T1588-Principles and Foundations of EU Law
T1588-Principles and Foundations of EU Law
T1588-Principles and Foundations of EU Law
Number of Credits: 2
Level: 5
Course Outline
3.2) Competence
Total 30
1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Self-study
4. Projects
5. Flipped Classroom
Suggested Readings:
Elspeth Berry, Matthew J. Homewood, and Barbara Bogusz, Complete EU Law- Text,
Cases and Materials, fourth edition, OUP, 2019
Lorna Woods, Philippa Watson, and Marios Costa, Steiner & Woods EU Law, 13th
edition, OUP, 2017
EU Law, Text, Cases, and Materials (6th edition) Oxford Publication,2015
Ben Rosamond, “Introduction,” Theories of European Integration, Palgrave, 2000
Nicoll, W. and Salmon, T., Understanding the European Union. Routledge. 2018.
Church, Clive and David Phinnemore (2013) From the Constitutional Treaty to the
Treaty of Lisbon and Beyond, In: Cini, Michelle and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán
(eds.) European Union Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Sabine Saurugger, “Original Debates,” Theoretical Approaches to European
Integration, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
Olsen, J. and McCormick, J., 2018. The European Union: politics and policies.
Baun, M.J., 2018. An imperfect Union: The Maastricht Treaty and the new politics of
European integration. Routledge.
“ The Contribution of the Neofunctionalist and Intergovernmentalist :Theories to the
Evolution of the European Integration Process” , Teodor Lucian Moga, PhD Student,
“AlexandruIoanCuza” University of Iasi, Romania
Schütze, R. and Tridimas, T. eds., 2018. Oxford Principles of European Union Law:
Volume 1: The European Union Legal Order. Oxford University Press.
Wiener, A., Börzel, T.A. and Risse, T., 2018. European integration theory. Oxford
University Press, USA.
Mark A. Pollack. 2005. “Theorizing the European Union: International Organization,
Domestic Polity, or Experiment in New Governance?” Annual Review of Political
Science 8:357–398 Moravcsik, A and F. Schimmelfennig. 2009. "Liberal
Intergovernmentalism". In A. Wiener and T. Diez eds. European Integration Theory 2
nd ed. Oxford University Press
EU LAW- Text, Cases and Materials , Paul Craig & Grainne Burca , 6th Edition
Nicoll, W. and Salmon, T., 2018. Understanding the European Union. Routledge.
Schütze, R. and Tridimas, T. eds., 2018. Oxford Principles of European Union Law:
Volume 1: The European Union Legal Order. Oxford University Press.
Journals/Research Papers/ Articles:
Suami, T., Peters, A., Vanoverbeke, D. and Kumm, M. eds., 2018. Global
Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. Cambridge University
Lavdas, K.A., Belov, M.P. and Chari, R.P., 2018. European Integration and EU
Lindeboom, J., 2018. Why EU Law Claims Supremacy. Oxford Journal of Legal
Studies, 38(2), pp.328-356.
Tryfonidou, A., 2018. Book Review: Reverse Discrimination in the European Union:
A Recurring Balancing Act, by ValérieVerbist, (Cambridge: Intersentia,
2017). Common Market Law Review, 55(1), pp.306-309.
Hooghe, L. and Marks, G., 2019. Grand theories of European integration in the twenty-
first century.
Internal and external heads of passing shall be separate head of passing. Internal evaluation
shall consist of one project (20 marks) and minimum 2 of the following (10 marks each):
Tutorial, case analysis, cases and open problems, essays, seminar presentations, viva-voce,
quiz, drafting, learning logs/diaries, computer based assessment.
Name of Dr.
Members AparajitaMohanty
Symbiosis Law
Org. / Inst.
School, Pune
Name of
Org. / Inst.
Signature of Dean: