Heat Exchangers Workbooks
Heat Exchangers Workbooks
Heat Exchangers Workbooks
PROC 5071:
Process Equipment Design I
Salim Ahmed
∆T1 = T1 − t1
= 95oC − 40oC
= 55oC
∆T2 = T2 − t2
= 40oC − 25oC
= 25oC
(55 − 15)oC
∆Tlm = 55 oC
ln 15oC
= 30.8oC
Figure 1: Temperature correction factor for 1-2 shell and tube heat exchangers.
∆Tm = FT × ∆Tlm
= 0.85 × 38oC
= 26oC
Property Value
ρ 995kg/m3
µ 0.8mN.s/m2
Cp 4.2kJ/kg.oC
k 0.59W/m.oC
Table 2: Methanol properties.
Property Value
Cp 2.84kJ/kg.oC
2.3 Problem analysis
2.4 Solution
Cp µ
Pr =
(4.2 × 103J/kg.oC)(0.8 × 10−3N.s/m2)
= 5.7
8. Obtain jh using the value of Re from the at-
tached graph. Note that you do not need L.D
Salim Ahmed PROC 5071: Process Equipment Design I
2.4 Solution 16
So we get
(106)(kf )
ht =
16 × 10−3m
= 3910W/m2.oC
Are we done? Not yet!
• We started the calculation based on an assumed
value of U . So we need to check whether that
was right.
• To check that we need to estimate the shell
side coefficient which will be our task for next
• Also we neglected the viscosity correction fac-
tor. To get that we need the wall temperature
which also a part of the next workbook.
Property Value
ρ 750kg/m3
µ 0.34mN.s/m2
Cp 2.84kJ/kg.oC
k 0.19W/m.oC
3.3 Analysis
3.4 Solution
Cp µ
Pr =
(2.84 × 103J/kg.oC)(0.34 × 10−3N.s/m2)
= 5.1
6. Obtain jh using the value of Re from the at-
tached graph. Note that we will use a 25%4
baffle cut.
jh = 3.3 × 10−3
So we get
(207.7)(kf )
hs =
14.4 × 10−3m
= 2740W/m2.oC
4.3 Analysis
4.4 Solution
to be repeated.