Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions
Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions
Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions
Problem Words
and Expressions
Harry Shaw
To the Reader
This book is designed to alert you to faulty speech and writing habits
you may have acquired and to confirm and strengthen you in good ones.
To these ends, Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions singles out,
defines, explains, and illustrates some 1,500 of the most common mistakes
in word use made by speakers and writers of our language. Also, it
suggests that every speaker hnd writer can use his language with increas-
ing ease, flexibility, assurance, and accuracy if he will rid himself of
outmoded notions about "grammar" and "correctness."
The author of a book with these aims owes some explanation of the
convictions that led to its writing.
First, I believe with Thomas Mann that "Speech is civilization itself."
Many changes are going on in American society that tend to make the life
of each of us more and more impersonal. Computers and other machines
now perform work that once was done by people. From birth to death, we
are assigned numbers that try to transform us into cogs in a machine.
Throughout the country, television and radio use the same programs and
commercial messages. People tend to dress alike, eat alike, often even
think alike. But in one activity, at least, people differ: they rarely speak
Millions of other people may share our ideas, but the words We use and
the way we say them differ in many ways. The speech and writing habits of
everyone have been formed by individual influences: family, locale,
Mends, acquaintances, schooling, travel, housing, and occupation. Each
of us has his own dialect: the choice, use, and pronunciation of words
called an idiolect. Individuality has been preserved in speech more than in
any other activity of our lives solely because speech is a more integral and
more individual aspect of our outward personalities than any other.
Many scholars have argued that speech is the characteristic of man that
most clearly and powerfully distinguishes him from other animals. Other
scholars feel that not speech alone but language in general (which includes
writing) should bear this distinction. Still others have insisted that the
ability to communicate, rather than solely language or speech, is man's
most distinguishing characteristic.
A good case can be made for speech, however, as man's clearest
distinction among hominids and all mammals. Actually, both people and
animals can and do communicate in nonverbal ways. Apparently, animals
issue and receive messages: bees send instructions for locating nectar;
dogs bark differently at friends and strangers; birds emit warnings when a
cat or other marauder appears. With people, gestures and facial expres-
sions communicate ideas and states of mind even when no words are
spoken. Music can also communicate feelings and emotions without
words. Even smoke signals convey thoughts.
Almost everyone would agree, however, that nonverbal methods of
communication are inadequate makeshifts in comparison with language
Second, I believe that the way you talk tells more about you than any
other activity of your life. What you say and how you say it are more
revealing of your intelligence, personality, and character than the ways
you dress, eat, walk, read, or make your living. Knowing how to read and
write is a significant accomplishment for everyone, but neither reading nor
writing is an essential part of anyone's actual existence. Communicating
with others through some sort of speech signals is essential.
Everyone perusing this book obviously can read and certainly can
communicate with others. Most people spend many school years learning
to read, but few of us have ever paid real attention to learning how to
speak and write. In infancy we learned to speak, have talked ever since,
and now assume that talking is as simple and as natural as breathing. It
More time, opportunities, money, and friendships are lost through
careless, slovenly, inaccurate speech (and writing) than through any other
activity of people's lives. Because no one can speak perfectly (any more
than he can read perfectly), this condition will persist. And yet everyone
can learn to speak and write with greater confidence, fewer errors, and
more genuine communication if he will only study his habits and give the
problem of communication with others the attention it fully deserves.
Third, in every speaking situation, one's aim should be to use only
words and phrases that are appropriate, fit, suitable, and proper. The
appropriateness of language is determined by the subject being discussed,
the place where talk is taking place, and the identity and relationship of
speaker and listener. Each of us employs a different level of usage
depending upon whether we are speaking or writing, upon our audience or
readers, and upon the kind of occasion involved.
The words we use in talking with the person working at the desk next to
us may not be appropriate when we are conversing with a member of our
family, with a company official, or with a minister, rabbi, or priest. A word
or phrase in correct or suitable usage a decade ago may now be outmoded.
An expression appropriate in one section of the country may be unclear
and therefore ineffective in another locality. Technical expressions used
before a specialized group of listeners may be inappropriate in general
The best course to follow is to try to choose and use words and
expressions that are normally employed by reputable speakers in all
sections of the country at the present time. That is, diction is effective and
appropriate when it is in national, present, and reputable use. Any word
or expression is correct if it meets these three standards; it may also be
effective (appropriate although not "correct") if it does not meet these
standards but is used for a particular purpose in a particular situation.
Among cultural levels of speech may be included illiteracies, narrowly
local dialects, ungrammatical speech, slovenly vocabulary and construc-
tion, and an excessive resort to slang, shoptalk, and even profanity and
obscenity. On a higher level is the language spoken by cultured people
over wide areas; such speech is clear, relatively concise, and grammati-
cally correct. In general, these two levels may be referred to as substan-
dard and standard, with the latter category divided into informal standard
and formal standard.
Functional varieties of speech may loosely be grouped in two classes,
familiar and formal. Included in functional varieties of speech indepen-
dent of cultural levels are colloquialisms. Such expressions exist in vary-
ing degrees of formality: familiar conversation, private correspondence,
formal conversation, public worship, platform speech, and so forth.
For every occasion when one needs to speak formally, a hundred or a
thousand situations involve informal talk. Here the aim should be to speak
naturally and easily, with as much interest and animation as one can
summon up. No matter how important what one has to say is, and no
matter how interested one is in saying that something, he should try to
choose words to fit the occasion. In doing so, he should strive to avoid
such roadblocks to effective communication as illiteracies, improprieties,
grammatical errors, excessive slang, unidiomatic expressions, wordiness,
and triteness.
Fourth, the belief that "anything goes" in the use of language can be
embarrassing and costly. Speech and writing that communicate are one
thing; speech and writing that do so clearly, interestingly, and effectively
are something else. Literacy and competency are different matters. Natu-
ralness and ease in speaking and writing are worthwhile goals, but casual-
ness, ignorance, and lack of concern are destructive attitudes in reaching
for them. Certain language standards Eire important. The credo of the
author is that expressed by Theodore M. Bernstein of The New York
Times in Watch Your Language:
To be sure, the English language is a changing and growing thing. All its
users have, of course, a perceptible effect upon it. But in changing and
growing it needs no contrived help from chitchat columnists or advertising
writers or comic-strip artists or television speakers. It will evolve nicely by
itself. If anything, it requires protection from influences that try to push it too
fast. There is need, not for those who would halt its progress altogether, but
for those who can keep a gentle foot on the brake and a guiding hand on the
steering wheel. . . .
During the long years of study and preparation that this book required I
have been helped by many persons. Oblique but nonetheless hearty thanks
should go to hundreds of students at New York University and Columbia
University whose talk and papers revealed the need for a book such as
this. Colleagues in the editorial offices of six magazine and book publish-
ers have suggested, sometimes inadvertently, scores of items that are
Without aid from many scholars, teachers, linguists, and lexicographers
this book would be far less accurate and thorough than hopefully it is. I am
especially indebted to H. W. Fowler's A Dictionary of Modern English
Usage, to The Oxford English Dictionary, and to the unabridged edition of
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language.
Individuals to whom I am particularly indebted include the late Profes-
sors Paul Roberts of California and Havilah Babcock of South Carolina. In
years past, the conversation and writings of these gifted teachers have
helped me immeasurably in my approach to language. I also express
gratitude to a longtime friend and colleague, Professor George S. Wykoff
of Purdue University. Hesitantly, I mention the name of Theodore M.
Bernstein once again. His lively, fact-packed, and solid work (especially
Watch Your Language, The Careful Writer, and Miss Thistlebottom's
Hobgoblins) has played a prominent part in my thinking about speech and
writing. I have never met Mr. Bernstein, but his work suggests that he is
eminently worth knowing.
Finally, I acknowledge the encouragement and support of McGraw-Hill
officials and editors, especially Leonard Josephson, who suggested this
book, Mrs. Tobia Worth, who has made many wise editorial suggestions,
and Daniel N. Fischel, their chief and, I claim with pride, my one-time
prize student.
You and the Way You Talk and Write
Two basic problems underlie and precede everything this book tries to
offer about the use and abuse of words and expressions. This Dictionary
cannot solve either, but it can bring them to your attention.
First, little value resides in studying words unless one has something
worthwhile to say and some interest and purpose in saying that something,
whatever it is. Oliver Wendell Holmes once remarked "A word is the skin
of a living thought." If one's thought is nonexistent or valueless, so will be
the word itself.
Reading, listening, seeing, experiencing, and, above all, thinking are the
methods by which one insures having something to say. The book in your
hands provides thousands of suggestions, none of which deals directly
with this fundamental problem. But it can, and does, suggest at the outset
that with rare exceptions, people tend to talk more and say less than they
should. After all, speech is only the faculty or power of speaking. The
ability to talk and write is one thing; thoughts and emotions are another.
Spinoza once wrote that mankind would be happier if the power in men to
be silent were the same as that to speak; that "men govern nothing with
more difficulty than their tongues." John Ruskin wrote: "The greatest
thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something and tell what
it saw in a plain way. Hundreds can talk for one who can think." It was a
wise person who remarked at a meeting that it was better for him to remain
silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all possible doubt.
Think first, talk second.
Next, it is important to form a suitable attitude toward writing and
speaking. Despite the comments that appear throughout the Dictionary,
one should not think of these processes as a complicated series of do's and
dont's, a long list of prohibitions, taboos, and thou-shalt-not's. The Amer-
ican language is a flexible medium. One should consider it the most
important method he has for communicating clearly and interestingly with
and to others. What possible activity could be more meaningful?
The author whose work you most eqjoy is possibly not the greatest
stylist of all time. He may repeatedly violate many of the recommenda-
tions set forth in following pages. Not by the niceties of his style but by his
drive, imagination, and animation he gets, and holds, your fascinated
attention. Similarly, the person with whom you most enjoy talking may
make many so-called mistakes in grammar and may frequently confuse
one word with another. But he uses his tongue interestingly and forcefully,
however many "errors" he may make while doing so.
In short, using words and expressions effectively depends not on "cor-
rectness" alone but on having something of value to communicate and
doing so with ease and assurance.
It is true, however, that in our society few people fail to realize the
importance of using good English. The late Will Rogers was never more
humorous than when he remarked, "A lot of people who don't say ain't,
You and the Way You Talk and Write xi
ain't eatin'." Most of us, however, are properly concerned when others
react unfavorably to mistakes we make in expressing ourselves. We
understand that our use of language represents a significant form of
By learning basic good usage one can concentrate on what he wishes to
communicate and. stop worrying about detailed methods of doing so.
Freed from restraint and anxiety, he can reveal his thoughts to others in
the natural, easy way he should speak and write our language but all too
often does not.
This book will help you to improve your use of language by emphasis
upon those common errors, and only those, which hinder communication
and impede thought. As you study the entries that follow, keep these four
"commandments" in mind:
Be concise. Most statements of any kind are wordy. All of us repeat an
idea in identical or similar words and then say it again. Talk should not be
cryptic and mysteriously abrupt, but it should be economical. Make it
Be original. It's impossible for anyone to conceive of a wholly new
idea or to express an old one in fresh, original diction. And yet the greatest
single error in speaking and writing is the use of trite, worn-out expres-
sions that have lost their first vigor, picturesqueness, and appeal. Avoid
cliches. Don't be a rubber stamp.
Be specific. Much of our speech is indefinite, not clearly expressed,
uncertain in meaning. Even when we have a fairly good idea of what we
wish to say, we don't seek out those exact and concrete words that would
convey what we have in mind. Try to use words that have precise
meaning. Don't be vague.
Vary the approach. The sole requirement of effective speech and
writing is that they should communicate. The choice and use of words
should vary from situation to situation, from person to person. At times,
one's speech and writing should be racy and pungent; at other times,
deliberate and formal. Communication should be appropriate. Shift gears.
Put another way, a major fault in writing and speaking is using too many
words, many of which are not so much "wrong" as stale and worn-out
from overuse. These major faults of wordiness and triteness (along with
allied problems that largely contribute to them) are briefly mentioned in
the pages that follow.
Nearly everyone uses more words than he needs. In rapid-fire talk, in
the give-and-take of conversation, each of us is likely to repeat himself and
to use words that are meaningless or unnecessary. (When writing, we have
a chance to go over our work and remove the verbiage.) Truly effective
speech is economical, but using enough words to cover the subject and not
too many is a standard of perfection unattainable by ordinary moftals. But
xii Wordiness
mean meant meant
meet met met
pass passed passed, past
prejudice prejudiced prejudiced
prove proved proved, proven
put put put
raise raised raised
read read read
rid rid rid
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
show showed shown, showed
shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
sling slung slung
smell smelled, smelt smelled, smelt
speak spoke spoken
spell spelled, spelt spelled, spelt
spend spent spent
spin spun spun
split split split
spoil spoiled, spoilt spoiled, spoilt
spring sprang, sprung sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
strike struck struck, stricken
strive strove, strived striven, strived
xiv Wordiness
A list of sixty representative wordy expressions follows:
absolutely essential many in number
around about that time meet up with
audible to the ear more angrier
back up more better
bisect in two more older
call up on the phone more paramount
choose up more perfect
Christmas Eve evening more perpendicular
combine together most unique
completely unanimous most unkindest
complete monopoly necessary essential
connect up with necessary need
consensus of opinion old adage
cooperate together personal friend
cover over recur again
descend down reduce down
each and every one repeat again
endorse on the back resume again
entirely eliminated return back
extreme prime importance revert back to
few (many) in number rise up
final end (outcome) round in form
first beginnings separate out
four-cornered square (a) short half-hour
from whence small in size
important essentials sunset in the west
individual person talented genius
join together this afternoon at 4 P.M.
long length this morning at 8 A.M.
loquacious talker visible to the eye
Brevity is more than "the soul of wit": it is well-nigh impossible. Even
so, care and thought will eliminate many useless, time-wasting, space-
consuming words and expressions that constitute one of the major prob-
lems in communicating with others.
Triteness, sometimes referred to as the use of hackneyed language or
cliches, applies to words and expressions that are worn out from overuse.
The words triteness, hackneyed language, and cliche have origins that
illuminate their meaning: triteness comes from the Latin word tritus, the
past participle of a verb meaning "to rub," "to wear out." Hackneyed is
derived from the idea of a horse, or carriage (hackney coach), let out for
hire, devoted to common use, and consequently exhausted in service.
Triteness xv
Cliche comes from the French word clicher, meaning "to stereotype,"
"to cast from a mold."
Trite expressions resemble slang in that both are stereotyped manners
of thought and expression. Cliches may be stampings from common
speech, outworn phrases, or overworked quotations. Usually they express
sound ideas (or ideas considered sound) and are always couched in
memorable phrasing. (If they were not sensible and stylistically appealing,
they would never have been used so much as to become stale.) The
problem with cliches is not that they are inexpressive but that they have
been overused and misused to the point of weariness and ineffectiveness.
People with whom we often talk may bore us precisely because we
know in advance the words and phrases they are going to use. What they
say and how they say that something have become "molds" of thought
and expression, constantly repeated. It should be kept in mind, too, that
expressions which seem fresh and original to us may be cliches to those
who have read and listened more than we have.
In daily speech, in letters, and in all kinds of writing except that which is
most formal and carefully written and rewritten, everyone is certain to use
cliches. This is understandable: trite expressions are familiar, often apt,
and always expressive. For instance, if one wishes to describe a recent
bout with insomnia and his inability to get needed rest, he might mention
his longing to "sleep the sleep of the just." The phrase is colorful and even
appropriate, but it is jaded from overuse. Charles Dickens may have
thought so when, in Night Walks, he needed to convey this same idea. He
discarded the clich€ and came up with the ^memorable phrase "As restless
as an evil conscience in a tumbled bed." An anonymous writer used no
hackneyed expression in describing the tumult of thoughts that kept him
awake; he referred to the emotions coursing through his mind as being
"restless as willows in a windstorm."
Trite expressions cannot be eliminated from our speech and writing, but
their quantity can be reduced and, who knows, perhaps occasionally
something substituted effective enough eventually to become a cliche
The following list of more than 300 trite expressions will remind every-
one of the problem and possibly cause some readers to resolve to strive
even harder for freshness and originality in speaking and writing.
absence makes the heart grow all things being equal
fonder all wool and a yard wide
acid test all work and no play
add insult to injury apple of one's eye
age before beauty apple-pie order
all in a lifetime arms of Morpheus
all in all as luck would have it
all is not gold that glitters at one fell swoop
all sorts and conditions .. . bark up the wrong tree
xvi Triteness
fight like a tiger heartless wretch
fill the bill heart of gold
filthy lucre hew to the line
fine and dandy high on the hog
first and foremost hornet's nest (stir up a)
flash in the pan hot as a pistol
flat as a pancake hungry as a bear
flesh and blood if the truth be told
fly off the handle inspiring sight
fond farewell interesting to note
(a) fool and his money intestinal fortitude
fools rush in . . . in the last (final) analysis
free as the air in the long run
fresh as a daisy irons in the fire
garden (common) variety irony of fate
gentle as a lamb it goes without saying
get one's number it stands to reason
get the sack jig is up
get the upper hand land-office business
get up on the wrong side . . . last but not least
get what I mean? last straw
gild the lily law unto himself (herself)
give hostages to fortune lead to the altar
glass of fashion lean and hungry look
God's country lean over backward
golden mean leave in the lurch
(a) good time was had by all left-handed compliment
goose hangs high let one's hair down
grain of salt let the cat out of the bag
grand and glorious lick into shape
graphic account (description) like a newborn babe
greatness thrust upon . . . limp as a rag
green as grass little did I think
green with envy lock, stock, and barrel
Grim Reaper mad as a wet hen
grin like a Cheshire cat mad dash
hail-fellow well met make a clean breast of
hale and hearty make ends meet
hand-to-mouth make hay while the sun shines
hapless victim make night hideous
happy as a lark make no bones
happy pair make things hum
hard row to hoe mantle of snow
haughty stare meets the eye
haul over the coals method in his madness
head over heels mind your p's and q*s
xviii Triteness
missing the boat reckon without one's host
monarch of all he (she) surveys red as a beet
moot question rendered a selection
more easily said than done ring true
Mother Nature rub the wrong way
motley crew (crowd) sadder but wiser
naked truth sad to relate
neat as a bandbox sail under false colors
necessary evil save for a rainy day
needs no introduction seal one's fate
never a dull moment seething mass
nipped in the bud self-made man
not to be sneezed at sell like hot cakes
not worth a continental set one's cap for
number is up set up shop
of a high order seventh heaven
Old Sol show the white feather
on the ball (stick) shuffle off this mortal coil
open-and-shut sick and tired
opportunity knocks but . . . sight to behold
out of sight, out of mind sing like a bird
over a barrel sleep the sleep of the just
ox in the ditch snare and a delusion
parental rooftree sow wild oats
pay the piper (fiddler) start the ball rolling
penny for your thoughts steal one's thunder
pillar of society stick in the craw
pillar to post strong as an ox
play fast and loose stubborn as a mule
play second fiddle stuffed shirt
play up to take it easy
point with pride teach the young idea
poor but honest tell it to the Marines
pretty as a picture tenterhooks (be on)
pretty kettle of fish terra firma
pretty penny that is to say
psychological moment throw in the sponge
pull one's leg throw the book at
pull the wool over . . . time hangs heavy
pull up stakes tired as a dog
pure as the driven snow tit for tat
put a bug (flea) in one's ear too funny for words
put on the dog too many irons in the fire
rack one's brains truth to tell
raining cats and dogs turn over a new leaf
read the riot act view with alarm
wee small hours without further ado
wet to the skin wolf in sheep's clothing
where ignorance is bliss you can say that again
wide-open spaces your guess is as good as mine
Troublesome Verbs
Insufficient knowledge of the principal parts of verbs causes many
problems in speaking and writing. An English verb has three principal
parts: present tense (or present infinitive), past tense, and past participle.
A good way to recall the principal parts of a verb is to substitute those of
any verb for the following:
I run today, (present tense)
I ran yesterday, (past tense)
I have run every day this week, (past participle)
The past tense and past participle of many verbs are formed by adding
-d or -ed or -t to the present tense:
save, saved, saved
dream, dreamt (or dreamed), dreamt (or dreamed)
Such verbs are called regular, or weak, verbs.
Other verbs do not follow this pattern. Called irregular, or strong,
verbs, they form the past tense and past participle in several ways. One
group has a vowel change in the past tense, and in some instances in the
past participle as well:
cling, clung, clung
fighjt, fought, fought
Some verbs in this group, in addition to the vowel change, add -n for the
past participle:
wear, wore, worn
swear, swore, sworn
Another group changes in form completely in the past tense and past
bind, bound, bound
stink, stank, stunk
A few verbs change the last consonant, but not the vowel:
have, had, had
Several verbs have the same form for all three principal parts:
quit, quit, quit
spread, spread, spread
Following is a list of 150 troublesome verbs that illustrate each of the
methods of formation just mentioned.
arise arose arisen
ask asked asked
attack attacked attacked
xx Troublesome Verbs
Troublesome Verbs xd
Idiomatic Usage
For one who is a native-born speaker of American English, idiomatic
usage is likely to cause little trouble. Most of the idiomatic expressions
one uses and hears are familiar, deep-rooted, widely employed, and
readily understandable.
The words idiom and idiomatic come from Greek terms the key mean-
ing of which is "peculiar" or "individual." Idiomatic expressions conform
to no basic principles in their formation and are indeed laws unto them-
selves. Every language has its peculiarities. For example, Spanish people
say (in translation), "Here one speaks Spanish"; the English equivalent is
"Spanish is spoken here." The French say, "We have come from eating,"
but our equivalent would be "We have just eaten."
As speakers of American English, we might tell foreigners not to say
"many boy is," "a pupils," and "10 foot." We would utterly confuse
them with such acceptable idiomatic usage as "many a boy is," "a few
pupils," and "a 10-foot pole." Much correct idiomatic usage is indeed
illogical or a violation of grammatical principles.
One generalized statement about English idioms is that several words
combined often lose their literal (exact) meaning and express something
only remotely suggested by any one word: "bed of roses," "birds of a
feather," "black list," "dark horse," "get even with," "open house,"
"read between the lines," "toe the line."
Another comment is that parts of the human body have suggested
hundreds of idiomatic expressions: "burn one's fingers," "all thumbs,"
"rub elbows with," "step on someone's toes," "take to heart," "catch
xxiv Idiomatic Usage
one's eye," "put one's foot in one's mouth," "bend one's ear," "with
half an eye," "pay through the nose," "down in the mouth," and "have a
leg to stand on."
A third generalization is that hundreds of idiomatic phrases are formed
by various parts of speech in combination with others in a haphazard way.
For example, the same word Can combine with others to form phrases that
are quite different in meaning: "make away with," "make believe,"
"make bold," "make do," "make fast," "make for," "make good,"
"make merry," "make out," "make over," "make ready," and "make
up." An even more complex idiomatic situation involves look:
look alive ("be wide-awake") look on ("observe")
look after ("minister to") look oneself ("appear normal")
look back ("review the past") look out ("be on guard")
look daggers ("stare angrily") look over ("examine")
look down on ("regard with look sharp ("be alert")
scorn") look to ("give attention")
look for ("seek," "search") look up ("refer to")
look forward to ("anticipate") look up to ("respect")
look in on ("visit")
Still other examples are these:
accompanied by others
with grief
affinity of persons or things
between two persons or things
with another person or thing
agree on a plan
with a person
analogous in a quality
to or with others
contend for a principle
with an individual
against an obstacle
differ with a person
from something else
on, over, or about a question
impatient at someone's conduct
with someone else
for something desired
of restraint
rewarded with a gift
by a person
for something done
xix Idiomatic Usage
One's speech should conform to the idiomatic word combinations gen-
erally acceptable. Reliable dictionaries contain some explanations of idio-
matic usage following words that require such detail, but the information
provided is not always complete or clear.
Twenty idiomatic and unidiomatic expressions follow. They are repre-
sentative of several hundred idioms that can cause genuine problems:
according to according with
accord with accord to
acquaint with acquaint to
adverse to adverse against
aim to prove aim at proving
among themselves among one another
angry with (a person) angry at (a person)
as regards as regards to
authority on authority about
cannot help talking cannot help but talk
comply with comply to
conform to, with conform in
correspond to (a thing) correspond with (a thing)
desirous of desirous to
identical with identical to
in accordance with in accordance to
prefer (one) to (another) prefer (one) over (another)
prior to prior than
superior to superior than
unequal to unequal for
The following 150 idiomatic expressions involving prepositions will
serve as a check list, containing as it does many of the most commonly
used idioms in the language:
abstain from approve of
accede to arrive at, in
acquiesce in assent to
acquit of associate with
addicted to assure of
adept in averse to
adhere to basis of, for
adjacent to blanket with
advantage of, over blase about
agreeable to blend with
alien from, to boast of, about
amused at, by, with border on, upon
apart from capable of
append to careful of, with, about
xxviii Euphemisms
Sixty examples of euphemisms, with their actual meanings, follow:
amenity center village green, public toilet
archivist museum or library clerk
cardiovascular accident stroke
casket coffin
collection correspondent bill collector
combustible fieldman garbage man
comfort station public toilets
confrontation heated argument, fight
creative conflict civil rights demonstration
crowd engineers police dogs
custodial engineer janitor
delicious repast a good meal
devouring element fire
emerging (developing) backward
exceptional child retarded child
expecting pregnant
expectorate spit
experienced tires recaps, retreads
extrapolation educated guess
facial dew perspiration, sweat
finalize end
food preparation center kitchen
glow sweat, perspire
indisposed sick, ill, nauseated
interment burial
intoxicated drunk
in trouble pregnant
love child illegitimate (bastard) child
lowing herd cattle
lung affliction tuberculosis
memorial park cemetery
mistress kept woman
moisture sweat
mortician undertaker
mortical surgeon undertaker
motion discomfort nausea
obsequies funeral
odor smell, stink
opportunity school school for the retarded or handi-
park under construction town dump
paying guest boarder
perspire sweat
plant food manure
Euphemisms xxix
powder room toilet
prevaricate lie
previously owned car secondhand car
problem skin acne
rotund fat
sanitary engineer garbage collector
scent smell
senior citizen old person
separate from school expel
separate from the payroll fire
slow learner unintelligent person
social disease syphilis, gonorrhea
succulent viands appetizing food
tissue toilet paper
trial marriage free love
underprivileged destitute, poor
unmentionables underwear
Slang is a label for a particular kind of word usage that ranges from
illiteracies to colloquialisms (informal standard English). Slang terms
usually involve exaggerated or forced humor, fantastic or flippant novelty,
and clipped or shortened forms of words. Much slang is colorful, fresh,
and pungent and provides effective shortcuts in expression. Some slang
appeals to such widespread popular fancy that it survives and is eventually
labeled in dictionaries as informal or colloquial speech.
It is useless to suggest that no one should use slang. Slang is understand-
ably a part of everyone's informal talk and is so inbred in one's conscious-
ness that giving it up entirely would leave a gap in communication. Also,
slang, or at least some of it, is so readily and widely understood that it
assists face-to-face, person-to-person contact, which is fundamental in
human relations. Despite the color, force, aind occasional charm of slang,
however, three good reasons exist for using it carefully and sparingly:
1. Using slang expressions prevents a speaker from searching for the
exact words needed to convey meaning. Many slang expressions are only
rubber stamps. To call someone a swell guy or a square hardly expresses
exactly or fully any real critical judgment or intelligent description.
Instead, such words are more likely to suggest the speaker's own laziness,
careless thinking, and poverty of vocabulary. Slang may be colorful and
humorous, but few slang expressions by themselves convey a clear and
accurate message from speaker to listener.
2. Slang has its place in conversation and in informal writing, but
occasionally it is not in keeping with the context—what precedes and
follows. For example, a sensible and serious talk with a public official
about current affairs might be thrown off if suddenly a slang term such as
mod or cool were injected.
xxx Slang
3. Most slang words and expressions last for a brief time only and then
pass out of use, becoming unintelligible to hearers and readers.
Slang appears in numerous forms.
Many neologisms (newly coined words) are slang:
beatnik payola
grandiferous pizzaz
hornswoggle scram
ixnay scrumptious
mooch sockdologer
nix teenybopper
oops wacky
Some slang words and expressions are formed from other words by
abbreviation or by adding new endings to change the part of speech:
chintzy nervy
C-note phony
groovy psych out
legit snafu
mod VIP
Sometimes words in acceptable use are given extended meanings:
acid grind
bean guts
blow lousy
buck mainline
cat sack
chicken snow
corny square
dish swell
fuzzy tough
grease trip
Some slang is formed by compounding or bringing together two or more
egghead hepcat
flyboy stash (store and cache)
go-go girl whodunit
Slang often consists of one or more coined words combined with one or
more standard terms:
blow one's top jam session
bum steer live it up
cool it off one's rocker
get in orbit shoot the bull (breeze)
have a ball shoot the works
Illustrating the various methods by which slang is concocted is the
Slang xxxi
following list of 150 expressions. If the reader does not recognize every
item (or all of the terms mentioned above), his inability to do so provides
two reasons why slang should not be overused: it is not always under-
standable; it often has a short life.
all-fired fourflusher long green
attaboy (attagirl) gate-crasher lulu
babe geezer lummox
back number get lost meathead
baloney get one's goat moniker
bamboozle get with it mooch
barf girlie moola
barge in go-getter moxie
bats goldbrick natch
beanery gold digger nix
beef goner nut
big shot goo nuts
bigwig gooey nutty
blind date goof (and goof off) on the ball
bloke goofy on the beam
blow your stack gook on the level
bolix (or bollicks) goon on the loose
booboo grub on the make
brass hat gungho on the wagon
bread gunk oodles
bushed guy pad
buzz off gyp pantywaist
chump half-baked party pooper
clip joint half-cocked peach
conk (conk out) hick phiz
cornball high-hat piker
crackpot hightail poop
cut the mustard hogwash pork barrel
dame hooey pusher
deadbeat hunky-dory ratfink
dimwit jeez rat race
double dome jerk raunchy
elbow grease jinx razz
eyewash jughead razzberry
fishy kibosh razzle-dazzle
flack kick around razzmatazz
flatfoot kickback rhubarb
flivver kick in ritzy
floozy kick the bucket sad sack
flossy kid sawbuck
fork over lemon scads
xxxii Slang
screw shyster turn on
screwball simoleon weirdie
screw loose slaphappy weirdo
screw out of sound off wheeler-dealer
screwy stool pigeon wise guy
shakes sucker wisenheimer
shebang swing wise up
shenanigans tizzy yak (yack, yuk)
shiv turn off yap
Slang radii
Dictionary of
Problem Words
and Expressions
a, an. Correct choice of a and an depends on the initial sound, not on
the initial letter, of the word that follows. A should be used before all
words beginning with a consonant sound except silent h (an honor) and
before words beginning with vowels that represent combined consonant
and vowel sounds (university, unit). An should be used before all vowel
a boy an entry
a European an /
ag an hour
a picture an orange
a store an unbeliever
With the words history and historian, a preceding a is more often used
today than an. In history, the h is always pronounced; the h in words
such as historian and historical was formerly not pronounced, but it
frequently is in contemporary usage. Always say "a history book," but
refer to "an (or a) historian" and "an (or a) historical novel" as you
please. Both are standard usage.
Neither a nor an is needed in such expressions as "no such (a) thing,"
"no greater (an) honor."
a, per. Both a and per are commonly used with meanings of "each" and
"for every." Thus one may write "once a minute" or "once per
minute." Because per comes from Latin, old-time grammarians insisted
that it should not appear before nouns in English, but this restriction no
longer applies. The appearance of per is widespread and acceptable in all
commercial, economic, and statistical writing. Using a (or an) for per in
a sentence such as "The yield per acre per year is 200 bushels" is not
incorrect but does sound repetitious and overly refined. In most
instances, a is an acceptable substitute for overused per and is prefera-
ble in such expressions as "once a week," "50 cents a gallon," and
"Admission is $1 a person."
abdomen. This term, from Latin and pronounced with the accent on the
first or second syllable, refers to that part of any mammal's body that lies
between the pelvis and the rib cage. Some speakers consider it an
evasion, a euphemism (inoffensive word) for belly, a perfectly proper
term descended from Old English. (Possibly belly will be restored to
common use on all levels, just as leg is now generally used instead of
limb.) Abdomen is an anatomical term, as is stomach (which really
ability, capacity
able to. This is a wordy and unidiomatic expression for can or could.
"This work could not be finished in a month" is preferable to "This
work was not able to be finished in a month." Confine use of able to
persons or objects that possess ability: "He was able in science."
accept, except
about to. The word about has a meaning of readiness or willingness; the
phrase "not about to" conveys an idea of unwillingness, unreadiness, or
opposition of some sort: "He was not about to pay the bill." The
expression is trite and informal and should be avoided. Write "He was
not ready to (or was unwilling to or refused to) pay the bill."
above. Some grammarians object to the use of above in the meaning of
"preceding" or "previously mentioned or written" (the examples given
above, the above examples). However, above can be an adjective as
well as an adverb, so that no grammatical error is involved. The objec-
tion to using above in this sense is that the word may refer vaguely or
even loosely and incorrectly to preceding material; overuse of it may
make you sound legalistic or stilted.
As a preposition, above presents no usage problems {above the earth).
As a noun, above is both vague and informal. Instead of "The above
states my position fairly," it is preferable to say "This is my position" or
"The preceding statements present my position fairly."
abridged. See UNABRIDGED.
excepted from the list of those invited." "Everyone except me knew the
right answer."
accident, mishap. An accident is an event that occurs without apparent
plan. Such a chance, undesigned occurrence may be fortunate (a lucky
accident that we saw each other), unfortunate (a fatal accident), or
neutral (the accident of birth). A mishap is an unfortunate accident.
Breaking a shoelace when in a hurry is a mishap. There is no such thing
as a fortunate or neutral mishap. A disaster, catastrophe, or calamity
cannot be called a mishap, a word reserved for a misadventure, mis-
chance, or misfortune. A mishap might be referred to as a minor
accidentally, accidently. Meaning "by chance," "without design," or
"unexpectedly," accidentally is often mispronounced and misspelled.
The word has five syllables (acci'den'tal'ly); omit al in fieither spelling
nor pronunciation. There is no such word as accidently.
motive can actuate an individual and determine his actions: "His desire
for fame actuated his constant efforts." "Actuated by good will, he
activated a group of generous persons."
actor, actress. The suffix -ess is used to form distinctively feminine
nouns such as hostess, lioness, duchess, and heiress. Even before the
Women's Db movement, its use was considered offensive in such words
as Jewess, Negress, and poetess, because emphasis on sex seemed
irrelevant and possibly prejudicial. With an actress, however, femininity
is essential to her art, so that the term is appropriate and useful. An
actor, of course, is a male performer.
actual, real, virtual. Actual and real are related in meaning (' 'existing in
fact," "not imaginary"), but they may be distinguished. Actual places
emphasis upon coming into a sphere of fact or action and applies to facts
as they now are or have become. Real expresses objective existence and
applies especially to facts rooted in nature. Virtual means "having the
effect but not the form of what is specified." "Is this an actual assign-
ment or only something to keep me busy?" "Is this real money or
counterfeit?" "After the president resigned, the vice president was the
virtual head of the firm."
adduce, deduce. The first of these words means "to cite as evidence
that is conclusive or persuasive," "to present as an argument." Adduce
is sometimes confused with deduce, which means "to infer," "to derive
as a conclusion from something assumed or known." "The speaker
adduced three reasons for his actions." "The jury deduced that the
accused was not guilty."
ad hoc. This phrase, straight from Latin and pronounced "ad hock,"
literally means "toward this." In English it is used to mean "with
respect to this" or "for this purpose only" and is applied to a group
created to deal with a particular situation, case, cause, or purpose: "The
chairman appointed an ad hoc committee to supervise the voting."
adjacent, contiguous. In exact usage, adjacent means "lying near,"
"close at hand," "neighboring," and contiguous means "touching,"
"in actual contact." Beads strung loosely are adjacent; if strung tightly,
they axe contiguous. In general usage, however, the words are inter-
changeable. Adjacent, much the more commonly used word, has these
approximate synonyms: adjoining, abutting, bordering, connecting, and
adjudge. See JUDGE.
adversary, antagonist
ago, since. These words refer to past time, but they should not be used
together. Do not write "It was five years ago since I last saw Ben."
alien, alienist, alienate
Follow ago with that or omit ago: "It was five years ago that I last saw
Ben." "It isfiveyears since I last saw Ben." The construction ago since
is both wordy and illogical. Ago carries thought from present to past
time; since conveys thought from past to present. Our minds are shaky
already; they are not helped by meeting themselves coming back.
aid. See HELP.
ain't. This contraction of am not has been extended to mean also "is
not," "has not," "are not," and "have not." Ain't is considered illiter-
ate, colloquial, or dialectal and is cautioned against in so-called standard
speech and writing. It is occasionally used informally by educated per-
sons, but it has not been accepted as have been isn't (is not), hasn't (has
not), haven't (have not), aren't (are not), and weren't (were not).
a la. This phrase from French is a shortened form of a la mode de ("in
the style of"). In English, a la is used, frequently overused, to mean "in
the manner of," "like," "according to." Its appearance in a sentence
such as "She dresses a la a Hollywood star" is correct but also preten-
tious and forced. Restrict use of a la to such standard expressions as "a
la carte" and "h la mode," for which there are no acceptable substitutes
in English.
alibi. Precise and careful speakers and writers limit the use of alibi to its
meaning in law; "a plea or fact of having been elsewhere when an offense
was committed": "The defendant's alibi was that he was out of town
when the crime took place." Alibi is overused in the informal sense of
"excuse" or "any kind of defense." Instead of saying "The players
offered no alibi for their defeat," say "They offered no excuse." Instead
of saying "Honest men never alibi," use some form of plea, justifica-
tion, or acknowledgment.
alien, alienist* alienate. An alien is a foreigner, someone born in or
belonging to another country: "He was an alien for ten years and then
became a naturalized citizen." The term is also applied to one who is
excluded in some way (that is, is an outsider) and to matters that are
strange or unfamiliar: "He was forced to adjust to an alien culture." "In
all, all of
all, all of. When preceding a pronoun, all must be followed by of (all of
them, not all them or all us). When all is followed by a noun, of may be
omitted and often is by speakers and writers who wish to avoid using an
unnecessary word: "A// (or all of) the workers went on strike."
all-around. See ALL-ROUND.
allow, permit. Allow means "to grant," "to let have," and implies that
no direct prevention or obstruction is involved: "Does your supervisor
allow you to dress as you please?" Permit, a more formal word than
allow, specifically involves the idea of permission: "Does your ticket
permit you to enter at that gate?" An everyday synonym for allow and
permit is let. See also ADMIT, ALLOW.
all ready. See ALREADY.
aloud, out loud. Each of these expressions means' 'audibly," ' 'in a loud
tone." Both are correct, but aloud is considered less colloquial and is
also preferable because it is shorter.
told": "Six men altogether volunteered for the mission." "In the alto-
gether" is an informal, artificial phrase meaning "nude." All together
means "all in company" or "everybody in one place": "The family was
all together for the holidays."
alumnus, alumna, alumni. An alumnus is a male graduate of some
institution, usually a college or university. An alumna is a woman
graduate. Respective plurals are alumni and alumnae. The term alumni
is now often used to refer to men and women graduates of coeducational
institutions. To refer to graduates as alum or alums is nonstandard.
"Beth is an alumna of Smith College." "Barbara and Roberta are
alumnae of Mount Holyoke College." "Jack is an alumnus of Duke
University." "Joy, Jill, and Tom are alumni of Dartmouth College."
your reappearance amazes me." Astonish means "to strike with sudden
fear or wonder." To be astonished is to be dazed or silenced, to be
"turned to stone." Surprise means "to take unawares." We are amazed
at what seems extremely difficult, impossible, 'or improbable; we are
surprised by the merely unexpected or unanticipated; we are astonished
when our surprise is so great as to silence or daze us. Paralyzing
(numbing) shock is implied by astound and its colloquial equivalent,
flabbergast. A story is told of Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), English
author and lexicographer. His wife unexpectedly came upon him kissing
a household maid and said, "I am surprised." Dr. Johnson reportedly
replied, "No, Madam; I am surprised; you are astonished."
amend, emend. Amend means "to put right," "to change for the
better." We amend by adding or altering, as the noun amendment
suggests. Emend, once merely another spelling of amend, has a similar
meaning but is properly used only to refer to corrections or changes
made in a literary or scholarly work; the corresponding noun is emenda-
tion. Both amend and emend are verbs; amend in plural form (amends)
becomes a noun meaning "recompense" or "compensation": "He made
amends for his careless driving."
ample, enough. Ample means "more than enough," "more than ade-
quate in size, capacity, or scope." Enough means "sufficient," "in or to
a degree or quantity that satisfies." Since ample means what it does, it is
silly to attempt to qualify it; "barely ample'''' and "scarcely ample" are
illogical. Adequate synonyms: abundance for ample, sufficient or ade-
quate for enough. "The cabin was stocked with anamp/e supply of food,
enough to last us longer than our two-week stay." See also ENOUGH.
an. See A, AN.
cadmium oxide." Both analysis and synthesis are overused for the
words study, examination, and consideration. Few persons other than
laboratory scientists normally engage in either analysis or synthesis.
Corresponding verbs, analyze and synthesize, are also often used inex-
actly. Noun plurals are analyses and syntheses, with the last e in each
having the sound of ea in easy.
and all. This is what is known as a filler, a word or expression that adds
little or nothing to meaning but consumes time in saying and space in
writing: "You know what I mean and all." This useless phrase, as well
as other fillers, is likely to appear only in informal talk, hardly ever in
and also. See ALSO.
any, any and ail. Any is a useful word with several meanings, "one,"
"a," "an," "some," "no matter which," "every." "Do you have any
money?" Any is considered informal (colloquial) when it is used as an
adverb to mean "at all": "He did not work any last month." You can
substitute at all for any in such a sentence. Or you can, if you wish,
consider that any in the sentence quoted is a pronoun rather than an
adverb. Any and all is a wordy, trite expression.
anybody. See ANYONE.
anyhow. This adverb means "in any manner whatever," "in any
event." It is a standard word but one which is overused, vague, and
imprecise. Omit anyhow from a sentence such as "I didn't want to go
anymore. This term, preferably spelled as one word rather than two,
means "now," "at present," "from now on." It is a standard word, but
apology, excuse, pardon
a priori. This Latin phrase meaning "from the one before" is used in
English to refer to matters not based on examination or prior study:
"The lawyer made an a priori judgment of his client's case." Like most
foreign expressions brought intact into our language, it should be used
sparingly. Even so, it is an expression for which there is no satisfactory
English equivalent.
as. One of the most useful and most overworked words in the language,
as is a proper conjunction and adverb essential to good idiomatic En-
glish. As a conjunction, however, as is usually weaker (less effective)
than since, because, and when, each of which is more exact: "Since
(preferably not as) it was snowing, we stayed indoors." As is often used
for a more specific that or whether: "I don't say that (not as) he was
right." "I doubt whether (not as) he was correct." As is incorrectly
used for who in a sentence such as "Those as have no tickets are out of
luck" and for whom or that in "The car hit the man as I had just spoken
as . . . as, so . . . as. In negative comparisons, unusually careful writers
and speakers prefer so . . . as to as .. . as: "Tom is not so talkative as
his sister." But as . . . as is in reputable use, although the term is not
considered quite so correct as "so .. . as."
as a whole, on the whole. These two phrases are trite through over-
use and should usually be avoided. If you do use them, note that as
a whole applies to a group but not necessarily- to individuals; on the
whole means "for the most part," "in general." "As a whole, our
salesmen get much credit and attention, but some salesmen are low in
prestige and income." "On the whole, the storm did little damage."
when referring to someone who should be, but isn't, ashamed 0/himself:
"I am ashamed for the team's action."
aside from. This is a wordy expression more economically expressed by
besides: "Besides (or aside from) his cruelty, he was also arrogant."
as if, as though, like. Each of these expressions is permissible. As if is
used more often in speech and in informal writing than is as though,
which is preferred by careful writers. Both expressions are followed by a
verb in the subjunctive mood: "He left the room as though (as i f ) he
were angry." In informal or substandard use, like sometimes substitutes
for as if and as though but is never followed by the subjunctive mood.
See also LIKE.
ask a question. The verb ask means "to inquire about," "to put a
question to." In nearly every conceivable situation and meaning, a
question should be omitted from ask a question; ask implies a question
and should stand alone: "A member of the audience asked (not asked a
question) about inflation."
as per, as regards. As per is an overworked business expression for in
accordance with or according to. Often the expression itself, as well iis
its less-tired equivalents, is not needed at all. As regards is a wordy and
overworked expression for concerning or about. It is an example of
jargon and should be avoided. See also REGARD.
assay, essay. Assay means "a test" or "to test": "The chemist started
to assay the mineral." Essay means "to attempt," "an attempt," or "a
literary effort": "Will you essay this difficult task?" "This is a delight-
fully written essay."
assist. See HELP.
as to. Are these words necessary? Usually, a more precise single word
will serve better. "Eleanor was in doubt as to his meaning" is better
expressed "Eleanor was in doubt about his meaning." As to whether is
even more useless and wordy. Instead of saying "Sandy expressed
concern as to whether it would snow," say "Sandy expressed concern
that it would snow." As to where can usually be shortened to where.
attend to, tend to. Tend to is more often used than attend to: "Please
tend to the store while I'm away." However, attend to is idiomatically
more acceptable in the sense of "to wait upon" or "to care for": "Will
you attend to that customer?" "Kindly attend to this matter at once."
Tend to has the more exact meaning of "to lean toward": "Sam tends to
be cautious about new ideas." In many constructions, to can be omitted
from either phrase.
au. This is a term from French meaning "to the," "at the," "with the."
It is considered an affectation to use foreign words unnecessarily, but
there is no suitable English equivalent for au in such phrases as au
beurre ("with butter"), au contraire ("on the opposite side," "to the
contrary"), au fait ("expert" or "experienced"), au gratin ("with
cheese"), and au naturel ("in the natural state"). Unlike & la, it is
always used with another French word. See also k LA.
audience. Because audience is derived from a Latin word meaning "to
hear," some experts insist that the word can properly apply only to a
group of persons engaged in listening. Such purists feel that where
looking (seeing) is the primary activity involved, persons comprising an
audience should be called spectators. Audience is now widely and
acceptably applied to listeners and viewers collectively—to persons
attending a theater or concert as well as those reached by radio or
television broadcasts, by books, newspapers, and magazines, and by
public speakers: "The studio audience was convulsed with laughter."
"Many works of art have a wide and devoted audience."
audio. See VIDEO.
aught, ought, naught. Aught means "any little part," "in any
respect": "You are right for aught I know." Ought indicates duty,
obligation: "Everyone ought to attend the meeting." Naught means
"nothing," "zero": "Our work availed naught."
cally arranged series. You would find the mean by adding the two
extreme numbers and dividing by 2. Thus, with the numbers 4, 6, 8, 12,
and 15, the average would be 9, the median would be 8, and the mean
would be 9Vi.
averse. See ADVERSE.
avert, divert. These words are both based upon a Latin term meaning
"to turn," but they have different meanings and applications in English.
Avert means "to turn away," "to ward off": "He quickly averted his
eyes." "Drive carefully and try to avert an accident." Divert means "to
turn aside," "to distract," "to entertain": "Listen carefully; don't let
anything divert your attention." "After the conference, the diplomats
diverted their minds by attending a musical comedy." See also ADVERT.
avocation, vocation, calling. Avocation suggests a hobby, something
one does apart from regular work. One's vocation is one's calling, one's
principal endeavor or source of livelihood. "My vocation is teaching
school, but my avocation is gardening." Calling is synonymous with
vocation but is usually applied to work that has been entered as a result
of a call, summons, or strong impulse: "He began the study of theology
as a result of an inner calling." "He felt a calling to become a minister."
awake, awaken. See WAKE.
bank on. This trite expression is overused to mean "to depend on," "to
count on": "You can bank on his giving you bad advice." In this sense
the phrase departs from its original meaning of making bank in gambling
games. The literal meaning of bank on is not "to rely on" but "to be
absolutely certain o f ' : "You can bank on this, a gamble that you cannot
barbaric, barbarous. These words are closely related to each other and
to such terms as barbarian, barbarism, and barbarity. Both barbaric
and barbarous are adjectives meaning "uncivilized," "primitive,"
"without civilizing influences." Barbaric is occasionally used in a favor-
able sense to refer to those elements in a culture, such as vigor, ardor,
and love of splendor, that the speaker or writer finds praiseworthy (a
splendidly barbaric people). Barbarous is more often used to refer to the
cruel and vicious customs and practices of uncivilized groups (the inhu-
man deeds of barbarous Huns).
based on. This phrase is not an absolute participle such as are consider-
ing and given. As a result, a sentence such as "Based on your record,
you are clearly qualified for the job" is ungrammatical because based on
is a dangling modifier with nothing to attach to. Instead of using based on
in such a statement, try given or considering or on the basis of.
beside, besides
being as, being as how, being that. Each of these phrases borders on
illiteracy; all are vague, wordy, and illogical. Say "Because (not being
as, being as how, or being that) I am already here, I'll help."
believe, feel. Precisely, believe suggests "to have convictions about,"
"to judge," "to think"; feel indicates emotion rather than reason. In
daily use, the words are interchangeable: "I feel (or I believe) that we
should go." Careful distinction is shown in such a sentence as "I feel
cheerful when I hear from you, because I believe you still like me."
belittle, disparage. These words are related in meaning:' 'to speak of as
unimportant," "to regard something as less important or impressive than
it apparently is." Disparage is a stronger word than belittle in that it
tends to bring reproach or discredit upon the topic being considered,
whereas belittle means simply "to make less," "to minimize": "Don't
belittle my efforts; I'm trying hard." "The prosecuting attorney dispar-
aged the testimony of the witness."
belly. See ABDOMEN.
over" and "in addition to." "I am resting beside (not besides) the
stream." "I have more work to do; besides (not beside) I am not in the
mood to go."
be sure and. Each of these three words is inoffensive, but the idea
which their combination expresses should be conveyed by "be sure to."
In such a construction, what follows be sure is always an infinitive, not a
group of words connected by and: "Be sure to (not and) let me hear
from you."
bisect. This word can mean only "to cut or divide into two parts":
"This is where the road bisects the railroad tracks." Bisect and dissect
should not be confused. One bisects a laboratory animal when he divides
it into two equal or nearly equal parts; he dissects it when he cuts it into
numerous segments.
biweekly. See BIANNUAL.
blame it on me, blame me for it. When a preposition is needed with the
blatant, flagrant
verb blame, standard idiomatic usage requires for: "She blamed me for
the accident," not "She blamed the accident on me." The construction
"blame on" (filame this situation on your employee) is becoming
acceptable, although formal usage would stipulate "Blame your
employee for . . . " or "Place the blame on. . . ."
blatant, flagrant. Blatant means "offensively noisy" and "brazenly
obvious" (a blatant orchestra, a blatant lie). Flagrant means "shock-
ing" and "disgraceful" (a flagrant criminal act, a. flagrant oversight).
Blatant stresses offensiveness and noisiness; flagrant emphasizes evil
and wrongdoing. One who eats peas with his knife commits a blatant
error. One who drives a car on the highway while drunk performs a
flagrant act.
burgess is, or was, a citizen who was neither of the nobility nor a serf.
Proletariat refers to persons who depend for support upon employment
rather than property. The word is derived from a Latin phrase referring
to individuals who contributed to the state only through their offspring.
In brief, bourgeois means "middle-class," and proletarian means
"working-class." Most Americans do not think of themselves as being
either bourgeois or proletarian.
brand-new. This expression, meaning "entirely new," "fresh,"
"unused," may also be spelled bran-new. Brand-new is preferred.
breadth. See BREATH.
breakdown. This word has two primary meanings: "a wearing out,
collapse" and "analysis, decomposition": "Millie suffered a breakdown
following the accident." "The factory was closed because of a break-
down in machinery." "The treasurer made a careful breakdown of
income and expenses." In the second of its meanings, breakdown is
overused and loosely used. Instead of using this word vaguely, occasion-
ally say analysis, classification, examination, or itemization. See also
bring up. In the sense of "to rear," "to care for during childhood," this
term is acceptable but is considered less refuted and somewhat more
informal than rear (see RAISE). Use bring up in ordinary conversation if it
is a term widely used in your locality; use rear in writing and in all formal
speaking situations. Bringing-up is acceptable in the sense of "upbring-
ing" and "childhood training" but is less preferred than rearing and
upbringing. As a verb meaning "to introduce" (Why bring up that
subject?), the term is tiresomely overused. Possible substitutes for bring
up in this meaning are introduce, inject, advance, and suggest.
bulk. This word refers to mass, volume, and size: "The steamship was
of great bulk." It is also used to refer to the greater part of something
(the bulk of mankind). The alternative to bulk in this second meaning is
majority, a term which indicates or suggests counted numbers. It is
permissible to refer to the bulk of the armed forces (mass, size, volume)
but preferable to say "the majority of those present" rather than "the
bulk of those present."
bust, burst. The principal parts of burst are burst, burst, burst. As verb
but also
forms, bust and busted are illiteracies. "To get busted" ("to be
arrested"), "to go bust" ("to become bankrupt"), "to bust up" ("to
disagree," "to break up"), and "a bust" ("failure") are slang expres-
but what. This phrase is informally used for but that: "I don't know but
what (better, but that) I had better go with you." Use but that instead of
but what in all statements such as "Scarcely an hour goes by but that
I think of you with love."
but which, but who. See AND WHICH.
by. This word has many reputable uses as a preposition, adjective, and
noun. Such phrases as "by the same token," "by and by," "by the by,"
"by the boards," and "by and large" are tiresomely overused; the last-
named not only is hackneyed but is usually a meaningless conversational
filler. "Bye now" and "bye-bye" are baby talk for good-by.
by about. This is a wordy phrase from which by can usually be omitted.
Drop it from a sentence such as "I can be ready by about midnight."
See also ABOUT.
cache, hide, stash. As a noun cache means a hiding place, and as a
verb it means "to conceal": "The Joneses placed their silverware in a
cache upstairs." "You had better cache that money somewhere so that
it won't be discovered." Hide, the most commonly used of these three
related words, means "to put or keep out of sight": "Hide that letter in
the file." Stash is an informal word of unknown origin that means
precisely what cache does. Differences in use are slight: cache involves
concealment in a place unknown to others and suggests storage with a
view to later use; hide refers to putting physical items out of sight and
also to disguising or withholding one's thoughts and feelings. Substitutes
for these three words include secrete, bury, conceal, screen, and cloak.
calculate, reckon, guess. These words are localisms for think, sup-
pose, and expect. Each has standard and reputable meanings (for exam-
ple, one can calculate a mathematical problem), but each should be
avoided as narrowly dialectal and somewhat old-fashioned terms for
forming a mental concept.
calling. See AVOCATION.
can, may, might. Can suggests mental or physical ability: "Jane can
sing beautifully when she tries." May implies permission or sanction:
"Babs may borrow my suitcase if she wishes." This distinction between
can and may is illustrated thus: "Jim can swim, but his mother says that
he may not." May also expresses possibility and wish (desire): "It may
snow tonight (possibility)." "May you have a good rest this weekend
(desire)." Might is used after a governing verb in the past tense, may
after such a verb in the present tense: "She says that we may go." "She
said that we might go."
cancel out. Cancel means "to cross out," "to offset," "to delete."
Therefore out is not needed and should be "canceled" from this tire-
somely overused and wordy expression: "This order will cancel (not
cancel out) our plans."
candid, frank. These terms mean "open," "sincere," "without reser-
vation," "straightforward." Thus we may speak of a "frank statement"
or "a candid reply," meaning something that is without disguise, pre-
tense, or reserve. Candid, derived from a Latin term meaning "to
cannot. This term should be spelled as one word (cannot) unless you
wish to emphasize not. Such usage is rare, but it is permissible in a
statement such as "I can hear you, but I can not understand you." Use
of can't for cannot is sanctioned by widespread usage and is preferable
except in very formal writing and speaking situations.
capital, capitol. The first of these words may be employed in all mean-
ings except that of a building. A capitol is an edifice, a building. "He
raised new capital for the company." "The sightseeing bus in the
capital passed the state capitol."
carat, caret, carrot, karat. Carat refers to weight: "The diamond
weighed 1 carat." A caret is a mark: "Use a caret to show the missing
letter." A carrot is a vegetable beloved by rabbits and some people: "A
carrot may be edible if it is scraped." Karat is a variant spelling of carat.
care to. In such expressions as "Do you care to play?" this substitute
for prefer to or want to is an overworked phrase.
carrot. See CARAT.
cause, cause of. Cause and reason are often confused in meaning.
Reason is what one produces to account for or justify an effect; cause is
what actually produces an effect. "His reason for speaking is clear."
"The cause of his leaving early is debatable." Cause of and on account
of do not have the same meaning. "The cause of my lateness was a slow
bus" is preferable to "The cause of my lateness was on account of my
bus was slow." See also BECAUSE.
city, town, village. No specific guidelines exist for deciding what one
should call a populated area. Size is relative, and importance is largely in
the eye and mind. One can fairly say that a town is smaller than a city and
larger than a village, but no reliable regulations suggest just what is
needed to make a town a city or a village a town. A suburb may be a
village within a town, itself one of a group of towns making up a thickly
populated area that in turn is called a city. A village may be either a
small town or a group of houses and other buildings in a rural area; in
some states, a village is a settlement or hamlet until it is incorporated
and forms its own local government. A town or township has fixed
climactic, climatic
gifts": "You should be a patron of the arts." Client refers to one who
seeks the advice of a lawyer or other professional person: "When I was
charged with the crime, I became the client of an excellent firm of
lawyers." "In his need, he became the client of a social service
climactic, climatic. Climactic pertains to climax, the final and most
forceful one of a series of ideas or events: "The duel was the climactic
scene of the drama." Climatic pertains to climate, or weather condi-
tions: "Edith likes climatic conditions in the Virgin Islands."
climax. See ACME.
close, shut. These words mean "to cause something not to be open,"
"to stop or obstruct." Close is somewhat more refined and less blunt
than shut. For instance, you might tactfully suggest to a child that he
close his mouth while chewing but would say "Shut your mouth" or
"Shut up" if you were angry, rude, or annoyed. Signs on public struc-
tures are more likely to read "This building is closed on Sunday" than
"This building is shut on Sunday." Shut, however, derived from an Old
English word related to bolt and shoot, is vigorous and emphatic and
should be used when you really mean that something should be barred,
bolted, or blocked.
clue, clew. These words derive their meaning from the use of a ball of
thread that enabled a mythical character to find his way out of a puzzling
place (a labyrinth). A clew or clue is anything that helps to guide or
direct in the solution of a mystery or problem. Both spellings are
acceptable, although clue is more generally used. In fact, "Clue me in"
is a tiresome, overused, and weary phrase.
cohere. See ADHERE.
college. SeeUNIVERSITY.
common, ordinary
come and. The verbs come, go, and try are often followed by and
(come and get your food, go and get your ticket, try and get some rest).
In such expressions and is a substitute for to. These phrases are idiomat-
ically sound but are informal and, although widely used, are not recom-
all dedicated parents for their children," "the ordinary suit worn by
businessmen," and "an ordinary day at the office."
compact. See PACT.
compel, impel. These words agree in the idea of using physical or other
force to result in a course of action, to cause something to be done.
Compel has a greater sense of coercion, of actual force, than does impel:
"My mounting debts compelled me to seek a loan." "Heavy fines
compel drivers to obey traffic signals." Impel involves the idea of
motive or incentive or inner drive: "His conscience will impel him to
confess his guilt." "I feel impelled to question that statement." Impel
may involve the concept of pushing forward (Wind impels the small
boat), but usually it suggests pressure in a figurative sense (I was
impelled by a sense of obligation). See also IMPEL, INDUCE.
condemn, contemn. The first of these words means "to censure," "to
express disapproval of," "to judge unfit": "His guilty looks condemn
him." "If the appraisers condemn the ship, it will be sold for scrap
metal." Condemn also means "to acquire ownership for a public pur-
pose": "The town condemned the tract of land and turned it into a
public park." Contemn, a less-used word, means "to treat with scorn,
disdain, or contempt," "to despise": "If you do that, all right-thinking
persons will contemn you (hold you in contempt)."
confess, admit. Confess means "to declare, own, or admit as true" and
is closely related in meaning to grant and concede. When one confesses
some crime or wrongdoing, he admits it and also accepts responsibility
for the soundness of that admission. "I confess that I have neglected
you" implies that the speaker recognizes, or admits, guilt or shame for
the neglect. When followed by the -ing form of a verb, confess takes the
preposition to: "I confess to neglecting you." For further comment on
admit and closely related words, see ACKNOWLEDGE, ADMIT and ADMIT,
wordy (of opinion is not needed to express the thought) and is now a
hackneyed term.
consequent. See SUBSEQUENT.
contact. As a noun, contact denotes "a coming together" and also "a
connection," "a person who might be of use." In both senses, its use is
contagious, infectious
contemplate, meditate. These words mean "to think about," "to look
at with attention." Both words apply to stages of consideration in which
a decision to act or not to act is thought about. Meditate involves deeper
thought and a more serious purpose than does contemplate. For
instance, one might contemplate taking a weekend trip but is more likely
to meditate the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs. Con-
template is related in meaning to plan, devise, and contrive, whereas
meditate is close to ponder, muse, cogitate, ruminate, and study.
cooperate together
continual, continuous. In some senses and uses, these words are syn-
onymous. One distinction is that continual implies a close recurrence in
time, or rapid succession, whereas continuous suggests "without inter-
ruption," "constant." "The continual ringing of the doorbell" and "The
ticking of the clock was continuous " illustrate this distinction. See also
continue on. The word continue means "to go on," "to keep on."
Therefore, on should be omitted from this phrase. Vary your word
choice: why not try persist or persevere or last or endure?
continuous. See CONTINUAL.
convey back. The word convey means "to carry, bring, or take from
one place to another." Omit back from such a statement as "Please
convey my regards back to your associates."
cue, queue. Cue is more widely used than queue in all meanings, but
carefiil speakers and writers continue to distinguish between them. A
queue refers to a braid of hair and to a file, or line: "She wore her hair in
a queue which hung down to her waist." "Let's queue up for the next
bus." A cue refers in the theater to an indication of following action or
speech and in general use to any kind of hint or suggestion; in games, cue
means the tipped rod used in billiards and pool: "I don't have a single
cue as to his intentions." "When he missed the shot, the player broke
his cue in anger."
definite, definitive. These words apply to that which is clearly set forth
and explained, but definitive also has a meaning of "final," "total," or
"complete": "The time of his arrival is definite.'''' "This is a definitive
life of the author."
degree, extent. These words have a shared meaning: "a point in any
scale," "the space to which something extends." "To a degree" means
"up to a point" or "to an extent." Extent also emphasizes the idea of
limitation: "I agree with you to an extent." Both extent and degree are
overused in wasteful, wordy expressions; "to a great extent" means
nothing more than "greatly"; "to an important degree" can be more
economically expressed by "importantly." The phrases "by degrees"
and "to some degree" are more often fillers than meaningful expres-
demand, claim. Demand means "to ask for with authority," "to insist
boldly": "He demanded to see the charges against him." Claim means
"to assert a right"; "The driver claimed that he was entitled to a
desert, dessert
hearing." Claim should not be used when you mean say, assert, state,
or declare unless a right is involved: "The student claimed his right to an
examination." "The student asserted (or said or stated or declared)
that he was going to college."
deny, repudiate. Each of these words has certain meanings that they do
not share, but in the sense of stating that something is not true, repudiate
is the stronger, more emphatic term. One might deny that water seeks its
own level; he might repudiate all of mankind's accumulated observation
and experience. Similarly, a father might deny a daughter use of the
family automobile, but he would repudiate her only if he disowned her or
threw her out of the house. See also REFUTE.
either arid regions or sweet concoctions. It derives from the same root as
deserves and means "rewards or punishments": "Every contestant will
receive his just deserts."
desire. See ENVY, COVET, DESIRE.
diction, vocabulary. Diction is the choice and use of words for the
expression of ideas. The word comes from Latin dictio, which means
"saying," "word," and which appears in such familiar terms as diction-
ary, dictator, and' dictate. Diction has been broadened in meaning to
refer to one's whole style of speaking and writing: "This speaker was
distinguished for his forceful, precise diction." Vocabulary refers to the
Complete stock of words used or known by an individual or nation:
"Joan's German vocabulary is limited, but she has a wide-ranging
knowledge of Italian." Vocabulary is a more embracing term than
diction: the latter refers to only words and expressions chosen and used
by a speaker or writer, but the former includes not only the terms one
uses but those that are in his recognition and reading store of words as
die of, die from, die with. In its customary sense of "to cease living,"
die is preferably followed by of: "He died of (not from) a coronary
direct, directly
attack." Die with expresses an idea not related to a cause of death: "He
died with courage."
different. This word is an adjective, not a noun. "He doesn't know any
different" is standard informal usage, but "He doesn't see any different
between them" is an illiterate statement. In a remark such as "I con-
sulted three different lawyers," different is superfluous. It is also
unneeded in "I bought three different kinds of soap."
different from, different than, different to. The first two of these
expressions are widely used, but different from is preferred by careful,
educated writers and speakers: "This specimen is different from (not
than) that." Unfortunately, but correctly, different from often leads to
extra words because than is a convenient shortcut for from that which.
Even so, say different from rather than different than until widespread
usage sanctions the latter term. Different to appears more often in
British than in American usage.
one cannot say "I was direct concerned" or "I will be there direct." In
the first sentence, use directly or immediately or clearly. In the second,
say directly or soon or immediately or even in a short time.
disability. See INABILITY.
disc, disk. These words are spelled differently but mean the same thing:
"a thin, flat, circular plate or object." One refers to a "discus thrower"
but may call a person who conducts a broadcast consisting of recorded
music a "disc jockey" or a "disk jockey."
disclose. See DIVULGE.
which apply to the basic meaning of invent, are detect, discern, notice,
ferret out, and espy.
discreet, discrete. These words, pronounced alike, have entirely dif-
ferent meanings. To be discreet is to be prudent, cautious, careful,
trustworthy, circumspect: "Never one to talk much, she kept a discreet
silence." "The late President Truman often referred to George Marshall
as a discreet official." Discrete means "separate," "distinct," "apart,"
"detached": "This question consists of six discrete parts." "Manufac-
turing, advertising, selling, and collecting payment are discrete divisions
of this business."
divulge, disclose. These terms mean "to make known to others what
was intended to be kept secret, private, or confidential." Divulge is more
likely to be used when something previously secret is revealed to a small
number of people or a particular group; disclose usually refers to a
general sharing'of knowledge or information with others: "Barbara
divulged to her roommates her plan to be married within a month."
"The Warren Commission attempted to disclose the facts concerning
doubt if, doubt whether, doubt that
dominate, domineer. The first of these words means "to control, gov-
ern, regulate, or tower above": "The superintendent dominated the
hospital staff." "The tall pine dominated the coastline." Domineer
means "to rule or govern arrogantly and tyrannically," "to regulate like
a despot": "Mussolini domineered (or domineered over) his country-
men for some twenty years." Domineer has more unpleasant and unfa-
vorable connotations than dominate, but neither suggests a happy situa-
tion for those being regulated.
donate, give. These terms mean "to make a present of," "to bestow,"
"to contribute": "This company donates (or gives) to the Red Cross
every year." Donate is considered a genteel and polite word; it has been
suggested that one gives a small sum and donates a large one. Both
words are standard, but using give is recommended because the word is
shorter and simpler and is fully as meaningful as donate. Only when
referring to services (The actor donated his services) is donate prefera-
ble to give.
among the three depends upon the kind of sentence involved. That is
used when a negative or interrogative idea is involved: "There is little
doubt that you are mistaken." "Can you any longer be doubtful that you
are mistaken?" Whether is used in statements conveying genuine doubt
and uncertainty: "It is doubtful whether he will live." "They doubt
whether he was ever there." If is usually to be avoided after both doubt
and doubtful, although some accomplished speakers feel that if and
whether are interchangeable. Since the use of if is debatable in doubt
constructions and the use of whether is limited, why not always use
doubtlessly. See UNDOUBTEDLY.
dreamed, dreamt The past tense and past participle of dream are
either dreamed or dreamt: "She dreamed a lovely dream last night" or
"She dreamt a lovely dream last night." One may say has dreamed or
has dreamt with equal correctness. Dreamed is more often used in the
United States, dreamt in Great Britain. Both forms of the verb require
the preposition of when followed by a verb form ending in -ing: "She
dreamed (or dreamt) of taking an exciting journey to Europe."
correct as the phrases it replaces: owing to, because of, on account of,
and through. However, due to and, especially, due to the fact that are
wordy ways of saying since and because.
dwell. See RESIDE.
each. This pronoun is singular and implies one even when not followed
by one. Plural words used in modifying phrases do not change the
number: "Each has his own reasons." "Each of the girls has her own
reasons." When each appears after a plural subject to which it refers,
the verb should be plural: "Bill and Jack each have their own reasons."
each and every. This is a redundant (wordy) phrase; when used, it
requires a singular verb: "Each and every one of you has his own
reasons." Preferably, use each or every, not both.
each other, one another. In standard speech, each other is used when
two persons are involved; one another is preferred when three or more
persons are concerned: "The man and his wife spoke to each other
excitedly." "The six motorcyclists were arguing with one another."
Common usage (not recommended, however) permits such a statement
as "The five culprits regarded each other with distrust." Be safe: use
one another when three or more persons are involved.
early, soon. These words have a shared meaning, "in the near future."
One can say, "An early departure time has been scheduled for the
flight" or "The flight will arrive soon." Something referred to as early,
however, also means something that comes or appears before the
appointed or scheduled time: "One plane arrived early and had to wait
for the other." Soon means "within a brief period after a specified time
or event": "Once the second plane arrived, welcoming ceremonies soon
began." Early on, a British expression that has become popular in the
United States, is now a trite phrase. It is also a wordy one. Omit the on
and say early, soon, quickly, or immediately.
earthy, earthly. These words have a common origin but different mean-
ings. Earthly means "of or pertaining to the earth," "possible or con-
ceivable in this world": "The travel folder claims that this resort is an
earthly paradise." "Your help can be of no earthly use to me." Earthly
is concerned with the earth, either literally or figuratively, and nearly
always implies a contrast to that which is not of the earth, that is,
heavenly. Earthy means "characteristic of earth or soil": "These roots
have an earthy smell." Earthy also means "realistic," "practical,"
egoism, egotism. Both words and their adjectival forms, egoistic and
egotistic, refer to preoccupation with one's own self, or ego. Egoism,
less commonly used than egotism, emphasizes self-importance in rela-
tion to other things: "Joe has quite enough egoism to understand his role
in society." Egotism is an often-used word for excessive or boastful
reference to, or emphasis upon, oneself: "His egotism made it impossi-
ble for him to hold many friends." An egoist is one devoted to his own
interests; an egotist is a conceited, boastful person.
elapse, lapse. Elapse, once used as a noun and a synonym for lapse, is
now in standard usage as a verb only: "Ten minutes have elapsed since
the fire alarm sounded." Lapse is properly used both as a noun meaning
"an interval of time," "a slip or failure," and "a decline" and as a verb
meaning "to cease to exist": "No one could account for the lapse
between the alarm and the arrival of firemen." "I must have suffered a
lapse of memory." "The policy will lapse if the premium is not paid
elder, eldest, older, oldest. The first two words of this group apply
only to persons, whereas older and oldest may apply to persons or
things. Also, elder and eldest (much less common than the other two
terms) apply principally to members of a given family or business estab-
lishment and indicate age or seniority {elder brother, eldest partner).
However, say "He is older (not elder) than his brother."
elemental, elementary. Although these words have a shared meaning
emigrant, immigrant
of dealing with, or referring to, agencies and forces of nature, they are
distinguished in ordinary usage. Elemental is applied to basic elements
such as .power, size, or strength (the elemental force of the wind).
Elementary is used, to refer to that which is simple, introductory, or
easy: "This is a book on elementary arithmetic."
eminent, imminent
empty, vacant. These words mean "containing nothing," but they have
different applications. Something that is empty is lacking in its usual or
customary contents: an empty house contains no furniture; an empty
store contains no merchandise. Vacant is applied to something that is
temporarily unoccupied: a vacant bed (no one is in it at the moment); a
vacant house (it is unoccupied at the time). A vacant apartment would
contain all its furnishings but would house no occupants. If a position is
not filled, it is said to be vacant, not empty. A look which lacks
expression would be called a vacant stare because the implication is that
the absence of feeling is only temporary.
enclose, Inclose. These words mean "to shut in," "to close on all
sides," "to surround," and "to insert": "High mountains enclosed (or
inclosed) the valley." "Enclose (or inclose) a check with your letter."
Enclose is the preferred spelling. So is enclosure rather than inclosure.
Expressions such as "enclosed herewith" and "enclosed herein" are
wordy because enclose conveys the idea of herewith and herein.
"Enclosed please find" is a piece of business jargon not only wordy but
also silly. Say, rather, "I am enclosing. . . ."
Thus one may refer to the end or the ending of a war, a book, a play, or a
love affair. End, however, is more often applied to the actual completion
of an action, whereas ending refers to the process of completing or
winding it up. That is, the end of a novel is the final line of the narrative;
the ending of a novel can have the same meaning but may also apply to
the final pages, the last full episode. The end of a war refers to that
moment when hostilities cease; the ending of a war may equally apply to
a longer period during which a war is winding down while negotiations
for a cease-fire or armistice are in progress. That is, what is ending is
"coming" to an end or is "about" to end. What is ended has actually
come to an end at some time in the past. "He never left town during the
six months ended last June." "He hopes to make several trips during the
period ending next December."
Although the practice is widespread, avoid the use of ending to refer to
any period of time other than one to be completed in the future. Also,
remember that end itself is an overworked word, appearing in numerous
trite, wordy, or illogical expressions. End is informal when used to mean
"duty," "obligation," or "part" (your end of the bargain). It appears
often in such trite expressions as "go off the deep end" ("behave
recklessly or impulsively"); "make both ends meet" ("manage to live
within one's means"); "no end" ("a great deal"); "hold one's end up"
("care for one's own responsibility"); "at loose ends" ("unsettled");
"at one's wit's end" ("at the end of one's resources"); "put an end to"
("finish," "terminate");"e/ufo of the earth" ("remote regions," "every-
where"). "End result" is a wordy phrase; result conveys the idea of
end. Since a result is an end, avoid this trite, redundant expression.
enrage, incense. These words alike mean "to anger," "to put in a
rage," "to infuriate," "to cause to be angry." "A woman is enraged
when she is provoked to violent anger." "Susan was incensed by the
rude remark of her companion." Incensed has these characteristics: (1)
it suggests greater dignity and self-restraint than does enraged; (2) it
implies a greater degree of provocation than does enraged; (3) it is used
to refer to someone toward whose anger we feel sympathetic.
envy, jealousy
est in meaning of the three terms because it combines desire and ill will.
"Because he will never be well, he will always envy persons in good
health." "This is a prize which everyone in the club should covet." "He
desires a good reputation more than fame or money."
envy, Jealousy. These words are often used interchangeably, although
jealousy is much more common. They do have distinct meanings. Envy
suggests a discontented, unhappy longing for what someone else has;
jealousy implies suspicion, fear, and uneasiness. "Her youthful beauty
was the envy of everyone in the room." "His attitude toward his favored
rival in the race changed from sympathy to dislike to outright jealousy."
That is, if one's attitude toward the possessions or attainments of others
is mildly desirous, use envy; if resentment and spite are involved, use
epic. This short word with powerful meanings and associated meanings
should not loosely be used to refer to events, spectacles, or other matters
unless they are notable for grandeur, scope, majesty, and heroism. It is
doubtful that many sports events, films, TV shows, or books should
really be called epic.
erratum, errata. Erratum, derived from a Latin verb meaning "to wan-
der," means "an error," one usually resulting from a misprint in a book
or any mistake in something written by hand. Errata is the plural form of
this noun and requires a plural verb: "The errata in this volume are
numerous." Errata may also mean a list of errors or corrections, but
even in this meaning is preferably followed by a verb in the plural. The
word erratas is sometimes found in print, but the form is not generally
approved. "The one important erratum in the volume was noted on an
inserted page." "The major errata in this work have been listed in an
explicit, implicit
factor. This noun has several precise meanings, but it is loosely and
vaguely used to mean "element," "condition," or "situation," which
themselves are terms of jargon. "One factor that made me take the job
was the salary offered" can better be expressed "I took the job partly
because of the attractive salary." Possible substitutes for factor include
ingredient, component, and element, although none is really precise. A
factor is an element leading to a result, so that the expression "contrib-
uting factor" is a phrase from which contributing should be omitted. A
factor is only an element or a cause, never an event or occurrence in
fashion, manner, mode
itself. Omit factor from speech and writing as often as you can: it's a
loose, vague term.
faculty. See FACILITY.
faker, fakir. A faker is one who fakes, that is, a swindler, a trickster, or
a fraud. The term is also applied to a person who pretends, who conceals
something in order to deceive others, who assumes a false front: "This
faker tried to sell property that he did not own." A fakir is a Muslim or
Hindu religious person, usually one who devotes his life to contempla-
tion and self-denial: "This fakir is a member of an Islamic religious order
with which I am not familiar."
famed, famous, notorious. The first two of these words have about the
same meaning: "celebrated," "acclaimed," "renowned." Each, how-
ever, is overused in an exaggerated sense of "well-known." Notorious
has a meaning of "infamous," "known widely and unfavorably."
George Washington was famed and famous; Benedict Arnold was noto-
fancy, fantasy. Fancy is a term for imagination that is light, playful,
unreal, and whimsical: "I often indulge in the happy fancy that I am both
rich and powerful." "Sue's belief that she is irresistible is merely her
playful fancy." "She let her fancy play with the idea of a luxurious trip
to Paris." Fantasy is applied to that kind of fancy that is unrestrained,
extravagant, and erratic: "It is a dangerous fantasy to believe that you
canflythrough the air byflappingyour arms." "The fantasy of this artist
resulted in paintings that are weird and unbelievable."
farther, further. Distinction between these words has been breaking
down for many years, but careful speakers use farther and farthest to
refer to a measurable distance or space: "The ball traveled 10 yards
farther." Further indicates "greater in quantity, time, and degree" and
also means "moreover": "We should discuss this problem further.'"
acting, with form, with a way of doing something: "Solar heat is a new
mode of warming buildings." "Jack tries hard to keep up with the latest
mode in everything he does." Approximate synonyms for fashion,
manner, and mode in the meanings indicated here are style, vogue, and
fat, plump, obese, stout. Fat is the customary, everyday word apply-
ing to someone who has too much flabby tissue: "Is it true that nobody
loves a fat man?" Whereas fat usually has as unpleasant connotation,
plump and stout suggest a roundness that is pleasing or a heavy build
that is not unpleasant: "This is a jolly plump (or stout) old man." "Her
stout (or plump) figure was attractively covered by a well-designed
gown." Obese, meaning "excessively fat," "overweight," is used more
often in scientific circles than by the general public: "The physician
outlined a strict diet for all his obese patients." If none of these terms
expresses what you have in mind, consider corpulent, well-fed, adipose,
pudgy, portly, bulky, thickset, rotund, chubby, and fleshy.
Fat appears in many slangy or trite expressions for which less-worn
synonyms can usually be found: 'fat chance" ("slight chance"); 'fat
lot" ("little" or "not at all"); "chew the fat" ("engage in informal
conversation"); "the fat is in the fire" ("the action is started and cannot
be stopped"); " t h e f a t of the land" ("the best of anything");' fat cat"
(''wealthy or important person"); "fathead" ("stupid person"); "fats,"
"fatso" ("overweight person").
fatal, fateful. These words, derived from a Latin term meaning "des-
tiny" or "fate," have distinct meanings. Fatal means "causing death"
or "capable of resulting in destruction or ruin": "The highway accident
was fatal to four persons." "Your lack of support will be fatal to my
campaign." Synonyms for fatal include deadly, lethal, and mortal.
Fateful means "important," "highly significant," "involving momen-
tous consequences": "The meeting between Hitler and Mussolini was
fateful for the history of Europe and the entire world." Fateful may
mean "fatal," as in the preceding example, but what is fatal is not
always fateful: Your unwillingness to lend me money to buy a coat may
be fatal to my wardrobe plans but is hardly a fateful occurrence.
faze. This word, which may also be spelled fease or feaze, means "to
bother," "to disconcert," "to disturb," "to disrupt." It is a variation of
feeze, an obsolete and dialectal word derived from Old English meaning
"to drive away," "to put to flight." At best, faze is an informal word; at
worst, it is tiresomely overused in such expressions as "Nothing fazes
him." Do not confuse faze with phase, a word with a completely
different meaning but the same pronunciation.
among the people." Ferment literally means "to act upon as a ferment,"
that is, to cause the giving off of gases that induce bubbling and rising:
"The mash will ferment for several days." Because fermentation is a
state of unrest and agitation, as a noun ferment means "excitement,"
"commotion," and "tumult": "The lover's mind was a ferment of
emotions." To foment is "to cause rebellion or discord," "to incite,"
"to arouse," "to inflame": "The inmates of the prison tried to foment a
rebellion against the guards." Foment, a verb only, conveys the idea of
causing unrest; ferment, both noun and verb, stresses the idea of being
in, rather than causing, a state of unrest.
festive, festal. These words refer to a festival or feast, but festive has
an added meaning of "joyous" or "merry." That is, a festal occasion
may be festive, but not aH festive occasions are connected with a feast or
festival: "Decorations for the dance were imaginative and festive.'"''
"The reunion of our class was a festive occasion." Many festal rites are
connected with such occasions as Christmas, Easter, and Passover:
"Following church services, the congregation will sit down to a festal
first, firstly, secondly. All three of these terms are in acceptable use,
but first is more common than firstly. A speaker or writer will often
start with first and then move on to secondly and thirdly. Although these
-ly words are in respectable use, it is simpler and more economical to
employ shorter forms (first, second, third, fourth), especially since these
short forms can be used adverbially or adjectivally: "Several points need
to be stressed: first (or firstly) there is the matter of money." "Who
came in first?" "Let us first (or firstly) consider the refugees." Numbers
greater than four usually come after first (the first twenty applicants);
numbers smaller than four may precede or follow first (the first three
applicants, the three first applicants). Recommendation: drop the -ly
forms and always use first, second, third, etc., or one, two, three, etc.
No need or excuse exists for such phrases as "first of all" and "second
of all." Use first or firstly, second or secondly, and drop the useless of
all. See also OF ALL.
fiscal. Fiscal is derived from a Latin term meaning "treasury" or
"basket" and is employed to refer to the monetary practices and policies
of a government, company, or institution: "The fiscal arrangements of
this store are in hopeless shape." The term "fiscal year" refers to any
twelve-month period for which an organization plans the handling of its
funds: "During this fiscal year the company's cash flow increased 10
fix. Fix has a basic meaning of "to place" and "to fasten securely," but
it is overused in a variety of meanings only loosely related to establish-
flammable, inflammable. These words mean the same thing and are
interchangeable. They are not contrasted, as are, for example, capable
and incapable, mature and immature. Although both words are correct,
flammable is more often used by scientists and in technical pursuits,
whereas inflammable is more common outside manufacturing contexts.
In referring to someone's temperament or behavior, inflammable seems
more appropriate than flammable (his inflammable disposition). Possi-
bly someday everyone will settle on flammable.
flaunt, flout. These words are often used interchangeably, but they have
distinct meanings. Flaunt means "to show off," "to make a boastful
display." Flout means "to scoff at," "to scorn." Say: "This prisoner
has continued to flout (not flaunt) the law." "The cook flaunted (not
flouted) his skill in flipping flapjacks."
fleshly, fleshy. Both these words refer to flesh and the body, but they
should be distinguished in use. That which is fleshly is "physical,"
"bodily," "corporeal," or "carnal," "sensual," and "worldly": "His
belief in God caused him to give up all fleshly pursuits." Fleshy means
"fat," "plump," "having much flesh": "The more she ate, the more
fleshy she became." See also FAT.
fluctuate, vacillate. Each of these words means "to move back and
forth," "to change continually," "to vary." What little distinction in
meaning there is between them is that fluctuate can apply to both
persons and actions, whereas vacillate is usually applied only to per-
sons: "The stock market will undoubtedly fluctuate during the coming
year." "She vacillated between washing her hair and going to the
foolish, fatuous. These words, along with silly, simple, asinine, vapid,
stupid, witless, and senseless, mean "lacking in judgment or intelli-
gence, or both" and may ordinarily be used interchangeably. But they do
have slightly different meanings and applications. A foolish person lacks
both judgment and common sense and in addition may have a weak
mind: "Eating heavily when you are not hungry is a foolish thing to do."
"Your remarks are not only out of place but entirely foolish." Fatuous
implies being not only dull and stupid but satisfied and complacent:
"Because I have only one daughter, whom I adore, I realize that I am
fatuous about her." "The lecturer haughtily provided fatuous answers
to our questions." A foolish person cannot always help himself; a
fatuous person usually can.
foot, feet. Foot has many meanings, the most common of which are (1) a
part of the body and (2) a unit of length. The plural of foot is feet. The
singular is preferred in such expressions as "a 3-foot ruler'' and' 'a 9-foot
wall," despite the fact that the numerals involved indicate more than
one. However, idiom requires that one refer to "a ruler 3 feet long" and
"a wall 9 feet high." One can say "a 6-foot man" but should say "a man
6 feet tall." That is, foot is normally used in forming compound adjec-
tives (barefoot girl), and footed (not feeted) is employed in such terms as
"four-footed" and "sure-footed." Foot appears in such trite phrases as
"put one's best foot forward," "put one's foot in one's mouth,"
"always underfoot," "footloose and fancy-free," "get off on the wrong
foot," "have one foot in the grave," "put one's foot down," "put one's
foot into it." Feet is tiresomely used in "set someone on his feet" and
"feet first."
foreword, forward. Although these words give some trouble with spell-
ing and pronunciation, their meanings are clearly distinguishable. A
foreword is a preface, introduction, or introductory statement: "The
foreword of this book runs for five pages." Forward means "in front,"
"located in advance," "ahead": "Troops will move forward on the
count of four." "His cabin is located in the forward part of the ship."
See also FORWARD.
for free. This is wordy slang, often used by careless speakers who forget
that free means "for nothing."
former, latter. Former applies to the first of two in a series. When you
refer to the first of three or more, say either first or first-named. In the
sense in which it contrasts with former, latter refers to the second of two
things mentioned. When you mention the last of three or more, say last-
named, not latter. Examples of use: "Of these two solutions, I prefer the
former." "The latter of these solutions is inferior to the former." "The
first-named soldier in the company will now step one pace forward."
"After I call the roll, the last-named student will please raise his hand."
formidable, Impressive. Each of these words means "arousing feelings
of admiration," "superior," "exceptional": "This candidate is a formi-
dable (or impressive) opponent." "You are asking me to undertake an
impressive (or formidable) task." Formidable has the additional mean-
ing of "intimidating," "feared," "dreaded," "awesome": "His strength
and quickness made him a formidable fighting man." Impressive has the
added meaning of "solemn," "moving": "The funeral was an impres-
sive ceremony." Approximate synonyms for formidable include fearful,
menacing, appalling, frightful, and threatening. Words allied in meaning
to impressive are imposing, majestic, and lofty.
funeral, funereal
from whence. Although this phrase has been widely used in previous
centuries (even in the King James version of the Bible), it is wordy. Omit
from or whence or just say where: "Where did that boot come from?"
-ful, -fuls. In recipes, the plural of cupful (cup full) is cupfuls, presum-
ably because the same container is used more than once. If you fill two
cups with coffee, however, you have two cups full. Because the same-
container rule usually applies, the plurals are mouthfuls, armfuls, table-
spoonfuls, teaspoonfuls, handfuls, etc. Note, however, that you serve
four guests four glasses full of iced tea.
function, work, Job, position. These words have associated meanings
but should be applied carefully. Function means the kind of activity that
is suitable and proper to a person or institution: "The function of this
committee is to approve the budget." Work has many meanings of which
the principal one is "toil," "labor," "exertion": "At what time did you
finish work today?" Job refers to a post, location, or situation of
employment; in fact, it is a colloquial and widely used synonym for
position: "What job do you have in this firm?" Position refers to any
type of work above the lowest kind of labor and applies to occupation
that is desired: "He sought a position that would pay him more money."
Work, position, and job are all overworked. Perhaps one of the following
might express your meaning more exactly: station, place, rank, spot,
task, project, responsibility, occupation. Job is slang when used to mean
a theft or similar crime and a person: "She was a sweet job." "Lie down
on the job" and "on the job" are trite expressions. As a verb, job is
slang when used to mean "to cheat" or "to defraud": "Hsjobbed me on
that deal."
gamble, wager, bet. All three of these words may be used as verbs or
nouns. Gamble is a general term meaning "to play at any game of chance
for stakes." Perhaps because it suggests risking something that should
not be afforded, gamble has an unfavorable connotation: "The workman
gambled away his week's wages." Wager means "to risk something on
an uncertain event" and is closely allied in meaning to gamble. It has a
somewhat less unfavorable connotation than gamble, perhaps because it
conveys the idea of venture: "The foreman wagered that production for
the day would exceed 1,000 barrels." Bet, the most commonly used of
these three words, literally means a pledge that is to be forfeited if one's
prediction, or forecast, about a future event is incorrect: "I placed a bet
that Pounditout would win the fifth race."
genius, talent. These words have had varied meanings over the centu-
ries, but in current use genius is a much stronger word than talent to
refer to ability and aptitude. Genius means "exceptional natural capac-
ity," "high intellect," "strong creative or inventive power": Shake-
speare was an unquestioned genius. Talent is more correctly applied to
ability or aptitude in a particular field: "a talent for making friends," "a
talent for playing the piano." A genius may have manv talents, but a
talented person is not necessarily a genius.
germ, microbe, bacteria, virus. These terms are so closely related that
only a scientist would ordinarily need to differentiate among them. A
germ is a microbe, a disease-producing microorganism. In biology,
germ refers to an initial stage in development, as "a germ cell of such-
and-such a form." By extension, germ also is used to refer to anything
that acts as a source or initial stage: "I have the germ of an idea." A
microbe is a bacterium, the singular form of bacteria, which refers to
any of numerous microscopic organisms involved in such processes as
fermentation, putrefaction, and disease. A virus is an infectious agent,
especially one that reproduces only in living cells. Virus is really a
medical term for the active element that infects with and produces a
contagious disease: "the virus of yellow fever." Germ is a general term
which will serve in all ordinary situations.
get. This word of many meanings has a primary one: "to obtain," "to
come into possession of." It has numerous informal, idiomatic, or slangy
meanings and appears in several hackneyed expressions. Among infor-
mal meanings of get and got (the past tense of get) are "to comprehend"
(I don't get you); "to get the advantage o f ' (Overeating will get him);
"to be forced or obliged (I have got to leave soon); "to strike or hit"
(The bullet got him in the arm). Among slangy or trite uses may be
mentioned "to puzzle" (That remark got me); "to observe" (Did you
get that look?); and "get about," "get ahead of," "get across," "get
along," "get around," "get around to," "get away with," "get back
at," "get by," "get down to business," "get nowhere," "get something
off one's chest," "get out of," "get together," "get through to some-
one," "get up and go." Do you get the idea that get is overused?
get up, arise. These words mean the same thing, "to sit up or stand,"
"to ascend or move upward": "Get up and move." "Arise and eat
breakfast." Arise has the additional meaning of "to come into being,"
"to spring up": "New problems seem to arise every day." In the sense
of sitting up or standing, arise is less often used than rise, but both words
are correct, and both are considered somewhat more formal and refined
than get up. Spelled as one word or hyphenated, getup (or get-up) is an
informal and not-recommended term for costume, style, outfit, overall
arrangement, and format: "You look silly in that getup." "What is the
getup of our new assignment?"
gibe, ]ibe. Gibe means "to scorn," "to sneer at": "Please don't gibe at
me." Jibe has the same meaning as gibe but may also be used to refer to
changing direction: "The boat jibed twice on the homeward run."
gild, guild. To gild something is to overlay it with gold. A guild is an
association or union. "The potter will gild this vase for you." "Joe
belonged to a guild of craftsmen."
give. See DONATE.
glamour, glamor
good, well. Good is an adjective: "to see a good play"; "to have a
good time." Well is both an adjective and an adverb, but with different
meanings; as an adjective, "in good health," and as an adverb, "ably":
"Since my illness, I have felt well." "The cast performed well in the first
act." Good may be used correctly after such linking verbs as seem,
smell, and taste. In such uses, good remains an adjective that qualifies
the subject and is not an adverb that modifies the verb: "Your report
seems good to me." But good cannot qualify a verb directly: "She
speaks well (not good)." Good appears in such trite, informal expres-
sions as "make good," "good for nothing," "come to no good," "all to
the good," "good and sick," "good and tired," "as good as new," "for
good and all," "good egg," "good Joe," "good-oh," "goodies," and
got, gotten. The principal parts of get are get, got, got (or gotten). Both
got and gotten are acceptable words; your choice will depend upon your
speech habits or on the rhythm of the sentence you are writing or
grammar, syntax
Grecian, Greek. These words refer to Greece, its language, and its
culture. Greek is much more widely used than Grecian, a term most
likely to be applied to architecture and statuary; many writers, however,
prefer Grecian because of its more pleasing sound. One should refer to
"the Greek Catholic Church," "the Greek language," and "a Greek.''''
habitat, habitant. Habitat means (1) "a place of abode," "an area for
residence"; and (2) "the native environment of an animal or plant":
"This is a likely habitat for rabbits." "These creatures can live only in a
tropical habitat." Habitant means "an inhabitant," that is, a person or
animal that lives in a specified place: "Few habitants (inhabitants) of
this section escaped severe damage from the tornado."
had better, had rather. Had better is widely used in giving advice or
issuing a mild threat: "We had better get started before midnight."
"You had better apologize to me for that remark." The phrase had best
can be substituted for had better in such expressions. Neither is so exact
as should. Better had (You better had get here soon) is dialectal or
illiterate. Had rather (and also would rather) indicates a preference: "I
had rather (or would rather) stay than go."
hadn't ought. This is a nonstandard expression for shouldn't: "You
shouldn't (not hadn't ought) do that." Had ought is as illiterate as
hadn't ought. Do not use it for should in a statement such as "You had
ought to leave at once."
harangue, tirade
From this meaning, transpire has come to suggest leaking out and
becoming known. One can ask "Has anything transpired during my
absence?" but only if he means "Has any secret leaked out?" or "Has
anything come to light that was previously hidden or unknown?" Since
the correct use of transpire is limited, why not always say happen,
occur, take place, come to pass, befall, or present itself?
harangue, tirade. An harangue is a passionate and vehement speech,
one that is usually lengthy and delivered before a public gathering: "The
candidate indulged in an (or a) harangue that dealt more with his
opponents than with the issues at hand." A tirade is a prolonged
outburst of emotionally toned, vehement denunciation of some person or
object. The distinctions between harangue and tirade are these: (1) A
tirade is always an attack; an harangue may be only a long, violent
speech. (2) An harangue is always made to an audience of some size; a
tirade can be directed to or at one person only.
hither, thither. Hither is a rarely used adjective and adverb that has
been largely replaced by here. It is correct, but somewhat old-fashioned,
to say "Come hither," meaning "Come here," and "the hither side of
the stream," meaning "the nearer side." Thither is an archaic word
meaning "in that direction," "there," "toward that place": "I'll meet
you on the thither side." Hither and thither appear with some frequency
in the expressions "hither and yon," meaning "from here to over
there," and "hither and thither," meaning "here and there."
hoard, horde. A hoard is a store of laid-up articles or items: "This is the
squirrels' hoard of nuts." Horde means "crowd": "A horde of picnick-
ers descended upon the beach."
hoi pollol. This is a Greek term meaning "the masses," "the many." If
you use it, do not say "the hoi polloi," because hoi is Greek for "the":
"This dictator thinks of everyone in the country as hoi polloi."
holocaust. See DISASTER.
home, house. These words identify any kind of shelter that serves as
the residence of a person, family, or household. House lacks the associ-
ated meanings attributed to home, a term that suggests comfort, peace,
love, and family ties. It may be said that what a builder erects is a house
which, when lived in, becomes a home. Such a statement may be
differing in meaning from, another, whether spelled the same way or not:
key and quay, tear and tier, heir and air.
honorarium. This word is occasionally used to refer to a fee (payment)
for services rendered by an eminent or professional person. An honorar-
ium is considered a reward for some act for which custom or tact forbids
the setting of a fixed amount, or fee: "The ambassador received a small
honorarium for speaking at our meeting." The word is a kind of euphe-
mism for fee; an honorarium is not considered a recognition in money so
much as a token of the honor conferred by the presence of the person
rendering the service.
horde. See HOARD.
hurdle, hurtle. Hurdle means "to leap over," "to overcome": "I can
easily hurdle that small stream." "He is determined to hurdle every
obstacle in his path." Hurtle means "to move with great speed," "to
rush," "to go violently": "The motorcycle hurtled down the road."
"An avalanche will soon hurtle down the mountainside."
hurricane. See CYCLONE.
ill, sick. These terms mean "of unsound physical or mental health,"
"unhealthy," "diseased," "afflicted," "not well." In the United States,
they are used interchangeably, with ill being considered the more formal
and sometimes applied only to more serious maladies and afflictions:
"This patient is ill with pneumonia. That one is sick with a cold." In
Great Britain, sick is used almost exclusively to mean "nauseated," but
that restriction does not apply in American usage. Sick, the more often
used word, appears in such trite terms and phrases as "sick at heart,"
"sick to (or at) the stomach," "a sick headache," "sick for home"
("suffering from nostalgia"), "sick humor," and "sick smell." Possible
substitutes for sick are ailing, indisposed, nauseated, and infirm.
Impel, induce. Does one say "I wonder what impelled him to do that"
or "I wonder what induced him . . ."? Impel means "to drive or press
on," "to incite," "to propel": "The angry speaker was impelled by his
sense of injustice." "The coach's fiery talk to his players impelled them
to play harder." Induce means "to lead or move by persuasion," "to
bring about": "This medicine will induce sleep very quickly." "Your
remarks have induced me to change my attitude." In the first sentence of
this entry, use impelled if some force or outside influence was operating;
use induced if some inner conviction led to action.
imperious, imperial. These words are derived from the same Latin term
and share a meaning of "domineering," "overbearing," "dictatorial":
"The judge had an imperious (or imperial) manner in court." Originally,
imperious meant "befitting or suitable to an emperor or ruler," as in
Shakespeare's lines from Hamlet: "Imperious Caesar, dead and turned
to clay,/ Might stop a hole to keep the wind away." Now, imperious is
more often used to mean "imperative" or "urgent": "There is an
imperious need for food in this stricken area." One might speak of an
imperious dictator who lives in the imperial capital city of his country.
"Jeb was excused from service in the armed forces because of a serious
physical disability." Inability is traceable to some inherent lack of talent
or power that may or may not be due to actual disability: One's inability
to speak may have been caused by a birth defect; his disability in
speaking may have been caused by an injury.
Inapt, Inept, unapt. Inapt and inept mean "not apt," "not fitting,"
"without aptitude or capacity": "This person is inapt in computing the
sales tax on purchases." "Tom is a good mechanic, but he is inept in
keeping customers satisfied." Inapt and inept share such approximate
synonyms as unsuited, inappropriate, awkward, and clumsy. The exact
opposite (antonym) of inapt is capable; that of inept is suited. Inapt is
more commonly used than inept in the meanings indicated above. Unapt
also has meanings of "inappropriate" and "unsuitable" but is more
often used to mean "not likely" or "not disposed": "The supervisor is
unapt to let you leave early."
indict, indite. Indict means "to accuse" or "to charge with crime":
"Bolo was indicted for manslaughter." Indite means "to write," "to
compose'': "Lincoln indited a beautiful letter to the Widow Bixby."
individual, party, person. Individual is loosely overused to refer to
"one person only" and often has a humorous or contemptuous meaning:
"Who is that individual with the loud mouth and wide grin?" Except in
legal and telephonic language, party is not recommended as a reference
to one person. Party refers to a group (a supper party, the Socialist
party) and is dubious in a sentence such as "Who is the party that
brought you to the store?" In most situations, person should be pre-
ferred to either of the other two terms when reference is being made to
one. Phrases such as "individualperson," "each individual member,"
and "individual self' are wordy.
indoctrinate. See INCULCATE.
inferior than, inferior to. Although inferior than is widely used, idio-
matic usage decrees the proper expression to be inferior to. This usage is
not a matter of grammar but of idiom, a speech form that is peculiar to
itself: "This automobile is inferior to (not inferior than) that one." See
inhuman, unhuman
boils." "Severe depression afflicts many persons who are mentally ill."
inform. See TELL.
Inhibit, prohibit. These words mean "to prevent," "to hinder," "to
restrain," and "to forbid." Each suggests a command, law, or impulse to
refrain from some action. Inhibit is preferable when the checking or
hindering of acts or impulses comes from some inner feeling or condi-
tion: "His conscience will inhibit his taking advantage of weak per-
sons." "Fear of cancer may inhibit his continuing to smoke." Prohibit,
a more formal word, is preferably used when something is forbidden by
law or other authority: "Library regulations prohibit smoking in the
main reading room." "State law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages
after 8:00 P.M."
Inhuman, unhuman. Inhuman means "cruel," "brutal," "lacking nor-
inside, inside of, outside of. Inside is an adverb, adjective, noun, and
preposition. In each of its grammatical functions, inside suggests mean-
ings of "inner" or "within": "inside the room" (preposition); "step
inside" (adverb); "an inside seat" (adjective); "the inside of the build-
ing" (noun). Outside, with a meaning directly opposite that of inside, is
also used as four parts of speech. Except when functioning as nouns,
neither inside nor outside should be followed by of: One should say
"inside the room," not "inside of the room" unless the meaning is "the
inside of the room." The correct phrase is "outside the house" unless
the meaning is "the outside of the house." Inside of does have an
informal use in reference to distance or time: "We passed the car inside
of a mile." "The doctor arrived inside of ten minutes." Outside of can
also be used to mean "with the exception of," "except for": "He cares
for nothing outside of his stamp collection." "Outside of giving you
some money, there is nothing I can help you with."
intense, intensive
inure, enure. Inure is the preferred spelling of this word meaning "to
accustom," "to habituate," "to make used to something by exercise":
"His poverty-stricken early life inured him to the hardships of old age."
"The food was poorly prepared, but after several weeks I became inured
to it." "His muscles soon became inured to the heavy lifting involved."
See also IMMURED.
Invent. See DISCOVER.
involve, entail. These words are closely related in meaning but have
slightly different applications. Involve means "to contain or include,"
"to have as an essential feature or necessary consequence," "to
absorb," "to complicate": "My work involves a lot of hard work."
"This contract involves monthly payments for services rendered." "Do
not try to involve me in your problems." Entail shares these meanings of
involve but more particularly means "to impose as a burden or prob-
lem," and, in legal use, "to limit and direct the succession of property":
"Losing weight usually entails controlling one's appetite." "The attor-
ney will so entail the estate that you can inherit nothing."
Irony, satire, sarcasm. Each of these words indicates ridicule, con-
tempt, or mockery of someone or something. Irony is a figure of speech
in which the literal (exact, denotative) meaning of a word or statement is
the opposite of that intended. Cicero defined irony as "the saying of one
it, its, It's, It's me. It is a short, necessary word often used in a vague or
indefinite way to stand for, or refer to, a variety of things and ideas. The
term also appears in expressions that are trite or slangy, such as "to get
with it," "be with it," "have it" ("be attractive"), "had it" ("reached
the end of endurance or patience"). It is a singular pronoun in the third
person; "i7 don't" and "it weren't" are illiteracies. Its is the possessive
form of it. "The dog has lost its collar." "I'm sorry about its arriving
too late for your birthday." It's means "it is" (It's raining) and "it has"
(It's been raining). Awkward and stilted though the expression may
sound, one should say "It's I" rather than "It's me," because a
predicate complement is in the nominative case. If you don't like to say
"It's / " (or "It is / " or "This is /"), then say "This is" followed by your
name. Similarly, watch out for such expressions as "It's us," "It's
them," "It's her," "It's him." If you think the correct forms of we,
they, she and he in these constructions sound strained, then use names:
"It's Jane," "It's Jim."
-Ize. This suffix has aided in the creation of hundreds of standard words
such as pasteurize, dramatize, sterilize, and hospitalize. Unfortunately,
many weird improprieties have also resulted, such as powerize, concer-
tize, and headlineize. Most verbs and adjectives in the language can be
treated with -ize, but it would be well not to finalize or permanentize or
concretize or definitize an attachment to them until such coinages are
widely accepted.
Jealous, zealous. A jealous person feels resentment or suspicion
because of rivalry or competition of some sort: "Sue was jealous of her
beautiful sister." A zealous person is active, diligent, devoted: "He was
the most admired, zealous worker in the plant." Jealous is pronounced
"JEL-uhs"; zealous is sounded as "ZEL-uhs."
join together. Join means "to unite," "to connect," so that together is
here wordily unnecessary. Since marriages are sometimes shaky, per-
haps they require the statement, "What therefore God hath joined
together, let not man put asunder," but in other instances avoid redun-
jolly, jocular, jovial. These words are closely related in meaning to each
other and to such adjectives as merry, convivial, gay, mirthful, jocund,
jocose, gleeful, happy, cheerful, blithe, sportive, sprightly, airy, light-
hearted, lively, vivacious, and frolicsome. Jolly especially denotes a
natural, good-humored, expansive gaiety of mood or disposition: "We
had a jolly crowd at the last party." "For he's a jolly good fellow."
Jocular suggests "joking," "jesting," "waggish," "facetious": "Many
jocular remarks were addressed to the bridegroom." "Being in a jocular
mood, the speaker told several amusing stories." Jovial suggests a
hearty, earthy, joyous humor, a spirit of good-fellowship: "He was a
jovial host who made everyone feel welcome."
(or adjudged) our best move was to get away as soon as possible."
Adjudge, a more formal term than judge, is usually reserved for such
meanings as "to announce formally" and "to decree" (The court
adjudged the will to be valid) and "to award judicially" (The verdict was
adjudged to the plaintiff)- Judge has a variety of meanings, as suggested
by uses such as these: "The coach will have to judge between us."
"Listen to both of us and judge accordingly." "You shouldn't judge a
magazine by its cover." "The foreman judged me to be right." "The
pilot judged the distance to be 1 mile."
just, justly
recently got here) really say the same thing twice. "Just about" (I'm just
about to leave) seems self-contradictory, since the words mean "pre-
cisely approximately." However, this book is not just about going to
deny that the idiom is common and deep-rooted, although one might
occasionally say very nearly or almost, instead of the idiomatically (but
not logically) acceptable "just about."
karat. See CARAT.
kid, youngster. Kid means "a young goat," in which sense it is rarely
used. But kid in two other senses is one of the most ubiquitous words in
the language. We use it to refer to a "child or young person" and we use
to lad when we mean "to tease, banter, jest with." In both uses, the
word is slangy and should be employed sparingly. Youngster is always
acceptable for reference to a child or young person, whether boy or girl.
Other names for young males are youth, lad, and stripling.
kind. This word has many meanings, among them "class" (a kind of
preacher), "subdivision of a category" (that kind of orange), and, with
of, "rather" or "somewhat" (kind of sorry). Kind is singular, so that
one should not say "these (or those) kind of shoes" but "this kind of
shoes" or "these lands of shoes." (The same principle applies to sort as
to kind.) Both "kind of a" and "sort of a" are wordy phrases from which
a should be omitted. See also SORT OF.
kindly, please. In a statement such as "Kindly answer my letter soon,"
one with equal correctness and propriety could write "Please
answer. . . . " In such use, kindly and please are courteous formalities
that convey a primary meaning of "obligingly." Each, a polite addition
to a request, no more conveys exact meaning than the dear in the
salutation of a letter expresses affection. Please is the more commonly
used word in this situation, possibly because kindly seems to some
people to carry an air of affectation or smugness. Take your pick.
kind of a. See KIND.
regal refers to the grandeur and majesty of the office of kingship (regal
authority, regal robes); royal applies particularly to the person (body) of
the king (royal residence, royal bedchamber).
kith and kin. This is a tiresomely overworked phrase meaning
"acquaintances and relatives." Kith and kin are not synonymous: kith
means "friends, neighbors, and the like"; kin means people actually
related through family ties, persons descended from a common ancestor.
When properly used, both kin and kith are plural, so that one relative
cannot be called kin and is not kith at all.
laid, lain. Laid is the past tense and past participle of lay. Lain is the
past participle of lie. Choice between laid and lain, therefore, depends
upon which verb is involved. The primary meaning of the verb lay is "to
set down," "to put or place in a horizontal position." Lay implies both a
subject (an active agent) and an object: "The girl laid the book on the
table." "The storm had laid the grain flat." The verb lie has two basic
meanings, "to make a false statement" and "to be in a prostrate posi-
tion." When a falsehood is involved, the principal parts are lie, lied, lied:
"I lie today." "I lied yesterday." "I have lied every day this week."
When lie is used in its second meaning, the principal parts are lie, lay,
lain: "I lie down." "I lay down yesterday." "I have lain down every
day this week." Lay always takes a direct object; lie never does. These
sentences reveal correct uses of laid and lain and other forms of lie and
lay: "She laid the towel on the bed." "She has lain in bed for three
days." "The pen is lying on the desk." "Laying wallpaper is difficult
work." "The doctor lies down every day after lunch." "This hen lays
lots of eggs." "The garbage has lain there for a week." "Bill enjoys
lying in bed on a rainy day." "The dinner table was laid for six people."
"Are you lying down on the job?" "The river lies between two hills; it
has lain there for centuries." See also LAY.
lapse. See ELAPSE.
last, latest. The adjective and adverb late has later for its comparative
degree and last and latest as the superlative. Both superlatives mean
"coming after all others," but last has more extended meanings than
latest. Latest is restricted to a meaning of "current'' and' 'most recent'':
"This is the latest bulletin on the disaster." "His suit was cut in the
latest style." Last means "final" (in his last illness); "conclusive" (the
last word in the argument); "extreme" (the lasl degree of agony);
"pertaining to the end" (the last day of the year); and "single" (every
last seat in the house). Remember that last suggests an end, a finality,
that latest does not: "Let's hope his latest mistake will be his last."
"When I last saw her, she was excited about her latest boyfriend."
lavish, profuse. These words refer to that which exists in great quan-
tity. Lavish implies excessive openhandedness and generosity: "The
food, decorations, and entertainment at the party were lavish." Profuse
suggests exaggeration and overstatement: "Please accept my profuse
thanks for your hospitality." Related words are excessive, unstinted,
improvident, generous, and openhanded.
lawful. See LEGAL.
lay, lie. Lay means "to place" and is a transitive verb requiring an
object. Lie, in the context here, means "to recline," is intransitive, and
takes no object. "I shall lay the rug on the floor." "Please lie down
here." The principal parts of lay are lay, laid, laid, laying; the principal
parts of lie are lie, lay, lain, lying. Among hackneyed expressions
employing lay and lie may be cited "lay down the law," "lay of the
land," "lay oneself open," "lay by the heels," "lay down one's life,"
"lay heads together," "lay one's cards on the table," "lay a course,"
"lay about one," "lay for," "lay it on with a trowel (or shovel)," "lay it
on thick," "lie down on the job," "lie low," "take lying down," "lie in
wait," and "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." See also LAID.
lazy, idle, indolent. These words mean "not active," "not in use or
operation," "doing nothing." Although lazy can be used without imply-
ing reproach or condemnation, as in "lazy afternoon," it usually sug-
gests criticism: "That boy is too lazy to learn." "I'm looking for a helper
who is not incurably lazy." Idle suggests temporary inactivity or doing
nothing through necessity, and hence carries no implication of faultfind-
ing: "The machines are idle during the noon hour." "Because supplies
did not arrive that day, the work crew was idle for seven hours."
Indolent is applied to someone who not only avoids effort but likes to
indulge in relaxation: "Jon was a contented, indolent fisherman." "Sell-
ing from door to door is no occupation for an indolent person." Related
words that convey greater degrees of reproof than either lazy or indolent
are sluggish and slothful.
lead, led. These words are sometimes confused because the past tense
of lead is led, which is pronounced like the metal lead. When an object
is covered or treated with lead (the metal), it is leaded, but such a
condition bears no relationship to the verb that means "to show the
way," "to conduct or escort": "If you lead the way, I'll follow you."
"You have led me to make a foolish mistake." "This experiment has led
me to believe that lead is a heavy, soft, malleable metal."
leaflet. See BROCHURE.
least, less, lest. Least is the superlative degree of little; less is the
comparative: "Toby has less money that I have; in fact, she has the least
money of any girl in our group." Both least and less always refer to
amount, size, or importance: "less value," "least importance," "least
influence," "less distance." (For the distinctions between less and
fewer, see FEWER.) "At least" and "not in the least" are frequently
mere fillers in conversation and are overworked phrases. Neither least
leastways, leastwise
nor less should be confused with the conjunction lest, which means "for
fear that": "He kept moving his fingers lest they freeze in the bitter
cold." Lest also conveys the meaning of "so that" when used to
introduce a statement suggesting a need for caution: "Don't say much
lest the opposition steal your plan."
legal, lawful. The basic meanings of legal and lawful, as well as the
distinctions in meaning between them, are explained in the entry ILLE-
GAL. Legal means "according to human law," but lawful has further
meanings of "conforming to moral principle" and " in line with religious
or ethical doctrine." Thus one refers to "legal rights" or "lawful
rights " but is more likely to say "lawful marriage" than "legal mar-
riage" and "lawful living" than "legal living."
lighted, lit
means "long in passing," "whole": "She spent the livelong day on the
lighted, lit. The past tense of light is lighted or lit. Thus, it is correct to
say "Bill lighted a cigar" and "Bill lit a cigar." Take your choice; one is
as standard as the other. True, you are more likely to refer to a ' lighted
cigarette" than a "lit cigarette," but you are also more likely to say "Bill
lit the match" than "Bill lighted the match." Since light may also mean
"to descend" or "to land," either lighted or lit may be used to refer to
all things that come down, whether planes, snow, or birds: "The bird
lighted (or lit) on the roof."
like for, like to. These phrases are nonstandard in expressions such as
"Yd like for you to have it" and "She Me to have drowned." From the
first example, omit for; for like to have in the second, substitute nearly
or almost.
of which I'd never seen before." Use like or omit the expression
beautiful." Litany may also refer to any recitation or recital of lines and
to a prolonged or monotonous account: "His recital of mishaps was a
litany of bad luck." Liturgy refers to a form of public worship, to a ritual
of services. It is applied especially to what is known as the Eucharist in
the Eastern Church and as the Mass in the Western Church. "At the
seminary, he studied liturgies, the art and science of conducting public
worship that is known as liturgy."
locality, location. These words have much the same general meaning:
"a place, district, or spot." Location is much more often used, however,
when people are involved in the reference. That is, locality is usually
restricted to its geographical meaning, whereas location specifically
means "a place of residence or settlement": "Many mines were once
worked in that locality." "This valley is a good location for you to settle
in." Motion picture companies leave studios to film not "in or at a
location" but "on location," meaning a place or spot where action can
be filmed.
lonely, lonesome. These words mean about the same .thing and are
frequently used interchangeably. A lonely person is likely to be lone-
some because he is "without companions" or "remote from places of
human habitation." Lonesome, rather than lonely, is more often used to
mean "isolated," "desolate," and "unfrequented": "This is a lonesome
part of the forest." "The narrow path wound through a lonesome stretch
of country." Lonely conveys a feeling of dejection, depression, or
sadness: "Janet was almost in tears because she felt so lonely." In the
sense that lonely and lonesome mean "alone," one of man's greatest
achievements is to be alone and yet possess such inner resources that he
feels neither lonely nor lonesome.
Heaps is at least as casual as lots when used to mean "a great deal."
Avoid saying "heaps of people" and "a heap of misery" unless you are
striving to create a homespun, folksy atmosphere. Heap is slang for an
old run-down automobile, but rattletrap is a more colorful term.
loud, loudly. Loud can be both an adjective and an adverb, but loudly
may be used only as the latter. It is permissible to say "Shout out loud"
or "Shout out loudly." Such optional usage is common after such verbs
as sing, talk, say, scream, and laugh, but among careful speakers and
writers, loudly is preferred. Also, one "boasts loudly (not loud)," and
loudly is accepted idiomatic usage with such other verbs as insist, brag,
state, and exclaim. It is safer to use loud only as an adjective (a loud
noise, the noise was loud).
lunch, luncheon. These words refer to a light meal eaten at some time
between breakfast and dinner (or supper). Lunch is considered more
informal than luncheon. If the meal is customary and uneventful, use
lunch. If it is an occasion, a formal occurrence, say luncheon. "Pick me
up for lunch." "The annual luncheon for employees will be given next
week." Lunch can also serve as a verb (lunch with me), but luncheon is
a noun only.
lustful, lusty. These words are derived from an Old English word mean-
ing "desire" and "pleasure," but they have different meanings and
applications in modern usage. Lustful means "full of greed": "This
politician is lustful for power." Lustful also means "lecherous," "hav-
ing lewd desires," "sexually desirous": "Persons who like X-rated films
are usually lustful." "Young girls often claim to fear lustful males."
Lusty means "full of vigor," "hearty," "robust," "sturdy," "strong":
"This is a lusty young athlete." "He has a lusty attitude toward life." A
lusty person may be lustful, but not necessarily. A lustful person may
not be lusty at all.
lyric, lyrical
maintain, repair, service. Use of these words reflects the social atti-
tudes of those who use them fully as much as the basic meanings of the
terms themselves. Presumably because many persons feel that the word
serve suggests something menial and degrading, such terms as mainte-
nance engineer and appliance custodian have replaced the concept of
serving in such terms as repairman and serviceman. (Serviceman is a
term still in general use for a member of the armed forces of a country.)
Maintain means "to preserve," "to keep in due operation and condi-
tion": "The crew is expected to maintain this highway throughout the
winter." The act of maintaining may involve making repairs but is
usually restricted to mean "watching over," "preventing trouble."
Repair suggests restoration or renewal: "The doctor sent him to a dry
climate so that he could repair his health." "The only way to repair this
refrigerator is to install a new motor." Service is an inclusive word with
the meanings of both maintain and repair as well as that of inspection:
"This company will service all parking meters in the city." Service is
incorrectly used for serve in a sentence such as "This bus line services
four counties."
might, mighty. Might is the past tense of may {see CAN). Avoid such
nonstandard expressions as "might o f ' and "might could" (for might
have or might). In the senses of possibility and permission, may is more
intense than might. "He may die" is stronger than "He might die," and
"May I stay?" is more forceful than "Might I stay?" As a noun, might
appears in such trite expressions as "with might and main" and "with all
his might." Mighty is informal in the sense of "very" (mighty scared).
money, monies
moot. This word when used as an adjective means (1) subject to debate,
arguable, unresolved; and (2) of only slight importance or significance:
"This is a moot question." "Whether the player is black or white is a
moot consideration." That is, "a moot question" is debatable; "a moot
point" is of no importance. In law schools, a moot court is a mock court
in which contrived cases are tried as a method of training; in this
situation, moot is used to mean both "arguable" and "hypothetical."
Moslem, Muslim
more than one. Although this phrase obviously expresses a plural idea,
it is followed by a verb in the singular: "More than one story about this
event has been printed." The verb is singular because of its relation
(attraction) to one, not more. If the phrase is divided, however, the verb
becomes plural: "More stories about this event than one have been
printed." The same grammatical consideration applies to the phrase "all
but one": "Sue says that all but one child has been fed." "All of the
fifteen children but one were fed."
moron, idiot, imbecile. Such experts in dealing with the human mind as
psychologists and psychiatrists have never agreed on the exact meanings
of these terms for mental deficiency. Each word is loosely used for
individuals who seem silly, stupid, dull, half-witted, and foolish; each is
often rejected in favor of dunce, dolt, and numskull. In the scale of
mental ability, an idiot ranks below a moron or an imbecile. An idiot is
one judged to be utterly senseless, foolish, and hopelessly deficient in
developing beyond the mental age of three or four. An imbecile ranks
above an idiot but lacks the capacity to develop beyond a mental age of
seven or eight. A moron is someone with an intelligence quotient of 50 to
75 and a mental age of somewhere between eight and twelve years.
Mr., Mrs., Ms. Mr. is the abbreviated form of the title Mister when used
with a name. The plural is Messrs. (For comment on Mrs. and Ms., see
MADAM.) Examples: "Mr. Seth Mieley and Mrs. Alix Greenway won the
dance contest." "Mmes. (or Mesdames) Fogarty and Sloan and Messrs.
Nieley and White attended the play." "Since I don't know and don't
care whether Barbara is married or single, call her Ms. Barbara Ken-
muchly. This adverb has gradually gone out of use. Its departure from
the language is no loss since much does all it ever did and with one less
syllable: "What you have done pleases me much." "I was much grati-
fied by your reply."
mysterious, mythical, mystical
in time or space," but close is closer or nearer than near. That is, use
close when you wish to stress immediate proximity: "a close shave," "a
close call," "a close friend." Near more often conveys the idea of a
narrow margin or approximation: "a near resemblance," "a near
escape," "near neighbors." A photo finish is a close race, not a near
one. Also, one does not set a near-record. Only a record is recorded, not
a near-record.
never, ever. Never means "at no time whatsoever," "not ever," "on
no occasion," "in no way": "I will never, learn to keep quiet." "Never
mind, I'll help you." Ever has meanings exactly opposite those of never:
"Ever since then, I have been careful." "He is ever alert to the needs of
others." Ever should be used rather than never in negative statements:
"Nobody ever (not never) said that to me before." (See also DOUBLE
NEGATIVE.) Ever should also be used as an alternative to a negative: "I
refused to help him, not then or ever." Never is used as the alternative
nevertheless, nonetheless
normal, natural
normalcy, normality
back in some way." Since normal people usually act in a natural way (in
accord with their natures), the words are often interchangeable. See also
not only . . . but also. This construction is common in the speech and
writing of many persons who probably have no idea that they are using
correlative conjunctions: "Not only Fred but also Lynn and Susie are
nowhere near
planning to go." "She was not only cold but also hungry." Two prob-
lems arise in connection with this construction: (1) when to use it and (2)
where to place the words. The phrase not only implies "partly," so that
it is normally followed by but also (or some equivalent word or phrase
like as well, in addition, moreover, furthermore, or too). It makes no
sense to say "It was partly this, but that." It does make; sense to say "It
was partly this, but also that." However, some constructions do not
require the use of also. Also should be dropped from a sentence such as
"Diane is not only a dancer, but also an excellent dancer." Another
point: the not only . . . but also construction is overused in many
instances where and would do as well and save wordage. It is correct to
write "Not only my hopes but also my definite plans centered on
becoming a chemist." It also is correct (and less wordy) to say "My
hopes and definite plans centered. . . . "
Correctly placing the words in this construction depends upon parallel-
ism, which requires that the parts of speech or grammatical construc-
tions following not only and but also be parallel (of the same kind).
Revise a sentence such as "Kelly said that Marian not only knew Don
but also Don's brother" to read "Kelly said that Marian knew not only
Don but also Don's brother" (a noun to follow each part of the construc-
tion). If the construction following not only is an infinitive, that which
follows but also should be an infinitive as well: a clause follows a clause,
a phrase follows a phrase, and so forth.
not too. In this often-used phrase, too means "very" or "much": "I am
not too sure I want to do that." "I am not too inclined to pay the bill."
Not too is an example of litotes, a term meaning "understatement," as in
not bad for good and far from certain for uncertain. Not too is useful in
suggesting modesty or an unwillingness to be dogmatic (I am not too
sure of my position), and there is nothing incorrect about it. The use of
a negative with its opposite is standard practice, but the device has
become trite.
novice. See AMATEUR.
oh. See o.
O.K. This everyday term, which may be written with or without periods,
is colloquial or business English for44all right," "correct," ''approved."
old, older
old, older. The everyday word for someone advanced in age is old. Old
is also applied to anything in existence of long standing or that originated
in a prior age: "an old man," "an old church," "an old map," "an old
poem," "an old model," "an old family." Older is the comparative of
old: "This house is older than that one." Old is an overused word for
which any one of several related words might be substituted: aged,
ancient, venerable, elderly, advanced, senile, veteran, senescent, anti-
quated, antique. Old appears in many loose, trite, or slangy expressions
such as "old hat," "old bean," "good old times," "old boy," "old
chap," "old country," "old fellow," "old goat," "Old Nick" and "Old
Scratch"' (Satan), "old lady," "old man," "old school tie," "old-
timer," "old wives' tale," "old fogy," "old-world," "in days of old,"
and "old head on young shoulders."
onto, on, on to
on the part of. This is a wordy way to say by, for, or among. Either by
or among, for example, can replace on the part of in "There was no
objection on the part of many of those present."
on the whole. See AS A WHOLE.
onto, on, on to. Onto and on are sometimes used interchangeably, but
onto more strongly suggests movement toward something. "The dog
jumped on the table" may mean that he was already on the table,
jumping. "The dog jumped onto the table" clearly indicates that he
leaped to the table from somewhere else. In constructions where on is an
opaque, transparent
oral, verbal, aural. Oral means "spoken rather than written" and "of
or pertaining to the mouth." Verbal means "associated with words."
Verbal can and does refer to what is written; oral does not. Be careful in
using oral and verbal with words like agreement, promise, and under-
standing. If the agreement (promise, understanding) is not in writing,
oral makes that sense clear. That is, verbal is less precise than oral in
conveying the idea of "by mouth." When you can choose between a
word that means two things (verbal) and one that can mean only one
(oral), try to be precise. Why not use oral and written for clear contrast?
Aural, a rarely used word, applies only to the ear and the sense of
hearing: "His aural sense is defective because of a damaged eardrum."
ordinance, ordnance. Ordinance means a regulation, rule, law, or a
public iryunction or decree: "It is a town ordinance to curb your dog."
"The town council recently debated an ordinance concerning garbage
disposal." Ordnance, a shortened form of ordinance, has come to mean
(1) artillery, (2) military weapons of any kind, and (3) that branch of a
military force engaged in securing and storing supplies of varied kinds:
"That recruit was placed in the ordnance department, where he was set
to work stacking ammunition."
ordinary. See COMMON, ORDINARY.
can mean the entire Eastern Hemisphere, which also includes Africa and
Australia. Specifically, Orient is a term applying to what is known as the
Far East, including China, Japan, Korea, and adjacent areas. Orient is
derived from Latin terms meaning "the east" and "sunrise." Occident
means "the West" and is usually restricted to the countries of Europe
and the Americas. It, too, is an always-capitalized noun. Corresponding
adjectives, oriental and occidental, have numerous meanings, most of
which reflect the sense of east or west. "He has lived in the Orient for
many years, principally in Korea." "Life in the Occident is not always
easy for an Oriental." "Oriental rugs are a prized possession in many
occidental homes."
orient, orientate. Each of these verbs means ' 'to familiarize with condi-
tions," "to adjust to surroundings": "This training program will orient
(or orientate) you in your new position." "These lectures are designed
to orient (or orientate) all recruits." Orient is preferable to orientate and
is much more commonly used. An orientation program is one that
supposedly orients (or orientates) individuals.
out of, outside of. See INSIDE. As is pointed out in that entry, not all
double prepositions are incorrect: one can walk out of a room, stroll up
to a house, and go over to a nearby store. However, "looking out of a
window," "walking outside of an office," and "falling off of a stairway"
are wordy, nonstandard phrases.
overlook, oversee. Overlook means (1) "to fail to notice," (2) "to
disregard or ignore," (3) "to rise above," (4) "to excuse": "He over-
looked my mistake." "Robin is a girl who overlooks such minor mat-
ters." "My window overlooks a park." "The foreman will overlook
your tardiness." Oversee means (1) "to observe secretly or unintention-
ally"; (2) "to direct, supervise, or manage": "Bert just happened to
oversee the stolen kiss." "The superintendent is expected to oversee the
performance of the entire staff."
over with. From this phrase with can be omitted. "The pain will soon be
owing to
over" means precisely what is conveyed by "The pain will soon be over
with." Also, one can use ended or finished.
owing to. Owing to is an acceptable, idiomatically correct phrase mean-
ing "because of" or "attributable to": "Owing to the lateness of the bus,
we were unable to make connection with the train." As with due to,
avoid adding the fact that to owing to. See also DUE TO.
pact, compact. These words have a shared meaning: "an agreement,
contract, treaty, or deal": "Lynn and Suzanne made a compact (or
pact) to stop eating candy." "The leading economists of Belgium and
Sweden suggested an economic pact (or compact) between the two
countries." Compact has numerous other meanings as is suggested by
these sentences: "This is a compact trading center (arranged within
small space)." "The congressman made a compact (brief) report."
"This soil is compact (closely packed)." "His body is compact (solidly
paid, payed. Paid is the past tense and past participle of the verb pay:
"He paid all his bills promptly." Payed is used only in the sense of
paying out a cable or line: "He payed out the anchor line slowly."
pair, pairs. As a noun, pair can be followed by a singular or a plural
verb, but the singular is always used when pair emphasizes unity or
oneness: "This pair of shoes is black." A plural verb may be used when
the members of a pair are treated as individuals: "The pair are running
rapidly now." After any numeral other than one, say pairs, not pair:
"Sue bought three pairs of stockings." Do not say "a pair of twins"
unless you are referring to four people.
paltry. See PETTY.
part, share, portion. Part is the usual word for "something less than
the whole": "Here is part of the treasure." "For my part, I ask
nothing." Share also means "part" but specifically refers to that which
is allotted or designed for someone; it emphasizes the receiver: "I want
my fair share of the money." "We divided the food into equal shares."
Portion means a "part that is given for a purpose": "My portion of the
job is to entertain the visiting players." Related words include piece,
segment, section, sector, division, fragment, and component.
part and parcel. This phrase is a trite expression meaning "an essential
part": "Devotion to her work was part and parcel of her life." The
phrase has some meaning in law, but it is a verbose expression in
everyday use to which and parcel adds nothing but words.
partial, partially, partly. Partial is an adjective with two distinct mean-
ings. The first meaning is "biased," "prejudiced," "showing favorit-
ism," in such a phrase as "to be partial to." "Hie other meaning of
partial is "not complete or total"; in this meaning the adverb partially is
a synonym of partly. Usually, you should prefer partly to partially
unless the meaning is that of limited degree. "Jeb has always been partial
to blue-eyed girls." "This is a partial payment of what I owe you."
"The accident partially blinded him." "His partial knowledge of the
subject was due partly to his youth."
partisan. See BIPARTISAN.
passed, past, pass. Passed is the past tense of the verb pass; past is
the past participle: "The car passed us at 60 miles an hour." "Your
troubles are now past. " Pass is not only a verb; it is also a noun. It
appears in hackneyed phrases that are idiomatically sound but informal
or slangy: "make a pass at" ("make a sexually inviting gesture, action,
or remark"); "pass out" ("lose consciousness," "faint"); "pass away"
and "pass on" (euphemisms for "to die"); "pass the buck" ("refuse
pendant, pendent, pennant
gling": "The tapestry pendent from the balcony was richly designed." A
pennant is a small flag or emblem: "This pennant symbolizes the team's
championship season."
pen name. See NOM DE PLUME.
period of tipie. The word period conveys the idea of time; therefore of
time is redundant in this expression. Also wordy is the phrase ' 'lapse of
time," since lapse, like period, connotes time. When a specific amount
of time is mentioned (a lapse of ten hours), no wordiness is involved. See
permit. See ALLOW.
ily a legal term, means "to seek, force, or obtain by a legal process," "to
start or conduct legal proceedings against." It also means "to carry
forward some action already begun." "If you commit theft and are
caught, you will be prosecuted." "Now that war has begun, the govern-
ment will prosecute it vigorously."
personality. This word has largely taken the place of character and is
now used to refer to the qualities in an individual that impress others:
"Gray is a boy with a pleasing personality." It can also apply to
atmosphere (a room with a warm personality) and, when used as a
plural, can mean "heated remarks" or "quarreling": "The discussion
began pleasantly but soon turned into a series of personalities." Per-
sonality is also overused in the sense of PERSONAGE: "In his day W. C.
Fields was a noted personality."
petty, paltry, trivial. Each of these words refers to that which is so small
or insignificant as to be unworthy of notice or regard. Petty conveys an
idea of contempt or ridicule: "Your petty complaints are really child-
ish." Paltry is an even stronger term, suggesting that what is beneath
notice is actually to be despised: "Such a contribution from a wealthy
person is paltry." That which is trivial is insignificant and even out of
place in contrast to what is really important: "Your trivial comment on a
great performance is silly." Related words include negligible, slight,
inconsequential, inconsiderable, and trifling.
cries of the dying men echoed through the emergency room." A related
word, pitiful, has the meanings of both pitiable and piteous: "a pitiful
street beggar," "a pitiful exhibition."
plaintiff, defendant. Anyone who has difficulty remembering the dis-
tinction between these words should recall that plaintiff is related to
plaint and complaint (meaning "grievance") and complain ("to pro-
test"). A plaintiff is a complainant, one who brings a suit in a court of
law: "Marcia was the plaintiff in this action." A defendant, as opposed
to a plaintiff, is a defending party, a person sued or accused: "As
plaintiff, you brought the action, and as defendant, I shall oppose you."
please. See KINDLY.
plus. This word is incorrectly and tritely used in the meaning of "some-
thing added or extra": "That's a plus." Plus does not have the conjunc-
tive force of and; say "Mike and his friends," not "Mike plus his
friends." Since plus is a preposition rather than a conjunction, a follow-
ing verb is singular or plural depending on the number of the subject:
"Three plus three [a unit] equals six." "Their purposes [plural] plus our
general plan are excellent."
point in time. This currently popular expression has become a cliche
because of its widespread Use on television and radio programs. No
excuse for it exists: it is both wordy and jargonish. "At this point in
time" means "now" or "at this time." See also PERIOD OF TIME.
point of view, viewpoint, standpoint. Each of these terms means (1) "a
specified manner of appraising or judging" and (2) "an opinion, judg-
ment, or attitude": "From my point of view (or viewpoint or standpoint)
your suggestion is unworkable." All three expressions are standard.
Viewpoint is not recommended by some linguists because it is consid-
ered an awkward shortening of point of view, but this objection has been
overruled by usage. A few purists have pointed out that standpoint is
incorrect since one cannot stand on a point, a stupid comment since
polite, courteous
point here does not mean a physical point but a mental position. The
only possible objection to any of these terms is that they are tiresomely
overused and often are unnecessary. "From the moral point of view"
says nothing that morally doesn't. "From where I stand" is mere
wordage. Use any of the three terms sparingly and avoid meaningless-
popular, vulgar. These words are no longer synonymous, but for many
centuries they were. Popular is derived from a Latin word meaning
"people"; vulgar comes from a Latin term meaning "the general pub-
lic." (The English word mob is a shortened form of Latin mobile vulgus,
the changeable common people.) What is popular is regarded with favor
by people in general (a popular public figure); popular also applies to
attitudes or tastes prevailing among masses of people: "popular supersti-
tions," "popular music." Vulgar can also mean popular in the sense of
"common" or "current" (vulgar success, vulgar soap operas), but the
term is now employed almost entirely in the senses of "indecent,"
"ignorant," "crude," "unrefined," or "lacking distinction": "vulgar
language," "vulgar gestures," "vulgar display." Despite the related
origins of the words and their occasionally shared meaning, no longer
can one say that what is popular is vulgar or vice versa.
practical, practicable
porch, piazza, veranda. Which of these terms one uses depends upon
where he lives and the speech customs of his community. Each refers to
an open space attached to the outside of a house or other building,
usually roofed and partly enclosed. Although some architects distinguish
among them, all three words are in widespread use throughout the
United States. Perhaps porch and veranda have a wider geographic
spread than piazza, a term in use largely in the South and New England.
port, harbor. A port is a place where ships load and unload; a harbor is
a body of water providing protection for ships. Although the terms are
somewhat loosely used interchangeably, port applies particularly to the
town or city, including its commercial aspects, that provides a harbor:
"New York is a great port city with an excellent harbor." Both port and
harbor have a meaning of "haven," a place of comfort, rest, and
security: "any old port in a storm"; "a harbor for weary travelers."
portion. See PART.
potter, putter. Does one potter or putter about the house or in the
garden? In the United States, one putters; in Great Britain, one potters.
The words mean "to dawdle," "to move aimlessly," "to act with little
energy or purpose": "Since this is not a workday, Nan plans to putter
about the house and in her garden."
starting on a trip (it's sensible to do so); it's also practicable to check the
pressure (it's possible to do so).
practically, virtually. Practically means "effectively," "in a practical
manner," "from a practical point of view": "It is practically useless to
vote in this election." "Try to view your situation practically." "Practi-
cally speaking, you arefinanciallybankrupt." Practically is also used to
mean "nearly," "almost": "The campers were practically out of food."
Virtually means "for the most part," "just about," "almost entirely":
"The loggers virtually completed the work in an hour." "Before he won
the race he was virtually unknown." Recommendation: confine the use
of practically to the meanings of practice and practical; use nearly and
almost more often than practically and virtually, because in one limited
sense, practically means virtually the same thing as virtually.
presumes too much; he takes too much for granted; he takes excessive
liberties; he is bold: "It would be presumptuous of me to tell you how to
handle your affairs." "To argue with an expert such as he is seems
presumptuous." Presumptive, chiefly a legal term, means "based on
inference," "not fully established," "affording only a basis for a suppo-
sition": "This case cannot be tried on merely presumptive evidence."
"Until the will is read, your role as heir to the estate is presumptive."
pretty. This word is overused to mean many things: "attractive,"
"graceful," "pleasing," "delicate," "comely," "fair," and "lovely." It
is also overused to mean "moderately," "somewhat," or "to a degree"
(pretty tired, pretty lucky). Slangy or trite phrases to avoid include
"sitting pretty," "pretty up," "a pretty penny," and "pretty much."
prevent, hinder. These words are related, but prevent is a stronger
word than hinder, When you prevent something, you stop it; when you
hinder something, you slow or delay it. When something is prevented, it
is effectively halted and rendered impossible: "Do not prevent us from
going." "This treaty is designed to prevent war between our countries."
To hinder is to delay progress: "Such interruptions will only hinder our
reaching a solution." Related words are obstruct, impede, thwart,
obviate, forestall, hamper, retard, block, and balk. Both prevent and
hinder are often followed by a gerund: "prevent his going," "hinder his
going." In such a construction, a noun or pronoun preceding the gerund
is preferably in the possessive case; "prevent (or hinder) him going" is
nonstandard, his is standard: "They tried to prevent Jock's leaving (not
Jock leaving) the team."
biology, architecture, anthropology, and the fine arts. Related words are
primordial, prehistoric, primal, pristine, antediluvian, aboriginal, and
prototype. This Greek word has earned over into modern English its
meaning of "original." It is now employed to refer to the model upon
which something is based, to someone or something that illustrates the
psychiatrist, psychologist
pupil, student, scholar. These words have related meanings, but pupil
is usually applied to someone in elementary school, student to one in
high school or college, and scholar to a mature person who is devoted to
learning. "This little girl is a pupil in the second grade." "Del Auray was
a good student in high school and an even better one in college." "It is
said that more than 1,000 serious scholars can be found in the British
Museum at any one time."
five weeks." The use of quiz is informal as both verb and noun; more
importantly, the word has been overused beyond the point of mere
rare, scarce
verb rise is always intransitive: One's arm rises; one raises his arm.
Raise and raze are antonyms in the sense that raise means "to elevate,"
"to lift," whereas raze means "to tear down": "The workmen raised
the scaffolding and then razed it." Try to avoid such cliches as "raise
one's sights," "raise Cain," "raise hell," "raise money," "raise a
siege," "rise to the occasion," "rise above the commonplace," "rise in
the world," "rise to one's responsibilities," "rise from the dead," "rise
on one's hind legs," "feel the yeast rising," "rear guard," and "bring
up the rear." A horse rears (pronounced "reers") up on its hindlegs, not
rares (rhymes with dares) up.
rare, scarce. Each of these words describes what is "in short supply,"
"infrequent," "hard to find," "uncommon": "Gasoline and butter were
rare (or scarce) during the war." Rare is usually applied to items of
quality and value, the worth of which is increased by permanent infire-
quency: "Diamonds are rare and precious forms of carbon." "Growing
plants were rare in the dust bowl." Scarce is normally applied to
everyday or ordinary items or occurrences: "Our milk supply is scarce,
but we have enough to last until tomorrow." A rare book is valuable
because of its age or importance or because only one or a few copies
exist anywhere; a scarce book is one in short supply at a particular
source (such as a library) but one of which numerous copies may be
available elsewhere.
re, in re. These terms are usually reserved for use by the legal profes-
sion, where they have the meaning of "in the matter of," "in the case
of." (Re is the ablative case of Latin res, meaning "thing," "item," or
"matter.") In re is a Latinism, the meaning of which is best expressed by
about, in regard to, or concerning. Let the lawyers have in re.
realize, know
might catch a cold in your weakened condition?" "You know that you
are already late, but do you realize what the penalties for lateness may
rear. See RAISE.
reason why. The word why is an adverb, conjunction, noun, and inter-
jection and should not be used as a pronoun. Instead of saying "The
reason why he left is unknown," say "The reason that he left is
unknown." When why is used as a conjunctive adverb (that is, part
conjunction and part adverb), it properly appears in a remark such as "I
never realized why he was upset."
receipt, recipe. Only a few years ago, receipt had a basic meaning of
"receiving" and was never used, except by uneducated persons, in the
sense of recipe (a formula for preparing something, a set of directions for
mixing measured ingredients). Today, recipe is still preferable to receipt
in the sense of "formula," but widespread usage is gradually removing
all restrictive labels from receipt. "Let us have your recipe (or receipt)
for that cake." "He will give you a receipt for the money." "What were
the receipts today from your business?"
such as "in regard to," "with regard to," and "in regard of," although
each of these expressions is wordy and usually can be replaced by
concerning or about. The phrase "in regards to" is substandard and
should never be used. "As regards" is standard but can usually be
omitted without loss or can be replaced by concerning.
regret. See REPENT.
repeat again. Again means "another time" or "in return" and always
suggests the idea of "in addition." Therefore, it is superfluous in such
expressions as "repeat again" because the prefix re- has the meaning of
again. Say "Tell your story again" or "Retell your story," not "Retell
your story again"; "Repeat that, please," not "Repeat that again,
repel, repulse. Because each of these words can mean' 'to drive back,"
they are often misused in situations where their meanings should be
distinct. One can repel or repulse someone who attempts to mug him,
but only repel conveys the idea of disgust, aversion, and loathing: "His
rude manner repelled everyone at the party." Repulse is commonly
associated with repulsive, which does mean "disgusting" or "offen-
sive," but repulse means only "to turn away," "to reject," or "to
refuse": "This girl repulsed every boy who wanted to dance with her
because all of them repelled her."
resolution, motion. Each of these words means ' 'a formal expression of
opinion," "a proposal," but motion always refers to a proposal requir-
ing a vote or other action. A resolution is not necessarily formed or
phrased in a legislative, judicial, or deliberative gathering; a motion
always is: "Mr. Chairperson, I make a motion that this resolution be
robber, thief, burglar. These words all apply to a person who unlaw-
fully takes property from another, but they have distinct meanings. A
robber steals by the use of force or threat. A thief does his work in secret
and by stealth. A burglar breaks and enters. Someone who takes your
wallet while holding a knife in his hand is a robber, not a thief or a
burglar. A person who lifts your wallet from the beach while you are
swimming is a thief. An individual who forces open a window in your
house and takes your wallet from the dresser is a burglar.
Roman Catholic. See CATHOLIC.
rout, route. Rout has several meanings, one of which indicates "a
way," "a course," or "a road," the specific meanings of route. Rout is
usually pronounced "rowt." This is the pronunciation often given route,
but the preferred pronunciation of route is "root." As a verb, route is
pronounced both "root" and "rowt." "This serious defeat put the entire
division to rout.'''' "We sailed for Europe by the North Atlantic route."
"His job was to route deliveries to the proper departments."
royal. See KINGLY.
Sabbath, Sunday. The word Sabbath is derived from various words in
Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, all of them meaning "to rest." Sabbath is the
seventh day of the week (Saturday), named in the Ten Commandments
of the Old Testament as a day of worship and rest and thus observed by
Jews and some Christian sects. Sabbath is also a term for the first day of
the week, Sunday, observed by most Christian churches as a day of rest.
Sunday is derived from an Old English word meaning "day of the sun."
preceding the (the Scotch, the Scotch people); (2) whisky distilled in
Scotland from malted barley; (3) any of several English dialects spoken
in Scotland. Scot, Scotsman, and Scotsmen are the terms preferred in
Scotland; Scotchman is considered incorrect and offensive there. Scots
and the Scotch are widely used plural forms. Scot is not an adjective;
Scottish and Scots are preferred adjectives, but Scotch is entrenched in
such terms as "Scotch whisky" and "Scotch broth."
sense, feel. As a verb, sense means "to become aware of," "to per-
ceive," and informally means "to understand," "to detect": "I quickly
set, sit
sensed that I was in trouble." "Do you sense some problem coming
up?" Feel has several meanings, two important ones being "to perceive
through the sense of touch" and "to experience an emotion": "This
velvet feels cool to my fingers." "I feel a great loss in his death." Sense
and feel are loosely used for each other, although originally sense was
restricted to matters or objects perceived through one of the five senses
and feel to that which could be experienced through touch alone. See
separate, divide. To separate is "to set apart," "to keep apart," "to
distinguish," "to differentiate between," "to detach": "Please separate
the white shirts from the colored ones." "When did you and your
partner separate?" "The candidate proposed that New York City sepa-
rate from the state of New York." Divide has much the same meaning as
separate but is correctly used to imply (1) splitting or breaking up
according to a plan and (2) rearrangement in hostile or opposing groups:
"The candy was divided equally among the children." "This issue will
divide local and state representatives along party lines."
serve, service. As verbs, these words have similar meanings but are not
always interchangeable. One could say "A good bus line serves the
residents of that area," but services would be out of place in that
sentence. Similarly, service, not serve, is appropriate in a statement
such as "That company will install and service the elevators in your
building." Because of the influence of advertising and the fact that
apparently many people feel that serve suggests menial work, service is
used in many writing situations where serve would "serve" as well. See
set, sit. Predominantly a transitive verb, set means "to put," "to
place": "Set the box on the floor, please." Sit is predominantly an
intransitive verb with a basic meaning of "to place oneself':' 4 When I sit
down, you come and sit beside me." Set used for sit, and sit for set, in
the meanings indicated, are nonstandard. Do not say "Set yourself
down" or "Sit it here."
Both set and sit have special meanings. The following are standard
usage: "The sun sets behind that mountain every afternoon." "The
house sits in a valley." "Sit the baby in the chair and then set her on her
feet." The following expressions involving set and sit are hackneyed:
"set one's face (or one's mind) against," "set one's heart on," "set by
the ears," "set one's hand to the plow," "set the world on fire," "set
one's teeth on edge," "set about," "set against," "set down," "set
aside," "set forth," "set in," "set off," "set apart," "set upon," "all
set," "get set," "set store by," "sit in on," "sit on," "sit out," "sit
pretty," "sit tight," "sfr-down strike," "sit-in," and "sitting duck."
shall, will. Distinctions in the use of shall and will have broken down,
but some careful speakers still observe these principles: (1) Use shall in
the first person and will in the second or third person to express future
time: "I (we) shall leave soon." "You (he, they) will leave soon." (2)
For expressing command or determination, use will in the first person
and shall in the second and third: "I will speak, no matter who tries to
stop me." "You shall speak (meaning 'You must speak')." (3) To
express willingness, promise, or intention, use will (same verb, different
meaning) with all personal pronouns: "I will help you now." "You will
be a success." Even so accomplished a user of language as Winston
Churchill disregarded the basic rules for using shall and will when he
declared: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing
grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shallfightin the
hills; we shall never surrender."
In general, use should and would according to recommendations for
shall and will. Both should and would also have specialized meanings,
signature, autograph
shop, store. These words have numerous distinct uses separate from
each other, but they share the meaning of an establishment where
merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis. Store is a more general
term, shop being reserved for a small store or for a department in a large
store selling a select or special type of goods. One refers to a department
store or grocery store and to a shop that sells hats or gloves or china or
other specialized wares. Again, one might mention a shoe store but
would refer to a shoe repair shop.
short. See BRIEF.
simple reason. Three good reasons exist for not using this tiresome
expression: (1) The word simple implies a superior attitude toward the
reader or listener (Why didn't you think of this yourself, you numskull?).
(2) The reason may not be simple but quite complex. (3) The expression
is uneconomical. Everything that "for the simple reason that" says can
be expressed by one word, because.
since, yet. Both of these words are adverbs expressing time but doing so
in different ways and meanings. Since can mean (1) "at some past time,"
"before now" (She has long since forgotten me); (2) "between then and
now" (He has since left town); (3) "from some time in the past up until
now" (She came last week and has been making trouble ever since). The
word until is usually superfluous in a since phrase: "He had not voted
since 1972 until this fall" can better be expressed "He had not voted
from 1972 until this fall." Yet means (1) "at this time" (Don't go yet); (2)
"thus far" (The signal had not yet come); (3) "still" (Something is yet to
be done); (4) "in addition" (yet another time); (5) "nevertheless"
smell, stink, scent
(poorer yet wiser). Because both since and yet cover time up to the
present, an accompanying verb should be in the perfect, not past, tense:
"There has been no agreement on the dispute that has prevented prog-
ress since the meeting began." "Have you written to her yet?" "Did
you eat yet?" is nonstandard. "Have you eaten yet?" is standard. See
also AGO.
slack, slake. As verbs, slack means "to shirk," "to leave undone,"
and slake means "to refresh," "to allay thirst": "He slacked his work
for a minute while he slaked his thirst." Because both words can mean
"to make less active and intense," they are often confused through
misspelling or mispronunciation. In this latter meaning, slack is always
followed by up or o f f . "He slacked up in his efforts." "Your indiffer-
ence has slaked their enthusiasm."
slow, slowly. Each of these words is an adverb, so that one can say
"Drive slow" or "Drive slowly." Careful speakers use slowly in such an
expression. Slow is preferred in statements such as "This watch runs
sludge, slush. These words are closely related; each refers to mud,
mire, or ooze. Sludge is often applied to matter that is heavier or bulkier
than that referred to as slush, perhaps because of the sound of the two
words. That is, the thick deposit of sediment in a steam boiler or the
viscous oil waste in a garage is sludge; watery mire and partly melted
snow are slush. Such a distinction, however, is more a matter of taste
and feeling than of actual meaning.
smear. See SCHMIER.
smell, stink, scent. These nouns refer to the qualities and properties of
objects and items that can be detected through the olfactory organs, or
what is generally called the sense of smell. Smell, along with odor, is the
most general, most commonly used, and most neutral of these words. A
smell can be pleasant or unpleasant, but usually the word carries no
particular connotation, favorable or unfavorable. Stink and its compan-
ion word stench always refer to disagreeable and unpleasant odors,
especially those resulting from the decomposition of organic matter,
such as the dead bodies of animals. Scent applies to a distinctive odor,
usually delicate and usually connected directly with physical qualities of
the item or object itself. Thus one would refer to the smell of wet grass,
the stink of a dead body, and the scent of roses. As verbs, scent has
principal parts of scent, scented, scented; stink, of stink, stank, stunk;
smell, of smell, smelled (or smelt), smelled (or smelt). Words related to
this trio of terms are aroma, fragrance, stench, perfume, savor, bou-
quet, exhalation, and redolence.
has been spoiled (or spoilt)." Spoiled is more generally used and there-
fore is recommended.
spoonful, spoonfuls. See -FUL. A recipe might read "Add three table-
spoons full of broth and continue cooking." The tablespoons will be
neither cooked nor edible; make the word tablespoonfuls.
sprain, strain. A sprain is a painful wrenching or tearing of the liga-
ments of a joint, such as an ankle or wrist. It may result from a strain, a
more general term that implies misuse, overuse, or overexertion. That is,
a strain is a stretching or forcing beyond proper limits: "Because he
strained ligaments when he landed, he sprained his ankle."
sputter. See SPLUTTER.
square. This is slang for "a rigidly conventional person": "Get with it;
don't be a square." Trite phrases and words to be wary of: "square peg
in a round hole," "on the square," "square shooter," "square o f f '
("assume a fighting position"), "square up" ("to settle," "to pay"),
"square the circle" ("to attempt the impossible"), "square with one's
conscience," "square meal," and "square deal."
still, still and all. Still is a proper adjective, conjunction, and adverb
with numerous correct uses. Unfortunately, it is often dropped into a
sentence as a filler with little or no meaning. Even more useless is still
and all. Still has a legitimate function in speech or writing, but there is no
excuse for still and all.
stomp, stamp. Stomp means "to tread on," "to trample," "to step
violently on or upon." As a verb, stamp has several meanings, including
that of stomp: One can stamp (or stomp) a snake to death. One is more
likely to refer to stomping horses or herds than to stamping horses or
herds, but both adjectives are correct. In the senses of eliminating,
getting rid of, and striking the ground with the human foot, stamp is
preferred: "This action will stamp out slums." "In her anger, she
stamped her foot on the floor."
stop. See STAY.
stress, strain
supernatural, unnatural
suit, suite. These words have a common origin but are used in different
ways. One speaks of "a suit of clothes," "a suit at law," "a suit of
cards." Suite means "a company of followers," "a connected series of
rooms," "a musical composition." Suit is pronounced "syoot"; suite is
pronounced "sweet." In standard usage, only suite can be applied to
"matched furniture pieces," but in this usage suite is often pronounced
incorrectly like suit. Why not avoid difficulty and say "set of furniture"?
summary. See RESUME.
summit, peak, top. Each of these words refers to the highest point of
something, with top being the term in widest use (the top of the hill, the
top of the house). Peak means a pointed extremity, the pointed top of a
hill or mountain (peak of a roof, peak of a cap, peak of Mount Monad-
nock). Summit is close in meaning to peak, "the highest point of an
elevation of any kind": "The summit of the hill was covered with wild
flowers." Related words which also suggest the figurative meanings of
summit, peak, and top include apex, pinnacle, zenith, elevation, height,
climax, and acme. Thus one refers to a student at the top of his class as
one who has reached the summit of his goals. When traffic is heaviest, it
is at its peak. Diplomats conduct talks at the summit.
Sunday. See SABBATH.
sunlight, sunshine. Both sunlight and sunshine mean "the light of the
sun," but sunshine additionally means (1) "happiness" or "cheerful-
ness," (2) the "source of happiness or cheerfulness," and (3) the "shin-
ing of the sun." "Sunlight lasted only a few hours today." "He basked
in the sunshine of his friend's affection." "Your smile is all the sunshine
I need." "She lies in the sunshine for an hour every sunny day."
sure, surely. Correct usage calls for a strict division between sure (an
adjective) and surely (an adverb). One says "That was a sure sign of his
interest" and "That was surely a sign of his interest." In the first
sentence, sure qualifies the noun sign; in the second, surely modifies the
verb was. Sure can be employed informally as an adverb (sure enough),
but this colloquial use is not recommended for careful writing. See also
systemize, systematize. Each of these words, both correct, means ' 'to
formulate," "to reduce to a system," "to arrange in a certain order":
"Please systemize (or systematize) the filing cabinets in this office."
"You can work more efficiently if you will systematize (or systemize)
the contents of your kitchen." Systematize is the more commonly used
term. Approximate synonyms are organize, dispose, articulate, and
tablespoonful. See -FUL a n d SPOONFUL.
tall, lofty, high. Each of these terms means "having greater than ordi-
nary height," "extending upward." Which of them to use depends upon
what is being mentioned: one refers to a tall or lofty tree, a high or lofty
mountain, a high wall, a tall woman, and a lofty elevation. Tall and
high, the most general of these words, are most frequently used. Tall is
tell, inform. Tell is the commonly used word meaning "to narrate," "to
communicate," "to recount," "to express with words": "Tell me a
story." "Tell us what you did today." Mark Twain once wrote, "When
in doubt, tell the truth." Inform conveys much the same meaning as tell,
but it is a more formal word for disclosing or imparting information, often
important or incriminating information: "Please inform the police of
your accident." "Were you informed about the search warrant for your
house?" See also DIVULGE.
test out. This is a common expression, but a wordy one. Out is unneces-
sary: one tests (not tests out) a, device or machine. Out is also not
needed in phrases such as "prove out," "project out," and "process
than, then. These words are often confused in writing and sometimes in
pronunciation. Than is a conjunction in clauses of comparison: "He
worked better today than he did yesterday." Then is an adverb of time:
"We then went to a restaurant." Think of than only as a conjunction; it
will then be easy to remember that a following pronoun should have the
same case as its antecedent. Say "Everyone knows more about the
situation than he." Say "The supervisors counted on no one more than
him." "Someone then remarked: 'It is better to remain silent and have
some people think me stupid than to say something and remove all
possible doubt.'"
That and which (especially which) are often used in such a way as to
create doubt about an antecedent. Avoid saying, for example, "They are
coming if their daughter is well enough, which I doubt," because which
has no definite antecedent. Say, instead, " . . . is well enough. However,
I doubt that she will be." See also THIS.
their, theirs. Their is the possessive form of the pronoun they. Theirs is
a possessive pronoun, the absolute form of their. Their is used to qualify
a noun that follows: "their dog," "their car." Theirs is used in other
constructions: "a dog of theirs," "all theirs." Their means "belonging
to them" and should be kept distinct from there and they're. Their is
never written with an apostrophe (theirs, not their's). See also THEY.
these kind, those kind, these sort, those sort. Sort and kind are
singular nouns; these and those are plural modifiers. Say and write "this
kind," "that kind," "these kinds," "this sort," "these sorts," and
"those sorts." See also KIND.
they. This word, as well as their, theirs, and them, should have a
definite antecedent (something to which it refers) or should not be used.
"They have good weather in Hawaii" is a vague statement because no
one can tell what or who is meant by they. "Hawaii has good weather"
makes sense. "In my job, they have good training in office techniques"
is much clearer if it is revised: "In my job, good training is provided in
office techniques."
they're. See THEIR.
thing. This is an all-purpose word used so loosely that it often has no real
meaning. For instance, instead of "One thing I like about him . . . " why
not say "one characteristic," "one trait," or "one distinctive feature"?
Because thing means "whatever can be thought or believed to have an
existence," a good rule to follow is this: one should never say thing
unless he has some specific entity (object) in mind and then mentions the
entity itself. This is a thing (rule, prescription, item of advice) none of us
will ever achieve or do, but it's a thing (endeavor, activity, counsel of
perfection) we should try to follow.
this, that. These constantly used words function as both pronouns and
adjectives. Brief comments about them are as follows: (1) The plural of
this is these; the plural of that is those: "This man," "these men,"
"that woman," "those women." (2) This and that can be used to mean
"how much" and "how many": "I know this much." "I know that
much." "I saw that many." "I knew this many." (3) This, that, and
their plural forms (these, those) are demonstrative pronouns, which
means that they refer to something that can be pointed out: "This is my
hat." "That is yours." "These are my gloves." "Those are your
books." "Is this you?" "Is that you in the dark?" (4) This and its plural
can represent or sum up words that follow: "Let me tell you this.
"The steps you should take are these. . . . " (5) This should be used to
'til, till, until. Each of these words means "up until the time of," "near or
at a specified time": "We shall wait for you 'til (or till or until)
sundown." "He did not arrive until (or 'til or till) yesterday." 'Til is a
shortened, variant form of until. 'Til seems needless, is obsolescent even
in poetic diction, and should be used rarely, if at all. Till and until are
interchangeable; each normally means "before," "up to," or "when."
Until is usually preferred over till at the beginning of a statement
because of its sound and to prevent confusion. 'Till is nonstandard.
tortuous, torturous
'tis, 'twas. These contractions of "it is" and "it was" are poetic and
archaic. They should not be used in speech and writing unless some
specific effect is intended.
titbit. See TIDBIT.
to. In addition to its primary meaning of "in the direction of," to is used
before a verb to indicate an infinitive (to walk, to eat). In this usage, it
may appear in place of the infinitive: "You may eat now if you want to
(eat)." To is unnecessarily added to many verbs that mean "to assert":
"admit to," "certify to," "swear to." The addition of to in such
instances results in weakening of the verb as well as in wordiness. To is
nonstandard in the sense of "at": Say "Jack was at (not to) home." To
should be omitted after where. Say "Where are you going?" not "Where
are you going to?" To-do is slang for "a stir," "bustle," "a fuss."
Among overworked expressions involving to are "to that end," "come
to" ("return to consciousness"), "to the best of my knowledge," "turn
to with a will," "to and fro," and "to a T" (here T stands for tittle, a
small quantity, jot, particle; the expression means "down to the last
small detail"). See also IN, INTO.
token. A tiresomely used phrase is''by the same token,'' in which token
has a meaning of "sign," "mark," or "symbol." Either moreover or
furthermore will express in one word what this trite phrase does in four.
"In token o f ' is also hackneyed, as is "token of esteem." Possible
substitutes for token: sign, emblem, index, symbol, mark, stamp, image,
evidence, proof, memento, augury, and indication.
top. See SUMMIT.
toward, towards
toward, towards. These words for "in the direction of," "approach-
ing," and "with regard to" are interchangeable. Take your pick. How-
ever, toward is one letter shorter and somewhat easier to pronounce.
Always lean toward the shorter, simpler word.
town. See CITY.
trace, vestige. These words refer to something that has existed or gone
before. Trace, the more widely used, is derived from Latin tractus,
meaning "a dragging." It applies to any evidence, such as a footprint, a
fragment, or a lingering odor that suggests the prior existence or pres-
ence of something: "There was a trace of perfume in the room." "There
was no trace of their having spent the night here." Vestige, a more
limited word, refers to some slight but actual indication (remains) of
something that no longer exists: "In his weakened condition, he is a
mere vestige of his former self." "Not a vestige of her once-great beauty
remains." Related words include track, trail, spoor, record, indication,
and sign.
trade up. In recent years, this phrase has been widely overused to mean
"to substitute for something that one has something else that is more
elaborate and expensive." People in trade (business, commerce, indus-
try) may need this phrase. Everyone else can do without it.
tragedy. See DISASTER.
try and. See COME AND. Although try and is common in speech for try
to, it should never be used except in highly informal conversation. Avoid
such everyday expressions as "Try and make me," "Try and stop me,"
and "Try and come."
tubercular, tuberculous. Usage has established these adjectives as
interchangeable in their meaning of "relating to, or having, tuberculo-
sis." A person afflicted with this disease can be referred to as tubercular
or tuberculous. Although tubercular is more often used than tubercu-
lous, the latter is regularly used by medical personnel (tuberculous
growth in the lungs, tuberculous cells).
"I will not write unless and until you write me." Either word will convey
the full meaning intended. See also IF AND WHEN.
unmoral. See AMORAL.
until. See 'TIL, TILL, UNTIL. Although the phrase "up until the time o f '
is used in explaining the meanings of these three words, it is doubtful that
up is needed nearly so often as it is used. From a sentence such as "I'll
wait for you up until noon" the up can be deleted without harm. See also
use, used, used to. As a verb, use means "to put into service," "to
make use o f ' : "He will use my car today." The principal parts of use
are use, used, used: "He used my car yesterday." "He has used my car
for a week." When did is added to the verb phrase, however, the word
should be use: "He did not use to borrow my car." When used is
combined with any form of the verb be, it is followed by a verb form
ending in -ing: "He was used to borrowing my car." When one wishes
to express habitual action or everyday occurrence, used may correctly
usual, customary, habitual
venal, venial
venal, venial. These words look alike and sound somewhat alike, but
venal (VEE'nuhl, VEE*n'l) has a connotation of corruption. Venial
(VEE-ni'uhl), a term of mild reproach, means "excusable," "pardona-
ble." It may help to keep them straight by remembering that venal
comes from a Latin term meaning "for sale" (venalis) and venial from
Latin venia ("forgiveness"). Associate venal with penal and venial with
genial. "This corrupt administration has entered into many venal agree-
ments." "Not sending them a wedding present was my venial offense
against good manners."
vernacular, dialect. Each of these terms has several meanings, but both
specifically refer to the word usage and patterns of language characteris-
tic of a community, state, or country. Vernacular means (1) "native as
opposed to literary" (the vernacular language of uneducated persons);
(2) "using a native language" (a vernacular poet); (3) "plain," "ordi-
nary," "everyday" (a vernacular man of the people); (4) "the native
speech of a place" (Say that in vernacular, not literary, language). (See
POPULAR.) Dialect has two primary meanings: (1) "a special variety of
written or spoken language" (the dialect of mountain people in Appala-
chia) and (2) "a language considered as one of a group" (English is one of
the Indo-European dialects).
via. This overused Latin word meaning "by way o f ' should be pro-
nounced "VAI-uh" or "VEE-uh." Via should not be used in the sense
of "by means of," as in this faulty statement: "Aid was rendered the
stricken country via food, clothing, and medicines."
viable, workable. These words refer to the ease with which, or likeli-
hood that, something can be done. Viable means "capable of living,"
"physically fitted to live," but by extension has come to mean "able or
likely to produce continued success or effectiveness" and is often used
in a comparative sense: "Your plan is more viable than the one we have
been using." Workable is applied to plans, suggestions, or ideas that will
be successful if properly managed: "The foreman presented us with a
workable production schedule." Words closely related to these near-
synonyms are feasible, practical, and possible.
victim. See MARTYR.
video. Usage has made video (VTDeeoh) a standard term. Video refers
to the visual portion of a televised broadcast, as distinguished from the
sound part, audio (AW-dee-oh). In general usage, video means "televi-
sion": "She is a prominent performer on stage, screen, and video."
viewpoint. See POINT OF VIEW.
visit, visit with. To visit means "to pay a call upon," "to go to see":
"He left me to visit another friend." Some linguists consider "visit
with" a wordy expression, but actually the phrase means "to stay with
for a time" and also "to communicate without physical presence": "She
intended to pay a brief call on her grandmother but had such a pleasant
time that she decided to visit with her the entire afternoon." "When you
have some time, telephone me so tha,t we can visit with each other in a
long session." See also MEET.
vital. This word means "necessary for existence," "essential," "indis-
pensable." Vital is both overused and misused because in few applica-
tions is it used to mean what it really means. It is absurd to say "Helen's
presence at the dance is vital" unless it is undeniable that Helen's
wait on, wait for. In the sense of "to serve," wait on is an acceptable
expression: "Please wait on this customer." "If you have not been
helped to make a selection, I'll be glad to serve (wait on) you." In the
sense of "await," wait on is colloquial and dialectal: "You are late, and I
don't want to wait for (not wait on) you."
wake, awake, awaken, waken. Our language has several verbs to
express waking from sleep and waking someone from sleep. Awake-
awaked and awake-awoke are correct, of course, but somewhat formal:
"I awoke him." Awaken-awakened-awakened is even more formal
than awake: "I awakened him." More commonly used than either is
wake-waked or woke: "I woke him." Waken-wakened-wakened is less
used than wake-waked-waked: "I waked him." Most commonly used
of all are wake up-waked up or woke up: "I waked up (or woke up) at
dawn." "She waked up (or woke up) her sister at dawn." Each of the
verbs mentioned may be used transitively or intransitively, but awake is
largely used intransitively (When did you awake?) and waken transi-
tively (She wakened me early). Wake is the only one of these terms
regularly used with up: "Wake up, you sleepyhead." The most com-
monly used past participle of wake is waked (not woken or woke); the
preferred past participle of awake is awaked (not awoke): "After I had
waked him, I discovered my error." "I must have awaked several times
that night."
wane. See WAX.
want, wish. These words share a meaning of "to long for," " to crave,''
"to desire": "Don't you want (wish) to go to the game?" "She wishes
(wants) to sleep now." Want also expresses the idea of a lack or need:
"He wants (desires) a job, but he wants (lacks) experience." Wish is the
word to use when expressing an impulse or hope: "I wish you were my
friend." Want (in the sense of need) rather than wish (in the sense of
desire) should be used in a polite query such as "Do you want some
more food?" "Want for" is a correct expression only when the idea to be
warp, woof
expressed is "to have need": "We did not want for money on our trip."
Want should not be accompanied by for when wish or desire is
involved; "I want (not want for) you to stay." The constructions "want
out" and "want in" are often heard but are informal. It is preferable to
say "The dog wants to get out (or wants to get in)" rather than the
elliptical "wants out" or "wants in."
warp, woof. These words are much less commonly used than once they
were, but the phrase "warp and woof is often heard in the meaning of
''the underlying structure upon which something is built," "the founda-
tion or base": "The Constitution is the warp and woof of our system of
government." Literally, warp refers to the threads that run lengthwise in
fabric, crossed at right angles by the woof, the threads that run cross-
wise: "The warp and woof of this piece of cloth provide a clear impres-
sion of its texture."
warranty. This is chiefly a legal term meaning (1) "a covenant in which
the seller vouches for the security of the title to what is being sold," (2)
"a guarantee that the goods sold are as represented," (3) "a guaranty
that the facts as stated are correct." See also GUARANTEE.
was, were. Do you say "I wish I was there" or "I wish I were there"?
Do you say "If I was you" or "If I were you"? Whether you say was or
were in such constructions, you have company. Actually, you should
say were in both quoted sentences, even though was and were are alike
in that they form the past tense of the verb be. It's a question of mood,
the state of mind or the manner in which a statement is made: a fact
(indicative mood), a request or command (imperative mood), a condition
or probability (subjunctive mood).
The subjunctive mood (here the form were) is generally used to express
(1) a condition contrary to fact, (2) a supposition, (3) an improbable
condition, (4) uncertainty or doubt, (5) necessity, (6) parliamentary
motions, and (7) a desire. In "I wish I were there" the subjunctive were
is standard because " I " is not there (a condition contrary to fact) and
also because the speaker is expressing a desire. One of the same condi-
tions applies to the second quoted sentence. Use were (the subjunctive),
not was (the indicative), in such sentences as these: "Suppose he were
to arrive now" (supposition). "He drank ale as if it were going to be
prohibited forever" (an improbable condition). "Roberta wishes that she
were going to be invited" (desire). Now that these distinctions have been
made, you can relax in the sure knowledge that was is heard at least as
often as were in statements such as those cited.
wax, wane. Perhaps because these once-popular words are now used
infrequently, they are often misunderstood or confused. Wax means "to
grow gradually larger," "to increase in strength or size." Wane means
we, us
the exact opposite: "to decrease," "to decline." Both terms are most
often used to refer to the comparative fullness of the moon, but they can
and do appear in statements such as these: "His anger waxed strong and
then subsided." "My enthusiasm for your plan is beginning to wane."
Words related to wax are grow, extend, enlarge, dilate, and lengthen.
Near-synonyms of wane include fail, diminish, and sink.
way, ways, weigh. Way is colloquial when used to mean "away": "The
mine is away (not way) across the mountain. Equally colloquial and to
be avoided in formal writing are "in a bad way," "to come my way"
("to achieve success"), and "act the way he does." In an expression
such as "a long ways to town," ways is a dialectal, substandard substi-
tute for way. In nautical terms, the expression should be "under way,"
not' 'under weigh.'' That is, a vessel must weigh (lift) its anchor before it
can get "under way." "Ways, the plural of the noun way, is correct in
sentences like this: "Many ways were open to him." "The newly
christened ship slid down the ways into welcoming water." Except as
the name of a committee, "ways and means" is a wordy phrase: ways
and means are interchangeable in meaning. The overused expression "in
any way, shape, or form" is redundant because these terms are synony-
mous: reduce six words to three.
what all. In a question such as "What all does he expect of me?" what
all is considered narrowly dialectal or illiterate. All is apparently added
for intensifying effect, but its addition is not recommended in either what
all or who all (Who all's there?).
whatever. As an adjective, whatever means "any . . . that." It should
not be followed by that in a sentence such as "I won't pay any attention
to whatever objection that you may have." Whatever is a pronoun in
"Whatever did you mean?" What is a pronoun, and ever is an adverb in
"What did you ever mean?" In formal usage, whatever should not be
what for. This phrase appears in two nonstandard uses. When it means
"punishment" or "reproof' (The boss gave George what for because he
was late), it constitutes an illiteracy. When what for is substituted for
why (What did you do that for?), the expression may be considered
illiterate or wordy.
when, as, and if. This expression appears often in conversation, espe-
cially business talk: "I'll buy your product when, as, and if you increase
the discount." Either when or Z/will convey the idea. See also IF AND
when, where. See is WHEN. The objection to is when and is where may
or may not be based on grammatical grounds, but unquestionably both
phrases are childish, immature, and overused. A further objection is that
when and where are often used in situations where their meanings are
not applicable. For example, when has a meaning of time and is illogical
in a sentence such as "This plan is when they refuse to let anyone under
sixteen enter the theater."
The grammatical rule is simple: use who (or whoever) as the subject of
a verb or as a predicate pronoun. Use whom (whomever) as the object of
a verb or preposition. Here are some correct illustrations.
1. The question of who can go is unimportant. (Here, who is the subject
of can go. The entire clause, who can go, is the object of the preposition
2. This is the fireman whom we saw on top of the building. (Here,
whom is the object of saw.)
3. He asked me who I thought would be elected. (The case of a pronoun
depends upon its use and should not be influenced by words that come
between it and its antecedent. Check this sentence by omitting I thought.
Who is then seen to be the subject of would be elected.)
4.1 danced with the girl whom everyone suspected the committee had
chosen Beauty Queen. (Here, check by omitting everyone suspected.)
When doubtful, substitute he or him for who or whom to arrive at a
1. Who/whom are you voting for? (For who/whom are you voting?) He I
him are you voting for? (For he/him are you voting?)
2. This is the kind of public servant who/whom we need. ( . . . we need
who/whom; . . . we need helhim.)
One final word: unless you are reasonably certain that whom is
required, use who. You'll be right much more than half of the time. See
also THAT.
w h o all. See WHAT ALL.
wire. Once considered informal when used to mean "a telegram" or "to
telegraph," wire is now standard usage in these senses. These are
hackneyed expressions involving wire: "under the wire" ("within lim-
its," "by a deadline"), "pull wires" ("to use connections or associa-
tions to advantage"), "on the wire" ("on the telephone"), and "lay
wires for" ("to make preparations").
-wise. The practice of attaching this suffix to nouns with the meaning of
"with reference to" and "concerning" is widespread and indiscriminate.
No one objects to such a sensible word as clockwise, but how about
jobwise, attendance-wise, flavorwise, saleswise, economy-wise, politics-
wise and a dozen other terms that you can readily recall (or manufac-
ture)? Surely some clearer, less jargonish means can be found to say
what is conveyed by "Taxwise, your plan is sensible."
Among informal, trite, or slangy words and expressions to avoid are
"wise up," "a wise move," "get wise," wisecrack, "wise guy," wisen-
heimer ("an offensive, arrogant person"), wiseacre ("an overly self-
confident person"), and "put someone wise."
wish. See WANT, WISH.
write-up. This fabricated word has become a standard noun and verb,
but the same usage that has elevated it to respectability has reduced it to
triteness. Possible substitutes: report, account, notice, article, review,
description, analysis. "This is an excellent report of the meeting."
wrong, wrongly. Wrong is both an adjective and an adverb. It is correct
to say "That's the wrong attitude to take" and "Everything went wrong
that day." Wrongly, an adverb only, should be used before a verb: "The
word was wrongly pronounced." Wrong in its adverbial function is
preferred over wrongly in a statement such as "I was quoted wrong,"
but wrongly is not incorrect in such constructions. Wrong appears in
numerous everyday expressions that have become trite: "wrong tack,"
"get in wrong," "wrong side of the tracks," "in the wrong," and "go
wrong." Possible substitutes for overworked wrong include wicked,
sinful, unjust, reprehensible, evil, bad, crooked, iniquitous, and im-
Xerox. This term is a trademark for a process that copies printed,
written, or graphic material by xerography. (Xerography, like Xerox
based on a Greek word meaning "dry," involves transferring an image,
the original material, by the action of light to an electrically charged
surface to which the. image attracts dry ink particles. These particles are
then fused on the copy paper, thus reproducing the original.) The corpo-
ration that makes and sells Xerox machines insists that one cannot
"Xerox" something but rather "makes a Xerox copy." In common
usage, xerox is often employed as a verb to mean making a copy of
something by xerography or by any other copying process.
Xmas. This is an informal abbreviation of Christmas. In this word, X
represents the figure of Jesus Christ and also the cross upon which He
was crucified; X also suggests the Greek letter X, transliterated as Kh
(the Greek chi, the letter with which Christos, the Greek word for
Christ, begins). Xmas has been used for centuries in writing and is
pronounced "exmas" in speech, but the term is considered inappro-
priate in formal writing, if not disrespectful and sacrilegious.
X ray, x-ray. This term, also correctly spelled x ray and X-ray, was so
named because its exact nature was unknown. X ray (in any of its
various spellings) is now standard in its roles as noun (X ray, X rays), as
verb (to X ray a fracture), and as adjective (an X ray machine).
yet. See SINCE. Both yet and ALREADY are adverbs expressing time.
They are not interchangeable and should not be used together. "He's a
rich man already yet" is a nonstandard construction.
you. When speaking directly to a person or group of persons, say you. If
you wish to refer to a number of people in general and to no one in
particular, use pronouns like one or anyone and general nouns such as
people, persons, and citizens. It may not be rude, but it certainly is
informal to say to no one specifically " You can see the importance of
good health" and "When you become a Girl Scout, you learn much
useful information." (This indefinite use of you occurs more often in
writing than in speaking because one's readers, unlike one's hearers, are
rarely present.) Also, try to use less frequently those tired conversation
fillers " You see what I mean?" and " You know what?"
zero hour. This word meaning'4 the time set for an attack'' has become a
clich6 meaning "any critical moment": "The zero hour for my physical
exam is set for tomorrow." In this age of rockets and missiles, H-hour is
likely to replace zero hour and itself become trite.
zoom. As a term in aeronautics, zoom applies only to upward move-
ment. Through usage, it now refers also to movement over a level course
(The motorcycle zoomed along the highway), but it is nonstandard when
applied to downward movement. Use swooped in a sentence such as
"The kingfisher zoomed down on its prey."
zzz. No entry can follow this one alphabetically, except one with more
z's. ZZZ represents the sound of someone snoring. If when one writes,
he solves the problems dealing with words and expressions, his readers
will stay awake and pay attention. And when he speaks, his listeners will
not go zzz.