Panic at The Dojo PATCH'D UP Update v5

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Panic at the Dojo PATCH’d UP v5

August 13, 2024 Edition

This document contains Patch Notes that update

and/or replace the rules of the base game.
A print and pdf update of the original book is in the works.

PATCH’d UP contains:
Updates to Archetypes, Forms, and Styles
Updates/Fixes to Stooges, Warriors, and Bosses
New Advancement System, so players can level up
Super Moves (unlocked at level 2)
Battle Parameters subsystem (replaces Bonuses/Penalties)
New non-combat rules: Tests, Contests, and Stance Checks
New token: Fatigue
Fixed wording and grammar, improved clarity
Adjusted Cinematic Weight, Armor, Obstacles, Movement, Tokens,
Turn Order, Damage and Action Resolution, Map Building, and more

Level XP Bonus Die +HP Benefit
1 0 - 0 Initial 3 Stances
2 5 d4 1 Gain a Super Move
3 10 d4 2 Gain a new Stance (4 total)
4 15 d6 2 Gain a Fused Archetype
5 20 d6 3 Gain a new Stance (5 total)
6 25 d8 4 Gain a second Super Move
7 30 d8 5 Gain a new Stance (6 total)
8 35 d10 5 Improve an existing Archetype
9 40 d10 6 Gain a new Stance (7 total)
10 50 d12 8 Mastery

After every fight that ends in victory, the heros gain 2 XP.
After every fight that ends in a loss, the heroes gain 1 XP.

When they reach 5 XP, Level Up! Heroes are always the same level, even
if a new player joins late. Every 5 XP, increase your level, except to reach level
10, which requires 10 XP to obtain.

Level 1 is the default state of the game, with a fully built character. Level 10
is the maximum, when you are a master with nothing more to learn.

When you Level Up, you may swap out one Form or Style for another
valid option, within any of your Stances. You cannot swap to an illegal Stance -
if you are a Frantic Hero, for instance, you must continue to have at least one
Style from each of your Archetypes.

At level 2, you gain your Bonus Die. It starts at d4 , but at every even
level after that (4, 6, 8, and 10), it increases by one size until level 10, when it
becomes the mythical d12 , an Action Die spoken of in legends, only
wielded by the mightest of martial artists who have attained perfection.
When you roll your Stance’s Action Dice at the start of your turn, you also
roll your Bonus Die and add the rolled number to your Action Pool.

At level 2, everyone gains increased HP. The bonus HP increases by 1 at

each odd level afterwards, by 1 more at level 6, and by 2 at level 10.
This HP bonus increases the amount of HP per Health Bar in each fight,
and applies to everyone - enemies and allies alike. This bonus is global and not
counted per-Hero. This does not increase the Heal Value or Shield Cap.
At level 2 and level 6, you gain one Super Move. Each Archetype has
two different Super Moves available - the Alpha Super and the Delta Super.
Alpha Supers are more straightforward and damaging, while Delta Supers are
weirder and require more skill to get the most out of them. This Super Move
can be chosen from any Archetype you have an Ability from.

Every odd Level (3, 5, 7, 9), you gain a new Stance. This Stance must be
made using the same rules as your other Stances. You can never double up on
Styles or Forms - each new Stance must be made using a Style and a Form
none of your other Stances is already using.
If you are Frantic, instead of a Stance, you gain either a new Form or a
new Style. New Styles must be chosen from within your Archetypes.

At level 4, you gain a Fused Archetype Ability from any Archetype you
do not already have an Ability from.
If you are a Focused or Fused Hero, the next Stance you gain (at level 5)
must be made using a Style from within that Archetype.
If you are a Frantic Hero, the new Style you get at level 5 must be from
this new Archetype, and you cannot take a new Form at level 5. The Fused
Ability you chose will always be active, in all of your Stances.

At level 8, you improve an existing Archetype.

If you are a Fused Hero, replace one of your Archetype Abilities with the
Focused version of that Ability.
If you are a Frantic Hero, choose one: You can either replace your Fused
Ability (from level 4) with its Focused version, or you can gain another Fused
Ability of your choice.
If you are a Focused Hero, you have a choice. You may either improve
the Fused Ability you got at level 4 into its Focused version, OR, you may
improve your Focused Ability even further. You gain the Fused Ability of that
Archetype, and its effects stack with the Focused Ability you already have
from that Archetype.

At Level 10, you have achieved total Mastery, and are beyond
comprehension. After you roll your Action Dice for the turn, select one number
in your Action Pool and change it to any number you wish, between 1 and 9.

Enemy Advancement
Enemies are always the same level as the players.

Level Boss Die Warrior Die Benefit

1 d4 - Bosses gain a Super Move
2 d4 d4 d4 Warriors gain a Super Move
3 d6 d4 d4
4 d6 d6 d6 Gain an additional Archetype
5 d8 d6 d6 Bosses gain a 4th Stance+Super
6 d8 d8 d8 Stooges gain an Archetype.
7 d10 d8 d8
8 d10 d10 d10 Improve an existing Archetype
9 d12 d10 d10
10 d12 d12 d10 Bosses gain a 5th Stance+Super

Stooges almost never improve, and become increasingly pathetic.

However, at level 6, they finally gain a Fused Ability or Villain Ability. This is
all they ever get.

Warriors add the same Bonus Die to their Stance that heroes do, except
they cannot gain the mythical d12 .

Bosses start with a d4 Bonus Die at level 1. They gain a SECOND

d4 at level 2, maintaining their superiority over warriors and heroes. At
every level after that, starting at level 3, their lowest bonus die increases by one
stage, until Bosses have two of the mythical d12 upon reaching level 10.

Bosses begin the game with a Super Move. They must choose one Super
Move from their Archetype - if they are using a Villain Archetype, they get a
unique Super Move from that Archetype. Each Villain Archetype has only
one Super Move available to it, unlike hero archetypes.

At level 2, Warriors gain a Super Move.

At level 4, Warriors and Bosses gain a second Fused or Villain Ability. A
Unit cannot have two Villain archetypes.
At level 8, Warriors and Bosses gain an Improved Archetype, turning one
of their Fused Abilities into its Focused version.

At level 5, and again at level 10, Bosses gain an additional Stance and an
additional Super Move. This Super Move must be from an Archetype one of
their existing Stance’s Styles comes from.

Super Moves
Once you reach level 2, Super Moves become available. Super Moves
are powerful attacks that can only be used once per fight.

Each Archetype has two different Super Moves available - the Alpha
Super and the Delta Super. Alpha Supers are more straightforward and
damaging, while Delta Supers are weirder and require more skill to get the
most out of them.

Super Moves all have the same Cost: In order to perform a Super Move,
you need to spend two matching numbers with a value of 3 or more. 3 and 3, or
4 and 4, or 5 and 5, and so on. If your Action Pool has no matching numbers,
you do not have an opening to use a Super Move this turn.

Super Moves cannot be used on the first Round of a fight. Otherwise,

Super Moves can be used any time you are able to perform an Action.

Each Unit can only use one Super Move per fight.

Super Moves can only be used once per side per Round. If someone on
your team has used a Super Move this Round, no one else on your side can
use a Super Move until the next Round.

Super Moves are not Actions, and do not trigger any Abilities. They
ignore your own Abilities and the Abilities of those you use them on.
Tokens cannot be used in response to Super Moves, either to modify
them with Power tokens or Weakness tokens, or to try to stop them with Iron
tokens or Control tokens. Armor still reduces the damage of Super Moves.

In a Featherweight fight, Super Moves are not allowed.

In a Worldweight Fight, two Super Moves can be used per side per Round,
and each Unit is allowed to use two Super Moves per fight, but cannot use both
on the same turn.

Super Moves are found in the Archetype Updates section, page 38.

Test Your Might

When you are faced with imminent harm, enter an appropriate
Stance and roll its Action Dice. You have one turn in that Stance to
stop the imminent harm, according to the criteria below. The exact
criteria are determined by the Test you are trying to overcome. If you
cannot meet the criteria in time, you take damage that carries over into
your next Fight. This is known as a Stance Check.
If you nearly meet the criteria, you take 3 damage. If you fail to meet
the criteria, you take 6 damage instead. Iron tokens, Armor, and Shields
cannot be used to reduce this damage (except for the Test of Blocking,
which is all about doing just that).

It is possible multiple Tests may apply to a danger. The Test that

the player must take depends on the approach they choose. If there is
an oncoming car, perhaps they could destroy its engine block and its
momentum with a Test of Impact. Or, they could take the hit with the
Test of Blocking and catch the car. Or perhaps they could try and
dodge away from it, with a Test of Evasion.
While their approach determines the Test they take, the Director
may limit their options or veto specific Tests. Not every Test is always
applicable, and they may wish to force a specific Test on you.

The primary difference between Tests of Might and Troubles

(using your Skills to solve a problem entirely) is danger. Use your Skills
to resolve situations where you are not directly in imminent harm - use a
Stance Check when danger is baring down on you.
Stance Checks may also be improved by Skills. If you have a Skill
appropriate to the Test you are attempting, you gain one bonus of your
choice, from the list below. If multiple Skills apply, choose a different
bonus for each applicable Skill.
You must choose your bonus before rolling your Action Dice.

Stance Check Bonuses:

> Gain 3 Basic tokens of your choice.
> Add to your Action Dice.
> Add to your Action Dice.
> Add to your Action Dice.
> After you roll, you may increase one of your numbers by 2.
Test of Aggression: You must destroy an incoming danger. There
is a single target with 10 HP. At the end of this turn, if you dealt 10
damage or more, you pass the test unharmed. If you dealt 6-9 damage,
you slow it down enough to take 3 damage. If you dealt 5 damage or
less, you didn’t slow it down at all, and take 6 damage.
Examples: Disable a robot assailant, tear through a barrier, or
punch out a frenzied shark.

Test of Blocking: An unavoidable danger is coming right at you. At

the end of this turn, you will take 8 damage. You may spend any number
of Iron Tokens to reduce this damage. Any damage you cannot block
will linger into your next fight.
Examples: Stop an oncoming car, endure a barrage of blows, or
catch an incoming meteor.

Test of Caution: You need patience and a steady hand to see you
through. For this test, you only need to roll your Action Dice for the turn.
If none of your Action Dice are the same number, you pass unharmed.
If only two match, you take 3 damage. If three or more numbers match,
you take 6 damage.
Examples: Disable a ticking time bomb, negotiate a hostage
situation, or perform surgery on yourself.

Test of Evasion: You must dodge or outrun the danger. If you

generate at least 15 Speed tokens, you pass the test unharmed. If you
generate 10-14 Speed tokens, you get clipped and take 3 damage. If
you generate 9 or less, you fail to avoid the danger and take 6 damage.
Examples: Drive through an active intersection, parkour through a
deadly obstacle course, or outrun an avalanche.

Test of Impact: You must obliterate the incoming danger, in one

strong impact. There is a single target with 5 HP, but it heals to full HP
after each hit it takes. At the end of this turn, if you dealt 5 damage or
more in a single hit, you pass the test unharmed. If you dealt 3-4
damage in a single hit, you slow it down enough to take 3 damage. If
you dealt 2 damage or less, you didn’t slow it down, and take 6 damage.
Examples: Destroy a falling boulder, knock a door off its hinges to
get away from a disaster, or subdue a charging bull.
Test of Many Fists: You must hit as many targets as possible in as
short a time as possible. There are three targets within Range of you at
all times, each with 1 HP. Whenever one is defeated, a new target
appears immediately.
At the end of this turn, if you defeated 8 or more targets, you pass
the test unharmed. If you defeated 5-7 different targets, you deflect most
of the danger but not all, and take 3 damage. If you defeated 4 targets or
less, you failed to make a dent in their numbers, and take 6 damage.
Examples: Catch a flurry of knives thrown at you, deflect falling
debris, or punch out a circling pack of wolves.

Test of Neutralization: You must put them down without hurting

them. There is a single target with infinite HP. If you give the target at
least 8 Common tokens, you pass unharmed. If you give them 5-7
Common tokens, they are slowed down, but you take 3 damage. If you
give them 4 Common tokens or less, you failed to disable them, and
take 6 damage.
Examples: Tranquilize a raging dinosaur, scare off some punk kids
causing trouble, or put an overpowered psychic child to sleep.

Test of Precision: You need to perform a single, perfect motion to

disable this danger. Come up short, and you suffer. Push too far, and
you suffer worse. For this test, you need to roll your Action Dice for the
turn, one at a time. You may stop rolling your Action Dice at any time. If
your Action Dice total exactly 15, you succeed. If your total is 14 or
less, you back out early, and take 3 damage for coming close. If your
total is 16 or higher, you pushed too far - take 6 damage.
Examples: Shoot a tiny target at range, cut the wick off of lit TNT
that was thrown at you, or catch a katana swung at you.

Test of Quiet: If you get spotted, you will certainly suffer for it. For
this test, you only need to roll your Action Dice for the turn. If at least
three of your Action Dice are the same number, you pass unharmed. If
only two match, you take 3 damage. If none match, you take 6 damage.
Examples: Avoid the roving search lights, evade the minotaur
within the labyrinth, or sneak past a guard post.
Test of Sisyphus: You must move something far in a short time.
You begin this test next to an object with infinite health, the “Boulder”,
that all Actions and Abilities target as if it were an enemy. If you can
push this object at least 8 squares from its initial position, you pass the
test unharmed. If you push it 5-7 squares, you take 3 damage. If you
push it 4 or less squares from its initial position, you fail to avoid the
danger and take 6 damage.
This push does not need to be all at once. If you push it 5 spaces,
use Speed tokens to catch back up to it, and push it 4 more spaces, you
will pass the test.
Examples: Pull a bus off the road before something hits it, push a
boulder in your way through the passage until you can escape, or carry
an injured ally to safety.

Test of Variety: You need to show a variety of talents and skills as

quickly as possible. At the end of this turn, each different type of token
you hold is worth 1 point. Having a Shield is worth 1 point. Having Armor
is worth 1 point. Each different damage value you hit during the turn is
worth 1 point (ie; 1 point for a 1 damage hit, 1 more point for a 2 damage
hit, but no points for a second 1 damage hit).
If you have 7 or more points, you pass unharmed. If you have 5 or 6
points, you take 3 damage. If you have 4 points or less, you fail and take
6 damage.
Examples: Parkour through an obstacle course, pass a practical
martial arts exam, or perform at a high stakes talent competition.

Stance Contests
Entirely replacing the Skill-based Contests in the initial release of
Panic at the Dojo, Stance Contests involve multiple people making
simultaneous Stance Checks with the best result taking the win. When
multiple units compete over the same thing, without fighting each other
(yet), a Contest determines who gets it.

Each unit involved in the Contest enters a Stance, and does their
best to meet a certain criteria. If they have any applicable Skills, each
applicable Skill gives them a Stance Check Bonus.
If multiple units on the same side compete in the contest together,
they each stand on their own merits. The highest result on your team is
the only one that matters. For example, in a Sumo Contest, if one
player generates 9 Iron tokens and the second gets 11 Iron tokens, and
they are working together, they both take the 11 Iron token result as
their side’s attempt to win the Contest.

The result of a Contest depends on the loser. The winners get what
they want - if the losers give up, that’s it. If the losers refuse to give up,
then the winner of the contest forces a Tilted Parameter on the losing
side(s), and a fight breaks out.
In the event of a tie, a fight MUST break out to determine the winner.
Nobody gets a Tilted Parameter - you fight evenly.

If you have a Super Move that applies to the contest, you may use it,
but this will count as your one Super Move per fight. That is, if you use a
Super Move to try to win a contest, you will not be able to use a Super
Move during the fight that follows. If you are willing to use a Super
Move to win, the next fight cannot be Featherweight.

Stance Contests may also be improved by Skills. If you have a

Skill appropriate to the Contest you are attempting, you gain one bonus
of your choice, from the list below. If multiple Skills apply, choose a
different bonus for each applicable Skill.
You must choose your bonus before rolling your Action Dice.

Stance Check Bonuses:

> Gain 3 Basic tokens of your choice.
> Add to your Action Dice.
> Add to your Action Dice.
> Add to your Action Dice.
> After you roll, you may increase one of your numbers by 2.
Big Game Contest: You must take down a massive beast, and
damage isn’t going to cut it. For each competitor, there is a single target
with infinite HP. The unit whose target is holding the most Common
tokens at the end of the turn, wins.
Examples: Catch the biggest dinosaur, put down a bear, or take out
Mayor Hogar during his speech.

Crushing Contest: A competition to break something better than

anyone else does. There is a single target with infinite HP. The unit that
deals the most damage with a single hit wins the challenge. If two hits tie
for the most damage, but one of them would have pushed the target
farther, the stronger push wins.
Examples: Smash through hardened steel, karate chop through the
most ceramic tiles, or show your master just how strong you’ve each

Dance Contest: The faster and cooler you are, the better. The unit
that has the most Speed tokens wins.
Examples: Racing to get somewhere first, a quick-draw shoot out,
or an actual dance-off.

Hundred-Hand Contest: You must hit as many targets as possible

in as short a time as possible. There are three targets within Range of
each contestant at all times, each with 1 HP. Whenever one is defeated,
a new target appears immediately. At the end of this turn, whoever
defeated the most targets wins.
Examples: Defeat more henchman than your rival, deflect more
falling debris than they do, or compete in a flurry of blows.

Fencing Contest: You need consistent results over several rounds.

For this contest, you only need to roll your Action Dice for the turn.
Whoever has the most matching numbers in their Action Pool, wins. If
there is a tie in the amount of matching numbers, the higher value on the
matching numbers wins (example: three 6’s will beat three 4’s).
Examples: A game of chess or bowling or darts, fight through the
preliminaries in a tournament, or win a fencing match.

Gambling Contest: You need to rely on luck… with maybe a little

cheating. For this contest, you only need to roll your Action Dice for the
turn. Whoever has the highest individual number in their Action Pool,
wins. If the numbers tie, compare the next highest numbers in each
side’s Action Pool, until you compare a pair of numbers that do not tie.
Examples: Make a bet on something frivolous, play out a game of
poker, or spin the roulette wheel and pray.

Javelin Contest: The farthest throw will take the day. Each contest
begins next to an object with infinite health, their “Javelin”, that all
Actions and Abilities target as if it were an enemy. Whoever pushes
their javelin farthest from its initial position wins the contest.
Examples: A Home Run contest, a competing bus pull, or an actual
javelin toss.

Macho Contest: Whoever shows the most guts will wins. There is a
single target with infinite HP. The unit that deals the most total damage
to the target wins the challenge.
Examples: Shouting and stancing up at each other, Street Fighter’s
car destruction minigame, or showing off to one another in stupid ways.

Negotiation Contest: You need to talk circles around the other guy.
For this contest, you only need to roll your Action Dice for the turn.
Whoever has the least matching numbers in their Action Pool, wins. If
nobody has any matching numbers, then the highest number wins. If
everybody has matching numbers, then the highest value pair wins.
Anyone with three or more matching numbers automatically loses.
Examples: An argument, a legal procedure, or a barter.

Sumo Contest: Whoever can endure the longest will win. The unit
that has the most Iron tokens wins.
Examples: An eating contest, trying to stay standing in river rapids
longest, or avoiding being pushed out of a ring.

Survival Contest: Terrible danger is coming, and you need to

weather it better than they do. At the end of the turn, you will each take
three 5-damage hits in a row. Whoever took the least HP damage from
this assault wins the challenge.
Unlike a Test, this damage does not carry over into the Fight ahead.
Examples: Survive an avalanche, deflect a hail of incoming gunfire,
or drink poison and tough it out.

Wrestling Contest: You need to overwhelm them with pure

strength. The unit that has the most Power tokens wins.
Examples: Deadlift more than they can, arm wrestle on top of a
barrel, or pin the other one down in a contest of wrestling skill.

Battle Parameters
Battle Parameters replace the Bonuses and Penalties system.

Battle Parameters are global modifiers to a fight that change the basic
rules of how the fight works. They come in three types: Arena Parameters,
Tilted Parameters, and Victory Parameters.

Arena Parameters modify the rules of the battlefield. You may have
multiple Arena Parameters in play at a time, but only one Parameter that
replaces the Outside can be used at a time (Cage Match, Endless Field,
Pyroclasm, or Trick Room).
If a battle has no Arena Parameters, the battlefield is played under normal
rules, with Free Placement and Unit Deployment unchanged.

Arena Parameters include: Cage Match, Endless Field, Factory, Icy Floor,
Pyroclasm, Second Floor, Traffic, and Trick Room.

Cage Match: A small arena with no Outside. Cage Match arenas are
half the size of a standard arena - so instead of a 13x13 square, it would be
between a 6x6 square. Instead of a 8x8x8 Hex, it’d be a 4x4x4 hex. The outside
of the map is entirely inaccessible - if you reach the edge of the Arena, there is
simply nowhere left to go.
All Units in a cage match must be placed along the outside edge, during
unit placement. Do not place any obstacles during Free Placement.

Endless Field: A massive arena with no edge. There is no Outside of

this Arena: if you reach the edge of the grid, extend the grid further in that
direction. The grid proceeds endlessly in all direction.
All units must be placed within 10 spaces of all other units during unit
placement. Do not place any obstacles during Free Placement.

Factory: This map takes place in an active and mobile factory or

warehouse. Each player draws one Conveyor Belt onto the map. Conveyor
Belts are one space wide and only travel in straight lines, although they may
each make one turn. Draw an arrow to represent the direction of each Conveyor
Each conveyor belt must have an empty space at the entrance to the belt,
and another space after the end of the belt, which is filled with either a Trap, a
Pit, or Rubble. Traps represent a furnace or active machinery, Pits represent a
chute that dumps whatever is on the belt, and Rubble represents piled up
goods that need to be sorted.
At the end of every single Turn, every unit and every obstacle on a
conveyor belt is pushed one space in the direction the arrow is pointing. Anyone
may spend 1 Iron token or 1 Speed token to negate this movement for

Icy Floor: The arena is slippery, from ice or soap or grease. After
EVERY movement a unit makes, it must move one additional space in the
same direction. This applies after every single space of Free Movement, and
after the last space of a action movement or forced movement. For example, if
you were pushed 2, after you complete the push, move one more space in the
same direction.
Teleports and swaps do not apply this extra movement. If your movement
was stopped short by moving into Rubble or a Pit, you do not apply this extra
If this extra movement would move you into a Wall or Rubble, do not apply
this extra movement. If this extra movement would move you into another Unit,
push them 1 space, then enter the space you pushed them from. (This push will
make them slip an extra space, as above).

Pyroclasm: This fight is surrounded by and/or takes place above an

acid pit, a lava flow, or some other terrible danger. The Outside of the map is an
endless field of Traps. The Grid continues endlessly, but every space outside of
the initial map contains only pain Traps.
Any Pits on the map become Pit Traps, as the dangerous environment
leaks into the Pit. At the end of each Round, all Rubble on the map is replaced
with Pit Traps, as they crumble away into the danger below.
Traps or Pits that are removed or destroyed are replaced with Rubble - any
fix in the floor is temporary at best and requires caution to move through.

Second Floor: The map is split into two separate maps, with Stairs
connecting them. As Free Movement, it takes two Speed Tokens to move up
the Stairs from the first floor to the second floor. It only takes one Speed token
to move down to the first floor from the second floor, using any Pit space or
Stairs space you are standing adjacent to.
These two maps are the same size and line up with one another. Pits on
the top floor take you down to the bottom floor, in the same space as above.
The director should include a lot of Pits on the top floor, to enable mobility
between the two.
Anyone on the first floor who is under a Pit on the second floor may spend
3 Speed tokens to move up to the second floor, in any space adjacent to that Pit
on the second floor. This is

Traffic: Parts of this map have active danger. While this is usually in the
form of moving cars, Traffic could also be used to represent an avalanche,
active machinery, construction, or any other repeated, clear danger.
When the Arena is created, the Director highlights an area as the Danger
Zone. Most of the time, there is no active danger here - you can fight and place
obstacles and move through the danger zone without issue. Between rounds is
a different story.
Anyone who is currently in the Danger Zone at the end of each Round
takes 5 damage. Armor and Iron tokens may reduce this damage.

Trick Room: The map folds in on itself. There is no Outside beyond the
edge of the map - instead, if you move off the map, you arrive on the opposite
side of the map, in the same row or column.
While in a Trick Room, you can move off the map of you own volition, using
any type of movement.

Tilted Parameters apply to only one Side of a fight, creating uneven

circumstances and difficult fights. A fight can have as many Tilted Parameters
in play as there are sides to a fight (so usually two, sometimes three), with each
side having one Tilt applied to it.

Tilted Parameters include Chained Down, Disarmed, Enraged, Handcuffs,

Keep Em Coming, Overwhelming Power, Too Slow, and Weakened State.

Chained Down: Each unit on the Tilted side places a Wall next to them
during setup. Label this wall with their name - Rex's Wall, for instance They
cannot move more than 3 squares away from that Wall. If that Wall is destroyed,
they cannot move more than 5 spaces away from the Rubble it leaves behind. If
that Rubble is destroyed, they are freed from their chains and may move freely.
These special named walls are immune to Open The Path.

Disarmed: Every unit on this side has lost their weaponry or special
attacks. Their Range is set to 1, regardless of their Stance. This Range is not
increased by Abilities.
This Tilt can be used as an Arena Parameter instead, and if it is, apply its
effects to everyone.

Enraged: This side cannot think straight. Whenever anyone on this side
is dealt damage by an enemy, they gain the Challenge token of that enemy,
and must discard any Challenge token they already hold.
Challenge tokens granted this way do not trigger the Angel Abilities.

Handcuffs: Every non-Stooge unit on this side is handcuffed to one

other non-Stooge unit, either on their side or the opposing side. You can never
move more than 1 space away from the unit you are handcuffed to.
If one of you is pushed or pulled, the other is teleported adjacent to where
they moved to. When one of you uses Free Movement, the other is pulled along
after each space.
If either of you is removed from play, both of you are. If one of you falls to
zero HP, the other gains 3 Fatigue tokens, but can otherwise move freely.

Keep Em Coming: You didn't get to rest after the previous fight. You
start this fight at half HP or the HP you ended the last fight with, whichever is
higher. You also start this fight with half as many Burning, Fatigue, or
Weakness tokens as you were holding at the end of the previous fight, rounded
up. Any damage you took from Tests between these two fights is applied
AFTER you find your starting HP for this fight.

Overwhelming Power: Your side is outmatched. At the start of each

turn, the unit taking the turn gains 1 Power token, 1 Iron token, and 1 Speed
token... unless it is your side's turn, in which case you gain nothing. Only units
on the other side(s) gain this benefit.

Too Slow: Your side can’t keep up. At the start of every allied turn, the
active character discards their lowest die, before rolling their Action Dice for
the turn. At the start of every enemy turn, they add to their Action Dice.

Weakened State: Your side is drunk, inebriated, or poisoned, and

coming into the fight unsteady and weak. At the start of each of your side's
turns, the active character gains 1 Burning token, 1 Weakness token, and 1
Fatigue token.

Victory Parameters change the win condition of the fight. The default
victory parameter is Last One Standing - everyone on all other sides must be
Taken Out. However, total domination is not the only metric of success. A fight
can only have one Victory Parameter - if it uses none of these, it defaults to
Last One Standing, using the normal rules.

Victory Parameters include King of the Hill, Last One Standing, Outlast,
Protect The VIP, Sabotage, Secure the McGuffin, Tournament Play.

All Victory Parameters add this rule to the game, unless stated otherwise:
The Fight Must Go On!: At the end of each Round, all fighters who heal equal
to twice the Heal Value. The fight does not end when only one side is remaining
- it ends when the victory parameter has been met.

King of the Hill: The Director creates a 4x4 King Zone somewhere
inside the arena. Obstacles cannot be placed within the King Zone. At the end
of each Round, check who is inside the King Zone. If everyone in the King Zone
is from the same Side, that side wins the fight. If not, start a new round.

Last One Standing: This parameter does not use The Fight Must Go
On! rule. This is the standard Victory Parameter, and any fight without a
different Victory Parameter uses this one.
The fight ends when only one side remains in play. If everyone on all other
sides is at zero HP and/or is removed from play at the same time, the side with
remaining units wins.
Outlast: This parameter does not use The Fight Must Go On! rule.
One side is the Survivors, and the other is the Attackers. The Attackers
always take the first turn of each Round.
At the end of each round, all Attackers return to play and heal to full HP. At
the end of the third round, if there are any Survivors remaining, the Survivors
win. If there are ever no Survivors in play, the Attackers win.
If an Outlast victory parameter takes place in a three-sided fight, the third
side is Interference. If there are ever no Attackers remaining in play, the
Interference wins, and the Survivors and Attackers lose. The Survivors need to
prevent being wiped out, but they can't let the Interference fully wipe out the
Attackers either, forcing all sides to interact.

Protect the VIP: Each side nominates one VIP. At the start of combat,
each side’s VIP gains +10 max HP on their first health bar. When your side's
VIP falls to zero HP or is removed from play, the fight ends and your side loses.
Anyone can use Heroic Spirit to donate their turn to the VIP, even if they
are still in play and above zero HP. At the start of their turn, the VIP discards
any Challenge token they hold, unless the named Challenger is another VIP.
In a three-sided fight, when the first VIP falls to zero HP or is removed from
play, their side is removed from play. They can no longer interfere, and the
remaining two sides fight it out. Last team with a VIP remaining, wins.

Sabotage: One side is the Saboteurs, and the other is the Defense.
Place two Key Locations on the map - these are empty spaces and cannot have
any obstacles placed in them, other than a Bomb. The Saboteur team always
takes the first turn of each Round.
The Saboteurs gain this Action:

1+: Sabotage
Place a Bomb into an adjacent Key Location. You cannot
perform this Action while an enemy or another Bomb is in the
Key Location.

A Bomb obstacle has 5 HP, and cannot be removed by Open The Path. If
a Bomb is reduced to zero HP, it is removed from play. At the end of each
Round, each Bomb in play scores 1 Point for their team.
If the Saboteurs score 3 Points, they win. If they do not have 3 Points by
the end of the third Round, they are driven off, and the Defense wins.
In a three-sided fight, the third side are Renegades. Add a third Key Point
to the map. The Renegades side can also use the Sabotage Action, but their
Bombs score points for the Renegades team, not for the Saboteurs team. If the
Renegades reach 3 points, they win.
If both the Renegades and Saboteurs reach 3 points at the same time, the
Defense loses, and the two remaining sides must fight it out under a new
Victory Parameter. Keep everyone on the same map, but the Defense team is
removed, a new Victory Parameter is declared, no one heals up or discards
any tokens they hold, and a new Round starts.

Secure the McGuffin: Place the Important Thing into the middle of
the arena. Obstacles cannot be placed within 2 spaces of the Important Thing
during free placement. Each side places a 3x3 Control Zone in or near different
corners of the map, and their units must all start within 2 spaces of this Control
Zone. These Control Zones can never have obstacles placed within them, by
anyone at any time.
Everyone gains this Action:

1+: Grab It!

Pick up an adjacent Important Thing that is not being held.
You now hold it, and it moves with you until you drop it.
If you bring the Important Thing into your control zone, your side wins.
When someone holding the Important Thing is moved by the Action or
Ability of anyone other than themselves, they drop the Important Thing into
the space they started this move. Pushes, Pulls, Teleports, Bonus Movement -
all of these make you drop the Important Thing.
If you ever teleport, the Important Thing remains in the space you
teleported from, even if it was your own teleport Action/Ability.

Tournament Play: Official tournament play is best of three (or best of

five). There are no hazards allowed in the ring through free placement - any
hazards are placed by the organizers of the event.
At the start of each Round, everyone is placed in set positions, with each
side equidistant to one another. You will always return to this same position at
the start of each Round. Anyone Taken Out returns to play at half a health bar
of HP.
If anyone on either side is removed from play by going Outside the ring,
their side loses the Round. If two or more units on one side are reduced to zero
HP, their side loses the round.
If you reach the end of a Round without any side losing the round, that
round is a Draw, and is not counted. Nobody returns to play and nobody is
healed after a Draw round.
Once a side loses two (or three) Rounds, the fight is over, and the other
side wins.

Rules Updates
Anything listed here is changed from the base game. Anything in italics is
the reasoning for the change. Anything unmentioned is unchanged.

Cinematic Weight
The Cinematic Weight of a fight is determined by the stakes set for the fight.
Lighter fights have less on the line - a Featherweight fight might be about
paying the tab at the restaurant, and a Lightweight fight over the honor of your
idol. Heavier fights have more on the line - Heavyweight fights put injury and
livelihood on the line, and Worldweight endangers the world around you - the
fate of your neighborhood, the president, or even more valuable, your own
mother’s honor.
If a player puts their own life on the line, the fight is always Worldweight.

If you are unsure how serious a fight is, you can default to Middleweight.

Featherweight HP is 10 per Health Bar.

Featherweight Heal Value is 1. The Shield Cap is 6.
Super Moves cannot be used in Featherweight fights.

Lightweight HP is 14 per Health Bar.

Lightweight Heal Value is 2. The Shield Cap is 9.
Each side may use one Super Move per Round.

Middleweight changed to 18 HP per Health Bar.

Middleweight Heal Value is 2. The Shield Cap is 12.
Each side may use one Super Move per Round.

Heavyweight changed to 22 HP per Health Bar.

Heavyweight Heal Value is 3. The Shield Cap is 15.
Each side may use one Super Move per Round.

Worldweight HP is 26 per Health Bar.

Worldweight Heal Value is 4. The Shield Cap is 18.
Each side may use two Super Moves per Round.

The Shield Cap is equal to 2/3rds of the health bar maximum of your
current fight. The exact value is listed in each Cinematic Weight.

Fights were still going too fast, so I’ve buffed HP considerably.

1v1 Fights
The minimum health bars per side is 2 health bars.

1v1 Fights function with 2 health bars per fighter.

2v2 Fights do not need any additional health bars assigned to them.

Basic Actions
X: Grapple
Target someone within Range 1-X. Pull them up to 3 spaces.

4+: Bring It On!

Challenge any number of enemies within Range 1-3.

1+ or 3+ or 5+ or 7+ or 9+: Throw
Push an adjacent enemy 1 space.
3+: Push them 2 spaces instead.
5+: Push them 3 spaces instead, and deal 1 damage to them.
7+: Push them 4 spaces instead, and deal 2 damage instead.
9+: Push them 5 spaces instead, and deal 3 damage instead.

1+ or 4+ or 7+: Put It Out!

Remove one non-Rare token from someone within range.
4+: Remove up to two more non-Rare token from them.
7+: Remove up to two more non-Rare tokens from them.
Basic Tokens
Power Tokens can be spent once per hit, and only increase that single hit.
If an Action hits multiple targets, you must spend a Power token for each target
you wish to deal additional damage to. If an Action hits multiple times, you must
spend a Power token for each hit whose damage you wish to increase.
Power Tokens can increase both Pushes and Pulls.

Iron Tokens can be spent twice per hit, and reduce all damage and forced
movement by 1 per Iron Token spent.

Entirely remove the last paragraph of Iron Tokens. It’s just incorrect.

Using a Power Token is now known as Enhancing A Hit, for rules

convenience. Using Iron Tokens to reduce damage is known as Reducing A Hit,
also for convenience. Abilities that use those phrases only trigger when the
appropriate token is used for its default purpose, not when spent on other things
(like Token Actions).

Saving Yourself With Speed Tokens

Speed Tokens have a new feature: Saving Yourself. After any Forced
Movement that pushes or pulls you onto Rubble, a Trap, a Pit, or Outside, you
can spend 1 Speed token to move 1 Space immediately. If you do, you do not
suffer the effects of that space. You do not gain Fatigue from Rubble, take
damage from a Trap or a Pit, or get removed from play by leaving the Arena.
New Category: Common Tokens
The Common Tokens are Burning Tokens, Challenge Tokens, Fatigue
Tokens, and Weakness Tokens. Many Styles and Forms use these regularly,
and they are commonly found. While the Basic Tokens are all positive and
helpful, the Common Tokens are all hurtful debuffs.

Burning Tokens: At the end of your turn, if you have any Burning tokens,
you take damage equal to the number of Burning Tokens you hold. Then, you
discard half of your Burning tokens, rounded up.
Burning token damage cannot be reduced by Iron tokens. Burning tokens
eat through Shield HP before regular HP.

Challenge Tokens: the third paragraph has been entirely re-written:

When you hold someone's Challenge, all of your damage-dealing Actions

must include them as one of their targets. Actions without a damage-dealing
component, and Actions that do not target enemies at all, are not affected by a
Challenge. At the end of your turn, if you tried to deal damage to your
Challenger this turn, discard their Challenge (even if that damage was reduced
to zero).

The last paragraph is changed to:

If your Challenger ever leaves play or falls to zero HP, everyone holding
their Challenge discards it immediately.

Fatigue Tokens: Fatigue Tokens slow you down and prevent movement,
forcing you to rest. Fatigue Tokens eat Speed Tokens one-for-one. You can
never hold both at once.
Essentially, Fatigue tokens and Speed tokens are like matter and
anti-matter. They instantly disappear on contact with one another.

While you are holding any Fatigue tokens, your own Actions and Abilities
have difficulty moving you. Whenever you try to Move or Teleport any number
of spaces, discard 1 Fatigue token and reduce the number of spaces you would
move by 2 (to a minimum of 1).
If an Action teleports you to a specific space (like Suddenly… or Counter
Attack), you teleport to that space anyway, and still discard 1 Fatigue token.
Pushes and Pulls affect you normally and do not make you discard Fatigue.
At the end of your turn, if you did not move from the space you started your
turn, you may discard up to 3 Fatigue tokens.
New Category: Rare Tokens
Rare Tokens are tokens only used in a few places, by specific Archetypes,
Styles or Forms. These Tokens are described wherever they are generated.
Rare Tokens include Control Tokens, Chaos Tokens, Inspiration Tokens,
Training Tokens, and others. Rare Tokens share the color of the source that
generates them - purple for Archetypes, blue for Forms, or red for Styles.

New Category: Super Tokens

Some Rare Tokens are only granted by Super Moves, and these
are called Super Tokens. Super Tokens are a type of Rare Token, and they
cannot be interacted with by any Abilities or Actions. You cannot duplicate
them, discard them, or convert them into any other type of Token.

Token Cap
The maximum number of tokens you can hold is 10 tokens per token type.
If you would ever gain more tokens than that, discard the extra tokens until you
are only holding 10. Speed tokens are immune to this token cap, and you can
hold as many Speed tokens as you want.

Fog: Fog can share space on top of Traps, Pits, and/or Copies.

Rubble: Replace the sentence “If you move onto Rubble using Free
Movement, you must discard 1 Speed Token” with:

After you move onto Rubble using Free Movement or Forced Movement,
you gain 1 Fatigue Token. This does not apply to teleports or Action Movement.
If you are pushed or pulled onto Rubble with Forced Movement, you may
spend 1 Speed Token to save yourself before you gain Fatigue.

Copies: Replace the whole description with the following:

Copies are replicas of yourself. Every Copy is named after the person they
are a Copy of (Dr. Winter’s Copy, for example). The named person is their
Original. Copies can be targeted as either enemies or as obstacles, but cannot
be targeted as allies.
When the Original takes an Action, they may use that Action as though
they were in the location of one of their Copies. Any tokens, healing, or shields
that would be granted to a Copy by an Action it performs are granted to the
Original instead. If that Action would cause you to move, move your Copy
You can move your Copies with Free Movement, by spending Speed
tokens on them just as you would for yourself.
Abilities that provide a passive benefit within range are not applied through
your Copies, unless they say so specifically. Abilities that modify Actions you
perform still apply normally, even if your Copy uses them.
Anything done to a Copy only happens to that Copy, and is not reflected
onto the original. Copies have 1 HP. Copies cannot hold tokens or shields. If a
Copy is reduced to zero HP, it is destroyed.
Copies count as players, for the purposes of occupying spaces. That is,
they are Full Space, but can share their space with any Empty Space obstacles.
When a Copy is created, it does not destroy Fog, Rubble, and Traps at its
location, and vice versa. Copies can share space with Fog, Rubble, and Traps
(although the damage dealt by Traps will destroy them).

Walls: When a Wall is destroyed by any means, replace it with Rubble.

Traps: Traps can only deal damage once per turn. They deal damage
when someone moves into their space, and also at the end of each turn.
If you are pushed or pulled onto a Trap with Forced Movement, you may
spend 1 Speed Token to save yourself before you take damage.
Traps can share space with Copies, Fog, or Pits, although they will kill any
Copy in their space when the Trap’s damage trigger goes off.

Obstacle Targeting
Copies, Rubble, and Walls may be targeted by damage-dealing Actions,
as if they were an enemy.
If a Copy takes damage, it is destroyed.
If a Rubble takes 2+ damage from a single hit, it is destroyed.
If a Wall takes 2+ damage from a single hit, it is destroyed and replaced
with Rubble.
Edges Rework
Edges are a fun idea implemented poorly, and have been the main
frustration of new players of Panic at the Dojo for ages. I am reworking them by
splitting them into two categories: Pits, and Outside.
“Edge” is being entirely removed as a game term, and now only uses its
classical definition to refer to the spaces on the very outside of the Arena.

Pits: Pits are holes in the floor that you can fall in. Pits are empty space,
and can share their space with Copies, Fog, and/or Traps.
While you are in a Pit, you take 1 less damage from all Actions or Abilities
from Range 3+. Within Range 0-2, Pits provide no damage reduction. In
addition, all Forced Movement against you is reduced by 1, to a minimum of
zero spaces moved. It is difficult to leave a Pit.
When you enter a Pit using Free Movement, swapping, or teleportation,
nothing happens. You simply hop down, and enter the space. When you enter a
Pit using Action Movement, that Movement immediately ends.
When you enter a Pit from Forced Movement, however, that push or pull
immediately ends, then you take 2 Fall damage. If a Pit is placed directly under
you, you take 2 Fall damage. Fall damage cannot be reduced or prevented by
any means.
When leaving a Pit’s space with Free Movement, it costs 1 additional
Speed token to do so, unless the destination space is another Pit.
If you are pushed or pulled onto a Pit with Forced Movement, you may
spend 2 Speed Tokens to save yourself before you take damage. This costs 1
extra Speed token compared to normally saving yourself, because it costs 1
Speed token to leave a Pit’s space.

Pit Trap: Shorthand name for a space that contains both a Pit and a Trap.
Pit Traps are very dangerous and easily abused with Forced Movement.

Outside: The Arena is the map a fight plays out in, and everywhere
outside of that grid is Outside. You cannot move Outside of your own volition -
Free Movement, Action Movement, and Teleportation can only enter spaces
within the Arena’s grid. If forced movement would push you Outside, you stop at
the last space on the edge of the Arena. You can only go Outside if you are
pushed while you are already on the edge of the map.
When you are pushed or pulled Outside, you may spend 1 Speed token to
save yourself, moving to any space adjacent to the edge space you were
pushed from. If you cannot pay 1 Speed token, you become Dizzy, and are
removed from play. Stooges that go Outside instead disappear forever.
Obstacle Stacking and Replacement
Updated wording for clarity. Some change in functionality with Rubble and
Walls - specifically, Rubble joins Walls in replacing all other obstacles, and all
other obstacles may be stacked on top of one another.

Most obstacles can be stacked into the same space, and do not replace
one another. Pits, Traps, Copies, and Fog can all share space together. When
you place one of those obstacles onto another obstacle from the list, they
remain in the same space together.
The damage caused by Traps will kill a Copy in their space at the end of
the turn, but they are allowed to share that space until then. A Pit placed under
a Copy will destroy that Copy with fall damage.
On the other hand, Rubble and Walls are exclusive obstacles, and can only
exist in a space by themselves. Whenever Rubble or a Wall is placed into a
space, remove all other obstacles from that space first. Whenever another
obstacle is placed on top of Rubble or a Wall, remove that Rubble or that Wall
before placing the new obstacle.
Obstacles cannot be placed on top of themselves. You cannot place a Pit
onto an existing Pit to trigger more fall damage, and you cannot place a Trap
onto an existing Trap to reset its once per turn damage limit. Other obstacles
cannot replace themselves either, but I cannot see a benefit to doing so

While you are Taken Out, your Abilities are mostly deactivated, but not
completely. Any part of an Ability that targets enemies or allies doesn't apply.
Any part of an Ability that would provide passive rules or effects does not apply.
What DOES apply are the parts that affect only yourself. Shadow Form still
gives yourself Speed tokens, which you keep even while Taken Out. Vigilance
Form still heals you, letting you pick yourself back up.
If an Ability gets you back to a positive HP number, your Abilities return
online and work as normal. If you heal as the first part of an Ability (such as
with the new Angel Archetype Abilities), you may continue to use the rest of
that Ability, now that you are no longer Taken Out.

Armor Rework
Armor is a once per turn, automatic block. The first time each turn that you
take damage, if you have Armor, reduce that damage by 3. This can apply to
any type of damage, including Fall damage, burning token damage, Super
Move damage, or damage dealt by a Trap.
HP costs (such as paying for Lash Out, Heart Strike, or Forbidden Style)
are not damage, and so they are not reduced by Armor.
Armor now stacks, as well. If you have Armor from two sources, such as
being in Lucky Iron Stance, then your Armor can trigger twice per turn.

The Comeback Rule

Previously the Boss Comeback Rule.

At the start of your turn, if you are removed from play, you may pay 3 HP to
enter the battlefield in any empty space within 3 spaces of the Arena’s edge. If
you choose not to pay this cost, or cannot pay this cost, you instead give your
Heroic Spirit to an ally who is in play.
At the start of a new Round, everyone who is removed from play may
return to play in any empty space within 3 spaces of the Arena’s edge, without
paying any HP to do so.
Stooges cannot use the Comeback Rule. If they are all removed from play,
the Stooges are permanently defeated.

Taken Out: Zero HP vs Removed From Play

Updated wording for clarity. Change in zero HP and removed from play
functionality, as well.

A character is Taken Out while they are at zero HP, while they are
removed from play, or while both are true.

A character who is Taken Out cannot take Actions, cannot move under
their own power, cannot spend tokens, and cannot take their own turn. If a
character who is Taken Out is the active character, they still get to change
stance at the start of the turn and use relevant Abilities in Phase 2, but if they
are still Taken Out by Phase 3: Heroic Spirit, they will give their turn to an ally.

A character at zero HP remains in play in their space, but they are now
Empty Space. Enemies and allies can walk over them freely. They can be
targeted by Actions, but can only be affected by healing or forced movement.
They cannot take damage or be given tokens by other units.

A character who is removed from play can return to play with the
Comeback Rule, above. Stooges that leave play are gone forever. A unit
removed from play is not in any space, and cannot be targeted by any Actions
or affected by any Abilities, except for the Rescue Basic Action.

I am updating the movement rules to be clearer, and more in line with how
movement functions in play. Free Movement is not even close to the only type
of movement, but it is the only one discussed in the Tactical Combat chapter.

Movement comes in 6 types: Free Movement, Action Movement,

Teleportation, Swapping Spaces, Forced Movement, and Saving Yourself.
Each has specific times they can be used, and rules for when they are in use.

Movement can only be used to enter empty spaces, regardless of the

movement type. You cannot enter full spaces. A full space is any space with a
Wall, a Copy, or another Unit already occupying it.

Free Movement
Free Movement is performed using Speed Tokens, and there are three
main opportunities when you can use Free Movement. During those
opportunities, you may move as often as you’d like, as long as you have Speed
tokens. You cannot use Free Movement outside of these opportunities.
If you are the Active Character of the current turn, you may use Free
Movement before each Action you perform.
If you are not the Active Character of the current turn, you may use Free
Movement during the Early Movement Phase of the turn.
Regardless of who you are, you may use Free Movement during the Late
Movement Phase. This is your last chance to do so before discarding Speed
Tokens during the End Phase of the turn.
To use Free Movement, you need to have Speed Tokens. If you do, you
may move one space at a time, then discard Speed Token(s) to pay for that
movement after. If you still have Speed Tokens, you may continue to use Free
Movement. If you run out of Speed Tokens, you cannot use Free Movement.
On a Hex Grid, moving in any direction only costs 1 Speed token.
On a Square Grid, moving orthogonally (North, East, South, West) costs 1
Speed token. Moving diagonally (NE, NW, SE, SW) costs 2 Speed tokens.
Moving out of a Pit costs 1 additional Speed Token. Moving onto Rubble
gives you 1 Fatigue token. Moving into a Trap triggers that Trap, dealing 1
damage to you. You cannot use Free Movement to go Outside.

If you have 2 or more Speed Tokens, you may spend 2 Speed Tokens to
swap spaces with an adjacent ally. This is both Free Movement and a swap.
Action Movement
Action Movement is any movement granted by Actions or Abilities. It
does not matter who used the Action or Ability - if it tells you to move, you
must move. You always control your own Action Movement. When you use
Action Movement, you cannot repeat spaces - any space you entered as part
of this same movement is not available as a space to enter again.
When an Action or Ability tells you “move X spaces,” you must move
EXACTLY that many spaces. If it says “up to X spaces,” you may stop early.
If it says “Move until X”, you must continue moving until that condition is
met. For example, if an Action says “Move until you are adjacent to that
enemy,” you must move until you are in a space adjacent to them. When
moving in this way, you must use the shortest route possible.
If you move onto a space with Rubble or onto a Pit, your movement ends

Teleportation is exclusively granted by Actions and Abilities, but differs
from standard movement. When you teleport, you directly enter the destination
space, ignoring all spaces between you and your destination. Teleportation is
also safe - if you teleport onto Rubble, a Pit, or a Trap, you do not take damage
or gain Fatigue. The Icy Floors Parameter does not cause additional
movement when you Teleport.
When you are told to teleport X spaces, it means you can teleport to any
space within Range 1-X. So “Teleport 3 spaces” means “Teleport to any empty
space within Range 1-3.”

Swap Spaces
When an Action or Ability tells you to swap spaces, both you and your
target move simultaneously. This is a teleport for both of you. You teleport
directly into the space of your target, and your target teleports directly into the
space you swapped from.
When you have an opportunity to use Free Movement and you have 2 or
more Speed Tokens, you may spend 2 Speed Tokens to swap spaces with an
adjacent ally. This is both Free Movement and a swap.
Forced Movement
Forced Movement comes in two types: Pushes, and Pulls. All Forced
Movement can be reduced using Iron Tokens. The target of your Forced
Movement may spend up to 2 Iron tokens to be pushed or pulled that many
spaces less than the full effect would have pushed them.
When you Push someone, each space you push them must be farther
away from you than the previous space. You do not need to push them directly
away from you, or even in a straight line. If they hit a Wall and still have spaces
to be pushed, you can push them left or right along the wall, such that they still
keep being pushed farther away from you, you can push them along the Wall.
When you Pull someone, each space you pull someone must be closer to
you than the previous space. If you pull someone who is already adjacent to
you, you pull them into any space you are both adjacent to. Effectively, you spin
them around you freely.
Rubble, Pits, and the Outside stop Forced Movement. If you push or pull
someone into a space with a Pit or Rubble, or into the Outside, that movement
ends immediately, regardless of how many spaces of movement you had left to
push them. Pits will then deal fall damage, and Rubble will then give a Fatigue
Token, and the Outside will then remove them from play, unless they can Save

Save Yourself
After the last space you are moved using Forced Movement, you get a
chance to Save Yourself. You cannot save yourself sooner - only on the last
space of that push or pull.
To Save Yourself, simply spend 1 Speed token, then move one space in
any direction. This gives you a limited amount of fall control, preventing foes
from having total control of your movement outside of the limited Free
Movement opportunities. You can always Save Yourself after any Forced
Movement, even if the destination space is not dangerous.

If the destination space IS dangerous, Saving Yourself lets you avoid that
danger. If you Save Yourself from a Rubble space, you do not gain 1 Fatigue. If
you Save Yourself from a Trap, it does not deal damage to you. If you Save
Yourself from a Pit, you do not suffer fall damage. If you Save Yourself from the
Outside, you are not removed from play.
Rubble, Pits, and the Outside stop your Forced Movement immediately
upon entering them, so you always have the opportunity to Save Yourself from
these obstacles.
Pits cost 1 extra Speed Token to leave their space, so it will cost 2 Speed
Tokens to Save Yourself from a Pit.
Traps do not stop your Forced Movement early. If you are thrown through
Traps, those Traps will trigger without giving you an opportunity to Save
Yourself, until the last space of that Forced Movement.
Standard Map Sizes
The standard size of a Panic at the Dojo arena is about 140-180 spaces.
While that is large, it is necessary to accommodate the large pushes and
potential swarms of obstacles and enemies within the game.
It is recommended that you play Panic on a hex grid, as that removes
nearly all of the strangeness of the movement and range system inherent in the
diagonal movement of square grids. However, if you prefer squares, feel free to
continue to use them. The rules accommodate both options.

Average uniform Arena: 8x8x8 Hexes, or 13x13 squares.

Average squished Arena: 6x6x13 Hexes, or 9x18 squares.
Average long, narrow Arena: 4x4x22 Hexes, or 7x28 Squares.

Every space on the border of the arena is either blank or a Wall, so the
arena is a little smaller than those numbers indicate. Beyond this grid is the
Outside, where anyone sent is removed from play temporarily.
It is recommended that over half of the Arena’s edge are Walls, but exactly
which spaces are Walls and which are blank are up to the Director’s choice.
Smaller and more complexly shaped arenas need more Walls, while larger and
more open maps need Walls less.
When fighting indoors, all of the outer edges should be Walls, with some
gaps for windows and doors people can be thrown through. It is worth noting
that ring outs are still possible in an arena with only Walls - you simply need to
destroy or move the Walls first.

Unit Placement

Once the grid has been drawn and Free Placement has been completed,
the enemys place themselves onto the battlefield. The most important unit is
placed first and can be placed where they wish - everyone else on their side
must be placed within 5 spaces of this unit.
Then, the heroes may place themselves wherever they wish, with two
caveats: Any two heroes cannot be more than 7 spaces away from any other
hero, and no hero may be placed within 3 spaces of an enemy.
If there is a third side, they also place themselves now, using the same
rules as the heroes did.
Health Bars and Seeing Stars
When a Health Bar becomes zero, it breaks and you become Dizzy until
the end of this turn. If it was your last Health Bar, you are also Taken Out.
While you are Dizzy, you cannot take damage, you cannot perform
Actions, and you exit your current Stance. You cannot enter a new Stance
until you take a turn. You still become Dizzy even if you were Taken Out - if an
ally heals you, you will get up, but you won’t be in a Stance until the next time
you take a turn.
While you have no Stance, your Range is 1. Your Archetype Abilities and
Build Abilities still apply, but anything your Stance gave you - Form Abilities,
Style Abilities, Unique Actions - is not available to you.
Becoming Dizzy is especially dangerous for Reversal and Shadow Forms,
or other Styles that do similar things, because you will lose your held numbers
and speed tokens that you would normally keep.

Combat Start
Before Combat, determine Stakes, and set the Cinematic Weight. Any
consequences of Tests or Contests are applied now - usually, this is damage
from Tests, or choosing a Tilted Parameter for the losing side of a Contest.

At the start of combat, the first step is to apply any Battle Parameters.
Once that is done, the Director draws the map and decides if each space on the
arena’s edge is a Wall or blank. Then, Free Placement is used to generate
obstacles. Once all that is done, apply Unit Placement.

At the start of the first Round, before anyone takes a turn, each fighter
must declare their Stance. The Enemies declare first, starting with Stooges,
then Warriors, and then Bosses. You must remain in that Stance until the start
of your second turn - your first turn will be in the declared Stance.

New section entirely. It was unclear if combatants were in any Stance

before their first turn rolled around, so this clarifies that. This also clarifies when
each step of making the battle map and placing units is considered.

Round Start
At the start of each Round, anyone who is removed from play may return to
play in any empty space within 3 spaces of the edge of the Arena. This is part of
the Comeback Rule.

The Turn, Step-by-Step

1. Stance Select Phase

The active character chooses their Stance. On your first Turn of the first
Round of combat, skip this phase - you must fight in the Stance you chose
during Combat Start.
Then, apply the Comeback Rule: If the active character is currently not in
play, they may pay 3 HP to return to play in any empty space within 3 spaces of
the edge of the Arena. If they choose not to pay this cost, or cannot pay this
cost, you must grant your Heroic Spirit in phase 3.

2. Start of Turn Phase

Each character resolves all start of turn Abilities, in an order of the active
player's choice.
If the active character is Taken Out by being at zero HP, their Abilities that
target others or apply passive effects do not apply. If they have an Ability that
would apply only to themselves, such as an Ability that heals themselves or
gives themselves tokens, it still applies, even while Taken Out.
If a Start of Turn Ability heals the active character and has other effects
after that, they may resolve the rest of the Ability after being healed, since they
are no longer Taken Out. If you recover from being Taken Out during this phase,
you may apply all of your other Start of Turn Abilities, as normal.

3. Heroic Spirit Phase

If the active character is Taken Out, they now use Heroic Spirit to choose
an ally. That ally will be the active character, from phase 5 onward. They remain
in their current Stance and do not roll any of their own Action Dice - they will
use the Action Dice you roll in phase 4.

4. Action Dice Phase

Roll the Action Dice determined by your Stance. Those numbers are
added to your Action Pool for this turn, unless you donated them with Heroic
Spirit. In that case, they are instead added to the Action Pool of the unit you
chose with your Heroic Spirit.
Any Abilities that add additional Action Dice are applied before you roll.
Any Abilities that modify the numbers in your Action Pool apply after your roll.
In the event of a Heroic Spirit turn, Abilities that modify your Action
Pool’s numbers after rolling are applied by the new active character, NOT by
the player donating their numbers. Abilities that modify the Action Dice you
roll are applied by the player rolling the dice, NOT by the new active character.

For example, if a Punk donates their turn with Heroic Spirit, they will NOT
give away the number generated by the Punk Ability. On the other hand, if
someone else donates their turn with Heroic Spirit to a Punk, the Punk Ability
will work as normal, adding its number for their Action Pool.
Meanwhile, Styles like Ten Thousand Style, Lucky Style, or Forbidden
Style modify the actual Action Dice of your Stance, which are rolled in this
phase by the initial active character. When using Heroic Spirit to change the
active character, the new active character does not roll any dice, so even if they
are in a such a Style, they will not add its bonus dice to their Action Pool.

5. Early Movement Phase

At this time, all characters other than the active character get a chance to
use Free Movement, if they have any Speed tokens. If no characters have
Speed tokens, skip this step. If multiple do, your allies move first, in whatever
order they desire, and then your enemies move, in whatever order they desire.

6. Action and Reaction Phase

The active character takes Actions, one at a time, until they cannot or
choose not to. Before each Action they take, the active character may use Free
Movement. After each Action the active character takes, all other characters
get the chance to take ONE (1) Reactive Action each.
Reactive Actions include: Token Actions; Free Actions; extra actions
granted by held numbers (Reversal Form, Patience Style, the Sing Along
Action, etc); using an Inspired token to grant an Action Die; using a Chaos
token to take an immediate Action; or anything else an Ability allows you to do
during someone else's turn.
Allies get the chance to use Reactive Actions before enemies do.
Once all Reactive Actions are resolved, the active character regains
priority, and may take another Action. When the active character has no more
Actions to resolve, all other characters may each make one last Reactive
Action, if they have any, then move on to phase 7.

7. Late Movement Phase

At this time, everyone with remaining Speed Tokens gets a chance to use
Free Movement. The active player moves first, then their allies may move, and
then their enemies may move.

8. End Phase
First, each character resolves all End of Turn Abilities, in an order of the
active player's choice. Anyone who gains Speed tokens now may immediately
spend them, before continuing with the rest of this phase.
Next, Traps deal 1 damage to each character standing on one. A Trap that
has already dealt damage this turn does not deal damage again.
Then, resolve all tokens: Burning Tokens deal damage equal to the
number you hold, then you discard half of them (rounded up). Challenge tokens
are removed if the character holding it attempted to deal damage to their
Challenger this turn. All characters discard their Speed Tokens. If the active
character did not move from their starting space this turn, they may discard up
to three Fatigue tokens.
Finally, every player empties their Action Pool.

Damage Resolution
When someone deals damage to someone else, go through these steps to
calculate the damage dealt. The one dealing damage is the Attacker, and the
one taking it is the Target.

1. Determine the base damage. This is usually a flat number listed in the
Action, but may be improved by things like Training Tokens or Take Aim. This
number is modified during the remaining steps.
2. If the attacker has Weakness tokens, discard one and reduce the
damage by 2. This can make the damage into a negative number.
3. Weird effects go here. Heroic Style’s Ability that splits damage,
Guardian* Style’s Ability that redirects damage, Rising* Style’s once per turn
damage boost, etc.
4. The attacker may now spend one Power token to increase the damage
dealt and the push applied by the number of tokens spent. Only Actions that
would apply a push have the push increased by spending Power - Actions with
no push involved only have their damage boosted.
5. The target may now spend up to two Iron tokens to reduce the damage
dealt and the push applied by the number of tokens spent.
6. If the damage number is still 1 or higher, and you haven’t used your
Armor yet this turn, reduce the damage by 3. If the damage is zero or less, you
keep your Armor and do not spend it.
7. If the final number is positive, reduce their health by that much, then the
Attacker applies all on-hit and on-damage effects to the target. If the final
number is zero or negative, you deal no damage and trigger no on-damage
effects, but on-hit effects are still applied.
8. If the target has any Abilities that trigger from taking damage or being
hit, those apply now. If the final damage was zero, do not trigger any
on-damage effects.

Effectively, the order to apply damage modifiers is WEPIA - Weakness

Effects Power Iron Armor. Weakness tokens apply automatically, then 1 Power
token may be applied to enhance the hit, then Iron tokens may be applied to
reduce the hit. Finally, if you would still take damage and your Armor has not
triggered yet this turn, your Armor reduces that damage by 3.

*This Style is found in Panic at the Dojo: Second Strike


Action Resolution
When you perform an Action, follow these steps in order.

1. Declare your Action. Pay any Costs required, and set the value of X (if
applicable). Determine which Gates you will go through, and if it is not all of
them, determine where your Action will stop. If you have Poltergeist Tokens
and want to modify this Action, you must spend them and choose their effects
2. If an enemy whose range you are within has Control Tokens, they get
the option to Negate or Steal your Action now. If they Negate, the Action ends
here. If they Steal, the Action continues, but now they will perform it.
3. Go through the Action in order, as it is described. Declare targets as
they come up in the Action. Make any Choices as they come up. You cannot
make a Choice you’ve already Chosen, and Choices only happen in the order
listed. If you reach a Gate you did not pay for, the Action ends.
4. Once the Action has been resolved, any Abilities that trigger after
Actions are now applied and resolved. The Abilities of the user resolve first,
then the Abilities of any targets resolve next. Then, the Action is over.

Maximum Action Pool

You can never have more than 10 numbers in your Action Pool. Ten (10)
is the maximum. If you would ever have 11 or more numbers in your Action
Pool, you must immediately discard numbers of your choice until you get down
to 10 numbers remaining in your Action Pool.

With Reversal Form and Patient Style, it was possible to build up

arbitrarily large Action Pools over multiple turns. While fun, this is oppressive if
not dealt with, so I am putting a cap on how many numbers anyone can hold.

Meeting Heroes

Add “ Super Moves are Pink and Teal ” to the color coding section.

Updated color coding for Archetypes, to a brighter purple.

Frantic Heroes
Frantic Heroes can now ONLY choose Styles from within their three
Archetypes. There is no longer an option for one of their Styles to be any
Style in the game. All of their initial 3 Styles must match the Archetypes of one
of their initial 3 Frantic Abilities, and each Style must be from a different

Existing Builds are (mostly) unchanged, but add these Build Options:

Bulky Build
You are bigger than most, with more meat on your bones. It takes a lot to take you down.
You have +3 HP per Health Bar. For example, in a Middleweight fight, you have
21 HP per health bar, while everyone else has 18 HP per health bar.

Experimental Build
You are a product of science, a machine or a modified life form. Enemy blows do not
slow you down, and you seem unstoppable until you suddenly collapse.
At the end of your turn, you may give 1 Burning token to an enemy you dealt
damage to during this turn.

Intimidating Build
Lesser foes cower before you. Your wounds only make you look scarier. When you
finally fall, you stay standing from the hit that did it, for just a moment.
At the start or end of your turn, you may give 1 Weakness token to an enemy
within range.

Tough Build
At the end of your turn, gain 1 Iron token.

Unorthodox Build
Your fighting stance is bizarre. Hits that should hit, don’t. A hit that doesn’t look like it
would work, does. It is exhausting to keep up with you.
At the end of each enemy turn, if the active character dealt damage to you
during this turn, you give them 1 Fatigue token.

Form Updates
Only the changed parts of Forms are included here.

Forms and Styles have keywords, describing what that Style or Form is
best used for. These keywords do nothing themselves - they simply help a
player to understand what they are looking at.
Generally, if you combine a Form and a Style that share a keyword, it is
probably a good Stance. Use these keywords to help you decide your Stances.
The keywords are: Aggro, Desperation, Guard, Mobility, Ruinous, Support,
Technical, and Zoning.

Aggro Forms/Styles increase your overall damage.

Often includes Power tokens and/or damage boosting Abilities.
Aggro Forms include Blaster, One-Two, Power, Wild, and Thorns.

Desperation Forms/Styles help you recover, or do more when you are hurting.
Often includes self-healing and/or conditional buffs.
Desperation Forms include Dance, Vigilance, and Wild.

Guard Forms/Styles decrease the damage you or your allies take.

Often uses Armor, Shields, and/or Iron tokens.
Guard Forms include Iron, Reversal, and Thorns.

Mobility Forms/Styles let you pick your fights and be where you’re needed.
Often uses Speed tokens, obstacle immunity, and teleportation.
Mobility Forms include Dance, One-Two, and Shadow.

Preparation Forms/Styles set you up for your future success.

Often gives yourself basic tokens or effects that last more than one turn.
Preparation Forms include Iron, Power, and Song.

Ruinous Forms/Styles disable, slow down, and interfere with enemy plans.
Often includes abilities that limit choices and/or punish certain strategies.
Preparation Forms include Control and Reversal.

Support Forms/Styles protect or bolster yourself and your allies.

Often spreads healing, shields, movement, and/or basic tokens to allies.
Support Forms include Song.

Technical Forms/Styles involve common tokens and/or complicated effects.

Often uses Burning, Fatigue, and/or Weakness tokens.
Technical Forms include Vigilance.

Zoning Forms/Styles keep your foes away from you, with terrain and range.
Often includes long range, forced movement, and/or obstacle manipulation.
Zoning Forms include Blaster, Control, and Shadow.
Purple Dice
Each Form now has two or three Purple Action Dice. When using
the Form normally, these do nothing special and are simply part of your
Action Dice, same as the Green Dice are. Ignore their coloration.

However, some Styles or Abilities make use of these Purple Dice,

usually when combining multiple Forms into a single Stance. These
exceptions are Forbidden Style and the Vehicle Archetype (Boss
When you combine two Forms with Forbidden Style or the Vehicle
(Boss Mode) Archetype, you only roll the Purple Action Dice for your
turn, and ignore the Green Dice entirely. The Vehicle may even
combine three Forms, but it works the same - roll only the Purple Dice
for each of those three Forms, and ignore the Green Dice.

Very Important Forms Update: I am adding a little guy to all of em

Blaster Form Aggro

Alt: Dragon / Dynamo / Gold / Star Zoning

Action Dice: d8 d8 d6

3+: Amplify
Your next Action this turn has its range increased by 2 and
may apply to one additional target within range.
The extra target(s) granted by the Blaster Ability or Amplify must be
within your range, in addition to any targeting limitations provided by the Action
itself. So if the Action targets “one enemy within sight”, your extra target must
be within sight AND within range.

Small Action Dice nerf, Amplify nerf, and a clarification on how the
Blaster Ability and Amplify’s extra targets work.

Control Form Ruinous

Alt: Blizzard / Gravity / Owl / Watcher Form Zoning

Action Dice: d10 d8 d6 d4

After you spend Control Tokens, you may push the

enemy whose Action you Controlled one space.
When you add Control Form to a Style, choose one:
 Increase that Style's maximum range by 3.
 Set that Style's minimum range to 1.

3+ or 6+ or 9+: Suppression
You gain 1 Control token and may move one space.
6+: You gain 1 Control token and may move one space.
9+: You gain 1 Control token and may move one space.

Control Token: A Rare token primarily granted by Control Form.

When an enemy within your range takes an Action, you may spend one
Control Token to Negate that Action, or two Control Tokens to Steal that
Action. You may only use Control Tokens once per turn.
When you Negate an Action, they lose the cost they spent on it, and the
Action does not happen. Simply do not resolve it.
When you Steal an Action, they lose the cost they spent on it, but you
perform the Action instead. That Action uses your Range, you make all
decisions for it, and you gain any effects that it would grant to the user.
Super Moves are not Actions, and cannot be Controlled.

Added an actual Ability to Control, letting you push away the enemy
whose Action you Negated or Stole. If you Stole their Action, this push
happens after you finish performing the stolen Action. This is to give additional
incentive to actually stay in Control Form, after you’ve made your Control
Dance Form Mobility
Alt: Butterfly / Circle / Hurricane / Shuffle Desperation

Action Dice: d10 d8 d6

(Forced Movement is any Push or Pull effect)

Each time you apply Forced Movement with an Action,
you gain 1 Speed token.
At the start of each enemy turn, you gain 3 Speed tokens.

2 or 4 Speed Tokens: Dance Apart

Push an adjacent ally or enemy 1 space, then move 1 space.
4 Speed Tokens: Move one more space, then heal.
Usable once per turn.

3 Speed Tokens: Dance Together

Choose an ally or enemy within range. Pull them 1 space, then
you move 1 space, then you pull them 1 more space.
Usable twice per turn.

3 or 7 Speed Tokens: Tango

Swap spaces with an adjacent enemy, then push them 1 space.
7 Speed: Pull that enemy 2 spaces, then deal 2 damage to them.
Usable once per turn.

Dance Rework v2. Reworked its Actions, then retooled Dance’s

Abilities to better use those Actions. Dance Together (updated Dance
Partner) feels more like a dance, pulling 2 and moving yourself one.
Dance Apart is a more in-theme version of Try And Keep Up - it is a
push and an escape, that becomes a heal if you pay more for it. Also
made Tango a Token Action, so you have a Swap interruption option.
Since Dance is so Token Action-heavy, I changed the Ability to
work with them, reducing the speed token gain to do so.
Finally, Dance now gains 3 Speed per enemy turn, so you have
options on which Token Action you use to interrupt your foes. This
increase helps offset the lowered Speed token gain of the other Ability.
The first Dance Ability gains you this many Speed Tokens when
you perform one of the following Actions (not a complete list):
Basic Throw or Grapple: Gain 1 Speed token.
Dance Apart: Gain 1 Speed token.
Dance Together: Gain 2 Speed tokens.
3 Speed Tango: Gain 1 Speed token.
7 Speed Tango: Gain 2 Speed tokens.
Flamethrower: Gain 1 Speed token.
7+ Pull The Strings: Gain 3 Speed tokens
Lash Out: Gain 1 Speed token.
Relentless Ability: Zero Speed tokens, because it isn’t an Action.

Iron Form Guard

Alt: Fortress / Mountain / Turtle / Void Form Preparation

Action Dice: d8 d6 d6 d6

You have Armor. After your Armor triggers, you

gain 1 Iron token.
When you gain Speed tokens, replace half of them
(rounded up) with Iron tokens.

3+: Secure
Choose two: you gain 2 Iron tokens; an ally within range other
than yourself gains 2 Iron tokens; or heal someone within range.

3+: Contain
Choose two: place a Trap into a space within range; or pull an
enemy you can see 2 spaces; or Challenge an enemy you can see.

Armor rework, so small update to the Armor based Form.


One-Two Form Aggro

Alt: Chaos / Drill / Hound / Sky Form Mobility

Action Dice: d6 d6 d4 d4

After each damage-dealing Action you perform, you

may deal 1 damage to each enemy targeted by that
Action (whether or not the Action successfully dealt
damage to them).

Power Form Aggro

Alt: Blade / Rage / Sun / Tiger Form Preparation

Action Dice: d10 d10 d4

6+ or 9+: Crush
Deal 3 damage to an enemy within range. Enemy tokens and
enemy Abilities cannot be used in response to Crush.
9+: You may spend any number of Power tokens on this hit.

Reworded the benefit of Crush to stop all tokens, not just Iron and
Control. Now that Luck Tokens exist, and since more content will be
made in the future for Panic, this is good future-proofing.

Reversal Form Guard

Alt: Panic / Scorpion / Time / Tornado Form Ruinous

Action Dice: d8 d8 d6 d4

X: Seize The Opening

This can only be used as a Reactive Action, on someone else’s turn.
Seize The Opening cannot be used on your own turn.
Teleport 2 spaces, then if the active character is within range,
spend X on an Action that is able to target the active character.
That Action must target the active character.

“Teleport X spaces” was too strong, Seize The Opening now has a
set teleport distance.

Shadow Form Mobility

Alt: Moon / Silence / Silver / Snake Form Zoning

Action Dice: d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4

At the start and end of your turn, you gain 2 Speed tokens.
At the start of each Movement Phase, you may
move one space.
You do not discard your Speed tokens during
the End Phase.

3 Speed Tokens: Stunt

Place one Fog, Copy, Pit, or Trap obstacle into an adjacent
space, then teleport two spaces.
Added Pits as an obstacle option for Stunt to place.
Shadow can now move one space for free, twice every turn. This applies
to both the Early and Late Movement Phases, and applies every turn, even
during your own turn when you normally don’t use the Movement Phase.

Song Form Support

Alt: Melody / Symphony / Remix / Wave Form Preparation

Action Dice: d8 d6 d6 d4

At the start of your turn, choose your song: Iron, Power, or

Speed. You gain 3 tokens of the chosen type, and each ally
(other than yourself) gains 1 token of the chosen type.

1+ or 4+ or 6+: Sing Along

Choose an ally you can see. Choose one: They remove one
token they hold; they heal; or they gain 2 tokens from your song.
4+: They also choose one from the list.
6+, Once per Turn: Add a 4 to their Action Pool.

Only the 6+ Gate has a once per turn limit. The rest of Sing Along is fine
to use as often as you want.
Thorns Form Guard
Alt: Danger / Mantis / Spiral / World Form Aggro

Action Dice: 7 5 3 1

Your Action Pool is predetermined: 7, 5, 3, 1.

When you gain a Shield while you already hold a
Shield, combine them, adding their Values together.
After an enemy damages your Shield with an Action,
you deal 1 damage to them. If that damage broke
your Shield, you deal 2 damage to them instead.
At the end of your turn, you gain a 1-point Shield.

3+ or 7+: Focus
You gain a 2 point Shield. You may move one space.
7+: You gain a 4-point Shield. You may move two spaces.

The Thorns Ability to combine Shields overrides all other replacement

Shield effects. For example, the Cavalry Ability says “you… gain a 2-point
Shield and 2 Speed tokens. If [you] were already holding a Shield, increase its
value by 1 instead.” If you are in Thorns, you just gain the 2 point Shield and
combine it with your current Shield. You ignore the replacement effect, even
though you were holding a Shield, because you can apply the original effect.

Renamed from Zen to better fit its Guard/Aggro feel.

Replaced the multiple Shields mechanic with being able to combine your
Shields freely. Has a more logical maximum, removes the weirdness of Shield
timing, and lets Thorns Form go off with some Styles. Thorns feels like one of
the least used Forms, so I thought it could do with some more combo-ability.
This change would not be possible without the new Shield Cap, mentioned
on page 20 - Cinematic Weight. Since Shields are an extra health bar, their
maximum value is equal to the maximum Health Bar value of the fight.
Also, Focus gave too much HP in low-weight fights. To adjust for this, the
7+ now gives a Shield based on the Heal Value - it will be the same as it used to
be when in Worldweight fights, but toned down a bit in lower weight classes.
Also, the thorns Ability required more setup than I’d like, so I gave it a free
1-point Shield. Even if you do other things with Thorns, the thorns are there.

Vigilance Form Desperation

Alt: Bear / Eternity / Heart / Moment Technical

Action Dice: d6 d6 d6 d6

2+ or 5+: Bow Down

Give two Weakness tokens to an enemy within range.
5+: Give two Weakness tokens to an enemy within range.

3+ or 6+: Stand Strong

Heal an ally within range.
6+: Heal a different ally within range.
Vigilance Form is widely considered one of the strongest and most
annoying Forms, especially to fight against. It is a bit too strong, and I think that
mostly comes from how incredibly easy its Actions are to use.
The costs of both Bow Down and Stand Strong have been increased.
Stand Strong is also being limited to allies within range, and is unable to heal
yourself twice - each ally healed must be different, no more doubling up.
Also, you are always your own ally, so I removed the redundant text.

Update: The Weakness tokens were never the problem with Vigilance.
Buffed Bow Down’s initial effect to account for its increased cost.

Wild Form Desperation

Alt: Beast / Platinum / Soul / Storm Form Aggro

Action Dice: d10 d6 d6

For each of these conditions that is true, add d6 to your

Action Dice, to a maximum of 3d6 extra dice.
> Your current health bar is at half HP or less; - or -
if you started this fight with multiple health bars, you are
missing one or more health bars.
> Someone on your team is at zero HP; - or -
someone on your team is removed from play.
> You are at 1 HP or less.
> You are holding a Common token.
> You are holding a Rare token.

At the start of your turn, for each bonus die you failed to
acquire, you gain 1 of Basic Token of your choice (Iron, Power, or
Speed) (maximum 3 Basic tokens).

If you meet none of the conditions, you gain 3 Basic Tokens of your choice.
If you get one bonus die, you get 2 Basic Tokens of your choice. If you get two
bonus dice, you get one Basic Token of your choice. If you get all three bonus
dice, you do not get any Basic Tokens from the Wild Ability.

While Fury is quite good, Wild Form is otherwise a little underwhelming.

The extra Action Dice could be difficult to achieve, especially for Bosses. If you
didn’t get at least 2 bonus dice, Wild Form was weak.
To resolve this, I have given it a small bonus even if you don’t have any
conditions met, making it much easier to use Fury immediately. I’ve also added
two more conditions and changed some of them to be a little easier to achieve,
allowing you more ways to unlock your inner wild beast.

Archetype Updates
Each Archetype has gained two Super Moves: An Alpha Super and a
Delta Super. Additional changes to each Archetype come after the Super
Moves of that Archetype.

Some Archetype Abilities were changed to play better with the Focused
Level 8 Advancement. These include Cavalry and Trickster.

Some Archetype Abilities were changed to improve clarity or make them

function as intended. These include Angel and the descriptions for Chaos
Tokens and Training Tokens.

Many Archetype Abilities, Style Abilities, and Token Actions were

changed to prevent infinites. These include the Phantom Abilities, Elder Style,
and any damage-dealing Token Action.

Some Styles were completely rewritten, from the top. These include
Singing Style, re-written for being too boring. Zombie Style, re-written for
being too strong. And Eye of the Style, replaced for its main Ability being part
of a mechanic that has been removed from the game (Bonuses).

Many weaker Styles have been buffed, with improved Abilities or Actions,
or additional Abilities or Actions stacked on top of what they had been doing,
or in a few cases, both.
Angel is a Ruinous Guard Archetype.
Cavalry is a Support Mobility Archetype.
Cyborg is a Preparation Technical Archetype.
Demon is a Ruinous Mobility Archetype.
Flametongue is an Aggro Technical Archetype.
Gunkata is an Aggro Zoning Archetype.
Phantom is a Zoning Ruinous Archetype.
Punk is a Desperation Aggro Archetype.
Teacher is a Support Preparation Archetype.
Trickster is a Zoning Guard Archetype.
Underdog is a Desperation Preparation Archetype.
War Dancer is a Mobility Aggro Archetype.
Winterblossom is a Technical Guard Archetype.

Ruinous Guard Archetype

Heaven’s Piledriver
Deal 6 damage to an adjacent enemy. That enemy cannot use Free
Movement until after the end of their next turn.

The Angel’s Alpha Super inflicts massive damage on a single target

and slams them into the dirt so hard, they can’t move. Even if they survive
the attack, they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Siren’s Scream
Challenge and deal 2 damage to all enemies. Then, you gain a
10-point Shield.

The Angel’s Delta Super is the ultimate in drawing aggro. Enemies

must focus on you, and they will have trouble breaking through the massive
shield you’ve put together.

Focused Angel
At the start of your turn, heal 1, then Challenge an enemy you can
see and deal 1 damage to them.
After you Challenge an enemy, deal 1 damage to them and heal 1.

Fused Angel
At the start of your turn, heal 1, then Challenge an enemy you can
see. After you Challenge an enemy, you deal 1 damage to them.

Frantic Angel
At the start of this turn, heal, then Challenge an enemy you can see
and deal 2 damage to them.

Updated these to heal you first, so the Archetype’s description

that these abilities will get you back up is actually true. They
technically didn’t work as advertisted before.

Halcyon Style Range: 1-2 Guard

At the start of your turn, you may remove one token you hold.
After you remove tokens using an Action or Ability, you gain an
equal number of Iron tokens.

1+ or 3+ or 6+: Purify
Remove one token from an ally within range.
3+: Remove up to two tokens from someone within range.
6+: Remove up to two tokens from someone within range.

Judgment Style Range: 1 Ruinous

When an enemy with your Challenge token starts their turn, they
do not roll their lowest Action Die. It is discarded and unused. If
they are in a Stance that does not roll Action Dice, they get rid of
their smallest number instead.

3+: Denial
Teleport into an empty space adjacent to an enemy you can see,
then Challenge them.

Shining Style Range: 1 Support

1+ or 4+: Beacon
Pull one ally you can see up to three spaces. You and that ally
heal 1.
4+: That ally heals.

Singing Style Range: 2-4 Technical

At the start of your turn, choose a Mood: Despair, Sorrow, or Rage.

If you picked Despair, give 1 Fatigue token to all enemies.
If you picked Sorrow, give 1 Weakness token to all enemies.
If you picked Rage, give 1 Burning token to all enemies.
2+ or 5+ or 8+: Rip Chord
Give one of your Mood’s tokens to an enemy within Range.
5+: Give one of your Mood’s tokens to each enemy within Range.
8+: Give one of your Mood’s tokens to each enemy you can see.

6+: Mood Shift

Apply all of your Stance’s Start of Turn effects as this Action’s
effects. Usable once per turn. Only usable when you are the
active character.

Singing Style sings a dour song that weakens all enemies, and has
a strong tendency to change up frequently.
Mood Shift applies ALL of your Start of Turn effects as its Action.
This includes your Archetype Ability and Form Ability. As such, this
Style pairs well with Archetypes and Forms with good start of turn
Abilities, like Angel, Cyborg, Phantom, Punk, Wardancer, Vigilance
Form, Wild Form, and especially Song Form.
If you are in Singing Song Stance, Mood Shift lets you choose
both your Song and Mood, and applies both (new) Start of Turn effects.
Singing Wild does not give you extra Action Dice to roll, but it
does give you one of each Basic Token.

Winged Style Range: 1-2 Mobility

You do not take Fall Damage.

Rubble does not give you Fatigue tokens.
At the end of every turn, you may move two spaces.

1+: As The Crow Flies

Teleport four spaces.

Support Mobility Archetype

Call In The Cavalry

Your crew shows up to fight everybody for you! Deal 2 damage to all
enemies, then deal 2 damage to all enemies.

The Cavalry’s Alpha Super hits ALL enemies, whether you can see
them or not. Whether this cavalry is your clan backing you up, your biker
gang driving through the arena, your pirate crew firing the cannons, your
herd of sheep trampling everyone, your military buddies sniping from afar,
or something else is up to you - they will still find an opening and beat down
on all enemies, before running off stage.

Inspire Perfection
Remove up to 4 Common tokens from yourself and each ally you
can see. Give two Power tokens and two Iron tokens to yourself and
each ally you can see. You and each ally you can see heals.

The Cavalry’s Delta Super provides an incredible amount of support,

making it a great panic button. It is especially effective against opponents
relying on Burning and Weakness tokens, but also provides a nice boon
against foes relying on Challenges or Fatigue.
But even if there are few Common Tokens to remove, giving two Power
and 2 Iron tokens to yourself and each ally is no small benefit.

Focused Cavalry
At the start and end of your turn, you may move up to 2 spaces,
then you and each ally within range gains a 2-point Shield. If they
were already holding a Shield, increase its value by 1 instead.

Fused Cavalry
At the end of your turn, you may move up to 2 spaces, then you
and each ally within range gains a 2-point Shield. If they were
already holding a Shield, increase its value by 1 instead.

Frantic Cavalry
At the start and end of this turn, you may move up to 2 spaces,
then you and each ally within range gains a 2-point Shield. If they
were already holding a Shield, increase its value by 1 instead.

Charging Style Range: 1 Mobility

At the start of your turn, you may move up to 2 spaces.
At the start of each ally's turn, they may move up to 2 spaces.

Heroic Style Range: 1-2 Guard


Jumping Style Range: 1 Mobility

3+: Leap In
Teleport three spaces. Then, you may deal 2 damage to an
enemy within range.

4+: Leap Out

Deal 2 damage to an enemy within range, then teleport three
spaces. Then, you may deal 2 damage to a different enemy
within range.

Rallying Style Range: 1-3 Support

2+ or 3+ or 5+: Group Up
Pull one ally you can see up to 3 spaces.
3+: Pull one ally you can see up to 4 spaces.
5+: Each pulled ally heals.

Unbreakable Style Range: 1-2 Guard

After each Action you perform, an ally within range gains 1
Iron token. Your allies within range may spend your tokens.

4+: Eyes Open

You gain 6 Iron tokens and 1 Weakness token.

4+: You Stay Out Of This

Give 6 Weakness tokens and 3 Iron tokens to an enemy within

Preparation Technical Archetype

Draining Knuckle
Deal 3 damage to an adjacent enemy, and they discard all Basic
Tokens they hold. Then, you gain 2 Power tokens, 2 Iron tokens, and
3 Speed tokens.

The Cyborg’s Alpha Super syphons away all of your foes’ power,
stripping them of their speed, power, and durability. It also takes some of
that power for yourself. A well rounded and always reliable move.

Drive Install
You gain 6 Power tokens, 6 Iron tokens, and 8 Speed tokens. For
the rest of this fight, you can spend 1 more Power token and 1 more
Iron token per hit. For the rest of this fight, you only discard 1 Speed
token at the end of each turn, instead of all of them.

The Cyborg’s Delta Super grants you incredible power for the rest of
the fight. While many Super Moves have a bonus that lasts until the end of
the Round, Drive Install lasts for the entire fight, giving you a small but
permanent edge over everyone else.

Focused Cyborg
At the start of your turn, you gain 3 Basic Tokens of one type, 2
Basic tokens of a different type, and one Basic token of the final type.

Fused Cyborg
At the start of your turn, you gain two Basic Tokens of one type, and
one Basic token of a different type.

Frantic Cyborg
At the start of this turn, you gain 3 Basic Tokens of one type, 2 Basic
tokens of a different type, and one Basic token of the final type.

Improved the Cyborg Abilities, for fun. Small buff to a fan favorite
archetype that feels a little outclassed by some of the newer Abilities.

Armored Style Range: 1-2 Guard

2 Iron Tokens: You, Stay

Challenge an enemy within range.
Give that enemy 2 Fatigue tokens.

Incinerator Style Range: 1-3 Aggro

After you use a Power token to enhance a hit, give one Burning
token to the target of that hit.

2 Power Tokens: Flamethrower

Choose an enemy within range. They take 1 damage, gain one
Burning token, and are pushed 1 space. Usable twice per turn.

Machine Style Range: 1-2 Technical

Once per turn, you may spend your Basic Tokens as if they were
any other Basic Tokens. The Basic Tokens are Iron, Power, and
Speed tokens.

Rocket Style Range: 1 Mobility

Syphon Style Range: 1-2 Ruinous


Ruinous Mobility Archetype

Unending Despair
Target an adjacent enemy. Give them 4 Burning tokens, 3 Fatigue
tokens, and 2 Weakness tokens. You gain 2 Iron tokens, 2 Power
tokens, 2 Speed tokens, and 2 Chaos tokens.

The Demon’s Alpha Super does not deal damage directly, but it
instead heavily cripples a single foe and steals their power for yourself. A
truly cruel despair, snatching away any hope the enemy has of winning.

Dancing Mad
Teleport three spaces, then deal 2 damage to an adjacent enemy.
You may repeat this as many times as you like. After you damage the
same enemy twice, you deal 1 damage to all enemies within Range
1-3, then this Super Move ends.

A dance of death. The Demon’s Delta Super teleports madly around

the map, damaging as many enemies as you can reach. Once you hit
someone twice with this Super Move, you end with a dramatic flourish that
deals 1 damage to everything near you.
A flashy but difficult to execute Super Move.

Chaos Token: This Rare Token is only used by the Demon.

You may spend a Chaos Token to take a Reactive Action, as if
you had spent a 4. Any Action that could be taken by spending a 4 is a
valid option for a Chaos Token Action.
The Action granted by a Chaos Token does not count towards the
once per turn Action limit of Reversal Form or Patience Style.
Chaos Tokens are usable only once per turn.

Dark Style Range: 2-4 Zoning

4+: Twilight Sorrow

Each enemy standing in Fog gains one Weakness token and one
Fatigue token.
You gain one Speed token for each enemy affected.

Ogre's Style Range: 1-2 Zoning

Your Throws may target any number of enemies within range.
After you Throw or Grapple an enemy, deal 1 damage to them.

Slasher Style Range: 1 Aggro

4+: Suddenly…
Teleport into an empty space adjacent to someone who is alone,
then if they are an enemy, deal 1 damage to them.
Someone is alone if nobody is adjacent to them.

Vampire Style Range: 1 Desperation


Zombie Style Range: 1 Guard

After you spend Iron tokens, you may deal 1 damage to an enemy
within range of you or your Copies.
Your Copies have 2 HP each.
You may spend Iron tokens to reduce hits targeting your Copies.

4+: Hunger
One target within range discards 3 tokens of their choice (or all of
their tokens, if they have less). You gain Iron tokens equal to the
number of tokens they discarded.

4+: Raise The Dead

Target one enemy within Range 1-4. Create two Copies in empty
spaces adjacent to that enemy, then deal 1 damage to that enemy.

Zombie Vigilance was way too annoying of a Stance, and while

Vigilance is pretty strong elsewhere, it wasn’t as strong as it was here.
So Zombie Style needed to change. It has had a total rewrite.

The new Zombie Style is focused on aggressive defense, dealing

damage back every time you block a hit. Of course, it is limited by your
range, but that’s where your zombies Copies come in. Your Copies are
tougher than most, and can even reduce incoming hits as though they
were a real fighter.
Whenever you spend Iron tokens, to reduce a hit on you or your
Copies or to pay for a Token Action, the Zombie Ability will trigger. The
target of that reduced hit does not need to be the one to deal the damage.
Any of you or your Copies may deal the Ability’s damage.

Zombie Iron and Zombie Song give you extra Iron tokens, to give
you the most opportunities to use the Zombie Ability.
Zombie Shadow lets you place Copies with Stunt, as well as
enabling out of turn movement, so you can more easily keep foes within
range of the Zombie Ability.
Zombie Vigilance is a durable stance that plays up the immortality
of a zombie, reviving you at the start of your turn.
Zombie Blaster and Zombie Control increase your range, reducing
your reliance on mobility or Copies to use the Zombie Ability. Blaster
also gives extra targets to Hunger, increasing your Iron token gain.

Aggro Technical Archetype

Erupting Burning Fist

Deal 4 damage to an adjacent enemy, push them 4 spaces, and
give them Burning Tokens until they hold 6.

The Flametongue’s Alpha Super deals incredible single target

damage. Not up front, but the incredible burn left by your touch destroy
them quickly.

Watch The World Burn

Place a Trap under each enemy you can see, then give each of
those enemies 2 Burning tokens and 3 Fatigue tokens.

An unavoidable flame that burns everything.

The Flametongue’s Delta Super creates an eruption of flame
underneath every enemy, trapping and burning them all equally. In fights
against many foes, this is an absolutely devastating Super Move that
forces your foes to make difficult choices on who gets to escape their
fire traps first, and who is left to burn.

Focused Flametongue
After you deal damage to an enemy, give that enemy one
Burning token. This Ability can only give 7 Burning tokens per turn.

Fused Flametongue
After you deal damage to an enemy, give them one Burning
token. This Ability can only give 3 Burning tokens per turn.

Frantic Flametongue
During this turn, after you deal damage to an enemy, give that
enemy one Burning token. This Ability can only give 6 Burning
tokens per turn.

Adjusted the Flametongue Abilities to be more similar to one

another in function, and more consistent in effect. The old ability
encouraged spreading Burning tokens around - the new version can
do that or stack them all on one foe, as you need it to.

Burning Style Range: 2-4 Aggro

After you target an enemy with an Action, if they have five
Burning tokens or less, give them one Burning token.

4+: Burn It All Down

Deal 1 damage to any number of enemies within range. Then,
give each enemy that took damage one Burning token.

Burning Style is slightly inefficient and I wanted Flametongue to

have more multi-target capabilities, so I increased the Burning token
threshold of its Ability and changed Burn It All Down to have multiple
targets. While this Style no longer places any Traps, it instead gives
out approximately one billion Burning Tokens, which is more in line with
what folks want out of this Archetype anyway.

Explosion Style Range: 2-4 Zoning

After you deal damage to an enemy, push that enemy one space.
After you destroy an obstacle other than a Pit, replace it with a Pit.

6+: Ka-Boom!
Deal 2 damage to an enemy within range, then place a Pit into
their space. Then, destroy that Pit and all obstacles adjacent to
the targeted enemy.
When you place a Pit directly under an enemy, they immediately
take 2 Fall damage unless they can Save Themselves.

Inferno Style Range: 1-2 Technical

Phoenix Style Range: 1 Desperation

At the start of your turn, heal 2.
Whenever you would take damage from Burning tokens or from
Traps, you heal that much damage instead.

4+: Cleansing Fire

Gain one Burning token, then Choose two: Give two Burning
tokens to someone within range; or heal an ally within range; or
heal yourself.

4+: Firebird’s Flight

Teleport three spaces, then you gain 2 Burning tokens, then you
give 2 Burning tokens to all adjacent enemies.

Phoenix Style was especially underwhelming, and didn’t really live

up to the promise of its namesake. As such, I’ve added a start of turn
heal so it will always revive you, gave it a second Unique Action that
gives some mobility, and made both of its Actions give the user Burning
tokens, to play with the Phoenix Ability better.

Volcanic Style Range: 1-3 Preparation


Aggro Zoning Archetype

Sniping Point
Your maximum range is infinite, until the end of this Round. Then,
deal 7 damage to an enemy within range.

The Gunkata’s Alpha Super sets you up in a high vantage point,

from which you immediately fire a devastating critical shot. You get to
keep the range increase for the rest of the round.

Lead Rain
Target an enemy within range.
Deal 1 damage to that enemy and all adjacent enemies, then
deal 1 damage to that enemy and all adjacent enemies, then
deal 1 damage to that enemy and all adjacent enemies, then
deal 1 damage to that enemy and all adjacent enemies, then
deal 1 damage to that enemy and all adjacent enemies.

The Gunkata’s Delta Super is an unending barrage of gunfire. If

nothing else works, try more gun.

Focused Gunkata
At the start and end of your turn, you may move one space, then
you deal 1 damage to each enemy within range. Any enemy that
blocks this damage (with Armor, Iron tokens, or Weakness tokens) is
pushed one space.

Fused Gunkata
At the end of your turn, you may move one space, then you deal 1
damage to each enemy within range. Any enemy that blocks this
damage (with Armor, Iron tokens, or Weakness tokens) is pushed
one space.

Frantic Gunkata
At the start and end of this turn, you may move one space, then
you deal 1 damage to each enemy within range. Any enemy that
blocks this damage (with Armor, Iron tokens, or Weakness tokens) is
pushed one space.

While Gunkata’s Abilities were fine before, they felt a little boring
and didn’t quite capture the full feel of an aggro zoner type. So, I’ve
removed the start of turn push, and replaced it with repeating the end of
turn effect at the start of the turn. Any blocked shot also has a kick to it,
pushing them back one space and giving you more breathing room.

Akimbo Style Range: 3-5 Mobility

After you deal damage, you may move one space.

2+: Firing Wild

Choose one: Deal 1 damage to every enemy and ally adjacent
to you; or deal 1 damage to every enemy and ally within range.

Akimbo's Ability was made optional. Firing Wild’s Cost has been

Artillery Style Range: 3-8 Zoning

You can see and target enemies through Fog and Walls.
You ignore Armor granted by Pits.

1+ or 6+: Bombardment
Place a Trap into any space within range.
6+: Place a Trap into each empty space adjacent to the first Trap.

Updated wording, and the Artillery Ability ignores the armor of

Pits now.

Crosshair Style Range: 3-4 Aggro

You ignore Shields when dealing damage.
Iron tokens cannot reduce the damage you deal.

1+: Take Aim

Your next Action this turn has its cost and every number listed
in its description increased by 1. Take Aim cannot improve itself.

Crosshair Style has the most “troubleshooting” type of Ability in the

game, with no real competition. It could ignore just about any defenses
any opponent has. To give it some counterplay, your shots cannot be
blocked by Shields or Iron tokens, but Armor and Weakness still reduce
your damage output. In addition, its Range has been drastically reduced,
into a very awkward Range 3-4.

Ricochet Style Range: 2-4 Aggro

After each damage-dealing Action you perform, you may deal 1
damage to one enemy you can see that was not targeted by that
Action. If that damage-dealing Action had two or more targets,
you may also deal 1 damage to a different enemy you can see
that was not targeted by that Action.

3+: Trick Shot

Choose one obstacle within range. Destroy it, then
deal 2 damage to an enemy within Range 1-3 of that obstacle.

Trick Shot targets one obstacle and one enemy, so it counts as two
targets for the Ricochet Ability, letting you deal 1 damage to two
different enemies that were not targeted by Trick Shot.

Modified the wording on the Ricochet Ability again. While it is still

very technical, it is clearer than it was, and the limit of hitting two
Ricochet targets should rarely be worse than what it was capable of
before. It was difficult to have enough targets for a 3 or 4 target Ricochet,
since the Ability can’t target the 3+ targets of the triggering Action.

Ten Thousand Style Range: 1-3 Desperation

Add d4 d4 to your Action Dice.

1+: Point Blank Shot

Deal 1 damage to an adjacent enemy. Then, push them 1 space.
6+: Instead, deal 4 damage and push them 3 spaces.

Ten Thousand Style adds d4 d4 directly to your

Stance’s Action Dice. As such, you will pass them off when giving
someone your Heroic Spirit, but you will not roll them if you were in Ten
Thousand Style when someone else lent you their Heroic Spirit.

Minimum Range brought to one, so Gunkata has a point blank style

available to them. Point Blank Shot also changed to 1+ and given a 6+

Ruinous Zoning Archetype

Poltergeist Panic
You may move each Rubble or Trap you can see, up to three
spaces each. Each must be moved into a different space - you cannot
stack obstacles on top of each other. After you’ve finished moving
obstacles, every enemy standing on an obstacle takes 3 damage,
even if it wasn’t an obstacle you moved onto them.

The Phantom’s Alpha Super is one of the strangest Alpha Super

Moves, but is still much more straightforward than the Phantom Delta
Super Move. Phantoms are just weird like that.
This Super Move rearranges the battlefield entirely, and anyone
you dropped an obstacle on top of takes 3 damage for their trouble.

Arcana Install
You gain 6 Poltergeist Tokens.
Until the end of this Round, you can spend up to 3 Poltergeist
Tokens per Action, instead of only 2 per Action.
Until the end of this combat, at the start of your turn, you gain 2
Poltergeist Tokens.

The Phantom’s Delta Super does not deal any direct damage.
Instead, it amplifies your Phantom Ability, granting you much greater
manipulation of your Actions. When you spend 3 Poltergeist Tokens
on an Action, you get to pick 3 options from the list, and X = 3 for each
of those options.
Upon further consideration, not only is Phantom’s cost reduction a
constant source of exploits, it is rather boring. Phantom is known as an “always
helpful” archetype ability for Fused or Frantic heros, and is rarely considered on
its own merits. So I am reworking it entirely.
Phantoms should be weird and gimmicky, so I am giving them a new token,
the Poltergeist Token, that enables them to modify their Actions on the fly.
These modifications are improved by having more targets for their Actions, so I
will also be reworking several of their Styles to account for this change.
I want Phantom to be fun and exciting on its own merits, not as an enabler.

Focused Phantom
At the start of your turn, you gain 4 Poltergeist tokens.

Fused Phantom
At the start of your turn, you gain 2 Poltergeist tokens.

Frantic Phantom
At the start of this turn, you gain 4 Poltergeist tokens.

Poltergeist Token: This Rare Token is only used by the Phantom.

When you pay the cost of an Action, you may spend Poltergeist
Tokens to modify that Action. You can spend up to 2 Poltergeist
Token per Action. If you spend 2 Poltergeist Tokens on the same
Action, each choice must be different.

X is the number of Poltergeist Tokens spent. For each Poltergeist

Token spent, choose one:
 Increase this Action’s maximum Range by +X.
 Before resolution, place Rubble into X different spaces within
range, overriding any existing obstacles in those spaces.
 Before resolution, you teleport X spaces.
 During resolution, increase the value of up to X different
non-damage numbers listed in this Action by 1.
 After resolution, deal 1 damage to X enemies within range.
 After resolution, push or pull X targets within range one space.

Aura Style Range: 1-3 Guard

At the start of your turn, you gain a 3-point Shield. If you already
have a Shield, increase its value by 1.
When an enemy within range damages or breaks a Shield, you
may move that enemy one space.
After a Shield within range breaks, you gain 1 Iron token.

3 Basic Tokens: Shields Up

One ally within range gains a 3 point Shield.

Crying Style Range: 1-4 Technical

6+: Banshee's Wail

All enemies within range gain 1 Weakness token and take 2
damage. All Traps, Pits, and Walls within range become Rubble.

Puppeteer Style Range: 1-5 Support

After each space you move using Free Movement, you may
move one ally or obstacle within range one space. Obstacles you
move with this Ability become Rubble.
At the end of your turn, each enemy that moved this turn takes 1
damage, and each ally that moved this turn heals 2. This Ability
can heal yourself.

2+ or 4+ or 7+: Pull The Strings

Choose 1 enemy or ally you can see. Pull them 3 spaces.
4+: Choose 1 enemy or ally within range. Push them 3 spaces.
7+: Choose 1 enemy or ally within range. Move them 2 spaces in
any direction, then they can move themselves 1 space.

All Movement controlled by the Puppeteer during Pull The Strings

is Forced Movement. The final one space of movement on the 7+ Gate
is Action Movement, and is controlled by the target of the 7+ Gate.

Spirit Style Range: 1-3 Zoning

Your Copies do not take Fall Damage or damage from Traps.
You and your Copies treat Walls as Rubble.
After you use Free Movement on yourself, you may move any
number of your Copies one space.

1+ or 3+ or 5+: Now You See Me…

Place a Copy into one empty space within range.
3+: Place a Copy into one empty space within range.
5+: Place a Copy into one empty space within range.

1 Basic Token: …Now You Don't

Swap spaces with one of your Copies.

Updated to work with the new obstacle rules and movement rules.

Vortex Style Range: 1-4 Mobility

You do not take damage from Pits.
When you are standing on a Pit, every other Pit counts as an
adjacent space you can move to. Your range is still calculated only
from the space you are currently standing in.

1+ or 4+: Wormhole
Place a Pit into your own space.
4+: Place 1 Pit into an empty space you can see.

3+: Black Hole

Target 1 empty space within range. Place a Pit into that space,
then pull someone within range 2 spaces towards the Pit.
Vortex Style has had its range changed, so it doesn’t have the
exact same range as the other Phantom Mobility Style. Also added
some clarifications to the Vortex Ability’s wording.
Black Hole has been changed to be a little more interesting,
creating a targeted pull effect on everyone around a point in space.
Added a new Unique Action to enable Vortex’s movement.
Update: Changed Vortex Style to play with Pits.

Desperation Aggro Archetype

Knuckle Sandwich
Deal 5 damage to an adjacent enemy, then give them 4 Weakness
tokens and your Challenge token. Then, you may push them up to
three spaces.

Eat this! The Punk’s Alpha Super knocks them into next week,
disorienting them and making you the only thing they can see clearly.

Everybody, Get ‘Em!

Deal 3 damage to an adjacent enemy. Then, each of your allies in
play (other than yourself) may each deal 3 damage to one enemy
within their range.

The Punk’s Delta Super is a coordinated assault, where you and

your allies beat the crap out of whoever they can reach. Especially
effective while all of you surround the Boss, but can also be rendered
very ineffective by poor spacing or half your team being dead.

Focused Punk
At the start of your turn, add X to your Action Pool.
X is equal to the damage on your current health bar.
If your health bar is full, X = 1.

Fused Punk
At the start of your turn, add X to your Action Pool.
X is equal to half the damage on your current health bar, rounded
up. If your health bar is full, X = 1.

Frantic Punk
At the start of this turn, add X to your Action Pool.
X is equal to the damage on your current health bar.
If your health bar is full, X = 1.

For example, if your Health Bar has 14 HP, and you currently
have 7 HP, you have 7 damage. The Focused and Frantic Punks
will add a 7 to their Action Pool, while the Fused Punk will add a 4.

Bleeding Style Range: 1 Desperation

You don't get Taken Out at zero HP. You can continue to fight as
long as you remain in play. Your side still loses if everyone in play
is at zero HP at the same time.

2 HP: Lash Out

Lash Out is a Token Action that spends your HP.
You can't spend HP you do not have.
Push an adjacent enemy two spaces.

7+ or 13+: I'm Still Here

Deal 4 damage to an enemy within range and push them 4 spaces.
13+: Deal 7 damage and push 7 spaces instead.

I'm Still Here was way too strong as a free action for Elder Style.
Added a Gate both to remove that exploit, and to make the Action more
generally usable without requiring the Punk Ability.

Brawling Style Range: 1 Guard

After your Shield breaks, you gain 1 Power token.
After you perform a damage-dealing Action, if you did not spend
any Power tokens on that Action, you gain 1 Power token.

2 Power Tokens: Tough It Out

You gain a 2 point Shield.

4 Power Tokens: Instant Jab

Deal 3 damage to an adjacent enemy. Usable once per turn.
The Brawling Ability has been reworded to work more like the
One-Two Ability. Also added a second Unique Action to make this
style more aggressive. It’s based on Power Tokens after all.

Flashy Style Range: 1 Aggro

X: Show Off
Choose two of these Basic Actions: Grapple; or Damage; or
Put It Out!; or Throw; or Movement.
Immediately perform both of those Actions in the order listed,
as if you had spent X to pay for them.
You can only use Show Off once per turn.
Changed the list of Actions Show Off can use (removed A
Challenger Approaches; added Grapple). Reworded the effect to be
more clear that both Basic Actions are resolved as part of Show Off.

Knockdown Style Range: 1 Ruinous

After you take damage from an Action, you deal 1 damage back
to the enemy that hit you.

Taunting Style Range: 1 Guard


Support Preparation Archetype

My Final Technique
Deal 99 damage to an enemy within range, then remove yourself
from play for the rest of combat. You cannot come back.

The Teacher’s Alpha Super ends their involvement in this combat,

but it also ends whoever they point it at. A devastating blow, as much to
its user as its target, that is only to be used in desperation.

Remember My Teachings
This is only usable while you are Taken Out,
and does not require any numbers to perform.

When you pass on your Heroic Spirit, you may declare you are
using this Super Move. If you do, instead of rolling your Action Dice
this turn, give them the maximum number each of those dice could
have generated. Then, add an 8 to their Action Pool, give them a
4-point Shield, and they heal.

The Teacher’s Delta Super isn’t even a technique they use

themselves - instead, it is their teachings coming to fruition. You give an
ally the best Heroic Spirit turn possible, with an extra number, some
healing, and a shield on top of everything.

Inspired Token: This token is only used by the Teacher.

During any ally's turn as a Reactive Action, you may spend an
Inspired Token to roll and add that number to the active
character’s Action Pool. You may use an Inspired Token on yourself,
if you are the active character.
Inspired Tokens are usable once per turn.

Patient Style Range: 1 Guard

You have Armor.
At the end of each allied turn, you gain 1 Iron token.
After you use Armor or Iron tokens to reduce the damage you
would take, one ally you can see other than yourself may heal 1.

3+: Leave My Student Alone

Challenge an enemy you can see, then you gain 2 Iron tokens.

Patient Style was unfortunately too good, and had to be remade

from the ground up. It was both the best prep style in the game AND had
good defense with its Iron token generation. A Reversal Style kept
making problems with Plan and Thorn, letting you carry over the perfect
numbers into your next turn. I’ve changed it into a defensive style, that
allows the teacher to buy time for their students.

Elder Style Range: 1-2 Desperation

The cost of this Stance's Unique Actions are reduced by 1 (to a
minimum of 1+ or 2 tokens).
Once per turn, during your turn, you may use any Unique Action
you know, from among all of your Stances, for free. You skip
paying its cost, but perform the Action anyway. For the purposes
of Gates or the value of X, use a value of 5.
Changed the description to be more clear, again again.

Mastermind Style Range: No Support

Motivating Style Range: 1-2 Support

Training Style Range: 1 Preparation


Zoning Guard Archetype

Funny Little Box Of Pain

Target an enemy at Range 2. Push everyone adjacent to the target
one space. Then, place Walls into each space adjacent to the target,
place a Deadly Trap beneath them, and give them 5 Fatigue tokens.

The Trickster’s Alpha Super traps its target in a tiny prison. While
it is not inescapable, it is difficult to flee from, and their allies will be
hard-pressed to save them before they are overwhelmed.
The Deadly Trap is like a regular Trap, except for two things:
Whenever it triggers, it deals 2 damage instead of 1 damage; and the
Deadly Trap cannot be removed by Actions or Abilities.

Steal Strength
Target an adjacent character. They discard all tokens they hold, and
you gain Iron tokens equal to the number of tokens discarded.

The Trickster’s Delta Super is not a deadly move, but it is very,

very cruel. Not only do you take all they have built, but you also convert
it into tons of blocking potential. Whether you steal a Boss’s pile of basic
tokens, or convert all the burning tokens of an ally on fire into your own
health, Steal Strength will destroy the enemy’s plans and leave you
nearly invulnerable on top of that.
Super Tokens cannot be discarded by any means, even by other
Super Moves like Steal Strength.

Focused Trickster
Once per turn, you may spend any tokens you hold as Iron tokens.
After you spend Iron tokens to reduce a hit, you may push your
attacker 1 space per token spent, then you may move 1 space.

Fused Trickster
Twice per Round, you may spend any tokens you hold as Iron
tokens. After you spend Iron tokens to reduce a hit, you may move up
to 1 space per token spent.

Frantic Trickster
Until your next turn, once per turn, you may spend any tokens you
hold as Iron tokens. Until your next turn, after you spend Iron tokens to
reduce a hit, you may push your attacker one space, then you may
move one space.

Trickster is probably the least-loved Archetype in PatD, so I am

updating its Styles to take better advantage of its Iron Token-based
Archetype Ability.

Caged Style Range: 1 Ruinous

Adjacent enemies cannot gain or spend Speed tokens.

2+: Welcome To My Maze

Deal 1 damage to an enemy you can see.
Then, pull them three spaces.

4+ or 5 Iron Tokens: Rat Trap

Deal 1 damage and give 2 Fatigue tokens to each adjacent
enemy. Usable once per turn.

Added a second Unique Action to Caged Style.


Illusion Style Range: 1-3 Zoning

After an enemy deals damage to you or one of your Copies while
within range of at least one of your other Copies, you deal 1
damage to them. If they are within range of three or more Copies,
you deal 2 damage to them instead.

3+ or 6+: Where Are You Looking?

Place 2 Copies into empty spaces within range.
6+: Place 2 more Copies into empty spaces within range.

3 Basic Tokens: Did You Think That Was Me?

Teleport 3 spaces, then place a Copy into the space you left.

Reworded the Illusion Ability to also apply to damage dealt to

your Copies. Added a Token Action to place Copies.

Mysterious Style Range: 1-3 Guard

At the start of your turn, place Fog into your space.
While you stand in Fog, you have Armor and your maximum
range is increased by 2.

3 Basic Tokens: Ghost Walk

Place a Fog obstacle into an empty space within range.
Then, teleport to a Fog obstacle within range.

Adjusted the Mysterious Ability. Multiplication is dangerous, but

range boosts are boring, so in exchange for the loss of range, they have
gained conditional Armor.

Parkour Style Range: 1-2 Mobility

You may move through and stand on top of Walls as though they
were empty spaces. You can see and target enemies through Walls.
After you enter a Wall’s space, you may move one space.

1+ or 5+: Take Cover

Place a Wall into an empty adjacent space.
5+: Place up to three more Walls into empty spaces within range,
then gain 2 Iron tokens.

3 Iron tokens: From Above!

Deal 2 damage to an enemy within range. Usable twice per turn.

Hidden Style renamed Parkour Style. The Ability has been

adjusted. Now it is a Mobility type, letting you surf along walls as far as
you’d like. As long as you keep entering Walls’ space, you may keep
moving with the Parkour Ability.

Whip Style Range: 2-5 Zoning

Your Throw Actions may target within range.
After you Throw or Grapple an enemy, you deal 2 damage to them.

4 Basic Tokens: Grapple Hook

Teleport to an empty space within range. Usable once per turn.

Updated wording on Whip Ability. Made Grapple Hook into a Token


Desperation Preparation Archetype

Lucky Hit
Deal 4 damage to an adjacent enemy. Then, that enemy discards
all Basic tokens they hold, discards all Shields they hold, and cannot
have Armor or Shields for the rest of this Round.

The Underdog’s Alpha Super strikes juuuust the right spot to

completely destroy their defenses. Their Shields are down, their Armor
is cast side, and any preparations they were making are torn down.

Hyper Install
You gain 3 Luck tokens and you heal.
For the rest of this Round, you gain a benefit at the start of every
single turn, depending on whose turn it is.
If it is an enemy turn, you gain 1 Iron token and 1 Speed token.
If it is an allied turn, you gain 1 Power token and heal 1.
If it is your turn, you gain both effects: gain 1 Iron token, 1 Power
token, 1 Speed token, and you heal 1.

A panic button to trump all others. The Underdog’s Delta Super

gives you a ton of extra… everything. Speed, power, durability. It even
picks you back up from zero HP, all round! The only problem is, it
doesn’t give you everything at once. You need to stick around a little,
and use this very early in a Round, to get the most out of your Hyper

Underdog Ability rework. While the old Ability was powerful

enough, it was too slow for the pace of the game, leaving Underdogs
behind. While thematic, I’d rather they be on par with everyone else.
Luck Tokens should help them achieve this while remaining a Basic
Token Archetype, and helps differentiate them from Cyborgs.
Slip Up exists so enemies who try to play around your Underdog
Abilities will have severe trouble doing so, allowing you to add on a little
extra damage to round up to another Luck Token. It also allows an
Underdog to “damage boost” for extra distance, as a movement option.

Focused Underdog
At the start of your turn, you gain two Luck Tokens.
At the start of any turn in which you took 3+ damage during the
previous turn, you gain one Luck Token.
You have access to the Unique Action, Slip Up.

Fused Underdog
At the start of your turn, you gain one Luck Token.
At the start of any turn in which you took 4+ damage during the
previous turn, you gain one Luck Token.
You have access to the Unique Action, Slip Up.

Frantic Underdog
At the start of this turn, you gain two Luck Tokens.
Until your next turn, you have access to the Unique Action, Slip Up.

1 Basic Token: Slip Up

You take 1 damage, then move up to 2 spaces.
Usable twice per turn.

The unusual wording of the second half of the Underdog Abilities

is that way so end of turn damage from Traps and Burning Tokens will
count towards gaining Luck. End of Turn effects happen before those
trigger, so it has to be a “start of turn” trigger to count that damage.

Luck Tokens are a Rare Token used only by the Underdog. They
function as a sort of “super basic token,” which can do anything another
basic token can do but better. A Luck Token can be used to enhance
hits like a Power Token, to reduce hits like an Iron Token, to move
during Free Movement like a Speed Token, or to pay Basic Token costs.

If you enhance a hit with a Luck Token, that hit deals +2 damage.
This counts as spending one Power Token on that hit.
If you reduce a hit with a Luck Token, that hit deals -2 damage.
This counts as spending one Iron Token on that hit.
If you use a Luck Token during Free Movement, you teleport 3
spaces. This counts as spending one Speed Token.
If you use a Luck Token to pay a cost, it can be used as a
replacement for up to 3 Basic Tokens.

Collateral Style Range: 1-2 Guard

After you destroy any obstacle(s), you gain one Iron token per
obstacle destroyed.

3+: Roughhousing
When you pay for Roughhousing, you can spend 2 Basic Tokens to
choose two, or spend 3 Basic Tokens to choose all three.
Destroy an obstacle within range, then choose one: Teleport
to that obstacle's space; or deal 1 damage to each enemy
adjacent to the destroyed obstacle; or destroy two more
obstacles within range.

Collateral Ability grants only Iron Tokens now, and has been
worded to better clarify just how many tokens it can grant you.
Roughhousing has been adjusted. All Underdog Unique Actions
that can spend basic tokens for extra options will have their token cost
section reworded to match the wording here.

Distracting Style Range: 1-2 Guard

Lucky Style Range: 1 Desperation

Lucky Style adds d4 directly to your Stance’s Action Dice.

As such, you will pass them off when giving someone your Heroic Spirit,
but you will not roll them if you were in Lucky Style when someone else
lent you their Heroic Spirit.

Misfortune's Style Range: 1-3 Aggro

When you would take damage from a Trap, instead deal that
Trap’s damage to an enemy within range. If no enemies are within
range, you gain one Power token instead.

Misfortune's Ability reworded slightly, no functional change.


Scrambling Style Range: 1 Mobility

After you spend Iron tokens, you gain 1 Speed token.
After you spend Power tokens, you gain 1 Speed token.

4+: Think Fast!

When you pay for Think Fast!, you can spend 2 Basic Tokens to
choose two, or spend 3 Basic Tokens to choose all three.
Your maximum range is +2 for the duration of this Action.
Choose one: Give one Weakness token to an enemy within
range; or give one Fatigue token to an enemy within range; or
push an enemy within range one space.
Then, you may move up to two spaces.

With Bonuses removed from the game, Eye of the Style had no
functionality. It has been replaced.

Scrambling Style throws anything you can get your hands on at

any enemy that approaches you, so you can safely run for cover while
they are distracted. Chairs, bottles, pocket sand - anything works, as
long as it puts space between you and them.
The Scrambling Abilities each trigger separately, but only once
per expenditure. If you spend 2 Iron tokens to reduce a hit, you only gain
1 Speed token. But if you spend 1 Power token and 1 Iron token on
Think Fast!, so you can choose an extra option, you’ll get two Speed
tokens for your trouble.

Scrambling Power and Scrambling Iron essentially refund your

tokens with each expenditure. If you reduce a hit while in Scrambling
Iron, the Speed token you gain immediately becomes a new Iron token!
Scrambling Shadow can keep their Speed tokens rolling between
rounds, letting you save them up for maximum power Think Fast!s.
Scrambling Reversal loves Think Fast! - it is an excellent
Reactive Action to get you out of trouble, and will significantly slow
down an enemy trying to hurt you or your allies.

War Dancer
Mobility Aggro Archetype

Become My Canvas
Deal 2 damage to an enemy within range, ignoring Armor and
Shields. Then, deal 2 damage to an enemy within range, ignoring
Armor and Shields. Then, deal 3 damage to an enemy within range,
ignoring Armor and Shields.

The War Dancer’s Alpha Super carves your name into your
enemies, with a flurry of blows that ignore defenses and can either
target one foe repeatedly, or be spread out among multiple foes within

Lightning Drop
Teleport to any space on the map.
Then, deal 4 damage to an adjacent enemy. Then, deal 2 damage
to all enemies within Range 1-4.

You disappear, then strike hard like a bolt from the blue. The War
Dancer’s Delta Super is excellent for punishing enemies that group up,
and can get you out of a dangerous spot and into an advantageous one.

Forbidden Style Range: 1-2 Desperation

At the start of your turn, pay 2 HP. This cost ignores Shields, and
cannot take you below 1 HP on your current Health Bar.
Forbidden Style is attached to two Forms. You have all Abilities
and Unique Actions of each Form, but you only roll the Purple
Action Dice, and do not roll any of the Green Action Dice.
Forbidden Style is unchanged mechanically, but the addition of
Purple Dice simplifies it. It requires clarification for Frantic Heroes:

When a Frantic Hero chooses Forbidden Style as one of their

Styles, they must immediately choose a Form to go with it. The chosen
Form is now attached to their Forbidden Style permanently. When you
make your Stance for your turn and choose Forbidden Style, it brings
the chosen Form along and combines it with one of your other Forms.
The Form attached to Forbidden Style must be unique. A
character can never have two of the same Form or Style in their lineup,
and that includes this one. If you take Forbidden Blaster Style as your
choice, you can never take Blaster Form as one of your known Forms.
If Blaster was already one of your known Forms, then it is not an option
when choosing the Form you want to attach to your Forbidden Style.

Lightning Style Range: 1 Mobility

Overwhelming Style Range: 1 Aggro

Relentless Style Range: 1 Zoning

When you deal damage to an enemy, immediately push them
one space and then pull yourself into the empty space they left.
If you damage multiple enemies at the same time, push all of
them one space, then pull yourself into one of the spaces they left.

The Relentless Ability requires you to move one space at a time,

pulling yourself until you arrive in the square they left. As this is forced
movement, the Relentless Ability will move you even if you are
Fatigued, but will stop moving you if you enter a Pit or Rubble. You will
also take Fall Damage from trying to cross a Pit this way.

The Relentless Ability was unclear on how you moved, and some
players interpreted it as a teleport. The new wording should be more
clear, and has a funny quirk that lets it work through Fatigue Tokens.

Weightless Style Range: 0-1 Mobility

You do not take Fall Damage.
Rubble does not give you Fatigue.
All spaces are Empty spaces to you. You can move into and
share a space with Copies, Walls, and other units.
All spaces cost 1 Speed token to enter using Free Movement.
Ignore all additional Speed token costs, from leaving Pits or moving
diagonally or any other source.

4+ or 7+: Effortless
Teleport to any space you can see.
7+: Choose an ally. They may teleport to any space they can see.

Updated to be a more interesting Ability overall. No longer protects

from Traps - instead protects from Fall Damage.
Range 0-1 allows Weightless Style to target enemies within their
own space, or in adjacent spaces.

Guard Technical Archetype

You Are Nothing.

Deal 4 damage to an enemy within range, pull them up to 3 spaces,
then give them Weakness tokens until they hold 6.

The Winterblossom’s Alpha Super brings them in and crushes

their spirit. They will be helpless to harm you in the counter attack, even
though you brought them right to you. How pathetic.

Until the end of this Round, increase your maximum range by 2.
Also until the end of this Round, at the end of every turn, you give 1
Fatigue token and 1 Weakness token to every enemy within range,
then you may move 1 space.

Expand your domain. The Winterblossom Delta Super Move acts

much like their Focused Ability, but stronger, over a wider range, and
affecting everybody. You also still get to use your usual Winterblossom
Ability while Blizzard is active, too, making your enemies even weaker.

Focused Winterblossom
At the start of every turn, give 1 Weakness token to one enemy
within range of you or your Copies.

Fused Winterblossom
At the start and end of your turn, give 1 Weakness token to one
enemy within range of you or your Copies.

Frantic Winterblossom
At the start and end of this turn, give 2 Weakness tokens to one
enemy within range of you or your Copies.

Winterblossom Abilities reworded to work through your Copies.

Copies have been clarified to no longer allow Abilities to work through
them unless they state otherwise, so now this Ability states otherwise.

Crystal Style Range: 1-2 Zoning

After you place a Copy, you deal 1 damage to an enemy within
range of that Copy.
When one of your Copies is destroyed, it deals 1 damage to
every enemy adjacent to that Copy.
3+ or 6+: Splinter
Place a Copy into an empty space within range. Then, deal 1
damage to an enemy adjacent to that Copy.
6+: Place a Copy into an empty space within range. Then, deal
1 damage to an enemy within range of that Copy.
Free: Shatter
Shatter is a Token Action that costs nothing.
Destroy one of your Copies. Give one Weakness token to an
enemy that was within range of that Copy.

Crystal Style was a bit overtuned with my last set of changes, so

I’ve dialed it back a little. It maintains the improved Ability, but
Splinter no longer explodes over a huge area, only adjacent.

Frozen Style Range: 1 Guard

At the start of your turn, you gain 2 Iron tokens.
After you reduce a hit, give your attacker one Weakness token.

3+ or 7+: Exploit Weakness

Choose one enemy within range. Give them one Weakness
token and deal 2 damage to them.
7+: Deal 2 damage to them and give them 2 Weakness tokens.

3+: Ice Block

Gain 4 Iron tokens.

Frozen Style was eclipsed by the new Crystal Style for distributing
Weakness tokens, except in a specific combo with Dance Form that let
you max out multiple foes’ Weakness tokens in a single turn. That is not
good in many ways, so to remove that exploit and also increase variety
within Winterblossom, Frozen Style has been reworked to be fully
defensive, giving Winterblossom an Iron token based Style.

Mirrored Style Range: 2-3 Zoning

Mirrored Style has been renamed (from Reflected Style), but is

otherwise unchanged.

Heartless Style Range: 1-2 Ruinous

When you target an enemy with an Action, remove their Armor
and their Shield until the end of this turn, if they have any. At the
end of the turn, they get their Armor and their Shield back.
When you target an enemy with an Action, they must discard 1
Iron token, if they have any.

3+ or 7+: Heart Strike

An enemy within range pays 2 HP.
7+: That enemy pays 2 more HP.

Pressure Style Range: 1-2 Technical


Enemy Updates

Enemy Building

The added to Boss’s Stances is replaced by the Bonus Dice

given to them by their level. Warriors also gain a Bonus Die now, after
the players have reached level 2.

Villain Archetypes
Renamed from Boss Archetypes, Villain Archetypes are now
also available for Warriors and Super Stooges.
Unlisted Villain Archetypes are unchanged.

The Giant
You take up a 2x2 space on the battle grid.
Your maximum range is increased by 1.
You do not take Fall Damage.
You can move over Walls. When you do, they become Rubble,
and you gain one Fatigue token.
You can spend one extra Power token per hit. At the start of each
of your turns, you gain 2 Power tokens.

Being large is mostly a downside, it turns out. Added a Power token

clause to the Giant Ability to increase their strength.

The Necromancer
At the start of your turn, place a Copy into an empty space within
At the end of your turn, each of your Copies may move one
space, then each Copy deals 1 damage to one adjacent enemy.

Necromancer was too good at sniping anyone from anywhere, so a

range limitation has been added to the Copy placement.

The Tank
You have Armor. Your Armor blocks 10 damage when it triggers.
When you are Pushed or Pulled, you move one less space.

In most places, I am not going to buff things that had Armor, Armor
is still good. But The Tank is allowed to be even tougher, I think.

The Vehicle
You take up as much or as little space on the battle grid as you
want. Once your shape has been drawn in, it cannot be changed.
Enemies and allies can move on top of you. When you move,
everyone on top of you moves with you. Spaces inside of you are
always within your Range.
Edges do not remove you from play unless at least half of your
spaces are over Edge spaces.
You can move over Walls. When you do, they become Rubble.
Rubble does not give you Fatigue tokens.

The Vehicle was an underwhelming Archetype, mostly creating a

big punching bag with limited ability to retaliate. A fan from the discord,
Fiver (thanks again!), had a few big ideas on how to improve the Vehicle,
which the updated Vehicle rules are based on.

The above Villain Ability is for Vehicles that are Warriors or

Stooges. When a Vehicle is a Boss, with two or more Health Bars, it also
gains the following benefits:

The Vehicle (Boss Mode)

You gain all the regular Vehicle Abilities, above.
Boss Vehicles have 2 Stances if they have two Health Bars,
and 3 Stances if they have three or more Health Bars.
You do not choose your Stance each turn. Instead, you are
always in all of your Stances. You have all of their Abilities and all
of their Unique Actions are available to you. You have the lowest
minimum range and the highest maximum range of each Stance.
You only roll the Purple Dice for your Action Dice. Ignore all
Green Dice. Boss Vehicles use the Warrior Bonus Die from
leveling up, instead of using the Boss Bonus Die.

There will be many example Vehicles in the updated enemies

section, coming soon.
Villain Archetypes and Super Moves

While the updated Villain Archetypes were in the initial PATCH’d

UP release, their new Super Moves were not. I have now added them.

The Blur

Instant Motion
You gain 5 Speed tokens and 6 Rapid Strike tokens.
As an Action during your own turn, or as a Reactive Action on
an enemy’s turn, you may spend a Rapid Strike token to move one
space, then deal 1 damage to an adjacent enemy.

The Blur’s Super Move enables a super fast flurry of blows,

letting you dash around the map and deal damage exactly where you
need to.
Rapid Strike Tokens deal Super Move damage, so they do not
trigger Abilities, and Weakness tokens, Iron tokens, and Control
tokens cannot be used against the damage they deal.
They are also Super Tokens, which means they cannot be
interacted with by any Abilities or Actions. You cannot duplicate them,
discard them, or convert them into another type of Token, by any

The Immortal

Burning Blood
Deal 3 damage to an enemy within range, then you heal.
For the rest of this Round, after you take damage, deal 1 damage
and give 1 Burning token to the enemy that dealt damage to you.

The Immortal’s Super Move turns your immortality into a weapon.

Every broken bone stabs at your foes, and your blood is poison to them.
Even trying to put you down will simply lead to their demise.

The Giant

Toss Aside
Deal 3 damage to all enemies within range, then push all of
those enemies up to 5 spaces each.

The Giant’s Super Move is much like the Giant: simple, large,
and powerful. Swat them away like the flies they are.

The Necromancer

Immortal Army
Summon up to 6 Copies within range. Then, each of those Copies
may move one or two spaces, then they each deal 1 damage to one
adjacent enemy. Iron tokens can be used to reduce this damage.

The Necromancer’s Super Move summons even MORE undead

to follow your commands, and immediately sends them forth to
consume. They hunger.

The Swarm

Crawl Into View

Place 4 Copies into spaces you can see. Then, each of those
Copies may immediately take an Action as if you had spent a 3 .

The Swarm’s Super Move lets you cover the entire battlefield,
then gives you Actions so you can claim your space. This Super
Move also creates almost enough Copies to fulfill every choice of the
Swarm Ability.

The Tank

Armor Install
Until the end of this Round, your Armor can be triggered twice per
turn, and your Armor is not spent when it reduces a 1 damage hit to
Until the end of the next Round, opponents can only spend 1 Iron
token to reduce your hits, and Weakness tokens only reduce your
damage by 1 instead of 2.

The Tank’s Armor Install makes you as close to unkillable as is

possible. It also turns your heavy blows even heavier - they are difficult
to block, and even more chip damage gets through than usual.

The Twins

Twin Combo
One of you deals 3 damage to an adjacent enemy and pushes
them three spaces.
Then, the other one of you deals 3 damage to an adjacent enemy
and pushes them 3 spaces.
Then, each of you may teleport 3 spaces, and you each deal 1
damage to all enemies adjacent to your destination.

The Twin’s Super Move is a difficult, coordinated dance of an

attack, that slaps your foes around the map and aggressively chases
after them to continue your coordinated assault.

The Untouchable

Lockdown Protocol
Gain 4 Control tokens.
For the rest of this fight, after you spend any Control tokens, deal
1 damage to each enemy within your range.

The Untouchable’s Super Move lets them reinstate their

authority, and resume the untouchable control they wish to maintain.

The Vehicle
Vehicles can vary wildly, so they have two different Super Moves
available to them, depending on what kind of vehicle it is.

Main Cannon
Deal 8 damage to an enemy you can see, and push them 3 spaces.

The Vehicle’s Alpha Super inflicts massive damage on a single target.

A direct shot from a tank gun, a sidewinder missile, a rail cannon, or other
high ordinance weapon will have this kind of result.

Ramming Speed
Push all enemies on top of you into adjacent spaces, then push
all adjacent enemies one space, then you move up to 6 spaces.
Whenever you move adjacent to an enemy during this movement,
deal 2 damage to them and push them three spaces.

The Vehicle’s Delta Super throws off everyone who isn’t supposed to
be riding on top of you, then runs them all over. Perfect for dealing with
boarding enemies and anyone who tries to fight against an APC, an ATV, or
a helicopter up close.

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