Smart City Fin

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Thailand’s Government

Investment Incentives
Smart City Development

Sirapun Yongwattananunth
Investment Promotion Officer
Thailand Board of Investment 1
Introduction To Thailand Board Of Investment
Provides comprehensive information and advice on establishing
operations in Thailand

Coordinates between the foreign business community and other

public agencies

Provides Business Support Services for Investors

Grants “Tax-based incentives” and “Non-Tax incentives

BOI Promotion Incentives
Tax Incentives Non-Tax Incentives

Corporate Income Tax Import Duty

Land ownership No restriction on
foreign currency
Corporate income tax Exemption of import duties
exemption up to 13 years on machinery Work permit & visa
No local content
facilitation requirements
50% CIT reduction Exemption of import duties
within 10 years on raw or essential
materials imported for 100% foreign ownership No export requirements

Exemption of import duties

on goods imported for R&D

Promoted Activities related to Smart City

1 2
Smart City Development Smart Equipment Manufacturing
Smart System Service Providing Software/Platform Development

Promoted Activities related to Smart City

1 2
Smart City Development Smart Equipment Manufacturing
Smart System Service Providing Software/Platform Development

Incentives and Requirements for Smart City Development
Requirements Thai ownership > 51% Incentives

8 years CIT exemption

(with cap) on income from
smart service

ICT infrastructure Smart Environment Open data platform

system plus at least
one of 6 key systems
For EEC,
+50% CIT reduction for 5 years

Import duty exemption

on machinery
Approval from
relevant agencies or Other relevant incentives
committees before Public hearing and KPIs in line with area- under BOI announcement
applying for the local community specific development 2/2014
incentives involvement plan
Incentives and Requirements for Smart System Service Providing
Requirements Incentives

8 years CIT exemption

(with cap) on income
from smart service

For EEC,

+50% CIT reduction for 5 years

Eligible projects on
Smart City System must Import duty exemption
on machinery
be part of a Smart City
Provision of at least one Development project Other relevant incentives
of the 7 key systems of approved by relevant under BOI announcement
Smart City agencies or committees 2/2014

Promoted Activities related to Smart City

1 2
Smart City Development Smart Equipment Manufacturing
Smart System Service Providing Software/Platform Development

Smart Equipment Manufacturing
Requirements Incentives

≥ 0.5% 8 years CIT

Import duty
exemption on
(with cap)

≥ 0.5% or ≥ 100 MB Import duty

exemption on
raw or essential
5 years CIT imported for
exemption export
(with cap)
Other relevant
incentives under

Software/Platform Development
Requirements Incentives

Must have Additional Thai IT salary 8 years CIT exemption

expense at least 1.5 million Baht per Year (with cap)
▪ Expense of Additional Thai IT Salary
▪ Expense of Obtaining CMMI/ ISO 29110
Must have significant Development ▪ Expense of Additional Thai IT Salary ▪ Expense of Obtaining CMMI/ ISO 29110
▪ Expense of Training Thai
in Thailand ▪ Expense of Training Thai

Import duty Other relevant incentives

exemption on under BOI announcement
machinery 2/2014


Thank you

Thailand Board Of
Investment Frankfurt Office:
Paris Office:
HQ: 555 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Ambassade Royale de Frankfurt Office Investment Section,
Road., Thaïlande 8 Rue Greuze, Royal Thai Consulate-General
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, 75116 Paris, France Liebfrauenberg26, 60313 Frankfurt am Main,
Thailand Federal Republic of Germany
+ 33 1 56 90 26 00-01 +49 069 9291 230
(+66) 2553 8111 + 33 1 56 90 26 02 +49 069 9291 2320
(+66) 2553 8315

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