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Projects 2024

All projects should be completed and handed over to the concerned teachers on the 1 st
day of school (2024)
Class 9
History and Civics Project work
The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.
The Mauryan Empire and The Age of the Gupta's.

Dear Students,
Please follow the following instructions while making the project:
1) Acknowledgement
2) Content Atleast 50 pages
3) Picture Gallery
4) Bibliography
Cover the file properly and put SEM logo on the cover page and the topic in bold letters.

English Literature

1. Book : Treasure Chest

A. Read Any Two Stories From The List Given Below And Write What You Liked Most In The Story ( About
Any Character Or An Incident ).
i. Oliver Asks For More ii. The Boy Who Broke The Bank
iii. Bonku Babu iv. The Model Millionnaire
v. The Home-Coming
B. Define The Following Figures Of Speech (Poetic Devices) And Give 5 Examples For Each:
I. Simile 2. Metaphor
3. Personification 4. Alliteration
2. Book: Julius Caesar
Read The Summary Of The Drama And In Your Own Words, Describe The Following In 10 Sentences For
1. Act 1 2. Act 2

 Note : Use A 50 Page Register For Your Project.

 Only Handwritten Work Will Be Accepted.
 Do Not Waste Time In Decoration Of The Register. Cover It Neatly And
 Write Your Name Clearly.
 Presentation Should Be Neat And Orderly
 Choice Of Words And Content Will Be Marked, Remember It’s An English Project So
Avoid Spelling And Grammatical Errors.

The Project Should Must Have The Following Details:

1. 50-60 Pages
2. Covered Neatly
3. Index Page
4. Acknowledgement Page
5. Introduction Page Before Each Topic
6. Neat And Legible Handwriting (Typed And Printed Text Will Not Be Accepted, You Can Add
Relevant Pictures)

Please Focus On Content And Not On Decoration Of The Project.

1. A record file having any three of the following exercises will be maintained. (The file will be
evaluated out of 10 marks).

a) Uses of important types of maps.

b) Directions and how to identify them – an illustrative diagram.
c) Reading and using statement of scale shown by representative fraction method. (No drawing
work, only explaining their meanings).
d) Reading of one town guide map or an atlas map. (Recognising the symbols and colours used,
identifying directions and distance).
e) Drawing and recognising forms of important contours viz. valleys, ridges, types of slopes,
conical hill, plateau, escarpment and sea cliff.

2. Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic. The topics for assignment
may be selected from the list of suggested assignment given below. (The project will be evaluated out
of 10 marks).

a) Weather Record: Maintaining and interpreting weather records as found in the newspapers
for at least one season.
b) Collect information on global environmental issues and problems and communicate your
findings through appropriate modes (posters, charts, collages, cartoons, hand-outs, essays,
street play and PowerPoint presentation).
c) Meteorological instruments and their uses– Six’s maximum and minimum thermometer,
mercury barometer, aneroid barometer, wind vane, anemometer, rain gauge and hygrometer.

Computer Application
Class and Object Basics:
Create a Java program that models a simple real-world scenario using classes and objects. For example, you can
create a class representing a car with attributes like make, model, and colour. Use methods to perform actions
such as starting the car or changing its colour.
Basic Calculator:
Develop a calculator program that can perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division). Implement this using classes and methods to encapsulate functionality.
Shape Area Calculator:
Build a program that calculates the area of different shapes (circle, square, rectangle). Implement a class for
each shape and use polymorphism to achieve a common interface for calculating areas.
Pattern Printing:
Write a program to print different patterns using loops. For example, print a right-angled triangle, a square, or a
pyramid pattern. Allow the user to choose the type of pattern and the size.
Temperature Converter:
Design a temperature converter program that can convert temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Use
decision-making structures to allow the user to choose the conversion type.

Choose any two topics from the following as topic for your project.
 Application of trigonometry
 Calculate the area and perimeter of a circle
 Explain theorems in Circles with diagrams
 How are statistics used in an organization
 How were square roots found before the invention of calculators?
 What do you learn from Mathematics?
 Angle sum properties of a triangle
 Area of regular polygons
 Concept of infinity
 Exploring Fibonacci numbers
 Binomial theorem
 The conic section in geometry
 Algebraic equation
 Pythagorean theorem
 Quadratic equation
 Surds
 Fraction
 Application of Statistics
 Irrational number as real numbers
 Irrational numbers as non-repeating, non-terminating decimals
 The idea of profit and loss
 Application of Pythagoras theorem
 Angles opposite to equal sides and angles of triangles
 Volume and area

Evaluation Criteria for Project Work:

• Introduction / purpose • Contents • Analysis/ material aid (graph, data, structure, pie charts,
histograms, diagrams, etc.) • Presentation • Bibliography
Class 10
English Literature
Answer both the questions.

1) Describe the supernatural happenings in Julius Caesar and the effects which they are intended to
produce. Are the supernatural events relevant today?

2) Analyse the structure or plot- construction of the play, Julius Caesar.

History/Civics Project Work 2024

Prepare project on anyone of the given topics

1) The Non- Aligned Movement
2) The Judiciary in India ( Supreme Court, High Courts and the Subordinate Court)

Physical Education

Any two games of your choice. ( 20 pages)

Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic. The topics for assignment
may be selected from the list of suggested assignments given below. Candidates can also take
up an assignment of their choice under any of the broad areas given below.
Suggested list of Assignments:
1. Local Geography:
(a) Land use pattern in different regions of India- a comparative analysis.
(b) The survey of a local market on the types of shops and the services offered.
(2) Environment:
Wildlife conservation efforts in India.
(3) Current Geographical Issues:
Development of tourism in India.
(4) Transport in India:
Development of Road, Rail, Water, and Air routes.
(5) Need for and trend of Industrialization in India:
(6) List different types of industries in the states and collect information about the types of raw
materials uses, modes of their procurement ad disposal of wastes generated. Classify these
industries as polluting or environment friendly and suggest possible ways of reducing pollution
caused by these units.


Art Paper painting
(A3 size)
Still life/ Nature study
No: 03
Canvas painting
(18×24 or larger)
No: 01

Computer Application
Student Database:

Create a program to manage a student database. Define a Student class with attributes like name, roll number,
and marks. Implement methods to calculate the average marks, display student details, and find the highest

Library Management System:

Build a simple library management system using classes to represent books, users, and transactions. Include
methods for checking out and returning books, as well as displaying information about the library's inventory.

Guess the Number Game:

Develop a game where the computer generates a random number, and the user has to guess it. Use loops to
allow the user to make multiple attempts until they guess the correct number. Provide feedback on whether the
guess is too high or too low.

Simple Banking System:

Create a basic banking system with classes representing accounts. Implement methods for depositing,
withdrawing, and checking the balance. Use decision-making structures to handle different transactions.

Simple Quiz Game:

Develop a quiz game with questions on various topics. Use classes to represent questions, and implement
methods to display questions, accept user answers, and provide feedback on correctness.



Project 1 on ‘BANKING’ for ICSE

Topics: 1) Acknowledgement
2) Contents
3) History of Banking
4)Banking and Banks
5) Function of a Bank & Internet Banking
6)Types of Bank Account
7) Savings Bank Account
a) Opening of a savings bank A/c
b) Savings bank passbook
c) Operating
8) Recurring Deposit A/c
a) Find equivalent Principal for one month for the whole deposit
b) Calculation of a Maturity amount on Recurring Deposit
c) Illustrated examples.
9) Bibliography.
Types of bank accounts and learn how to make wise commercial choices
– Knowledge about Shares and Dividends
1. Students will carry out a survey of 2 banks and collect information on the different types of bank
accounts and the rates of interest offered for various loans like home loan, student loan, etc. and the
interest offered for savings and recurring scheme. Bank brochures and forms could be used to
illustrate the same.
Question 1: Visit any two banks and collect details with reference to the following:
1. Name of Bank visited
2. Date of visit
3. Types of accounts available and details
4. Types of Loans
5. Supporting evidence
If you had to make an account in a bank, which bank would you choose?

Math project on Planning a home budget
It’s important to have a home budget in place – whether you’re trying to save money or are trying to
stop overspending on non-essential items. The task may seem daunting, but it’s really just a matter of
comparing your income and expenses to see where you stand. Planning a home budget requires
– Calculate Your Income
– Track Your Expenses
– Check Your Balance
– Plan/Budget for the Extras
Topic on Home Budget
Here are some ideas for doing a project n this topic:
Budget how much your spend on milk, fruits, vegetables and food
Budget how much your spend on electricity, cooking gas, mobile bills, telephone bills, internet

On Geometric Progression
Geometric progression (or geometric sequence) is a specific type of sequence in mathematics. Each
term in the sequence is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a fixed constant (common ratio).
Geometric Progression is used in various mathematical calculations and has various real-life
(1) What is Geometric progression?
(2) Explain the terms used in the general form of Geometric progression.
(3) Give three examples of Geometric progression from daily life and explain them. Attach appropriate
pictures or drawings related to them.Activity : Use a graph paper
a) Draw a square of side 16𝑐𝑚 × 16𝑐𝑚 on the graph sheet.
b) The second square is drawn by joining the midpoints of the above square.
c) The third square is drawn inside the second square in the same way and this process continues
indefinitely .
d) Find the area of each square formed in the above figure.
e) Show that the area of the squares forms a geometric progression and find the common ratio.
On Mensuration
Topic: Mensuration (cylinder, cone, sphere, hemisphere) all the formulae.
Project Title: Mensuration-Cylinder
Objective: To verify the formulae for curved surface area, total surface area and volume of a solid
right circular cylinder. Points to be covered:
1. Introduction: A solid right circular cylinder, its CSA, TSA and Volume (with pictures).
2. Formulae for curved surface area, total surface area and volume of a solid right circular cylinder.
3. Pre-requisite and Materials Required
4. Method: Practical verification of the above theorem. (Pasting of cutouts)
5. Observation: Tabulation of the data, calculation and comparison.
6. Conclusion: on the basis of the observation made.
7. Real Life Applications of ‘A Solid Right Circular Cylinder’ including pictures.
8. My Learning Experience: Must share your experience and learnings while completing the
project in 5-10 sentences.
9. Bibliography: Mention the books (with the authors’ name) you referred and sites you visited.
Project Title: Circle-Cyclic Quadrilateral
Objective: To verify that the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary. Points to be
 Introduction: A Cyclic Quadrilateral (with pictures).
 Its Property: The opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.
 Remaining sections same as above.
Project Question: Find by construction the centre of a circle, using only a 60-30 sets square and a
pencil. Also mention which Theorem is used here and mention any limitations.
Detail about probability and find sample space when coin are tossed once, twice, thrice, four times and
find the probability for any 2 events of each case
Project on the methods of finding the centre of the circle ( 5 methods)
Project on histogram – With real life based values
Comparative newspaper coverage of different items: – Crime. Education. Sports. Social Awareness .
Stock Market/Business . Celebrity Consider at least three different newspapers. Draw the pie-charts
for the data you have collected. Use one graph sheet for comparison (Statistics).
To use a Newspaper/News Channel to study and report on Shares and Dividend of 5 different
companies: Tata Motors. Reliance Industries. Indian Oil Corporation. State Bank of India. Bharat
Also find the change in annual income of a person who invests same amount of money (2.5 lacs to
3.5lacs) in any of the two different firms. (Com. Mathematics)
Study the ways of raising a loan to buy a car or a house. Example-bank loan


PROJECT 1: Take a fast moving consumer good (FMCG) like washing machine detergent. Analyse
the factors that determine the demand for this product. Present your findings in form of
a class presentation.

PROJECT 2: Develop a hypothetical table of information for coffee that shows quantity demanded at
various prices and supply of coffee at these prices. Draw a demand curve and supply
curve and show an equilibrium price at which market is cleared of its supplies.

PROJECT 3: Make a list of products for which you think demand is price inelastic and price elastic.
Specify the reasons you may think relevant for your analysis.

PROJECT 4: Take a case of public enterprise which is about to be privatised or has been recently
privatised. Analyse the pros and cons of such an exercise undertaken by the government.
(The case of VSNL or BALCO can be taken up).

PROJECT: Take a case of a nationalised (or any) bank — visit any one of its branches (or website) in
your city. Analyse the main functions of this bank’s branch. Make a presentation to this

PROJECT 5: Recently rates of interests have been reduced on all the saving instruments. Carry out a
survey of 30 people in your area as to what is their reaction to this cut. The sample may
consist of salaried people. business people and professionals.

PROJECT 6: Take a case of five FMCGs – fast moving consumer goods – bathing soaps, toothpastes,
facial creams, shampoos, ball pens. Analyse as to how the market for these products is
characterised by product differentiation.

PROJECT 7: Take the case of a company and analyse the production process in which all the factors
that you studied in your class, are used by the company to produce a product.
Class 12
English Language
Write a Composition (500 words) on any ONE of the following:
1.Have you ever been in a situation when you felt that only a miracle could save you ?
Describe such an incident in detail.
2. Describe an incident when you took a stand for someone or for an issue that you care about.
3.”Our forefathers were happier than us”. Discuss.

English Literature
Attempt any ONE of the following: (1000-1500 words)
1. To what extent does Lady Macbeth contribute to her husband's downfall ?
Support your answer with close reference to the text.
2. In the play, “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare, equivocation has been employed as a principal tool
by the forces of evil. Discuss.


1. Amino acids: Peptides, structure and classification, proteins structure and their role in the
growth of living beings.
2. Nucleic Acid: DNA and RNA – their structure, unique nature, importance in evolution and
their characteristic features.
3. Carbohydrates and their metabolism, Blood - haemoglobin and respiration.
4. Vitamins and hormones
5. Simple idea of chemical evolution.
6. Natural polymers (any five) - structure, characteristics, uses. Synthetic polymers (any five) –
method of preparation, structure, characteristics and uses.
7. Types of Dyes - methods of preparation, characteristics and uses.
8. Chemicals in medicines: antiseptics, antibiotics, antacids, etc. and their uses.
9. Preparation of soap, nail polish, boot polish, varnish, nail polish remover, shampoo and
10. Chemicals and chemical processes in forensic studies.
11. Insecticides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
12. Ancient Indian medicines and medicinal plants.
13. Organic Chemistry in Nutrition, Food Science and Biotechnology.
14. Effect of Green House Gases.
15. How Plastics have changed the world, both socially and economically.
Evaluation Criteria for Project Work:
• Introduction / purpose • Contents • Analysis/ material aid (graph, data, structure, pie charts,
histograms, diagrams, etc.) • Presentation • Bibliography

History Project Work 2024

Prepare project on anyone of the given topics:

1) Operation Bluestar and the National Emergency 1975

2) Middle East: Israeli -Palestine Conflict ( 1916-1993)

Political science

Challenges in Democracy ( Casteism, Regionalism, Political Violence, Terrorism)

Comparison between the Judiciary in India and The Judiciary in U.S.A.

Physical Education

Any two games of your choice. ( 20 pages)

Art Paper painting

(A3 size)
Still life/ Nature study
No: 03
Canvas painting
(18×24 or larger)
No: 01

Economics (You are requested to do ANY THREE from the following)

Project 1: Study a public sector enterprise with reference to its relevance to the Indian economy and its
future prospects. Analyse the trend of its growth for the last ten years.

Project 2: Conduct a socio-economy survey of a locality (minimum sample size should be 30 households)
with reference to:
a. Demographic features
b. Consumption pattern-expenditure on necessities, comforts and luxuries.
c. Occupational structure.

Project 3: Compare the contribution made by different sectors of Indian economy towards GDP growth
during the planning period.

Project 4: Prepare a report on the competition in the aviation sector in India with reference to:
a. Performance of the public sector and private sector
b. Operational strategies adopted by budget / low-cost carriers

Project 5: Make a comparative analysis of lending performance of five commercial banks in the past six
years with reference to the changing CRR and SLR.

Project 6: Many thinkers believe that we are rapidly depleting our natural resources. Assume that these
are only two inputs (labour and natural resources) producing two goods (wheat and gasoline)
with no improvement in technology over time. Show what would happen to the production
possibility curve over time as natural resources are exhausted. How would invention and
technological improvement modify your answer? On the basis of this example, explain why it
is said ‘economic growth is a race between depletion and invention’.

Project 7: Make a comparative study of the allocation of financial resource of the central government
budget on agriculture, defence, industry and education for the last ten years. Prepare a report on
your observations.

Project 8: Prepare a trend analysis of growth and productivity of any one industry such as Textile /
Automobile / Electronic and Tele-communication, etc. in India for the past ten years.
Physics : "A unique working model with its project file
(Based on any principle related to physics OR Based on Technology & Innovation for social
Impact) " where you have to explain pertaining to the working model have to be submitted on
the first day of reporting after winter vacation i.e. 15 February 2024. After which no model will
be accepted.
In case of any confusion please feel free to discuss with me.

Choose one topic from Section A and one topic either from Section B or section C as topic for project
Section A
1. Relation and Functions
2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
3. Matrices and Determinants
4. Continuity and Differentiability
5. Application of Derivatives
6. Integrals
7. Differential Equations
8. Probability

Section B

1. Vector
2. Introduction to 3D geometry
3. Application of Integrals

Section C

1. Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics

2. Linear Regression
3. Linear Programming

Evaluation Criteria for Project Work:

• Introduction / purpose • Contents • Analysis/ material aid (graph, data, structure, pie charts,
histograms, diagrams, etc.) • Presentation • Bibliography
d{kk & 10 fga n h ifj;kstuk
fuca /k

1- ns'k dh çxfr esa Hkz"Vkpkj lcls cM+k ck/kd gSA mlds dj.kksa ,oa nwj djus ds mik;ksa
dh foospuk dhft,A

2- ckyJe Hkkjrh; lekt dh nq[krh jx gSA fdlh ,sls ckyJfed etnwj dh nSfud
fnup;kZ dk o.kZu dhft, ftls vki tkurs gSaA

3- LoPNrk lHkh ds fy, ykHknk;d gS] ;fn vkidks LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku esa lg;ksx nsus
ds fy, dksbZ rhu dk;Z djus ds fy, dgk tk, rks vki fdu rhu dk;ksZa dks djuk
ilan djsaxs rFkk D;ksa \ vius fopkjksa }kjk Li"V dhft, A

4- Þçse ls lkekftd vkSj jk"Vªh; lEcU?k c<+krs gSaÞ çLrqr iafä ds vk/kkj ij vius fopkj
çLrqr dhft;sA

d{kk & 9
fga n h ifj;kstuk
1- ckyd ,d dPph feêh dh rjg gSA mldk fuekZ.k mlds pkjksa vksj dk ifjos'k djrk
gSA izk—frd] lkekftd] vkfFkZd] jktuhfrd] /kkfeZd] ikfjokfjd ,oa Ldwyh okrkoj.k
ds lanHkZ esa mnkgj.k nsdj ,d laf{kIr çLrko fyf[k,A

2- orZeku esa eksckby Qksu thou cu x;k gSA bl fo"k; ij vius fopkj çdV dhft,
vkSj crkb, Qksu thou esa lqfo/kk ds lkFk& lkFk eqlhcr fdl çdkj cu x;k gSA

3- Þdk;Z dks dy ij Vkyus ls eu dk Hkkjhiu c<+rk gS] tcfd dy djus okys dk;Z
dks vkt gh iwjk dj ysus ls gekjs dk;Z {kerk c<+rh gS vkSj ekufld larks"k Hkh çkIr
gksrk gSAÞ crkb, fd ,d fo|kFkhZ ds fy, le; dk D;k egRo gSA

4- vkt lkjk lalkj QS'ku dk nhokuk gSA gekjk vf/kdka'k O;ogkj QS'ku ij gh vk/kkfjr
gSA vkidh n``f’V esa QS'ku D;k gS vkSj og vkt ds euq’; dks fdl izdkj izHkkfor dj
jgk gSA

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