Brain Storming CDI 1

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Class Activity: Mastering the Art of Criminal Investigation

Objective: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the procedures involved in criminal

investigations, the crucial components of crime scene investigation (CSI), and the roles of the key
players: the First Responder (FR), Investigator-on-Case (IOC), and Scene of the Crime Operation
(SOCO) Team.


1. Divide the class into five groups.

2. Assign each group one of the following essay topics:

Group 1: The Investigative Process: Detail the systematic procedures followed in a

criminal investigation from the initial report to the resolution of the case.

Group 2: Unpacking Crime Scene Investigation: Elaborate on the essential

components of a crime scene investigation, emphasizing their importance in
preserving evidence and reconstructing events.

Group 3: The First Responder's Critical Role: Analyze the duties and
responsibilities of the First Responder at a crime scene, highlighting their impact on
the overall investigation.

Group 4: The Investigator-on-Case: Leading the Charge: Examine the role of the
Investigator-on-Case in coordinating the investigation, gathering evidence,
interviewing witnesses, and building a strong case.

Group 5: The SOCO Team: Masters of Evidence: Discuss the specialized skills and
techniques employed by the SOCO Team in processing the crime scene, collecting
and preserving evidence, and contributing to the investigative process.

3. Each group should conduct research, gather evidence, and formulate a well-structured
essay that provides a thorough analysis of their assigned topic.

4. The essay should include:

• A clear introduction with a strong thesis statement.

• Well-developed body paragraphs with supporting evidence and examples.

• A thoughtful conclusion summarizing the main points and offering insights into the
importance of effective investigation techniques in achieving justice.

• Work is to be completed individually. Submit your work to Google Classroom (await further

Criteria Excellent (5 Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 Needs
points) points) Improvement (2
Content and Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Lacks a clear
Analysis deep good basic understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of the topic,
the topic, the topic, the topic, provides limited
provides provides relevant provides some analysis, and
insightful analysis, and analysis, and includes minimal
analysis, and supports includes some evidence.
supports arguments with supporting
arguments with evidence evidence.
strong evidence
from credible
Organization Essay is well- Essay is Essay has some Essay lacks clear
and Structure organized with a generally well- organizational organization and
clear organized with structure but may structure, making
introduction, an introduction, lack clarity or it difficult to
well-developed body coherence in follow the
body paragraphs, and some areas. arguments.
paragraphs, and a conclusion. Transitions may Transitions are
a strong Transitions be abrupt or lacking or
conclusion. between ideas unclear. illogical.
Transitions are mostly clear.
between ideas
are smooth and
Language and Uses clear and Uses clear Uses adequate Uses unclear
Style concise language with language but may language with
language occasional have some frequent grammar
appropriate for a minor errors in grammatical or and punctuation
legal and grammar or punctuation errors.
investigative punctuation. errors. Vocabulary is
context. Demonstrates Vocabulary may limited and
Demonstrates good vocabulary. be limited or imprecise. Tone is
excellent Maintains a imprecise. Tone informal or
grammar, mostly formal may be somewhat subjective.
punctuation, and and objective informal or
vocabulary. tone. subjective at
Maintains a times.
formal and
objective tone.
Research and Incorporates Incorporates Incorporates Incorporates
Citations relevant and relevant some research limited research
credible research from but may lack and may rely on
research from a credible sources variety or non-credible
variety of but may rely credibility of sources. Has
sources, heavily on one or sources. May significant
including legal two sources. have some citation errors or
texts, Uses proper citation errors or inconsistencies.
criminology citations with inconsistencies.
journals, and occasional
reputable minor errors.
websites. Uses
proper citations
throughout the
Real-World Clearly connects Makes Mentions real- Lacks a clear
Application the investigative connections world scenarios connection to
concepts to real- between the but may not real-world
world scenarios investigative clearly link them scenarios or the
and concepts and to the practical
demonstrates an real-world investigative application of
understanding of scenarios but content of the investigative
their practical may not fully essay. techniques.
application in explore their
solving crimes. practical

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