T1588-Principles and Foundations of EU Law

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(Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)

Re - accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Founder: Prof. Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, M.Sc.,Ph.D. (Awarded Padma Bhushan and
Padma Shri by President of India)


Sub Committee - Specialization for Curriculum Development

Post Graduate/ Under Graduate

Course Title: Principles and Foundations of European Union Law

Course Code: T1588

Number of Credits: 2

Level: 5

Learning Objective (s):

1. To understand the theoretical and conceptual approaches to European integration.

2. To examine the formation and integration of the European Union and its institutions
through treaties and conventions.
3. To identify different competences that are incorporated in the functioning of the
European Union.
4. to analyze and evaluate the policy making process in the European Union by way of
examining the European Union Instruments and Competences
5. To analyze multiple treaties, theories and concepts in the light of constitutionalism.
6. To appraise, formulate and construct expert opinions and views To appraise and
formulate expert opinions and views
7. To create knowledge and produce original research in the form of research papers,
Law reform and recommendations

Learning Outcome (s):

Student will be able to:

1. Appraise the integration process and working of the European Union.
2. Analyze the European Union institutions and respective treaties and conventions.
3. Compare various competences which are crucial to the functioning of the European
4. Analyze and evaluate the policy making principles of European Union in context of its
important instruments.
5. Understand constitutionalism with respect to the governance of the European Union.
6. formulate and construct expert opinions and views
7. develop the ability to create knowledge and produce original research in the form of
research papers, Law reform and recommendations.

Course Outline

Sr.No. Topics Learning Hours

1 Theoretical Perspectives of European 5


1.1) Evolution of European Inter-State

System & Historical
Developments paving the way for
possibility of integration
1.2) Theoretical and conceptual
approaches to understand the
European integration process: Neo
functionalism, Liberal Inter
governmentalism, Multi-Level
Governance, Constructivism,
Rational Choice Institutionalism
1.3) Tracing the process of integration
through Treaties:
 ECSC to the EEC
 EEC to Single European Act
 SEA to Nice Treaty
 Nice to Lisbon Treaty
1.4) Theories of Supranationalism

2 Functions, Power and Role of the European 4

Union Institutions.

2.1) European Union Commission,

2.2) European Parliament
2.3) The Council of European Union
2.4) The European Council
2.5) High Representative of the Union
for Foreign Affairs and Security
2.6) Court of Auditors
2.7) European Union Advisory Bodies
2.8) Legislative Procedures

3 European Union Instruments and Competence 4

3.1) Instruments: Regulations, Directives,

Decisions, Inter-Institutional
Agreements, Recommendation,
Opinions and Soft Laws

3.2) Competence

 Exclusive Competence: Basic principles,

Area Exclusivity, Conditional Exclusivity
 Shared Competence: Basic Principles,
Pre-emption, Scope and Variation
 Supporting Competence: Basic Principles,
Scope and Variation, Legal Acts,
Harmonization, Member State

4. Policy Making in European Union: European 5

Union and External Affairs

4.1) The European Union as an

International Actor and International
Legal Personality

4.2) Constitutional Framework and

General Principles of European
Union External Action

4.3) Common Commercial policy,

Common Foreign Policy, CSSP and

4.4) Post –Lisbon Institutions of European

Union International Action
4.5) Internal obstacles to growth of EU;
fundamental law

5 Division of Competences within the European 6


5.1) Exclusive Competence in areas of

customs union, competition rules,
policies and international

5.2) Shared Competence with respect to

social policies, internal markets etc.

5.3) Supporting Competence

5.3.1) Basic Principles

5.3.2) Scope and variations

5.4) Special Competence

5.5) Treaty provisions, the flexibility

clause and the Harmonization clause

6 Understanding the Principles of 4

Constitutionalism – European Union Context

4.1) Concept of Constitutional pluralism

4.2) Dynamics of the European


4.3) European Union: Democratic

operations and challenges

4.3) National identity – Overview of

Article 4(2) of the TEU.

7 Specific Directives and Regulations. 2

Total 30

1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Self-study
4. Projects
5. Flipped Classroom

Suggested Readings:


 Elspeth Berry, Matthew J. Homewood, and Barbara Bogusz, Complete EU Law- Text,
Cases and Materials, fourth edition, OUP, 2019
 Lorna Woods, Philippa Watson, and Marios Costa, Steiner & Woods EU Law, 13th
edition, OUP, 2017
 EU Law, Text, Cases, and Materials (6th edition) Oxford Publication,2015
 Ben Rosamond, “Introduction,” Theories of European Integration, Palgrave, 2000
 Nicoll, W. and Salmon, T., Understanding the European Union. Routledge. 2018.
 Church, Clive and David Phinnemore (2013) From the Constitutional Treaty to the
Treaty of Lisbon and Beyond, In: Cini, Michelle and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán
(eds.) European Union Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press
 Sabine Saurugger, “Original Debates,” Theoretical Approaches to European
Integration, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
 Olsen, J. and McCormick, J., 2018. The European Union: politics and policies.
 Baun, M.J., 2018. An imperfect Union: The Maastricht Treaty and the new politics of
European integration. Routledge.
 “ The Contribution of the Neofunctionalist and Intergovernmentalist :Theories to the
Evolution of the European Integration Process” , Teodor Lucian Moga, PhD Student,
“AlexandruIoanCuza” University of Iasi, Romania
 Schütze, R. and Tridimas, T. eds., 2018. Oxford Principles of European Union Law:
Volume 1: The European Union Legal Order. Oxford University Press.
 Wiener, A., Börzel, T.A. and Risse, T., 2018. European integration theory. Oxford
University Press, USA.
 Mark A. Pollack. 2005. “Theorizing the European Union: International Organization,
Domestic Polity, or Experiment in New Governance?” Annual Review of Political
Science 8:357–398 Moravcsik, A and F. Schimmelfennig. 2009. "Liberal
Intergovernmentalism". In A. Wiener and T. Diez eds. European Integration Theory 2
nd ed. Oxford University Press
 EU LAW- Text, Cases and Materials , Paul Craig & Grainne Burca , 6th Edition
 Nicoll, W. and Salmon, T., 2018. Understanding the European Union. Routledge.
 Schütze, R. and Tridimas, T. eds., 2018. Oxford Principles of European Union Law:
Volume 1: The European Union Legal Order. Oxford University Press.
Journals/Research Papers/ Articles:

 Suami, T., Peters, A., Vanoverbeke, D. and Kumm, M. eds., 2018. Global
Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. Cambridge University
 Lavdas, K.A., Belov, M.P. and Chari, R.P., 2018. European Integration and EU
 Lindeboom, J., 2018. Why EU Law Claims Supremacy. Oxford Journal of Legal
Studies, 38(2), pp.328-356.
 Tryfonidou, A., 2018. Book Review: Reverse Discrimination in the European Union:
A Recurring Balancing Act, by ValérieVerbist, (Cambridge: Intersentia,
2017). Common Market Law Review, 55(1), pp.306-309.
 Hooghe, L. and Marks, G., 2019. Grand theories of European integration in the twenty-
first century.

 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=LEGISSUM%3Aai0020
 http://hum.port.ac.uk/europeanstudieshub/learning/module-4-theorising-the-european-

 http://civitas.org.uk/content/files/OS.16-Theories.pdf

 https://www.princeton.edu/~amoravcs/library/intergovernmentalism.pdf

 https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en

Suggested Assessment/ Evaluation Methods:

Internal and external heads of passing shall be separate head of passing. Internal evaluation
shall consist of one project (20 marks) and minimum 2 of the following (10 marks each):
Tutorial, case analysis, cases and open problems, essays, seminar presentations, viva-voce,
quiz, drafting, learning logs/diaries, computer based assessment.

Benchmarked against similar courses in other national/ international universities

S. Name of the Course Name of University where it is
No. offered

1 Political Science I NLSIU, Bangalore

2. POLS 0133: Concepts and Theories in Presidency University, Kolkata

Political Science

Name of Dr.
Members AparajitaMohanty


Symbiosis Law
Org. / Inst.
School, Pune


Name of


Org. / Inst.


Signature of Dean:


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