrid between Traditional Retailing
must understand the evolving digital needs of their Channel plus Online Retailing Channel are sufficient
customers and improve their ability to anticipate to drive business growth without Brand Strategic
and shape the needs of tomorrow. With more shoppers Management or not, especially red ocean (high
in the world – embracing cultural trends and gaining competition market). Therefore we expect the
access to technology that will allow them to be significance of this paper (expected outcome and
always “stay connected”, retailers worldwide need contribution) the Omni-channel Retailing & Brand
to advance their own offerings to fit the behaviors Strategic Management that works.
of this new consumer. (Deloitte, 2015).
Omni-channel retailing has developed as an LITERATURE REVIEW
extension of multi-channel retailing. The difference As Digital Revolution 4.0 involve in digital
between the concepts is the level of integration, business. The retail business use Omni-channel
where an Omni-channel requires seamless and retailing to adapt from multi-channel integration
complete channel integration compared to a between off and online retailing. We would like to
multi-channel where the level of integration varies integrate Brand Strategic Management concept to
from non-existing to high. Today’s customers expect impulse consumer buying. The doubt from author
an integrated shopping experience where they can whether Omni – Channel Retailing execute by
combine the different channels according to their themselves without Brand Strategic Management
preferences and Omni-channel is a way for retailers will succeed in business or not. It’s the gap no
to meet this need. (Kersmark and Staflund, 2015)). one study this issue intensively. This paper will
The purpose of this paper is to explore the integrate both Omni-Channel and Brand Strategic
concept of Omni-channel retailing as well as its Management integration to drive much more
implementation in retail firms. Besides, we’ll study impulse to consumer buying.
Brand Strategy to drive Omni-Channel Retailing. The key findings summary from Deloitte
Brand Strategy consist of 1.) Organic Growth Research finding on Omni-Channel retailing as
Strategy, 2.) Alliance Strategy and 3.) Acquisition follows ;
Strategy. (Roll, 2015) 1.) There is no single path toward digital


adoption or optimization. something that many customers place great value
2.) One digital “size” does not fit all customers on and hence, a successfully implemented
within a given market. Omni-channel strategy with total integration, has
3.) Consumers are demanding digital tools the potential to greatly enhance the customer
and features to execute their own shopping shopping experience (Herhausen., 2015).
journeys. In retail sales channel, the channel strategy,
(Deloitte, 2015) retailers can choose from several different sales
We can see that this paper study relationship channels to find the optimal option for their
of Omni-channel retailing and Brand Strategic organization. These channels include physical
Management which we can apply and improve channel, online channel, mobile channel, catalog
to retailing business. The challenging things are channel and finally a combination of these in
investigating this new topic to fill the current gap the form of a multi-channel as follows; the first
.Omni-channel retailing is the concept of complete is Physical channel. This is physical store allows
integration of all channels and it has developed retailers to achieve closeness to the customer
as an extension of multi-channel retailing (Klosek, and provide an instant gratification effect since
2012; Frazer & Stiehler, 2014; Rigby, 2011). The the customer does not have to wait to receive
goal of implementing Omni-channel retailing is to the products (Agatz, 2008; Grewal, 2004). The 2nd
combine the benefits of both the digital and the is On-line channel.
non-digital retailing in order to give the customer Through the online channel, the retailers
a seamless retail experience (Rigby, 2011). This is can offer the customer 24/7 accessibility and a

Figure 1: Channel differences info graphic. (Source: Davis, Bill, MB&G Consulting)


wider product selection compared to the physical of their physical and digital channels (Euro Monitor,
channel (Rigby, 2011; Agatz, 2008). The third is 2016).
E-Commerce channel. It is the use of the internet, There are several motivating factors as to
the web and apps to transact business. More, why a retailer would decide to implement an
formally, digitally enabled commercial transactions motivator of Omni-channel strategy. The first one
between and among organizations and individuals. is Consumer Demand. (Wind and Mahajan (2002,
(C.Laudon, Traver., 2015).E-Commerce has key p.70)) emphasized the importance of offering all
considerations for multinationals. Executives possible combinations of the different channels
developing online channels should maintain a since many customers want to have the option of
regional mindset in select areas, even as they using all the channels. The second one is Increased
consider each market’s unique situation and needs Sales. Retailers choose to offer more than one
as follows ; Mobile Optimization , Payment Options, channel is essentially the hope to reach higher
Channel Conflict, Social Medias. (Frontier Strategy profits through increased sales and more efficient
Group 2016). The fourth is Mobile channel, some operations (Zhang, (2010)). If there are more
retailers have realized that the online channel customer touch points and thus more opportunities
itself is not enough to satisfy their customers to adhere to different customer demands and a
who demand further convenience and higher retailer “expands both the quantity and possible
accessibility. This has led to the consideration of combinations of service outputs available to its
smartphones as a separate sales channel. The use customers” by offering various shopping channels
of smartphones as a distinguished retail channel (Wallace., 2004, p. 251). The third one is Optimizing
is evolving quickly as the retailers are developing the physical channel.
more and more mobile versions of the websites Omni-channel retailing presents a great
along with more advanced apps to satisfy the opportunity for physical stores to strengthen their
needs of their customers (Brynjolfsson, 2013). The role in the supply chain. In-store pickup and ‘ship
fifth one is Multi-channel. The level of integration from store’ allows the retailer to make better use
in a multi-channel strategy can as previously of its existing inventory, and thereby decrease the
mentioned, vary from non-existing to high depending excess stock that otherwise risks to be sold at a
on the business model. The retail business can reduced price
build channel integration when integration is high (Giannopoulos, 2014). Offering the customer
and synergies between the online (E-Commerce) & the option of in-store pickup also allows the
offline (traditional) channels. An offline channel can retailer to save some costs since the ‘last mile’
be complementary to an online channel, and vice in product delivery is a relatively expensive part
versa in several ways (Herhausen, 2015). The sixth of the distribution for the retailer (Agatz, 2008).
is area of Omni-channel retailing .Omni-channel The fourth one is Challenging of Omni-channel
retailing is a customer – centric, channel – agnostic retailing. There is little doubt of the fact that
approach to retailing through which retailers Omni-channel retailing comes with many
provide seamless shopping experiences across all opportunities for retailers, there are also several


challenges that they are faced with as they move that doing so would move their customers from
towards a higher level of integration among their their current channel into the new one and thereby
channels. (Kersmark, Malin, Staflund., 2015). The cannibalize the sales instead of increasing total sales
fifth is Technological investment. Establishing an (Agatz, 2008).The eighth is Return management.
Omni-channel strategy increases the complexity of The integration of online and offline retailing has
managing the operations and the supply chain of taken this challenge to a new level because the
the retailer. (Kersmark,Malin, Staflund .,2015). The online return rates are much higher than the offline
sixth is Change management. The implementing an since the customers do not have the possibility of
omni-channel retailing approach can be difficult if touching the product before making a purchase
the organization does not manage to convey the (Agatz , 2008; Bell , 2014). The ninth is Consistency.
benefits of the change for the organization as a One issue that has been experienced related to
whole, and convince the different departments to channel integration is that the level of consistency
move the focus from their individual performance is not high enough. This is many times not an easy
towards the performance of the whole corporation task to deal with due to the discussed differences
(O’Heir, 2012). This is something that requires change between the channels. (Kersmark,Malin, Staflund.,
management. (Kersmark,Malin, Staflund .,2015). 2015) .
The seventh is Channel conflict. Issues are often
mentioned in relation to multi-channel retailing are Omni-channel Retailing Model
channel conflict and cannibalization which can be Below is an overview of the motivators and
of great concern to retailers who are planning to challenges found in the literature that the retailers
increase the integration of their channels (Webb, could face when implementing an Omni-channel
2002; Agatz, 2008). Some retailers have been strategy of total channel integration. The concept
reluctant to add new channels as they are worried of omni-channel retailing is at the center of the

Figure 2: Conceptual model of Omni-Channel Retailing (Source: Kersmark, Malin and Staflund, Linda (2015).)


model. The motivators symbolize the incentives CONCEPT
for an individual retailer to offer its customers an In this part, this paper explain key elements
Omni-channel shopping experience. The stated of Omni-channel Retailing & Brand Strategic
challenges aim to illustrate which obstacles a retailer Management to impulse consumer buying. As
should expect to encounter when implementing Brand Strategic Management consists of Brand
an Omni-channel strategy. This model will form the Audit, Identity, Strategy, Implementation, Equity
basis of the analysis and will be revised according and Valuation as follows ;
to the empirical findings in the end. Brand Strategic Management & Omni-channel
Retailing Concept
Brand Strategic Management The Brand Strategic Management model
Branding is the driver of a successful Business describes a six-step model for building managing
Strategy. Brand Strategic Management is essential if and evaluating strong brand for Omni-channel
a firm wants to achieve sustained success, especially retailing. It support firm’s owner and management
when competition is increasingly intense and team to focus process and effort in the right
product differentiation (Roll , 2015).This situation is direction in building strong brand to Omni-channel
observed in many parts of the world and in many retailing to impulse consumer buying.
product categories, and has led too often to the New Knowledge: is the contemporary article
commoditization of markets, in which pricing is the which integrate Brand Strategic Management
only rule of the game. Branding is one way out of Concept and Omni-channel retailing to enhance
commoditization and its consequent profit erosion. each other.
It is a process requiring long-term commitment, and Therefore, firm will have six-steps of concepts
profits need to be sacrificed in the short term in to explain.
order to build a strong brand. At one end of the • Benefit: Brand Strategic Management will
brand building spectrum is the physical product and drive to increase customer traffic, prospects, sales
service with its tangible descriptors, and at the other and brand image. Concurrently Omni-channel
end the intangible descriptors, with associations and will enhance brand image for instance, Apple and
perceptions linked to the values and personalities Amazon, both of them have on/offline stores for
of the brand in the minds of consumers. Demonstrates sales and drive brand image.
the usefulness of the traditional marketing model • Differentiation: both Brand Strategic
in developing e-commerce marketing strategies. Management and Omni-channel retail will be
Discusses four e-commerce frameworks and integrates mutual benefit each other.
them with the traditional marketing model (product, The six step concepts are as follows;
price, promotion, and distribution) to develop a
complete framework. Discusses how the e-commerce 1. Brand Audit & Omni-channel retailing
strategies could be applied to a real company using Brand Audit is to provide the management
the integrated model.(Allen, Eric and Fjermestad, with an overall analysis of the brand from internal
Jerry (2001)) and external sources. By carrying out the brand


audit, companies can obtain several by their own channel organically.
Benefits for Omni channels. Brand Audit • Alliance Growth Strategy. Growing with your
elements for Omni-channel retailing consist of alliances or business partner or joint – venture
company, customers, competitors and stakeholders. company.. For instance, we sell Omni channel to
• Benefit: It can audit SWOT Analysis on Brand distributor, dealers etc..
& Omni – channel retailing portfolio, evaluate • Acquisition : growing by acquire other
gap in brand perception between shareholders Omni-channel brand strategically to make your
and stake holders. Therefore, it will drive strategy channel growth.
to impulse customer from the core (organization Depending on the life-cycle stage of the
structure) of firms companies and their brands,companies can select
• Differentiation : Formulate strategies that one or more strategies in combination to suit their
support them to out-of-the-box competition. needs and requirements as time progresses
• Benefit : to enlighten 3 brand strategy to
2. Brand Identity & Omni-channel retailing make brand growth for Omni channel.
The brand identity is the strategic charter that • Differentiation : this Brand Strategy differentiate
guides the channel and customers. It serves 2 main Omni-channel brand growth approaches. However,
objective 1. The identity guides all the strategic some firms utilize the mixed approaches.
decisions regarding the brand, 2. It provides customers
with a clear sense of what the brand stands for. 4. Brand Implementation & Omni-channel
They will serve Identity of Omni Channel clearer retailing
and identify Retail Brand Vision, Scope, Essence, The Brand Implementation will influence
Positioning and Personality. to Omni-channel retailing sales process as shown
• Benefit: corporate management can construct in below Touch Point Model (Venture Republic,
a brand identity for their brand which will direct 2015). It consists of Pre Sales, Sales, Post Sales and
company actions toward the objective of evoking Retention phases.
unique impressions in customers’ minds and This touch point model involve in both
building competitive advantage. Internal and External for Omni-channel retailing
• Differentiation: Brand identity can as follows;
differentiate the unique character of your • Internal: Training, workshop, HR and
Omni-channel brand from competitor and easier Communication.
to perceive brands. • External: Marketing Mix, Marketing
Communication, Association and alliances, Logo
3. Brand Strategy & Omni channel retailing and Design
Brand Strategy is the key essence to plan • Benefit: Do or die is the very challenging
for future to catch up market opportunities and if marketer spend time on Strategy without
challenge to Omni – channel retailing. It consists of implementation. Increasing sales result, brand
• Organic Growth Strategy. It means growing image and store traffics etc. are the key benefits


Figure 3: Touch Point Model (Source: Roll, 2015)

• Differentiation: Differentiate or die is not growth rate).

only differentiate strategy, but also the operation Based on the detailed analysis of brand
differentiation is very important for marketer to equity, it should be quite clear that brand equity is
increase Omni Channel performance both internal not just about top line growth but also the bottom
and external factors and monitor along the whole line. Although brand equity gives companies tools
Omni – channel sales process.. to measure the overall equity, the actual value of
a Omni Channel brand
5. Brand Equity & Omni-channel retailing • Benefit: measuring Omni-Channel Brand
Brand Equity is a set of assets (and liabilities) Performance .
linked to a brand’s name and symbol that adds • Differentiation: lesson learn after measuring
to(or subtracts from) the value provided by a can conduct new different winning strategies to win
product or service to a firm and/or that firm’s in Omni-channel retailing by brand equity tools.
customers. (Aaker, 1996). It’s the measurement for
Omni-channel retailing brand consisting of 6. Brand Valuation & Omni channel retailing
• Knowledge metrics (Brand Awareness and Brand valuation is the new tools to measure
Associations) Omni-channel retailing brand performance with
• Preference metrics (purchasing, usage, loyalty) 3 steps
• Financial metrics. (market share, premium • Financial analysis identifies and predicts
price, revenue, CLV (customer lifetime’s value) revenues and earnings from intangibles related to


channel portfolio. create brand identity by realizing target group
• Brand Contribution to assesses how much demand and co3mpetitive advantage .
the brand contributes to drive demand • Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Challenges:
• Brand Value : calculate the NPV (net present managing channel conflict and sales acceleration.
value) • Impulse to consumer buying: Channel brand
• Benefit: It will measure beyond brand meaning will ease on effective consumer
equity to measure on finance, sales and NPV. communication which influence positive consumer
• Differentiation: Omni-channel brand equity buying response.
is not enough. So we have to add “valuation” factor
to measure channel portfolio. 3.) Brand Strategy & Omni channel retailing
Implementing Omni-channel retailing brand
OPERATION on growth by organic, with business alliance and
Brand Strategic Management & Omni-channel / or M & A (merger & acquisition) after planning
Retailing Operation to Impulse Consumer Buying portfolio strategies.
This part we will explain six steps of • Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Motivators:
implementation of Brand Strategic Management driving growth base on customer centric and optimize
and Omni-Channel Management to align to on each channels with business alliances or M&A.
conceptual part in the previous section • Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Challenges:
managing channel conflict to drive sales and also
1.) Brand Audit & Omni-channel retailing operate Omni- channel sales consistently.
Company should implement in Brand Audit • Impulse on consumer buying : holistic
for Omni-channel from the 1st step on the high brand strategies will be classified to stimulate
level of organization, customers, competitors and higher brand awareness and sales growth,
stake holders
• Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Motivators: 4.) Brand Implementation & Omni-channel
by optimizing channel and process properly. retailing
• Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Challenges: Operating Omni – channel brand
Change management in organization , investing in implementation plan on internal organization
technology and managing channel conflict and also channel marketing mix operation, visual
• Impulse to consumer buying: Analyzing merchandising, brand design etc.
traffic, prospect and sales result. • Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Motivators:
Omni-channel brand implementation is one of
2.) Brand Identity & Omni-channel retailing the key success to serve customer need and
Implementing strong Omni-channel retailing operational excellence beyond competitors.
brand identity by long term brand planning to cover • Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Challenges:
visions personality with consistent brand exposure Operate channel marketing mix to increase sales
• Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Motivators: acceleration and minimize channel conflict.


• Impulse to consumer buying: Pre-sales/ Stage of Omni Channel Retailing consists of
Sales/Post-sales/Retention impulse loyalty. • Technological developments
• Changed customer shopping patterns
5.) Brand Equity & Omni-channel retailing • Customer centricity
Implementing to measure Omni-channel (Kersmark, Malin and Staflund, Linda (2015)
brand equity on knowledge, preference and finance Omni - Channel Retailing Jonkoping International
by regular report and pre & post sales research. Business School)
• Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Motivators :
to measure what customer perceive on brand, Five steps to e-commerce implementation success:
channel, demand, awareness and also explore 1.) Redefine competitive advantage
competitor information to benchmark 2.) Rethink to operate Business Strategy
• Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Challenges : 3.) Re-examine traditional business and
measuring return on investing technology, revenue model
organization after change, channel conflict or 4.) Reengineer the corporation and Website.
not, rate of return goods and consistency of 5.) Re-Invent customer services.
Omni – channel brand business model. (Source: Chung-Shing Lee, (2001))
• Impulse to consumer buying: Brand Touch
Point Model operate from pre-sales/sales/ CONCLUSION
post-sales/retention to stimulate sales and loyalty The purpose of this paper was to explore
via Omni-channel. the concept of Omni-Channel retailing and
BrandStrategic Management from concept to
6.) Brand Valuation & Omni channel retailing. operation in retail firms operation to impulse consumer
Assessing brand valuation by analyzing buyingwith 6 step on Brand & Omni-Channel
finance and return on sales, contribution and Retailing to accelerate sales, profit, traffic, brand
NPV (net present value) to management team. image etc.Here are the essence of this paper which
• Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Motivators : present in Figure4 and Table 1 as follows;
analyze Omni-channel brand valuation base The most important conclusion is that
on motivator factor base on customer demand, the deployment of lean and agile processes are
competitive advantage and very relevant for the dynamics and complexity
• Omni-channel Retailing and Brand Challenges: Omni-channel & brand operations, but that not much
analyze valuation on ROI (return on technology has been published about the implementation of
investment) , loss from channel conflict and lean and agile in marketing practice. The next step
improving on channel brand valuation. is to design and validate a measurement tool based
• Impulse on consumer buying : the higher on the conceptual model: the Agile Marketing
channel brand valuation the more buying Maturity Model. Besides this, it would be useful if
Furthermore, this paper add stage of Omni-Channel more academic research would be performed on
retailing and E-Commerce operation process. deployment of agile processes in the marketing,



Figure 4: Omni-Channel Retailing and Strategic Brand Management

(From Concept to Operation) (Source: Author’s own 2016)

Table 1: 6 Steps of Strategic Brand Management and Omni-channel Retailing Summary

Step Intergration Concept Implementation
1 Brand Audit Overall channel brand analysis implement channel brand on
+ Omni Channel organization,cusomers, competitors
and stakeholders
2 Brand Identity Channel brand strategic Long term brand exposure.
+ Omni Channel decision and meaning
3 Brand Strategy Channel brand organic/alliance/ Implementing to drive
+ Omni Channel acquisition strategies for growth business growth
4 Brand Implementation + Touch point model Operate channel marketing mix to
Omni Channel increase sales and minimize
channel conflict
5 Brand Equity A set of assets (liabilities) link To measure on channel brand
+ Omni Channel to channel brand name knowledge, preference and
6 Brand Valuation Measurement on Channel Adding analyzin on NPV
+ Omni Channel Brand on Finance, and ROI
Contribution and Value
(Source: Author’s own, 2016)

sales and service practice.(Hoogveld, Mike and The next challenging should be investigated
Koster, John M.D. (2016) ) by Quantitative & Qualitative Causal Research
Finally, the Integration of Omni-Channel Methodology to find relationship of Omni – Channel
Retailing and Brand Strategic Management will be Retailing and Brand Strategic Management to
huge benefit to business to impulse consumer impulse Consumer buying in each regions. We
buying to increase sales. It will be the modern should start with USA as representative of Western
efficiency tools according new Digital Industrial side and following by Japan as representative of
Revolution 4.0 which will apply to any industries. Eastern culture,


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