Pipeline Bubble 2021
Pipeline Bubble 2021
Pipeline Bubble 2021
Global Energy Monitor (GEM) is a network of researchers PERMISSION FOR NONCOMMERCIAL USE
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■ Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker that acknowledgement of the source is made. No use of this
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The Global Infrastructure Tracker (GFIT) provides over 40
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summary data tables on oil and gas pipelines and terminals
broken down by region, country, and company; methodology
ABOUT THE GLOBAL FOSSIL notes; and an interactive global map. To obtain primary data
INFRASTRUCTURE TRACKER from the GFIT, contact Ted Nace (ted.nace@globalenergy-
The Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker is an online
database that identifies, maps, describes, and categorizes
oil and gas pipelines, and liquified natural gas (LNG) termi- ABOUT THE COVER
nals. Developed by Global Energy Monitor, the tracker uses Cover photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
footnoted wiki pages to document each plant.
James Browning is Communications Director, Greig Aitken
and Lydia Plante are Research Analysts, and Ted Nace is
Executive Director at Global Energy Monitor. Additional
research by Gregor Clark, Dulguun Gantulga, Aiqun Yu, and
Scott Zimmerman of Global Energy Monitor and Matt Kelso
of FracTracker.
Design by Charlene Will and Mimi Heft. Additional design
and page layout by David Van Ness.
This report provides the results of a global survey of oil and gas trans-
mission pipelines carried out by Global Energy Monitor at the close of
2020. The report includes the following points:
■ U.S. leads global capacity growth and climate risk. The U.S. is
the leading developer of pipelines as measured by capacity, with
19.6 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in development. This
expansion presents a major climate risk since U.S. exports of liqui-
fied natural gas have the highest greenhouse gas intensity of any
major exporter, according to Boston Consulting Group.
This report provides the results of a global survey of a managed decline of fossil fuel production, can the
oil, gas, and natural gas liquids (NGL) transmission industry convince governments and financial insti-
pipelines carried out by Global Energy Monitor at the tutions to invest in a further expansion of fossil fuel
close of 2020. The survey found that the Covid-19 pan- infrastructure? Many of the world’s largest economies,
demic has disrupted investment decisions and con- including China, the European Union, Japan, and
struction work on numerous pipelines, particularly Korea, have now committed to achieving net zero
in North America, shifting the general outlook for oil emissions within the projected lifespan of pipeline
and gas production and infrastructure expansion, and infrastructure currently being proposed, raising the
accelerating the transition to clean energy. Neverthe- possibility that such projects, if built, will be prema-
less, with most of the disruption coming in the form of turely retired.
delays rather than cancellations, the growth curve of
the global pipeline system is bent but not broken, with The economics of oil and gas infrastructure are under
468 new pipelines or pipeline expansions in active short-term pressure due to the effects of pandemic-re-
development. If completed, projects under construc- lated demand reduction and long-term pressure due
tion or in pre-construction development will expand to the global transition away from fossil fuels. For oil,
the global oil and gas pipeline systems by 37,000 km the main threat in the coming decade is the pros-
and 175,000 km respectively, amounting to US$1.07 pect of vehicle electrification, as more governments
trillion in capital expenditures. announce transitions away from internal combus-
tion sales and manufacturers respond by shifting
With many projects stalled due to the Covid-19 investments toward electric vehicles. For gas, change
pandemic, the resulting crash in oil and gas prices, is arriving most rapidly in the power sector, where
and poor returns on existing pipeline projects (see combinations of renewables, batteries, and demand
“Financing the Permian Boom” below), the oil and gas management now offer equivalent reliability at lower
industry finds itself at an inflection point. As more cost than gas-fired power plants.
and more civil society organizations (CSOs) call for
Figure 2. Shares of Oil and Gas in Global Pipeline Development (by Length)
The Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker is based on operating, mothballed, and retired. Proposed projects with
public data sources including industry, news, and govern- no reported developmental progress after two years are
ment websites. For each project, a footnoted wiki page considered shelved, and after two more years are consid-
on GEM.wiki provides location, ownership, background, ered canceled. An interactive map of all projects, including
developmental status, and background information. Wiki links to all wiki pages and summary data sheets, can be
pages are updated every 6 months. The main status found at GlobalEnergyMonitor.org, along with additional
categories are proposed, construction, shelved, canceled, notes on methodology.
Table 4. Pipeline Expansion Plans by Country by Capacity, Top 20 Countries (barrels of oil equivalent per day)
Gas Oil
Country Pre-Construction Construction Pre-Construction Construction Total Gas & Oil
USA 8,336,450 2,458,626 5,873,857 2,960,300 19,629,233
China 3,346,269 3,468,013 2,785,829 0 9,600,111
Russia 4,285,714 1,779,935 0 0 6,065,650
India 1,122,091 2,277,487 500,000 0 3,899,579
Canada 456,489 517,170 2,761,143 0 3,734,802
Iran 234,289 669,666 1,778,350 1,000,000 3,682,305
Iraq 0 0 2,402,178 0 2,402,178
Australia 2,219,868 0 0 0 2,219,868
Jordan 0 0 1,467,385 0 1,467,385
Germany 0 1,130,497 137,754 0 1,268,251
Poland 106,715 180,610 771,017 0 1,058,343
Nigeria 366,656 676,090 4,986 0 1,047,732
Indonesia 27,582 642,182 250,000 0 919,764
Turkey 269,135 0 630,019 0 899,154
Oman 83,636 0 781,776 0 865,413
Brazil 503,124 275,236 0 0 778,360
Italy 421,883 231,006 0 0 652,889
Angola 0 0 602,599 0 602,599
Kazakhstan 0 0 0 600,000 600,000
Argentina 414,113 0 155,000 0 569,113
Source: Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, December 2020.
Beginning in March 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic caused Policy Tracker which finds that G20 governments have
severe short-term problems for the oil and gas industry committed US$242 billion to fossil fuel projects since
including plummeting demand, record-low prices, logis- the beginning of the pandemic, compared to US$180
tical difficulties that slowed construction of new pipe- billion for renewables (Energy Policy Tracker 2020).
lines and terminals, and a climate of uncertainty that is Australia’s government is also using the crisis to fund
discouraging investment in new projects. Many govern- fossil projects that had failed to attract funding in a
ments are using Covid-19 relief packages to promote pre-pandemic environment (see this report’s regional
renewables and transition away from fossil projects summary for Australia).
whose pre-pandemic finances were already shaky. In the
U.S., President Biden is proposing a US$2 trillion pro- Net zero emissions pledges by countries, cities,
gram to transition the country to carbon-free electricity local governments, and businesses roughly doubled
generation by 2035. In May 2020 the EU announced that between September 2019 and September 2020 (New
the EU Green Deal prioritizing renewables over fossil Climate Institute 2020); and while many of these
fuels would be central to Europe’s long-term recovery pledges would likely have occurred without the pres-
(IISD 2020). sures of the pandemic, the declining fortunes of the
oil and gas industry have contributed to a climate in
At the same time EU member states are continuing to which political and corporate leaders are more willing
invest in fossil fuels, according to research by Energy to make this pledge.
issue of “lock-in,” since any pipeline built in 2021 will currently in construction or pre-construction develop-
still be operable in 2071, long after the point in time by ment. Such estimates are inherently uncertain, since
which the Paris Climate Agreement calls for fossil fuels they depend on the level of utilization of pipelines.
to be fully phased out (Sittler 2018). “Lock in” refers to The table assumes 50% utilization, which may be too
the fact that once fossil infrastructure has been built, high or too low, depending on region and the point in
it represents a sunk cost that rational producers will time. As shown in Figure 3, at such a utilization rate
ignore as long as the market price is high enough to the combined lifetime CO2 emissions enabled by gas
cover their marginal cost of production, thereby imped- pipelines and oil pipelines under development (con-
ing the transition to renewables (Green 2018). struction or pre-construction) will support a lifetime
increase in oil and gas CO2 emissions of 170 giga-
Table 7 shows the lifetime levels of carbon dioxide tonnes, only 15% less than the projected lifetime CO2
emissions that will be produced by the additional emissions of the global coal plant fleet.
amounts of oil and gas transported by pipelines
Figure 3. Comparative Lifetime CO2 Emissions from Gas Pipelines and Oil Pipelines in Development
(Construction and Pre-Construction) and the Global Fleet of Operating Coal-Fired Power Plants
Sources: Gas and oil pipelines: Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, December 2020; coal plants: Global
Coal Plant Tracker, July 2020. Assumes 40-year lifespan for gas pipelines, oil pipelines, and coal plants;
50% utilization rate for gas and oil pipelines; 51% utilization rate for coal plants.
Dakota Access gas pipeline
Dawson Creek
Canada Bay Alaska
Line 3 Replacement oil pipeline
Hardisty Keystone oil pipeline Canada
Keystone XL oil pipeline
Calgary Edmonton
Salt Lake City
U.S.A. Patoka
St. Louis
San Francisco Herrin Montana
Pacific U.S.A.
Los Angeles
Coastal Gaslink
Phoenix Atlanta
San Diego Dallas
Atlantic Coos Bay oil pipeline
Houston Port Arthur New Orleans
Pacific Connector
Malin gas pipeline
Pacific Mexico
Ocean Monterrey Gulf of
Mexico Miami California Nevada Utah
In December 2020 members of the Ojibwe tribe tempo- by proving that Enbridge’s assessment of the pipeline’s
rarily halted construction of the new Line 3 oil pipeline environmental impacts is inaccurate.
through their territory in northern M innesota with the
construction of a ceremonial lodge along the pipeline’s The welfare of oil and gas workers in a decarbonizing
route near the Mississippi River. If commissioned world is also at stake as the U.S. sector shed more than
the 915,000 barrel-per-day Line 3 would be one of the 100,000 jobs in the first three months of the Covid-19
world’s largest oil pipelines and would be carrying pandemic. In September 2020 a survey of oil and gas
a type of oil, Canadian tar sands, that is among the workers in the U.K. found that while most were not
dirtiest. Environmental and Native American groups familiar with the term “just transition,” four in five
have sued to have the pipeline’s state permits revoked would be willing to transition to work in another
and can potentially have its federal permits revoked sector, and more than half would be willing to work in
renewables instead of oil and gas.
United States
Before the Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020 Unstoppable FERC vs. Immovable States
the United States was projected to become the world’s
largest exporter of fossil gas by 2024. Construction of The success to date of the U.S. gas industry in building
new fossil gas pipelines and LNG export terminals was out its pipeline network can be attributed in large part
booming as the U.S. gas industry—despite flagging to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC),
profits from fracking and domestic sales of gas—antic- which rejected just two out of 400 pipelines appli-
ipated a commensurate boom in new LNG import cations it received between 1999 and 2017. Now, as
terminals in Europe and Asia. state officials and state agencies are taking a stronger
stance in opposition to pipelines, FERC and the fed-
By December 2020 the U.S. gas industry confronted eral government have taken unprecedented steps to
a starkly different reality. Gas prices had collapsed strip power from these local officials and substantially
as a result of the pandemic and numerous pipelines nationalize the process for approving pipelines.
and terminals were being delayed or canceled due to
an inability to obtain financing. Several high-profile The US$1 billion PennEast pipeline is being built to
pipelines had also been canceled or shut down as a carry fracked gas from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.
result of protests, legal challenges, and failures by After its sponsors were unable to acquire necessary
their sponsors and the Army Corps of Engineers to land for the New Jersey portion of the pipeline, FERC
obtain proper permits and conduct thorough envi- took the extraordinary step of granting its sponsor the
ronmental impact assessments. Public concern about right “to exercise the federal government’s power of
climate change intensified as the west coast endured eminent domain to secure necessary rights-of-way for
historic, devastating wildfires, and the southern the construction of an interstate pipeline.” In Septem-
and eastern U.S. endured hurricanes, flooding, and ber 2019 the Third Circuit Court of Appeals found this
drought. These factors and the election of Joe Biden as grant to be a violation of the 11th Amendment, a rul-
President have led environmentalists to hope that the ing which sponsors are now asking the U.S. Supreme
U.S. has reached a crossroads on fossil fuels and that Court to overturn. In December 2020, facing continu-
the country can now move more aggressively towards ing delays and the imminent replacement of Trump’s
renewable energy. FERC Chairman with a Biden appointee, the pipeline’s
main sponsor New Jersey Resources removed the The Jordan Cove LNG Terminal and its feeder, the
pipeline from its long-term financial projections. Pacific Connector pipeline, are opposed by a coalition
that includes nearby residents, farmers, indigenous
The Permian Basin in west Texas and southeast New groups, fisherfolk, conservation groups, land rights
Mexico contains an estimated 50% of all U.S. gas advocates, and many of the state’s leading elected
reserves and has the potential to be the source of officials. The pipeline and terminal were twice denied
approximately 55 billion tons of CO2 by 2050—a “carbon FERC approval and have failed to obtain state permits
bomb” that would consume ten percent of the world’s including a water quality certification certification
allowable carbon budget if we are to have a 50/50 and coastal zone management determination. In
chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C (Trout March 2020 FERC voted a third time and approved the
2019). (See Section: Financing the Permian Boom.) two projects with Chairman Neal Chatterjee noting,
Designed to bring gas from west Texas to hubs in east “All the signals I see from domestic participants,
Texas, the recently commissioned Permian Highway as well as our international allies [are] that people
gas pipeline is being challenged in separate lawsuits continue to be bullish about the prospects for US
alleging that it violates NEPA, violates the Safe Drink- LNG.” In October 2020 the DC Circuit Court of Appeals
ing Water Act, and that it is improperly classified as an affirmed FERC’s authority to continue seizing land
“intrastate” pipeline, allowing it to escape federal scru- for the projects through eminent domain despite the
tiny and regulation. Two other projects under construc- fact that the terminal and pipeline would be used to
tion in the Permian, the Rio Bravo gas pipeline and export gas to other countries. In January 2021, in a
the Double E pipeline project, are being challenged surprise move that may herald a new approach under
on the grounds that FERC failed to fully consider their the Biden Administration, FERC denied a petition
environmental impact on nearby communities or their by the project’s sponsors to waive Oregon’s regula-
contribution to global GHG emissions. tory authority and, in effect, nationalize the pipeline
approval process.
Like the United States, Canada continues to plan an fieldwork, and BCEAO issued a “cease and remedy”
expansion of its export pipeline network and new LNG order for any construction activities within 30 meters
export terminals despite cratering demand, histor- of one of these protected wetlands. BCEAO ordered
ically low prices, and increasing skepticism from further assessments for both the damaged wetlands
investors and the public about fossil fuels. and the wetlands yet to be impacted.
Construction of the 670 km Coastal GasLink pipeline An expansion of the Trans Mountain oil pipeline is
from Dawson Creek, British Columbia to the proposed “built on financial quicksand,” according to IEEFA,
LNG Canada Terminal is proceeding with an estimated but is proceeding after the Canadian government
C$250–500 million from Export Development Canada. bought the troubled project from Kinder Morgan for
In June British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment CN$5.6 billion in 2018. The pipeline’s total estimated
Office (BCEAO) found that Coastal Gaslink had com- cost to C
anadian taxpayers has since risen from
menced construction through hundreds of wetlands CN$9.7 b illion to CN$17.1 billion.
without first completing the required environmental
In June 2020 the commissioning of the Villa de Reyes- U.S.A.
New Mexico Trans-Pecos gas pipeline
Aguascalientes-Guadalajara pipeline marked the com- Rio Bravo gas pipeline
pletion of the 1,446-km Wahalajara system carrying Fort Stockton Sur de Texas-Tuxpán gasLouisiana
gas from the Waha hub in Texas to Guadalajara. The Ojinaga
Tuxpán-Tula gas pipeline
Tula-Villa de Reyes gas pipeline
system is fed by the Trans Pecos pipeline in Texas Chihuahua Villa de Reyes-Aguascalientes-
which has been classified as an “intrastate” pipeline Guadalajara gas pipeline
1,093-foot segment of the pipeline that runs under the Sinaloa Durango
Nuevo León
the world, and burning all of the gas in the Neuquén Lima Brazil Salvador
basin would consume 11.4% of the world’s 1.5 carbon Cusco
Puno Brasília
budget. In July 2020 the Argentine government pro- La Paz Bolivia
posed a new 2,055-km pipeline from Vaca Muerta in Ribas do Rio Pardo
the Neuquén basin to Brazil after a proposed 1,040-km Pacific Paraguay Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
pipeline from Vaca Muerta to Buenos Aires failed to Ocean Asunción
obtain financing.
Porto Alegre
Córdoba Atlantic
Peru plans to revive and expand its proposed 1,050-km Argentina Uruguay Ocean
Southern gas pipeline (SIT), which has been stalled
Santiago Buenos
The European Union’s climate goal of full decarboniza- potential overinvestment of tens of billions of EUR,
tion by 2050, with an interim target to cut greenhouse supported by European public funds (Artelys 2020).”
gas emissions to at least 55% below 1990 levels by 2030,
is at odds with the glut of gas pipelines and LNG ter- The European Investment Bank, the “EU’s bank” and
minals operating across most of the bloc’s 28 member owned by the member states, has read the runes and
states. This situation is set to worsen if a list of cur- announced an end to its financing of oil and gas by the
rently proposed pipelines and terminals are realized. end of 2021. The chief architect of the bank’s policy has
pointed to both the incompatibility of further financial
Global Energy Monitor research in February 2020 support to the sector with the EU’s climate targets and
found that, despite the existence of already large the looming stranded asset risks (Inman 2020).
excess gas infrastructure in the EU, companies are
developing projects which would add 233 billion cubic In contrast, Germany, the EU’s most powerful state, is
meters per year to the EU’s gas import capacity. These demonstrating the political and reputational risks of
plans involve 12,842 kilometers of pipeline at a cost backing gas. As it holds out in the face of international
of €52 billion as well as an increase in LNG terminal opposition and a U.S. sanctions regime against the
capacity of 54% which requires investment of €12 bil- completion of Gazprom’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline,
lion. More than €25 billion of the funding could come the German government is also facing public oppo-
from EU public subsidies with the European Commis- sition over its potential state funding support for
sion’s blessing (Inman 2020). the proposed Goldboro LNG Terminal in Nova Sco-
tia, Canada, which would export to planned import
This level of proposed build-out of gas infrastructure terminals in Germany. One such project proposal, the
assets is out of sync with official Brussels projections Wilhelmshaven LNG Terminal in Lower Saxony, was
in the last couple of years on how EU gas usage has canceled in November due to a lack of gas demand.
to be reduced by at least 30 percent by 2030 and by Other proposed German import projects such as the
90 percent by 2050 if Europe is to meet its climate Brunsbüttel LNG Terminal may experience a simi-
change targets. Civil society organizations includ- lar fate as political and public opposition mounts in
ing Global Witness, WWF Europe, and Corporate Europe against importing gas produced by fracking
Europe Observatory have asserted that with EU gas tight shale formations in the U.S.
consumption declining due to the rapid uptake of
renewable energy, and the need for further cuts to
meet the decarbonization goals, expanding the gas Norway
variety of future gas demand scenarios,” and that most Poland Belarus
proposed expansion projects were “unnecessary from Berlin
Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline
large gas reserves within the exclusive economic zones of Austria Budapest
Cyprus and Israel, the US$6 billion East Med gas pipeline Russia
has become a focus point in the debate over how the EU Croatia Anapa
plans to pursue and financially support its decarbonization Serbia
Bosnia and
plan. The EU has already awarded the project US$40 million Herzegovina Bulgaria
Sea Georgia
for feasibility studies under its Projects of Common Interest Luleburgaz
(PCI) program. At a proposed 1,900 km, East Med would be Otranto
Komotini Istanbul
gas from Israel and Cyprus via the island of Crete to main-
land Greece. From there it would hook up with the proposed
Sea Vasilikos Syria
Poseidon gas pipeline to transport gas across the Adriatic Lebanon Iraq
Sea to southern Italy. European environmental groups have East Med gas pipeline Palest. Terr.
called on the European Commission to remove East Med Poseidon gas pipeline Jordan
TurkStream 2 gas pipeline Israel
and Poseidon from the PCI program and further European Cairo
promoter companies, and a host of other complex, prices. The mammoth Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline,
unstable local realities. planned to run along the west coast of Africa for 5,660
km and connect to every coastal state, would take 25
The Uganda-Tanzania pipeline was born out of uncer- years to complete and faces myriad obstacles. Forty
tainties over the now canceled Uganda-Kenya crude oil African and international organisations have raised
pipeline. Subsequently compelled to go it alone with fundamental environmental, social, and economic
Tullow Oil and Total, the Kenyan government-backed concerns in a joint declaration against the project
Lokichar-Lamu oil pipeline is facing significant (CADTM 2018).
delays, made worse by Covid-19 and plunging oil
Chinese financial support. This is part of a long-term Burkina
effort now enshrined under the Belt and Road Initia- Guinea Benin
tive which intertwines global economic, geopolitical Ivory
Liberia Coast
Porto-Novo Lagos
and strategic expansion with supplying China’s grow- Kwa Ibo
Atlantic Gulf
ing demand for domestic energy. Ocean of
ing with the US$7 billion, 90,000 barrels per day Niger Niger Benin oil pipeline
Trans Nigeria gas pipeline
Benin oil pipeline. And, as part of long-delayed gasifi-
cation ambitions in Nigeria, Bank of China is provid-
ing the under-construction Trans Nigeria gas pipeline
with US$2.6 billion in debt financing. More than interests” on the continent. This has been accom-
US$36 billion of Chinese foreign direct investment panied over the past two decades by almost US$150
has been pumped into African oil and gas projects billion in Chinese lending across all sectors to African
between 2005 and 2019 (American Enterprise Institute governments and state-owned companies, resulting in
2020), establishing a so-called “playground for Chinese mounting debt distress for various states.
Middle East
In the Middle East, ten pipelines are in construc- Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, also known as the Peace
tion and an additional seven are in pre-construction Pipeline. Construction of the IGAT 9 gas pipeline has
development, amounting to 10,037 km of new pipe- been completed, and operations are expected to begin
lines overall and adding 1.8 million barrels per day of in 2022. The Pakistan portion of the Iran-Pakistan gas
oil capacity and 1 million barrels per day equivalent pipeline has been completed, but the Iran portion has
of gas capacity. Nine of these pipelines are located been delayed by U.S. economic sanctions. In Oman,
within Iran or connect Iran to neighboring countries. three major pipelines are in construction: Oman
Among the most significant projects under devel- Main Line–Ras Markaz oil pipeline, Fahud-Sohard gas
opment in the region are the IGAT 9 gas pipeline, pipeline, and Fahud-Sohard NGL pipeline.
connecting Azerbaijian to the Persian Gulf, and the
China’s pipeline projects aim to support major West-East gas pipeline 4
increases in the country’s gas supplies from five differ- Xinjiang Coal-to-Gas pipeline project Russia
Russia–China East Line Domestic Extension Phase III
ent sources: imported LNG, gas imported from Central
Russia–China East Line Domestic Extension Phase II
Asia, gas imported from Russia, gas from domestic Russia–China East Line D omestic Extension Phase I Blagoveshchensk
fossil gas sources, and gas produced from coal seam Kaz.
projects. China is on a path to surpass Japan as the Changchun
Chengdu Shanghai
lines on a length basis (as shown in Table 3), including Quzhou
Nepal Bhutan
4,646 km of gas pipelines under construction and a Guilin Nanping
Bang. Shaoguan
further 13,345 km of gas pipelines in pre-construction India Myanmar Hong Kong Luzon
Strait Philippine
development. In light of the expected 50-year lifespan Mumbai Laos Sea
Arabian Thailand Phil.
of oil and gas pipelines, this major expansion is at Sea Bay Andaman Bangkok South
of Sea China
odds with China’s recent pledge to ameliorate climate Bengal Gulf
The longest of China’s new pipelines is the 8,372-km through the 1,000-km Central Asia–China gas pipeline
Xinjiang Coal-to-Gas pipeline project which has been Line D, which is scheduled for completion in 2022.
partially commissioned and was scheduled to be fully
commissioned by the end of 2020. The West-East In October 2020, the Chinese central government
gas pipeline 4 will run 3,123 km from China’s west- completed the consolidation of several pipeline com-
ern border, carrying gas sourced in Turkmenistan, panies to form PipeChina, with the goal of creating a
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The first 1,067-km phase more integrated national gas network and increasing
of the Russia-China East Line Domestic Extension was the country’s use of gas. As noted above (see “Owner-
commissioned in 2019, and the pipeline’s 1,110-km ship: Who Is Building Pipelines?”), this consolidation
second phase was scheduled to be completed in 2020. is expected to make PipeChina the world’s leading
China also plans to boost exports from Turkmenistan builder of both oil and gas pipelines.
The development of the Arctic LNG 2 Terminal, Yamal as the May 2020 spill of 21,000 tons of diesel into frag-
LNG Terminal, and several new pipelines on the Yamal ile wetlands near the Norilsk Nickel power station.
peninsula have been described as Russia’s “answer”
to the U.S. shale boom. Two pipelines carrying a Russia commissioned the 930-km TurkStream gas
combined 115 bcm/yr already run to Ukhta from the pipeline in January 2020 but completion of the
peninsula’s Bovanenko field, which holds an esti- TurkStream 2 gas pipeline has been slowed by eco-
mated 4.9 trillion cubic meters of gas. A third line, the nomic sanctions imposed by the U.S. in July 2020.
69 bcm/yr Bovanenkovo-Ukhta III gas pipeline, is in TurkStream 2 is 1,646 km and would deliver Russian
development with an estimated completion date of gas to Bulgaria, Serbia, and Hungary. In eastern Russia
2023. Environmentalists warn that melting permafrost the 2,022 km Power of Siberia gas pipeline began
in the Russian Arctic will lead to more disasters such delivering gas to China in 2019. An 800-km extension
of the pipeline is scheduled for completion in 2022.
by 2023 (Plante et al 2020). However the utilization Mumbai
Sri Lanka
2020 the 750-km northwestern Phulpur-Varanasi-
Gaya-Patna-Barauni section of this pipeline had been
commissioned. In northeast India the 30.9 bcm/ issue of “cascading tariffs” that accrue as gas travels
year Ennore-Tuticorin gas pipeline is being built to through multiple pipelines.
deliver gas from the recently commissioned Ennore
LNG Terminal. In southern India construction of In Bangladesh a transition from coal to gas-fired
the 6.6 bcm Kochi-Koottanad-Bangalore-Mangalore power plants is accelerating as coal projects have
gas pipeline (KKBMPL) to carry gas from the Kochi failed to attract financing from China and Japan.
LNG Terminal has been opposed by residents who Currently there are 480 km of gas pipeline under
say the pipeline will impact paddy cultivation and is construction and a further 2,740 km of gas pipelines
being routed in between houses that are as little as in development. Imports from two new floating
five meters apart. Overall the number of gas pipe- storage and regasification units (FSRUs) have been
lines under construction and in development in India less than anticipated due to the difficulty of operating
would more than double the country’s pipeline capac- them during monsoon season, and more recently
ity from 181 bcm/year to 392 bcm/year. In June 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The 12.4 bcm/yr
India’s Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Moheshkhali-Anowara parallel gas pipeline is being
relaxed licensing restrictions for building new LNG built to deliver gas from the newly commissioned
terminals and PNGRB’s chair pledged to address the Moheshkhali FSRU.
In August 2020 the National Covid-19 Commission
(NCC) recommended that the Australian government
dramatically increase spending for new pipelines, Coral
Queensland Wallumbilla
Nev Power, the CEO of Fortescue Metals, and report- Sea
Due to the research providing only partial and frag- Bank for International Cooperation (Aitken 2020).
mented finance data for individual projects, dis- Eleven of the top 20 pipeline banks are among the
cernible trends are difficult to establish, though the prominent funders of export terminals, indicative of
institutional appetite for Permian pipeline financing is the contractual and ownership relationships between
clearly international in nature. Japanese commercial Permian pipeline and Gulf Coast terminal promoters
banks are prominent, with coordinated export credit and their ties to reliable, oil and gas friendly financial
support for LNG terminals coming from the Japan backers.
Table 8. The top 20 identified funders of Permian oil and gas pipelines and Gulf Coast export terminals, 2014 to November 2020
Financier Country Pipelines (US$) Terminals (US$) Total (US$)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Japan 1,081,270,000 6,345,250,000 7,426,520,000
MUFG Japan 1,340,110,000 5,710,060,000 7,050,170,000
Mizuho Japan 878,540,000 5,320,320,000 6,198,860,000
Japan Bank for International Corporation Japan 0 5,195,000,000 5,195,000,000
Société Générale France 152,500,000 4,676,795,000 4,829,295,000
ING Netherlands 227,530,000 4,423,350,000 4,650,880,000
Royal Bank of Canada Canada 323,800,000 3,568,060,000 3,891,860,000
HSBC United Kingdom 70,000,000 3,162,120,000 3,232,120,000
Scotiabank Canada 373,800,000 3,212,980,000 3,586,780,000
Goldman Sachs United States 175,000,000 2,883,620,000 3,058,620,000
JPMorgan Chase United States 70,000,000 2,892,480,000 2,962,480,000
Morgan Stanley United States 0 2,817,540,000 2,817,540,000
Crédit Agricole France 52,500,000 2,678,920,000 2,731,420,000
Credit Suisse Switzerland 0 2,358,980,000 2,358,980,000
Bank of America United States 323,800,000 2,249,907,000 2,573,707,000
IFM Investors Australia 0 2,243,000,000 2,243,000,000
Santander Spain 117,740,000 2,078,810,000 2,196,550,000
Natixis France 114,030,000 2,033,900,000 2,147,930,000
Intesa Sanpaolo Italy 257,070,000 2,124,900,000 2,381,970,000
BBVA Spain 150,000,000 1,876,440,000 2,026,440,000
The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent plunge in oil also pointed to the “structural overbuild” of long-haul
prices have impacted the Permian boom in drastic crude oil pipeline capacity between the Permian and
fashion. The first nine months of 2020 saw 27 oil and the Gulf Coast as pre-dating the March 2020 price
gas producer bankruptcies registered in Texas (Haynes crash. According to the energy consultancy, “For mid-
and Boone 2020), and almost 65,000 job losses across stream companies that made huge investments based
the oilfield services sector in Texas–the hardest hit on pre-Covid-19 production forecasts, low utilization
U.S. state–and New Mexico. U.S. Energy Information now presents a challenge. Midstream infrastructure
Administration estimates show a 10.7% fall in Permian projects, many of which were financed with high
oil production since March 2020 to approximately 4.24 levels of debt, will struggle to deliver projected returns
million barrels per day in December. At this produc- (Wood Mackenzie 2020).”
tion level the region still has excess pipeline capacity
of roughly 3 million barrels per day, according to the Supposed to have been a pioneering year for Permian
energy data firm East Daley Capital Advisors, which pipeline expansion, five pipeline start-ups alongside
expects excess capacity to grow further to 4 million two cancellations and various shelved or delayed proj-
barrels per day by early 2021. Wood Mackenzie has ects indicate the region’s difficulties in 2020.
Mexico of
■ The 590,000 barrel per day Epic oil pipeline from ■ Enterprise Products Partners abandoned its
the Permian Basin to Corpus Christi, Texas, 450,000 barrels per day Midland to ECHO 4 oil
entered into full service in April. pipeline in September despite having committed
oil shippers signed up to the project. Enterprise
■ The Villa de Reyes-Aguascalientes-Guadalajara gas said the cancellation was due to necessary cuts in
pipeline, the southernmost segment of the Waha- its capital expenditure budget, though industry
lajara network bringing Permian gas to Mexico via observers believe the surprise move is proof of
a series of interconnecting pipelines, entered into excess Permian pipeline capacity given the low
service in June. levels of production in the basin arising from the
US$40 oil price.
■ The Lone Star Express natural gas liquids pipeline
expansion was completed in September. ■ Marathon Petroleum Corporation canceled its
500,000 barrels per day Belvieu Alternative natural
■ The main segment of the 1 million barrel per day
gas liquids pipeline in May.
Wink to Webster oil pipeline started transporting
oil in October.
■ Phillips 66 and Plains All American Pipeline’s ■ Kinder Morgan’s proposed Permian Pass gas
joint venture, the 400,000 barrels per day Red Oak pipeline is facing a delayed final investment deci-
oil pipeline was shelved in March as Phillips 66 sion of up to two years and an uncertain future,
announced US$700 million in cuts to its capital according to company sources, as no customers
expenditure budget. have been lined up for the project due to low
■ Namerico Energy, a private-equity backed logistics
company, shelved its Pecos Trail gas pipeline in ■ Tellurian shelved its proposed US$4.2 billion
April. The company’s president told the Financial Permian Global Access gas pipeline in December
Times, “We’re just being responsive to what’s going due to the company’s financial difficulties which
on, recognizing that the upstream sector is not saw it receiving a delisting notice from Nasdaq
going to see the growth that people had expected.” in September. This and two other gas pipelines
shelved in 2020 by Tellurian–the Haynesville
■ The proposed 1,000,000 barrels per day Jupiter oil Global Access pipeline and the Delhi Connector
pipeline, designed to supply Permian oil to Jupiter pipeline–were intended to supply the company’s
Energy’s delayed Brownsville Oil Terminal in troubled and delayed US$30 billion Driftwood LNG
Texas, was put on hold indefinitely. The pipeline Terminal in Louisiana.
received undisclosed funding from the private
equity firm Charon System Advisors in October ■ A string of proposed deepwater oil-export ter-
2018. In 2019 Jupiter expected both the pipeline minals offshore Texas in the Gulf of Mexico are
and terminal to be operational in Q4 2020. struggling to advance. The only two of these proj-
ects which are considered to be viable, Enterprise
■ Two proposed 500-mile gas pipelines, the Products’ Sea Port Oil Terminal and Phillips 66’s
Bluebonnet Market Express pipeline and the Bluewater Texas Terminal, are delayed and facing
Permian Katy pipeline, have not advanced in more opposition on public health and environmental
than two years and are presumed to be shelved. grounds.
Table A1. Top 10 countries by estimated capital expenditures for projects in construction or pre-construction (US$ billions)
Country Gas Oil Total
China 149 24 173
USA 55 54 110
India 103 1 104
Russia 86 0 86
Australia 43 0 43
Brazil 40 0 40
Nigeria 32 1 33
Canada 14 17 32
Iran 16 14 30
Mozambique 21 0 21
Source: Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, December 2020, and analysis based on estimated and reported pipeline lengths at US$5.04 mil-
lion per km in 2020 dollars. The per-km figure is based on “Natural gas pipeline profits, construction both up,” Oil & Gas Journal, November
2018, adjusted for inflation.
Table A2. Lifetime CO2 Emissions for Gas and Oil Pipelines in Construction and Pre-Construction (Million Tonnes),
Compared to the Number of 1,000 MW Coal Fired Power Plants that Produce the Same Amount of Emissions.
Country Gas Oil Total Number of 1,000 MW coal plants
USA 24,200 18,533 42,733 282
China 15,276 8,790 24,066 159
Russia 13,598 0 13,598 90
Canada 2,183 8,712 10,895 72
India 7,621 1,578 9,199 61
Iran 2,026 5,611 7,638 50
Iraq 0 7,579 7,579 50
Australia 4,976 0 4,976 33
Jordan 0 4,630 4,630 31
Poland 644 2,433 3,077 20
Source: Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, December 2020.
Note: Assumes average pipeline capacity utilization of 50%, 40-year lifespan. Based on 151.6 million tonnes lifetime CO2 emissions for a
1,000 MW coal-fired power plant.
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