4-1 Wellness Discussion
4-1 Wellness Discussion
4-1 Wellness Discussion
Here are the links to the topic I have chosen for the concept of wellness in this discussion:
Pandemic is something that we all have/currently struggled with for over half a year.
This is very disturbing to some. Society doesn't want to conform, the majority wants to go
out to eat and go to parties, have back what they feel is a normal way to live. The pandemic
is tranquil for a part of the lens of Humanities in terms of some science areas such as our
water is cleaner, the air quality is better. These items in turn help people.
The mediate outside and sit by the beaches. It may be other people that share that part
of the tenderness of human quality but yet they are struggling sill with the emotions of a
lockdown and social distancing that feels like an eternity because to be isolated for such a
span of time seems like forever in our minds of emotion the pandemic is pushing upon us
all. Somewhere in the background the sense of frustrations or irritation that may linger for
a while or happen every day when we look directly at our emotions during this time.
(Bloom & Abovian, 2020)
We hear and see so many different opinions from the news, scientists, and even our
leaders. These commercials and experience we have been presented by COVID 19 keep
our stress levels high. Even a simple handshake that is emotionally embedded in our day to
day practice was removed, we fell and felt a loss on top of the greif that this Pandemic has
bestod upon. I brought those ideas up to bettr help understand why I had chosen to use the
news clip of how they are opening up a county in California that still otential has a ways to
go to be clear of COVID 19 and the social emotional imoact this has had on me as well as
The social impact that this clip has seveal ways we can look at it. The first one is yeah you
can now move around go the the movies, eat in a restaurant work out in a fitness club. The
flip side of that is we expose ourselves to more tracing for wanting to be social. The other
side of it is the compliances we are currently under. We have been given a choice per
county to open which gives a sense of happiness,but with doing so we potentially are
exposing ourseslves to a high risk of Covid 19. I agree we should slowly open. I don’t
agree to open everything and asking all to maintain the compliances that we have in place.
Maybe it’s just me but during the eye of our pandemic we had people with massive pool
parties ondispay via vidoes with no masks. For me, I am happy inside my home safe. I am
happy to go the beach alone and breath fresha air.
Bansal, P., Bingemann, T., Greenhawt, M., Mosnaim, G., Nanda, A., Oppenheimer, J., . . .
Shaker, M. (2020, June). Clinician Wellness During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Extraordinary Times and Unusual Challenges for the Allergist/Immunologist. Retrieved
September 23, 2020, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7129776/
Bloom, T., & Abovian, E. (2020, September 23). Riverside County moved to less-restrictive
COVID-19 tier, allowing for more reopenings. Retrieved September 23, 2020, from
SF, US. (2020, September 11). Emotional Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis for
Health Care Providers Webinar Series. Retrieved September 23, 2020, from
(SF, 2020)