BUS9024 Assessment Part A and B Breifing - 2023-24 Sem C

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University of Lincoln Assessment Framework

Assessment Briefing 2023-2024

ONE Portfolio Assessment
Final assessment consists of one file including two parts (part A and Part B). The file includes a cover page
for both assignment and a list of references at the end of both assignments.
PART A: This assessment requires you to select and answer only ONE of the following THREE essay topics
(Refer to assessment information section) 70%

PART B: Business Plan Report (Refer to assessment information section) 30%

ONLINE SUBMISSION DATE: 23 July 2024 before 11:59am, UK (BST)

PART A of the Portfolio Assessment

Module Name: International Entrepreneurship

Module Code: BUS9024

Module Co-ordinator: Afsaneh Bagheri

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Conceptualise and critically evaluate the role of international entrepreneurship in

local, national, and global economic development.

LO2: Discuss and analyse contemporary issues in the context of national and international
Type of Assessment: Essay

Length of Assessment: 2,500 words

Assessment Weighting: 70%

Due Date: 23 July 2024

All LIBS assignments are due on 23 July 2024 at 11:59am, UK (BST)

Additional Assessment Information:

Please note all written work MUST be submitted via Turnitin and with feedback delivered
either by or Turnitin.

The expected date to return grades and feedback is: 3 weeks from submission.

Note: Feedback & grades will be available electronically on blackboard. If you have any
specific questions relating to the feedback comments email the module co-ordinator to
Task Description:
Additional Assessment Information:

The first part of the assignment (70%) requires you to select and answer only ONE of the
following essay titles:
a. With relevant theories and concepts, examine the “International
entrepreneurship and global venturing” from any given country context. Specifically, you
answer the following questions:
 (a) What is international entrepreneurship
 (b) applying relevant internationalization theory, analyse the international
entrepreneurship environment of the selected country?
 (c) what are the barriers to international entrepreneurship of that country?
 (d) make recommendations on the factors that an entrepreneur must consider
before internationalizing to that country.

b. With relevant theories and concepts, examine how the entrepreneurial

ecosystem influences the business environment” of any given country context.
Specifically, you answer the following questions:
 What is entrepreneurial ecosystem;
 (b) Using the PESTEL framework, analyse the business environment of the chosen
 (c) applying Daniel Isenberg entrepreneurial ecosystem, analyse the business
environment of the chosen country;
 (d) make recommendations on how to improve the country’s entrepreneurial
ecosystem and business environment.

c. With relevant theories and concepts, examine the effects of “Institution and
Culture on Entrepreneurship.” Specifically, you answer the following questions:
 (a) how institutions and culture influence entrepreneurship of the chosen country
 (b) how culture and institution influence either women entrepreneurship or
Indigenous entrepreneurship of the chosen country
 (c) make recommendations on the specific cultural barriers that an entrepreneur
must consider overcoming if they want to internationalize to that country.
Further Guidance:

Full Instructions and assignment details will be posted on the Blackboard.

Learning resources which will support this assessment include:

- Seminar/ Journal papers
- Library resource (referencing and essay writing)

These Learning Resources are available via the blackboard module site.

Task Description:

All written work to be submitted via Turnitin on the Blackboard site on 23 July 2024 by
11.59am UK (BST). Tt should be submitted to Turnitin via a word document.
A typical Essay should be based on minimum of 10 journal articles, 5 textbooks and other
sources of literature.

Apply Harvard referencing protocols.

Use a sensible 12pt font 12pt (i.e., Arial, or Times New Roman) and 1.5 line spacing, with
margins of at least 2.54 to the left and right and ‘justified’ text.

NOTE: Minimum of 10 Journal articles (references) required for this part of assignment

Marking Details:
Feedback will be provided 3 weeks after submission date.

All work is assessed in line with University of Lincoln Marking and Grading Policy. All marks are
provisional on Examination Board decisions (which take place at the end of the Academic Year)

ASSESSMENT PART B of the Portfolio Assessment

Module Name: International Entrepreneurship

Module Code: BUS9024

Module Co-ordinator: Afsaneh Bagheri

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO3: Assess and develop their understanding and skills in international

entrepreneurship to gain practical experience relate to entrepreneurial
knowledge and skills necessary for personal development, career goals and plans.
LO4: Develop and apply functional approaches to the exploration and planning towards
launching an opportunity that develop into international business concept,
entrepreneurial project, business unit or venture at an international level.

Type of Assessment: Portfolio/ Business Plan Report

Length of Assessment: (1,500 words)

Assessment Weighting: 30%

Due Date: 23 July 2024

All LIBS assignments are due at 11:59am UK (BST)

Assessment Information:
Develop a Business Plan that describe a business that you are likely to start immediately
or in future if given the opportunity. The business report must cover objectives, value
proposition, strategies, marketing, and financial forecasts.

Additional Assessment Information

Please note all written work MUST be submitted via Turnitin and with feedback delivered
either by or Turnitin.

The expected date to return grades and feedback is: 15 working days from submission.
Note: Feedback & grades will be available electronically on blackboard. If you have any
specific questions relating to the feedback comments email the module co-ordinator to

Business Report Description:
Your final business plan report (1,500 words) should be developed around the following
themes. It should be evidence-based (using related evidence and statistics) and critical in
 Executive Summary: Summarizes the identified problem, business strategy, legal
status, ownership, location, logos, etc.
 Introduction that explains the identified problem, business idea to solve the
problem, unique value proposition, the market needs and gaps, and management
team or structure, registration/certificates required, etc.
 Market assessment (Micro Level): evidence of the market needs and gaps;
compelling benefits of your product / service, risk assessment.

 Market assessment (Macro Level): Outline the market overview, estimate of

overall market size and growth rate, macro trends analysis to assess future
market growth and attractiveness (References required here).

 Industry assessment (Macro Level): SWOT, PESTEL, Porter Five Forces analysis,
5Ps of Marketing, Business Model Canvas, etc.

 Start-up Costs, Revenue, and Profit & Loss Projection: Your business (start-up
cost) cash required/source of financing, summary of three years financial
projections and expenditures, revenue and profit/loss.

 Conclusion: Highlight the main findings of your business analysis; Explain how
your business idea may impact on the industry and 3-5 years Growth plan.

Full details and further guidance to be posted on the Blackboard.

Further Guidance:
 A summary of projected/estimated start-up costs, revenue and projected profit is
 You are not required to provide detailed cash flow forecasts or financial
assessment but you should be able to show major expenditures, revenue stream
and profit/loss projections.
 This is an outline plan or feasibility study, rather than a full business plan. Please
see the marking guide for both assignments at the appendices.
Learning Resources which will support this assessment include:
- [Seminar Activities/ In-class Group International Business-Related Problem
Identification/solving – using Value Proposition Canvas or Empathy Value Map]
- [Library – writing cafe and referencing]
These Learning Resources are available via the blackboard module site.

The Business Plan Report is limited to 1500) words. Evidence of task completion should be
included within an appendix and is separate from the word count.]

Please follow to the formatting guidelines:
- Font / Size: Arial or Times New Roman / 12
- Spacing / Sides: 1.5 / Single Sided
- Pagination required? Yes
- Margins: At least 2.54 to left and right and text ‘justified’
- Referencing: Full compliance with Lincoln Harvard protocols

Marking Details:
Feedback will be provided 3 weeks after submission date.

All work is assessed in line with University of Lincoln Marking and Grading Policy. All marks are
provisional on Examination Board decisions (which take place at the end of the Academic Year)

Assessment Criteria AOL Competencies & Assessment Criteria LO1-4
Not Proficient Not Yet Proficient Proficient Exceeded Threshold
Learning Outcome 0-34% 35-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80%+
Selects inappropriate or
irrelevant frameworks,
weak or no justification
AoL CC1: Sustainability Frameworks are recognised
of framework selection. Selects appropriate frameworks with Selects well-chosen frameworks with
Application but not combined or used
Frameworks are not justification. Combines frameworks strong justification. Combines
appropriately to formulate
Combine frameworks combined/incorrectly effectively in the formulation of frameworks effectively and with
appropriate strategies or
associated with applied in the strategies and policies. Strategies originality in the formulation of
policies. Formulated
sustainability to formulate formulation of strategies and policies are innovative and likely strategies and polices. Strategies and
strategies lack originality or
innovative strategies and and polices. Strategies to be effective; appropriate policies are original, innovative, likely to
are not based on critical
policies and policies are justification. be effective and are well justified.
inappropriate or likely to
be ineffective; weak or
no justification.
Stays within existing Develops some original solutions but
frameworks; does not use could develop more with better use
Uses idea-generating techniques to
AoL CC4: Creativity idea-generating techniques of idea-generating techniques.
create innovative solutions. Carefully
Does not recognise or to develop solutions. Selects Evaluates ideas but may make only
Create and plan innovative evaluates the quality of ideas and
articulate solutions to one idea without evaluating minor changes to the selected one.
solutions to real world selects the best one. Uses ingenuity and
the problems posed the quality of ideas. Shows some imagination when
problems imagination, going outside conventional
Reproduces existing ideas; creating and planning solutions, but
boundaries, when creating solutions
does not create new may stay within conventional
solutions boundaries
Some evaluation of team
Can identify some
working and leadership Competent evaluation, analysing the
AoL CC7: Collaboration characteristics of Critical evaluation of teamworking and
effectiveness, but main drivers and barriers to effective
effective leadership and the limits of leadership. Considers the
Evaluate teamworking and incomplete and/or limited teamworking and leadership in the
teamworking. Some broader contexts within which teams
leadership effectiveness, to generic/received views context of individual and cultural
analysis but no and leaders operate and situates their
respecting individual and with limited attention to diversity. Role of reflexivity in
evaluation and/or evaluation within the discourse of
cultural diversity context; specifically relating leadership and management
recognition of individual responsible management education.
to diversity and examined.
and/or cultural diversity
AoL CC10: Critical Thinking Largely descriptive in Acknowledges more than Identifies the key issues and There is clear evidence of critical
Critically reflect on response rather than one potential viewpoint but problems and demonstrates some judgement in selecting, ordering and
contemporary policy or evaluative. Limited use does not acknowledge own limited criticality. Provides some analysing content. Source material is
assumptions or biases.
of material and this may limited or offers partially reasoned
Whilst a few critical
be used to support own conclusions. Evidence may be used evaluated to considered. Conclusions,
comments may be made,
practice. conclusions. Very little superficially to support viewpoint. implications and consequences are
these are not supported by
evidence of critical There may be some attempt to both identified and assessed.
evaluation or by reference
thinking. question common assumptions.
to wider arguments.

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