Racism in The Quran

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By Abdullah Al Araby
Jump to: Africa was not the Cradle of Islam Mohammed was not a Black Man Mohammed Owned Black Slaves What was Mohammed's Position on Freeing the Slaves? Islam Looked Down on Blacks Islam is not the Haven of Freedom and Equality

The color of one's skin has suddenly become relevant to religion. Muslim activists have been trying to convince African American citizens that Islam is the religion of the Black man, that Islam is African and that Mohammed was Black. Needless to say, Muslims only make these claims to Blacks; among Whites they take a different approach! Knowing that these are well thought-out falsifications, intended only to draw Blacks towards Islam, I felt compelled to set the facts straight. Nothing in this article is meant to lend approval to this racial approach. If we are to accept or reject Islam, it should be based on Islam's own merits, rather than color or origin.

Africa was not the Cradle of Islam Islam was born in the 7th century, in the Arabian Peninsula, which is part of the continent of Asia. Yellow Asia and Black Africa are separated by the Red Sea. Here, we are talking about two different continents and two different peoples. Islam went to Africa relatively recently, and is not the predominant religion there. African Americans were most likely either Christians or Animists at the time they were brought to America.

Christianity has been present in Africa since the first half of the first century. St. Mark, the writer of the Gospel of Mark was a North African Jew who preached the Gospel to Egypt. From there, Christianity spread all over North Africa, and to the south of Egypt's borders. The Eastern church raised to the level of sainthood many Africans, St. Moses the Black from Egypt and St. Tekla Himanote the Ethiopian and others. One of the teachers and prophets in the early church, Simeon, was an African from Niger in west Africa (Acts 13:1) Eastern Africa was converted to Christianity through the ministry of a cabinet member of Queen Candace of Ethiopia who was baptized by St. Philip, one of the seven deacons in the early church (Acts 8:26 - 40).

Mohammed was not a Black Man Mohammed was an Asian-Arab. You can't confuse an AsianArab with a Black- African. There are numerous evidences that Mohammed was actually white. The space limitation will allow us to mention only a few: In Sahih Al Bukhary vol. 1 no. 63, we read "while we were sitting with the Prophet, a man came and said, "who amongst you is Mohammed?" We replied, "this white man reclining on his arm..." In volume 2 Hadith no. 122 refers to Mohammed as a "white person" and in vol. 2 Hadith no. 141 we are told that when Mohammed raised his arms, "the whiteness of his armpits became visible."


Mohammed Owned Black Slaves Mohammed owned several black slaves. Ibn Qayyim alJawziyya relies heavily on the prophet's biographies written by great ancient scholars. Therefore, he is regarded by Muslims as an authority, a primary source and a leader among the students of Islamic religion. This scholar tells us in his book, "Zad alMa'ad" (part 1, pp. 114-116), the following: "These are the names of Muhammad's male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, 'Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad'am, Karkara, Abu Rafi', Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu' Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran." Even in modern times, in Saudi Arabia the homeland of Islam, the common word for "Black" is "Abd" meaning slave.

What was Mohammed's position on freeing the slaves? In one instance , a man freed a slave that he kept as a sexual partner. When Mohammed heard what happened, he auctioned the boy and sold him for 800 derhams to Na-eem Ebn Abdullah Al- Nahham. (Sahih Moslem vol. 7, page 83) According to Mohammed, the punishment for committing adultery is different between a free man, a free woman and a slave-woman. The man is to be flogged one-hundred stripes

and be exiled for one year. The free woman must be stoned to death. But the slave-woman (since she has a monetary value) will not be exiled or killed, she is to be flogged one-hundred stripes. If the violation is repeated, the slave-woman is to be sold.(Sahih Al Bukhary vol. 8:821 & 822)

Islam Looked Down on Blacks Islam is a religion, whose sacred Scriptures contain explicit denigrating remarks about Black people. Mohammed referred to Blacks as "raisin heads". (Sahih Al Bukhary vol. 1, no. 662 and vol. 9, no. 256). In another Hadith, Mohammed is quoted as saying that Blacks are, "pug-nosed slaves". (Sahih Moslem vol. 9 pages 46 and 47).

Islam is not the Haven of Freedom and Equality Even if we wrongly assume that Islam started in Africa and that its Prophet was a black man, this still wouldn't in itself be a good reason for Blacks to adopt Islam. Nor would it be a good reason for Whites to adopt Islam just because Mohammed was white. We have to look at Islam itself. I wouldn't want to be a Muslim because Islam is anti freedom, which is one issue so close to the hearts and minds of African Americans, considering the inequities they have suffered in their past.

One thing Islam does not believe in is freedom of religion. If Islam takes over America there wouldn't be a choice of religion. The Quran states: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost".(Surah 3:85) Many of the teachings of Islam are incompatible with progress. Neither are they compatible with human rights, civil rights or constitutional rights. Here are a few examples of the teachings of Islam: Men are superior to women. (Surah 2:228) Women have half the rights of men: In court witness. (Surah 2:282) In inheritance. (Surah 4:11) A man may beat his wife. (Surah 4:34) A man may marry up to four wives at the same time (Surah 4:3) Muslims must fight until their opponents submit to Islam. (Surah 9:29) A Muslim must not take a Jew or a Christian for a friend.(Surah 5:51) A Muslim apostate must be killed.(Surah 9:12) Stealing is punished by the amputation of the hands. (Surah 5:38) Adultery is punished by public flogging. (Surah 24:2) No separation between Church and State. (Surah 2:193) No opposition party allowed. (Surah 4:59)

My fellow African-American: Muslims don't care for your skin color, they are only using that to gain control over you. For if Muslims really care for Africans, why are African Muslims kidnapping their African Christian brothers these days in Sudan, butchering the weak and selling the healthy as slaves? (see State Dept. report: News Network International; May 26,1993) Consider, on the other hand, that Jesus Christ came to give us eternal life, where everybody stands equal in the sight of God. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus". Galatians 3:28 The difference between Islam and the teachings of Jesus Christ is great. The choice is clear, the choice is yours.

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Black Muslims
Say it loud. "Im Black and Im proud not to be Muslim"
They chase "fairy tales", and while doing this, they give up their salvation through Jesus, the only Son of the Father, which generations of their wise black forefathers bequeathed them. Islam rejects Jesus and His atonement for our sins. Islam lies by saying that Jesus never even died on a cross. One of the most bizarre manifestations of African-American pride is its contemporary identification with Islam. The Nation of Islam (Black Muslim movement) plays on the racism against black people by white people hence you hear them use terms like "white devils", etc. The Muslim Hadith says Muhammad was a white man, so Black Muslims

actually serve Islamic whites, even though they speak against whites.

Meanwhile, the Muslim Hadith says the following about blacks: Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin." (Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 89, Number 256) Hadith; vol.9:162,163: Muhammad warned that dreams of black women meant disease was forthcoming. Black Muslims today are so uninformed that they don't even understand that Muhammad had many black slaves and called them raisin heads (Hadith vol.1:662, vol.9:256 ) Muslims are told that Africans annoy the Prophet (Ishaq 243), have hearts grosser than a donkey (Surah 9:61) and that blacks should be left to die if injured, and should be denied intercession and entrance to heaven (Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 52, Number 137). Yet and still Louis Farrakan and his followers will tell us the lie that Christianity is the white man's religion. Jesus came for all regardless of color, but Black Islam is especially designed just to lead Black folks to hell! It was the peaceful Christian's in America who stopped all slavery here. Who really is Allah? The Qur'an (Koran) says that Allah desires to lead people astray (Qur'an Sura 6:39, 126). He does not help those who are led astray by him (Sura 30:29), and Allah desires to use them to populate hell (Sura 32:13). The story goes that in 1930 Allah appeared to the people of Detroit in the form of a mysterious man named Fard. Allahs human form seemed to be of African and Arab descent and claimed to have been born in Mecca, a descendent of the prophet Muhammad. He preached a message of racial identity and claimed that Islam was the true religion of the black people of America before they were robbed of it by the White man. In fact, Fard was really just a small-time conman named Wallace Dodd Ford, who served three years in San Quentin for drug-dealing. He drifted into Detroit at a time when many African-Americans were beginning to form racial identity groups around charismatic personalities such as Marcus Garvey. Of course, race consciousness was hardly just a black thing at the time, as the 1920s were also when Ku Klux Klan influence peaked in America. Interestingly, Ford was neither of African or Arab descent, as he claimed. He was a mix of European and Polynesian. But he did recognize an opportunity when he saw one, and the street preacher soon built up quite a following among those who could appreciate an overtly racist theology that persists to this day in spite of its zaniness.

According to Ford, and his Nation of Islam, Africans were the original and only people of the world (divine and uncorrupted) before whites were invented by an evil scientist named Yakub in a malicious experiment with tragic consequences. Islam is the true religion, and, at some point, a spaceship will be sent by Allah to eliminate the white people from the earth. Another sad aspect of Black Muslims is that many African-Americans are drawn to Islam out of racial pride, thinking that there is some sort of association with Africa. Muslim evangelicals in the black communities and in prisons often play this up in an attempt to persuade the gullible into rejecting Christianity as the white mans religion. In the First place, Christianity in Africa predates Islam by almost 600 years. Christian missionaries were on the African continent within two decades of the Crucifixion. Secondly, unlike Christianity, Islam had no interest in missionary hospitals or the poor. Arab contact with Black Africa was for one purpose only, plain and simple. That same is as it is now: slavery. The awful truth is that Arabs ravaged Africa for more than 1000 years before Europeans ever got their hands on black slaves. These black Muslim slaves died from over work and lived in squalor. By contrast, the four million slaves brought to America over the course of 200 years managed to leave the most prosperous group of African descendents on the planet. Orthodox Islam does not want to be identified with the Black Muslim movement in America. It is seen as heretical and is not considered part of Islam. For those black people who have ears to hear, the Bible holds the answer to life and death. According to Scripture, death is a journey either to heaven or to hell. All men have sinned against God and are under His judgment; but Jesus Christ, the only begotten (not made) Son of God, suffered and died in the sinners place on Calvary. The sinner that repents and puts his Faith and trust in Christ is forgiven and justified before God, but the sinner that dies without a saving relationship with Christ will bear his own punishment for all of eternity in a place the Bible describes as the lake of fire. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36

Figure the Odds Over 300 Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled Near Death Experiences Real Miracles and Angel Visits Real Angel Visit to a Muslim in Iran

Read Muhammad, Terrorist of Prophet? See the Hand of Hope: Abortion The Exodus Happened See Chariot Wheels found in the Red Sea

The Bukhari Hadiths of Islam

July 2007 version Hundreds of thousands of hadiths (traditions) allegedly speak of the teachings and actions of Mohammed and his close followers. Six collections of hadiths are considered "sahih" or authentic and authoritative by Sunni Muslims. They are regarded by them as almost as important as the Quran itself. The longest is the nine volume Sahih al-Bukhari, which contains 7275 Hadiths. The rest of this paper consists of quotes from Bukharis collection that both Muslim and nonMuslim readers might find interesting. These quotes are taken from The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English by Dr. Muhammad Mushin Khan, Islamic University, Medina Al-Munawwara in Saudi Arabia.

No Worship of Mohammed
"Then Abu Bakr recited the Tashah-hud (i.e. none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Mohammed is Allahs Apostle)... Abu Bakr said, Amma badu, whoever amongst you worshipped Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead, but whoever worshipped Allah, Allah is alive and will never die. Allah said: Muhammad is no more than an Apostle" Bukhari vol.2:333 p.188-189. Yet Muslims had a very high regard for Mohammed. "By Allah, whenever Allahs Apostle spitted, the spittle would fall in the hand of one of the (i.e. the Prophets companions) who would rub it on his face and skin; if he ordered them they would carry out" his orders immediately; if he performed ablution, they would struggle to take the remaining water; and when they spoke to him, they would lower their voices and would not look at his face constantly out of respect." Bukhari vol.3:891 p.564-565.

No Intoxicating Drinks
"Narrated Aisha [a wife of Mohammed] The Prophet said, All drinks that produce intoxication are Haram (forbidden) to drink." Bukhari vol.1:243 p.153. "Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, An adulterer, at the time he is committing illegal sexual intercourse is not a believer; and a person, at the time of drinking an alcoholic drink, is not a believer; and a thief, at the time of stealing is not a believer" Bukhari vol.7:484 p.339. Muslims are also forbidden to sell wine, idols, and pork. Sahih Muslim vol.3:3840 p.828-830. They cannot buy, sell, or carry wine. Ibn-i-Majah vol.4:3380-3381 p.493-494; vol.4:3382 p.494. Selling alcohol is forbidden in Bukhari vol.1:449 p.267.

Did Mohammed Show the Moon Split in Two?

"The demand of the pagans to the Prophet to show them a miracle. The Prophet showed them the splitting of the moon. Narrated Abdullah bin Massud: During the lifetime of the Prophet the moon was split into two parts and on that the Prophet said, Bear witness (to this)." Bukhari vol.4 ch.26 and vol.4:830 p.533. "Narrated Anas that the Meccan people requested Allahs Apostle to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon." Bukhari vol.4:831 p.533. "Narrated Ibn Abbas: The moon was split into two parts during the lifetime of the Prophet." Bukhari vol.4:832 p.534.

Stars Are to Hit Devils?

"The creation of these stars is for three purposes, i.e. as decoration of the sky, as missiles to hit the devils, and as signs to guide travellers. So, if anybody tries to find a different interpretation, he is mistaken and just wastes his efforts..." Bukhari vol.4 ch.3 before no.421 p.282.

Abu Hurairas Memory

"Narrated Abu Huraira: I said, O Allahs Apostle! I hear many narrations from you but I forget them. He said, Spread your covering sheet. I spread my sheet and he moved both his hands as if scooping something and emptied them in the sheet and said, Wrap it. I wrapped it round my body, and since the I have never forgotten a single Hadith." Bukhari vol.4:841 p.538. Also Bukhari vol.9:452 p.332; vol.1:119 p.89.

Where Does Satan Sleep?

"Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, If anyone of you rouses from sleep and performs the ablution [ritual washing], he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice, because Satan has stayed in the upper part of his nose all night."(1) Footnote (1) says, "We should believe that Satan actually stays in the upper part of ones nose, though we cannot perceive how, for this is related to the unseen world of which we know nothing except what Allah tells us through His Apostle." Bukhari vol.4 no.516 p.328.

Believing Mohammed When Flies Are Around

"Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease." Bukhari vol.4:537 p.338. "If a fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure (antidote for the disease)(1). Footnote (1) says "See [Bukhari] Hadith no.673 vol.7th (for details)" Bukhari vol.4:531prior p.335. See also Abu Dawud vol.3:3835 p.1080. Almost all modern medical doctors, if they are not Muslim, would laugh at deliberately dipping a fly in your drink. "Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Apostle said, If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it (into the vessel) and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing (1) (antidote for it) i.e. the treatment for that disease." Bukhari vol.7:673 p.452-453. Footnote (1) says, "Medically it is well known now that a fly carries some pathagens on some parts of its body as mentioned by the Prophet (before 1400 years. approx. when the humans knew very little of modern medicine.) Similarly Allah created organisms and other mechanisms which kill these pathagens e.g. penicillin Fungus kills pathogenic organisms like Staphalococci and others etc. Recently experiments have been done under supervision which indicate that a fly carries the disease (pathagens) plus the antidote for those organ-isms. Ordinarily when a fly touches a liquid food it infects the liquid with its pathogens, so it must be dipped in order to release also the antidote for those pathogens to act as a counter balance to the pathogens. Regarding this subject I also wrote through a friend of mine to Dr. Muhammad M. El-SAMAHY chief of Hadith Dept. in Al-Azhar University CAIRO (Egypt) who has written an article upon this Hadith and as regards medical aspects he has mentioned that the microbiologists have proved that there are longitudinal yeast cells living as parasites inside the belly of the fly and these yeast cells in order to repeat their life-cycle protrude through respiratory tubules of the fly and if the fly is dipped in liquid, these cells burst in the fluid and the content of those cells is an antidote for the pathogens which the fly carries."

Mohammed Was Not Sinless

"Narrated Abu Huraira: ... What do you say in the pause between Takbir and recitation? The Prophet said, ... O Allah! Set me apart from my sins (faults) as the East and West are set apart from each other and clean me from sins as a white garment is cleaned of dirt (after thorough washing). O Allah! Wash off my sins with water, snow and hail." Bukhari vol.1:711 p.398. See also Sura 40:55; 48:1-2, and Bukhari vol.1:7,19,781; vol.6:3; vol.8:319, vol.8:407 prior.

Once Mohammed Was Bewitched

"Narrated Aisha: Magic was worked on the Prophet so that he began to fancy that he was doing a thing which he was not actually doing. One day he invoked (Allah) for a long period and then said, I feel that Allah has inspired me as how to cure myself...." Bukhari vol.4:490 p.317. See also vol.4:400 p.267, vol.8:89 p.5657, vol.8:400 p.266-267. vol.7:658-660 p.441-443. Also see Sahih Muslim vol.2:1888 p.411 Mohammed was bewitched. Narrated Aisha: The Prophet continued for suchand-such a period imagining that he has had sexual relation with his wife, and in fact he had not. One day he said, to me, "O Aisha! Allah has instructed me regarding a matter about which I had asked Him. There came to me two men, one of them sat near my feet and the other near my head. The one near my feet, asked the one near my head (pointing at me), What is wrong with this man? The latter replied, He is under the effect of magic. The first one asked, Who has worked magic on him? The other replied, Lubaid bin Asam." The first one asked, What material (did use?). The other replied The skin of the pollen of a male date tree with a comb and the hair stuck to it, Kept under a stone in the well of Dharwan." Then the Prophet went to that well and said, "This is the same well which was shown to me in the dream. The tops of its datepalm trees look like the heads of the devils, and its water looks like the Henna infusion."Aisha added, "(The magician) Lubaid bin Asam was a man from Bani Zuraiq, an ally of the Jews." Bukhari vol.8:89 p.57 See also Bukhari vol.8:400 p.266

The Daughters of Allah

In Arabia before Mohammed, the Quaraysh, Mohammeds tribe, believed in a god named Allah (or AlIlah) who had three daughters, named Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. "Narrated Urwa, ... concerning the Ansar who used to assume Ihram for worshipping an idol called Manat which they used to worship at a place called Al-Mushallal..." Bukhari vol.2:706 p.413. "This verse was revealed in connection with the Ansar who used to assume the Ihram for the idol Manat which was put beside a place called Qudaid..."Bukhari

vol.3:18 p.11. Al-Lat, Al-Uzza are mentioned in Bukhari. vol.8:314 p.209; vol.5:375 p.259

Cancelled Verses of the Quran

"Then Allah revealed to us a verse that was among the cancelled ones later on." Bukhari vol.5:416 p.288. "Narrated Anas bin Malik: ... There was revealed about those who were killed at Bir-Mauna a Quranic Verse we used to recite, but it was cancelled later on. The verse was: Inform our people that we have met our Lord. He is pleased with us and He has made us pleased." Bukhari vol.4:69 p.53. See also the History of al-Tabari vol.7 p.156. Other references to cancelled verses are Bukhari vol.4:57 p.45, Bukhari vol.4:299 p.191, Bukhari vol.5:416 p.288, and Bukhari vol.5:421 p.293 all repeat the same thing about the same verse. At one time Mohammed compromised and said concerning the daughters of Allah in Sura 53:19 that "their intercession was to be hoped for." In other words, Mohammed said we should hope for the help of these three idols. Mohammeds followers were amazed that he said this. Later, Mohammed changed his tune and said Satan had deceived him. These verses were abrogated or taken out. Muslim scholars call these the "satanic verses." It is interesting to read Muslim explanations for how a true prophet could say this.

Contrast with Jesus

One thing Christians and most Muslims agree upon is that Jesus was sinless. For comparison, read of Jesus life in the Gospels.

Mohammed Sold A Slave

"Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allahs Apostle was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha, and he was driving the camels..." Bukhari vol.8:182 p.117. "Narrated Anas: ... And Anjashah, the slave of the Prophet [Mohammed], was driving their camels..." Bukhari vol.8:221 p.142. "Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah: A man amongst us declared that his slave would be freed after his death. The Prophet called for that slave and sold him(1) The

slave died the same year." The footnote for (1) says "The liberator was needy, so the Prophet sold the slave for him, permitting him to cancel his promise of freeing the slave after his death." Bukhari vol.3:711 p.427. "Then a man called Rifaa bin Zaid ... presented a slave named Midam to Allahs Apostle" Bukhari vol.8:698 p.455. "The Sale of Mudabbar (i.e. a slave who is promised by his master to be manumitted [freed] after the latters death). Narrated Jabir: The Prophet sold a Mudabbar (on behalf of his master who was still living and in need of money)." Bukhari vol.3:433 & prior p.238. "An Ansari man made his slave a Mudabbar and he had no other property than him. When the Prophet heard of that, he said (to his companions), Who wants to buy him (i.e. the slave) for me? Nuaim bin An-Nahham bought him for eight hundred Dirhams." Bukhari vol.8:707 p.464. "If somebody beats a slave, he should spare his face." Bukhari vol.3 before no.734 p.440. "Narrated Ammar: I saw Allahs Apostle and there was none with him but five slaves, two women, and Abu Bakr (i.e. those were the only converts to Islam then)." Bukhari vol.5:12 p.8. "The virtues of Zaid bin Haritha, the freed slave of the Prophet" Bukhari vol.5 ch.18 before no.77 p.57. "He [Ibn Az-Subair] sent her [Aisha] ten slaves whom she manumitted [freed] as an expiation for (not keeping) her vow. Aisha manumitted more slaves for the same purpose till she manumitted forty slaves. She said, I wish I had specified what I would have done in case of not fulfilling my vow when I made the vow, so that I might have done it easily."(1) Footnote (1) says, "Aisha did not specify what she would do if she did not keep her promise, this is why she manumitted so many slaves so that she might feel at ease as to the adequacy of her expiation." Bukhari vol.4:708 p.465. "And Ata disliked to look at those slave girls who used to be sold in Mecca unless he wanted to buy." Bukhari vol.8:246 p.162.

Sex with Slaves and Captives

"Can one travel with a slave-girl without knowing whether she is pregnant or not? Al-Hasan found no harm in her masters kissing or fondling with her.

Ibn Umar said, If a slave-girl who is suitable to have sexual relations is given to somebody as a gift, or sold or manumitted [freed], her master should not have sexual intercourse with her before she gets one menstruation so as to be sure of absence of pregnancy, and there is no such necessity for a virgin. Ata said, There is no harm in fondling with ones pregnant (1) slave-girl without having sexual intercourse with her. Allah said: Except with their wives and the (women captives) whom their right hands possess (for in this case they are not to be blamed)." Footnote (1) says, "Pregnant from another man, not her present master." Bukhari vol.3 ch.113 after no.436 p.239-240. (Same Ata as previous.) "Narrated Abu Saiid Al-Khudri that while he was sitting with Allahs Apostle he said, Oh Allahs Apostle We get female captives as our share of booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus? [a sexual practice] The Prophet said, Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it, No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence." Bukhari vol.3:432 p.237. "Narrated Ibn Muhairiz: I entered the Mosque and saw Abu Said Al-Khudri and sat beside him and asked him about Al-Azl (i.e. coitus interruptus). Abu Saiid said, We went out with Allahs Apostle for the Ghazwa [battle] of Banu AlMustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interruptus, we said, How can we do coitus interrupts before asking Allahs Apostle who is present among us? We asked (him) about it and he said, It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul till the Day of Resurrection is predestined to exist, it will exist." Bukhari vol.5:459 p.317. This says the same as Bukhari vol.8:600 p.391. In other words, what will be will be, so do not stop unnaturally part way. Mohammad never criticized sexually molesting captives or slaves that a man owns.

Aisha and Zainab bint Jahsh

"Narrated Hishams father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old." Bukhari vol.5:236 p.153. See vol.5:234 p.152. Zainab bint Jahsh was married to Mohammeds adopted son, until Mohammed spoke the Sura that she was to divorce his son and marry Mohammed. Zainab "used to boast before the other wives of the Prophet and used to say, Allah married me (to the Prophet) in the Heavens." Bukhari vol.9:517 p.382. Also no.516,518 p.381-383. In other words in the eternally existing uncreated Quran in heaven, Zainabs marriage was mentioned.

Islam and Women

"How does anyone of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then he may embrace (sleep with) her? And Hisham said, As he beats his slave." Bukhari vol.8:68 p.42. "Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Apostle said, Treat women nicely, for a woman is created from a rib, and the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion so, if you should try to straighten it, it will break; but if you leave it as it is, it will remain crooked. So treat women nicely." Bukhari vol.4:548 p.346. "Narrated Abdullah bin Qais Al-Ashari: The Prophet said, A tent (in Paradise) is like a hollow pearl which is thirty miles in height and on every corner of the tent the believer will have a family that cannot be seen by the others." Bukhari vol.4:466 p.306. "And Ata disliked to look at those slave girls who used to be sold in Mecca unless he wanted to buy." Bukhari vol.8:246 p.162.

Women In the Eyes of Islamic Law

"Narrated Abu Saiid Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, Isnt the witness of a woman equal half of that of a man? The women said, Yes. He said, This is because of the deficiency of the womans mind." Bukhari vol.3:826 p.502. "he [Mohammed] said, Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler." Bukhari vol.9:220 p.171.

Temporary Marriage
"Narrated Ali bin Abi Talib: On the day of Khaibar, Allahs Apostle forbade the Muta (i.e. temporary marriage) and the eating of donkey meat." Bukhari vol.5:527 p.372. Bukhari vol.7:50,52 p.36,37 also discuss temporary marriage. Most but not all Sunni Muslims do not practice temporary marriages, while many Shiite Muslims feel free to do so.

Race Relations
"Narrated Anas : The Prophet said, Listen and obey (your chief) even if an Ethiopian whose head is like a raisin were made your chief." Bukhari vol.1:662 p.375 (also Ibn-i-Majah vol.4:2860 p.196) Bukhari vol.1 no.664 p.376 says the same, except narrated by Anas bin Malik. As mentioned before, Mohammed was a slave owner, who owned at least one black slave. (Bukhari vol.6:435 p.407, vol.9:368 p.275) Mohammed sold two black slaves to free another slave who had become a Muslim in Ibn-i-Majah vol.4:2869 p.202.

Allah Deceives/Tricks!
"...and then only this nation (i.e., Muslims) will remain, including their hypocrites. Allah will come to them in a shape other than they know and will say, I am your Lord. They will say, We seek refuge with Allah from you. This is our place; (we will not follow you) till our Lord comes to us, and when our Lord comes to us, we will recognise Him. Then Allah will come to them in a shape they know and will say, I am your Lord. They will say, (no doubt) You are our Lord, and they will follow Him." Bukhari vol.8:577 p.375. Bukhari vol.9:532 p.395-396 says the same thing. See also Sahih Muslim vol.1:349 p.115. Now one Muslim observed that the word "deceive" is not present in the quote, Allah did not speak any lying words, and this occurs in Heaven, not on earth. However, it is not required that the word "deceives" be used to deceive people, as when Allah impersonated one who is not Allah. Those who believed Allahs words when Allah chose to be in this false shape go to Hell. If this is not deception, then what is? We can all agree that this hadith teaches that at a future time Allah will deliberately misrepresent himself to Muslims in a "shape other than they know". What is Allahs shape? I have not (yet) heard a Muslim say, but here is what Bukhari vol.9:532 p.396 tells us. "When there remain only those who used to worship Allah (Alone), both the obedient ones and the mischievous ones, [and they will say] and now we are waiting for our Lord. Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than that which they saw the first time, and He will says, I am your Lord, and they will say, You are not our Lord. And none will speak to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him? They will say, The Shin, and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him and there will remain those who used to prostrate before Him just for showing off and for gaining good reputation. These people will try to prostrate but their backs will be rigid like one piece of a wood (and they will not be able to prostrate). Then the bridge will be laid across Hell," So, despite what Muslims today might say, Bukhari says that Allah will have a true physical form in Heaven, and Allah himself will also appear to Muslims in a false physical form, as sort of a temptation to them. In contrast, James 1:13 says, "When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone." "... and whoever sees me [Mohammed] in a dream, he surely sees me, for Satan cannot impersonate me (appear in my figure). And whoever intentionally ascribes something to me falsely, he will surely take his place in the (Hell) Fire." Bukhari vol.8:217 p.139-140. (also Sahih Muslim vol.4:5635-5639 p.1225-1226)

So the hadiths says that nobody can impersonate Mohammed, but Allah himself will impersonate someone who is not Allah. On-line versions of the Bukhari hadiths are at http://cwis.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/ and www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/

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Two Sets of Muslim Scriptures: Which is Which?

As any non-Muslim what the Muslim Scriptures are and they will immediately tell you, the Koran (or Quran). Ask Muslims what are Islamic Scripture and you will get two answers: 1. The Koran 2. The Koran and Hadith

What may surprise you if you are a Westerner and live in a non-mulsim country, is to learn that the vast majority of Muslims believe in both the Koran and the Hadith and that both are equally inspired. Only a minority of Muslims are committed to the Koran alone.

THE POVENANCE OF THE KORAN AND TEXTUAL PROBLEMS All Muslims believe that not only is the Koran perfect but that their prophet, Muhammad, was perfect as well (Koran Suras 12:2; 13:37; 41:41,44). They also believe that is was originally written in heaven on a stone tablet and then transmitted to the prophet subsequently. So perfect is the Koran believed to be, that there are no variant readings whatsoever. Nothing has been lost, omitted, or changed, so that no conflicting manuscripts (MSS) exist. Many Muslims believe that an original Koran MS exists from which all Korans have been copied, and that the language in which it was written (Arabic) was flawless. Because the original language is without fault, no human being can render it into another language, so no other language is perfect enough. As literature, it is claimed, the Koran is also perfect (Sura 10:37-38). These fantastic claims are easily disproven. There are numerous grammatical errors (e.g. Suras 2:177,192; 3:59; 4:162; 7:160; 13:28; 20:66; 63:10). There are numerous incomplete sentences which cannot be properly understood without various aids such as commentaries. It contains both non-Arabic words and phrases (Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, Akkadian, Ethiopian, and

Persian) - at least 107 - as well as words that are given abnormal meanings. Adjectives and verbs are inflected without observance of the concords of gender and number. Illogically and ungrammatically applied pronouns which someties have no refenent abound. And predicates exist which in rhymed passages are often remote from the subjects (Ali Dashti, 23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Muhammad, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1985, p.48). The Koran therefore contradicts its own claim to be written perfectly. And since, it is claimed, that Allah wrote it in heaven and Muhammad simply copied it, we are forced to the conclusion that Alah is not perfect ... or that it was, in fact, written de novo by Muhammad Himself. The over one hundred Koranic aberations from the normal rules and structure of Arabic are known to exist. The claim that the Koranic MSS are without variants is also false. In Sura 2 alone, there are over 140 conflicting and variant readings (Arthur Jeffrey, Material for the History of the Text of the Quran). All Muslim and Western scholars admit this. And many of the variants alter the meaning of the text substantially. There are even missing verses. In the days of Ayesha, one Sura originally had 200 verses. But by the time of Uthman, 127 verses had been lost leaving only 73 behind! To this day the Shiite Muslims claim that Uthman left of 25% of the original verses in the Koran for political reasons (McClintock & Strong, Cyclopedia, V:152). This is universally recognised. In response to the Muslim claim that the Koran is perfect, scholar John Burton has said: "The Muslim accounts of the history of the Quran texts are a mass of confusion, contradiction and inconsitencies" (Collection of the Quran, London, Cambridge University Press, 1977, p.231).

Like it or not, the Koran has been modified. A follower of Muhammad, Abdollah Sarh, made suggestions to Muhammad about rephrasing, adding to, or subtracting from the Suras, which he often did. Al Dashti explains: "Abdollah renounced Islam on the ground that the revelations, if from God, could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as he. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites" (Dashti, 23 Years, p.98).

Not surprisingly, then, that upon conquering Mecca one of the first people the Islamic prophet killed was Abdollah, for he knew too much and opened his mouth too often. Verses that conttradict the Muslim faith have been removed from the Koran. Best known of these are the "satannic verses" in which Muhammad approved the worship of the three goddesses, the daughters of Allah. Arabic scholar E. Wherry notes: "There being some passages in the Quran which are contradictory, the Muhammadan doctors obviate any objection from thence by the doctrine of abrogation; for they say that God in the Quran commanded several things which were for good reasons afterwards revoked and abrogated" (E.M.Wherry, A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran, p.110).

Not only has there been a systematic deletion of disjunctive verses but also addditions. For example, Ubai had several Suras in his MS of the Koran which Uthman omitted from his

standardised text. Thus there were Korans in circulation before Uthman's text which had additional revelations from Muhammad which Uthman did not like, and thus he chopped them out of his own text. There never was an "original Koran", no single manuscript (MS). Arthur Jeffery states: "Nothing is more certain than that when the Prophet died there was no collected body of revelation. The earliest strata of tradition available to us make is quite certain that there was no Quran left ready as a heritage for the community. The Prophet had proclaimed his messages orally, and, except in the later period of his ministry, whether they were recorded or not was often a matter of chance" (Jeffrey, Materials, pp.5-6. See also Caesar Farrar, Islam: Beliefs and Observations, New York, Barrons, 1987, p.28).

The Muslim claim that Muhammad compiled a complete Koranic MS before he died is pure mythology. There never was a single codex. That there couldn't have been is proved by the fact that while he was alive, Muhammad was continually adding new sayings to the earlier ones. The Koran as we have it was gathered together after his death. And they were gathered from bones, stones, palm leaves, tree bark and other materials on which the texts had been written, none of which exist today. The early versions of the Koran were in conflict with each other, some having more Suras than others, and some being worded differently. Yet Muslims claim that the original MSS exist today. When challenged to produce them, there only answer that they give, viz. that they must. If there was an original, standard text, then why did Uthman have to standardise a common text if it was already in existence? Why did he destroy all the other MSS if there were no conflicting MSS? Why did he have to use the threat of death to force people to accept his text is everyone had the same text. And, finally, why did many people reject his text in favour of their own texts? These questions cannot be answered by Muslims. The fact that Uthman ordered all the older copies of the Koran destroyed reveals his fear that such copies would reveal that his own text was deficient either by addition to or subtraction from from what Muhammad actually said. And he was afraid that should the older MSS survive, they would undermine the message of Islam completely. But some of the older MSS have survived. If the Koran is so perfect then why were Hamzah ben-Ahed and Maslema able to write books against the Koran which so surpassed it that many Mussulman's defected from Islam? The dialect and vocabulary of the Koran is that of someone from the Quryash tribe living in the city of Mecca and not some superior, transcendant form of Arabic such as is Oxford English over the numerous dialects and voicalularies of common English. It bears the unmistakable mark of Muhammad himself. If it has been written in some kind of heavenly, perfect Arabic, the Koran would not have reflected a particular dialect and vocabulary - the dialect and vocabulary of a mortal human being and not some heavenly Allah.

WHAT THE KORAN SAYS ABOUT ITSELF? The very clear message of the Koran is that Muhammad uttered only one set of perfect teachings that are recorded in the Koran, that these alone are authoritative, and that he never taught anything else: "Had he (Muhammad) uttered any other teachings. We would have punished him. We would have stopped the revelations to him" (69:44-46). Allah says here that had the Prophet taught anything outside the Koran that he would have been punished. Everything that is in the Koran, according to the Koran, is the sum total of what Allah taught him. Muhammad, furthermore, was, we are told, to deliver (teach and propagate) the message of the Koran and do no more: "You (Muhammad) have NO duty EXCEPT DELIVERING the message" (42:48). "Your ONLY duty (Muhammad), is delivering, we will call them to account" (13:40). "The messenger has NO function EXCEPT delivery of the message" (5:99).

Any extra-Koranic teaching would therefore constitute a dereliction of his duty. As if to make the point, it is repeated three times. Why? Simply because the Koran is theological and practically self-sufficient: "We have revealed to you this book (KORAN) to provide EXPLANATIONS FOR EVERYTHING, and guidance, and mercy and good news for the submitters" (16:89).

Note the word "everything". Since the Koran covers "everything" then ipso facto there can't be any more, so no more revelation or teaching is needed. To underline the point, Allah says: "We did not leave anything out of this book (KORAN)" (6:38).

Are we still unsure?

"The word (KORAN) of your Lord (ALAH) is COMPLETE, in truth and justice" (6:115).

It is very important that all of this is remembered when we later come to consider the second book of Muslim scriptures, the Hadith. Let's summarise:

o o o

1. The Koran contains explanations of everything; 2. Nothing has been left out of it; and 3. The Koran is complete.

This threefold declaration by Allah is therefore, quite simply a canonical decree telling us that the Koran is all-sifficent and that nothing - no more teachings, explanations, etc. - are needed. Nothing at all. Not even the Bible makes such a claim for itself (even though many Christians twist Revelation 22:18-19 to mean just that). I have presented these facts to Islamic apologists who have run circles around them, saying that the Koran still needed to be explained and expounded, which the prophet and his successors have faithfully done. But that isn't what the Koran says. It goes one step further: "Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book (KORAN) FULLY DETAILED" (6:114).

If the Koran is "fully detailed", then no further explanation is required. If I give someone "full details" of something, nothing more can be given. He has the fullness of the details. And when something is full, nothing can be added. Therefore we must add a fourth point:

4. The Koran is fully detailed.

Islamic apologists sometimes quote the following in defence of more explanation and teaching: "O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and those of you who are in authority. If you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is better and more suitable for final determination" (4:59).

But to pit Sura 4:59 against the others is to say that the Koran contradicts itself, no less. In order to harmonise it with the previous Suras that have been quoted above, we are forced to admit that what is referred to in terms of obedience to Muhammad is the Koran,

no more and no less, for Muhammad was not permitted to teach anything beyond it without being punished. The doctrine of the Koran is, therefore, like some forms of extreme Protestantism. It is a totally self-sufficient book containing all truth in all detail. It requires neither teachers, Imams, Mullahs, or even Muhammad himself to say anything more. Anyone - whether Mullah, Imam, Ayatollah, or the Prophet himself - who adds one new teaching to it is therefore APOSTATE. Unfortunately, that makes not only the Prophet, Imams, Ayatollahs, and Mullahs apostate, but every Muslim who listens to them, as we shall see.

THE HADITH: A SECOND KORAN? Like it or not, the vast majority of Muslims consider the Hadith as equally sacred, inspired and authoritative as the Koran. The Hadith (meaning "Traditions") is a collection of early Muslim traditions - a bit like the writings of the Catholic fathers to the Catholic Church - which record the words and deeds of Muhammad according to his wives, family members, friends and Muslim leaders which are not usually found in the Koran. Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, Islamic scholar, is typical of the majority Muslim view when he states that "the custodian and repository of the original teachings of Islam" are found "above all in the Quran and the Hadith" (Introduction to Islam, p.250). To this he adds: "the Quran and the Hadith" are "the basis of all [Islamic] law" (p.163). The reason, according to this Muslim scholar that Muslims revere the Hadith as well as the Koran is that the Hadith is as divinely inspired as the Koran itself! He writes: "The teachings of Islam are based primarily on the Quran and the Hadith, and, as we shall presently see, both are based on divine inspiration" (p.23)

But wait! What did the Koran say about itself? Let us remind ourselves lest we forget:

o o o o

1. The Koran contains explanations of everything; 2. Nothing has been left out of it; 3. The Koran is complete; and 4. The Koran is fully detailed.

So why on earth is there any need for a set of traditions called Hadith? And yet, we learn they are indispensible! Muslim writer Hammudullah Abdalatati declares:

"All the articles of faith ... and based upon and derived from the teachings of the Quran and the Traditions [Hadith] of Muhammad" (Islam in Focus, The Muslim Association of Singapore, Singapore, 1991, p.21).

As we shall see, not only does the existence of the Hadith contradict what Allah claims in the Koran, but it contains some of the most absurd and insane teachings imaginable that only totally unthinking and brainwashed individuals could possible believe. Many of them are an accute embarrassment to Muslims who either go silent, defend them like mad zealots, or pretend they don't exist. Some of them are most degrading and perverse teachings I have ever heard that utterly demolish any pretense by Islam to be a moral religion. Unlike the Koran, the Hadith is enormous, consisting (in one translation) of nine volumes (Dr. Muhammad Mushin Khan, The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih AlBukhari (Kazi Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, 1979). The author writes in his introduction: "It has been unanimously agreed that Imam Bukhari's work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together. The authenticity of AlBukhari's work is such that the reliious learned scholars of Islam said concerning him: "The most authentic book after the Book of Allah [i.e. the Koran] is Sahih-AlBukhari" (p.xiv). "He only chose approximately 7,275 [Hadiths] of which there is no doubt of their authenticity. "[Allah] revealed to him the Glorious Quran and the Second Inspiration, i.e., his Traditions. "It is incumbent upon you to strive hard to do righteous deeds according to the traditions of Muhammad as is clearly expressed in his Hadith" (p.xvii).

How can there possibly be talk of a "second inspiration" when the Koran says there isn't one?! And yet the Hadith is so entranched in Islam that to detach it would be to alter the nature of Islam considerably. But let us ignore what the Koran says about anything outside its declared sufficiency and take a look at what the Hadith actually teach, since these are also the teachings of the author of the Koran. What do the Hadith tell us about the lofty spiritual teachings of Islam? Are they teachings that inspire? Are they superior to the moral and ethical teachings of Christianity or, as I believe, a call to reconstruct a primitive, unenlightened barbaric past? And what are we to learn about those few societies that have attempted to implement the Koran and Hadith in their fullness such as the Taliban rgime of Afghanistan, recently overthrown to the enormous relief or ordinary Muslim Afghans who know and care little about the "Traditions"? The Hadith is both the Muslim's dilemma and nightmare. It presents him as believing in the efficacy of drinking camel's urine and reveals the blissful state of women who in the Muslim paradise have, as their highest honour, the honour of serving as whores in all eternity for Muslim men who have become blue birds. We shall show in the material

follows that the Hadith is little more than the epitome of extreme religious catharsis and perversion. To defend Hadith means, for the Muslim, to defend the indefensible unless you believe that Taliban Afghanistan was Muslim Paradise The Hadith is a large work and contains much interresting detail about the pre-Islamic past. It contains the origin of many strange Muslin rituals which find no mention in the "complete" Koran. What is the Hadith's explanation for its own existence? Behind this enormous work is a singular force that expresses itself in the question: "What must I do to be forgiven by Allah and to be admitted to Paradise?" There are no vague generalities in this work. Muslims are told by Muhammad exactly what they must do, how to do it, and in what order to do it. There are, for example, precise ways in which one must urinate, where to urinate, and how to urinate. Break any of these urination laws and you forfeit Paradise and end up in Hell. Your salvation depends on how you urinate. The central theme of the Hadith is that without Allah's forgiveness, no one may enter into Paradise. Hellfire awaits those who do not gain Allah's favour. But to gain the acceptance and forgiveness of Islam's God is no easy manner. Forgiveness must be earned following an elaborate set of rules and rituals. One mistake can cost the devotee everything that has been achieved up to that point. No concept of salvation by grace exists.

THE TEACHINGS OF THE HADITH More than anything else, it was my encounter with the Hadith which persuaded me to give up any notion that Islam was a serious contender as the True Religion, the contradictions and errors of the Koran not withstanding. As we shall see as we study a selection of Hadith, only a complete imbecile could possibly take them seriously as teaching spiritual truth capable of improving the natural darkness of men's hearts.

Section I: Muhammad the Man The Koran says of the Prophet Muhammad: "The Prophet has a higher claim on the believers than [they have on] their own selves" (33:6).

This, I am sure will agree, is a powerful claim for it makes Muhammad something "more" than a mere human or even a "prophet". Muslims do not believer that Muhammad was a sinner like other mortals and is beyond criticism. He was, they believe, perfect. The Hadith tells us much about the character of the Prophet of Islam which is not to be found in the Koran. As such, then, the Hadith witness is important because it tells us

much about Allah's apostle. Was he the kind of man we should follow, whom we should concede a claim to our own seves because his is superior?

I:1 Muhammad the White Man The Hadith clearly states that Muhammad was a white man and it is stated so many times and in so many ways that it is quite obvious that the authors of the Hadith were deeply concerned less someone think that Muhammad was a black man. Hence the emphasis on the whiteness of the prophet of Islam. This may well come as a shock to the "Black Muslims" who have claimed that Islam is a black man's religion because Muhammad was a black man. Since Muhammad was a white man, then the Nation of Islam must be a "white man's religion"!

I:2 Muhammad, a White Devil? In numerous radio debates with Black Muslims in the USA, great surprise has greeted the revelation that the Hadith clearly states that Muhammad was a white man. But since they pay lip service to the inspiration of Hadith, in the end they are forced to submit to its authority. And indeed is "all white men are devils" as Elijah Muhammas and Louis Farrakhan have claimed, then Muhammad as Wallace Fard (all leaders of Nation of Islam) were "white devils"!

I:3 Jesus, a White Devil? The hadith even claims that Muhammad saw Yah'shua (Jesus) in a dream and that Yah'shua (Jesus) was a white man with straight hair (9:242). The Black Muslims will not be happy with this Hadith either because it means that Jesus was a white devil too!

I:4 The Hadithic Evidence In Vol.1, Hadith #63, we read: "While we were sitting with the Prophet in the Mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the Mosque, tied its foreleg and then said, "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us [his companions] leaning on his arm. We replied: "This white man reclining on his arm." The man then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib."" (1:63)

The Hadith refers to Muhammad as "a white person" (2:122) and we are told that when Muhammad raised his arms, "the whiteness of his armpits became visible" (2:141). And if that isn't enough, Anas "saw the whiteness of the penis of Allah's Prophet" (1:367). Why the obsession with "whiteness"? Does the Hadith imply that there is something wrong with black people?

I:5 Black People - Raisin Heads That question is easily answered by the Hadith for we know only too well what Muhammad's attitude was to dark-skinned people when he referred to them as "raisin heads" in two places (1:662; 9:256). This is not at all unlike the term of abuse a "bonehead" being used against rather stupid and arrogant people in the USA. Throughout the Hadith black people are referred to as "slaves". And if this isn't insulting enough to those of African descent, Muhammad felt that is someone dreamed of a black woman, that she was an evil omen of a coming epidemic of disease (9:162, 163).

I:6 Muhammad: A Slave Owner! When Umar bin Al-Khattab came to the home of Muhammad, he found that "a black slave of Allah's Apostle was sitting on the first step" (6:435). From this and other references in the Hadith, it is clear that Muhammad was a slave master and that he owned black slaves. As a matter of fact, in almost every instance in which black people are mentioned in the Hadith, they were personal slaves of Muhammad! This was in stark contrast to Yah'shua (Jesus) or Nazareth who did not own slaves but came to set men free. It is hardly suprising, in view of what the Hadith says about slavery, that for centuries Arab raiders along the coast and interior of Africa were trafficking in black slaves even before the apostate Christian Europeans continued the evil practice. Slavery has still not been entirely abolished from Islamic nations and today it is common for the Muslim Arabs of Sudan to make slaves of Christian and Animist blacks from the south.

I:7 The Short-Tempered Prophet In terms of personality, the Muslim Prophet was short-tempered and easily angered. When Muhammad heard of someone leading in prolonged prayers, the Hadith records: "I never saw the Prophet more furious in giving advice on that day" (1:90).

Since he claimed to be a "prophet", a man asked Muhammad where to find his lost camel. The Hadith records his reaction:

"The Prophet got angry and his cheeks or his face became red" (1:91).

I:8 Muhammad Despised Enquiring Minds The Prophet of Islam did not like anyone asking him questions about his claims to prophethood or revelation and went so far as to say: "Allah has hated you ... [for] asking too many questions" (2:555; 3:591).

How different is Yahweh, the Lord God of Israel. And what a contrast He is to the Muslim Allah, proving that the are not the same God. It is stated numerous times in the Bible that: "You are God, Ready to pardon, Gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, Abundant in kindness ..." (Neh 9:17; cp. Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2; Nahum 1:3) "Yahweh is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy" (Ps.103:8; cp. 145:8)

Even when he was asked questions, the Hadith records: "The Prophet was asked about things which he did not like, when the questioner insisted, the Prophet got angry" (1:92).

The wisdom literature in the Bible counsels: "A wrathful man stirs up strife, But he who is slow to anger allays contention" (Prov.15:18, NKJV). "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city" (Prov.16:32, NKJV) "The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory is to overlook a transgression" (Prov 19:11, NKJV).

What then does the true God - Yahweh-Elohim - think about those who bring questions about Him and His work? ""Come now, and let us reason together", says Yahweh" (Isa.1:18) "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil" (1 Thess. 5:21-22, KJV)

This tendency to rage tantrums was typical of Muhammad's unredeemed and uncontrolled personality. When those who asked questions "saw the [anger] on the face of the Prophet," they often withdraw their questions (1:92). Yet even this was enough. The internal contradiction of the man is revealed when the people rightfullt complained that he wanted them to accept what he said with no questions asked: "The Prophet told them repeatedly [in anger] to ask him anything they liked" (1:30).

I am reminded of the hypocrtisy and contradiction of the Mormon leaders like Brigham You who one day would say that noone had any right to question what he said, and on another that the people should test everything against the Scriptures. We see the same tendency in Muhammad. Finally the early Muslims learned it wasn't safe to ask anything and so remained quiet, a tendency in all unlightened religion from Roman Catholicism to Islam.

I:8 No Sense of Humour Muhammad had no sense of humour and did not permit anyone to joke about him or his doctrines. The Hadith (2:173) tells the story of one elderly who watched Muhammad and his disciples bowing and touching their foreheads to the dirt while reciting Surat-an-Najm. (The early Muslims prided themselves on their dirty foreheads - much as Hindus pride themselves in rubbing cow dung into their hair - and looked down on all other forms of prayer). When the old man saw their foreheads becoming dirty, as a joke, he picked up some dirt and put it to his own forehead and said, "This is sufficient for me." The old man was saying that if the improtant thing was to get dirt on your forehead when you pray, then it would be a lot easier to pick up some dirt and smear it on your forehead - ha! ha! But Muhammad was not amused by the old man or his joke. The Hadith records that the Muslims murdered the old man in cold blood! What cold, hard and callous religion is this that would do such a thing? Why not try to instead convince the old man of the error of his way? The reason is that he was right and "Allah" was offended.

I:9 Bitter and Vengeful And so we begin to see a pattern of uncontrolled passion and a murderous spirit so very, very different from the exalted morals of the New Testament revelation of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Yah'shua (Jesus) whom Muslims supposedly venerate as a Prophet, and the New Testament (Injil) which the Koran advocates Muslims to study,

taught that we should forgive our enemies and love those who despitefully use us. The whole moral tone is orders of magnitude higher than both the Koran and the Hadith. As we compare Muhammad who, according to Islam, was a greater prophet than Yah'shua (Jesus) and therefore the final Messenger to mankind, we discover that he was a bitter, vengeful man who had numetous people murdered when they got on his bad side. While Muhammad told others not to kill people when in Mecca and, in particular, not to kill people at the Kabah, when Muhammad heard that Ibn Khatal was taking refuge in the Kabah, he said: "Kill him." He was dragged out and butchered (3:72). One particular horrifying example of Muhammad's blood lust is found in the Hadith: "Allah's Prophet said, "Who will kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf as he has harmed Allah and his Apostle?" Muhammad bin Maslama [got up and] said, "I will kill him." They [Muhammad bin Maslama and his companions] came to him as promised and murdered him. Then they went to the Prophet and told him" (3:687).

I:10 Tribal Conflict Muhammad's demand that somebody murder for him sometimes caused problems amongst the tribes. On one occasion, when Aisha was only 15 years old, she was accused of adultery. According to her story as the Hadith records it (3:829), she had accidentally left her neckless behind when she went to answer the call of nature. When she went back to find it, the caravan went on without her. They did not realise that she had not rejoined them. Later a Muslim by the name of Safwan bib Mu'attal As-Sulami Adh-Dhakwani found her and on his own camel brought her back to the caravan.

I:11 A Nasty Rumour This started the nasty rumour that she was having an affair with Safwan. The entire Muslim community was in uproar about the issue. According to Aisha, the leader of those who accused her was named 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul. His followers spread forged statements of false accusers about her adultery. Aisha returned to be with her parents while Muhammad, "called upon 'Ali bin Abu Talib and Usama bin Zaid ... to consult them about divorcing his wife [i.e. Aisha]."

The counseled him not to divorce Aisha on the basis of mere rumours but to ask Aisha's woman servant Buraira if she had ever seen anything suspicious about her.

"Buraira said, "No, by Allah who has sent you with the truth, I have never seen in her anything faulty except that she is a girl of immature age, who sometimes sleeps and leaves the dough for the goats to eat."

The footnote in the Hadith points out that Aisha was only 15 years old at the time. According to the Hadith, Aisha had been only 6 years old when Muhammad married her! He had consummated the marriage when she was only 9 years old!

I:12 A Request for Murder With Buraira's word that Aisha was innocent, "Allah's prophet ascended the pulpit and requested that somebody support him in punishing 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul. Allah's Prophet said, "Who will support me to punish that person who has hurt me by slandering the reputation of my family?" Sa'd bin Mu'adh got up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! By Allah, I will relieve you from him. If that man is from the tribe of the Anus, then we will chop his head off, and if he is from our brothers, the Khazraj, then order us, and we will fulfill your order.""

The chief of the Khazraj, Sa'd bib 'Ubada, jumped up to defend his tribe and said, "You cannot kill him." This in turn led Sa'd bin Mu'adh to say, "By Allah, we will kill him." The entire situation got out of control and the Anus tribe and some Khazraj tribe prepared to fight each other over the issue. It took some time for Muhammad to get things quietened down. Muhammad took the easiest way and claimed to have received a special revelation from Allah that Aisha was innocent. Thus the issue for Muslims was now settled because Allah had spoken. Those infidels who would dare question Allah's apostle on this issue would meet the fate of all indifels.

I:13 Muhammad Was Not Innocent According to the Hadith, Muhammad was a sinner in need of forgiveness. He was NOT sinless as Islam now claims. When Muhammad was asked by Abu Huraira, "What do you say in the pause between Takbir and recitation? Muhammad replied, I say, "O Allah, set me apart from my sins as the East and the West are set apart from each other and clean me from sins as a white garment is cleaned of dirt [after thorough washing]. O Allah! Wash off my sins with water, snow and hail" (1:711)

Abu Huraira said in the Hadith: "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "By Allah! I ask for forgiveness from Allah and turn to him in repentance more than seventy times a day" (8:319).

Muhammad's wife Aisha records that the early Muslims did not regard Muhammad as sinless. "They said, "O Allah's Prophet! We are not like you. Allah has forgiven your past and future sins" (1:19).

This Hadith is clear that Muhammad's disciples praised him because his sins were forgiven and not because he did not have any sins to forgive. It goes on to say in the Hadith: "The Prophet used to say frequently in his bowings and prostrations, "O Allah! Our Lord! All praises are for You. O Allah! Forgive me" (1:781)

The men of Quraish repeatedly said: "May Allah forgive his Apostle!" (1:375)

Obviously, these men did not view Muhammad as sinless! The same can be said of a group of three men who discussed in the Hadith that Allah had forgiven Muhammad of his sins (1:7). Aisha said that she heard Muhammad pray, "O Allah! Forgive me and bestow your mercy on me" (5:724). During his supposed night journey through seven heavens, "Jesus" says concerning Muhammad, "Muhammad, the Slave of Allah, whose past and future sins were forgiven by Allah" (6:3).


was basically non existent in the Persian Empire before Islam. Persians, unlike Romans, Egyptians, Greeks & many others, never openly practiced slavery. As a matter of fact Persians were anti slavery & the best example was freedom of 42,000 Jews from slavery of Babylon by Cyrus The Great. There was differences in social classes in Iran before Islam, but that was the norm of the world back then! However, there was no slavery practiced in Persian Empire before Islam. When Islam came to Persia, slavery came with it. Arabs took many Persians as slaves, basically young boys & girls. Young girls would be forced to become concubines & young boys were forced to become Toy Boys. Strong & bigger boys would become slave labor for Muslim. Persian women were sent by tens of thousands to Arabian Peninsula, the largest slave shipment at one time was 30,000 Persians shipped to Arabia. Basically Iranians became third rate citizens. First Rate = Arabs Second Rate = Other Muslim Third Rate = Persians And this was the glory of Islam! As times went by & the new species of Persians got created by Arabo_Muslim raping Persian Women or forcing them to marry them & create bastard babies who eventually became the famous Half Breeds or present Seyeds or descendants of Prophet Muhammad, then slavery was also practiced by Arabo_Muslim, Half Breeds, & other Persian Traitors (Persian Muslim). During the 222 years of occupation, Iran imported slaves from Africa such as Ethiopia. These Blacks became house slaves, servants, Land workers in Iran. The term "Nokar-e Khan-e Zad" (House Nigger) is a popular Persian Term which has been originated in those times. Slavery was a norm during 222 years of Islamic Empire & Persia under occupation of Islam.

Even though, you hear many stories of how Muhammad bought the freedom of some slaves & freed them & how some Blacks like "Bilal Habashi" were among his first followers, yet all these cases were a fraction compare to the norm of social system during beginning of Islam. The truth is that Slavery was a normal practice in Islamic Empire from beginning until this day in North Africa. Muhammad himself had a number of concubines who forced them to have sex with him, he had two major ones who were just his sex slaves & two were forced to marry him. The two non Muslim Concubines of Muhammad captured in battle and forced to have sex with him, where Maria (Christian) and Rayhana (Jewish). After the battle with the Jewish tribe of Quraiza, and enslavement of women and children by Muhammad, Muslim practically dragged Rayhana into Muhammad's tent! Rayhana was crying and mourning for her husband's (Tribal Chief) death by the order of Muhammad, but in the same night that Muhammad massacred the Jews and their Tribal Leader in cold blood, he forced himself upon the Jewish Tribal Lord's wife, he was so passionate towards the wife, he tried to marry her, but she would not accept, yet Muhammad forced her into having sex with him as one of his concubines. In later years Rayhana tried to poison Muhammad, cause she saw no way out of the arms of the Beast! Of course Muslim preach that: "O Prophet is so forgiving and even though Rayhana tried to poison him, yet he forgiven her!" In simple language, meaning that Muhammad kept on raping her even after she tried to kill him! An interesting factor was that some of the Turkish ExSlaves of the Arabs, after gaining their freedom, ended up establishing governments of their own and seized control of Iran through the years, yet even not as severe as their Arab Ex-Masters, but they also enforced the system of slavery in Iran! The perfect example are Qaznavid & Seljuqid Turks. Jews & Christians & other women from occupied territories were openly traded. And until this day, we see that today, Blacks are traded by Arabs in North Africa and used as slave labor, and also the Indian, Pakistani, even Iranian

poor village girls & boys are smuggled & traded to Arab Sheiks of southern Gulf States as sex toys & slaves. Slavery according to Quran and Hadith Lets take a cruise in history, lets analyze Muhammad's words or shall we say Allah's words on the issue. We will state Quran's verses word by word and then some bits of wisdom from the Hadith, shall we?! Slavery in Quran Sura 2 (The Cow) Verse 178 "O you who believe! retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the slain, the free for the free, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female, but if any remission is made to any one by his aggrieved brother, then prosecution for the bloodwit should be made according to usage, and payment should be made to him in a good manner; this is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy; so whoever exceeds the limit after this he shall have a painful chastisement." As we see, retaliation for murder and other crimes was originally sanctioned by Arabian usage yet accepted by Muhammad! It is openly said that a Freeman could be killed for the murder of a Freeman and the same goes for a Freewoman and a Slave. The mention of these three categories quite casually indicates that slavery is accepted along with the other two categories as an acceptable state for a normal human being. Sura 16 (The Bee), verse 75 "Allah sets forth a parable: A slave, the property of another, has no power over anything, and one whom We have granted from Ourselves a goodly sustenance so he spends from it secretly and openly; are the two alike? Praise is due to Allah!" In this verse, we see the clear justification of the institute of slavery by Allah! This "parable" separates the two people, a slave who is owned by the Freeman and is

completely powerless and the Freeman on whom Allah has granted "a goodly sustenance". Sura 4 (The Women), Verse 92. "And it does not behoove a believer to kill a believer except by mistake, and whoever kills a believer by mistake, he should free a believing slave, and blood-money should be paid to his people unless they remit it as alms; but if he be from a tribe hostile to you and he is a believer, the freeing of a believing slave, and if he is from a tribe between whom and you there is a covenant, the blood-money should be paid to his people along with the freeing of a believing slave; but he who cannot find a slave should fast for two months successively ..." For those specific apologist Muslim who always tend to put Shiite on Shingle and interpret Quran, we have the exact translation of the text from Arabic over here! Lets go word by word. They say Muhammad urged the general freeing of slaves, yet this is certainly not the case here! What this verse tells us, is that Manslaughter (killing by mistake) of a Muslim by another Muslim could be paid for by freeing one slave for each act of manslaughter! The freeing of the slave is a penalty imposed on the offending Muslim for his act of manslaughter! Sura 24 (The Light), Verse 31 "And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need of women, or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful." "Those whom their right hands possess" means slaves

"The male servants not having need of women" means Unique Servants (Neuters) This verse is very clear and self explanatory! Sura 23 (The Believers), Verses 1-6 "Successful indeed are the believers, Who are humble in their prayers, And who keep aloof from what is vain, And who are givers of poor-rate, And who guard their private parts, Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blamable." Above Sura gives the slave owner the right of sexual access to his female slaves. The term "guarding the private parts" is a synonym for sexual intercourse, and it is said that this is not blamable if one indulges with wives and slaves. Sura 24 (The Light), Verse 33 "And let those who do not find the means to marry keep chaste until Allah makes them free from want out of His grace. And for those who ask for a writing from among those whom your right hands possess, give them the writing if you know any good in them, and give them of the wealth of Allah which He has given you; and do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, when they desire to keep chaste, in order to seek the frail good of this world's life; and whoever compels them, then surely after their compulsion Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." Again Quran talks about: "Those whom their right hands possess" ! This is the official term for "Slaves" that one owns. Kind of like a politically correct term in Arabia back then! This verse clearly justifies Slavery and in addition, Prostitution! As more as we read Quran, we basically open a can of worms which eventually turns to a Barrel of Poisonous Snakes! Further we read Quran, we see how it has so many Flaws, Twistations, Corruption, Inhuman Verses and Piles of Garbage in it! Sura 33 (The Clans), Verse 50 "O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners of war, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who fled with you; and a believing woman if she gave herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desired to marry her -- specially for you, not for the other believers; We know what We have ordained for them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame may attach to you; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." Just listen to this Pile O Garbage! So basically every single woman, Muslim or non Muslim is Halaal for Muhammad! But not to worry that other Muslim Men might rebel against Muhammad, because Allah is merciful, & he also gave the other Muslim Men, a few wives and slaves to have sex with! Sura 39 (The Companions), Verses 29 "Allah sets forth an example: There is a slave in whom are several partners differing with one another, and there is another slave wholly owned by one man. Are the two alike in condition? All praise is due to Allah. Nay! most of them do not know." In this case Muhammad compares joint ownership of a slave by many owners and the single ownership by one person. Muhammad asks whether the two cases are the same? Hell no! They are not and it is clear that Muhammad prefers single ownership! In fact this is why he established the rule that after a military campaign the captives were allocated to each of his Bedouin soldiers individually not collectively, with himself keeping one-fifth of the captives as his personal slaves or concubines! Basically Allah has given Muhammad the right to own slaves, concubines and one-fifth of "Qanima" (Property won in battle). Allah is merciful! Slavery in Hadith The text is plain that all prisoners of war must either be killed or become slaves. The ancient scholars are in full

agreement over this issue, such as Ibn Timiyya, Ibn Hisham, Ibn Malik, etc. Ibn Timiyya (Vol. 32, p. 89), "The root of the beginning of slavery is prisoners of war; the bounties have become lawful to the nation of Muhammad." Next clearly and without shame, he states: Ibn Timiyya (Vol. 31, p. 380), "Slavery is justified because of the war itself; however, it is not permissible to enslave a free Muslim. It is lawful to kill the infidel or to enslave him, and it also makes it lawful to take his offspring into captivity." Ibn Hashim: "Prophet's Biography" (Al-Road Al-Anf') (Part 4, p. 177), "According to Islamic law of Sharia' concerning prisoners of war, the decision is left to the Muslim Imam. He has the choice either to kill them or to exchange them for Muslim captives, or to enslave them. This is in regard to men, but women and children are not permitted to be killed, but must be exchanged to redeem Muslim captives or enslaved - take them as slaves and maids." This question was delivered to Ibn Timiyya who was Mufti of Islam (Vol. 31, pp. 376, 377), "A man married a maid-slave who bore him a child. Would that child be free or would he be an owned slave?" Ibn Timiyya replied, "Her child whom she bore from him would be the property of her master according to all the Imams (heads of the four Islamic schools of law) because the child follows the status of his mother in freedom or slavery. If the child is not of the race of Arabs, then he is definitely an owned slave according to the scholars, but the scholars disputed his status among themselves if he was from the Arabs whether he must be enslaved or not because when A'isha (Muhammad's wife) had a maid-slave who was an Arab,

Muhammad said to A'isha, `Set this maid free because she is from the children of Ishmael.'" Lets talk about Muhammad The Slave Owner: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya "one of the greatest scholars of Islam": "Zad al-Ma'ad" (his book) (Part I, p. 160), "Muhammad had many male and female slaves. He used to buy and sell them, but he purchased more slaves than he sold, especially after God empowered him by His message, as well as after his immigration from Mecca. He once sold one black slave for two. His name was Jacob al-Mudbir. His purchases of slaves were more than he sold. He was used to renting out and hiring many slaves, but he hired more slaves than he rented out." Muhammad's Male Slaves Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya relies on the prophet's biographies written by great ancient scholars; therefore, he is regarded by Muslims as an authority, a primary source and a leader among the students of Islam. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya: "Zad al-Ma'ad" (his book) (part 1, pp. 114, 115, and 116), "These are the names of Muhammad's male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, 'Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad'am, Karkara, Abu Rafi', Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu 'Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran, who was re-named (by Muhammad) Safina (`ship'). Let me mention an important event here, Story of Zayd and Zaynab: One of Muhammad's slaves was "Zayd Ibn Haritha", Muhammad set him free and adopted him as his son, then he married him to his cousin Zaynab. Later Zayd divorced Zaynab after

he realized that Muhammad was captivated by her. The scandalous story is documented by verses in the Qur'an, and Muslim scholars admit it. Muhammad's Female Salves Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya: "Zad al-Ma'ad" (his book) (Volume One, p. 116), "These are the names of Muhammad's Female slaves (Maid Slaves or Concubines): Salma Um Rafi', Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa'd, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maidslaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war. It should be pretty clear for all, about Muhammad's, Quran's and Allah's stands on slavery, prostitution, and Hypocricy by now, so without further due lets get back to Iran. When Yaqoob Leis Saffarid liberated Iran from Tazi Hounds, eventually the tradition of slavery started to fade away but little by little. The method that was practiced in Iran by the government, to get rid of slavery, was that government wanted to end slavery but they had to do something with all the slaves; therefore, they started to ship all the slaves back to East Africa. Majority of slaves brought by Arabo_Muslim & Persian Muslim to Iran were shipped back to East Africa starting little by little since Saffarids, continued heavily during Safavid & semi heavily during Afsharids & barely any slaves left during Zand. Ethiopians, Somalians, Sudanese, others were practically put on the ships on Persian Gulf & taken to Horn of Africa. That was the Persian solution to the question of slavery. However, the minority of slaves remained in Iran & basically became in two parts: 1. First part remained as house slaves & many integrated & mixed with Persians & other races. As you see, we have

Mixed races, Semi Dark, very Dark Skinned people in Iran with some African Features & they are all over Iran specially in south central & south. 2. Second part moved to South in Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan states of the Gulf. This part did not integrate & intermixed as much as the first part. As we see today, we have Black people in south Iran. Our Blacks look different than American Blacks, they are East African looking, usually with lighter skin than American Blacks, but with Black features like Afro hair, wide nose, facial forms, etc. But our Blacks are often either: Half Black/Half Arabs of South or East African Blacks of South So eventually Iranian Blacks were not slaves anymore, some remained as house servants, land labors & physical labors, & others went south & lived an independent life of their own. Unlike US blacks who moved from South to North & West to be free, Iranian Blacks were moved to South to build their own lives. Of course by Qajar era, we had no slaves in Iran. Well, practically even during Zand, we barely had any slaves in Iran. But practice of slavery was basically a norm during occupation of Arabo_Muslim for 222 years. Even afterward during Mongols, Turkmen, Turk invasions, slavery was existed & practiced. As we see people owned slaves during Arab, Mongol, Turkmen & Turkish occupation years. The terms: Qolam, Kaka Siyah, Da'de, La'le, Qolam Zangi, Nokar-e Khane Zad, etc are all having slave roots & used to be the term for Blacks or Mixed Blacks in Iran. The English equal would be "Negro Boy" or "Colored Missy". The traditional comedy plays known as "Siyah Bazi" are also having slave roots & "Siyah" was the original slave figure which later on became the free slave turned servant & played the role of the House Servant.

Even the Nouruz character "Haji Firuz" who is the Black Servant of "Amu Nouruz" who is the equivalent of "Santa clause" in Iran, did not exist as a Black man before Islam, yet there were many "Haji Firuz" characters who brought the news of Nouruz Persian New Year to the public every year by playing musical instruments & singing. After Islam "Haji Firuz" became a Black servant of "Amu Nouruz" (Uncle New Year)! As you see unlike the propaganda heard, Islam brought slavery to Iran. Islam was not the liberator of peasants & lower classes of Iranians from oppression of Sassanid, yet it actually opened up the slave trades & markets in Iran which even lasted for hundreds of years. If Iranian Government would have not shipped the slaves back to Africa, we would have a huge number of Iranian blacks today & our Black population would be huge, same as USA. Now I am not even beginning to talk about how other minorities in Iran were seemingly free but in fact living a slave-like life! I am talking about Jews, Christians, Armenians, Assyrians, Bahaii & even Zoroastrians as different faiths & Kurds, Baluchi, Lors & others as different ethnicity! Islam was the religion of enslavement & far from the ideology of Liberation! Just a bit history for you guys to chew on. Of course you do not hear about these facts because: a) Not many people are historians or even have studies in history b) Shiite propaganda is too strong so twistation of truth is 180 degrees from reality! You See, it is up to us to teach the true history of what

has really happened since 651 AD in Persia, to the Iranian Youth. It is up to us to enlighten the youth about mass murders & enslavements of their ancestors by Arabo_Muslim or as I refer to it as: "The Persian Holocaust" -Article Source: IPC -De Guerre of Ahreeman X

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