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CLC12 Capstone Project Proposal

Grad 2025!

The table below is your Capstone Proposal.

This proposal is a draft document. Teachers will give feedback upon submission of your
proposal. You will adjust your proposal/plan and keep track of your changes. Then, you will get
started on your project.

Bring your initial proposal and all revisions to your CLC12 face-to-face check-in meeting in
November. We will discuss ideation, planning, designing, and implementation. Assessment of
your proposal, edits, planning, and early implementation will take place at this meeting.

Question Answer
What is your Capstone project The process of teaching a police officer who's applying
idea? Please describe your idea in for an ERT position to swim. The goal is for him to be
detail. Make sure it is hands-on, able to swim 200 meters under 6 minutes, tread water
applied, and experiential. for 10 minutes right after, and a few other smaller
How does your capstone project As a swimming instructor and competitive swimmer,
idea connect with your life, water safety has been something I’ve become very
interests, and/or plans after high passionate about. I’d also like to go into criminology for
school? university so it’s interesting to see the different paths I
could go down.
How does your capstone project
showcase the best things about
you, including your strengths and

What evidence or artefacts could I have been teaching him for a while, but luckily every
you collect during the beginning, month or so I have recorded his swimming for
middle, and end of your project to technique updates, and I have all of his times from
SHOWcase process and outcomes when we attempt the 200 meter swim.
in your January Capstone
presentation? Keep the end in

Who can mentor or support you My co-workers and boss would be very helpful in this as
while you plan and execute your many of the coaches I work with have many years of
capstone project? Why are they a experience and the “lead” coach has over 30 years of
good fit for this support role. swim instructor experience. They have seen it all when
it comes to swimming, so I’m sure they’d be a good fit
for this role.

CLC12 Capstone Project Proposal
Grad 2025!

Goal Setting is a complex and important life skill. Set WEEKLY AND MONTHLY goals to
accomplish your Capstone project by January 10th, to give you some time to prepare for the
presentation at the end of January. Watch this video “A complete guide to goal setting” by
The Art of Improvement https://youtu.be/XpKvs-apvOs?si=iEEOoedHpkUaw_59

Make a plan. Make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable,

Set some goals. Attainable, Relatable, and Time bound.

October project goals Train 1-2x a week

Work towards 10 mins treading water.
Work on diving for the brick.
Do timed swims to track progress
November project goals November 1rst – TEST DAY

December project goals

January project
and presentation goals

Next Steps.
1. Once you complete the above proposal, “turn it in” in Teams for feedback.
2. Receive feedback and track your changes/pivots.
3. Start planning/designing: storyboard, outline, sketch, budget, and create timelines. Seek
support during your off block in room 309.
4. Bring all versions of your proposal and evidence of planning/designing to your 1:1 check-
in meeting between Nov. 4 – 22, 2024. Check-in meeting slots will exist in every block of
every day and you will sign up starting Oct. 28th.
5. If you start your project, remember to document your work from beginning to end using
photos, video, and text.

CLC12 Capstone Project Proposal
Grad 2025!

Capstone Assessment

CLC12 is a 4-credit course that appears on your final transcript as a percentage and letter grade. The
Capstone project and presentation (SEM1) are worth 50% of your CLC12 grade; the school-life transition
workshops (SEM1, SEM2) are worth 40% of your grade; and, evidence of 30-hours work or volunteer
experience is worth 10% of your CLC12 grade. [1 mark = 1%]

Capstone Project and Presentation

Assessment Plan & Proficiency Descriptors
Competency: Ideate
Competency: Plan and Design
Assessed by capstone project proposal(s) and discussion during check-in meeting (20 marks)
You can identify areas of interest, passion, and talent. You make connections with people,
organizations, facilities, and resources that are close to you. You take creative risks in generating ideas
and add to others’ ideas in ways that enhance them, maintaining an open mind.
You can draft preliminary plans using tools such as storyboarding, outlining, sketching. You can
develop a design plan that includes key stages and resources, such as budget, materials, human
resources, etc. You can screen ideas and plans against success criteria and constraints. You identify
required tools, technologies, materials, and processes; and establish a timeline.

Competency: Implement
Assessed by evidence posted to an MS Teams assignment in January (10 marks)
You follow-through with your plan by attending, making, doing, etc. You use intended strategies,
resources, tools, technologies, and materials to fulfill your project plan. You monitor the roll-out of
your plan, maintaining an open mind and the flexibility to adjust as needed. You document your
learning and experiences using video, photos, journal, etc.

Competency: Communicate & Analyze

Assessed on Capstone Day (20 marks)
You arrange and prepare a showcase of your work. Your representation is polished and uses
resources creatively. Your presentation connects to your personal, academic, and/or career goals. You
communicate clearly with the audience using appropriate volume, pace, tone, eye contact, body
language, effective use of visual aids, and appropriate terminology with context/explanation. You
critically evaluate the impact of your work. You can describe what worked well, what didn’t work well,
and if the intended outcome was achieved. You can reflect on personal growth. You can explain how
the process contributed to you, your family, community, and/or the environment. Your presentation
has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

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