Diversity Toolkit

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This Tool Kit is designed to be a living document. It is available on the Internet at http://www.overture-network.


1. Introduction This project has been funded by the European Youth Foundation as part of the "All Different All Equal" campaign to promote Diversity, Human Rights and Participation among young people living in Europe today. Since the Council of Europe launched the All Different, All Equal campaign, young people, youth organizations and other NGOs, local and national governments, European and international networks have been mobilized to fight against intolerance and discrimination, racism and xenophobia in the 48 countries of Europe belonging to the Council of Europes Cultural Convention. The three themes of the campaign are: human rights, reflecting the core values of the Council of Europe; the promotion of diversity, celebrating the different cultures and traditions in Europe; the participation of young people, so that everyone can contribute to building a Europe where everyones voice is heard.

The campaign themes have also been reflected in many of the activities organized by the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region. Through the campaign, it is hoped that young people will be encouraged and enabled to work towards building peaceful societies, based on diversity and inclusion, tolerance and mutual understanding, values that are at the heart of Guide and Scout Movements. (Click here to find some useful resources on the Campaign.) How can Guides and Scouts join the campaign? There are activities taking place at local, national and European level. You can find out what events are taking place in your country by contacting the National Campaign Committee, if one has been established where you live. You can click here to find out what events have been organized at European level and how you can get involved. You can get involved in the discussions taking place on the themes and activities of the campaign, watch the videos and download the resources on the website which has been specially created for the campaign by the Council of Europe. You can get involved in the Young Active Citizens Award - awarded by the Council of Europe for innovative projects to promote the participation of young people in society. This time the Award will be given to actions or projects which are contributing to the "All Different - All Equal" Campaign. The closing date for entries is 15 July 2007. Are you organizing or participating in an event in your Association on the themes of the All Different, All Equal Campaign? Tell us all about it fill in the forms that are available in the Feedback section of this online toolkit and send them to europe@europe.wagggsworld.org

1.1 Why Do We Need This Toolkit? Open to all is a fundamental principle of Guiding and Scouting. We make no distinction of background, race, nationality, disability, colour, beliefs or other circumstances. All Guide and Scout Associations and individual Guides and Scouts have been working to fulfill these ideals and encourage the development of all young people as responsible members of society. Based on the Promise and Law, every Guide and Scout, by participating in our Movement is empowered to contribute to their community to build a better world. How we equip young people to respond to living in an enlarging and increasingly diverse Europe is an important part of the joint work of the Europe Region of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and the European Scout Region of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Over the years, both organizations working together have supported young people to understand and acquire knowledge about the realities of living in an intercultural and multicultural Europe. We believe that by bringing young people of different cultures and religions together, we encourage respect of cultures and facilitate the discovery that differences are a source of strength. Many Guide and Scout Associations have already been working on diversity projects for some time. Others have only recently begun and yet others have only started to think about launching work in this area. Working in an inclusive way however demands change organizational and individual. If we want to reach all segments of society, we must examine the organizational structure, values and practices of Guide and Scout Associations to identify barriers which have perhaps unwittingly been erected over time. We need to train every leader to value diversity and understand how it can enrich Guiding and Scouting for all young people, and benefit society as a whole. Change does not happen overnight. Diversity work is not about doing a good turn. Diversity work is a process which needs commitment and planning. Individuals and Associations must be prepared to do things in different ways. Goals that are realistic and achievable need to be set. Only then can we broaden the opportunities for all young people, provide new experiences and challenges that will enrich European Guiding and Scouting to enable all young people to develop their fullest potential and create a better world. This toolkit is a compilation of theoretical and practical approaches to diversity work as well as examples of projects from Guide and Scout Associations across Europe. It is hoped that the information and resources in this toolkit will help individuals and Associations to challenge their ideas, reflect on their work, identify gaps that may exist and inspire creativity and new ways of work. There is no one model. The variety of project examples reflects the rich diversity of Guiding and Scouting in Europe. But although we are different in many ways, we all share common fundamental values and our belief that Guiding and Scouting make a remarkable contribution to building European civil society and responsible citizenship based on mutual understanding, tolerance and the fight against racism.

THE OVERTURE NETWORK The Overture Network is an informal network of leaders working on the topic of diversity in European Guide and Scout Associations. The Network aims to bring together the views and practices of those who are working in the field - leaders of branches or groups - that are able to give witness of their daily experience, but also those responsible on the national or regional level that can promote and multiply certain pedagogical or strategic policies. The Overture Network encourages Guide and Scout associations in Europe to actively work with young people originating from ethnic and other minority groups. The active participation of children and youth from all different backgrounds is based on the principle that Guiding and Scouting is open to all young people. The Overture Network works in close cooperation with European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM. The Network is voluntary and members of the Network are not officially representing their associations. The Networks activities are based on its members needs and wishes, input of each member is very important. The Network is guided by a Steering Group consisting of 4 members of the Network, who are in charge of the preparation of meetings with the hosting association. You can find out more about the Overture Network at overture.europak-online.net where you will www.overture-network.org find more information about the Network, concrete training examples and reports from the past meetings, to give you a better idea about the benefits of participating. You are also welcome to contact the Overture Steering Group by e-mail: overture@europak-online.net info@overture-network.org.

1.2 Who this Toolkit is For? The information and training resources in this toolkit can be used and adapted by all levels of the movement. National Board members may find the Diversity Checklist useful for reviewing the organizational structure and policies of the Association. The templates and practical approaches provided in the toolkit may be helpful in planning initiatives to introduce Guiding and Scouting to new and unexplored areas of your community. The activities, resource materials will be useful to trainers and leaders on the grassroots level of Guide and Scout associations in their day-to day work. Some of the sample training templates might also help intercultural teams and recruitment teams in creating workshops and inspiring new ideas in their work. Finally, the toolkit could also serve as a useful reference when preparing international camps, workshops or other intercultural events.

1.3. How to Use this Toolkit? WAGGGS and WOSM have long experience working on diversity-related topics. There exists a wide variety of materials produced at world level and at national level by Guide and Scout Associations across Europe on this topic produced in various languages. In view of this, it was felt that instead of writing new materials, it was recommended to invest time and resources to look at existing materials and translate some of these to compile a toolkit that would benefit all segments of and levels of the movement Many of these training resources and project examples have been presented as best practice sharing in the Overture Network meetings with Guide and Scout leaders who attend the meetings of the Overture Network. This Diversity Toolkit therefore aims to share what is helpful with a wider audience, including those either currently working on diversity in their Scout and Guide associations, or considering work in this area to include more young people from minority communities. This toolkit is divided into several sections as follows: Part 1 Understanding Diversity is a compilation of factsheets providing theoretical information and useful extracts from training resources to help individuals and associations understand and discuss diversity work. The section begins with a Diversity Checklist which is a good starting point for everyone to review whats been done, identify gaps and reflect on longstanding traditions, policies and structures in Guide and Scout associations that may unwittingly be causing obstacles to diversity. Part 2 Practical Tools includes several types of training tools Activities and Templates which serve different purposes. The Activities sheets in the first section of Practical Tools contain training activities that can be used by leaders and trainers to run training workshops and as a general way to explore cultural identity, values and learn more about diversity and intercultural education. The Templates offer step-by-step templates for action plans to broaden recruitment and a sample diversity training module that can be adapted for use by associations, trainers and leaders. Part 3 Project Examples offer information of actual projects implemented by Guide and Scout associations in Europe to include more young people from different segments of society. These project examples and case studies are not meant to be prescriptive, but to offer inspiration, share good practice and ideas on the many possible ways to work on diversity. You will need to decide which parts are most relevant to the work you are doing or planning to undertake. You are invited to try the activities and to consult with the Association who has provided that particular experience. There are lots of web references given for you to find more information or link you to the Association, so that you can take direct contact with the organisations, and possibly, talk to someone who has been involved in the project. Sharing and talking to each other is the best way to get new ideas and to understand ideas and actions sharing of best practice amongst Associations is key and one of the benefits of being part of a worldwide organization. It is important to note that most of the resources and information received was not available in English and has been translated. Due to budgetary and time constraints, it was impossible to translate all the resources into English and to include all the projects that have been implemented in Europe. However, to acknowledge the multicultural and therefore multilingual character of our movement, we have archived all non-English resources and information received in the national

languages of Associations in a separate multi-lingual resources section of the web version of this toolkit which you are invited to consult at overture.europak-online.net. www.overture-network.org . This Tool Kit is designed to be a living document. It will be available on the Internet at www.overture-network.org . overture.europak-online.net. Alongside the Internet version of this document will be an online resource library where activities, handbooks, training resources and project information on subjects related to diversity will be stored. This will be accessible for anyone to download what he or she would like to use. If you have a training resource or idea you would like to see added to the online library then please complete the information form at the back of this publication and email it to overture@europak-online.net or fax the form to +32 2 541 08 99. We also welcome any toolkit@overture-network.org specific examples that could be added to the toolkit itself. ^ back to top

Factsheet 1: Where to start? Assesing your situation Are we Inclusive? Guiding and Scouting Associations are modern youth organizations and therefore tolerance education and equality should be evident parts of the aims of the Associations. Many leaders in Guiding and Scouting Associations think that we do not need policies, as Guiding and Scouting should be open to all anyway. This first part of the toolkit starts with a Diversity Checklist which can be used as basis for identification of the development needs in the Association. It aims to provoke questions and raise viewpoints about current policy and ways of integrating, recruiting and supporting members from all segments of society. Working with minority groups means that Associations are built around a system which meets the needs of each member and the structure of the Association is adapted to the needs. This concept does not only involve the leaders who are working with members from minority groups, but the Association as a whole. It is recommended that the key decision-makers of the Association are involved in this assessment as it might provide valuable insight and awareness of what needs to be done in their Association, to become more inclusive. CHECKLIST FOR DIVERSITY General Questions Do you know what diversity means (for your association)? Yes/No Need to ask (name of person) for more information Need to persuade (name of person) to do this What I need to do By when

Do you know what the benefits of diversity are for your association? Yes/No Need to ask (name of person) for more information Need to persuade (name of person) to do this What I need to do By when

Can you think of other benefits for your association? Strategic Planning and Development Yes/No Need to ask (name of person) for more information Need to persuade (name of person) to do this What I need to do By when Is diversity a part of the strategic development of the association? Is equality of opportunity promoted in your association? Note: young people from minorities and those from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds could have concerns about their rights to be part of the decision-making in their

unit/group or in the association. Budget and resources for equality and diversity Is diversity and equality a consideration in budgetary and service planning? Are there specific budget allocations for diversity and equality? Is there a reduced membership fee structure for members from disadvantaged backgrounds? Is the senior leadership committed to diversity work in the association? Is there an Equality/Diversity team and/or staff whose role it is to promote equality and diversity at all levels? Is there an Equality/Diversity Committee? How is equality and diversity built into the quality of educational programme initiatives? Are there equality/diversity policies covering all target areas? How far does the association have capacity to implement the strategic policies in practice? Is there dissemination and awareness of equality and diversity through all levels of the association? Do you need to change any of your existing policies strategies and action plans to be more inclusive? Eg do your current statutes and governing documents exclude any groups from becoming leaders? Do the Promise and the Law need to be somehow adapted - for example for members of different religious faiths? Are people and associations from minority groups involved in the planning, in the design and delivery of programmes, and monitoring educational programmes? How much are we ready to adapt the educational programme for new groups, if required? How are the issues raised by users listened to and fed back into service provision and management of the association? Is there participation of staff, volunteers and leaders in the development of diversity? Are young people from minority backgrounds disadvantaged in participating in decision-making at unit/group level? Is there data on the employment and recruitment of minority groups in your association? Is there data on the outcomes of membership recruitment in minority groups or targeted neighbourhoods? How is diversity integrated into the monitoring and evaluation of services? What evidence is available that policies, practices and procedures result in increased diversity? Do staff, volunteers and leaders at all levels benefit from equality and diversity training? Do staff, volunteers and leaders have an awareness of equality

Management of equality and diversity

Equality/diversity policies


Data, monitoring evaluation


Training and awareness

and diversity issues, of situations where discrimination may occur, of legislation and of obligations? Service Provision What diversity initiatives exist? Practicalities (Special Are there diversity initiatives on the following: Diets, Camps, Uniforms, Reduced Fees) provision Dietary Requirements If members require special diets, are there any provisions for this (Muslim/Jewish/Hindu, vegetarians, food allergies, etc)? Camps Keeping girls and boys separate in some situations is important in many cultures - separate places to bathe, swim and sleep during camps may need to be arranged. If a practising Muslim needs to pray three to five times a day, can arrangements be made for a special place?) UniformsShould there be a different uniform or can your current uniform be adapted to meet the cultural or religious requirements of members different minority group (if required)? Is the cost of the uniform a barrier for some groups? Special Equipment for Outdoor Activities Is there a way to enable all members who do not have the necessary (possibly expensive) equipment to take part in camping, hikes, etc?

Physical infrastructure

Are buildings physically accessible to all persons? Are meeting venues (eg. if your groups meet on church grounds) excluding to any minorities? Has an access audit been carried out? Is information provided in accessible ways, in variety of formats and languages? Are recruitment and information brochures available in different languages so that potential new members can take them home to their parents to discuss membership in Guiding/Scouting? How is diversity integrated into local level programmes? Is there diversity training for leaders at local level? How do leaders on the local level encourage diversity in their local Guide and Scout units?


Local levels

Factsheet 2: Understanding diversity WHAT IS DIVERSITY? Diversity means difference. And peoples differences can be many and varied: race, culture, national origin, geographical region, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, socio-economic differences, family structure, health, values and more Diversity work is about bringing together individuals with varied demographic, cultural, human, intellectual, and philosophical differences to help create an environment that honors and respects those differences in a safe and supportive environment. It is important to distinguish between diversity and anti-discrimination. In Us and Them a training manual by the Swedish Guide and Scout Council, Malin Kasper Burns explains that working with diversity is not the same thing as working against racism in the 80s Diversity is more than that. Working with diversity has two dimensions: anti-discrimination and diversity as such. Antidiscrimination deals with discrimination linked to belonging to a certain group, eg. gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation. Diversity is about welcoming individuals with different personal experiences, values and characteristics. Diversity is rooted in equality but it is more than just being politically correct or having an equal opportunities policy with an aim to minimizing the effect of discrimination and encouraging equal treatment. It is a move away from policies and procedures, embedding diversity into the organizations culture, and celebrating difference. Organizations that embrace diversity are able to harvest the benefits and value of our differences, taking positive advantage of the differences between individuals and working against prejudice. There are many definitions of a diverse organization. Here are a few definitions from some Guide and Scout training handbooks in Europe: UK The Scout Association (Valuing Diversity Training Manual) http://www.scoutbase.org.uk A diverse organization is one which values difference. It is one which recognizes that people with different backgrounds, skills, attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and perceptions. Diverse organizations encourage and harness these differences to make their services relevant and approachable. A diverse organization draws upon the widest possible range of views and experiences, so it can listen to, and meet, the changing needs of its users, staff, volunteers, partners and supporters. Sweden - The Swedish Guide and Scout Council (Toolbox Diversity Manual) http://www.scout.se The Swedish scout movement is separating diversity from discrimination. Our work against discrimination aims to make sure that all people no matter which group they belong to should get the same opportunity to get involved. The diversity work on the other hand aims that everyone in the scout movement regardless of personality or qualities should be able to grow as a person. This, in our mind, is the meaning of diversity. Belgium Scouts and Guides of Flanders (Beauty Case Diversity Toolbox) http://www.scoutsengidsenvlaanderen.be You might say that every scout troop is diverse. Frank is afraid of getting on the pulley, while you have to hold Nele back or she would probably end up breaking her neck. Mieke is a redhead, Kim a bookworm. Fred likes to listen to house music and Dave is the loudmouth. You learn to live with these differences and sometimes you can even use them to your advantage. In other words: diversity is a mix of differences, which are approached in a spirit of equality.

DIVERSITY AS A PROCESS Working on diversity and creating dialogue between cultures requires time and experience. It is a process that depends not only on peoples openness but also on the organizational structures and policies to facilitate this process. If we are to move from multicultural societies to intercultural societies, we will need to work towards challenging: our personal attitudes the organizational structures and policies which result in inequality

The All Different, All Equal Education Pack offers this additional advice: Without being too strict and taking the following list as a set model for our behaviour, we can nevertheless see that it is necessary to pass through certain stages, namely: Accepting that everyone is on the same level; accepting equality of rights, values and abilities; prosecuting racism and discrimination. Getting to know each other better; engaging in discussion, knowing about other peoples cultures, moving towards them, seeing what they do. Doing things together; co-organising, collaborating, helping each other. Comparing and exchanging; exchanging viewpoints, experiencing each others cultures and ideas, accepting mutual criticism, reaching agreements and taking decisions together.

Factsheet 3: Why Value Diversity? Why Value Diversity? Diversity concerns everybody. Societies are no longer homogenous, they are diverse! We may be different but we all have potential waiting to be tapped. Being open to differences and embracing diversity can bring in a wide range of experience, ideas, creativity and give existing members a feeling of being enabled to work to their fullest potential. Experience suggests that organizations that embrace diversity are able to develop a broader membership that is more reflective of their local communities. They enjoy access to rich, previously unused pools of time and talent; gain an improved public image and find an increased motivation amongst adult volunteers, who find that they are treated fairly. In addition, funders are increasingly seeking to only work with organizations that can demonstrate a commitment to diversity. Benefits to Guiding and Scouting Guiding and Scouting has always had to work with diversity and broadening the membership base. At the very beginning of the movement, Scouting had to deal with the diversity issues of that time which included gender and social class. Over the last century, one of the achievements of Guiding and Scouting has been its ability to respond to the evolving needs of young people and to grow by being flexible and adapting to different social contexts. As we look at ways to grow and develop Guiding and Scouting in the future, it is clear that we need to reflect on how Guiding and Scouting can gain real advantages by valuing diversity. In the last few years, recruitment and retention has become an increasingly important issue for most Guide and Scout associations in Europe. Many associations are losing members or are only able to retain members for a limited period of time. Ironically, some associations also have long waiting lists of members for the youngest sections that are unable to enjoy Guiding and Scouting because of the lack of leaders. In addition to these issues, many Guide and Scout associations increasingly accept that their membership does not always reflect the diversity of the communities in which we live and work and are seeking to increase diversity and broaden their membership to reflect modern European society. To value diversity in Guiding and Scouting, we need to respect and value the diversity of the communities in which we operate. We should aim to work with all segments of society, and value the individual differences that each Guide and Scout brings to the movement. In this way, we will be able to maximize the potential of the young people and adults in Guiding and Scouting by developing and encouraging the best use of their wide variety of skills and attributes. Potential benefits to Guiding and Scouting include the following: - increased recruitment of potential members - enlarged pool of potential volunteers - wider variety of skills and increased creativity - intercultural learning opportunities for all members (existing and newcomers) - improved image in society and media - partnerships and funding opportunities - with NGOs, local/regional authorities, etc .

UK - The Scout Association (Valuing Diversity Adult Training Manual) In the UK, statistics show that: One in 12 people are from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, the figure rises to one in eight of under 16 year olds. One in 20 people who have a religious belief belong to a religion other than Christian. One in five adults and one in 20 children are disabled in some way. One in four people are under 16 and one in six is over 65. By 2010 only 20% of the UK working population will be white, male, able-bodied and under 45.

Sweden The Swedish Guide and Scout Council (Us & Them Training Manual) Diversity is basically about equal opportunities; every child, adolescent or adult who wants to become a scout should be able to do so. But there is also a matter of the scout movement developing and growing. All organizations in Sweden today struggle with loss of members and a lack of interest for volunteer work and competition from media and commercial interests. Diversity has shown to give a better ability to recruit, develop and keep members. Strong tradition in organizations, e.g. in the scouts, can give a sense of identity and stability but on the other hand it can also be a barrier for development. Diversity results in more creativity; diverse groups are shown to be more creative than homogenous groups. The Scouts are unique in its young value based leadership. Diversity results in better leadership, experiences from different backgrounds in leadership results in new perspective and ideas. The Scouts are well known in Sweden today but do people have the right image of scouting? Diversity gives positive image and a strong name in the society.

Belgium Scouts and Guides of Flanders (Beauty Case Diversity Toolbox) Scouting is to dare Scouting, like any other youth movement, is a great way of realizing something every week with a group of different people: outdoor cooking, hiking, playing games with or without a winner. Often the activity is not about the realization itself, but about the road towards it. Working together, being responsible, caring about one another, the physical challenge Scouting is education, training, even though, you arent often aware of it. And yet: anyone who looks back at his scouting days will admit that his commitment to the scouts has helped determine how he or she turned out as a person. You learn to relate to others and express yourself creatively. You learn to work together and to stand up for your rights. That is why we believe that scouting can play a role in the issue of vulnerable minority groups such as the disadvantaged, immigrants, or disabled young people. Our movement can put other children and young people in contact with new environments and provide them with tools to build a stronger self-image. And vice versa of course. If more other children join us on Saturdays and Sundays, or if you can attract a new, more diverse leadership, then it will also broaden the horizon of our circle of members and leaders. It would lead to more reciprocal understanding, which who knows can also break through larger social patterns. Because that is what diversity is all about: breaking through barriers. And scouting has two crucial assets to contribute: we work with kids from a very young age in a playful way. You too have to work towards diversity, not just for the others. But because you and your troop stand to benefit from this too.

Factsheet 4: Barriers to Diversity Attitudes, preconception, prejudice and stereotypes The biggest barriers to diversity are perhaps our own attitudes. Attitudes come from a lack of knowledge and experience, perception or cultural environment. They are based on preconceptions, prejudices and stereotypes. How are these defined? Attitudes Attitudes are predisposition, which bring a person to answer, favorably or not, to a situation or to a person. Preconception: An opinion or conception formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience. Prejudice: Based on insufficient facts about others, we often tend to pre-judge others simply because we dont know them or we make no effort to know them. It is based on experience shared by others or what is read in todays media. Stereotype: Putting people into pigeon-holes by making generalisations. Stereotypes are judgements we make of others without sufficient grounds or proper reasoning.

It is important to remember that everyone has different preconceptions, prejudices and stereotypes; these are based on each individuals life experience. Preconceptions, prejudices and stereotypes are not only negative things; we need them to file our experiences so that we can learn and understand things, which are happening to us and around us. Because preconceptions, prejudice and stereotypes are based on life experience then it is possible to change them, with knowledge and new experiences. Challenging Attitudes, Preconception, Prejudice and Stereotypes The All Different, All Equal Education Pack observes that, No matter their age, people who come face to face with the challenges and problems of multicultural society cannot jump straight from ignorance to critical consciousness and action. This can only be carried out through an intercultural education process. There are many activities in the resources section of this toolkit to help you plan an intercultural education programme. In planning such a programme however, it may be useful to bear in mind the following comparison of the intercultural education process to a road in which there are different stages that, simultaneously, are centres of interest to work on (for ideas and contents, refer to All Different, All Equal Education Pack pages 47-49): Stage 1 To Imagine yourself from the outside Stage 2 To understand the world we live in Stage 3 To be acquainted with other realities Stage 4 To see difference positively Stage 5 To favour positive attitudes, values and behaviour

You may decide that some stages are more important than others - or that you need to take a different route altogether!

Overture Network Discussion Group on Barriers that young people from minority ethnic groups face when accessing youth organizations: Lack of knowledge of whats out there ie. activities available for young people Many organisations are associated with one religion and people from minority ethnic groups are from a different faith and dont want to take sides Different language Cultural differences mean times or activities can be inappropriate Ethnic minorities perceive themselves to be different Others Perceptions - stereotyping, prejudice, mistrust Discrimination/isolation from the members of the established group Bullying or fear of bullying Parents influence Lack of confidence to become part of the group No voice within the group due to lack of numbers Other commitments studying, working in family businesses, minding siblings Location of where organisations meets may not be suitable People dont like change Shortage of role models lack of leaders from minority groups Structure of organisation is not suitable for ethnic minorities Feeling that Organisations do it because they have to Lack of awareness of aims of the organisation Lack of information reaching ethnic minorities Recognising that there is difference within ethnic minorities Lack of Communication Lack of tolerance and co-operation within minority organisations with established group

How can Guide and Scout organisation help to overcome these barriers?: Be seen to be actively inclusive not just have it on paper actively recruit people from ethnic minorities Provide training for all leaders to cultural differences Have information meetings for members to understand the issues and the importance of embracing diversity Meet in a neutral location ie. that is not associated with one religion Ask the young people what their needs are Try to provide interpreters Produce leaflets in different languages (for parents and young people) Keep parents informed send home notes in their spoken language Set up partnerships with organisations that are skilled in the area and share information on how to best practice working with ethnic minorities Change the attitudes of the organization see Diversity Checklist Advertise the organisations aims and objectives present Best Practice at National Board meetings and in the newsletters of the Association Encourage Ethnic Role Models and publicise them in newsletters, website Ethnic Minority festivals to be part of the organisations programme (eg. Festive holidays, World Refugee/Roma Day, International Day against Racism, etc

Factsheet 5: Reaching all Segments of Society Through Guiding and Scouting

This section is an extract from the Recruitment and Retention toolkit produced by WAGGGS. It looks at some of the different segments of society for social inclusion and diversity work including ethnic minorities, young people with disabilities and those living in rural or urban areas. If you are looking for new ideas and inspiration for your diversity work, you should also look at the Projects section of this diversity toolkit where you find a wide variety of projects from across Europe to include young people from all segments of society in Guiding and Scouting activities.

Ethnic Minorities Ethnic minorities, especially those who have recently come to a new country, may be willing to create their own groups or may be included into already existing groups. Integrated groups have the advantage that they represent the whole society. It can be very enriching for all participating members to be active in an intercultural environment. Immigrants bring their traditions, their cultures, their habits and maybe their Guiding and Scouting experiences as well. In some parts of Europe, leaders are saying that Western countries should not lack leaders as the leaders from Eastern Europe have moved there. In order to have minorities as longer-term members, we need to consider the circumstances in which we welcome them, and adapt our programme according to their needs. Some people may say, what is the point in adapting our programme to the special needs of newcomers? Does this not prolong the segregation that exists in the society we live in? But all young people have special needs of some kind or other. If we want to keep a Brownie in the group, we need to find the games that she likes. If we simply invite new people into existing groups without making an assessment of the situation and making the necessary changes, we could lose both old and new members. Young People with Disabilities We must promote the participation and involvement of people with disabilities in Guiding and Scouting. When working with physically disabled young people it can be harder to find good adult leaders than providing physical access. Special training may be required for volunteers to involve the disabled and guarantee that they receive all the support they need. Although more volunteers might be needed for members with special needs, parents or carers can be valuable supporters. Groups that have worked in this way have a real sense of satisfaction on both sides. For further information on working with people with disabilities please use the tool kit published by the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region Beyond Barriers available from www.europe.wagggsworld.org Rural and urban areas Different strategies should be used for including young people in rural and urban areas in Guiding and Scouting activities. Special opportunities in rural areas: Due to a lack a variety of NGOs there are less programme opportunities for children. Due to the small size of the community it is easier to get in contact with key decisionmakers and get their support for free facilities and other assistance.

Special challenges that can arise in rural areas: Children may go to school in a neighbouring town thereby spending their leisure time there and/or spend a lot of time travelling. Students and young people leave smaller villages, thus causing difficulties in finding and keeping leaders. There may be stronger traditions (cultural background) in rural areas that may make it harder for girls and young women to join.

What to do: Create a relaxed and open atmosphere to build trust among the groups Prepare documentation for the community as well as for outside bodies Be prepared to be diplomatic between different bodies (community leaders, families, etc) Make yourself unnecessary after a certain time (give the community the information and tools to continue Guiding and Scouting without you) Constantly evaluate the process and performance Be flexible Be sensitive Show continuous commitment and responsibility towards the community/process Be aware that Guiding and Scouting can only be vital in the long term if it reflects the communitys ethnic, cultural and socio-economic mixture.

Factsheet 6: Developing Guiding and Scouting in Minority Communities

This section of the toolkit is an extract from Developing Scouting in Minority Ethnic Communities produced by The Scout Association, UK. The extract offers advice on developing contacts with minority communities and highlights key organisational considerations when developing Guiding and Scouting in minority ethnic communities. It also presents helpful information on presenting the key benefits of Guiding and Scouting to community leaders and some common misconceptions of the Movement.

Developing contacts within local communities Contact with key people within the community is essential. The influential people may or may not be religious leaders, so it is important that all possible contacts are sought. Local youth officers, Racial Equality officers or head teachers will be able to provide specific contact names for the minority ethnic communities within your District. Many local places of worship operate an "open door policy", so feel free to walk in and ask for information. If people are available they will try and provide the information requested. Community meetings Experience suggests that often it will be useful to make a brief presentation, possibly with the key initiator/supporter of the project, to the community's council, committee or membership. Once the initial concerns about developing Scouting, as an activity for both young people and adults from the community, have been addressed, project managers should seek gain a commitment from the community, particularly in terms of recruiting leaders and obtaining practical and financial support for the Group. It is important that the information put across at these meetings is relevant to the community, as this will give more specific understanding of how Scouting can benefit them. This can be achieved by prior discussion and research about religious and cultural obligations held by the individual communities. Recruitment and training of adult volunteers or Helpers The recruitment of adult volunteers should be the highest priority. All contacts should be exploited fully and every attempt should be made to recruit volunteers from the local community. Different strategies may have to be used to recruit adults with little or no understanding of Scouting. Presentations and the opportunity of visiting existing Groups can help to develop an initial interest. Training sessions and activity weekends can follow up these initial tasters. It is essential to give newly recruited volunteers or prospective volunteers appropriate training as quickly as possible. This gives them a greater understanding of both the role that they are taking on and the support available to them. Placements to existing Scout Groups (especially in the case of new Scout Groups) and other activities should be arranged to increase knowledge and maintain enthusiasm. Recruitment of Young people Once (and only once) the community is behind the development of Scouting and an adult leadership team has been recruited, the young people can be recruited. Often this can be done by word of mouth; however various more active methods can also be employed. These include:

presentations in schools, colleges, community centres and places of worship; taster activity days at a local Scout camp site; taster evenings, run on an invitation or drop-in basis

Presenting the Benefits of Scouting to minority ethnic communities The marketing of Scouting to minority ethnic communities is an important aspect to consider. Interested community leaders should be encouraged to gain a greater understanding of the issues concerned by visiting local Scout Groups. However, there will still be questions to answer. Parents and community leaders will want to know what the benefits of Scouting will be for their children. Relatives may have been involved in Scouting in their countries of origin and know the advantages of being a Scout, but will want to know about the benefits of Scouting in the United Kingdom. The following are a few suggested marketing points which can be used. Scouting enables young people and adults to: enjoy a complimentary informal education system; develop skills, such as working with other people; develop a sense of responsibility for their local and wider communities and environment; participate in a structured, exciting and challenging leisure time activity; make friends and share experiences; develop spiritually through the Balanced Programme offered to each age group; understand the spiritual value of life beyond the material world; increase pride in their cultural identity and through this enhance their own self-esteem; have an advantage over others when applying for employment because employees often look favorably on young people who have been involved in Scouting.

An important factor to remember when promoting Scouting is that the expected uptake may not match the reality. It may take longer than expected for the interest to be generated, but the key thing is to persevere! It is useful to obtain an understanding of the decision making process that will be followed. This may be a much slower process than the development team are used to working within, so teams should be patient and not decide that the project is not worth pursuing too early. Adult help and support is essential when either expanding or developing a Scout Group. Adults who become involved will also benefit by being able to: work with young people from their community with whom they can readily identify; follow a training programme that will encourage personal development; learn new skills; do something challenging and enjoyable in their spare time.

The District should take into account that volunteering is common within the social structure of many cultures but the initial reaction towards helping within the Scout Group could be slow. It should be appreciated that this is probably due to other commitments. Potential volunteers may have more than one job or help at their place of worship or within the local community, rather than be reluctant to help. Common misconceptions about Scouting As a Leader, or a supporter of Scouting, you will have come across several of the common misconceptions held by people who have had little or no contact with modern Scouting.

You may have to reassure potential supporters that the Movement is not just for white, male, middle class Christians. Scouting is a world-wide, multi-faith Organization that has always reflected the different religious and cultural obligations of its Members. Emphasize that the Purpose and Method of The Scout Association reinforce the beliefs of many cultures and religions, and that this is achieved by following the Scout Promise and Law and through the provision of a Balanced Programme. If queries arise over the Scout Promise, point out the different variations available and how they take account of the different religious and citizenship obligations of potential Members. If queries arise about uniform, explain that the Scout uniform may be adapted to incorporate religious and cultural dress requirements. Further information relating to the culture, food, dress etc. of different ethnic communities is available in a separate series of fact sheets. Important Preparing the District/County/Area Team to support development Considerations:

Support from the County and District is very important during the development of new and existing Scout Groups. Experience has shown the following: Communication Effective communication, between all parties involved is critical. As well as the need for clear and effective communication between the District / development team and the members of the minority community interested in starting Scouting, problems can arise if there is poor communication between the development team and Groups who do not have direct involvement with the work. If some Leaders believe that existing Groups require more Leaders, Members or equipment, they may not see the benefits of developing Scouting within minority ethnic communities. Open communication about the proposed development work and the benefits to everyone involved is vital. It is essential that District Commissioners are fully aware of what is happening. They can both promote the work in hand and, if necessary, mediate Flexibility Scout Districts have to be prepared to learn about new cultures and beliefs. Flexibility is necessary to enable a new Group to form or an existing one to expand. For example, the timing of Group meetings may have to be scheduled around religious services or other obligations such as religious education lessons, standard uniforms may need to be adapted or traditional programmes and ceremonies developed or revised. Understanding It is important that an understanding of minority ethnic communities' cultures, and the needs and aspirations of young people within those communities is developed. Cultural awareness workshops are a useful first step and local seminars and training can be organised. Cultural differences should not be viewed as cultural problems in fact these differences can be beneficial and add a whole new dimension to an existing Scout Group or District. Racism can destroy a project, so it is important to help people challenge any prejudice before it causes irreparable damage to relationships made with local communities.

Ownership Ownership of the development work by all parties involved is very important. The identified local community should not feel that Scouting is being "forced" on them; they should be fully involved with its establishment.

Everyone involved must have a clear understanding of their commitment to the tasks to ensure that the planned development work proceeds. The level of support that a new or existing Scout Group will receive from the District/County/Area should be clearly defined, as well as the responsibilities that the Group takes on. This could mean that the County Training Manager needs to organize additional training sessions or that an experienced Leader assists at the meetings of a new Scout Group for a given time period. Responsibilities need to be clearly identified and the team involved in planning and managing the development work should consider all sources of help and not expect existing Leaders to over stretch themselves.

Factsheet 7: Possible Models and Ways of Work There is no one model in diversity work. There are many ways to include members from minorities in Guiding and Scouting. Here are some things that may affect the decision of how a Guide and Scout association includes minorities: The culture of the country and the Association The situation in the society. In some societies minorities live in a protected environment therefore Guiding and Scouting can offer a possibility to expand their life experience. The resources of the Association (leaders, time etc) The wishes of current and potential members from minority groups

Workshop on open versus closed groups Overture network meeting www.overture-network.org overture.europak-online.net.

The purpose of the workshop was: To discuss the concept of open and closed groups in relation to minorities. To find ones views on the best approach for a national association to involve minorities in Guiding and Scouting.

Method Each group member should in turn take a piece of paper containing a statement e.g. This group is for girls only or This group speaks Somali only or This group has an activity once a year with another local group and put the statement on a diagram consisting of two sections: one for closed, one for open, while giving arguments for putting the paper in either the closed or open section. Like in the above described exercise each group member puts pieces of paper (8 in total) in the section of a diagram, and considers which one is the best way for an Association to involve minorities, and gives arguments for this choice. The possibilities for choice could be: 1. The Association says: Take us as we are or leave us! 2. The Association supports minorities in establishing their own scout groups. 3. The Association wants to change some aims, objectives, traditions and standards in order to be open. 4. The Association is pluralistic and welcomes everybody but still young people from ethnic minorities do not join their groups. This workshop was held three times with different participants. It raised huge discussions and the following common conclusions were drawn: Meetings between different units are very important. To be recognized as an open group you should have activities with other groups on a regular basis. Train leaders at least once a year. Involve more ethnic minority leaders as trainers in order to have a better idea of different ways of Guiding and Scouting. It can be considered natural that people from a certain ethnic background want to be together in their own group at least for some years. Nobody agreed to Associations saying: Take us as we are or leave us as a way of involving minorities in the Movement. An Association must be willing to change some of its aims and objectives to be open to minorities or support minorities starting their own group.

If a pluralistic Association welcomes everybody but still no members from minorities join, there is something wrong with the status quo and this Association has to take action in order to get more people involved.

We have to be open-minded when we want to involve more minorities in our Associations we must look at more than one option but a variety of possible ways. Here are some possible models that can be used for working with and in minority communities. Each model has advantages and disadvantages but each has its place. The decision about which model to use should be made jointly by local Scouting and members of the community concerned. When evaluating/choosing the following ways of work, it is important to note that every situation is different and ultimately, every leader and unit needs to consider what the leaders resources are and what way of work suits their situation the best, keeping in mind the common goals and guidelines as well as the potential of each member. Currently in most Associations there are mixtures of following types. (extract from Factsheet on Developing Scouting in Minority Communities by The Scout Association UK) Model 1 Integrated, Inclusive Units This model involves adults and young people from the minority ethnic communities joining an existing Guide or Scout unit. This might start with an interested adult approaching a Guide or Scout unit and offering to become a Leader or helper which might subsequently encourage young people from the community to join that unit. The advantages of this approach are that the social interaction offers a natural intercultural learning opportunity for existing and new members. It is important that the new member is not made to feel different. Inclusive education refers to the fact that all young people must be truly included into the social and educational programme of the unit. The opportunity to discover each others individual similarities and differences encourages learning about tolerance and changes attitudes which helps to break prejudices. The disadvantages of this model are that it can be challenging for leaders, especially if they lack knowledge and have no intercultural training. It can also lead to feelings of resentment, bullying and/or isolation. If the attitude is not good, it could lead to difficult situations and requires maturity and motivation from the leader. Parents may also feel that it is too difficult for their child if s/he is the only member from an ethnic minority in the group. In order to be effective therefore, this model requires the existing Group to be open and receptive to this form of work and prepared to change and adapt their practices if necessary. In addition the adults from the minority community will also have to be very committed to becoming involved in Guiding and Scouting and also need to be open minded. Model 2 Co-operation with Specialist Unit within Existing Group In this model a separate unit, largely run by and aimed at people from a particular minority community, is opened within an existing Guide or Scout Group. This model therefore requires a number of committed adults from the minority community to open and run the unit and it is likely that they will have a steep learning curve.

Using support and advice that will be easily available from the Group, leaders from the minority community can run the unit separately, perhaps with a specialist feel adapting for some cultural/religious considerations. This feel might be particularly important in engaging the support of parents. Joint activities and events between existing and new units can increasingly be used over time to integrate both the adult leaders and young people across the Guide or Scout Group. There are a number of advantages to this approach, particularly since it uses the existing structure and infrastructure of the existing Guide or Scout Group such as equipment, leader trainings, etc Support for new leaders is also immediately available and often there will already be people in the Group with experience available to share programme ideas and offer advice. The disadvantage of this model is that the new unit get isolated or that they do not want to work together anymore. It is also dependent on the commitment from the leaders of the minority community to undergo the steep learning curve and continue to establish the unit. This model may also require compromise for joint activities on the Group level and needs all the members of the existing Group to be open and receptive to the idea and to be open to change, perhaps including the need to adapt longstanding practices. Model 3 Separate New Group This model involves opening a completely new Guide or Scout Group within the minority community. This model tends to be particularly attractive for the minority community since it enables the new Guide or Scout Group to adapt completely in a culturally appropriate style and have its own identity. This issue of identity is likely to be quite important for many people and particularly important if the Guide or Scout Group is to gain the support of parents and others in the community. The model does however require a large number of committed adults together to form the standard Group infrastructure such as a Group Executive, equipment, a meeting place and sufficient finances to be put in place. The adults involved from the community again face a steep learning curve, particularly if they have not been involved in Guiding or Scouting before. Considerable support and guidance needs to be provided from outside the Group, potentially for a very significant period, often well in excess of 12 months. Model 4: Short-term Units and Open Activities Some special situations, like refugee camps and Roma communities require alternative shortterm options for Guiding and Scouting. It should be noted however that Guiding and Scouting values, based on the Promise and Law, form the core of the educational programme, which cannot be achieved in six months. Likewise significant personal development cannot be achieved over very short periods such as Open summer camps, but some young people are unable to make a long-term commitment and find this an obstacle. Some of the advantages in providing more limited opportunities include: Guides and Scouts only pay for those meetings/weekends/camps in which they take part. Issue a ticket-card so you can keep track of how much they have paid and also keep track of when they have to buy a new card.

The ticket-card describes what we offer and what is expected from them for the next year: 5 meetings 3 trainings 1 weekend 1 summer camp. Its important to evaluate the year then offer them another year. Membership for only 2-3 months or 1 year. Let children invite friends with them whenever they like. Organize open camps over the summer or open meetings throughout the year with interesting activities for all so that children, especially those from minority groups can try these activities without being members.

Model 5: School-based In some countries, Guide and Scout associations work with schools or specialized institutions to offer Extended School Days where Guiding and Scouting is offered on a regular basis after school. Schools can offer a meeting space, use of facilities and possibly teachers support for Guiding and Scouting activities, or simply the available of classes for Guiding and Scouting presentations. Model 6: Specialisation Specialised Guiding and Scouting programmes can also be offered at national level taking into consideration special needs groups. For example , some Guide and Scout associations have partnered with specialized institutions for mentally or physically disabled young people to offer Guiding and Scouting activities that are specially tailored to their needs.

Factsheet 8: Communication - Internal Awareness and External Image Spread the information Both internal and external communication plays an important role in including all in the activities offered by the Association and in becoming truly diverse in the membership. The visibility of our diverse membership is important as it shows that it is a natural part of Guiding and Scouting. Positive images of members with disabilities bring along tolerance and influences recruitment of leaders, resources and continuity. Also it is highly important for the members themselves. Internal awareness Internal channels of communication offer an opportunity to influence Guides and Scouts by opening their minds. Showing an Association is open to all by presenting projects and activities with members from all segments of society is a first step to change attitudes! Receiving information is a major part of including members, and of equality. Are your internal channels of information available for all members? Does every member of the Association have the possibility of receiving information in a suitable format? Do members with visual or hearing difficulties have access to information? Good internal communication guarantees that at least those that need it can find it! It is important to get the project known within the world of Guiding and Scouting. Advertising and representing the project at leader training courses or general assembly, arranging mixed gatherings between different units and writing articles in the National newsletters and websites are all good ways to get people interested. These different internal channels are also useful to give support to the leaders who are already working to include young people from minority groups. Take action! Some activities that can be done to increase awareness internally: Presentation of good practices in other Associations in the newspaper of the Association; during the General Assembly etc. Research about the percentage of members with from minority backgrounds in the Association and in your society does your membership reflect the society in which you live and work? Conduct a survey of young peoples attitudes to a range of minority groups in your country. Try to get the views of people from minority groups in the survey. Identify and contact representatives of minority groups to visit your association and give a talk to Guides and Scouts about their experiences. Compile a list of the resources available in relation to minority groups. Discussions about the vision of the Association in this field of work and the best way to reach this vision

External channels External communication offers a way to promote the work and strongly influence the external image of the Association. External image plays a crucial role especially with recruitment and retention, fundraising and public relations. Guide and Scout associations can benefit from a positive external image in several ways:

PR-campaigns, showing fun activities for all Attracting a wider potential membership for recruitment Fundraising possibilities Partnerships with other NGOs

Before Associations can fully benefit from this, it is hoped that members with minority groups are actively involved in Guiding and Scouting at all levels of the Association. If there are only some members from minority groups the image it gives out will be weak, as the examples are low in numbers. As previously mentioned, our image is spread through the activities that we do! But you can also influence the image through the communication tools: Pictures chosen in the publications, newspapers, media kit, etc. Subjects of press releases, policies, campaigns, etc.

Take Action! Some activities that can be done to increase awareness externally: Carry out an Internet or library project to find out about minority groups in your country. Display the results in Guide or Scout unit or school. Find out what policies or rules there are in your own area (youth club, school, local authority...), nationally, regionally (EU) or internationally to promote inclusion of minority groups. Track media coverage of issues relating to minority groups in Ireland and around the world. You could choose one particular media and examine how much importance is given to the minority identity. What issues would you want the media to raise about Guiding and Scouting in general and especially about initiatives to include young people from minority groups? What are the issues about diversity work that you would like to share with other Guides and Scouts and external audiences (Minority representation groups, local governments/ organizations working with disadvantaged youth, Youth Minister)? What kinds of open events can be organized on an annual basis to include more young people in Guiding and Scouting? How can these be promoted? Organise an activity or event on: International Womens Day (March 8th) International Day against Racism (March 21st) World Roma Day (April 8th) World Refugee Day (June 20th) World Mental Health Day (October 10th) International Day of Disabled Persons (December 3rd) Write to local politicians or other community leaders, inviting them to the event. Send out a press release to local newspapers and radio to get coverage of your actions

Factsheet 9: Guidelines for Working with Young People in Minority Groups

These guidelines have been developed by the National Youth Council of Ireland (www.youth.ie) under their Youth Action against Racism and Discrimination (YARD) programme. They are drawn from existing guidelines that have been drawn in Ireland and elsewhere for working with young people from minority groups. They were sourced by the Irish Girl Guides for the Overture Network and are intended as suggestions to support Guide and Scout leaders in promoting the inclusion of young people from minority groups in youth work. Due to the considerable overlap between guidelines for working with different minority groups, a set of general guidelines is presented first that are commonly applicable. Guidelines that are specific to particular minority groups are then presented under the relevant sub-section.

General Guidelines for Working with Young People from Minority Groups Young people from minority groups have individual as well as group identities. Respect the diversity within minority groups. In particular, dont assume that because two or more people share a common minority identity, they will get on. Emphasise the common identities and interests of young people, while recognising that young people are individuals. Young people hold multiple identities that are given varying importance depending on the person and the circumstances. For example, a young person could also be a woman, a sister, a Radiohead fan and a Northsider. Avoid focusing on just one aspect of their identity that the young person might not consider important. Be careful not to stigmatise young people through the use of labels. Consult with all young people in the design, implementation and evaluation of activities or programmes in which they are involved. When working with a minority group, respect their group identity. Use appropriate methodologies that take account of the differing needs of young people within your group (e.g. different beliefs, cultural attitudes to privacy, levels of ability or language competence). Try to find out in advance of working with the groups and in all cases ask the individuals. Work in partnership with organisations representing or supporting minority groups. Recognise that the experiences and needs of women and men may be different. Allocate adequate time and space to positive aspects of the minority identity. Make links between the experiences and treatment of minority groups in other countries and similar processes and prejudices in Ireland. The Did You Know? boxes in the pack and the websites listed on the sources of information page are a good place to start. Try not to be patronising or be afraid to say you dont know. Dont pretend to understand if you dont. Avoid presenting young people from minority groups as exotic or the majority group as normal. The use of language in relation to particular minority groups is constantly changing. Contact relevant support groups to find the most appropriate language to use. Recognise the positive contribution that young people from minority groups can make to Irish youth work and society generally. Agree some ground rules with the group, such as on the use of appropriate language, respecting diverse opinions and not telling offensive jokes. Provide intercultural and development education for all young people participating in your programmes, both in preparation for the participation of young people from minority groups and on an ongoing basis. Challenge stereotypes and counter prejudices towards minority groups among the young people with whom you work.

Consider designating a member of staff/volunteer to support inclusion of young people in minority groups. Engage in outreach work to raise the profile of your organisation/group among minority groups, who may not be aware of youth work opportunities.

Guidelines for Working with Young Travellers (Roma) Respect Travellers (Roma) right to a nomadic lifestyle. Present Travellers (Roma) as a people today, while also placing them in their historical context. Do not identify Travellers (Roma) as a problem. Highlight that the problem is the way they are perceived by the majority population. Travellers (Roma) should not be presented as exotic, primitive or uncivilised. Develop activities or programmes in partnership with organisations that represent or support Travellers (Roma).

Guidelines for Working with Young People with Disabilities Dont shout at people who are blind or deaf. Dont patronise people with disabilities. Talk directly to the person and use language appropriate to their age. Ensure the building and facilities are accessible for wheelchairs. Provide colour contrast signage for the visually impaired. When working with a person in a wheelchair or with mobility impairment, try sitting to be at the same eye level as them. Where a person has a learning disability, they may need to have things read out to them or help with filling out forms. Ask first. Give clear, simple directions. If you dont understand a person with a speech disability, ask them to repeat what they have said. Dont finish peoples sentences for them. Dont assume. Consult!

Guidelines for Working with Young Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Separated Children and Immigrants Familiarise yourself with the refugee determination process and its implications for young people. Recognise the particular needs of separated children, those young people who arrive here seeking asylum without the care of a parent or guardian. They are forced to take on many adult responsibilities and may require additional support or guidance from youth workers. Encourage young asylum seekers, refugees, separated children and immigrants to participate with other young people where possible, rather than just providing targeted programmes for them. Be mindful that young asylum seekers, refugees, separated children and immigrants may have difficulty with the language or particular accents of the majority group. Where possible, use methodologies suitable for non-English speakers such as drama, visual material and art work. Recognise that young asylum seekers, refugees, separated children and immigrants may have different cultural or religious needs and plan to accommodate these where possible. Find out about events happening in the home countries of the young asylum seekers, refugees and separated children. Be sensitive about exploring these with the group. Avoid placing pressure on young asylum seekers and refugees to make unpleasant disclosures regarding their background or reasons for leaving their country of origin.

Development education should be done with all the young people to highlight positive things about the young peoples countries of origin and to emphasise the common identities of all the young people. Recognise that it may take time to develop trust with young asylum seekers, refugees, separated children and immigrants.

For Discussion 1: Are we Excluding?

The following extract has been taken from Us and Them, a manual produced the Swedish Guide and Scout Council. The extract discusses various aspects of Guiding and Scouting and examines if certain Guiding and Scouting traditions may seem excluding to others?

Us and Them Distinguishing among ourselves and others is important for creating ones identity. By identifying with some and distancing from others we learn who we are and what our place is in the world around us. We draw lines in many instances throughout our life my family and yours, my profession and yours, my local football team and yours, my scout unit and yours, etc. These distinctions are natural and necessary, but when they turn into condemnation of the others your weird football team, your crazy scout unit, your strange family they may lead to exclusion and segregation. By attributing the THEM characteristics that we do not want to be concerned with -e.g. THEY are revengeful, THEY humiliate women, etc. -- we declare that WE are not so and do not. We attribute to others what we consider to be our or negative opposite. On purpose, scouting has many elements which will create a feeling of us/we the patrol, the small unit and the larger scout unit. These elements are important in establishing self-esteem and a spirit of community. Many of us know that singling out them/they is a shortcut to feeling that we belong to an us. They are the other unit, the neighbouring unit, or non-scouts. Very often simple activities like this make the group want to do their best, but it is important to take care that we do not create self and group esteem at somebody elses expense. How can a WE be achieved? How a feeling of a companionship -- a WE -- is created, as a strong spirit of community in a group, depends on which groups and which individuals are involved. Sometimes it is hard to understand where the feeling that WE are so unique and special -- it is just that the others do not see it -- comes from. As stated above, belonging to a WE is important to us. It makes it possible for us to understand and make distinctions within the world around us. Unless we are able to feel with whom it is that we can identify, it becomes difficult to handle all the impressions we get. See below for some basic elements which are almost always a part of creating a WE. Language and name A uniting language hastens the identity process. This happens partly by having a common vocabulary of special words or a special meaning of other words -- hike, life-line, lashing or offside -- or partly by the names (individual names that must be known and pronounced right), and a common name for the group, e.g. the patrol or the basket team. Uniforms, symbols and a special place The feeling of resembling someone else becomes strong if we look alike, for instance by wearing the scout shirt or the tee shirt from our camp. Outside scouting, think of the bus drivers uniform. If in addition to this you have symbols shared by everyone in the group, e.g. the Scout Emblem and the Patrol Flag, the spirit of community will grow. Having our own separate place where we make the decisions and where no one else has access, e.g. your very own patrol corner or den, your scout premises or the youth club, will quickly create group identity.

Culture Very typical scout cultural symbols like the camp fire, the Scout Song, the books of Astrid Lindgren and other things scouts have in common, invisible norms and behaviour as well, will soon tell who belongs and who does not. We may not be able to express what constitutes typical scout behaviour but we notice at once when something deviates from it. History, traditions, ceremonies All groups have their own history whether it be connected with scouting or something else, including companies, and they all have institutional memories of what has happened since the present group started. Traditions built on history and ceremonies often build on traditions and all of this helps the group distinguish itself from other groups. Heroes and Villains All groups have both historic and living heroes. The longer they have been dead, the more heroic their contribution Baden-Powell, St. George and The King. All groups also have their villains, historic or still alive. Our own villains are unconsciously protected -- we see reasons for what they have done. If a villain of our own has done something wrong, we determine that only she/he is guilty, individually. We cannot understand villains of other groups and so sometimes we judge the whole group by what only one person did. How does the THEY come about? Aside from the fact that we may think and function differently with regard to other people, part of what makes a group feel like a group may be cultural differences, e.g. how we view other individuals, other groups, or time. It is easy to create a THEY by simply turning the above concepts upside down. It is a question of language and a name we do not understand or cannot pronounce, symbols we do not recognize, a culture we are not accustomed to, traditions we do not understand, heroes we never heard of and villains we condemn. If we anticipate that we do things in different ways, if we have an open attitude and show each other respect, then there will be no conflict between a we and a they. Idealization versus demonization If I see THEM as a threat to my WE I often consider my WE to be right and their THEY to be wrong. My WE becomes the norm and it is a matter of power, influence and exclusion. By idealizing ones own and demonizing others, depreciating them, we create a rift in society. This will give some people US greater influence, more jobs and better incomes, and others THEM less of those benefits. Idealization and demonization often comes from fear. Unless I set the norm others will do it and then I will have to adjust or accept. This is usually subconscous, something we have learned from childhood and which is confirmed by large parts of our society. A frequently used Swedish material on diversity and dialogue, MOD-prmen by Orvar Alinder and Marco Helles, created to help us become more aware of our attitudes, gives these examples: WE : THEY Idealization : Demonization Christian : Muslim White : Dark Democrats : Fundamentalists

Civilized : Primitive Rational : Irrational Nuanced : Single-minded Promote Equal Rights of women : Oppressor of women Forgiving : Martial Open : Secretive Law-abiding : Terrorists WE : THEY Idealization : Demonization Muslims : Christians Love their children : Send their children to day care Love their parents : Send their parents to an old peoples home Respect women : Sell pornography Spiritual : Frivolous materialists Respect the faith of others : Missionize evangelical Responsible lifestyle : Use alcohol and narcotics Respect traditions : Disrespectful Peaceful : Drop atom bombs By becoming aware that we demonize and idealize we can reach an understanding of THEM. It is good to try to see the world from their point of view, try to see ourselves as they see US. For Discussion Can you relate to the picture of WE versus THEY? What in scouting creates a feeling of WE/THEY? What situations? In what way? Do you agree that a WE can be created through what has been said above? What groups do YOU idealize? What groups do YOU demonize? What WE and THEY groups exist in scouting? How would you like the greater society to be with respect to WE and THEY? What should we do to accomplish this?

For Discussion 2: Dealing with Discrimination and Racism in Guiding and Scouting Perhaps many will flinch at the mere thought that this headline expresses that there is prejudice, discrimination and racism in Guiding and Scouting. But there is, unfortunately. Guiding and Scouting are part of society and since racism exists in society it exists in Guiding and Scouting also. The following extract is taken from Us and Them, a manual produced by the Swedish Guide and Scout Council. It examines the causes of prejudice and racism as well as looks as some aspects of Guiding and Scouting and ends with suggested questions to stimulate discussion. Where do prejudices come from? How do xenophobia and racism arise? Sometimes we talk about prejudices as if they were a result of misconceptions or ignorance. If prejudices were only a sign of ignorance, education would be able to make them disappear. Unfortunately it is not as simple as that. We all have prejudices against certain times in history, people, groups or opinions. Usually we are not aware of having them. Others may see it, but to us it is just a matter of opinion and we do not know why we think the way we do. It is also very common that most of our prejudices have an origin in and are a proof of something that happened in our life in the past by which we have come to interpret other situations since then. Many prejudices are formed early in life by something that happens or by a person who has been close, often parents or teachers (later scout leaders also). Unless challenged they will remain with us the rest of our life. Orvar Alinder and Marco Helles (in MOD-prmen written by them) compare the forming of prejudices with being afraid of dogs: My image of German Shephards and other dogs unknown to me is influenced by experience (I have been attacked) fear (because of my earlier experience) anger (with dog owners who let their dogs go unleashed) suspicion (the next German shepherd will probably be as dangerous as the last one) proof (that other people have told me about aggressive dogs and also the media substantiate my own experience) alienation (I had better stay away from all German Shepherds) projection and generalization (most other dogs are probably a little dangerous, too) hesitation and distancing (I do not think I will go near a dog again, better to avoid them all).

According to Thomas Bhm, a psychiatrist, prejudices arise from conceptions or notions we usually are unaware of. We can get these notions in many different ways, often in our childhood. In his book Inte som vi (Not like us) he talks of four different ways in which prejudices may form: Identifying with parents and people with authority through expressed values or silent actions Your own immature conclusions ideas that form in our childhood and turn into conceptions as we grow older. Example: If the child thinks that girls are contagious, the adult may think that homosexuals are homosexuals because they had too much contact with females when they grew up.

Media has great influence over us early in our life, and creates fragmentary images of people. Example: If we see terrorists on TV but do not understand the context, then everyone resembling them will become terrorists in our mind. Myths some conceptions can be adopted by a whole culture and live on for generations. Some of them become legends, others become truths.

In their book Vit makt och blgula drmmar (White power and blue and yellow dreams) AnnaLena Lodenius and Per Wikstrm, journalists and authors, write that there are several additional factors besides personal conditions -- like bad upbringing, vulnerability and lack of male role models -- that make people, mostly men, become racists. These are other factors they consider to have an influence: Society. When society suffers from a financial crisis and when unemployment numbers are high and hopes for the future low, then there is a context where racist opinions may form. Political decisions. Institutionalized discrimination and housing segregation are said to make way for racist views even in political decisions and hence sanitizes them.. History. Swedish history is full of racist views and actions. We are beginning to forget about the Holocaust and Racial Biology and because of this, views from back then are heard again. The Christian Church of the early days had a very limited view of what should be the norm and condemned anything that was different. Although the church of today does not hold these views, racists make use of that history. Feminism. The more influence women have in the society and the less power men have over them, the more some men will see women as a threat to them and to their view of what is manly. Many racist ideologies express opinions that will fortify men and weaken women.

Reacting to prejudices As described above, prejudices are seldom a result of statistics and reality. They are emotions or an interpretation of reality. Responding to an emotion by stating many facts is seldom of any use. Reacting to prejudices is much more complex than that. For you as a leader it is wise not to take part in the discussion. It is better to ask questions of the people voicing their opinions. Telling them what you see or saying that they are wrong will hardly change anything on a deeper level; rather, it will only have a momentary influence. Here are some examples of what you can ask: How do you mean? Is it always like that? When you are angry it may be difficult to remember that there is a human being behind the attitudes you react to but you should always take the person seriously. Do not make ironic remarks about what is expressed; instead, show respect although you cannot share the opinions. Try to avoid confrontation ask questions and talk about the matter but do not attack because if you do there is risk of deadlock. Another thing that is important to remember is that we were not born with our opinions but choose how we will think and act, even if it is subconsciously. Because of this, one question could be: How did you come to think the way you do? Prejudices as self-fulfilling prophecies People who have prejudices will always look for proof that they are right. If you think that all immigrants live on social welfare you will stop there when you see the statistics and not think of the reasons for it. Most probably you will also automatically treat people you label immigrants as dependent on benefits, having lower status and exploiting the System.

Several studies show that you usually tend to live up to the expectations of you that other people have. Probably the most well-known study of all is the one done by an American teacher, Jane Elliot. She treated students with brown eyes as being less intelligent, informed them that they were dumb and treated students with blue eyes as being of higher standing. The next day she announced that she had made a mistake, that it was the blue-eyed students who were not intelligent and the brown-eyed ones were the ones with possibilities. The students changed and their self-confidence and achievements reflected the teachers treatment of them. As a scout leader you know well that if you have come to a scout meeting feeling tired and reluctant to be the leader, the children have often responded by being rowdy and demanding. It is important to respond to peoples prejudices especially if they have started to become selffulfilling prophecies. Proving a prejudice wrong can be difficult and will not always help as discussed before, but it is important to not let it go unquestioned, to take the stand that it is not always like that. If a selflk-fulfilling prophecy is refuted enough times even the person who voiced it before will begin to doubt it. It was just a joke! Many prejudices we encounter in our everyday life are masked as jokes. We often hear Just a joke!, but the question is how it was received by the person at whom it was aimed. A funny story built around the idea that people from Smland are stingy with their money may not be all that fun to hear for someone who is from there and if he or she hears it many times it will not only be feel repetitious but sometimes also demeaning. It can be difficult to respond appropriately to a joke that shows prejudice since many of them were not intended to do any harm. Other jokes are more subtle, and so it is hard to say exactly what was racist for example, but we get the feeling that it is not quite allright to say something like that. Nevertheless it is important to show that you do not find jokes showing racist tendencies amusing. By doing this you also mark that you will not accept racist views in your presence. Another way of dealing with jokes is to have a discussion in the group it concerns, for example the leaders team or the scout unit as such, and to talk about which kinds of jokes are OK and which are not. The basic rule with children can be that a joke is fun only if everybody thinks so that is, even the person it is about. As a leader you are always a role model and this means responsibility. Jokes you approve will set a standard and jokes you openly disapprove will cease. Nationalism, patriots and self-confidence One thing you often hear people who have xenophobic opinions say is, I am not a racist, I am a Patriot/Nationalist. In their book Vit makt och blgula drmmar (White power and blue and yellow dreams) Anna-Lena Lodenius and Per Wikstrm say that being a nationalist means to think that the nation is of great value to unite people and that my nation is superior to others. Few ideas have started more wars throughout history than has nationalism. Patriots on the other hand mean that the people should unite and that my people are superior to others. Patriots hail the history of their people, the family is important and often the role of women is limited to bearing children. To love Sweden is not the same thing as saying that Sweden is superior to all other countries. Nationalists have almost made it feel shameful to the rest of us to like our country and our flag. Because of this many people hesitate to speak appreciatively of their country or say that they find the flag beautiful. But having collective self-confidence is not the same thing as being selfrighteous. Genuine self-confidence can be welcoming if I feel accepted as I am I need not feel threatened by others. If I feel insecure on the other hand, I will see others as a threat to me and

my identity. If the population of a country has a sound, collective self-confidence, they can be happy and proud of their country, want to show it off while at the same time be open to influence by other cultures. Discussion Do you agree that prejudices can arise for the reasons expressed in the first part of this chapter? What can scouting do to prevent prejudices in the society? How can we help create self-confidence in being Swedish without it leading to self-righteousness and exclusion of others? BELONGING IN A GROUP Every person belongs to several groups. Most of them you choose consciously, clubs for instance, and some of them more subconsciously -- where you live for example. Some you are put into a group by someone else, like your class at school, and others you were born into, like your gender. If you have brown eyes it is obvious that you can be grouped with other brown-eyed people, but there can be an invisible group also, for instance people having the same kind of work. There is a mutual relationship between the individual and the group I can influence the group and the group can influence me. Together, all groups of which I am a member will have an effect on my personality. Groups can also bring about prejudices since all group members are lumped together. These prejudices can form in various ways. You may have got incorrect information -- something you happened to stumble on, saw in the paper or at the cinema and registered at the back of your head. Or maybe you heard something about a certain person in a group and judge the whole group by that one person, whether consciously or not. It is important to know that most of what you hear about other groups stems from such false information and are prejudices and nothing else. After reading the story, have a discussion about this: What groups do we choose to be in and what groups are we born into? What groups are we members of consciously and in what groups are we members without being conscious of it? What groups do you belong to only for an hour and what groups will you belong to all your life? In what way can a group influence the individual member and how can the individual influence the group? What opinions do we have of other groups? What opinions do you think other groups have of us?

Activity Sheet 1: Activities to Explore Cultural Identity

The activities in this section are from the WAGGGS toolkit, Working with Refugee Girls and Women. The activities have been developed for use by anyone working with young people or adults on issues of cultural identity. The activities are designed to be as flexible as possible and how you wish to use them is up to you. Before you start, read through all the activities to gain an overall picture and what the possibilities for using it are. Note that some of the activities assume that participants are literate while others do not. You will need to use your judgement about which are most appropriate or can be adapted in each situation. Activities 1-6 have been designed to encourage intercultural learning and exchange; activities 7-11 work with the images we have of peoples cultures, countries or social origins different from our own; activities 1215 explore the social and economic, cultural or educational factors that lie behind discrimination and exclusion; activities 16-19 encourage people to act to bring about change based on values of equality and the acceptance of difference.

ACTIVITY 1 : MY CHILDHOOD There is a child inside each of us and surely we have all had a childhood. How was it? Looking at ones childhood is a very exciting way to understand and respect others. This is a discussion activity. Issues addressed: Equality and diversity; The cultural similarities and differences between people; That so-called cultural differences are not only cultural but also economic, social and political.

Aims To learn about the different ways each of us has grown up; To understand the social and economic differences which underlie each person and society; To generate empathy and understanding between the members of the group.

Time 45 minutes Group size Any Preparation Nothing special, but the group should already be familiar with each other.

Instructions 1. Explain the purpose and aims of the activity. 2. Ask people to get into groups of 4-6 to talk about what they did during their childhood. Suggested questions include: o At what age did you first go to school? o Who else lived in your family? o Did you attend Sunday school or have some other kind of religious education? o Did you work when you were a child?

o o o

What kind of games did you like to play? Which were your favourite? Did you have to take care of your brothers and sisters?

Debriefing and evaluation Ask the participants to say what they found interesting in this exercise and then to compare the different sorts of childhoods they had and the relative influences the prevailing social and political environment had on them. Ask people to reflect on their own childhood and say whether they think all children in their own neighbourhood had the same childhood experiences? Tips for the facilitator The main purpose of this simple group activity is to make participants realise that not everybody has the same chances in life and that even though they are perhaps neighbours they were growing up under different conditions. Furthermore, it fosters the understanding that difference does not come only from the colour of skin or religion. Beware! This exercise should not be turned into a session for false psychoanalysis. Its purpose is simply to notice that, because of our families background, the social and economic conditions, the place where we were born or where we moved to, we have different experiences and perceptions of life and the world around us. These conditions may influence the difference as much as culture does. In fact they are a part of our culture, just as much as religion, language or skin colour. The type of questions addressed in the evaluation and debriefing have to be adapted to the type of people in the group. No one should feel under pressure to disclose anything that would make them feel uncomfortable. The activity can be made more lively if the participants illustrate their comments with photos or drawings. ACTIVITY 2 : MY STORY Our lives are shaped by experience. However we are marked by some experiences or events more than by others. This activity compares the experiences and explores the diversity and similarities within the group. Issues addressed Aims To raise curiosity and empathy about the other participants cultures; To generate a critical approach to our own history; To create awareness of the diversity of history; Life stories; Cultural diversity; Things which influence peoples lives related to their country, culture, relations or family.

To help participants to know each other better.

Time 30 minutes - 1 hour Group size Any Preparation A calendar on a board or large sheet of paper. It should be marked off in years and start at the year of birth of the oldest participant and end at the present; Felt-tip pen Divide participants into groups of 4-6.

Instructions 1. Ask each participant to think about three public events that have marked their lives and then ask them to write their name against the year in which the events occurred. The events may be related to politics, history, sports, music, etc. 2. Then ask people to say why those dates are important, what they stand for and why they have chosen them. Discussion and debriefing Invite participants to say if they were surprised or shocked by any of the dates or events and whether they were familiar with all of them. It also may be interesting to discuss how and why we attach importance to some events rather than to others. Tips for the facilitator In a multi-cultural group, the activity is useful to raise curiosity about our recent past and cultural influences and to encourage people to have greater respect for each others beliefs and convictions. Suggestions for follow up We are shaped not only by where we live and by events, but also by our families and their history. How much do you know about where your parents and grandparents came from? You may be quite a mixture of nationalities. Find out more using Tree of Life (Activity 3). ACTIVITY 3 : TREE OF LIFE Where do we come from? Where did our parents and grandparents come from? How many of our relatives have moved to other countries? This activity invites participants to explore their family trees. Issues addressed Nationalism and ethnic purity; Empathy towards foreigners, immigrants and refugees; Personal and national identity.

Aims Time Part A : Planning the activity 30 minutes; Part B : The research: a day or a week, depending on the time available; Part C : Sharing the family trees: 30-60 minutes depending on the size of the group; Evaluation : 30 minutes. Group size 3 -20 Preparation An example of what a family tree looks like. To make participants aware of their own reality and cultural background; To understand the relationships between ourselves and the world; To generate empathy with other people who have travelled or emigrated to another country and with minorities; To work upon participants identity and perceptions of the world; To raise curiosity about each others cultures; To notice social and cultural prejudice and biases; To understand national culture in a relative way.

Instructions Part A 1. Explain to participants the concept of a family tree. 2. Ask if they have ever thought of making their own family tree or that if someone in their family has one. 3. Suggest participants go home and talk to their parents or relatives and try to draw up their own family tree as far back as someone in their family can remember. 4. Talk about what people should ask their family. For example, were there: Previous relatives who have emigrated to another country or moved to another town; Relatives who came from another country as immigrants or refugees, or married into the family; Relatives who are members of a minority (racial, religious, sexual etc.) or who married someone from a minority; Relatives who had another religion, spoke another language, etc. Part B Give participants some time (from one day to one week, depending on how much time you have) to make up their trees. Part C Invite the participants to share their findings with the rest of the group. This can be done in different ways:

Participants show their trees, pointing out how far they went back in time. If they so wish, they can point out which relatives moved abroad or came from another country. It is important that participants tell only what they want to tell (no one should feel under pressure to disclose facts that they do not feel comfortable with) or Participants do not show their trees, but talk about facts they found out about their family that they did not know about before. Debriefing and evaluation Depending on the size of the group, this part of the activity can be done first in smaller working groups. Each group may then be given the task of reporting back on common things that they have discovered. Ask them to answer questions such as: Why did your relatives move to another country (or immigrate into this country)? Do you think it is normal to put up barriers to peoples need to find other opportunities in other countries? How do people feel if they cannot practice their religion, speak their own language or have fewer rights as a human being than other people? Tips for the facilitator Some questions and findings may be very personal and it may even happen that the participants relatives do not want to tell their children facts that they see as unpleasant or dishonourable. For this reason, attention must be given to make sure that nobody feels under pressure to say more than they feel they want to. Similarly it is important that there is already an atmosphere of trust in the group which allows for the differences to be put forward. Otherwise participants may be reluctant to share something about their families which they fear could lead to exclusion. You will have to be prepared to give some ideas on how to make a family tree. If you want to make it a competition, tell them that the further back the tree goes or the more branches or leaves (representing family members) it has, the better. This is a good activity to make people aware of the fact that throughout history people have always moved from one country to another. It often happens that young people, indeed most people, are unaware of their family background. We may be proud of our own past as a nation but are unaware of the fact that our ancestors have probably come from some other country or emigrated to other continents.
overture.europak-online.net For more activities please download the PDF file at www.overture-network.org/toolkit

Activity Sheet 2: Conducting Values Exercies Conducting values exercises Activities and exercises about values will help participants to reflect upon and be able to take a stand on difficult issues. For this reason it is a very good method for working with scouts on the subject of xenophobia and racism. Values exercises are suitable for all age groups but must always be adapted to the group at hand. We all need to think about and be able to explain our views, to practice expressing ourselves, to question and to listen to others. The overriding goal of values exercises is that hopefully they will lead to new thoughts and new actions. By holding on to our opinions or sometimes daring to change them we will mature as human beings. Leading values exercises It is important that you as a leader show interest, listen, ask open questions and express your thoughts honestly. You should not take part in the activity yourself by stating your opinions or commenting on views expressed by the participants. However, you should be active and ask questions and say what you wonder about, and if somebody asks what you mean it is important to be absolutely honest. Conducting a values exercise requires preparation, partly by deciding on questions and types of exercises and partly by getting the group ready by talking with them about the rules. Tell them that decisions are up to each and every individual, and that nobody has the right to decide for someone else in a values exercise. You should also talk to them about comments, explaining that some comments can prevent many participants from speaking their mind. If you have talked about this beforehand, all you need to do if someone forgets during the activity is to remind everyone that you have decided not to make comments. It is important to encourage the group but make sure not to encourage a particular opinion. Do not hesitate to say someone is brave who dares to express a very personal opinion but as the leader never show that you agree with a certain view otherwise some of the participants will think there is a right and a wrong. Many values activities are quick, decisions that have to be made in a very short time. If you work with adults you had better warn them about this. Children adapt easily but adults want to give things more thought. Speed is important, especially with adults, or else participants may start to consider how their opinion will be received and refrain from expressing it freely. Listening with an open mind and asking questions that will lead to explanations is important. Even if you do not agree with what is said it is essential that you take it seriously. Take care not to sound ironic since this would make whoever expressed the opinion feel belittled. Ask in a way that will make you and the group understand better but avoid the word why (since we usually do not know anyway). Ask the participant to tell more instead, asking how he or she thinks and help clarify even more by saying, for instance, Have I got it right about... This way of listening takes courage. It may even have the result that you, the leader, learn that you need to reassess your old opinions. Making your own values exercises

Below you will find a number of values exercises . It is important that the subject you choose feel relevant and meaningful both to you as the leader and to the group. If you find a statement too personal, skip it! You must feel safe and comfortable when you lead the activity. When you make up statements, questions and choices, it is important to remember that it is all about values, not acting. Values exercises are about values only, about what we think and want not about how we perform. Keeping it general, not personal, is equally important saying one and not I or you. This makes it easier to simply express an opinion and not worry about any performance. The Thermometer (See also the Diversity thermometer in the chapter on Diversity) This is a good exercise when you want to prepare a group for values exercises. It makes everybody move, think and choose. Put pieces of paper numbered from 1 to 6 in a line on the floor. The number must be even so that there is no middle number. Give a statement and point to it on the thermometer, for example: Leadership training is the most important thing in scouting (number 1) or training to cooperate (number 6). Then the participants are asked to go to the number that corresponds with their opinion. They must stand on the very number, not between numbers. Let them talk to the person standing next to them and then let the whole group tell what opinions are represented. The whole thing must be rather quick, making the decision and presenting the opinions, both. No lengthy discussions. The goal is to get started, start thinking and hold on to your view. Examples of statements The greatest threat to democracy is: racists anarchists Prejudices are created by: parents media Criminality is a result of: your upbringing your friends The most important thing to prevent prejudice is: knowledge good role models The most vital task for a scout leader is to: teach new things question values The first thing that comes to your mind To get the thinking started, ask the participants to write down their first thought when they hear you saying a word. Let it be quick 20 seconds at the most for each word. Examples of words: boy, girl, vegetarian, Muslim, Turk, racist, suburb, Swedish. If you want, you can let the participants tell their words to each other. If not you can simply use the exercise as a starter and then move on to other exercises. Listing Give the participants a piece of paper and a pen and ask them to sit by themselves. They should be prepared to either write an answer to a question asking why (see below) or write down anything they can think of regarding a certain word or phenomenon, for example racism or diversity. Let them write individually for a little while and then tell what they have written to others in groups of three. Then have these groups write a list in common on a big sheet of paper and present what they have written to the larger group. Now you have collected the thoughts of the entire group on a certain subject and are ready for other exercises which will take you even deeper into the subject.

Examples of questions asking why Why do you start fighting? Why do you become a racist? Why are there wars between countries? Why is there civil war in some countries? Why do only certain people become scouts? Hot chair Sit in a circle on chairs or something else that symbolizes seats. Have one seat too many. Read a statement to which the answer can only be either Yes or No, for instance this: Scouting is much more fun than football. Participants who agree change places, those who disagree or need more time to think stay in their places. The extra seat is there so that it is possible to change places even if only one participant wants to do it. Ask how the ones who stayed in their place thought. Ask them to raise their hand when they want to speak. Then ask the ones who changed places about their thoughts. If nobody wants to raise their hand to speak you can make them do it by looking at someone and asking What do you think? Always make it clear that they do not have to answer if they do not want to and if somebody volunteers to answer all questions, say that you want to give everyone a chance to answer, and that it is important to let everybody have a say. Start with simple questions and repeat what they must do to answer: If you agree you change places, if you disagree you stay put. Examples of hot chair statements Racists are insecure people. It is easy to be friends with an immigrant. Prejudices are created by the media. Some prejudices are more acceptable than others. There is equality in the Swedish society. Everyone can be a scout. Immigrants do not want to be scouts. Being different helps the society develop. Four corners In this exercise the four corners of the room will represent different standpoints. The leader presents a problem to the participants, or presents an opinion, and gives them three different options and an open corner. Example: The nicest thing about summer is: that ice cream melts in the sun summer rain scout camps open corner your own suggestion

Template Sheet 1: Recruitment for Diversity: An Action Plan

(extract from Recruitment of Diversity Manual produced by the Swedish Scout and Guide Council) This section provides an action plan aimed to broaden membership by recruiting new members from minority groups and introducing Guiding and Scouting in new neighbourhoods, which may not currently have any Guide and Scout units or areas that have Guiding and Scouting, but do not attract young people or adult volunteers from minority groups.

How should we do it? The Recruitment for Diversity Manual can be used by anyone who wants to change and develop scouting further and work towards reaching the (Swedish Guide and Scout Council) goals stated in the Roadmap to the Future, projecting that Swedish scouting will have 200,000 members in the year 2015. Broadening our reach should be one of the parameters in our efforts to get new members, and it is recommended that the plan below be used by all scout units. It is a plan of four steps:

Suggestions for more work along this line: Make a plan of action for how you want to broaden your recruitment even more and work with issues of diversity. Try to include diversity as a perspective in all scout activities. Encourage as many as possible from your scout unit -- children, young people, adults and leader -- to take a course in diversity. Develop your meetings further and bring in more games and activities aiming at diversity. Encourage the recruitment group of your scout unit to take in more members and to dare test new recruitment methods. Create a knowledge bank in your scout unit including books and other material on diversity

STEP 1: Analyse Present situation Step One is about finding out and precisely analyzing the situation of the scout unit when it comes to number of members and present recruitment area in order to decide the best strategy for broadening recruitment. 1.1 Membership statistics Start your work by studying facts about your members. Ask yourselves this: How do they divide according to gender, ethnicity, age, social class, home area? How is diversity represented in your scout unit? Are you homogenous and if so, in what way? Why do you think the situation is the way it is?

1.2 Mapping all scouting in the area Find out where there are other scout units in your area. It might be good to focus your recruitment efforts on places where there is no scouting. What places have yet to be explored? Why have they not been explored before?

1.3 Strategy for broader recruitment Discuss what you can do to broaden your recruitment. What measures will you take to solve the problem of uneven representation, and what will you do to reach other people than you have so far? What can you do to make yourself known in areas where there is no scouting yet?

Write down ideas of how you could go about this. It might be wise to start by reaching out to the group least represented before contacting other groups. STEP 2: Create prerequisites for diversity In order for your scout unit to be able to create good conditions for broader recruitment and diversity, it is important to bring forth what might seem to be factors of exclusion of people who are not already members, those who have never been a scout in Sweden before, or perhaps never a scout at all. Step number Two is about understanding what may make some people feel welcome and others excluded from scouting in general and your own unit in particular. 2.1 Attitudes and values Scouting has an influence over values of children and young people who are scouts, and over their relationship to others, by re-enforcing certain methods and patterns of behaviour in order to cultivate the behaviours and help the scouts socialize. It is important to become conscious of ones own values and attitudes. Have an open, honest discussion about what values are represented in your unit. What are my basic values? What common basic values do we have as a scout unit?

Suggestions! Invite all members to a meeting. Invite an advisor representing scouting in the region also. In order to get a general view of the situation, make a map of your local area and mark where there are other scout units.

2.2 Things that may feel excluding There are things in scouting that may feel strange or excluding (off-putting) to others and it is important that you discuss this in your scout unit. The examples that will be given here may seem excluding in general but whether you feel included or excluded is highly individual, of course. For many people it need not be an obstacle at all. Perhaps we even make problems bigger than they are sometimes and become too cautious and too timid. Very often you only need to listen and be flexible in order to meet individual needs. The scout shirt How do you think people who are not familiar with scouting feel about the shirt? In what situations do you think the scout shirt should be worn and when should it be left at home? Is it OK to wear military trousers, boots, caps, etc. in scouting? Where is the border line between practical clothes or equipment and intimidating military attributes? What measures can you take as a result of this discussion?

Scout lingo What words can be difficult to understand among those who are not scouts? When is it important to remember not to use your special lingo or at least to explain what the words that are unfamiliar to others mean? What measures can you take as a result of this discussion?

Outdoor life How does your opinion of outdoor life influence your ability to attract new members? How would you explain how it feels to experience Nature to people who have never had such experiences? What can your unit do in order to enable members who do not have the necessary equipment to take part in camping, hikes, etc? What measures can you take as a result of this discussion?

Suggestion: Read the part called Outdoor life wonderful of threatening) in the book Us and Them published by the Swedish Guide and Scout Council in 2005 (see annex). Religion What does religion mean to your scout unit? What religious symbols and ceremonies do you have that others might find exluding? How do you use the first paragraph of the Scout Law? Could you consider exchanging some of the old ceremonies for new ones? What measures can you take as a result of this discussion?

Suggestion: Read the part called What influence does religion have over our everyday life? in the book Us and Them, published by the Swedish Guide and Scout Council in 2005 (see annex) Traditions What traditions can prevent you from getting new members? What measures can you take as a result of this discussion?

Mixed or unisexual scout units What advantages and disadvantages do you find in having mixed groups and unisexual groups? How would you like to work to break up traditional gender roles? Could you consider having unisexual groups if it would make it easier to reach new groups?

Suggestion: Read the chapter Separate the sexes? in the book She and He published by Scoutfrlaget in 2003. STEP 3: Recruitment of Diversity This step in the plan for action focuses on actual recruitment of members. Some things are especially important to consider. Scout units who wish extra support can receive it from scout advisors and people more experienced in encouraging diversity. 3.1 To be noted Regardless of what place you want to visit and regardless of whether you will meet children, young people or adults, it is equally important to consider the following points listed under Prior to recruitment and When recruiting. Prior to recruitment Return to the conclusion you made after studying your membership statistics. Let this conclusion be your starting-point when you plan your work to get more members. Talk about age groups, town districts, schools, classes, time frames, methods. If you plan recruitment in a multicultural area, cooperation with an ethnic, cultural or religious organization there could be a productive idea. Contact the leader or chairperson and ask permission to inform adults about scouting, what it means and what opportunities there are for their children to become scouts. Arrange to have a contact person in the place where you want to find new members, inform this person about scouting and try to have him or her with you in the actual recruitment situation. This will probably make it feel more legitimate and make more people want to listen to you. Think of the people you are going to meet and identify their language, reading anything you can think of. Adjust language, what you talk about, pictures, etc. to the age groups and classes you visit. If you are going to introduce scouting to adults in a multicultural area, bring recruitment folders both in Swedish and in other languages. (The special recruitment folder can be ordered in ten different languages from where you get other scout material.) Decide who should be in the various recruitment groups. If these groups reflect outer and inner diversity it will be easier for others to identify with you.

When recruiting Avoid words that only scouts will understand. If you must use them, explain them. It may be wise not to wear the scout shirt when out recruiting, since it is sometimes found to be strange. Remember that scouting exists globally. Perhaps scouting means different things to the people you are speaking to than it does to you. Ask them about this, show interest in what they have to say. Experience has shown that contact with parents is very important when you want to recruit new members in areas where scouting is not well known, so plan a special meeting with parents. Making them feel that they can trust scouting to be good for their children is the key. Have a Try scouting meeting. Find a place where you can have activities both indoors and outdoors at the same time. The place where scout meetings are normally held is not necessarily the best place. It is better if you can find a neutral place where visiting parents and children feel they have just as much right to be as you -- a place that is easy to find, too. Have a Day camp try-out but plan activities that do not require special equipment or special clothes. Have a Hike try-out. From experience we suggest that you do this in cooperation with another organization rather than try to do it on your own. Find new leaders! Some parents may become so interested that they will want to become leaders. Be sure to welcome them into your midst immediately! Be flexible, as the Scout Method has few limitations. Many parents may even be familiar with scouting in other countries. This is a superb opportunity to develop your scout unit, so grab it!

Never be afraid to try new things! 4) Creating a lasting culture of diversity You have now been out meeting different people in various contexts and using different methods to recruit more young people and adults to your scout unit. In order to make use of all the enthusiasm that has been created, it is important to regard recruitment as a continuing process and not let it end with this particular campaign. From now on, let recruitment be an integrated part of your work, a natural part. This is essential if you want to keep as many members as possible and develop your scout unit together! 4.1 Evaluation The first step is to evaluate how successful your recruitment has been. How did it go? Was it difficult or easy to broaden your recruitment? What was easiest? What was most difficult? Have you increased membership numbers? Did you reach the groups and areas you wanted?

4.2 Follow-up Hopefully your efforts to broaden your recruitment are now well under way. What can you do from here on? Creating a scout culture that welcomes diversity means creating an open, tolerant atmosphere within your scout unit. Very much depends on the nature of the leadership present,

since leaders set the norm for what is right and wrong -- for what behaviour will get positive response and encouragement. So, the leaders and the type of leadership you have will also bear the responsibility that everyone, regardless of background, will be guaranteed development as a person through the Scout Method. If you want to have a scout culture characterized by diversity, the leaders must reflect diversity in that they represent and apply both outward and inner diversity! 4.3 Next time The work is not finished after this first effort to recruit more members from a broader range. The same focus should be present in all recruitment efforts from now on, so the next time you want to do any recruiting, start by looking at step number One again. What are the statistics now? How many members? On what groups or areas should focus be centred this time? Note: This suggested plan of action will be updated continuously, so please let us hear of your findings and your experiences. Tell us your ideas, projects, and more! Mail it to toolkit@overtureoverture@europak-online.net network.org

Template Sheet 3: Training our Leaders: Diversity Training Module This section offers an example of a diversity training programme that is suitable for all leaders within a Guide and Scout association. It can be used to train leaders and trainers as a way for them to learn more about culture, diversity and equal opportunities to ensure a lasting culture of diversity in associations. The training programme is extracted from Adult Training Module 7 by the Scout Association UK. It aims to promote the policies of The Scout Association that encourage diversity and to consider how individuals, in their roles, can help make Scouting available to all. Depending on the number and nature of the participants and staff, these sessions may need to be preceded by introduction and/or integration sessions. It contains 4.5 hours of learning that can be managed in a variety or ways (training workshops, small group trainings, one-on-one training). It is divided into 5 sessions as follows: Session 1 A diverse community Session 2 Individuals Session 3 Facts and policy (1 Session 4 Practical application Session 5 Action plans (25 minutes) (35 (50 h (50 30 minutes) minutes) minutes) minutes)

Subjects covered include diverse communities, the diverse nature of individuals, facts and policy, and the practical application of the policies. The objectives for the module are given followed by training methods. The content (which can be adapted by any association with country-specific information) is given in outline with the key points expanded in more detail. Trainers notes are also given to provide guidance on delivering the sessions. The information is not however a script for the session. Prior knowledge and/or research of the subject matter by the Trainer will be required before delivery of the training. VALUING DIVERSITY TRAINING MODULE (adapted from Adult Training Module 7, The Scout Association, UK) SESSION 1 : A Diverse Community (35 minutes) In small groups, discuss: In what ways are the communities in which we live diverse? What positive value can this diversity bring to a community?

Ask each group to share five of their ideas for each of the two questions. Possible answers for the first question include: rural/urban multi-ethnic multi-cultural social backgrounds norms of behaviour demographics age, gender income expectations for the future

education understanding of what Scouting has to offer.

Possible answers for the second question include: tolerance raising awareness of other cultures and faiths understanding of other races, religions, and cultural practices acceptance of people as just people confronting ignorance.

Explain that the Purpose of Scouting is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. It is important to recognize that Scouting differs across the UK, and across the world. In order to attract young people, and to give them the opportunity to develop, we should offer them the Scouting that they want, that meets their needs. SESSION 2: Individuals (50 minutes) For young people: We are committed to extending Scouting, its Purpose and Method to young people in all parts of society. No young person should receive less favourable treatment nor suffer disadvantage because of any of the six areas above.

For adults: The Scout Associations values, which underpin and inspire our work with young people, are embodied within the Purpose of The Scout Association and in the Scout Promise and Law. To carry out its work, adults as Leaders and Supporters are needed who are prepared to accept the responsibilities of their commitment. Members must be fit and proper persons to undertake duties of appointed positions and where appropriate, the responsibilities of Membership. They need to ensure: o the safety and security of young people o the continued development of young people o equal opportunities for all.

Explain that this is a Policy of The Scout Association, as agreed by the Committee of the Council in 1997. When we take on a role in Scouting we agree to abide by this Policy. In pairs, and without speaking, complete Worksheet 1. Once it is complete, discuss whether your assumptions about each other were correct. Trainers notes For the next task there are two options. It is advisable to divide the participants into two groups, with each group completing a different option. If there are too many participants to work

effectively in two groups, then split them up into tutor groups and ask different groups to complete different options. In groups, discuss one of the following options: Option one We are all prone to making assumptions about other people. When recruiting adults, what assumptions might we tend to make about them in the following areas: ability, finance, time availability, culture, age, existing skills, family situation, gender, beliefs and values? Option two We are all prone to making assumptions about other people. When planning a programme, what assumptions might we tend to make about young people in the following areas: ability, finances, parental background and support, gender, other hobbies, culture (e.g. food, clothing, social norms, religion) and at camp? Ask each group to share the list of assumptions that they Ensure that any similarities and differences in the lists Explain that everyone makes assumptions about people Instinctively we judge on the information we have available to us. What influences our assumptions? Media Family School/college Peers Scouting Work Our own experiences Hearsay and gossip. came up with. are highlighted. and situations.

We need to base our judgements on fact and not opinion, myth or stereotypes. As Scouts and responsible members of society we need to value every Member as an individual, value what they have to offer Scouting and recognise the benefit they bring to others who work with them in Scouting. As Leaders in Scouting, we should remember that we are one of the influences on young people and the assumptions they might make, as well as the other adults with whom we work. SESSION 3: Facts and policy (1 h 30 minutes) In small groups, discuss possible barriers to implementing Opportunities Policy, and ways to overcome them. Use Handout A. Trainers notes It may be useful to divide the participants into role specific groups i.e. groups of Commissioners, Section Leaders etc. Special Needs the Equal

Introduce the session with the following points: Most Leaders will at some time be approached by, or have a young person within their Section, Group or District who has a Special Need. All of us during the course of our lives experience an impairment of some kind, either permanent or temporary, because of the effect of an illness, accident or medical condition. There is therefore a wide spectrum of Special Needs. up on a flipchart.

Ask for some examples of Special Needs and list them Explain that there are a number of different categories of Special Needs. Trainers notes

It may be useful to have each of the headings written on pieces of card to pin up. Explain what the heading means and reflect on the effect this type of disability has on a persons life. Physical impairment This term describes difficulty in moving or using all or part of the body. Sensory impairment This indicates that there is a loss of hearing or sight. Learning disability This suggests that a person has difficulty learning in the commonly used and accepted way, or at the same pace as their peers. It does not mean that they cannot learn. Often different approaches to learning will help people with a learning disability to understand. rainer input Communication difficulties Our main forms of communication are by using speech, gesture and the written word. Special Needs may be present as a result of the impairment of one or more of these communication skills. Mental illness This includes illnesses that result in disorders of mood, perception,motivation etc, and also conditions that affect the actual brain tissue giving rise to memory loss or disorientation. Hidden disability There are a number of conditions that affect the human body without there being any outward signs of impairment. Conditions such as heart disease, respiratory disorders and epilepsy may affect the persons ability to function effectively in particular situations or at certain times.

Explain that Special Needs can either be visible or invisible. None should be considered in isolation, as some Special Needs will fall into more than one category. How does this affect Scouting? Scouting promotes the integration of young people with Special Needs by: recognising those with Special Needs accepting them providing for them through mainstream Scouting and Special Groups physically integrating them valuing them.

The District Commissioner is responsible for the provision of access to Scouting for a person with Special Needs. It may not be possible, appropriate, or in the best interests of the young person to join a particular Scout Group. If this decision is taken it must be referred to the District Commissioner. Explain that further information on a specific Special Need is available through the following resources: ADC or Adviser (Special Needs) or District Commissioner ACC (Special Needs) The Scout Information Centre Factsheets and Scout Association Resources www.scoutbase.org.uk Specialised websites for specific disorders or disabilities (eg. www.cafamily.org.uk ) Specialised resources for specific disorders or disabilities (eg. Family Health Directory).

Co-education Policy In small groups, using the resources available, create a prompt card that explains the following: The key points of the Co-education Policy The steps that need to be taken to open a Group to boys and girls.

The card, to be used by Section Leaders and Group Scout Leaders, should be produced on one side only of A4. It could be hand-written or created on a computer. In small groups, read the articles about people in your local community. Discuss how Scouting meets the needs of young people who live there. Trainers notes This task requires articles from local newspapers, that will need to be collated and copied for the groups. The articles should show the cultural, social and religious diversity within their Scout District or County. Please note that there should be a variety of newspaper reports focusing on a variety of local issues. They should not be all negative stories. The aim of this task is to recognise that diversity is a reality within your community and not to present a negative image of that diversity. SESSION 4: Practical application (50 minutes) Discuss an individuals needs with them and/or their parents. An individual joins not only a Section but also a Group, District and County. Discuss this with all the Leaders in the Group/District. Take care when planning your programme. It is often good to have experiential activities including those that help young people to find out more about diversity, for example inviting guests, visits, awareness raising activities etc. Be aware that you may need to adapt your methods of delivery in order to show respect to other cultures e.g. visiting a Muslim Mosque. A mixed Scout Group would need to enter in separate groups of males and females. Make sure that you have suitable and adequate facilities for every member of your group. Remember this not just at your meeting place but also on camp, and whilst doing outside activities, etc. In the recruitment and induction of adults, plan an inclusive and supportive programme.

Remember to balance the needs of all Members. Think creatively and out of the box. Just because it has always been done like that doesnt mean that you cannot try a different way be flexible. Remember that valuing diversity is not just about what Scouting has to offer individuals. It is also about how Scouting can benefit from their participation. Always use common sense!

Trainers notes The next task uses a selection of the case studies (on Disability, Social Class, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexual Orientation etc) provided in the full version of this manual in appendix). The case studies you choose should depend on the roles of the participants and the time you have available. This session can be expanded to give the participants the opportunity to explore the practical implications of valuing diversity more fully. You may choose to ask participants to discuss different case studies in each tutor group, and then ask them to share their findings with the rest of the course. The topic for discussion is given on the front of the handouts; notes for facilitators are given on the reverse. It is essential that the Trainer handles the session sensitively. Exploration and discussion of these areas can often have a positive effect and give individuals the opportunity to explore their thoughts and feelings. Conversely the Trainer should be prepared for the possibility that the session will produce ignorant, negative or resentful attitudes, challenging comments and questions. In some respects the Trainer is in the position of reflecting the policy of The Scout Association and should be knowledgeable and secure in dealing with difficult situations, should they arise. In small groups, discuss the case study given on the handout. Be prepared to give a short summary of your discussion. Ask each group to give a summary of their discussion and what actions should be taken. SESSION 5: Action Plans (25 minutes) Increasing diversity Action Plan Describe the steps you need to take in order to reach your goal, Describe where you are now and where you would like to get to and resources or help you might need to achieve it. Issue: (describe the issue you want to address) Current situation: what is the situation now Goal 3 months: where do you want to be Goal 6 months Goal 12 months Resources/help that are needed for each Goal

Using these points on a worksheet, produce a plan to increase diversity in Scouting in the area for which you are responsible. Think about the topics you have covered as part of the training Equal Opportunities; Special Needs; Cultural, Social and Religious Diversity; Co-education. If you only set yourself four goals, then you have a very good chance of meeting them. Trainers notes Depending on the time you have available and the preferences of the participants, you could either give time to complete this task as part of the course, or ask them to complete it at home.

Participants could complete the worksheet on their own, or in pairs. However the Trainer should recognise and that some people may find this exercise difficult and therefore may need support in completing the worksheet. Explain that we now need to consider how we can encourage diversity within our own Scouting. Explain that the next task can be used as part of the validation for this module. Using the above points, produce a plan to increase the diversity of Scouting in your area.

Materials / Resources

Bibliography Overture Network Leaflet Projects from Guide/Scout Associations International Fair and Quiz Intercultural Learning and Intercultural Political Formation Intercultural Learning and Intercultural Political Formation Scouting in the Roma Community in Slovakia Open Camp? Us and Them till Overture

Projects from non Guide/Scout Associations Strengthening women's Rights in a multicultural Europe Young Women's Guide to Equality between Women and Men in Europe Training Resources, Tool kits, Handbooks Developing Scouting in Minority Ethnic Communities Recruitment of Diversity (Manual) Recruitment for Diversity (Sweden) Valuing Diversity (making Scouting available to all) "Them and Us" Educational Games and Tools Opening Minds - Activities Exploring Cultural Identity Overture Network Workshops Cultural Awareness Trainings

Intercultural Learning and Intercultural Political Formation The Muslim Community in Scouting and Guiding Funding Possibilities Other Information (Multilingual) Abenteuer Kulterbunt Multilingual Human Rights - Children's Rights Flemish: Diverse spelletjes Open Scout Groepen Brochure Diversiteit Contactfiche Flair-test: Op welkegolf zit jouw groep? Got the picture?

Project Examples

Belgium "Open Camp" Project - Scouts and Guides of Flanders France Vent du Large" Project - Scouts et Guides de France Germany Germany Kulturbunt Project to Promote Intercultural Learning and Training to Develop Competence of BdP Guide and Scout Association Germany (all Association) Ireland Multicultural Badge - Ireland Netherlands Partnership with Capriool Foundation (Circus for Development Project) Various Diversity Projects Extended School Day Project

Norway Human Library Project Young Imigrant TV - Oslo Scouts Portugal Working with Bosnian Refugees Slovakia

Guiding and Scouting in Roma Community Spain Kaleidoscope Project by Minyons Escoltes i Guies Sant Jordi de Catalunya Sweden Diversity Resources by the Swedish Guide and Scout Council

Diversity Toolkit Good Example Form Please return this form to europe@europe.wagggsworld.org or Fax: +32 2 541 0899 1. Member Organisation


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Diversity Toolkit Evaluation and Feedback Form Please return this form to europe@europe.wagggsworld.org or Fax: +32 2 541 0899 We hope that you have found this Diversity Toolkit helpful and useful. We would welcome your feedback and suggestions for future updating of the web version of this toolkit. Your feedback will also be used to analyse the impact of this publication. Thank you for completing this form. 1. How far did this toolkit answer your needs for a resource tool to face the challenges of diversity work in your association? 0%------------------------------50%---------------------------------100% 2. What were the most useful sections for you? Part 1 Understanding Diversity (please specify which section: Part 2 Making Diversity Happen Where to start? (please specify which section: Part 3 Projects and Activities from Associations in Europe (please specify which section: 3. You are (You can tick more than one) A trainer Local level National Level International Level Did you use the toolkit in any of your training activities? If Yes In What context or Situation?

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