Final Exam Revision - MIS
Final Exam Revision - MIS
Final Exam Revision - MIS
Nearly every computer chip manufactured in the last 20 years contains fundamental security
flaws that make it possible for attackers to obtain access to data that were thought to be
completely protected. Discovered in late 2017 the flaws arise from features built into the chips
that help them run faster. The vulnerability enables a malicious program to gain access to data
it should never be able to see.
Spectre is not manufacturer-specific and affects nearly all modern processors. It requires more
intimate knowledge of the victim program’s inner workings. Spectre’s name comes from
speculative execution, in which a chip is able to start work on predicted future operations in
order to work faster. In this case, the system is tricked into incorrectly anticipating application
behavior. The name also suggests that Spectre will be much more difficult to neutralize. Other
attacks in the same family will no doubt be discovered, and Spectre will be haunting us for
some time.
2. Compare the threats of Spectre and Meltdown to cloud computing centers, corporate data
centers, and individual computer and smartphone users.
Spectre can harness JavaScript code on a web site to trick a web browser into revealing user
and password information. Meltdown could be exploited to view data owned by other users
and also virtual servers hosted on the same hardware, which is especially dangerous for cloud
computing host computers. The most worrisome aspect of Meltdown and Spectre is that
security vulnerabilities are not from flawed software but from the fundamental design of
hardware platforms beneath the software.
Performance of laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones will be less affected. The
fundamental vulnerability behind Meltdown and Spectre is at the hardware level, and thus
cannot be patched directly. Technology software vendors are only able to release software fixes
that work around the problems. Such fixes mitigate vulnerabilities by altering or disabling the
way software code makes use of speculative execution and caching features built into the
underlying hardware.
3. How would you protect against Spectre and Meltdown if you were running a public cloud
computing center, if you ran a corporate data center, and if you were an individual
computer user?
Major software vendors have rolled out workaround patches. Cloud vendors have taken
measures to patch their underlying infrastructures, with their customers expected to install the
patches for their operating systems and applications. Microsoft released operating system
patches for Windows 7 and all later versions, which also apply to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer
and Edge browsers. Apple released patched versions of its Safari browser and iOS, macOS, and
tvOS operating systems. Google provided a list of which Chromebook models will or won’t need
patches and released a patch for its Chrome browser.
Older operating systems such as Windows XP and millions of third-party low-cost Android
phones that don’t get security updates from Google will most likely never be patched.
Organizations should apply updates and patches to browser software as soon as they are
available. And since these vulnerabilities could enable attackers to steal passwords from user
device memory when running JavaScript from a web page, it is recommended that users be
instructed to always close their web browsers when not in use.
It is also recommended that enterprises should use other techniques to protect data from users
and organizations that have not applied the fixes. However, the only way to truly fix Meltdown
and Spectre is to replace affected processors. Redesigning and producing new processors and
architectures may take five to ten years to hit the market. If anything good can be said about
Spectre and Meltdown, it is that they have focused more global attention on software and
hardware security and the need to develop more robust system architectures for secure
1. What kinds of security problems does cloud computing pose? How serious are they?
Explain your answer.
Managing security and privacy for cloud services is similar to managing traditional IT
infrastructures. However, the risks may be different because some, but not all, responsibilities
shift to the cloud service provider. The category of cloud service (IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS) affects
exactly how these responsibilities are shared. For IaaS, the provider typically supplies and is
responsible for securing basic IT resources such as machines, storage systems, and networks.
The cloud services customer is typically responsible for its operating system, applications, and
corporate data placed into the cloud computing environment. This means that most of the
responsibility for securing the applications and the corporate data falls on the customer.
2. What management, organization, and technology factors are responsible for cloud
security problems? To what extent is cloud security a management issue?
Management: Although many organizations know how to manage security for their own data
center— they’re unsure of exactly what they need to do when they shift computing work to the
cloud. They need new tool sets and skill sets to manage cloud security from their end to
configure and launch cloud instances, manage identity and access controls, update security
controls to match configuration changes, and protect workloads and data.
Management should take the lead on ensuring cloud security for all data and processes
belonging to the company. Cloud security is just as important as internal IT security.
Organization: Using the public cloud disrupts traditional cybersecurity models that many
companies have built up over years. As a result, as companies make use of the public cloud,
they need to revise their cybersecurity practices in order to consume public-cloud services in a
way that enables them both to protect critical data and to fully exploit the speed and agility that
these services provide.
Technology: There’s a misconception among many IT departments that whatever happens in
the cloud is not their responsibility. It is essential to update security requirements developed for
enterprise data centers to produce requirements suitable for the use of cloud services.
Organizations using cloud services often need to apply additional controls at the user,
application, and data level.
The biggest threats to cloud data for most companies involve lack of software patching or
misconfiguration. Many organizations have been breached because they neglected to apply
software patches to newly identified security vulnerabilities when they became available or
waited too long to do so. Companies have also experienced security breaches because they did
not configure aspects of cloud security that were their responsibility. Some users forget to set
up AWS bucket password protection.
3. What steps can organizations take to make their cloud-based systems more secure?
When processing takes place in the cloud, accountability and responsibility for protection of
sensitive data still reside with the company owning that data. Understanding how the cloud
computing provider organizes its services and manages the data is critical.
Users may not know precisely where their data are being hosted. Cloud users need to confirm
that regardless of where their data are stored, they are protected at a level that meets their
corporate requirements. They should stipulate that the cloud provider store and process data in
specific jurisdictions according to the privacy rules of those jurisdictions. Cloud clients should
find how the cloud provider segregates their corporate data from those of other companies and
ask for proof that encryption mechanisms are sound. It’s also important to know how the cloud
provider will respond if a disaster strikes, whether the provider will be able to restore your data
completely, and how long this should take. Cloud users should also ask whether cloud providers
will submit to external audits and security certifications. These kinds of controls can be written
into the service level agreement (SLA) before signing with a cloud provider.
4. Should companies use the public cloud to run their mission-critical systems? Why or why
Companies expect their systems to be running 24/7. Cloud providers still experience occasional
outages, but their reliability has increased to the point where a number of large companies are
using cloud services for part of their IT infrastructures. Most keep their critical systems in-house
or in private clouds.
Case Study: Is the Equifax Hack the Worst Ever – and Why?
8-13 Identify and describe the security and control weaknesses discussed in this case.
On September 7, 2017 Equifax reported that from mid-May through July 2017 hackers gained
access to some of its systems and potentially the personal information of about 143 million U.S.
consumers, including Social Security numbers and driver’s license numbers. Credit card
numbers for 209,000 consumers and personal information used in disputes for 182,000 people
were also compromised.
Equifax reported the breach to law enforcement and also hired a cybersecurity firm to
investigate. The size of the breach, importance, and quantity of personal information
compromised by this breach are considered unprecedented.
The Equifax breach was especially damaging because of the amount of sensitive personal and
financial data stored by Equifax that was stolen, and the role such data play in securing
consumers’ bank accounts, medical histories, and access to financing. In one swoop the hackers
gained access to several essential pieces of personal information that could help attackers
commit fraud.
Analyses earlier in 2017 performed by four companies that rank the security status of
companies based on publicly available information showed that Equifax was behind on basic
maintenance of web sites that could have been involved in transmitting sensitive consumer
information. Cyberrisk analysis firm Cyence rated the danger of a data breach at Equifax during
the next 12 months at 50 percent. It also found the company performed poorly when compared
with other financial-services companies. The other analyses gave Equifax a higher overall
ranking, but the company fared poorly in overall web-services security, application security, and
software patching.
A security analysis by Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), a data analytics company focusing on credit
scoring services, found that by July 14 public-facing web sites run by Equifax had expired
certificates, errors in the chain of certificates, or other web-security issues.
8-14 What management, organization, and technology factors contributed to these problems?
Management: Competitors privately observed that Equifax did not upgrade its technological
capabilities to keep pace with its aggressive growth. Equifax appeared to be more focused on
growing data it could commercialize.
The findings of the outside security analyses appear to conflict with public declarations by
Equifax executives that cybersecurity was a top priority. Senior executives had previously said
cybersecurity was one of the fastest-growing areas of expense for the company. Equifax
executives touted Equifax’s focus on security in an investor presentation that took place weeks
after the company had discovered the attack.
Organization: Equifax bought companies with databases housing information about consumers’
employment histories, savings, and salaries, and expanded internationally. The company bought
and sold pieces of data that enabled lenders, landlords, and insurance companies to make
decisions about granting credit, hiring job seekers, and renting an apartment.
The data breach exposed Equifax to legal and financial challenges, although the regulatory
environment is likely to become more lenient under the current presidential administration. It
already is too lenient. Credit reporting bureaus such as Equifax are very lightly regulated. Given
the scale of the data compromised, the punishment for breaches is close to nonexistent.
Technology: The hack involved a known vulnerability in Apache Struts, a type of open-source
software Equifax and other companies use to build web sites. This software vulnerability was
publicly identified in March 2017, and a patch to fix it was released at that time. That means
Equifax had the information to eliminate this vulnerability two months before the breach
occurred. It did nothing.
Weaknesses in Equifax security systems were evident well before the big hack. A hacker was
able to access credit-report data between April 2013 and January 2014. The company
discovered that it mistakenly exposed consumer data as a result of a “technical error” that
occurred during a 2015 software change. Breaches in 2016 and 2017 compromised information
on consumers’ W-2 forms that were stored by Equifax units. Additionally, Equifax disclosed in
February 2017 that a “technical issue” compromised credit information of some consumers who
used identity-theft protection services from LifeLock.
8-15 Discuss the impact of the Equifax hack?
Hackers gained access to Equifax systems containing customer names, Social Security numbers,
birth dates, and addresses. These four pieces of data are generally required for individuals to
apply for various types of consumer credit, including credit cards and personal loans. Criminals
who have access to such data could use it to obtain approval for credit using other people’s
names. Credit specialist and former Equifax manager John Ulzheimer calls this is a “nightmare
scenario” because all four critical pieces of information for identity theft are in one place.
Stolen personal data will be available to hackers on the Dark Web for years to come.
Governments involved in state-sponsored cyberwarfare are able to use the data to populate
databases of detailed personal and medical information that can be used for blackmail or future
8-16 How can future data breaches like this one be prevented? Explain your answer.
There will be hacks—and afterward, there will be more. Companies need to be even more
diligent about incorporating security into every aspect of their IT infrastructure and systems
development activities. To prevent data breaches such as Equifax’s, organizations need many
layers of security controls. They need to assume that prevention methods are going to fail.
As data breaches rise in significance and frequency, the government is proposing new legislation
that would require firms to report data breaches within specific time frames and set standards
for data security.
There are other measures every organization, public and private can and should take to secure
their systems and information. Section 8.4, What are the most important tools and technologies
for safeguarding information resources, of this chapter provides a list:
Use appropriate identity management and authentication procedures and processes.
Use adequate firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software.
Secure wireless networks.
Use adequate encryption and public key infrastructures—this alone would have
saved Sony a lot of grief and money.
Control Network Traffic with Deep Packet Inspection technology.
Many security experts believe that U.S. cybersecurity is not well-organized. The FBI and
Department of Homeland Security released a “cyber alert” memo describing lessons learned
from other hacks. The memo lists generally recommended security practices for companies to
adopt, including encrypting data, activating a personal firewall at agency workstations,
monitoring users’ online habits, and blocking potentially malicious sites.
Chapter 9: Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise
9-1 How do enterprise systems help businesses achieve operational excellence?
9-2 How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning, production, and logistics
with suppliers?
9-3 How do customer relationship management systems help firms achieve customer
9-4 What are the challenges that enterprise applications pose and how are enterprise
applications taking advantage of new technologies?
Kenya Airways marketing automation lead Harriet Luyai reported in early 2015 that “reachable
contacts” rose from 40 percent to 89 percent, open rates on marketing emails rose from 40
percent to 65 percent, and the airline’s “acquisition rate”—the percentage of respondents who
opt in to its campaigns—was up to 20 percent. The airline can measure the impact of marketing
campaigns on ticket sales. Campaigns that previously took three days to execute using an
agency now take 30 minutes and are much less expensive.
3. Describe Kenya Airways’ solution to its problem. What management, organization, and
technology issues had to be addressed by the solution?
Management: Although Kenya Airways had a customer loyalty program, it had previously been
unable to identify high-value customers. Now Kenya Airways can track all its high-value
customers and show how much revenue each customer generates. It can also segment
customers across the customer life cycle, making it possible to distinguish a new customer from
a longtime high-value customer. Kenya Airways now has a 360-degree view of each of its
Organization: After implementing Oracle Marketing Cloud, Kenya Airways started using Oracle
Sales Cloud to automate its sales activities and Oracle Right-Now Cloud Service for its customer
service activities, linking all three clouds in one central data repository. Marketing, sales, and
service can now integrate their customer data and coordinate business processes. The airline
pulled together information on age, income, education level, job function, job level, revenue
generated for the airline, geography, status, preferences, interest areas, service calls, email
activity, form submissions, and purchase history to help it create very detailed customer profiles
for personalizing offerings.
Technology: It took much more time to implement the Oracle Cloud suite than Kenya Airways
had originally estimated—more than a year instead of six months. The required data, which
resided in many different applications, needed to be cleansed to make sure they were all in the
right format before they could be transferred to the new data repository. Much of this work was
manual. Airline staff had to be trained in new ways of working with digital CRM tools because so
much of its work had previously been manual.
4. How effective was this solution? How did it affect the way Kenya Airways ran its business
and its business performance?
To help the Kenya Airways marketing team drive additional revenue by converting leads to ticket
sales, increasing website traffic, and increasing social followers the airline implemented Oracle
Social Cloud. This tool helps the Kenya Airways customer service team follow social media posts
and discussions about the airline’s services and respond to questions and problems within 30
minutes. It also helps agents prioritize their follow-up posts and manage workflows for the
appropriate approvals and for troubleshooting.
Case Study: Clemens Food Group Delivers with New Enterprise Applications
9-13 Why would supply chain management be so important for Clemens Food Group?
Clemons Food is a vertically coordinated company that includes antibiotic-free hog farming,
food production, logistical services, and transportation. Using a responsive pork production
system, the company focuses on supplying the highest-quality products to its partners as well as
advanced solutions that simplify partners’ operations.
The Clemens Food Group raises and processes about five million hogs per year, managing
procurement, production, and logistics services from birth to finished food products. Clemens
has 3,350 employees.
For a company in the perishable goods industry such as Clemens Food to be profitable, it must
have a firm grasp on the timeliness and accuracy of orders and very precise information about
the status of its products and warehouse activities throughout its network of farms and
production facilities. Accuracy in determining yields, costs, and prices in a wildly fluctuating
market can make a difference of millions of dollars.
9-14 What problem was the company facing. What management, organization, and
technology factors contributed to these problems?
Management: Clemens Food’s legacy systems were no longer able to keep up with production
and support future growth. Management realized the company needed a new platform to
provide better visibility into production, more efficient planning, and tighter control of available-
to-promise processes.
Being in the perishables industry made it imperative for Clemens Food to have master data in
place when the new system went live to avoid disruptions to production or shipping capabilities.
Organization: Clemens Food also wanted real-time information about plant profitability,
including daily profitability margins on an order-by-order basis.
Sales forecasting in the meat-processing industry has unique challenges because of the many
variables from dealing with perishable products, raw material by-products, and seasonality
considerations. Every Thursday, Clemens Food ran a sales report on its old legacy system that
showed the previous week’s sales. Information about actual profitability was delayed.
Now, the company can measure profitability on an invoice-by-invoice basis, and it knows the
profitability of each order right away. Prices change daily in the perishable food business, so the
importance of having real-time information about profitability can’t be overstated.
Technology: Clemens Food created a five-year plan to modernize its IT infrastructure with an
integrated platform for systems to optimize its supply network and improve scheduling,
optimization, and margin visibility in its multi-business operations. The plan gained steam in
2014 when Clemens Food announced it would develop a third pork processing plant comprising
550,000 square feet in Coldwater Township, Michigan.
The addition of this facility could significantly increase volume and double revenue if it was
backed by a more modern IT platform. Clemens Food’s existing ERP system needed to be
replaced by one that could handle increased volume and multi-plant complexities.
9-15 Was SAP S/4HANA a good solution for Clemens Food Group? Explain your answer.
Yes, the SAP S/4HANA was an excellent solution for the food group.
SAP S/4HANA is a business suite that is based on the SAP HANA in-memory computing platform.
It features enterprise resource planning software meant to cover all day-to-day processes of an
enterprise and also integrates portions of SAP Business Suite products for customer relationship
management, supplier relationship management, and supply chain management. SAP S/4HANA
is available in on-premises, cloud, and hybrid computing platforms.
The company now has a single “source of truth,” and data are integrated, whereas in the past it
had to deal with similar data spread over multiple systems. With a single source of truth and the
ability to put information at people’s fingertips, Clemens Foods can create dashboards and focus
on making reporting far simpler than it’s ever been.
9-16 What management, organization, and technology issues had to be addressed to
implement SAP S/4HANA at Clemens Food Group?
Management: Clemens Food chose to implement SAP S/4HANA Finance, along with
functionality for materials management and production planning in a sweeping “big-bang”
approach across the enterprise. The new system needed to be operational in time for the
opening of the Coldwater plant. Clemens Food had used a phased approach for its previous ERP
implementation 15 years earlier. That prior rollout ended up taking several years and resulted in
heavy customization.
Organization: Clemens Food selected itelligence Group implementation consultants to help with
its master data and other migration issues. itelligence Group is a global SAP Platinum Partner
with over 25 years of experience. It offers a full range of services from implementation
consulting to managed services for its clients. Clemens identified itelligence as a partner with
deep SAP food-specific knowledge and experience, including fresh and processed meat.
itelligence Group had a proprietary Hog Procurement solution available for Clemens that helped
deliver an on-time and on-budget project with minimal disruption to the business. itelligence
Group had experience guiding other meat-processing companies through similar largescale
implementations. The company wanted intelligence to act as business process experts to help
Clemens Food re-examine the way it did things. Clemens Food followed itelligence’s suggestions
about modifications, budget management, the overall testing cycle, and the philosophy of
Technology: By the time Clemens Food migrated to SAP S/4HANA, its legacy ERP system was
linked to more than 70 applications. One especially valuable piece of project guidance from
itelligence was to encourage project members to see the implementation as being led by the
business rather than just an IT project. Clemens Foods started out with the project being IT-led,
but after five months assigned internal leaders of the business to be the project leads. That
switch forced the project team to be more objective through all the different testing phases.
After each testing cycle, they had objective scoring from the dedicated team leads who viewed
the project as a business process improvement. That helped the project team move closer to a
finished product, rather than waiting until going live to find out it missed the mark. Including
the business as equal partners when updates were instituted helped ensure that customizations
were avoided.
Organization: Some companies use a dedicated team of Twitter responders to answer user
questions and respond to complaints. The company can then mine the data through text mining
and convert the data to useful information about the company’s products. The company can
also use the information to gauge the success of promotions, which products are hot and which
are duds, and the impact of advertising campaigns. However, companies must be careful not to
just rush in and create Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. They must engage in meaningful
“conversations” with customers and collect feedback and input. They must slowly build
relationships over time with customers.
Technology: Mack Truck’s marketing team uses traditional channels for broad awareness and
relies on social marketing to focus on segmentation and metrics.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media for advertising, brand
building, market research, and customer service?
Advertising: Twitter has developed new offerings for advertisers like Promoted
Tweets and Promoted Trends. These features give advertisers the ability to have their
tweets displayed more prominently when Twitter users search for certain keywords.
Brand building: Mack Truck launched a comprehensive social media campaign
directing Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn followers to photos, videos, text
summaries, and other content describing every aspect of its new product line. The
campaign was credited with attracting more than 40,000 new social followers to the
Mack brand.
Market research: Prompted by customer social media comments about meats other
than roast beef, fast-food sandwich restaurant chain Arby’s launched a “Meat
Mountain” campaign poster showing various meats other than roast beef. Arby’s
customers mistakenly thought the poster displayed a new sandwich and, through
social media, indicated they were anxious to try it. Arby’s then responded with a new
$10 Meat Mountain sandwich.
Twitter accounts have been hacked with negative results. Many companies simply
flood social media channels with sales and marketing pitches, touting themselves,
and they don’t engage in conversations with customers where they could collect
customer feedback and input.
Social media campaigns can be tricky to orchestrate, and the results are not always
predictable. Although previous Trump tweets calling out brands such as Lockheed
Martin had hurt stock share prices, when social followers of Donald Trump called for
boycotting Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka Trump’s clothing line from its stores,
Nordstrom’s stock price rose, and the company outperformed many of its retail
industry rivals in the months that followed. Nordstrom customers remained loyal to
the brand.
In September 2016, San Antonio–based Miracle Mattress provoked angry social
media backlash when it posted a Facebook video advertising a “Twin Towers Sale.”
The video encouraged customers to “remember 9/11” and “get any size mattress for
a twin price.” Miracle Mattress removed the video from its Facebook timeline, and
owner Mike Bonanno posted an apology letter.
3. Give an example of a business decision in this case study that was facilitated by using
social media to interact with customers.
Mack Trucks’ digital marketing team knows if a person in its database clicked on a Facebook
post to view an Anthem-related video or looked for other information on the company’s web
site. Compelling personalized content helps engage prospects and move them further along the
sales process until they ask to talk to a Mack dealer. At that point, the prospect is considered a
qualified lead. The Social Cloud software program alerts team members when the Mack Anthem
is mentioned on various social sites, and they can respond where appropriate.
4. Should all companies use social media technology for customer service and marketing?
Why or why not? What kinds of companies are best suited to use these platforms?
Before a company jumps into using Facebook and Twitter, it needs to make sure the “back
room” mechanics are in place to process customer service requests. If the company’s
employees are not available for the unanticipated response volume, the plan could backfire.
Social media can provide a platform for widespread negative backlash to companies or retailers.
Starbucks coffee experienced a huge angry response from customers for a social issue
promotion it began on Twitter and Facebook.
Companies who interface directly with consumers are probably more suited to using Facebook
and Twitter promotions. However, all companies who create social media avenues with
customers must realize that it’s not a mirror image of offline, traditional contacts. Relationships
must be created and nurtured over time.
Self-driving cars require new ecosystems to support them, much as today’s cars are dependent
on garages, gasoline stations, and highway systems. New roads, highways, and automotive
supply chains will have to be rebuilt for self-driving cars. The big auto makers that build millions
of cars a year rely on complex, precise interaction among hundreds of companies, including
automotive component suppliers and the services to keep cars running. They need dealers to
sell the cars, gas pumps or charging stations to fuel them, body shops to fix them, and parking
lots to store them.
Manufacturers of autonomous vehicles need to rethink interactions and processes built up over
a century. The highway infrastructure will need to change over time to support autonomous
vehicles. Waymo has partnered with Avis to take care of its fleet of driverless minivans in
Arizona, and it’s working with a startup called Trov to insure their passengers. GM is retooling
one of its plants to produce Chevrolet Bolts without steering wheels or pedals.
11-15 What ethical and social issues are raised by self-driving car technology?
In March 2018, a self-driving Uber Volvo XC90 operating in autonomous mode struck and killed
a woman in Tempe, Arizona. Since the crash, Arizona has suspended autonomous vehicle testing
in the state, and Uber is not renewing its permit to test self-driving cars in California. The
company has also stopped testing autonomous cars in Pittsburgh and Toronto and it’s unclear
when it will be revived.
Even before the accident, Uber’s self-driving cars were having trouble driving through
construction zones and next to tall vehicles like big truck rigs. Uber’s drivers had to intervene far
more frequently than drivers in other autonomous car projects. The Uber accident raised
questions about whether autonomous vehicles were even ready to be tested on public roads
and how regulators should deal with this.
While proponents of self-driving cars like Tesla’s Elon Musk envision a self-driving world where
almost all traffic accidents would be eliminated, and the elderly and disabled could travel freely,
most Americans think otherwise. A Pew Research Center survey found that most people did not
want to ride in self-driving cars and were unsure if they would make roads more dangerous or
safer. Eighty-seven percent wanted a person always behind the wheel, ready to take over if
something went wrong.
Some pundits predict that in the next few decades, driverless technology will add $7 trillion to
the global economy and save hundreds of thousands of lives. At the same time, it could
devastate the auto industry along with gas stations, taxi drivers, and truckers. People might stop
buying cars because services like Uber using self-driving cars would be cheaper.
This could cause mass unemployment of taxi drivers and large reductions in auto sales. It would
also cut down the need for many parking garages and parking spaces, freeing up valuable real
estate for other purposes. More people might decide to live further from their workplaces
because autonomous vehicles linked to traffic systems would make traffic flow more smoothly
and free riders to work, nap, or watch video while commuting.
Some people will prosper. Most will probably benefit, but many will be left behind. Driverless
technology is estimated to change one in every nine U.S. jobs, although it will also create new
jobs. Another consideration is that the tremendous investment in autonomous vehicles,
estimated to be around $32 billion annually, might be better spent on improving public
transportation systems like trains and subways. Does America need more cars in sprawling
urban areas where highways are already jammed?
11-16 Will cars really be able to drive themselves without human operators? Should they?
How can autonomous vehicles communicate with humans and other machines to let them
know what they want to do? Researchers are investigating whether electronic signs and car-to-
car communication systems would solve this problem. There’s also what’s called the “trolley
problem”: In a situation where a crash is unavoidable, how does a robot car decide whom or
what to hit? Should it hit the car coming up on its left or a tree on the side of the road?
A computer-driven car that can handle any situation as well as a human under all conditions is
decades away at best.
Aside from wanting to continually improve its business processes, Siemens needed to find a way
to stop managing its business processes manually. Billing inefficiencies were costing the
company millions of dollars. The company couldn’t take advantage of supplier discounts
because it was unable to pay quickly enough.
Management: Management was seeking better ways of making the business more efficient and
turned to business process mining technology.
Organization: Siemens has thousands of business processes, some of which are very complex.
the company established a unit called Process DAsh (which stands for Data Analytics, smart
handling) to actively support global process optimization in all Siemens divisions. It started
collecting and analyzing ERP data to identify bottlenecks in its production, delivery, and
payment processes using Celonis Process Mining analysis and visualization software for this
Technology: Process mining software analyzes data in enterprise application event logs to
determine how business processes are actually working in order to identify bottlenecks and
other areas of inefficiency so that they can be improved. The technology can analyze millions of
transaction records and spot deviations from normal workflows. A push of a button produces a
snapshot of an entire business process. Process DAsh used the Celonis software to take all the
individual data in a large number of information systems and use them to construct logical
models of existing business processes and automatically visualize them. The software
documents actual processes in real time, as the sequence of events is taking place.
2. Describe the capabilities of process mining software. Was this an effective solution?
Explain your answer.
When process mining software is used to analyze the transaction logs of an ERP or CRM system,
data visualization capabilities in the software can show users what processes are running at any
given time. An organization might use process mining software to find the cause of unexpected
delays in invoice processing by examining the logs of the accounts payable module in its ERP
system. Users can see at a glance where inefficiencies occur through bottlenecks, unnecessary
detours, and manual interventions, or where compliance issues might arise. Some process
mining software, including Celonis, enables users to drill down to view the individual documents
associated with a process.
3. How did process mining change decision making at Siemens?
Siemens started using Celonis analysis and visualization tools to learn how quickly it pays its
suppliers. Some suppliers offer discounts for early payment. Siemens was often unable to take
advantage of these discounts because it was unable to pay quickly enough. The company used
process mining to analyze data from its ERP, accounting, and payment approval systems to
understand why this was happening. Siemens also used process mining to study inefficiencies in
the way it takes orders from and is paid by its customers (order-to-cash processes).
4. How did Anthem’s new data analytics capabilities change the Human Resources function
at the company?
The PDC is able to perform sentiment analysis. The portal includes a channel where employees
can voice their opinions about their work experiences confidentially, using emojis and limited
text entries. The system analyzes these ongoing sentiments to create “team vitals” reports to
help management identify and address potential productivity risks. The company often finds
information on which it can immediately take action, such as ideas for improving processes or
re-prioritizing resources.
In November 2017, Jeff Flannery, who succeeded Immelt as GE’s CEO, announced that spending
on GE Digital and Predix would be cut by more than 25 percent, or $400 million. Digital
initiatives are still critical to the company nevertheless, and Flannery wants Predix to generate
$1 billion in annual revenue. However, Flannery wanted this accomplished via a “more focused”
strategy. In July 2018, the company announced it was seeking a buyer for key parts of its digital
These events demonstrate that GE greatly underestimated the challenges of creating all the
software needed for analyzing Internet of Things (IoT) data to improve business processes
across a wide range of industries. GE’s technical expertise lies in designing and manufacturing
machines like power jet engines, plant turbines, and medical imaging equipment and in creating
the specialized software to control machines in factory operations. It was too much of a stretch
for GE Digital to move quickly into cloud-based software to handle all kinds of sensor and
machine data and big data analytics for the entire Industrial Internet. GE also faced difficulties
adapting its own legacy applications to Predix. GE had many algorithms for monitoring its
machines, but they were written in different coding languages and resided on other systems in
GE businesses. This made converting the software to run on Predix time consuming and
expensive. Predix has been pared back to be primarily a set of software tools to help write
applications, as opposed to connecting to layers of code to automate data analysis. GE Digital
now focuses on selling products for specific industrial applications tailored to GE’s existing
industrial customers rather than an all-purpose operating system and platform for the wider
industrial world.