AD Vignette 9

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PP7501Week 11 Diagnostic Vignettes Page 1 Name____Ksakrad Kelly_______________________

PP7501Adult Psychopathology Fall 2011

Diagnostic Vignettes Week 11
Provide for each vignette: a) DSM-IV-TR diagnoses for Axes I-V Case Vignette 1 Mr. A is a 24-year-old, single, unemployed college dropout who is admitted to the hospital 3 weeks after he painted everything in sight black and white, including his room, his furniture, his clothes, and, finally, even himself. He was responding to a persistent male voice that told him that his behavior would somehow solve the race problem in America and bring peace to his family. Mr. A has been hospitalized on at least 5 previous occasions during the past 5 years, each time for 4-6 weeks. Each hospitalization was due to an exacerbation of his illness with some combination of command hallucinations, strange behavior, and persecutory delusions. He has always responded fairly well to treatment with neuroleptics but hates to take the medication because it makes him feel even deader than dead. Between hospitalizations, he is likely to take medication irregularly or not at all and to miss more outpatient appointments than he keeps. Mr. As functioning between episodes is poor and seems to be getting worse, with increasing social withdrawal, lack of interest in the environment, anhedonia, sloppy personal hygiene, and disordered thinking. He has been arrested on three occasions as a public disturbance for indecent exposure and preaching on street corners. When on medication, however, the patient has a somewhat better appearance and speaks more coherently. Mr. A is the fourth of five children in an extremely close-knit, guilt-provoking, and argumentative family. His mother has been hospitalized twice for hallucinations and persecutory delusions but now functions reasonably well without medication. She believes that she knows better than the doctors what is best for her son. Her other children have left the family apartment and Mrs. A has become increasingly attached to and dependent on the only kid I have left. Mr. A responds to his mothers ministrations with annoyance and avoidance, but, when they are not forthcoming, also becomes annoyed. Mr. A spends most of his time in the apartment doing yoga and reading about Jungian archetypes and social oppression. He sleeps all day and stays up most of every night and, except when hospitalized, rarely talks to anyone outside his immediate family circle. He is afraid to go outside, especially during the day, because he believes that strangers on the street are talking to each other about him and are able to control his thoughts and actions. He is convinced that the transmission of thought commands requires solar energy and that he is safer at night. He also believes that a right-wing, neo-Nazi group is attempting to ruin his reputation by spreading rumors that he is one-eighth Jewish.

PP7501Week 11 Diagnostic Vignettes Page 2 As usual, Mr. A responds well to neuroleptic medication during this hospitalization. He remains convinced of his delusions, but in a low-key way, and can to some extent be argued out of them. He is also able to talk to staff with less suspicion and greater coherence than when he was admitted, and his behavior is no longer overtly bizarre. He seems ready for discharge. Mr. As mother has had his room repainted and is eager to have him back. Mr. As therapist has focused attention on Mr. As resistance to taking medication and the detrimental impact that this has on his treatment and his life. Mr. A seems somewhat more insightful about this behavior than he has in the past. Efforts to enlist his mothers cooperation have not been conspicuously successful. Vignette 1 Axis I: 295.90__Schizophrenia, Undifferentiated type, Episodic with Interepisode Residual _ Symptoms Axis II: V71.09_ No Diagnosis___________ _

Axis III: None__________________________ Axis IV: None__________________________ Axis V: GAF: 25_

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