NHBC Standards 2024 3
NHBC Standards 2024 3
NHBC Standards 2024 3
Concrete and its
This chapter gives guidance on meeting
the Technical Requirements for concrete
and its reinforcement.
3.1.1 Compliance 01
3.1.2 Provision of information 01
3.1.3 Storage of materials 01
3.1.4 Site-mixed concrete 01
3.1.5 Ready-mixed concrete 03
3.1.6 Concrete specification 03
3.1.7 Admixtures 06
3.1.8 Special types of concrete 07
3.1.9 Design of reinforced concrete 07
3.1.10 Installation of reinforcement 08
3.1.11 Blinding concrete 09
3.1.12 Formwork 09
3.1.13 Before concreting 10
3.1.14 Casting 10
3.1.15 Curing 10
3.1.16 Testing 11
3.1.17 Glossary 11
For figure reference tables in this chapter, please go to the end of the chapter
1 Concrete and its reinforcement I 2024
Chapter 3.1
Concrete design and specification should comply with the relevant British Standards. Mix design should take account
of strength and durability, and follow recognised standards and practices. Alternatively, mixes in accordance with the
guidance in this chapter will be acceptable. This applies to plain and reinforced concrete, whether precast or in-situ.
Concrete and its reinforcement shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Concrete and its reinforcement that complies with the guidance in this chapter, which covers plain and reinforced concrete,
Materials shall be properly stored to avoid impairing the performance of the finished concrete.
Concrete should be mixed using an appropriate method to achieve the required strength and durability. Except for very small
quantities, a mechanical mixer should be used. Where hand mixing, add an extra 10% of cement to the quantities shown in
Tables 2 and 3.
2024 I Concrete and its reinforcement 2
Chapter 3.1
z mixed, and precautions taken, as described in susceptible to alkali attack or excessive
BRE Digest 357 moisture movement, or unfamiliar materials
z fine and/or of coarse proportions mixed as are used
specified z within the limits of the aggregate carbon
z proportioned to ensure a reasonable range (ACR), when subject to aggressive
consistency, when supplied as a mixture sulfate ground conditions
z assessed in accordance with Technical
Requirement R3 where materials are
recovered or proprietary
The information below applies to cement strength class 32.5 and 20mm maximum aggregate size. Where cement strength class
42.5 or higher is used, the cement weight should be decreased by 10%.
Table 2: Mix proportions by weight
Standardised prescribed Consistence class (slump in mm) Cement (kg) Fine aggregate (kg) Coarse aggregate (kg)
ST1 S1 (10-40) 230 770 1155
ST2 S2 (50-90) 265 760 1135
ST2 S3 (100-150) 285 735 1105
ST2 S4 (160-210) 300 815 990
ST3 S2 (50-90) 295 745 1120
ST4 S2 (50-90) 330 735* 1100
ST5 S2 (50-90) 375 720* 1080
* Fine aggregate grading to be grades CP or MP only of BS EN 12620.
Other suppliers may be suitable if they operate to an equivalent quality standard acceptable to NHBC.
Ready-mixed concrete should be ordered to a detailed specification conforming to BS 8500 and BS EN 206.
When designated mixes are used, the ready-mix supplier will only require the mix designation, and consistence class
(see 3.1.6 Table 4).
Delivery information should be checked to ensure that the concrete meets the requirements given in the design.
3.1.6 Concrete specification Also see: BRE Digest 357, BRE Special Digest 1, BS 8500, BS 8500-1 and BS EN 206
Concrete shall be specified correctly to ensure adequate strength and durability. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) concrete in non-hazardous conditions e) effects of chlorides
b) exposure to climatic and atmospheric conditions f) effects of alkali-silica reaction
c) exposure to aggressive ground conditions g) aggregates.
d) exposure to sulfates and acids in groundwater
Concrete mixes should be suitable for particular end uses and specified in accordance with BS 8500-1 as either:
z designated mix, which is supplied ready mixed, or z standardised prescribed mix for site mixing.
Designated mixes should conform to Table 6 of BS 8500-2 2015. Standardised prescribed mixes should conform to Tables 2 and 3
in this chapter.
Mixes should also be designed for the expected conditions of the geographical location of the site and the location of the concrete
element in the structure. Higher grade concrete has greater resistance to chemical and mechanical damage and should be
specified accordingly.
In addition to the issues in this section, durability is reliant on:
z correct control of the water:cement ratio z good curing.
z full compaction of the placed concrete
z general reinforced concrete exposure class(3) to BS8500-1:
– nominal cover to reinforcement of 35mm (which is the minimum
cover of 25mm plus an allowance in design for deviation of 10mm)
a.) XC1 (dry) and XC2 (wet, rarely dry) RC25/30 (4)
b.) XC3 (moderate humidity), XC4 (cyclic wet and dry) and XF1 RC32/40 - S2
(freeze/thaw attack and no de-icing agent)
– nominal cover to reinforcement of 40mm (which is the minimum
cover of 30mm plus an allowance in design for deviation
of 10mm)
c.) any exposure class (XC1-4 and XF1) RC28/35 (5)
In-situ external concrete
z drives and paths PAV1 ST5(6) S2
z bedding for precast concrete paving slabs GEN1 ST1 S1
Consistence class S3 should be used for strip foundation concrete and consistence class S4 should be used for trench fill foundation concrete.
2 ST4 mix for house and garage floors may only be used in conjunction with Chapter 5.2 ‘Suspended ground floors’. In all other cases, the designated mix should
be used.
3 Exposure classes (XC1-4 and XF1) are defined in BS 8500-1 Table A.1.
4 In this situation, ST4 mix may be used only for small quantities of concrete. In all other cases, the appropriate designated mix should be used.
5 In this situation, an ST5 mix may be used only for small quantities of concrete. In all other cases, the appropriate designated mix should be used.
Not suitable in areas of severe exposure to frost attack. This is equivalent to exposure class XC4 above.
Table 6: Aggressive chemical environment for concrete (ACEC) site classification(1) and applies to concrete exposed to ground
with a pH value greater than 2.5
Sulfate and magnesium Natural soil Brownfield(3) ACEC class for
Design sulfate 2:1 water/ Ground Total potential Static Mobile Static Mobile
class for site soil extract water sulfate(2) water water water water
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SO4 Mg SO4 Mg SO4 pH pH pH(5) pH(5)
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %
DS-1 <500 All Mg <400 All Mg <0.24 >2.5 >2.5 AC-1s
values values >5.5(6) >6.5 AC-1
2.5 -5.5 5.6-6.5 AC-2z
4.5-5.5 AC-3z
2.5-4.5 AC-4z
DS-2 500-1500 All Mg 400-1400 All Mg 0.24- >3.5 >5.5 AC-1s
values values 0.6 >5.5 >6.5 AC-2
2.5-3.5 2.5-5.5 AC-2s
2.5-5.5 5.6-6.5 AC-3z
4.5-5.5 AC-4z
2.5-4.5 AC-5z
For concrete quality and APM for ACEC classes above AC-2z, follow specialist advice. For the full list of ACEC classes, refer to Table A.2 of BS 8500-1 or
BRE Special Digest 1 Table C1 for natural ground locations, and Table C2 for brownfield locations.
2 Applies only to sites where concrete will be exposed to sulfate ions (SO4), which may result from the oxidation of sulfides such as pyrite, following
ground disturbance.
3 Applies to locations on sites that comprise either undisturbed ground that is in its natural state or clean fill derived from such ground.
4 ‘Brownfield’ is defined as sites which may contain chemical residues remaining from previous industrial use or from imported wastes.
5 An additional account is taken of hydrochloric and nitric acids by adjustment to sulfate content.
6 For flowing water that is potentially aggressive to concrete owing to high purity or an aggressive carbon dioxide level greater than 15mg/l, increase the ACEC class
to AC-2z.
Effects of chlorides
Chlorides, which are contained in all concrete materials, increase the risk of corrosion in metal and can reduce the chemical
resistance of concrete, therefore chloride content of fresh concrete should be limited in accordance with BS EN 206 Table 15.
Cured concrete can be damaged by chlorides in the ground, sea spray, or products used for de-icing highways, and specialist
guidance should be followed.
Alkali content calculated in accordance with BRE Digest 330 or Concrete Society Technical Report 30 should not exceed 3kg/m3.
Where unfamiliar aggregate materials are used, special precautions may be required.
Standardised prescribed mixes should conform to BS 8500.
Aggregates should be of a grade which ensures adequate durability of the concrete. Certain types of aggregate are shrinkable
and require special precautions in mixing. Certain types of aggregate may be susceptible to alkali attack or excessive
moisture movement.
Proprietary and recovered aggregates should only be specified where they have been assessed in accordance with Technical
Requirement R3.
3.1.7 Admixtures
Admixtures shall only be used to enhance the performance and durability of concrete.
Admixtures should comply with BS EN 934-2 Admixtures for concrete mortar and grout - Concrete admixtures - Definitions,
requirements, conformity, marking and labelling, should be used in accordance with BS EN 206 and should be:
z specified only with full knowledge of their limitations z added to the mix water to ensure complete dispersal
and effects z dosed correctly
z used only where permitted in the specification z used strictly in accordance with the
z tested in trial mixes, where necessary manufacturer’s instructions.
Accelerators produce early setting of the concrete, and plasticisers can improve concrete cohesion and the bond
with reinforcement.
Air-entraining agents should not be used as an anti-freeze for fresh concrete. Though they can increase the frost resistance of
cured concrete and are recommended for paths, drives and pavements which are likely to be exposed to freezing conditions.
Retarding agents can increase the risk of frost damage.
Admixtures containing chlorides can cause metal corrosion and should not be used in reinforced concrete.
7 Concrete and its reinforcement I 2024
Chapter 3.1
Proprietary concrete, no-fines or lightweight concrete should be of a quality and density appropriate for the conditions and use.
Where no-fines concrete is used, a render, cover coat or cladding should be applied to the finished structure.
Proprietary methods of reinforcement, eg glass fibre, should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
Structural design should be in accordance with Technical Requirement R5 and the mix properly detailed.
Reinforced concrete should be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5. BS 8103-1 can be used
for the design of suspended ground floors in homes and garages.
End restraint
Where the ends of slabs are cast monolithically with concrete members, surface cracking may develop over the supports.
Reinforcement should therefore be provided in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1.
Concrete cover
There should be adequate cover to the reinforcement, Figure 1: Concrete cover
Table 8: Minimum cover for reinforcement for concrete not designed by an engineer
Position of the concrete Minimum cover (mm)
In contact with the ground 75
External conditions 50
Cast against a DPM on sand blinding 40
Against adequate blinding concrete 40
Protected or internal conditions 25
2024 I Concrete and its reinforcement 8
Chapter 3.1
Fire resistance
Concrete cover to reinforcement should be adequate to resist fire. Requirements for fire resistance are given in BS EN 1992-1-2.
Cover required by BS EN 1992-1-1 will normally provide up to one hour of fire resistance for columns, simply supported beams
and floors.
Carbonation reduces the corrosion protection of the reinforcement by increasing porosity and decreasing alkalinity. Such corrosion
can be reduced by providing as much concrete cover as possible, and by ensuring that the wet concrete is of good quality and
properly compacted to reduce the rate of carbonation.
3.1.10 Installation of reinforcement Also see: Chapter 5.2
Reinforcement shall be installed in accordance with the design. Issues to take into account include:
a) shape, placing and condition of reinforcement bars c) support for reinforcement.
b) lapping bars and mesh
mild steel
top layer
'bob-and-hook' 'U-bar'
However, there are several proprietary solutions for punching
shear reinforcement, and these are commonly used in flat slabs
in medium and high-rise residential buildings. These include
stud rail systems, shear ladders and structural steel shear
heads, amongst others. These may often be spaced at centres
relaxed compared to those required for traditional shear links.
Such systems should be:
z independently assessed, in accordance with Technical
Requirement R3
z assessed according to the intended use
z used strictly in accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations and the independent assessment
z fully detailed and co-ordinated on engineers reinforcement
detailing drawings.
3.1.12 Formwork
Formwork shall be structurally adequate and constructed in a workmanlike manner.
Formwork should be accurately set out in relation to relevant reference lines and benchmarks. Accuracy is essential to ensure that
the correct cover to the reinforcement is maintained.
Formwork and its supports should be rigid enough to maintain the correct position and to withstand extra loads and accidental
knocks likely to occur during placement and compacting. Wedges, inserts and boxes should be firmly secured to avoid
displacement during vibration.
2024 I Concrete and its reinforcement 10
Chapter 3.1
For concrete which is to be left untreated, or with minimum finishing, formwork joints should be tight to avoid grout loss and
ragged edges. Joints between shutters should be constructed for easy stripping. Any holes for bolts or spacers should be drilled
with care to avoid disfiguring or splintering the formwork surface and giving a poor finish.
Formwork should be capable of being struck without damage to the concrete. Formwork should be dismantled without shock,
disturbance or damage to the concrete. Support for load-bearing elements should not be removed until the concrete has achieved
sufficient strength, as detailed by the designer. Props under suspended floors or beams should be released from the centre,
outwards, to avoid overloading.
Installations and final preparations shall be completed before concreting starts.
Concrete shall be cast so as to achieve the required design strength and durability.
The temperature of the concrete at the point of use should not be less than 5°C (41°F). Fresh concrete is susceptible to frost
damage, and freezing can cause internal damage that is not immediately obvious.
Concrete should not be placed in or under water, unless it has been specially designed for that use.
Sufficient concrete should be mixed or ordered, so that it can be placed in a continuous process.
Concrete should be deposited as close as possible to its final location. Transportation on site should be as fast and efficient as
possible in order to avoid segregation and to ensure full compaction of the placed concrete.
Site-mixed concrete should be placed within 30 minutes, and ready-mixed concrete within two hours, of water being added to the
cement. Additional water should not be added to ready-mixed concrete unless under the supervision and approval of the supplier.
Concreting should, wherever possible, be carried out in one operation, taking account of:
z weather conditions z time to allow for surface finishing.
z available daylight
Concrete cast in one operation (ie, without construction joints) should always be as square in shape as possible and not
greater than:
z reinforced concrete 60m2 z unreinforced concrete 16m2.
Construction joints should be formed only where unavoidable and in consultation with the engineer. These should not be
positioned next to a return in the foundation. Before work continues beyond the joint, shuttering used to form the joint should
be removed.
Reinforced concrete should be fully compacted using poker vibration unless the design states otherwise. Poker vibration should
be carried out by experienced operators to ensure complete coverage and to avoid honeycombing. Vibrating beams or hand
tamping may be used to consolidate slabs up to 150mm thick, unless the design details otherwise. Excessive use of vibration can
cause segregation and prevent concrete reaching an adequate strength.
Concrete performance relies on the curing process. The design should clearly indicate where there are any special requirements
for curing concrete.
Freshly poured concrete should be kept moist by covering as soon as the surface is hard enough to resist damage. This is
particularly important in hot, windy or cold weather to prevent the surface drying out too rapidly, or freezing. Damp hessian, damp
sharp sand or an impervious sheet (such as polyethylene) are acceptable as surface coverings. Alternatively, a curing agent can
be applied to the surface.
11 Concrete and its reinforcement I 2024
Chapter 3.1
No load should be applied to the work until the concrete has cured sufficiently. It is recommended that plain unreinforced concrete
made with ordinary Portland cement is left for at least four days to cure.
It is possible to proceed with substructure masonry above strip or trench fill foundations on unreinforced ordinary Portland cement
concrete at an early stage, provided that care is taken to protect the surface from damage.
Reinforced concrete or concrete containing cement replacements, such as PFA, will require a longer curing period. This will
normally take seven days, during which the concrete structure should not be loaded.
Any curing agents should comply with Technical Requirement R3 and should be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Curing agents should never be used on floors which are to receive either a topping or a screed, as it
could affect the future bond. Curing periods may be extended at low temperatures.
3.1.16 Testing
Testing shall be carried out to the full satisfaction of NHBC.
Testing, where required, shall be conducted to BS EN 12390 by UKAS approved laboratories. Test cubes should be prepared as
requested by the engineer. These should be marked, cured and stored safely until testing.
Proof of testing, with reports, certificates and allied documentation, should be kept for reference and made available to NHBC
upon request.
Ready-mixed concrete supplier should prepare test cubes in accordance with quality assurance procedures.
3.1.17 Glossary
Aggressive chemical A system for the classification of aggressive ground conditions that are derived from design
environment for concrete sulfate class. It takes into account the site (natural or brownfield) and the mobility and pH of
classification (ACEC class) ground water. Brownfield, ‘mobile’ water and low pH (acidic) conditions may have adverse effects
on buried concrete and hence result in a more severe ACEC class.
Additional protective These are defined as the extra measures that could be taken to protect concrete where the basic
measures (APM) concrete specification might not give adequate resistance to chemical attack.
Design chemical class This defines the qualities of concrete that are required to resist chemical attack. The DC class
(DC class) is derived from the ACEC class of the ground and other factors, including the type of concrete
element and its required structural performance.
Design sulfate class A site classification based on the determined sulfate (including potential sulfate) contents of
(DS class) the ground and/or ground water. It is also dependent on the type of site, presence or absence
of magnesium ions, pyrite, and for pH less than 5.5, chloride and nitrate ions. Five levels of
classification are given that are equivalent to those given in BRE Digest 363 (now superseded).
Enhanced concrete quality An incremental step in concrete quality that could be used as an Additional Protective Measure
(APM). Each increment in concrete quality is counted as an extra APM.
Mobile ground water Sites where water is free to flow into an excavation to give a standing water level are affected by
mobile ground water. The threshold ground permeability is greater than 10-6 m/s (ie, 86mm/day).
Static ground water The sites where the free flow of water is confined due to either permanently dry conditions or the
soil is relatively impermeable (of permeability less than 10-6 m/s).
Total potential sulfate (TPS) The total potential sulfate content is the result of the combination of sulfates already present in
the ground and that which may be added due to the oxidation of pyrite in the ground.
Cold weather working
3.2.1 Compliance 01
3.2.2 External conditions 01
3.2.3 Materials 01
3.2.4 Concreting 01
3.2.5 Masonry 02
3.2.6 Rendering, plastering and screeding 02
3.2.7 Admixtures 03
3.2.8 Painting 03
1 Cold weather working I 2024
Chapter 3.2
Sitework which complies with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Work should be planned in advance, and account taken of site and climatic conditions either by:
Where air temperature is below, or likely to fall below, 2°C, work should not proceed unless the precautions detailed in this chapter
are adopted.
A thermometer should be sited in the shade and used to indicate if temperatures are rising or falling.
3.2.3 Materials
Materials shall be adequately protected against cold weather.
Materials should:
z not be used if frozen
z be protected using appropriate covers to prevent damage by
snow, ice, frost or damp.
Appropriate covers should be provided for bricks and blocks,
sand, aggregates and cement, to prevent them from becoming
saturated and damaged by frost.
Where it is necessary to continue building during longer periods
of colder weather, heaters should be used to protect materials.
3.2.4 Concreting Also see: BS EN 13670 Table 4 Curing class 2 and Table F1 Curing class 2
Concrete shall not be placed in cold weather unless suitable precautions are taken.
Site-mixed concrete
If the air temperature drops to 2°C, concrete work should not proceed unless:
z the ground into which the concrete is to be placed is z the water for mixing is heated, but not above 60°C
not frozen (cement should not be heated)
z the aggregate temperature is above 2°C z the cast concrete can be properly protected, taking account
z the aggregate is free of frost and snow of the cross-sectional area and location.
z where work is to continue, it may be necessary to steam frozen aggregates, and very cold aggregate can still
heat aggregates or to use hot air blowers below covers remain frozen.
Masonry shall not be laid in cold weather unless suitable precautions are taken.
3.2.7 Admixtures
Admixtures shall be used correctly and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Painting shall not be carried out when there is a risk of damage due to cold weather.
Timber preservation
(natural solid timber)
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for the protection of
natural solid timber against fungal decay and
insect attack, dependent upon its use.
3.3.1 Compliance 02
3.3.2 Durability 03
3.3.3 Sitework 05
3.3.4 Protection and storage 05
3.3.5 Treatment of cut surfaces 06
3.3.6 Compatibility with metal 06
3.3.7 Further information 06
For figure reference tables in this chapter, please go to the end of the chapter
1 Timber preservation (natural solid timber) I 2024
Chapter 3.3
Coated/coating Application of a suitable water-repellent decorative surface coating, such as a paint or stain, which
must be maintained over the life of the component. The application of a surface coating should be
in addition to the use of factory-applied preservative treatments or timber with adequate natural
durability appropriate for the intended application
Desired Service Life The period over which a component can function as it was intended. A Desired Service Life is
indicative rather than a guarantee of performance and is based on an assumption of good design
A structural engineer will need to specify and consider the Service Class of a timber component
when undertaking structural designs and calculations. Further guidance on Service Classes can be
found in BS EN 1995-1-1
2024 I Timber preservation (natural solid timber) 2
Chapter 3.3
Use Class Is based on differences in environment exposures that can make the wood or wood-based
products susceptible to biological deterioration. Table 1 of BS 8417 summarises the Use Class
system and gives examples of typical service situations. BS EN 335 contains definitions of Use
Classes which have been summarised below:
z Use Class 1: Situations in which the wood or wood-based product is inside a construction, not
exposed to the weather and wetting
z Use Class 2: Situations in which the wood or wood-based product is under cover and not
exposed to the weather (particularly rain and driven rain) but where occasional, but not
persistent, wetting can occur. In this Use Class, condensation of water on the surface of wood
and wood-based products may occur
z Use Class 3: Situations in which the wood or wood-based product is above ground and exposed
to the weather (particularly rain). A large variety of in-use situations exist and, when relevant,
Use Class 3 may be divided into two sub-classes 3.1/3(c) and 3.2/3(uc)
z Use Class 3.1/3(c) coated: In this situation the wood and wood-based products will not remain
wet for long periods. Water will not accumulate. This may be achieved by, for example, a
maintained and suitable coating
z Use Class 3.2/3(uc) uncoated: in this situation the wood and wood-based products will remain
wet for long periods. Water may accumulate
z Use Class 4: A situation in which the wood or wood-based product is in direct contact with
ground and/or fresh water
Wood species Trade name according to BS EN 13556 which can on occasion include more than one botanical
tree species
This chapter sets out Use Classes, Desired Service Life, preservative treatment, and natural durability of solid wood
components. It does not cover:
z products such as plywood and wood-based z treatment schedules, formulation, and process
particle boards techniques, which is the responsibility of the
z the condition before the treatment organisation carrying out the operation.
It is important that treatment of timber and joinery is carried out to appropriate standards which are both suitable and safe.
Treatments in accordance with procedures set out in British Standards, Codes of Practice, or which have been satisfactorily
assessed by an independent authority in accordance with Technical Requirement R3, will generally be acceptable.
The treatment specification should state the:
z component type, and z may also include the timber species, specific treatment and
z Use Class, and standard required where appropriate.
z Desired Service Life, and
Preservatives used in England, Scotland and Wales should meet the requirements of The Biocidal Products (Health and Safety)
(Amendment) Regulations 2022 or The Control of Pesticides Regulations (1986 as amended) administered by the Health and
Safety Executive. Preservatives used in Northern Ireland should be authorised under the EU Biocidal Products Regulation. The
safety instructions published by the manufacturers should be followed.
3 Timber preservation (natural solid timber) I 2024
Chapter 3.3
Also see: BS 8417, BS EN 350, The Wood Protection Association Code of Practice: Industrial
3.3.2 Durability Wood Preservation, The Wood Protection Association Wood Selection Guide (www.thewpa.org.uk)
Timber and joinery used in the construction of homes shall either have adequate natural durability or,
where treatment is undertaken, receive a satisfactory preservative treatment against fungal decay and
insect attack.
The natural durability of heartwood varies between wood species. For some end uses, the natural durability of the heartwood of a
particular species may provide sufficient durability to be used without preservation. BS EN 350 defines the durability of commonly
available wood species and the Wood Protection Association Wood Selection Guide and BS 8417 provide guidance on natural
durability and preservative treatment appropriate for a specific Use Class and Desired Service Life.
Timber component groups and preservative treatment or natural durability requirements are shown in Table 1 below (based on BS
8417), which provides information to establish the appropriate timber Durability Class or requirement for preservative treatment
according to the component and conditions of use.
Preservative treatments should be suitable for the Use Class of a component; not all treatment types are suitable for all
Use Classes. Guidance on treatment types and schedules can be found in Table 4 of BS 8417 and by consulting treatment
manufacturers or The Wood Protection Association.
Table 2 provides information on the timber species and durability of heartwood to protect against attack from fungal decay.
Sapwood is generally regarded as not durable, unless proven otherwise by test data.
Table 1: Timber component groups and preservative treatment
Component group Examples Use Desired Preservative Minimum natural
Class Service Life treatment durability class in
required(1) lieu of treatment(2,10)
Internal Joinery Architraves, skirting boards, 1 60 ✗ 5
internal doors, etc
Floor Joists Intermediate floor joists not 1 60 ✗ 5
built into solid external walls,
floor boards
Intermediate floor joists built into 2 60 ✓ 2
solid external walls
Ground floor joists 2 60 ✓ 2
Roof Timbers All timbers in normal pitched roofs 1 60 ✗ 5
except tiling battens and valley
gutter members
Normal pitched roof timbers in 1 60 ✓ 3
areas with house longhorn beetle
(Hylotrupes area)(3)
Tiling battens, wood in pitched roofs 2 60 ✓ 2
with high condensation risk(4), wood
in flat roofs, pitched valley boards
Timber Frame External wall frame timbers in 2 60 ✓ 2
timber frame housing (including
engineered I-studs and metal-
web studs), walls forming dormer
Sole plates(5) 2 60 ✓ 2
External Joinery and Coated external cladding, joinery 3.1 30 ✓ 3
Cladding (not in ground (windows and doors including 3(c)
contact) frames), soffits, facias, barge
boards etc
Uncoated external cladding, joinery 3.2 30 ✓ 2
(windows and doors including 3(uc)
frames), soffits, facias, barge
boards etc
2024 I Timber preservation (natural solid timber) 4
Chapter 3.3
high within gardens(11)
Timber retaining walls over 1m high 4 30 ✓ 1
within gardens(11), timber retaining
walls up to 600mm high in a
boundary situation(11)
Timber retaining walls over 600mm 4 60 ✓ (8) 1(9)
high in a boundary situations(11)
1. Preservative treatment of timber should be in accordance with penetration and retention values listed in Table 4 of BS 8417. It is important to note that not all
preservatives are appropriate for all Use Classes and that some timber species are not sufficiently permeable to achieve the penetration levels required, at least
without additional processing such as mechanical incising.
2. Where natural durability is used in lieu of preservative treatment, timber must be specified and selected as being heartwood only. Durability Classes for the heartwood
of commonly used timbers are available in BS EN 350 and summarised in Table 2 below.
3. Any hardwood can be used (subject to adequate structural performance). Recommendations based on evidence that the house longhorn beetle (H.bajulus) can
attack the heartwood of some softwoods of lower natural durability. Geographic areas where treatment is required are defined in Approved Document A.
4. Pitched roofs with a high condensation risk are considered to be roofs over swimming pools, pitched roofs with a fully supported weatherproofing membrane (eg
single ply membrane, bituminous membranes, GRP etc) or continuous metal coverings, and any other roof system not designed in accordance with BS 5250.
5. Sole plates should be positioned above DPC. Preservatives used should be resistant to leaching.
6. The base of support posts should be at least 200mm above any adjacent horizontal surfaces (eg ground or supporting walls) supported on a free draining
post base.
7. For decking and external stairs that are more than 600mm and less than 2.4m in height, deck boards, balustrades and external stairs should have a Desired Service
Life of 30 years, and deck joists and posts should have a Desired Service Life of 60 years. Reference should be made to Chapter 7.1 ‘Flat roofs and balconies’,
Chapter 10.2 ‘Drives, paths and landscaping’ and The Timber Decking and Cladding Association ‘Code of Practice: Raised timber deck structures on new homes’. For
balconies greater than 2.4m in height, timber is not permitted for gallows brackets, posts, columns, stairs, guardrails or their support, and cantilevered or infill joists.
See Clause 7.1.6 for further guidance.
8. No generic treatment specifications for a 60 year Desired Service Life in Use Class 4 are provided in either BS 8417 or the WPA Code of Practice, and so specialist
advice must be sought from the preservative treatment supplier and/or manufacturer. Due to the potential difficulties in achieving the very high levels of preservative
treatment penetration and retention likely required, NHBC require satisfactory assessment by an appropriate independent technical approvals authority accepted by
NHBC for timber components or systems in this scenario.
9. Selected woods of natural Durability Class 1 may be able to achieve a Desired Service Life of 60 years. See BS 8417 for further details.
10. For modified timber products (such as thermal or chemical modification), guidance on the Durability Class and use of the product should be obtained from
the manufacturer.
11. Timber retaining structures should not be used to provide support to homes, garages, roads, drives, car parking areas, or drainage systems. Further guidance can be
found in Chapter 10.2.
5 Timber preservation (natural solid timber) I 2024
Chapter 3.3
z Wengé z Walnut (African) z Beech (European, silver)
z Padauk
z Mahogany z Red Balau Ash (European)
(African) z
z Opepe z Poplar
z Chestnut (sweet)
z Meranti (white)
z Louro (red)
z Karri
z Balau, yellow
z Kapur z Walnut (American,
z Iroko European)
z Oak (Turkey)
z Keruing
z Sapele
z Teak
Softwoods z Cedar z Cedar (yellow) z Pine (Parana, radiata)
(Eastern z Spruce (sitka)
z Cedar (Eastern z Pine (Caribbean z Spruce (Norway)
red, Western red) pitch, American z Pine (Austrian,
pitch) Corsican, yellow)
z Fir (Douglas) z European
z Cedar (UK Whitewood
Western red) z Hemlock (Western)
z Larch (European, Japanese, hybrid,
z Pine (lodgepole, maritime, Scots)
z European Redwood
1. Where a timber species has a range of Durability Classes, and for end uses where durability is important, the lowest Durability Class listed for a wood species should
be assumed unless specific source-related information is available.
3.3.3 Sitework
Sitework shall follow established good practice and workmanship.
Checks should ensure that, when timber is delivered to site, timber and joinery products have received the specified treatment.
This should be stated on the delivery note and invoice, or a treatment certificate. When buying from stock, always check which Use
Class the wood has been treated to.
It is important when timber and joinery products are stored that they are:
z protected from damage immediately upon delivery z stored to limit the risk of distortion
z protected from the weather z stored to allow air to circulate.
z stored off the ground
2024 I Timber preservation (natural solid timber) 6
Chapter 3.3
tinting will affect the appearance of the timber fixed to the home
will clear preservative be acceptable.
z occasional dampness – galvanised fittings z likely wetting – austenitic stainless steel fittings.
Preservative treated timber should be re-dried to a moisture content of 22% or less before being in contact with metal fittings.