Poisons Chart

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Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25


Characteristic Features Of Poisons

By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS KMDC BATCH 25 (edited by M. Ammar Ansari Batch 26)

POISON Characteristic S/S Vomitus /Other PM findings/ML aspects

Sulphuric acid Stomach wash within 1hr Dark brown Chalky white teeth
or contraindicated in all
Oil of vitrol corrosives FD= 10-15ml Charred mucousa with dark brown/black streaks
FP= 12-24hours
Severe burning in mouth
CI= stomach tube and
Throat emetics ML ASPECTS
Treatment= Morphine Vitriolage
Great thirst renewed due Ice to suck to relieve thirst
to drinking water Milk of magnesia is most Suicidal
useful anitdote

Nitric acid Similar to sulphuric Yellow Stomach stained yellow

acid ML aspects same as sulphuric acid
Aqua fortis, red spirit, FD= 15-20ML
engravers acid FP= 18-24 HRS
symptoms tend to
be more pronounced Same as sulphuric acid
Respiratory irritation must
Xanthoproteic be treated
reaction( tissue stain
HCL Respiratory symptoms FD= 20-30ml
more severe FP= 24-30HRS
Muriatic acid , spirit of
salt Treatment same as
Perforation of sulphuric acid
stomach is less
common Respiratory irritation must
be treated
Oxalic acid Local action Black Mucousa of tongie , mouth and throat is white.
Corrosive action on Stomach has dark brown gelatinous liguid
Acid of sugar mucous membrane FD=15-20gms
Remote action:
Combines with serum Ca Treatment=
Stomach washed out as Homocidal
- forming calcium
rapidly as possible and Accidental
stomach acid should be
Reduced serum neutralized
calcium causes
violent muscular Antidote
contractions + 30gms of chalk for 20gm
convulsions and acid
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Carbolic acid Local action=Corrosive FD= 10-15 gm Grey white stain at angle of mouth
FP=3-4 hours
Phenol Remote action White and swollen tongue
Acts on cns causing Stomach wash with plain Projecting fibres and prominent rugae
water+magnesium sulphate
collapse also a Or 10% glycerine ML Aspects
coagulant of protein Demulcents Accidental
Such as egg white
Carboluria(green urine)
General Measures include
respiratory support and
infusion of sodium
bicarbonate to make urine
alkaline as soon as possible
Hydrocyanic acid Protoplasmic poison Use as fumigation HCN converts into cyanomethameglobinemia that form
pink body patches and pink PML.
Cyogens/ prussic acid Bitter almond smell and FD= 60 mg of pure acid
jaw may be right FP= 2-10 minutes of Eyes are bright, glistening and dialated
clenched hydrocyanic acid
And 30minutes for
Death: asphyxia due to sodium/potassium
cyanide ML ASPECTS
histotoxic hypoxia
Also blocks sytochrome Treatment
oxidase system Accidental
2x 20ml ampules of
kelocyanor followed by Cattle poisoning
20ml of 50% glucose

Artificial respiration upto

100% oxygen if inhalation
of cyanogas

Stomach lavage with 5-

10% sodium thiosulphate
if poisoning with KCN
Phosphorus Protoplasmic poison Use in rat poisons, Garlic smell from body and stomach content,
mostly suicidal necrobiosis of liver
causes necrobiosis
FD= 120mg
Garlic taste and odour
FP= 24hours
Phossy jaw due to chronic
poisoning Treatmen=
Milk is strictly contra
iindicated as it risks
increaseing the
absoprtion of
paraffin retards
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Gastric lavage with

weak solution of

IV saline to combat
shock and calcium

Arsenic Combines with sulfhydryl Coffee ground vomit Red velvet appearance of stomach.
(Hemolysis of RBCs) FD=120-200mg Liver has fatty degeneration
FP=2-3 hrs for narcotic
A: Persistent vomit and
form, 12-48 hours for git
diarrhea, intense thirst,
form Preserve in body for long time , detect in skin, nails,
Mimics cholera stool ie rice
water stool hair , skin and even burnt bodies
,painful cramps in legs,
urine suppression Long rigor mortis
Acute treatment: Gastric
lavage with waerm water

Chronic= Chronic treatment ML Aspects

Aldrich mees lines ie lines Limit further exposure
on nails And aneurine given 100mg Suicidal poisoning
Hyperkeratosis daily to recover from
Rain drop/nettle peripheral neuritis Homocidal Poisoning
pigmentation of skin
Stupefying purposes
Peripheral neuropathy
Chronic stages Accidental
1st stage nutritional and git
disturbances Cattle
2nd stage catarhhal changes
3rd stage skin changes
4th stage nervous
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Mercury Metallic taste, grey white Use in dental filling, Tongue is white, grey/black mucousa appears, kidney
mucousa , renal lesion, thermometer, finger lesion, subendocardial hemorrhg
Quick silver print powder, explosive
Chronic High conc found in kidneys for chronic poisoning
Poisoning/hydrargyrism= FD= 1-2 gms
mercuria FP= 3hrs -5 days
lentis(discoloration of
capsule of lens of eye) Treatment:
, erethism/hatters Acute=
shake(shyness,irritaability Stomach wash
and tremots, loss of Egg albumin
memory and insomnia also Medicinal charcoal
seen) IM administration of
Minamata Disease: Penicillamine derivative
A neurologic disease
caused by eating mercury Chronic=
contaminated fish Removal of exposure
Belladona 30mg thrice
Lead Use in medicine, paints, Black faces in large intestine
A= anemia surma, sindhoor PM finding in acute poisoning are mostly in git
B= burtonian line, bone ML Aspects
FD=20 GM
line Accidental
FP= Uncertain Sucidial
C= constipation Homocidal
D= wrist drop and foot Acute poisoning=
drop stomach wash with
sodium sulphate
E= encephalopathy
Chronic poisoning=
F= facial pallor
BAL-4mg/kg every 4
G= saturnin gout hours
Supportive therapy
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Copper Inky urine Greenish blue vomit Greenish blue froth , gastric mucousa,

Blue vitrol, neela thoda C: green lines on gums, Use in fungicide, coins Hemochromatosis (bronz diabetes) in chronic poison
sunflower cataract and antidote for
(wilson disease) , metal phosphorus
fumes fever.

POISON Active principle FD Signs

RICINUS COMMUNIS Ricin (supertoxic 10 seeds or 6mg of ricin Dust: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthama
than cobra
Castor oil/arandi venome) Inhaled: copious painful vomit and bloody purgating
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Croton tiglium Crotin 4 seeds /20 drops Blisters on skin, powerful purging, burning at anus

Jamal ghota (Suicidal, arrow poison)

Abrus precatorius Abrin 1-2 seeds Action resemble viper snake, local painful swelling,
echymosis, arrhythmia and death
Ratti, indian liquorice, (Use by malingeres for
gunchi conjunctivitis, arrow Sui as cattle poison (abrus+onion+opium+water)

Ergot Ergotoxin 1 gm A: tingling, feeling of coldness, hypoglycemia, abortion and

uterus hemorrhg
Mother of rye Ergotamine
C: convulsions , painful tonic contr, formication
Ergometrine (Use for criminal
abortion, uterus Gangrene formation, Raynauds disease, feeling of intese
(Stimulates contr stimulation and migrain heat (saint anthonis fire)
of blood vessels treat.)
and uterus)

Capsicum Annum Capsaicin Use for torture as Irritation, vesicattion, burning and lacrimation
Hyderabadi goli: cilli
Chilli/ red pepper powder in rectum

Also causes HUNANs

Which is chronic
dermatitis from capsicum
Semicarpus Anacardium Semecarpol , 10 gm Skin vesications with Black blisters

Marking nuts Bhilawanol Its black juice used by Painful micturition with brown urine
Inhaled: blisters in mouth
Criminal abortifacient
(Blister fluid should preserve in rectified spirit)
Malingeres to produce
artificial bruise

TYPE Toxin Signs Other

Elapids Neurotoxin Fang marks are not distinct, oozing of blood at Head of same size as body, pupil
(cobra) bite site, vomiting headache ،loss of concious, round,
Muscular weakness and ptosis, opthalmoplegia (fixed eyes), bulbar
respiratory paralysis -death paralysis (flaccid quadriplegia) short fangs cannot cross cloths,

death due to respiratory


Viper Hemotoxin Prominent fang marks, blister formation and Triangular head, vertical pupil,
may involve whole limb or till trunk, bleeding
Oozing of blood and hemorrhages from gums, epistaxis, DIC Long canalized fangs can cross
from natural orrifices -death cloths
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Death- hemorrhages

Sea snake Myotoxin Little swelling, stiffness and immobilization. Death due to respiratory failure

Respiratory failure -death


Opium & Morphine Constricted pupil, euphoria, Characteristic smell, emaciated Antidote: nalaxone,
vomiting, stupor, respirat body, black PML, black mucousa, physostigmine for respira
Sominoferous poisons depression, cheyne stokes breathing congestion & edema of lungs reversal
(slow, irregular, 2-4/min) (heroin lungs) and cerebral edema
Accidental death in abusers
Abstinence Syndrome: symp remain MarQuise test +ve (3cc H2SO4 + 3 (death on the needle) , painless
Morphin, codein and
6-8 hrs after withdrawal drops formalin + sample) purple suicide
papaverin are active
appears later changes blue.
principle Morphine mania/Morphism Poppy seeds( khas khas) used as

FD=200mg of morhphine,2gm of
opium,1-3drops of ticture of opium
Barbiturates Pupil first constrict and then Signs of asphyxia or comatose AUTONATISM: Person suffering
dialated, respiratory depression, asphyxia ( cyanosis of extremities, from insomnia due to pain,
BULLOUS lesions Bullous lesion, congestion and overdose himself with drug, fail
edema of organs) to sleep and loss fact that he is
Barbiturates Automatism overdose himself and
repeatedly taking drugs.
Abstinence Syndrome

Chloral Hydrate Pear like aromatic odour from Pear like odour around body Knock Out Drops/ Mickey Finn:
mouth, pupil constriction, burning in poison also known as Dry wine,
throat Rapidly detoriates after death, so use to potentiate intoxication
chemical analysis of viscera must be for roberry and helpless rape

Radio opaque, can he detected in


Kerosene Kerosin taste, breath ,vomit and Signs of asphyxia are seen (froth, Stomach wash with 5% sodium
urine cyanosis, congestion) bicarbonate

Pulmonary complication are Doble gastric fluid levels seen in Suicidal : burning herself (self
more: bronchopneumonia, abdom Xray immolation)
pneumonitis, lund edema
Homicidal: Dowry Deaths
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Ethanol Seven Stages of Intoxication: Disulfiram as aversion therapy. Fruity odour, sweetish burning
SEECSCD taste,
Grain Alcohol Congestion of conjunctiva
Sobriety, Euphoria, Excitement, 400-500mg/100ml is fatal
confusion, stupor, coma , death Dry mouth and furred tongue
Absolute acohol: 99% ethanol
A: McEwans sign, Hangover, Pulmonary and cerebral edema
Saturday night palsy. Rectified spirit: 95% ethanol
Blood is fluid and dard
C: physical, mental and moral Use as antidote for methanol
Shrinkage of cerebral cortex
Edema of larynx may lead to cafe
Delirium tremens
coronary syndrom
Korsakoff syndrome
Death due to respiratory failure and
Acute hallucinosis liver failure

Wernicke's encephalopathy and


Amblyopia (vision dimness)

Mallory Weiss syndrome

Hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis,

gastritis, ulcers, cardiomyopathy

Methanol Neck stiffness, photophobia, Cyanosis of upper part of the body Its metabolite: formaldehyde
blindness and formic acid
Wood alcohol, wood Optic atrophy and retinal edema
spirit, wood Intestinal contraction resemble thick FD=60-240ml
naphtha, carbinol pipe of narrow lumen (diagnostic) Viscera must preserve in sat sol of
Nacl in all alcohol cases MLI: liquor tragidies-
intentional adulteration to
consume alcohol results in
mass deaths
Organophosphate It inhibit cholinesterase, all P Nitrophenol is metabolite of this Atropine is antidote. Oxime for
cholinergic effects are seen poison and detected in the urine AchE reversal.
Insecticides (diagnostic)
Respiratory symp mimics the Nerve gases use as warfare
bronchial asthama attack Kerosin or Garlick like smell.
Stomach contain greenish oily subs. DDT is chlorinated compound,
Chromogenic red tears cheifly act in motor cortex and
Demyelination of ascending and cerebellum.
Kerosin like or Garlick like smell descending tracts.
from victim
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

POISON Active principle Signs PM finding Other

Dhatura (alkaloid) Hyoscine (scopolamine) Anticholinergic effects Sigsn of asphyxia Accidental.

Thorn apple, stink weed, Hyoscyamine Dialated pupil Mydriatic Test: sample Stupifying: mixed in food
road poison forms into solution, one for robery and rape aka
Atropin Carphologia (picking drop in one eye of cat, Road Poison
imaginary objects / bed dialates its pupil in half
clothes) hr. FD: 60mg (adults)
Seeds resist putrefaction

Atropa Belladona Atropin Same Same Same

Deadly night shade Hyoscyamine Except Fd=125mg


Cannabis Indica (not Tetrahydrocannabinol A: Easy laughter, No characteristics FD in gm/kg of body

alkaloid but oleoresin) THC Hallucination of sexual finfings.
character Charas: 2, Ganja: 8 ,
Bhang /majun/ Ganja/ Bhang: 10
marijuana (pot , weed) / C: Hasish insanity,
charas (hashish) Tolerance, Run amok,
Amotivational synd,

Cocain crack , an alkaloid Hallucination of .Nasal ulceration and Use in ENT anesthesia
suitable for smoking lilliputian type (obj seen nasal septum perforation
Coke/snow so small) pain relief for cancer in
Bromptons coctail
Cocainism /
cocainophagia/ As Snuff
Body packer syndrom or
Nymphomania (Inc Body stuffing: overdose
erotic and sexual occurs, in person who
stimulation in females ) smuggle cocain in small
packets, balloons in GIT
Homosexuality in male and they burst

Coke bug/ formication/

Magnan's synd (feeling
of insects crawling under
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Strychinin Strychinin First clonic then tonic Pt must be treated in FD: 15-30 mg strychinin
seizures quite, dark and less or 1 seed
Nux vomica Brucin stimuli room
Lock jaw Most deadly poison, an
Acts mainly on Rigor early onset and alkaloid obtain from nux
spinal cord Opinsthotonos - disappear vomica seeds.
hyperextension of back &
body arched forward PM caloricuty: body Stimulates all parts of
temp show slight rise for CNS mostly ant horn of
Emprosthotonis- vise a while instead of fall spinal cord
Spinal cord should Antagonize inhibitory NT
Risus sardonicus: preserve glycine - inc excitibility -
Grimacing expression on light, noice or air breez
face cause voilent reflex

Nux vomica seeds aka

Dog buttons, use to kill
stray dogs

POISON Active principle Signs PM finding Other

Aconite Aconitin (alkaloid) depress Tingling and numbness No finding, destroy in Whole plant is poison,
myocardium of mouth, tongue, body, cannot be mainky roots are used
Meetha zehar pharynx detected after death
Most viruelnt and ideal
Vagal stimulation homicidal poison

Pupil alternat dialate and Arrow & cattle poison


Nicotine Nicotine and Lobeline Brown froth from mouth First stimulates later
and nostril depress the autonomic
Tobacco ganglia
Brownish gastric

Dark colour blood

Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25


Carbon monoxide Preseve lungs in Kunkel's test (tannic acid test) Cherry pink colour PML Accidental and homicidal
airtight container AND Hoppe seyler test for cases from fires, heaters
Diagnosis In cyanide: Brick red ē room suffocation
Blood test tube
must always cover
with layer of
liquid paraffine

Hydrogen Sulphide Sources: caves, Signs of asphyxia Accidental in sewer

sewage, volcano, workers, well digging and
Gutter gas decay fush and also Rotten egg like smell tunnel workers
PM gas
Greenish viscera and
grey matter of cortex

Coins in pocket of victim

may become blackened


Aspirin Poison due to idiosyncrasy or Irritates gastric mucousa, Aspirin in urine + ferric chloride
overdose hematemesis, hemorrhages, -> turns voilet indicate positive
hyperopnea (characteristic) aspirin test
Affect acid base balance -
Acidosis PM: petechiae hemorrhages Reye syndrome if given to
seen all over the body due to children under 15 for viral
Salicylates gag restlessness hypoproteinemia + congested infection
Aceton breath

Paracetamol Doesn't affect acidbase balance, FD: 20 tablet of 500mg

respir centre or cvds like aspirin.


1. Arsenic, mercury and copper combines with sulfhydryl 8. Polyvalent antivenome against: cobra, krait, russel viper
enzymes 9. Morphism: Dysphoria, problem with sexual identification
2. Arsenic is used as lover philter and aphrodisiacs. towards homosexual or heterosexual, pale face,
3. Phosphorus and hydrocyanic acid is protoplasmic poisons wrist/ankle drop and insomnia
4. Black lines on gums : lead poisoning (bertonian lines) 10. McEwans sign: pinch on neck cause dialation of
and mercury Poisoning constricted pupil
5. Most of snakes are non venomous and person goes 11. Hangover: recovery after few hours of sleep, still some residual
into Neurogenic shock due to fear. after effects of alcohol
6. Signs and symp of venomous snake bite appears in half hour. 12. Saturday night paralysis: persin receive salary, enjoy
7. Jacobson's organ: cavity in roof of mouth in snake weakened with alcohol, and drunken on chair in such a
contain olfactory cells to smell prey. hanging hand position that his radial nerve compressed.
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

13. Delirium tremens (feeling of rats crawling around) , Korsakoff 47. Most common metal involves in acute syndrome of metal fume
syndrome (psychotic personality), Mallory Weiss synd fever…...
(tearing of lower esophageal) 48. Phossy jaw seen in chronic poisoning of …. phosphorus
14. POISONS RESIST PUTREFACTION (ABCD,NOS,ML) 49. Sui needle used to kill animals are made of …. rati seeds
Arsenic, Barbiturates, CO, Cyanides, Dhatura, Nicotine, 50. Cobra poison…. Neurotoxic
Organophosphate, strychinin, Mercury, Lead 51. Pin point pupils are seen in ……
15. Dhatura and Atropa belladona: antidote for Organophosphate 52. PM of CO is …. Cherry red hypostasis
poison 53. Chemical warfare agent: nerve gas, used as a weapon of mass
16. Extream of age delay the action of poison destruction….
17. Venom of sea snake is mostly...........myotoxic 54. Death caused in suicide by house hold things in japan is due to
18. Farmers son brought er complaining restlessness, agitation, the production of …. Acidic sol, H2S, HCN gas, CO?
flushed face, dilated pupils and temp 105 55. Flushed face, slurred speech, markedly dilated pupils….
F...........organophosphate poisoning 56. Dead body found at an automobile garage, pm shows cherry
19. Active agent of ganja……tetra hydro cannabinol red …...
20. Body packer syndrome is observed in traffickers of ……cocaine 57. Anaemia, pale skin, blue line at gum margin, decreased hand
21. The major quantity of circulating lead after absorption is grip strength and abdominal pain….
deposited into…… 58. Naloxone is an antidote of……
22. The most devastating toxic effect of paracetamol toxicity…… 59. Ingesting white powder, that was given by his friend,
23. The earliest manifestation of chronic arsenic poisoning is…… developed weakness, vomiting and diarrhoea…..
24. Gastric lavage is preferably done in……Trendelenburg position 60. Muscle twitching, facial grimacing, and tonic clonic seizure
25. Person taking hydrocyanic acid dies due to……. activity….
26. Lead inhibits which enzyme in haem synthesis pathway…… 61. Male presents to er. Mom is concerned bcz he is very
27. Yellow fatty liver is characteristics of which poison…… aggressive, anxious, and paranoid over last week. Mom says
28. In CO poisoning, the er treatment is… he is an intense athlete and that coach has convinced him he
29. Antidote of benzodiazepine poisoning is…......flumazenil can become a professional athlete….. anabolic steroids??
30. The mucosa of stomach becomes hard and leathery in 62. Perforation of nasal septum occurs due to local distruction of
poison…. tissues in…cocaine snuffer
31. Condition of RUN AMOK is seen in 63. Colour of mucus mem in nitric acid poisoning is…
32. abstinence syndrome in opium eater exhibit…... 64. Antidotes are the remedies that…counteract the effect of
33. toxic doses of barbiturate cause……. poison
34. In case of unknown ingested poison, the best possible fluid 65. The gastric lavage is carried out under which action…
given in er……. 66. Abrus precatorius in combination with opium, and dhatura and
35. Garlic odour from oro-fecal orifices indicates poisoning by……. onion is …… sui poisoning
Malathion 67. Investigating team reach culprit, after looking dry clean mark
36. Acute hallucinosis, causes hallucinations chiefly being…… on wrapping sheet in infanticide case. Which poison used for
37. After absorption, alcohol gets distributed in all the body producing such mark?
tissues, except…. bone? 68. Chromogenic tears are seen in….
38. The blood alcohol conc considered dangerous for public safety 69. Christian sayings…...
is…... 70. Grasp imaginary objects, picks at his clothing, tries to pull
39. Opium alkaloids have narcotic effects… imaginary threads from the tips of his fingers in poisoning by….
40. Subcutaneous parenteral use of morphine is termed as…. 71. Diagnosis of poisoning can be done best by….? Circumstantial
41. Cocaine addicts prefer to use it by…. evidence, exp on animals, pm appearance, chemical analysis?
42. Absolute contraindication of gastric lavage is …. Corrosive 72. Combination of cocaine and heroin is …. speedball
poisoning 73. Phosphorus poisoning…. protoplasmic poison?
43. Antidote which produce effects opposite to that of poisons are 74. Compounds that are powerful inhibitors of cholinesterase…
called… 75. Barbiturate poisoning is characterized by ….
44. Bluish grey pigmentation of conjunctiva, mucous membrane, 76. Poison caused strong contraction of back muscles along with
nails, and tachycardia …. poison? typical posture of arched back is in….
45. Poison which is luminous translucent cylindrical and waxy….. 77. The main culprit in wood alcohol poisoning is…
46. A poisonous sublimate used to kill germs and fungi and in 78. Cholinesterase is seen in venom of….
photography….. 79. Sugglation in case of opium poison is…
80. Chemical nature of active principle of dhatura ….
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

81. A feeling of crawling foreign body beneath or upon the skin is 96. Which poison retard putrefaction…..
associated with…. 97. Vitriolage means…
82. Pupils dilated, power of an accommodation paralysed, and 98. Brownish oral tongue, brown and constricted pupil, greenish
blind as bad is in… brown urine , poison is?
83. Potent form of cannabis indica …. hashish 99. Cyanide acts by inhibiting …
84. About morphine…. belongs to phenanthrene group of alkaloids 100. Activated charcoal used in ….
85. Excretion of alcohol through body as…. 101. Antidote to methanol is… ethanol
86. Most offences associated with alcohol poisoning are 102. Narcotic abuse with jet black tongue the cause is….
committed during which stage? 103. Imp sign and symptom in vegetable acid poisoning is ….
87. McEwan’s sign…. 104. Diagnostic feature of co poisoning on autopsy is…..
88. Workers in plastic factory died due to fire in a factory, blood 105. 2014 class test
analysis shows that along CO gas there is one more gas 106. Antidote of choice in insecticide poisoning is….. atropine? /
involve, which is? 107. Chemically heroin is….
89. SLUD is sign and symptoms of which poison? 108. 9D’S feature of …. Dhatura poison
90. Conc of CO2 causes dysnea is…. 109. Ideal suicidal poison is….
91. Which investigation is more diagnostic in chronic phosphorus 110. Breathalyzer is used to diagnose the consumption of….
poisoning…. Alcohol?
92. Death in chronic heavy metal poisoning, diagnostic sample 111. Most suitable sample for alcohol estimation in a decomposed
is,,,,plugged scalp hair body is… vitreous fluid
93. Lead toxic compound of lead is 112. The stage of under influence correspond to BAC of…
94. Basophilic stripling is seen in which cells… RBCS. 113. Fatal dose of nicotine ….
95. Most imp feature to diff between poisonous and non-
poisonous snake is …. Fang?
 Copper sulfate: bluish green vomit
 Phosphorus: garlic smell vomit
 Sulphuric acid: Black vomit
 Arsenic: coffee ground vomit


Carbolic acid Ochronosis ( brown yellow ring around cornea)

Salicylates poison Tinnitus, eczema eruption, peptic ulcer

Mercury Mercuria lentis, ptyalism, hatter shakk, mercuria erythism

Arsenic Rain drop skin appearance, Mee's line on nails

Copper Sunflower cataracts, metal fume fever, brown black lines on teeths

Lead Wrist / ankle drop, black line on gums, impotence, painters colic

Silver Argyria (skin deposit)

Phosphorus Phossy jaw

Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Ergot Ergotism (sant Anthony fire)

Opium Morphism

Barbiturates Barbiturates automatism

Alcohol Korsakoff psychosis

Canabis Run amok

Cocain Magnan's syndrome (feeling of insect crawling)


 CO: cherry red/pink  Hydrogen sulfide: Greenish

 HCN: Pink  Opium: Black
 Phosphorus: Dark brown

Dialated: Dhatura, belladona, aconite, cocain, nicotin , DDT,alcohol,amphetamine,cyanide,CO,ephedrine

Constricted: Opium, carbolic acid, pilocarpine,organophosphates,caffeine,

Fixation of pupils: Anesthetics agents,Rawulfa alkaloids,


 Arsenic: red velvet appearance

 Cantharide: Shiny green particles
 Copper sulphate: Bluish green
 Opium: Black

Taste of poisons:

 Nicotine: Brown
 Mucousa is soft in all poisoning except Hardening in
carbolic acid
 Perforation: Sulphuric acid


Cyanide: bitter almond

Cannabis: burnt rope
Thallium arsenic phosphorous, OPs: garlicky
Zinc phosphide: fishy
Chloralhydrate and paraldehyde: acrid
H2S: rotten egg
ALcohol: fruity odour
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Nitrobenzene: shoe polish solution of Potassium permangante or 5% tannic acid

Hemlock: carrot
Naphthalene: moth ball

Stage 1 alcohol poisoning(sobriety)= 10-50mg%

Gastric lavage:
Stage 2 alcohol poisoning(euphoria)50-100mg%
Good cough reflex or a cuffed endotracheal
tube is inserted
In adults: Pass a Jacquets tube (30 english Stage 3 alcohol poisoning(Excitement)=100-150mg%
gauge) upto 50cms Muscle incoordination
In children: Pass ryles tube (8-12 french
diameter rubber catheter) upto 25cms Stage 4 alcohol poisoning(Confusion)=150-200mg%
Contraindicated in:
C3V2 Stage 5 alcohol poisoning(Stupor)=200-300mg%
C= corrosives Loss of consciousness
C= coma
C= convulsant poisons Stage 6 alcohol poisoning(Coma)=300-500mg%
V= volatile poisons
V= varices Stage 7 alcohol poisoning(Death)=more than 500mg%

Gastric Lavage Substances for specific poisons:

Normally saline is used but some other
counter-measures are taken in specific
Oxalic acid= Lime water

Carbolic acid= 10% solution of glycerine in

water+ magnesium sulphate

KCN or HCN= 5-10% solution of sodium


Phosphorous, barbiturates = 0.5% solution of

Potassium permanganate

Arsenic= Warm water

Mercury= 250ml of 5% of sodium

formaldehyde sulphoxalate

Lead= 10% solution of Mg or Na sulphate

Copper= 1% solution of Potassium


Methanol= 5% sodium bicarbonate solution

Cocaine and dhatura= warm water or weak

Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

Some important pics

Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25
Forensic toxicology - By Syed Usama Qutbi MBBS BATCH 25

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