Soil is finely divided material covering the earth crust or surface. It consists of air, water,
humus, living organisms, and weathered rocks.
Importance of soil
Soil provides nutrients e.g. water and minerals to plants which are the chief producers of
food in the environment.
Soil is a habitat (home) for many organisms such as earth worms, termites, bacteria fungi
and arthropods.
Soil provides a medium through which man and all other animals dispose of their wastes.
Soil is an important natural resource which provides construction materials, supports
agriculture, craft and art materials.
Soil is grouped basing on size and nature of soil particles. On this basis, there are 3 main
types of soil namely: Clay soil, Loam soil and Sand soil.
1. Sandy soils;
Sandy soils contain large space between the particles and these spaces allow water to
drain off very quickly.
They have a gritty feel when wet and felt between the thumb and figure.
They contain only very small quantities of water and they may be deficient in calcium
and magnesium.
They are described as light soils because they are relatively easy to work with.
2. Clay soil:
They have small fine particles i.e. fine texture.
The soil particles in clay are closely parked together leaving very small spaces
between them. This causes clay soils to have poor water drainage and also become
water logged.
They are difficult to work with and therefore described as heavy soils.
They have a sticky feel when wet.
3. Loam soil:
This is a mixture of sand (about40%), silt (about40%), clay (15%), organic matter (1-
4%) it has stable crumb structure and is the best for crop production.
Differences between clay and sand soil
Clay soil Sandy soil
Very small air spaces between particles Large air spaces between particles.
Rich in dissolved salts Poorly dissolved salts
Has high water retention capacity Has only very low water retaining capacity
Poor drainage i.e. low permeability Very easy drainage i.e. high permeability
Water can rise to high level by capillarity Water cannot rise to high level by capillarity
More than 30% clay and less than 40% sand More than 70% sand and less than 20% clay
Soil is made up of different particles, which have varying sizes and densities.
Soil air exists between the soil particles. Airspaces in the soil are important
for growth of plant roots and health of soil organisms. It is mainly oxygen
and nitrogen. (Carbon dioxide is usually in solution as carbonic acid). The
depth to which the roots can grow depends on how deep the air can penetrate
through the soil
Importance of soil air
It provides oxygen for respiration of soil organisms and plant roots.
Oxygen is also needed for the decay that produces humus.
It also provides nitrogen for fixation by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the
soil. The nitrogen absorbed is needed in the formation of nitrates and
Carbon dioxide present in the air helps in increasing soil acidity which
favours proper growth of some plants.
Carbon dioxide present in the air dissolves in water to form carbonic acid
for weathering.
You should cool in a desiccator before weighing. This ensures that no fresh
vapour enters the soil.
Weight of the evaporating dish= X
Weight of soil + evaporating dish = Y
Weight of soil + evaporating dish after heating = Z
Weight of soil sample = Y-X
Weight of water in the soil sample = Y-Z
%age of water = weight of water x 100
Weight of soil
Therefore percentage of water = (Y-Z) × 100
Humus is decaying plant and animal material- the dead bodies of animals,
fallen leaves, dead plants and animal droppings. It is a dark brown, rather
sticky material that gives soil its dark colour. For the decay process that form
humus to work properly plenty of oxygen is needed.
Importance of humus
i) Because humus is dark-coloured, soil rich in humus absorbs more heat,
and this warmth is useful for the germination of seeds and helps to speed
up decomposition, making more humus.
ii) It has a high absorptive capacity for water.
Weight of crucible = W g
Weight of crucible + fresh soil = X g
Constant weight of soil + crucible after heating at 1050C =Y g
Constant weight of soil + crucible after heating after heating to redness = Z g
Weight of soil = X - W
Weight of dry soil = Y-W
Weight of dry soil after burning off humus = Z - P
These are chemical elements inform of ions, dissolved in the film of water,
surrounding the soil particle.
Some of the mineral elements in soil are; Sulphur, phosphorous, nitrogen,
silicon, magnesium, iron and Aluminium ions which results from weathering of
2 filter funnels,
2 measuring cylinders,
2 filter papers
Equal volumes of samples of dry sand and dry clay soils,
Water and
1) Slopes of land
The deeper the slope the greater the erosion and this is coupled with the
intensity of rain.
2) Over grazing
This is caused by the keeping of many grazing animals on a small area. They
finish the grass, i.e. remove the grass cover and open it to water erosion.
They trample the soil and make it dusty, thus erosion can take place.
3) Deforestation
Foliage of trees reduces intensity at which raindrops reach the ground.
Extensive falling of trees in an area removes this cover thus facilitating erosion
on slopes.
4) Bush burning
Uncontrolled burning of bushes in dry seasons removes the grass top cover,
thus leaving the soil bars for erosion.
Soil fertility refers to the amount of nutrients in the soil that can support the
growth and yields of plants.
Soil fertility can also be defined as the ability of the soil to sustain plant growth
and optimise crop yield.
Fertile soil is one that can provide adequate amounts of nutrients for plant
growth, resulting into better yields and quality.
Features of fertile soil.
Fertile soil contains enough water, humus, mineral salts, microorganisms,
nutrients and well aerated for proper plant growth.
Loss of soil fertility.
Soil can lose its fertility through the following ways.
This is the protection and careful management of soil to maintain its fertility. It
includes methods of controlling erosion and others such as:
Here, plants are alternately planted in a systematic or even random manner e.g.
coffee, beans, and banana can be intercropped.
Land is left to rest and grow back to bush.
Crop rotation
The farmer carefully rotates his crops season after season, so that the plants
make different demands on the soil.
Deep rooted crops like cassava are rotated with shallow rooted ones e.g.
ground nuts
Application of manure (organic manure)
1) Green manure;
3) Compost manure;
This is made by collecting all available organic materials like chicken waste,
weeds, fresh leaves into a pit with alternating layers of soil, and leaving them
to rot. Water is added periodically to keep it moist for bacteria and fungi in
the soil speed up the process. When well decayed, the compost is spread over
the garden. Organic manure adds humus to the soil and maintains the crumb
4) Artificial fertilizers;
These are added directly. The most common element lacking in highly
cultivated soils are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They are supplied in
form of K2SO4, (NH4)2SO4 and calcium phosphate which lead to high yield.
Nitrogen is one of the elements that make up proteins. Nitrogen makes up to
80% of air but it is unreactive so cannot be used by plants and animals in its
elemental form. It becomes part of the bodies of organisms in a process
called the nitrogen cycle. The changing of nitrogen into more reactive forms
is called nitrogen fixation.
Nitrogen fixation takes place during lightening, in the manufacture of artificial
fertilizers and in the metabolism of the nitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria.
Plants absorb nitrogen as ammonium salts or nitrates.
Animals obtain nitrogen they need by eating plants or other animals that have
eater plants
At death or by leaf fall, egestion, excretion (urine), the nitrogen of plants and
animals is returned to the soil
Nitrogen is in constant circulation between autotrophs, heterotrophs, and the
soil in atmosphere
Plants absorb nitrogen inform of nitrates and ammonium salts, for manufacture
or build up of proteins they require.
At death or by leaf fall, egestion, excretion (urine), the nitrogen of plants and
animals is returned to the soil.
The end