11 - 24 Muhammad Et Al. (2024) Vol. 3 Issue 2
11 - 24 Muhammad Et Al. (2024) Vol. 3 Issue 2
11 - 24 Muhammad Et Al. (2024) Vol. 3 Issue 2
Article: https://bit.ly/JazeIvol.3ssue2 Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(2): (2024) 11–24 ISSN: 2992–4952
Forecasting the Turkish Lira Exchange Rate against the U.S. Dollar
Department of Economics, Near East University, Cyprus
Department of Economics, University of Maiduguri. Nigeria
The link between exchange rates and macroeconomic variables have been
extensively studied in the literature. However, exchange rate forecasting
has long been a quest for academics and empiricists. This study forecasts
Exchange rate the Turkish Lira (TL) exchange rate in relation to US dollar, over a period
Macroeconomic variables 01/01/2010 to 03/04/2023, applying autoregressive integrated moving
Turkish Lira average (ARIMA) method. The out-sample data set used for prediction
US dollar covers 31/12/2022 to 31/12/2023. The Lira exchange rate is integrated of
COVID-19 order one, making ARIMA technique suitable for the analysis. We found
that Turkish Lira is volatile as there is no deviation between USD-YL
JEL Classification: exchange rate in the first quarter of 2023 and forecast is exact towards
O16; O11; H51 the end of the quarter. However, the deviation increased shortly towards
the second quarter of 2023. We affirm that, based on the findings for given
Corresponding author the trend between the two currencies, the exchange of TL against USD is
Abdulkabir N. Adedeji likely to depreciate in the next half period. This divergence, though not
abidatullah@gmail.com wide, could be attributed to the impacts Russian-Ukraine war and
Tel: +2348075510567 COVID-19 on Turkish economy.
al., 2020). This is because the impact of the investigate the variables influencing the
exchange rate on these indicators is important Turkish Lira exchange rate.
for both developed and developing economies. The volatility trend of the Turkish Lira has
In the literature, the exchange rate may not been comprehensively investigated. This
have a positive significance on the economy has made it difficult to determine whether
and its benefits can only be attained if the local pegged or floating exchange rate system would
currency is competitive and stable to predict its be better for economic growth and
trend. The strength of a country's economy development in Turkey. A single non-linear
more often depends on the impacts of its model cannot adequately capture a time series
exchange rate. This relies on the ability of the variable that is highly volatile like Turkish
government, in a pegged system, to predict a Lira. This study applies nonlinear time series
growth-led exchange rate, while forces of models built on autoregressive integrated
demand and supply determine the currency rate moving average (ARIMA), developed by
changes in a floating exchange rate system. Grillenzoni (1993) and applied in Khashei et al.
Either of the systems is commonly seen in (2009). The ARIMA model in this study is
many emerging economies and its prediction is specified following Poon and Granger (2003).
seen to be an important tool for financial and ARIMA is seen to be not only an
management decision-making (Majhi et al., appropriate model to identify, estimate and
2009; Moosa, 2000; Hussain et al., 2019). Not forecast time series variables that are dynamic
only its unpredictability puts foreign currency in nature but also has the power to detect the
traders at risk but also the general economy and presence of nonlinear relationships in the
a challenge to many countries in the world. dynamics of the system Grillenzoni (1993). In
Turkey is not exempted as the country this regard, the method is applied for testing the
faces some economic issues, including a trade forecasting performance of the Turkey Lira-
imbalance and shortfall of foreign exchange U.S. dollar exchange rate to determine and
reserves, which could be traced to its exchange predict the exchange rate of the Turkey Lira
rate volatility. The Turkish Lira's exchange rate against the U.S. dollar over short and long
against the U.S. dollar has moved swiftly and horizons. Could short horizon accurately
drastically in recent years. The Turkish Lira's predict the Tukey Lira-U.S. dollar exchange
volatility was previously under control. The rate relationship? This question still remains
Turkish Lira was valued at 2.366 per U.S dollar unanswered. Hence, this study aims to forecast
in the first quarter of 2012, varied to 4.56 at the the exchange rate of the Turkish Lira against
end of the fiscal year 2017. The currency the U.S. dollar using the ARIMA model. This
depreciated by 2.2 units over the last decade, study provides insights into the trend between
indicating 93% depreciation of which average Turkish Lira against the U.S. dollar and
was about 13% per year. The Turkish Lira's forecasts the exchange rate between the two
value has been unpredictable and highly currencies. This may help the authority for
volatile since 2017. For example, the Lira making informed decision on exchange rate
exchange rate against the US dollar has policy. Such intervention may help for
continuously trending upward since the first stabilizing economic activities in the country.
quarter of 2020, the Turkish Lira reached an More importantly, this study suggests a
all-time high of 20.04 against the U.S. dollar convertibility rate that can reduce market risk
probably owing to decrease in export, and in banking, import and export, and currency
government transfer, and high credit volume and bureau de change trade, which may have a
and risk of non-payment of loans. However, the considerable impact on capital flows in Turkey.
Turkish Lira appreciated significantly the next
day and reverted to 12.84 (Dineri and Çütçü, 2. Literature review
2020). The variation in this situation is more The trade balance-exchange rate relationship
than 35% in a single day, forcing academics to can be seen through elasticity approach or the
13 Muhammad et al./Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(1): (2024) 11–24
model of imperfect substitutes. This assertion investigates the effect of interest and exchange
is based on the axiom that imported goods and rates volatilities on money demand in
domestic competing goods are imperfect Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Nigeria and
substitutes based on the Marshall-Learner Uganda, using time series quarterly data,
condition (Boyd, Caporale, & Smith, 2001). covered the sample period 1993 to 2012,
The export-led growth theory states that a applied ordinary least squared. The author
favorable foreign exchange enables to import discovered that exchange rate did not have
capital goods into local economy which in turn significant effects on money demand in
increases production, consequently promotes developing countries owing to a possible
local economy. Generally, according to unstable economy in the continent. The author
Chimhore and Chivasa (2021), exchange rate is offered a policy recommendation that the
viewed as an important monetary policy monetary authorities in these countries should
instrument as it affects the decision-making of resort to inflation targeting monetary policy
investments in an economy. In addition, and employ the interest rate as the policy
Paksay, Genc and Semic (2018) stated that instrument. More recent, Jamal and Bhat
exchange rate volatility affects macroeconomic (2022) analyzed the nexus between the
variables such as interest rates, money supply, COVID-19 and the Rupee/USD, Pound/USD,
employment, inflation, and export growth. Yuan/USD, Real/USD, Lira/USD, and
Recently, Kayamo (2021) retraced exchange Euro/USD exchange rates using daily data
rate as nominal real exchange rate. The author spanned from March 11, 2020 to December 31,
defined nominal exchange rate as the price of a 2020, applied the panel ARDL model. They
country’s currency in terms of another country, confirmed that COVID-19 positively and
whereas he defined real exchange rate as significantly impact the sampled economies’
adjusted nominal exchange rate for relative exchange rates, and concluded that these
local price difference. He supported that economies might be the epicenters of the
exchange rate is an important macroeconomic COVID-19 crises which has a significant effect
variable that determines the country’s on the exchange rates in these epicenters.
economic growth and development as it often The combination of models to predict the
as significant impacts on aggregate output, exchange rate is wide spread in the literature
consumer price, and trade openness. Thus, and commonly used is the integrated
exchange rate is considered as driven engine of ARMA model, known as machine-learning
growth and development of any economy. model. Okoroaforh et al (2018) employed
In previous studies, some body of studies ARIMA model in forecasting inflation in
have examined the impact of exchange rate on Nigeria using annual data 1961 to 2016. They
different macroeconomic variables, using array found that ARIMA (1, 1, 1) is best for
of methods. For instance, Alsamara and Mrabet forecasting inflation in Nigeria. Out of sample
(2018) examined the asymmetric impacts of (2017-2020) is forecasted using the stochastic
foreign exchange rate on the demand for and dynamic method. The ARMA (1, 1)
money in Turkey, using quarterly data from forecast inflation rate in Nigeria for the year
1986:Q1 to 2014:Q4, and employed nonlinear 2017 to 2020 were found to be 16.4%, 16.7%,
ARDL for their analysis. They found that 16.5% and 16.4% on average respectively.
exchange rate has a strong relationship with Matroushi (2011) proposed a forecasting
money demand with appreciation effect was model that included two models. The study
found to be stronger than the depreciation hypothesized that ARIMA-MLP delivers better
effect. The study recommended that monetary results than other models, whether single or
policy decision makers should achieve more coupled, by combining ARIMA-ANN with
stable exchange rates to stabilize aggregate MLP.
price in Turkey. Among the studies that
focused on Africa, Nyumuah (2018)
14 Muhammad et al./Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(1): (2024) 11–24
Despite the fact that exchange rate the optimal model in forecasting China’s GDP
depreciations appear to have a substantial over the period 2020 and 2021. They predicted
influence on resolving balance-of-payments in that the value between the forecast GDP and
the economy. It has been deduced that the real GDP over 2020 and 2021 was actually
relative success in achieving this goal depends small. They affirmed that ARIMA model can
on a number of factors on the country's better reflect the development trend and
competitive capacity to meet any shift in accurate for short-term forecast.
demand for and supply of locally produced Similarly, Ma et al (2018) explored the
goods (Boateng et al., 2020). Perhaps, the most appropriateness of dynamic models for
critical condition for resource-dependent forecasting GDP in China and they offered
economies is that exchange rate depreciation some unique results of the appropriateness of
does not guarantee their trade balance. In other dynamic models. The authors pushed their
perspective, exchange rate is seen to have a argument that while basic economic theories
significant effect on stock market in open are undeniably, traditional economic models
economies. And that its volatility affects the may not be efficient enough to provide reliable
stock prices as it influences the cash inflows predicting outcomes for dynamic variables.
and outflows and foreign competitiveness of The traditional economic models are built on a
firms. Arguably, a growth-led exchange rate linear assumption but poorly performs if non-
often attracts cash flows of foreign currency linear trend exists. The authors found that
into local economy, and as such, forecasting ARIMA (1, 1, 0) displayed a good dynamic
such exchange rate is required to predicting the model fit as the fitted values and the residual of
inflow in the future which better predict by a the model correspond to the actual data,
moving-average technique. In Adeniyi and showing that forecast value was closed to the
Kumeka’s (2019) study, the symmetry and actual value.
asymmetry of the exchange rate-stock price Using ARIMA, Wang et al. (2016)
nexus for 54 firms listed on the Nigerian Stock projected currency parity from 2010 to 2013,
Exchange (NSE) were examined. Employing the procedure was completed using US/Euro
asymmetric Auto Regressive Distributed Lag rates. The results show that the linked models
(ARDL) model, using daily data for the period chosen outperformed the linear model. In
from December 12, 2001 to December 8, 2017, Shahriari’s (2011) and Nouri et al.’s (2011)
they found that exchange rate movements have studies, it was discovered that mixed
impacts on stock prices in many of the firms techniques generate better-
under the study. This supports the notion that a predicting outcomes than separate models.
change in the local exchange rate is beneficial Lam et al. (2008) and Altavila and Grauwe
and makes locally produced commodities and (2008) conducted similar studies with various
make it more competitive in the foreign local currencies. The analysis revealed that
market. Since exchange rate depreciation using mixed models generates better results
causes import costs to be highly correlated with than using a single model. In Dunis and Chen’s
local outputs, and that, this may enhance local (2006) study, 16 models simulated and the
currency competitiveness, reduce imports and results demonstrated that all the models were
increase exports. not successful but the results showed that
Traditionally, random walk models were mixed model outperforms all other models.
often applied for predictions with out-of- The volatility and different time series were
sample methodologies. However, Ince and incorporated in the mixed model, implying that
Trafalis (2006) applied ARIMA to forecast a traditional model will perform low when series
broad range of currency exchange rates and in not stationary.
found that the random walk models were less In sum, a body of studies have worked on
efficient than ARIMA models. More recently, combining ARIMA, machine learning, and
Liu et al. (2022) selected ARIMA (1, 1, 1) as time series models for forecasting exchange
15 Muhammad et al./Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(1): (2024) 11–24
rates. However, little is known about the trend where ∆ 𝐷.𝐸𝑋𝐶𝑡 denotes D-th differenced of
of Turkish Lira exchange rate against US. USD-YL exchange rate, ∆ 𝐷.𝐸𝑋𝐶𝑡−1 denotes
Dollar and their forecast behavior, one of its past values of the series, 𝜀𝑡 represents white
kind that has not been given much attention in error noise, assume to be constant, an
the literature. This may be necessary for uncorrelated process with mean zero, 𝜀𝑡−1
making informed decisions that may help for represents the past values of the error term. 𝛼
economic growth of the country. Thus, this is constant, ∅1 and 𝜑1 are parameters to be
study used univariate time series of Turkish estimated. The lag operator of the ARIMA (p,
Lira and applied non-Linear ARIMA technique d, q) can be written as:
to predict behavior of the currency. Further,
this research applies a grid search to choose the ∅ ∗.(𝐿)𝐸𝑋𝐶𝑡 = ∅(𝐿)(1𝐿) 𝐷.𝐸𝑋𝐶𝑡
best ARIMA model outperform independent
models for the forecast. = 𝛼 + 𝜑(𝐿)𝜀𝑡 2
significantly different from zero when the lag subjective, to establish a more accurate model,
order is 8, so p lag is taken to be 8. This shows the range of values of p and q is appropriately
that the model is not AR or MA but an ARIMA relaxed, and multiple ARMA (p, q) models are
model. Considering that the judgment is very established.
The order with ARIMA lags (2, 1, 8) and (8, 1, model for better prediction and forecast. As a
2) in autoregressive moving average pre- rule of thumb, a high Adjusted R-squared, and
estimation are performed on the processed low AIC, SC values and standard error (S.E.)
sample data. In grid search for parsimonious of regression are criteria for selecting the best
model, we also captured all significant lags: model (Grillenzoni, 1993). Generally, the
ARIMA (8, 1, 9), ARIMA (9, 1, 8), ARIMA (9, larger the Adjusted R-squared (coefficient of
1, 26), ARIMA (26, 1, 9), ARIMA (26, 1, 28), determination), and the smaller the AIC value
and ARIMA (28, 1, 26) as they possess and the SC value, and the residual variance, the
information about the differenced series and better the corresponding ARIMA (p,D,q)
they captured for identifying parsimonious model.
19 Muhammad et al./Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(1): (2024) 11–24
The coefficients in all the eight models we substantially different, in the same range, with
estimated are statistically significant at the 0.01 other models. This indicates that model 5 can
significance level except constant. The fifth be chosen as a tentative model and used for
column, ARIMA model 5, appears to be forecasting. The suitability of the model is
parsimonious, for having highest 𝑅̅2 value and tested. The diagnostic of the residual and
the model’s AIC and SBIC values are not inverse roots of AR and MA are presented
2 -4
0 -6
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Fig. 1a. Residual stability test Fig. 1b. Inverse root of AR/MA
Fig 1a shows that the null hypothesis of testing diagnostics tests, though perfect ARIMA
the residuals are white noise cannot be rejected, model is difficult, we proceed and forecast
indicating that the model is stable. Also, the using this model.
AR and MA roots, Fig. 1b, are lie inside the
circle, implying that the estimated model 5 is
stable. Since the model passed all the
20 Muhammad et al./Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(1): (2024) 11–24
Forecast: US_YLF
Actual: US_YL
Forecast sample: 12/31/2022 12/31/...
Adjusted sample: 1/12/2023 12/31/2023
Included observations: 354
Root Mean Squared Error 0.044108
Mean Absolute Error 0.038334
Mean Abs. Percent Error 0.203259
Theil Inequality Coefficient 0.001169
Bias Proportion 0.755319
Variance Proportion 0.217526
Covariance Proportion 0.027154
I II III IV Theil U2 Coefficient 6.922245
Symmetric MAPE 0.202986
Fig. 2a Dynamic forecast
Forecast: US_YLF
18.92 Actual: US_YL
18.90 Forecast sample: 12/31/2022 12/31/...
Adjusted sample: 1/12/2023 3/12/2023
Included observations: 36
18.86 Root Mean Squared Error 0.004891
18.84 Mean Absolute Error 0.004091
Mean Abs. Percent Error 0.021709
Theil Inequality Coefficient 0.000130
18.80 Bias Proportion 0.026224
18.78 Variance Proportion 0.000012
Covariance Proportion 0.973764
19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 Theil U2 Coefficient 0.771412
Symmetric MAPE 0.021710
M1 M2 M3
US_YLF ± 2 S.E.
Fig. 2b. Static forecast
The prediction of the forecast series and the deviation between USD-YL exchange rate in
actual series are the same over the years of the first quarter of 2023 and forecast is exact
observations, though not exact but the future towards the end of the quarter. However, the
trend. We forecast for 365 days over a period deviation started to increase shortly when
31/12/2022 to 31/12/2023, Fig. 3. There is no Turkish economy enters the second quarter of
21 Muhammad et al./Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(1): (2024) 11–24
2023. The exchange rate of YL against USD is volatility of Turkish Lira, measured by stigma
likely to be depreciated more in the half period square, we first observe the estimated
of the year. This divergence, though not wide, coefficients which are all significant and
could be somewhat attributed to the impacts of positive, providing evidence of long memory
Russian-Ukraine war and COVID-19 on and persistence in the volatility processes.
Turkish economy. Turning to the analysis of
This result can be interpreted that the forecast COVID-19 pandemic on the country's
upward rising in the exchange rate in Turkey economy and the economic uncertainty in
may be traced to the thin openness of the general. The increase in the government
economy and dependence of the economy on expenditure in Turkey especially on healthcare
imports, among other factors caused by the during COVID-19 in 2020 coupled with tax
COVID-19 pandemic, which reflect on the holidays, decrease in revenues, fall in
current inflation rate in the country. This result aggregate production, decrease in tourism
is in line Kayamo (2021) who found that revenues, shrinkage in trade volume, among
exchange rate has impact on inflation and the others, possibly cause the exchange rate to rise
impact is more relatively reflect in consumer in Turkey. In addition, according to Alsamara
prices, and that, the increase in imports tends to & Zouhair Mrabet (2018) and Dineri and Çütçü
increase the rate of inflation. The same result (2020), the increase in the exchange rate in
found by Baraka et al (2022) that exchange rate Turkey negatively affects investment
depreciation deteriorates trade balance. expectations which slows the economy. The
Contrarily, Nigusse et al. (2019) found that, monetary authority of Turkish, thus, need to
among others, soaring of exchange rate reduces pay an urgent attention to its exchange rate and
consumer prices. However, the role of the target a float rate for sustaining and stabilizing
authority is crucial in determining the degree of the economy of the country. Possibly, such
the effect of exchange rate fluctuations. action will more liberalize the economy and
Nonetheless, our results support the Dineri and bring the exchange rate back to a point of
Çütçü’s (2020) findings who pointed that the equilibrium and control the rand in the face of
possible reason for increase in exchange rate in volatility of Turkish Lira.
Turkey is the consequences of weak The diagnostics of the forecast ARIMA
macroeconomic policies, adverse effects of model is presented in Table 3. It shows that the
22 Muhammad et al./Journal of Arid Zone Economy 3(1): (2024) 11–24
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