Catia Nts s07
Catia Nts s07
Catia Nts s07
Learning Objectives:
• Insert components into an assembly file.
• Create bottom-up assemblies.
• Insert components into a product file.
• Move and rotate components inside an assembly.
• Add constraints to individual components.
• Create top-down assemblies.
• Edit assembly designs.
• Create the exploded state of an assemblies.
• The primary method to start a new product file is by selecting File > New from the menu
bar to open the New dialog box.
• From this dialog box, select Product, as shown in Figure A.
The Product option selected Screen display after starting a new file in the
from the New dialog box Assembly Design workbench
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The Part number conflicts dialog box The specification tree showing
four components
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If you choose the Rename button from the Part number conflicts dialog box, the Part
Number dialog box is displayed, as shown in the figure.
• Contact Constraint
• Offset Constraint
• After invoking the Offset Constraint tool, you are prompted to select the first
geometric element for the Offset constraint.
• Select a planar face, circular face, plane, axis, or a point from the geometry area.
• Select a planar face of another component; the Constraint Properties dialog box
is displayed, as shown in the figure.
• Angle Constraint
• To invoke this tool, choose the Angle Constraint button from the constraint toolbar.
• Now, select the two planar faces from the two different components that you need to
place at some angle from each other.
• Once the selection is complete, the Constraint Properties dialog box is displayed,
as shown in the figure.
• Fix Together
To invoke this tool, choose the Fix Together button from the Constraints toolbar;
the Fix Together dialog box is displayed.
• Quick Constraint
To apply constraints, choose the Quick Constraint button from the Constraints
• Reuse Pattern
The Pin and the Plate having The Pin assembled to one of the
patterned holes instances of the patterned hole
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• After selecting the Coincidence constraint, choose the Reuse Pattern button from the
Constraints toolbar.
• The preview of Pins assembled with all instances of hole is displayed in the geometry
• The Instantiation on a pattern dialog box is displayed, as shown in the the figure.
The Instantiation on
a pattern dialog box
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• In CATIA V5, there are two types subassemblies that can be created in the Assembly
Design workbench: Product and Component.
• Product Subassemblies
• Component Subassemblies
• Deleting Components
While working in the Assembly Design workbench, you may need to delete some of the
constituent parts and subassemblies.
• Replacing Components
In CATIA V5 you can replace an existing component with another component inside
an assembly.
The associated and replacing surface The components after editing the
for the Offset constraint offset constraint and updating it
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• Replacing a Constraint
• Interference Detection
The interference is detected using the Clash tool, which is invoked by choosing the
Clash button from the Space Analysis toolbar. The Check Clash dialog box is
displayed, as shown in the figure.
• Sectioning an Assembly
To section an assembly model, choose the Sectioning button from the Space
Analysis toolbar; the Sectioning Definition dialog box is displayed, as shown
in the figure.
• Exploding an Assembly
To explode an assembly, choose the Explode button from the Move toolbar; the
Explode dialog box will be displayed, as shown in the figure.
Front view of the exploded Belt Top view of the exploded Belt
Tightener assembly exploded tightener assembly
using the 2D option
Tutorial 1
In this tutorial you will create all the components of the Blower assembly and then assemble
them together. The Blower assembly is shown in Figure A. After creating it, you will
generate the exploded view. The exploded view of the Blower assembly is shown in Figure
B. The dimensions of all components are given in Figure C, Figure D, Figure E, Figure F,
Figure G and Figure H. (Expected time: 2.5
1. Create all components of the assembly as separate part files in the Part Design workbench.
2. Start a new file in the Assembly Design workbench.
3. Insert the Lower Housing into the assembly as the base component, set its orientation,
and apply the Fix constraint to it at its default location, as shown in Figure I, Figure J
and Figure K.
4. Insert the Upper Housing into the assembly and place it over the lower housing by applying
proper constraints, as shown in Figure L, Figure M and Figure N.
5. Hide the Upper Housing. Insert and place the blower inside the lower Housing.
6. Now, insert and constrain the Motor, the Motor Shaft, and the Cover refer to Figure O,
Figure P, Figure Q, Figure R, Figure S, Figure T and Figure U.
9. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c11 folder and then close it.
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Tutorial 2
In this tutorial you will create some components of a Press Tool Base assembly using the
top-down assembly approach. The Press Tool Base assembly is shown in Figure A. The
exploded state of this assembly is shown in the Figure B. The dimensions of all
components are shown in Figures C and Figure D. (Expected time: 45 min)
3. Create the Guide Bush and Guide Pillar as subsequent components inside the product file,
as shown in Figure G, Figure H and Figure I.
4. Guide Pillar and Guide Bush are to be duplicated using the Reuse Pattern tool, as shown
in Figure K.
6. Save the file in \My Documents\CATIA\c11 folder and then close it.