Procatalepsis and Hypophora: A Linguistic Review
Procatalepsis and Hypophora: A Linguistic Review
Procatalepsis and Hypophora: A Linguistic Review
Procatalepsis and hypophora are two rhetorical or stylistic strategies
that can be observed in argument. They can be utilized to persuade the
audience that addressers' claims are the best one through posing a
question and answer in the case of hypophora. In procatalepsis, the
addresser presents two viewpoints in details ,in other words ,he presents
weak and strong features for each view point , then , he argues that
his point is the best one to control the addressee's mind. The study
aims to review two devices which are procatalepsis and hypophora from
a linguistic point of view to present their theoretical background. It sheds
light on types , functions , restrictions of procatalepsis and hypophora
,and its relatedness with other devices .The study also discusses
linguistic previous studies to acknowledge their strong points and
weaknesses. The stylistic strategies can be noticed or reinforced
through intonation pattern in spoken language, they can be classified
within semantic redundancy, they flout the cooperative maxims of
quantity and manner , they can enhance the model of Van Dijk . The
work sums up different types and functions as internal ,external
,absolute of procatalepsis and explicit and implicit of hypophora. Their
major functions are control, emphasis, and etc.
Keywords: argument, hypophora, procatalepsis, discourse
analysis,stylistics , pragmatics
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Nasaq Journal V0L (43) No.(1) September 2024-1445 h
2. Questions
Questions in linguistics have history and the present studies
attempt to elicit those characteristics which extend from phonology
(intonation) to syntax and semantics to investigate the communicative
functions of the kinds of questions in discourse(Hautli-Janisz et al.
2022 ) .
Hautli-Janisz et al. (2022) introduce the following types of questioning:
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Nasaq Journal V0L (43) No.(1) September 2024-1445 h
“Doesn’t your family deserve the best? Of course they do. That’s why
Eggland’s Best should be the only egg for them.”(McQuarrie & Phillips,
2014,p. 88).
Hypophora has question and lengthy response which is employed by
author to clarify his idea, and it is also significant to maintain the
addressee ’s curiosity and The hypophora is illustrated in “So now
what can I tell you about this… and therefore you can't look to the past
to see what what's gonna work interests" (Harris, 2018).
Fahnestock (2011) explains hypophoras as significant tools for
managing the issue or specific topic and smooth the flow of support in
arguments because it arranges the subtopics in expository type of the
The benefit of hypophora can be ascribed to its naturality of the
question, in that it stimulates curiosity , change the direction or
continue with the intended idea such as “What about safety? Now,
…I’m talking about the driver safety, …,I’m talking about pedestrians,
safety for everyone..."( Alyanto, & Gunawan ,2023,p.48)
Phillips (2011) states that hypophora is the argument which establishes
on question besides answer. He reads political speeches and he
comes with the best to what the speaker can argue with is
Procatalepsis is employed as a rhetorical device in which a speaker
utilizes it to expect possible questions. Its function is to permit an
argument which comprises opposing viewpoint (Harris, 2018).
A procatalepsis as a rhetorical device or strategy, it is often called a
prolepsis, is used by the writer to strengthen her/his argument
through dealing with possible logical objections before the addressee
raises counter-arguments (Sameshima ,2007).
Procatalepsis is a format or a way to structure argument in academic
way. It was asserted that the major characteristic of superior
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of the device in written form is question mark .In other words, the only
way to distinguish the declarative clauses or sentences from this kind
questions ((hypophora ) is via the use of a punction mark.
8.Functions of Hypophora
According to Joe (2023), hypophora is also known as anthypophora.
The hypophoras give the possibility for the speaker to smoothly
transition through his address. It clarifies of the message and this device
presents and strengthens the argument. It also gains the interest of the
Jacklyn (2023) presents the following functions as facilitative in which
the addresser is certain of the truth but he wants to engage the
hearer. Attitudinal is used as other function of hypophora for
emphasis. In addition to the redundancy function that is the repetition of
information. It is deployed for emphasis.
9.Functions of Procatalepsis
Besel (2012) proposes the following functions of prolepsis like
persuasive, ,refutational , it also increases of the effectiveness of the
message. Altitudinal Studies sum up that prolepsis is used when a
rhetor is trying to persuade the other that is opposite her or his
Prolepsis adds mystery to the texts or poems when a poem or a text
begins with pronoun ,the addressee starts to think of the situation,
then,he weeps or wonders because of latter expressions (Forsyth,
2013).McEntire (2022) introduces the functions of evocation, focalization
, engagement and emphasis . The naysayers with “They / I Say” grant
the opportunity to persuade by focusing as well as empathizing with
their matters.
10.Sociolinguistic Perspective
Research displays that genders communicate in different way in other
wordS . Men are argued to tend to report talk while women prefer for
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rapport talk since they care about their personal relationships. Men's
speech have the following characteristics as competitive and powerful,
on the contrary, women's speech are powerless and cooperative in
which they tend to use indirect and paralanguage to have effective
communication . Women in general are more rhetorical than men but
the opposite is true in some cases since this device is beneficial to
formulate and respond questions the addressee cannot have regarded .
Men employ hypophora to convince the other that they can
answerers and they attack their enemies (Almagro, 2022 ).
11.Restrictions of Procatalepsis
Salzmann (2017) establishes the following restriction:
1.The prolepsis has a remarkable fact which is the presence of the
proleptic object that degrades extraction from the complement type
clause. The impact is reminiscent weak argument extraction becoming
adjunct extraction fully ungrammatical.
2.The object proleptic is reduced by predication.
3. Ellipsis accounts for scope and selective effect of the reconstruction.
The writer , In Both procatalepsis and hypophora, posits a question
with possible responses .Both of them can be utilized for achieving
various functions as emphasis ,engagement ,and etc. They can be
performed in explicit manner through utilization question words and they
also performed in implicit way through using intonations.
Pragmatically , they can breach ,flouts and generate implicature if the
writer gives information more than is required and present the
information in normal order.
Men and women use such rhetorical strategies in different amount. It is
proved that men use hypophora more than women for emphasis and
gain the addressee's attention.
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Nasaq Journal V0L (43) No.(1) September 2024-1445 h
Hautli-Janisz, A., Budzynska, K., McKillop, C., Plüss, B., Gold, V., &
Reed, C. (2022). Questions in argumentative dialogue. Journal of
Pragmatics, 188, 56-79
Hoeck, A. (2018). Prolepsis and Analepsis in the Fourth Gospel:
Underpriced Treasures of Johannine Narrative Prowess. Scripta
Fulgentina: revista de teología y humanidades, 28(55), 7-32.
Jacklyn, R.(2023). "Is That a Rhetorical Question?: A Pragmatic
Analysis" . Theses and Dissertations. 3337.
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